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The Doctor, the Patient and


     Manuel Neves-e-Castro
The Doctor, the Woman and
There are controversies about the
present management of the
climacterium which are due to:
• a lack of culture that prevents a correct
  criticism of the published results
• a bad practice of medicine that ignores the
  woman in her totality (holism)
• political lobbies from the NIH
• a lack of scientific honesty manifested by
  many of the WHI writers
• lobbies from several pharmaceutical
  industries through the activities of many well
  known doctors that “offer” themselves to transmit
  their “messages”

•The Objective        QoL

 •The Target           the Woman

   •The Agent (or Actor)    the Doctor
Quality of Life
How to promote it ?
QoL = Health !
“A condition of physical, mental and
social well-being and not only the
absence of disease”

Therefore one must:
  - prevent diseases
  - promote health
The midaged Woman

• How does she feel? Confused? Insecure?
• What is she afraid of ? Hormones?
• What does she want from the Doctor? QoL !

A Climacteric woman

 is a woman (gender based medicine)
 is an ageing person (geriartrics)
 is perimenopausal (hormone deficient)
Looking after a menopausal woman is a

 gratifying and

 vivid experience in the life of a physician.


The Doctor : a Gynecologist?
If so
• What is in his/her mind? WHI? Million WS?
• What does he/she know about it?
• What is he/she afraid of? Cancer? TED?
• How does he/she practice Medicine?
• How should midaged women be taken care
What has experience thought
me over the years about how
    to give QoL after the
Is there a Menopausal

There is only ONE Medicine (L. Speroff)

There are only TWO Medicines (M.N.C.):

      a BAD Medicine and

      a GOOD Medicine
what we must learn, is…

how to practice a
“We are drowning in
 but starved for knowledge”
                  John Naisbilt

how is Medicine practiced
There are two types of medical
– the Medicine for one individual, at a
  time (Clinical Medicine)

– the Medicine for many individuals,
  the population, at the same time,
  (Social Medicine,Public Health
Who are the actors ?
                           •   Is a clinician
The practitioner           •   Sees patients in the office
                           •   Treats individuals
                           •   Works in Hospitals

                           •   Is not a clinician
The public health doctor
                           •   Does not see patients in an
                           •   Does not treat individuals
                           •   Works in a Public Health
Concerns of the
Doctor of an individual    •Absolute risk reduction
                           •Absolute risk increase

                           •Benefit/risk analisys

The Public Health Doctor   •Relative risk reduction

                           •Relative risk increase

                           •Cost/benefit analysis
But ... today ...

many                    • Act in their offices as if they
                          were public health doctors...

and many
public health doctors • Act in their departments as if
                          they were clinicians ...

             This is wrong!
WHI results calculated as:
                                NNT/1 year                NNH/1 year
CHD                                                         1428
Stroke                                                      1250
VTE                                                          588
Breast Cancer                                               1250
Colon Cancer                             1667
Osteoporotic fractures                    227

 Neves-e-Castro M. Menopause in crisis post-Women´s health Initiative? A view
 based on personal clinical experience. Human Reproduction 2003;18:2512-8
Public Health doctors are guided by
what epidemiologists suggest ...

but ...

most epidemiologists only establish
associations of events and seldom
determine cause/effect relationships

Practioners are guided:

• by the best available information that
  can be extrapolated with validity to
  their patients, and

• by their acumulated experience

thus ...
   both,the practitioners who act as if they
were public health doctors,

   and the public health doctors who act as if they
were clinicians,

   should not overemphasize the
epidemiological associations of events that    are
not necessarily cause/effect findings

We must manage our
Clinical Practice by objectives:
- Critical
         Objectives (C.O.)
- Specific Objectives (S.O.)
- S.O. Targets (S.O.T.)
- S.O. Projects (S.O.P.)
Critical Objectives

a) The diagnosis of health
b) The identification of risk factors
c) The presence of symptoms
   • gender related
   • age related
   • hormone related
Critical Objectives

d) The treatment of symptoms
e) The elimination of risk factors
f) The diagnosis of diseases
g) The treatment of diseases
Specific Objectives
1. CVD and metabolic diseases
 a) obesity
 b) dislipidemias
 c) hypertension
 d) insulin resistance (metabolic syndr.)

2. CNS
 a) vasomotor symptoms
 b) mood, sleep
 c) sexual disfunctions, libido,

3. Bone
 a) osteoarticular,

4. Reproductive organs
   - vaginal discharges
   - atrophic vaginitis
   - fibroids
   - meno and metrorrhagia,

5. Breast

 lumps and tenderness,

6. Bladder

   chronic cystitis,

S.O. Targets

1.   exercise
2.   nutrition
3.   mental health
4.   sexual conseling
5.   pharmacotherapy
     a) hormonal
     b) non-hormonal
S.O. Projects
              P, E+P, E
              Ca + vit D
      Bisfosfonates, Strontium
          α and β Blockers

routes, schemes of administration
and now
think about the interelation of

CVD, Osteoporosis and Obesity...

since they seem to share common risk
The unified hypothesis of interactions among
  the bone, adipose and vascular systems:
      'osteo-lipo-vascular interactions'.

   Epidemiological evidence has established
   a link among hyperlipidemia, visceral
   obesity, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular
   diseases (CVD).

             Koshiyama H et al. Med Hypotheses 2006;66:960-3
The unified hypothesis of interactions among
  the bone, adipose and vascular systems:
      'osteo-lipo-vascular interactions'.

   The unified hypothesis of three organs,
   which we call 'osteo-lipo-vascular
   interactions', may be explained by the
   common origin of the cells in each organ.

             Koshiyama H et al. Med Hypotheses 2006;66:960-3
The unified hypothesis of interactions among
  the bone, adipose and vascular systems:
      'osteo-lipo-vascular interactions'.

   The mesenchymal stem cells are capable
   of differentiating into osteoblasts, vascular
   smooth muscle cells, and adipocytes.

              Koshiyama H et al. Med Hypotheses 2006;66:960-3
The unified hypothesis of interactions among
  the bone, adipose and vascular systems:
      'osteo-lipo-vascular interactions'.

   Alternatively, macrophages may evolve
   into osteoclasts or infiltrate both the
   vascular and adipose tissues, thereby
   leading to chronic inflammation.

             Koshiyama H et al. Med Hypotheses 2006;66:960-3
Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease:
brittle bones and boned arteries, is there a link?

  Elevated LDL and low HDL cholesterol are
  associated with LBMD; altered lipid
  metabolism is associated with both bone
  remodeling and the atherosclerotic
  process, which might explain, in part, the
  co-existence of osteoporosis and
  atherosclerosis in patients with
  dyslipidemia. Similarly, inflammation plays
  a pivotal role in both atherosclerosis and
                  McFarlane SI et al. Encdocrine 2004;23:1-10
Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease:
brittle bones and boned arteries, is there a link?

  Elevated plasma homocysteine levels are
  associated with both CVD and osteoporosis.

                     McFarlane SI et al. Encdocrine 2004;23:1-10
Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease:
brittle bones and boned arteries, is there a link?

  Nitric oxide (NO), in addition to its known
  atheroprotective effects, appears to also play a
  role in osteoblast function and bone turnover.

                      McFarlane SI et al. Encdocrine 2004;23:1-10
Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease:
brittle bones and boned arteries, is there a link?

