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Neat People Vs Sloppy People Analysis
In Dave Barry's "Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out" and Suzanne Britt's "Neat People vs. Sloppy People Both show similarities and differences
between the many personalities, the organizational structure of the essays, the literary elements used in both text, and the many connections they share
and their thesis statements. Barry's essay is the more leveled out humor essay because he creates a balance with his humorous tone, gives personal
evidence, and uses point by point structure. However, Britt's essay uses subject by subject structure with a bolder humorous tone.
Barry's essay is point by point structure meaning it is comparing and contrasting similarities and differences of each point between two topics (Point
by–Point vs. Block–Style Essay). The point by point structure of Barry's essay is dirt and sports. He says men can be sensitive to dirt; whereas, women
grow to have a sense to see dirt that men cannot see (248). He used Windex to clean a bathroom in the essay, we all know that Windex is a glass
cleaner. Unlike, Barry's essay Britt's essay is structured subject by subject explaining the differences of neat and sloppy people.She says sloppy people
live in Never–Never Land (242). Meaning that they will always have that childlike innocence but won't mature. In Barry's essay, he creates a
balance with his humor when poking at both men and women. His tone is more comical due to the balance in his jokes. In addition, Barry says
women develop a sense to see dirt that men cannot see but not when they are babies because babies think dirt tastes good. (248). He also gives an
example of the Pompeii people back when men were over the house work. Expressing how to this very day why women are now the house holds
keepers, in the story of the Pompeii people the volcano erupted killing lots of people. However, Britt's essay does not have a balance. She takes a
risk at insulting her readers this can cause them not to read her future work. For example, when she says "Neat people are bums and clods at heart
(243). Barry's essay uses personal experience like, when he tells the audience about the time his wife told him to clean their son bathroom. (249). He
cleaned it with Windex and went back to doing whatever
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Neat People Vs Sloppy People Summary
When a person acts a certain way, does it or does it not affect the people around them? Within Suzanne Britt's essay Neat People vs Sloppy People,
she opinionates their ways of life and how they treat others. The differences between sloppy people and neat people seems to be extremely distinctive
within her essay. Going from full detail of how discourteous and indolent a neat person seems to be, to how pleasant and maintained a sloppy person
is. Taking Britt's essay into mind, if there were only neat people in the world; it would have impolite people who would not care to save anything
whether it mattered to them or not, just so they can stay neat; while having only sloppy people, the world would be a mess but everyone would be
nice and "about ready" to finally tackle part of the mess. Sloppy and neat people can be both nice and rude but could the world be better off with only
one or does it need both to balance.
The dictionary definition of neat would be along the lines of: an object/thing being arranged in a clean, orderly, or tidy way. Now involve a person
into that equation. A neat person likes things to be precise and unbothered. However, how do they keep it that way whenso many things come into their
life? In Suzanne Britt's essay, she mentions, "Neat people operate on two unvarying principles; Never handle any item twice, and throw everything
away" (222). So, if that's the case, which it isn't always, how does it affect someone? According to Britt, it causes them to
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The first words I can remember sticking with me from my Momma Jaime's mouth was that cleanliness is close to Godliness. Noticeably, this must
mean that Momma Jaime is hand and hand with God himself. Neat people should be viewed more superior than sloppy people; because, neat people
are much more strategized, systematized, and Prepared for anything to come their way.
Any neat person knows that the easiest way to stay strategized in your life is a calendar.
A quick way to know if anyone is a neat person is to check for an itinerary, journal, planner or calendar. It won't be too hard to find typically they
will pull it out every time they hear something important, or need to write a quick note for later when they inscribe their whole next day before bed.
In addition to that, they precisely go over their whole day while falling asleep to make sure everything is perfectly set for the next day. Every day in a
neat person's life they have a firm plan that they stick to from when they wake up in the morning to when they fall asleep at night. Unlike neat people,
sloppy people tend to 'flow with the day' as Mrs. Susanne Britt says in The Morton Mix, "Sloppy people live in Never–Never Land." This means
sloppy people tend to run late and not know what short–term goals they are supposed to be conquering for the day. They wake up and fall asleep
differently everyday an example of this is how they might shower in the morning instead of at night because they are 'too tired' from running around
all day wondering what they are supposed to be doing. Conversely, while the sloppy person is throwing clean and unfolded clothes on the ground to
fall asleep on their bed the neat person is showered in bed and maybe eating a non–crumbly snack before nine p.m.
When it comes to systems neat people hit it out of the park every time. Work, at work everything on a neat person's desk is methodically placed and
in each drawer, there are tabs and folders placed in ABC order. Moreover, every paper is placed by importance, date, and header. Continuing with how
they have every project in on time and sometimes ahead of time. Whereas the neat person is arriving to work 10 minutes late because they couldn't
find their eft shoe and who knows if
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"Neat People vs. Sloppy People" and "Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out"
Each individual assesses situations in their own unique way. Whether it be cleaning a bathroom, or organizing a desk––there are always different
opinions on how a task can be completed. Suzanne Britt and Dave Barry made different attempts to prove their opinions on how certain people dealt
with chores. In her essay "Neat People vs. Sloppy People," Britt used repetition and a simple manner to show her favoritism of sloppy lifestyles over a
neat life and attempted to persuade readers sloppy people are, in reality, not sloppy and neat people are not nice. Barry's essay, "Batting Clean–Up and
Striking Out," entertained readers with exaggerated humor while Barry attempted to convince them on the prioritizations of men and women, while his
male experiences assisted in the creation of relatable claims. Britt and Barry both attempted to connect readers to their piece; however, Barry was more
successful through the use of personal anecdotes with notes of humor, while Britt used a more direct and less colorful attitude through the use of
parallelism in attempt to persuade readers on her views.
Both Britt and Barry took different approaches at connecting readers with clear ideas; though, Barry used a humorous and conversational mood,
which allowed readers to easily relate, while Britt kept a more inexpressive and solemn attitude in attempt to clearly state her opinion and potentially
influence reader's opinions in the process. Barry claimed that women could see "extremely small" amounts of filth, and then clarified "Not when
they're babies, of course" (Barry 1). Barry's joke may seem unnecessary and extreme, however, it helped readers to relax and enjoy the writing. Barry
constantly exaggerated his claims, even by claiming women can see dirt better than men, due to "hormonal secretion" that apparently took place during
the growth process (Barry 2). While his dramatization may seem outrageous, Barry purposely made the ridiculous claim in hope to entertain readers.
