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Eisenhower 1956 Book Review
Nichols Review In 2011, Simon & Schuster published Eisenhower 1956: The President's Year of
Crisis – Suez and the Brink of War by David A. Nichols. The book's main purpose was to illustrate
how Eisenhower guided the world through 1956 without a global war. That year saw both the Suez
Crisis and the Soviet invasion of Hungary. Despite a plethora of personal troubles, including a
severe heart attack and major intestinal surgery, the president continued to lead the United States
(US). He even ran for reelection in the midst of illness and international chaos. Overall, Nichols
does an excellent job of telling the story in great factual detail while maintaining the attention of the
reader. He hardly develops any characters beyond Eisenhower, ... Show more content on ...
Within the US the major players are President Eisenhower and the Dulles brothers. John Foster
Dulles was the secretary of state and his brother, Allen Dulles, was head of the newly established
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). While Eisenhower was in the hospital following his medical
emergencies, these two, for all intents and purposes, controlled foreign affairs. John Foster Dulles
was in the middle of a major health crisis, but aside from his hospitalization, its effects on his
decision making are rarely mentioned. In 1956 Sir Anthony Eden led the British as prime minister.
He also experienced severe health complications, but Nichols hardly mentions them either, leaving
the reader with a very negative perception of Eden and his leadership. Prime Minister Guy Mollet
led France during the Suez Crisis, but the author provides even less information about him than he
does regarding Eden. Israel at this time was commanded by Prime Minister David Ben–Gurion, a
hawkish diplomat with a burning desire to see the fall of Nasser and his anti–Israeli regime. The
USSR's leader, Premier Nikolia Bulganin, is typically portrayed as a reasonable man, aside from his
brutal repression of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956. Neither he, nor President Eisenhower wanted
to be the cause of the next major global conflict. The final main character is President Gamal Abd
al–Nasser. Nichols does an excellent job of painting Nasser to be a prudent, approachable, and non–
violent leader. Despite his dislike of Israel, he was willing to cooperate with pro–Israeli nations in
order to achieve peace. Throughout the book, the author gives great attention to the personal
interactions between these key players, adding a level of detail and intimacy with the characters
unseen in many accounts of this same
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The Executive Branch: Role In Foreign Affairs
When asked today who controls the majority of the foreign policy of the United States, an American
would probably answer, "The Executive Branch." However, the legislative branch plays a role in
foreign affairs as well. When President Obama traveled to Cuba, twenty members of congress
accompanied him. In fact there once was a time, a small window in post World War II America,
where the executive branch would not dare to make a decision without consulting the Senate's
Committee on Foreign Relations. Instead, President Truman committed himself to working with
members of his own party as well as Republicans to foster a bipartisan, decisive congress. World
War II had created a perfect storm for bipartisanship to flourish: Europe was in tatters, ... Show more
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In order to see a United Nations that allowed open discussion of world issues, the Republican and
Democrat United States delegates had to be united in their proposals and opinions at all times. The
United States Delegates during the San Francisco Conference worked for a United Nations that
could not necessarily exercise military or economic power, but moral power and the power of a
global opinion: as Senator Vandenberg explained, it would be the "Town Meeting of the world."
These principles offended the Soviet Union's idea that the strongest nations should rule over the
weaker ones, but they especially fought over the terms of the Security Council and the General
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Covert Action Essay
Covert Action
A Necessary Evil?
The term "Covert Action" brings with it a connotation of shadowy figures wrapped in secrecy and
intrigue. It also brings with it a substantial amount of moral questions as to "what is right." The use
of covert action has been widely publicized since the early seventies, but trying to find out the truth
to these events has been difficult to say the least. What is even more difficult, is historically
recording these events into categories of successes or failures. These operations are difficult to
dissect because of their secrecy and although events have been recorded, some facts simply aren't
apparent. This paper will seek to identify the complex issues associated with covert operations.
United ... Show more content on ...
The start of the coup would begin through a series of events highlighting Mossadegh negatively. The
first part of this would be to paint Mossadegh and his government as anti–religious due to the ties
between him and the Tudeh (and the Soviet Union).(7) The second part of this would be to instill a
fear that Mossadegh was leading the country into economic collapse. This would be publicized
through the use illegally issued paper money (printed by the CIA).(8) These two factors would cause
widespread civil unrest with the people of Iran in which the Shah would remove Mossadegh from
office and replace him with Zahedi. The key to the success of the operation was support from the
Shah which in part seemed difficult at times because of his indecisiveness. On the morning of 19
August 1953, the coup began and by 5:25pm Zahedi had ascended into power courtesy of the SIS
and CIA.
Iran: Aftermath The Shah would remain in power until 1979. A series of events sparking from that
day in August 1953 would finally boil over and force him to flee the country. The Shah was viewed
as a puppet leader of the western world and forced into exile.(9) There are many factors that relate to
the cause of the Iranian Revolution in 1979 and many of them involve the Shah and his government.
Was the operation viewed as a success? At the time, yes. But looking at the events which unfolded
over the period of 1953–1979
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Anthropian Analysis
Why characterize the orthodox social construction the history of U.S. foreign policy as
"Winthropian?" The reason is rather straightforward: John Winthrop's 1630 sermon on–board the
Arabella off the coast of Boston Bay set the stage for what has come to be the orthodox self–
understanding of America and American foreign policy. This self–understanding has aptly been
characterized as "American exceptionalism."
In essence, this was the belief that America was a great experiment, fraught with risk but animated
by the conviction–as John Winthrop, the first governor of Massachusetts, famously described it in
1630 aboard a ship off the New England coast–that America should be 'as a city upon a hill,' the
eyes of all people upon us, and if we should fail to make this city a beacon of hope and decency, and
"deal falsely with our God," we should be cursed (Chace, 2002: 2).
Or, as James Chace has written elsewhere – placing a particular accent on U.S. foreign policy: ...
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[The] America of Woodrow Wilson and John Foster Dulles, the crusader nation prepared in 1917 to
"make the world safe for democracy" or to roll back communism by liberating Eastern Europe in the
Eisenhower–Dulles years.... Whatever wrongs we committed, surely, we believed, they were in the
service of a higher end–the establishment of democracy and free markets, which would bring about
prosperity for all and Immanuel Kant's ideal of perpetual peace (Chace, 1997: 105; emphasis
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Cuba Research Paper
To what extent did the Central Intelligence Agency influence American policy regarding Cuba
during the Kennedy Administration?
By Spencer Matthaei
Table of Contents
Plan of Investigation, page 3
Summary of Evidence, page 3
Evaluation of Sources, page 5
Analysis, page 5
Conclusion, page 6
Bibliography, page 7
Plan of Investigation.
The aim of this investigation is to analyze the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in developing
American foreign policy, particularly pertaining to Cuba in the period of 1960–1963, during the
presidency of John F. Kennedy. To get a proper understanding of this, research must be conducted
into the context and circumstances of CIA activities not only in the early sixties, ... Show more
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The first source is the CIA's own history. The CIA's library maintains an organization called the
Center for the Study of Intelligence, which documents the CIA's historical operations through
declassified material. If material from a question source need be taken with a grain of salt, this broad
archive should be taken with the Dead Sea. The CIA notoriously works in the field of disinformation
and has in the past shown a deep concern with its reputation. However, this archive is well cited,
with references to many different works. The main advantage of this source is that whereas it does
cite many references to sources such as the New York Times, it also cites many documents
declassified in the early nineties related to the activities of the CIA in the fifties and
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Essay On The Marshall Plan
The Marshall plan was the plan named after George Marshall on June 5, 1947, to aid Western
Europe after World War II. The winter of 1946–1947 brought intense suffering to the people of
Western Europe and the only country economically healthy enough to help them was the United
States. The U.S organized a convention on July 12, 1947, to announce the plan, to which 16
countries agreed to the Marshall plan. The plan started in July 1948 and was immensely successful.
Konrad Adenauer was a Traditional Catholic man and the chancellor of post WWII Germany and
presided over the Economic and Cultural resurgence of West Germany. He also set West Germany
against the attacks from the soviet Union and communist threats. Faced with the decision to stand ...
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Some of his supporters, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt decided to wiretap the Democratic
National Committee Headquarters at the Watergate hotel. This was illegal and also unnecessary.
During the investigation into the scandal, it became known that Nixon had taped conversations with
him and declined to release them. After being ordered to release the taped, it became known that
Nixon had told the FBI to halt an inquiry into the Watergate break–in, which made him an accessory
to the crime. On August 9, 1974, Nixon became the first president to
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Essay On The Dulles Brothers
Just Imagine being in charge of an entire nation, and having a magnificent plan to help save the
world, all while having your brother right by your side. That is the story of the Dulles brothers in
Stephan Kenzer's book, "The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World
War". This book goes into great detail concerning two men in our history that first handedly lead our
nation and the world into severe events that are still concerning us today.
John Foster Dulles, was the secretary of state for President Eisenhower's time in office, and his
brother Allen Dulles was the director of Central Intelligence during the same time period. Up until
this time, there had never been siblings controlling side by side in U.S. foreign policy. One of the
Dulles brother's biggest influences on our history, in my opinion, is that they grafted a specific
philosophy into the American political character. They built a belief that the United States has the
right to overthrow a government it does not like. This is an extremely relevant topic right now in our
world involving our issues against other nations.
Long after the Dulles brothers died did the full consequences of their actions become clear. They
may have believed the countries in which they intervened would quickly become stable, prosperous
and free, but rather ... Show more content on ...
They felt that if other counties would become more and more like the United States, they would
become happier, more prosperous and be able to provide better lives for their people and stability for
the world. It never occurred to them that other countries have other cultures and different ideas
about what constitutes a good life and that the American system doesn't fit everybody. In
conclusions, decades later we could all agree that the Dulles approach to the world and this outlook
onto other nations did not work out well for
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Cold War Dbq Analysis
DBQ Cold War Immediately after World War II, the world was thrown into a massive ideological
conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union, which culminated into the Cold War. The
Cold War ignited overwhelming, panic–inducing fears across the United States, and Dwight D.
Eisenhower, elected in 1952 and remained president until 1960, was faced with the challenge of
quelling the fears of the American people. Americans during the Cold War, particularly during the
presidency of Eisenhower, had constant fears of Soviet expansion, the pertinent anticommunist
crusade at home, the spread of communism, and the neverending uneasiness of total nuclear
annihilation, all fears which the Eisenhower administration would inadequately allay. In ... Show
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John Foster Dulles, Eisenhower's Secretary of State, reported in June 1954 that the possible spread
of communism into South America could be absolutely detrimental and devastating to the United
States (Doc B). Though Dulles is rallying the American people to the cause of containment, he is
also making them realize that the expansion of communism is right at their footsteps, intensifying
fears in the long run. And while increased defense spending and better protection may cause
Americans to feel safer, the new modernized era of intercontinental ballistic missiles would change
the face of foreign policy, homeland security, and national safety forever. A 1958 Washington Post
cartoon ridiculing the grand commitment to missile programs during the Cold War brings to light the
public and governmental "hysteria" pertaining the looming missile race (Doc F). The cartoon
emphasizes on the lack of government focus on other things like welfare programs, civilian services,
and space development, which can be linked to the launching of the Sputnik satellite in 1957. When
Eisenhower left office and John F. Kennedy became president in 1961, Kennedy gave a tantamount
inaugural address in which he underscored the new missile race and missile program focus that the
United States had taken on in the previous
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Dulles Despotism
In his speech to the Congress of Industrial Organizations, "The Moral Initiative," Dulles warned
members attending the meeting, "We cannot, however, ignore the hazards created by international
communism, which plots to pervert nationalism to its own imperialistic ends." Dulles felt that it was
the responsibility of the free world to stand up against the despotism of Communism in the speech
he continues:
The great weakness of despotism has been, is, and always will be, its disregard of the rights of man.
Despotism can always be routed if free men exploit that weakness. If our example can illumine
again the great advantages of a free society, then Soviet communism will lose its deceptive appeal ...
This quest for liberty must be simultaneously ... Show more content on ...
There is not a single country in this hemisphere which has not been penetrated by the apparatus of
International Communism ... The Communist conspiracy is not to be taken lightly. It's agents
operate under the iron discipline of the Soviet Communist Party acting as the self–proclaimed
"General Staff of the World Proletariat." The agents themselves, in order to gain a following pretend
to be reformists seeking to eradicate the evils which exist in any society.
Dulles attempted to use the same tactic he had with the American people by frightening them of the
horrors of Communism. While some of the members of the conference needed little persuasions,
others were convinced by his speeches despite not being wholly concerned with the idea of
communism. Without Dulles persistence, the Caracas Conference could have ended on a drastically
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Pros And Cons Of Dr Strangelove
The film Dr. Strangelove does a great job in showing the pros and cons of deterrence. In the film
they throw there own twist on deterrence in a funny way, but the director also showed the dangers of
it too. After I heard Secretary of State John Foster Dulles quote on deterrence, I believe that John
Dulles was nuts, because he runs the risk of starting an actual nuclear war, which could lead to
worlds destruction and threatens the lives of innocent people. John Dulles was right in one aspect,
the ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is not a necessary art, but it is an art. The
biggest threat people felt during the cold war was that the world would end with nukes flying
everywhere. John Dulles did not make this threat any
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Milton Wagner Research Paper
Milton Wagner, of Wagner Law, is a litigation attorney whose practice areas include personal injury
cases that include but are not limited to car, motorcycle and pedestrian accidents. His firm also
includes cases involving consumer protection and business disputes. Education of Las Vegas
Personal Injury Attorney Milton Wagner: To prepare Milton for his career, he possesses a wide range
of training through his stellar education. He began his journey by acquiring a B.S. in economics
from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. He received his law degree from the George Washington
University Law School in Washington, DC. More About George Washington University Law
School: This law school is the oldest law school within Washington DC. It is a charter
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Essay on Nasser and the United States
In July 1952, the Egyptian government, headed by King Farouk, was overthrown in a bloodless
coup led by the Free Officers, soon to be known as the Egyptian Revolutionary Command Council
(RCC). The revolution was ostensibly led by Muhammad Naguib but it was clear that he was a mere
figurehead and in a little over two years, Gamal Abdel Nasser would assume the Presidency.
