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Are hormones the only best tools to
        drive women into
     a healthy geronarche ?
      Manuel Neves-e-Castro,M.D.
       Clinica de Feminologia Holistica

       The 5th International Symposium of the
           Portuguese Menopause Society
                  Porto, October 2011
Hormonal Treatments
     are very good
          for symptom relief
      to improve quality of life
for the prevention of some diseases
For some in menopause,
  hormones may be the only option

“There is no alternative treatment that works
very well, whether it’s a drug or over-the-
counter herbal preparation.”

                                 Dr. Deborah Grady
         Hormonal Treatments
      are far from being enough…

• To maintain a climacteric woman in good
• To add more years to her life
• To add more life to her coming years
The “stay-in-good-health” issue
 Good counselling techniques

     Manuel Neves-e-Castro,M.D.
     The 6th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium
                  September 2010
A good counselling technique
is to demonstrate and persuade women that

• lifestyle modifications are independent of the
  use of drugs, and may

• diminish the need to use drugs to prevent
  diseases and preserve Health
I shall talk about...

•   Life Style Medicine
•   Aging
•   Genetics
•   Psychosomatics
•   Hormonal and non-Hormonal treatments

showing you...

Take-Home Messages
“Our main goal, as attending physicians
of postmenopausal women, is the
maintenance of their health and the
primary and secondary prevention of the
diseases, which are more prevalent after
age 50”.

Neves-e-Castro M. When hormone replacement therapy is not
possible. The Management of the Menopause. The Millennium
Review, Parthenon 2000:91-102.
What is a menopausal woman?
 she is an individual with a name

 she is a woman in distress caused by
  symptoms and psycho-sociocultural

 she is a woman who is growing in age

 she is a woman who became hypo estrogenic
menarche                        menopause
                      Puberty         reproductive years             Climacteric
                                Fertilarche            Fertilpause

      Infants        adolescents              adults                     aged           old

quality of life


                  The Time Table of a Woman’s Life Span
“ The Compression of Morbidity “

         Fries JF et al. 1981
Physical activity, the compression of morbidity,
          and the health of the elderly

           Fries JF. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1996;89:64-68
Physical activity, the compression of morbidity,
          and the health of the elderly

           Fries JF. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1996;89:64-68
As a mid-aged woman:

She will suffer from the process of
natural aging, both from a biological and
a psychological perspective.
If she is a 50 year old lady…

                and still has this car,
                made in 1960,

                the same year of her
                birth !
What would she do with it
 to increase its longevity?
 strategies !
 attitudes !
This means that…
she must follow

         Life Style Medicine
         Regenerative Medicine
           TREATING THE

   Mark A. Hyman, MD; Dean Ornish, MD;
            Michael Roizen, MD

90% of people die
due to errors in life style
What is Wellness?
Wellness is more than simply the absence of
It is instead a state of optimal health including all
aspects of our Being :

                Mind and

Lifestyle Medicine

is defined as the “evidence-based practice of
assisting individuals and families to adopt
and sustain healthy behaviors that can
improve health and quality of life.”

               Lianov L and Johnson M. JAMA 2010;304(2):202-3
The principles of
    Lifestyle Medicine
   are foundational to

      health promotion,
   disease prevention and
chronic disease management.
      Lianov L and Johnson M. JAMA 2010;304(2):202-3
Lifestyle Medicine
The practice of lifestyle medicine covers

primary prevention (preventing a disease
  from developing),
secondary prevention (modifying risk factors
  to avert the disease) and
tertiary prevention (rehabilitation from a
  disease state and prevention of
Lifestyle Medicine
   requires the patient

to change their high risk health behaviors

to adopt a lifestyle that includes health
  behaviors that will help to reverse the
  pathology and or reduce the likelihood of
  disease progression.
Lifestyle modifications included a
lowfat (10% of calories from fat),
whole foods,
plant-based diet high in fruits,
unrefined grains,
legumes, and
low in refined carbohydrates;
moderate aerobic exercise (walking 30 min/day, 6
stress management (gentle yoga-based
  stretching, breathing, meditation, imagery, and
  progressive relaxation techniques 60 min/day, 6
  days/week), and a 1-h group support session
  once per week.

  Physicians cannot abdicate their responsibility
  for effecting behavior change in their patients
  and for leading change within their practices.

                 Lianov L and Johnson M. JAMA 2010;304(2):202-3
‘Lifestyle Medicine’

Exercise and nutrition are the ‘penicillin’ of
Lifestyle Medicine;

psychology is the ‘syringe’

through which these are delivered.

