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On this occasion, I will explain you about
the Environmental Issues which consist of
several explanations include: Understanding of
Environmental Issues, List of Environmental
Issues, and How to Resolve these Environmental
     Previously I also thank to Allah SWT, Ms.Yani
Sihombing, and all those who have helped me
in the arrangement this CIT Project. I hope this
matter that I make, can be useful to us of all.

    NO.     LIST OF ENVIRONMENTAL issue         2009          2010         2011   STATUS

1         GLOBAL WARMING                         6000%       5600%       5300%    passed
2         OZON DEPLETION                         9500%       9200%       9000%    passed
3         POLLUTION                              4500%       3800%       3500%    passed
4         NUCLEAR PROBLEM                        2500%        1630%      1400%    passed
5         LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY                   8200%       7300%        7100%   passed
6         LITTERING                              5200%       4400%       3900%    passed
7         CLIMATE CHANGE                         8900%       8200%       8100%    passed
8         ILLEGAL LOGGING                        4200%       3800%        3300%   passed
          Total                                 49000%       43930%      41600%
          MAX                                    9500%       9200%       9000%
          MIN                                    2500%        1630%      1400%
          AVERAGE                               10889%        9762%      9244%
          HLOOKUP                          ILLEGAL LOGGING
          VLOOKUP                                  92




                   9%    12%


D.                   HOW TO
   A.       NUCLEA                SOLVE THE
 GLOBAL       R
   G          M            G.       MENTAL
                        CLIMATE      ISSUE

                                      a. 3 R
           E. LOSS OF
B. OZON    BIODIVERSI                 REUSE
DEPLETIO        TY                   RECYCLE

                         LOGGI     B. Easy Way
  C.             F.        NG
                                    to Save the
  ON                               Environment
The definition of an environmental issue are :
 Was rather broad, including both
   problems, factors, consequences and causes.
   These environmental issues were categorized
   and grouped together, and linkages between
   issues established through flow-charts.
 Known process (such as resource consumption)
   that has negative effects on the sustainability of
   the environmental quality necessary for the well
   being of the organisms living in it.
Global warming is one of the major issues that we are
  being faced with today. The term signifies an
  increase in the atmospheric temperature near the
  earth's surface, which is caused due to various
  reasons. Scientists are of the opinion that a rise in the
  carbon dioxide levels will further aggravate the
The greenhouse effect causes the earth's heat to be
  trapped in the atmosphere, which results in the
  increase in temperatures. Global warming has thus
  caused a change in the climate of the
  earth, causing temperatures to rise. This in turn has
  an effect on various species dependent on the basic
  laws of nature. A change in the same makes survival
  a difficult issue. A warmer earth also causes changes
  in the rainfall patterns and thus affects
  humans, plants and animals as well.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are considered to be the
  main cause of ozone depletion. The term ozone
  depletion implies a decline in the quantity of ozone
  in the Earth's stratosphere. The loss of ozone in the
  lower stratosphere was first recorded in Antarctica in
  the 1970s. As we all know, the earth's atmosphere is
  composed of many layers; ozone forms one such
  layer in the stratosphere. CFCs are used in aerosol
  sprays as well as air conditioners. These, when
  released into the atmosphere add to the ozone
  depletion. The ozone hole in the Antarctic is caused
  primarily due to these CFCs. Due to ozone
  depletion, humans are faced with various other
  problems such as dealing with the harmful effects of
  UV rays. These not only affect humans, but in turn
  affect plants and various other species of animals as
Pollution is something that we face on an everyday
  basis. It is probably a problem that we may have
  become immune to, given our fast-paced lives and
  the fact that it is being treated as a hackneyed
  issue, where a lot is spoken about but nothing
  concrete is ever done.

  Air pollution and noise pollution are increasing at an
  alarming rate today.

  Air pollution occurs with the addition of harmful
  chemicals into the earth's atmosphere. The main
  pollutants that cause the same are carbon
  monoxide, CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons), nitrogen
  oxides and sulfur dioxide.
Noise pollution occurs when the noise levels
(honking, loud speakers) crosses the normal decibel
levels of sound. This can have a harmful effect on
one's hearing and lead to more severe, forms of
after-effects, both physical and psychological
(fatigue, irritation, stress).

