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English Essay Com
Writing an essay on the topic of "English Essay Com" can prove to be a challenging task for
various reasons. First and foremost, the subject matter itself may seem vague or broad, leaving
the writer uncertain about where to begin. The term "English Essay Com" lacks specificity,
making it difficult to determine the exact focus and scope of the essay. Without a clear and
defined topic, organizing thoughts and constructing a coherent argument can be a daunting
Furthermore, the ambiguity of the topic may lead to challenges in conducting research. The
absence of specific keywords or themes associated with "English Essay Com" makes it
challenging to find relevant and credible sources. The research process, a crucial component of
essay writing, may become a time-consuming and frustrating endeavor.
Another difficulty lies in the potential lack of personal connection or interest in the topic.
Without a clear understanding or passion for the subject matter, the writer may struggle to
engage with the material and present a compelling argument. A lack of enthusiasm can result in a
bland and uninspired essay that fails to captivate the reader.
Moreover, the task becomes more complicated if specific guidelines or requirements for the essay
are not provided. Without clear instructions, writers may grapple with uncertainties regarding the
essay's length, structure, and overall expectations. This lack of guidance can contribute to
feelings of uncertainty and hinder the creative process.
In conclusion, attempting to write an essay on the topic of "English Essay Com" presents a set of
challenges stemming from the vague and broad nature of the subject. The difficulties include
defining a clear focus, conducting meaningful research, maintaining personal engagement, and
navigating potential ambiguities in instructions. Overcoming these challenges requires careful
consideration, thorough research, and a concerted effort to create a well-crafted and cohesive
For assistance with similar essays and more, individuals may explore services like, where professional writers can provide support and guidance in tackling
challenging topics.
English Essay Com English Essay Com
Case Study On Hockey India
instrument to the cause of preserving the integrity of the sport, and aspiring for its
orderly development. It further went on to state that the measures implemented by
the consortium under its pyramid structure were not unconditionally inherent and
proportionate to the achievements of purely sporting objectives. In fact, the CCI
read a strong commercial dimension into the conduct of the board. While some may
argue that this case lacks the balancing of rights perspective that was employed in
the Hockey India judgment, it would also, perhaps, not be altogether misguided to
prefer the Hockey India judgment to have progressed on the lines of the BCCI case.
With a firm recommendation to revamp the core structure of its organisation such
that clashes between its regulatory and organisational powers cease to be a regular
feature, the CCI liberated Hockey India of the charges levelled against it. Directing
the institution of a rationalised and transparent system to supervise the promulgation
of NOCs, the CCI relied on an... Show more content on ...
The stance of the CCI does appear to be rather implausible, especially as it
dismisses the arguments to the alternative citing the lack of evidence that
effectively corroborates that Hockey India deliberately acted against the players
who wished to participate in the league. Moreover, it is pertinent to note that
within a year of the alleged anti competitive policies being drawn up by Hockey
India, its proposal for a rival league was released. Hence, to absolve the body for
inclusion of commercial aspects in its practices might hardly be the way to proceed.
In addition, while the CoC Agreement did not explicitly enjoin the freedom of
players to participate in the World Series Hockey League, it certainly served as a sheer
Queen Elizabeth s Life And Accomplishments
Queen Elizabeth was born to Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn of England at
Greenwich Palace on September 7, 1533. She was named after her grandmothers,
Elizabeth of York and Elizabeth Howard. She was a great disappointment because
her father wanted a boy. Her mother was executed of false charges if incest and
adultery on May 19, 1536. Her father then married his third wife Jane Seymour
who passed while giving birth to Henry s long wanted son, Edward. At a young
age it was very obvious that she was very gifted at learning and was well educated.
In January of 1547 her father died and his son became King Edward VI. Henry was
too young to rule himself due to the fact that he was only nine years old, so his
uncle, Edward Seymour became Protector of
The Effect of Television on a Childs Attention Span
The effect of television on a childs attention span
Samantha Martin
May 6, 2012
Jodi Galvan Axia College of the University of Phoenix
The effect of television on a childs attention span
In watching my 13 year old daughter, and constantly trying to get her to complete the
simplest of tasks such as loading the dishwasher. I have often wondered if watching
too much television has anything to do with her inability to complete the smallest of
tasks. Some people think that children who watch too much television are likely to
develop ADHD; however, it may be the opposite. The childwho is prone to Attention
problems may be drawn to watching television to sooth their minds (New Scientist,
Is it ... Show more content on ...
We should ask ourselves, are the parts divided fairly equally? They go on to say, Do
screens eat up most of the hours outside of school or daycare? (Finkelstein Roberts,
2004). One way to ensure that our children are not spending too much time in front of
the television to try implementing No television on the weekend (Finkelstein
Roberts, 2004) , use that time to plan other fun, exciting, and educational activities
that both you and your child will enjoy. You will not only create a learning experience
you will be building fond memories that you and your child will hold dear for years
to come.
We all know how television advertisers target children. We all need to recognize the
effect that comecercials have on our children. Commercial are there for a reason,
to sell you something (Finkelstein Roberts, 2004). It is our responsibility as
parents to keep commercials in their place. Have you ever been in the middle of
Wal Mart and had your child come up to you grasping the newest toy between their
fists asking you, mommy please, please can I have it? I have been their on
numerous occasions. Just to have my daughter throw a tantrum when I told her no
sweetie not today. Maybe you can do some chores to earn it. We as parents need to
keep commercials in their place. Economist Juliet Schore, author of born to buy says
Kids as young as one or two can
An Inspector Calls Eva Smith Character Analysis
Apart from Mrs. Birling, Priestley in his play An Inspector Calls,conveys women as
very weak and inferior characters; as the play was set in 1912, we can see how
women were stereotypically made to be obedient and loyal to their husbands.
Through the character of Eva Smith the theme of vulnerability is portrayed, and
through the character of Sheila we can see how women are shown as materialistic and
Throughout the play Priestley exhibits the character of Eva Smith as an impuissant
character; she is mentioned very frequently as she highlights the faults of society in
1912 due to the ill excused way she was treated, being inferior to males of her own
class as well as those much wealthier than her. Yet she never makes an appearance in
the play. When she is first mentioned she is portrayed as weak when the... Show more
content on ...
From this we can infer that Priestley is portraying women as weak, as if they can
not speak their own mind, therefore Gerald had to talk for her since she could not
do it herself. He goes to open the door while Sheila takes her mother out. Then he
closes it and comes back in, from these stage directions we can see how Priestlety
conveys how the women are too fragile to be involved in important conversations.
The fact that Sheila takes her mother out , as the men stay inside and continue to
discuss, portrays that the women are not only too weak to handle the conversation
but also that they are unimportant in the matter, as they did not need to stay. This
concludes the fact that women are exhibited as insignificant and weak through Sheila
s unimportance and delicate
Essay on Porter s Diamond Model
Master in Business Administration, IPADE Business School, 1996 BSc in Industrial
Engineering, Universidad Panamericana, 1994
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of the University of
Lethbridge in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree
Faculty of Management University of Lethbridge LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA,
Salvador BarragГЎn, 2005
It has been ten years since the signature of the NAFTA agreement among Canada,
U.S., and Mexico. For Mexico, this was a decisive step away from a protectionism
model toward a ... Show more content on ...
10 2.2.1. The Doubled Diamond vs. a Single National Diamond .................................
11 2.2.2. The Role of the Multinational Enterprises (MNE s) as Empowering
Developing Countries rather than Constraining their Growth.................................. 12
3. Research Setting: Why Use Mexico to Study Porter s Diamond?
............................... 17 4. Research
Questions....................................................................................................... 19 5.
Methodology .................................................................................................................
20 5.1. Positioning the International Competitiveness of the
Industry.............................. 22 5.2. Addressing the Research
Questions....................................................................... 23 6.
28 6.1. The Competitiveness of the Automobile Industry in
Mexico................................ 28 6.2. Positioning the Industry as Internationally
Competitive ....................................... 29 6.3. Using Porter s Diamond to Assess
Sources of Competitive Advantage in the Automobile Industry in Mexico: 1993
2003. ............................................................... 39 6.3.1. Factor
Non Verbal Communication
There are two types of communication that teachers use to penetrate into the minds of
the learners
Non Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication
Non Verbal Communication
Non verbal communication is an art of communication that could and can be used to
communicate important information to the minds of the learners in an effective and
efficient way. Non Verbal Communications are usually done via gestures As
researches show, non verbal communication has consistently demonstrated that the
specific non verbal language used by the educator/teacher will have a direct impact on
both the psychological attachment of the student to the teacher and the ability of the
teacher to connect with the student. It is also understood that in the context of
education, non verbal communication ... Show more content on ...
Verbal communication is known to another important element of child guidance that
is as important as non verbal communication .The words we use as educators strongly
influence the behaviors and learning experiences of students. A prime beginning for
effective verbal communication is the ability of the teacher/educator to be a good
listener, if you as the prime educator are able to listen and understand the verbal or
non verbal signals that are given out by the learner/student, teaching will be more
successful, effective and efficient. One part of verbal communication can be
described as the following The teacher begins by being open and approachable and
listens carefully to what the child is saying and doing, then in his own words, the
teacher/educator repeats back what he has heard the learner/student says. When the
teacher uses methods such active listening in cohesion with effective verbal
communication, it lets students/learners know the teacher is trying hard to help them
identify and understand the feelings they have and respond to those emotions in
The School Drop Out Phenomena
In Uruguay, between one out of three and one out of four children that enroll in
secondary school do not graduate. For a country that used to exhibit high education
levels and more than tripled its education expenditure per student in the last ten years,
being just above Latin American standards appears as anything but a success.
Several studies dug in the cause and nature of such an evolution. One particular
finding called for the attention of researchers: the probability of an adolescent
leaving their studies exhibit two peaks, one at 15 years old and the other at 18. There
seems to be a period of relative calm between ages 15 and 18 in terms of school
dropping. (1)
Quite an odd shape for that process. Why is it that student feelings about education
along the adolescence present this U shape? Are subjects being taught in those
particular years less interesting than others? Are them more difficult? Why such an
important and long term decision goes back and forth during adolescence?
The school drop out phenomena has been widely researched but it still remains in the
shades. Pouring money into the education system does not seem enough to solve the
issue. Despite efforts of teachers some children still underestimate the benefits of
studying. Or at least they do not feel the payoff big enough for the effort they do.
A humongous amount of hard data proves that for teens it is not a wise decision to
abandon their studies. Nevertheless, simply telling them that, does not change
Computance In Society In A DollпїЅs House And A Doll s
Throughout 18th and 19th century, having a good reputation in the society played
a huge role in people s lives. Particularly, having a happy and a successful marriage,
and a family was a crucial factor to have power and an influence in the society.
Therefore, people usually tried to conceal the imperfections of their house and
attempt to portray a false reality. Similarly, in the play A Doll s House, Torvald
tries to protect his reputation and honour by disguising his house into a perfectly
happy and a successful family. Also, the name of this play is a parallel to his house
as it looks perfect to the rest of the world when what s inside the house remains
unknown. Furthermore, In the play A Doll s House, Ibsen uses the house to
reveal the reality of the Torvald tries to conceal through his superficial nature.
Throughout the play, Ibsen uses the symbol of macaroons to illustrate Nora s lack
of freedom and her opposition to be the perfect wife . To the outsiders, Nora is the
ideal wife that anyone could ever have as Rank would gladly give his life for her.
However, in reality, Torvald has forced her to hide her childish and carefree nature
to look perfect to the rest of the world. Nora loves macaroons, but under Torvald s
control she is not allowed to have them because he is afraid they will spoil [her]
teeth (21), therefore, she [hides] the packet when he is around (22). This portrays
the reality of Torvald s delusion of Nora as she is not the perfect and the obedient
wife that he views her to be. His reasoning for restricting her from eating
macaroons emphasizes his superficial character as he wants her to be perfect.
Although lying about eating macaroons is a an unnecessary thing to do, she feels
as though she should at least pretend to follow his orders rather than standing up
for herself. Her favoring reaction shows how she is intimidated by him as he
[wags] his finger at her ruling and controlling her as she is a child (8). Also,
Torvald controlling what she eats illustrates his oppressive control over her as she
does not indeed have the power to choose what she eats because he is scared that
she will ruin the cover. Furthermore, due to Torvald s lack of respect for her
adulthood, she feels as
Essay on Memory Project
Memory Project: Application to Learning Study Habits Memory is the capability to
learn, retain, store and remember information from previous experiences. Memories
are accumulated from prior experiences and recollected, which can influence change
of behavior or thought. This ability can assist with learning and adapting to new
experiences. Memoryis essential to our lives. Without a memory of the past we
cannot operate in the present or think about the future. We would not be able to
remember what we did yesterday, what we have done today or what we plan to do
tomorrow. Without memory we could not learn anything. Short termmemory is
information a person is thinking of at that specific time, it is also known as working
memory... Show more content on ...
Improving study habits may be accomplished by using both short and long term
memory. In reference to (Morris Maisto, 2014), two types of short term memory
skills that can be useful are rote rehearsal and chunking. These methods can help
hold more information in the short term memory, until they can be relocated to the
long term memory. Rote rehearsal is repetition of information, such as using
flashcards and saying them aloud. Another skill called chunking is the process of
breaking down a large piece of data into smaller chunks to make them easier to
comprehend and remember Long term memory skills are also useful and include
elaborative rehearsal, mnemonics and schema. Elaborative rehearsal is much like
rote rehearsal except it is linking new information in short term memory to familiar
material stored in long term memory (Craik Lockhart, 1972, p. 193). In simpler
words this means trying to relate the given information to something you already
know. For example, using the acronym PEMDAS which each of the letters stand for
a step in mathematics that you are supposed to follow in order which are
Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Adding, and Subtracting; Please
Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. A Mnemonic is something which we can use to
remember things much easier, according to (Morris Maisto, 2014, pg. 193). As is
often the case, it could be a phrase, a short song, or
The Rocking Horse Winner Theme Analysis
The Rocking Horse Winner
The dramatic short story The rocking horse winner, is about a young boy who
desires to be loved by his mother. The author, D.H. Lawrence develops a theme that
states, the desire for money and social status is a destructive force. The story is
about a young boy named Paul who tries to win his mothers love by gambling for
money. Paul has a supernatural power which he can commute with his rocking horse
to find out the winning races. However, in the end Paul tries too hard to win his
mothers love and dies. The moral theme is revealed through Paul, who is the
protagonist, and his relationships with the characters. The relationships which result
in conflict is between Paul s mother and father, between mother and ... Show more
content on ...
