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Empathy By Paul Bloom
Professor Paul Bloom states he is against empathy. He believes it is wrongfully used in our society and should not be used in certain situations. He
still thinks it is important sometimes, but should not be primarily used as a result of anger, depression or retaliation. He believes compassion is the
solution to empathy. In the long run, Bloom states that empathy will fail or burnout in a person. Hannah the extremely empathic person will
eventually burnout according to Bloom. The use of empathy everyday as a core moral code will eventually be overwhelming and burned out and used
up. The person will change direction and use empathy less in their lifetime. This essay will explore Paul Bloms opinion of empathy in his article,
" more content...
With compassion it allows the government to have a concern for the victims and figure out how to react without the quick decision making. Bloom
believes it is easier to empathize for people who are related to themselves. He says that "Empathy is biased; we are more prone to feel empathy for
attractive people and for those who look like us or share our ethnic or national background" (Bloom). For some people this may be true, we have
racists, nazis and other anti–race groups in the US. Walking downtown there is a homeless person asking for change, a lot of people continue to walk
past, the few people that give the man money could be rich or poor. It does not matter what the race, ethnicity, religion somebody of one another. The
reason why the others did not give the man change is not always due their relatability to the homeless man. Humans naturally empathize, "Empathy
can occur automatically, even involuntary" (Bloom). Bloom contradicted himself, if empathy occurs naturally it does not matter who needs help.
People empathize because it is wired into the emotional parts of the brain. It does not matter to all people what the other person looks like. The
feeling of bringing up a person making them happy is all worth it in the end. Bloom talks about how achieving too high of an empathy level can lead
to emotional burnout. Hannah the imagined level 6 on the empathy scale is at an empathy high. She is a psychologist that puts everybody before her.
Bloom believes
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Reflection On Empathy
The introduction and initial contact when really well. The client as well as I were truly engaged in every statement or question. Of courses the first
few minutes were a little rough but once I understood where she was trying to go with her situation it was fine. I ask the client if I could record her
so that I could make sure I do not miss anything for the assignment and she allowed me to record the session. This was very helpful because the
session was very informative, so with that much information I probably wouldn't have been able to retain everything. My level of empathy was very
high. I actually related to her situation when it comes to a father leaving the family and there's very little that you can do. Knowing that I understood
her struggles and feelings, I immediately told myself to be strictly professional and not to get emotional as well.
There was an over use of probing questions and not enough empathic responses. I think this goes back to me trying not to get emotional as well while
discussing similar issues.
1.Student: Do you think just letting it go will fix the issue? (+Probing question)
2.Student: When you say us are you talking about you and your mom? Or do you have any siblings? (+ Question probe)
3.Student: Can you elaborate a little more? (+ Question probe)
4.Student: You feel this way because? (+ use of a probe)
Overall, I do believe I stayed much focused. We were stationed in the lounge of her dorm early that morning, so it was very
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Argumentative Essay On Empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand and experience the feelings of others, particularly others' suffering. Humanity's gift of understanding complex
emotions ushers in a new way of understanding ourselves and how we react to stimuli. This ultimately leads to questioning of everything, leading us to
one strong notion: Does empathy guide or hinder moral action? One common misconception while considering empathetic influence is how it
compares with sympathy. The two are a dichotomy, and must be differentiated. To sympathize is to feel sorry for someone, therefore making the victim
suffer even more. Empathy empowers the victim, allowing company to play a role in how humans naturally interact with one another to bond and heal.
With more content...
Furthermore, during empathizing, emotional reaction in the observer correlates with the fact that connections between the person's mental state and
his or her behavior are not always governed by lawful conduct of emotion. The response to the other person's mental state creates a gap between
systemizing and empathizing, for without empathetic response, one could only have a very small or inaccurate reading of a person's emotion. The
systemizer only expects that the person's mental state will at least constrain their behavior. The level of empathy one has is greatly affected by how
systematic they are.
Now, taking into account the SQ/EQ, we can determine how individuals would respond to regular situations. The response to stimuli is heavily
weighted on self and our own experiences – as we are a product of our environment. However, fifty percent of one's own personality is determined
genetically, within one's very own alleles. This is why people act so much like their parents. Mothers can actually pass down a gene to their sons that
makes them dangerously unempathetic. This exact gene is what causes more men than women to become serial killers. In addition to the basis of human
structure, men also have a higher tendency to be aggressive, rendering most empathetic responses null, and barely thought about. Since males are more
likely to be systemizers, their
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Empathy In Counselling
Counselling is an activity whereby a person helps another one through verbal interaction. However counselling should not be mistaken for advice
giving, or an attempt to solve a person's problems. Counsellors are expected to be professional, while at the same time possessing qualities essential in
creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidentiality with the client. A good relationship between a counsellor and a client, ensures that at the
end of the day, the therapy is successful. Rogers (1951) strongly believes that the moment a client feels that the counsellor is on their side, providing
them with the comfort that they seek, they become more motivated to change. This somehow highlights the importance of a positively established
relationship between a counsellor and a client. This essay will more content...
The outcome of the session will probably be negative. When a counsellor shows empathy towards a client, it strengthens their relationship. Carl Rogers
(1975) defined empathy as "being able to relate with the client's ways of thinking and being able to express your understanding of what they are
experiencing, during counselling sessions". The whole point of showing empathy is so that the client can feel that they are being understood and their
feelings shared. Without this connection, clients and counsellors will find it difficult to develop a successful relationship. As stated by Angus and
Hardtke (2006) "By showing empathy, the counsellor allows the client to reveal their personal emotions and experiences". Which is the whole point of
counselling, as people who seek help from counsellors want to find something extra other than obtain sympathy that they usually get from their families
and friends while discussing their issues. According to Westra (2004) the moment a client feels that they have bonded with a counsellor, their will to
attain changes
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Empathy: A Powerful Communication Skills
Empathy is a powerful communication skill that is often misunderstood and underused. Ultimately, it is a statement that the counsellor seems 'in tune'
or 'resonates' with the clients hidden thoughts and feelings. Empathy is a normal human reaction and is crucial to good counselling, showing the client
understanding gives that human sense of dignity and helps begin the recovery of self–esteem. Without empathy and the respect and dignity that it
brings, counselling becomes a cruel parody of
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Empathy Definition
How does the author define empathy? Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes. Have you ever heard of the phrase "treat
others the way you would like to be treated"? That ties in with having empathy for others. The foundation of a good hearted person is kindness and
consideration for someone else besides themselves. Putting yourself in other people's shoes allows you to feel the emotional pain they go through
when being bullied. By feeling their pain, the individual is less likely to bully others. The author uses 2 ancient green cities to show that regardless of
the time and place, kindness can always be introduced and taught. I personally would have used a different example, but regardless of what example
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What Does Empathy Means
Empathy is an emotion that allows us to "put ourselves in other people's shoes", which in layman's terms means that it empathy lets us feel how we
think others are feeling about a certain event or action. Feeling empathy is a choice that we make to feel or not feel empathy. Empathy is a feeling
that everyone has experienced at least once in their life, like when you see that a house in your neighborhood burned down and you feel bad.
