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Press Kit


        Pauline VETTIER
        Marketing officer
       Tel. +33 (0)4 76 23 43 20

    Itris Automation Square
       2, Square Roger Genin
           38000 Grenoble
         Tel: 04 76 23 43 20
         Fax: 04 76 23 43 21
I – The Itris Automation Square company ....................................................................3
   1-        Identity ..................................................................................................................................3
   2-        Introduction of the company, Itris Automation Square .............................................4
        a.      Itris Automation Square : An editor of innovative software ................................................ 4
        b.      Outlook and objectives .............................................................................................................. 4

II – Market and Technology .............................................................................................6
   1-        Introducing PLCs ................................................................................................................6
   2-        An innovative technological approach ..........................................................................6

III – Range of tools offered by Itris Automation Square ............................................8
   1-        PLC Checker ........................................................................................................................8
   2 - PLC Converter .......................................................................................................................9
   3 - PLC DocGen ........................................................................................................................10

IV – Appendices ...............................................................................................................11
   1-        Press releases...................................................................................................................11
        a) Itris Automation Square joins the CSIA: The professional Control System Integrators
        Association ......................................................................................................................................... 11
        b) Itris Automation Square recruits Mr Sangmin Lee as its Director of International
        Business Development..................................................................................................................... 12

   2-        Clients references ............................................................................................................13
   3-        Client testimonials............................................................................................................14
   4-        Biography of Managers in Itris Automation Square ..................................................15
        a.      Éric Pierrel, CEO ........................................................................................................................ 15
        b.      Denis Chalon, Technical Director........................................................................................... 15

Press Kit 2013                                                                                                                                           -2-
I – The Itris Automation Square company
   1- Identity

Name                 Itris Automation Square

Date of Creation     February 2008

Localisation         Headquarters:
                     2, Square Roger Genin
                     38000 Grenoble - France
Managers             Éric PIERREL, President and CEO
                     Denis CHALON, Technical Director
Governance           Itris Automation Square is a simplified joint stock company under
                     French Law.
                     It is owned by its managers and employees, and by a minority of
                     business angels.
Key Figures          Social capital : 180 K€

                     2012 turnover : 539 K€

Activity             Software editor: tools for the development and the improvement of
                     PLC programs quality.

Company size         On December 31st, 2012 : 11 employees

Services             Itris Square Automation provides solutions for the conversion,
                     verification and documentation of PLC programs.

                     Marketed as Software-as-a-Service, its tools can improve the
                     quality of programs and reduce the costs of development, testing
                     and maintenance.

                     These tools are based on innovative technologies and a team
                     renowned for its specialist skills in software engineering, and
                     extensive experience in the field of automation.

Clients references   Itris Automation Square solutions have been adopted by industry
                     leaders such as Compagnie Nationale du Rhône, Clemessy,
                     Schneider Electric, DNV, Ineo, EDF, Snecma, Tetra Pak, GDF
                     Suez, DCNS, Actemium, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Spie, Sanofi
                     Pasteur, Areva…


Press Kit 2013                                                                       -3-
2- Introduction of the company, Itris Automation Square

           a. Itris Automation Square : An innovative software editor

What do car assembly lines, elevator machineries, hydroelectric dams, bottling lines,
continuous casters and ventilation of indoor parking have in common? All these industrial
and commercial installations are controlled by PLCs. Itris Automation Square, a French
company based in Grenoble, was created in 2008 to provide tools for PLC programming.

Behind the creation of Itris Automation Square was the will to continue to industrialize a
technology developed by the previous company (“Itris”) during the 2000s: GLIPS, a
technological environment independent from platforms and specific PLC language
providers. The emergence of this technology has been permitted by a double competence
from the R&D team: automation and software engineering. The purpose of this
combination of skills was to bring to the field of automation the power of development
methods used in related sectors, such as real-time computing.

The R&D team has orchestrated the development of several software tools, used by all
automation engineers. These innovative and unique solutions for automatic translation of
PLC code, for documentation and quality measurement were very well received. Indeed, the
market quickly perceived them as strong differentiators in the development and conversion of
PLC programs. Productivity, quality and responsiveness have quickly become the
trademark of IAS.

           b. Outlook and objectives

Itris Square Automation focuses on industrialization and production of software engineering
technology, which is part of its DNA. In recent years, R&D efforts have led to the emergence
of tools that always meet the market’s needs: IAS solutions have been packaged in the
form of three key tools (detailed page 8-10). In parallel, the marketing approach allowed to
rethink its offer, to identify the most suitable business model for the market, and to establish
a wide network of local, national and international partners.