The wooden rocking horse is supernatural and it is what Paul uses to find out the
winning race horses. Paul is determined to achieve social status and money by
finding the winners, as an example he says now, take me to where there is luck!
However, the rocking horse ends up taking Paul s life. The whispering in the house
symbolizes the desire to stay in the upper class. The family needs to have the best
things in order to keep their stature. There was never enough money, which means
that the family is always searching for more money. The whispering is partly
caused by Paul s mother because she says to Paul we re the poor members of the
family. This means that the kids are more worried about money because they are the
only ones who can hear this whispering. Thus, symbolism is used here as a means of
revealing the theme.
In summary, the desire for money and social status ends up in taking the protagonist s
life. The author, D.H. Lawrence reveals the theme exceedingly well through the use
of relations between the engraved characters and the symbolic inferences. Paul in the
end receives the attention and love which he longs for, but unfortunately his mother
realizes this too late. The author in the end succeeds in revealing the theme which
makes this short story more
Bending of Beam Lab Report Essay
1. Objective:
The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate the bending of a bean when loaded
at the center of its length and examine its deflection when positioned in two different
ways, when the flat side of the beam is support and when the thin side is supported.
In addition, try to find linear relationship between the load applied and the deflection
of the beam and comparing the experimental deflection with the theoretical deflection.
If the load is applied at the mid length a=b=L/2 then mid span deflection is: Оґ = PL3
Where P is the applied force, L is the length of beam, E is the modulus of elasticity of
aluminum, and I is the moment of Inertia.
For a beam of rectangular cross section, say of width w and ... Show more content on ...
The beam was loaded the mid length in 2.745 lbs. increments up to 6.745 lbs. The
change in clearance of every load step was measured and data was recorded.
Case II: The beam was turned around in such way that the shortest side of the cross
section is on the support. The steps described in Case I was repeated and data was
4. Results:
Following tables and graphs show the result of the experiment. The tables will
demonstrate the experimental and theoretical deflection for each case. The graphs
will show the relationship between the load applied and deflection, in addition to
compare the experimental deflection and theoretical deflection.
Case I: Dimensions of the beam
Length (L)= 29.35 in.,Width (w)= 1.008 in.,Thickness (t)= 0.125 in.
Inertia (I)= wt3/12 = 0.000164063 in4.
TABLE I P (lbs.)| Initial Clearance (in)| New Clearance (in)| Experimental
Deflection (in)| Theoretical Deflection (in)| 2.745| 0.75| 0.98| 0.23| 0.31092| 3.745|
0.75| 1.13| 0.38| 0.47587| 4.745| 0.75| 1.2| 0.45| 0.63011| 5.745| 0.75| 1.31| 0.56|
0.79903| 6.745| 0.75| 1.44| 0.69| 0.99236|
Case II: Dimensions of the beam
Length (L)= 35.5 in.,Width (w)= 1.008 in.,Thickness (t)= 0.125 in.
Inertia (I)= w3t/12 = 0.010668672 in4.
TABLE II P (lbs.)| Initial Clearance (in)| New Clearance (in)| Experimental
Deflection (in)| Theoretical Deflection| 2.745| 1.973| 2.051| 0.086
Utopia By Thomas More And The Condition Of The
Working Class
How Our Society Today Relates to Societies Hundreds of Years Ago
The books, Utopia by Thomas More and the Condition of the Working Class by
Friedrich Engels criticize societies hundreds of years ago, and upon reading these
books, I have realized that our society today, shares many of the qualities of societies
mentioned in these books. Utopia and the Condition of the Working Class brought to
light the wealth gap and inequality within societies and how the conditions we are
brought up in affects our future. The authors of these books also point out the
insecurity of people, as well as poverty and self interest. Society has changed since
the early days, but there are quite a few never ending issues that still affect our
societies today.
Grouping people into classes has been an everlasting issue, and it will continue to
be an issue as long as people exist. Giving people a class they fall under is a result
of the gap between the rich and poor. Friedrich Engels wrote, The town itself is
peculiarly built, so that a person may live in it for years, and go in and out daily
without coming into contact with a working people s quarter or even with workers,
that is, so long as he confines himself to his business or to pleasure walks. This
arises chiefly from the fact, that by unconscious tacit agreement, as well as with
outspoken conscious determination, the working people s quarters are sharply
separated from the sections of the city reserved for the middle class; or, if this does
OSERS Special Education
Fortunately, since 1975 Special Education has been a priority for the United States.
They have created many organizations and programs that help many kids since their
birth. The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS),
understands the many challenges still facing individuals with disabilities and their
families. Therefore, OSERS is committed to improving results and outcomes for
people with disabilities of all ages. OSERS supports programs that serve millions of
children, youth and adults with disabilities, ( U.S Department of Education) An
example of what U.S government had established in some organizations as a purpose
for a better life for these kids with disabilities. They dedicated their time on all the
children... Show more content on ...
Center for Parent Information and Source states, Since the enactment of the original
legislation in 1975, children and youth (ages 3 22) receive special education and
related services under Part B of IDEA... Our nation s special education law, the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), sets high standards for their
achievement and guides how special help and services are made available in schools
to address their individual needs, ( Part B of IDEA: Services for School Aged
Children ) They are in charge to administer required information for any individual
that needs it. People who refuse for help to this programs can assume that they
keep investigating other similar case like these. Also through this website we can
see how people have tried to help these childrens with disabilities. Parent Center, state in their website, More than 6 million children with disabilities
receive special education and related services in our schools each year. ( Part B of
IDEA: Services for School Aged Children ) OSERP is one of those programs who
have interest for kids with needs; the regular education meaning is that each
individual can obtain the education that him/her deserves and that the economic
income is not an obstacle for
Persuasive Essay Hunting
Have you ever been hunting in the woods? Have you ever shot something that has
four legs, each one has a hoof on them. It can get gigantuan antlers and sheer size,
but yet I don t harm hunters often even though people still want to eat me for dinner.
If so, have you ever shot a deer while 20 feet up in the air?Have you ever had your
legs shake so bad you think you might collapse? If you have gone hunting you know
what I have felt.When we have time we go out to our farm in Fulton County (which
is prime hunting land). We have been hunting there since I was seven years old . My
dad has been hunting for over 20 years and yet he still has feelings for hunting.
Although ... Show more content on ...
The next morning we went out anyways, even though my dad didn t want to go.
and it had just turned light and there was a doe 75 yards away from the stand so I
asked my dad if he would let me shoot it and he said yeah, and I embedded the
crosshairs on the deer s shoulder and pulled the trigger of the big,bulky gun. I
heard a boom and then all of the sudden the deer jumped straight up in the air and
collapsed. 30 minutes later we went down and got her and she was a heavy doe
and we dragged her back to the truck and got her
processed.Climbing,sitting,swinging, and sweating are all parts of hunting. You
swing in the treestand, you sit as still as you can, you climb up the tree to your
stand and all the hills around it, and you sweat getting to the stand sometimes.
Some people in today s world think that hunting has ceased to be what it was years
ago because now it s too easy.Another story I remember is this one the year I was
old enough to sit alone in the stand and my dad told me don t shoot anything unless
it s a buck and I said ok and he walked off into the darkness. The first day we had off
to hunt I couldn t hunt. I really wanted to go
Study Questions On The Law Of Nature And The Laws Of
HUMA 1825 B Akram Saiyed Study Questions Answers Student Number:
213985858 Attention: Course Director, Neil Braganza Email:
November 14th, 2014 Sir William Blackstone All page references are to Blackstone
s text 1.What are the characteristics of municipal law according to Blackstone? See
33 34, 39, 40 42 Blackstone commentaries state that there are two charities to
municipal law or Muncipium (pl. municipal); the laws of nature and the... Show more
content on ...
Citizens develop this law to satisfy their wants and fears as individuals in the
society as citizens live by their common interest but this sense of fear as holds the
society in place together. Municipals law is about formulation, developing tools
that have strength in numbers, establishes that all of us work together. It is then
defined how parts obey the whole, so the whole can be possible. Without a
superior authoritative, we fall into isolation because we need the supreme who
govern us of what is right and forbid what is wrong or Superior to the inferior,
meaning, the whole to the part or state to the individual, which gives respect of
their existence as citizens and the state not about citizen s being a creature of God.
The municipal law must be a general, it must be more than just an advice, and it
must not be dependent by will of an individual. Both the willing and the unwilling
must follow the law. It is a human free will. It is not an agreement; it must establish
the bases of authority. However, acting and free will differentiate. We must not act
but free will and opinion to say anything must be allowed. It is therefore, limited and
gives us certain rights to community to allow some possible speech. The law is not
something that not found from the state but it applies to everyone. It must be made
public and presented to the public ahead of time and the rules have to come from a
Mount Everest And The Seven Natural Wonders Of The
Ever wonder what s out there beyond the hustle and bustle of the city? One of the
things is the beautiful seven natural wonders of the world. Who or what decides
what the seven natural wonders are? What are the 7 natural wonders of the world?
What makes the wonders wonders? The 7 wonders are beautiful things in the world
that need to be protected.
When Sir George Everest discovered mount Everest in 1856 the mountain stood at
29,002 feet tall and today now stands 29,029 feet tall but is still growing 25 inches
every year. While mount Everest is beautiful it is also cold and dangerous. The
lowest the temperature can get is 80 degrees fahrenheit. About some two hundred
dead bodies cover the mountain from things like: falls, avalanches, and exposure to
frostbite and there is about one in ten successful summits that end in death. It costs
about 55,500 dollars to climb mount Everest. Some coasts are climbing permits
those can cost 25,00 dollars for a single person and you have to have one befor you
can step foot on the mountain. To get to base camp it takes yaks, porters and four
thousand dollars. Also guides one or two per person and that s five thousand
dollars each. There are camps along the way with supplies and staff that need to be
paid and paying for food every six weeks that s two thousand dollars. One of the
most important things is one of the most expensive. Oxygen bottles cost five hundred
and fifty dollars a bottle and usually people use five bottles to
Short Story Of Barclays
A couple of evenings ago Colonel Barclay of the first battalion of the royal
mallows was found dead in his lovely english villa in london. At first the case was
deemed a murder which I still think it is but now as new evidence has come forth it
seems the man died of apoplexy but I still think murder was there. When I talked to
the house maid who original was the one who knew something was wrong she told
me that the couple though look happy though it was a very sound marriageapparently
Mr.Barclay loved his wifebut she did not love him back yes the woman was kind to
the man she called her husband but rumor has it she was once in love with another
man in the same regiment but there is no evidence of that for now. As I look into the
case further... Show more content on ...
When she came home that night of her husband s death mad as can be at what her
husband had done in his past that a yelling match broke out between the two of
them mrs.Barclay had called her husband no better than David when suddenly
Mr.Wood came into the room through the open french window and when
Mr.Barclay saw Mr.Wood he dropped dead and hit his head on the fire fender and
Mrs.Barclay who saw what had happened went into shocked and fell on the
Vast Wasteland Summary
In Vast Wasteland, Newton Minow gave a forewarning speech about television and
the public interest. Minow is correct in his statement for these reasons: the influence
of viewers, public interest, and the future impact of television.
Television has a widespread influence on everyone, especially children. Children are
impacted so much by the things they have seen and watched on TV. They learn many
things from TV, but their social skills and other learningabilities slow down.
Watching TV numbs the mind of children and keeps them inactive from daily
exercise. Furthermore, speech delays can occur in children who watch excessive
amounts of television. Television programming such as MTV, Adult Swim, and
Family Guy exposes and promotes negative ... Show more content on
There are numerous channels of different types of programming: educational,
reality, and news reporting. Educational programming is beneficial in many ways.
It helps children learn a variety of skills such as the alphabet, numbers, and
manners. Reality TV programming is invasive . This type of programming
promotes spreading rumors and nonsense about people in the world today.
Invading the privacy of people is reality programming s biggest key to success.
Everyone is always wanting to know about what other people are doing, who they
are talking to, where they are going, and when and they will be somewhere.
Celebrities are most likely the biggest victims of our ridiculing reality TV. Today,
most people are interested in reality TV channels like Music TV, Entertainment TV
and Abc networks. One can watch reality shows such as Cops, Trauma in the ER, and
Keeping up with the Kardashians. Another programming is the news which is
opinion based, depending on what one wants to see when he wants to see it. Multiple
stories are broadcasted everyday with the latest news. The public has multiple
channels to choose from when it comes to the news. Public interest is definitely
important to television programming. Television gains its ratings from the public
watching programming. Therefore, broadcasters make their living as to what interest
the public on
Indian Removal Speech
Mr. President, Members of Congress I am a Cherokee Indian name Lauren who
was removed from my house from my land with my family. I was born and raised
on that land that I instantly fell in love with and never thought in a few years I
would be removed from my home and forced to move somewhere else forever!
This shouldn t be happening to us, we are humans just like all of you here today
that we should be treating each other with respect and happiness. Me and my
family and friends don t deserve this kind of respect thats getting thrown at us nor
should we be forced and pushed around to move somewhere and know that our land
will be owned by someone else. For this reason we as CherokeeIndians should get our
land back and unite together and live normal again.
I am here today in my family s respect that some of them died during the march. I m
proud to stand here today in front of you guys today to try and get our land back
and return to our homes. My family, my friends, my people knew that this day will
come but we thought we could fight back. That did not work out for us after the
deadline. When we were forcefully removed out of our homes, put into cattle pits
in the pouring cold rain, and had to march through the cold winter snow were we
had to burry a lot of my people and close ones. I have always wanted to know what
Georgia wanted from us or our land. But from one thing I know or heard it was a
large land for them that they found value in our land like fertile, soil and
Rock And Roll
Rock and Roll is so wonderful it comes with a mountain of followers, enormous
production and simply speaking the majority of the music we are lending an ear
today, is rock roll, and its own sub genres. In that respect there are tens of thousands
of rock and roll books, magazines, internet sites, and even encyclopaedias.
Fundamentally hybrid in genesis, rock and roll consists of elements of a variety of
black and white American music formats: black guitar accompanied blues; black
rhythm and blues, indicated for saxophone solos; black and white gospel songs;
white country musicmusic; and the musics of white prominent troubadours and
harmony groups. Right after 1964 it was simply referred to as rock music. The shift
in terms shows both a connection with and a break from the previous period of time;
rock music was no more only for dancing.
