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Know your
Web Analytics &
Search Engine Marketing

Emakina Academy
11 October 2006

09.30   Welcome Coffee
10.00   Web Analytics
        by David Rademaker (Emakina)
10.30   Why choosing WebTrends
        by Maarten Sambre (WebTrends)
11.00   Coffee Break
11.15   Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
        by Michael Vandenhooft (Extenseo)
11.45   Optimize your website for indexation
        by Laurent Goffin (Emakina)
12.15   SEM cases : Cora Direct & DVD Post
        by Michael Vandenhooft (Extenseo)
12:50   Conclusion - Q&A
13.00   Lunch
14.00   End

 How many surfers visit your website every day? What are their
 favorite sections? How can you turn a visitor into a lead, then in a
 client? Where are the hurdles to this conversion?
 During this fifth Academy, our WebTrends experts will explain how
 web analytics can significantly improve your website ROI and better
 profile your target group. In the second part of this session, our
 partner Extenseo will show the power of Search Engine
 Optimization and Keyword Buying to attract qualified audience
 through Google & friends.
 If you’re not interested in knowing your consumer, don’t stay.
About Emakina
Multi-channel approach
Competence Centre
Prestigious References
From visitor to customer
Web Analytics
David Rademaker, Emakina
Web Analytics > Agenda

 Inspirational anecdote
 Common mistakes
 Statistics ABC: from hits to visitors
 Types of metrics
 Why managed statistics
 Interpreting numbers
 Top metrics to watch for
 What Emakina can do for you
There are lies,
damned lies,
and statistics

Mark Twain
Real life anecdote

Overheard at Fortune 100 company
  Person A:
  “I have got 10’000
  (something) on my website”
  Person B:
  “That’s all? I got 100’000
  (something) on mine!”

The truth?
   Person A had 10’000 visitors
   Person B had 100’000 hits
   but only 1000 visitors

   What would you prefer?
Web Statistics: Terms Used

  – Any information requested from a site - this
    includes HTML pages, pictures, forms, scripts
    and files downloaded
  – Can be affected by redesign, robots, caching etc.
 Page Views (or requests/impressions)
  – The number of pages viewed
  – Extensions such as .htm, .html, .asp etc.
 User Sessions
  – Series of requests from unique IP address within
    a period of time (more accurate if registered
  – Issues with firewalls, institutional caches etc.
 Users, Visits, Actions, Interests, Acquisitions
Apples and pears

      1 VISIT       1 VISIT
       1 HIT       100 HITS
Interpretation Issues

 Profiling users - can we track users easily?
  –   You can’t tell the exact identity of your users
  –   Using IP addresses, domain names of visitors
  –   Following paths – entering and exiting the site
  –   Registration
  – Browser caching and institutional/ISP caching
  – Necessary enable your resources to be found
  – Robots generate hits
Types of Metrics
Typical Solutions

Log file based solutions                Tagging based solutions
Log file based solutions                Tagging based solutions
   Works with standard log files           Works with custom data logging
    Works with standard log files          Works with custom data logging
                                           Typically 3rd party solution
   Often in-house                          Typically 3rd party solution
    Often in-house
   Ideal for “classical” websites          Better for non-HTML websites
    Ideal for “classical” websites         Better for non-HTML websites
   (“HTML”, …)                             (Flash, …)
    (“HTML”, …)                            (Flash, …)
   Requires little setup                   Requires active setup
    Requires little setup                  Requires active setup
   Relatively development neutral          Often needs development support
    Relatively development neutral         Often needs development support

                    Hybrid solutions
                    Hybrid solutions
                       Tries to marry best of both worlds
                       Tries to marry best of both worlds
Typical Solution > Log file based

                                                                            (6) Read
           (1) Request

Visitor                    Web                                                         Administrator
                          server                           server

                  (2) Write                    (3) Read        (5) Create
                  Request                      Requests         Reports


                                    (4) Process log to
                                     data for reports
Typical Solutions > Tagging based

                                  (2) Custom                         (5) Read reports
           (1) Request

Visitor                   Web                  2nd Web                           Administrator
                         server                 server    server

                                                              (4) Create
                                           (3) Process
Solutions > Pro & contra

                                 Log file based                            Tagging based

                     Often in-house                          Typically external

                     Proxy caching (ISP, Browser, …) can     JavaScript is run every time page is
                     hide part of true activity              loaded / shown

       Data          All web transactions are recorded       Only specific transactions are logged