Specifically, the business model chosen by IAS is "Software as a Service" (SaaS). In this
software distribution model, software publishers host services for their clients, who will then
use them via the Internet. Thus, IAS’ customers do not pay for owning the software but to
use it. It is not necessary to invest to benefit from the contributions of new technologies. In
addition, the total cost (Total Cost of Ownership) is greatly reduced because there is no new
version to install, no fleet management license etc. Finally, the client simply estimates the
actual cost of the service.

Press Kit 2013                                                                              -4-
The objective of IAS is to meet the coming challenges that have to do with increasingly
sophisticated PLC programs, with respect to three criteria: cost control of the entire
software life cycle, taking into account existing facilities (since many automation projects fall
under renovation or extension of facilities) and maintaining or improving the quality of these

This objective is valid worldwide and in all areas of applications. Indeed, the solutions offered
by IAS support the leading PLCs in the market (Schneider Electric, Rockwell Automation,
Siemens ...) and are, by nature, solutions independent from the business context.

To achieve these objectives, IAS is based on:

    An undeniable technological advance in the field of software engineering applied to
     the development of PLC programs,

    A team with solid experience in the technical and commercial development of
     software tools,

    A deep knowledge of the target markets and the needs of automation engineers,

    A market awaiting solutions to overcome the limitations of current development

    Sustainable partnerships with industry leader clients and with key technology players,
     such as PLC manufacturers.

The tools aim to serve the market, covering increasingly important ranges of PLCs and
increasing the analytical capacities of tools. These changes are mainly the result of
collaborative R&D projects (such as FUI, “Fonds Unique Interministériel” or “Unique
Interministerial Fund”). In addition, IAS wants to continue to integrate its tools with other
software in the field of automation, such as workshops manufacturers, system design tools,
dashboards and quality management version tools.

Finally, IAS continues to be rooted in its technology and R&D ecosystem. At local and
national levels, IAS’ involvement in the clusters Minalogic, Grilog and EDEN allows the
company to participate to R&D projects that increase the technology value of its offer, and
allow for better visibility.

Internationally, Itris Automation Square has been a member of the CSIA since 2012
("Control System Integrators Association"), a global professional organization based in
Wisconsin (USA). The CSIA has over 400 control systems integrator companies and
suppliers of automated software tools

Press Kit 2013                                                                               -5-
II – Market and Technology
   1- Introducing PLCs

PLCs control processes, or combinations of processes, by sending commands in the form of
electrical signals in response to input data. They are used in various industries such as
manufacturing, chemicals, transport or production and distribution of energy. Operations
controlled by PLCs can vary widely in complexity, from simple control panel to a fully
automated production system.

PLC programming takes place in a context of high requirements for quality and reliability,
related to economic and human security. Indeed, a "bug" in a PLC programs can have
serious consequences ranging from stopping production to losses of human lives. PLC
programs are becoming more complex and the problem of reducing costs is omnipresent.

Unfortunately, the current criteria for measuring quality are often inadequate. Conventional
methods of programming cannot solve this problem. In fact, they are still composed of many
manual tasks, prohibiting systematic verification. In addition, each PLC manufacturer is
associated with a development language and environment of its own. All these issues do not
facilitate the production of quality codes at reasonable cost, whereas the industries that use
PLCs operate in a very competitive environment.

    The innovative approach of Itris Automation Square solves these problems by
     proposing new solutions to produce programs of better quality that are
     reusable, while reducing development and maintenance costs.

   2- An innovative technological approach

The current development tools used have seen only few innovations in the field of software
engineering to create applications that are secure, reusable and easily maintainable. These
limitations come from the languages used to program PLC, which are proprietary and
incompatible. The goal of the GLIPS technology - which serves as a hub for all tools developed
by IAS, is to go beyond the limitations of these languages.

     Figure 1: Programmable Logic Controllers of Omron, Siemens and Schneider Electric brand

Press Kit 2013                                                                                 -6-
To address the challenges encountered while programming PLCs, Itris Automation Square
offers a new and innovative technological approach. GLIPS by Itris Automation Square is
based on a technological platform that is independent from the PLC types and
programming languages.

GLIPS technology has been designed to meet precise specifications, such as reducing and
controlling the costs of developing and maintaining command and control software, while
taking into account all aspects of the life cycle.

                    Figure 2: GLIPS technology, a central element in IAS offer

One of the main benefits of this approach is the consideration of existing technology assets.
Indeed, to benefit from the power of the GLIPS technology, it is not necessary to rewrite or
remodel programs: they are automatically imported in this format.

Around this technology platform, Itris Automation Square has developed tools that meet
market needs for renovation of automated installations and PLC code quality. These tools
enable the translation of code from a type of PLC to another, and the compliance of a
program to coding and design rules.

