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The book created on behalf of the project Erasmus+
The book created on behalf of the project Erasmus+
”My Culture, Your Culture, Our Culture”
”My Culture, Your Culture, Our Culture”
The nursery school in Wola Filipowska is the
eduactional institution located in a small village about
30 kilometers from Cracow. The nursery school shares
the building with the local primary school which
makes it more open and sociable. Over 110 children
in the age of 3 to 6 years old, divided into 5 groups,
attend to this public pre-primary school. There are 8
members of teaching staff employed.
The main educational assumptions are based on linguistic (English), artistic and multilateral
competences. Children have got the opportunity to develop their language skills through the
participation in language innovations and many additional artistic activities, mainly dance and art
classes. The kindergarten has numerous achievements in these areas and willingly presents the
abilities during local and regional events that promotes this rural school.
Beside basic activities it offers additional ones; integrated early sports activities, music and dance
workshop and integrated early English learning activities.
Currently there is provided educational experiments teaching young children reading with three
methods: Domans, Irena Majchrzak and Jadwiga Cieszynska. The teaching staff cares about the
high level of the education and good atmosphere there.
What is more since this year he other experiment was introduced: Clil method in English teaching.
The pedagogical staff is ready and eager to their own professional development to provide the
institution with reliable and adequate pedagogical care. Teachers are not afraid of challenges, they
are looking for new solutions and willingly undertake additional tasks. That is why they took part in
the project POWER and five of them improved their language competences participating in the
English course in Malta. That helped them to introduce one more innovative method into
curriculum, CLIL as the most effective method with teaching English to very young learners. Clil
became the main teaching foreign language method in the kindergarten.
The pedagogical staff is ready and eager to their own professional development to provide the
institution with reliable and adequate pedagogical care. Teachers are not afraid of challenges, they
are looking for new solutions and willingly undertake additional tasks. All have good
communicative skills in English All of them took part in some European projects and are ICT high
skilled. Our main English teacher has strong experience in European programme. She participated
in the Comenius project in 2012 to 2014 that gave her new abilities and skills. She is an active
member of eTwinning platform - and she was awarded with Quality Labels and European Quality
Label for her projects. She is also the author of two English INNOVATIONS INTRODUCED TO
CURRICULUM and the leader of English methods in the kindergarten.
The main priorities of the school are constant searching the new innovative solutions,
improvements, following towards the highest level of self-improvement and upbringing, sharing the
experience and learn from the others, in order to present most effective way of education. Teaching
a foreign language has become a key competence in the kindergarten included in the core
curriculum. To fulfil all the educational needs and the new reform requirements almost all of the
teachers are qualify to teach a foreign language. To maintain the innovative character, listening to
the needs of the environment, five of the teachers participated in the project POWERSE which
helped them to raise the skills and qualifications and prepare the staff to change the profile of the
institution into the bilingual kindergarten. In order to implement the activities CLIL method it was
required that each of the participants presented the level of language allowing further self-
development, both substantive and methodical therefore are required a solid foundation and
communicative level of language knowledge. All these procedures were designed to pick up the
teachers’ language skills, their qualifications, prepare for further self-improvement. All this actions
helped to take on the task of introducing a foreign language to the children’s daily activities and
brought closer to the goal of reprofiling kindergarten into bilingual institution. The teachers
elaborated sample lesson plans, available for use to other teachers. They prepared a bibliography
and netography with sets of games, songs and poems for children, and a glossary of basic
vocabulary and phrases in force at the preschool level of education. They prepared and make
available for public use teaching materials needed to carry out language classes. Due to the equal
access to all forms of extra-curricular activities for all children the institution strengthened its
position among other kindergartens in the region. The educational work of the nursery school in
Wola Filipowska includes humanitarian actions to provide for those in need. Educational and
upbringing activities are adapted and preformed in a way to suit children age and progress and to
stimulate their development. The fundamental task is to provide quality upbringing, education,
guardianship and nutrition for children till their school admission and to provide assistance for
parents with whole care for their children, satisfy all children’s needs, interests and stimulate
development of their potentials and their self-confidence.
Welcome children, free children's games, fun with songs in
english, individual work with the child;
8:20 - 8:30 
Preparation the classroom for breakfast, self-service activities - the implementation of
personal hygiene items;
8:30 - 9:00
Breakfast - encouraging cultural consumption;
9:00 - 10:45 
Teaching and educational activities in groups according to the schedule:
◦ implementation of a program of preschool education and the tasks of the Erasmus+
◦ classes in English;
◦ fun and games;
◦ art classes;
10:45 - 11:45 
Outdoor activities;
11:45 - 12:30
Preparation the classroom for lunch, self-service actions- the implementation of
personal hygiene items;
12:30 - 13:45 
Relaxation time –reading, music therapy, rest;
13:45 - 14:00 
Preparation the classroom for dessert, self-service actions- the
implementation of personal hygiene items, dessert;
14:00 - 15:45 
Parenting education classes in groups according to the schedule:
◦ implementation of a program of preschool education and the tasks of the Erasmus+
◦ classes in English;
◦ fun and games;
◦ art classes;
15:45 - 16:30
Individual work with children, playing time.
The Polish education system is based on three-tired principle: primary, secondary and higher
The Polish education system has faced significant changes, Since 2016, including a change in
school entry age and in the organisation of schools.
Compulsory general education will be shorter, and tracking to general or vocational education
secondary schools will take place earlier. These
changes could have an impact on the inequality of outcomes, costs and the situation of teachers.
Structure of educational system
3 to 7
From the age of 6
Public/not public
4 grades
Primary school
7 to 15
Compulsary Public/not public
8 grades
15 to 18
or 19 or 20
to the age of 18
Public/not public
3 or 4
or 5 grades
In general, kindergarten is available for children between 3-6 years old. There is a choice here
between public and private institutions
During the last year of the kindergarten children are usually learnt reading and writing abilities,
maths, counting and comparing the amount of subcjects, science and foreign language, usually
The school year (ten months) is divided into two semesters.
There are two main breaks during school year:
 Winter holidays – lasts 2 weeks (it seperates semesters/ terms)
 Summer holidays – lasts 2 months (it seperates grades/years of studing)
One lesson lasts 45 minutes
1 niedostateczny, insufficient
2 dopuszczający, passing
3 dostateczny, sufficient
4 dobry, good
5 bardzo dobry, very good
6 celujący, excellent
Primary  Education
• Length of program in years: 8
• Age level from: 7 to: 15
• Certificate/diploma awarded: Świadectwo ukończenia szkoły podstawowej - Certificate of
Completion of Primary School Education
At the end of the primary school, your children will be obliged to take an exam which will test their
knowledge acquired throughout the 8 years. Year 2018/2019 was the first year with this new
educational system. The subjects that were obligatory include Polish, Foreign Language and Math.
From 2020/21 in addition to the previous three, the child will need to choose one more from
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography and History.