However, studies have shown that if feeling empathy can if it costed you time or money. Like if the family from that burned down house was asking
for donations to help re–furnish their house, you would be less likely to feel empathy. Studies from Daniel Bastion suggested that "if people expected
their empathy to
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Argument Against Empathy
In Paul Bloom's, "The Baby in the Well: The Case Against Empathy," he argues, while there is a place for empathy in the world and it is important
to create positive relationships, reason must be what we lean towards. Bloom believes empathy focuses on a small group or an individual which in
turn blinds someone to larger issues at hand. In order to get his point across he uses a formal writing style to show the importance of the subject.
Bloom uses research conducted by psychologists and economists to prove points and show evidence. He also points out real world events, such as a
missing girl that became head news at the same time as a genocide and how people reacted to each respectively. Although his article is convincing that
reason is more
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Empathy Through Literature
Younger generations aren't feeling as empathetic as older generations and this will lead to a dangerous society. Empathy is the ability to understand
and share feelings. Teaching empathy at a young age will allow one another to accept and communicate with each other. It is also a necessity skill in
life that helps each other to recognize one's emotions. According to the article, This is How Literary Fiction Teaches us to Be Human by Tom Blunt, he
emphasizes empathy can be taught through literary fiction and it is vital that young children feel empathy toward each other. Literature teaches
kids to feel empathetic for each other. A story allows the reader to put themselves in the character's shoes and gives us a different perspective on the
character's life. It also shows the reader not to judge someone by their cover because you never know what outside factors are affecting them. For
example, Daphne's book is about a shy girl named Daphne, commonly known to others as Daffy Duck. She was raised by an impoverished, mentally
ill grandmother, so the other kids would make fun of her. Instead of sympathizing with her, kids pitied her and called her names. "These are the
experiences for a young person in which the sort of more content...
In her book, readers see the bully in the character's own eyes. Blunt says, "Viewing events from someone else's perspective, following along as they
suffer, make mistakes, and are forced into hard decisions that affect others is the core of teaching empathy" (Blunt 3). From reading these books,
readers can understand some of the reasons why a person acts a certain way. These books also urge readers to appreciate others and their own life. This
appreciation will lead to better society because children will volunteer in the community and respect each others opinions, since each story allows
children to interpret different empathetic
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Being An Empath Essay
It is a challenge being an empath. It implies that you can handle energy for other individuals. You feel everything, regardless if you are aware of it or
not. Numerous empaths figure out ways on how to close down overpowering emotions. Many addicts are oblivious empaths, who have never
encountered the chance of knowing they are talented, rather they believe themselves to be a second rate or wrong. Being what some may wrongly call
hypersensitive to the energy of others is not an awful thing. There is nothing amiss with you, despite the fact that it might feel like there is. Regardless,
in light of your energetic boundaries, you can feel, and much of the time, carry the pain of others. To be maximally viable and effective, you should do
reframing, that is, changing your mental outlook. You can do very little to eliminate your genetic more content...
There is no denying that we can get thumped around by other individuals' energy. Be that as it may, we should likewise be mindful so as not to feed
too much energy into that story. If we concentrate excessively on protection, we innately assume we are feeble. On the off chance that we concentrate
on creating a healthy positive aura, any negative energies will be normally dispersed. Negative energy can't exist within the sight of light. It's an issue
of whether you need to be on offense or defense. Concentrating on developing positive energy is constantly more powerful than a mental outlook that is
intended to defend your energy from attacks. Having a positive mental outlook prompts having a solid mental intention to make light. As an empath,
we are constantly around negative individuals. Perhaps they are continually grumbling, offending others or they have a negative view on pretty much
everything. Staying with somebody like that can rapidly drag you down or even destroy your day in the event that you can't control the
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Empathy: A Short Story
Empathy "Wow. Okay. Today I'm going to Dad's work. No big deal," Cameron said nervously as he got ready to leave. He was wearing his best suit
and tie. His father said he had to look sharp after all. Cameron was both anxious and excited to be able to see what his father did all day. He did not
know what to expect. All he knew is that his father was a director of sales at Globe Industries. "Cameron, it's time to go!" exclaimed his father.
Cameron picked up his bag and gave himself a glance in the mirror. He was ready. As they drove to work, Cameron's father seemed to be a little
stressed. "What's wrong, Dad?" "Oh, nothing son just a project my team's working on," his father said as they pulled into the parking lot. Together,
they more content...
We have to rush if we're going to make it on time." They rushed to the conference room. There were many tired looking men wearing suits, who
were discussing something Cameron could not follow. "If this doesn't get solved the whole company is going down," said an old man with white
hair. There were conversations going back and forth on some matter regarding his father's project. Cameron did not understand all the big words they
were using, but from what he could understand was that the product that was being sold was not selling well. "Well, Garret, what do think we should
do," said a man with a hooked nose. "I think we have to make the product simpler, more kid–friendly," his father responded. A laugh filled the room.
"And whom did you expect to take on this perspective change?" they chided. Names started to be spewed out. Cameron was confused. He thought
that this seemed like a great idea. Even though he had no idea of what the product was or about, it seemed like his father was facing an injustice.