 Detailed tracking   Limited: requires URL parameters        Can go very far (clicks, non clicks)

   Disk space        Raw data logs can be large              Tend to more compact (typically 10:1)

       ROI           Retro-active: you can use it on past    Forward only:

                     More neutral because it respects        Vendor specific solutions:
  Vendor lock in
                     industry standards                      vendor lock-in

Web technologies     HTML, ASP, JSP, …                       Flash, RIA,

  Search engine      Referrer

Development effort   Low to none                             Low to high

    Accuracy                             Comparable (caching vs browser config)
Typical solutions

 “Free”                                                “Managed”
Solutions                                               Solutions

  Good starting point               Best long term solution
  Good for simple websites for      Ideal for companies that want to
  companies with low requirements   have long-term solutions
  Features are subject to change    Supported software

  Example:                          Example:
  Google Analytics                  WebTrends
Managing numbers
Why do we need statistics?

 They indicate how popular your site is
 They show how successful your marketing strategy has been
 They can be used in management reports
 They can identify gaps in service provision
 They predict and plan for future load patterns
 They allow you to monitor performance levels
 They can be used in consideration of deployment
 of new technologies
 They can inform and motivate contributors
 They can show who your users are
Store management
  100 years of expertise

   Management of stores and
   shelves is almost becoming an
   exact science with plenty of
   proven rules

   Well managed stores are a
   competitive advantage and can
   make or break a business

Main criteria
   Profitability per square meter
   (horizontal & vertical)
Site management:
  10 years, but still young industry

Most companies still ask:
  How many visitors did we have?
  How many visits this year?

Most are not up to questions like:
  How did sales or visits improve
  after changing parameter A?

Real world example: Amazon
  Not the best looking site,
  but a professional managed site
  that is run like a supermarket

Criteria to introduce
    Profitability per pixel
The Wheel of Management…

            Plan Do
              Act Check
… Applied to Website Management

Plan site objectives
        Define KPIs
                                                 for statistics
                                                 & reporting

                            Plan Do
                              Act Check

     React to meet                               Follow-up
         objectives                              Monitoring
     Find solutions                              Interpret
Website nirvana

 Reached through continuous quality improvement

The Coke Wars:
    Return on Number Management

•   John Sculley, in the 80’s
    quot;The Nielsen ratings defined the
    ground rules of competition for
    everyone... top managers would
    carry little charts in their wallets with
    the latest key Nielsen figures. They
    became such an important part of
    my life that I could quote them on
    any product in the market. We would
    pore over the data to search for
    vulnerable points...
    It was the man at the top who made
    it this way. The challenge for the
    person at the top is to make sure
    everyone knows what he or she is
    watching. Then they can direct all
    the company's energy towards the
    same goals.
Real life example

Reported figures over 1 year
  Large Belgian company
  >10K employees
  1M unique visitors
  2M visitors
  3M page views

Questions to ask
  Reasons to celebrate?

   Emakina did an analysis to
   assess the numbers and look
   for opportunities
Returning visitors

 Reported figures
  – More than 70% of the visitors never returned the same year
  – Only 12% came back at least 2 times
  – Only 5% came back 3 times

 Interpretation problems:
  – Search engines are not
    excluded from these visits
  – Internal people are not
    excluded from these visits

  – The proof is in the pudding:
    Visitors do not come back
    because the site offers NO relevant reason to come back
Duration visit

 Reported figures
  – 58% left the site within a single minute (!)
  – Only 20% stayed longer than 5 minutes

 Business fact
  – Stickiness = the quality of a website
    to retain visitors, by keeping them
    at the website and by getting
    them to return regularly.
  – Here:
    Site has near-zero sticky value

  – The site offers NO relevant
    reason to come back
                                       More then 80% leaves
                                       within 5 minutes; almost 3
                                       out of 5 leave within a
Number of pages seen per visit/visitor

 Reported figures:
  – More than 70% of visitors consults less than or 3 pages
  – For normal sites, true visitors and a site of this kind, number of pages
    seen should be around 5 (home-news-search-find-read-contact)

  – We can safely assume that, again, there is no incentive whatsoever to
    motivate people to explore the site

   More than 70%
   3 pages or less
Comments to key figures

Average of 10K “visitors” per day
Seems a good average but this includes
all traffic, search engines, collaborators,