The exams will be the basis for acceptance to the next educational level.
Two cycles of primary education
grades 1-3
the first cycle at which beginning learning is
In the lower grades one teacher teaches all
After completing elementary school pupils can choose different secondary education, which is free
of charge.
General secondary schools provide graduation certificate of general education. Those who have
passed the final examination called „matura” (maturity exam) may apply to universities. Those
who do not want to study at university and those who have not taken the „matura” examination may
continue their education in post-secondary vocational schools.
Basic Vocational School (Lower Secondary)
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 16 to: 18
Certificate/diploma awarded: Świadectwo ukończenia szkoły zasadniczej (Certificate of
Completion of Education in the Basic Vocational School).
Technical Secondary School
Length of program in years: 5
Age level from: 15 to: 20
Certificate/diploma awarded: Świadectwo dojrzalości technikum (Maturity Certificate of the
Technical Secondary School) or świadectwo ukończenia technikum (Certificate of Completion of
Education in the Technical Secondary School).
General Lyceum
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 15 to: 19
the second cycle at which systematic learning is
In the higher grades each subject has a different
grades 4-8
Certificate/diploma awarded: Świadectwo dojrzałości liceum ogólnokształcącego (Maturity
Cetificate of the General Lyceum) or świadectwo ukończenia liceum ogólnokształcącego
(Certificate of Completion of Education in the General Lyceum).
Specialized Lyceum
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 14 to: 19
Certificate/diploma awarded: Świadectwo dojrzałości liceum profilowanego (Maturity Certificate of
the Specialized Lyceum) or świadectwo ukończenia liceum profilowanego (Certificate of
Completion of Education in the Specialized Lyceum.
Post-secondary schools (szkoly policealne) predominantly cater for students progressing from
general upper secondary schools, and programmes are typically 2 or 2.5 years in duration.
Students can choose post-secondary education. They are trained as nurses, accountants,
administrative personnel for enterprises and hotels, computer specialists, librarians.
After secondary school students can take higher education.
There are various types of higher education institutions in Poland:
 universities,
 polytechnics,
 economic academies,
 agricultural academies,
 others.
Daily studies in state higher PUBLIC schools are free of charge.
The structure of studies
Since 2007/2008 academic year Polish higher education system has been divided to three stages:
This system applies to all fields of education except Law, Pharmacy, Psychology, Veterinary
Medicine, Medicine and Dentistry, which are still based on two-stage system (Master and Doctor).
(elaborating educational policies at the national level, coordination other governing
bodies, controlling higher education institutionssupervised by this Ministry)
(educational supervision)
(administration and financial
Rizario Kindergarten is a preschool education school that
offers quality in the educational process and is constantly
evolving, incorporating all kinds of innovation in its
program. We have as goal to create a school that will be
innovative and provide access to a high level of education
for all .It is one of etwinning schools that has been
awarded this title for the year 2018 among of thousands of
schools in Europe. Part of our philosophy and our priority is to improve our work by adopting new
teaching methods and constantly training our staff for the benefit of the whole school unit. Our goal
is children’s all sides development and their smooth socialization, in order that they be ready to
face the “information and knowledge society "where they are going to live. Its pioneer participation
in various innovating programs (environment education, health education, Olympic education,
traffic education, European projects Comenius, Erasmus and e twinning) has made it known
throughout the local society and wider community and it can exhibit a quite rich action in the last
20 years, with a lot of National and European discriminations. Our aim is the creating of a digital
kindergarten that will be open to society ,will be innovative and provide access to high-quality
education for all children, a school that will be a model in the educational and local, national and
European community. Rizario Kindergarten, is a preschool education center with well-trained staff
offering its students, regardless of gender or ethnicity, equal opportunities for all-round
development, smooth socialization and quality education. By participating in international
partnerships and giving our teachers the opportunity to
visit other countries, to experiment with new ways of
teaching, to know the way that other people think and to
understand the idea of European education, we believe that
we are helping to strengthen the European dimension in
education, while at the same time strengthening the
European aspect of common education.
7.45- 8.30
Early reception of children (optional)
Reception of children
8.30 -9.15
Spontaneous activities - employment in learning centers (corners)
9.15- 10.00
Development of thematically activities
10.00 -10.45
Breakfast - break
Development of thematically activities
11.30 -12.10
Spontaneous activities - employment in learning corners
12.10 -12.45
Development of thematically activities
Departure preparation
Optional all day program
Lunch and relaxation
14.20 -15.00
Development of thematically activities
Spontaneous and organized activities/feedback
Departure of children
Children first go to kindergarten at the age of 4 years. The curriculum in kindergarten aims to
prepare students for the first grade and the years that follow.
At the age of 6 years, students enter to the Primary or Elementary school until the age of 12
Of course they are schools for younger children (age 2 to 4) that called kindergarten stations or
Vrefiki stathmi.
In the age of 6 years children start their lessons in the primaries schools.
There are 6 (six)"classes" from 1st to 6th :
 Grade 1: age 6 to 7
 Grade 2: age 7 to 8
 Grade 3 : age 8 to 9
 Grade 4 : age 9 to 10
 Grade 5 : age 10 to 11
 Grade 6 : age 11 to 12
After primary school pupils follow the next step going to Gymnasium ( 12 years old to 15 year old)
Pupils have the right to stop their education here.
Next step is the High school (15 to 18 years old)
There are general and technological high (secondaries) schools and pupils can choose where they
want to go. There are private and public Gymnasiums and High schools.
When students finish the high school can go for study to Universities but after examinations.
There are only public Universities in Greece at the moment. There are lot of discussions about
private Universities. Of course there are lot of foreign Colleges where students can learn very well
another language too while they are study there, as English, French and German.
There are special care for children with any kind of special needs and is begins from early age.
Especially in Kindergarten some of children with special needs have support from private teacher of
special needs education in the same class with other pupils ,but also there are special schools for
children that need more support.
There are kindergartens, primaries and high schools for these pupils and they can continue in
private schools to learn a job or an art.
I. C. Cardinal Prisco is a comprehensive school from the
kindergarten to the secondary school of first grade. The main aim of
our school is to develop the programs on a vertical curriculum, in
order to entangle the previous goals, reached by the students, to the
next ones.
The mission of our school is to promote an European education based
on a national identity that meets the international ones. We have been
doing several e-twinning Project. Six years ago we did a Comenius project. The vision of our
school is to promote new teaching methods with a European approach based on the knowledge of
the Information Technology and of English as a second Language since the Kindergarten. The basic
elements of our programs are concentrated on the continuous improvement of our teaching
strategies and of our teacher’s updating .