Press Kit 2013                                                                           -7-
III – Range of tools offered by Itris Automation Square

Itris Automation Square offers three main tools that aim at improving the quality of PLC
programs and reduce their cost of development and maintenance:

      PLC Checker: automatically analyses PLC programs and exhaustively validates their
       compliance with sets of coding rules.
      PLC Converter: automatically translates a PLC program to a new PLC.
      PLC DocGen: automatically generates a dataflow oriented view of a PLC program
       (from inputs towards outputs) represented by equations and flowcharts.

   1- PLC Checker

PLC Checker automatically analyzes PLC programs and comprehensively verifies their
compliance with generic rules and – if needed, rules specific to an industry or a given

PLC Checker also provides an online collaborative environment that allows contractors to
follow the progress of the development of their programs.

Using PLC Checker replaces manual compliance checks, which took considerable time and
did not provide the level of quality required. With PLC Checker, it is now possible to adopt
systematic coding standards and thus ensure consistency between programs while ensuring
a certain robustness and readability of the application.

PLC Checker makes it possible to resolve the current dilemma: having a high level of quality
requirement and spending a lot of time and money on it, or having little time (or money) and
having to settle for minimum quality requirements.

                    Figure 3: Screenshot of PLC Checker - Example of rules

Press Kit 2013                                                                          -8-
In customer/supplier relationships, PLC Checker allows to define the quality requirements to
be achieved. PLC Checker also helps to define code reviews (fully automated in a static
analysis) to achieve the right to verify compliance with these requirements. When using PLC
Checker, integrators gain credibility by demonstrating the quality of their programs through
the most innovative solutions on the market. Industrial PLC users benefit from automated
programs that are more easily maintainable and can objectively measure the quality of their

In addition, PLC Checker is also useful in a normative context (FDA, IEC 61511 ...), to
demonstrate proper compliance with quality processes, especially when using coding rules is

 The datasheet on PLC Checker is
 available to read and download on
 our SlideShare account.

       2 - PLC Converter
Maintaining old PLCs is often impossible: hardware becomes obsolete, old PLC parts are
difficult to find and human resource become scarce. Migrating PLCs is thus necessary to
ensure the durability of industrial facilities. Also, new generations of PLCs bring more
features and better performances to support evolving processes.

Unfortunately, new generations of PLCs also often come with new programming languages,
which are incompatible with previous generations of PLCs. As a consequence, programs
used in old PLCs also become obsolete, even if the process controlled by the PLC remains
the same. Thus, it is often necessary to rewrite completely the application or to invest
in many hours of manual translation of the program.

To address this issue, Itris Automation Square created PLC Converter, a tool that allows
automatic translation of PLC programs. Thanks to its tool’s capability to understand the
semantics of PLC applications, Itris Automation Square generates a very high quality code,
with the same behavior as the previous application. PLC Converter provides identical
functionality, and reliability is very important. Validation of the translated code is then less
expensive and it is easy to compare the performance of old and new systems. Downtime of
the system related to the commissioning of the new program is greatly reduced.

Press Kit 2013                                                                              -9-
3 - PLC DocGen

During its whole lifecycle, a typical PLC program will be read and modified by many
contributors: development and commissioning teams, maintenance and modernization
technicians, engineers, project managers... All will have to quickly and easily understand a
program they often didn’t develop themselves, especially if they start a new job from some
legacy code.

Being efficient when modifying some unknown and sophisticated code is always a challenge.
Writing documentation manually is also tedious and error-prone.
PLC DocGen brings greater consistency in the format of the documentation and the
repetitive dimension of writing.

PLC DocGen automatically generates a dataflow oriented view of a PLC program (from
inputs towards outputs) represented by equations and flowcharts, thus abstracting the actual
sequential execution of the program. This view is a perfect intermediate formalism between
specifications and the code itself.

PLC DocGen is available for programs for the following PLC: April Orphée, SMC, TSX Serie7
and Unity (Premium, Quantum and M340) marketed by Schneider Electric, as well as the
PLCs Step5 and Step7 and marketed by Siemens.

                 Figure 4: Example of documentation generated by the tool PLC DocGen

Press Kit 2013                                                                         - 10 -
IV – Appendices
   1- Press releases

           a) Itris Automation Square joins the CSIA: The professional
              Control System Integrators Association

Grenoble, France, July 30th, 2012 - Itris Automation Square, creator of innovative
solutions for the development of PLC programs, is now a member of the CSIA (Control
System Integrators Association).

