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Propaganda In Animal Farm
George Orwell, the pseudonym of english author Eric Arthur Blair, was an influential author of novels, novellas, and essays that criticized the rise and
practices of authoritarian governments. One of his most revered works, Animal Farm, is hailed as a brilliant piece that satirizes the statues of
Stalinism by allegorizing its tumultuous rise and the harsh, often lethal loyalty Stalinism demands of its followers. One of the hallmarks of Stalinist
rule is its frequent use of propaganda. In his novella, Animal Farm, Orwell presents the use of propaganda in a Stalinist society through the deification
of a leader, the use of scapegoating against an exiled revolutionary and against the vices of man; and exposes the practice of engendering fear into the
population of Animal Farm. In Animal Farm, the leader of Animal Farm, Napoleon, frequently uses self–deification tactics to elevate his status above
the working animals of the farm. Orwell stated that Napoleon "was always referred to in formal style as 'our Leader, Comrade Napoleon,' and the
pigs liked invent for him such titles as Father of All Animals, Terror of Mankind, Protector of the Sheep
–fold, Ducklings' Friend, and the like" (Orwell
93). These titles expressed that Napoleon was a benevolent, powerful, and god–like figure, which elevated him over the common animal on Animal
Farm. His titles also projected a feeling of superiority, which made the animals fear his presence and the presence of other pigs. As the pigs arrived
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Animal Farm-WWII Propaganda: How Did It Work?
Freedom is a very valuable thing, sometimes taken for granted. Some people desire freedom for the right reasons, and some people desire it for their
own self–seeking reasons. Every country has their own rules, government, and leaders. Of course, the leadership in Russia during WWII was very
harsh and malevolent compared to our government now. George Orwell used symbolism in his American classic Animal Farm to demonstrate how
communism affected people, more specifically during WWII. There are a plethora of similar things between the leader in Animal Farm, Squealer,
and the second in command Nazi leader, Joseph Goebbell. Squealer and Goebbell's following of people was so strong in numbers because of the
manipulation and exaggeration used to keep the citizens enthralled, which led to a catastrophic downfall. Manipulation played a significant role in
both Animal Farm and WWII. Squealer and Goebbell used this tactic to take control of every one. Both leaders promised prosperity and good fortune.
That's what the citizens and animals in the war and on the farm believed and wanted. They felt so mistreated before, that when someone came along
like Squealer and Goebbell, they believed every word from their mouths. The leaders manipulated their citizens because they knew they were weak. The
citizens were promised so much freedom, that it changed their mindset, not realizing what it would take to get to that freedom. The false promises and
disappointment caused many people
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The Role of Propaganda in Animal Farm
Propaganda is the act of perverting information in order to influence the thoughts or actions of others. Propaganda is used in order to accomplish
goals which cannot be attained in more honorable or more principled ways. In the novel, Animal Farm, George Orwell's characters use various
examples of propaganda in order to achieve and promote their own selfish desires. Animal Farm is an allegory using a farm as a metaphor of
communist Russia under Stalin. The pigs in the novel, or Stalin's supporters, use propaganda to persuade the other animals to revolt against Farmer
Jones, who represents the Czar. Throughout the duration of the Russian Revolution, propaganda served the purpose of keeping Russia under Stalin's
control. After more content...
"'What is that gun firing for?' said Boxer. 'To celebrate our victory!' cried Squealer. 'What victory?'
'What victory, comrade? Have we not driven the enemy off our soil...?'" This red herring is to assure the animals of how brilliant their "Comrade
Napoleon" was, and that even after a defeat, they still praise and appreciate him. As we see, red herring is used to cause forgetfulness on a topic,
which the user knows is false, to discourage attention. A final example of propaganda in the novel is sloganism. Sloganism consists of a brief and
concise catchy maxim that is simple to retain. Because of this, it is declared and believed by all. The first example of this occurs in the beginning of
the book after the revolution. The pigs construct "Seven Commandments" to which all animals that belong to Animal Farm must obey. The first of
the six reads as following: "Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy" and the second law of "Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend."
This, however, was difficult to remember, so the sheep originate a slogan – "Four legs good, two legs bad." This locution creates a hatred for all
humanity, thus expanding their faith to the higher authority – the pigs and Napoleon. The next
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Animal Farm Propaganda Essay
Propaganda is a word used for advertising, spreading ideas, and spreading opinions. There are many types of propaganda that everyone sees almost
every day with many ways to show it, the bandwagon effect, the common folk, the name–calling, and many more. You see it as advertising for
companies, or for politics. You see propaganda everywhere and may not even know it. In the book Animal Farm, they use the idea of fear as a type of
propaganda. "Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back!" [Orwell on page 42]. The pigs said this to the
animals because they wanted the animals to stop questioning what they were doing. The Real Cost uses this tactic a lot in their commercials. They
make cigarettes more content...
The phrases could rhyme which make the phrase sound more catchy and that could make you remember it better, or, it could be repeated over and
over again, so it's just stuck in your head. ВЁFour legs good, two legs bad! Four legs good, two legs bad!ВЁ [Orwell page 41]. The sheep kept
chanting this over and over again on Napoleon's command throughout the entire book. "When people repeat a power statement or word about their
topic, the group listening will remember that statement any time they think about that certain subject" [Whitney]. Today, people use repetition for
campaigning. The person running for office could use a certain motto and repeat it every time he gives a speech. For example, Donald Trump's motto
for his 2016 presidential election is, "Make America great again!". You see it on yard signs everywhere, and you hear it from Trump supporters and
Trump himself. Another example is Old Major using name–calling, which means he's attacking the person themselves and not that person's ideas. In the
book Animal Farm, Old Major says, "Man is the creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too
weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animal." [Orwell page 19]. The biggest example that uses
this tactic is in the presidential debates. One of the candidates always criticizes the other
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Propaganda In Animal Farm
Chloe Chow
English 2A
No More Propaganda
In the wide spectrum of politics, there are many manipulative tools that can be used to persuade an audience. In communist countries, such as Russia,
government leaders use propaganda to convince their citizens to believe their actions are right. Just like in Animal Farm by George Orwell, Squealer
consistently spreads propaganda to the other animals throughout the book. Similarly, Frank Luntz, a pollster and political consultant, often spreads his
opinionated thoughts to the public. Using propaganda as a tool to influence the masses is not justifiable because it causes the masses to only hear one
sided information and is often misunderstood.
