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Classical Conditioning Paper
The first topic I'm going to talk about is the components of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is a method of conditioning in which
associations are made between a natural stimulus and a learned, neutral stimulus. UCS, UCR, NS, CS, CR. This information is important. The reason
being is because, it is important how people and animal react to certain things and why. The second topic I'm going to talk about is positive and
negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is strengthening a response by following it with something that is pleasant. Negative reinforcement is
strengthening a response by following it with taking away or avoiding something unpleasant. This information is important. The reason being is
because, it can help
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Classical Conditioning
The first time I can recall using Classical conditioning was when I was younger. When I was about five or six I had a sleepover and my friends
and we decided to make popcorn to eat while watching our movies. When we heard the microwave stop we went and opened the microwave, and
watched black smoke rise out of the microwave and into the air, which then triggered the smoke alarm. We all started acting in an unconditioned
response, screaming and panicking we did not know what to do since we never experienced a loud, ear piercing noise and dark smoke before. The
classical conditioning is when the other girls and I panicked in response to the noise and smoke. My mother told us it was alright and it was just the fire
alarm going off because we
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Classical Conditioning
The preliminary idea is testing the theory of Pavlov's Theory. I will be testing on my boyfriend. The condition stimulus will be a doorbell noise that
I will play and then right after I play the noise I will through a piece of chocolate at him. I am testing to see how long it will take his brain to get
trained that when I play the doorbell noise he will know that the piece of chocolate is going to get thrown at him. He will soon learn the relationship of
the sound effect and the chocolate.
The behavior is will be fear. Fear will be measured by time spent in between when I play the doorbell noise to right before the chocolate touches his
body. You can measure the time before I train the brain and after the brain gets trained., knowing that you can decide if fear was the developed.
Training is the amount of times I played the noise and through the chocolate and the brain is picking up that after the noise there will be chocolate
coming after it.
The type of conditioning used is classical conditioning. This experiment is testing Pavlov's Theory, Pavlov's Dog. "Classical Conditioning; is the
learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired; a response that is at first elicited by the second stimulus is eventually elicited by
the first stimulus alone." I am using the Classical Conditioning more content...
Once the brain was using the two stimulus repetitively it will always know once I press the doorbell noise there will always be the chocolate that
will be thrown at him. There was a clear baseline measurement of behavior I tried to change; When the brain was trained I played the doorbell noise
and did not throw the chocolate this changed the behavior. It made him flinch thinking that there was going to be a chocolate that was going to be
thrown at him. The same method was used to measure the behavior after training. This made the quality before and after easy to
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Classical Conditioning Examples
Classical conditioning My example of classical conditioning would be the time I had gotten into a car accident on the highway. Now the accident
wasn't serious, but it left me scared. After the incident, every time I got into a car my body would tense up. I also would feel like I was unable to
breathe. As of now I still have miniature panic attacks at the thought of riding in a car or getting on the highway. Operant conditioning For operant
conditioning, I decide to use an example from my job. At my job, they would like us to get over two hundred calls a day and at the end of the week
the employee with most calls is rewarded and praised. This causes many employees to work harder to reach this goal so they can reap the rewards.
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What Is Classical Conditioning?
Classical Conditioning is a type of associated learning that allows the brain to form connections between certain stimuli, triggering the same automatic
body–response when exposed to one stimulus as when exposed to the correlated stimulus. Since these associations between the stimuli are learned, this
means that a person with an addiction has learned to assimilate internal or external stimuli that trigger the same irrepressible response to their drug as
when being exposed to the drug itself. However, understanding what an addict's conditioned stimuli are, working to disassociate learned stimuli from
the desire for the drug, and having an awareness of the factors that have the potential to challenge treatment are all detrimental components affecting the
success of the treatment of more content...
There are two distinct subcategories of conditioned responses that should be analyzed in addicts, known as either "drug–like or drug opposite"
(Childress, 1990) responses. Drug– like responses are triggered by pairing "distinct stimuli with drug administration" (Childress, 1990), which are
normally environmentally influenced, intensifying the desire for the specific drug. However, drug–opposite responses occur when the person's
responses "resemble withdrawal–like states" (Carter, 1999). For example, if before a drug use an individual feels as if they are going through a
withdrawal even though they really aren't, it can be classified as a drug– opposite response. Since both of these conditioned responses are learned,
there is a way to reverse the learning to treat
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Classical Conditioning And Pavlovian Conditioning
Ivan Pavlov, a physician, preformed many experiments concerning the physiology of digestion, by accident he discovered what is now known as
classical conditioning or Pavlovian conditioning (Wood, Wood, and Boyd 137). Classical conditioning is "a type of learning through which an
organism learns to associate one stimulus with another" (Wood, Wood, and Boyd 137). Learning implies that there is at least a semi–permanent
change, this change could be demonstrated through behavior for example. In classical conditioning two stimuli are paired together multiple times. A
stimulus is "any event or object in the environment to which an organism responds" (Wood, Wood, and Boyd 137). Pavlov, the father of classical
conditioning, found that dogs' natural response to food is salivation. Therefore, whenever the dogs were presented with food they salivated. Salivation
is an unlearned behavior, this is referred to as the unconditioned response. He observed that a large portion of the dogs would begin salivating before
the food was even presented. For example, the dogs would begin to salivate when they saw the attendant, whom was responsible for feeding them or
when they heard the sound of their feeding dishes rattling (Wood, Wood, and Boyd 137). The dogs associated the cues of the attendant and the rattling
of the bowls with the unconditioned stimulus, food. An unconditioned stimulus is "a stimulus that elicits a specific unconditioned response without
prior learning" (Wood, Wood, and Boyd
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Classical Conditioning
One of the first methods of describing a phobia was classical conditioning, most famously known by Pavlov's dog experiment. In that study, dogs were
trained to correlate a light with the coming of food. When they say the light come on, their salivary glands began to salivate, indicating that the dog was
waiting and thinking about the food that he knew would
appear shortly. But this study did not train the dogs to fear the light, like some others do. For example, if every time a rat is presented with a low
buzzing noise, it is electrically shocked, eventually, when it hears the noise alone (with no shock), it will exhibit symptoms of fear. (8)
These kinds of studies used to make scientist think that a phobia came from and event that happened in one's past, but more content...