85% comes only once or twice per year
Too low = lack of reason to come back

Site visits vs real consumption:
One visit for every 715 rides…

Visit duration: 55% less than 1 minute
Too low = lack of stickiness / content

     A site can appear to have quantity traffic at first sight
      but upon detailed analysis, it can lack quality traffic.
 Understanding numbers is more important than having numbers
Quality site
Metrics to watch
Web Analytics
Introduction > Making sense of numbers

  When it comes to web analytics, there is no shortage of
  measurements site managers can take to understand how their site
  is performing: visitors, visits, sessions, page views, hits, …
  Sifting through such vast amounts of information can be mind
  numbing. Even more daunting is knowing how much weight to put
  behind each measurement and how to put the data into context.
  It’s easy to identify which performance characteristics to track, but
  not necessarily how to interpret the resulting data and know what to
  do with it.
  Site owners agree that knowing which metrics to track and how
  much weight to give each one comes down to a very simple

Understand what you want to accomplish, like in real life. How to use
that information to pinpoint problems, improve performance, identify
 customer priorities and generate more revenue or decrease costs
10 Metrics to watch

 Study Site Search Results - and Non-Results
 Optimize the Home Page
 Know What Works on Landing Pages
 Analyze tool usage to profile and streamline tools
 Look at the Look-to-Act Ratio
 Know Banner and Search Engine Marketing ROI
 Use Analytics to Make E-mail Marketing More Effective
 Inspect Customer Navigation & Maturity
 Find out why visitors abort their session
 Correlate data, go beyond plain stats
Study Site Search Results - and Non-Results

 Tracking what your customers and visitors search for is the best
 way to learn about their expectations and problems: if they search
 for it, it means they didn’t find it at a first glance or even after a little
 click search s This can be directly used for optimizing site
 navigation and structure
 You may think that people will search for “product X” but you may
 be surprised how many people will search for “service Y”

 Used metric: log submitted form data

    Comparing list of searched for words with site structure
  confirms if your site is addressing key customer expectations
 Optimize the Home Page

   The homepage is the most crucial                                    Hot
   piece of real estate available:             Hot                    Zone
                                              Zone                      2
   knowing what information items               1
   and transactional tools to position
   above and below the scroll line is a          Without scrolling
   crucial balancing task                            Below the fold
   Used metric:
   click path from homepage

Check that people click on items in the sequence that you expect them
     to click. If not rearrange items accordingly or analyze why.
Know what works on landing pages

 It makes no sense for site owners to pay attention to optimizing
 their home pages if they won’t create custom landing pages. More
 than half of customers will land at a retailer’s site either through a
 search engine, banner ad, e-mail promotion or affiliate marketing
 It makes sense then for site owners to create landing pages
 designed to appeal to these customer’s expectations for product
 and service presentation and branding based on the search words
 used to lead them to the site
 Used metric: search engines data vs secondary clicks
                         Google?search=my interest


              EXIT?                           CONTACT/MORE/DETAILS
              EXIT?                           CONTACT/MORE/DETAILS

Analyze usage of information and tools

 Analyze how people use static information vs interactive tools on
 your site:
   –   Do they prefer static tables?
   –   Do they interactive tools?
   –   How many iterations do they do?
   –   Do new visitors use tools differently then returning visitors?
   –   If forms permit free text input (from “A” to “B”) does what they type in
       match your expectations?
 Used metric: hits/iterations on page X and tool Y, time spent on

An analysis of tool usage may help you to decide where to invest in:
   more easy-to-print tables or a simpler, smarter planning tool?
 Look at the Look-to-Book Ratio

  Review periodic usage ratio for various periods of the year:
  Examples: seasonal promotions
  Data patterns are but one clue to improving look-to-book ratios. The
  number of times a consumer views a product before buying it, or
  not, can tell retailers such things as whether the item is over-priced
  compared to alternatives, whether the Add to Cart button is visible
  or whether the customer got distracted after linking to a related
  page. Items with high view rates, but low add-to-cart rates are in
  need of close scrutiny from all angles
  Used metric: scenario analysis between pages

An analysis of pre-buying usage may help you to decide how to price
          products / services and detect service overlaps
Know Banner and Search Engine Marketing ROI

 Awareness and promotion campaigns have real costs:
 Calculate these marketing costs and returns
 That means accurately tracking how many times a customer comes
 to a site through the same affiliate or search engine and what they
 do once they gets there.
 Used metric: incoming traffic via referrer X / Y

The costs of communicating online can easily be 10% of traditional
      communication costs once reaching a certain volume.
Analytics to Make E-mailing More Effective