In Animal Farm, the poor animals are manipulated
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Essay On Animal Farm Propaganda
Languages of Propaganda
Propaganda is a way of information in an effort to manipulate or influence society. The language people use in a persuasive speech, news articles, or
other communicating articles of can be a very powerful tool for propaganda. There are many different types of propaganda such as suggestion
/stimulation, hints, insinuations, indirect statement, and appeal to the known desire/fear, songs, slogans, and poems (American Historical
Association). All of these were used in the 1946 novel, Animal Farm, written byGeorge Orwell. Also most of these methods in modern day. In the
novel they use propaganda to show how a revolution, no matter how good a person's intentions is at first, can slowly turn into a system that was no
better than when they began. Language used in propaganda is a very powerful tool.
In the novel written by Orwell propaganda is used to manipulate the idea and the feeling of the animals. One of the pigs in the novel that made most of
the speeches and used the most propaganda was "Squealer." It was so easy for the speech maker to convince the other animals what would happen or
what they were going to change. Squealer used the fear of "Mr.Jones" coming back, blamed snowball for everything that went wrong, and convinced
the animals that everything was okay and to keep working. Another thing is when the pigs changed more content...
In the novel they liked to use a lot of fear as a method, but in today's society they want to either use a positive way or a way that will eventually
convince a person to do as the advertisement says. People can learn from examining that advertisement with propaganda used in many ways can
place a positive image or message in viewer's eyes so they will do as the person wants them to do. Some people do not even realize when they are
being persuaded to do something. Language used in propaganda is a very powerful
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Propaganda In George Orwell's Animal Farm
"Animal Farm" theme essay The story "Animal Farm" written by George Orwell is inspired by the Russian Revolution of 1917. Just as propaganda
was used in the revolution by Joseph Stalin, it was also used by the pigs in the animal farm. I find this to be really important because everything that
had a positive or negative outcome was caused and reflected off the use of propaganda. Squealer was the one who would brainwash the animals into
thinking wrongly of the commandments and lying to the animals that the milk and apples were an absolute necessity for the pigs. It was mandatory
for the animals on animal farm to follow the rules of animalism. Animalism is the key outlines of Old Major's speech that Napoleon, Snowball, and
Squealer found to be. Within three months, the pigs taught themselves to read and write. The pigs announced to the animals that they have succeeded
in reducing the rules of animalism to the seven commandments. "The seven commandments ran thus: 1.whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy,
2.wehatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend, 3. No animal shall wear clothes, 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed, 5.No animal shall drink
alcohol, 6.No animal shall kill any other animal, 7. All animals are equal". Pg. more content...
In chapter 6, the animals found out that the pigs were sleeping in Jones's bed. They immediately recalled back to the fourth commandment which they
remember stated, "No animal shall sleep in a bed". When they went back to go check at the barn, the commandment read "No animal shall sleep in a
bed with sheets". Pg.44 Since it was on the wall, the animals just assumed that they forgot the mentioning of the sheets. But as the reader, I knew
squealer changed them. He changed the commandments to cover up for napoleon and the other pigs. He made everyone believe that they remembered
wrongly of the commandments, in this, he was using
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Propaganda In George Orwell's Animal Farm
Power is defined as the ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. People in positions of power tend to be more
successful considering they have the ability to persuade and control others. Power does not come easily, however, individuals use various techniques
and methods to increase their reputation. One of these techniques includes the use of propaganda. Propaganda is misleading information used to
promote or publicize a particular point of view. This technique is crucial in developing power considering it can easily manipulate and persuade
groups of people. Widely used and greatly effective, propaganda can be seen in George Orwell's novel, Animal Farm, as well as other forms of
advertising and more content...
Orwell implements these techniques within the book through the action and communication between the characters. In most of the cases, power
held by Napoleon, the leader of the animals, increases through the use of propaganda. As a leader, it is Napoleon's goal to gain the trust and
loyalty of his followers, and he understands that sometimes honesty is not always the solution. One of Napoleon's methods of obtaining power is
tricking the animals in to obeying him. Napoleon controls the animals with the idea of Jones, the old farmer, coming back to take over the animals.
Most animals on the farm despise Jones, and fear the idea of him coming back. Napoleon used this to his advantage, threatening that if the animals
do not do what he asks, then Jones will take over again. This technique, called slippery slope, helps Napoleon gain power and manipulate the animals
into changing their beliefs to fit his desires. The animals put their trust in Napoleon to keep Jones from coming back, and in return he is able to
demand more from them and expect them to cooperate. He also uses Snowball, one of the other pigs, as a scapegoat to all the mistakes he made. He
blames the destruction of the windmill, the shortage of food, and every other issue that arose, on Snowball, when in reality most of the problems are of
the animals faults. This creates a common enemy among the animals, forming a stronger bond between each other and a higher trust for Napoleon.
Being united and feeling loyal towards someone gives them the opportunity to take advantage of that
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Examples Of Propaganda In Animal Farm
Animal Farm vs ISIS Propaganda Some of history's greatest and most infamous leaders have gained and held uncontrolled power for very long
periods of time. It always comes into question as to how a single person could attain such massive amounts of power while remaining unchecked by
the people being led. Through the use of propaganda, these leaders have been allowed to corrupt themselves and their government standards while
still keeping the approval of the people. Propaganda is a powerful tool in any sort of conflict because it not only controls how the people view each
side, but how history will remember the participants of the conflict. Prime examples of this can be seen in the novel Animal Farm and in today's
conflicts involving the terrorist group known as ISIS. Both of these situations represent how propaganda has allowed morally disobedient individuals
to remain in power without question or resistance. A powerful tactic in the world of power struggles is slander (also known as name–calling), in which
a person defiles the reputation of another to both reduce opposition and gain the trust of the public. One great example of the effects of using
propaganda to gain power can be found in a quote from the book Animal Farm. It emphasizes how Napoleon had used his public influence to
eliminate Snowball from the contest for power. By saying "He (Napoleon) had seemed to oppose the windmill, simply as a maneuver to get rid of
Snowball, who was a dangerous character and bad
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Propaganda In George Orwell's Animal Farm
Specializing in the succeeding topic of Communism, "Animal Farm" is considerably a well–known book that assesses the results following a rebellion.
Similar to the history involving Russia, this exact totalitarian base is what led the small nation from the book to develop an unfair system. Ranging
from the unequal treatment to the domestic abuse of the lower–class, this explicitly highlights the outrageous environment that the animals reside in.
Alongside the propaganda, Napoleon's abusive behavior, and the differing distribution of power, it resulted in forming an ideal representation of the
tyrannical, economic system.
Initializing the process of this analysis, it is most important to consider the conspicuous separation of the pigs and other animals. While the farm
originally more content...