  Statins, agents that reduce atherogenesis,
  also stimulate bone formation

                  McFarlane SI et al. Encdocrine 2004;23:1-10
Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease:
brittle bones and boned arteries, is there a link?

  Bis- phosphonates, used in the treatment of
  osteoporosis, have been shown to inhibit
  atherogenesis. Intravenous bisphosphonate
  therapy significantly decreases serum LDL and
  increases HDL in postmenopausal women

                  McFarlane SI et al. Encdocrine 2004;23:1-10
in the light of the present evidence,
doctors and women should be
reassured that the suggested HT’s for
the relief of symptoms in the
are safe and very effective !
Many women taking hormones were
urged by their physicians to stop taking
these medications immediately or
decided to stop taking them on their own.

                   Petitti DB. JAMA. 2005;294:245-246.
Convictions are more
dangerous enemies of thruth
than lies

           Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Based on the WHI study group,
implementation of the results
into clinical practice has little, if
any, scientific basis.

Adam Ostrzenski and Katarzyna M Ostrzenska. Am J Obst Gynecol
The applicability of the WHI
findings to women between age of
51.1 and 56.1 years and younger is

              Ostrzenski A and Ostrzenska KM.
              Am J Obst Gynecol 2005;193:1599-604
The WHI Estrogen only arm
Effects of conjugated Equine Estrogen in Postmenopausal Women
with Hysterectomy.JAMA, 2004;291:1701-1712

“In women 50-59 years not taking HT,
ischemic stroke is expected to occur in
3 out of 1000 women during 5 years.
Five years use of HT would yield 1
additional case of stroke/ 1000 women”

                          EMAS Statement; 2004.
Biased opinions

be they pro or con,

dishonor the profession
harm our patients.

Sacket DL. The arrogance of preventive medicine. Can Med Assoc J
Then, why all this noise?...

Mainly because the conclusions of
recent trials were severely misinterpreted
by the medical professionals, the media
and by the women, themselves

Causes of Death Among
         Other Cancers
                                                         Heart Disease
Breast Cancer                              34%

     Diabetes      4%
Chronic Lower     6%

                Other                                   Cerebrovascular

                           *Percentage  of total deaths in 1999
                               among women aged 65 years and older.
                           Anderson RN. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2001;49:1-13.
Hormones and the Heart

1 in 3 women will die from coronary
heart disease (CHD) in the USA.
1 in 25 women will die from breast

         Fitzpatrick LA. JCEM 2003;88(12):5609-10
“HRT is associated with a
  35% reduction in mortality
  for women who suffered
  myocardial infarction”.
Shlipack MG, Angeja B, Go AS, et al Circulation 2001;104:2300-2304
Effect on the risk of CHD

WHI Significant increased risk
    RR 1.29 (CI 1.02-1.63); 29 % increased risk
    AR 0.37% vs 0.30% (ie, 37 vs 30 events
      annually per 10.000 women)
HERS Nonsignificant decreased risk
    RR 0,99 (CI 0.84-1.17); 1% decreased risk
    AR 3.66% vs 3.68% (ie, 366 vs 368 events
       annually per 10.000 women)
NNH / Year
   (Number Needed to Harm)
      (the reciprocal of the AR,or of the atributable AR)

Coronary Heart Disease
     WHI (RR 1.29)                            1428
     HERS (RR 0.99)                           5000
Breast Cancer
     WHI (RR 1.26)                            1250
     HERS (RR 1.27)                            833

“Not everything that can be
counted counts;
and not everything that
counts can be counted”
                     Albert Einstein
Hormone replacement therapy:
      where to now?

Recent studies suggest HRT may inhibit
the process of atherosclerosis in
healthy arteries soon after menopause,
and observational studies (NHS, updated
2006) in younger women starting HRT
strongly suggest a potential
cardiovascular benefit

    Mikkola TS, Clarkson TB. Cardiovasc Res 2002;53:605-19.
Lessons from the WHI

“…most articles and broadcast segments
tended to focus exclusively on either the
small absolute risks or the larger relative
risks, neglecting the more even-handed
picture that presented both.

Since the sharply increased relative risks
got the most play, news coverage about the
trial’s findings had an alarming cast.”

        Denzer S. Editorial. Ann Intern Med.2003;138:352-353
“WHI: Now that the dust has
• To publish data that may or may
  not be entirely true or certainly
  premature is a disservice to the
  medical profession and, most
  important, to our patients.
• The majority of the data that were
  published is not statistically
  significant even at the nominal

Creasman WT. et al. Am J Obst Gynecol 2003;189:621-626
Recent reports did not find, for
continuous combined treatments, any
increased risk of either CHD or breast
The difference from WHI being that
women were younger, symptomatic
and with lower body weights

Heikkinen J. NAMS 2004, Abstract LB38
Lobo R. Arch Int Med 2004;164:482-484
“At the moment, I believe we can say with
relative certainty that hormone therapy in
    younger postmenopausal women
 in lower coronary heart disease events
           and total mortality.”

                 Salpeter S. Climacteric 2005;8:307-310
An update of the WHI Study !
WHI investigators reported (Feb 2006) a
statistically significant (34%) lower risk for the
combined endpoint of myocardial infarction
(heart attack), coronary death, coronary
revascularization and confirmed angina among
women who were between the ages of 50 and
59 at the start of the study (RR 0.66; 95% CI

                 Hsia J et al.Arch Intern Med 2006;166:357-363
Younger Women May Receive Heart Protection From
              Estrogen Therapy

    In women ages 50-59 who had undergone a
    hysterectomy, a significant protective effect of
    estrogen treatment, when both primary (heart
    attacks and heart attack death) and secondary
    (coronary artery bypass surgery, angioplasty,
    confirmed angina pectoris) cardiac endpoints
    were considered.

    Dr. S. Mitchell Harman, director and president of Phoenix-based
    Kronos Longevity Research Institute (KLRI) in Archives of Internal
    Medicine 2006;106:357-363
Hsia J, Langer RD, Manson J et al. Conjugated equine estrogens and coronary heart
disease. Arch Int Med 2006;166:357-65
Hsia J, Langer RD, Manson J et al. Conjugated equine estrogens and coronary heart
disease. Arch Int Med 2006;166:357-65
Hsia J, Langer RD, Manson J et al. Conjugated equine estrogens and coronary heart
disease. Arch Int Med 2006;166:357-65
Press Statement IMS

In a subgroup of women demographically
similar to those in the WHI, there was no
significant relation between HT and CHD among
women who initiated therapy at least 10 years
after the menopause

(RR = 0.87, 95% CI 0.69–1.10 for estrogen alone;
 RR = 0.90, 95% CI 0.62–1.29 for estrogen with progestogen).

                                            Feb 2006
Press Statement IMS

The estrogen plus progestogen arm of the WHI
and the estrogen-alone arm actually showed that
HT does not
increase the risk of coronary heart disease in
the peri- and early menopause,
and may even carry beneficial effects.

                                    Feb 2006
Press Statement IMS
The WHI study was not designed, and
therefore was not powered, to investigate the
consequences of hormone therapy (HT) in
women below 60 years of age. Therefore,
any attempt to present the results of the study
as indicating that HT may inflict damage to the
heart in general – a message that was accepted
by many medical societies and regulatory Authorities
is simply wrong and must be amended.
Breast Cancer
Menopausal women and their
doctors are scared about the side
         effects of HRT

   mainly about breast cancer
It must be emphasized that we are
talking about an increased incidence of
the disease, which does not
automatically translate into an increase
in deaths from the disease.