For example, some people who have Aerophobia, the fear of flying, have never been on a plane, so there would be no way for them to have a scarring
experience with one. Other theories believe that phobias originate from an evolutionary need to avoid danger and survive.
As scientist Martin Seligman put it, "people may be inherently "prepared" to learn certain phobias." Those who avoided obvious danger, such as
snakes, heights, lightning, or disease, most likely survived the longest, and the others died off. Some scientists, such as LeDoux, believe that
preparedness and the ease of conditioning are the result of certain preexisting neurological connections that exist evolutionarily. (12) Wild rhesus
monkeys fear snakes while domestic rhesus, unless conditioned, do not. In the experiment, domestic rhesus monkeys are shown a video in which peers
respond fearfully to both snakes (fear–relevant stimuli) and flowers
(neutral stimuli). When exposed to the two stimuli, the monkeys all exhibited a fear response to snakes but not to flowers. (12) This shows that there
must have been a preexistent link in the brains of the monkeys. A phobia is clinically defined as and "irrational" fear, but these kinds
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Classical Conditioning In Psychology
Classical conditioning has been around for some time in psychology. Now we are able to relate classical conditioning to nursing practice and education.
Classical conditioning is defined as a learning process when two stimuli are being paired together over and over. Nausea and vomiting is common to
patients to experience during chemotherapy treatment. Patients with cancer are typically exposed to a very specific environment in the hospital. This
setting would be considered the conditioned stimulus. The exposure to the hospital happens before the patient receives chemotherapy, which has
nausea and vomiting as side effects. This would be the unconditioned stimulus. A patient being exposed over and over to the same clinical setting may more content...
It is hypothesized that the percentage of infusions followed by nausea during the chemotherapy treatment plan will predict anticipatory nausea. With
this being said, patients with higher percentages of reinforced trials are expected to be more likely to experience anticipatory nausea (Tomoyasu et al.,
1996). The people participating in this study were a total of 59 women receiving intravenous adjuvant chemotherapy for the early stage breast cancer.
The participants were at least 18 years old, had undergone a mastectomy for their diagnosis of breast cancer, had not previously received radiotherapy or
cytotoxic chemotherapy, and received their first six infusions of outpatient chemotherapy according to the standard drug regimen (Tomoyasu et al.,
1996). The results supported the hypothesis that percent reinforcement predicts anticipatory nausea. That being said, means that percent reinforcement
plays a role in the development of anticipatory nausea in patients who are going through intravenous chemotherapy treatments (Tomoyasu et al.,
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Essay about Psychology: Classical Conditioning
BEHAVIORISM Classical conditioning is a type of learning through which an organism learns to associate one stimulus with another. It can also be
known as respondent conditioning. The stimulus is any event or object in the environment to which an organism responds. The components of
classical conditioning are as follows: Unconditioned response (UR) which is a response that is elicited by an unconditioned stimulus without prior
learning. Unconditioned Stimulus (US) which elicits a specific unconditioned response without prior learning. Conditioned Stimulus (CS) which is a
neutral stimulus that after repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus becomes associated with it and elicits a conditioned response. Conditioned
response (CR) more content...
This was something that he spent the rest of his life studying. This type of learning became known as classical conditioning. Next we will look at
Watson. Watson coined the termbehaviorism. This means it is referring to the school of thought that proposed limiting psychology to the study to
overtly operable behavior. He and his assistant conducted a study that proved fear could be classically conditioned. He used a toddler to perform
these experiments. In doing so, his testing has causes the American Psychological Association to have new standards in place to watch the safety of
humans and animals alike when participating in experiments. Watson's studies and research are utilized today in some therapies that help unlearn
phobias. He also concluded that over a person's lifetime, their fears will persist and modify. Edward Thorndike is another contributor to the world of
psychology. He had formulated several laws of earning. Thorndike believed and after experimenting stated that most learning occurs thru trial and
error. The law of effect is the most important that he states. This is saying that when one knows the consequence or what the effect will be of a certain
response, then the reaction would be either strengthened or weakened. So if the outcome is known, the actions prior will be more thought out. This
law, and its explanation paved the way for B.F. Skinners work inoperant conditioning. The law of effect
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Classical Vs. Classical Conditioning Essay
Classical conditioning is a learning process that develops when two stimuli are paired together repeatedly. The first stimulus is an unconditional
stimulus, which automatically evokes an unconditioned response, a natural response. The second stimulus is a neutral stimulus, a stimulus that does
not elicit a response. Many people associate it with habituation and sensitization, because both of these involve a decrease or an increase to a repeated
stimulus, and are classified as simple learning mechanisms, however they differ from classical conditioning because the latter involves changing
behavior in response to associations between stimuli. Gottlieb defined classical conditioning as the "adjustments organisms make in response to
observing the temporal relations among environmental or proprioceptive stimuli." (Gottlieb and Begej, 2014) This refers to the process in which the
neutral stimulus becomes a conditional stimulus when it is presented with the unconditional stimulus, that is to say, when they occur together to the
point of being associated with one another after a period of time. This essay is going to cover classical conditioning, along with its key concepts and its
relation to phobias.
A prime example of classical conditioning would be the Pavlovian experiment, conducted in the 1860s, in which Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, noticed
how his dogs would begin to salivate, an unconditioned response, not only when presented with food, an unconditioned stimulus, but
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Operant Vs Classical Conditioning Essay
Operant and Classical Conditioning are very similar, yet very different. You must be careful when observing both the stimulus and the stimuli that go
hand in hand, when discussing the two. One way to tell you know the difference of understanding the two is being aware that in classical conditioning,
expectations are built about stimulus events in the environment, but their behavior does not influence the stimuli that occur.
Classical conditioning is defined as a neutral stimulus being paired with a stimulus that leads to a reflexive response. These are events that happen
in the everyday world and we predict them to happen, anticipating what's to come next. Pavlov's dogs have been served as an infamous example of
classical conditioning, as they would salivate when he opened the door to feed them. My example is not of with Pavlov's dogs, but of my own.