"Hey, you better shut up! My dad is a smart man and he knows what he's doing," Cameron interrupted. It seemed as if there were a thousand eyes on
him. There was a maddening silence for a long
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What Does Empathy Mean To You Essay
There are certain items a woman knows she needs in her wardrobe of life skills: ambition, independence, fearlessness, self–belief, a sense of fun. But
she will get more 'wear' out of these if she also has empathy – a classic that should never go out of fashion.
Empathy is the ability to understand and share what somebody else is feeling. You hear a woman sobbing on the phone to her ex–boyfriend and recall
the ghastly break–up that had you in tears for months. Or you see refugees on TV and, having been robbed and left stranded at Madrid Airport with no
money for food, you have an inkling of their fear and desperation.
If you don't have Time to Acknowledge your own Feelings, How can you Recognize them in Someone Else?
Empathy differs from sympathy ('Poor you; I wish you could feel happier') and compassion (Things are tough for you; you seem to need help').
Simply put, empathy is, 'I know how you feel'. Psychologists note that more content...
We bristle at the slightest inconvenience, sigh at slow cashiers or vent our rage in banks. This as a growing trend caused by our fast–paced lifestyles in
overcrowded cities. We're so stressed that we lose the time and space to reflect on how we're feeling. Also, if we feel we're not being heard, we say
nothing. Feelings build up over time and express themselves as, say, road rage. If you don't have time to acknowledge your own feelings, how can you
recognize them in someone else?
Barack Obama told students at Southern New Hampshire University that the first lesson of growing up is this: 'the world doesn't revolve around you.
There's a lot of talk in this country about the federal deficit,' he said. 'But I think we should talk more about our empathy deficit – the ability to put
ourselves in someone else's shoes; to see the world through those who are different from us – the child who's hungry, the laid–off steelworker, the
immigrant woman cleaning your dorm
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Reflective Essay On Empathy
Every generation likes to think they are the ones to take the world by storm, to change it for the better, to mold it to their ideal. And each does
contribute, but it was about ten years ago I began to realize the generation after mine, the so–called Millennials, really had lost something in translation.
I was helping to train new agents at a call center in a customer service position, something where they would need a bit more finesse than the average
"do you want fries with that?" job required. My specific task was to ensure they could empathize, or at the very least convey empathy, to our
customers. From the first day I was in training for this position, I understood the concept and expected to do no less than treat others how I wanted more content...
The meritocracy contains its own cultural contradictions. It encourages people to make the most out of their capacities, but it leads to the
shriveling of the moral faculties that are necessary if you are going to figure out how to point your life in a meaningful direction. (254) Thus,
students get good grades or top scores in sports because they are supposed to, regardless if they want to or not. Employees bring in the new
customers, achieve the required sales, post the right numbers for whatever formula they are given because they are told to, not because they
understand why. Their goal is to achieve, to surpass, to excel, to boast on social media of their wins, downplay or ignore their losses, and move to on
the next big thing. This becomes egoism very clearly and quickly: the individual's concern is for self–preservation and promotion. It could even be
stated it is more specifically ethical egoism as the balance of right and wrong is dependent on the individual's perspective of what feels right to
them, if it is better to do something for their own good versus the harm, or evil, they could do to themselves. It is a bit murkier to go further into this
being rational egoism as making the case in assuming one is always acting rationally for personal promotion is not defined by each act, or lack of
action. It seems easy to sit back and write that the
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Empathy: defining its existence
Life is a constant journey and learning experience that ultimately shapes the person you become. Through this journey of life people develop certain
traits that attribute to the relationships they develop and the barriers that come along with them. One trait that grows throughout the lifespan is empathy.
Empathy is more pronounced in some individuals who engage in the activities such as listening or awareness that awaken this trait helping it develop
further. Our relationships are highly influenced by our empathetic ways producing satisfaction in our lives and welfare (Beadle et al, 2013). People
notice the individuals who seem to have a keen sense when it comes to empathy, herein they display it in more content...
These traits also may pronounce a person's emotional intelligence (EI). Scott Lilienfeld highlights within Psychology: Inquiry of Understanding
Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence. Gardner proposed that there are multiple ways that a person can display intelligence and emotions
are one of them. Salovey and Mayer indicated EI as, "the ability to understand our emotions and those of others to apply this information to our
everyday lives" (Lilienfeld 2014). Having emotional intelligence gives people insight to what others are feeling and in turn they are able to reflect by
being empathetic. Nurture
Nurture is one way that empathy started to bloom within my character traits. Growing up I wouldn't say I was that privileged but my mom made
sure that my brothers and sisters and I had everything we needed. There was a constant reminder looming over my head about the people in the
world whose lives were a constant struggle. As I got older I realized more of what my mom was trying to teach me. My mom's introduction of
awareness to other people's situation relished a constant thought within myself of what these people were experiencing. My awareness of other's life
experiences is one way that I have been able to be empathetic; however, certain environments are key in the development of this trait as well.
Beginning in infancy the awareness of other emotions and feelings cause a
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Empathy Vs. Compassion Essay
Often when using the words of empathy and compassion, many people envision them as having similar meaning. While they may share similar
circumstances, they are actually quite different. Empathy is more of an emotional response with an understanding of a person's particular situation;
whereas compassion is an emotion that arouses an active response to alleviate a distressful situation. Nevertheless, these dissimilar expressions are
paramount in the way people respond to the individual needs of others and how they reach out to others in their local communities. Barbara Lazear
Ascher's essay "On Compassion" not only creatively offers a very detailed description of the day in the life in New York City, but effectively draws a
picture more content...
Empathy is an innate trait that all humans have and it is the one that we most readily feel, while compassion is a feeling that must be acquired.
Ascher astutely points out that "empathy is the mother of compassion" (par.13). In this noteworthy parallel, Ascher compares empathy to a
nurturing mother and compassion to the fruit of her labor. Like a mother who has an inherent instinct to protect and teach her young, so too does
one have an innate understanding and sensitivity to the feelings and experiences of another, and it is only from these life experiences that the birth
of a new awareness is brought forth in the form of compassion. Similar to a mother's tutelage, Ascher describes compassion as a "learned" behavior
that allows one to consciously act upon the distress of others by actively alleviating it. According to Ascher, "Compassion is not a character trait like
a sunny disposition. It must be learned, and it is learned by having adversity at our window..." (par.13). In other words, true compassion can only be
learned when one is faced with it every day of ones life and that once it becomes "familiar", only then it can become identifiable and conjure empathy.
