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        A Presentation
            B. Arch – 3
     K. R. Mangalam S. A. P.
  Sub: Theory Of Architecture

• Born in Kirkkonummi, Finland
  in 1910
• Studied in Paris and at Yale
  University, after which he
  joined his father's practice.
• Initially pursued sculpture
  but then decided to become
  an architect. Much of his
  work shows a relation to
• He was one of the most          EERO SAARINEN
  prolific, unorthodox, and
  controversial masters of
  20th-century architecture.
• Major influence: Eliel Saarinen, his architect father
• Given his early experiences in Hvitträsk and Cranbrook
  communities, Eero learned to appreciate the symbiotic
  relationship between individuals and their communities,
  and came to believe that the interests of both must be
  carefully considered in the design process.
• Saarinen developed a remarkable range which depended
  on color, form and materials.
• He showed a marked dependence on innovative
  structures and sculptural forms, but not at the cost of
  pragmatic considerations.
• He easily moved back and forth between the
  International Style and Expressionism, utilizing a
  vocabulary of curves and cantilevered forms.
• International Style: A pared down, unornamented style
  that emphasized geometric shapes, viewing it as
  architecture for the modern age,        utilizing new
  construction techniques and materials. Flat roofed,
  asymmetrical and with bands of windows set into a
  rectangular form, International style buildings were a
  dramatic departure from past eras.
• His design of the USA embassy in London is considered an
• Classical Eclectism: Classical eclecticism rejected high
  Victorian picturesque irregularity and seeks to restore
  order, unity, and restraint to architecture and
  interiors. Its four main styles emulate past examples
  and display monumental planning while using
  contemporary materials:
    a) Beaux Arts:        symmetry, five part facade,
  rustication, smooth upper stories, advancing and
  receding planes, columns, dramatic skylines
    b) Neo Renaissance: Large in scale, rectangular block
  forms, rusticated lower stories, arched openings,
  quoining, flat and/or low pitched roofs
    c) Chateauesque:         Vertical and picturesque,
  asymmetry, smooth stone walls, pointed arch openings,
    d) Neoclassical Revival: rusticated basements, flat
  roofs, symmetry, Greek order, columns and pilasters,
  limited ornament
  ―the purpose of architecture is to shelter and enhance
  man’s life on earth and to fulfill his belief in the

                             TULIP ARMLESS CHAIR

                                                              WOMB CHAIR


Designed for Knoll
The Womb Chair (1946) has an enveloping
form that continues to be one of the most
iconic and recognized representations of
mid-century organic modernism. By applying
foam molded over a fiberglass shell,
Saarinen created a single-piece form that
perfectly facilitates a SIDE CHAIR sitting
                 EXECUTIVE relaxed WITH METAL LEGS IN FABRIC
posture.         Designed for Knoll
                 The molded shell flexes slightly with the
                 sitter and the contoured plywood seat
                 supported by metal or wood legs. Unlike
                 Saarinen's furniture, which was consistently
                 sculptural in form, these fluid lines didn't
                 appear in his architecture until 1950s. When
                 looking at the dome-shaped glass wall of
 The expressive Kresge Auditorium at MIT, it's not a big leap to
                  sculptural forms of saarinen’s furniture,
 which became see the recognizable in the of American
                  easily same shape icons back of his
 modernism, can also be found in his architecture, from the TWA
                 Executive Chair.
• in the postwar decades of what has been called ―the
  american century,‖ saarinen helped create the
  international image of the United States with his designs
  for some of the most potent symbolic expressions of
  American identity.

     TANGLEWOOD,          ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI,           CENTER,
 MASSACHUSETTS, 1940           1961-1966             WARREN, MICHIGAN,
                                                        1946 - 1955

         TWA,              KRESGE CHAPEL,            IBM RESEARCH BUILDING,
      1956 -1962         MASSACHUSETTS, 1955               1957 -1961
NORTH CHRISTIAN                                 YALE HOCKEY RINK,
     CHURCH,                                        NEW HAVEN,
COLUMBUS, INDIANA,                                 CONNECTICUT,
   1959 - 1963                                      1956 - 1958

                         DULLES AIRPORT,
                     CHANTILLY, VIRGINIA, 1958

 JOHN DEERE AND                                  KRESGE AUDITORIUM,
    COMPANY,                                        CAMBRIDGE,
 MOLINE, ILLINOIS,                                MASSACHUSETTS,