 Emailing is the most cost efficient information delivery tool
 but it is crucial to check if it is also appreciated
  –   How valid is your email database?
  –   What is the bounce rate on emails?
  –   How many emails get delivered?
  –   How many get read?
  –   How many do get clicked?
  –   How many get forwarded?
 What works best:
  – Frequency: weekly, monthly, quarterly, …
  – Delivery technique: table of content linking to site or full text?
 Used metric: statistics on landing pages, email sending reporting
 tools & click-troughs

       Effective email campaigns can build customer loyalty
            if part of larger citizen information program.
Inspect Customer Navigation

 Identify information search patterns as customers move across
 categories, enabling site managers to more properly streamline
 navigational paths: >80% of content should be findable within 3
 Consult how returning visitors use site vs new visitors:
 if it returning always have to click 1-2-3 to get where they want,
 consider a direct link from homepage
 Make an abstraction of individual pages and group them in content
 type pages: analyze content hopping like
 (descriptions) (prizes) (shopping)
 Used metric: scenario analysis over grouped content pages

Knowing how customers vs prospects use your site can help you to
       minimize the total number of clicks to reach goals
Find out why visitors abort their session

 Nothing is more frustrating to site owners than seeing that
 customers do not click beyond homepage or do not use their brand
 new tool
 Analytics can pinpoint where the customer dropped out:
 Once all the pieces are known, the site owner can determine
 whether the process is too long, too cumbersome or does not
 provide enough data at the point the customer appears ready to
 Used metric: exit pages

Learning why and where abort your site can help you to make every
   page of your website more attractive and meaningful to visitor
Correlate data, go beyond plain stats

 Avoid the one-dimensional: applying web site analytics can be a
 complex undertaking. Understanding the results can be even more
 daunting. But that understanding is essential to a web site’s
 The true value of analytics is understanding the insights provided
 by the numbers not the numbers themselves
 Multi-dimensional thinking is the key to keeping their web site
 performing at the highest level:
  – Visitor behaviour vs customer profile
  – Buying behaviour vs price setting or incentives
  – General site satisfaction results vs improvement cycles
 Used metric: any to any

        Finding meaningful relationships between datasets
         is the key to gaining valuable and useful insights
service offering
Web Analytics
Maturity in statistics

                                                                            II drive results
                                                                               drive results

                                                         II have an action plan
                                                            have an action plan
                                                            to reach my goals
                                                             to reach my goals

                                            II have objectives
                                               have objectives

                           II have insight in to
                              have insight in to
                               what it means
                               what it means

                II have some
                   have some

I have a site
Integrating web statistics in your company

                             I make yearly reports
                             but no one seems to
                               use or understand
          Big Company

Typical company


                      IT          Marketing       Other
                       IT         Marketing       Other
    Web           Department     Department    Departments
                  Department     Department    Departments

  Biggest mistake that can be made: business managers
   Biggest mistake that can be made: business managers
assuming that web reports are hard to make and understand
assuming that web reports are hard to make and understand
Well integrated companies

                                                     Deliver logfiles,
                                                  insights, know-how,
                                                    solutions, trends,
                                                  the right tools, long-
                                Management             term advice

                      IT          Marketing       Other
                       IT         Marketing       Other
                  Department     Department    Departments
                  Department     Department    Departments

e-Enabled business managers from all departments that can
e-Enabled business managers from all departments that can
         act and decide as soon as data comes in
         act and decide as soon as data comes in
Why You Need Web

Goal setting
 – Decrease costs by e-handling
 – Site satisfaction at >80 percent…
 – Double your customer base…
 – Determine what is desired,
   what is realistic,
   what is achievable
   and then plan
Internet offers a unique trackeable and personalisable medium that,
if properly managed and correctly interpreted can give you
a fair and unbiased 24/24 view on your business

         Measurement is the first towards management
Our expert

Adapt metrics system so that
statistics become meaningful
and easy to interprete by
Analyze not absolute numbers
but focus on trends
Learn the meaning of definitions
and get insight in numbers
Filter undesired traffic from
logs that inflate numbers
Start with a set of quality
metrics to watch monitor and
set realistic business objectives
Emakina Service Range on Statistics