For that reason, there is no too much of a surprise that numerous artist not just have a
say regarding rock and roll music, but additionally they produced and performed the
lots of songs about beautiful music also.
Utmost proponent of rock n roll from 1956 to 1963 was Elvis Presley, thus it was so
normal and no suprising he was singing about rock and roll as well. Elvis now dwells
in a romantic place in music ... Show more content on ...
Led Zeppelin IV was given overwhelming approval from critics. A few of the critics
declare it the band s very most consistently pretty good album nevertheless and
applauded the diversity of the tracks. Among diversity is clearly track „ Rock and
Roll the authentic rock and roll tune, still, with superb Jimmy s guitar, soaring
rhythm section and particular Robert s vocal. Rock And Roll, is the Zeppelin s
slightly late effort at homage to the mother of musician and performers. Well,
anyway Led Zeppelin was actually an rock band, so Plat was truly „
Symptoms And Treatments Of An Undergraduate Student
J.P. is a single 21 year old female of Filipino descent and currently an undergraduate
student. Currently living with parents and two siblings. Reason for seeking care is
due to complains of lightheadedness, fatigue, painful abdominal cramping,
prolonged menstrual bleeding, and low hematocrit and hemoglobin count. There is
no medical history as a child, but has gone through two surgeries, a laparoscopic
right ovarian cystectomy and a small bowel injury resulting in an excision and
reanastomosis. Medication that are taken daily are Necon 0.5/35 mg mcg tab PO
2x day, as well as iron supplement tablets PO 3x day to stop the irregular and
prolonged menstrual bleeding, as well as help in the excessive bloodloss. There is no
record or history... Show more content on ...
When asked about sleeping habits it is brought up that only 6 hours of sleep is
needed to function with a single nap throughout the day. There are no concerns
being under or over weight. Patient does not breast feed or provide formula to
infants, due to the fact of having no children. J.P. is able to move around without
any assistive devices and completes 5 hours of physical activity a week. Emotional
status was answered as stable and confesses that some stressors are school, family
and friends. When asked about coping, it is admitted that biting the lip, crying self
to sleep, and sleeping it off were the ideal ways to cope with the stress. Economic
status falls in the middle class and has healthcare under parent s insurance plan. J.P.
views herself as a hardworking student, but is intimidated by the pace and content of
nursing school. Despite being intimidated, she is confident to compete nursing
school. Others describe her as being able to socialize easily with other students;
new friends are added her inner circle because of this. Another characteristic noted is
that she is loud and cheerful around friends, turning their bad mood into a positive
one. Despite the times where the confidence disappears, a strong front is shown so
others do not see what is going on behind the scene, patient puts feelings aside to help
those who are in need of emotional support.
She values being a good person to all and follows
The People s Wish For A Good Life Is Our Goal
The People s Wish for a Good Life is Our Goal
President Xi Jinping
In Guangdong, all of the three poorest counties, Xingning, Dabu and Wuhua are
located in Meizhou Muncipality. This widening income disparity between Meizhou
and other regions carries in it the seeds of future discontent and could well lead to
political instability. The time for action is now. Following Comrade Xi s message to
help people break away from poverty and achieve prosperity, concrete actions against
income inequality in Meizhou Municipality are the call of the hour. The key
recommendations to bridge income inequality between Meizhou Muncipality and
other regions of Guangdong are: (1) Push for equalization of basic public services
between urban and rural areas (2) Improve rural infrastructure to create better living
conditions as well as a better environment for economic activities (3) strengthen
vocational training for rural labourers and improve their ability to be employed in
non farming jobs
2. Causes and Context of Income Inequality in Meizhou Municipality
a. Geographical Conditions: There exists a great difference in geographical
conditions and natural resources among the Pearl River Delta Area (PRDA) and the
Mountainous Areas of Guangdong province. Meizhou, has therefore, not fully
benefited from the industrialization of the prosperity of the province, as most
industries are based in the PRDA. The development is relatively slow and people
lead a relatively poor life. Half of the
Incarceration Of The United States Prisons
The United States prison population has expanded at an increasingly rapid rate over
that past several decades. Each day, more and more criminal offenders are sent to
prisons; most of which were designed to house fewer inmates but are now packed to
their limits. This mass incarceration era as many scholars and commentators of the
Criminal JusticeSystem call it, is a result of several key issues that have created an
environment within the correctional system that forces many inmates to serve longer
prisonsentences while increasing recidivism rates. Current federal and state
sentencing policies have resulted in historically high rates of offender recidivism
and the highest incarceration rates in the world (Warren, 2007). As a result, prison
population and overcrowding has rapidly increased and has become a serious issue
across the country however, a reform in sentencing policies, more early release
incentives, and reintegration back into society through rehabilitation will help
reduce recidivism and prevent the continuing rise of prison populations. (change
once paper is complete) The United States houses the largest prison population of
the world at 25 percent and returns the greatest amount of inmates back into society.
Currently, there are over two million people incarcerated in the U.S. with
approximately the same number of inmates being released each year (Haney, 2015
p. 416). Many people wonder why prison overcrowding has become such a big issue
when there is an
Using A Handheld Portable Gas Detector Weighting Up
One of the main challenges in this effort is how to autonomously operate multiple
sensors for oxygen monitoring and to replace the existing technology which is based
on a handheld portable gas detector weighting up to 5lbs and placed in the belt or
waistband of the worker. Our innovative design is based on converting wasted
mechanical energy from the movement of the worker to useful amount of energy by
using the piezoelectric transduction mechanism. Depending on the movement of the
worker and the performed tasks, two possible piezoelectric energy harvestingsystems
can be designed. The first one will be composed of a flexible piezoelectric layer
attached on the top of an aluminum sheet and directly attached to the skin of the
worker as a band, as shown in Fig. 2(a). As for the second design of the energy
harvester shown in Fig. 2(b), it will be based on the available excitation motion of
the worker. This harvester will be efficient when the resonancephenomenon takes
place. This harvester will be integrated in the clothes of the worker.
As for the second design, low frequency excitations are present due to the worker s
motion including walking and contraction and expansion of his muscles. These low
excitation motion can provide viable amounts of wasted mechanical energy that can
be converted to power many critical devices including sensors for oxygen monitoring,
pacemakers, defibrillators, cell phones, and wireless sensors and actuators. A
significant impediment in the
Descriptive Essay On The Road
It all started at my house, my safe place, if you will. I see my dog, she is excited
for the ride. We are about to start our journey, but we need to pack our bags. I am
packing and my eyes are drooping because it is early in the morning. I finally get
done and we put our stuff in the car. I get in and I hear the engine turning and then
a constant buzzing sound, the car is on. 3....2....1.... We start our journey as we
unite rubber to the cement. I roll down the window and take a deep breath of fresh
air. In the air I smell an absolutely disgusting stench. It is a pig farm to the west of
us. I roll my window up to avoid the bad smell. We are on our way to Arizona and I
see a sign telling me that we are at the border of Nebraska. The sign says, Nebraska
... the good life, and there is a picture of a mountain and a red sun behind it. I roll
down my window, knowing that we are out of the smelly state of Iowa, and breath
in fresh air again. I see a boring place, but it is night so that might be why it looks
dead. When we got to the motel to stay over night, I heard a squeal. The noise was
made by two cars who had raced down the road. We hustled into the motel for we
did not know the neighborhood or anyone in Nebraska. I am tired because I can t
sleep very much in the car. So I set all of my stuff down and flop in my bed to fall
into a deep sleep. I dreamt of being in the warm arms of Arizona. My dream was
very comforting of course, but it had to end sometime. We woke up still tired, so we
went and had breakfast. The motel did not offer much, but it was good enough for
now. We get back on the constructed pavement and headstraight towards Arizona. I
was not looking forward to this ride, but we had to get it over with. Nebraska is a
long and boring state, I thought I would never leave the place. After waiting for
what felt like a decade, we got to Colorado. After a while, it felt like there was
popcorn popping in my ear. Then I realized it was because we were heading up
hills. This was because we were heading towards the mountains. The mountains were
white on the top and what seemed like a very dark blue. Colorado was colder than
the other states, and we did stuff like horseback riding in the mountains and ziplining.
The Psychoanalytic Theories Of Freud s Theory
Personality is what makes people who they are. Some people have different
personalities others have very similar personalities; but nobody s personality is
exactly the same. In the past many people have tried to understand personality and
explain it through theories. This paper, will discuss the differences between the
psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Alfred Adler. It will then
show the characteristics of which I agree with as well as the characteristics that I
disagree with. Furthermore, it will describe the stages of Freud s theory and explain
the characteristics of personality using these components; And finally, I will describe
uses of three Freudian defense mechanisms by using real life examples.
In regard to the psychoanalytical theories of Freud, Jung and Adler, there are
several similarities; however, there are also several differences. Freud s theory
focuses on the sexual perspective of the mind. In his theory, the three basic
components are id, ego, and superego. Jung s theory is to Adler, the neuroses consists
in the effort for the individual to overcome the feeling of inferiority, and the outward
signs and symptoms are the manifestations of those dexterities developed to this end.
The Adlerian concept serves to bridge the gap between the organists and the
functionalists (White, 1917). Jung and Adler were associated with Freud and took
excessive interest in his theory of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis has demonstrated,
the importance of
Hypothesis Social Work
ROLLNO= G2015PH006
Hypothesis is an assumption which is base on reasoning about the studied of the
research topic. The word hypothesis is a combination of two words the first one is
hypo, which means under or less than or tentative. ... Show more content on ...
Accept exploratory research in which formulation of hypothesis is impossible.
Hypothesis is the main phenomena of all the research to be carried out successfully
because it is base on the reality assumption and understanding after reasoning the
factual problems. Hypothesis is the main key to success the legal research without
hypothesis a research is unfocussed. The hypothesis gave genuine idea and clarity of
particular research. The non legal doctrine research can be known as research which
is based on the empirical study by using either primary or secondary data, relying
solely on observation and experiment not on theory. The empirical research is an
enquiry that attempts to discover and verify general rules allowing us to understand
why human beings behave the way they prefer. In conclusion both researches are
equally important because it differ from each other with different
Descriptive My Sister
Lylah Rosemarie Galloway: a bold and animate toddler that I am lucky to call my
little sister. Children are beautiful in special ways and are often latched onto by the
rest of the aging world that is envious of a being so youthful and untouched, but
Lylah is more. She isn t only a character that momentarily appeals to the experienced
human eye. She and her spirit are worthy of deeper admiration.
Her small, yet expressive, face is among her most lovely features. It s something
artists would draft when told to create the face of a perfect, untouched child. With
gray teal eyes that widen at the sight of nearly anything, a petite button nose, and
pale rose lips that never shut, she has the ideal face of a human child. Naturally, her
cheeks are plump as the corners of her mouth are always curling upward, even if
just in the slightest. Her open mouth is filled with tiny teeth not yet lost to adulthood
that she beams without reservation. Another captivating aspect of this beautiful tiny
face is her eyes. Undoubtedly symmetrical, these windows tell so much about her
youthful, blooming soul. Curly, graceful eyelashes which are unnaturally long for
someone her age outline the oval shape like a cartoon drawing. The porcelain
white of her eye beholds an ashy blue iris like a stormy ocean sky and a dark,
enlarged pupil. The stories that the two orbs between her ears tell are endless.
Sometimes, they widen in awe at a new discovery. On occasion, they scrunch together
in protest to
Purple Jelly Bean Personality Test
How I Relate to a Purple Jelly Bean In the personality test the purple jelly beans
personality list shows that there are three things that I can relate to. Firstly Purple
have new ideas and are visionaries. I can relate to this, my bedroom wall is full of
many of my different and astonishing drawing ideas, I also have many sketch book
full of different ideas. I get really exultant when I get new ideas to draw or create,
and then be able to move them to my wall or to projects just for myself or for
friends and family. There are many times I have used my creative ideas in class
assignments or just for fun. Another personality the purple jelly bean sates is, they
are highly creative, and highly excitable. This would be me. Just last year I was
Final Essay, Intro to Film Eng 225
An Analysis of the film Gone With the Wind Catherine M. Piraino ENG 225 INRO
TO FILM Instructor Pal December 17, 2012 An Analysis of the film Gone with the
Wind Rarely has a film impacted an audience and held the test of time as the film
Gone with the Wind. I have always been curious if director, Victor Fleming and
producer, David O. Selznick and screenplay writer, Sidney Howard knew what they
were creating a masterpiece and how this film would have such an enormous impact
on audiences for years to come. Interestingly enough there were some who thought
the film should not be made, as Irving Thalberg said to Louis B. Meyer in 1936,
Forget it Louis, no Civil War picture ever made a nickel (Ten Films that Shook the
World).... Show more content on ...
The equipment was very cumbersome and color consultants were necessary to
ensure accurate tones and hues as directed by Selznick. (Dunagan, 2001). Selznick
was very innovative with the use of shadows and silhouettes, which he uses in
several scenes of the film. Selznick s use of silhouettes in both the opening scene
and the scene prior to intermission are very dramatic as they arouse emotion on the
part of the audience. However, the emotions they evoked are very different. In the
opening scene, the silhouette of Scarlett and her father, Gerald the audience can feel
the love that Gerald has for his daughter as he illuminates his love for the land and
how she will understand as she get older. The audience can almost feel the
picturesque beauty of the land before them, as the sun is setting and Scarlett and
Gerald in silhouettes. The second scene where Selznick uses silhouettes is directly
prior to the intermission of the film. However, the emotions here are far different.
Scarlett has journeyed to Tara, from the recently Yankee occupied Atlanta, with
Melanie and her newborn son and Prissy. She has encountered nothing but death and
destruction on her voyage. War beaten Scarlett returns to her home Tara only to find
her home, ravaged, her sisters ailing, her mother dead, her father mad and the
plantation lacking food since Tara was used as Yankee
The Effect Of Violent Video Games On Children
The Effect of Violent Video Games on Children
Since the rise of video games in the last decade younger kids are spending a lot of
their time on games. One problem with children having access to video games is
the bloody and gory violence some games contain. With children growing up playing
these violent games it raises a question that most parents wonder, do violent video
games make children more aggressive towards others? There are results from studies
and incidents in real life that prove violence in video games does influence certain
children. Violent video games do increase aggression in children who are already
aggressive in nature but do not have a negative effect on most children.