      • Location:       Columbus,
        Indiana, U.S.A.
      • Project Year: 1959 –
      • designer’s    Intent:   To
        design the church to be
        a ―prototype for 20th
        century christianity‖
      • Materials: 3800 yards of
        concrete, 320 tons of
        reinforced rods & 22
        tons of leaded copper
      • Floor     space:    33,000                            NORTH CHRISTIAN CHURCH
        square feet
SOURCE: Berkey, Ricky. 2011.
     • Saarinen wanted to make
           the building appear as
           one single form with the
           church spire an integral
           part of the structure
           extending down to the
           lower corners of the roof
           structure differing from
           most steeples that simply
           appear to sit on the very
           top of the building.
     • The roof and spire seem to
           float over the massive
           concrete base. It also
           works symbolically to
           represent the feeling of
           reaching upward to God &                                FACADE
           represents                                       the
           development                                        of
           Christianity                     from             its
           Jewish traditions.
     • The sloping slate roof of
SOURCE: Berkey, Ricky. 2011.
• An experience to get
        inside  like   taking     a
        spiritual journey from                                          SPIRE

        the parking area to the
      • The hexagonal shape is
        thought to be symbolic of
        the Star of David, a Jewish                           SECTION
        motif.                                                          AUDITORIUM

      • Symmetric structure with                                        CLASSROOMS
        the sanctuary as focus in                                       SANCTUARY
        the center                                                      MAIN ENTRANCE
                                                                        PEW AREAS
      • Surrounding      it     are
        classrooms and offices
        with    an     auditorium,                                      ALTAR, CHOIR
                                                                        AREA &
        kitchen     and       other                            PLAN

        functions below.
SOURCE: Berkey, Ricky. 2011.




                                                                                                            MAIN ENTRANCE
                                                                                                            PEW AREAS

                                                                                                            ALTAR, CHOIR
                                                                                                            AREA &
                PLAN OF A TRADITIONAL CHURCH                                PLAN OF NORTH CRISTIAN CHURCH

SOURCE: Archpriest Sokolof, D. 2011. A Manual of the Orthodox Church’s Divine Services
• The organ is presented in
           a sculptural form above
           the altar area. The
           communion table is at the
           very center as a focus.
     • Natural light from the
           oculus shines directly
           down onto the area where
           the communion tables sit.
     • The sanctuary ceiling is
           white and soars high
           enclosing a very positive,
           spiritual space with a                                INTERIOR OF THE CHURCH
           seating capacity of 615.
     • The lower level contains
           an auditorium/fellowship
           hall which seats 350 but
           can be reconfigured into
SOURCE: Berkey, Ricky. 2011. or
           two separate spaces

     • Location: New Haven,
     • Project Year: 1956 –
           1958                                                                      YALE HOCKEY RINK

     • Materials: concrete &
• New York Times recently
           named it the rink with the
           "Best Design" across all
           of America.
     • Named after former Yale
           men's ice hockey captains
           David S. Ingalls & David S.
           Ingalls Jr.
     • The              arena              gets               its
           distinctive exterior look
           from a humpbacked roof,
           supported by a 300-foot
           backbone. As a result, it
           is also called the Yale
     • Over the years the rink                                                       YALE HOCKEY RINK
           has          played               host              to
           commencements, concerts
           and rallies.
     • Logistics of the building
           won’t allow for expansion
           of the rink’s cozy seating
           capacity of 3,500.
• Cast-concrete
           walls run round the
           two long edges of
           the elliptical plan.
     • These walls slant
           upwards                             and
           outwards at an
           angle                   of             15
           degrees.                                                                        PLAN
     • For the roof, a                                                          INTERIOR
           central arch spans
           the major axis of
           the           ellipse               and
           from               it, cables
           take                out             two
           catenary curves in
           both directions. The
           concave and the
SOURCE: Sharp, Dennis. Twentieth Century Architecture: a Visual History. p225