       Egger G, Binns A and Rossner S. Med J Aust. 2009 Feb 2;190(3):143-5.
Minimum amount of physical activity for
       reduced mortality and
      extended life expectancy

    15 min a day or 90 min a week
         of moderate-intensity exercise
             might be of benefit

  Wen CP et al –The Lancet ,2011(1 Oct) 378(9798):1244-1253

  the majority of physicians are not following
  these guidelines, citing lack of knowledge,
  skill, or confidence in counselling patients
  about lifestyle interventions.

                 Lianov L and Johnson M. JAMA 2010;304(2):202-3
Lifestyle Medicine
can prevent risk factors

• We are today using only medicines to
  modify risk factors but we are not looking
  at what causes risk factors.

• Women’s health must be primarily the
  medicine of lifestyles
Differences between conventional
and “Lifestyle Medicine” approaches

     Egger G, Binns A and Rossner S. Med J Aust. 2009 Feb 2;190(3):143-5.
Effect of Intensive Lifestyle Changes on
          Endothelial Function and
on Inflammatory Markers of Atherosclerosis

   Intensive lifestyle changes have been
   shown to
   regress atherosclerosis,
   improve cardiovascular risk profiles, and
   decrease angina pectoris and cardiac

                Dod HS et al. Am J Cardiol 2010;105:362–367
Combined impact of lifestyle factors on mortality:
    prospective cohort study in US women

  even modest differences in lifestyle
  can have a
  substantial impact on reducing

        Van Dam RM, Li T, Spiegelman D et al.BMJ 2008;337:a1440
The recent INTERHEART study of
 30.000 patients from 52 countries
found that

 almost 95% of coronary heart disease
 could be prevented by changing diet and

And the only side effects are beneficial ones.

        Ornish D et al. The Journal of Urology 2005;174:1065-1070
Brown CH, Baidas SM, Hajdenberg JJ, et al. Lifestyle interventions in the prevention and
treatment of cancer. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2009;3(5):337-348
Is aging a disease ?
The fact that genes explain only part of individual
          varibility in aging means that aging

75% must be accounted for by other factors:
         - life style variables
         (nutrition, exercise)
  - powerful effects of environment
        (effects on older age)
Anti-Aging ?

One cannot stop aging ...
One cannot stop growing older ...

One can prevent
 senescence !
Restricting caloric intake
  Is the most proven method to
           extend life
      Avoid high caloric foods
       Try short term fasting

Undereating is anti-aging !
Lifestyle and nutrition, caloric restriction,
   mitochondrial health and hormones:
   Scientific interventions for anti-aging

                  Vitetta L and Anton B;
   Clinical Interventions in Aging 2007:2(4) 537–543
Vitetta L and Anton B; Clinical Interventions in Aging 2007:2(4) 537–543
Mediterranean Diet, Lifestyle Factors, and
 10-Year Mortality in Elderly European
           Men and Women

 Among individuals aged 70 to 90 years, adherence to a
 mediterranean diet lifestyle is associated with a more
 than 50% lower rate of all-causes and cause-specific

                                Knoops K et al. JAMA 2004;292:1433-9
Okinawa Island:
     A model of “healthy” aging

The exceptional longevity of the Okinawa
population may result from a combination of
favorable factors and not only genetic

    Nguyen C. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Geriatrie 2008 ;8(43):35-41.
Okinawa Island:
        A model of “healthy” aging
The association of a protect environment with a way
of life which combines specific
          food habits,
          low energy intake,
          physical activities,
          stress reduction,
          good familial support and
          rich social relations
could explain this exception despite the low income
in this population.

     Nguyen C. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Geriatrie 2008;8(43):35-41 .
Anti-Aging ?

Anti-senescence ?

Is to prevent
Biological age
to be greater than
Chronological age
There are two forms of age :
chronological age i.e. how old you are in

  biological age whereby the cells of some
individuals are older (or younger) than
suggested by their actual age.

          Issued on 07 February 2010 by University of Leicester at
Dr. E. Blackburn,
Nobel Laureate 2009
The best characterized function of the
telomeric complex is to protect the
chromosome ends from degradation

Werner C, Hanhoun M, Widmann T, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52:470–82
• The little tips of chromosomes get shorter
  every time a cell divides,and this shortening is
  a mark of cellular aging.
• If they get short enough,the cell dies or stops
• Exercise correlates with longer telomers,as
  does levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood
                                  Elizabeth Blackburn
                                  Nobel Laureate 2009
Genes reveal 'biological aging'

From birth, every time a cell divides, the
telomeres get shorter and there is some
evidence that people with shorter telomeres,
may be at higher risk from age-related illness.

              Feb.2010 at
• Telomerase repairs and lengthens telomeres,
  which cap and protect the ends of
  chromosomes housing DNA.

• As people age, telomeres shorten and cells
  become dying.