Although, my dog is very playful and has a plethora of toys. Using his toys, usually come in handy when trying more content...
This is called operant conditioning. Operant conditioning typically has both a reinforcer and punishment. A stimulus that increases the occurrence of a
response is a reinforcer. As to presenting an unpleasant stimulus to decrease the occurrence is a punishment. An example of a negative reinforcement
would be the car beeping to signal to fasten a seatbelt. Some of us are quicker than others to put on a seatbelt when first entering a car. If that car
signals that you have not put on your seatbelt in a timely fashion, you may hear that annoying "ding ding" as a reminder. Until your seatbelt is
fastened, the annoying noise will continue as a negative stimulus. Now, in the future if you're ever in the car and you fasten your seatbelt immediately
because you want to avoid the "ding ding", you may just realize it's just because you have been conditioned to do
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Classical Conditioning
Identifying UCS, UCR, CS, and CR 1. UCS: the original terrifying ride on the roller coaster UCR: terror CS: the sight of the roller coaster CR: cold
sweat 2. UCS: the fried oyster UCR: sickness CS: the smell of frying food CR: nausea 3. UCS: the spaniel's barking and lunging UCR: initial fright
CS: the sight of the spaniel's house CR: fear and trembling 4. UCS: the canned dog food UCR: salivation CS: the sound of the can opener CR:
drooling 5. UCS: the bee sting UCR: pain and fear CS: the sound of buzzing CR: fear 6. UCS: the girlfriend's original pleasing behaviours UCR:
happiness more content...
Sinbad was frightened when a barking spaniel lunged at|Barking dog |Fear |House |Fear/ | |the fence as Sinbad walked by. The next day, when | | |
|trembling | |Sinbad's mother started to lead him by the house where | | | | | |the
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Classical Conditioning Essay
1.While learning to drive a car, I have experienced the elements of classical conditioning. Conditioned stimulus was a car that rapidly stopped in front
of me.
Conditioned response was depressing a brake pedal in this dangerous situation.
Another situation happened while I was driving during the night.
Unconditioned stimulus was a very bright light from another car.
Unconditioned response was constriction of pupil and slowing down the speed of a car.
2.Person's behavior frequently depends on the environment s/he experiences. For example, attending university differs from hanging with friends. For
example, during university lessons, people are not allowed to use phones, talk with classmates and pay attention to another things. However, while
spending time with friends, people are allowed to talk with their friends, use phones to show something. So, when people follow more
An example of classical conditioning can be experience during first two week of a newborn. For example, if a woman breastfeed, she holds her baby
near her breast. As a result, in few weeks, when mother takes a child just to hold him/her, a child reflectively begins to make sucking movements.
Another approach is operant conditioning. It concentrates on the reward or punishment of the behavior. So, for example, parents use this approach with
school grades. If a child gets good marks, parents may buy him/her some toy or go to the cinema. If a child gets bad grade, parents would probably
forbear from this present. Moreover, they may use a punishment, such as staying at home during the weekend or doing homework all evening. Parent
can also use social learning. This theory is based on the idea that every person has his/her idol. So, parents can become an example for their children.
If parents are able to achieve respect from their children, parents become idols for their children. As a result, children unconsciously start to repeat
parents' actions, try to look like them and think like
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Classical COnditioning Essays
Ivan Pavlov and Classical Conditioning
1904 Nobel Prize Winner, Ivan Pavlov was born in Ryazan, Russia on September 14, 1849. Pavlov is best known for his intricate workings with the
drooling dog experiment that lead to his further research in conditioning. This experiment, which began in 1889, had an influence on the development
of physiologically oriented behaviorist theories of psychology in the early years of the nineteenth century. His work on the physiology of the digestive
glands won him the 1904 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine.
Pavlov's first independent work focused on the physiology of the circulation of the blood (Girogian, 1974). He studied the influence of variations in
blood volume on more content...
Pavlov presented dogs with food, and measured their salivary response (how much they drooled). Then he began ringing a bell just before presenting
the food. At first, the dogs did not begin salivating until the food was presented. After a while, however, the dogs began to salivate when the sound of
the bell was presented. They learned to associate the sound of the bell with the presentation of the food. As far as their immediate physiological
responses were concerned, the sound of the bell became equivalent to the presentation of the food.
Through Ivan Pavlov's experiment with dogs and their reaction to stimulus, he set the basis for Classical conditioning. The methods of how classical
conditioning works can be described in the following sequence (Mischel, 1993, p. 296):
1. There exists an unconditioned, natural response, like a reflex (called a UCR)
2. There exists a stimulus that triggers this response (called the UCS)
3. Eventually, the organism (man, dog, ect.) will begin to associate the UCR with the UCS
4. Once the behavior is learned, the UCR may take place even when the UCS is simulated
5. At that point, the response it referred to as conditioned (or a CR)
6. The stimulus is then referred to as a conditioned, or learned as
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Essay about classical conditioning
When ever the bell rings in any school in any nationyou are guaranteed to see students and teachers file into the hallway. This automatic response
comes from somethingthat has been around for a long time called classical conditioning. Classicalconditioning was discovered and researched by Ivan
Pavlov, a Russianphysiologist. His famous experimentwith his dog is known to nearly everyone who has had a middle school or highereducation. He
fed his dog in a pattern,every time he fed his dog he rang a bell. Eventually the dog associated the bell with food and would begin tosalivate just on
hearing the bell. Thatis the original experiment proving classical conditioning.
What is aconditioned stimulus? "A neutralstimulus that, after more content...
When Pavlovdiscovered classical conditioning it was, like most major discoveries, byaccident. Pavlov's original purpose wasto collect the saliva of
dogs to study. Pavlov made a small cut on the inside of the dog's mouth and attached atube that connected to a container for the collection and
measurement ofsaliva. One day he noticed that therewas saliva starting to collect in the container when the dog heard theassistant coming to feed him.