Ascher's "On Compassion" offer readers a brief encounter with New York City's citizens as they confront the less fortunate members of society– the
homeless. She describes a young mother walking down the street with her baby in a stroller who becomes agitated upon seeing a homeless man walking
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Empathy Reflection
The strengths currently value the most lie in my ability to empathize, compartmentalize, and work hard. Empathy is part of what makes us human,
and I see it as one of the most necessary parts to successfully working with clients. This position has been reaffirmed through each of my courses
which have explored how we work with people. Examining how our presence and style effects how clients can see us and the impact empathy has on
every aspect of therapy. My upbringing and experiences with different people has gifted me a natural empathy, but this program will hone those talents
and experiences in to a tool impact other in a positive way. Juxtaposed to empathy my ability to compartmentalize and decompress in a healthy manner
is an essential skill, especially for careers which suffer from high burn–out. My work with the Crisis Center emphasized the need to not take things too
deep into myself when possible. I had to learn to see that even when a client doesn't cannot be talked away from suicidality as a personal failure.
I've learned I'm not going to change the world in an and a half conversation, but I can still make a positive difference in someone's day or in
someone's thinking. This compartmentalization has impacted the way I decompress and take care of myself and has impacted the way I study,
and how I handle the parts of the program I have struggled with. I use empathy and compartmentalization to understand others and myself, but the
ability to work hard is one of my greatest strengths and in the end working hard is what will push me forward in everything I do. I have had a
harder transition to graduate school than I was anticipating, and working hard to make up for that transitional struggle has helped me recalculate
and move forward. It is a strength which I have cultivated and get a lot of satisfaction from knowing I have given my all. Working hard means I can
end my first year knowing I have done everything I can to deserve the chance I have been given. More importantly though, I have had an amazing
support system and at this stage in my life working hard is one of the best ways I can show them my appreciation and care for their support. At this
stage of my education and training I feel
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Research Paper on Empathy
Psy 150 FONO6
Professor Ritchie
Research Paper on Empathy
By: Imari Watkins
Thesis: The purpose of this essay is to define empathy and discuss its use
I. Introduction II. Definition a. Origin b. Who made it up? III. What causes people to feel that way? IV. Scientific View Point V. Mental Disorders/
Emotion VI. Example Statements VII. Conclusion
The purpose of this essay is to define empathy and discuss its use on how it is used on a daily basis and what makes people feel empathy for others.
Empathy is being able to feel and understand what another person is going through or what they have experienced. Typically, it would be a happiness,
sadness or anger that more content...
These kinds of disorders have been known to scientist to cause rapid activity of neurotransmitters that deal with emotion and personality. Like
psychopathy, some are able to pick up on others theory of mind mimic others emotionally and convince others their feeling a certain way when
they really are not. In some cases psychopaths may be able to sense what others are feeling but may not be able to put themselves in their position.
This shows that empathy in the brain waves of psychopaths are dysfunctional. Another mental disorder would be Narcissist one feeling them own
self and unable to feel for others. So with this being said they would lack empathy to protect and make them self feel secure for the sake of their
own vulnerability. Now Sadistic disorder this is most likely shown in 16 to 18 year old boys with aggressive problems. This is a conduct disorder
where the boys showed too much aggression. Performing violent behaviors and taking pleasure out of other peoples pain. Showing no sign of empathy
for the victims of these violent crimes at all.
Emotion like anger is another form linking to empathy. When people get angry over a certain situation somebody else that is close to them would
immediately feel what their feeling also. Anger has a affect on certain people directly and indirectly its known to triggers states of empathetic angers.
Empathy and anger linked together has been investigated as negative arousal. That was only if empathetic behavior
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Social Empathy Essay
Social media has changed the way people communicate with each other and in turn, has affected our ability to empathize in both negative and positive
ways. One of the most harmful consequences is the rise of cyber–bullying. Another negative issue has been the trend of trolling in comments sections
of websites, chat rooms, and other online venues of communication. In spite of this, there have been constructive consequences due to social media
such as the ability for family and friends to keep in touch on a regular basis. Because of social media, many people are finding support and resources
to help them when they fall on hard times or experience tragedies like death and illness. Overall, social media is an exciting new world that changes as more content...
According to, "Cyberbullying messages and images can be posted anonymously and distributed quickly to a very wide audience. It
can be difficult and sometimes impossible to trace the source." Most social media sites require a user to create a profile in order to access them and
to interact with other users, but it easy for the user to create a fake identity. For those who regularly use social sites such as Facebook, Twitter,MySpace
, and Instagram, it is common to see accounts that do not divulge the person behind it. In the case of cyberbully victim Megan Meier, she committed
suicide at thirteen years–old when she continued to receive malicious messages from sixteen year–old Josh Evans. It was later discovered that "Josh
Evans" was actually a friend, the mother of Megan's friend, and a past teenage employee of the mother (Billitteri "Cyberbullying). According to
Billitteri's article "Cyberbullying", child advocates see the growing incivility in aspects of culture from politics to reality television contributing to the
idea that humiliating others for entertainment is acceptable. Where are many of these comments found? They are prevalent on the commentary
sections of news and social media websites where users do not have to reveal their actual identity. If users would take the time to empathize with
strangers who may believe differently than them,
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What Is Empathy Theory?
An empathy theory is different ways that offer psychological explanations of empathy as being not only a persons capacity to share their emotions with
others but also their ability to engage emotively with the world and the people around them and with the intentions underlying art, music and literature.