Barry also adds humor through his personal anecdotes, such as providing a story about when his wife asked him to clean his son's bathroom for a
second time. After cleaning the bathroom,
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Neat People Vs Sloppy People Britt Summary
In the writing, "Neat People vs. Sloppy People" Britt focuses on contrasting two diverse people, neat and sloppy. At first glance one would believe
that her criteria is what is sloppy and what is neat, rather than how the two think. She concentrates her criteria on moral and sentimentality of the two
oppositions. "They have a cavalier attitude toward possession," Britt wrote about neat people. This explains that neat people don't care about the
sentimental value of an object. Neat people focus on neatness solely. In contrast she writes, "Sloppy people can't bear to part with anything. They
give loving attention to every detail." This opposes neat people. Sloppy people care about each and every object individually. Sloppy and neat people are
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Suzanne Britt's Neat People Vs. Sloppy People
The act of being neat is sometimes misunderstood as being snobby, cavalier, or un–sentimental. In reality, neat people care deeply about things such as
the environment, family, and their community. As the famous evangelist, John Wesley, once said, "Cleanliness is next to godliness." This quote
embodies the very existence and purpose of all neat people. Neat people strive towards perfection, and, although they often do not meet their rather
lofty expectations, neat people impact the world around them in very positive and uplifting ways. Neat people should be considered better than sloppy
people because they have a high moral standard, are good citizens, and are successful. People who are naturally neat have a higher moral standard than more content...
This practice encourages more businesses to continue producing more products that are harmful to the environment. Consequently, sloppy people
add to pollution and other things harmful to the environment. Additionally, neat people are better citizens than sloppy people. Helping to improve
their neighborhoods and communities is one of the greatest causes that neat people have. By keeping their yards and houses immaculate, neat
people help to promote good yard and house management. A neat person's yard and landscaping is always spotless, all the bushes and plants
perfectly groomed and trimmed with no stray leaves decorating the lawn. The front of a neat person's house is always fit to be photographed by
Home Magazine. The decoration tastefully arranged and fitting to the season. Neat people are constantly picking up stray pieces of trash and litter.
This encourages property values to increase and to economy to continue improving. On the other hand, sloppy people tend to keep a disorderly and
messy yard and house. Their natural aversion to cleaning spreads to the farthest reaches of their yard, leaving bushes and flowers to grow wild
without proper guidance and trimming. While the pristine state of a neat person's home encourages property values to rise, the messy chaos and
disorder of a sloppy person home discourages upstanding citizens from purchasing property in the area; thus, decreasing property values and adding to
the overall
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"Neat People vs. Sloppy People" appears in Britt's collection show and tell. Mingling humor with seriousness (as she often does), Britt has called the
book a report on her journey into "the awful cave of self: You shout your name and voices come back in exultant response, telling you their names."
In this essay about curtain inescapable personality traits, you may recognize some aspects of your own self, awful or otherwise. For a different
approach to a similar subject, see the next essay, by Dave Barry.
I've finally figured out the difference between neat people and sloppy people. The distinction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner
than sloppy people. Sloppy people, you see, are not really sloppy. more content...
Sloppy people can't bear to part with anything. They give loving attention to every detail. When sloppy people say they're going to tackle the surface
of the desk, they really mean it. Not a paper will go unturned; not a rubber band will go unboxed. Four hours or two weeks into the excavation, the
desk looks exactly the same, primarily because the sloppy person is meticulously creating new piles of paper with new headings and scrupulously
stopping to read all the old book catalogs before he threw them away. A neat person would just bulldoze the desk. Neat people are bums and clods at
heart. They have cavalier attitude toward possession, including the family heirlooms. Everything is just another dust catcher to them. If anything
collects dust, it's got to go and that's that. Neat people will toy with the idea of throwing the children out of the house just to cut down on the clutter.
Neat people don't care about process. They like results. What they want to do is get the whole thing over with so they can sit down and watch the
rasslin' on TV. Neat people operate on two unvarying principles: Never handle any items twice, and throw everything away. The only thing messy in a
neat persons house is the thrash can. The minute something comes to a neat person hand, he will look at it, try to decide if it has immediate use and,
finding none, throw it in the trash. Neat people especially
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Is It Better To Be Neat
I believe that it is better to always try to be neat. There are many reasons to be neat. First, it helps to be neat so I can find my stuff better. One time
I did not put my baseball glove back on the shelf, and when it was time to leave for my game, I could not find it and I was late for the game. Next,
when I play with my puzzle and put it away when I am done, I do not lose any pieces. My sister has a cluttered room and she loses he puzzle pieces
all the time. Last, I am a more giving person when I am neat. According to the article, "Neat is Nice, but Clutter is Cool?" scientists have found that
students who worked in a neat room were more likely you give money to a good cause. These are a few reasons why I think it is always better to be
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Are Sloppy People Truly Lazier Than Neat People?
Are Sloppy People truly lazier than Neat people? Suzanne Britt, the English literature and writing professor in Raleigh North Carolina, proposed in
her essay "Neat People vs Sloppy People", with joyous humor, that at the foundation of all that is Humanity, we as people are categorized into the two
groups. This can be more fully understood by recognizing messy people as essentially optimistic dreamers with only the best of intentions. Neat people
as basically cruel, indifferent, reptilian–brained monsters that don't register value in sentiment or idealism. The main It could be possibly argued, at
the very least from the perspective of some of these people described as "organized devils" that in all actuality messy people are the selfish,
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Suzanne Britt's essay, "Neat People vs. Sloppy People", invoked a mixed reaction for me since I could easily fall on either side of the spectrum. As
stated so well by Britt, "They save everything, planning someday to file, order, and straighten out the world" (322). Her examples of cleaning out the
closet, and organizing family photos are task that always take backseat to everything else, with great hope that someday I'll get it done. As to Britt's
analogy of a neat person, "They will get their flower and sugar in two pound bags" (323), is equally relatable. Although I enjoy purchasing in bulk at
Costco, when I'm short on time, I seek out a shortcut making these purchases at the local Hannaford, spending more money granted, but with intensions
of saving time. Therefore, I don' more content...