Analyze                        Act                            Plan
Analyze                        Act                            Plan
Review historical log files    Install business reporting     Define measurable and
 Review historical log files    Install business reporting     Define measurable and
and give second expert         solutions: dashboards          manageable key
 and give second expert         solutions: dashboards          manageable key
opinion                        and drilldown reports          performance indicators
 opinion                        and drilldown reports          performance indicators
Accuracy and reports           Setup appropriate filtering    Deliver strategies to meet
 Accuracy and reports           Setup appropriate filtering    Deliver strategies to meet
Review historical              and definitions                and deliver on those KPIs
 Review historical              and definitions                and deliver on those KPIs
objective-strategy             Help you to observe and        Integrate KPIs in daily
 objective-strategy             Help you to observe and        Integrate KPIs in daily
mechanics                      understand trends              management
 mechanics                      understand trends              management
Benchmark analysis:
 Benchmark analysis:
identify weakness &
 identify weakness &

  Past                                                                     Tomorrow

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Emakina Academy - 5 - Know your audience - Web Analytics

  • 1. Know your Audience: Web Analytics & Search Engine Marketing Emakina Academy 11 October 2006
  • 2. Agenda 09.30 Welcome Coffee 10.00 Web Analytics by David Rademaker (Emakina) 10.30 Why choosing WebTrends by Maarten Sambre (WebTrends) 11.00 Coffee Break 11.15 Search Engine Marketing (SEM) by Michael Vandenhooft (Extenseo) 11.45 Optimize your website for indexation by Laurent Goffin (Emakina) 12.15 SEM cases : Cora Direct & DVD Post by Michael Vandenhooft (Extenseo) 12:50 Conclusion - Q&A 13.00 Lunch 14.00 End
  • 3. Introduction How many surfers visit your website every day? What are their favorite sections? How can you turn a visitor into a lead, then in a client? Where are the hurdles to this conversion? During this fifth Academy, our WebTrends experts will explain how web analytics can significantly improve your website ROI and better profile your target group. In the second part of this session, our partner Extenseo will show the power of Search Engine Optimization and Keyword Buying to attract qualified audience through Google & friends. If you’re not interested in knowing your consumer, don’t stay.
  • 8. From visitor to customer
  • 10. Web Analytics > Agenda Inspirational anecdote Common mistakes Statistics ABC: from hits to visitors Types of metrics Why managed statistics Interpreting numbers Top metrics to watch for What Emakina can do for you
  • 11. There are lies, damned lies, and statistics Mark Twain 1835-1910
  • 12. Real life anecdote Overheard at Fortune 100 company Person A: “I have got 10’000 (something) on my website” Person B: “That’s all? I got 100’000 (something) on mine!” The truth? Person A had 10’000 visitors Person B had 100’000 hits but only 1000 visitors What would you prefer?
  • 13. Web Statistics: Terms Used Hit – Any information requested from a site - this includes HTML pages, pictures, forms, scripts and files downloaded – Can be affected by redesign, robots, caching etc. Page Views (or requests/impressions) – The number of pages viewed – Extensions such as .htm, .html, .asp etc. User Sessions – Series of requests from unique IP address within a period of time (more accurate if registered users – Issues with firewalls, institutional caches etc. Value Users, Visits, Actions, Interests, Acquisitions
  • 14. Apples and pears 1 VISIT 1 VISIT 1 HIT 100 HITS
  • 15. Interpretation Issues Profiling users - can we track users easily? – You can’t tell the exact identity of your users – Using IP addresses, domain names of visitors – Following paths – entering and exiting the site – Registration Caching – Browser caching and institutional/ISP caching Robots – Necessary enable your resources to be found – Robots generate hits Quality??
  • 17. Typical Solutions Log file based solutions Tagging based solutions Log file based solutions Tagging based solutions Works with standard log files Works with custom data logging Works with standard log files Works with custom data logging Typically 3rd party solution Often in-house Typically 3rd party solution Often in-house Ideal for “classical” websites Better for non-HTML websites Ideal for “classical” websites Better for non-HTML websites (“HTML”, …) (Flash, …) (“HTML”, …) (Flash, …) Requires little setup Requires active setup Requires little setup Requires active setup Relatively development neutral Often needs development support Relatively development neutral Often needs development support Hybrid solutions Hybrid solutions Tries to marry best of both worlds Tries to marry best of both worlds
  • 18. Typical Solution > Log file based (6) Read (1) Request reports Page Visitor Web Administrator Reporting server server (2) Write (3) Read (5) Create Request Requests Reports Logfile (4) Process log to data for reports
  • 19. Typical Solutions > Tagging based (2) Custom (5) Read reports (1) Request parameter Page Visitor Web 2nd Web Administrator Reporting server server server (4) Create Reports (3) Process custom parameter