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies
(e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and
groundwater). Water pollution occurs when
pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into
water bodies without adequate treatment to
remove harmful compounds. Water pollution affects
plants and organisms living in these bodies of water.
Nuclear energy is generated from the splitting of
  uranium atoms. This energy is used to create
  steam, which in turn is used to produce electricity.
  While there are definite advantages of generating
  nuclear power, what stands equally true is the fact
  that the process of producing the same harms the
  environment in many ways.
Along with that, the storage of nuclear power at a
  plant, as well as the fact that most other equipment
  in the plant will also convert into radioactive material
  over time and remain radioactive for several years is
  a major threat. While decaying, radioactive material
  releases certain particles which lead to damaging
  effects on health like cancer. Along with these
  health concerns, production of nuclear energy also
  leads to several other harmful effects like
Biodiversity refers to the combination of a diverse range
   of species on earth. The varied plants, animals and
   microorganisms, the different ecosystems (coral
   reefs, deserts, rain forests) etc all have a unique role
   to play in the cycle of earth. These diverse species
   lead to the boost of varied ecosystems, which thus
   enables them to prevent, as well as recover from
   several disasters. However, due to varied human
   activities like deforestation, and hunting, the natural
   habitats as well as the survival of several species is
   being threatened.

  Several plant and animal species have been led to
  the brink of extinction while others have already
  become extinct. The extinction of animals and plants
  can lead to varied effects, some of which are -
  increase in sea levels (leading to
  floods), droughts, wildfires, forest destruction and
If everyone in the world threw garbage and litter
    indiscriminately wherever they went, the world as we
    knew it would soon be in ruins.Litter in our
    surroundings is an important environmental
    issue, which many people overlook. While a majority
    of people do know that littering is a bad thing, many
    continue to carelessly scatter their trash around
    nonetheless.Littering can be hazardous to one's own
    health as well. Why do people litter? Quite
    frankly, the main reason is simple laziness.
If you have garbage to dispose of, and there's isn't a
    garbage can nearby, then wrap your trash up (in a
    napkin, plastic, paper bag, etc) and place it in your
    pocket or carry it with you until you reach a garbage
    can. Also, make sure that the trash actually goes into
    the garbage can, and does not fall to the side.
    It's all a simple matter of proper waste
    disposal, which is vital for our environments and for
    our ecosystems.The truth is, we all know about the
    problem. Now its time to act on it, if you haven't
    been. But if you already do have proper and
    responsible waste disposal habits, remember that
    you can make a difference by encouraging others
    to follow your example
10 Harmful Effects of Litter
1) Litter cost money. Removing litter cost everyone
   who pays taxes.
2) Threat to Public Health. Attracts rats and other
   rodents and is a breeding ground for bacteria.
3) Litter can be a fire hazard.
4) Looks bad, and can effect the value of your home
   and business.
5) Can affect local economy, especially in tourist
6) Harm or kill wildlife.
7) Harms Waterways. Even animal leavings, leaves and
   grass affect wildlife.
8) It demoralizing and disgusting.
Climate change is a significant and lasting change in
   the statistical distribution of weather patterns over
   periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It
   may be a change in average weather conditions or
   the distribution of events around that average
   (e.g., more or fewer extreme weather events).
   Climate change may be limited to a specific region
   or may occur across the whole Earth. “Science has
   made enormous inroads in understanding climate
   change and its causes, and is beginning to help
   develop a strong understanding of current and
   potential impacts that will affect people today and
   in coming decades. This understanding is crucial
   because it allows decision makers to place climate
   change in the context of other large challenges
   facing the nation and the world.
   Illegal logging contributes to deforestation and by
    extension global warming, causes loss of biodiversity
    and undermines the rule of law. These illegal
    activities undermine responsible forest
    management, encourage corruption and tax
    evasion and reduce the income of the producer
    countries, further limiting the resources producer
    countries can invest in sustainable development.
    Illegal logging has serious economic and social
    implications for the poor and disadvantaged.
   Illegal logging is the
    harvest, transportation, purchase or sale of timber in
    violation of laws. The harvesting procedure itself may
    be illegal, including using corrupt means to gain
    access to forests; extraction without permission or
    from a protected area; the cutting of protected
    species; or the extraction of timber in excess of
    agreed limits (see Box 1).
“ Earth allows you to stand. “
                        “ Let it stand the way it is. “
                      “ Give a toot. Don't pollute! “
           Nurture Nature For Our Future!
    When the Earth dies, where will you live?
    You've only got one planet. Don't trash it.
Snow is melting the Earth is crying!
Nature saves us so we have to save them!
Pollution, pollution green is the solution
A. 3'R's are the solutions viz., REDUCE, RECYCLE &
   REDUCE -
    Consumption of natural resources to the extent
    Emission of carbon into atmosphere
    Developmental projects affecting environment
    Human activities acclerating global warming and
    climate changes
    Deforestation for developmental activities
    Consumption of non biodegradable materials in
    every day life
    Human activities causing pollution of water
    bodies, air, forests, soil
    Consumption of energy to reduce pollution and
    exploitation of nature
    All wasted/spent natural resources to reduce their
    All used materials with the available technologies
    All used materials manufactured with trees/plants to
    reduce deforestation
   REUSE -
    All spent natural resources to reduce more fresh
    All materials manufactured with trees/plants for their
    All recycled materials to reduce the demand
    ALSO: Education. It is not this simple to solve our
    current-day environmental problems. There has to
    be a paradigm shift in our way of thought and the
    way we perceive our environment. Still, these
B. Easy Ways to Save the Environment