The “Control System Integrators Association” ( is a professional and
global association based in Wisconsin (USA). It gathers over 400 control systems integrator
companies and suppliers of automated software tools. Its activities include certification,
organizing events and establishing best practices, which are published in professional

Since 1994, CSIA seeks to advance business practices of control system integration, by:

                     Bringing successful system integration to the marketplace by creating
                      recognition and demand for CSIA certified members,
                     Improving system integration best practices and performance,
                     Providing a forum to share industry expertise and create networking

By joining the CSIA, Itris Automation Square aims to develop its network with integrators,
especially in the U.S., and benefit from the support of an expert organization to facilitate the
distribution of its tools. Indeed, system integrators are in the best position to offer services
around Itris Automation Square’s tools, especially on program quality-related issues.

Éric Pierrel, General Manager of Itris Automation Square, explains: "We are very pleased to
have joined the CSIA, and are confident regarding the opportunities that will arise on the
North American market. Besides, during the second quarter 2012 and for the first time, we
have carried out a program conversion for a U.S. integrator, based in Florida".

Press Kit 2013                                                                             - 11 -
b) Itris Automation Square recruits Mr Sangmin Lee as its
              Director of International Business Development

Grenoble - France, October 11th, 2012 - Itris Automation Square (IAS), provider of
innovative solutions for the development of PLC programs, announces the
recruitment of a new team member.

Itris Automation Square is pleased to announce the recruitment of Mr. Sangmin Lee, as its
Director of International Business Development.

                    Mr. Lee joined the team in Q2 2012 and is specifically in charge of
                    developing business opportunities on the North America and
                    APAC markets.

                    This hiring is part of the business actions that aim at strengthening the
                    international development of the company. It will also reinforce the
                    current team with a senior member, who has extensive work experience
                    in international environments.

Mr. Lee has 15+ years of international business management experience, having held
key management positions at software and high-tech companies, such as Samsung
Electronics, LexisNexis, and RealNetworks.

Mr. Lee holds an MS in Computer Science from George Washington University (US) and
received a BA degree in Chinese language and literature from Choon Ang University
(Korea). Mr. Lee speaks English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. He is a Korean
native and resides in Grenoble with his French wife and daughter.

Éric Pierrel, General Manager of Itris Automation Square, explains: "The arrival of Sangmin
Lee is very important for Itris Automation Square, as developing international market access
is key to our company. We especially see a strong interest in APAC and North America for
PLC Checker, our static analyser for PLC programs, and expect both these markets to fuel
our growth in the coming years".

Mr Lee can be contacted directly at:

Press Kit 2013                                                                          - 12 -
2- Clients references

Itris Automation Square’ solutions have been adopted by industry leaders, such as:

Press Kit 2013                                                                       - 13 -
3- Client testimonials

                 Today at PSA, the systematic use of PLC
                 Checker is part of a comprehensive approach to
                 improve quality and maintainability of control
                 systems […]

                 The verification time is considerably shorter:
                 our subcontractors and our engineers have fewer
                 discussions to reach consistent programs.

                           Mr Laurent MAUGUY
                       Automation Standards Manager
                           PSA Peugeot Citroën

                   We use PLC Checker on PLCs that we replace
                   when renovating production units. It has allowed
                   us to take a “picture” of the quality of the
                   programs, before and after replacement […].

                   PLC Checker allows us to measure software
                   quality. We had been requiring software quality
                   for a long time, but we had so far little means of
                   control over it.

                           M. Pascal POTHIER
                      New Construction Project Manager
                         Herakles (groupe Safran)

Press Kit 2013                                                          - 14 -
4- Biography of Managers at Itris Automation Square

           a. Éric Pierrel, President and CEO

                  Eric graduated from Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) in 2001, and
                  has since specialized in management of technology and innovation. He
                  began his career as an Operational Marketing Officer at PolySpace
                  Technologies, a software company in the field of embedded systems. He
                  then supported the business growth of the start-up in a highly international
                  context, and held various managerial positions in marketing and
                  administrative fields.

Following the acquisition of PolySpace Technologies by The MathWorks in 2007, he
participated in the merger of the two companies. He then joined Itris Automation Square
(IAS) in 2008, a software company in the field of programmable logic controllers. He served
as Marketing Director and Chief Financial Officer. Eric has been at the head of IAS since
March 2011 and currently holds the position of President and CEO.

Involved in several networks to develop the IT industry in Grenoble, Eric is also a member of
the Board of Directors of Minalogic (global competitiveness cluster) and an active member of
the Grilog association (GRenoble Isère LOGiciel), which brings together stakeholders in the
software industry in Grenoble. He is also the President of the Alumni Association of Grenoble
Ecole de Management.

           b. Denis Chalon, Technical Director

                  Denis graduated from the ENSIMAG Grenoble (National School of
                 Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of Grenoble) in 1996. He
                 began his career at Hewlett Packard in Grenoble in the PC division of the
                 company, where he was responsible for software bricks card networks in
                 connection with the international suppliers of the company. He then joined
                 the renowned HP Labs, in which he filed for six patents and several

Denis has been a R&D Engineer at Itris since 2003. He participated in the development of
the GLIPS technology, which serves as the foundation for the company’s products. Since
2010, following the takeover of Itris by Itris Automation Square, Denis manages the technical
team and organizes brick production technology.