Although the goals of the RCC were somewhat unclear at the start, Nasser would embark on a
policy of creating an independent Egypt free from internal and external domination. It was the latter
goal that would set Nasser on a collision course with the West, initially Great Britain and to a lesser
extent France, but eventually the United States. As such, Nasser's commitment ... Show more
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Accordingly, the United States, in the midst of their conflict in Korea, could not have been more
pleased. As Great Britain's power in the Middle East was waning, the contest between the United
States and the Soviet Union increased in order to fill the vacuum of power left by the slowly–
vacating British. Immediately upon seizing power, the RCC showed a willingness to brutally
suppress domestic communist activities. According to Yaqub: The Truman administration was
enthusiastic about the new regime...The new government expressed a desire for friendly relations
with the United States and cracked down on communist activists who had taken part in the anti–
British disturbances, prompting Moscow to denounce the regime as reactionary.
The revolutionary regime in Egypt appeared to fulfill US aspirations in the Middle East in a sense
that it was sufficiently opposed to communism and at the same time appeared to have generated
popular sympathy. When in the fall of 1954 Nasser stated his willingness to align with the west
while seeing the USSR as the only real threat to Egypt's independence, the United States responded
by providing propaganda for Nasser's regime in Egypt and the Arab world. The appearance of
solidarity, however, was soon to be tested.
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How Did Eisenhower Administration Affect The People Of The...
The Eisenhower Administration had to deal with the challenges during the cold war, which affect
both the government and the people of the United States. McCarthyism was one of the issues that
Eisenhower had to keep an eye on. Senator McCarthy was fueling the environment with fear
regarding communism in the United States. McCarthy made many accusation amongst well known
people of Hollywood (blacklisted) and other important people that had a big influence on the
American population.Because of this, they many of them lost their and respect from the community.
As McCarty continued with his witch hunt, he turned his attention to the Army and accused them of
giving military information to communist countries. Eisenhower had enough and fired McCarty for
treason against the United ... Show more content on ...
The Russian searched for the best throughout Europe and Russia to help them succeed. Russia
succeeded in 1957 by sending out the first Russian Satellite Sputnik 1. Later that year the US Army
launched their first satellite in space called Explorer 1. Eisenhower created National Aeronautics and
Space Administration( NASA) and two programs that coincided with the CIA and the Air Force.
The National Defense Education Act was created to improve the education that the children were
receiving. The purpose of the was that many American's thought that Soviet Scientists were well
educated than American Scientists. Congress felt that American schools education needed teacher to
prepare the students for a higher learning with better curriculum in mathematics, engineering,
foreign language and many other academic subject. It was also to improve test programs and
counseling for the students. Provision were made for the student in a form a scholarship, loans to
advance the students in their education. This efforts was to generate new American Scientists to
advance the United States ahead in the Space
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The Nature Of Violence In Grendel And Beowulf
War is an inescapable pattern in history. The world is constantly in a state of war. In America, we see
a war amongst ourselves with racism, discrimination, and hate crime. These wars seem meaningless,
and reveal that humans have an ingrained yearning for violence. While reading the novels Beowulf,
told from the perspective of a hero, and Grendel, told from the perspective of the monster, the
innately violent nature of humans becomes apparent. Throughout Beowulf and Grendel, killing and
war are common themes. Both novels feature violent scenes that show the cruel nature of humans.
In Grendel, the humans attack because they feel unsure about Grendel's motives and uneasy by his
scary appearance. When the humans went to war, they often expressed joy and would hold parties to
congratulate themselves for killing others (Heaney 35). Throughout the novel, "Beowulf doings [of
murder] were praised over and over again" (Heaney 57) by the citizens of his city. The positive
response to these brutal acts demonstrates the human wanting for violence. History demonstrates
mans' violent tendencies. Jeffrey Goldstein, a psychologist at Temple University, says that "We write
and teach our history in terms of violent events, marking time by wars" (Kohn 1). We measure our
existence based on the violence we create. The climax of our histories is measured by the violence
and wars we endure. The non–war periods during history are "selective times of reporting" (Kohn
1), where we report violence
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Causes Of The Cold War Dbq
The Cold War was a state of tension between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. It
was characterized by an arms race particularly in nuclear weaponry. The Soviet Union and the
United States were also embroiled in a space race. The American people were afraid of nuclear war
and the global spread of communism after World War II. The Eisenhower administration did not
address these fears effectively, although he attempted to relieve these concerns. Nuclear war was a
great fear of the American people. They were worried that the Soviet Union would drop nuclear
weapons on them. Because of the arms race Eisenhower placed more money into missile programs
than united war stabilities, civilian services, space development, school construction, and welfare
programs ... Show more content on ...
He also signed public law 627 which agreed to put a 40,000–mile network of roads which would
connect 209 out of 237 cities with a population of at least 50,000 and served as the country's top
defense and industrial places (document 4). Eisenhower agreed to this Interstate highway system to
increase defense across the country in case of war. After the Soviet Union released Sputnik, a
satellite, the US people feared that it was a weapon of mass destruction. Eisenhower tried to combat
this fear by increasing attention to science and engineering in education to get into the space race
and fight against the Soviet Union. Eisenhower tried to ease fears in addition to these policies by
creating an "open skies" policy. This meant both the US and the Soviet Union could perform air
inspection on each other's military installations. The Soviet Union rejected this plan, and
Eisenhower sent U–2 planes to spy on the Soviet Union's military installations. The Soviet Union
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The United States Has Engaged In Numerous International
The United States has engaged in numerous international interventions in the Middle East. The two
major events that have shaped the politics of U.S. foreign policy, Israel, and the Arab states are the
Suez Crisis of 1956 and the Six Day War of 1967. President Eisenhower and President Johnson each
took different approaches while confronting these crises. The personalities, motives and
predispositions of the Presidents and their circle of closest advisors explain how they shaped their
policies and how they responded to the events. The decisions these Presidents made have had a
long–lasting effect on the region. Over the course of this paper, I will compare Eisenhower's policies
in the 1956 Suez Crisis and Johnson's policies in the 1967 Six ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, Eisenhower opposed the use of force–the U.S. sought a diplomatic solution to the
problem. Unlike the U.S., Britain and France viewed Nasser's action as a threat to their national
interests, which led to Operation Musketeer, involving Israel. On October 26, 1956, when the United
States learned of Israel's military mobilization, President Eisenhower personally sent messages to
Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion asking Israel to not take any action that would endanger the
peace. However, on October 29, 1956, Israel attacked the Egyptian army, taking control of the Sinai
and the Straits of Tiran. Britain, France, and Israel kept the operation secret from the United States.
Eisenhower felt personally insulted by his allies–UK and France–for disregarding the Tripartite
Agreement of 1950 and Operation Musketeer. "As a professional solider, he understood and did not
rule out the use of force" (Lenczowski, 48). In response to these developments, Eisenhower used
economic threats to force his British, French, and Israeli allies to withdraw from Egypt. Eisenhower
valued the UN system and international law, which explains why he took aggressive action to
resolve the conflict through the UN. In a resolution, the U.S. called for an immediate ceasefire and
the evacuation of Israeli, French, and British forces from Egypt under the supervision of a special
United Nations force.
As Lenczowski put it, "Johnson's presidency
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McCarthy and Modern Republicanism, An Outline Essay
Then of Dec of 1954 for Senate voted around 67 to 22 to help now censure McCarthy for his
behavior as he died alcoholic disease 3 years after Modern Republicanism
This was mastered through Dwight D. Eisenhower that pushed for this "Modern Republicanism"
that was of GOP idea to moderate the New Deal They Liked Ike
Republicans were not the majority and then were only around ⅓ for the registered voters
It was of Robert A. Taft for Ohio that had led the Republicans through the Senate since 1939 but
moderate time was coming with Eisenhower
Eisenhower was a popular choice due to his time during D–Day within Europe that Sen Richard M.
Nixon of CA as the VP not for Communism
Truman was not renominated within 1952 and had many ... Show more content on
Lawrence Seaway for linking the Great Lakes with Atlantic Ocean through program of U.S. and
Soviet Union then had the Sputnik within 1957 of the first satellite that caused for the U.S. to step
Eisenhower then had the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA a year after that
was of the U.S. making up ground in science
Eisenhower then reduced natural resources of turning over offshore oil to states or developers to
have private hydroelectric dams within Snake river
It was of the Eisenhower Republicans then were able to be apart of the liberal consensus within the
U.S. politics Eisenhower and the Cold War
It was of Sen. McCarthy that had his famous speech of 57 spies within the State Department
One of the main targets was of Dr. Frank P. Graham of the president of the University of North C
that targeted through the Communist attack
It was of Eisenhower and his sec of state of John Foster Dulles that was a lawyer that was ill through
his temperament for craft of diplomacy
Dulles then sought to get rid of "aesthetic Communism" and sought for "liberation" of eastern
Stalin died within March of 1953 that caused for stress for Soviets until 1956 of Nikita S.
Khrushchev that led their country
Khrushchev then sought to have "peaceful coexistence" with the westerns
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American Involvement in the Vietnam War
Like a moth to a flame, the United States has always been attracted to international affairs. In this
particular case communism in Vietnam was the flame that leered American bugs in, not knowing
that they would be brutally burned by communism in the end. From 1953 to 1961, all the initial
decisions involving Vietnam were made by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who once served as
the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe as well as the first Supreme Commander of
NATO. Thus, Eisenhower was very knowledgeable about war issues and was prepared to tackle
pending conflicts and avert the dispersal of communism when he came into office. Communism was
an immense fear of this great patriot, who witnessed to the "Red Scare" during the ... Show more
content on ...
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, believed that if Vietnam was to fall to communism like its
neighboring country of China, then "communist aggression against other free peoples in the area"
would surely resume (Dulles, 54). John Dulles' idea of containment was heavily acted upon once the
Soviet Union was on a global crusade to spread communism. Because China had just been
overtaken by communism, America feared that under China's influence Vietnam would also grow to
become communistic. Vietnam's past reveals their "monkey see, monkey do" mentality, adopting
China's Confucian social and political values. America felt that in due time, Vietnam would
predictably mimic China once again.
Taking Vietnam by its reins, the U.S. became more involved in Vietnam's struggles, and tried to
prevent the weakening South Vietnam's potential fate. In response to John Dulles' idea of
containment, it was decided that Vietnam would be divided at the 17th parallel. As a result, Ho Chi
Minh became upset and claimed that from "North to South, [Vietnam] must unite in
thought and deed" (Ho, After Geneva). America believed that by reenacting prior successful
containment strategies, they would also be victorious for Vietnam. Korea was soon the ideal
outcome that the United States longed for; a divided country that maintained the communism in one
area. Along with the division of Vietnam, Eisenhower
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Who Is Allen Dulles Considered As The Director Of Central...
Allen Dulles was the Director of Central Intelligence from 1953 until 1961 under the Eisenhower
administration and the beginning of the Kennedy administration. Dulles was the first civilian
Director of Central Intelligence, the longest serving Director of Central Intelligence, and helped
transform the CIA from a small government agency into the far–reaching network it is today.
Previously Allen Dulles worked as a Station Chief at the Office of Strategic Services, a government
agency that was the forerunner of the CIA. Before the OSS, Allen Dulles worked at his brother's
international law firm Sullivan and Cromwell; this position would have a strong influence on his
future actions as Director of Central Intelligence. When Dwight D. Eisenhower took office in 1953,
he appointed Allen Dulles the Director of Central Intelligence. He also selected John Foster Dulles
as the Secretary of State. These two positions placed the brothers at the center of US foreign affairs.
The Eisenhower administration gave Allen and John Dulles a long leash concerning foreign policy,
especially when it came to covert operations. The period from 1953 to 1961, the time when Allen
Dulles held the office of Director, was the most active period for CIA covert operations. The
political views of Allen Dulles were very black and white, there was no compromise; countries were
in favor of the United States' ideals or communist. As if wearing blinders, Allen Dulles could only
focus his attention on
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Cold War Dbq Research Paper
n the time period following World War 2, the beginning of the Cold War, Americans mainly feared
three things: the spreading of communism in the United States, the communist investigators
supposedly in America, and nuclear war between America and the Soviet Union.