Plant more trees. This is easy, you know? Choose an open
area/ground near your residence or workplace. Unless
there's any law restricting you from growing trees in that
area, go ahead, grow trees. Plant a tree every
month, encourage your friends and colleagues to join
you. Have more and more trees planted and there will
come a day when you have a green stretch of land
thanks to your effort.

Use CFC-free products. CFCs are released from aerosol
sprays, air conditioning systems and refrigerators. Some
cosmetic products too, contain CFCs. Some countries
have already banned the use of CFC products. CFCs
contribute to ozone depletion and greenhouse effect.
Using CFC-free products is the simplest way to prevent
the harm they cause to the environment.
Use renewable sources of energy as much as possible.
  Resort to the use of renewable sources like solar, wind
  and hydro power. Start from your own house.

Go green when gardening or farming. Activities like
  composting can be of great help in recycling garbage
  into useful manures. Avoid excessive use of chemical
  fertilizers and synthetic nutrients. Natural manures are a
  better option for farms and gardens. Go for
  vermicomposting. Vermicompost makes a very good
  organic fertilizer. Instead of dumping rotten
  vegetables, leftover food, eggshells, teabags, vegetable
  stalks and fruit rinds in the garbage bin, use them to
  make organic manure for your garden. Replace lawns
  with bushes and trees. If you live in an area where there's
  scarcity of water, use drought-tolerant plants in the
  garden. This will help you save water. Using non-native
  plants disrupts the ecological balance.
Save energy. There are so many electrical gadgets you
  must be using daily - the air
  conditioner, heater, refrigerator and oven among many
  more. Then, there are lights and fans. Turn off the AC
  when not in use. Refrigerators and water heaters
  consume a lot of power. So use them scrupulously. Switch
  off the lights and fans in your room before leaving it.
  Make sure the electrical appliances are not left on
  (unless necessary), when leaving the house. Make it a
  point to switch off the television set or music system after
Save water. Water is a very important natural resource. It's
  we who waste it, pollute it. The simplest ways to save
  water - turn off water taps after use. Use of flushes and
  showers can lead to wastage of water. Use only as much
  water as necessary. When you visit a beach, see that you
  don't spill food or dump waste around. Do not pollute
  rivers by dumping garbage, sewage or other waste
Walk more, drive less. Now that's not very difficult, is it?
  Choose to walk short distances instead of taking your car
  every time. Go walking to the gym, to work (if it's not very
  far), go walking to run errands. Or use a bicycle. Both
  cycling and walking are good exercises. And each time
  you avoid using your car, you are contributing to
  reducing air pollution. You are saving fuel, saving money
  and getting a good workout too.