            EXTERIOR VIEW                                                  EXTERIOR VIEW

                         PLAN                                             PLAN
                 MIAMI ARENA,                                         INGALLS RINK
SOURCE: Sharp, Dennis. FLORIDA Architecture: a Visual History. p225
                       Twentieth Century
• Location- Virginia
• Date 1958 to 1962
• Building Type- airline terminal
• Construction System-concrete
• Climate-temperate
• Context-suburban
• Set on a huge (10,000 acre), flat site, this is a highly
  distinctive building with colonnades of tipped and
  tapered columns on its two long facades.
• a gracefully curving roof hung between them, and a
  pagoda-like control tower nearby.
• Mobile lounges are used to carry passengers from the
  terminal to their planes. An underground tunnel
  consisting of a passenger walkway and                   moving
  sidewalks was opened in 2004 .
• Dulles Airport is an important part of the economy of
  the Washington, D.C. area. It employs thousands of
  people and generates billions of dollars of business.
• When the need for Dulles Airport arose in the mid twentieth
  century, the entire functionality of how an airport works
  and operates was studied by Eero Saarinen to design an
  efficient new airport specifically geared for jet
• Saarinen focused on this aspect of the structure when
  planning the flow of passengers from the drop off outside
  of the Main Terminal, through the building, and onto the
  waiting airplanes.
• A significant feature of saarinen’s design was the mobile
  lounge concept. The mobile lounges allowed for the Main
  Terminal to be a single independent mass without what
  Saarinen called extending structural ―fingers.‖ The mobile
  lounges were a modernistic design to bring passengers
  directly to the plane and to shorten the walking distance.
• Saarinen also planned for the growth of the Main Terminal
  and the airport complex and incorporated future
• At Dulles, Saarinen had a unique series of problems:
  1. he was designing a complete new airport, providing
      a modern gateway to the capital of the nation and
      building it for the Federal Government.
  2. The site was a flat plain. The main terminus is a
      single, compact structure, not entirely free from
      formalist tendencies but one which is technically
  3. The final design concept arrived at was a
      suspended structure, 'high at the front, lower in the
      middle, slightly higher at the back', generated by a
      rectangular plan.
•  The form of the building was designed to be centered
   between earth and sky, and as Saarinen stated to
   ―both rise from the plan and hover over it.‖

•The interior space of the main level is one large, open area
designed to expedite flow of passengers from the roadway
to the waiting planes and to connect the interior of the
terminal to the exterior.
•The ground floor contains baggage circulation, and an
additional basement also serves this function.

• Eero Saarinen – did not
want to design an ordinary
airport. His main goal
was to find ―the soul of the
• The Main Terminal alone
cost $108.3 million dollars
to build, and that was in
1962! Because of its unique
design, the Airport uses                 DULLES AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION
Mobile     Lounges      (big
vehicles which hold 102
The columns punctuate the roof and
curve over the top of the structure             The spaces between colum
on the north and south elevations.              roof are
                                                filled with glass panels c
                                                into the bldg.

                              EXTERIOR FACADE

  • The Main Terminal is reached by an access road leading
    to a three-leveled oval roadway that runs parallel to
    the north elevation.
  • The 1,240’ long building is composed of concrete columns
    40’ apart along the north and south elevations
    supporting an upward curving concrete panel roof held
• In 1962, Dulles Airport was one of the most modern
  airports    in   the    whole     world!    While   only
  666,559 travelled through the Airport in 1963, 19.8
  million passengers were served by 1999.
• Throughout the 1990s, Dulles Airport went through
  a lot of construction. This construction included making
  the Main Terminal bigger, building new Concourses and
  adding more parking areas for cars.
• Dulles Airport is now undergoing another big
  construction program which includes adding two more
  runways and building an underground Airport Train
  System and stations.

There have been many significant alterations to the
     airport since its construction.
•    In 1980 a fifty foot corridor designed by Hellmuth,
     Obata & Kassabaum (HOK) was added to the length of
     the Main Terminal.
•    In 1991 The International Arrivals Building was
     completed 300’ west of the Main Terminal designed by
     Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM).
•    In 1996 the expansion of the Main Terminal from 600’ to
     1,240’ was completed and designed by SOM. The expansion
     reflected the original design of Saarinen, who planned
     for an expansion to accommodate the growth of the
     facility. The International Arrivals building was
     connected to the Main Terminal due to the expansion on
     the west elevation.
•    In 2005, the interior of the Main Terminal was renovated
     and ticket counters and baggage handling facilities
     were updated. An additional baggage basement was
• Eero saarinen’s design of Dulles Airport was centred on
  how architecture could facilitate the travel
  experience of the passenger in the new age of jet
  travel. His modernistic creation reflected the
  connection of ground to sky, and Saarinen was also
  attempting to express ―the movement and excitement of
  modern travel by air.‖
• Saarinen was making a statement against static
  Federal architecture by incorporating the concept of
  movement into his design. Saarinen also extended the
  role of the architect by not only creating a functional
  and stylistic design for the Main Terminal but by
  providing a master plan which would take into
  consideration future expansion of the entire complex.
• The architectural design of the Main Terminal subtly
  reflects flight and movement. The airport has been