Communism was covering Asia and Europe, striking fear in individuals as country after country fell
into communism. As American politicians strengthened the idea of containment, and cabinet
members such as John Foster Dulles spread the idea that "if world communism...will increase the
danger to the entire free world," Americans were greatly fearing communism. Citizens began
believing others when they announced that communism was "endangering the peace of America"
(Document B) and when they addressed the problem they had created by making statements such as
"we fear the men in the Kremlin." American citizens highly feared this horrific government of
communism, and the Eisenhower Administration did nothing to little to prevent these fears. Even
though they acknowledged these fears, they used this fear as support for spending on military
defense. The Americans fear during this time period was also displayed ... Show more content on ...
McCarthy of Wisconsin, spent years trying to expose communists in the government. During the
Cold War, few cases of disloyalty convinced many Americans that the U.S. government was ran by
traitors and spies. His thought of anyone being a communist ended up in prison or alienation.
Americans were always "fearing what unwise investigators will do to us here at home" (Document
A) and what their "hysterical reactions" could end up in. This fear was given insufficient attention to
by the Eisenhower Administration, as the communist investigators were backed by the government.
A great example of the fears Americans suffered from in the Cold War, American fear of communist
investigators in the nation, and the Eisenhower Administration did not attend to
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President Truman And President Dwight D. Eisenhower
President Harry Truman and President Dwight D. Eisenhower were each president during the Cold
War. Harry Truman became president during the end of World War II in 1945. His final term ended
in 1953. Dwight Eisenhower became president in the midst of the Cold war in 1953 and his last term
ended on 1961. Truman was Democratic and Eisenhower was Republican. They each had many
occasions when their policies had similar intentions, but they went about them differently. Each
wanted to end the fighting and to limit the spread of communism. They each also wanted to help
strengthen other parts of the world. They tried to achieve these issues by enacting foreign policies in
military, political and economic situations. Truman and Eisenhower each wanted to help limit the
increasing issue of communism. One approach they did was getting involved physically and
militarily in the countries that were in need. The peace conference at Potsdam was a failure, because
communist Russia still stood on their own and as their own separate nation. The Soviet Union had
already succeeded in conquering Poland, and much of Europe splitting up Germany. After Hitler
committed suicide, the main obstacle for the United States and many other countries was to avoid
the looming threat of communism. Truman created the Truman Doctrine to possibly stop or
postpone this issue. "I believe," he argued, "that it must be the policy of the United States to support
free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by
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Franklin D. Roosevelt and Score
D1. | | | The Soviet Union first learned of the American atomic bomb | | | Student Response | Value |
Correct Answer | Feedback | A. | from Franklin D. Roosevelt. | | | | B. | through conversations
between Truman and Stalin. | | | | C. | from the British and French. | | | | D. | through the use of
espionage. | | | | E. | when the first one was dropped on Japan. | | | | | Score: | 0/5 | Comments: | | | | C2.
| | | George Kennan believed firmly that | | | Student Response | Value | Correct Answer | Feedback |
A. | Congress should be allowed a leading role in foreign affairs. | | | | B. | public opinion should be
of paramount importance in ... Show more content on ...
| | | | B. | failed as an economic measure. | | | | C. | received wholehearted support from the Soviets. | |
| | D. | generated a broad industrial recovery in Western Europe. | | | | E. | had no effect on the U.S.
economy. | | | | | Score: | 0/5 | Comments: | | | | B14. | | | Which one of the following countries did
NOT become politically controlled by the Soviet Union after World War II? | | | Student Response |
Value | Correct Answer | Feedback | A. | Poland | | | | B. | Belgium | | | | C. | Hungary | | | | D. |
Bulgaria | | | | E. | Romania | | | | | Score: | 0/5 | Comments: | | | | C15. | | | Soviet bitterness toward the
United States immediately after World War II was primarily a result of | | | Student Response | Value
| Correct Answer | Feedback | A. | American threats to take military action against Eastern Europe. | |
| | B. | broken American promises regarding the future of Berlin. | | | | C. | the United States' refusal to
provide economic aid to the Soviet Union. | | | | D. | personal differences between Truman and Stalin.
| | | | E. | the United States' presence in West Germany. | | | | | Score: | 0/5 | Comments: | | | | B16. | | |
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization | | | Student
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Oil Lobby Case Study
The oil lobby was not the only reason the United States got involved, however. During a meeting
with top CIA and State Department officials in November 1952, shortly after Dwight D. Eisenhower
won the election. M16 agent C. M. Woodhouse brought to their attention the threat of communist
expansion in Iran. The United States, contending with the peak of Cold War tensions, viewed the
combination of Iran's long border with the Soviet Union, active Communist party, and the
Mossadeq–led nationalist movement as a major threat. The new secretary of state, John Foster
Dulles, and his brother, the new CIA director Allen Dulles, took the possibility of a communist
takeover very seriously. Shortly after Eisenhower's inauguration, the Dulles brothers agreed ... Show
more content on ...
They also carried out a "sham bombing" at the home of a clerical leader and set off "stink bombs" in
one or more mosques, using explosives provided by CIA headquarters. When the stink bombs did
not work well, they used dynamite blasting [sic] caps instead. Members of the TPBEDAMN
network may have carried out other covert political action activities during this period to create the
impression that the Tudeh Party was becoming increasingly aggressive and that Mosaddeq was
unable to control it." (Gasiorowski 2013,
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The Cause And Effect Of The 1954 Vietnam War
In the context of the Cold War, the issues in Vietnam became a hot topic in Asia for US, British and
French foreign policy. The 1954 crisis saw the fall of French Indochina as a result of the Battle of
Dien Bien Phu after the US–led attempt to protect the deteriorating French position had failed.
France, a colonial power in Vietnam had struggled to remain authoritative in a country fighting for
their independence after Ho Chi Minh's Declaration of Independence following the August
Revolution in 1945. We can use political cartoons and images to decipher the differing
interpretations of what historians and commentators thought of the time, to understand the cause and
effect of the 1954 crisis, involving the uncertainty of the Geneva settlement.
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The Cold War ( 1945-1989 )
The Cold War (1945–1989) was essentially a period in which fear ran rampant. Everyone in
America, from the young children to the President, was afraid. People were afraid because they
believed their freedom and security was being threatened by communist spies. They were afraid that
communism would take over the world and wipe out democracy. They were afraid that a nuclear
attack would occur and render them and the American economy helpless. In the midst of all their
fear, President Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected and managed to allay their fears by implementing
new policies and expanding FDR's New Deal, which was instrumental in ending the Great
Depression. During the Cold War, people all over the world were in a constant state of fear: "...the
world is suffering from a multiplicity of fears. We fear the men in the Kremlin, we fear what they
will do to our friends around them; we are fearing what unwise investigators will do to us here at
home as they try to combat subversion or bribery or deceit within. We fear depression; we fear the
loss of jobs" (Document A). In this document, President Eisenhower, while speaking at a press
conference, acknowledges the fears that are affecting the American people and the people around the
world. In doing so, he is showing that he is aware of the situation that the people are enduring, as
well as warning them about the consequences of acting solely out of fear: "All of these, with their
impact on the human mind, make us act almost
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Summary Of ' Killing Hope ' By William Blum
Heidi Michaud
History 333
Prof. Mary Duncan
17 May, 2015
Examining U.S. Motivation in the Guatemalan Coup
In William Blum's Book, Killing Hope, Blum claims that the U.S. backed a CIA overthrow of the
Guatemalan Government in 1954.. Blum challenges that the motivation for the coup was not based
on a true belief that Guatemala's President Jacobo Arbenz was leaning towards communism, and
alludes to the the idea that the true motivation for the Coup was the threat to economic gains to The
United Fruit Company. Research of the Coup shows that Blum is correct in that the United States
was indeed behind the overthrow of Arbenz. However, Blum does not allow for doubt in that
Arbenz's social reforms and political actions could have truly appeared as communist to the United
States. Although hindsight and time reveal the coup to be morally and politically wrong, it is valid to
recognize that at that time in history,the actions of Guatemala's President, coupled with private
interests and radical beliefs about what constituted communism, could have sincerely convinced the
U.S. government that there was a true communist threat in Guatemala. After World War II, the
United States' Cold War policy of Soviet Containment fostered a borderline hysterical fear of
communism in America. This fear created an atmosphere of U.S. hypervigilance towards any
actions that could appear remotely communist. "The U.S.–supported Coup in Guatemala was mostly
a result of strong anti–Communist
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Trop V. John Foster Dulles Summary
Title and Citation:
Name: Albert L. Trop v. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, et al. Citation: 356 U.S 86 78 S. Ct.
590; 2 L. Ed. 2d 630; 1958 U.S. LEXIS 1284. Year: 1958.
Trop was born in the United States. Trop abandoned post without permission, specifically a stockade
in Morocco, and planned to not return.
The following day he surrendered to an Army officer and was found guilty. As punishment he was
sentenced to three years of punitive prison labor, forfeiture of pay, and a dishonorable discharge.
Trop applied for a passport in 1952. The application was denied due to the Nationality Act of 1940
which states that members of the armed forces who deserted during time of war would lose their
citizenship. Trop filed in the federals courts to get declaration saying that he was a United States
citizen. ... Show more content on ...
In this case, Trop did not voluntarily relinquish or abandon his citizenship or become involved with
a foreign nation, thus the punishment of the Nationality Act of 1940 is unconstitutional.
Since the case involves the questioning of United States citizenship, the Supreme Court has
jurisdiction. Even though the desertion happened in French Morocco, Trop did not break any laws
there or effect Morocco.
Just like the the Perez v. Brownell case, the power to remove citizenship is not in the hands of the
National Government. The only way Trop's citizenship could get revoked would be if he
relinquished it or through conduct to which the revocation would be appropriate. The courts agreed
he did not give up his citizenship or join the enemy.
The courts decided that this case violated the 8th amendment because it would leave Trop stateless.
To leave one stateless would cause possible future harm because one would not belong to any
country. This punishment was ruled cruel.
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Why The Vietnam War Be Fought
There are many perspectives of why the Vietnam War should be fought. First, Ho Chi Minh thought
the Vietnam War should be fought because of the brutal colonial rule of the French imperialists'. In
the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, North Vietnam's leader, Ho Chi Minh says,
"...Nevertheless, for more than eighty years, the French imperialists, abusing the standard of Liberty,
Equality, and Fraternity, have violated our Fatherland and oppressed our fellow citizens. They have
acted contrary to the ideals of humanity and justice." This means that North Vietnam felt that France
was abusing their power as Vietnam's ruler. Under France's rule, Vietnam not have their freedom and
equal rights. By fighting in the Vietnam War, North Vietnam wants ... Show more content on ...
In the Opposition to the Spread of Communism Speech, the Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles
says, "...Under the conditions of today, the imposition on Southeast Asia of the political system of
Communist Russia and its Chinese Communist ally, by whatever means, must be a grave threat to
the whole free community." This means that the United States believed that communism was not a
good influence because it takes away the people's freedom and rights. Since America valued their
freedom, they wanted to be involved in the Vietnam War in order to protect the rights that they and
other countries have. Third, Dwight D. Eisenhower thought the Vietnam War should be fought
because of the domino effect. From the Interview with Copley Press, President of the United States,
Dwight D. Eisenhower says, "... "falling domino" principle. You have a row of dominoes set up, you
knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very
quickly." This means that if the United States do not contain communism in Vietnam, other
countries that are close to Vietnam would be influenced
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The Neo Nazis And The Nazi War Essay
After being given power over the German's Worker Party, Hitler aided in bolstering its ranks from a
measly seven members, he was the seventh official member, to well over three–thousand likeminded
people. (Marrs 20). In April of 1920, Hitler renamed the political group to the Nationalsozialistiche
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or the National Socialist German Worker's Party, which was shortened to
Nazi. (Marrs 21). Nazi is a term synonymous with evil in our time, and what it stands for casts a
long shadow over what is arguably the darkest times in modern history. Now seen as little more than
one of the many modern white supremacist movements, the Neo–Nazis, one might find it little more
than conspiracy theory to claim that the United States of America is a repackaged National Socialist
Government, or a fourth Reich. Author Jim Marrs writes, "Under the banner of freedom and
democracy, yet pursuing the agenda of the globalist who supported the Nazis, the United States
slowly turned from one of the most admired nations in the world to one of the most despised." (235–
To understand the significance of the claim that America today is, in quintessence, a successor of
Nazi policy and not simply theory the past has to be reexamined. In the year 1945 President Harry
Truman authorized "Operation Paperclip" after he was promised that no one with Nazi or military
records would be involved. (Marrs 149). "Operation Paperclip" was contrived by the United States
Office of Strategic
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How Did President Eisenhower Use Brinkmanship
President Eisenhower is willingly threatening to use nuclear war to maintain peace. This policy
came to be called massive retaliation. This new policy enabled Eisenhower to cut military spending
from $50 billion to $34 billion. This can worry many Americans about the well–being of their
nation. However, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the dominant figure in the nation's foreign
policy, strongly defended his approach. He thinks you should have to take chances for peace, just as
you must take chances in war. Taking strong action when needed is best instead of walking away
from it. Brinkmanship was the willingness to go to the brink of war to force the other side back
down. Critics argued that this was too dangerous. During several crises, however, President
Eisenhower felt compelled to threaten nuclear war. Eisenhower is strongly against communism and
is planning on using brinkmanship ... Show more content on ...
In a way, brinkmanship can be seen as hostile bargaining because it can take place in a genuine
crisis. Brinkmanship essentially relied on threatening the opponent and expecting them to back
down. But it is also suicidal because there is a chance neither party will back down, then the result
will be destruction for one or both parties involved.