The dog hadalready been conditioned to the sound of the footsteps as a conditionedstimulus. And although completely byaccident Pavlov had just
proved his classical conditioning theory. He had made a discovery, now was his chance to research it, and hedid so in his lab of his own design. His
laboratory was in St. Petersburg, Russia more than a centuryago. He was extremely meticulous aboutnothing getting in and influencing his test subjects
at all. "The windows were covered in extra thicksheets of glass; each room had double steel doors which sealed hermeticallywhen closed; and the steel
girders which supported the floors were embedded insand. A deep moat filled with strawencircled the building. Thus vibration,noise, temperature
extremes, odors, even drafts were eliminated. Nothing could influence the animals exceptthe conditioning stimulus to which they were exposed.
(Schultz 1975pp187–188)" (World of Psychology pg166)Pavlov went on to win the Nobel Prize in 1904
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Effects Of Classical Conditioning
Classical conditioning effects everyday life especially in relation to phobias and addiction which will be discussed in this essay. Classical conditioning
was founded by Ivan Pavlov. He believed that if a behaviour can be learned, it can also be unlearned too. This essay will highlight the importance of
conditioning principles in explaining and treating problem behaviours. Classical conditioning has revolutionised behavioural therapies, such as flooding
and systematic desensitisation to treat phobias, and aversion therapies to treat addictive behaviour.
Classical conditioning is a type of associative learning which occurs when two stimuli are paired together repetitively and therefore become associated
with each other eventually producing the same response. Classical conditioning was developed from the findings of Ivan Pavlov to account for
associations between neutral stimuli and reflexive behavior such as salivation. Pavlov (1927) accidently discovered that dogs began to salivate before
they had tasted their food. To support his theory, he carried out experiments using dogs which involved measuring the amount of saliva they produced.
In his experiments, food started off as an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) which produced salivation, an unconditioned response (UCR). They are both
unconditioned as they occur naturally without being learned. The dogs were presented with a bell (NS), this provided no salivation. The bell and food
were presented together and after many trails an
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Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning [C.C.] Classical conditioning is a form of learning whereby a conditioned stimulus becomes associated with an unrelated
unconditioned stimulus to produce a behavioral response known as a conditioned response. Classical conditioning emphasizes the importance of
grasping the environment. Classical conditioning helps to explain the behavior as complex behavior is divided into tiny stimulus.
1.A Typical C.C Experiment by Pavlov.Ivan Pavlov is Nobel prize winner known for his famous experiment with conditioning the salivation response
in dogs, which brought about classical conditioning. He started with from an idea that there are few things that a dog does not require to learn. For
example, dogs salivate whenever they see food, though they have not learned. It is termed as an unconditioned response. Also, Pavlov discovered that
any object that associates with food would trigger same response to dogs. For example, in labs dog had learned to associate food with lab assistant.
2. Principles of C.C. –
* Stimulus Generalization.
In the conditioning process, stimulus generalization is the tendency for conditioned stimulus to induce similar response after the response has been
conditioned. Stimulus generalization occurs when a previously unassociated stimulus that has similar characteristics to the previously associated
stimulus elicits a response that is the same to earlier associated response. It can be important
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Classical Conditioning
Explain the initial pairing of the banging bar and the rat in terms of learning through classical conditioning. The child interpreted the sound of the
hammer hitting the steel bar in coincidence with the visualization of the white rat. Even in nine months the child had been programmed by repeatedly
hitting the bar and visual stimulation of contact with the white rat, had now become an unconditioned stimulus response by automatically changing
physical and emotional outcomes from the child (Porter, B., 2013). What are unconditioned response stimulus (US), Every time the child would hear
the noise of hammer hitting the steel bar it would automatically calls for the child to have increased breathing patterns and showing fear from the initial more content...
The second time they place the rabbit in front of him directly, he showed a negative response then started to covered his head, in return started
crying (Watson J. B., & Rayner, R., 2013). Fur Coats: As the Coat was introduced to the child, he immediately pulled away and began to frat. As
he was introduced to the fur coat the second time, he wrinkled his nose and went through immediately by calling off on all fours. He had
attentively reached the direction of the coat but withdraw immediately (Watson J. B., & Rayner, R., 2013). Cotton Wool: they initially presented
the cotton to him wrapped in paper, as the paper was open; the child was able to touch the wool for the first time. He initially kicked the paper
away, but he never did show the response or the fear that was produced by the fur coat or the rabbit (Watson J. B., & Rayner, R., 2013). White Rat: as
they began the test with the white rat it seemed to be going in a forward direction, as the wrapped started crawling towards him he showed very little
stimulation. But as they introduce the rat the second time and let it touch his hand he withdraws immediately leaned to one side but did not cry this
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Classical and Operant Conditioning Essay
While many people may believe that learning is just a natural response that all animals are capable of, there is actually a more complex explanation
on how we learn the things we do in order to survive in the world. Classical conditioning and operant conditioning are both basic forms of learning,
they have the word conditioning in common. Conditioning is the acquisition of specific patterns of behavior in the presence of well–defined stimuli.
Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism learns to transfer a natural response from one stimulus to another, previously neutral
stimulus. Classical conditioning is achieved by manipulating reflexes. Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which the likelihood of
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Organisms will be inclined to comply to the desired response if they are rewarded for doing so. If an organism is punished for a certain behavior they
will not risk the same punishment recurring.
In operant conditioning, it is possible to strengthen responses by either presenting positive reinforcement or by the removal of negative reinforces.
"New responses can be learned by organisms by gradually reinforcing closer and closer approximations of the desired response" (Weiten p. 238). This
is what is meant by shaping, It is the gradual use of reinforcement until the desired response has been reached.
Reinforcement is the main contributing factor in operant conditioning. There is more than one way to go about establishing reinforcement, if a delay
occurs between the response and the reinforcement the response may not become strengthened. It is likely that if the reinforcement occurs immediately
after the response that there will be a definite strengthening of the response. Continuous reinforcement is when reinforcement occurs at every instance
of the desired response. Intermittent reinforcement occurs when a response is reinforced some of the time. The different schedules of reinforcement
influence patterns of response. Intermittent schedules offer greater resistance to extinction than continuous schedules.