                  Baum M. The Breast 2005;14:178-80
Extended use of estrogen for

10 years increases risks by 0,5%, and by
15 years increases risks by 0,9%

upon cessation of HRT, the
relative risk quickly returns to 1.0 !

   Coombs N J, Taylor R, Wilcken N. and Boyages J. BMJ 2005;331:347-349
Breast Cancer

• The diagnosis of a breast cancer after the
  initiation of a HRT (with a duration of less than 5
  years) is only a proof of its growth stimulatory
  effect (not of its carcinogenic effect)

• Therefore, the reversal of the risk to 1 after the
  cessation of HRT confirms again only its growth
  promoting effect and denies a carcinogenic

      Dietel M., Lewis MA. and Shapiro S. Human Reproduction 2005;20:2052-60
Breast Cancer
• The doubling time of an initial cancer
  cell, up to the diagnosis of a resultant
  1cm tumor, is most likely greater than
  10 years.

• This is why many dormant cancer cells
  may exist in a “normal” breast !
Occult Breast Cancer

Clinically occult in situ
BC’s are frequent in
young and middle-aged
          Nielsen M et al-Br J Cancer 1987;56:814-9
Occult Breast Cancer

Breast malignancy was
found in 22 women
       Nielsen M et al-Br J Cancer 1987;56:814-9

• Mammographies give more false
  negative than false positive results !

• A “normal” mammography does not
  exclude the presence of cancer cells
  that may “explode” a few months later…

Estrogen replacement therapy in
patients with early breast cancer

  The mortality rates from breast cancer for
  the ERT users was 4.28% compared with
  22.3% in the nonusers.

  Natrajan PK and Gambrell RD. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;187:289-95
“Recurrent breast cancer was
 found in 9% of HRT users and
 15% of nonuser”.

             O’Meara ES et al.JNCI 2001;93:754-761
Mortality following development of
      breast cancer while using
oestrogen or oestrogen plus progestin:

   W Chen, DB Petitti and AM Geiger.
   British Journal of Cancer 2005;93:392–398
This study explored survival after
exposure to oestrogen or oestrogen
plus progestin at or in the year prior to
breast cancer diagnosis

oestrogen plus progestin users
had lower all-cause mortality and
breast cancer mortality

Chen W, Petitti DB and Geiger AM. British Journal of Cancer 2005;
Breast cancer survival after hormone
Overall survival after hormone
A menopausal woman expects
  from her attending physician

to be receptive to all of her complains,
to understand her psychic and physical
to support her insecurity and
to help overcome her crisis.
Many Doctors fail to persuade
  them to go on with HRT, in
   despite of telling that the
 benefits are far greater than
      any potential risk
One may easily conclude that

without an adequate technique of
communication, using the proper
there is no possible help

physicians must acquire expertise in
the technique of communication
let us talk about
Are there risks?

It is crucial that information be given
about the difference between relative
risks and absolute risks, since the latter
are the major cause of misinformation and
alarmism, being the favorites of the
Example of Risks
• If you buy one lottery ticket you will
  have a one in 1 million chance of
  winning (“absolute risk”) 1x 10 6
• If you buy five lottery tickets your
  chances are five fold higher or 5 in one
  million (“absolute risk”) 5x 10 6
• Your chances of winning are increased
  by five fold (“relative risk”) 5.0
Relative Risk

The risk of an event occuring
under certain circumstances
compared to the risk under
other circumstances
Attributable or Excess Risk

The difference between
underlying risk and risk when
receiving HT is called the
attributable or excess risk
Do not confuse…

   Relative Risk

       Absolute Risk!
• Relative risk is a confusing
  word and is only important if
  the absolute chances of an
  event are high
• Attributable or excess risk is
  the thing that one should be
  most concerned about
Internal: the study measured what is set out to
External: the results can be extrapolated to
  one’s patients

     Observational research (NHS) may have
     poorer internal validity
     better external validity
     Randomized controlled trial (WHI)
     better internal validity
     poorer external validity
Confidence interval (C.I.)
A 95% C.I. signifies that there is a 95%
chance that the population “true value”
lies between the two limits.
If C.I. crosses the “line of no
difference” the point at which a benefit
becomes a harm (i.e.1) then one can
conclude that the results are not
statiscally significant
Risks of women medicated with E+P (5.2 years)

Risks of women medicated with E only (6.8 years)

Risks of Breast Cancer
according to different factors
“It appears that half of the
benefits in the prevention of
cardiovascular diseases are
not hormone related”!

 Mosca L, Grundy SM, Judelson D, et al. Circulation 99;99:2480-4
Nurses’s Health Study
from 1980 to 1994 CHD ↓ 31%

    ↓   Smoking                             ↓   13%
    ↑   Obesity                             ↑    8%
    ↑   THS                                 ↓    9%
    ↑   Better nutrition                    ↓   16%

Hu FB, Grodstein F et al. Trends in the Incidence of Coronary Heart
Disease and Changes in Diet and Lifestyle in Women. NEJM
Can side effects be minimized ?
What about the best treatments
 during the climacterium and
Little attention is paid to other
pharmacological interventions (non
hormonal) and strategies that have been
shown to be important for the
prevention of diseases and to maintain or
improve health.

Hippocrates promoted specific
 diets to prevent and cure
 diseases, such as illnesses of
 the heart.

Lyons AS et al. In Medicine: an illustrated History. New York:Abradale
The Polymeal
Franco O et al. BMJ 2004;329:1447-50
Doctors could retrain as
Polymeal chefs or wine advisers

The Polymeal—an evidence based menu that
includes, wine, fish, dark chocolate fruits,
vegetables, garlic, and almonds—promises to be an
effective, safe, cheap, and tasty solution to reducing
cardiovascular morbidity and increasing life
Polymeal could reduce cardiovascular disease by
more than 75%.

                          Franco O et al. BMJ 2004;329:1447-50
The Polypill
Wald N and Law M. BMJ 2003;326:1419-25
Wald N and Law M. BMJ 2003;326:1419-25
One third of people taking this pill from
age 55 would benefit, gaining on
average about 11 years of life free from
an IHD event or stroke.

              Wald N and Law M. BMJ 2003;326:1419-25
Moderate exercise cuts breast
   cancer biomarkers in
  postmenopausal women

 Increased physical activity significantly
 reduces serum estrogens in
 postmenopausal women and thus may
 reduce the risk of breast cancer.

                McTiernan A. Cancer Res 2004;364:2923-8
Aspirin could be used to prevent

Three recently published studies indicate
that aspirin, already enjoying a second
lease of life in the prevention of heart
disease, may soon become a first line of
defense against cancer.

                       London O. BMJ 2003;326:565
In conclusion …
and to make a long story
There are no really “safe”
 biological active drugs...

There are only “safe” physicians !