    Published on 16th Sept.2008 at

These cellular clocks,known as telomers,may
act as barometers of wether a person will
remain healthy or not

                             Elizabeth Blackburn
                             Nobel Laureate 2009
Clean living slows “cell aging”
It is the damage and death of cells that causes
aging and disease in people.

Several factors such as smoking, obesity and
a sedentary lifestyle are associated with
shorter-than-average telomeres.

  Published on 16th Sept.2008 at
Sedentary life 'speeds up aging'

Leading a sedentary lifestyle may make us
genetically old before our time, a study suggests:

A study of twins found those who were physically
active during their leisure time appeared biologically
younger than their sedentary peers.

                                               Story from BBC NEWS:
                                              Published: 2008/01/29
Leukocyte telomere length is preserved with aging in
endurance exercise-trained adults and related to maximal
                    aerobic capacity

  • LTL is preserved in healthy older adults who
    perform vigorous aerobic exercise and is positively
    related to maximal aerobic exercise capacity.

  • This may represent a novel molecular mechanism
    underlying the "anti-aging" effects of maintaining
    high aerobic fitness.
        Larocca TJ, Seals DR, Pierce GL. Mech Ageing Dev. 2010;131(2):165-7
Increased telomerase activity and
     comprehensive lifestyle
      changes: a pilot study

       Ornish D et al. Lancet Oncol 2008; 9: 1048–57
Telomerase activity in peripheral-blood
         mononuclear cells

               Ornish D et al. Lancet Oncol 2008; 9: 1048–57
Lifestyle medicine stimulates telomerase
      thus avoiding DNA damage and
    maintaining chromossomal integrity.

the incorporation of new lifestyles may lead
      to a better compliance and better
 outcomes in terms of health and longevity
What else ?
Vitamin D
for Cancer Prevention:
  Global Perspective
       Garland CF, et al
Ann Epidemiol 2009;19:468–483.
Vitamin D for Cancer Prevention: Global
  Raising the minimum year-around serum 25(OH)D
  level to 40 to 60 ng/mL (100–150 nmol/L) would

• 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and
• 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer each year,
• ¾ of deaths from these diseases in the USA and

  There are no unreasonable risks from intake of
  2000 IU per day of vitamin D3
               Garland CF et al. Ann Epidemiol 2009:19(7);468-483
Relative risk of breast cancer mortality

               Garland CF et al. Ann Epidemiol 2009:19(7);468-483
Colon Cancer-free survival

         Garland CF et al. Ann Epidemiol 2009:19(7);468-483
Relative risk of colon cancer mortality

              Garland CF et al. Ann Epidemiol 2009:19(7);468-483
and don’t overlook…

The MIND !
A woman



Exactly how psychological and social factors,
personal beliefs, and stress affect the
development of disease continues to be
It is known, however, that the mind and
body communicate constantly.
what the mind thinks, perceives, and
experiences is sent from our brain to the rest
of the body.
Depression and Cancer

Depression also affects components of
immune function that may affect
cancer surveillance.

             Spiegel D. Biol Psychiatry 2003; Vol 54(3):269-82
Effect of a psychosocial treatment on survival
  of patients with metastatic breast cancer

 Survival from time of randomisation and
 onset of intervention was:

- a mean 36.6 (SD 37.6) months in the
  intervention group
- compared with 18.9 (10.8) months in the
  control group.
                      Spiegel D. Lancet 1989; 2(8668):888-91
A stress response pathway
           regulates DNA damage…
    through β(2)-adrenoreceptors and β-arrestin-1

The human mind and body respond to stress… by
 activating the sympathetic nervous system and
  secreting the catecholamines adrenaline and
  noradrenaline in the 'fight-or-flight' response.

                             Hara Mr et al. Nature 2011 Aug 21.
A stress response pathway
        regulates DNA damage…
 through β(2)-adrenoreceptors and β-arrestin-1

When chronic… epidemiological studies
strongly indicate that chronic stress leads to
DNA damage.

                          Hara Mr et al. Nature 2011 Aug 21.
A stress response pathway
          regulates DNA damage…
   through β(2)-adrenoreceptors and β-arrestin-1

This stress-induced DNA damage may promote :

   neuropsychiatric conditions

                            Hara Mr et al. Nature 2011 Aug 21.
A stress response pathway
        regulates DNA damage…
 through β(2)-adrenoreceptors and β-arrestin-1

“Our results … reveal how DNA damage may
accumulate in response to chronic stress”.