• Location-Moline, Illinois
• Building Type-commercial office block
• Construction System-steel frame, weathering steel and
  glass façade
• Climate-temperate
• Context-wooded
• Style-Modern
• This headquarters for a farm equipment manufacturer
  pioneered in the use of weathering steel—high-tensile
  steel that, if left unpainted, forms its own cinnamon
  brown protective coating.
• Set on a wooded site with two man-made lakes, its three
  original facilities were an auditorium, an office
  building, and display building, the latter two connected
  by a bridge across a ravine.
• Saarinen's first inspiration was to raise a "rugged"
  concrete building: a pyramid inverted, on the highest
  bluff overlooking the valley floor.
• The building is not of shiny steel like many office
  buildings of the day, but rather, rugged Cor-Ten steel,
  made to rust. Cor-Ten dated to 1933 and was developed
  for the railroads. John Deere World Headquarters was
  the first use of Cor-Ten in such a major architectural
• Saarinen created a working monument that glorifies
                               •Comprising      four      farms
  with dignity industry, technology and craftsmanship,
                               totalling    720    acres    (290
  all in balance with nature. The building is in, of, by and
                               hectares), the site contained
  for the land- the land which is this building's reason to
                               some existing trees and views of
                               the valley that promised the
                               kind of elegance Hewitt(the
                               client) was looking for.

  Saarinen's first proposal for John
  Deere headquarters was an
•  Saarinen engaged Hideo Sasaki to be the project's
  landscape architect.
• The looping driveway lassoed the building complex,
  moving from the ravine bottom at the road
  intersection, rising along the ravine embankments
  and revealing stunning views across the ponds to the
  building facades, banking upward into the woodland
  landscape, eventually arriving at the principal
  parking lots disclosed at the last possible moment,
  and then dropping back down again to encircle the
  building complex at the rear to provide service
• Saarinen used the cage of Cor-Ten steel not only as
  an exterior manifestation of structural members
  but to form exterior louvers over the banks of
  glass wrapping the building's seven floors.
• To avoid curtains or Venetian blinds, which would
Charlotte Bronte John


• At its fourth floor level, glass-enclosed flying bridges
  stretch out to the laboratory and the exhibition
  buildings on the high slopes of the ravine.
• The complex is approached from the valley below. the
  roads have been planned carefully, keeping in mind how
  the building would be seen as one drove along the man-
  made lake up to the parking lot behind the building and
  to the entrance.
• Location-Cambridge, Massachusetts
• Date-1950 to 1955
• Building Type-school auditorium
• Construction System-thin shell concrete dome, copper roof
• Climate-temperate
• Context-urban park campus
• Style -Structuralist Modern
•  this building consists of a spherical segment dome-shaped
  concrete roof enclosing a triangular area approximately
  160 feet on a side.
• The primary building function is the enclosure of an 1238
  seat auditorium and associated lobbies, restrooms, and
  projection facilities.
•  The dome is entirely supported on three points at the
  vertices of the triangle, or was by the original design. As
  every article written on the dome seems to mention, the
  total weight of the roof is approximately 1500 tons, and
• The building’s roof structure is a spherical
  dome. However, because of the interruptions to the
  doubly-curved spherical shape due to the triangular
  plan of the building, severe edge disturbances to the
  membrane stresses in the shell result.
• This requires the addition of a stiffening beam around
  the perimeter of the building. The thickening of the
  shell to18‖ at the perimeter is intended to provide the
  necessary stiffening to the edge of the shell.
• Other technological concerns in the design of the
  structure were the transmission of sound from the
  exterior into the auditorium, and the application of a
  roof membrane to the shell. The selection and
  application of a roof membrane to the doubly-curved
  shell was a particularly difficult technical problem.

                        KRESGE AUDITORIM SKETCH
• Placement of concrete on sloped doubly curved surfaces is
    difficult at best, and the problems were compounded in the
    construction of the Kresge Auditorium by the steepness of
    the slopes at the vertices, and by the edge stiffening
    beams that were raised above the level of the top of the
    roof slab. The selection of the concrete mix for a project
    like this presents difficulties of its own. It is necessary to
    choose a stiff mix.
• The roof system was a liquid-applied
 roof, consisting of fine limestone chips
 Picture shows extensive
 in an acrylic polymer binder.
 preparations for one of the
 steepest concrete
 placements in the
 building. The crew size is
 very large for a concrete
 placement of this size.                    LABOR AT WORK(KRESGE AUDITORIUM)