Our projects are focused on the innovating programs like: phisical movement into creativity
education, musical approach into educational programs, sport at school, fun English at school. The
goal of our school is to create a digital approach of the students since the kindergarten grade. We
are promoting several programs like the coding language, which gets the student to using an
innovative approach to the problem solving. After it the children of the primary school are involved
in other projects like robotic where they can practice their knowledge of planning technologies
I. C. Prisco is an important point of reference for the local communities because it has got a well-
trained staff and gives its students a new mentality tending to an international point of view.We
promote international projects like Erasmus PLUS to give our teachers the opportunity to meet
different European cultures and exchange the traditions of each educational system. Teaching in a
mutual development of the best practice is the most innovative way to grow up in a European
8.15 -9.00
Welcome children
9.00 – 10.00
Routine: calling the register, movements games, songs,
10.00 -10.30
10.30 - 11.30
Laboratory educational activities
11.30 -12.00
Free games
12.00 -12.15
Preparation for lunch
12.15 – 13.30
Having lunch
13.30 - 14.15
Free and structured games
14.15 - 15.40
Educational activities within different classrooms
15.40- 16.15
Children’s coming out of the school
Children start the kindergarten at the age of 3 years and finish
when they are 6. The kindergarten lasts 3 years, but it isn’t compulsory in Italy. The programs of
this school are based on 5 fields of experience through which the children can explore the basic
fields of knowledge in order to reach their competences development .
At the age of 6 years the students enter to the Primary school until the age of 11 years.
Before the kindergarten the children can attend the infant schools from the age 0 to 3.
In the age of 6 years children start the primary schools.
There are 5 (five)"classes" from 1st to 5th :
Grade 1: age 6 to 7
Grade 2: age 7 to 8
Grade 3 : age 8 to 9
Grade 4 : age 9 to 10
Grade 5 : age 10 to 11
After primary school the students enter the secondary school of the first grade, called middle school
(11 years old to 13 year old)
Then the students attend the secondary school of the second grade (14 to 19 years old). This school
is compulsory until 16 years old. After this age they can decide to leave it.
There are different kinds of secondary schools and pupils can choose where they want to go. There
are private and public middle schools and secondary school.
After the high school the students have to pass a State exam and they can go to Universities if they
want. In Italy there are public and private Universities. In the big cities of Italy there are some
foreign schools where students can learn very well another language as English, French and
Special care for pupils with special needs
Special care for pupils with special needs
In Italy, in the last 10 years, some specific laws have been approved to protect the students with
special needs. The students with special needs are supported and managed by the curricular teacher
but they need to follow special programs adapted to their specific needs. On the contrary, the
students with disabilities are supported by a specific teacher but they have to stay in the same class
with their classmate and the curricular teacher too. The students with disabilities and with special
needs have the right to attend all the public schools and Universities of our country.
The school is in a small village near to capital city of
Vilnius. Our preschool was create in 2011. It is a
public establishment. Our institution is a preschool
with polish language, and for the polish minority. In
our preschool we have 4 groups, our children are in
age 2-6 years old, for now we have 82 children and 7
pedagogically staff, our preschool works 5 days per
week and 10,5 hours per day. The children sleep
during the day and have also a meal three times per day. We have really great cooperation with
children’s families. The parents board is very active. The pupils come from differen section of
society, but most of them represent polish national minority, so we are a Polish kindergarten. The
most important goal of our institution is to preper our children an education process as interesting
as possible, with oportunities to coloborate with other social partners, other institution and with
parents. Our preschool team is really interested to be a part of project, we have some experience in
this and as we started to implement our first project we was scared to do this,but we improved
ourself that we can make it, we learned to work together like a team and now we know how to
achieve better project results, because we shared the responsabilities. We had one Comenius project
a few years ago. Our team made a few successful eTwinning projects. Our preschool is near to the
capital city of Vilnius.Vilnius Historic centre is the World heritage in Lithuania and Kernavė
Archeological Site.
6.30 – 8.00
Preparation - the staff prepare the classroom, its arrival
time for children.
Free games.
8.00 – 8.30
Preparation for the breakfast
8.30 – 9.00
9:00 – 11.00
Teaching and educational activities in groups according to the schedule:
◦ Music lessons;
◦ Dance lessons,
◦ Art classes,
◦ Speech therapist lessons.
◦ Implementation of educational program, activities from erasmus+ project.
11.05 – 11.45
Outdoor activities
11.45- 12.30
Preparation for the lunch. Lunch time.
12.45 – 15.00
Time for relax and sleep.
15.05 – 15.45
Preparation for the supper. Supper time.
15.50 – 18.30
Time for free games and individual work with children.
• Pre-school education
• General Education
• Vocational Education
• Higher Education
Education is free of charge and compulsory from the age of 6 or 7 to 16 years.
• Pre-tertiary education is organized in 4 main cycles:
• Pre-school education (until age 5 or 6),
• Pre-primary education (1 year, between age 5-7),
• primary education(4 years, between age 6-11),
• basic education (6 years, between age 10-17, ends on a "basic education certificate"),
• upper secondary education (two years, between age 16-19).
Upper secondary education ends on the "matura" examination, opening gates to tertiary education. 
Vocational and technical education starts at the fifth year of basic education (age 14-15).
Its structure is similar to comprehensive education: The program lasts two to three years before the
"basic education certificate". Students can then pursue into vocational upper secondary education,
that also leads, after two or three years, to a "matura" examination. However, in order to reach
tertiary education (university or college), vocational students have to follow an extra "post-
secondary" education program of 2 years.
The school year in Lithuania usually starts on the first of September, including in tertiary education.
Pre-school education under the pre-school education programme is provided to children from 1 to
6 years old. Institutional pre-school education is not compulsory and is provided upon parents'
request. This kind of education can be compulsory in individual cases (to children from social risk
families, etc.). Pre-school education is provided by public and private nurseries-kindergartens,
kindergartens, and kindergartens-schools.
Pre-primary education is provided for one year. Education is provided to 6-year-old (in
exceptional cases – five-year-old) children and is intended to better prepare children for school
entry. Education is free, universally available, but is not compulsory. Parents have the right to
decide whether their six-year-old child should be educated under the pre-primary education
programme or not.
Pre-primary education groups are established in kindergartens or schools. In remote villages,
municipalities can establish such groups in community multi-functional centres or children can be
brought by school buses free of charge to the nearest school, where such group has been
According to the Law on Education, children who have reached 7 years of age must go to the 1st
form. If parents wish so and if the child is sufficiently mature to study under the primary education
programme, he/she can start attending school from 6 years of age. The duration of the primary
education programme is 4 years. Compulsory primary education can be obtained in kindergartens-
schools, in primary schools and, which is less common, in basic or secondary schools.
In Lithuania, education is compulsory for children under 16. Compulsory education is usually
provided up to the 10th form. Upon completion of the 10th form pupils can choose to undergo an
Assessment of Foundation Education test. During these examinations, 2 to 3 subject skills are
assessed: Lithuanian language, Mathematics and native language if it is not Lithuanian (e.g. Polish,
Russian). After passing the exams, pupils can choose to study in a secondary school that focuses on
academics, or undergo vocational training.