                          Hara Mr et al. Nature 2011 Aug 21.
Chronic stress - reduces telomere lenght maintenance
          A SOBERING THOUGHT ...
                          “Every stress leaves an
                          indelible scar and the
                          organism pays for its
                          survival after a stressful
                          situation by becoming a
                          litle older”. (Hans Selye)

    Benson Institute for
    Mind Body Medicine

The Relaxation Response
the relaxation response is a physical state of deep
  rest that changes the physical and emotional
  responses to stress (e.g., decreases in heart rate,
  blood pressure, rate of breathing, and muscle

When eliciting the relaxation response:
• Your metabolism decreases
• Your heart beats slower and your muscles relax
• Your breathing becomes slower
• Your blood pressure decreases
• Your levels of nitric oxide are increased
are not forgoten !
Why so much interest in HRT?

 • To improve quality of life?
 • To prevent diseases?
Interventions investigated…

  Only “hormone
replacement therapy”!...
• Too much concerns and interest about HRT

• Too little attention to the life styles that
  prevent risks, diseases and increase longevity
Updated IMS recommendations on
postmenopausal hormone therapy and
preventive strategies for midlife health

     D. W. Sturdee and A. Pines on behalf of the
  International Menopause Society Writing Group

                            CLIMACTERIC 2011;14:302–320
Symptomatic changes in postmenopause
  with different methods of hormonal
HT should be initiated for relief of symptoms
through suitable selection of the route of
administration and drug that has the greatest
effect on the predominant symptoms of each
patient, for which medical evaluation was

Hernandez-Valencia M et al. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 2011
Vol.1, No.2, 20-24
Individualizing Hormone Therapy to
           Minimize Risk
   Estrogen is a medication that can decrease
mortality, decrease cardiovascular disease,
decrease osteoporosis fracture, urogenital
atrophy and dementia. Strategies to minimize risk
include initiation of therapy within 10 years of
menopause or under 60 years of age, using low-
dose estrogen, adding a low-dose progestin in
women with a uterus, and use of transdermal
therapy in women with risk factors for
cardiovascular disease.

           Donna Shoupe. Women's Health. 2011;7(4):475-485.
Timing of hormone therapy,
  type of menopause, and
coronary disease in women

       Shufelt CL et al. Menopause 2011;18(9):943-950
HRT and breast cancer risk:
          a realistic perspective
It should be remembered that women using CEE alone
showed a significant decrease in breast cancer risk in
the WHI trial and follow-up. Even if combined
estrogen-progestogen HRT did cause an increase in
breast cancer risk, and this is not proven, the
magnitude of that risk is small, and less than that risk
seen with many lifestyle factors.
              HRT is a benefit, not a risk,
            for those women requiring it.

  Stevenson JC, Hodis HN, Pickar JH, Lobo RA; Climacteric (Aug 2011)

Studies based ONLY on the use of hormones
do not reflect good clinical practice!...

Menopausal hormonal treatments
  are very good
but ...

 Treatments without hormones
 may also be very good for a
 woman’s health


    and in
Please remember:

     Our main target is

Mature Woman’s Health and

   Disease Prevention
        by all means,

 drug and non-drug related.
The gynecologist is becoming
the woman’s family doctor.

To know
the disease that a woman has
is as important as
to know
the woman who has the disease

                  William Osler
Let us not medicalize the Menopause..


 Let us holistically approach the
 Climacteric and aging women.

Holistic Model

The aim of the therapy is not only to
produce a physical cure but also
to cure whole person.

Ruiz R, et al. La incorporacion de um nuevo modelo en medicina:
consequencias teórico-práticas. Aten Primaria 1992;10:629-34
I am not a
     my Speciality (?!...) is

Women’s Holistic Health
The Take Home
1. Promote changes in Life Style : they avoid risk factors that
   cause Diseases.
2. See if you can make the Biological Age to be younger than
   the Chronological Age.
3. Promote Mental Health,proper Nutrition and frequent
   Exercice ,based on what one knows about the Telomers.
4. Give Vitamin D to everybody
5. Remember that Estrogens are the best treatment for
   Vasomotor Symptoms and to improve Quality of Life.
6. Hormonal Treatments have more benefits than risks if
   started early in the postmenopause
7. The Wellness of a Woman is the TARGET ! I told you before,

The best Anti-Aging (?)
(Anti-Senescence !) Treatment
The practice of GOOD MEDICINE
therefore...we must learn…

  how to practice a
Because…there is

Medicine !
and now...
and now...

as Sir Winston Churchill said in
a speech, at the end of a War...
I also say,
at the end of the

Menopause War...
This is not the end...
nor even the begining of
the end.