In addition, Denis is also responsible for the technical evaluation of collaborative projects
within Minalogic. He contributes actively to debates and discussions on free software and
intellectual property issues of the software.

Press Kit 2013                                                                           - 15 -

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[EN] Press kit IAS

  • 1. Press Kit 2013 PRESS CONTACT: Pauline VETTIER Marketing officer Tel. +33 (0)4 76 23 43 20 Itris Automation Square 2, Square Roger Genin 38000 Grenoble France Tel: 04 76 23 43 20 Fax: 04 76 23 43 21
  • 2. SUMMARY I – The Itris Automation Square company ....................................................................3 1- Identity ..................................................................................................................................3 2- Introduction of the company, Itris Automation Square .............................................4 a. Itris Automation Square : An editor of innovative software ................................................ 4 b. Outlook and objectives .............................................................................................................. 4 II – Market and Technology .............................................................................................6 1- Introducing PLCs ................................................................................................................6 2- An innovative technological approach ..........................................................................6 III – Range of tools offered by Itris Automation Square ............................................8 1- PLC Checker ........................................................................................................................8 2 - PLC Converter .......................................................................................................................9 3 - PLC DocGen ........................................................................................................................10 IV – Appendices ...............................................................................................................11 1- Press releases...................................................................................................................11 a) Itris Automation Square joins the CSIA: The professional Control System Integrators Association ......................................................................................................................................... 11 b) Itris Automation Square recruits Mr Sangmin Lee as its Director of International Business Development..................................................................................................................... 12 2- Clients references ............................................................................................................13 3- Client testimonials............................................................................................................14 4- Biography of Managers in Itris Automation Square ..................................................15 a. Éric Pierrel, CEO ........................................................................................................................ 15 b. Denis Chalon, Technical Director........................................................................................... 15 Press Kit 2013 -2-
  • 3. I – The Itris Automation Square company 1- Identity Name Itris Automation Square Date of Creation February 2008 Localisation Headquarters: 2, Square Roger Genin 38000 Grenoble - France Managers Éric PIERREL, President and CEO Denis CHALON, Technical Director Governance Itris Automation Square is a simplified joint stock company under French Law. It is owned by its managers and employees, and by a minority of business angels. Key Figures Social capital : 180 K€ 2012 turnover : 539 K€ Activity Software editor: tools for the development and the improvement of PLC programs quality. Company size On December 31st, 2012 : 11 employees Services Itris Square Automation provides solutions for the conversion, verification and documentation of PLC programs. Marketed as Software-as-a-Service, its tools can improve the quality of programs and reduce the costs of development, testing and maintenance. These tools are based on innovative technologies and a team renowned for its specialist skills in software engineering, and extensive experience in the field of automation. Clients references Itris Automation Square solutions have been adopted by industry leaders such as Compagnie Nationale du Rhône, Clemessy, Schneider Electric, DNV, Ineo, EDF, Snecma, Tetra Pak, GDF Suez, DCNS, Actemium, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Spie, Sanofi Pasteur, Areva… Website Press Kit 2013 -3-
  • 4. 2- Introduction of the company, Itris Automation Square a. Itris Automation Square : An innovative software editor What do car assembly lines, elevator machineries, hydroelectric dams, bottling lines, continuous casters and ventilation of indoor parking have in common? All these industrial and commercial installations are controlled by PLCs. Itris Automation Square, a French company based in Grenoble, was created in 2008 to provide tools for PLC programming. Behind the creation of Itris Automation Square was the will to continue to industrialize a technology developed by the previous company (“Itris”) during the 2000s: GLIPS, a technological environment independent from platforms and specific PLC language providers. The emergence of this technology has been permitted by a double competence from the R&D team: automation and software engineering. The purpose of this combination of skills was to bring to the field of automation the power of development methods used in related sectors, such as real-time computing. The R&D team has orchestrated the development of several software tools, used by all automation engineers. These innovative and unique solutions for automatic translation of PLC code, for documentation and quality measurement were very well received. Indeed, the market quickly perceived them as strong