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Prof. Dr. Katja Kansteiner-Schänzlin Koedukation Folie 1
Professional Learning Communities
– HeadsUp project & TePinTeach project
Prof. Dr. Katja Kansteiner
University of Education Weingarten, Germany
Kirchplatz 2, 88250 Weingarten
Folie 2
1. The format of PLC with a few suggestions how
to differentiate
2. Breakout rooms to share experiences on how
learning is pursued in cooperation in ones own
3. Insight in the main activities and findings of the
two projects HeadsUp and TePinTeach
4. Discussion
1. Verständnisrahmen von PLG
Range of the concept of Professional Learning Communities
„anything from decision making
committees to regular meeting
groups or collegial learning
teams” (Owens, 2014, S. 54)
„Königsweg“ (best way)
(Bonsen & Rolff, 2006, S.167)
Working definition (translated):
PLGs are based on the collaboration of several people "... in the attitude to
share responsibility for methodically cooperation in the service of learning for
the individual as well as the group, with a close reference to professional
practice and giving insights in the practical work. They are based on shared
values, norms and objectives in joint work with the option of setting individual
or joint priorities in quality development processes. And they are based on
personal responsibility for a goal-oriented professionalization process with a
change in professional practice. (Kansteiner, 2019, S. 12)
• …
• Joint Evaluation, Data-Based
Decision Making
• Drawing on Research
(Mitchell & Sachney, 2000)
Range within the concept of PLCs – core characteristics
• …
• Search for Resources beyond
School (Bolam et al, 2005)
Hord, 1994:
• collective learning and the application of that learning
• supportive conditions for the maintenance of the learning community
• supportive and shared leadership
• shared values and vision
• shared practice
1. Verständnisrahmen von PLGRange of the concept of Professional Learning CommunitiesRange within the concept of PLC – further characteristics
naturally grown – external intervention
joint topic – diverse topics
different - joint interests of development
each member‘s topic every session –
only one member‘s topic each session
(Bolam et al., 2005; Stoll et al. 2006; Wiliam, 2007; Feger & arruda, 2008; Owen, 2014; Warwas & Helm, 2018,
Kansteiner et al. 2019, Kansteiner et al. 2020)
fixed final end – open ended
with internal lead – with external lead
homogenious - heterogenious
exchange, reflect – visit, exchange
single group – whole staff
school head coordinating - particpating
students‘ learning – profession over all
mutual help – learning organisation
1. Verständnisrahmen von PLGResearch on PLCs of teachers
(vgl. z.B. Rosenholtz, 1989; Newman, 1994; Louis, Marks & Kruse, 1996; Curry, 2008; Gallimore, Ermeling &
Saunders, 2009; Horn & Little, 2010; Lomos et al., 2011; Hadar & Brody, 2012; Slavit, Nelsen & Deuel, 2013;
Tam, 2015; Warwas & Helm, 2018)
PLCs effective if…
Willingness to
change &
Focus on
learning an
of students
planning &
Reflection &
focus on
Turn new
learning into
Support Leadership & Management
Break Out Sessions
Folie 7
1. Please share your experiences in groups on how learning is pursued in
cooperation in your workfields and in which characteristics it can be
described overall to disperse the status quo
2. You might use the overview on the characteristics and maybe by
reflecting you can suggest further perspectives for differentiation
3. Take about 15 minutes to exchange and give us a short report in the
plenum, please.
Our Projects: Perspectives on (good) Practice
Folie 8
• SL-PLCs in Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden,
Spain, Cyprus
• Leadership development + School development in
different areas of diversity
consulting development + evaluation
German Strand of the Research:
Grounded Theory Methodology (Strauss & Corbin, 1996; Breuer et al., 2019)
• data material: interviews, observation logs, group discussions etc.