Along the use of this format, it also relatable to that of such present communities like North Korea. Though it is slowly returning to a blunt position
entailing world problems, the country still remains as a standstill nation where most information is unbeknownst to its citizens. Commonly used to
enforce motivation to the fervent workers, its practical use by Napoleon proposed an infamous result within the farm. " ' Do you know the enemy
who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? Snowball!' ." (Pg.82) As received form this quote, while the animals did respond in a way
to prove its effectivity, a logical statistic proves that these lies will eventually have an opposite reaction. This slightly subjective proposition is also
proven with more evidence where some animals slowly began to doubt the superpowers of the government. With this specific practice's direct relation to
Communism and its arbitrary background, this only bolsters the corruption of the farm, and pronounces a downfall in its
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Animal Farm Propaganda
Animal Farm: Timeless Propaganda
Upon Animal Farm's first publication in 1945, it quickly became a success and is now regarded as one of the best allegories of Soviet totalitarianism
ever written. All of its characters provided a representation of Soviet Russia's political figures, with its main character, Napoleon, illustrating Joseph
Stalin and a corrupt totalitarian rule. The book parodies Stalin's rise to power and his eventual total control of nearly every aspect of personal and
private behavior. Animal Farm's message does not strictly coincide to the events of the 1930's, however. In Animal Farm, three specific tactics of
propaganda arise which are visible today. These propaganda devices are fear, deceit, and more content...
Shortly after their birth, Napoleon took the young puppies from the farm dogs in order to raise them personally. He completely isolated them from the
rest of the animals in order to mold them into his own instruments of political oppression. Ahmadinejad does the same through strict isolation via
information control. Any newspapers which post information deemed unfit for the Iranian public are quickly suspended. The journalists who wrote
these articles are often arrested and imprisoned. Iran also has placed several restrictions on high speed internet in an effort to filter out Western
influence. Iranian connection speeds were reduced to 128KB per second, making it impossible to receive fast broadband packages. This makes it
impossible to receive any western movies, music, or television. They claim it as an attempt to protect Iranian youth, but quite plainly, it's nothing more
than a way of restricting any outside ideas and further strengthening their own. Animal Farm is a good example of how timeless certain techniques of
propaganda can be. Even after almost 70 years, Animal Farm's message of propaganda based totalitarianism still carry on. Current Iranian leader
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad closely parallels Stalin's methods of propaganda. Both have methods rooted in three main devices: fear, deceit, and
isolationism. Through these devices, Ahmadinejad is able to mold Iranian ideas to fit his own. He sways public opinion and shows how
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Theme Of Propaganda In Animal Farm
How Does George Orwell Explore the Theme of Propaganda in Animal Farm?
In Animal Farm, George Orwell thoroughly explores many themes, one of them being propaganda. Orwell was a well–known novelist who wrote
many satirical novels concerning major political movements of his time. His most well–known novels are Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty–Four, both
concerning public manipulations to a degree. Animal Farm can be seen as an allegorical dystopian novel set to retell the events of the Russian
Revolution and the Stalinist era that follows. Within the novel, Orwell conveys the theme of propaganda by having manipulative characters and
choosing certain phrases, all while using a painfully mocking tone.
Throughout the novel, there are numerous occasions in which Squealer, Napoleon's spokesperson, has used several methods of propaganda on the
unsuspecting crowd. In one instance, animals did not have anything to compare life now with their life before the rebellion, only a list of figures from
Squealer, a one–man propaganda machine, however "they knew that life nowadays was harsh and bare [...] but doubtless it had been worse in the old
days, [...] more content...
Throughout this novel, Orwell uses manipulative characters, such as Squealer, whose speech contains several carefully crafted dictions, he managed to
convey across a plot in which the propagandist twist the ugly, undesirable reality into a utopian world within the unsuspecting and naive animals'
minds, resulting in the complete compliance from the animals, the end goal of every propaganda movement. All throughout this satirical novel, Orwell
was able to explore the theme of propaganda through the usage of manipulative characters and certain dictions, all while maintaining his painfully
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Examples Of Propaganda In Animal Farm
History shows that when people are outraged and unhappy, they will follow those who share their ideals, regardless of their history or ideas that
they themselves do not agree with, which are often brushed underneath the carpet to only show the good qualities. People such as Germany's
Hitler, Russia's Stalin, and current leader of North Korea's Kim Jong Un rule with an iron fist while continuously feeding their people lies to stay
in power. In the novel Animal Farm, an allegory depicting communism by representing Soviet Russia with farm animals, shows how propaganda,
when used effectively, allows for a dictator to stay in absolute power. The propaganda used in George Orwell's Animal Farm by Squealer, Old
Major, the Sheep, and the dogs all helps aid Napoleon's want for power by using the animal's' lack of education against them. Squealer, the
representation of the propaganda used in Russia under Stalin, is notorious for his lies and persuasion that he uses to trick the working animals of
Animal Farm. He is said to be able to make anything seem true, and Napoleon uses this to his advantage in keeping the animals in check. First,
Squealer uses the animal's lack of education by reciting words they don't understand. When Napoleon introduces the idea of continuing the building
of the windmill after Snowball's exile, the animals are confused as Napoleon seemed so against the idea. To get them on his side, he sends Squealer,
who states the windmill was actually Napoleon's idea, and was stolen by Snowball. When questioned why Napoleon didn't say something earlier, he
states: "'Tactics, comrades, tactics!' skipping round and whisking his tail with a merry laugh. The animals were not certain what the word meant, but
Squealer spoke so persuasively..." (Orwell p.58). This shows that the animals lack of education actually aids Napoleon in keeping them under control,
as simple words can be used to deceive them. Another incident that occurred including Squealer was using their lack of memory against them. The
pigs give false assertions of the food supply to the animals so they will believe they are doing better than ever, when in reality they are starving and
are in worse condition than with Farmer Jones, the previous owner
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Propaganda In Animal Farm Essay
Animal farm is a renowned, allegorical novella written by George Orwell in 1945, which can be interpreted to have a hidden political meaning behind
it referring to the Russian Revolution. Throughout this novella, the author purposely positions the audience to make judgements based on sensible,
moral perception to show that Orwell effectively revealed how the pigs exploited a vast majority of propaganda techniques to deceptively manipulate
the values, attitudes and beliefs of the other animals, with full intention of complete social control. This was exposed to the reader when the three main
values of 'Animalism', as outlined in Old Major's speech, which consists of freedom, unity and equality, are abused for the pigs own advantage. This task more content...