In spring, upon completion of the secondary education programme, school-leavers take maturity
examinations. Matura examinations may be of two types, i.e. school-level or national-level. To be
awarded a Maturity Certificate, two maturity examinations must be passed: a compulsory exam in
Lithuanian and one more optional exam. School-leavers who wish to enter higher education schools
and receive state funding (except for studies of Arts), must pass at least 3 maturity examinations. In
total, 6 maturity exams may be taken.
State examinations are conducted centrally — pupils of the graduation forms are registered in the
database of the National Examination Centre; examinations are taken in municipal examinations
centres; examination papers are encoded and sent to the National Examination Centre where they
are assessed by hired experts.
Having completed the secondary education programme and passed maturity examinations, school-
leavers obtain secondary education.
The Agrupamento de Escolas Emídio Navarro (AEEN), is
part of a group of 15 schools in Almada , that represents
more than 3.000 teachers and 15.000 students. The
educational community Grouping has 2975 students, from
the kindergarden to the secondary (regular and VET) and
224 teachers and 60 non-teaching staff. The specifics of the
student population is very diverse both in socio-economic
terms, whether cultural, both in its origins, yet want their
needs. Being a city which is part of the dynamics of the metropolitan area of Lisbon, where the
phenomena of population movements are felt more with the arrival of people from other regions of
the country and those from other countries, it is natural that here express a diversity of cultures and
nationalities, having students with different background. “JI de Almada” is a kindergarten School,
that belongs to this school's group and have 75 students, from 3 till 6 years old,1 have cognitive
impairment and 5 have learning difficulties. All them will take part in project. We have 3
kindergarten teachers,1special need teacher, 2 teachers assistants,2 monitor how work with
children after classes,1establishment coordinator, and a Parents Association, to provide quality
activities, after school. We implement the national educational programs, in a dynamic perspective,
in order to enrich and encourage our students sills, knowledge and performance. Almost every
class integrates a student with special needs or learning difficulties, with an adapted curriculum.
This reality gave, the school community, the opportunity to learn how to deal with the different
situations and gives us, as well, the knowledge and the flexibility to try different approaches. We are
an inclusive school, with cultural diversity. Strong motivation, team work and multidisciplinarity,
has been an advantage to cope with this new reality, towards an education of values, promoting
real integration, and better academic results. By participation in this project we will get in touch
with new schools and different educational systems, in order to share good practices, visions,
experiences and methods, understanding and respect the cultural differences in each country.
During every school year we organize in our school various folk tradition events as an inseparable
element of national identity, cultural and educational activities. The teachers participating in this
project are high recommended. The school doesn’t have experience in European projects but have
participated indirectly in several Erasmus+ projects as a school of this group.
9.00 – 9.30
Children come - "sachet of surprises" planning time
9.30 -10.15
Time of individual or small group activities
Development of planned activities
10.15 – 11.00
Time to finish activities and do tasks
Snack and 1st recreation time playground
11.00 – 11.45
Time of large group activities
Weekly activities
11.45 – 12.00
Hygiene routine
12.00 – 13.00
Lunch / routine of hygiene / recreation
13.30 – 14.00
Time of large group
14.00 – 15.00
Time of individual or small group activities
15.00 -15.30
Time to complete activities and do tasks
Time to evaluate - expose colleagues to developed work
Welcome and time to plan
• We sing "good morning song"
• Choose tasks to complete at the end of activities
• We sing "sachet of surprises" - children tell/share/share the news
• We combine what we are going to do/what is going to happen
Time for individual or small group activities (development of choices made and / or planned)
• We develop projects
• Expression activities
• We play in the areas
Tasks, school milk and 1st recreation time
• each child has the task of taking care of an area and arranging it, with two more colleagues
• a table of attendance, time frame and activities
• school milk is distributed – some children bring fruit
Time of large group activities
• philosophy
• mathematics
• music
• Theater
• dance
• physical education
• experimental sciences
• stories
• poetry
• group games
Evaluation and discussion of the work carried out.
From 7.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m and from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., the children who have families
working at this time, will have the monitors of the animation activities and family support in play
• Attendance it’s optional
• Even though it isn`t compulsory, it is free of charge in public establishments.
For children between 6 and 15 years old
It lasts 9 years and has 3 cycles:
1st cycle - 4 years - 1 generalist teacher
2nd cycle – 2 years – 8/9 teachers
3rd cycle – 3 years – 10/11 teachers
For pupils between 16 and 18 years old. It lasts for 3 years and comprises:
1. General courses – in scientific and humanistic areas  (aiming higher education)
◦ Technological courses
◦ intermediate vocational training to enter into the labour market.
2. Specialized Artistic courses - provide artistic training.
 University education
 Polytechnic education - for technical and professional qualification.
Participation in higher education is rising, particularly in the polytechnic sector.
Is to promote knowledge and personal development, regarding practical skills, creativity, critical
thinking, responsibility and cooperation skills.
The school is based on humanistic
And democratic ideals to promote values like:
• Specific curriculum
• Special units, in reference schools
• pedagogical support
• specific professional orientation
Welfare measures to students needing social and economic support being helped through
 canteen fees,
 transportation,
 school books,
 Lodging,
 scholarships.
Despite of the considerable improvement in education, Portugal still faces some problems that
represent our major challenges for the future, which are:
 High levels of early school leaving and grade repetition.
 An ageing teacher population.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not
constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained there in.