Maintain your vehicles in good condition. It may not be
  possible to go cycling or walking everywhere. To some
  distances, there's no other option but your car. But how
  about at least maintaining it in good condition? Give
  your car a regular servicing. Clean the exhaust pipes.
  Check for pollutants emitted. Check air pressure in tires as
  under-inflated tires lead to greater fuel consumption.
  Maintain the air filter and fuel injection pump in good
  condition. Check engine oil levels regularly.
   This Some Action That We Can Do.. 


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Enviromental issue cit project

  • 1.
  • 2. On this occasion, I will explain you about the Environmental Issues which consist of several explanations include: Understanding of Environmental Issues, List of Environmental Issues, and How to Resolve these Environmental Issues. Previously I also thank to Allah SWT, Ms.Yani Sihombing, and all those who have helped me in the arrangement this CIT Project. I hope this matter that I make, can be useful to us of all.
  • 3. PERCENTAGE OF THE MOST PRESSING ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 2009-2011 NO. LIST OF ENVIRONMENTAL issue 2009 2010 2011 STATUS 1 GLOBAL WARMING 6000% 5600% 5300% passed 2 OZON DEPLETION 9500% 9200% 9000% passed 3 POLLUTION 4500% 3800% 3500% passed 4 NUCLEAR PROBLEM 2500% 1630% 1400% passed 5 LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY 8200% 7300% 7100% passed 6 LITTERING 5200% 4400% 3900% passed 7 CLIMATE CHANGE 8900% 8200% 8100% passed 8 ILLEGAL LOGGING 4200% 3800% 3300% passed Total 49000% 43930% 41600% MAX 9500% 9200% 9000% MIN 2500% 1630% 1400% AVERAGE 10889% 9762% 9244% HLOOKUP ILLEGAL LOGGING VLOOKUP 92
  • 6. The definition of an environmental issue are :  Was rather broad, including both problems, factors, consequences and causes. These environmental issues were categorized and grouped together, and linkages between issues established through flow-charts.  Known process (such as resource consumption) that has negative effects on the sustainability of the environmental quality necessary for the well being of the organisms living in it.
  • 7.
  • 8. Global warming is one of the major issues that we are being faced with today. The term signifies an increase in the atmospheric temperature near the earth's surface, which is caused due to various reasons. Scientists are of the opinion that a rise in the carbon dioxide levels will further aggravate the situation. The greenhouse effect causes the earth's heat to be trapped in the atmosphere, which results in the increase in temperatures. Global warming has thus caused a change in the climate of the earth, causing temperatures to rise. This in turn has an effect on various species dependent on the basic laws of nature. A change in the same makes survival a difficult issue. A warmer earth also causes changes in the rainfall patterns and thus affects humans, plants and animals as well.
  • 9.
  • 10. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are considered to be the main cause of ozone depletion. The term ozone depletion implies a decline in the quantity of ozone in the Earth's stratosphere. The loss of ozone in the lower stratosphere was first recorded in Antarctica in the 1970s. As we all know, the earth's atmosphere is composed of many layers; ozone forms one such layer in the stratosphere. CFCs are used in aerosol sprays as well as air conditioners. These, when released into the atmosphere add to the ozone depletion. The ozone hole in the Antarctic is caused primarily due to these CFCs. Due to ozone depletion, humans are faced with various other problems such as dealing with the harmful effects of UV rays. These not only affect humans, but in turn affect plants and various other species of animals as well.
  • 11.
  • 12. Pollution is something that we face on an everyday basis. It is probably a problem that we may have become immune to, given our fast-paced lives and the fact that it is being treated as a hackneyed issue, where a lot is spoken about but nothing concrete is ever done. Air pollution and noise pollution are increasing at an alarming rate today. Air pollution occurs with the addition of harmful chemicals into the earth's atmosphere. The main pollutants that cause the same are carbon monoxide, CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons), nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide.
  • 13. Noise pollution occurs when the noise levels (honking, loud speakers) crosses the normal decibel levels of sound. This can have a harmful effect on one's hearing and lead to more severe, forms of after-effects, both physical and psychological (fatigue, irritation, stress). Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater). Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds. Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water.
  • 14.