• Researchers: in charge of development and research
Research Team: Katja Kansteiner, Sabine Welther, Maria Rist, Christoph Stamann
Our Projects: Perspectives on Good Practice
Folie 9
Group Composition
Working mode
Consistent Framework
Our Projects: Perspectives on Good Practice
Folie 10
Group Composition
Working mode
Consistent Framework
Group Composition
- Participation as
leadership team
- Same or different school
Community building
- Active process
- Aim: mutual trust
- Danger: show off
Working mode
- Clarifying roles
- Negotiative work
- Investing in becoming
familiar with the
Our Projects: Perspectives on Good Practice
Folie 11
Group Composition
Working mode
Consistent Framework
Consistent Framework
- Fixed schedule
- Meet at least once a
month for at least 2h
New Learning
- members as experts,
school visits
- culture of challenging
each other (beyond
- impulses for reflection -
- Agenda, minutes…
- Danger: hiding behind
formal aspects
Our Projects: Perspectives on Good Practice
Folie 12
Group Composition
Working mode
Consistent Framework
Reflection and Action
- individual Learning Diary
- Action Plan following the
- What happened?
- Why did it happen?
- What can I learn?
- What´s the next step?
Folie 13
 PLC – much praised, increasingly findings on the impact associated
with quality demands (teacher PLCs)
 occasionally tested for the professionalization of school leaders 
encouraging results
 After initiation and given the concept externally, co-construction leads
to a shared understanding of what is going to happen in a PLC.
 Negotiation process on a common basic consensus of cooperation
design in the SL-PLC in the tension between community and
1. Verständnisrahmen von PLG
Teachers PLC
(broad international discussion)
Range of the concept of Professional Learning CommunitiesPreparing for PLC work at University
Heads PLC
(e.g. Hirsh & Hord, 2008; Honig &
Rainey, 2014; Zepeda et al., 2015;
Davidson, Naffi & Raby, 2017)
Student PLC
??? PLC
??? PLC
??? PLC
 Usual method to work in cooperative formats in schools/universities
 Specific formats put under researched, e.g. Peer Coaching
 Competencies for team work and team development expected
Students report:
• a lot of cooperation takes place
(voluntary / mandatory)
• often little appreciation for it
• more positive when self-chosen
• frequent criticism that not all
students contribute actively,
• lack of competence on issues or
• some see little benefit for good
success in assessments and
• nobody knows special
expectations of PLCs
Lectureres observe:
• start in a friendly way
• very different in level of
communication, discussion,
meeting discipline
• preparation for meetings varies in
• quite a few tend to give advice or
add in self-report
• explanations roughly based on
scientific knowledge, hardly ever
further looking up in texts
• if task allows it, division of labor
Impressions of the survey
IO1 – Consolidated report on the needs of student-teacher professional learning and student-teacher professional learning communities
Impressions of the survey
Fields of Tension:
Activation in class effective use of time
Socializing Fairness among group
Building up competencies Voluntariness
Release of teachers more intensive support
Format for professionals beginning to professionalize
 TePinTeach devellops tools to raise the quality of communication and
interaction in students work groups and get a first experience of what PLC
could be like:
 formative and summative evaluation based on questionnaires (open,
closed questions), analysis of document (e.g. tool papers), group
feedbacks on tried out tools  Evaluation Report
Folie 17
 PLG is what the group makes out of it.
 A promising format for professionalization
of professionals
 empirically proofed
 further development after establishing
 In university studies, there is a lack of a
joint professionalism and joined
responsibility for a common practice
 becoming professional in cooperating is
the goal of a LC
Folie 18
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  • 1. Prof. Dr. Katja Kansteiner-Schänzlin Koedukation Folie 1 Professional Learning Communities – HeadsUp project & TePinTeach project Prof. Dr. Katja Kansteiner University of Education Weingarten, Germany Kirchplatz 2, 88250 Weingarten
  • 2. Agenda Folie 2 1. The format of PLC with a few suggestions how to differentiate 2. Breakout rooms to share experiences on how learning is pursued in cooperation in ones own workfield 3. Insight in the main activities and findings of the two projects HeadsUp and TePinTeach 4. Discussion