Studies have been conducted to test whether or not violent video games increase
aggression in children. The first study was conducted by Jia Kun Zhang from
Shanghai University of Sport and Qian Zhang from Southwest University. The
purpose of this study was to investigate how aggression resulting from video games
varies by gender and the childВґs trait aggressiveness level. Two tests were
conducted: the first being a test of two hundred and twenty children to see what
games the children found violent. The second test was to see whether another set of
two hundred and forty children showed more aggression after playing the violent
game. Overall the results indicated that gender and trait aggressiveness affect
aggression in children who play violent video games. ...children with high trait
Topshop Phone Number Essay
Topshop Phone Numbers
Topshop Customer Service 0344 984 0264
Topshop customer service contact number is 0344 984 0264. Customers can reach
this number between 9:00am to 11:00pm from Mondays to Fridays, between 9:00am
to 6:00pm Saturdays and Sundays, and 9:00am to 5:30pm on UK bank holidays.
Write email to customer service at Additionally, visit
any of the 300 stores across the United Kingdom for assistance.
Topshop Customer Service EIRE Customers +353 870 606 9666
Topshop customer service contact number for EIRE customers is +353 870 606
9666. International customers can get in touch with customer service between
9:00am to 4:00pm from Mondays to Fridays, between 9:00am to 6:00pm Saturdays
and Sundays, and 9:00am ... Show more content on ...
Information about how to get in touch with the registered office is available on
contact us page.
What Is Topshop Store Collect Facility?
Topshop customers can shop as usual on the website. However, they have an option
to collect the items from the nearest store. Customers can avail this facility during the
checkout. The process has three steps.
Step 1: Select the nearest participating store during the checkout. Then make a choice
of delivery mode. Pay as usual.
Step 2: Customer participating in store collect facility receives an email when the
order is ready for collection.
Step 3: Walk in to the store and collect your order.
However, customer needs to carry a copy of confirmation email and the credit card
used to pay for the order while collecting the items from the store. Visit the store
collect page on Topshop website for detailed information about this facility.
What Is Returns Policy At
Tristram And Iseult The Fair Analysis
The origins of the tale of Tristram and Iseult pre dates Lancelot and Guinevere, but
the message remains the same as Tristram s trials as a knight stem from his own
actions. When Morholt, the brother of the Queen of Ireland, demands Cornish
slaves from King Mark, Tristram faces him in one on one combat. Burdened by a
fatal poisoned wound, Tristram boards a ship and eventually washed up on the
shores of Ireland. There, the Irish princess, Iseult the Fair, heals him. Upon his
return to Cornwall, his lord requests his assistance in his search for a queen. His
only stipulations lie in her provable royal blood and that a bird must drop a strand
of her golden hair before him. Tristram departs in search of this woman and lands
again in Ireland. His success seems impossible as he struggles with a dragon. The
skirmish leaves him mortally wounded.
The linked fate between the lovers appears again as Iseult chances upon him and
offers her medical abilities. Unexpectedly, her parents offer her as a reward for his
defeat of the dragon. Tristram announces that instead of this match, he intends to give
Iseult to King Mark. Worried for her daughter s happiness, the Queen creates a love
potion that she instructs Iseult s maid to give to ... Show more content on ...
Built off of the change he shows in Tristram, Malory warns against love during his
own time as it cannot match Arthurian standards. The familiar tale begins in May, as
Guinevere rides out with a small retinue of knights. However, a knight,
Mellyagraunce (formerly MГ©lГ©agant) turns against the party due to his secret
love of the Queen. Though the tale remains much the same as ChrГ©tien s, several
key elements change. None of the other knights ride out to save Guinevere, for she
sends her page to only inform Lancelot. Waylaid in an ambush, Lancelot s horse faces
mortal injury forcing him to jump into a prison cart to sneak into the
Termite Pest Management Research Paper
Termite pest control in Frisco, TX is serious business. Termites are one of the most
destructive pests in Texas and in every state in the United States, except Alaska. They
do billions of dollars of damage to homes, businesses and other structures every year
so controlling them should be a priority for anyone who lives in a home built with
any amount of wood. And while controlling termites once you ve got them is
important, even more important is making your home as unattractive and
impenetrable to them as possible. The National Pest Management Association offers
some tips for postponing, and possibly even preventing, a termite infestation:
1. Reduce moisture in and around your home. Keep water inside your home contained
in the pipes. ... Show more content on ...
2. Keep wood and debris away from the foundation of your home. Store firewood at
least 20 yards away from your home. Don t plant shrubs or spread wood mulch next
to your home and never stack debris or allow it to collect near the foundation of the
structure. Always maintain a gap of at least 18 inches between the wood parts of
your home and the soil.
3. Don t attach any wooden structures directly to your home. If you build a deck,
pergola, shed or any other addition made of wood next to your home, make sure that
the wood of that addition doesn t contact your home directly. If you must attach
something made of wood to your home, always attach it with metal plates to avoid
direct wood to wood contact.
4. Get your home inspected. Have a specialist in termite pest control in Frisco, TX
inspect your home yearly, not just to check for signs of a termite infestation, but also
to give you valuable tips and information you need to help keep termites
The United States Civil War Essay
The United States Civil War can be considered as one of the darkest times in
American history. The Southern states were fighting for their way of life, and the
Northern states were fighting to preserve the Union. The war had begun in the year
of 1861, and it would end in 1865 with the capture of Jefferson Davis and surrender
of Robert E. Lee. The war had begun at the battle of Fort Sumter. After this battle, the
newly elected Abraham Lincoln called for volunteers to join the Union forces. In
1862, Union and Confederate forces would meet again at the battle of Fort Henry and
Donelson. With the Union succeeding at pushing the Confederate forces further back
into the South, General Grant and his army made their way down the Tennessee
River. The forces would meet again at the Battle of Shiloh and Pittsburg Landing.
There have been many arguments supporting the theory that the Confederacy did in
fact win at the Battle of Shiloh. Although the Union lost more troops at this battle,
the Confederacy failed in many ways. In order to determine how exactly they failed,
it is important to study what the goal of the Confederacy was at Shiloh and whether
or not they accomplished this goal. In this essay, the Confederacy s goals for
attacking Grant s troops at Shiloh and their failure to accomplish those goals will
show just how unsuccessful the Confederate army truly was at this battle.1
There had been decades of tension between the Southern and Northern states of
America. The
Bobbie Ann Mason In Country Essay
The Vietnam War divided the country and led to several americans searching for not
only their identity and morals, but the morals of the nation as a whole. Many people
questioned what good the fighting was for and saw more and more news coverage
about the horrible failures of the War leading to a mistrust in the U.S. government. In
Bobbie Ann Mason s book, In Country: The Story of an American Family, Bobbie
Ann Mason tells a coming of age story about Samantha Hughes who searches for
understanding and meaning in a War that has affected her family and country greatly.
Using dialogue and plot construction, Mason successfully examines the changes in
morality towards violence and war.
In country, follows Samantha Hughes a teenage girl who lives in Hopewell,
Kentucky. Samantha s dad was sent to Vietnam a... Show more content on ...
Her Uncle, Emmet, is also sent to Vietnam only when he comes back to the United
States he suffers from PTSD and becomes a hippie. After Emmet returns from War
Sam s mother, Irene, takes care of him and eventually lets Emmet be the caretaker
of Sam and the house as she moves to Lexington to continue school and start a
family at the University of Kentucky. During this time Sam and Emmet become
very close and Sam spends time around some more time with some of Emmett s
friends that are also vets. The story follows Sam as she searches for more detailed
information about what exactly Vietnam was like, meanwhile trying to find out
more about her father in the process. Not only is this a coming of age story, but
also one of a loss of innocence. Sam ultimately discovers that the war was viewed in
different ways and had differing effects in the soldiers morals.
One of the key literary elements that Bobbie Ann Mason uses to get across the
meaning of the book is her use of dialogue. Throughout In Country, Mason uses
dialogue between two characters to express their feelings and experiences. In part II
after a date out with Samantha s boyfriend, lonnie, and
How Did Child Labor Occur During The Second
During the Second Industrial Revolution many people were getting jobs because of
the growing industrialization. The Second Industrial Revolution was led by the
United States causing countless new business and factories to start opening up. By
the mid 1800 s child labor started to be an extensive concern because the factories
were both dangerous and disgusting. Child labor became a substantial matter once
machines in factories replaced hand labor because machines were extremely unsafe.
When the factories started to open more workers were needed that would be paid
very little. During the Industrial Revolutionchild labor increased because of the need
for cheap labor, the new inventions and technologies, and the lack of workers. During
the Second American Revolution there... Show more content on ...
During the industrial revolution there was a mass production of new machines and
technologies. When these new machines were put into factories the owners had to go
and find more workers. The big issue factory owners had was trying to find workers
that were willing to work for a low price. Finding workers that were willing to work
for a low price was extremely hard because everyone was trying to make enough
money to support their families. Poor children and their families relied on child
labor in order to improve their chances of obtaining their chances of obtaining
basic necessities (Child labor public education project). Trying to find workers that
were willing to work for such little pay wasn t their own problem. They also had to
try and find people that had experience with the machinery. But finding people who
had experience with the machinery wasn t so easy. One hospital reported that every
year it treated nearly a thousand people for wounds and mutilations caused by
machines in factories. (Factory Accidents) Due to the lack of experience ended with
several workers being injured and sometimes even
Mexican Economy Research Paper
Title: Oil prices and its effects on Mexican economy
Students name: Elcherik Daal
Name of the college: Palm Beach State College
Course: Macro Economics
Name of the instructor: Warren Smith
Date: April 5st, 2015
This research paper will describe the demography, labor force and the business cycle
of Mexico. Mexico is a federal republic, and it consists of 31 states and the Federal
District. The Constitution established separation of powers. The country itself has a
perimeter of 761,602 square miles. Mexico underwent an increase in purchasing
power living standards, as well as reforms in energy and telecommunications passed
by recently elected President Enrique PeГ±a Nieto. Besides the reforms, the
manufacturing sector ... Show more content on ...
The energy reforms will restore an industry that has had a deficiency in technology
for quite some times now. US oil companies will lend their resources that the
Pemex currently doesn t have. This is a good opportunity to help boost Mexican
oil production, which has been falling for years. We need resources, technology
and knowledge. Therefore, it is important to work with those who do have (PeГ±a
Nieto). Mexico has been a top crude oil supplier to the US. However, its petroleum
production has declined in the last decade. The reform opened Mexico s oil and
natural gas sector to international companies that could potentially help Mexico
reverse the shortage/lag in the production. Besides US, Mexico has other trading
partners like China, Japan, South Korea and Germany (Clare Ribando Seelke).
Ultimately, these reforms could create investment opportunities for US companies,
and it can expand the US and Mexican energy
Sweatshops In China
It was Martin Luther King, Jr. who said, Nothing in all the world is more dangerous
than sincere ignorance. Many people in the Western world either do not know or
choose to ignore the fact that a massive amount of products that come into North
America from faraway lands are produced in sweatshops, including shoes, clothing,
and toys. This ignorance over the inhumane and unjust labour conditions happening
in factories on other sides of the globe is precisely what keeps these horrifying
practices alive. China is home to one of the most enormous and concentrated
sweatshopsystems in the world. There are approximately 150 million people in China
working in ghastly conditions, having to live off nearly unsustainable pay, and being
refused benefits... Show more content on ...
In present China, forced and unpaid prison labor is widespread and common.
Characteristics of Chinese sweatshops include overcrowding, lack of sanitary
conditions, no worker breaks, demands to complete a task within a limited period
of time, and a total lack of job security. Government negligence is what allows such
abuses to persist. Some plants force employees into working extraordinary
amounts of hours, for example, a Price Waterhouse audit of Nike factories in China
found that some require seven days of work per week. Many workers who
supposedly have the choice to work overtime must do so in order to survive on their
low wage rates. The people working in Chinese sweatshops only get a small amount
of payment for their work and nothing more. The locals do not benefit at all, but
instead suffer from the presence of foreign businesses in their country. As for the
foreigners, one telling statistic is that the United States imports an estimated $100
million per year in goods produced by Chinese migrant workers. The outside
companies gain millions as the developing countries struggle to survive. Presently,
foreigners gain massively from the resource of migrant workers in China. The locals
that can benefit from their presence benefit very, very little, that is, if a small
amount of money for their work is seen as a benefit. The Chinese employees work is
valuable to the company, for their
Essay on Department Store Marketing Comparison
1. I have chosen to discuss and compare the department store industry. I have
chosen this industry because I live in Southern California where the retail sector is
a major part of business. Shopping malls are prevalent everywhere. I have seen and
experienced all the differences among class and status. With a wide variety of
demographics in Southern California, there are a number of shops and stores to
choose from. Department stores range from discount warehouses such as Wal Mart,
mid range stores such as JC Penney, and high end stores like Nordstrom. I am going
to discuss the department storeindustry specifically for Wal Mart, JC Penny, and
Nordstrom. Coming from a middle class family, I have experienced shops at all ends
of the... Show more content on ...
Promotion consists of advertising, public relations, etc.
PlaceProviding the product at a place that is convenient for consumers. Place is the
distribution aspect.
JC Penney: Product: Like its two competitors, JC Penney offers a variety of
tangible goods for sale. JC Penney caters to its customers with higher end products
at an affordable price. It is similar to Nordstrom s in the types of goods offered. It
differs from Wal Mart because it has less variety. JC Penney offers clothing, bed and
bath products, home items, clothing accessories, and patio furniture. Clothing is the
main area of production for JC Penney and accounts for more than 50% of sales.
Price: JC Penney has recently decided to move to three kinds of prices: everyday,
monthly specials, and clearances. They came to this strategy through a variety of
studies. First, using past sales data, the company looked at consumers actual
purchasing behavior, and came up with what it terms Fair and Square pricing,
which means shoppers can expect lower prices in stores at all times. To reach this
conclusion, research showed 72% of JC Penney s revenue came from selling items
priced at least 50% off. Thus, in the example cited in most recent news stories
about the Fair and Square strategy, a T shirt that had retailed for US$14 but
typically sold after markdowns at US$6, would now be priced at a US$7 every day.
Part two of Fair and Square means monthly deals, and in the T shirt example,
Evaluation Of The Practical -you Work As An Analyst For
Assignment 3.3
The aim of the practical You work as an analyst for a snack food manufacturer.You
have just changed to a new supplier of soy sauce but are worried that the taste is not
as strong and you suspect that some of the key ingredients have been changed.
Explain how you are going to do this.