These commandments were to "form an unalterable law" (pg.17) but as the pigs quickly began to realise that their mental capabilities outshone the
other animals, their self entitled supremacy rose with it. Their constant desire for power then followed and they believed that their egotistical ideals
were not something to be reckoned with, therefore manipulating the commandments to their own liking. This was exemplified when the
commandments are gradually undermined by the pigs to; "no animal must sleep in a bed" to "no animal must sleep in a bed with sheets" (pg.17,50),
and "no animal shall kill any other animal" to "no animal shall kill any other animal without cause" (pg.17, 66)( Dr Jennifer Minter, English Works,
2016). The pigs act as if they are abiding by the commandments to gain the trust from the mindless animals using strategical manipulation strategies,
then later reveal their true intentions in a time and way that no animal is cunning enough to challenge them, making them all powerless to protesting
against the supremacy. A representation of this occurs by all the original commandments being erased and replaced with the new guiding principle "all
animals are equal but some are more equal than others" (pg.
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Animal Farm Propaganda
Language; It is of central importance to human intelligence. It can structure and limit ideas that individuals are capable of formulating and expressing.
It is often considered the fuel we use to empower our desires, and to direct and align our energy. "Language is power, life and the instrument of
domination and liberation." – Angela Carter. Let the last phrase of that quote resonate... "Of domination and liberation," throughout history this has
been made evident by Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and even Adolf Hitler. All three of these visionaries had one common tool in their arsenal:
Language. This essay will explore this notion of power, in which propaganda and language is used as a tool in gaining power over a populous. George more content...
When such power is removed for instance, so is the ability to speak your mind and challenge what is perceived to be the norm. George Orwell
displays this concept in his novel 'Animal Farm' through keeping linguistic construction in the hands of the pigs. The pigs are the only ones who
develop language as a means of power. The fact that they are the only animals on the farm who can read is an integral part of this reality. Their ability
to control language is vitally important to their power. No other animal, except for Benjamin, understands the importance of reading. Squealer's use of
language to construct truth and to spin anything to the other animals that benefits Napoleon's leadership is another example of how the power of
words can benefit those in the position of power. The presence of words in forming the Commandments is another instance in which the power of
language is evident. As the leadership of the pigs becomes consolidated more, the Commandments become one. The other animals do not realize how
power has changed because they cannot read. Here again, the idea of language and power being vital to consolidation of control becomes evident in
the novel. Orwell makes it painfully clear that language and the ability to construct truth out of it is of vital importance to those in the position of
power and in continuing their
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Propaganda In George Orwell's Animal Farm
North Korea is one of the most talked about areas because of the extreme rules and the amount of propaganda that is produced. North Korea
creates a lot of propaganda and so does the George Orwell novel Animal Farm. The two have a lot of similar aspects because in the novel the pigs
determined everything just like North Korean government does for its people. The novel is one for kids but is has a much deeper meaning.. In
North Korea, there's a ton of propaganda that can be relatable to the same types of propaganda used in Animal Farm. Animal Farm has a lot more
propaganda than what meets the eye. Old Major calls all the humans as enemies, which leads all the animals to revolt. By doing this, Old Major is
putting information into the animal's heads that they will all be better without mankind. The illogical fallacy Old Major uses is stacking the deck.
Instead of telling the other part of the story of how humans can actually be a benefit to the animals he only says all the bad things. "And you hens,
how many eggs have you laid in this last year? And how many of those eggs ever hatched into chickens" (Orwell 8) He continues to tell all the other
animals things that they would want and that they will get those things if they are successful in their plan to take over the more content...
Squealer is able to fool the animals by using the illogical fallacy false dilemma. "We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and
organization of this farm depend of us... It is for your sake that we drink the milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs
failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!" (Orwell 36) Squealer comes up with the conclusion that without eating the
healthy food, Jones will come back. Farmer Jones coming back is the last thing that all the animals want, so they decide to put up with the pigs having
the best
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How Does George Orwell Use Propaganda
Propaganda: Manipulation in Action In high school, different items come along and prove to be the new "thing" amongst high schoolers. As of
present day, that "thing" is a video game called Fortnite: Battle Royale. This is a third person shooter game that deems the last man alive the winner. It
has swept across school everywhere, especially with the creation of the game on mobile devices. Fortnite originally caught fire by word of mouth,
students convincing other students to download the game for free, to the point where people are making their income by playing Fortnite live in front
of the world. The rise of Fortnite can be seen as our society being manipulated. Several news programs such as Fox News, have had news stories about
the more content...
There are millions of ads played on television every year, due to the large amount of people who have access to television. A sample commercial is
one by Hyundai. In this commercial, the company uses Kevin Hart, a famous comedian and actor, to make their advertisement more amusing and
appealing to the audience. The use of Kevin Hart makes the main form of propaganda a testimonial, and this is achieved throughout the
commercial. Hyundai especially makes the ad appealing to fathers by having Kevin Hart stalk his daughter's date night. He uses Hyundai's new
car tracker to be able to tell where the couple is going. Kevin Hart is also many peoples role model and by appearing in the commercial, Kevin Hart
influences his followers to drive a Hyundai. The commercial also intends to lure peoples focus away from the actual car, which allows the date night
incident to act as a red herring, another form of propaganda. The commercial accomplishes what it was intended to, use a very famous comedian to
create a memorable, comical commercial that draws people to Hyundai dealers across the world. The main goal of propaganda is to manipulate people
to act or perform certain actions and the commercial accomplishes this through different types of
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What Is Propaganda In Animal Farm
In the real world people are able to stay in control of others because of there social class and race which can lead to fear in other people's lives. In
the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell the animals are dissatisfied of the way they are being treated so they decide to rebel against their leader
Mr. Jones. After the teachings of Old Major they rebel and defeat Jones but three days later Old Major dies. Napoleon and Snowball fight for power.
Napoleon would take newborn puppies into the farmhouse attic and trains them. Snowball was a very articulate speaker and was full of good ideas.
On a Sunday morning debate Napoleon's puppies which are now full grown chase Snowball off the farm establishing Napoleon's rule. Napoleon shifts
blame to more content...