Brinkmanship is also seen as a "slippery slope" because as a nation is threatening war more, it has to
be willing to follow through with those threats. One positive aspect of brinkmanship is that it allows
taxes to be lowered because no money is currently being spent on war. Another pro is that
brinkmanship is cheaper than actually fighting in a war. One negative aspect of brinkmanship is that
the more the United States threatens to go to war, the higher the changes of the nation slipping out
of control. The United States has to also be willing to go into a nuclear
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Who Is To Blame For The Cold War
¨The United States was responsible for the Cold War¨
Although the United States was not solely to blame for the start of the Cold War there are many
pieces of evidence that would say otherwise. In 1954 when the U.S secretary of state John Foster
Dulles announced the policy "massive retaliation" that stated any major Soviet attack would be met
with a massive nuclear response. The "massive retaliation" became the most significant product of
the cold war, the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. These were supported with the thermonuclear
bomb which has a much greater destructive power than the original atomic bomb. This became the
United States strategic nuclear arsenal. Not only did the United States create a deadly bomb but they
started an alliance ... Show more content on ...
Stalin's desire to dominate the world under communism and his takeover of Eastern Europe was
seen as the first step because during the Yalta Conference, Stalin agreed that he would let the
countries who were liberated from German occupation have free elections but the USSR took over
Eastern European and put in place a Communist government instead. Also When the USSR built the
Berlin Blockade in 1948, they made it impossible for the West to enter Berlin by land. They also
turned off the West's power by having coal shortage in order for the West Berliners to starve and
hopefully get the West's leaders to leave. In July 1945 there was another election in Britain called
the Potsdam Conference, where Churchill was replaced by Clement Attlee. Because of this the
conference was dominated by rivalry between Stalin and Truman, who was strongly against
communism. There were three main disagreements at the conference. Stalin wanted to destroy
Germany but Truman did not want to repeat the disaster of the Treaty of Versailles, secondly Stalin
wanted compensations from Germany but Truman disagreed, and lastly Stalin had won support in
setting up a pro Soviets government in Eastern Europe but Truman disagreed with Stalin once again.
This conference intensified the rivalry between the USSR and the
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Understanding And Being, 350. Lonergan
Lonergan, Understanding and Being, 350. Lonergan, Method in Theology, 339. Lonergan, Method
in Theology, 338. "Intellectual conversion is ... the elimination of ... [t]he myth is that knowing is
like looking, that objectivity is seeing what is there to be seen and not seeing what is not there, and
that the real is what is out there now to be looked at. ... Moral conversion changes the criterion of
one's decisions and choices from satisfactions to values. ... Religious conversion is being grasped by
ultimate concern. It is other–worldly falling in love. It is total and permanent self–surrender without
conditions, qualifications, reservations. But it is such a surrender, not as an act, but as a dynamic
state that is prior to and principle of subsequent acts." Lonergan, Method in Theology, 238–240.
Lonergan, Method in Theology, 338. Lonergan, Method in Theology, 338. David M. Coffey,
"Natural Knowledge of God: Reflections on Romans 1:18–32," Theological Studies 31, no. 4
(1970): 674–691. The other texts are Lonergan's own "Natural Knowledge of God" and the same
section of Pottmeyer's Der Glaube vor dem Anspruch der Wissenschaft that he refers to in that essay.
Coffey writes, "There [in Romans 1], where he [Paul] said that the Gentiles knew God, he was
speaking of the distant past, when they knew Him as Adam did, before they committed the sin that
led them into their present condition of ignorance. He does not say there that they ever knew Him
from reason alone, but rather
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Hostile Takeovers By The United States Essay
The United States government has had a long history of playing a dirty hand in the overthrow of
foreign nations governments, through economic, militaristic, and clandestine ways. Since, the
overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, the US government has been meddling in world affairs in
countries thousands of miles away. America's leaders have always labeled meddling in the affairs of
other countries, the ones the public knew about, as restoration of freedoms to the peoples of that
nation, or trying to stop the spread of communism. The result of this paper is to explore the reasons
that the US government chose to validate their interference in the governments of foreign nations,
and the effects those decisions had on the current worldly situation. ... Show more content on ...
The economic interests in those countries ranged from the corporate interests in the telephone and
copper industries of Chile, the agricultural land of Honduras, in Iran and Iraq it was about securing
stable, cheap oil supplies, and Nicaragua was due to Zelaya's liberal ideas that hurt American
interests and caused José Santos Zelaya, to be labeled as a tyrant by the US government. Starting
with the earliest overthrow of a foreign government after Hawaii would be Nicaragua. The chief
American interest in Nicaragua was the strong interest in the building of a canal across Nicaragua. It
was regarded to be the site of the Pan–American canal, cutting across the center point of Nicaragua,
was supposed to be a great economic triumph that may have brought Nicaragua from the present
state it is now in, into a possibly more stable state. The proceedings that resulted from the failure of
a private company that congress had sponsored to start dredging off of Nicaragua's Atlantic coast,
but went bankrupt soon after starting it. The only group of people who were excited for this failure,
were a group of french landowners who owned the land across the Panamanian isthmus, where
French engineers had unsuccessfully tried to build a canal earlier. If the french landowners could
find a buyer for the land that they owned, they had the prospect of becoming very rich. The french
landowners went ahead and hired a skilled New York lawyer, to lobby
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The Impact Of The Cold War On The Cold War
As the Cold War started to intensify, President Eisenhower began to worry about the strength of the
US economy. The Dulles Brothers, along with the president viewed the communist threat through
the same prism. They then decided on a foreign policy to fight against the communist expansion.
The Cold War affected the Dulles Brothers greatly. They were taught, from a young age that Soviet
leaders were plotting to take over the world and that they would use any means to ensure victory
which meant the end of civilisation. Therefore, they should be resisted by every mean, no matter
how distasteful. The Dulles Brothers admired this worldview. They crystalised the Cold War
paradigm and wanted to stop the Soviet Union from taking over the world and expanding
Click Here to find out more about Communism
"The Cold War isn't thawing; it is burning with a deadly heat. Communism isn't sleeping, it is, as
always, plotting, scheming, working, fighting". –Richard M. Nixon
John and Allen have spent decades of work defending the interests of America's biggest
multinational corporations. They were among the visionaries who developed the idea of corporate
globalism– what they and other founders of the Council on Foreign Relations called "liberal
internationalism." Their life's work was turning American money and power into ... Show more
content on ...
Eisenhower was the one who chose John Foster to be secretary of state. He also gave Allen the job
of being head of the CIA. This gave the two figures immense power and control over the US and
they were greatly respected by the citizens, despite the fact that they had obsessive hatred for
socialism. Eisenhower gave them the opportunity to do whatever, so long as it goes by their views.
"With a glance, a nod, and a few words, without consulting anyone other than the president, the
brothers could mobilize the full power of the United States anywhere in the world." (The Brothers
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The Suez Canal Crisis
Though widely acknowledged as one of the smaller incidents of the Eisenhower Presidency, the
Suez Canal Crisis did not only present one of the most concerning existential threats during the
1950s, it became a crucial turning point for U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Beyond that, this
crisis bucked the hundred–year–old status quo of Britain's monopoly of power in the region. Due to
the large flow of cross currents occurring at the same time, such as Egypt's engagements with the
Soviet Union, the British and French reactive policy to losing a foothold in the region, and Israel's
unwillingness to agree to a cease–fire, U.S. foreign policy rather than military intervention
expressed the genuine efforts of the Eisenhower administration to combat the threat of "international
communism" and the consequences of those efforts. In the past, the understanding of the Suez Canal
Crisis has largely been based from Egyptian and British viewpoints. However, in 2010 the Office of
the Historian in the U.S. Department of State released hundreds of recently declassified documents
made available to the public. Leading expert on the Eisenhower Presidency, Dr. David Nichols,
meticulously combed through these to document the day by day, and often minute by minute,
decisions made on behalf of the Eisenhower administration during the duration of the Suez Crisis.
After doing so, Dr. Nichols argues in his book, Eisenhower 1956: The President's Year of Crisis, that
these documents show the
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Policy Of Containment In Russia
1. The three sources of tension between the United states and the Soviet Union from the end of the
Second World War to the Marshall Plan are religious conflict, commercial expansion, and the
consolidation of dynastic power that transformed Europe. United States and the Soviet Union both
wanted to expand their territories with strong military and power. The Marshall Plan dealt with the
social issues which helped aid Western Europe economy. However, from the experience of World
War II, U.S. policy makers came to the decision that no hostile state can be allowed to gain control
over the populations, territories, and resources of Europe and East Asia. Americans in the United
States developed stronger military naval bases where they wanted to increase ... Show more content
on ...
Energy affected Iran's role in the Cold War because the Soviets troops had occupied parts of
northern Iran in order to develop contact with the country for its rich oil resources. In 1946, The
Soviet Union refuses to leave Iran and the Iran crisis emerges. Britain's former wartime prime
minister, Winston Churchill, stated that an "Iron Curtain" had descended across Europe, patronizing
the free west from the communist East. Churchill's speech assisted with the long term struggle
between the United States and Soviet Union. However, in March 1947, the Truman Doctrine was
announced, which guided the spirit of American foreign policy, where Americans began to
understand the postwar world. Harry S. Truman's speech succeeded in convincing both Republicans
and Democrats in Congress for the containment of communism, where both parties wanted freedom
and social justice. However, new national security and military alliance developed between the U.S.
and the Soviet Union where Atomic Energy Commission, National Security Council, and Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) were formed in 1947 for conduction in secret military operation abroad.
Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan borders with the Soviet Union. In 1941, the Anglo–Soviet invasion of
Iran occurred to secure the oil fields. In 1942, the United States develops the Office of Strategic
Services (OSS) the overseas intelligence service during war and predecessor of the
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US Intervention and the Acceleration of Genocide in...
US Intervention and the Acceleration of Genocide in Foreign Countries
In Roland Joffe's (1984) The Killing Fields, two journalists' attempt to uncover and expose the
detrimental effects of United States military action in Cambodia is thwarted by US intervention.
Army reporters deliver to the press a sanitized version of a bombing that has obliterated a
Cambodian city by mistake and the two journalists realize that the truth of the war is being
whitewashed and a way is being paved for authoritarian takeover in Asia. The United States has
always had an official policy of fighting Communism, and yet its tactics overseas seem to be
anything but helpful. In fact, very often the military action of the United States tends to support the
killing of many people. This paper will analyze the role of the United States in perpetuating or
aiding in the genocidal episodes of modern history and show how US intervention has often
accelerated genocidal events. As Stephen Kinzer states, "America's long 'regime change' century
dawned in 1893 with the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy" (2). Imperialism or New
Expansionism, as it was also called was on the rise. Industrialization had catapulted America from a
place with wild frontiers to a place where big business could couple with government to send
military around the world in order to colonize. The 20th century was a century of war, in which
America developed a colonial presence in the Philippines, South America, Central America,
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Who Was Responsible For Eden's Death Essay
When Eden returned from his leave in mid–December 1956 to resume his political duties, it was to
oversee the final withdrawal of British troops from Egypt. Although by the middle of January 1957,
it became apparent that his ill–health would require that he step down as Prime Minister. On 9
January 1957, Eden resigned stating "I do not feel that it is right for me to continue in the office as
the Queen's First Minister knowing that I shall be unable to do my full duty by my Sovereign and
country." Was Eden's poor health an issue with regards to his mental acuity during the Suez Crisis?
It didn't seem to affect Eisenhower, who had had a heart attack, or Dulles who suffered from cancer.
Not to mention that Eden lived another twenty years before passing away. At the time of Eden's
death in 1977, an obituary appeared in The Times, Eden "was the last Prime Minister to believe
Britain was a great power and the first to confront a crisis which proved she was not." Guy Millard,
Eden's Private Secretary while he was Prime Minister, stated in a conversation thirty years after the
Suez Crisis, "it was his mistake of course and a tragic and ... Show more content on
Nasser himself was concerned about his own military and even though Eisenhower was the
President, John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen Dulles appeared to have more power in the
government. Interestingly enough, the Suez Crisis was not just between Britain and Egypt, as both
France and Israel were involved, as were other nations. There was an issue between Iraq and Egypt,
France and Algeria, Israel and Jordan. Although the United States was not involved initially, it did
become a major player along with the United Nations. Even Canada, through Lester B. Pearson
became involved in policing the ceasefire and bringing in the Emergency
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Essay on The United States and the Suez Crisis of 1956
A: Plan of Investigation
Research Question: To what extent was the goal of U.S. actions surrounding the Suez Crisis of 1956
to preserve neutrality to protect U.S. interests?
Background: In the midst of the Cold War and the Arab–Israeli conflict, conflict arose over Gamal
Abdel Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal. This was of particular concern due to Nasser's
increased connection with the Soviet Union, through the Czech Arms agreement and the Aswan
Dam. Following Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal, Great Britain, France, and Israel
invaded Egypt. In facing this crisis, the U.S. had to consider Cold War politics with the Soviet
Union, relations with Arab and Israeli nations, and relations with the invading powers
Scope: ... Show more content on ...