In my early years, my vision was skewed by the Barbie image, specifically by the influential toys design for young girls i.e. Barbies, television,
magazines and society. It wasn't until later years, that I felt the greatest psychological pain inflicted by both male and females. I didn't fit the
glorified image of a female, which wasn't only expected by the opposite sex, but equally by the same sex. They perhaps were far harsher than the
opposite sex. After a two year journey to shed eighty five pounds, I was no longer influenced by either sex. Although Barry's statement was geared
toward the male population "Of course many women will argue that the reason they became obsessed with trying to look like Cindy Crawford is
that men, being as shallow as a drop of spit WANT women to look that way" (339), in today's society this is equally expected by the same sex. My
journey was not because of the stigma bestowed upon me by the sexes, it was just for me. It was my drive and desire to achieve an improved quality
of life, experiencing a happier and healthier life style and strengthen my
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Neat vs. Sloppy People Essay
Are neat people inferior to sloppy people? This question's answer will differ depending on the type of person you ask. According to Britt in her
essay, "Neat people vs. sloppy people", the answer is yes. She uses certain qualities, such as oral description to differentiate neat people and sloppy
people, how neat people are lazier, and how neat people are wasteful. Her qualities help explain to the readers why she thinks that her answer is true.
One quality Britt uses in her essay is oral description, to tell her readers how neat people and sloppy people are in her eyes. In one example, Britt tells
her readers, "Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people." (Britt 233) Britt also uses verbal description to more content...
One example of this quality is when Britt gives us an example of a messy desk. She states in her essay that, "A neat person would just bulldoze the
desk." (234) So instead of going through the piles of stuff to see if anything might be important, neat people find it easier to just throw everything
away. Another example of this quality is when Britt states, "I knew a person once who threw away a perfectly good dish drainer because it had mold
on it." (234–235) So it was easier for that neat person to just throw the drainer away and buy a new one, than it was to wash the mold off. One last
instance Britt uses this technique was when she says, "And neat people sell their furniture when they move." (235) Instead of just packing it up and
moving it, they find it more convenient to sell their old furniture and buy new ones. One more quality Britt uses in her essay to support her
reasoning, is to tell her readers how wasteful a neat person is. She implies this mostly when she says, "Neat people operate on two unvarying
principles: Never handle any item twice, and throw everything away." (134) One example of this quality is, "The minute something comes to a neat
person's hand, he will look at it, try to decide if it has immediate use and, finding none, throw it in the trash." (234) Another example is when Britt
says, "Neat people throw away several toys every time they walk through then den (234). One more example is when she says, "If
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Summary Of Neat People Vs. Sloppy People
The title of "Neat people vs. Sloppy People" in relation to the whole essay representing the main message of the article discussing the similarity and
differences from these topics. In this case, the title was effective, showcasing the idea the essay was talking about. Therefore, the implication of the text
was effective since it reflected the title.
The main message of the essay is how there are two groups differences between neat and sloppy people. The topic is presented which Neat people are
much lazier and meaner than sloppy people.
The thesis of this essay is implicit since the author presents the arguments between the lines comparing the two people. While in "Neat People vs.
Sloppy People" by Suzanne Britt poses the question more content...
The author incorporated hyperbole to add humour to make it feel literal. This is because she use evidence of unorganized appeal of of accurate events.
For instance, she portrays Sloppy people of unorganized, "Sloppy people can't bear to go without anything, they give loving attention to everything"
While she never used arguments of neat people rather discussed her own opinions and thoughts to connect with the reader.
The primary development showcases the author compares and contrast essay format to show the differences and similarities of Sloppy People
versus Neat people. The narration is in first perspective while she express her personal opinion and experience. The author as well uses specific
words to their recent experience. For an example "I knew a neat person once who threw away perfectly good dish drain because it had mold on it".
While her intention uses words to contribute imagery and personal experiences.
The secondary methods of development that the author uses are emotional appeal to sway the reader's point of view as well as irony when
describing both types of people to give a different perspective on each type of person. The descriptive words allow the reader to visualize and feel the
emotional appeal of the message of this. Furthermore, the author uses her personal experience to showcase emotional
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Neat People vs Sloppy People
The analysis of the passage Neat People vs. Sloppy People (е¤–ж–‡е¦й™ў02зє§2зЏ зЋ‹жЂќ 020214214) Abstract: Suzanne Britt's work Neat People
vs. Sloppy People is a passage of comparison. In this passage, Britt distinguishes neat people from sloppy people in the moral aspect. She used kinds
of figures of speech such as paradox, hyperbole, metaphor and so on in the description and comparison, making her work so distinguished. Key
words: neat people, sloppy people в… .Brief account of the author Assistant Professor of English. A.B. Salem College; A.M. Washington University.
Ms. Britt teaches literature and writing courses. Her poems have appeared in literary magazines such as Denver Quarterly, Lake Superior Review, more content...
And "sloppy people are not really sloppy" seems to be self–contradictory. These two sentences arouse readers' curiosity. Why, they may ask, the author
said so? And the curiosity arouses their interest in reading the following part of the passage. b. Hyperbole: Form of inordinate exaggeration
according to which a person or thing is depicted as being better or worse, or larger or smaller, than is actually the case. We can find the use of
hyperbole in the sentence "the unread magazines threaten to reach the ceiling". From this sentence, we can imagine the large number of the unread
magazines, so many which even piles up to the height that reaches the ceiling. Then it is not difficult for us to understand the sloppy of the sloppy
people. c. Metaphor: Use of word or phrase denoting one kind of idea or object in place of another word or phrase for the purpose of suggesting a
likeness between the two. "Everything is just another dust–catcher to them." For the neat people, so far as things are not of present use or may cause
trouble to be looked after, they are dust–catchers to them. Their possessions, including family heirlooms and even their own children may be
considered to be dust–catchers and therefore to be thrown out of house or into the trash can. It is a kind of humours, but at the same time, a kind of
irony. в…¤.