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  • 2. The book created on behalf of the project Erasmus+ The book created on behalf of the project Erasmus+ ”My Culture, Your Culture, Our Culture” ”My Culture, Your Culture, Our Culture”
  • 4. SCHOOL PROFILE SCHOOL PROFILE The nursery school in Wola Filipowska is the eduactional institution located in a small village about 30 kilometers from Cracow. The nursery school shares the building with the local primary school which makes it more open and sociable. Over 110 children in the age of 3 to 6 years old, divided into 5 groups, attend to this public pre-primary school. There are 8 members of teaching staff employed. The main educational assumptions are based on linguistic (English), artistic and multilateral competences. Children have got the opportunity to develop their language skills through the participation in language innovations and many additional artistic activities, mainly dance and art classes. The kindergarten has numerous achievements in these areas and willingly presents the abilities during local and regional events that promotes this rural school. Beside basic activities it offers additional ones; integrated early sports activities, music and dance workshop and integrated early English learning activities. Currently there is provided educational experiments teaching young children reading with three methods: Domans, Irena Majchrzak and Jadwiga Cieszynska. The teaching staff cares about the high level of the education and good atmosphere there. What is more since this year he other experiment was introduced: Clil method in English teaching. The pedagogical staff is ready and eager to their own professional development to provide the institution with reliable and adequate pedagogical care. Teachers are not afraid of challenges, they are looking for new solutions and willingly undertake additional tasks. That is why they took part in the project POWER and five of them improved their language competences participating in the English course in Malta. That helped them to introduce one more innovative method into curriculum, CLIL as the most effective method with teaching English to very young learners. Clil became the main teaching foreign language method in the kindergarten. The pedagogical staff is ready and eager to their own professional development to provide the institution with reliable and adequate pedagogical care. Teachers are not afraid of challenges, they are looking for new solutions and willingly undertake additional tasks. All have good
  • 5. communicative skills in English All of them took part in some European projects and are ICT high skilled. Our main English teacher has strong experience in European programme. She participated in the Comenius project in 2012 to 2014 that gave her new abilities and skills. She is an active member of eTwinning platform - and she was awarded with Quality Labels and European Quality Label for her projects. She is also the author of two English INNOVATIONS INTRODUCED TO CURRICULUM and the leader of English methods in the kindergarten. The main priorities of the school are constant searching the new innovative solutions, improvements, following towards the highest level of self-improvement and upbringing, sharing the experience and learn from the others, in order to present most effective way of education. Teaching a foreign language has become a key competence in the kindergarten included in the core curriculum. To fulfil all the educational needs and the new reform requirements almost all of the teachers are qualify to teach a foreign language. To maintain the innovative character, listening to the needs of the environment, five of the teachers participated in the project POWERSE which helped them to raise the skills and qualifications and prepare the staff to change the profile of the institution into the bilingual kindergarten. In order to implement the activities CLIL method it was required that each of the participants presented the level of language allowing further self- development, both substantive and methodical therefore are required a solid foundation and communicative level of language knowledge. All these procedures were designed to pick up the teachers’ language skills, their qualifications, prepare for further self-improvement. All this actions helped to take on the task of introducing a foreign language to the children’s daily activities and brought closer to the goal of reprofiling kindergarten into bilingual institution. The teachers elaborated sample lesson plans, available for use to other teachers. They prepared a bibliography and netography with sets of games, songs and poems for children, and a glossary of basic vocabulary and phrases in force at the preschool level of education. They prepared and make available for public use teaching materials needed to carry out language classes. Due to the equal access to all forms of extra-curricular activities for all children the institution strengthened its position among other kindergartens in the region. The educational work of the nursery school in Wola Filipowska includes humanitarian actions to provide for those in need. Educational and upbringing activities are adapted and preformed in a way to suit children age and progress and to stimulate their development. The fundamental task is to provide quality upbringing, education, guardianship and nutrition for children till their school admission and to provide assistance for
  • 6. parents with whole care for their children, satisfy all children’s needs, interests and stimulate development of their potentials and their self-confidence.
  • 7. T THE HE DAILY DAILY ROUTINE ROUTINE 6.30-8.20 Welcome children, free children's games, fun with songs in english, individual work with the child; 8:20 - 8:30  Preparation the classroom for breakfast, self-service activities - the implementation of personal hygiene items; 8:30 - 9:00 Breakfast - encouraging cultural consumption; 9:00 - 10:45  Teaching and educational activities in groups according to the schedule: ◦ implementation of a program of preschool education and the tasks of the Erasmus+ project; ◦ classes in English; ◦ fun and games; ◦ art classes; 10:45 - 11:45  Outdoor activities; 11:45 - 12:30 Preparation the classroom for lunch, self-service actions- the implementation of personal hygiene items; 12:30 - 13:45  Relaxation time –reading, music therapy, rest; 13:45 - 14:00  Preparation the classroom for dessert, self-service actions- the implementation of personal hygiene items, dessert; 14:00 - 15:45  Parenting education classes in groups according to the schedule:
  • 8. ◦ implementation of a program of preschool education and the tasks of the Erasmus+ project ◦ classes in English; ◦ fun and games; ◦ art classes; 15:45 - 16:30 Individual work with children, playing time.
  • 9. COMPULSORY EDUCATION IN POLAND LASTS FOR 12 YEARS; FROM 6 TO 18 COMPULSORY EDUCATION IN POLAND LASTS FOR 12 YEARS; FROM 6 TO 18 The Polish education system is based on three-tired principle: primary, secondary and higher education The Polish education system has faced significant changes, Since 2016, including a change in school entry age and in the organisation of schools. Compulsory general education will be shorter, and tracking to general or vocational education secondary schools will take place earlier. These changes could have an impact on the inequality of outcomes, costs and the situation of teachers. Structure of educational system Kindergarten Children 3 to 7 Compulsary From the age of 6 Public/not public sector Lasts 4 grades Primary school Children 7 to 15 Compulsary Public/not public sector Lasts 8 grades Secondary school Children 15 to 18 or 19 or 20 Compulsary to the age of 18 Public/not public sector Lasts 3 or 4 or 5 grades PRE- PRE-PRIMARY PRIMARY EDUCATION EDUCATION In general, kindergarten is available for children between 3-6 years old. There is a choice here between public and private institutions During the last year of the kindergarten children are usually learnt reading and writing abilities, maths, counting and comparing the amount of subcjects, science and foreign language, usually English.