We felt this to be a misguided policy on the part of the Government of Egypt." (Eisenhower Radio
and Television Report)
"The Soviet–Egyptian arms deal of September 1955 seemed doubly troubling because it signaled
new departures both in Soviet assertiveness in the region and in an Arab state's receptivity to Soviet
aid." (Hahn 151)
Aswan Dam:
"In exchange for offers of Anglo–U.S. financial aid to build the Aswan Dam in late 1955, Nasser
suspended active opposition to the [Bagdad] pact provided that no other states were recruited to join
it" (Hahn 153).
"Eisenhower hoped that the recent Anglo–U.S. offer to fund construction of the Aswan Dam might
win Nasser's cooperation and that Israel's insecurity stemming from the Soviet–Egyptian arms deal
would force the Jewish state to negotiate" (Hahn 190)
Nasser resumed denouncing the Bagdad Pact (Hahn 153)
According to John Foster Dulles, the US Secretary of State, revoking the Aswan funding offer was
intended to "'let Colonel Nasser realize that he cannot cooperate as he is doing with the
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Eisenhower 1956 Book Review

  • 1. Eisenhower 1956 Book Review Nichols Review In 2011, Simon & Schuster published Eisenhower 1956: The President's Year of Crisis – Suez and the Brink of War by David A. Nichols. The book's main purpose was to illustrate how Eisenhower guided the world through 1956 without a global war. That year saw both the Suez Crisis and the Soviet invasion of Hungary. Despite a plethora of personal troubles, including a severe heart attack and major intestinal surgery, the president continued to lead the United States (US). He even ran for reelection in the midst of illness and international chaos. Overall, Nichols does an excellent job of telling the story in great factual detail while maintaining the attention of the reader. He hardly develops any characters beyond Eisenhower, ... Show more content on ... Within the US the major players are President Eisenhower and the Dulles brothers. John Foster Dulles was the secretary of state and his brother, Allen Dulles, was head of the newly established Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). While Eisenhower was in the hospital following his medical emergencies, these two, for all intents and purposes, controlled foreign affairs. John Foster Dulles was in the middle of a major health crisis, but aside from his hospitalization, its effects on his decision making are rarely mentioned. In 1956 Sir Anthony Eden led the British as prime minister. He also experienced severe health complications, but Nichols hardly mentions them either, leaving the reader with a very negative perception of Eden and his leadership. Prime Minister Guy Mollet led France during the Suez Crisis, but the author provides even less information about him than he does regarding Eden. Israel at this time was commanded by Prime Minister David Ben–Gurion, a hawkish diplomat with a burning desire to see the fall of Nasser and his anti–Israeli regime. The USSR's leader, Premier Nikolia Bulganin, is typically portrayed as a reasonable man, aside from his brutal repression of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956. Neither he, nor President Eisenhower wanted to be the cause of the next major global conflict. The final main character is President Gamal Abd al–Nasser. Nichols does an excellent job of painting Nasser to be a prudent, approachable, and non– violent leader. Despite his dislike of Israel, he was willing to cooperate with pro–Israeli nations in order to achieve peace. Throughout the book, the author gives great attention to the personal interactions between these key players, adding a level of detail and intimacy with the characters unseen in many accounts of this same ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Executive Branch: Role In Foreign Affairs When asked today who controls the majority of the foreign policy of the United States, an American would probably answer, "The Executive Branch." However, the legislative branch plays a role in foreign affairs as well. When President Obama traveled to Cuba, twenty members of congress accompanied him. In fact there once was a time, a small window in post World War II America, where the executive branch would not dare to make a decision without consulting the Senate's Committee on Foreign Relations. Instead, President Truman committed himself to working with members of his own party as well as Republicans to foster a bipartisan, decisive congress. World War II had created a perfect storm for bipartisanship to flourish: Europe was in tatters, ... Show more content on ... In order to see a United Nations that allowed open discussion of world issues, the Republican and Democrat United States delegates had to be united in their proposals and opinions at all times. The United States Delegates during the San Francisco Conference worked for a United Nations that could not necessarily exercise military or economic power, but moral power and the power of a global opinion: as Senator Vandenberg explained, it would be the "Town Meeting of the world." These principles offended the Soviet Union's idea that the strongest nations should rule over the weaker ones, but they especially fought over the terms of the Security Council and the General ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Covert Action Essay Covert Action A Necessary Evil? The term "Covert Action" brings with it a connotation of shadowy figures wrapped in secrecy and intrigue. It also brings with it a substantial amount of moral questions as to "what is right." The use of covert action has been widely publicized since the early seventies, but trying to find out the truth to these events has been difficult to say the least. What is even more difficult, is historically recording these events into categories of successes or failures. These operations are difficult to dissect because of their secrecy and although events have been recorded, some facts simply aren't apparent. This paper will seek to identify the complex issues associated with covert operations. United ... Show more content on ... The start of the coup would begin through a series of events highlighting Mossadegh negatively. The first part of this would be to paint Mossadegh and his government as anti–religious due to the ties between him and the Tudeh (and the Soviet Union).(7) The second part of this would be to instill a fear that Mossadegh was leading the country into economic collapse. This would be publicized through the use illegally issued paper money (printed by the CIA).(8) These two factors would cause widespread civil unrest with the people of Iran in which the Shah would remove Mossadegh from office and replace him with Zahedi. The key to the success of the operation was support from the Shah which in part seemed difficult at times because of his indecisiveness. On the morning of 19 August 1953, the coup began and by 5:25pm Zahedi had ascended into power courtesy of the SIS and CIA. Iran: Aftermath The Shah would remain in power until 1979. A series of events sparking from that day in August 1953 would finally boil over and force him to flee the country. The Shah was viewed as a puppet leader of the western world and forced into exile.(9) There are many factors that relate to the cause of the Iranian Revolution in 1979 and many of them involve the Shah and his government. Was the operation viewed as a success? At the time, yes. But looking at the events which unfolded over the period of 1953–1979 ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Anthropian Analysis Why characterize the orthodox social construction the history of U.S. foreign policy as "Winthropian?" The reason is rather straightforward: John Winthrop's 1630 sermon on–board the Arabella off the coast of Boston Bay set the stage for what has come to be the orthodox self– understanding of America and American foreign policy. This self–understanding has aptly been characterized as "American exceptionalism." In essence, this was the belief that America was a great experiment, fraught with risk but animated by the conviction–as John Winthrop, the first governor of Massachusetts, famously described it in 1630 aboard a ship off the New England coast–that America should be 'as a city upon a hill,' the eyes of all people upon us, and if we should fail to make this city a beacon of hope and decency, and "deal falsely with our God," we should be cursed (Chace, 2002: 2). Or, as James Chace has written elsewhere – placing a particular accent on U.S. foreign policy: ... Show more content on ... [The] America of Woodrow Wilson and John Foster Dulles, the crusader nation prepared in 1917 to "make the world safe for democracy" or to roll back communism by liberating Eastern Europe in the Eisenhower–Dulles years.... Whatever wrongs we committed, surely, we believed, they were in the service of a higher end–the establishment of democracy and free markets, which would bring about prosperity for all and Immanuel Kant's ideal of perpetual peace (Chace, 1997: 105; emphasis ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Cuba Research Paper To what extent did the Central Intelligence Agency influence American policy regarding Cuba during the Kennedy Administration? By Spencer Matthaei Table of Contents Plan of Investigation, page 3 Summary of Evidence, page 3 Evaluation of Sources, page 5 Analysis, page 5 Conclusion, page 6 Bibliography, page 7 Plan of Investigation. The aim of this investigation is to analyze the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in developing American foreign policy, particularly pertaining to Cuba in the period of 1960–1963, during the presidency of John F. Kennedy. To get a proper understanding of this, research must be conducted into the context and circumstances of CIA activities not only in the early sixties, ... Show more content on ... The first source is the CIA's own history. The CIA's library maintains an organization called the Center for the Study of Intelligence, which documents the CIA's historical operations through declassified material. If material from a question source need be taken with a grain of salt, this broad archive should be taken with the Dead Sea. The CIA notoriously works in the field of disinformation and has in the past shown a deep concern with its reputation. However, this archive is well cited, with references to many different works. The main advantage of this source is that whereas it does cite many references to sources such as the New York Times, it also cites many documents declassified in the early nineties related to the activities of the CIA in the fifties and ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Essay On The Marshall Plan The Marshall plan was the plan named after George Marshall on June 5, 1947, to aid Western Europe after World War II. The winter of 1946–1947 brought intense suffering to the people of Western Europe and the only country economically healthy enough to help them was the United States. The U.S organized a convention on July 12, 1947, to announce the plan, to which 16 countries agreed to the Marshall plan. The plan started in July 1948 and was immensely successful. Konrad Adenauer was a Traditional Catholic man and the chancellor of post WWII Germany and presided over the Economic and Cultural resurgence of West Germany. He also set West Germany against the attacks from the soviet Union and communist threats. Faced with the decision to stand ... Show more content on ... Some of his supporters, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt decided to wiretap the Democratic National Committee Headquarters at the Watergate hotel. This was illegal and also unnecessary. During the investigation into the scandal, it became known that Nixon had taped conversations with him and declined to release them. After being ordered to release the taped, it became known that Nixon had told the FBI to halt an inquiry into the Watergate break–in, which made him an accessory to the crime. On August 9, 1974, Nixon became the first president to ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Essay On The Dulles Brothers Just Imagine being in charge of an entire nation, and having a magnificent plan to help save the world, all while having your brother right by your side. That is the story of the Dulles brothers in Stephan Kenzer's book, "The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War". This book goes into great detail concerning two men in our history that first handedly lead our nation and the world into severe events that are still concerning us today. John Foster Dulles, was the secretary of state for President Eisenhower's time in office, and his brother Allen Dulles was the director of Central Intelligence during the same time period. Up until this time, there had never been siblings controlling side by side in U.S. foreign policy. One of the Dulles brother's biggest influences on our history, in my opinion, is that they grafted a specific philosophy into the American political character. They built a belief that the United States has the right to overthrow a government it does not like. This is an extremely relevant topic right now in our world involving our issues against other nations. Long after the Dulles brothers died did the full consequences of their actions become clear. They may have believed the countries in which they intervened would quickly become stable, prosperous and free, but rather ... Show more content on ... They felt that if other counties would become more and more like the United States, they would become happier, more prosperous and be able to provide better lives for their people and stability for the world. It never occurred to them that other countries have other cultures and different ideas about what constitutes a good life and that the American system doesn't fit everybody. In conclusions, decades later we could all agree that the Dulles approach to the world and this outlook onto other nations did not work out well for ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Cold War Dbq Analysis DBQ Cold War Immediately after World War II, the world was thrown into a massive ideological conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union, which culminated into the Cold War. The Cold War ignited overwhelming, panic–inducing fears across the United States, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, elected in 1952 and remained president until 1960, was faced with the challenge of quelling the fears of the American people. Americans during the Cold War, particularly during the presidency of Eisenhower, had constant fears of Soviet expansion, the pertinent anticommunist crusade at home, the spread of communism, and the neverending uneasiness of total nuclear annihilation, all fears which the Eisenhower administration would inadequately allay. In ... Show more content on ... John Foster Dulles, Eisenhower's Secretary of State, reported in June 1954 that the possible spread of communism into South America could be absolutely detrimental and devastating to the United States (Doc B). Though Dulles is rallying the American people to the cause of containment, he is also making them realize that the expansion of communism is right at their footsteps, intensifying fears in the long run. And while increased defense spending and better protection may cause Americans to feel safer, the new modernized era of intercontinental ballistic missiles would change the face of foreign policy, homeland security, and national safety forever. A 1958 Washington Post cartoon ridiculing the grand commitment to missile programs during the Cold War brings to light the public and governmental "hysteria" pertaining the looming missile race (Doc F). The cartoon emphasizes on the lack of government focus on other things like welfare programs, civilian services, and space development, which can be linked to the launching of the Sputnik satellite in 1957. When Eisenhower left office and John F. Kennedy became president in 1961, Kennedy gave a tantamount inaugural address in which he underscored the new missile race and missile program focus that the United States had taken on in the previous ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Dulles Despotism In his speech to the Congress of Industrial Organizations, "The Moral Initiative," Dulles warned members attending the meeting, "We cannot, however, ignore the hazards created by international communism, which plots to pervert nationalism to its own imperialistic ends." Dulles felt that it was the responsibility of the free world to stand up against the despotism of Communism in the speech he continues: The great weakness of despotism has been, is, and always will be, its disregard of the rights of man. Despotism can always be routed if free men exploit that weakness. If our example can illumine again the great advantages of a free society, then Soviet communism will lose its deceptive appeal ... This quest for liberty must be simultaneously ... Show more content on ... There is not a single country in this hemisphere which has not been penetrated by the apparatus of International Communism ... The Communist conspiracy is not to be taken lightly. It's agents operate under the iron discipline of the Soviet Communist Party acting as the self–proclaimed "General Staff of the World Proletariat." The agents themselves, in order to gain a following pretend to be reformists seeking to eradicate the evils which exist in any society. Dulles attempted to use the same tactic he had with the American people by frightening them of the horrors of Communism. While some of the members of the conference needed little persuasions, others were convinced by his speeches despite not being wholly concerned with the idea of communism. Without Dulles persistence, the