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Compare And Contrast Neat People Sloppy
"The sloppy person is not lazy, they just like to procrastinate." See, that's just it sloppy people always make excuses so, they never have to get over
their lazy personality. Sloppy people are lazy and meaner than neat people. Sloppy people should be focusing on how neat people are cleaner and
happier; because positivity, organization, and happiness are the keys to a neat person's life.
Generally, Sloppy people say that "Neat people are bums and clods at heart". But I disagree 100%, there is no way a neat person can be a bum;
they always get their chores done before doing anything else. On the other hand, sloppy people are the true "bums and clods at heart", here's why
they rather watch T.V on their days off rather than getting all their cleaning and getting all their chores completed before having to go back to work.
A lot of people say that neat people are angry, hateful, and mean. However, neat people are actually very happy, knowing all their things are in place
and clean makes them feel nice inside which creates a positive outlook on life. Suzanne Britt stats that neat people are no good to borrow from; "Neat
people buy everything in expensive little portions. They get their flour and sugar in two–pound bags." Buying flour and sugar in two–pound is a smart
idea, because there is no need in getting an enormous bag that's going to sit up in your cabinet for who knows how long. The expensive is always the
better brand to purchase. Borrowing from neat people is the
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Neat People Vs Sloppy People By Suzanna Britt
"Neat People Vs. Sloppy People"
In Suzanna Britt essay "Neat People Vs. Sloppy People", she argues that the difference between the two individuals is just not cleanliness; instead, the
difference between neat and sloppy people is moral; unlike what the perception on the outside, neat people do not care enough and, sloppy people care
too much. Britt says, "Their sloppiness is merely their unfortunate consequence of their extreme moral rectitude" (Britt 233). Then, she makes a
statement that "Neat people are bums and clods at heart and they have cavalier attitudes towards possession" (Britt 234). Britt is conveying the idea
that sloppy people have a stronger moral value than neat people because they set goals that are high and more content...
Sloppy people like to live a relaxed, calm lifestyle and accept things the way they are. In contrast, when neat people look for solution to problems
and try to fix things that are not right to them. They also feel that they have to be control of situations and are sometimes afraid to show the fun
personality to others. That's why neat people typically lack creativity because they have a narrow viewpoint on things and can't think outside the box.
On the hand, sloppy individuals are considered very creative because they take the time to explore new ideas and try new things. Being messy means
being more productivity; for example sloppy have an "organized chaos" lifestyle that allows them to be more efficient and productive. Although, on the
surface things look messy, but really a sloppy person knows exactly where everything is
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The essays, "Neat People vs Sloppy People" by English teacher and writer, Suzanne Britt and "Batting Clean–Up and Striking out" by humorist and
reporter, David Barry take a whole new look on the dreaded aspects of cleaning. Britt and Barry chose to utilize humor in order to convey to the
audience that everyone has a different way of living. Britt expresses the different lifestyles of sloppy people to the notorious neat people. Oppositely,
Barry compares gender roles in order to see the differences between how males and females view the definition of "clean". Britt and Barry strengthen
their humorous tone by employing exaggeration in pursuance of making their arguments obvious. Even though these two writers have the same
underlying message, their backgrounds are disparate. As a writer, Britt is motivated by indifference and how one can hold themselves back and not
fight for what they desire or believe in. Throughout Britt's writing, one can verify her drive to prove what is right. Furthermore, since Britt is an English
teacher she understands the correct and proper way to write. On the other hand, how to write has always been difficult for Barry but, coming up with
the humorous topics is effortless. Both authors illustrate distinct characteristics between certain personalities that result in different lifestyles and
priorities. While both Britt and Barry express the aspects that come with different personalities and utilize humor and exaggeration, Britt shows bias
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Essay on Compare and Contrast
Regina Brown
Mrs. Joarder
Eng. 100
April 5, 2013
Cleaning with Barry and Britt
The act of being habitually and carefully neat and clean can make for an interesting topic in a comparison and contrast essay. Dave Barry compares the
differences of how women and men clean in his compare and contrast essay, Batting Clean– Up and Striking out. In Suzanne Britt's compare and
contrast essay, Neat People vs. Sloppy People she compares the differences of personalities between Sloppy people and neat people. Both essays
compare cleanliness in one way or another however they both have differences regarding their use of humor, examples, and points made in their thesis.
Batting Clean–Up and Striking out and Neat People vs. Sloppy People both more content...
The way Barry and Britt support their points in their compare and contrast essays differ. In Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out, Barry uses lots of
personal stories and factual happenings to explain his opinions. For example, to explain how men are worse at cleaning Barry specifically refers to a
volcano eruption that happened in Pompei because the men, who were in control of the cleaning, did not notice ashes piling up around and in their
houses. In addition, when describing how men are better with sports than woman he refers to a personal story; specifically a story about a dinner
party that he attended where the men were glued to the World Series and the women were still chatting amongst themselves. These forms of examples
are personal stories that offer validity. On the other hand, in Britt's Neat people vs. Sloppy people she uses more dreamt up incidences to explain her
opinions. For example when explaining how neat people are "viscous with their mail" she explains, " All ads, catalogs, pleas for charitable
contributions, church bulletins, and money–saving coupons go straight into the trash can without being opened...No sentimental salvaging of birthday
cards or the last letter a dying relative ever wrote. Into the trash it goes" (256). As seen in this example, Britt uses lots of lists and possible incidents
that could exist to support her points, but do these incidences
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Neat People Vs. Sloppy People
All people look for love in this world and the perfect person in out there for everyone. The ideal spouse is a woman that takes care of her husband. In
Suzanne Britts "Neat People vs. Sloppy People" she states " [sloppy people] give loving care to every detail"(55). A wife will not be sloppy for her
husband is the sloppy one. She will clean his messes after him. A perfectwife has to be out there it can't be too much to ask.