But it is, perhaps,
the end of the begining !
Professor      He was
Robert B.    the Beginer
A Woman
                 in the autumn of her life
                 deserves an indian summer
                 rather than a winter of a
discontent ...
                                      Robert B Greenblatt
Thank you
for your attention
       read me in

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Conferencia spm 2011

  • 1. Are hormones the only best tools to drive women into a healthy geronarche ? by Manuel Neves-e-Castro,M.D. Neves-e-Castro,M.D Clinica de Feminologia Holistica Lisboa/Portugal Lisboa/Portuga E-mail: Website: The 5th International Symposium of the Portuguese Menopause Society Porto, October 2011
  • 2. Hormonal Treatments are very good for symptom relief to improve quality of life for the prevention of some diseases
  • 3. For some in menopause, hormones may be the only option “There is no alternative treatment that works very well, whether it’s a drug or over-the- counter herbal preparation.” Dr. Deborah Grady
  • 4. But… Hormonal Treatments are far from being enough… enough • To maintain a climacteric woman in good health • To add more years to her life • To add more life to her coming years
  • 5. The “stay-in-good-health” issue Good counselling techniques by Manuel Neves-e-Castro,M.D. Neves-e-Castro,M.D The 6th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium September 2010
  • 6. A good counselling technique is to demonstrate and persuade women that • lifestyle modifications are independent of the use of drugs, and may • diminish the need to use drugs to prevent diseases and preserve Health
  • 7. I shall talk about... • Life Style Medicine • Aging • Genetics • Psychosomatics • Hormonal and non-Hormonal treatments
  • 9. “Our main goal, as attending physicians of postmenopausal women, is the maintenance of their health and the primary and secondary prevention of the diseases, which are more prevalent after age 50”. Neves-e-Castro M. When hormone replacement therapy is not possible. The Management of the Menopause. The Millennium Review, Parthenon 2000:91-102.
  • 10. What is a menopausal woman? woman  she is an individual with a name  she is a woman in distress caused by symptoms and psycho-sociocultural influences  she is a woman who is growing in age  she is a woman who became hypo estrogenic MNC
  • 11. menarche menopause postmenopause Puberty reproductive years Climacteric gerontarche geronarche Fertilarche Fertilpause Infants adolescents adults aged old quality of life compression morbidity Chronobiology The Time Table of a Woman’s Life Span M.Neves-e-Castro,2008
  • 12. “ The Compression of Morbidity “ Fries JF et al. 1981
  • 13.
  • 14. Physical activity, the compression of morbidity, and the health of the elderly Fries JF. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1996;89:64-68
  • 15. Physical activity, the compression of morbidity, and the health of the elderly Fries JF. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1996;89:64-68
  • 16. As a mid-aged woman: She will suffer from the process of natural aging, both from a biological and aging a psychological perspective. MNC
  • 17. If she is a 50 year old lady… and still has this car, made in 1960, the same year of her birth !
  • 18. What would she do with it to increase its longevity?
  • 20. This means that… she must follow Life Style Medicine Regenerative Medicine
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. 90% of people die due to errors in life style
  • 26. What is Wellness? Wellness is more than simply the absence of illness It is instead a state of optimal health including all aspects of our Being : Body, Mind and Soul.
  • 27. Lifestyle Medicine is defined as the “evidence-based practice of assisting individuals and families to adopt and sustain healthy behaviors that can improve health and quality of life.” Lianov L and Johnson M. JAMA 2010;304(2):202-3
  • 28. The principles of Lifestyle Medicine are foundational to health promotion, disease prevention and chronic disease management. management Lianov L and Johnson M. JAMA 2010;304(2):202-3
  • 29. Lifestyle Medicine The practice of lifestyle medicine covers primary prevention (preventing a disease from developing), secondary prevention (modifying risk factors to avert the disease) and tertiary prevention (rehabilitation from a disease state and prevention of recurrence).
  • 30. Lifestyle Medicine requires the patient to change their high risk health behaviors to adopt a lifestyle that includes health behaviors that will help to reverse the pathology and or reduce the likelihood of disease progression.
  • 31. Lifestyle modifications included a lowfat (10% of calories from fat), whole foods, plant-based diet high in fruits, vegetables, unrefined grains, legumes, and low in refined carbohydrates; moderate aerobic exercise (walking 30 min/day, 6 days/week); stress management (gentle yoga-based stretching, breathing, meditation, imagery, and progressive relaxation techniques 60 min/day, 6 days/week), and a 1-h group support session once per week.