  • 20. Solutions > Pro & contra Log file based Tagging based Often in-house Typically external Processing Proxy caching (ISP, Browser, …) can JavaScript is run every time page is Caching hide part of true activity loaded / shown Data All web transactions are recorded Only specific transactions are logged Detailed tracking Limited: requires URL parameters Can go very far (clicks, non clicks) Disk space Raw data logs can be large Tend to more compact (typically 10:1) ROI Retro-active: you can use it on past Forward only: More neutral because it respects Vendor specific solutions: Vendor lock in industry standards vendor lock-in Web technologies HTML, ASP, JSP, … Flash, RIA, Search engine Referrer Development effort Low to none Low to high Accuracy Comparable (caching vs browser config)
  • 21. Typical solutions “Free” “Managed” Solutions Solutions Good starting point Best long term solution Good for simple websites for Ideal for companies that want to companies with low requirements have long-term solutions Features are subject to change Supported software Example: Example: Google Analytics WebTrends
  • 23. Why do we need statistics? They indicate how popular your site is They show how successful your marketing strategy has been They can be used in management reports They can identify gaps in service provision They predict and plan for future load patterns They allow you to monitor performance levels They can be used in consideration of deployment of new technologies They can inform and motivate contributors They can show who your users are
  • 24. Store management 100 years of expertise Fact: Management of stores and shelves is almost becoming an exact science with plenty of proven rules Impact Well managed stores are a competitive advantage and can make or break a business Main criteria Profitability per square meter (horizontal & vertical)
  • 25. Site management: 10 years, but still young industry Most companies still ask: How many visitors did we have? How many visits this year? Most are not up to questions like: How did sales or visits improve after changing parameter A? Real world example: Amazon Not the best looking site, but a professional managed site that is run like a supermarket Criteria to introduce Profitability per pixel
  • 26. The Wheel of Management… Plan Do Act Check
  • 27. … Applied to Website Management Implement Plan site objectives mechanics Define KPIs for statistics Update & reporting Plan Do Act Check React to meet Follow-up objectives Monitoring Find solutions Interpret
  • 28. Website nirvana Reached through continuous quality improvement Website nirvana
  • 29. The Coke Wars: Return on Number Management • John Sculley, in the 80’s quot;The Nielsen ratings defined the ground rules of competition for everyone... top managers would carry little charts in their wallets with the latest key Nielsen figures. They became such an important part of my life that I could quote them on any product in the market. We would pore over the data to search for vulnerable points... It was the man at the top who made it this way. The challenge for the person at the top is to make sure everyone knows what he or she is watching. Then they can direct all the company's energy towards the same goals.
  • 31. Real life example Reported figures over 1 year Large Belgian company >10K employees 1M unique visitors 2M visitors 3M page views Questions to ask Reasons to celebrate? Or…. Emakina did an analysis to assess the numbers and look for opportunities
  • 32. Returning visitors Reported figures – More than 70% of the visitors never returned the same year – Only 12% came back at least 2 times – Only 5% came back 3 times Interpretation problems: – Search engines are not excluded from these visits – Internal people are not excluded from these visits Conclusion: – The proof is in the pudding: Visitors do not come back because the site offers NO relevant reason to come back
  • 33. Duration visit Reported figures – 58% left the site within a single minute (!) – Only 20% stayed longer than 5 minutes Business fact – Stickiness = the quality of a website to retain visitors, by keeping them at the website and by getting them to return regularly. – Here: Site has near-zero sticky value Conclusion: – The site offers NO relevant reason to come back More then 80% leaves within 5 minutes; almost 3 out of 5 leave within a minute
  • 34. Number of pages seen per visit/visitor Reported figures: – More than 70% of visitors consults less than or 3 pages – For normal sites, true visitors and a site of this kind, number of pages seen should be around 5 (home-news-search-find-read-contact) Conclusion – We can safely assume that, again, there is no incentive whatsoever to motivate people to explore the site More than 70% 3 pages or less
  • 35. Comments to key figures Average of 10K “visitors” per day Seems a good average but this includes all traffic, search engines, collaborators, 85% comes only once or twice per year Too low = lack of reason to come back Site visits vs real consumption: One visit for every 715 rides… Visit duration: 55% less than 1 minute Too low = lack of stickiness / content A site can appear to have quantity traffic at first sight but upon detailed analysis, it can lack quality traffic. Understanding numbers is more important than having numbers