Chromatography is a method used mainly in labs in order to isolate organic
compounds from inorganic compounds in order to be observed. Via this technique,
scientists are able to differentiate between the substances which create a particular
compound. Chromatography can be used to separate mixtures of coloured
compounds. Mixtures which are suitable for separation by chromatography are inks,
colouring agents in foods and dyes. You can... Show more content on
Chromatography is also used in food analysis to detect microorganisms in drinking
water. Scientists whom observe the environment also use this method in order to
measure pollution levels within the area. Forensic scientist use it in order to analyse
substances for DNA such as blood alongside to discover what substances are such as
drugs. Alongside this, chemists can use it to differentiate rates of progression of
chemicals alongside to observe what substances are present in a given sample. http:/
/ Cod/Chromatography.html http:/
/ student magazine/application and importance thin
layer chromatography analysis and research 0
TLC Plate
Capillary tubes
250ml Beaker
Watch Glass / Petri dish
Acetic acid
Amoy soy sauce , Kikkoman soy sauce and Sainsbury s soy sauce.
Petri Dish
Latex gloves.
How to prepare the sample for analysis
Prepare a solution of Butanol, acetic acid and water within the ratio 4:1:2.
Mix each soy sauce sample with an equal volume of butanol, in a 50:50 ratio, shake
and leave prepared mixture for 15 minutes in order for the different layers to become
1) Draw a faint pencil line 1cm below a TLC plate.
2) Use a capillary tube to put a

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  • 2. Case Study On Hockey India instrument to the cause of preserving the integrity of the sport, and aspiring for its orderly development. It further went on to state that the measures implemented by the consortium under its pyramid structure were not unconditionally inherent and proportionate to the achievements of purely sporting objectives. In fact, the CCI read a strong commercial dimension into the conduct of the board. While some may argue that this case lacks the balancing of rights perspective that was employed in the Hockey India judgment, it would also, perhaps, not be altogether misguided to prefer the Hockey India judgment to have progressed on the lines of the BCCI case. With a firm recommendation to revamp the core structure of its organisation such that clashes between its regulatory and organisational powers cease to be a regular feature, the CCI liberated Hockey India of the charges levelled against it. Directing the institution of a rationalised and transparent system to supervise the promulgation of NOCs, the CCI relied on an... Show more content on ... The stance of the CCI does appear to be rather implausible, especially as it dismisses the arguments to the alternative citing the lack of evidence that effectively corroborates that Hockey India deliberately acted against the players who wished to participate in the league. Moreover, it is pertinent to note that within a year of the alleged anti competitive policies being drawn up by Hockey India, its proposal for a rival league was released. Hence, to absolve the body for inclusion of commercial aspects in its practices might hardly be the way to proceed. In addition, while the CoC Agreement did not explicitly enjoin the freedom of players to participate in the World Series Hockey League, it certainly served as a sheer
  • 3. Queen Elizabeth s Life And Accomplishments Queen Elizabeth was born to Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn of England at Greenwich Palace on September 7, 1533. She was named after her grandmothers, Elizabeth of York and Elizabeth Howard. She was a great disappointment because her father wanted a boy. Her mother was executed of false charges if incest and adultery on May 19, 1536. Her father then married his third wife Jane Seymour who passed while giving birth to Henry s long wanted son, Edward. At a young age it was very obvious that she was very gifted at learning and was well educated. In January of 1547 her father died and his son became King Edward VI. Henry was too young to rule himself due to the fact that he was only nine years old, so his uncle, Edward Seymour became Protector of
  • 4. The Effect of Television on a Childs Attention Span The effect of television on a childs attention span Samantha Martin COM/156 May 6, 2012 Jodi Galvan Axia College of the University of Phoenix The effect of television on a childs attention span In watching my 13 year old daughter, and constantly trying to get her to complete the simplest of tasks such as loading the dishwasher. I have often wondered if watching too much television has anything to do with her inability to complete the smallest of tasks. Some people think that children who watch too much television are likely to develop ADHD; however, it may be the opposite. The childwho is prone to Attention problems may be drawn to watching television to sooth their minds (New Scientist, 2007). Is it ... Show more content on ... We should ask ourselves, are the parts divided fairly equally? They go on to say, Do screens eat up most of the hours outside of school or daycare? (Finkelstein Roberts, 2004). One way to ensure that our children are not spending too much time in front of the television to try implementing No television on the weekend (Finkelstein Roberts, 2004) , use that time to plan other fun, exciting, and educational activities that both you and your child will enjoy. You will not only create a learning experience you will be building fond memories that you and your child will hold dear for years to come. We all know how television advertisers target children. We all need to recognize the effect that comecercials have on our children. Commercial are there for a reason, to sell you something (Finkelstein Roberts, 2004). It is our responsibility as parents to keep commercials in their place. Have you ever been in the middle of Wal Mart and had your child come up to you grasping the newest toy between their fists asking you, mommy please, please can I have it? I have been their on numerous occasions. Just to have my daughter throw a tantrum when I told her no sweetie not today. Maybe you can do some chores to earn it. We as parents need to keep commercials in their place. Economist Juliet Schore, author of born to buy says Kids as young as one or two can
  • 5. An Inspector Calls Eva Smith Character Analysis Apart from Mrs. Birling, Priestley in his play An Inspector Calls,conveys women as very weak and inferior characters; as the play was set in 1912, we can see how women were stereotypically made to be obedient and loyal to their husbands. Through the character of Eva Smith the theme of vulnerability is portrayed, and through the character of Sheila we can see how women are shown as materialistic and incompetent. Throughout the play Priestley exhibits the character of Eva Smith as an impuissant character; she is mentioned very frequently as she highlights the faults of society in 1912 due to the ill excused way she was treated, being inferior to males of her own class as well as those much wealthier than her. Yet she never makes an appearance in the play. When she is first mentioned she is portrayed as weak when the... Show more content on ... From this we can infer that Priestley is portraying women as weak, as if they can not speak their own mind, therefore Gerald had to talk for her since she could not do it herself. He goes to open the door while Sheila takes her mother out. Then he closes it and comes back in, from these stage directions we can see how Priestlety conveys how the women are too fragile to be involved in important conversations. The fact that Sheila takes her mother out , as the men stay inside and continue to discuss, portrays that the women are not only too weak to handle the conversation but also that they are unimportant in the matter, as they did not need to stay. This concludes the fact that women are exhibited as insignificant and weak through Sheila s unimportance and delicate
  • 6. Essay on Porter s Diamond Model ASSESSING THE POWER OF PORTER S DIAMOND MODEL IN THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY IN MEXICO AFTER TEN YEARS OF NAFTA SALVADOR BARRAGAN Master in Business Administration, IPADE Business School, 1996 BSc in Industrial Engineering, Universidad Panamericana, 1994 A Research Project Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of the University of Lethbridge in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT Faculty of Management University of Lethbridge LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, CANADA Salvador BarragГЎn, 2005 ii Abstract It has been ten years since the signature of the NAFTA agreement among Canada, U.S., and Mexico. For Mexico, this was a decisive step away from a protectionism model toward a ... Show more content on ... 10 2.2.1. The Doubled Diamond vs. a Single National Diamond ................................. 11 2.2.2. The Role of the Multinational Enterprises (MNE s) as Empowering Developing Countries rather than Constraining their Growth.................................. 12 3. Research Setting: Why Use Mexico to Study Porter s Diamond? ............................... 17 4. Research Questions....................................................................................................... 19 5. Methodology ................................................................................................................. 20 5.1. Positioning the International Competitiveness of the Industry.............................. 22 5.2. Addressing the Research Questions....................................................................... 23 6. Results........................................................................................................................... 28 6.1. The Competitiveness of the Automobile Industry in Mexico................................ 28 6.2. Positioning the Industry as Internationally Competitive ....................................... 29 6.3. Using Porter s Diamond to Assess Sources of Competitive Advantage in the Automobile Industry in Mexico: 1993 2003. ............................................................... 39 6.3.1. Factor
  • 7. Non Verbal Communication There are two types of communication that teachers use to penetrate into the minds of the learners Non Verbal Communication Verbal Communication Non Verbal Communication Non verbal communication is an art of communication that could and can be used to communicate important information to the minds of the learners in an effective and efficient way. Non Verbal Communications are usually done via gestures As researches show, non verbal communication has consistently demonstrated that the specific non verbal language used by the educator/teacher will have a direct impact on both the psychological attachment of the student to the teacher and the ability of the teacher to connect with the student. It is also understood that in the context of education, non verbal communication ... Show more content on ... Verbal communication is known to another important element of child guidance that is as important as non verbal communication .The words we use as educators strongly influence the behaviors and learning experiences of students. A prime beginning for effective verbal communication is the ability of the teacher/educator to be a good listener, if you as the prime educator are able to listen and understand the verbal or non verbal signals that are given out by the learner/student, teaching will be more successful, effective and efficient. One part of verbal communication can be described as the following The teacher begins by being open and approachable and listens carefully to what the child is saying and doing, then in his own words, the teacher/educator repeats back what he has heard the learner/student says. When the teacher uses methods such active listening in cohesion with effective verbal communication, it lets students/learners know the teacher is trying hard to help them identify and understand the feelings they have and respond to those emotions in appropriate
  • 8. The School Drop Out Phenomena In Uruguay, between one out of three and one out of four children that enroll in secondary school do not graduate. For a country that used to exhibit high education levels and more than tripled its education expenditure per student in the last ten years, being just above Latin American standards appears as anything but a success. Several studies dug in the cause and nature of such an evolution. One particular finding called for the attention of researchers: the probability of an adolescent leaving their studies exhibit two peaks, one at 15 years old and the other at 18. There seems to be a period of relative calm between ages 15 and 18 in terms of school dropping. (1) Quite an odd shape for that process. Why is it that student feelings about education along the adolescence present this U shape? Are subjects being taught in those particular years less interesting than others? Are them more difficult? Why such an important and long term decision goes back and forth during adolescence? The school drop out phenomena has been widely researched but it still remains in the shades. Pouring money into the education system does not seem enough to solve the issue. Despite efforts of teachers some children still underestimate the benefits of studying. Or at least they do not feel the payoff big enough for the effort they do. A humongous amount of hard data proves that for teens it is not a wise decision to abandon their studies. Nevertheless, simply telling them that, does not change
  • 9. Computance In Society In A DollпїЅs House And A Doll s House Throughout 18th and 19th century, having a good reputation in the society played a huge role in people s lives. Particularly, having a happy and a successful marriage, and a family was a crucial factor to have power and an influence in the society. Therefore, people usually tried to conceal the imperfections of their house and attempt to portray a false reality. Similarly, in the play A Doll s House, Torvald tries to protect his reputation and honour by disguising his house into a perfectly happy and a successful family. Also, the name of this play is a parallel to his house as it looks perfect to the rest of the world when what s inside the house remains unknown. Furthermore, In the play A Doll s House, Ibsen uses the house to reveal the reality of the Torvald tries to conceal through his superficial nature. Throughout the play, Ibsen uses the symbol of macaroons to illustrate Nora s lack of freedom and her opposition to be the perfect wife . To the outsiders, Nora is the ideal wife that anyone could ever have as Rank would gladly give his life for her. However, in reality, Torvald has forced her to hide her childish and carefree nature to look perfect to the rest of the world. Nora loves macaroons, but under Torvald s control she is not allowed to have them because he is afraid they will spoil [her] teeth (21), therefore, she [hides] the packet when he is around (22). This portrays the reality of Torvald s delusion of Nora as she is not the perfect and the obedient wife that he views her to be. His reasoning for restricting her from eating macaroons emphasizes his superficial character as he wants her to be perfect. Although lying about eating macaroons is a an unnecessary thing to do, she feels as though she should at least pretend to follow his orders rather than standing up for herself. Her favoring reaction shows how she is intimidated by him as he [wags] his finger at her ruling and controlling her as she is a child (8). Also, Torvald controlling what she eats illustrates his oppressive control over her as she does not indeed have the power to choose what she eats because he is scared that she will ruin the cover. Furthermore, due to Torvald s lack of respect for her adulthood, she feels as
  • 10. Essay on Memory Project Memory Project: Application to Learning Study Habits Memory is the capability to learn, retain, store and remember information from previous experiences. Memories are accumulated from prior experiences and recollected, which can influence change of behavior or thought. This ability can assist with learning and adapting to new experiences. Memoryis essential to our lives. Without a memory of the past we cannot operate in the present or think about the future. We would not be able to remember what we did yesterday, what we have done today or what we plan to do tomorrow. Without memory we could not learn anything. Short termmemory is information a person is thinking of at that specific time, it is also known as working memory... Show more content on ... Improving study habits may be accomplished by using both short and long term memory. In reference to (Morris Maisto, 2014), two types of short term memory skills that can be useful are rote rehearsal and chunking. These methods can help hold more information in the short term memory, until they can be relocated to the long term memory. Rote rehearsal is repetition of information, such as using flashcards and saying them aloud. Another skill called chunking is the process of breaking down a large piece of data into smaller chunks to make them easier to comprehend and remember Long term memory skills are also useful and include elaborative rehearsal, mnemonics and schema. Elaborative rehearsal is much like rote rehearsal except it is linking new information in short term memory to familiar material stored in long term memory (Craik Lockhart, 1972, p. 193). In simpler words this means trying to relate the given information to something you already know. For example, using the acronym PEMDAS which each of the letters stand for a step in mathematics that you are supposed to follow in order which are Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Adding, and Subtracting; Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. A Mnemonic is something which we can use to remember things much easier, according to (Morris Maisto, 2014, pg. 193). As is often the case, it could be a phrase, a short song, or