A few of these theories come from; Johannes Volkelt
– he was a German philosopher (1848–1930). He said that a person could only really appreciate an
object, such as a piece of art work or music, if the persons identity and the object all became one, so the person can not just see the object or hear
music but also feel it with your body. Robert Vischer– he was also a German philosopher. The word empathy came from the term EinfГјhlung which
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Empathy By Paul Bloom

  • 1. Empathy By Paul Bloom Professor Paul Bloom states he is against empathy. He believes it is wrongfully used in our society and should not be used in certain situations. He still thinks it is important sometimes, but should not be primarily used as a result of anger, depression or retaliation. He believes compassion is the solution to empathy. In the long run, Bloom states that empathy will fail or burnout in a person. Hannah the extremely empathic person will eventually burnout according to Bloom. The use of empathy everyday as a core moral code will eventually be overwhelming and burned out and used up. The person will change direction and use empathy less in their lifetime. This essay will explore Paul Bloms opinion of empathy in his article, " more content... With compassion it allows the government to have a concern for the victims and figure out how to react without the quick decision making. Bloom believes it is easier to empathize for people who are related to themselves. He says that "Empathy is biased; we are more prone to feel empathy for attractive people and for those who look like us or share our ethnic or national background" (Bloom). For some people this may be true, we have racists, nazis and other anti–race groups in the US. Walking downtown there is a homeless person asking for change, a lot of people continue to walk past, the few people that give the man money could be rich or poor. It does not matter what the race, ethnicity, religion somebody of one another. The reason why the others did not give the man change is not always due their relatability to the homeless man. Humans naturally empathize, "Empathy can occur automatically, even involuntary" (Bloom). Bloom contradicted himself, if empathy occurs naturally it does not matter who needs help. People empathize because it is wired into the emotional parts of the brain. It does not matter to all people what the other person looks like. The feeling of bringing up a person making them happy is all worth it in the end. Bloom talks about how achieving too high of an empathy level can lead to emotional burnout. Hannah the imagined level 6 on the empathy scale is at an empathy high. She is a psychologist that puts everybody before her. Bloom believes Get more content on
  • 2. Reflection On Empathy The introduction and initial contact when really well. The client as well as I were truly engaged in every statement or question. Of courses the first few minutes were a little rough but once I understood where she was trying to go with her situation it was fine. I ask the client if I could record her so that I could make sure I do not miss anything for the assignment and she allowed me to record the session. This was very helpful because the session was very informative, so with that much information I probably wouldn't have been able to retain everything. My level of empathy was very high. I actually related to her situation when it comes to a father leaving the family and there's very little that you can do. Knowing that I understood her struggles and feelings, I immediately told myself to be strictly professional and not to get emotional as well. There was an over use of probing questions and not enough empathic responses. I think this goes back to me trying not to get emotional as well while discussing similar issues. Examples: 1.Student: Do you think just letting it go will fix the issue? (+Probing question) 2.Student: When you say us are you talking about you and your mom? Or do you have any siblings? (+ Question probe) 3.Student: Can you elaborate a little more? (+ Question probe) 4.Student: You feel this way because? (+ use of a probe) Overall, I do believe I stayed much focused. We were stationed in the lounge of her dorm early that morning, so it was very Get more content on
  • 3. Argumentative Essay On Empathy Empathy is the ability to understand and experience the feelings of others, particularly others' suffering. Humanity's gift of understanding complex emotions ushers in a new way of understanding ourselves and how we react to stimuli. This ultimately leads to questioning of everything, leading us to one strong notion: Does empathy guide or hinder moral action? One common misconception while considering empathetic influence is how it compares with sympathy. The two are a dichotomy, and must be differentiated. To sympathize is to feel sorry for someone, therefore making the victim suffer even more. Empathy empowers the victim, allowing company to play a role in how humans naturally interact with one another to bond and heal. With more content... Furthermore, during empathizing, emotional reaction in the observer correlates with the fact that connections between the person's mental state and his or her behavior are not always governed by lawful conduct of emotion. The response to the other person's mental state creates a gap between systemizing and empathizing, for without empathetic response, one could only have a very small or inaccurate reading of a person's emotion. The systemizer only expects that the person's mental state will at least constrain their behavior. The level of empathy one has is greatly affected by how systematic they are. Now, taking into account the SQ/EQ, we can determine how individuals would respond to regular situations. The response to stimuli is heavily weighted on self and our own experiences – as we are a product of our environment. However, fifty percent of one's own personality is determined genetically, within one's very own alleles. This is why people act so much like their parents. Mothers can actually pass down a gene to their sons that makes them dangerously unempathetic. This exact gene is what causes more men than women to become serial killers. In addition to the basis of human structure, men also have a higher tendency to be aggressive, rendering most empathetic responses null, and barely thought about. Since males are more likely to be systemizers, their Get more content on
  • 4. Empathy In Counselling Counselling is an activity whereby a person helps another one through verbal interaction. However counselling should not be mistaken for advice giving, or an attempt to solve a person's problems. Counsellors are expected to be professional, while at the same time possessing qualities essential in creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidentiality with the client. A good relationship between a counsellor and a client, ensures that at the end of the day, the therapy is successful. Rogers (1951) strongly believes that the moment a client feels that the counsellor is on their side, providing them with the comfort that they seek, they become more motivated to change. This somehow highlights the importance of a positively established relationship between a counsellor and a client. This essay will more content... The outcome of the session will probably be negative. When a counsellor shows empathy towards a client, it strengthens their relationship. Carl Rogers (1975) defined empathy as "being able to relate with the client's ways of thinking and being able to express your understanding of what they are experiencing, during counselling sessions". The whole point of showing empathy is so that the client can feel that they are being understood and their feelings shared. Without this connection, clients and counsellors will find it difficult to develop a successful relationship. As stated by Angus and Hardtke (2006) "By showing empathy, the counsellor allows the client to reveal their personal emotions and experiences". Which is the whole point of counselling, as people who seek help from counsellors want to find something extra other than obtain sympathy that they usually get from their families and friends while discussing their issues. According to Westra (2004) the moment a client feels that they have bonded with a counsellor, their will to attain changes Get more content on