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Classical Conditioning Paper

  • 1. Classical Conditioning Paper The first topic I'm going to talk about is the components of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is a method of conditioning in which associations are made between a natural stimulus and a learned, neutral stimulus. UCS, UCR, NS, CS, CR. This information is important. The reason being is because, it is important how people and animal react to certain things and why. The second topic I'm going to talk about is positive and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is strengthening a response by following it with something that is pleasant. Negative reinforcement is strengthening a response by following it with taking away or avoiding something unpleasant. This information is important. The reason being is because, it can help Get more content on
  • 2. Classical Conditioning The first time I can recall using Classical conditioning was when I was younger. When I was about five or six I had a sleepover and my friends and we decided to make popcorn to eat while watching our movies. When we heard the microwave stop we went and opened the microwave, and watched black smoke rise out of the microwave and into the air, which then triggered the smoke alarm. We all started acting in an unconditioned response, screaming and panicking we did not know what to do since we never experienced a loud, ear piercing noise and dark smoke before. The classical conditioning is when the other girls and I panicked in response to the noise and smoke. My mother told us it was alright and it was just the fire alarm going off because we Get more content on
  • 3. Classical Conditioning The preliminary idea is testing the theory of Pavlov's Theory. I will be testing on my boyfriend. The condition stimulus will be a doorbell noise that I will play and then right after I play the noise I will through a piece of chocolate at him. I am testing to see how long it will take his brain to get trained that when I play the doorbell noise he will know that the piece of chocolate is going to get thrown at him. He will soon learn the relationship of the sound effect and the chocolate. The behavior is will be fear. Fear will be measured by time spent in between when I play the doorbell noise to right before the chocolate touches his body. You can measure the time before I train the brain and after the brain gets trained., knowing that you can decide if fear was the developed. Training is the amount of times I played the noise and through the chocolate and the brain is picking up that after the noise there will be chocolate coming after it. The type of conditioning used is classical conditioning. This experiment is testing Pavlov's Theory, Pavlov's Dog. "Classical Conditioning; is the learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired; a response that is at first elicited by the second stimulus is eventually elicited by the first stimulus alone." I am using the Classical Conditioning more content... Once the brain was using the two stimulus repetitively it will always know once I press the doorbell noise there will always be the chocolate that will be thrown at him. There was a clear baseline measurement of behavior I tried to change; When the brain was trained I played the doorbell noise and did not throw the chocolate this changed the behavior. It made him flinch thinking that there was going to be a chocolate that was going to be thrown at him. The same method was used to measure the behavior after training. This made the quality before and after easy to Get more content on
  • 4. Classical Conditioning Examples Classical conditioning My example of classical conditioning would be the time I had gotten into a car accident on the highway. Now the accident wasn't serious, but it left me scared. After the incident, every time I got into a car my body would tense up. I also would feel like I was unable to breathe. As of now I still have miniature panic attacks at the thought of riding in a car or getting on the highway. Operant conditioning For operant conditioning, I decide to use an example from my job. At my job, they would like us to get over two hundred calls a day and at the end of the week the employee with most calls is rewarded and praised. This causes many employees to work harder to reach this goal so they can reap the rewards. Observational Get more content on
  • 5. What Is Classical Conditioning? Classical Conditioning is a type of associated learning that allows the brain to form connections between certain stimuli, triggering the same automatic body–response when exposed to one stimulus as when exposed to the correlated stimulus. Since these associations between the stimuli are learned, this means that a person with an addiction has learned to assimilate internal or external stimuli that trigger the same irrepressible response to their drug as when being exposed to the drug itself. However, understanding what an addict's conditioned stimuli are, working to disassociate learned stimuli from the desire for the drug, and having an awareness of the factors that have the potential to challenge treatment are all detrimental components affecting the success of the treatment of more content... There are two distinct subcategories of conditioned responses that should be analyzed in addicts, known as either "drug–like or drug opposite" (Childress, 1990) responses. Drug– like responses are triggered by pairing "distinct stimuli with drug administration" (Childress, 1990), which are normally environmentally influenced, intensifying the desire for the specific drug. However, drug–opposite responses occur when the person's responses "resemble withdrawal–like states" (Carter, 1999). For example, if before a drug use an individual feels as if they are going through a withdrawal even though they really aren't, it can be classified as a drug– opposite response. Since both of these conditioned responses are learned, there is a way to reverse the learning to treat Get more content on
  • 6. Classical Conditioning And Pavlovian Conditioning Ivan Pavlov, a physician, preformed many experiments concerning the physiology of digestion, by accident he discovered what is now known as classical conditioning or Pavlovian conditioning (Wood, Wood, and Boyd 137). Classical conditioning is "a type of learning through which an organism learns to associate one stimulus with another" (Wood, Wood, and Boyd 137). Learning implies that there is at least a semi–permanent change, this change could be demonstrated through behavior for example. In classical conditioning two stimuli are paired together multiple times. A stimulus is "any event or object in the environment to which an organism responds" (Wood, Wood, and Boyd 137). Pavlov, the father of classical conditioning, found that dogs' natural response to food is salivation. Therefore, whenever the dogs were presented with food they salivated. Salivation is an unlearned behavior, this is referred to as the unconditioned response. He observed that a large portion of the dogs would begin salivating before the food was even presented. For example, the dogs would begin to salivate when they saw the attendant, whom was responsible for feeding them or when they heard the sound of their feeding dishes rattling (Wood, Wood, and Boyd 137). The dogs associated the cues of the attendant and the rattling of the bowls with the unconditioned stimulus, food. An unconditioned stimulus is "a stimulus that elicits a specific unconditioned response without prior learning" (Wood, Wood, and Boyd Get more content on