  • 11. The Rocking Horse Winner Theme Analysis The Rocking Horse Winner The dramatic short story The rocking horse winner, is about a young boy who desires to be loved by his mother. The author, D.H. Lawrence develops a theme that states, the desire for money and social status is a destructive force. The story is about a young boy named Paul who tries to win his mothers love by gambling for money. Paul has a supernatural power which he can commute with his rocking horse to find out the winning races. However, in the end Paul tries too hard to win his mothers love and dies. The moral theme is revealed through Paul, who is the protagonist, and his relationships with the characters. The relationships which result in conflict is between Paul s mother and father, between mother and ... Show more content on ... The wooden rocking horse is supernatural and it is what Paul uses to find out the winning race horses. Paul is determined to achieve social status and money by finding the winners, as an example he says now, take me to where there is luck! However, the rocking horse ends up taking Paul s life. The whispering in the house symbolizes the desire to stay in the upper class. The family needs to have the best things in order to keep their stature. There was never enough money, which means that the family is always searching for more money. The whispering is partly caused by Paul s mother because she says to Paul we re the poor members of the family. This means that the kids are more worried about money because they are the only ones who can hear this whispering. Thus, symbolism is used here as a means of revealing the theme. In summary, the desire for money and social status ends up in taking the protagonist s life. The author, D.H. Lawrence reveals the theme exceedingly well through the use of relations between the engraved characters and the symbolic inferences. Paul in the end receives the attention and love which he longs for, but unfortunately his mother realizes this too late. The author in the end succeeds in revealing the theme which makes this short story more
  • 12. Bending of Beam Lab Report Essay 1. Objective: The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate the bending of a bean when loaded at the center of its length and examine its deflection when positioned in two different ways, when the flat side of the beam is support and when the thin side is supported. In addition, try to find linear relationship between the load applied and the deflection of the beam and comparing the experimental deflection with the theoretical deflection. If the load is applied at the mid length a=b=L/2 then mid span deflection is: Оґ = PL3 /(48EI). Where P is the applied force, L is the length of beam, E is the modulus of elasticity of aluminum, and I is the moment of Inertia. For a beam of rectangular cross section, say of width w and ... Show more content on ... The beam was loaded the mid length in 2.745 lbs. increments up to 6.745 lbs. The change in clearance of every load step was measured and data was recorded. Case II: The beam was turned around in such way that the shortest side of the cross section is on the support. The steps described in Case I was repeated and data was recorded. 4. Results: Following tables and graphs show the result of the experiment. The tables will demonstrate the experimental and theoretical deflection for each case. The graphs will show the relationship between the load applied and deflection, in addition to compare the experimental deflection and theoretical deflection. Case I: Dimensions of the beam Length (L)= 29.35 in.,Width (w)= 1.008 in.,Thickness (t)= 0.125 in. Inertia (I)= wt3/12 = 0.000164063 in4. TABLE I P (lbs.)| Initial Clearance (in)| New Clearance (in)| Experimental Deflection (in)| Theoretical Deflection (in)| 2.745| 0.75| 0.98| 0.23| 0.31092| 3.745| 0.75| 1.13| 0.38| 0.47587| 4.745| 0.75| 1.2| 0.45| 0.63011| 5.745| 0.75| 1.31| 0.56| 0.79903| 6.745| 0.75| 1.44| 0.69| 0.99236| Case II: Dimensions of the beam Length (L)= 35.5 in.,Width (w)= 1.008 in.,Thickness (t)= 0.125 in. Inertia (I)= w3t/12 = 0.010668672 in4. TABLE II P (lbs.)| Initial Clearance (in)| New Clearance (in)| Experimental Deflection (in)| Theoretical Deflection| 2.745| 1.973| 2.051| 0.086
  • 13. Utopia By Thomas More And The Condition Of The Working Class How Our Society Today Relates to Societies Hundreds of Years Ago The books, Utopia by Thomas More and the Condition of the Working Class by Friedrich Engels criticize societies hundreds of years ago, and upon reading these books, I have realized that our society today, shares many of the qualities of societies mentioned in these books. Utopia and the Condition of the Working Class brought to light the wealth gap and inequality within societies and how the conditions we are brought up in affects our future. The authors of these books also point out the insecurity of people, as well as poverty and self interest. Society has changed since the early days, but there are quite a few never ending issues that still affect our societies today. Grouping people into classes has been an everlasting issue, and it will continue to be an issue as long as people exist. Giving people a class they fall under is a result of the gap between the rich and poor. Friedrich Engels wrote, The town itself is peculiarly built, so that a person may live in it for years, and go in and out daily without coming into contact with a working people s quarter or even with workers, that is, so long as he confines himself to his business or to pleasure walks. This arises chiefly from the fact, that by unconscious tacit agreement, as well as with outspoken conscious determination, the working people s quarters are sharply separated from the sections of the city reserved for the middle class; or, if this does
  • 14. OSERS Special Education Fortunately, since 1975 Special Education has been a priority for the United States. They have created many organizations and programs that help many kids since their birth. The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), understands the many challenges still facing individuals with disabilities and their families. Therefore, OSERS is committed to improving results and outcomes for people with disabilities of all ages. OSERS supports programs that serve millions of children, youth and adults with disabilities, ( U.S Department of Education) An example of what U.S government had established in some organizations as a purpose for a better life for these kids with disabilities. They dedicated their time on all the children... Show more content on ... Center for Parent Information and Source states, Since the enactment of the original legislation in 1975, children and youth (ages 3 22) receive special education and related services under Part B of IDEA... Our nation s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), sets high standards for their achievement and guides how special help and services are made available in schools to address their individual needs, ( Part B of IDEA: Services for School Aged Children ) They are in charge to administer required information for any individual that needs it. People who refuse for help to this programs can assume that they keep investigating other similar case like these. Also through this website we can see how people have tried to help these childrens with disabilities. Parent Center, state in their website, More than 6 million children with disabilities receive special education and related services in our schools each year. ( Part B of IDEA: Services for School Aged Children ) OSERP is one of those programs who have interest for kids with needs; the regular education meaning is that each individual can obtain the education that him/her deserves and that the economic income is not an obstacle for
  • 15. Persuasive Essay Hunting Hunting Have you ever been hunting in the woods? Have you ever shot something that has four legs, each one has a hoof on them. It can get gigantuan antlers and sheer size, but yet I don t harm hunters often even though people still want to eat me for dinner. If so, have you ever shot a deer while 20 feet up in the air?Have you ever had your legs shake so bad you think you might collapse? If you have gone hunting you know what I have felt.When we have time we go out to our farm in Fulton County (which is prime hunting land). We have been hunting there since I was seven years old . My dad has been hunting for over 20 years and yet he still has feelings for hunting. Although ... Show more content on ... The next morning we went out anyways, even though my dad didn t want to go. and it had just turned light and there was a doe 75 yards away from the stand so I asked my dad if he would let me shoot it and he said yeah, and I embedded the crosshairs on the deer s shoulder and pulled the trigger of the big,bulky gun. I heard a boom and then all of the sudden the deer jumped straight up in the air and collapsed. 30 minutes later we went down and got her and she was a heavy doe and we dragged her back to the truck and got her processed.Climbing,sitting,swinging, and sweating are all parts of hunting. You swing in the treestand, you sit as still as you can, you climb up the tree to your stand and all the hills around it, and you sweat getting to the stand sometimes. Some people in today s world think that hunting has ceased to be what it was years ago because now it s too easy.Another story I remember is this one the year I was old enough to sit alone in the stand and my dad told me don t shoot anything unless it s a buck and I said ok and he walked off into the darkness. The first day we had off to hunt I couldn t hunt. I really wanted to go
  • 16. Study Questions On The Law Of Nature And The Laws Of Human HUMA 1825 B Akram Saiyed Study Questions Answers Student Number: 213985858 Attention: Course Director, Neil Braganza Email: November 14th, 2014 Sir William Blackstone All page references are to Blackstone s text 1.What are the characteristics of municipal law according to Blackstone? See 33 34, 39, 40 42 Blackstone commentaries state that there are two charities to municipal law or Muncipium (pl. municipal); the laws of nature and the... Show more content on ... Citizens develop this law to satisfy their wants and fears as individuals in the society as citizens live by their common interest but this sense of fear as holds the society in place together. Municipals law is about formulation, developing tools that have strength in numbers, establishes that all of us work together. It is then defined how parts obey the whole, so the whole can be possible. Without a superior authoritative, we fall into isolation because we need the supreme who govern us of what is right and forbid what is wrong or Superior to the inferior, meaning, the whole to the part or state to the individual, which gives respect of their existence as citizens and the state not about citizen s being a creature of God. The municipal law must be a general, it must be more than just an advice, and it must not be dependent by will of an individual. Both the willing and the unwilling must follow the law. It is a human free will. It is not an agreement; it must establish the bases of authority. However, acting and free will differentiate. We must not act but free will and opinion to say anything must be allowed. It is therefore, limited and gives us certain rights to community to allow some possible speech. The law is not something that not found from the state but it applies to everyone. It must be made public and presented to the public ahead of time and the rules have to come from a supreme
  • 17. Mount Everest And The Seven Natural Wonders Of The World Ever wonder what s out there beyond the hustle and bustle of the city? One of the things is the beautiful seven natural wonders of the world. Who or what decides what the seven natural wonders are? What are the 7 natural wonders of the world? What makes the wonders wonders? The 7 wonders are beautiful things in the world that need to be protected. When Sir George Everest discovered mount Everest in 1856 the mountain stood at 29,002 feet tall and today now stands 29,029 feet tall but is still growing 25 inches every year. While mount Everest is beautiful it is also cold and dangerous. The lowest the temperature can get is 80 degrees fahrenheit. About some two hundred dead bodies cover the mountain from things like: falls, avalanches, and exposure to frostbite and there is about one in ten successful summits that end in death. It costs about 55,500 dollars to climb mount Everest. Some coasts are climbing permits those can cost 25,00 dollars for a single person and you have to have one befor you can step foot on the mountain. To get to base camp it takes yaks, porters and four thousand dollars. Also guides one or two per person and that s five thousand dollars each. There are camps along the way with supplies and staff that need to be paid and paying for food every six weeks that s two thousand dollars. One of the most important things is one of the most expensive. Oxygen bottles cost five hundred and fifty dollars a bottle and usually people use five bottles to
  • 18. Short Story Of Barclays A couple of evenings ago Colonel Barclay of the first battalion of the royal mallows was found dead in his lovely english villa in london. At first the case was deemed a murder which I still think it is but now as new evidence has come forth it seems the man died of apoplexy but I still think murder was there. When I talked to the house maid who original was the one who knew something was wrong she told me that the couple though look happy though it was a very sound marriageapparently Mr.Barclay loved his wifebut she did not love him back yes the woman was kind to the man she called her husband but rumor has it she was once in love with another man in the same regiment but there is no evidence of that for now. As I look into the case further... Show more content on ... When she came home that night of her husband s death mad as can be at what her husband had done in his past that a yelling match broke out between the two of them mrs.Barclay had called her husband no better than David when suddenly Mr.Wood came into the room through the open french window and when Mr.Barclay saw Mr.Wood he dropped dead and hit his head on the fire fender and Mrs.Barclay who saw what had happened went into shocked and fell on the
  • 19. Vast Wasteland Summary In Vast Wasteland, Newton Minow gave a forewarning speech about television and the public interest. Minow is correct in his statement for these reasons: the influence of viewers, public interest, and the future impact of television. Television has a widespread influence on everyone, especially children. Children are impacted so much by the things they have seen and watched on TV. They learn many things from TV, but their social skills and other learningabilities slow down. Watching TV numbs the mind of children and keeps them inactive from daily exercise. Furthermore, speech delays can occur in children who watch excessive amounts of television. Television programming such as MTV, Adult Swim, and Family Guy exposes and promotes negative ... Show more content on ... There are numerous channels of different types of programming: educational, reality, and news reporting. Educational programming is beneficial in many ways. It helps children learn a variety of skills such as the alphabet, numbers, and manners. Reality TV programming is invasive . This type of programming promotes spreading rumors and nonsense about people in the world today. Invading the privacy of people is reality programming s biggest key to success. Everyone is always wanting to know about what other people are doing, who they are talking to, where they are going, and when and they will be somewhere. Celebrities are most likely the biggest victims of our ridiculing reality TV. Today, most people are interested in reality TV channels like Music TV, Entertainment TV and Abc networks. One can watch reality shows such as Cops, Trauma in the ER, and Keeping up with the Kardashians. Another programming is the news which is opinion based, depending on what one wants to see when he wants to see it. Multiple stories are broadcasted everyday with the latest news. The public has multiple channels to choose from when it comes to the news. Public interest is definitely important to television programming. Television gains its ratings from the public watching programming. Therefore, broadcasters make their living as to what interest the public on
  • 20. Indian Removal Speech Mr. President, Members of Congress I am a Cherokee Indian name Lauren who was removed from my house from my land with my family. I was born and raised on that land that I instantly fell in love with and never thought in a few years I would be removed from my home and forced to move somewhere else forever! This shouldn t be happening to us, we are humans just like all of you here today that we should be treating each other with respect and happiness. Me and my family and friends don t deserve this kind of respect thats getting thrown at us nor should we be forced and pushed around to move somewhere and know that our land will be owned by someone else. For this reason we as CherokeeIndians should get our land back and unite together and live normal again. I am here today in my family s respect that some of them died during the march. I m proud to stand here today in front of you guys today to try and get our land back and return to our homes. My family, my friends, my people knew that this day will come but we thought we could fight back. That did not work out for us after the deadline. When we were forcefully removed out of our homes, put into cattle pits in the pouring cold rain, and had to march through the cold winter snow were we had to burry a lot of my people and close ones. I have always wanted to know what Georgia wanted from us or our land. But from one thing I know or heard it was a large land for them that they found value in our land like fertile, soil and
  • 21. Rock And Roll Rock and Roll is so wonderful it comes with a mountain of followers, enormous production and simply speaking the majority of the music we are lending an ear today, is rock roll, and its own sub genres. In that respect there are tens of thousands of rock and roll books, magazines, internet sites, and even encyclopaedias. Fundamentally hybrid in genesis, rock and roll consists of elements of a variety of black and white American music formats: black guitar accompanied blues; black rhythm and blues, indicated for saxophone solos; black and white gospel songs; white country musicmusic; and the musics of white prominent troubadours and harmony groups. Right after 1964 it was simply referred to as rock music. The shift in terms shows both a connection with and a break from the previous period of time; rock music was no more only for dancing. For that reason, there is no too much of a surprise that numerous artist not just have a say regarding rock and roll music, but additionally they produced and performed the lots of songs about beautiful music also. Utmost proponent of rock n roll from 1956 to 1963 was Elvis Presley, thus it was so normal and no suprising he was singing about rock and roll as well. Elvis now dwells in a romantic place in music ... Show more content on ... Led Zeppelin IV was given overwhelming approval from critics. A few of the critics declare it the band s very most consistently pretty good album nevertheless and applauded the diversity of the tracks. Among diversity is clearly track „ Rock and Roll the authentic rock and roll tune, still, with superb Jimmy s guitar, soaring rhythm section and particular Robert s vocal. Rock And Roll, is the Zeppelin s slightly late effort at homage to the mother of musician and performers. Well, anyway Led Zeppelin was actually an rock band, so Plat was truly „