  • 32. PHYSICIAN COMPETENCIES FOR PRESCRIBING LIFESTYLE MEDICINE Physicians cannot abdicate their responsibility for effecting behavior change in their patients and for leading change within their practices. Lianov L and Johnson M. JAMA 2010;304(2):202-3
  • 33. ‘Lifestyle Medicine’ Exercise and nutrition are the ‘penicillin’ of Lifestyle Medicine; psychology is the ‘syringe’ through which these are delivered. Egger G, Binns A and Rossner S. Med J Aust. 2009 Feb 2;190(3):143-5.
  • 34. Minimum amount of physical activity for reduced mortality and extended life expectancy 15 min a day or 90 min a week of moderate-intensity exercise might be of benefit Wen CP et al –The Lancet ,2011(1 Oct) 378(9798):1244-1253
  • 35. PHYSICIAN COMPETENCIES FOR PRESCRIBING LIFESTYLE MEDICINE the majority of physicians are not following these guidelines, citing lack of knowledge, skill, or confidence in counselling patients about lifestyle interventions. Lianov L and Johnson M. JAMA 2010;304(2):202-3
  • 36.
  • 37. Lifestyle Medicine can prevent risk factors • We are today using only medicines to modify risk factors but we are not looking at what causes risk factors. • Women’s health must be primarily the medicine of lifestyles
  • 38. Differences between conventional and “Lifestyle Medicine” approaches Egger G, Binns A and Rossner S. Med J Aust. 2009 Feb 2;190(3):143-5.
  • 39. Effect of Intensive Lifestyle Changes on Endothelial Function and on Inflammatory Markers of Atherosclerosis Intensive lifestyle changes have been shown to regress atherosclerosis, improve cardiovascular risk profiles, and decrease angina pectoris and cardiac events. events Dod HS et al. Am J Cardiol 2010;105:362–367
  • 40. Combined impact of lifestyle factors on mortality: prospective cohort study in US women even modest differences in lifestyle can have a substantial impact on reducing mortality. Van Dam RM, Li T, Spiegelman D et al.BMJ 2008;337:a1440
  • 41. The recent INTERHEART study of 30.000 patients from 52 countries found that almost 95% of coronary heart disease could be prevented by changing diet and lifestyle. And the only side effects are beneficial ones. Ornish D et al. The Journal of Urology 2005;174:1065-1070
  • 42. Brown CH, Baidas SM, Hajdenberg JJ, et al. Lifestyle interventions in the prevention and treatment of cancer. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2009;3(5):337-348
  • 44. Is aging a disease ? The fact that genes explain only part of individual varibility in aging means that aging 75% must be accounted for by other factors: - life style variables (nutrition, exercise) - powerful effects of environment (effects on older age)
  • 45. Anti-Aging ? One cannot stop aging ... One cannot stop growing older ... but One can prevent senescence !
  • 46. Restricting caloric intake Is the most proven method to extend life Avoid high caloric foods Try short term fasting Undereating is anti-aging !
  • 47. Lifestyle and nutrition, caloric restriction, mitochondrial health and hormones: Scientific interventions for anti-aging Vitetta L and Anton B; Clinical Interventions in Aging 2007:2(4) 537–543
  • 48. Vitetta L and Anton B; Clinical Interventions in Aging 2007:2(4) 537–543
  • 49. Mediterranean Diet, Lifestyle Factors, and 10-Year Mortality in Elderly European Men and Women Among individuals aged 70 to 90 years, adherence to a mediterranean diet lifestyle is associated with a more than 50% lower rate of all-causes and cause-specific mortality. Knoops K et al. JAMA 2004;292:1433-9
  • 50. Okinawa Island: Island A model of “healthy” aging The exceptional longevity of the Okinawa population may result from a combination of favorable factors and not only genetic determinants. Nguyen C. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Geriatrie 2008 ;8(43):35-41.
  • 51. Okinawa Island: Island A model of “healthy” aging The association of a protect environment with a way of life which combines specific food habits, low energy intake, physical activities, stress reduction, good familial support and rich social relations could explain this exception despite the low income in this population. Nguyen C. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Geriatrie 2008;8(43):35-41 .
  • 52. Anti-Aging ? Anti-senescence ? Is to prevent Biological age to be greater than Chronological age
  • 53. There are two forms of age : chronological age i.e. how old you are in years and biological age whereby the cells of some individuals are older (or younger) than suggested by their actual age. Issued on 07 February 2010 by University of Leicester at
  • 54. Dr. E. Blackburn, Nobel Laureate 2009
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. The best characterized function of the telomeric complex is to protect the chromosome ends from degradation Werner C, Hanhoun M, Widmann T, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52:470–82
  • 58.
  • 59. Telomers • The little tips of chromosomes get shorter every time a cell divides,and this shortening is a mark of cellular aging. • If they get short enough,the cell dies or stops dividing • Exercise correlates with longer telomers,as does levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood Elizabeth Blackburn Nobel Laureate 2009