  • 7. Classical Conditioning One of the first methods of describing a phobia was classical conditioning, most famously known by Pavlov's dog experiment. In that study, dogs were trained to correlate a light with the coming of food. When they say the light come on, their salivary glands began to salivate, indicating that the dog was waiting and thinking about the food that he knew would 1 appear shortly. But this study did not train the dogs to fear the light, like some others do. For example, if every time a rat is presented with a low buzzing noise, it is electrically shocked, eventually, when it hears the noise alone (with no shock), it will exhibit symptoms of fear. (8) These kinds of studies used to make scientist think that a phobia came from and event that happened in one's past, but more content... For example, some people who have Aerophobia, the fear of flying, have never been on a plane, so there would be no way for them to have a scarring experience with one. Other theories believe that phobias originate from an evolutionary need to avoid danger and survive. As scientist Martin Seligman put it, "people may be inherently "prepared" to learn certain phobias." Those who avoided obvious danger, such as snakes, heights, lightning, or disease, most likely survived the longest, and the others died off. Some scientists, such as LeDoux, believe that preparedness and the ease of conditioning are the result of certain preexisting neurological connections that exist evolutionarily. (12) Wild rhesus monkeys fear snakes while domestic rhesus, unless conditioned, do not. In the experiment, domestic rhesus monkeys are shown a video in which peers respond fearfully to both snakes (fear–relevant stimuli) and flowers (neutral stimuli). When exposed to the two stimuli, the monkeys all exhibited a fear response to snakes but not to flowers. (12) This shows that there must have been a preexistent link in the brains of the monkeys. A phobia is clinically defined as and "irrational" fear, but these kinds Get more content on
  • 8. Classical Conditioning In Psychology Classical conditioning has been around for some time in psychology. Now we are able to relate classical conditioning to nursing practice and education. Classical conditioning is defined as a learning process when two stimuli are being paired together over and over. Nausea and vomiting is common to patients to experience during chemotherapy treatment. Patients with cancer are typically exposed to a very specific environment in the hospital. This setting would be considered the conditioned stimulus. The exposure to the hospital happens before the patient receives chemotherapy, which has nausea and vomiting as side effects. This would be the unconditioned stimulus. A patient being exposed over and over to the same clinical setting may more content... It is hypothesized that the percentage of infusions followed by nausea during the chemotherapy treatment plan will predict anticipatory nausea. With this being said, patients with higher percentages of reinforced trials are expected to be more likely to experience anticipatory nausea (Tomoyasu et al., 1996). The people participating in this study were a total of 59 women receiving intravenous adjuvant chemotherapy for the early stage breast cancer. The participants were at least 18 years old, had undergone a mastectomy for their diagnosis of breast cancer, had not previously received radiotherapy or cytotoxic chemotherapy, and received their first six infusions of outpatient chemotherapy according to the standard drug regimen (Tomoyasu et al., 1996). The results supported the hypothesis that percent reinforcement predicts anticipatory nausea. That being said, means that percent reinforcement plays a role in the development of anticipatory nausea in patients who are going through intravenous chemotherapy treatments (Tomoyasu et al., Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Psychology: Classical Conditioning BEHAVIORISM Classical conditioning is a type of learning through which an organism learns to associate one stimulus with another. It can also be known as respondent conditioning. The stimulus is any event or object in the environment to which an organism responds. The components of classical conditioning are as follows: Unconditioned response (UR) which is a response that is elicited by an unconditioned stimulus without prior learning. Unconditioned Stimulus (US) which elicits a specific unconditioned response without prior learning. Conditioned Stimulus (CS) which is a neutral stimulus that after repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus becomes associated with it and elicits a conditioned response. Conditioned response (CR) more content... This was something that he spent the rest of his life studying. This type of learning became known as classical conditioning. Next we will look at Watson. Watson coined the termbehaviorism. This means it is referring to the school of thought that proposed limiting psychology to the study to overtly operable behavior. He and his assistant conducted a study that proved fear could be classically conditioned. He used a toddler to perform these experiments. In doing so, his testing has causes the American Psychological Association to have new standards in place to watch the safety of humans and animals alike when participating in experiments. Watson's studies and research are utilized today in some therapies that help unlearn phobias. He also concluded that over a person's lifetime, their fears will persist and modify. Edward Thorndike is another contributor to the world of psychology. He had formulated several laws of earning. Thorndike believed and after experimenting stated that most learning occurs thru trial and error. The law of effect is the most important that he states. This is saying that when one knows the consequence or what the effect will be of a certain response, then the reaction would be either strengthened or weakened. So if the outcome is known, the actions prior will be more thought out. This law, and its explanation paved the way for B.F. Skinners work inoperant conditioning. The law of effect Get more content on
  • 10. Classical Vs. Classical Conditioning Essay Classical conditioning is a learning process that develops when two stimuli are paired together repeatedly. The first stimulus is an unconditional stimulus, which automatically evokes an unconditioned response, a natural response. The second stimulus is a neutral stimulus, a stimulus that does not elicit a response. Many people associate it with habituation and sensitization, because both of these involve a decrease or an increase to a repeated stimulus, and are classified as simple learning mechanisms, however they differ from classical conditioning because the latter involves changing behavior in response to associations between stimuli. Gottlieb defined classical conditioning as the "adjustments organisms make in response to observing the temporal relations among environmental or proprioceptive stimuli." (Gottlieb and Begej, 2014) This refers to the process in which the neutral stimulus becomes a conditional stimulus when it is presented with the unconditional stimulus, that is to say, when they occur together to the point of being associated with one another after a period of time. This essay is going to cover classical conditioning, along with its key concepts and its relation to phobias. A prime example of classical conditioning would be the Pavlovian experiment, conducted in the 1860s, in which Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, noticed how his dogs would begin to salivate, an unconditioned response, not only when presented with food, an unconditioned stimulus, but Get more content on