    Kaminetzy HA 1993
“Each time we learn something new, the
astonishment comes from the recognition
that we were wrong before…

I truth, whe ne ve r we d is c o ve r a ne w fa c t, it
invo lve s the e lim ina tio n o f o ld o ne s . . .
thus, as it turns out,
                            Le wis Tho m a s Eng lis h Bio lo g is t (1 9 1 3 -1 9 9 3 )
My Message is:
.To prescribe postmenopausal hormonal
 treatments when clinically indicated, if
 not contraindicated
. No answers from ongoing clinical
 trials are indispensable to practice
 today a good Medicine
To know
 the disease that a woman has
is as important as
to know
the woman who has the disease

                     William Osler
What are the best recommendations of
    the climacteric woman’s doctor?
 1.  Understand what is happening to the body during
     the climacteric and the postmenopause
 2. Mental occupation
 3. Physical exercise
 4. Proper nutrition (moderate consumption of red
     wine, and abundant fish, vegetables, fruits, soy,
     milk, garlic, chocolate, etc)
 5. Keep the body mass index (BMI) within normal
 6. Keep a normal girdle/hip ratio, waist circumference
 7. Refrain from smoking
 8. Keep a normal blood pressure
 9. Keep the blood lipids within normal values
 10. Examine the breasts (palpation, inspection,
What about the best treatments
 during the climacterium and

There is a general tendency to consider
that sex steroid hormones are the only
instruments with which to treat women
when they enter in the climacteric phase
of their lives…

Which is the best treatment?

In general terms, is the one that is wisely
indicated, if not contraindicated, after
balancing benefits and risks, of all strategies
and interventions, hormonal or not.

It must be aimed at specific objectives and
targets that will be monitored at regular intervals
in order to determine its efficacy and to estimate
the occurrence of any side effects, a condition
that will determine its duration.
Which is the best treatment?
Patient needs and preferences are decisive, based on
the doctors’ advice. Let it not be forgotten that although
many treatments are available, they are nevertheless
not indispensable. Doctors have the duty to give their
best unbiased information to their patients so that they
may make the right choices and then be compliant.

The woman is the decision maker, if the doctor
sees no contraindication.

the best treatment is what a well
informed woman has chosen.
I personally believe that for the healthy
early post menopausal woman the long term
HT’s, other than relieving vasomotor
symptoms, may play an important role in
improving QoL and in the prevention of
CVD, osteoporosis and Alzheimer, under

Systemic (parenteral) estrogens, added
when needed to vaginal progesterone or
progestagen loaded IUD’s, may be very
beneficial, largely overpassing minimal
The conclusions of the WHI trial suggest that the
“safe “ woman (NNH between 600-1000 women)
                to initiate HT is

    -   between 50-59 years of age
    -   with vasomotor symptoms
    -   less than 10 years after the menopause
    -   being treated with statins
    -   with a good lipid profile and
    -   with a Body Mass Index >25

        Neves-e-Castro M. Human Reproduction 2003;18:2512-2518
This is precisely the profile of the great
majority of women who come for
consultation after their menopause.

Therefore it seems that what most
gynecologists are doing to their
predominant population of patients is not
unsafe and contributes not only to a
good quality of life but to prevention, as
 Neves-e-Castro M. Human Reproduction 2003;18:2512-2518
Postmenopausal hormone therapy: critical
   reappraisal and unified hypothesis

Do others agree ?
“He who learns,
but does not think
      is lost.
He who thinks, but
 does not learn is
If we both learn and think
          we will
        neither be lost
        nor dangerous

  to our postmenopausal women

      Wenger NK. Am J Geriatr Cardiol 2000;9:204-9
NAMS position statement on
estrogen and progestagen use in
peri-and postmenopausal women

 Revised breast cancer statements indicate
 that the risk of breast cancer probably
 increases with EPT use but not with ET
NAMS position statement on
estrogen and progestagen use in
peri-and postmenopausal women

 Place no limit on ET/EPT treatment
 duration, provided it is consistent with
 treatment goals; if monitored regularly, no
 stipulation is made regarding when to
 reduce or stop therapy
If there are no incoming contraindications
we see no reason to establish a time limit
to the duration of therapy, mainly if there is
a recovery of symptoms after its

Cochrane B, NAMS 2004, P53
Evidence informed practice
• It is clearly time to change “evidence based
  medicine” to “evidence informed practice”.

• I suggest the era of evidence informed rather
  than evidence based medicine has arrived

  Glasziou P. Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. University of
  Oxford OX3 7LF. BMJ 2005;330:92
What has been learned from the
major observational studies and
        clinical trials?
 the first lesson
 systematically administered
 progestagens may in part suppress
 some of the beneficial effects of
 estrogens and may also slightly increase
 the risk of breast cancer after treatments
 with duration greater than five years.
What has been learned from the
major observational studies and
        clinical trials?
  the second lesson
  estrogens, when given alone to
  histerectomized women, did not appear
  to minimally affect the risk for breast
  cancer when compared with controls

What has been learned from the
major observational studies and
        clinical trials?
 the third lesson
 Metabolic effects of estrogens and
 progestagens, as a whole, can differ
 depending on the route of administration,
 i.e. oral vs. parentheral, and on the
 combination of both, in a sequential regimen or
 in continuous combined administration.
What has been learned from the
major observational studies and
        clinical trials?
 the fourth lesson
 Hormonal treatments are the first choice for
 vasomotor symptom relief as long as they
 are needed (on and off assessment). They
 should not be used for the secondary
 prevention of CVD, when atheroma plaques
 are already present.
What has been learned from the
major observational studies and
        clinical trials?
 the fourth lesson (cont)
 Conversely, they may protect from CVD
 if started early during the transition
 into the post menopause.
 Hormonal treatments are preventive of
 osteopenia and osteoporosis at any
 stage in life
What has been learned from the
major observational studies and
        clinical trials?
 the fifth lesson
 Estrogens may prevent degenerative
 lesions of the CNS since, so far, they
 seem to be the only available drugs with
 nerve growth effects

Preventing a woman from the
benefits of a
 sound postmenopausal
 hormone therapy
 because of the fear of rare
 side effects
 does not seem to be
 satisfactory Medicine...
                 M.Neves-e-Castro, 2000
Primum non nocere :
   neither by excess,
    nor by deffect …
and now...

   see the
   in QoL :
like this one ?...
Secret for longevity !
Secret for longevity
A passerby noticed an old lady sitting on her front step:”I couldn’t help noticing
how happy you look! What is your secret for such a long, happy life?”
Secret for longevity
   A passerby noticed an old lady sitting on her front step:”I couldn’t help noticing
   how happy you look! What is your secret for such a long, happy life?!”

“I smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day,”she said. “Before I go to bed, I smoke a nice
big joint. Apart from that, I drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels every week, and
eat only junk food. On weekends I pop a huge number of pills and do no exercise
at all.”
Secret for longevity
   A passerby noticed an old lady sitting on her front step:”I couldn’t help noticing
   how happy you look! What is your secret for such a long, happy life?!”

“This is absolutely amazing at your age!!!!”, says the passerby. “How old are you?”
I’m 24
 I’m 24
or like these?…
They are living after
(hormones, life style, nutrition, exercise, etc)
A             WOMAN

     in the autumn of her life
deserves an indian summer
       rather than a winter of discontent ...
                           Robert B Greenblatt
and now...

this is not the end...
nor even the begining of the end.
It is perhaps,
the end of the begining !