Squealer is Napoleon's spokesmen and uses many types of propaganda throughout the story to prove Napoleon is the best leader and makes no
mistakes. Although that is incorrect the animals believe everything Squealer claims. The farm encounters a food shortage and all the animals are
starving but Squealer uses facts and figures propaganda making the animals think they have plenty of food. "Squealer, holding down a long strip of
paper with his trotter, would read out to them lists of figures proving that the production of every class of foodstuff had increased by two hundred
percent , three hundred percent, or five hundred percent as the case might be,"(92). Facts and figures is a propaganda that uses statistics and
information that sounds scientific but usually is not. Squealer states that "the production of every class of foodstuff had increased by two hundred
percent, three hundred percent, or five hundred percent,"this indicates that they are doing much better than they really are even though animals are
starving. The animals believe this because they want to hear they are in good hands and do not have to worry about starving. This brainwashes the
animals to thinking they are not staring and there is a huge quantity of food for
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Propaganda In Animal Farm

  • 1. Propaganda In Animal Farm George Orwell, the pseudonym of english author Eric Arthur Blair, was an influential author of novels, novellas, and essays that criticized the rise and practices of authoritarian governments. One of his most revered works, Animal Farm, is hailed as a brilliant piece that satirizes the statues of Stalinism by allegorizing its tumultuous rise and the harsh, often lethal loyalty Stalinism demands of its followers. One of the hallmarks of Stalinist rule is its frequent use of propaganda. In his novella, Animal Farm, Orwell presents the use of propaganda in a Stalinist society through the deification of a leader, the use of scapegoating against an exiled revolutionary and against the vices of man; and exposes the practice of engendering fear into the population of Animal Farm. In Animal Farm, the leader of Animal Farm, Napoleon, frequently uses self–deification tactics to elevate his status above the working animals of the farm. Orwell stated that Napoleon "was always referred to in formal style as 'our Leader, Comrade Napoleon,' and the pigs liked invent for him such titles as Father of All Animals, Terror of Mankind, Protector of the Sheep –fold, Ducklings' Friend, and the like" (Orwell 93). These titles expressed that Napoleon was a benevolent, powerful, and god–like figure, which elevated him over the common animal on Animal Farm. His titles also projected a feeling of superiority, which made the animals fear his presence and the presence of other pigs. As the pigs arrived Get more content on
  • 2. Animal Farm-WWII Propaganda: How Did It Work? Freedom is a very valuable thing, sometimes taken for granted. Some people desire freedom for the right reasons, and some people desire it for their own self–seeking reasons. Every country has their own rules, government, and leaders. Of course, the leadership in Russia during WWII was very harsh and malevolent compared to our government now. George Orwell used symbolism in his American classic Animal Farm to demonstrate how communism affected people, more specifically during WWII. There are a plethora of similar things between the leader in Animal Farm, Squealer, and the second in command Nazi leader, Joseph Goebbell. Squealer and Goebbell's following of people was so strong in numbers because of the manipulation and exaggeration used to keep the citizens enthralled, which led to a catastrophic downfall. Manipulation played a significant role in both Animal Farm and WWII. Squealer and Goebbell used this tactic to take control of every one. Both leaders promised prosperity and good fortune. That's what the citizens and animals in the war and on the farm believed and wanted. They felt so mistreated before, that when someone came along like Squealer and Goebbell, they believed every word from their mouths. The leaders manipulated their citizens because they knew they were weak. The citizens were promised so much freedom, that it changed their mindset, not realizing what it would take to get to that freedom. The false promises and disappointment caused many people Get more content on
  • 3. The Role of Propaganda in Animal Farm Propaganda is the act of perverting information in order to influence the thoughts or actions of others. Propaganda is used in order to accomplish goals which cannot be attained in more honorable or more principled ways. In the novel, Animal Farm, George Orwell's characters use various examples of propaganda in order to achieve and promote their own selfish desires. Animal Farm is an allegory using a farm as a metaphor of communist Russia under Stalin. The pigs in the novel, or Stalin's supporters, use propaganda to persuade the other animals to revolt against Farmer Jones, who represents the Czar. Throughout the duration of the Russian Revolution, propaganda served the purpose of keeping Russia under Stalin's control. After more content... "'What is that gun firing for?' said Boxer. 'To celebrate our victory!' cried Squealer. 'What victory?' 'What victory, comrade? Have we not driven the enemy off our soil...?'" This red herring is to assure the animals of how brilliant their "Comrade Napoleon" was, and that even after a defeat, they still praise and appreciate him. As we see, red herring is used to cause forgetfulness on a topic, which the user knows is false, to discourage attention. A final example of propaganda in the novel is sloganism. Sloganism consists of a brief and concise catchy maxim that is simple to retain. Because of this, it is declared and believed by all. The first example of this occurs in the beginning of the book after the revolution. The pigs construct "Seven Commandments" to which all animals that belong to Animal Farm must obey. The first of the six reads as following: "Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy" and the second law of "Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend." This, however, was difficult to remember, so the sheep originate a slogan – "Four legs good, two legs bad." This locution creates a hatred for all humanity, thus expanding their faith to the higher authority – the pigs and Napoleon. The next Get more content on
  • 4. Animal Farm Propaganda Essay Propaganda is a word used for advertising, spreading ideas, and spreading opinions. There are many types of propaganda that everyone sees almost every day with many ways to show it, the bandwagon effect, the common folk, the name–calling, and many more. You see it as advertising for companies, or for politics. You see propaganda everywhere and may not even know it. In the book Animal Farm, they use the idea of fear as a type of propaganda. "Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back!" [Orwell on page 42]. The pigs said this to the animals because they wanted the animals to stop questioning what they were doing. The Real Cost uses this tactic a lot in their commercials. They make cigarettes more content... The phrases could rhyme which make the phrase sound more catchy and that could make you remember it better, or, it could be repeated over and over again, so it's just stuck in your head. ВЁFour legs good, two legs bad! Four legs good, two legs bad!ВЁ [Orwell page 41]. The sheep kept chanting this over and over again on Napoleon's command throughout the entire book. "When people repeat a power statement or word about their topic, the group listening will remember that statement any time they think about that certain subject" [Whitney]. Today, people use repetition for campaigning. The person running for office could use a certain motto and repeat it every time he gives a speech. For example, Donald Trump's motto for his 2016 presidential election is, "Make America great again!". You see it on yard signs everywhere, and you hear it from Trump supporters and Trump himself. Another example is Old Major using name–calling, which means he's attacking the person themselves and not that person's ideas. In the book Animal Farm, Old Major says, "Man is the creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animal." [Orwell page 19]. The biggest example that uses this tactic is in the presidential debates. One of the candidates always criticizes the other Get more content on