  • 22. Symptoms And Treatments Of An Undergraduate Student J.P. is a single 21 year old female of Filipino descent and currently an undergraduate student. Currently living with parents and two siblings. Reason for seeking care is due to complains of lightheadedness, fatigue, painful abdominal cramping, prolonged menstrual bleeding, and low hematocrit and hemoglobin count. There is no medical history as a child, but has gone through two surgeries, a laparoscopic right ovarian cystectomy and a small bowel injury resulting in an excision and reanastomosis. Medication that are taken daily are Necon 0.5/35 mg mcg tab PO 2x day, as well as iron supplement tablets PO 3x day to stop the irregular and prolonged menstrual bleeding, as well as help in the excessive bloodloss. There is no record or history... Show more content on ... When asked about sleeping habits it is brought up that only 6 hours of sleep is needed to function with a single nap throughout the day. There are no concerns being under or over weight. Patient does not breast feed or provide formula to infants, due to the fact of having no children. J.P. is able to move around without any assistive devices and completes 5 hours of physical activity a week. Emotional status was answered as stable and confesses that some stressors are school, family and friends. When asked about coping, it is admitted that biting the lip, crying self to sleep, and sleeping it off were the ideal ways to cope with the stress. Economic status falls in the middle class and has healthcare under parent s insurance plan. J.P. views herself as a hardworking student, but is intimidated by the pace and content of nursing school. Despite being intimidated, she is confident to compete nursing school. Others describe her as being able to socialize easily with other students; new friends are added her inner circle because of this. Another characteristic noted is that she is loud and cheerful around friends, turning their bad mood into a positive one. Despite the times where the confidence disappears, a strong front is shown so others do not see what is going on behind the scene, patient puts feelings aside to help those who are in need of emotional support. She values being a good person to all and follows
  • 23. The People s Wish For A Good Life Is Our Goal The People s Wish for a Good Life is Our Goal President Xi Jinping In Guangdong, all of the three poorest counties, Xingning, Dabu and Wuhua are located in Meizhou Muncipality. This widening income disparity between Meizhou and other regions carries in it the seeds of future discontent and could well lead to political instability. The time for action is now. Following Comrade Xi s message to help people break away from poverty and achieve prosperity, concrete actions against income inequality in Meizhou Municipality are the call of the hour. The key recommendations to bridge income inequality between Meizhou Muncipality and other regions of Guangdong are: (1) Push for equalization of basic public services between urban and rural areas (2) Improve rural infrastructure to create better living conditions as well as a better environment for economic activities (3) strengthen vocational training for rural labourers and improve their ability to be employed in non farming jobs 2. Causes and Context of Income Inequality in Meizhou Municipality a. Geographical Conditions: There exists a great difference in geographical conditions and natural resources among the Pearl River Delta Area (PRDA) and the Mountainous Areas of Guangdong province. Meizhou, has therefore, not fully benefited from the industrialization of the prosperity of the province, as most industries are based in the PRDA. The development is relatively slow and people lead a relatively poor life. Half of the
  • 24. Incarceration Of The United States Prisons The United States prison population has expanded at an increasingly rapid rate over that past several decades. Each day, more and more criminal offenders are sent to prisons; most of which were designed to house fewer inmates but are now packed to their limits. This mass incarceration era as many scholars and commentators of the Criminal JusticeSystem call it, is a result of several key issues that have created an environment within the correctional system that forces many inmates to serve longer prisonsentences while increasing recidivism rates. Current federal and state sentencing policies have resulted in historically high rates of offender recidivism and the highest incarceration rates in the world (Warren, 2007). As a result, prison population and overcrowding has rapidly increased and has become a serious issue across the country however, a reform in sentencing policies, more early release incentives, and reintegration back into society through rehabilitation will help reduce recidivism and prevent the continuing rise of prison populations. (change once paper is complete) The United States houses the largest prison population of the world at 25 percent and returns the greatest amount of inmates back into society. Currently, there are over two million people incarcerated in the U.S. with approximately the same number of inmates being released each year (Haney, 2015 p. 416). Many people wonder why prison overcrowding has become such a big issue when there is an
  • 25. Using A Handheld Portable Gas Detector Weighting Up One of the main challenges in this effort is how to autonomously operate multiple sensors for oxygen monitoring and to replace the existing technology which is based on a handheld portable gas detector weighting up to 5lbs and placed in the belt or waistband of the worker. Our innovative design is based on converting wasted mechanical energy from the movement of the worker to useful amount of energy by using the piezoelectric transduction mechanism. Depending on the movement of the worker and the performed tasks, two possible piezoelectric energy harvestingsystems can be designed. The first one will be composed of a flexible piezoelectric layer attached on the top of an aluminum sheet and directly attached to the skin of the worker as a band, as shown in Fig. 2(a). As for the second design of the energy harvester shown in Fig. 2(b), it will be based on the available excitation motion of the worker. This harvester will be efficient when the resonancephenomenon takes place. This harvester will be integrated in the clothes of the worker. As for the second design, low frequency excitations are present due to the worker s motion including walking and contraction and expansion of his muscles. These low excitation motion can provide viable amounts of wasted mechanical energy that can be converted to power many critical devices including sensors for oxygen monitoring, pacemakers, defibrillators, cell phones, and wireless sensors and actuators. A significant impediment in the
  • 26. Descriptive Essay On The Road It all started at my house, my safe place, if you will. I see my dog, she is excited for the ride. We are about to start our journey, but we need to pack our bags. I am packing and my eyes are drooping because it is early in the morning. I finally get done and we put our stuff in the car. I get in and I hear the engine turning and then a constant buzzing sound, the car is on. 3....2....1.... We start our journey as we unite rubber to the cement. I roll down the window and take a deep breath of fresh air. In the air I smell an absolutely disgusting stench. It is a pig farm to the west of us. I roll my window up to avoid the bad smell. We are on our way to Arizona and I see a sign telling me that we are at the border of Nebraska. The sign says, Nebraska ... the good life, and there is a picture of a mountain and a red sun behind it. I roll down my window, knowing that we are out of the smelly state of Iowa, and breath in fresh air again. I see a boring place, but it is night so that might be why it looks dead. When we got to the motel to stay over night, I heard a squeal. The noise was made by two cars who had raced down the road. We hustled into the motel for we did not know the neighborhood or anyone in Nebraska. I am tired because I can t sleep very much in the car. So I set all of my stuff down and flop in my bed to fall into a deep sleep. I dreamt of being in the warm arms of Arizona. My dream was very comforting of course, but it had to end sometime. We woke up still tired, so we went and had breakfast. The motel did not offer much, but it was good enough for now. We get back on the constructed pavement and headstraight towards Arizona. I was not looking forward to this ride, but we had to get it over with. Nebraska is a long and boring state, I thought I would never leave the place. After waiting for what felt like a decade, we got to Colorado. After a while, it felt like there was popcorn popping in my ear. Then I realized it was because we were heading up hills. This was because we were heading towards the mountains. The mountains were white on the top and what seemed like a very dark blue. Colorado was colder than the other states, and we did stuff like horseback riding in the mountains and ziplining. It
  • 27. The Psychoanalytic Theories Of Freud s Theory Personality is what makes people who they are. Some people have different personalities others have very similar personalities; but nobody s personality is exactly the same. In the past many people have tried to understand personality and explain it through theories. This paper, will discuss the differences between the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Alfred Adler. It will then show the characteristics of which I agree with as well as the characteristics that I disagree with. Furthermore, it will describe the stages of Freud s theory and explain the characteristics of personality using these components; And finally, I will describe uses of three Freudian defense mechanisms by using real life examples. In regard to the psychoanalytical theories of Freud, Jung and Adler, there are several similarities; however, there are also several differences. Freud s theory focuses on the sexual perspective of the mind. In his theory, the three basic components are id, ego, and superego. Jung s theory is to Adler, the neuroses consists in the effort for the individual to overcome the feeling of inferiority, and the outward signs and symptoms are the manifestations of those dexterities developed to this end. The Adlerian concept serves to bridge the gap between the organists and the functionalists (White, 1917). Jung and Adler were associated with Freud and took excessive interest in his theory of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis has demonstrated, the importance of
  • 28. Hypothesis Social Work ASSIGNMENT SW 4 ON RESEARCH IN SOCIAL WORK HYPOTHESIS NAME= ITULUNGBE ROLLNO= G2015PH006 COURSE= MASW PUBLIC HEALTH 2ND SEM SUBMITTED SUBMITTED TO BY DR. YASIR BHAT ITULUNGBE DATE OF SUBMISSION: 20 03 2016 INTRODUCTION Hypothesis is an assumption which is base on reasoning about the studied of the research topic. The word hypothesis is a combination of two words the first one is hypo, which means under or less than or tentative. ... Show more content on ... Accept exploratory research in which formulation of hypothesis is impossible. Hypothesis is the main phenomena of all the research to be carried out successfully because it is base on the reality assumption and understanding after reasoning the factual problems. Hypothesis is the main key to success the legal research without hypothesis a research is unfocussed. The hypothesis gave genuine idea and clarity of particular research. The non legal doctrine research can be known as research which is based on the empirical study by using either primary or secondary data, relying solely on observation and experiment not on theory. The empirical research is an enquiry that attempts to discover and verify general rules allowing us to understand why human beings behave the way they prefer. In conclusion both researches are equally important because it differ from each other with different
  • 29. Descriptive My Sister Lylah Rosemarie Galloway: a bold and animate toddler that I am lucky to call my little sister. Children are beautiful in special ways and are often latched onto by the rest of the aging world that is envious of a being so youthful and untouched, but Lylah is more. She isn t only a character that momentarily appeals to the experienced human eye. She and her spirit are worthy of deeper admiration. Her small, yet expressive, face is among her most lovely features. It s something artists would draft when told to create the face of a perfect, untouched child. With gray teal eyes that widen at the sight of nearly anything, a petite button nose, and pale rose lips that never shut, she has the ideal face of a human child. Naturally, her cheeks are plump as the corners of her mouth are always curling upward, even if just in the slightest. Her open mouth is filled with tiny teeth not yet lost to adulthood that she beams without reservation. Another captivating aspect of this beautiful tiny face is her eyes. Undoubtedly symmetrical, these windows tell so much about her youthful, blooming soul. Curly, graceful eyelashes which are unnaturally long for someone her age outline the oval shape like a cartoon drawing. The porcelain white of her eye beholds an ashy blue iris like a stormy ocean sky and a dark, enlarged pupil. The stories that the two orbs between her ears tell are endless. Sometimes, they widen in awe at a new discovery. On occasion, they scrunch together in protest to
  • 30. Purple Jelly Bean Personality Test How I Relate to a Purple Jelly Bean In the personality test the purple jelly beans personality list shows that there are three things that I can relate to. Firstly Purple have new ideas and are visionaries. I can relate to this, my bedroom wall is full of many of my different and astonishing drawing ideas, I also have many sketch book full of different ideas. I get really exultant when I get new ideas to draw or create, and then be able to move them to my wall or to projects just for myself or for friends and family. There are many times I have used my creative ideas in class assignments or just for fun. Another personality the purple jelly bean sates is, they are highly creative, and highly excitable. This would be me. Just last year I was
  • 31. Final Essay, Intro to Film Eng 225 An Analysis of the film Gone With the Wind Catherine M. Piraino ENG 225 INRO TO FILM Instructor Pal December 17, 2012 An Analysis of the film Gone with the Wind Rarely has a film impacted an audience and held the test of time as the film Gone with the Wind. I have always been curious if director, Victor Fleming and producer, David O. Selznick and screenplay writer, Sidney Howard knew what they were creating a masterpiece and how this film would have such an enormous impact on audiences for years to come. Interestingly enough there were some who thought the film should not be made, as Irving Thalberg said to Louis B. Meyer in 1936, Forget it Louis, no Civil War picture ever made a nickel (Ten Films that Shook the World).... Show more content on ... The equipment was very cumbersome and color consultants were necessary to ensure accurate tones and hues as directed by Selznick. (Dunagan, 2001). Selznick was very innovative with the use of shadows and silhouettes, which he uses in several scenes of the film. Selznick s use of silhouettes in both the opening scene and the scene prior to intermission are very dramatic as they arouse emotion on the part of the audience. However, the emotions they evoked are very different. In the opening scene, the silhouette of Scarlett and her father, Gerald the audience can feel the love that Gerald has for his daughter as he illuminates his love for the land and how she will understand as she get older. The audience can almost feel the picturesque beauty of the land before them, as the sun is setting and Scarlett and Gerald in silhouettes. The second scene where Selznick uses silhouettes is directly prior to the intermission of the film. However, the emotions here are far different. Scarlett has journeyed to Tara, from the recently Yankee occupied Atlanta, with Melanie and her newborn son and Prissy. She has encountered nothing but death and destruction on her voyage. War beaten Scarlett returns to her home Tara only to find her home, ravaged, her sisters ailing, her mother dead, her father mad and the plantation lacking food since Tara was used as Yankee
  • 32. The Effect Of Violent Video Games On Children The Effect of Violent Video Games on Children Since the rise of video games in the last decade younger kids are spending a lot of their time on games. One problem with children having access to video games is the bloody and gory violence some games contain. With children growing up playing these violent games it raises a question that most parents wonder, do violent video games make children more aggressive towards others? There are results from studies and incidents in real life that prove violence in video games does influence certain children. Violent video games do increase aggression in children who are already aggressive in nature but do not have a negative effect on most children. Studies have been conducted to test whether or not violent video games increase aggression in children. The first study was conducted by Jia Kun Zhang from Shanghai University of Sport and Qian Zhang from Southwest University. The purpose of this study was to investigate how aggression resulting from video games varies by gender and the childВґs trait aggressiveness level. Two tests were conducted: the first being a test of two hundred and twenty children to see what games the children found violent. The second test was to see whether another set of two hundred and forty children showed more aggression after playing the violent game. Overall the results indicated that gender and trait aggressiveness affect aggression in children who play violent video games. ...children with high trait