Caracas Conference could have ended on a drastically different ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Pros And Cons Of Dr Strangelove The film Dr. Strangelove does a great job in showing the pros and cons of deterrence. In the film they throw there own twist on deterrence in a funny way, but the director also showed the dangers of it too. After I heard Secretary of State John Foster Dulles quote on deterrence, I believe that John Dulles was nuts, because he runs the risk of starting an actual nuclear war, which could lead to worlds destruction and threatens the lives of innocent people. John Dulles was right in one aspect, the ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is not a necessary art, but it is an art. The biggest threat people felt during the cold war was that the world would end with nukes flying everywhere. John Dulles did not make this threat any ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Milton Wagner Research Paper Milton Wagner, of Wagner Law, is a litigation attorney whose practice areas include personal injury cases that include but are not limited to car, motorcycle and pedestrian accidents. His firm also includes cases involving consumer protection and business disputes. Education of Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Milton Wagner: To prepare Milton for his career, he possesses a wide range of training through his stellar education. He began his journey by acquiring a B.S. in economics from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. He received his law degree from the George Washington University Law School in Washington, DC. More About George Washington University Law School: This law school is the oldest law school within Washington DC. It is a charter ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Essay on Nasser and the United States In July 1952, the Egyptian government, headed by King Farouk, was overthrown in a bloodless coup led by the Free Officers, soon to be known as the Egyptian Revolutionary Command Council (RCC). The revolution was ostensibly led by Muhammad Naguib but it was clear that he was a mere figurehead and in a little over two years, Gamal Abdel Nasser would assume the Presidency. Although the goals of the RCC were somewhat unclear at the start, Nasser would embark on a policy of creating an independent Egypt free from internal and external domination. It was the latter goal that would set Nasser on a collision course with the West, initially Great Britain and to a lesser extent France, but eventually the United States. As such, Nasser's commitment ... Show more content on ... Accordingly, the United States, in the midst of their conflict in Korea, could not have been more pleased. As Great Britain's power in the Middle East was waning, the contest between the United States and the Soviet Union increased in order to fill the vacuum of power left by the slowly– vacating British. Immediately upon seizing power, the RCC showed a willingness to brutally suppress domestic communist activities. According to Yaqub: The Truman administration was enthusiastic about the new regime...The new government expressed a desire for friendly relations with the United States and cracked down on communist activists who had taken part in the anti– British disturbances, prompting Moscow to denounce the regime as reactionary. The revolutionary regime in Egypt appeared to fulfill US aspirations in the Middle East in a sense that it was sufficiently opposed to communism and at the same time appeared to have generated popular sympathy. When in the fall of 1954 Nasser stated his willingness to align with the west while seeing the USSR as the only real threat to Egypt's independence, the United States responded by providing propaganda for Nasser's regime in Egypt and the Arab world. The appearance of solidarity, however, was soon to be tested. ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. How Did Eisenhower Administration Affect The People Of The... The Eisenhower Administration had to deal with the challenges during the cold war, which affect both the government and the people of the United States. McCarthyism was one of the issues that Eisenhower had to keep an eye on. Senator McCarthy was fueling the environment with fear regarding communism in the United States. McCarthy made many accusation amongst well known people of Hollywood (blacklisted) and other important people that had a big influence on the American population.Because of this, they many of them lost their and respect from the community. As McCarty continued with his witch hunt, he turned his attention to the Army and accused them of giving military information to communist countries. Eisenhower had enough and fired McCarty for treason against the United ... Show more content on ... The Russian searched for the best throughout Europe and Russia to help them succeed. Russia succeeded in 1957 by sending out the first Russian Satellite Sputnik 1. Later that year the US Army launched their first satellite in space called Explorer 1. Eisenhower created National Aeronautics and Space Administration( NASA) and two programs that coincided with the CIA and the Air Force. The National Defense Education Act was created to improve the education that the children were receiving. The purpose of the was that many American's thought that Soviet Scientists were well educated than American Scientists. Congress felt that American schools education needed teacher to prepare the students for a higher learning with better curriculum in mathematics, engineering, foreign language and many other academic subject. It was also to improve test programs and counseling for the students. Provision were made for the student in a form a scholarship, loans to advance the students in their education. This efforts was to generate new American Scientists to advance the United States ahead in the Space ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Nature Of Violence In Grendel And Beowulf War is an inescapable pattern in history. The world is constantly in a state of war. In America, we see a war amongst ourselves with racism, discrimination, and hate crime. These wars seem meaningless, and reveal that humans have an ingrained yearning for violence. While reading the novels Beowulf, told from the perspective of a hero, and Grendel, told from the perspective of the monster, the innately violent nature of humans becomes apparent. Throughout Beowulf and Grendel, killing and war are common themes. Both novels feature violent scenes that show the cruel nature of humans. In Grendel, the humans attack because they feel unsure about Grendel's motives and uneasy by his scary appearance. When the humans went to war, they often expressed joy and would hold parties to congratulate themselves for killing others (Heaney 35). Throughout the novel, "Beowulf doings [of murder] were praised over and over again" (Heaney 57) by the citizens of his city. The positive response to these brutal acts demonstrates the human wanting for violence. History demonstrates mans' violent tendencies. Jeffrey Goldstein, a psychologist at Temple University, says that "We write and teach our history in terms of violent events, marking time by wars" (Kohn 1). We measure our existence based on the violence we create. The climax of our histories is measured by the violence and wars we endure. The non–war periods during history are "selective times of reporting" (Kohn 1), where we report violence ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Causes Of The Cold War Dbq The Cold War was a state of tension between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. It was characterized by an arms race particularly in nuclear weaponry. The Soviet Union and the United States were also embroiled in a space race. The American people were afraid of nuclear war and the global spread of communism after World War II. The Eisenhower administration did not address these fears effectively, although he attempted to relieve these concerns. Nuclear war was a great fear of the American people. They were worried that the Soviet Union would drop nuclear weapons on them. Because of the arms race Eisenhower placed more money into missile programs than united war stabilities, civilian services, space development, school construction, and welfare programs ... Show more content on ... He also signed public law 627 which agreed to put a 40,000–mile network of roads which would connect 209 out of 237 cities with a population of at least 50,000 and served as the country's top defense and industrial places (document 4). Eisenhower agreed to this Interstate highway system to increase defense across the country in case of war. After the Soviet Union released Sputnik, a satellite, the US people feared that it was a weapon of mass destruction. Eisenhower tried to combat this fear by increasing attention to science and engineering in education to get into the space race and fight against the Soviet Union. Eisenhower tried to ease fears in addition to these policies by creating an "open skies" policy. This meant both the US and the Soviet Union could perform air inspection on each other's military installations. The Soviet Union rejected this plan, and Eisenhower sent U–2 planes to spy on the Soviet Union's military installations. The Soviet Union then ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The United States Has Engaged In Numerous International The United States has engaged in numerous international interventions in the Middle East. The two major events that have shaped the politics of U.S. foreign policy, Israel, and the Arab states are the Suez Crisis of 1956 and the Six Day War of 1967. President Eisenhower and President Johnson each took different approaches while confronting these crises. The personalities, motives and predispositions of the Presidents and their circle of closest advisors explain how they shaped their policies and how they responded to the events. The decisions these Presidents made have had a long–lasting effect on the region. Over the course of this paper, I will compare Eisenhower's policies in the 1956 Suez Crisis and Johnson's policies in the 1967 Six ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, Eisenhower opposed the use of force–the U.S. sought a diplomatic solution to the problem. Unlike the U.S., Britain and France viewed Nasser's action as a threat to their national interests, which led to Operation Musketeer, involving Israel. On October 26, 1956, when the United States learned of Israel's military mobilization, President Eisenhower personally sent messages to Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion asking Israel to not take any action that would endanger the peace. However, on October 29, 1956, Israel attacked the Egyptian army, taking control of the Sinai and the Straits of Tiran. Britain, France, and Israel kept the operation secret from the United States. Eisenhower felt personally insulted by his allies–UK and France–for disregarding the Tripartite Agreement of 1950 and Operation Musketeer. "As a professional solider, he understood and did not rule out the use of force" (Lenczowski, 48). In response to these developments, Eisenhower used economic threats to force his British, French, and Israeli allies to withdraw from Egypt. Eisenhower valued the UN system and international law, which explains why he took aggressive action to resolve the conflict through the UN. In a resolution, the U.S. called for an immediate ceasefire and the evacuation of Israeli, French, and British forces from Egypt under the supervision of a special United Nations force. As Lenczowski put it, "Johnson's presidency ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. McCarthy and Modern Republicanism, An Outline Essay Then of Dec of 1954 for Senate voted around 67 to 22 to help now censure McCarthy for his behavior as he died alcoholic disease 3 years after Modern Republicanism This was mastered through Dwight D. Eisenhower that pushed for this "Modern Republicanism" that was of GOP idea to moderate the New Deal They Liked Ike Republicans were not the majority and then were only around ⅓ for the registered voters It was of Robert A. Taft for Ohio that had led the Republicans through the Senate since 1939 but moderate time was coming with Eisenhower Eisenhower was a popular choice due to his time during D–Day within Europe that Sen Richard M. Nixon of CA as the VP not for Communism Truman was not renominated within 1952 and had many ... Show more content on ... Lawrence Seaway for linking the Great Lakes with Atlantic Ocean through program of U.S. and Canada Soviet Union then had the Sputnik within 1957 of the first satellite that caused for the U.S. to step up Eisenhower then had the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA a year after that was of the U.S. making up ground in science Eisenhower then reduced natural resources of turning over offshore oil to states or developers to have private hydroelectric dams within Snake river It was of the Eisenhower Republicans then were able to be apart of the liberal consensus within the U.S. politics Eisenhower and the Cold War It was of Sen. McCarthy that had his famous speech of 57 spies within the State Department One of the main targets was of Dr. Frank P. Graham of the president of the University of North C that targeted through the Communist attack It was of Eisenhower and his sec of state of John Foster Dulles that was a lawyer that was ill through his temperament for craft of diplomacy Dulles then sought to get rid of "aesthetic Communism" and sought for "liberation" of eastern europe Stalin died within March of 1953 that caused for stress for Soviets until 1956 of Nikita S. Khrushchev that led their country Khrushchev then sought to have "peaceful coexistence" with the westerns ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. American Involvement in the Vietnam War Like a moth to a flame, the United States has always been attracted to international affairs. In this particular case communism in Vietnam was the flame that leered American bugs in, not knowing that they would be brutally burned by communism in the end. From 1953 to 1961, all the initial decisions involving Vietnam were made by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who once served as the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe as well as the first Supreme Commander of NATO. Thus, Eisenhower was very knowledgeable about war issues and was prepared to tackle pending conflicts and avert the dispersal of communism when he came into office. Communism was an immense fear of this great patriot, who witnessed to the "Red Scare" during the ... Show more content on ... Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, believed that if Vietnam was to fall to communism like its neighboring country of China, then "communist aggression against other free peoples in the area" would surely resume (Dulles, 54). John Dulles' idea of containment was heavily acted upon once the Soviet Union was on a global crusade to spread communism. Because China had just been overtaken by communism, America feared that under China's influence Vietnam would also grow to become communistic. Vietnam's past reveals their "monkey see, monkey do" mentality, adopting China's Confucian social and political values. America felt that in due time, Vietnam would predictably mimic China once again. Taking Vietnam by its reins, the U.S. became more involved in Vietnam's struggles, and tried to prevent the weakening South Vietnam's potential fate. In response to John Dulles' idea of containment, it was decided that Vietnam would be divided at the 17th parallel. As a result, Ho Chi Minh became upset and claimed that from "North to South, [Vietnam] must unite in thought and deed" (Ho, After Geneva). America believed that by reenacting prior successful containment strategies, they would also be victorious for Vietnam. Korea was soon the ideal outcome that the United States longed for; a divided country that maintained the communism in one area. Along with the division of Vietnam, Eisenhower ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Who Is Allen Dulles Considered As The Director Of Central... Allen Dulles was the Director of Central Intelligence from 1953 until 1961 under the Eisenhower administration and the beginning of the Kennedy administration. Dulles was the first civilian Director of Central Intelligence, the longest serving Director of Central Intelligence, and helped transform the CIA from a small government agency into the far–reaching network it is today. Previously Allen Dulles worked as a Station Chief at the Office of Strategic Services, a government agency that was the forerunner of the CIA. Before the OSS, Allen Dulles worked at his brother's international law firm Sullivan and Cromwell; this position would have a strong influence on his future actions as Director of Central Intelligence. When Dwight D. Eisenhower took office in 1953, he appointed Allen Dulles the Director of Central Intelligence. He also selected John Foster Dulles as the Secretary of State. These two positions placed the brothers at the center of US foreign affairs. The Eisenhower administration gave Allen and John Dulles a long leash concerning foreign policy, especially when it came to covert operations. The period from 1953 to 1961, the time when Allen Dulles held the office of Director, was the most active period for CIA covert operations. The political views of Allen Dulles were very black and white, there was no compromise; countries were in favor of the United States' ideals or communist. As if wearing blinders, Allen Dulles could only focus his attention on ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Cold War Dbq Research Paper n the time period following World War 2, the