  • 5. Propaganda In Animal Farm Chloe Chow 2/9/2018 English 2A No More Propaganda In the wide spectrum of politics, there are many manipulative tools that can be used to persuade an audience. In communist countries, such as Russia, government leaders use propaganda to convince their citizens to believe their actions are right. Just like in Animal Farm by George Orwell, Squealer consistently spreads propaganda to the other animals throughout the book. Similarly, Frank Luntz, a pollster and political consultant, often spreads his opinionated thoughts to the public. Using propaganda as a tool to influence the masses is not justifiable because it causes the masses to only hear one sided information and is often misunderstood. In Animal Farm, the poor animals are manipulated Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Animal Farm Propaganda Languages of Propaganda Propaganda is a way of information in an effort to manipulate or influence society. The language people use in a persuasive speech, news articles, or other communicating articles of can be a very powerful tool for propaganda. There are many different types of propaganda such as suggestion /stimulation, hints, insinuations, indirect statement, and appeal to the known desire/fear, songs, slogans, and poems (American Historical Association). All of these were used in the 1946 novel, Animal Farm, written byGeorge Orwell. Also most of these methods in modern day. In the novel they use propaganda to show how a revolution, no matter how good a person's intentions is at first, can slowly turn into a system that was no better than when they began. Language used in propaganda is a very powerful tool. In the novel written by Orwell propaganda is used to manipulate the idea and the feeling of the animals. One of the pigs in the novel that made most of the speeches and used the most propaganda was "Squealer." It was so easy for the speech maker to convince the other animals what would happen or what they were going to change. Squealer used the fear of "Mr.Jones" coming back, blamed snowball for everything that went wrong, and convinced the animals that everything was okay and to keep working. Another thing is when the pigs changed more content... In the novel they liked to use a lot of fear as a method, but in today's society they want to either use a positive way or a way that will eventually convince a person to do as the advertisement says. People can learn from examining that advertisement with propaganda used in many ways can place a positive image or message in viewer's eyes so they will do as the person wants them to do. Some people do not even realize when they are being persuaded to do something. Language used in propaganda is a very powerful Get more content on
  • 7. Propaganda In George Orwell's Animal Farm "Animal Farm" theme essay The story "Animal Farm" written by George Orwell is inspired by the Russian Revolution of 1917. Just as propaganda was used in the revolution by Joseph Stalin, it was also used by the pigs in the animal farm. I find this to be really important because everything that had a positive or negative outcome was caused and reflected off the use of propaganda. Squealer was the one who would brainwash the animals into thinking wrongly of the commandments and lying to the animals that the milk and apples were an absolute necessity for the pigs. It was mandatory for the animals on animal farm to follow the rules of animalism. Animalism is the key outlines of Old Major's speech that Napoleon, Snowball, and Squealer found to be. Within three months, the pigs taught themselves to read and write. The pigs announced to the animals that they have succeeded in reducing the rules of animalism to the seven commandments. "The seven commandments ran thus: 1.whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy, 2.wehatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend, 3. No animal shall wear clothes, 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed, 5.No animal shall drink alcohol, 6.No animal shall kill any other animal, 7. All animals are equal". Pg. more content... In chapter 6, the animals found out that the pigs were sleeping in Jones's bed. They immediately recalled back to the fourth commandment which they remember stated, "No animal shall sleep in a bed". When they went back to go check at the barn, the commandment read "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets". Pg.44 Since it was on the wall, the animals just assumed that they forgot the mentioning of the sheets. But as the reader, I knew squealer changed them. He changed the commandments to cover up for napoleon and the other pigs. He made everyone believe that they remembered wrongly of the commandments, in this, he was using Get more content on
  • 8. Propaganda In George Orwell's Animal Farm Power is defined as the ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. People in positions of power tend to be more successful considering they have the ability to persuade and control others. Power does not come easily, however, individuals use various techniques and methods to increase their reputation. One of these techniques includes the use of propaganda. Propaganda is misleading information used to promote or publicize a particular point of view. This technique is crucial in developing power considering it can easily manipulate and persuade groups of people. Widely used and greatly effective, propaganda can be seen in George Orwell's novel, Animal Farm, as well as other forms of advertising and more content... Orwell implements these techniques within the book through the action and communication between the characters. In most of the cases, power held by Napoleon, the leader of the animals, increases through the use of propaganda. As a leader, it is Napoleon's goal to gain the trust and loyalty of his followers, and he understands that sometimes honesty is not always the solution. One of Napoleon's methods of obtaining power is tricking the animals in to obeying him. Napoleon controls the animals with the idea of Jones, the old farmer, coming back to take over the animals. Most animals on the farm despise Jones, and fear the idea of him coming back. Napoleon used this to his advantage, threatening that if the animals do not do what he asks, then Jones will take over again. This technique, called slippery slope, helps Napoleon gain power and manipulate the animals into changing their beliefs to fit his desires. The animals put their trust in Napoleon to keep Jones from coming back, and in return he is able to demand more from them and expect them to cooperate. He also uses Snowball, one of the other pigs, as a scapegoat to all the mistakes he made. He blames the destruction of the windmill, the shortage of food, and every other issue that arose, on Snowball, when in reality most of the problems are of the animals faults. This creates a common enemy among the animals, forming a stronger bond between each other and a higher trust for Napoleon. Being united and feeling loyal towards someone gives them the opportunity to take advantage of that Get more content on
  • 9. Examples Of Propaganda In Animal Farm Animal Farm vs ISIS Propaganda Some of history's greatest and most infamous leaders have gained and held uncontrolled power for very long periods of time. It always comes into question as to how a single person could attain such massive amounts of power while remaining unchecked by the people being led. Through the use of propaganda, these leaders have been allowed to corrupt themselves and their government standards while still keeping the approval of the people. Propaganda is a powerful tool in any sort of conflict because it not only controls how the people view each side, but how history will remember the participants of the conflict. Prime examples of this can be seen in the novel Animal Farm and in today's conflicts involving the terrorist group known as ISIS. Both of these situations represent how propaganda has allowed morally disobedient individuals to remain in power without question or resistance. A powerful tactic in the world of power struggles is slander (also known as name–calling), in which a person defiles the reputation of another to both reduce opposition and gain the trust of the public. One great example of the effects of using propaganda to gain power can be found in a quote from the book Animal Farm. It emphasizes how Napoleon had used his public influence to eliminate Snowball from the contest for power. By saying "He (Napoleon) had seemed to oppose the windmill, simply as a maneuver to get rid of Snowball, who was a dangerous character and bad Get more content on