•This large auditorium seats a maximum of 1226 people,
although only 1144 seats are available when the stage is
extended over the pit seating section. It is used for
concerts, lectures, conferences, plays, and other major
• The Kresge Auditorium demonstrates several important
  principles in the management of thin-shell concrete
  structures. Even from the time of its design, it reveals
  the tensions between the architectural and the
  engineering profession over the principals to be applied
  to design.
•   As Billington points out, the conception of the Kresge
  Auditorium shell depends on a misunderstanding of the
  importance of edge effects, which resulted in severe
  structural problems for the Kresge Auditorium shell.
• The problems with this building did not end with the
  resolution of the structural problems. The shell was
  difficult and unusual to construct, and significant
  difficulties were encountered in concrete placement,
  protection of the reinforcing steel and above all in
  waterproofing the roof of the building.
• The satisfactory resolution of these problems had to
TIME        WORK                 REMARK
1940        Chair designed    Won first prize
            together with
            Charles Eames for
            the "Organic
            Design in Home
1948        Jefferson            Won first prize,
            National             not completed till
            Expansion,           1960
            Memorial, St. Louis.
1949-1955   General motors       First major
            technical centre     architectural
1953        Kersge Auditorium,

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Eero saarinen

  • 1. EERO SAARINEN A Presentation By RINI T. MATHEW ABHINAINA BHATIA B. Arch – 3 K. R. Mangalam S. A. P. Sub: Theory Of Architecture
  • 2. BRIEF BIOGRAPHY • Born in Kirkkonummi, Finland in 1910 • Studied in Paris and at Yale University, after which he joined his father's practice. • Initially pursued sculpture but then decided to become an architect. Much of his work shows a relation to sculpture. • He was one of the most EERO SAARINEN prolific, unorthodox, and controversial masters of 20th-century architecture.
  • 3. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY & STYLE • Major influence: Eliel Saarinen, his architect father • Given his early experiences in Hvitträsk and Cranbrook communities, Eero learned to appreciate the symbiotic relationship between individuals and their communities, and came to believe that the interests of both must be carefully considered in the design process. • Saarinen developed a remarkable range which depended on color, form and materials. • He showed a marked dependence on innovative structures and sculptural forms, but not at the cost of pragmatic considerations. • He easily moved back and forth between the International Style and Expressionism, utilizing a vocabulary of curves and cantilevered forms. • International Style: A pared down, unornamented style that emphasized geometric shapes, viewing it as architecture for the modern age, utilizing new construction techniques and materials. Flat roofed, asymmetrical and with bands of windows set into a rectangular form, International style buildings were a dramatic departure from past eras.
  • 4. • His design of the USA embassy in London is considered an example of CLASSICAL ECLECTISM. • Classical Eclectism: Classical eclecticism rejected high Victorian picturesque irregularity and seeks to restore order, unity, and restraint to architecture and interiors. Its four main styles emulate past examples and display monumental planning while using contemporary materials: a) Beaux Arts: symmetry, five part facade, rustication, smooth upper stories, advancing and receding planes, columns, dramatic skylines b) Neo Renaissance: Large in scale, rectangular block forms, rusticated lower stories, arched openings, quoining, flat and/or low pitched roofs c) Chateauesque: Vertical and picturesque, asymmetry, smooth stone walls, pointed arch openings, pinnacles d) Neoclassical Revival: rusticated basements, flat roofs, symmetry, Greek order, columns and pilasters, limited ornament ―the purpose of architecture is to shelter and enhance man’s life on earth and to fulfill his belief in the
  • 6. FURNITURE DESIGN WOMB CHAIR IN FABRIC, CHROME FRAME Designed for Knoll The Womb Chair (1946) has an enveloping form that continues to be one of the most iconic and recognized representations of mid-century organic modernism. By applying foam molded over a fiberglass shell, Saarinen created a single-piece form that perfectly facilitates a SIDE CHAIR sitting EXECUTIVE relaxed WITH METAL LEGS IN FABRIC posture. Designed for Knoll The molded shell flexes slightly with the sitter and the contoured plywood seat supported by metal or wood legs. Unlike Saarinen's furniture, which was consistently sculptural in form, these fluid lines didn't appear in his architecture until 1950s. When looking at the dome-shaped glass wall of The expressive Kresge Auditorium at MIT, it's not a big leap to sculptural forms of saarinen’s furniture, which became see the recognizable in the of American easily same shape icons back of his modernism, can also be found in his architecture, from the TWA Executive Chair.