  • 10. SCHOOLS SCHOOLS The school year (ten months) is divided into two semesters. There are two main breaks during school year:  Winter holidays – lasts 2 weeks (it seperates semesters/ terms)  Summer holidays – lasts 2 months (it seperates grades/years of studing) One lesson lasts 45 minutes Grades/Notes: 1 niedostateczny, insufficient 2 dopuszczający, passing 3 dostateczny, sufficient 4 dobry, good 5 bardzo dobry, very good 6 celujący, excellent Primary  Education • Length of program in years: 8 • Age level from: 7 to: 15 • Certificate/diploma awarded: Świadectwo ukończenia szkoły podstawowej - Certificate of Completion of Primary School Education At the end of the primary school, your children will be obliged to take an exam which will test their knowledge acquired throughout the 8 years. Year 2018/2019 was the first year with this new educational system. The subjects that were obligatory include Polish, Foreign Language and Math. From 2020/21 in addition to the previous three, the child will need to choose one more from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography and History. The exams will be the basis for acceptance to the next educational level. Two cycles of primary education grades 1-3 the first cycle at which beginning learning is offered, In the lower grades one teacher teaches all subjects
  • 11. SECONDARY SCHOOL After completing elementary school pupils can choose different secondary education, which is free of charge. General secondary schools provide graduation certificate of general education. Those who have passed the final examination called „matura” (maturity exam) may apply to universities. Those who do not want to study at university and those who have not taken the „matura” examination may continue their education in post-secondary vocational schools. Basic Vocational School (Lower Secondary) Length of program in years: 3 Age level from: 16 to: 18 Certificate/diploma awarded: Świadectwo ukończenia szkoły zasadniczej (Certificate of Completion of Education in the Basic Vocational School). Technical Secondary School Length of program in years: 5 Age level from: 15 to: 20 Certificate/diploma awarded: Świadectwo dojrzalości technikum (Maturity Certificate of the Technical Secondary School) or świadectwo ukończenia technikum (Certificate of Completion of Education in the Technical Secondary School). General Lyceum Length of program in years: 4 Age level from: 15 to: 19 the second cycle at which systematic learning is provided. In the higher grades each subject has a different teacher grades 4-8
  • 12. Certificate/diploma awarded: Świadectwo dojrzałości liceum ogólnokształcącego (Maturity Cetificate of the General Lyceum) or świadectwo ukończenia liceum ogólnokształcącego (Certificate of Completion of Education in the General Lyceum). Specialized Lyceum Length of program in years: 4 Age level from: 14 to: 19 Certificate/diploma awarded: Świadectwo dojrzałości liceum profilowanego (Maturity Certificate of the Specialized Lyceum) or świadectwo ukończenia liceum profilowanego (Certificate of Completion of Education in the Specialized Lyceum. POST-SECONDARY SCHOOLS POST-SECONDARY SCHOOLS Post-secondary schools (szkoly policealne) predominantly cater for students progressing from general upper secondary schools, and programmes are typically 2 or 2.5 years in duration. Students can choose post-secondary education. They are trained as nurses, accountants, administrative personnel for enterprises and hotels, computer specialists, librarians. HIGHER EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION After secondary school students can take higher education. There are various types of higher education institutions in Poland:  universities,  polytechnics,  economic academies,  agricultural academies,  others. Daily studies in state higher PUBLIC schools are free of charge. The structure of studies
  • 13. Since 2007/2008 academic year Polish higher education system has been divided to three stages: This system applies to all fields of education except Law, Pharmacy, Psychology, Veterinary Medicine, Medicine and Dentistry, which are still based on two-stage system (Master and Doctor). MANAGMENT OF EDUCATION Doctor (Doktor) Master (Magister) Bachelor (Licencjat, Inżynier) MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION (elaborating educational policies at the national level, coordination other governing bodies, controlling higher education institutionssupervised by this Ministry) EDUCATION OFFICER (educational supervision) LOCAL GOVERNMENT (administration and financial supervision) SCHOOLS
  • 15. SCHOOL PROFILE SCHOOL PROFILE Rizario Kindergarten is a preschool education school that offers quality in the educational process and is constantly evolving, incorporating all kinds of innovation in its program. We have as goal to create a school that will be innovative and provide access to a high level of education for all .It is one of etwinning schools that has been awarded this title for the year 2018 among of thousands of schools in Europe. Part of our philosophy and our priority is to improve our work by adopting new teaching methods and constantly training our staff for the benefit of the whole school unit. Our goal is children’s all sides development and their smooth socialization, in order that they be ready to face the “information and knowledge society "where they are going to live. Its pioneer participation in various innovating programs (environment education, health education, Olympic education, traffic education, European projects Comenius, Erasmus and e twinning) has made it known throughout the local society and wider community and it can exhibit a quite rich action in the last 20 years, with a lot of National and European discriminations. Our aim is the creating of a digital kindergarten that will be open to society ,will be innovative and provide access to high-quality education for all children, a school that will be a model in the educational and local, national and European community. Rizario Kindergarten, is a preschool education center with well-trained staff offering its students, regardless of gender or ethnicity, equal opportunities for all-round development, smooth socialization and quality education. By participating in international partnerships and giving our teachers the opportunity to visit other countries, to experiment with new ways of teaching, to know the way that other people think and to understand the idea of European education, we believe that we are helping to strengthen the European dimension in education, while at the same time strengthening the European aspect of common education.
  • 16. T THE HE DAILY DAILY ROUTINE ROUTINE 7.45- 8.30 Early reception of children (optional) 8.15-8.30 Reception of children 8.30 -9.15 Spontaneous activities - employment in learning centers (corners) 9.15- 10.00 Development of thematically activities 10.00 -10.45 Breakfast - break 10.45-11.30 Development of thematically activities 11.30 -12.10 Spontaneous activities - employment in learning corners 12.10 -12.45 Development of thematically activities 12.45-13.00 Departure preparation 13.00 Departure Optional all day program 13.00-14.20 Lunch and relaxation 14.20 -15.00 Development of thematically activities 15.00-15.20 Break
  • 17. 15.20-16.00 Spontaneous and organized activities/feedback 16.00 Departure of children
  • 18. PRE - PRIMARY EDUCATION PRE - PRIMARY EDUCATION Children first go to kindergarten at the age of 4 years. The curriculum in kindergarten aims to prepare students for the first grade and the years that follow. At the age of 6 years, students enter to the Primary or Elementary school until the age of 12 years. Of course they are schools for younger children (age 2 to 4) that called kindergarten stations or Vrefiki stathmi. PRIMARY EDUCATION PRIMARY EDUCATION In the age of 6 years children start their lessons in the primaries schools. There are 6 (six)"classes" from 1st to 6th :  Grade 1: age 6 to 7  Grade 2: age 7 to 8  Grade 3 : age 8 to 9  Grade 4 : age 9 to 10  Grade 5 : age 10 to 11  Grade 6 : age 11 to 12 GYMNASIUM AND HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM AND HIGH SCHOOL After primary school pupils follow the next step going to Gymnasium ( 12 years old to 15 year old) Pupils have the right to stop their education here. Next step is the High school (15 to 18 years old) There are general and technological high (secondaries) schools and pupils can choose where they want to go. There are private and public Gymnasiums and High schools. STUDY TO UNIVERSITY STUDY TO UNIVERSITY When students finish the high school can go for study to Universities but after examinations.
  • 19. There are only public Universities in Greece at the moment. There are lot of discussions about private Universities. Of course there are lot of foreign Colleges where students can learn very well another language too while they are study there, as English, French and German. SPECIAL CARE FOR PUPILS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS SPECIAL CARE FOR PUPILS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS There are special care for children with any kind of special needs and is begins from early age. Especially in Kindergarten some of children with special needs have support from private teacher of special needs education in the same class with other pupils ,but also there are special schools for children that need more support. There are kindergartens, primaries and high schools for these pupils and they can continue in private schools to learn a job or an art.
  • 21. SCHOOL PROFILE SCHOOL PROFILE I. C. Cardinal Prisco is a comprehensive school from the kindergarten to the secondary school of first grade. The main aim of our school is to develop the programs on a vertical curriculum, in order to entangle the previous goals, reached by the students, to the next ones. The mission of our school is to promote an European education based on a national identity that meets the international ones. We have been doing several e-twinning Project. Six years ago we did a Comenius project. The vision of our school is to promote new teaching methods with a European approach based on the knowledge of the Information Technology and of English as a second Language since the Kindergarten. The basic elements of our programs are concentrated on the continuous improvement of our teaching strategies and of our teacher’s updating . Our projects are focused on the innovating programs like: phisical movement into creativity education, musical approach into educational programs, sport at school, fun English at school. The goal of our school is to create a digital approach of the students since the kindergarten grade. We are promoting several programs like the coding language, which gets the student to using an innovative approach to the problem solving. After it the children of the primary school are involved in other projects like robotic where they can practice their knowledge of planning technologies programs. I. C. Prisco is an important point of reference for the local communities because it has got a well- trained staff and gives its students a new mentality tending to an international point of view.We promote international projects like Erasmus PLUS to give our teachers the opportunity to meet different European cultures and exchange the traditions of each educational system. Teaching in a mutual development of the best practice is the most innovative way to grow up in a European culture.