              Winston Churchill
This is what I have learned

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Emas curso

  • 1. The Doctor, the Patient and QoL by Manuel Neves-e-Castro Lisboa-Portugal
  • 2. The Doctor, the Woman and QoL
  • 3. There are controversies about the present management of the climacterium which are due to: • a lack of culture that prevents a correct criticism of the published results • a bad practice of medicine that ignores the woman in her totality (holism) • political lobbies from the NIH • a lack of scientific honesty manifested by many of the WHI writers • lobbies from several pharmaceutical industries through the activities of many well known doctors that “offer” themselves to transmit their “messages”
  • 4. HOW TO DO IT ? •The Objective QoL •The Target the Woman •The Agent (or Actor) the Doctor
  • 7. QoL = Health ! “A condition of physical, mental and social well-being and not only the absence of disease” WHO Therefore one must: - prevent diseases - promote health
  • 8. The midaged Woman • How does she feel? Confused? Insecure? • What is she afraid of ? Hormones? • What does she want from the Doctor? QoL !
  • 9. Definition A Climacteric woman is a woman (gender based medicine) is an ageing person (geriartrics) is perimenopausal (hormone deficient)
  • 10. Looking after a menopausal woman is a most fascinating, gratifying and complex vivid experience in the life of a physician. MNC/2005
  • 12. The Doctor : a Gynecologist? If so • What is in his/her mind? WHI? Million WS? • What does he/she know about it? • What is he/she afraid of? Cancer? TED? • How does he/she practice Medicine? • How should midaged women be taken care of?
  • 13. What has experience thought me over the years about how to give QoL after the menopause:
  • 14. Is there a Menopausal Medicine? There is only ONE Medicine (L. Speroff) There are only TWO Medicines (M.N.C.): a BAD Medicine and a GOOD Medicine
  • 15. Therefore, what we must learn, is… how to practice a GOOD MEDICINE! mnc/05
  • 16. “We are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge” knowledge John Naisbilt
  • 17. then... how is Medicine practiced today?
  • 18. There are two types of medical practice: – the Medicine for one individual, at a time (Clinical Medicine) – the Medicine for many individuals, the population, at the same time, (Social Medicine,Public Health Medicine) MNC/05
  • 19. Who are the actors ? • Is a clinician The practitioner • Sees patients in the office • Treats individuals • Works in Hospitals • Is not a clinician The public health doctor • Does not see patients in an office • Does not treat individuals • Works in a Public Health department
  • 20. Concerns of the Doctor of an individual •Absolute risk reduction (practitioner) •Absolute risk increase •Benefit/risk analisys The Public Health Doctor •Relative risk reduction •Relative risk increase •Cost/benefit analysis
  • 21. But ... today ... many • Act in their offices as if they were public health doctors... practitioners and many public health doctors • Act in their departments as if they were clinicians ... This is wrong!
  • 22. WHI results calculated as: NNT/1 year NNH/1 year CHD 1428 Stroke 1250 VTE 588 Breast Cancer 1250 Colon Cancer 1667 Osteoporotic fractures 227 Neves-e-Castro M. Menopause in crisis post-Women´s health Initiative? A view based on personal clinical experience. Human Reproduction 2003;18:2512-8
  • 23. Public Health doctors are guided by what epidemiologists suggest ... but ... most epidemiologists only establish associations of events and seldom determine cause/effect relationships MNC/05
  • 24. Practioners are guided: • by the best available information that can be extrapolated with validity to their patients, and • by their acumulated experience MNC/05
  • 25. thus ... both,the practitioners who act as if they were public health doctors, and the public health doctors who act as if they were clinicians, should not overemphasize the epidemiological associations of events that are not necessarily cause/effect findings MNC/05
  • 26. We must manage our Clinical Practice by objectives: objectives - Critical Objectives (C.O.) - Specific Objectives (S.O.) - S.O. Targets (S.O.T.) - S.O. Projects (S.O.P.)
  • 27. Critical Objectives a) The diagnosis of health b) The identification of risk factors c) The presence of symptoms • gender related • age related • hormone related
  • 28. Critical Objectives d) The treatment of symptoms e) The elimination of risk factors f) The diagnosis of diseases g) The treatment of diseases
  • 29. Specific Objectives (S.O.) 1. CVD and metabolic diseases a) obesity b) dislipidemias c) hypertension d) insulin resistance (metabolic syndr.) etc
  • 30. S.O. 2. CNS a) vasomotor symptoms b) mood, sleep c) sexual disfunctions, libido, etc
  • 31. S.O. 3. Bone a) osteoarticular, etc
  • 32. S.O. 4. Reproductive organs - vaginal discharges - atrophic vaginitis - fibroids - meno and metrorrhagia, etc
  • 33. S.O. 5. Breast lumps and tenderness, etc
  • 34. S.O. 6. Bladder incontinence chronic cystitis, etc
  • 36. S.O. Targets 1. exercise 2. nutrition 3. mental health 4. sexual conseling 5. pharmacotherapy a) hormonal b) non-hormonal
  • 37. S.O. Projects (treatments) P, E+P, E Androgens Ca + vit D Bisfosfonates, Strontium Statins IACE Diuretics α and β Blockers Aspirin Serm’s Tibolone Gabapantin Psychotherapy etc routes, schemes of administration
  • 38. and now think about the interelation of CVD, Osteoporosis and Obesity... since they seem to share common risk factors...
  • 39. The unified hypothesis of interactions among the bone, adipose and vascular systems: 'osteo-lipo-vascular interactions'. Epidemiological evidence has established a link among hyperlipidemia, visceral obesity, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Koshiyama H et al. Med Hypotheses 2006;66:960-3
  • 40. The unified hypothesis of interactions among the bone, adipose and vascular systems: 'osteo-lipo-vascular interactions'. The unified hypothesis of three organs, which we call 'osteo-lipo-vascular interactions', may be explained by the common origin of the cells in each organ. Koshiyama H et al. Med Hypotheses 2006;66:960-3
  • 41. The unified hypothesis of interactions among the bone, adipose and vascular systems: 'osteo-lipo-vascular interactions'. The mesenchymal stem cells are capable of differentiating into osteoblasts, vascular smooth muscle cells, and adipocytes. Koshiyama H et al. Med Hypotheses 2006;66:960-3
  • 42. The unified hypothesis of interactions among the bone, adipose and vascular systems: 'osteo-lipo-vascular interactions'. Alternatively, macrophages may evolve into osteoclasts or infiltrate both the vascular and adipose tissues, thereby leading to chronic inflammation. Koshiyama H et al. Med Hypotheses 2006;66:960-3
  • 43. Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease: brittle bones and boned arteries, is there a link? Elevated LDL and low HDL cholesterol are associated with LBMD; altered lipid metabolism is associated with both bone remodeling and the atherosclerotic process, which might explain, in part, the co-existence of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis in patients with dyslipidemia. Similarly, inflammation plays a pivotal role in both atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. McFarlane SI et al. Encdocrine 2004;23:1-10
  • 44. Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease: brittle bones and boned arteries, is there a link? Elevated plasma homocysteine levels are associated with both CVD and osteoporosis. McFarlane SI et al. Encdocrine 2004;23:1-10
  • 45. Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease: brittle bones and boned arteries, is there a link? Nitric oxide (NO), in addition to its known atheroprotective effects, appears to also play a role in osteoblast function and bone turnover. McFarlane SI et al. Encdocrine 2004;23:1-10
  • 46. Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease: brittle bones and boned arteries, is there a link? Statins, agents that reduce atherogenesis, also stimulate bone formation McFarlane SI et al. Encdocrine 2004;23:1-10