  • 7. ARCHITECTURAL WORKS • in the postwar decades of what has been called ―the american century,‖ saarinen helped create the international image of the United States with his designs for some of the most potent symbolic expressions of American identity. BERKSHIRE MUSIC SHED, GATEWAY ARCH, GENERAL MOTORS TECHNICAL TANGLEWOOD, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, CENTER, MASSACHUSETTS, 1940 1961-1966 WARREN, MICHIGAN, 1946 - 1955 TWA, KRESGE CHAPEL, IBM RESEARCH BUILDING, NEW YORK, NEW YORK, CAMBRIDGE, YORKTOWN, NEW YORK, 1956 -1962 MASSACHUSETTS, 1955 1957 -1961
  • 9. NORTH CHRISTIAN CHURCH • Location: Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A. • Project Year: 1959 – 1963 • designer’s Intent: To design the church to be a ―prototype for 20th century christianity‖ • Materials: 3800 yards of concrete, 320 tons of reinforced rods & 22 tons of leaded copper • Floor space: 33,000 NORTH CHRISTIAN CHURCH square feet SOURCE: Berkey, Ricky. 2011.
  • 10. FACADE • Saarinen wanted to make the building appear as one single form with the church spire an integral part of the structure extending down to the lower corners of the roof structure differing from most steeples that simply appear to sit on the very top of the building. • The roof and spire seem to float over the massive concrete base. It also works symbolically to represent the feeling of reaching upward to God & FACADE represents the development of Christianity from its Jewish traditions. • The sloping slate roof of SOURCE: Berkey, Ricky. 2011.
  • 11. • An experience to get inside like taking a spiritual journey from SPIRE the parking area to the Church • The hexagonal shape is thought to be symbolic of the Star of David, a Jewish SECTION motif. AUDITORIUM • Symmetric structure with CLASSROOMS the sanctuary as focus in SANCTUARY the center MAIN ENTRANCE PEW AREAS • Surrounding it are classrooms and offices with an auditorium, ALTAR, CHOIR AREA & kitchen and other PLAN ORGAN functions below. SOURCE: Berkey, Ricky. 2011.
  • 13. • The organ is presented in a sculptural form above the altar area. The communion table is at the very center as a focus. • Natural light from the oculus shines directly down onto the area where the communion tables sit. • The sanctuary ceiling is white and soars high enclosing a very positive, spiritual space with a INTERIOR OF THE CHURCH seating capacity of 615. • The lower level contains an auditorium/fellowship hall which seats 350 but can be reconfigured into SOURCE: Berkey, Ricky. 2011. or two separate spaces
  • 14. DAVID S. INGALLS RINK • Location: New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. • Project Year: 1956 – 1958 YALE HOCKEY RINK • Materials: concrete & cables SOURCE:
  • 15. • New York Times recently named it the rink with the "Best Design" across all of America. • Named after former Yale men's ice hockey captains David S. Ingalls & David S. Ingalls Jr. • The arena gets its distinctive exterior look from a humpbacked roof, supported by a 300-foot backbone. As a result, it is also called the Yale Whale. • Over the years the rink YALE HOCKEY RINK has played host to commencements, concerts and rallies. • Logistics of the building won’t allow for expansion of the rink’s cozy seating capacity of 3,500. SOURCE:
  • 16. • Cast-concrete walls run round the two long edges of the elliptical plan. • These walls slant upwards and outwards at an angle of 15 degrees. PLAN • For the roof, a INTERIOR central arch spans the major axis of the ellipse and from it, cables take out two catenary curves in both directions. The concave and the SOURCE: Sharp, Dennis. Twentieth Century Architecture: a Visual History. p225
  • 18. DULLES AIRPORT • Location- Virginia • Date 1958 to 1962 • Building Type- airline terminal • Construction System-concrete • Climate-temperate • Context-suburban • Style-Modern SKETCH (DULLES AIRPORT) PAGODA LIKE CONTROL TOWE • Set on a huge (10,000 acre), flat site, this is a highly distinctive building with colonnades of tipped and tapered columns on its two long facades. • a gracefully curving roof hung between them, and a pagoda-like control tower nearby. • Mobile lounges are used to carry passengers from the terminal to their planes. An underground tunnel consisting of a passenger walkway and moving sidewalks was opened in 2004 . • Dulles Airport is an important part of the economy of the Washington, D.C. area. It employs thousands of people and generates billions of dollars of business.
  • 19. • When the need for Dulles Airport arose in the mid twentieth century, the entire functionality of how an airport works and operates was studied by Eero Saarinen to design an efficient new airport specifically geared for jet airplanes. • Saarinen focused on this aspect of the structure when planning the flow of passengers from the drop off outside of the Main Terminal, through the building, and onto the waiting airplanes. • A significant feature of saarinen’s design was the mobile lounge concept. The mobile lounges allowed for the Main Terminal to be a single independent mass without what Saarinen called extending structural ―fingers.‖ The mobile lounges were a modernistic design to bring passengers directly to the plane and to shorten the walking distance. • Saarinen also planned for the growth of the Main Terminal and the airport complex and incorporated future