  • 15. Nuclear energy is generated from the splitting of uranium atoms. This energy is used to create steam, which in turn is used to produce electricity. While there are definite advantages of generating nuclear power, what stands equally true is the fact that the process of producing the same harms the environment in many ways. Along with that, the storage of nuclear power at a plant, as well as the fact that most other equipment in the plant will also convert into radioactive material over time and remain radioactive for several years is a major threat. While decaying, radioactive material releases certain particles which lead to damaging effects on health like cancer. Along with these health concerns, production of nuclear energy also leads to several other harmful effects like
  • 16.
  • 17. Biodiversity refers to the combination of a diverse range of species on earth. The varied plants, animals and microorganisms, the different ecosystems (coral reefs, deserts, rain forests) etc all have a unique role to play in the cycle of earth. These diverse species lead to the boost of varied ecosystems, which thus enables them to prevent, as well as recover from several disasters. However, due to varied human activities like deforestation, and hunting, the natural habitats as well as the survival of several species is being threatened. Several plant and animal species have been led to the brink of extinction while others have already become extinct. The extinction of animals and plants can lead to varied effects, some of which are - increase in sea levels (leading to floods), droughts, wildfires, forest destruction and more.
  • 18.
  • 19. If everyone in the world threw garbage and litter indiscriminately wherever they went, the world as we knew it would soon be in ruins.Litter in our surroundings is an important environmental issue, which many people overlook. While a majority of people do know that littering is a bad thing, many continue to carelessly scatter their trash around nonetheless.Littering can be hazardous to one's own health as well. Why do people litter? Quite frankly, the main reason is simple laziness.
  • 20. If you have garbage to dispose of, and there's isn't a garbage can nearby, then wrap your trash up (in a napkin, plastic, paper bag, etc) and place it in your pocket or carry it with you until you reach a garbage can. Also, make sure that the trash actually goes into the garbage can, and does not fall to the side. It's all a simple matter of proper waste disposal, which is vital for our environments and for our ecosystems.The truth is, we all know about the problem. Now its time to act on it, if you haven't been. But if you already do have proper and responsible waste disposal habits, remember that you can make a difference by encouraging others to follow your example
  • 21. 10 Harmful Effects of Litter 1) Litter cost money. Removing litter cost everyone who pays taxes. 2) Threat to Public Health. Attracts rats and other rodents and is a breeding ground for bacteria. 3) Litter can be a fire hazard. 4) Looks bad, and can effect the value of your home and business. 5) Can affect local economy, especially in tourist locations. 6) Harm or kill wildlife. 7) Harms Waterways. Even animal leavings, leaves and grass affect wildlife. 8) It demoralizing and disgusting.
  • 22.
  • 23. Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in average weather conditions or the distribution of events around that average (e.g., more or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region or may occur across the whole Earth. “Science has made enormous inroads in understanding climate change and its causes, and is beginning to help develop a strong understanding of current and potential impacts that will affect people today and in coming decades. This understanding is crucial because it allows decision makers to place climate change in the context of other large challenges facing the nation and the world.
  • 24.
  • 25. Illegal logging contributes to deforestation and by extension global warming, causes loss of biodiversity and undermines the rule of law. These illegal activities undermine responsible forest management, encourage corruption and tax evasion and reduce the income of the producer countries, further limiting the resources producer countries can invest in sustainable development. Illegal logging has serious economic and social implications for the poor and disadvantaged.  Illegal logging is the harvest, transportation, purchase or sale of timber in violation of laws. The harvesting procedure itself may be illegal, including using corrupt means to gain access to forests; extraction without permission or from a protected area; the cutting of protected species; or the extraction of timber in excess of agreed limits (see Box 1).