  • 37. Introduction > Making sense of numbers When it comes to web analytics, there is no shortage of measurements site managers can take to understand how their site is performing: visitors, visits, sessions, page views, hits, … Sifting through such vast amounts of information can be mind numbing. Even more daunting is knowing how much weight to put behind each measurement and how to put the data into context. It’s easy to identify which performance characteristics to track, but not necessarily how to interpret the resulting data and know what to do with it. Site owners agree that knowing which metrics to track and how much weight to give each one comes down to a very simple premise: Understand what you want to accomplish, like in real life. How to use that information to pinpoint problems, improve performance, identify customer priorities and generate more revenue or decrease costs
  • 38. 10 Metrics to watch Study Site Search Results - and Non-Results Optimize the Home Page Know What Works on Landing Pages Analyze tool usage to profile and streamline tools Look at the Look-to-Act Ratio Know Banner and Search Engine Marketing ROI Use Analytics to Make E-mail Marketing More Effective Inspect Customer Navigation & Maturity Find out why visitors abort their session Correlate data, go beyond plain stats
  • 39. 1 Study Site Search Results - and Non-Results Tracking what your customers and visitors search for is the best way to learn about their expectations and problems: if they search for it, it means they didn’t find it at a first glance or even after a little click search s This can be directly used for optimizing site navigation and structure You may think that people will search for “product X” but you may be surprised how many people will search for “service Y” Used metric: log submitted form data Comparing list of searched for words with site structure confirms if your site is addressing key customer expectations
  • 40. 2 Optimize the Home Page The homepage is the most crucial Hot piece of real estate available: Hot Zone Zone 2 knowing what information items 1 and transactional tools to position above and below the scroll line is a Without scrolling crucial balancing task Below the fold Not Hot? Used metric: click path from homepage Check that people click on items in the sequence that you expect them to click. If not rearrange items accordingly or analyze why.
  • 41. 3 Know what works on landing pages It makes no sense for site owners to pay attention to optimizing their home pages if they won’t create custom landing pages. More than half of customers will land at a retailer’s site either through a search engine, banner ad, e-mail promotion or affiliate marketing partner. It makes sense then for site owners to create landing pages designed to appeal to these customer’s expectations for product and service presentation and branding based on the search words used to lead them to the site Used metric: search engines data vs secondary clicks Google?search=my interest EXIT? CONTACT/MORE/DETAILS EXIT? CONTACT/MORE/DETAILS FAILURE: CONTENT DOES NOT SUCCESS: PEOPLE FOUND WHAT FAILURE: CONTENT DOES NOT SUCCESS: PEOPLE FOUND WHAT MATCH EXPECTATIONS THEY WERE LOOKING FOR MATCH EXPECTATIONS THEY WERE LOOKING FOR
  • 42. 4 Analyze usage of information and tools Analyze how people use static information vs interactive tools on your site: – Do they prefer static tables? – Do they interactive tools? – How many iterations do they do? – Do new visitors use tools differently then returning visitors? – If forms permit free text input (from “A” to “B”) does what they type in match your expectations? Used metric: hits/iterations on page X and tool Y, time spent on pages An analysis of tool usage may help you to decide where to invest in: more easy-to-print tables or a simpler, smarter planning tool?
  • 43. 5 Look at the Look-to-Book Ratio Review periodic usage ratio for various periods of the year: Examples: seasonal promotions Data patterns are but one clue to improving look-to-book ratios. The number of times a consumer views a product before buying it, or not, can tell retailers such things as whether the item is over-priced compared to alternatives, whether the Add to Cart button is visible or whether the customer got distracted after linking to a related page. Items with high view rates, but low add-to-cart rates are in need of close scrutiny from all angles Used metric: scenario analysis between pages An analysis of pre-buying usage may help you to decide how to price products / services and detect service overlaps
  • 44. 6 Know Banner and Search Engine Marketing ROI Awareness and promotion campaigns have real costs: Calculate these marketing costs and returns That means accurately tracking how many times a customer comes to a site through the same affiliate or search engine and what they do once they gets there. Used metric: incoming traffic via referrer X / Y The costs of communicating online can easily be 10% of traditional communication costs once reaching a certain volume.
  • 45. 7 Analytics to Make E-mailing More Effective Emailing is the most cost efficient information delivery tool but it is crucial to check if it is also appreciated – How valid is your email database? – What is the bounce rate on emails? – How many emails get delivered? – How many get read? – How many do get clicked? – How many get forwarded? What works best: – Frequency: weekly, monthly, quarterly, … – Delivery technique: table of content linking to site or full text? Used metric: statistics on landing pages, email sending reporting tools & click-troughs Effective email campaigns can build customer loyalty if part of larger citizen information program.