  • 22. T THE HE DAILY DAILY ROUTINE ROUTINE 8.15 -9.00 Welcome children 9.00 – 10.00 Routine: calling the register, movements games, songs, poetries 10.00 -10.30 Break 10.30 - 11.30 Laboratory educational activities 11.30 -12.00 Free games 12.00 -12.15 Preparation for lunch 12.15 – 13.30 Having lunch 13.30 - 14.15 Free and structured games 14.15 - 15.40 Educational activities within different classrooms 15.40- 16.15 Children’s coming out of the school
  • 23. PRE - PRIMARY EDUCATION PRE - PRIMARY EDUCATION Children start the kindergarten at the age of 3 years and finish when they are 6. The kindergarten lasts 3 years, but it isn’t compulsory in Italy. The programs of this school are based on 5 fields of experience through which the children can explore the basic fields of knowledge in order to reach their competences development . At the age of 6 years the students enter to the Primary school until the age of 11 years. Before the kindergarten the children can attend the infant schools from the age 0 to 3. PRIMARY EDUCATION PRIMARY EDUCATION In the age of 6 years children start the primary schools. There are 5 (five)"classes" from 1st to 5th : Grade 1: age 6 to 7 Grade 2: age 7 to 8 Grade 3 : age 8 to 9 Grade 4 : age 9 to 10 Grade 5 : age 10 to 11 MIDDLE SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL After primary school the students enter the secondary school of the first grade, called middle school (11 years old to 13 year old) Then the students attend the secondary school of the second grade (14 to 19 years old). This school is compulsory until 16 years old. After this age they can decide to leave it. There are different kinds of secondary schools and pupils can choose where they want to go. There are private and public middle schools and secondary school. STUDY TO UNIVERSITY STUDY TO UNIVERSITY After the high school the students have to pass a State exam and they can go to Universities if they want. In Italy there are public and private Universities. In the big cities of Italy there are some
  • 24. foreign schools where students can learn very well another language as English, French and German. Special care for pupils with special needs Special care for pupils with special needs In Italy, in the last 10 years, some specific laws have been approved to protect the students with special needs. The students with special needs are supported and managed by the curricular teacher but they need to follow special programs adapted to their specific needs. On the contrary, the students with disabilities are supported by a specific teacher but they have to stay in the same class with their classmate and the curricular teacher too. The students with disabilities and with special needs have the right to attend all the public schools and Universities of our country.
  • 26. SCHOOL PROFILE SCHOOL PROFILE The school is in a small village near to capital city of Vilnius. Our preschool was create in 2011. It is a public establishment. Our institution is a preschool with polish language, and for the polish minority. In our preschool we have 4 groups, our children are in age 2-6 years old, for now we have 82 children and 7 pedagogically staff, our preschool works 5 days per week and 10,5 hours per day. The children sleep during the day and have also a meal three times per day. We have really great cooperation with children’s families. The parents board is very active. The pupils come from differen section of society, but most of them represent polish national minority, so we are a Polish kindergarten. The most important goal of our institution is to preper our children an education process as interesting as possible, with oportunities to coloborate with other social partners, other institution and with parents. Our preschool team is really interested to be a part of project, we have some experience in this and as we started to implement our first project we was scared to do this,but we improved ourself that we can make it, we learned to work together like a team and now we know how to achieve better project results, because we shared the responsabilities. We had one Comenius project a few years ago. Our team made a few successful eTwinning projects. Our preschool is near to the capital city of Vilnius.Vilnius Historic centre is the World heritage in Lithuania and Kernavė Archeological Site.
  • 27. T THE HE DAILY DAILY ROUTINE ROUTINE 6.30 – 8.00 Preparation - the staff prepare the classroom, its arrival time for children. Free games. 8.00 – 8.30 Preparation for the breakfast 8.30 – 9.00 Breakfast 9:00 – 11.00 Teaching and educational activities in groups according to the schedule: ◦ Music lessons; ◦ Dance lessons, ◦ Art classes, ◦ Speech therapist lessons. ◦ Implementation of educational program, activities from erasmus+ project. 11.05 – 11.45 Outdoor activities 11.45- 12.30 Preparation for the lunch. Lunch time. 12.45 – 15.00 Time for relax and sleep. 15.05 – 15.45 Preparation for the supper. Supper time. 15.50 – 18.30 Time for free games and individual work with children.
  • 28.
  • 29. STAGES IN LITHUANIAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: STAGES IN LITHUANIAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: • Pre-school education • General Education • Vocational Education • Higher Education
  • 30. Education is free of charge and compulsory from the age of 6 or 7 to 16 years. • Pre-tertiary education is organized in 4 main cycles: • Pre-school education (until age 5 or 6), • Pre-primary education (1 year, between age 5-7), • primary education(4 years, between age 6-11), • basic education (6 years, between age 10-17, ends on a "basic education certificate"), • upper secondary education (two years, between age 16-19). Upper secondary education ends on the "matura" examination, opening gates to tertiary education.  Vocational and technical education starts at the fifth year of basic education (age 14-15). Its structure is similar to comprehensive education: The program lasts two to three years before the "basic education certificate". Students can then pursue into vocational upper secondary education, that also leads, after two or three years, to a "matura" examination. However, in order to reach tertiary education (university or college), vocational students have to follow an extra "post- secondary" education program of 2 years. The school year in Lithuania usually starts on the first of September, including in tertiary education. PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION Pre-school education under the pre-school education programme is provided to children from 1 to 6 years old. Institutional pre-school education is not compulsory and is provided upon parents' request. This kind of education can be compulsory in individual cases (to children from social risk families, etc.). Pre-school education is provided by public and private nurseries-kindergartens, kindergartens, and kindergartens-schools. PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION Pre-primary education is provided for one year. Education is provided to 6-year-old (in exceptional cases – five-year-old) children and is intended to better prepare children for school
  • 31. entry. Education is free, universally available, but is not compulsory. Parents have the right to decide whether their six-year-old child should be educated under the pre-primary education programme or not. Pre-primary education groups are established in kindergartens or schools. In remote villages, municipalities can establish such groups in community multi-functional centres or children can be brought by school buses free of charge to the nearest school, where such group has been established. PRIMARY EDUCATION PRIMARY EDUCATION According to the Law on Education, children who have reached 7 years of age must go to the 1st form. If parents wish so and if the child is sufficiently mature to study under the primary education programme, he/she can start attending school from 6 years of age. The duration of the primary education programme is 4 years. Compulsory primary education can be obtained in kindergartens- schools, in primary schools and, which is less common, in basic or secondary schools. FOUNDATION EDUCATION FOUNDATION EDUCATION In Lithuania, education is compulsory for children under 16. Compulsory education is usually provided up to the 10th form. Upon completion of the 10th form pupils can choose to undergo an Assessment of Foundation Education test. During these examinations, 2 to 3 subject skills are assessed: Lithuanian language, Mathematics and native language if it is not Lithuanian (e.g. Polish, Russian). After passing the exams, pupils can choose to study in a secondary school that focuses on academics, or undergo vocational training. MATURITY EXAMINATIONS MATURITY EXAMINATIONS In spring, upon completion of the secondary education programme, school-leavers take maturity examinations. Matura examinations may be of two types, i.e. school-level or national-level. To be awarded a Maturity Certificate, two maturity examinations must be passed: a compulsory exam in Lithuanian and one more optional exam. School-leavers who wish to enter higher education schools
  • 32. and receive state funding (except for studies of Arts), must pass at least 3 maturity examinations. In total, 6 maturity exams may be taken. State examinations are conducted centrally — pupils of the graduation forms are registered in the database of the National Examination Centre; examinations are taken in municipal examinations centres; examination papers are encoded and sent to the National Examination Centre where they are assessed by hired experts. Having completed the secondary education programme and passed maturity examinations, school- leavers obtain secondary education.