  • 47. Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease: brittle bones and boned arteries, is there a link? Bis- phosphonates, used in the treatment of osteoporosis, have been shown to inhibit atherogenesis. Intravenous bisphosphonate therapy significantly decreases serum LDL and increases HDL in postmenopausal women McFarlane SI et al. Encdocrine 2004;23:1-10
  • 48. anyway,and in the light of the present evidence, doctors and women should be reassured that the suggested HT’s for the relief of symptoms in the menopause are safe and very effective !
  • 49. Many women taking hormones were urged by their physicians to stop taking these medications immediately or decided to stop taking them on their own. Petitti DB. JAMA. 2005;294:245-246.
  • 50. Convictions are more dangerous enemies of thruth than lies Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  • 51. Based on the WHI study group, implementation of the results into clinical practice has little, if any, scientific basis. Adam Ostrzenski and Katarzyna M Ostrzenska. Am J Obst Gynecol 2005;193:1599-604
  • 52. The applicability of the WHI findings to women between age of 51.1 and 56.1 years and younger is unknown... Ostrzenski A and Ostrzenska KM. Am J Obst Gynecol 2005;193:1599-604
  • 53. The WHI Estrogen only arm
  • 54. Effects of conjugated Equine Estrogen in Postmenopausal Women with Hysterectomy.JAMA, 2004;291:1701-1712
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. Stroke “In women 50-59 years not taking HT, ischemic stroke is expected to occur in 3 out of 1000 women during 5 years. Five years use of HT would yield 1 additional case of stroke/ 1000 women” women EMAS Statement; 2004.
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60. Biased opinions be they pro or con, dishonor the profession and harm our patients. Sacket DL. The arrogance of preventive medicine. Can Med Assoc J 2002;167:363-364
  • 61. Then, why all this noise?... noise Mainly because the conclusions of recent trials were severely misinterpreted by the medical professionals, the media professionals and by the women, themselves MNC/05
  • 62. Causes of Death Among Women* Other Cancers Heart Disease 15% Breast Cancer 34% Diabetes 4% 3% Chronic Lower 6% Respiratory Disease 10% 28% Other Cerebrovascular Disease *Percentage of total deaths in 1999 among women aged 65 years and older. Anderson RN. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2001;49:1-13.
  • 63. Hormones and the Heart 1 in 3 women will die from coronary heart disease (CHD) in the USA. 1 in 25 women will die from breast cancer Fitzpatrick LA. JCEM 2003;88(12):5609-10
  • 64. “HRT is associated with a 35% reduction in mortality for women who suffered myocardial infarction”. Shlipack MG, Angeja B, Go AS, et al Circulation 2001;104:2300-2304
  • 65. Effect on the risk of CHD WHI Significant increased risk RR 1.29 (CI 1.02-1.63); 29 % increased risk AR 0.37% vs 0.30% (ie, 37 vs 30 events annually per 10.000 women) HERS Nonsignificant decreased risk RR 0,99 (CI 0.84-1.17); 1% decreased risk AR 3.66% vs 3.68% (ie, 366 vs 368 events annually per 10.000 women)
  • 66. NNH / Year (Number Needed to Harm) (the reciprocal of the AR,or of the atributable AR) Coronary Heart Disease WHI (RR 1.29) 1428 HERS (RR 0.99) 5000 Breast Cancer WHI (RR 1.26) 1250 HERS (RR 1.27) 833 MNC
  • 67. “Not everything that can be counted counts; and not everything that counts can be counted” Albert Einstein
  • 68. Hormone replacement therapy: where to now? Recent studies suggest HRT may inhibit the process of atherosclerosis in healthy arteries soon after menopause, and observational studies (NHS, updated 2006) in younger women starting HRT strongly suggest a potential cardiovascular benefit Mikkola TS, Clarkson TB. Cardiovasc Res 2002;53:605-19.
  • 69. Lessons from the WHI “…most articles and broadcast segments tended to focus exclusively on either the small absolute risks or the larger relative risks, neglecting the more even-handed risks picture that presented both. Since the sharply increased relative risks got the most play, news coverage about the play trial’s findings had an alarming cast.” Denzer S. Editorial. Ann Intern Med.2003;138:352-353
  • 70. “WHI: Now that the dust has settled…” • To publish data that may or may not be entirely true or certainly premature is a disservice to the medical profession and, most important, to our patients. • The majority of the data that were published is not statistically significant even at the nominal level. Creasman WT. et al. Am J Obst Gynecol 2003;189:621-626
  • 71. Recent reports did not find, for continuous combined treatments, any increased risk of either CHD or breast cancer. The difference from WHI being that women were younger, symptomatic and with lower body weights Heikkinen J. NAMS 2004, Abstract LB38 Lobo R. Arch Int Med 2004;164:482-484
  • 72. “At the moment, I believe we can say with relative certainty that hormone therapy in younger postmenopausal women results in lower coronary heart disease events and total mortality.” Salpeter S. Climacteric 2005;8:307-310
  • 73. An update of the WHI Study ! WHI investigators reported (Feb 2006) a statistically significant (34%) lower risk for the combined endpoint of myocardial infarction (heart attack), coronary death, coronary revascularization and confirmed angina among women who were between the ages of 50 and 59 at the start of the study (RR 0.66; 95% CI 0.45-0.96). Hsia J et al.Arch Intern Med 2006;166:357-363
  • 74. Younger Women May Receive Heart Protection From Estrogen Therapy In women ages 50-59 who had undergone a hysterectomy, a significant protective effect of estrogen treatment, when both primary (heart treatment attacks and heart attack death) and secondary (coronary artery bypass surgery, angioplasty, confirmed angina pectoris) cardiac endpoints were considered. Dr. S. Mitchell Harman, director and president of Phoenix-based Kronos Longevity Research Institute (KLRI) in Archives of Internal Medicine 2006;106:357-363
  • 75. Hsia J, Langer RD, Manson J et al. Conjugated equine estrogens and coronary heart disease. Arch Int Med 2006;166:357-65
  • 76. Hsia J, Langer RD, Manson J et al. Conjugated equine estrogens and coronary heart disease. Arch Int Med 2006;166:357-65
  • 77. Hsia J, Langer RD, Manson J et al. Conjugated equine estrogens and coronary heart disease. Arch Int Med 2006;166:357-65
  • 78. Press Statement IMS In a subgroup of women demographically similar to those in the WHI, there was no significant relation between HT and CHD among women who initiated therapy at least 10 years after the menopause (RR = 0.87, 95% CI 0.69–1.10 for estrogen alone; RR = 0.90, 95% CI 0.62–1.29 for estrogen with progestogen). Feb 2006
  • 79. Press Statement IMS The estrogen plus progestogen arm of the WHI and the estrogen-alone arm actually showed that HT does not increase the risk of coronary heart disease in the peri- and early menopause, and may even carry beneficial effects. effects Feb 2006
  • 80. Press Statement IMS The WHI study was not designed, and designed therefore was not powered, to investigate the consequences of hormone therapy (HT) in women below 60 years of age. Therefore, age any attempt to present the results of the study as indicating that HT may inflict damage to the heart in general – a message that was accepted by many medical societies and regulatory Authorities is simply wrong and must be amended. amended
  • 82. Menopausal women and their doctors are scared about the side effects of HRT mainly about breast cancer MNC/05
  • 83. It must be emphasized that we are talking about an increased incidence of the disease, which does not automatically translate into an increase in deaths from the disease. Baum M. The Breast 2005;14:178-80
  • 84. Extended use of estrogen for 10 years increases risks by 0,5%, and by 15 years increases risks by 0,9% but.. upon cessation of HRT, the relative risk quickly returns to 1.0 ! Coombs N J, Taylor R, Wilcken N. and Boyages J. BMJ 2005;331:347-349