  • 11. Operant Vs Classical Conditioning Essay Operant and Classical Conditioning are very similar, yet very different. You must be careful when observing both the stimulus and the stimuli that go hand in hand, when discussing the two. One way to tell you know the difference of understanding the two is being aware that in classical conditioning, expectations are built about stimulus events in the environment, but their behavior does not influence the stimuli that occur. Classical conditioning is defined as a neutral stimulus being paired with a stimulus that leads to a reflexive response. These are events that happen in the everyday world and we predict them to happen, anticipating what's to come next. Pavlov's dogs have been served as an infamous example of classical conditioning, as they would salivate when he opened the door to feed them. My example is not of with Pavlov's dogs, but of my own. Although, my dog is very playful and has a plethora of toys. Using his toys, usually come in handy when trying more content... This is called operant conditioning. Operant conditioning typically has both a reinforcer and punishment. A stimulus that increases the occurrence of a response is a reinforcer. As to presenting an unpleasant stimulus to decrease the occurrence is a punishment. An example of a negative reinforcement would be the car beeping to signal to fasten a seatbelt. Some of us are quicker than others to put on a seatbelt when first entering a car. If that car signals that you have not put on your seatbelt in a timely fashion, you may hear that annoying "ding ding" as a reminder. Until your seatbelt is fastened, the annoying noise will continue as a negative stimulus. Now, in the future if you're ever in the car and you fasten your seatbelt immediately because you want to avoid the "ding ding", you may just realize it's just because you have been conditioned to do Get more content on
  • 12. Classical Conditioning Identifying UCS, UCR, CS, and CR 1. UCS: the original terrifying ride on the roller coaster UCR: terror CS: the sight of the roller coaster CR: cold sweat 2. UCS: the fried oyster UCR: sickness CS: the smell of frying food CR: nausea 3. UCS: the spaniel's barking and lunging UCR: initial fright CS: the sight of the spaniel's house CR: fear and trembling 4. UCS: the canned dog food UCR: salivation CS: the sound of the can opener CR: drooling 5. UCS: the bee sting UCR: pain and fear CS: the sound of buzzing CR: fear 6. UCS: the girlfriend's original pleasing behaviours UCR: happiness more content... Sinbad was frightened when a barking spaniel lunged at|Barking dog |Fear |House |Fear/ | |the fence as Sinbad walked by. The next day, when | | | |trembling | |Sinbad's mother started to lead him by the house where | | | | | |the Get more content on
  • 13. Classical Conditioning Essay 1.While learning to drive a car, I have experienced the elements of classical conditioning. Conditioned stimulus was a car that rapidly stopped in front of me. Conditioned response was depressing a brake pedal in this dangerous situation. Another situation happened while I was driving during the night. Unconditioned stimulus was a very bright light from another car. Unconditioned response was constriction of pupil and slowing down the speed of a car. 2.Person's behavior frequently depends on the environment s/he experiences. For example, attending university differs from hanging with friends. For example, during university lessons, people are not allowed to use phones, talk with classmates and pay attention to another things. However, while spending time with friends, people are allowed to talk with their friends, use phones to show something. So, when people follow more content... An example of classical conditioning can be experience during first two week of a newborn. For example, if a woman breastfeed, she holds her baby near her breast. As a result, in few weeks, when mother takes a child just to hold him/her, a child reflectively begins to make sucking movements. Another approach is operant conditioning. It concentrates on the reward or punishment of the behavior. So, for example, parents use this approach with school grades. If a child gets good marks, parents may buy him/her some toy or go to the cinema. If a child gets bad grade, parents would probably forbear from this present. Moreover, they may use a punishment, such as staying at home during the weekend or doing homework all evening. Parent can also use social learning. This theory is based on the idea that every person has his/her idol. So, parents can become an example for their children. If parents are able to achieve respect from their children, parents become idols for their children. As a result, children unconsciously start to repeat parents' actions, try to look like them and think like Get more content on
  • 14. Classical COnditioning Essays Ivan Pavlov and Classical Conditioning 1904 Nobel Prize Winner, Ivan Pavlov was born in Ryazan, Russia on September 14, 1849. Pavlov is best known for his intricate workings with the drooling dog experiment that lead to his further research in conditioning. This experiment, which began in 1889, had an influence on the development of physiologically oriented behaviorist theories of psychology in the early years of the nineteenth century. His work on the physiology of the digestive glands won him the 1904 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. CONTRIBUTIONS Pavlov's first independent work focused on the physiology of the circulation of the blood (Girogian, 1974). He studied the influence of variations in blood volume on more content... Pavlov presented dogs with food, and measured their salivary response (how much they drooled). Then he began ringing a bell just before presenting the food. At first, the dogs did not begin salivating until the food was presented. After a while, however, the dogs began to salivate when the sound of the bell was presented. They learned to associate the sound of the bell with the presentation of the food. As far as their immediate physiological responses were concerned, the sound of the bell became equivalent to the presentation of the food. Through Ivan Pavlov's experiment with dogs and their reaction to stimulus, he set the basis for Classical conditioning. The methods of how classical conditioning works can be described in the following sequence (Mischel, 1993, p. 296): 1. There exists an unconditioned, natural response, like a reflex (called a UCR) 2. There exists a stimulus that triggers this response (called the UCS) 3. Eventually, the organism (man, dog, ect.) will begin to associate the UCR with the UCS 4. Once the behavior is learned, the UCR may take place even when the UCS is simulated 5. At that point, the response it referred to as conditioned (or a CR) 6. The stimulus is then referred to as a conditioned, or learned as Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about classical conditioning When ever the bell rings in any school in any nationyou are guaranteed to see students and teachers file into the hallway. This automatic response comes from somethingthat has been around for a long time called classical conditioning. Classicalconditioning was discovered and researched by Ivan Pavlov, a Russianphysiologist. His famous experimentwith his dog is known to nearly everyone who has had a middle school or highereducation. He fed his dog in a pattern,every time he fed his dog he rang a bell. Eventually the dog associated the bell with food and would begin tosalivate just on hearing the bell. Thatis the original experiment proving classical conditioning. What is aconditioned stimulus? "A neutralstimulus that, after more content... When Pavlovdiscovered classical conditioning it was, like most major discoveries, byaccident. Pavlov's original purpose wasto collect the saliva of dogs to study. Pavlov made a small cut on the inside of the dog's mouth and attached atube that connected to a container for the collection and measurement ofsaliva. One day he noticed that therewas saliva starting to collect in the container when the dog heard theassistant coming to feed him. The dog hadalready been conditioned to the sound of the footsteps as a conditionedstimulus. And although completely byaccident Pavlov had just proved his classical conditioning theory. He had made a discovery, now was his chance to research it, and hedid so in his lab of his own design. His laboratory was in St. Petersburg, Russia more than a centuryago. He was extremely meticulous aboutnothing getting in and influencing his test subjects at all. "The windows were covered in extra thicksheets of glass; each room had double steel doors which sealed hermeticallywhen closed; and the steel girders which supported the floors were embedded insand. A deep moat filled with strawencircled the building. Thus vibration,noise, temperature extremes, odors, even drafts were eliminated. Nothing could influence the animals exceptthe conditioning stimulus to which they were exposed. (Schultz 1975pp187–188)" (World of Psychology pg166)Pavlov went on to win the Nobel Prize in 1904 Get more content on