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64. Genes reveal 'biological aging' From birth, every time a cell divides, the telomeres get shorter and there is some evidence that people with shorter telomeres, may be at higher risk from age-related illness. illness Feb.2010 at
  • 65. • Telomerase repairs and lengthens telomeres, which cap and protect the ends of chromosomes housing DNA. • As people age, telomeres shorten and cells become dying. dying Published on 16th Sept.2008 at
  • 66. Telomers These cellular clocks,known as telomers,may act as barometers of wether a person will remain healthy or not Elizabeth Blackburn Nobel Laureate 2009
  • 67. Clean living slows “cell aging” It is the damage and death of cells that causes aging and disease in people. Several factors such as smoking, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are associated with shorter-than-average telomeres. Published on 16th Sept.2008 at
  • 68. Sedentary life 'speeds up aging' Leading a sedentary lifestyle may make us genetically old before our time, a study suggests: A study of twins found those who were physically active during their leisure time appeared biologically younger than their sedentary peers. Story from BBC NEWS: Published: 2008/01/29
  • 69. Leukocyte telomere length is preserved with aging in endurance exercise-trained adults and related to maximal aerobic capacity • LTL is preserved in healthy older adults who perform vigorous aerobic exercise and is positively related to maximal aerobic exercise capacity. • This may represent a novel molecular mechanism underlying the "anti-aging" effects of maintaining high aerobic fitness. Larocca TJ, Seals DR, Pierce GL. Mech Ageing Dev. 2010;131(2):165-7
  • 70. Increased telomerase activity and comprehensive lifestyle changes: a pilot study Ornish D et al. Lancet Oncol 2008; 9: 1048–57
  • 71. Telomerase activity in peripheral-blood mononuclear cells Ornish D et al. Lancet Oncol 2008; 9: 1048–57
  • 72. Lifestyle medicine stimulates telomerase thus avoiding DNA damage and maintaining chromossomal integrity. the incorporation of new lifestyles may lead to a better compliance and better outcomes in terms of health and longevity
  • 74. Vitamin D for Cancer Prevention: Global Perspective Garland CF, et al Ann Epidemiol 2009;19:468–483.
  • 75. Vitamin D for Cancer Prevention: Global Perspective Raising the minimum year-around serum 25(OH)D level to 40 to 60 ng/mL (100–150 nmol/L) would prevent • 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and • 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer each year, and • ¾ of deaths from these diseases in the USA and Canada. There are no unreasonable risks from intake of 2000 IU per day of vitamin D3 Garland CF et al. Ann Epidemiol 2009:19(7);468-483
  • 76. Relative risk of breast cancer mortality Garland CF et al. Ann Epidemiol 2009:19(7);468-483
  • 77. Colon Cancer-free survival Garland CF et al. Ann Epidemiol 2009:19(7);468-483
  • 78. Relative risk of colon cancer mortality Garland CF et al. Ann Epidemiol 2009:19(7);468-483
  • 80. A woman environmen t psycho environmen t soma
  • 81. Exactly how psychological and social factors, personal beliefs, and stress affect the development of disease continues to be studied. It is known, however, that the mind and body communicate constantly. what the mind thinks, perceives, and experiences is sent from our brain to the rest of the body.
  • 82. Depression and Cancer Depression also affects components of immune function that may affect cancer surveillance. Spiegel D. Biol Psychiatry 2003; Vol 54(3):269-82
  • 83. Effect of a psychosocial treatment on survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer Survival from time of randomisation and onset of intervention was: - a mean 36.6 (SD 37.6) months in the intervention group - compared with 18.9 (10.8) months in the control group. Spiegel D. Lancet 1989; 2(8668):888-91
  • 84.
  • 85. A stress response pathway regulates DNA damage… through β(2)-adrenoreceptors and β-arrestin-1 The human mind and body respond to stress… by activating the sympathetic nervous system and secreting the catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline in the 'fight-or-flight' response. Hara Mr et al. Nature 2011 Aug 21.
  • 86. A stress response pathway regulates DNA damage… through β(2)-adrenoreceptors and β-arrestin-1 When chronic… epidemiological studies strongly indicate that chronic stress leads to DNA damage. Hara Mr et al. Nature 2011 Aug 21.
  • 87. A stress response pathway regulates DNA damage… through β(2)-adrenoreceptors and β-arrestin-1 This stress-induced DNA damage may promote : ageing, tumorigenesis, neuropsychiatric conditions Hara Mr et al. Nature 2011 Aug 21.
  • 88. A stress response pathway regulates DNA damage… through β(2)-adrenoreceptors and β-arrestin-1 “Our results … reveal how DNA damage may accumulate in response to chronic stress”. Hara Mr et al. Nature 2011 Aug 21.
  • 89.
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93. Chronic stress - reduces telomere lenght maintenance A SOBERING THOUGHT ... “Every stress leaves an indelible scar and the organism pays for its survival after a stressful situation by becoming a litle older”. (Hans Selye)