  • 85. Breast Cancer • The diagnosis of a breast cancer after the initiation of a HRT (with a duration of less than 5 years) is only a proof of its growth stimulatory effect (not of its carcinogenic effect) • Therefore, the reversal of the risk to 1 after the cessation of HRT confirms again only its growth promoting effect and denies a carcinogenic effect. Dietel M., Lewis MA. and Shapiro S. Human Reproduction 2005;20:2052-60
  • 86. Breast Cancer • The doubling time of an initial cancer cell, up to the diagnosis of a resultant cell 1cm tumor, is most likely greater than 10 years. • This is why many dormant cancer cells may exist in a “normal” breast ! MNC/05
  • 87. Occult Breast Cancer Clinically occult in situ BC’s are frequent in young and middle-aged women. Nielsen M et al-Br J Cancer 1987;56:814-9
  • 88. Occult Breast Cancer Breast malignancy was found in 22 women (20%) Nielsen M et al-Br J Cancer 1987;56:814-9
  • 89. Thus… • Mammographies give more false negative than false positive results ! • A “normal” mammography does not exclude the presence of cancer cells that may “explode” a few months later… MNC/05
  • 90. Estrogen replacement therapy in patients with early breast cancer The mortality rates from breast cancer for the ERT users was 4.28% compared with 22.3% in the nonusers. nonusers Natrajan PK and Gambrell RD. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;187:289-95
  • 91. “Recurrent breast cancer was found in 9% of HRT users and 15% of nonuser”. O’Meara ES et al.JNCI 2001;93:754-761
  • 92. Mortality following development of breast cancer while using oestrogen or oestrogen plus progestin: W Chen, DB Petitti and AM Geiger. British Journal of Cancer 2005;93:392–398
  • 93. This study explored survival after exposure to oestrogen or oestrogen plus progestin at or in the year prior to breast cancer diagnosis oestrogen plus progestin users had lower all-cause mortality and breast cancer mortality Chen W, Petitti DB and Geiger AM. British Journal of Cancer 2005; 93:392-398
  • 94. Breast cancer survival after hormone exposure
  • 95. Overall survival after hormone exposure
  • 96. A menopausal woman expects from her attending physician to be receptive to all of her complains, to understand her psychic and physical concerns, to support her insecurity and to help overcome her crisis. crisis MNC/05
  • 97. Many Doctors fail to persuade them to go on with HRT, in despite of telling that the benefits are far greater than any potential risk MNC/05
  • 98. One may easily conclude that without an adequate technique of communication, using the proper language, there is no possible help Thus, physicians must acquire expertise in the technique of communication MNC/05
  • 99. then... let us talk about Risks... Risks
  • 100. Are there risks? It is crucial that information be given about the difference between relative risks and absolute risks, since the latter risks are the major cause of misinformation and alarmism, being the favorites of the media… MNC/05
  • 101. Example of Risks • If you buy one lottery ticket you will have a one in 1 million chance of winning (“absolute risk”) 1x 10 6 • If you buy five lottery tickets your chances are five fold higher or 5 in one million (“absolute risk”) 5x 10 6 • Your chances of winning are increased by five fold (“relative risk”) 5.0
  • 102. Relative Risk The risk of an event occuring under certain circumstances compared to the risk under other circumstances
  • 103. Attributable or Excess Risk The difference between underlying risk and risk when receiving HT is called the attributable or excess risk
  • 104. Do not confuse… Relative Risk with Absolute Risk!
  • 105. Conclusion • Relative risk is a confusing word and is only important if the absolute chances of an event are high • Attributable or excess risk is the thing that one should be most concerned about
  • 106. Validity Internal: the study measured what is set out to measure External: the results can be extrapolated to one’s patients Observational research (NHS) may have poorer internal validity better external validity Randomized controlled trial (WHI) better internal validity poorer external validity MNC/04
  • 107. Confidence interval (C.I.) A 95% C.I. signifies that there is a 95% chance that the population “true value” lies between the two limits. If C.I. crosses the “line of no difference” the point at which a benefit becomes a harm (i.e.1) then one can conclude that the results are not statiscally significant MNC/04
  • 108. Risks of women medicated with E+P (5.2 years) women
  • 109. Risks of women medicated with E only (6.8 years) women
  • 110. Risks of Breast Cancer according to different factors
  • 111. “It appears that half of the benefits in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases are not hormone related”! Mosca L, Grundy SM, Judelson D, et al. Circulation 99;99:2480-4
  • 112. Nurses’s Health Study from 1980 to 1994 CHD ↓ 31% ↓ Smoking ↓ 13% ↑ Obesity ↑ 8% ↑ THS ↓ 9% ↑ Better nutrition ↓ 16% Hu FB, Grodstein F et al. Trends in the Incidence of Coronary Heart Disease and Changes in Diet and Lifestyle in Women. NEJM 2000;343:530-537.
  • 113. Can side effects be minimized ?
  • 114. What about the best treatments during the climacterium and beyond? Little attention is paid to other pharmacological interventions (non hormonal) and strategies that have been shown to be important for the prevention of diseases and to maintain or improve health. MNC/05
  • 115. Hippocrates promoted specific diets to prevent and cure diseases, such as illnesses of the heart. Lyons AS et al. In Medicine: an illustrated History. New York:Abradale Press,1990:20719
  • 116. The Polymeal Franco O et al. BMJ 2004;329:1447-50
  • 117. Doctors could retrain as Polymeal chefs or wine advisers The Polymeal—an evidence based menu that includes, wine, fish, dark chocolate fruits, vegetables, garlic, and almonds—promises to be an almonds effective, safe, cheap, and tasty solution to reducing cardiovascular morbidity and increasing life expectancy. Polymeal could reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 75%. Franco O et al. BMJ 2004;329:1447-50
  • 118. The Polypill Wald N and Law M. BMJ 2003;326:1419-25
  • 119. Wald N and Law M. BMJ 2003;326:1419-25
  • 120. One third of people taking this pill from age 55 would benefit, gaining on average about 11 years of life free from an IHD event or stroke. Wald N and Law M. BMJ 2003;326:1419-25
  • 121. Moderate exercise cuts breast cancer biomarkers in postmenopausal women Increased physical activity significantly reduces serum estrogens in postmenopausal women and thus may reduce the risk of breast cancer. McTiernan A. Cancer Res 2004;364:2923-8
  • 122. Aspirin could be used to prevent cancer Three recently published studies indicate that aspirin, already enjoying a second lease of life in the prevention of heart disease, may soon become a first line of defense against cancer. London O. BMJ 2003;326:565
  • 123. In conclusion … and to make a long story short…
  • 124. There are no really “safe” biological active drugs... There are only “safe” physicians ! Kaminetzy HA 1993
  • 125. “Each time we learn something new, the astonishment comes from the recognition that we were wrong before… I truth, whe ne ve r we d is c o ve r a ne w fa c t, it n invo lve s the e lim ina tio n o f o ld o ne s . . . thus, as it turns out, WE ARE ALWAYS IN ERROR ! ” Le wis Tho m a s Eng lis h Bio lo g is t (1 9 1 3 -1 9 9 3 )
  • 126. My Message is: .To prescribe postmenopausal hormonal treatments when clinically indicated, if not contraindicated . No answers from ongoing clinical trials are indispensable to practice today a good Medicine MNC/05
  • 127. To know the disease that a woman has is as important as to know the woman who has the disease William Osler
  • 128. What are the best recommendations of the climacteric woman’s doctor? 1. Understand what is happening to the body during the climacteric and the postmenopause 2. Mental occupation 3. Physical exercise 4. Proper nutrition (moderate consumption of red wine, and abundant fish, vegetables, fruits, soy, milk, garlic, chocolate, etc) 5. Keep the body mass index (BMI) within normal limits 6. Keep a normal girdle/hip ratio, waist circumference 7. Refrain from smoking 8. Keep a normal blood pressure 9. Keep the blood lipids within normal values (statins?) 10. Examine the breasts (palpation, inspection, mammography)