beginning of the Cold War, Americans mainly feared three things: the spreading of communism in the United States, the communist investigators supposedly in America, and nuclear war between America and the Soviet Union. Communism was covering Asia and Europe, striking fear in individuals as country after country fell into communism. As American politicians strengthened the idea of containment, and cabinet members such as John Foster Dulles spread the idea that "if world communism...will increase the danger to the entire free world," Americans were greatly fearing communism. Citizens began believing others when they announced that communism was "endangering the peace of America" (Document B) and when they addressed the problem they had created by making statements such as "we fear the men in the Kremlin." American citizens highly feared this horrific government of communism, and the Eisenhower Administration did nothing to little to prevent these fears. Even though they acknowledged these fears, they used this fear as support for spending on military defense. The Americans fear during this time period was also displayed ... Show more content on ... McCarthy of Wisconsin, spent years trying to expose communists in the government. During the Cold War, few cases of disloyalty convinced many Americans that the U.S. government was ran by traitors and spies. His thought of anyone being a communist ended up in prison or alienation. Americans were always "fearing what unwise investigators will do to us here at home" (Document A) and what their "hysterical reactions" could end up in. This fear was given insufficient attention to by the Eisenhower Administration, as the communist investigators were backed by the government. A great example of the fears Americans suffered from in the Cold War, American fear of communist investigators in the nation, and the Eisenhower Administration did not attend to ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. President Truman And President Dwight D. Eisenhower President Harry Truman and President Dwight D. Eisenhower were each president during the Cold War. Harry Truman became president during the end of World War II in 1945. His final term ended in 1953. Dwight Eisenhower became president in the midst of the Cold war in 1953 and his last term ended on 1961. Truman was Democratic and Eisenhower was Republican. They each had many occasions when their policies had similar intentions, but they went about them differently. Each wanted to end the fighting and to limit the spread of communism. They each also wanted to help strengthen other parts of the world. They tried to achieve these issues by enacting foreign policies in military, political and economic situations. Truman and Eisenhower each wanted to help limit the increasing issue of communism. One approach they did was getting involved physically and militarily in the countries that were in need. The peace conference at Potsdam was a failure, because communist Russia still stood on their own and as their own separate nation. The Soviet Union had already succeeded in conquering Poland, and much of Europe splitting up Germany. After Hitler committed suicide, the main obstacle for the United States and many other countries was to avoid the looming threat of communism. Truman created the Truman Doctrine to possibly stop or postpone this issue. "I believe," he argued, "that it must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Score D1. | | | The Soviet Union first learned of the American atomic bomb | | | Student Response | Value | Correct Answer | Feedback | A. | from Franklin D. Roosevelt. | | | | B. | through conversations between Truman and Stalin. | | | | C. | from the British and French. | | | | D. | through the use of espionage. | | | | E. | when the first one was dropped on Japan. | | | | | Score: | 0/5 | Comments: | | | | C2. | | | George Kennan believed firmly that | | | Student Response | Value | Correct Answer | Feedback | A. | Congress should be allowed a leading role in foreign affairs. | | | | B. | public opinion should be of paramount importance in ... Show more content on ... | | | | B. | failed as an economic measure. | | | | C. | received wholehearted support from the Soviets. | | | | D. | generated a broad industrial recovery in Western Europe. | | | | E. | had no effect on the U.S. economy. | | | | | Score: | 0/5 | Comments: | | | | B14. | | | Which one of the following countries did NOT become politically controlled by the Soviet Union after World War II? | | | Student Response | Value | Correct Answer | Feedback | A. | Poland | | | | B. | Belgium | | | | C. | Hungary | | | | D. | Bulgaria | | | | E. | Romania | | | | | Score: | 0/5 | Comments: | | | | C15. | | | Soviet bitterness toward the United States immediately after World War II was primarily a result of | | | Student Response | Value | Correct Answer | Feedback | A. | American threats to take military action against Eastern Europe. | | | | B. | broken American promises regarding the future of Berlin. | | | | C. | the United States' refusal to provide economic aid to the Soviet Union. | | | | D. | personal differences between Truman and Stalin. | | | | E. | the United States' presence in West Germany. | | | | | Score: | 0/5 | Comments: | | | | B16. | | | The North Atlantic Treaty Organization | | | Student ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Oil Lobby Case Study The oil lobby was not the only reason the United States got involved, however. During a meeting with top CIA and State Department officials in November 1952, shortly after Dwight D. Eisenhower won the election. M16 agent C. M. Woodhouse brought to their attention the threat of communist expansion in Iran. The United States, contending with the peak of Cold War tensions, viewed the combination of Iran's long border with the Soviet Union, active Communist party, and the Mossadeq–led nationalist movement as a major threat. The new secretary of state, John Foster Dulles, and his brother, the new CIA director Allen Dulles, took the possibility of a communist takeover very seriously. Shortly after Eisenhower's inauguration, the Dulles brothers agreed ... Show more content on ... They also carried out a "sham bombing" at the home of a clerical leader and set off "stink bombs" in one or more mosques, using explosives provided by CIA headquarters. When the stink bombs did not work well, they used dynamite blasting [sic] caps instead. Members of the TPBEDAMN network may have carried out other covert political action activities during this period to create the impression that the Tudeh Party was becoming increasingly aggressive and that Mosaddeq was unable to control it." (Gasiorowski 2013, ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The Cause And Effect Of The 1954 Vietnam War In the context of the Cold War, the issues in Vietnam became a hot topic in Asia for US, British and French foreign policy. The 1954 crisis saw the fall of French Indochina as a result of the Battle of Dien Bien Phu after the US–led attempt to protect the deteriorating French position had failed. France, a colonial power in Vietnam had struggled to remain authoritative in a country fighting for their independence after Ho Chi Minh's Declaration of Independence following the August Revolution in 1945. We can use political cartoons and images to decipher the differing interpretations of what historians and commentators thought of the time, to understand the cause and effect of the 1954 crisis, involving the uncertainty of the Geneva settlement. ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. The Cold War ( 1945-1989 ) The Cold War (1945–1989) was essentially a period in which fear ran rampant. Everyone in America, from the young children to the President, was afraid. People were afraid because they believed their freedom and security was being threatened by communist spies. They were afraid that communism would take over the world and wipe out democracy. They were afraid that a nuclear attack would occur and render them and the American economy helpless. In the midst of all their fear, President Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected and managed to allay their fears by implementing new policies and expanding FDR's New Deal, which was instrumental in ending the Great Depression. During the Cold War, people all over the world were in a constant state of fear: "...the world is suffering from a multiplicity of fears. We fear the men in the Kremlin, we fear what they will do to our friends around them; we are fearing what unwise investigators will do to us here at home as they try to combat subversion or bribery or deceit within. We fear depression; we fear the loss of jobs" (Document A). In this document, President Eisenhower, while speaking at a press conference, acknowledges the fears that are affecting the American people and the people around the world. In doing so, he is showing that he is aware of the situation that the people are enduring, as well as warning them about the consequences of acting solely out of fear: "All of these, with their impact on the human mind, make us act almost ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Summary Of ' Killing Hope ' By William Blum Heidi Michaud History 333 Prof. Mary Duncan 17 May, 2015 Examining U.S. Motivation in the Guatemalan Coup In William Blum's Book, Killing Hope, Blum claims that the U.S. backed a CIA overthrow of the Guatemalan Government in 1954.. Blum challenges that the motivation for the coup was not based on a true belief that Guatemala's President Jacobo Arbenz was leaning towards communism, and alludes to the the idea that the true motivation for the Coup was the threat to economic gains to The United Fruit Company. Research of the Coup shows that Blum is correct in that the United States was indeed behind the overthrow of Arbenz. However, Blum does not allow for doubt in that Arbenz's social reforms and political actions could have truly appeared as communist to the United States. Although hindsight and time reveal the coup to be morally and politically wrong, it is valid to recognize that at that time in history,the actions of Guatemala's President, coupled with private interests and radical beliefs about what constituted communism, could have sincerely convinced the U.S. government that there was a true communist threat in Guatemala. After World War II, the United States' Cold War policy of Soviet Containment fostered a borderline hysterical fear of communism in America. This fear created an atmosphere of U.S. hypervigilance towards any actions that could appear remotely communist. "The U.S.–supported Coup in Guatemala was mostly a result of strong anti–Communist ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Trop V. John Foster Dulles Summary Title and Citation: Name: Albert L. Trop v. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, et al. Citation: 356 U.S 86 78 S. Ct. 590; 2 L. Ed. 2d 630; 1958 U.S. LEXIS 1284. Year: 1958. Facts: Trop was born in the United States. Trop abandoned post without permission, specifically a stockade in Morocco, and planned to not return. The following day he surrendered to an Army officer and was found guilty. As punishment he was sentenced to three years of punitive prison labor, forfeiture of pay, and a dishonorable discharge. Trop applied for a passport in 1952. The application was denied due to the Nationality Act of 1940 which states that members of the armed forces who deserted during time of war would lose their citizenship. Trop filed in the federals courts to get declaration saying that he was a United States citizen. ... Show more content on ... Holding: In this case, Trop did not voluntarily relinquish or abandon his citizenship or become involved with a foreign nation, thus the punishment of the Nationality Act of 1940 is unconstitutional. Opinion/Reasoning Since the case involves the questioning of United States citizenship, the Supreme Court has jurisdiction. Even though the desertion happened in French Morocco, Trop did not break any laws there or effect Morocco. Just like the the Perez v. Brownell case, the power to remove citizenship is not in the hands of the National Government. The only way Trop's citizenship could get revoked would be if he relinquished it or through conduct to which the revocation would be appropriate. The courts agreed he did not give up his citizenship or join the enemy. The courts decided that this case violated the 8th amendment because it would leave Trop stateless. To leave one stateless would cause possible future harm because one would not belong to any country. This punishment was ruled cruel. Dissenting ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Why The Vietnam War Be Fought There are many perspectives of why the Vietnam War should be fought. First, Ho Chi Minh thought the Vietnam War should be fought because of the brutal colonial rule of the French imperialists'. In the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, North Vietnam's leader, Ho Chi Minh says, "...Nevertheless, for more than eighty years, the French imperialists, abusing the standard of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, have violated our Fatherland and oppressed our fellow citizens. They have acted contrary to the ideals of humanity and justice." This means that North Vietnam felt that France was abusing their power as Vietnam's ruler. Under France's rule, Vietnam not have their freedom and equal rights. By fighting in the Vietnam War, North Vietnam wants ... Show more content on ... In the Opposition to the Spread of Communism Speech, the Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles says, "...Under the conditions of today, the imposition on Southeast Asia of the political system of Communist Russia and its Chinese Communist ally, by whatever means, must be a grave threat to the whole free community." This means that the United States believed that communism was not a good influence because it takes away the people's freedom and rights. Since America valued their freedom, they wanted to be involved in the Vietnam War in order to protect the rights that they and other countries have. Third, Dwight D. Eisenhower thought the Vietnam War should be fought because of the domino effect. From the Interview with Copley Press, President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower says, "... "falling domino" principle. You have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly." This means that if the United States do not contain communism in Vietnam, other countries that are close to Vietnam would be influenced ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. The Neo Nazis And The Nazi War Essay After being given power over the German's Worker Party, Hitler aided in bolstering its ranks from a measly seven members, he was the seventh official member, to well over three–thousand likeminded people. (Marrs 20). In April of 1920, Hitler renamed the political group to the Nationalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or the National Socialist German Worker's Party, which was shortened to Nazi. (Marrs 21). Nazi is a term synonymous with evil in our time, and what it stands for casts a long shadow over what is arguably the darkest times in modern history. Now seen as little more than one of the many modern white supremacist movements, the Neo–Nazis, one might find it little more than conspiracy theory to claim that the United States of America is a repackaged National Socialist Government, or a fourth Reich. Author Jim Marrs writes, "Under the banner of freedom and democracy, yet pursuing the agenda of the globalist who supported the Nazis, the United States slowly turned from one of the most admired nations in the world to one of the most despised." (235– 236). To understand the significance of the claim that America today is, in quintessence, a successor of Nazi policy and not simply theory the past has to be reexamined. In the year 1945 President Harry Truman authorized "Operation Paperclip" after he was promised that no one with Nazi or military records would be involved. (Marrs 149). "Operation Paperclip" was contrived by the United States Office of Strategic ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. How Did President Eisenhower Use Brinkmanship President Eisenhower is willingly threatening to use nuclear war to maintain peace. This policy came to be called massive retaliation. This new policy enabled Eisenhower to cut military spending from $50 billion to $34 billion. This can worry many Americans about the well–being of their nation. However, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the dominant figure in the nation's foreign policy, strongly defended his approach. He thinks you should have to take chances for peace, just as you must take chances in war. Taking strong action when needed is best instead of walking away from it. Brinkmanship was the willingness to go to the brink of war to force the other side back down. Critics argued that this was too dangerous. During several crises, however, President Eisenhower felt compelled to threaten nuclear war. Eisenhower is strongly against communism and is planning on using brinkmanship ... Show more content on ... In a way, brinkmanship can be seen as hostile bargaining because it can take place in a genuine crisis. Brinkmanship essentially relied on threatening the opponent and expecting them to back down. But it is also suicidal because there is a chance neither party will back down, then the result will be destruction for one or both parties involved. Brinkmanship is also seen as a "slippery slope" because as a nation is threatening war more, it has to be willing to follow through with those threats. One positive aspect of brinkmanship is that it allows taxes to be lowered because no money is