  • 34. SCHOOL PROFILE SCHOOL PROFILE The Agrupamento de Escolas Emídio Navarro (AEEN), is part of a group of 15 schools in Almada , that represents more than 3.000 teachers and 15.000 students. The educational community Grouping has 2975 students, from the kindergarden to the secondary (regular and VET) and 224 teachers and 60 non-teaching staff. The specifics of the student population is very diverse both in socio-economic terms, whether cultural, both in its origins, yet want their needs. Being a city which is part of the dynamics of the metropolitan area of Lisbon, where the phenomena of population movements are felt more with the arrival of people from other regions of the country and those from other countries, it is natural that here express a diversity of cultures and nationalities, having students with different background. “JI de Almada” is a kindergarten School, that belongs to this school's group and have 75 students, from 3 till 6 years old,1 have cognitive impairment and 5 have learning difficulties. All them will take part in project. We have 3 kindergarten teachers,1special need teacher, 2 teachers assistants,2 monitor how work with children after classes,1establishment coordinator, and a Parents Association, to provide quality activities, after school. We implement the national educational programs, in a dynamic perspective, in order to enrich and encourage our students sills, knowledge and performance. Almost every class integrates a student with special needs or learning difficulties, with an adapted curriculum. This reality gave, the school community, the opportunity to learn how to deal with the different situations and gives us, as well, the knowledge and the flexibility to try different approaches. We are an inclusive school, with cultural diversity. Strong motivation, team work and multidisciplinarity, has been an advantage to cope with this new reality, towards an education of values, promoting real integration, and better academic results. By participation in this project we will get in touch with new schools and different educational systems, in order to share good practices, visions, experiences and methods, understanding and respect the cultural differences in each country. During every school year we organize in our school various folk tradition events as an inseparable element of national identity, cultural and educational activities. The teachers participating in this
  • 35. project are high recommended. The school doesn’t have experience in European projects but have participated indirectly in several Erasmus+ projects as a school of this group.
  • 36. T THE HE DAILY DAILY ROUTINE ROUTINE 9.00 – 9.30 Children come - "sachet of surprises" planning time 9.30 -10.15 Time of individual or small group activities Development of planned activities 10.15 – 11.00 Time to finish activities and do tasks Snack and 1st recreation time playground 11.00 – 11.45 Time of large group activities Weekly activities 11.45 – 12.00 Hygiene routine 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch / routine of hygiene / recreation 13.30 – 14.00 Time of large group 14.00 – 15.00 Time of individual or small group activities 15.00 -15.30 Time to complete activities and do tasks Time to evaluate - expose colleagues to developed work Description: Welcome and time to plan • We sing "good morning song" • Choose tasks to complete at the end of activities
  • 37. • We sing "sachet of surprises" - children tell/share/share the news • We combine what we are going to do/what is going to happen Time for individual or small group activities (development of choices made and / or planned) • We develop projects • Expression activities • We play in the areas Tasks, school milk and 1st recreation time • each child has the task of taking care of an area and arranging it, with two more colleagues • a table of attendance, time frame and activities • school milk is distributed – some children bring fruit Time of large group activities • philosophy • mathematics • music • Theater • dance • physical education • experimental sciences • stories • poetry • group games Evaluation and discussion of the work carried out. From 7.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m and from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., the children who have families working at this time, will have the monitors of the animation activities and family support in play activities.
  • 38. THE PORTUGUESE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM COVERS 4 STAGES OF EDUCATION: THE PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION • Attendance it’s optional • Even though it isn`t compulsory, it is free of charge in public establishments. THE BASIC EDUCATION THE BASIC EDUCATION For children between 6 and 15 years old It lasts 9 years and has 3 cycles: 1st cycle - 4 years - 1 generalist teacher 2nd cycle – 2 years – 8/9 teachers 3rd cycle – 3 years – 10/11 teachers
  • 39. THE SECUNDARY EDUCATION THE SECUNDARY EDUCATION For pupils between 16 and 18 years old. It lasts for 3 years and comprises: 1. General courses – in scientific and humanistic areas  (aiming higher education) ◦ Technological courses ◦ intermediate vocational training to enter into the labour market. 2. Specialized Artistic courses - provide artistic training. THE HIGHER EDUCATION THE HIGHER EDUCATION  University education  Polytechnic education - for technical and professional qualification. Participation in higher education is rising, particularly in the polytechnic sector. THE AIM OF THE COMPULSORY EDUCATION IN PORTUGAL THE AIM OF THE COMPULSORY EDUCATION IN PORTUGAL Is to promote knowledge and personal development, regarding practical skills, creativity, critical thinking, responsibility and cooperation skills. The school is based on humanistic And democratic ideals to promote values like:
  • 40. INCLUSIVE EDUCATION - A SCHOOL FOR ALL: INCLUSIVE EDUCATION - A SCHOOL FOR ALL: THE SCHOOL PROVIDES: • Specific curriculum • Special units, in reference schools • pedagogical support • specific professional orientation THE GOVERNMENT ASSURES Welfare measures to students needing social and economic support being helped through compensations:  canteen fees,  transportation,  school books,  Lodging,  scholarships.
  • 41. Despite of the considerable improvement in education, Portugal still faces some problems that represent our major challenges for the future, which are:  High levels of early school leaving and grade repetition.  An ageing teacher population.
  • 42. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.