  • 5. Empathy: A Powerful Communication Skills Empathy is a powerful communication skill that is often misunderstood and underused. Ultimately, it is a statement that the counsellor seems 'in tune' or 'resonates' with the clients hidden thoughts and feelings. Empathy is a normal human reaction and is crucial to good counselling, showing the client understanding gives that human sense of dignity and helps begin the recovery of self–esteem. Without empathy and the respect and dignity that it brings, counselling becomes a cruel parody of Get more content on
  • 6. Empathy Definition How does the author define empathy? Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes. Have you ever heard of the phrase "treat others the way you would like to be treated"? That ties in with having empathy for others. The foundation of a good hearted person is kindness and consideration for someone else besides themselves. Putting yourself in other people's shoes allows you to feel the emotional pain they go through when being bullied. By feeling their pain, the individual is less likely to bully others. The author uses 2 ancient green cities to show that regardless of the time and place, kindness can always be introduced and taught. I personally would have used a different example, but regardless of what example Get more content on
  • 7. What Does Empathy Means Empathy is an emotion that allows us to "put ourselves in other people's shoes", which in layman's terms means that it empathy lets us feel how we think others are feeling about a certain event or action. Feeling empathy is a choice that we make to feel or not feel empathy. Empathy is a feeling that everyone has experienced at least once in their life, like when you see that a house in your neighborhood burned down and you feel bad. However, studies have shown that if feeling empathy can if it costed you time or money. Like if the family from that burned down house was asking for donations to help re–furnish their house, you would be less likely to feel empathy. Studies from Daniel Bastion suggested that "if people expected their empathy to Get more content on
  • 8. Argument Against Empathy In Paul Bloom's, "The Baby in the Well: The Case Against Empathy," he argues, while there is a place for empathy in the world and it is important to create positive relationships, reason must be what we lean towards. Bloom believes empathy focuses on a small group or an individual which in turn blinds someone to larger issues at hand. In order to get his point across he uses a formal writing style to show the importance of the subject. Bloom uses research conducted by psychologists and economists to prove points and show evidence. He also points out real world events, such as a missing girl that became head news at the same time as a genocide and how people reacted to each respectively. Although his article is convincing that reason is more Get more content on
  • 9. Empathy Through Literature Younger generations aren't feeling as empathetic as older generations and this will lead to a dangerous society. Empathy is the ability to understand and share feelings. Teaching empathy at a young age will allow one another to accept and communicate with each other. It is also a necessity skill in life that helps each other to recognize one's emotions. According to the article, This is How Literary Fiction Teaches us to Be Human by Tom Blunt, he emphasizes empathy can be taught through literary fiction and it is vital that young children feel empathy toward each other. Literature teaches kids to feel empathetic for each other. A story allows the reader to put themselves in the character's shoes and gives us a different perspective on the character's life. It also shows the reader not to judge someone by their cover because you never know what outside factors are affecting them. For example, Daphne's book is about a shy girl named Daphne, commonly known to others as Daffy Duck. She was raised by an impoverished, mentally ill grandmother, so the other kids would make fun of her. Instead of sympathizing with her, kids pitied her and called her names. "These are the experiences for a young person in which the sort of more content... In her book, readers see the bully in the character's own eyes. Blunt says, "Viewing events from someone else's perspective, following along as they suffer, make mistakes, and are forced into hard decisions that affect others is the core of teaching empathy" (Blunt 3). From reading these books, readers can understand some of the reasons why a person acts a certain way. These books also urge readers to appreciate others and their own life. This appreciation will lead to better society because children will volunteer in the community and respect each others opinions, since each story allows children to interpret different empathetic Get more content on
  • 10. Being An Empath Essay It is a challenge being an empath. It implies that you can handle energy for other individuals. You feel everything, regardless if you are aware of it or not. Numerous empaths figure out ways on how to close down overpowering emotions. Many addicts are oblivious empaths, who have never encountered the chance of knowing they are talented, rather they believe themselves to be a second rate or wrong. Being what some may wrongly call hypersensitive to the energy of others is not an awful thing. There is nothing amiss with you, despite the fact that it might feel like there is. Regardless, in light of your energetic boundaries, you can feel, and much of the time, carry the pain of others. To be maximally viable and effective, you should do reframing, that is, changing your mental outlook. You can do very little to eliminate your genetic more content... There is no denying that we can get thumped around by other individuals' energy. Be that as it may, we should likewise be mindful so as not to feed too much energy into that story. If we concentrate excessively on protection, we innately assume we are feeble. On the off chance that we concentrate on creating a healthy positive aura, any negative energies will be normally dispersed. Negative energy can't exist within the sight of light. It's an issue of whether you need to be on offense or defense. Concentrating on developing positive energy is constantly more powerful than a mental outlook that is intended to defend your energy from attacks. Having a positive mental outlook prompts having a solid mental intention to make light. As an empath, we are constantly around negative individuals. Perhaps they are continually grumbling, offending others or they have a negative view on pretty much everything. Staying with somebody like that can rapidly drag you down or even destroy your day in the event that you can't control the Get more content on
  • 11. Empathy: A Short Story Empathy "Wow. Okay. Today I'm going to Dad's work. No big deal," Cameron said nervously as he got ready to leave. He was wearing his best suit and tie. His father said he had to look sharp after all. Cameron was both anxious and excited to be able to see what his father did all day. He did not know what to expect. All he knew is that his father was a director of sales at Globe Industries. "Cameron, it's time to go!" exclaimed his father. Cameron picked up his bag and gave himself a glance in the mirror. He was ready. As they drove to work, Cameron's father seemed to be a little stressed. "What's wrong, Dad?" "Oh, nothing son just a project my team's working on," his father said as they pulled into the parking lot. Together, they more content... We have to rush if we're going to make it on time." They rushed to the conference room. There were many tired looking men wearing suits, who were discussing something Cameron could not follow. "If this doesn't get solved the whole company is going down," said an old man with white hair. There were conversations going back and forth on some matter regarding his father's project. Cameron did not understand all the big words they were using, but from what he could understand was that the product that was being sold was not selling well. "Well, Garret, what do think we should do," said a man with a hooked nose. "I think we have to make the product simpler, more kid–friendly," his father responded. A laugh filled the room. "And whom did you expect to take on this perspective change?" they chided. Names started to be spewed out. Cameron was confused. He thought that this seemed like a great idea. Even though he had no idea of what the product was or about, it seemed like his father was facing an injustice. "Hey, you better shut up! My dad is a smart man and he knows what he's doing," Cameron interrupted. It seemed as if there were a thousand eyes on him. There was a maddening silence for a long Get more content on