  • 3. 3 1. Verständnisrahmen von PLG Range of the concept of Professional Learning Communities „anything from decision making committees to regular meeting groups or collegial learning teams” (Owens, 2014, S. 54) „Königsweg“ (best way) (Bonsen & Rolff, 2006, S.167) Working definition (translated): PLGs are based on the collaboration of several people "... in the attitude to share responsibility for methodically cooperation in the service of learning for the individual as well as the group, with a close reference to professional practice and giving insights in the practical work. They are based on shared values, norms and objectives in joint work with the option of setting individual or joint priorities in quality development processes. And they are based on personal responsibility for a goal-oriented professionalization process with a change in professional practice. (Kansteiner, 2019, S. 12)
  • 4. 4 • … • Joint Evaluation, Data-Based Decision Making • Drawing on Research (Mitchell & Sachney, 2000) Range within the concept of PLCs – core characteristics • … • Search for Resources beyond School (Bolam et al, 2005) Hord, 1994: • collective learning and the application of that learning • supportive conditions for the maintenance of the learning community • supportive and shared leadership • shared values and vision • shared practice
  • 5. 5 1. Verständnisrahmen von PLGRange of the concept of Professional Learning CommunitiesRange within the concept of PLC – further characteristics naturally grown – external intervention joint topic – diverse topics different - joint interests of development each member‘s topic every session – only one member‘s topic each session (Bolam et al., 2005; Stoll et al. 2006; Wiliam, 2007; Feger & arruda, 2008; Owen, 2014; Warwas & Helm, 2018, Kansteiner et al. 2019, Kansteiner et al. 2020) fixed final end – open ended with internal lead – with external lead homogenious - heterogenious exchange, reflect – visit, exchange InitiationStructure FocusProcedure single group – whole staff school head coordinating - particpating Approach students‘ learning – profession over all Benefit mutual help – learning organisation
  • 6. 6 1. Verständnisrahmen von PLGResearch on PLCs of teachers (vgl. z.B. Rosenholtz, 1989; Newman, 1994; Louis, Marks & Kruse, 1996; Curry, 2008; Gallimore, Ermeling & Saunders, 2009; Horn & Little, 2010; Lomos et al., 2011; Hadar & Brody, 2012; Slavit, Nelsen & Deuel, 2013; Tam, 2015; Warwas & Helm, 2018) PLCs effective if… Willingness to change & Commitment Focus on learning an development of students Longterm planning & focused structure Reflection & focus on issues Turn new learning into action Multiple learning options Support Leadership & Management ExternalFacilitation
  • 7. Break Out Sessions Folie 7 1. Please share your experiences in groups on how learning is pursued in cooperation in your workfields and in which characteristics it can be described overall to disperse the status quo 2. You might use the overview on the characteristics and maybe by reflecting you can suggest further perspectives for differentiation 3. Take about 15 minutes to exchange and give us a short report in the plenum, please.
  • 8. Our Projects: Perspectives on (good) Practice Folie 8 • SL-PLCs in Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Cyprus • Leadership development + School development in different areas of diversity consulting development + evaluation German Strand of the Research: Grounded Theory Methodology (Strauss & Corbin, 1996; Breuer et al., 2019) • data material: interviews, observation logs, group discussions etc. • Researchers: in charge of development and research Research Team: Katja Kansteiner, Sabine Welther, Maria Rist, Christoph Stamann
  • 9. Our Projects: Perspectives on Good Practice Folie 9 Group Meeting Person Group Composition Working mode Communitybuilding Documentation Consistent Framework Action Reflection NewLearning
  • 10. Our Projects: Perspectives on Good Practice Folie 10 Group Composition Working mode Communitybuilding Documentation Consistent Framework Action Reflection NewLearning Group Composition - Participation as leadership team - Same or different school type Community building - Active process - Aim: mutual trust - Danger: show off activities Working mode - Clarifying roles - Negotiative work - Investing in becoming familiar with the processes
  • 11. Our Projects: Perspectives on Good Practice Folie 11 Group Composition Working mode Communitybuilding Documentation Consistent Framework Action Reflection NewLearning Consistent Framework - Fixed schedule - Meet at least once a month for at least 2h New Learning - members as experts, school visits - culture of challenging each other (beyond feedback) - impulses for reflection - “inquiry“ Documentation - Agenda, minutes… - Danger: hiding behind formal aspects
  • 12. Our Projects: Perspectives on Good Practice Folie 12 Group Composition Working mode Communitybuilding Documentation Consistent Framework Action Reflection NewLearning Reflection and Action - individual Learning Diary (Reflection) - Action Plan following the questions - What happened? - Why did it happen? - What can I learn? - What´s the next step?