  • 10. Propaganda In George Orwell's Animal Farm Specializing in the succeeding topic of Communism, "Animal Farm" is considerably a well–known book that assesses the results following a rebellion. Similar to the history involving Russia, this exact totalitarian base is what led the small nation from the book to develop an unfair system. Ranging from the unequal treatment to the domestic abuse of the lower–class, this explicitly highlights the outrageous environment that the animals reside in. Alongside the propaganda, Napoleon's abusive behavior, and the differing distribution of power, it resulted in forming an ideal representation of the tyrannical, economic system. Initializing the process of this analysis, it is most important to consider the conspicuous separation of the pigs and other animals. While the farm originally more content... Along the use of this format, it also relatable to that of such present communities like North Korea. Though it is slowly returning to a blunt position entailing world problems, the country still remains as a standstill nation where most information is unbeknownst to its citizens. Commonly used to enforce motivation to the fervent workers, its practical use by Napoleon proposed an infamous result within the farm. " ' Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? Snowball!' ." (Pg.82) As received form this quote, while the animals did respond in a way to prove its effectivity, a logical statistic proves that these lies will eventually have an opposite reaction. This slightly subjective proposition is also proven with more evidence where some animals slowly began to doubt the superpowers of the government. With this specific practice's direct relation to Communism and its arbitrary background, this only bolsters the corruption of the farm, and pronounces a downfall in its Get more content on
  • 11. Animal Farm Propaganda Animal Farm: Timeless Propaganda Upon Animal Farm's first publication in 1945, it quickly became a success and is now regarded as one of the best allegories of Soviet totalitarianism ever written. All of its characters provided a representation of Soviet Russia's political figures, with its main character, Napoleon, illustrating Joseph Stalin and a corrupt totalitarian rule. The book parodies Stalin's rise to power and his eventual total control of nearly every aspect of personal and private behavior. Animal Farm's message does not strictly coincide to the events of the 1930's, however. In Animal Farm, three specific tactics of propaganda arise which are visible today. These propaganda devices are fear, deceit, and more content... Shortly after their birth, Napoleon took the young puppies from the farm dogs in order to raise them personally. He completely isolated them from the rest of the animals in order to mold them into his own instruments of political oppression. Ahmadinejad does the same through strict isolation via information control. Any newspapers which post information deemed unfit for the Iranian public are quickly suspended. The journalists who wrote these articles are often arrested and imprisoned. Iran also has placed several restrictions on high speed internet in an effort to filter out Western influence. Iranian connection speeds were reduced to 128KB per second, making it impossible to receive fast broadband packages. This makes it impossible to receive any western movies, music, or television. They claim it as an attempt to protect Iranian youth, but quite plainly, it's nothing more than a way of restricting any outside ideas and further strengthening their own. Animal Farm is a good example of how timeless certain techniques of propaganda can be. Even after almost 70 years, Animal Farm's message of propaganda based totalitarianism still carry on. Current Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad closely parallels Stalin's methods of propaganda. Both have methods rooted in three main devices: fear, deceit, and isolationism. Through these devices, Ahmadinejad is able to mold Iranian ideas to fit his own. He sways public opinion and shows how Get more content on
  • 12. Theme Of Propaganda In Animal Farm How Does George Orwell Explore the Theme of Propaganda in Animal Farm? In Animal Farm, George Orwell thoroughly explores many themes, one of them being propaganda. Orwell was a well–known novelist who wrote many satirical novels concerning major political movements of his time. His most well–known novels are Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty–Four, both concerning public manipulations to a degree. Animal Farm can be seen as an allegorical dystopian novel set to retell the events of the Russian Revolution and the Stalinist era that follows. Within the novel, Orwell conveys the theme of propaganda by having manipulative characters and choosing certain phrases, all while using a painfully mocking tone. Throughout the novel, there are numerous occasions in which Squealer, Napoleon's spokesperson, has used several methods of propaganda on the unsuspecting crowd. In one instance, animals did not have anything to compare life now with their life before the rebellion, only a list of figures from Squealer, a one–man propaganda machine, however "they knew that life nowadays was harsh and bare [...] but doubtless it had been worse in the old days, [...] more content... Throughout this novel, Orwell uses manipulative characters, such as Squealer, whose speech contains several carefully crafted dictions, he managed to convey across a plot in which the propagandist twist the ugly, undesirable reality into a utopian world within the unsuspecting and naive animals' minds, resulting in the complete compliance from the animals, the end goal of every propaganda movement. All throughout this satirical novel, Orwell was able to explore the theme of propaganda through the usage of manipulative characters and certain dictions, all while maintaining his painfully mocking Get more content on
  • 13. Examples Of Propaganda In Animal Farm History shows that when people are outraged and unhappy, they will follow those who share their ideals, regardless of their history or ideas that they themselves do not agree with, which are often brushed underneath the carpet to only show the good qualities. People such as Germany's Hitler, Russia's Stalin, and current leader of North Korea's Kim Jong Un rule with an iron fist while continuously feeding their people lies to stay in power. In the novel Animal Farm, an allegory depicting communism by representing Soviet Russia with farm animals, shows how propaganda, when used effectively, allows for a dictator to stay in absolute power. The propaganda used in George Orwell's Animal Farm by Squealer, Old Major, the Sheep, and the dogs all helps aid Napoleon's want for power by using the animal's' lack of education against them. Squealer, the representation of the propaganda used in Russia under Stalin, is notorious for his lies and persuasion that he uses to trick the working animals of Animal Farm. He is said to be able to make anything seem true, and Napoleon uses this to his advantage in keeping the animals in check. First, Squealer uses the animal's lack of education by reciting words they don't understand. When Napoleon introduces the idea of continuing the building of the windmill after Snowball's exile, the animals are confused as Napoleon seemed so against the idea. To get them on his side, he sends Squealer, who states the windmill was actually Napoleon's idea, and was stolen by Snowball. When questioned why Napoleon didn't say something earlier, he states: "'Tactics, comrades, tactics!' skipping round and whisking his tail with a merry laugh. The animals were not certain what the word meant, but Squealer spoke so persuasively..." (Orwell p.58). This shows that the animals lack of education actually aids Napoleon in keeping them under control, as simple words can be used to deceive them. Another incident that occurred including Squealer was using their lack of memory against them. The pigs give false assertions of the food supply to the animals so they will believe they are doing better than ever, when in reality they are starving and are in worse condition than with Farmer Jones, the previous owner Get more content on
  • 14. Propaganda In Animal Farm Essay Animal farm is a renowned, allegorical novella written by George Orwell in 1945, which can be interpreted to have a hidden political meaning behind it referring to the Russian Revolution. Throughout this novella, the author purposely positions the audience to make judgements based on sensible, moral perception to show that Orwell effectively revealed how the pigs exploited a vast majority of propaganda techniques to deceptively manipulate the values, attitudes and beliefs of the other animals, with full intention of complete social control. This was exposed to the reader when the three main values of 'Animalism', as outlined in Old Major's speech, which consists of freedom, unity and equality, are abused for the pigs own advantage. This task more content... These commandments were to "form an unalterable law" (pg.17) but as the pigs quickly began to realise that their mental capabilities outshone the other animals, their self entitled supremacy rose with it. Their constant desire for power then followed and they believed that their egotistical ideals were not something to be reckoned with, therefore manipulating the commandments to their own liking. This was exemplified when the commandments are gradually undermined by the pigs to; "no animal must sleep in a bed" to "no animal must sleep in a bed with sheets" (pg.17,50), and "no animal shall kill any other animal" to "no animal shall kill any other animal without cause" (pg.17, 66)( Dr Jennifer Minter, English Works, 2016). The pigs act as if they are abiding by the commandments to gain the trust from the mindless animals using strategical manipulation strategies, then later reveal their true intentions in a time and way that no animal is cunning enough to challenge them, making them all powerless to protesting against the supremacy. A representation of this occurs by all the original commandments being erased and replaced with the new guiding principle "all animals are equal but some are more equal than others" (pg. Get more content on