A wife will keep a perfect figure year round. She will cook five star meals every night anything less is unacceptable. In Judy Brady's I Want a Wife
"[the perfect wife] will cook the meals she will be a good cook". (51) A wife's duties are the most important things in her life. Sloppiness is just a side
effect to their
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Neat People Vs Sloppy People Analysis

  • 1. Neat People Vs Sloppy People Analysis In Dave Barry's "Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out" and Suzanne Britt's "Neat People vs. Sloppy People Both show similarities and differences between the many personalities, the organizational structure of the essays, the literary elements used in both text, and the many connections they share and their thesis statements. Barry's essay is the more leveled out humor essay because he creates a balance with his humorous tone, gives personal evidence, and uses point by point structure. However, Britt's essay uses subject by subject structure with a bolder humorous tone. Barry's essay is point by point structure meaning it is comparing and contrasting similarities and differences of each point between two topics (Point by–Point vs. Block–Style Essay). The point by point structure of Barry's essay is dirt and sports. He says men can be sensitive to dirt; whereas, women grow to have a sense to see dirt that men cannot see (248). He used Windex to clean a bathroom in the essay, we all know that Windex is a glass cleaner. Unlike, Barry's essay Britt's essay is structured subject by subject explaining the differences of neat and sloppy people.She says sloppy people live in Never–Never Land (242). Meaning that they will always have that childlike innocence but won't mature. In Barry's essay, he creates a balance with his humor when poking at both men and women. His tone is more comical due to the balance in his jokes. In addition, Barry says women develop a sense to see dirt that men cannot see but not when they are babies because babies think dirt tastes good. (248). He also gives an example of the Pompeii people back when men were over the house work. Expressing how to this very day why women are now the house holds keepers, in the story of the Pompeii people the volcano erupted killing lots of people. However, Britt's essay does not have a balance. She takes a risk at insulting her readers this can cause them not to read her future work. For example, when she says "Neat people are bums and clods at heart (243). Barry's essay uses personal experience like, when he tells the audience about the time his wife told him to clean their son bathroom. (249). He cleaned it with Windex and went back to doing whatever Get more content on
  • 2. Neat People Vs Sloppy People Summary When a person acts a certain way, does it or does it not affect the people around them? Within Suzanne Britt's essay Neat People vs Sloppy People, she opinionates their ways of life and how they treat others. The differences between sloppy people and neat people seems to be extremely distinctive within her essay. Going from full detail of how discourteous and indolent a neat person seems to be, to how pleasant and maintained a sloppy person is. Taking Britt's essay into mind, if there were only neat people in the world; it would have impolite people who would not care to save anything whether it mattered to them or not, just so they can stay neat; while having only sloppy people, the world would be a mess but everyone would be nice and "about ready" to finally tackle part of the mess. Sloppy and neat people can be both nice and rude but could the world be better off with only one or does it need both to balance. The dictionary definition of neat would be along the lines of: an object/thing being arranged in a clean, orderly, or tidy way. Now involve a person into that equation. A neat person likes things to be precise and unbothered. However, how do they keep it that way whenso many things come into their life? In Suzanne Britt's essay, she mentions, "Neat people operate on two unvarying principles; Never handle any item twice, and throw everything away" (222). So, if that's the case, which it isn't always, how does it affect someone? According to Britt, it causes them to Get more content on
  • 3. The first words I can remember sticking with me from my Momma Jaime's mouth was that cleanliness is close to Godliness. Noticeably, this must mean that Momma Jaime is hand and hand with God himself. Neat people should be viewed more superior than sloppy people; because, neat people are much more strategized, systematized, and Prepared for anything to come their way. Any neat person knows that the easiest way to stay strategized in your life is a calendar. A quick way to know if anyone is a neat person is to check for an itinerary, journal, planner or calendar. It won't be too hard to find typically they will pull it out every time they hear something important, or need to write a quick note for later when they inscribe their whole next day before bed. In addition to that, they precisely go over their whole day while falling asleep to make sure everything is perfectly set for the next day. Every day in a neat person's life they have a firm plan that they stick to from when they wake up in the morning to when they fall asleep at night. Unlike neat people, sloppy people tend to 'flow with the day' as Mrs. Susanne Britt says in The Morton Mix, "Sloppy people live in Never–Never Land." This means sloppy people tend to run late and not know what short–term goals they are supposed to be conquering for the day. They wake up and fall asleep differently everyday an example of this is how they might shower in the morning instead of at night because they are 'too tired' from running around all day wondering what they are supposed to be doing. Conversely, while the sloppy person is throwing clean and unfolded clothes on the ground to fall asleep on their bed the neat person is showered in bed and maybe eating a non–crumbly snack before nine p.m. When it comes to systems neat people hit it out of the park every time. Work, at work everything on a neat person's desk is methodically placed and in each drawer, there are tabs and folders placed in ABC order. Moreover, every paper is placed by importance, date, and header. Continuing with how they have every project in on time and sometimes ahead of time. Whereas the neat person is arriving to work 10 minutes late because they couldn't find their eft shoe and who knows if Get more content on
  • 4. "Neat People vs. Sloppy People" and "Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out" Each individual assesses situations in their own unique way. Whether it be cleaning a bathroom, or organizing a desk––there are always different opinions on how a task can be completed. Suzanne Britt and Dave Barry made different attempts to prove their opinions on how certain people dealt with chores. In her essay "Neat People vs. Sloppy People," Britt used repetition and a simple manner to show her favoritism of sloppy lifestyles over a neat life and attempted to persuade readers sloppy people are, in reality, not sloppy and neat people are not nice. Barry's essay, "Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out," entertained readers with exaggerated humor while Barry attempted to convince them on the prioritizations of men and women, while his male experiences assisted in the creation of relatable claims. Britt and Barry both attempted to connect readers to their piece; however, Barry was more successful through the use of personal anecdotes with notes of humor, while Britt used a more direct and less colorful attitude through the use of parallelism in attempt to persuade readers on her views. Both Britt and Barry took different approaches at connecting readers with clear ideas; though, Barry used a humorous and conversational mood, which allowed readers to easily relate, while Britt kept a more inexpressive and solemn attitude in attempt to clearly state her opinion and potentially influence reader's opinions in the process. Barry claimed that women could see "extremely small" amounts of filth, and then clarified "Not when they're babies, of course" (Barry 1). Barry's joke may seem unnecessary and extreme, however, it helped readers to relax and enjoy the writing. Barry constantly exaggerated his claims, even by claiming women can see dirt better than men, due to "hormonal secretion" that apparently took place during the growth process (Barry 2). While his dramatization may seem outrageous, Barry purposely made the ridiculous claim in hope to entertain readers. Barry also adds humor through his personal anecdotes, such as providing a story about when his wife asked him to clean his son's bathroom for a second time. After cleaning the bathroom, Get more content on