  • 46. 8 Inspect Customer Navigation Identify information search patterns as customers move across categories, enabling site managers to more properly streamline navigational paths: >80% of content should be findable within 3 clicks Consult how returning visitors use site vs new visitors: if it returning always have to click 1-2-3 to get where they want, consider a direct link from homepage Make an abstraction of individual pages and group them in content type pages: analyze content hopping like (descriptions) (prizes) (shopping) Used metric: scenario analysis over grouped content pages Knowing how customers vs prospects use your site can help you to minimize the total number of clicks to reach goals
  • 47. 9 Find out why visitors abort their session Nothing is more frustrating to site owners than seeing that customers do not click beyond homepage or do not use their brand new tool Analytics can pinpoint where the customer dropped out: Once all the pieces are known, the site owner can determine whether the process is too long, too cumbersome or does not provide enough data at the point the customer appears ready to proceed. Used metric: exit pages Learning why and where abort your site can help you to make every page of your website more attractive and meaningful to visitor
  • 48. 10 Correlate data, go beyond plain stats Avoid the one-dimensional: applying web site analytics can be a complex undertaking. Understanding the results can be even more daunting. But that understanding is essential to a web site’s success. The true value of analytics is understanding the insights provided by the numbers not the numbers themselves Multi-dimensional thinking is the key to keeping their web site performing at the highest level: – Visitor behaviour vs customer profile – Buying behaviour vs price setting or incentives – General site satisfaction results vs improvement cycles Used metric: any to any Finding meaningful relationships between datasets is the key to gaining valuable and useful insights
  • 50. Maturity in statistics II drive results drive results II have an action plan have an action plan to reach my goals to reach my goals II have objectives have objectives II have insight in to have insight in to Current what it means what it means level II have some have some numbers numbers I have a site
  • 51. Integrating web statistics in your company I make yearly reports but no one seems to use or understand them Big Company webmaster
  • 52. Typical company Management Management Delivers website +logfiles Classical Classical IT Marketing Other IT Marketing Other Web Web Department Department Departments Department Department Departments Agency Agency Biggest mistake that can be made: business managers Biggest mistake that can be made: business managers assuming that web reports are hard to make and understand assuming that web reports are hard to make and understand
  • 53. Well integrated companies Deliver logfiles, insights, know-how, solutions, trends, the right tools, long- Management Management term advice Value Value Added Added Web Web Agency Agency IT Marketing Other IT Marketing Other Department Department Departments Department Department Departments e-Enabled business managers from all departments that can e-Enabled business managers from all departments that can act and decide as soon as data comes in act and decide as soon as data comes in
  • 54. Why You Need Web Analytics Goal setting Examples: – Decrease costs by e-handling – Site satisfaction at >80 percent… – Double your customer base… Challenge: – Determine what is desired, what is realistic, what is achievable … and then plan Internet offers a unique trackeable and personalisable medium that, if properly managed and correctly interpreted can give you a fair and unbiased 24/24 view on your business Measurement is the first towards management
  • 55. Our expert recommendations Adapt metrics system so that statistics become meaningful and easy to interprete by business Analyze not absolute numbers but focus on trends Learn the meaning of definitions and get insight in numbers Filter undesired traffic from logs that inflate numbers Start with a set of quality metrics to watch monitor and set realistic business objectives
  • 56. Emakina Service Range on Statistics Analyze Act Plan Analyze Act Plan Review historical log files Install business reporting Define measurable and Review historical log files Install business reporting Define measurable and and give second expert solutions: dashboards manageable key and give second expert solutions: dashboards manageable key opinion and drilldown reports performance indicators opinion and drilldown reports performance indicators Accuracy and reports Setup appropriate filtering Deliver strategies to meet Accuracy and reports Setup appropriate filtering Deliver strategies to meet Review historical and definitions and deliver on those KPIs Review historical and definitions and deliver on those KPIs objective-strategy Help you to observe and Integrate KPIs in daily objective-strategy Help you to observe and Integrate KPIs in daily mechanics understand trends management mechanics understand trends management Benchmark analysis: Benchmark analysis: identify weakness & identify weakness & strengths strengths Now Past Tomorrow