  • 16. Effects Of Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning effects everyday life especially in relation to phobias and addiction which will be discussed in this essay. Classical conditioning was founded by Ivan Pavlov. He believed that if a behaviour can be learned, it can also be unlearned too. This essay will highlight the importance of conditioning principles in explaining and treating problem behaviours. Classical conditioning has revolutionised behavioural therapies, such as flooding and systematic desensitisation to treat phobias, and aversion therapies to treat addictive behaviour. Classical conditioning is a type of associative learning which occurs when two stimuli are paired together repetitively and therefore become associated with each other eventually producing the same response. Classical conditioning was developed from the findings of Ivan Pavlov to account for associations between neutral stimuli and reflexive behavior such as salivation. Pavlov (1927) accidently discovered that dogs began to salivate before they had tasted their food. To support his theory, he carried out experiments using dogs which involved measuring the amount of saliva they produced. In his experiments, food started off as an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) which produced salivation, an unconditioned response (UCR). They are both unconditioned as they occur naturally without being learned. The dogs were presented with a bell (NS), this provided no salivation. The bell and food were presented together and after many trails an Get more content on
  • 17. Classical Conditioning Classical Conditioning [C.C.] Classical conditioning is a form of learning whereby a conditioned stimulus becomes associated with an unrelated unconditioned stimulus to produce a behavioral response known as a conditioned response. Classical conditioning emphasizes the importance of grasping the environment. Classical conditioning helps to explain the behavior as complex behavior is divided into tiny stimulus. 1.A Typical C.C Experiment by Pavlov.Ivan Pavlov is Nobel prize winner known for his famous experiment with conditioning the salivation response in dogs, which brought about classical conditioning. He started with from an idea that there are few things that a dog does not require to learn. For example, dogs salivate whenever they see food, though they have not learned. It is termed as an unconditioned response. Also, Pavlov discovered that any object that associates with food would trigger same response to dogs. For example, in labs dog had learned to associate food with lab assistant. 2. Principles of C.C. – * Stimulus Generalization. In the conditioning process, stimulus generalization is the tendency for conditioned stimulus to induce similar response after the response has been conditioned. Stimulus generalization occurs when a previously unassociated stimulus that has similar characteristics to the previously associated stimulus elicits a response that is the same to earlier associated response. It can be important Get more content on
  • 18. Classical Conditioning Explain the initial pairing of the banging bar and the rat in terms of learning through classical conditioning. The child interpreted the sound of the hammer hitting the steel bar in coincidence with the visualization of the white rat. Even in nine months the child had been programmed by repeatedly hitting the bar and visual stimulation of contact with the white rat, had now become an unconditioned stimulus response by automatically changing physical and emotional outcomes from the child (Porter, B., 2013). What are unconditioned response stimulus (US), Every time the child would hear the noise of hammer hitting the steel bar it would automatically calls for the child to have increased breathing patterns and showing fear from the initial more content... The second time they place the rabbit in front of him directly, he showed a negative response then started to covered his head, in return started crying (Watson J. B., & Rayner, R., 2013). Fur Coats: As the Coat was introduced to the child, he immediately pulled away and began to frat. As he was introduced to the fur coat the second time, he wrinkled his nose and went through immediately by calling off on all fours. He had attentively reached the direction of the coat but withdraw immediately (Watson J. B., & Rayner, R., 2013). Cotton Wool: they initially presented the cotton to him wrapped in paper, as the paper was open; the child was able to touch the wool for the first time. He initially kicked the paper away, but he never did show the response or the fear that was produced by the fur coat or the rabbit (Watson J. B., & Rayner, R., 2013). White Rat: as they began the test with the white rat it seemed to be going in a forward direction, as the wrapped started crawling towards him he showed very little stimulation. But as they introduce the rat the second time and let it touch his hand he withdraws immediately leaned to one side but did not cry this Get more content on
  • 19. Classical and Operant Conditioning Essay While many people may believe that learning is just a natural response that all animals are capable of, there is actually a more complex explanation on how we learn the things we do in order to survive in the world. Classical conditioning and operant conditioning are both basic forms of learning, they have the word conditioning in common. Conditioning is the acquisition of specific patterns of behavior in the presence of well–defined stimuli. Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism learns to transfer a natural response from one stimulus to another, previously neutral stimulus. Classical conditioning is achieved by manipulating reflexes. Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which the likelihood of more content... Organisms will be inclined to comply to the desired response if they are rewarded for doing so. If an organism is punished for a certain behavior they will not risk the same punishment recurring. In operant conditioning, it is possible to strengthen responses by either presenting positive reinforcement or by the removal of negative reinforces. "New responses can be learned by organisms by gradually reinforcing closer and closer approximations of the desired response" (Weiten p. 238). This is what is meant by shaping, It is the gradual use of reinforcement until the desired response has been reached. Reinforcement is the main contributing factor in operant conditioning. There is more than one way to go about establishing reinforcement, if a delay occurs between the response and the reinforcement the response may not become strengthened. It is likely that if the reinforcement occurs immediately after the response that there will be a definite strengthening of the response. Continuous reinforcement is when reinforcement occurs at every instance of the desired response. Intermittent reinforcement occurs when a response is reinforced some of the time. The different schedules of reinforcement influence patterns of response. Intermittent schedules offer greater resistance to extinction than continuous schedules. Get more content on