  • 5. Neat People Vs Sloppy People Britt Summary In the writing, "Neat People vs. Sloppy People" Britt focuses on contrasting two diverse people, neat and sloppy. At first glance one would believe that her criteria is what is sloppy and what is neat, rather than how the two think. She concentrates her criteria on moral and sentimentality of the two oppositions. "They have a cavalier attitude toward possession," Britt wrote about neat people. This explains that neat people don't care about the sentimental value of an object. Neat people focus on neatness solely. In contrast she writes, "Sloppy people can't bear to part with anything. They give loving attention to every detail." This opposes neat people. Sloppy people care about each and every object individually. Sloppy and neat people are Get more content on
  • 6. Suzanne Britt's Neat People Vs. Sloppy People The act of being neat is sometimes misunderstood as being snobby, cavalier, or un–sentimental. In reality, neat people care deeply about things such as the environment, family, and their community. As the famous evangelist, John Wesley, once said, "Cleanliness is next to godliness." This quote embodies the very existence and purpose of all neat people. Neat people strive towards perfection, and, although they often do not meet their rather lofty expectations, neat people impact the world around them in very positive and uplifting ways. Neat people should be considered better than sloppy people because they have a high moral standard, are good citizens, and are successful. People who are naturally neat have a higher moral standard than more content... This practice encourages more businesses to continue producing more products that are harmful to the environment. Consequently, sloppy people add to pollution and other things harmful to the environment. Additionally, neat people are better citizens than sloppy people. Helping to improve their neighborhoods and communities is one of the greatest causes that neat people have. By keeping their yards and houses immaculate, neat people help to promote good yard and house management. A neat person's yard and landscaping is always spotless, all the bushes and plants perfectly groomed and trimmed with no stray leaves decorating the lawn. The front of a neat person's house is always fit to be photographed by Home Magazine. The decoration tastefully arranged and fitting to the season. Neat people are constantly picking up stray pieces of trash and litter. This encourages property values to increase and to economy to continue improving. On the other hand, sloppy people tend to keep a disorderly and messy yard and house. Their natural aversion to cleaning spreads to the farthest reaches of their yard, leaving bushes and flowers to grow wild without proper guidance and trimming. While the pristine state of a neat person's home encourages property values to rise, the messy chaos and disorder of a sloppy person home discourages upstanding citizens from purchasing property in the area; thus, decreasing property values and adding to the overall Get more content on
  • 7. "Neat People vs. Sloppy People" appears in Britt's collection show and tell. Mingling humor with seriousness (as she often does), Britt has called the book a report on her journey into "the awful cave of self: You shout your name and voices come back in exultant response, telling you their names." In this essay about curtain inescapable personality traits, you may recognize some aspects of your own self, awful or otherwise. For a different approach to a similar subject, see the next essay, by Dave Barry. I've finally figured out the difference between neat people and sloppy people. The distinction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people. Sloppy people, you see, are not really sloppy. more content... Sloppy people can't bear to part with anything. They give loving attention to every detail. When sloppy people say they're going to tackle the surface of the desk, they really mean it. Not a paper will go unturned; not a rubber band will go unboxed. Four hours or two weeks into the excavation, the desk looks exactly the same, primarily because the sloppy person is meticulously creating new piles of paper with new headings and scrupulously stopping to read all the old book catalogs before he threw them away. A neat person would just bulldoze the desk. Neat people are bums and clods at heart. They have cavalier attitude toward possession, including the family heirlooms. Everything is just another dust catcher to them. If anything collects dust, it's got to go and that's that. Neat people will toy with the idea of throwing the children out of the house just to cut down on the clutter. Neat people don't care about process. They like results. What they want to do is get the whole thing over with so they can sit down and watch the rasslin' on TV. Neat people operate on two unvarying principles: Never handle any items twice, and throw everything away. The only thing messy in a neat persons house is the thrash can. The minute something comes to a neat person hand, he will look at it, try to decide if it has immediate use and, finding none, throw it in the trash. Neat people especially Get more content on
  • 8. Is It Better To Be Neat I believe that it is better to always try to be neat. There are many reasons to be neat. First, it helps to be neat so I can find my stuff better. One time I did not put my baseball glove back on the shelf, and when it was time to leave for my game, I could not find it and I was late for the game. Next, when I play with my puzzle and put it away when I am done, I do not lose any pieces. My sister has a cluttered room and she loses he puzzle pieces all the time. Last, I am a more giving person when I am neat. According to the article, "Neat is Nice, but Clutter is Cool?" scientists have found that students who worked in a neat room were more likely you give money to a good cause. These are a few reasons why I think it is always better to be Get more content on
  • 9. Are Sloppy People Truly Lazier Than Neat People? Are Sloppy People truly lazier than Neat people? Suzanne Britt, the English literature and writing professor in Raleigh North Carolina, proposed in her essay "Neat People vs Sloppy People", with joyous humor, that at the foundation of all that is Humanity, we as people are categorized into the two groups. This can be more fully understood by recognizing messy people as essentially optimistic dreamers with only the best of intentions. Neat people as basically cruel, indifferent, reptilian–brained monsters that don't register value in sentiment or idealism. The main It could be possibly argued, at the very least from the perspective of some of these people described as "organized devils" that in all actuality messy people are the selfish, Get more content on