  • 33. Topshop Phone Number Essay Topshop Phone Numbers Topshop Customer Service 0344 984 0264 Topshop customer service contact number is 0344 984 0264. Customers can reach this number between 9:00am to 11:00pm from Mondays to Fridays, between 9:00am to 6:00pm Saturdays and Sundays, and 9:00am to 5:30pm on UK bank holidays. Write email to customer service at Additionally, visit any of the 300 stores across the United Kingdom for assistance. Topshop Customer Service EIRE Customers +353 870 606 9666 Topshop customer service contact number for EIRE customers is +353 870 606 9666. International customers can get in touch with customer service between 9:00am to 4:00pm from Mondays to Fridays, between 9:00am to 6:00pm Saturdays and Sundays, and 9:00am ... Show more content on ... Information about how to get in touch with the registered office is available on contact us page. What Is Topshop Store Collect Facility? Topshop customers can shop as usual on the website. However, they have an option to collect the items from the nearest store. Customers can avail this facility during the checkout. The process has three steps. Step 1: Select the nearest participating store during the checkout. Then make a choice of delivery mode. Pay as usual. Step 2: Customer participating in store collect facility receives an email when the order is ready for collection. Step 3: Walk in to the store and collect your order. However, customer needs to carry a copy of confirmation email and the credit card used to pay for the order while collecting the items from the store. Visit the store collect page on Topshop website for detailed information about this facility. What Is Returns Policy At
  • 34. Tristram And Iseult The Fair Analysis The origins of the tale of Tristram and Iseult pre dates Lancelot and Guinevere, but the message remains the same as Tristram s trials as a knight stem from his own actions. When Morholt, the brother of the Queen of Ireland, demands Cornish slaves from King Mark, Tristram faces him in one on one combat. Burdened by a fatal poisoned wound, Tristram boards a ship and eventually washed up on the shores of Ireland. There, the Irish princess, Iseult the Fair, heals him. Upon his return to Cornwall, his lord requests his assistance in his search for a queen. His only stipulations lie in her provable royal blood and that a bird must drop a strand of her golden hair before him. Tristram departs in search of this woman and lands again in Ireland. His success seems impossible as he struggles with a dragon. The skirmish leaves him mortally wounded. The linked fate between the lovers appears again as Iseult chances upon him and offers her medical abilities. Unexpectedly, her parents offer her as a reward for his defeat of the dragon. Tristram announces that instead of this match, he intends to give Iseult to King Mark. Worried for her daughter s happiness, the Queen creates a love potion that she instructs Iseult s maid to give to ... Show more content on ... Built off of the change he shows in Tristram, Malory warns against love during his own time as it cannot match Arthurian standards. The familiar tale begins in May, as Guinevere rides out with a small retinue of knights. However, a knight, Mellyagraunce (formerly MГ©lГ©agant) turns against the party due to his secret love of the Queen. Though the tale remains much the same as ChrГ©tien s, several key elements change. None of the other knights ride out to save Guinevere, for she sends her page to only inform Lancelot. Waylaid in an ambush, Lancelot s horse faces mortal injury forcing him to jump into a prison cart to sneak into the
  • 35. Termite Pest Management Research Paper Termite pest control in Frisco, TX is serious business. Termites are one of the most destructive pests in Texas and in every state in the United States, except Alaska. They do billions of dollars of damage to homes, businesses and other structures every year so controlling them should be a priority for anyone who lives in a home built with any amount of wood. And while controlling termites once you ve got them is important, even more important is making your home as unattractive and impenetrable to them as possible. The National Pest Management Association offers some tips for postponing, and possibly even preventing, a termite infestation: 1. Reduce moisture in and around your home. Keep water inside your home contained in the pipes. ... Show more content on ... 2. Keep wood and debris away from the foundation of your home. Store firewood at least 20 yards away from your home. Don t plant shrubs or spread wood mulch next to your home and never stack debris or allow it to collect near the foundation of the structure. Always maintain a gap of at least 18 inches between the wood parts of your home and the soil. 3. Don t attach any wooden structures directly to your home. If you build a deck, pergola, shed or any other addition made of wood next to your home, make sure that the wood of that addition doesn t contact your home directly. If you must attach something made of wood to your home, always attach it with metal plates to avoid direct wood to wood contact. 4. Get your home inspected. Have a specialist in termite pest control in Frisco, TX inspect your home yearly, not just to check for signs of a termite infestation, but also to give you valuable tips and information you need to help keep termites
  • 36. The United States Civil War Essay The United States Civil War can be considered as one of the darkest times in American history. The Southern states were fighting for their way of life, and the Northern states were fighting to preserve the Union. The war had begun in the year of 1861, and it would end in 1865 with the capture of Jefferson Davis and surrender of Robert E. Lee. The war had begun at the battle of Fort Sumter. After this battle, the newly elected Abraham Lincoln called for volunteers to join the Union forces. In 1862, Union and Confederate forces would meet again at the battle of Fort Henry and Donelson. With the Union succeeding at pushing the Confederate forces further back into the South, General Grant and his army made their way down the Tennessee River. The forces would meet again at the Battle of Shiloh and Pittsburg Landing. There have been many arguments supporting the theory that the Confederacy did in fact win at the Battle of Shiloh. Although the Union lost more troops at this battle, the Confederacy failed in many ways. In order to determine how exactly they failed, it is important to study what the goal of the Confederacy was at Shiloh and whether or not they accomplished this goal. In this essay, the Confederacy s goals for attacking Grant s troops at Shiloh and their failure to accomplish those goals will show just how unsuccessful the Confederate army truly was at this battle.1 There had been decades of tension between the Southern and Northern states of America. The
  • 37. Bobbie Ann Mason In Country Essay The Vietnam War divided the country and led to several americans searching for not only their identity and morals, but the morals of the nation as a whole. Many people questioned what good the fighting was for and saw more and more news coverage about the horrible failures of the War leading to a mistrust in the U.S. government. In Bobbie Ann Mason s book, In Country: The Story of an American Family, Bobbie Ann Mason tells a coming of age story about Samantha Hughes who searches for understanding and meaning in a War that has affected her family and country greatly. Using dialogue and plot construction, Mason successfully examines the changes in morality towards violence and war. In country, follows Samantha Hughes a teenage girl who lives in Hopewell, Kentucky. Samantha s dad was sent to Vietnam a... Show more content on ... Her Uncle, Emmet, is also sent to Vietnam only when he comes back to the United States he suffers from PTSD and becomes a hippie. After Emmet returns from War Sam s mother, Irene, takes care of him and eventually lets Emmet be the caretaker of Sam and the house as she moves to Lexington to continue school and start a family at the University of Kentucky. During this time Sam and Emmet become very close and Sam spends time around some more time with some of Emmett s friends that are also vets. The story follows Sam as she searches for more detailed information about what exactly Vietnam was like, meanwhile trying to find out more about her father in the process. Not only is this a coming of age story, but also one of a loss of innocence. Sam ultimately discovers that the war was viewed in different ways and had differing effects in the soldiers morals. One of the key literary elements that Bobbie Ann Mason uses to get across the meaning of the book is her use of dialogue. Throughout In Country, Mason uses dialogue between two characters to express their feelings and experiences. In part II after a date out with Samantha s boyfriend, lonnie, and
  • 38. How Did Child Labor Occur During The Second Industrial... During the Second Industrial Revolution many people were getting jobs because of the growing industrialization. The Second Industrial Revolution was led by the United States causing countless new business and factories to start opening up. By the mid 1800 s child labor started to be an extensive concern because the factories were both dangerous and disgusting. Child labor became a substantial matter once machines in factories replaced hand labor because machines were extremely unsafe. When the factories started to open more workers were needed that would be paid very little. During the Industrial Revolutionchild labor increased because of the need for cheap labor, the new inventions and technologies, and the lack of workers. During the Second American Revolution there... Show more content on ... During the industrial revolution there was a mass production of new machines and technologies. When these new machines were put into factories the owners had to go and find more workers. The big issue factory owners had was trying to find workers that were willing to work for a low price. Finding workers that were willing to work for a low price was extremely hard because everyone was trying to make enough money to support their families. Poor children and their families relied on child labor in order to improve their chances of obtaining their chances of obtaining basic necessities (Child labor public education project). Trying to find workers that were willing to work for such little pay wasn t their own problem. They also had to try and find people that had experience with the machinery. But finding people who had experience with the machinery wasn t so easy. One hospital reported that every year it treated nearly a thousand people for wounds and mutilations caused by machines in factories. (Factory Accidents) Due to the lack of experience ended with several workers being injured and sometimes even
  • 39. Mexican Economy Research Paper Title: Oil prices and its effects on Mexican economy Students name: Elcherik Daal Name of the college: Palm Beach State College Course: Macro Economics Name of the instructor: Warren Smith Date: April 5st, 2015 Abstract This research paper will describe the demography, labor force and the business cycle of Mexico. Mexico is a federal republic, and it consists of 31 states and the Federal District. The Constitution established separation of powers. The country itself has a perimeter of 761,602 square miles. Mexico underwent an increase in purchasing power living standards, as well as reforms in energy and telecommunications passed by recently elected President Enrique PeГ±a Nieto. Besides the reforms, the manufacturing sector ... Show more content on ... The energy reforms will restore an industry that has had a deficiency in technology for quite some times now. US oil companies will lend their resources that the Pemex currently doesn t have. This is a good opportunity to help boost Mexican oil production, which has been falling for years. We need resources, technology and knowledge. Therefore, it is important to work with those who do have (PeГ±a Nieto). Mexico has been a top crude oil supplier to the US. However, its petroleum production has declined in the last decade. The reform opened Mexico s oil and natural gas sector to international companies that could potentially help Mexico reverse the shortage/lag in the production. Besides US, Mexico has other trading partners like China, Japan, South Korea and Germany (Clare Ribando Seelke). Ultimately, these reforms could create investment opportunities for US companies, and it can expand the US and Mexican energy
  • 40. Sweatshops In China It was Martin Luther King, Jr. who said, Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance. Many people in the Western world either do not know or choose to ignore the fact that a massive amount of products that come into North America from faraway lands are produced in sweatshops, including shoes, clothing, and toys. This ignorance over the inhumane and unjust labour conditions happening in factories on other sides of the globe is precisely what keeps these horrifying practices alive. China is home to one of the most enormous and concentrated sweatshopsystems in the world. There are approximately 150 million people in China working in ghastly conditions, having to live off nearly unsustainable pay, and being refused benefits... Show more content on ... In present China, forced and unpaid prison labor is widespread and common. Characteristics of Chinese sweatshops include overcrowding, lack of sanitary conditions, no worker breaks, demands to complete a task within a limited period of time, and a total lack of job security. Government negligence is what allows such abuses to persist. Some plants force employees into working extraordinary amounts of hours, for example, a Price Waterhouse audit of Nike factories in China found that some require seven days of work per week. Many workers who supposedly have the choice to work overtime must do so in order to survive on their low wage rates. The people working in Chinese sweatshops only get a small amount of payment for their work and nothing more. The locals do not benefit at all, but instead suffer from the presence of foreign businesses in their country. As for the foreigners, one telling statistic is that the United States imports an estimated $100 million per year in goods produced by Chinese migrant workers. The outside companies gain millions as the developing countries struggle to survive. Presently, foreigners gain massively from the resource of migrant workers in China. The locals that can benefit from their presence benefit very, very little, that is, if a small amount of money for their work is seen as a benefit. The Chinese employees work is valuable to the company, for their
  • 41. Essay on Department Store Marketing Comparison 1. I have chosen to discuss and compare the department store industry. I have chosen this industry because I live in Southern California where the retail sector is a major part of business. Shopping malls are prevalent everywhere. I have seen and experienced all the differences among class and status. With a wide variety of demographics in Southern California, there are a number of shops and stores to choose from. Department stores range from discount warehouses such as Wal Mart, mid range stores such as JC Penney, and high end stores like Nordstrom. I am going to discuss the department storeindustry specifically for Wal Mart, JC Penny, and Nordstrom. Coming from a middle class family, I have experienced shops at all ends of the... Show more content on ... Promotion consists of advertising, public relations, etc. PlaceProviding the product at a place that is convenient for consumers. Place is the distribution aspect. JC Penney: Product: Like its two competitors, JC Penney offers a variety of tangible goods for sale. JC Penney caters to its customers with higher end products at an affordable price. It is similar to Nordstrom s in the types of goods offered. It differs from Wal Mart because it has less variety. JC Penney offers clothing, bed and bath products, home items, clothing accessories, and patio furniture. Clothing is the main area of production for JC Penney and accounts for more than 50% of sales. Price: JC Penney has recently decided to move to three kinds of prices: everyday, monthly specials, and clearances. They came to this strategy through a variety of studies. First, using past sales data, the company looked at consumers actual purchasing behavior, and came up with what it terms Fair and Square pricing, which means shoppers can expect lower prices in stores at all times. To reach this conclusion, research showed 72% of JC Penney s revenue came from selling items priced at least 50% off. Thus, in the example cited in most recent news stories about the Fair and Square strategy, a T shirt that had retailed for US$14 but typically sold after markdowns at US$6, would now be priced at a US$7 every day. Part two of Fair and Square means monthly deals, and in the T shirt example,
  • 42. Evaluation Of The Practical -you Work As An Analyst For A... Assignment 3.3 The aim of the practical You work as an analyst for a snack food manufacturer.You have just changed to a new supplier of soy sauce but are worried that the taste is not as strong and you suspect that some of the key ingredients have been changed. Explain how you are going to do this. Chromatography is a method used mainly in labs in order to isolate organic compounds from inorganic compounds in order to be observed. Via this technique, scientists are able to differentiate between the substances which create a particular compound. Chromatography can be used to separate mixtures of coloured compounds. Mixtures which are suitable for separation by chromatography are inks, colouring agents in foods and dyes. You can... Show more content on ... Chromatography is also used in food analysis to detect microorganisms in drinking water. Scientists whom observe the environment also use this method in order to measure pollution levels within the area. Forensic scientist use it in order to analyse substances for DNA such as blood alongside to discover what substances are such as drugs. Alongside this, chemists can use it to differentiate rates of progression of chemicals alongside to observe what substances are present in a given sample. http:/ / Cod/Chromatography.html http:/ / student magazine/application and importance thin layer chromatography analysis and research 0 Equipment Ruler Pencil TLC Plate Capillary tubes 250ml Beaker Watch Glass / Petri dish Butanol Acetic acid Water Amoy soy sauce , Kikkoman soy sauce and Sainsbury s soy sauce. Hairdryer Petri Dish Wool Ninhydrin Latex gloves.
  • 43. How to prepare the sample for analysis Prepare a solution of Butanol, acetic acid and water within the ratio 4:1:2. Mix each soy sauce sample with an equal volume of butanol, in a 50:50 ratio, shake and leave prepared mixture for 15 minutes in order for the different layers to become clear. Method 1) Draw a faint pencil line 1cm below a TLC plate. 2) Use a capillary tube to put a