  • 94.
  • 95. Psychosomatics Benson Institute for Mind Body Medicine The Relaxation Response
  • 96. the relaxation response is a physical state of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional responses to stress (e.g., decreases in heart rate, blood pressure, rate of breathing, and muscle tension). When eliciting the relaxation response: • Your metabolism decreases • Your heart beats slower and your muscles relax • Your breathing becomes slower • Your blood pressure decreases • Your levels of nitric oxide are increased
  • 98. Why so much interest in HRT? • To improve quality of life? • To prevent diseases?
  • 99. Interventions investigated… Only “hormone replacement therapy”!... therapy
  • 100. • Too much concerns and interest about HRT • Too little attention to the life styles that prevent risks, diseases and increase longevity
  • 101. Updated IMS recommendations on postmenopausal hormone therapy and preventive strategies for midlife health D. W. Sturdee and A. Pines on behalf of the International Menopause Society Writing Group CLIMACTERIC 2011;14:302–320
  • 102. Symptomatic changes in postmenopause with different methods of hormonal therapy HT should be initiated for relief of symptoms through suitable selection of the route of administration and drug that has the greatest effect on the predominant symptoms of each patient, for which medical evaluation was sought. Hernandez-Valencia M et al. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 2011 Vol.1, No.2, 20-24
  • 103. Individualizing Hormone Therapy to Minimize Risk Estrogen is a medication that can decrease mortality, decrease cardiovascular disease, decrease osteoporosis fracture, urogenital atrophy and dementia. Strategies to minimize risk include initiation of therapy within 10 years of menopause or under 60 years of age, using low- dose estrogen, adding a low-dose progestin in women with a uterus, and use of transdermal therapy in women with risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Donna Shoupe. Women's Health. 2011;7(4):475-485.
  • 104. Timing of hormone therapy, type of menopause, and coronary disease in women Shufelt CL et al. Menopause 2011;18(9):943-950
  • 105.
  • 106. HRT and breast cancer risk: a realistic perspective It should be remembered that women using CEE alone showed a significant decrease in breast cancer risk in the WHI trial and follow-up. Even if combined estrogen-progestogen HRT did cause an increase in breast cancer risk, and this is not proven, the magnitude of that risk is small, and less than that risk seen with many lifestyle factors. factors HRT is a benefit, not a risk, for those women requiring it. Stevenson JC, Hodis HN, Pickar JH, Lobo RA; Climacteric (Aug 2011)
  • 107. Thus, Studies based ONLY on the use of hormones do not reflect good clinical practice!... MNC
  • 108. Menopausal hormonal treatments are very good but ... Treatments without hormones may also be very good for a woman’s health MNC/02
  • 109. Therefore… and in conclusion…
  • 110. Please remember: Our main target is Mature Woman’s Health and Disease Prevention by all means, drug and non-drug related. MNC
  • 111. The gynecologist is becoming the woman’s family doctor. MNC
  • 112. To know the disease that a woman has is as important as to know the woman who has the disease William Osler
  • 113. Let us not medicalize the Menopause.. instead… Let us holistically approach the Climacteric and aging women. women MNC
  • 114. Holistic Model The aim of the therapy is not only to produce a physical cure but also to cure whole person. Ruiz R, et al. La incorporacion de um nuevo modelo en medicina: consequencias teórico-práticas. Aten Primaria 1992;10:629-34
  • 115. I am not a Menopauselogist… instead my Speciality (?!...) is Women’s Holistic Health
  • 116.
  • 117. The Take Home Messages 1. Promote changes in Life Style : they avoid risk factors that cause Diseases. 2. See if you can make the Biological Age to be younger than the Chronological Age. 3. Promote Mental Health,proper Nutrition and frequent Health Exercice ,based on what one knows about the Telomers. 4. Give Vitamin D to everybody 5. Remember that Estrogens are the best treatment for Vasomotor Symptoms and to improve Quality of Life. 6. Hormonal Treatments have more benefits than risks if started early in the postmenopause 7. The Wellness of a Woman is the TARGET !
  • 118. I told you before, The best Anti-Aging (?) (Anti-Senescence !) Treatment is The practice of GOOD MEDICINE
  • 119. therefore...we must learn… how to practice a GOOD MEDICINE
  • 120. Because…there is NO Menopausal Medicine ! M.Neves-e-Castro,2011
  • 122. and now... as Sir Winston Churchill said in a speech, at the end of a War...
  • 123.
  • 124. I also say, at the end of the Menopause War...
  • 125. This is not the end... nor even the begining of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the begining !
  • 126. Professor He was Robert B. the Beginer Greenblatt
  • 127. A Woman in the autumn of her life deserves an indian summer rather than a winter of a discontent ... Robert B Greenblatt OH9900
  • 128. Thank you for your attention read me in