  • 10. Suzanne Britt's essay, "Neat People vs. Sloppy People", invoked a mixed reaction for me since I could easily fall on either side of the spectrum. As stated so well by Britt, "They save everything, planning someday to file, order, and straighten out the world" (322). Her examples of cleaning out the closet, and organizing family photos are task that always take backseat to everything else, with great hope that someday I'll get it done. As to Britt's analogy of a neat person, "They will get their flower and sugar in two pound bags" (323), is equally relatable. Although I enjoy purchasing in bulk at Costco, when I'm short on time, I seek out a shortcut making these purchases at the local Hannaford, spending more money granted, but with intensions of saving time. Therefore, I don' more content... In my early years, my vision was skewed by the Barbie image, specifically by the influential toys design for young girls i.e. Barbies, television, magazines and society. It wasn't until later years, that I felt the greatest psychological pain inflicted by both male and females. I didn't fit the glorified image of a female, which wasn't only expected by the opposite sex, but equally by the same sex. They perhaps were far harsher than the opposite sex. After a two year journey to shed eighty five pounds, I was no longer influenced by either sex. Although Barry's statement was geared toward the male population "Of course many women will argue that the reason they became obsessed with trying to look like Cindy Crawford is that men, being as shallow as a drop of spit WANT women to look that way" (339), in today's society this is equally expected by the same sex. My journey was not because of the stigma bestowed upon me by the sexes, it was just for me. It was my drive and desire to achieve an improved quality of life, experiencing a happier and healthier life style and strengthen my Get more content on
  • 11. Neat vs. Sloppy People Essay Are neat people inferior to sloppy people? This question's answer will differ depending on the type of person you ask. According to Britt in her essay, "Neat people vs. sloppy people", the answer is yes. She uses certain qualities, such as oral description to differentiate neat people and sloppy people, how neat people are lazier, and how neat people are wasteful. Her qualities help explain to the readers why she thinks that her answer is true. One quality Britt uses in her essay is oral description, to tell her readers how neat people and sloppy people are in her eyes. In one example, Britt tells her readers, "Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people." (Britt 233) Britt also uses verbal description to more content... One example of this quality is when Britt gives us an example of a messy desk. She states in her essay that, "A neat person would just bulldoze the desk." (234) So instead of going through the piles of stuff to see if anything might be important, neat people find it easier to just throw everything away. Another example of this quality is when Britt states, "I knew a person once who threw away a perfectly good dish drainer because it had mold on it." (234–235) So it was easier for that neat person to just throw the drainer away and buy a new one, than it was to wash the mold off. One last instance Britt uses this technique was when she says, "And neat people sell their furniture when they move." (235) Instead of just packing it up and moving it, they find it more convenient to sell their old furniture and buy new ones. One more quality Britt uses in her essay to support her reasoning, is to tell her readers how wasteful a neat person is. She implies this mostly when she says, "Neat people operate on two unvarying principles: Never handle any item twice, and throw everything away." (134) One example of this quality is, "The minute something comes to a neat person's hand, he will look at it, try to decide if it has immediate use and, finding none, throw it in the trash." (234) Another example is when Britt says, "Neat people throw away several toys every time they walk through then den (234). One more example is when she says, "If Get more content on
  • 12. Summary Of Neat People Vs. Sloppy People The title of "Neat people vs. Sloppy People" in relation to the whole essay representing the main message of the article discussing the similarity and differences from these topics. In this case, the title was effective, showcasing the idea the essay was talking about. Therefore, the implication of the text was effective since it reflected the title. The main message of the essay is how there are two groups differences between neat and sloppy people. The topic is presented which Neat people are much lazier and meaner than sloppy people. The thesis of this essay is implicit since the author presents the arguments between the lines comparing the two people. While in "Neat People vs. Sloppy People" by Suzanne Britt poses the question more content... The author incorporated hyperbole to add humour to make it feel literal. This is because she use evidence of unorganized appeal of of accurate events. For instance, she portrays Sloppy people of unorganized, "Sloppy people can't bear to go without anything, they give loving attention to everything" While she never used arguments of neat people rather discussed her own opinions and thoughts to connect with the reader. The primary development showcases the author compares and contrast essay format to show the differences and similarities of Sloppy People versus Neat people. The narration is in first perspective while she express her personal opinion and experience. The author as well uses specific words to their recent experience. For an example "I knew a neat person once who threw away perfectly good dish drain because it had mold on it". While her intention uses words to contribute imagery and personal experiences. The secondary methods of development that the author uses are emotional appeal to sway the reader's point of view as well as irony when describing both types of people to give a different perspective on each type of person. The descriptive words allow the reader to visualize and feel the emotional appeal of the message of this. Furthermore, the author uses her personal experience to showcase emotional Get more content on
  • 13. Neat People vs Sloppy People The analysis of the passage Neat People vs. Sloppy People (е¤–ж–‡е¦й™ў02зє§2зЏ зЋ‹жЂќ 020214214) Abstract: Suzanne Britt's work Neat People vs. Sloppy People is a passage of comparison. In this passage, Britt distinguishes neat people from sloppy people in the moral aspect. She used kinds of figures of speech such as paradox, hyperbole, metaphor and so on in the description and comparison, making her work so distinguished. Key words: neat people, sloppy people в… .Brief account of the author Assistant Professor of English. A.B. Salem College; A.M. Washington University. Ms. Britt teaches literature and writing courses. Her poems have appeared in literary magazines such as Denver Quarterly, Lake Superior Review, more content... And "sloppy people are not really sloppy" seems to be self–contradictory. These two sentences arouse readers' curiosity. Why, they may ask, the author said so? And the curiosity arouses their interest in reading the following part of the passage. b. Hyperbole: Form of inordinate exaggeration according to which a person or thing is depicted as being better or worse, or larger or smaller, than is actually the case. We can find the use of hyperbole in the sentence "the unread magazines threaten to reach the ceiling". From this sentence, we can imagine the large number of the unread magazines, so many which even piles up to the height that reaches the ceiling. Then it is not difficult for us to understand the sloppy of the sloppy people. c. Metaphor: Use of word or phrase denoting one kind of idea or object in place of another word or phrase for the purpose of suggesting a likeness between the two. "Everything is just another dust–catcher to them." For the neat people, so far as things are not of present use or may cause trouble to be looked after, they are dust–catchers to them. Their possessions, including family heirlooms and even their own children may be considered to be dust–catchers and therefore to be thrown out of house or into the trash can. It is a kind of humours, but at the same time, a kind of irony. в…¤. Get more content on