currently being spent on war. Another pro is that brinkmanship is cheaper than actually fighting in a war. One negative aspect of brinkmanship is that the more the United States threatens to go to war, the higher the changes of the nation slipping out of control. The United States has to also be willing to go into a nuclear ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Who Is To Blame For The Cold War ¨The United States was responsible for the Cold War¨ Although the United States was not solely to blame for the start of the Cold War there are many pieces of evidence that would say otherwise. In 1954 when the U.S secretary of state John Foster Dulles announced the policy "massive retaliation" that stated any major Soviet attack would be met with a massive nuclear response. The "massive retaliation" became the most significant product of the cold war, the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. These were supported with the thermonuclear bomb which has a much greater destructive power than the original atomic bomb. This became the United States strategic nuclear arsenal. Not only did the United States create a deadly bomb but they started an alliance ... Show more content on ... Stalin's desire to dominate the world under communism and his takeover of Eastern Europe was seen as the first step because during the Yalta Conference, Stalin agreed that he would let the countries who were liberated from German occupation have free elections but the USSR took over Eastern European and put in place a Communist government instead. Also When the USSR built the Berlin Blockade in 1948, they made it impossible for the West to enter Berlin by land. They also turned off the West's power by having coal shortage in order for the West Berliners to starve and hopefully get the West's leaders to leave. In July 1945 there was another election in Britain called the Potsdam Conference, where Churchill was replaced by Clement Attlee. Because of this the conference was dominated by rivalry between Stalin and Truman, who was strongly against communism. There were three main disagreements at the conference. Stalin wanted to destroy Germany but Truman did not want to repeat the disaster of the Treaty of Versailles, secondly Stalin wanted compensations from Germany but Truman disagreed, and lastly Stalin had won support in setting up a pro Soviets government in Eastern Europe but Truman disagreed with Stalin once again. This conference intensified the rivalry between the USSR and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Understanding And Being, 350. Lonergan Lonergan, Understanding and Being, 350. Lonergan, Method in Theology, 339. Lonergan, Method in Theology, 338. "Intellectual conversion is ... the elimination of ... [t]he myth is that knowing is like looking, that objectivity is seeing what is there to be seen and not seeing what is not there, and that the real is what is out there now to be looked at. ... Moral conversion changes the criterion of one's decisions and choices from satisfactions to values. ... Religious conversion is being grasped by ultimate concern. It is other–worldly falling in love. It is total and permanent self–surrender without conditions, qualifications, reservations. But it is such a surrender, not as an act, but as a dynamic state that is prior to and principle of subsequent acts." Lonergan, Method in Theology, 238–240. Lonergan, Method in Theology, 338. Lonergan, Method in Theology, 338. David M. Coffey, "Natural Knowledge of God: Reflections on Romans 1:18–32," Theological Studies 31, no. 4 (1970): 674–691. The other texts are Lonergan's own "Natural Knowledge of God" and the same section of Pottmeyer's Der Glaube vor dem Anspruch der Wissenschaft that he refers to in that essay. Coffey writes, "There [in Romans 1], where he [Paul] said that the Gentiles knew God, he was speaking of the distant past, when they knew Him as Adam did, before they committed the sin that led them into their present condition of ignorance. He does not say there that they ever knew Him from reason alone, but rather ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Hostile Takeovers By The United States Essay The United States government has had a long history of playing a dirty hand in the overthrow of foreign nations governments, through economic, militaristic, and clandestine ways. Since, the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, the US government has been meddling in world affairs in countries thousands of miles away. America's leaders have always labeled meddling in the affairs of other countries, the ones the public knew about, as restoration of freedoms to the peoples of that nation, or trying to stop the spread of communism. The result of this paper is to explore the reasons that the US government chose to validate their interference in the governments of foreign nations, and the effects those decisions had on the current worldly situation. ... Show more content on ... The economic interests in those countries ranged from the corporate interests in the telephone and copper industries of Chile, the agricultural land of Honduras, in Iran and Iraq it was about securing stable, cheap oil supplies, and Nicaragua was due to Zelaya's liberal ideas that hurt American interests and caused José Santos Zelaya, to be labeled as a tyrant by the US government. Starting with the earliest overthrow of a foreign government after Hawaii would be Nicaragua. The chief American interest in Nicaragua was the strong interest in the building of a canal across Nicaragua. It was regarded to be the site of the Pan–American canal, cutting across the center point of Nicaragua, was supposed to be a great economic triumph that may have brought Nicaragua from the present state it is now in, into a possibly more stable state. The proceedings that resulted from the failure of a private company that congress had sponsored to start dredging off of Nicaragua's Atlantic coast, but went bankrupt soon after starting it. The only group of people who were excited for this failure, were a group of french landowners who owned the land across the Panamanian isthmus, where French engineers had unsuccessfully tried to build a canal earlier. If the french landowners could find a buyer for the land that they owned, they had the prospect of becoming very rich. The french landowners went ahead and hired a skilled New York lawyer, to lobby ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. The Impact Of The Cold War On The Cold War As the Cold War started to intensify, President Eisenhower began to worry about the strength of the US economy. The Dulles Brothers, along with the president viewed the communist threat through the same prism. They then decided on a foreign policy to fight against the communist expansion. Picture The Cold War affected the Dulles Brothers greatly. They were taught, from a young age that Soviet leaders were plotting to take over the world and that they would use any means to ensure victory which meant the end of civilisation. Therefore, they should be resisted by every mean, no matter how distasteful. The Dulles Brothers admired this worldview. They crystalised the Cold War paradigm and wanted to stop the Soviet Union from taking over the world and expanding communism. Click Here to find out more about Communism "The Cold War isn't thawing; it is burning with a deadly heat. Communism isn't sleeping, it is, as always, plotting, scheming, working, fighting". –Richard M. Nixon John and Allen have spent decades of work defending the interests of America's biggest multinational corporations. They were among the visionaries who developed the idea of corporate globalism– what they and other founders of the Council on Foreign Relations called "liberal internationalism." Their life's work was turning American money and power into ... Show more content on ... Eisenhower was the one who chose John Foster to be secretary of state. He also gave Allen the job of being head of the CIA. This gave the two figures immense power and control over the US and they were greatly respected by the citizens, despite the fact that they had obsessive hatred for socialism. Eisenhower gave them the opportunity to do whatever, so long as it goes by their views. "With a glance, a nod, and a few words, without consulting anyone other than the president, the brothers could mobilize the full power of the United States anywhere in the world." (The Brothers ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. The Suez Canal Crisis Though widely acknowledged as one of the smaller incidents of the Eisenhower Presidency, the Suez Canal Crisis did not only present one of the most concerning existential threats during the 1950s, it became a crucial turning point for U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Beyond that, this crisis bucked the hundred–year–old status quo of Britain's monopoly of power in the region. Due to the large flow of cross currents occurring at the same time, such as Egypt's engagements with the Soviet Union, the British and French reactive policy to losing a foothold in the region, and Israel's unwillingness to agree to a cease–fire, U.S. foreign policy rather than military intervention expressed the genuine efforts of the Eisenhower administration to combat the threat of "international communism" and the consequences of those efforts. In the past, the understanding of the Suez Canal Crisis has largely been based from Egyptian and British viewpoints. However, in 2010 the Office of the Historian in the U.S. Department of State released hundreds of recently declassified documents made available to the public. Leading expert on the Eisenhower Presidency, Dr. David Nichols, meticulously combed through these to document the day by day, and often minute by minute, decisions made on behalf of the Eisenhower administration during the duration of the Suez Crisis. After doing so, Dr. Nichols argues in his book, Eisenhower 1956: The President's Year of Crisis, that these documents show the ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Policy Of Containment In Russia 1. The three sources of tension between the United states and the Soviet Union from the end of the Second World War to the Marshall Plan are religious conflict, commercial expansion, and the consolidation of dynastic power that transformed Europe. United States and the Soviet Union both wanted to expand their territories with strong military and power. The Marshall Plan dealt with the social issues which helped aid Western Europe economy. However, from the experience of World War II, U.S. policy makers came to the decision that no hostile state can be allowed to gain control over the populations, territories, and resources of Europe and East Asia. Americans in the United States developed stronger military naval bases where they wanted to increase ... Show more content on ... Energy affected Iran's role in the Cold War because the Soviets troops had occupied parts of northern Iran in order to develop contact with the country for its rich oil resources. In 1946, The Soviet Union refuses to leave Iran and the Iran crisis emerges. Britain's former wartime prime minister, Winston Churchill, stated that an "Iron Curtain" had descended across Europe, patronizing the free west from the communist East. Churchill's speech assisted with the long term struggle between the United States and Soviet Union. However, in March 1947, the Truman Doctrine was announced, which guided the spirit of American foreign policy, where Americans began to understand the postwar world. Harry S. Truman's speech succeeded in convincing both Republicans and Democrats in Congress for the containment of communism, where both parties wanted freedom and social justice. However, new national security and military alliance developed between the U.S. and the Soviet Union where Atomic Energy Commission, National Security Council, and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were formed in 1947 for conduction in secret military operation abroad. Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan borders with the Soviet Union. In 1941, the Anglo–Soviet invasion of Iran occurred to secure the oil fields. In 1942, the United States develops the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) the overseas intelligence service during war and predecessor of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. US Intervention and the Acceleration of Genocide in... US Intervention and the Acceleration of Genocide in Foreign Countries In Roland Joffe's (1984) The Killing Fields, two journalists' attempt to uncover and expose the detrimental effects of United States military action in Cambodia is thwarted by US intervention. Army reporters deliver to the press a sanitized version of a bombing that has obliterated a Cambodian city by mistake and the two journalists realize that the truth of the war is being whitewashed and a way is being paved for authoritarian takeover in Asia. The United States has always had an official policy of fighting Communism, and yet its tactics overseas seem to be anything but helpful. In fact, very often the military action of the United States tends to support the killing of many people. This paper will analyze the role of the United States in perpetuating or aiding in the genocidal episodes of modern history and show how US intervention has often accelerated genocidal events. As Stephen Kinzer states, "America's long 'regime change' century dawned in 1893 with the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy" (2). Imperialism or New Expansionism, as it was also called was on the rise. Industrialization had catapulted America from a place with wild frontiers to a place where big business could couple with government to send military around the world in order to colonize. The 20th century was a century of war, in which America developed a colonial presence in the Philippines, South America, Central America, ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Who Was Responsible For Eden's Death Essay When Eden returned from his leave in mid–December 1956 to resume his political duties, it was to oversee the final withdrawal of British troops from Egypt. Although by the middle of January 1957, it became apparent that his ill–health would require that he step down as Prime Minister. On 9 January 1957, Eden resigned stating "I do not feel that it is right for me to continue in the office as the Queen's First Minister knowing that I shall be unable to do my full duty by my Sovereign and country." Was Eden's poor health an issue with regards to his mental acuity during the Suez Crisis? It didn't seem to affect Eisenhower, who had had a heart attack, or Dulles who suffered from cancer. Not to mention that Eden lived another twenty years before passing away. At the time of Eden's death in 1977, an obituary appeared in The Times, Eden "was the last Prime Minister to believe Britain was a great power and the first to confront a crisis which proved she was not." Guy Millard, Eden's Private Secretary while he was Prime Minister, stated in a conversation thirty years after the Suez Crisis, "it was his mistake of course and a tragic and ... Show more content on ... Nasser himself was concerned about his own military and even though Eisenhower was the President, John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen Dulles appeared to have more power in the government. Interestingly enough, the Suez Crisis was not just between Britain and Egypt, as both France and Israel were involved, as were other nations. There was an issue between Iraq and Egypt, France and Algeria, Israel and Jordan. Although the United States was not involved initially, it did become a major player along with the United Nations. Even Canada, through Lester B. Pearson became involved in policing the ceasefire and bringing in the Emergency ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Essay on The United States and the Suez Crisis of 1956 A: Plan of Investigation Research Question: To what extent was the goal of U.S. actions surrounding the Suez Crisis of 1956 to preserve neutrality to protect U.S. interests? Background: In the midst of the Cold War and the Arab–Israeli conflict, conflict arose over Gamal Abdel Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal. This was of particular concern due to Nasser's increased connection with the Soviet Union, through the Czech Arms agreement and the Aswan Dam. Following Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal, Great Britain, France, and Israel invaded Egypt. In facing this crisis, the U.S. had to consider Cold War politics with the Soviet Union, relations with Arab and Israeli nations, and relations with the invading powers Scope: ... Show more content on ... We felt this to be a misguided policy on the part of the Government of Egypt." (Eisenhower Radio and Television Report) "The Soviet–Egyptian arms deal of September 1955 seemed doubly troubling because it signaled new departures both in Soviet assertiveness in the region and in an Arab state's receptivity to Soviet aid." (Hahn 151) Aswan Dam: "In exchange for offers of Anglo–U.S. financial aid to build the Aswan Dam in late 1955, Nasser suspended active opposition to the [Bagdad] pact provided that no other states were recruited to join it" (Hahn 153). "Eisenhower hoped that the recent Anglo–U.S. offer to fund construction of the Aswan Dam might win Nasser's cooperation and that Israel's insecurity stemming from the Soviet–Egyptian arms deal would force the Jewish state to negotiate" (Hahn 190) Nasser resumed denouncing the Bagdad Pact (Hahn 153) According to John Foster Dulles, the US Secretary of State, revoking the Aswan funding offer was intended to "'let Colonel Nasser realize that he cannot cooperate as he is doing with the ... Get more on ...