  • 129. What about the best treatments during the climacterium and beyond? There is a general tendency to consider that sex steroid hormones are the only instruments with which to treat women when they enter in the climacteric phase of their lives… MNC/05
  • 130.
  • 131. Which is the best treatment? In general terms, is the one that is wisely indicated, if not contraindicated, after balancing benefits and risks, of all strategies and interventions, hormonal or not. It must be aimed at specific objectives and targets that will be monitored at regular intervals in order to determine its efficacy and to estimate the occurrence of any side effects, a condition that will determine its duration. MNC/05
  • 132. Which is the best treatment? Patient needs and preferences are decisive, based on decisive the doctors’ advice. Let it not be forgotten that although many treatments are available, they are nevertheless not indispensable. Doctors have the duty to give their indispensable best unbiased information to their patients so that they may make the right choices and then be compliant. compliant The woman is the decision maker, if the doctor sees no contraindication. thus, the best treatment is what a well informed woman has chosen. MNC/05
  • 133. I personally believe that for the healthy early post menopausal woman the long term HT’s, other than relieving vasomotor symptoms, may play an important role in improving QoL and in the prevention of CVD, osteoporosis and Alzheimer, under surveillance. Systemic (parenteral) estrogens, added estrogens when needed to vaginal progesterone or progestagen loaded IUD’s, may be very IUD’s beneficial, largely overpassing minimal risks. MNC/05
  • 134. The conclusions of the WHI trial suggest that the “safe “ woman (NNH between 600-1000 women) to initiate HT is - between 50-59 years of age - with vasomotor symptoms - less than 10 years after the menopause - being treated with statins - with a good lipid profile and - with a Body Mass Index >25 Neves-e-Castro M. Human Reproduction 2003;18:2512-2518
  • 135. This is precisely the profile of the great majority of women who come for consultation after their menopause. Therefore it seems that what most gynecologists are doing to their predominant population of patients is not unsafe and contributes not only to a good quality of life but to prevention, as well. Neves-e-Castro M. Human Reproduction 2003;18:2512-2518
  • 136. Postmenopausal hormone therapy: critical reappraisal and unified hypothesis 83:558-66
  • 138. “He who learns, but does not think is lost. He who thinks, but does not learn is dangerous”. dangerous Confucius
  • 139. If we both learn and think we will neither be lost nor dangerous to our postmenopausal women patients” Wenger NK. Am J Geriatr Cardiol 2000;9:204-9
  • 140. NAMS position statement on estrogen and progestagen use in peri-and postmenopausal women Revised breast cancer statements indicate that the risk of breast cancer probably increases with EPT use but not with ET use.
  • 141. NAMS position statement on estrogen and progestagen use in peri-and postmenopausal women Place no limit on ET/EPT treatment duration, provided it is consistent with duration treatment goals; if monitored regularly, no stipulation is made regarding when to reduce or stop therapy
  • 142. If there are no incoming contraindications we see no reason to establish a time limit to the duration of therapy, mainly if there is a recovery of symptoms after its discontinuation Cochrane B, NAMS 2004, P53 IMS NAMS
  • 143. Evidence informed practice • It is clearly time to change “evidence based medicine” to “evidence informed practice”. practice • I suggest the era of evidence informed rather than evidence based medicine has arrived Glasziou P. Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. University of Medicine Oxford OX3 7LF. BMJ 2005;330:92
  • 144.
  • 145. What has been learned from the major observational studies and clinical trials? the first lesson systematically administered progestagens may in part suppress some of the beneficial effects of estrogens and may also slightly increase the risk of breast cancer after treatments with duration greater than five years.
  • 146. What has been learned from the major observational studies and clinical trials? the second lesson estrogens, when given alone to histerectomized women, did not appear to minimally affect the risk for breast cancer when compared with controls MNC/05
  • 147. What has been learned from the major observational studies and clinical trials? the third lesson Metabolic effects of estrogens and progestagens, as a whole, can differ depending on the route of administration, i.e. oral vs. parentheral, and on the combination of both, in a sequential regimen or in continuous combined administration. MNC/05
  • 148. What has been learned from the major observational studies and clinical trials? the fourth lesson Hormonal treatments are the first choice for vasomotor symptom relief as long as they are needed (on and off assessment). They should not be used for the secondary prevention of CVD, when atheroma plaques CVD are already present. MNC/05
  • 149. What has been learned from the major observational studies and clinical trials? the fourth lesson (cont) Conversely, they may protect from CVD if started early during the transition into the post menopause. menopause Hormonal treatments are preventive of osteopenia and osteoporosis at any stage in life MNC/05
  • 150. What has been learned from the major observational studies and clinical trials? the fifth lesson Estrogens may prevent degenerative lesions of the CNS since, so far, they seem to be the only available drugs with nerve growth effects MNC/05
  • 151. Preventing a woman from the benefits of a sound postmenopausal hormone therapy because of the fear of rare side effects does not seem to be satisfactory Medicine... M.Neves-e-Castro, 2000
  • 152. Primum non nocere : neither by excess, nor by deffect … M.Neves-e-Castro
  • 153. and now... see the differences... in QoL :
  • 154. like this one ?...
  • 156. Secret for longevity A passerby noticed an old lady sitting on her front step:”I couldn’t help noticing how happy you look! What is your secret for such a long, happy life?”
  • 157. Secret for longevity A passerby noticed an old lady sitting on her front step:”I couldn’t help noticing how happy you look! What is your secret for such a long, happy life?!” “I smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day,”she said. “Before I go to bed, I smoke a nice big joint. Apart from that, I drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels every week, and eat only junk food. On weekends I pop a huge number of pills and do no exercise at all.”
  • 158. Secret for longevity A passerby noticed an old lady sitting on her front step:”I couldn’t help noticing how happy you look! What is your secret for such a long, happy life?!” “This is absolutely amazing at your age!!!!”, says the passerby. “How old are you?”
  • 159. I’m 24 I’m 24 years years old... old...
  • 161. They are living after “MATURE WOMEN’S MEDICINE”! (hormones, life style, nutrition, exercise, etc)
  • 162. A WOMAN in the autumn of her life deserves an indian summer rather than a winter of discontent ... Robert B Greenblatt
  • 163. and now... this is not the end... nor even the begining of the end. It is perhaps, the end of the begining ! Winston Churchill
  • 164. This is what I have learned

Editor's Notes

  1. In contrast with the previous slide of perceived health concerns, this slide shows actual rates for cause of death. What is apparent is that a generalized fear of cancer, and breast cancer specifically, skews postmenopausal women’s understanding of their health risks. Such misinformation often represents a barrier when women make decisions about ET/HT. Although the results of the WHI trial have provided and will continue to provide valuable information on the effects of various preventive strategies on chronic disease in menopausal women, they are unlikely to change this misperception. Anderson RN. Deaths: leading causes for 1999. Natl Vital Stat Rep . 2001;49:1-13.