  • 14. Compare And Contrast Neat People Sloppy "The sloppy person is not lazy, they just like to procrastinate." See, that's just it sloppy people always make excuses so, they never have to get over their lazy personality. Sloppy people are lazy and meaner than neat people. Sloppy people should be focusing on how neat people are cleaner and happier; because positivity, organization, and happiness are the keys to a neat person's life. Generally, Sloppy people say that "Neat people are bums and clods at heart". But I disagree 100%, there is no way a neat person can be a bum; they always get their chores done before doing anything else. On the other hand, sloppy people are the true "bums and clods at heart", here's why they rather watch T.V on their days off rather than getting all their cleaning and getting all their chores completed before having to go back to work. A lot of people say that neat people are angry, hateful, and mean. However, neat people are actually very happy, knowing all their things are in place and clean makes them feel nice inside which creates a positive outlook on life. Suzanne Britt stats that neat people are no good to borrow from; "Neat people buy everything in expensive little portions. They get their flour and sugar in two–pound bags." Buying flour and sugar in two–pound is a smart idea, because there is no need in getting an enormous bag that's going to sit up in your cabinet for who knows how long. The expensive is always the better brand to purchase. Borrowing from neat people is the Get more content on
  • 15. Neat People Vs Sloppy People By Suzanna Britt "Neat People Vs. Sloppy People" In Suzanna Britt essay "Neat People Vs. Sloppy People", she argues that the difference between the two individuals is just not cleanliness; instead, the difference between neat and sloppy people is moral; unlike what the perception on the outside, neat people do not care enough and, sloppy people care too much. Britt says, "Their sloppiness is merely their unfortunate consequence of their extreme moral rectitude" (Britt 233). Then, she makes a statement that "Neat people are bums and clods at heart and they have cavalier attitudes towards possession" (Britt 234). Britt is conveying the idea that sloppy people have a stronger moral value than neat people because they set goals that are high and more content... Sloppy people like to live a relaxed, calm lifestyle and accept things the way they are. In contrast, when neat people look for solution to problems and try to fix things that are not right to them. They also feel that they have to be control of situations and are sometimes afraid to show the fun personality to others. That's why neat people typically lack creativity because they have a narrow viewpoint on things and can't think outside the box. On the hand, sloppy individuals are considered very creative because they take the time to explore new ideas and try new things. Being messy means being more productivity; for example sloppy have an "organized chaos" lifestyle that allows them to be more efficient and productive. Although, on the surface things look messy, but really a sloppy person knows exactly where everything is Get more content on
  • 16. The essays, "Neat People vs Sloppy People" by English teacher and writer, Suzanne Britt and "Batting Clean–Up and Striking out" by humorist and reporter, David Barry take a whole new look on the dreaded aspects of cleaning. Britt and Barry chose to utilize humor in order to convey to the audience that everyone has a different way of living. Britt expresses the different lifestyles of sloppy people to the notorious neat people. Oppositely, Barry compares gender roles in order to see the differences between how males and females view the definition of "clean". Britt and Barry strengthen their humorous tone by employing exaggeration in pursuance of making their arguments obvious. Even though these two writers have the same underlying message, their backgrounds are disparate. As a writer, Britt is motivated by indifference and how one can hold themselves back and not fight for what they desire or believe in. Throughout Britt's writing, one can verify her drive to prove what is right. Furthermore, since Britt is an English teacher she understands the correct and proper way to write. On the other hand, how to write has always been difficult for Barry but, coming up with the humorous topics is effortless. Both authors illustrate distinct characteristics between certain personalities that result in different lifestyles and priorities. While both Britt and Barry express the aspects that come with different personalities and utilize humor and exaggeration, Britt shows bias towards Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Compare and Contrast Regina Brown Mrs. Joarder Eng. 100 April 5, 2013 Cleaning with Barry and Britt The act of being habitually and carefully neat and clean can make for an interesting topic in a comparison and contrast essay. Dave Barry compares the differences of how women and men clean in his compare and contrast essay, Batting Clean– Up and Striking out. In Suzanne Britt's compare and contrast essay, Neat People vs. Sloppy People she compares the differences of personalities between Sloppy people and neat people. Both essays compare cleanliness in one way or another however they both have differences regarding their use of humor, examples, and points made in their thesis. Batting Clean–Up and Striking out and Neat People vs. Sloppy People both more content... The way Barry and Britt support their points in their compare and contrast essays differ. In Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out, Barry uses lots of personal stories and factual happenings to explain his opinions. For example, to explain how men are worse at cleaning Barry specifically refers to a volcano eruption that happened in Pompei because the men, who were in control of the cleaning, did not notice ashes piling up around and in their houses. In addition, when describing how men are better with sports than woman he refers to a personal story; specifically a story about a dinner party that he attended where the men were glued to the World Series and the women were still chatting amongst themselves. These forms of examples are personal stories that offer validity. On the other hand, in Britt's Neat people vs. Sloppy people she uses more dreamt up incidences to explain her opinions. For example when explaining how neat people are "viscous with their mail" she explains, " All ads, catalogs, pleas for charitable contributions, church bulletins, and money–saving coupons go straight into the trash can without being opened...No sentimental salvaging of birthday cards or the last letter a dying relative ever wrote. Into the trash it goes" (256). As seen in this example, Britt uses lots of lists and possible incidents that could exist to support her points, but do these incidences Get more content on
  • 18. Neat People Vs. Sloppy People All people look for love in this world and the perfect person in out there for everyone. The ideal spouse is a woman that takes care of her husband. In Suzanne Britts "Neat People vs. Sloppy People" she states " [sloppy people] give loving care to every detail"(55). A wife will not be sloppy for her husband is the sloppy one. She will clean his messes after him. A perfectwife has to be out there it can't be too much to ask. A wife will keep a perfect figure year round. She will cook five star meals every night anything less is unacceptable. In Judy Brady's I Want a Wife "[the perfect wife] will cook the meals she will be a good cook". (51) A wife's duties are the most important things in her life. Sloppiness is just a side effect to their Get more content on