differentiators in the development and conversion of PLC programs. Productivity, quality and responsiveness have quickly become the trademark of IAS. b. Outlook and objectives Itris Square Automation focuses on industrialization and production of software engineering technology, which is part of its DNA. In recent years, R&D efforts have led to the emergence of tools that always meet the market’s needs: IAS solutions have been packaged in the form of three key tools (detailed page 8-10). In parallel, the marketing approach allowed to rethink its offer, to identify the most suitable business model for the market, and to establish a wide network of local, national and international partners. Specifically, the business model chosen by IAS is "Software as a Service" (SaaS). In this software distribution model, software publishers host services for their clients, who will then use them via the Internet. Thus, IAS’ customers do not pay for owning the software but to use it. It is not necessary to invest to benefit from the contributions of new technologies. In addition, the total cost (Total Cost of Ownership) is greatly reduced because there is no new version to install, no fleet management license etc. Finally, the client simply estimates the actual cost of the service. Press Kit 2013 -4-
  • 5. The objective of IAS is to meet the coming challenges that have to do with increasingly sophisticated PLC programs, with respect to three criteria: cost control of the entire software life cycle, taking into account existing facilities (since many automation projects fall under renovation or extension of facilities) and maintaining or improving the quality of these programs. This objective is valid worldwide and in all areas of applications. Indeed, the solutions offered by IAS support the leading PLCs in the market (Schneider Electric, Rockwell Automation, Siemens ...) and are, by nature, solutions independent from the business context. To achieve these objectives, IAS is based on:  An undeniable technological advance in the field of software engineering applied to the development of PLC programs,  A team with solid experience in the technical and commercial development of software tools,  A deep knowledge of the target markets and the needs of automation engineers,  A market awaiting solutions to overcome the limitations of current development methods,  Sustainable partnerships with industry leader clients and with key technology players, such as PLC manufacturers. The tools aim to serve the market, covering increasingly important ranges of PLCs and increasing the analytical capacities of tools. These changes are mainly the result of collaborative R&D projects (such as FUI, “Fonds Unique Interministériel” or “Unique Interministerial Fund”). In addition, IAS wants to continue to integrate its tools with other software in the field of automation, such as workshops manufacturers, system design tools, dashboards and quality management version tools. Finally, IAS continues to be rooted in its technology and R&D ecosystem. At local and national levels, IAS’ involvement in the clusters Minalogic, Grilog and EDEN allows the company to participate to R&D projects that increase the technology value of its offer, and allow for better visibility. Internationally, Itris Automation Square has been a member of the CSIA since 2012 ("Control System Integrators Association"), a global professional organization based in Wisconsin (USA). The CSIA has over 400 control systems integrator companies and suppliers of automated software tools Press Kit 2013 -5-
  • 6. II – Market and Technology 1- Introducing PLCs PLCs control processes, or combinations of processes, by sending commands in the form of electrical signals in response to input data. They are used in various industries such as manufacturing, chemicals, transport or production and distribution of energy. Operations controlled by PLCs can vary widely in complexity, from simple control panel to a fully automated production system. PLC programming takes place in a context of high requirements for quality and reliability, related to economic and human security. Indeed, a "bug" in a PLC programs can have serious consequences ranging from stopping production to losses of human lives. PLC programs are becoming more complex and the problem of reducing costs is omnipresent. Unfortunately, the current criteria for measuring quality are often inadequate. Conventional methods of programming cannot solve this problem. In fact, they are still composed of many manual tasks, prohibiting systematic verification. In addition, each PLC manufacturer is associated with a development language and environment of its own. All these issues do not facilitate the production of quality codes at reasonable cost, whereas the industries that use PLCs operate in a very competitive environment.  The innovative approach of Itris Automation Square solves these problems by proposing new solutions to produce programs of better quality that are reusable, while reducing development and maintenance costs. 2- An innovative technological approach The current development tools used have seen only few innovations in the field of software engineering to create applications that are secure, reusable and easily maintainable. These limitations come from the languages used to program PLC, which are proprietary and incompatible. The goal of the GLIPS technology - which serves as a hub for all tools developed by IAS, is to go beyond the limitations of these languages. Figure 1: Programmable Logic Controllers of Omron, Siemens and Schneider Electric brand Press Kit 2013 -6-
  • 7. To address the challenges encountered while programming PLCs, Itris Automation Square offers a new and innovative technological approach. GLIPS by Itris Automation Square is based on a technological platform that is independent from the PLC types and programming languages. GLIPS technology has been designed to meet precise specifications, such as reducing and controlling the costs of developing and maintaining command and control software, while taking into account all aspects of the life cycle. Figure 2: GLIPS technology, a central element in IAS offer One of the main benefits of this approach is the consideration of existing technology assets. Indeed, to benefit from the power of the GLIPS technology, it is not necessary to rewrite or remodel programs: they are automatically imported in this format. Around this technology platform, Itris Automation Square has developed tools that meet market needs for renovation of automated installations and PLC code quality. These tools enable the translation of code from a type of PLC to another, and the compliance of a program to coding and design rules. Press Kit 2013 -7-