  • 20. • At Dulles, Saarinen had a unique series of problems: 1. he was designing a complete new airport, providing a modern gateway to the capital of the nation and building it for the Federal Government. 2. The site was a flat plain. The main terminus is a single, compact structure, not entirely free from formalist tendencies but one which is technically exciting. 3. The final design concept arrived at was a suspended structure, 'high at the front, lower in the middle, slightly higher at the back', generated by a rectangular plan. • The form of the building was designed to be centered between earth and sky, and as Saarinen stated to ―both rise from the plan and hover over it.‖
  • 21. PLAN •The interior space of the main level is one large, open area designed to expedite flow of passengers from the roadway to the waiting planes and to connect the interior of the terminal to the exterior. •The ground floor contains baggage circulation, and an additional basement also serves this function.
  • 22. SECTION • Eero Saarinen – did not want to design an ordinary airport. His main goal was to find ―the soul of the Airport.‖ • The Main Terminal alone cost $108.3 million dollars to build, and that was in 1962! Because of its unique design, the Airport uses DULLES AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION Mobile Lounges (big vehicles which hold 102
  • 23. The columns punctuate the roof and curve over the top of the structure The spaces between colum on the north and south elevations. roof are filled with glass panels c into the bldg. EXTERIOR FACADE • The Main Terminal is reached by an access road leading to a three-leveled oval roadway that runs parallel to the north elevation. • The 1,240’ long building is composed of concrete columns 40’ apart along the north and south elevations supporting an upward curving concrete panel roof held
  • 24. • In 1962, Dulles Airport was one of the most modern airports in the whole world! While only 666,559 travelled through the Airport in 1963, 19.8 million passengers were served by 1999. • Throughout the 1990s, Dulles Airport went through a lot of construction. This construction included making the Main Terminal bigger, building new Concourses and adding more parking areas for cars. • Dulles Airport is now undergoing another big construction program which includes adding two more runways and building an underground Airport Train System and stations. DULLES AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION
  • 25. There have been many significant alterations to the airport since its construction. • In 1980 a fifty foot corridor designed by Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum (HOK) was added to the length of the Main Terminal. • In 1991 The International Arrivals Building was completed 300’ west of the Main Terminal designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM). • In 1996 the expansion of the Main Terminal from 600’ to 1,240’ was completed and designed by SOM. The expansion reflected the original design of Saarinen, who planned for an expansion to accommodate the growth of the facility. The International Arrivals building was connected to the Main Terminal due to the expansion on the west elevation. • In 2005, the interior of the Main Terminal was renovated and ticket counters and baggage handling facilities were updated. An additional baggage basement was
  • 26. • Eero saarinen’s design of Dulles Airport was centred on how architecture could facilitate the travel experience of the passenger in the new age of jet travel. His modernistic creation reflected the connection of ground to sky, and Saarinen was also attempting to express ―the movement and excitement of modern travel by air.‖ • Saarinen was making a statement against static Federal architecture by incorporating the concept of movement into his design. Saarinen also extended the role of the architect by not only creating a functional and stylistic design for the Main Terminal but by providing a master plan which would take into consideration future expansion of the entire complex. • The architectural design of the Main Terminal subtly reflects flight and movement. The airport has been
  • 27. JOHN DEERE AND COMPANY • Location-Moline, Illinois • Building Type-commercial office block • Construction System-steel frame, weathering steel and glass façade • Climate-temperate • Context-wooded • Style-Modern • This headquarters for a farm equipment manufacturer pioneered in the use of weathering steel—high-tensile steel that, if left unpainted, forms its own cinnamon brown protective coating. • Set on a wooded site with two man-made lakes, its three original facilities were an auditorium, an office building, and display building, the latter two connected by a bridge across a ravine.
  • 28. • Saarinen's first inspiration was to raise a "rugged" concrete building: a pyramid inverted, on the highest bluff overlooking the valley floor. • The building is not of shiny steel like many office buildings of the day, but rather, rugged Cor-Ten steel, made to rust. Cor-Ten dated to 1933 and was developed for the railroads. John Deere World Headquarters was the first use of Cor-Ten in such a major architectural application. • Saarinen created a working monument that glorifies •Comprising four farms with dignity industry, technology and craftsmanship, totalling 720 acres (290 all in balance with nature. The building is in, of, by and hectares), the site contained for the land- the land which is this building's reason to some existing trees and views of be. the valley that promised the kind of elegance Hewitt(the client) was looking for. INITIAL DESIGN CONCEPT (JOHN DEERE COMPANY) Saarinen's first proposal for John Deere headquarters was an