  • 26. “ Earth allows you to stand. “ “ Let it stand the way it is. “ “ Give a toot. Don't pollute! “ Nurture Nature For Our Future! When the Earth dies, where will you live? You've only got one planet. Don't trash it. Snow is melting the Earth is crying! Nature saves us so we have to save them! Pollution, pollution green is the solution
  • 27. A. 3'R's are the solutions viz., REDUCE, RECYCLE & REUSE  REDUCE - Consumption of natural resources to the extent possible Emission of carbon into atmosphere Developmental projects affecting environment Human activities acclerating global warming and climate changes Deforestation for developmental activities Consumption of non biodegradable materials in every day life Human activities causing pollution of water bodies, air, forests, soil Consumption of energy to reduce pollution and exploitation of nature
  • 28. RECYCLE - All wasted/spent natural resources to reduce their consumption All used materials with the available technologies All used materials manufactured with trees/plants to reduce deforestation  REUSE - All spent natural resources to reduce more fresh consumption All materials manufactured with trees/plants for their conservation All recycled materials to reduce the demand ALSO: Education. It is not this simple to solve our current-day environmental problems. There has to be a paradigm shift in our way of thought and the way we perceive our environment. Still, these
  • 29. B. Easy Ways to Save the Environment Plant more trees. This is easy, you know? Choose an open area/ground near your residence or workplace. Unless there's any law restricting you from growing trees in that area, go ahead, grow trees. Plant a tree every month, encourage your friends and colleagues to join you. Have more and more trees planted and there will come a day when you have a green stretch of land thanks to your effort. Use CFC-free products. CFCs are released from aerosol sprays, air conditioning systems and refrigerators. Some cosmetic products too, contain CFCs. Some countries have already banned the use of CFC products. CFCs contribute to ozone depletion and greenhouse effect. Using CFC-free products is the simplest way to prevent the harm they cause to the environment.
  • 30. Use renewable sources of energy as much as possible. Resort to the use of renewable sources like solar, wind and hydro power. Start from your own house. Go green when gardening or farming. Activities like composting can be of great help in recycling garbage into useful manures. Avoid excessive use of chemical fertilizers and synthetic nutrients. Natural manures are a better option for farms and gardens. Go for vermicomposting. Vermicompost makes a very good organic fertilizer. Instead of dumping rotten vegetables, leftover food, eggshells, teabags, vegetable stalks and fruit rinds in the garbage bin, use them to make organic manure for your garden. Replace lawns with bushes and trees. If you live in an area where there's scarcity of water, use drought-tolerant plants in the garden. This will help you save water. Using non-native plants disrupts the ecological balance.
  • 31. Save energy. There are so many electrical gadgets you must be using daily - the air conditioner, heater, refrigerator and oven among many more. Then, there are lights and fans. Turn off the AC when not in use. Refrigerators and water heaters consume a lot of power. So use them scrupulously. Switch off the lights and fans in your room before leaving it. Make sure the electrical appliances are not left on (unless necessary), when leaving the house. Make it a point to switch off the television set or music system after use. Save water. Water is a very important natural resource. It's we who waste it, pollute it. The simplest ways to save water - turn off water taps after use. Use of flushes and showers can lead to wastage of water. Use only as much water as necessary. When you visit a beach, see that you don't spill food or dump waste around. Do not pollute rivers by dumping garbage, sewage or other waste
  • 32. Walk more, drive less. Now that's not very difficult, is it? Choose to walk short distances instead of taking your car every time. Go walking to the gym, to work (if it's not very far), go walking to run errands. Or use a bicycle. Both cycling and walking are good exercises. And each time you avoid using your car, you are contributing to reducing air pollution. You are saving fuel, saving money and getting a good workout too. Maintain your vehicles in good condition. It may not be possible to go cycling or walking everywhere. To some distances, there's no other option but your car. But how about at least maintaining it in good condition? Give your car a regular servicing. Clean the exhaust pipes. Check for pollutants emitted. Check air pressure in tires as under-inflated tires lead to greater fuel consumption. Maintain the air filter and fuel injection pump in good condition. Check engine oil levels regularly.
  • 33. This Some Action That We Can Do.. 
  • 34.    warming-introduction  es/  information.cfm  solutions/  problems.html   the-21st-Century