  • 8. III – Range of tools offered by Itris Automation Square Itris Automation Square offers three main tools that aim at improving the quality of PLC programs and reduce their cost of development and maintenance:  PLC Checker: automatically analyses PLC programs and exhaustively validates their compliance with sets of coding rules.  PLC Converter: automatically translates a PLC program to a new PLC.  PLC DocGen: automatically generates a dataflow oriented view of a PLC program (from inputs towards outputs) represented by equations and flowcharts. 1- PLC Checker PLC Checker automatically analyzes PLC programs and comprehensively verifies their compliance with generic rules and – if needed, rules specific to an industry or a given process. PLC Checker also provides an online collaborative environment that allows contractors to follow the progress of the development of their programs. Using PLC Checker replaces manual compliance checks, which took considerable time and did not provide the level of quality required. With PLC Checker, it is now possible to adopt systematic coding standards and thus ensure consistency between programs while ensuring a certain robustness and readability of the application. PLC Checker makes it possible to resolve the current dilemma: having a high level of quality requirement and spending a lot of time and money on it, or having little time (or money) and having to settle for minimum quality requirements. Figure 3: Screenshot of PLC Checker - Example of rules Press Kit 2013 -8-
  • 9. In customer/supplier relationships, PLC Checker allows to define the quality requirements to be achieved. PLC Checker also helps to define code reviews (fully automated in a static analysis) to achieve the right to verify compliance with these requirements. When using PLC Checker, integrators gain credibility by demonstrating the quality of their programs through the most innovative solutions on the market. Industrial PLC users benefit from automated programs that are more easily maintainable and can objectively measure the quality of their programs. In addition, PLC Checker is also useful in a normative context (FDA, IEC 61511 ...), to demonstrate proper compliance with quality processes, especially when using coding rules is required. The datasheet on PLC Checker is available to read and download on our SlideShare account. 2 - PLC Converter Maintaining old PLCs is often impossible: hardware becomes obsolete, old PLC parts are difficult to find and human resource become scarce. Migrating PLCs is thus necessary to ensure the durability of industrial facilities. Also, new generations of PLCs bring more features and better performances to support evolving processes. Unfortunately, new generations of PLCs also often come with new programming languages, which are incompatible with previous generations of PLCs. As a consequence, programs used in old PLCs also become obsolete, even if the process controlled by the PLC remains the same. Thus, it is often necessary to rewrite completely the application or to invest in many hours of manual translation of the program. To address this issue, Itris Automation Square created PLC Converter, a tool that allows automatic translation of PLC programs. Thanks to its tool’s capability to understand the semantics of PLC applications, Itris Automation Square generates a very high quality code, with the same behavior as the previous application. PLC Converter provides identical functionality, and reliability is very important. Validation of the translated code is then less expensive and it is easy to compare the performance of old and new systems. Downtime of the system related to the commissioning of the new program is greatly reduced. Press Kit 2013 -9-
  • 10. 3 - PLC DocGen During its whole lifecycle, a typical PLC program will be read and modified by many contributors: development and commissioning teams, maintenance and modernization technicians, engineers, project managers... All will have to quickly and easily understand a program they often didn’t develop themselves, especially if they start a new job from some legacy code. Being efficient when modifying some unknown and sophisticated code is always a challenge. Writing documentation manually is also tedious and error-prone. PLC DocGen brings greater consistency in the format of the documentation and the repetitive dimension of writing. PLC DocGen automatically generates a dataflow oriented view of a PLC program (from inputs towards outputs) represented by equations and flowcharts, thus abstracting the actual sequential execution of the program. This view is a perfect intermediate formalism between specifications and the code itself. PLC DocGen is available for programs for the following PLC: April Orphée, SMC, TSX Serie7 and Unity (Premium, Quantum and M340) marketed by Schneider Electric, as well as the PLCs Step5 and Step7 and marketed by Siemens. Figure 4: Example of documentation generated by the tool PLC DocGen Press Kit 2013 - 10 -