  • 30. • Saarinen engaged Hideo Sasaki to be the project's landscape architect. • The looping driveway lassoed the building complex, moving from the ravine bottom at the road intersection, rising along the ravine embankments and revealing stunning views across the ponds to the building facades, banking upward into the woodland landscape, eventually arriving at the principal parking lots disclosed at the last possible moment, and then dropping back down again to encircle the building complex at the rear to provide service access. • Saarinen used the cage of Cor-Ten steel not only as an exterior manifestation of structural members but to form exterior louvers over the banks of glass wrapping the building's seven floors. • To avoid curtains or Venetian blinds, which would
  • 32. SECTION • At its fourth floor level, glass-enclosed flying bridges stretch out to the laboratory and the exhibition buildings on the high slopes of the ravine. • The complex is approached from the valley below. the roads have been planned carefully, keeping in mind how the building would be seen as one drove along the man- made lake up to the parking lot behind the building and to the entrance.
  • 33. KRESGE AUDITORIUM • Location-Cambridge, Massachusetts • Date-1950 to 1955 • Building Type-school auditorium • Construction System-thin shell concrete dome, copper roof • Climate-temperate • Context-urban park campus • Style -Structuralist Modern • this building consists of a spherical segment dome-shaped concrete roof enclosing a triangular area approximately 160 feet on a side. • The primary building function is the enclosure of an 1238 seat auditorium and associated lobbies, restrooms, and projection facilities. • The dome is entirely supported on three points at the vertices of the triangle, or was by the original design. As every article written on the dome seems to mention, the total weight of the roof is approximately 1500 tons, and
  • 34. TECHNOLOGY • The building’s roof structure is a spherical dome. However, because of the interruptions to the doubly-curved spherical shape due to the triangular plan of the building, severe edge disturbances to the membrane stresses in the shell result. • This requires the addition of a stiffening beam around the perimeter of the building. The thickening of the shell to18‖ at the perimeter is intended to provide the necessary stiffening to the edge of the shell. • Other technological concerns in the design of the structure were the transmission of sound from the exterior into the auditorium, and the application of a roof membrane to the shell. The selection and application of a roof membrane to the doubly-curved shell was a particularly difficult technical problem. KRESGE AUDITORIM SKETCH
  • 35. CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS • Placement of concrete on sloped doubly curved surfaces is difficult at best, and the problems were compounded in the construction of the Kresge Auditorium by the steepness of the slopes at the vertices, and by the edge stiffening beams that were raised above the level of the top of the roof slab. The selection of the concrete mix for a project like this presents difficulties of its own. It is necessary to choose a stiff mix. • The roof system was a liquid-applied roof, consisting of fine limestone chips Picture shows extensive in an acrylic polymer binder. preparations for one of the steepest concrete placements in the building. The crew size is very large for a concrete placement of this size. LABOR AT WORK(KRESGE AUDITORIUM)
  • 36. PLAN •This large auditorium seats a maximum of 1226 people, although only 1144 seats are available when the stage is extended over the pit seating section. It is used for concerts, lectures, conferences, plays, and other major events.
  • 37. • The Kresge Auditorium demonstrates several important principles in the management of thin-shell concrete structures. Even from the time of its design, it reveals the tensions between the architectural and the engineering profession over the principals to be applied to design. • As Billington points out, the conception of the Kresge Auditorium shell depends on a misunderstanding of the importance of edge effects, which resulted in severe structural problems for the Kresge Auditorium shell. • The problems with this building did not end with the resolution of the structural problems. The shell was difficult and unusual to construct, and significant difficulties were encountered in concrete placement, protection of the reinforcing steel and above all in waterproofing the roof of the building. • The satisfactory resolution of these problems had to
  • 38. CHRONOLOGY OF MAJOR WORKS TIME WORK REMARK 1940 Chair designed Won first prize together with Charles Eames for the "Organic Design in Home furnishings― Competition 1948 Jefferson Won first prize, National not completed till Expansion, 1960 Memorial, St. Louis. 1949-1955 General motors First major technical centre architectural commission 1953 Kersge Auditorium, MIT