  • 13. Conclusion Folie 13  PLC – much praised, increasingly findings on the impact associated with quality demands (teacher PLCs)  occasionally tested for the professionalization of school leaders  encouraging results  After initiation and given the concept externally, co-construction leads to a shared understanding of what is going to happen in a PLC.  Negotiation process on a common basic consensus of cooperation design in the SL-PLC in the tension between community and professionalism.
  • 14. 14 1. Verständnisrahmen von PLG Teachers PLC (broad international discussion) Range of the concept of Professional Learning CommunitiesPreparing for PLC work at University Heads PLC (e.g. Hirsh & Hord, 2008; Honig & Rainey, 2014; Zepeda et al., 2015; Davidson, Naffi & Raby, 2017) Student PLC ??? PLC ??? PLC ??? PLC  Usual method to work in cooperative formats in schools/universities  Specific formats put under researched, e.g. Peer Coaching  Competencies for team work and team development expected
  • 15. 15 Students report: • a lot of cooperation takes place (voluntary / mandatory) • often little appreciation for it • more positive when self-chosen groups • frequent criticism that not all students contribute actively, • lack of competence on issues or discipline • some see little benefit for good success in assessments and exams • nobody knows special expectations of PLCs Lectureres observe: • start in a friendly way • very different in level of communication, discussion, meeting discipline • preparation for meetings varies in depth • quite a few tend to give advice or add in self-report • explanations roughly based on scientific knowledge, hardly ever further looking up in texts • if task allows it, division of labor Impressions of the survey IO1 – Consolidated report on the needs of student-teacher professional learning and student-teacher professional learning communities
  • 16. 16 Impressions of the survey Fields of Tension: Activation in class effective use of time Socializing Fairness among group Building up competencies Voluntariness Release of teachers more intensive support Format for professionals beginning to professionalize  TePinTeach devellops tools to raise the quality of communication and interaction in students work groups and get a first experience of what PLC could be like:  formative and summative evaluation based on questionnaires (open, closed questions), analysis of document (e.g. tool papers), group feedbacks on tried out tools  Evaluation Report
  • 17. Discussion Folie 17 2 3 1  PLG is what the group makes out of it.  A promising format for professionalization of professionals  empirically proofed  further development after establishing  In university studies, there is a lack of a joint professionalism and joined responsibility for a common practice  becoming professional in cooperating is the goal of a LC ? https://www.malerische- us-im-landhausstil-neu- gestalten-mit-kalkputz-und- designbelag.html
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Editor's Notes

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  3. 3. Aus dem US-amerikanischen Raum tradiertes und nach eigener Studie leicht überarbeitetes Verständnis B&R ist, geht man zurück in die amerikanischen Beiträge, deutlich erweitert um Merkmale, die aus unserer Projekterfahrung bedeutsam erscheinen Leitung der PLG Ressourcen aus dem kreis heraus suchen, beziehe ich vor allem auch auf Lernimpulse, die Aus datenbasiertem Prüfen und wissenschaftl. Erkenntnissen beruht Also nicht nur, was die Professionellen miteinander als Niveau zusammenbekommen, sondern mit Eispeisungen von mehr Aus Begleitung Wo finden Sie sich wieder? Was war nicht in Ihrem Horizont? Was haben Sie noch nicht probiert? Was fehlt Ihnen? Was löst Diskussionsbedarf aus?
  4. Wo finden Sie sich wieder? Was war nicht in Ihrem Horizont? Was haben Sie noch nicht probiert? Was fehlt Ihnen? Was löst Diskussionsbedarf aus?
  5. Wo finden Sie sich wieder? Was war nicht in Ihrem Horizont? Was haben Sie noch nicht probiert? Was fehlt Ihnen? Was löst Diskussionsbedarf aus?
  6. Two project: one development focused (HeadsUP), one research projetct (ProFlüP)  with HeadsUP we aimed at supporting principals to establish PLCs across schools, with ProFLüP the focus is on the question, how this process of establishing such PLCs of heads actually works, since there is not much knowledge about these processes, especially when it comes to PLCs of heads. I want to give you some insights, mostly from HeadsUP, in parts from ProFlüP as well
  7. Wo finden Sie sich wieder? Was war nicht in Ihrem Horizont? Was haben Sie noch nicht probiert? Was fehlt Ihnen? Was löst Diskussionsbedarf aus?
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