  • 11. IV – Appendices 1- Press releases a) Itris Automation Square joins the CSIA: The professional Control System Integrators Association Grenoble, France, July 30th, 2012 - Itris Automation Square, creator of innovative solutions for the development of PLC programs, is now a member of the CSIA (Control System Integrators Association). The “Control System Integrators Association” ( is a professional and global association based in Wisconsin (USA). It gathers over 400 control systems integrator companies and suppliers of automated software tools. Its activities include certification, organizing events and establishing best practices, which are published in professional guides. Since 1994, CSIA seeks to advance business practices of control system integration, by:  Bringing successful system integration to the marketplace by creating recognition and demand for CSIA certified members,  Improving system integration best practices and performance,  Providing a forum to share industry expertise and create networking opportunities. By joining the CSIA, Itris Automation Square aims to develop its network with integrators, especially in the U.S., and benefit from the support of an expert organization to facilitate the distribution of its tools. Indeed, system integrators are in the best position to offer services around Itris Automation Square’s tools, especially on program quality-related issues. Éric Pierrel, General Manager of Itris Automation Square, explains: "We are very pleased to have joined the CSIA, and are confident regarding the opportunities that will arise on the North American market. Besides, during the second quarter 2012 and for the first time, we have carried out a program conversion for a U.S. integrator, based in Florida". Press Kit 2013 - 11 -
  • 12. b) Itris Automation Square recruits Mr Sangmin Lee as its Director of International Business Development Grenoble - France, October 11th, 2012 - Itris Automation Square (IAS), provider of innovative solutions for the development of PLC programs, announces the recruitment of a new team member. Itris Automation Square is pleased to announce the recruitment of Mr. Sangmin Lee, as its Director of International Business Development. Mr. Lee joined the team in Q2 2012 and is specifically in charge of developing business opportunities on the North America and APAC markets. This hiring is part of the business actions that aim at strengthening the international development of the company. It will also reinforce the current team with a senior member, who has extensive work experience in international environments. Mr. Lee has 15+ years of international business management experience, having held key management positions at software and high-tech companies, such as Samsung Electronics, LexisNexis, and RealNetworks. Mr. Lee holds an MS in Computer Science from George Washington University (US) and received a BA degree in Chinese language and literature from Choon Ang University (Korea). Mr. Lee speaks English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. He is a Korean native and resides in Grenoble with his French wife and daughter. Éric Pierrel, General Manager of Itris Automation Square, explains: "The arrival of Sangmin Lee is very important for Itris Automation Square, as developing international market access is key to our company. We especially see a strong interest in APAC and North America for PLC Checker, our static analyser for PLC programs, and expect both these markets to fuel our growth in the coming years". Mr Lee can be contacted directly at: Press Kit 2013 - 12 -
  • 13. 2- Clients references Itris Automation Square’ solutions have been adopted by industry leaders, such as: Press Kit 2013 - 13 -
  • 14. 3- Client testimonials Today at PSA, the systematic use of PLC Checker is part of a comprehensive approach to improve quality and maintainability of control systems […] The verification time is considerably shorter: our subcontractors and our engineers have fewer discussions to reach consistent programs. Mr Laurent MAUGUY Automation Standards Manager PSA Peugeot Citroën We use PLC Checker on PLCs that we replace when renovating production units. It has allowed us to take a “picture” of the quality of the programs, before and after replacement […]. PLC Checker allows us to measure software quality. We had been requiring software quality for a long time, but we had so far little means of control over it. M. Pascal POTHIER New Construction Project Manager Herakles (groupe Safran) Press Kit 2013 - 14 -
  • 15. 4- Biography of Managers at Itris Automation Square a. Éric Pierrel, President and CEO Eric graduated from Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) in 2001, and has since specialized in management of technology and innovation. He began his career as an Operational Marketing Officer at PolySpace Technologies, a software company in the field of embedded systems. He then supported the business growth of the start-up in a highly international context, and held various managerial positions in marketing and administrative fields. Following the acquisition of PolySpace Technologies by The MathWorks in 2007, he participated in the merger of the two companies. He then joined Itris Automation Square (IAS) in 2008, a software company in the field of programmable logic controllers. He served as Marketing Director and Chief Financial Officer. Eric has been at the head of IAS since March 2011 and currently holds the position of President and CEO. Involved in several networks to develop the IT industry in Grenoble, Eric is also a member of the Board of Directors of Minalogic (global competitiveness cluster) and an active member of the Grilog association (GRenoble Isère LOGiciel), which brings together stakeholders in the software industry in Grenoble. He is also the President of the Alumni Association of Grenoble Ecole de Management. b. Denis Chalon, Technical Director Denis graduated from the ENSIMAG Grenoble (National School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of Grenoble) in 1996. He began his career at Hewlett Packard in Grenoble in the PC division of the company, where he was responsible for software bricks card networks in connection with the international suppliers of the company. He then joined the renowned HP Labs, in which he filed for six patents and several publications. Denis has been a R&D Engineer at Itris since 2003. He participated in the development of the GLIPS technology, which serves as the foundation for the company’s products. Since 2010, following the takeover of Itris by Itris Automation Square, Denis manages the technical team and organizes brick production technology. In addition, Denis is also responsible for the technical evaluation of collaborative projects within Minalogic. He contributes actively to debates and discussions on free software and intellectual property issues of the software. Press Kit 2013 - 15 -