  • 12. What Does Empathy Mean To You Essay There are certain items a woman knows she needs in her wardrobe of life skills: ambition, independence, fearlessness, self–belief, a sense of fun. But she will get more 'wear' out of these if she also has empathy – a classic that should never go out of fashion. Empathy is the ability to understand and share what somebody else is feeling. You hear a woman sobbing on the phone to her ex–boyfriend and recall the ghastly break–up that had you in tears for months. Or you see refugees on TV and, having been robbed and left stranded at Madrid Airport with no money for food, you have an inkling of their fear and desperation. If you don't have Time to Acknowledge your own Feelings, How can you Recognize them in Someone Else? Empathy differs from sympathy ('Poor you; I wish you could feel happier') and compassion (Things are tough for you; you seem to need help'). Simply put, empathy is, 'I know how you feel'. Psychologists note that more content... We bristle at the slightest inconvenience, sigh at slow cashiers or vent our rage in banks. This as a growing trend caused by our fast–paced lifestyles in overcrowded cities. We're so stressed that we lose the time and space to reflect on how we're feeling. Also, if we feel we're not being heard, we say nothing. Feelings build up over time and express themselves as, say, road rage. If you don't have time to acknowledge your own feelings, how can you recognize them in someone else? Barack Obama told students at Southern New Hampshire University that the first lesson of growing up is this: 'the world doesn't revolve around you. There's a lot of talk in this country about the federal deficit,' he said. 'But I think we should talk more about our empathy deficit – the ability to put ourselves in someone else's shoes; to see the world through those who are different from us – the child who's hungry, the laid–off steelworker, the immigrant woman cleaning your dorm Get more content on
  • 13. Reflective Essay On Empathy Every generation likes to think they are the ones to take the world by storm, to change it for the better, to mold it to their ideal. And each does contribute, but it was about ten years ago I began to realize the generation after mine, the so–called Millennials, really had lost something in translation. I was helping to train new agents at a call center in a customer service position, something where they would need a bit more finesse than the average "do you want fries with that?" job required. My specific task was to ensure they could empathize, or at the very least convey empathy, to our customers. From the first day I was in training for this position, I understood the concept and expected to do no less than treat others how I wanted more content... The meritocracy contains its own cultural contradictions. It encourages people to make the most out of their capacities, but it leads to the shriveling of the moral faculties that are necessary if you are going to figure out how to point your life in a meaningful direction. (254) Thus, students get good grades or top scores in sports because they are supposed to, regardless if they want to or not. Employees bring in the new customers, achieve the required sales, post the right numbers for whatever formula they are given because they are told to, not because they understand why. Their goal is to achieve, to surpass, to excel, to boast on social media of their wins, downplay or ignore their losses, and move to on the next big thing. This becomes egoism very clearly and quickly: the individual's concern is for self–preservation and promotion. It could even be stated it is more specifically ethical egoism as the balance of right and wrong is dependent on the individual's perspective of what feels right to them, if it is better to do something for their own good versus the harm, or evil, they could do to themselves. It is a bit murkier to go further into this being rational egoism as making the case in assuming one is always acting rationally for personal promotion is not defined by each act, or lack of action. It seems easy to sit back and write that the Get more content on
  • 14. Empathy: defining its existence Life is a constant journey and learning experience that ultimately shapes the person you become. Through this journey of life people develop certain traits that attribute to the relationships they develop and the barriers that come along with them. One trait that grows throughout the lifespan is empathy. Empathy is more pronounced in some individuals who engage in the activities such as listening or awareness that awaken this trait helping it develop further. Our relationships are highly influenced by our empathetic ways producing satisfaction in our lives and welfare (Beadle et al, 2013). People notice the individuals who seem to have a keen sense when it comes to empathy, herein they display it in more content... These traits also may pronounce a person's emotional intelligence (EI). Scott Lilienfeld highlights within Psychology: Inquiry of Understanding Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence. Gardner proposed that there are multiple ways that a person can display intelligence and emotions are one of them. Salovey and Mayer indicated EI as, "the ability to understand our emotions and those of others to apply this information to our everyday lives" (Lilienfeld 2014). Having emotional intelligence gives people insight to what others are feeling and in turn they are able to reflect by being empathetic. Nurture Nurture is one way that empathy started to bloom within my character traits. Growing up I wouldn't say I was that privileged but my mom made sure that my brothers and sisters and I had everything we needed. There was a constant reminder looming over my head about the people in the world whose lives were a constant struggle. As I got older I realized more of what my mom was trying to teach me. My mom's introduction of awareness to other people's situation relished a constant thought within myself of what these people were experiencing. My awareness of other's life experiences is one way that I have been able to be empathetic; however, certain environments are key in the development of this trait as well. Beginning in infancy the awareness of other emotions and feelings cause a Get more content on
  • 15. Empathy Vs. Compassion Essay Often when using the words of empathy and compassion, many people envision them as having similar meaning. While they may share similar circumstances, they are actually quite different. Empathy is more of an emotional response with an understanding of a person's particular situation; whereas compassion is an emotion that arouses an active response to alleviate a distressful situation. Nevertheless, these dissimilar expressions are paramount in the way people respond to the individual needs of others and how they reach out to others in their local communities. Barbara Lazear Ascher's essay "On Compassion" not only creatively offers a very detailed description of the day in the life in New York City, but effectively draws a picture more content... Empathy is an innate trait that all humans have and it is the one that we most readily feel, while compassion is a feeling that must be acquired. Ascher astutely points out that "empathy is the mother of compassion" (par.13). In this noteworthy parallel, Ascher compares empathy to a nurturing mother and compassion to the fruit of her labor. Like a mother who has an inherent instinct to protect and teach her young, so too does one have an innate understanding and sensitivity to the feelings and experiences of another, and it is only from these life experiences that the birth of a new awareness is brought forth in the form of compassion. Similar to a mother's tutelage, Ascher describes compassion as a "learned" behavior that allows one to consciously act upon the distress of others by actively alleviating it. According to Ascher, "Compassion is not a character trait like a sunny disposition. It must be learned, and it is learned by having adversity at our window..." (par.13). In other words, true compassion can only be learned when one is faced with it every day of ones life and that once it becomes "familiar", only then it can become identifiable and conjure empathy. Ascher's "On Compassion" offer readers a brief encounter with New York City's citizens as they confront the less fortunate members of society– the homeless. She describes a young mother walking down the street with her baby in a stroller who becomes agitated upon seeing a homeless man walking Get more content on