  • 15. Animal Farm Propaganda Language; It is of central importance to human intelligence. It can structure and limit ideas that individuals are capable of formulating and expressing. It is often considered the fuel we use to empower our desires, and to direct and align our energy. "Language is power, life and the instrument of domination and liberation." – Angela Carter. Let the last phrase of that quote resonate... "Of domination and liberation," throughout history this has been made evident by Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and even Adolf Hitler. All three of these visionaries had one common tool in their arsenal: Language. This essay will explore this notion of power, in which propaganda and language is used as a tool in gaining power over a populous. George more content... When such power is removed for instance, so is the ability to speak your mind and challenge what is perceived to be the norm. George Orwell displays this concept in his novel 'Animal Farm' through keeping linguistic construction in the hands of the pigs. The pigs are the only ones who develop language as a means of power. The fact that they are the only animals on the farm who can read is an integral part of this reality. Their ability to control language is vitally important to their power. No other animal, except for Benjamin, understands the importance of reading. Squealer's use of language to construct truth and to spin anything to the other animals that benefits Napoleon's leadership is another example of how the power of words can benefit those in the position of power. The presence of words in forming the Commandments is another instance in which the power of language is evident. As the leadership of the pigs becomes consolidated more, the Commandments become one. The other animals do not realize how power has changed because they cannot read. Here again, the idea of language and power being vital to consolidation of control becomes evident in the novel. Orwell makes it painfully clear that language and the ability to construct truth out of it is of vital importance to those in the position of power and in continuing their Get more content on
  • 16. Propaganda In George Orwell's Animal Farm North Korea is one of the most talked about areas because of the extreme rules and the amount of propaganda that is produced. North Korea creates a lot of propaganda and so does the George Orwell novel Animal Farm. The two have a lot of similar aspects because in the novel the pigs determined everything just like North Korean government does for its people. The novel is one for kids but is has a much deeper meaning.. In North Korea, there's a ton of propaganda that can be relatable to the same types of propaganda used in Animal Farm. Animal Farm has a lot more propaganda than what meets the eye. Old Major calls all the humans as enemies, which leads all the animals to revolt. By doing this, Old Major is putting information into the animal's heads that they will all be better without mankind. The illogical fallacy Old Major uses is stacking the deck. Instead of telling the other part of the story of how humans can actually be a benefit to the animals he only says all the bad things. "And you hens, how many eggs have you laid in this last year? And how many of those eggs ever hatched into chickens" (Orwell 8) He continues to tell all the other animals things that they would want and that they will get those things if they are successful in their plan to take over the more content... Squealer is able to fool the animals by using the illogical fallacy false dilemma. "We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of this farm depend of us... It is for your sake that we drink the milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!" (Orwell 36) Squealer comes up with the conclusion that without eating the healthy food, Jones will come back. Farmer Jones coming back is the last thing that all the animals want, so they decide to put up with the pigs having the best Get more content on
  • 17. How Does George Orwell Use Propaganda Propaganda: Manipulation in Action In high school, different items come along and prove to be the new "thing" amongst high schoolers. As of present day, that "thing" is a video game called Fortnite: Battle Royale. This is a third person shooter game that deems the last man alive the winner. It has swept across school everywhere, especially with the creation of the game on mobile devices. Fortnite originally caught fire by word of mouth, students convincing other students to download the game for free, to the point where people are making their income by playing Fortnite live in front of the world. The rise of Fortnite can be seen as our society being manipulated. Several news programs such as Fox News, have had news stories about the more content... There are millions of ads played on television every year, due to the large amount of people who have access to television. A sample commercial is one by Hyundai. In this commercial, the company uses Kevin Hart, a famous comedian and actor, to make their advertisement more amusing and appealing to the audience. The use of Kevin Hart makes the main form of propaganda a testimonial, and this is achieved throughout the commercial. Hyundai especially makes the ad appealing to fathers by having Kevin Hart stalk his daughter's date night. He uses Hyundai's new car tracker to be able to tell where the couple is going. Kevin Hart is also many peoples role model and by appearing in the commercial, Kevin Hart influences his followers to drive a Hyundai. The commercial also intends to lure peoples focus away from the actual car, which allows the date night incident to act as a red herring, another form of propaganda. The commercial accomplishes what it was intended to, use a very famous comedian to create a memorable, comical commercial that draws people to Hyundai dealers across the world. The main goal of propaganda is to manipulate people to act or perform certain actions and the commercial accomplishes this through different types of Get more content on
  • 18. What Is Propaganda In Animal Farm In the real world people are able to stay in control of others because of there social class and race which can lead to fear in other people's lives. In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell the animals are dissatisfied of the way they are being treated so they decide to rebel against their leader Mr. Jones. After the teachings of Old Major they rebel and defeat Jones but three days later Old Major dies. Napoleon and Snowball fight for power. Napoleon would take newborn puppies into the farmhouse attic and trains them. Snowball was a very articulate speaker and was full of good ideas. On a Sunday morning debate Napoleon's puppies which are now full grown chase Snowball off the farm establishing Napoleon's rule. Napoleon shifts blame to more content... Squealer is Napoleon's spokesmen and uses many types of propaganda throughout the story to prove Napoleon is the best leader and makes no mistakes. Although that is incorrect the animals believe everything Squealer claims. The farm encounters a food shortage and all the animals are starving but Squealer uses facts and figures propaganda making the animals think they have plenty of food. "Squealer, holding down a long strip of paper with his trotter, would read out to them lists of figures proving that the production of every class of foodstuff had increased by two hundred percent , three hundred percent, or five hundred percent as the case might be,"(92). Facts and figures is a propaganda that uses statistics and information that sounds scientific but usually is not. Squealer states that "the production of every class of foodstuff had increased by two hundred percent, three hundred percent, or five hundred percent,"this indicates that they are doing much better than they really are even though animals are starving. The animals believe this because they want to hear they are in good hands and do not have to worry about starving. This brainwashes the animals to thinking they are not staring and there is a huge quantity of food for Get more content on