  • 16. Empathy Reflection The strengths currently value the most lie in my ability to empathize, compartmentalize, and work hard. Empathy is part of what makes us human, and I see it as one of the most necessary parts to successfully working with clients. This position has been reaffirmed through each of my courses which have explored how we work with people. Examining how our presence and style effects how clients can see us and the impact empathy has on every aspect of therapy. My upbringing and experiences with different people has gifted me a natural empathy, but this program will hone those talents and experiences in to a tool impact other in a positive way. Juxtaposed to empathy my ability to compartmentalize and decompress in a healthy manner is an essential skill, especially for careers which suffer from high burn–out. My work with the Crisis Center emphasized the need to not take things too deep into myself when possible. I had to learn to see that even when a client doesn't cannot be talked away from suicidality as a personal failure. I've learned I'm not going to change the world in an and a half conversation, but I can still make a positive difference in someone's day or in someone's thinking. This compartmentalization has impacted the way I decompress and take care of myself and has impacted the way I study, and how I handle the parts of the program I have struggled with. I use empathy and compartmentalization to understand others and myself, but the ability to work hard is one of my greatest strengths and in the end working hard is what will push me forward in everything I do. I have had a harder transition to graduate school than I was anticipating, and working hard to make up for that transitional struggle has helped me recalculate and move forward. It is a strength which I have cultivated and get a lot of satisfaction from knowing I have given my all. Working hard means I can end my first year knowing I have done everything I can to deserve the chance I have been given. More importantly though, I have had an amazing support system and at this stage in my life working hard is one of the best ways I can show them my appreciation and care for their support. At this stage of my education and training I feel Get more content on
  • 17. Research Paper on Empathy Psy 150 FONO6 03/24/2012 Professor Ritchie Research Paper on Empathy By: Imari Watkins Thesis: The purpose of this essay is to define empathy and discuss its use I. Introduction II. Definition a. Origin b. Who made it up? III. What causes people to feel that way? IV. Scientific View Point V. Mental Disorders/ Emotion VI. Example Statements VII. Conclusion The purpose of this essay is to define empathy and discuss its use on how it is used on a daily basis and what makes people feel empathy for others. Empathy is being able to feel and understand what another person is going through or what they have experienced. Typically, it would be a happiness, sadness or anger that more content... These kinds of disorders have been known to scientist to cause rapid activity of neurotransmitters that deal with emotion and personality. Like psychopathy, some are able to pick up on others theory of mind mimic others emotionally and convince others their feeling a certain way when they really are not. In some cases psychopaths may be able to sense what others are feeling but may not be able to put themselves in their position. This shows that empathy in the brain waves of psychopaths are dysfunctional. Another mental disorder would be Narcissist one feeling them own self and unable to feel for others. So with this being said they would lack empathy to protect and make them self feel secure for the sake of their own vulnerability. Now Sadistic disorder this is most likely shown in 16 to 18 year old boys with aggressive problems. This is a conduct disorder where the boys showed too much aggression. Performing violent behaviors and taking pleasure out of other peoples pain. Showing no sign of empathy for the victims of these violent crimes at all. Emotion like anger is another form linking to empathy. When people get angry over a certain situation somebody else that is close to them would immediately feel what their feeling also. Anger has a affect on certain people directly and indirectly its known to triggers states of empathetic angers.
  • 18. Empathy and anger linked together has been investigated as negative arousal. That was only if empathetic behavior Get more content on
  • 19. Social Empathy Essay Social media has changed the way people communicate with each other and in turn, has affected our ability to empathize in both negative and positive ways. One of the most harmful consequences is the rise of cyber–bullying. Another negative issue has been the trend of trolling in comments sections of websites, chat rooms, and other online venues of communication. In spite of this, there have been constructive consequences due to social media such as the ability for family and friends to keep in touch on a regular basis. Because of social media, many people are finding support and resources to help them when they fall on hard times or experience tragedies like death and illness. Overall, social media is an exciting new world that changes as more content... According to, "Cyberbullying messages and images can be posted anonymously and distributed quickly to a very wide audience. It can be difficult and sometimes impossible to trace the source." Most social media sites require a user to create a profile in order to access them and to interact with other users, but it easy for the user to create a fake identity. For those who regularly use social sites such as Facebook, Twitter,MySpace , and Instagram, it is common to see accounts that do not divulge the person behind it. In the case of cyberbully victim Megan Meier, she committed suicide at thirteen years–old when she continued to receive malicious messages from sixteen year–old Josh Evans. It was later discovered that "Josh Evans" was actually a friend, the mother of Megan's friend, and a past teenage employee of the mother (Billitteri "Cyberbullying). According to Billitteri's article "Cyberbullying", child advocates see the growing incivility in aspects of culture from politics to reality television contributing to the idea that humiliating others for entertainment is acceptable. Where are many of these comments found? They are prevalent on the commentary sections of news and social media websites where users do not have to reveal their actual identity. If users would take the time to empathize with strangers who may believe differently than them, Get more content on
  • 20. What Is Empathy Theory? An empathy theory is different ways that offer psychological explanations of empathy as being not only a persons capacity to share their emotions with others but also their ability to engage emotively with the world and the people around them and with the intentions underlying art, music and literature. A few of these theories come from; Johannes Volkelt – he was a German philosopher (1848–1930). He said that a person could only really appreciate an object, such as a piece of art work or music, if the persons identity and the object all became one, so the person can not just see the object or hear music but also feel it with your body. Robert Vischer– he was also a German philosopher. The word empathy came from the term EinfГјhlung which was Get more content on