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Economic Questions
What are the THREE (3) basic economic questions that all economies must answer? Describe the
differences in the way capitalism and socialism answer these questions.
Scarcity, Choices, Opportunity Costs We live in a finite world. No matter how seemingly bountiful
the quantity of our natural resources may be or how carefully human try to conserve them, if we
keep using them, they eventually are going to run out. Our tastes for goods and services are virtually
limitless and this creates scarcity. Like the Rolling Stones song says, "You can't always get what you
want." Because we can't have it all, we're forced to make choices. When we making a particular
decision, we forsake opportunity to choose the alternative option. ... Show more content on ...
Communist China The Communist Party of China is the ruling political party of the People's
Republic of China. The Communist Party of China was founded in 1921 and the party was small at
first, but grew intermittently through 1920s. It became formally allied with the Kuomingtang (KMT)
in 1923. In 1927 the Communist Party of China split from the Kuomingtang party. The only major
section of the party which survived was the section built around Mao Zedong. The Peoples'
Republic of China was regarded as Communist China. Since it was established in 1949, it has been
led by the Communist Party of China.
Chairman Mao is the founder of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and one of the founders of
the Chinese Communist party in 1921. He is known as one of the most prominent Communist
theoreticians. The Communist Party of China takes Marxism–Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought,
Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as its guide to action.
From 1921 to 1949, the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people in their tough armed
struggle and finally succeeded in overthrowing the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat–
capitalism and establishing the People's Republic of China (PRC). After the founding of the PRC,
the CPC led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in defending the independence and security of
the country, successfully completing the transition from new democratic
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China 's Economic Development Through The Stages Of The...
China's booming economic growth over the past forty or so years is one of the most impressive
events to happen in the global economy. The economic transformation of this country is unlike any
other transformation. China was by far the most economically and technologically advanced nation
almost a millennium ago. However, it started to fall behind in economic growth compare to Western
Europe during the time of 1500 and 1800. This paper will examine China's economic development
through the stages of the demographic transition model and its post–transition conditions. In
addition, some of the implication of the ageing population has on the continuing development of the
country's economy will be addressed. There is great debate if the decline in economic growth was
before or after the Industrial revolution but many seem to agree that the political system and the
many conflicts that occurred in China play a major role. These factors made it difficult for the
Chinese economy from getting the force it needed to catch up to the growth of Western Europe. Up
until the 1950s, there was both high birth and death rates. Although the population growth was low
and stable during this time, the economic growth in this country was at a minimal. The pre 1950s
period would be considered stage one on the demographic transition model for China. It was not
until the 1950s, when the People's Republic of China was established, that the process of growth
began. The decisions made during this
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The Great Leaders in China
Genghis Khan, first known as Temujin, was the son of a leader of a Mongolian tribe. He was
brought up in a time of warring tribes and factions. Genghis Khan was a fierce and brilliant military
commander, who achieved unprecedented success in setting Ghengis Khanup an Empire which
stretched across Europe and Asia. His Mongol armies left a trail of fear, death and destruction. But,
he also created a vibrant empire with a common language, booming trade, tolerance of religion and
some basic customs and laws( Pettinger., 2010). Arguably the most famous Asian of the last 2,000
years, Genghis Khan created an empire that was more than twice the size of any other conqueror's in
history, and that endured for more than a century and a half after ... Show more content on ...
Instil a level of discipline within your organization such that you will do so much better in whatever
your industry is in. Really, no management technique or framework can replace the power of simple
discipline. "At no single, crucial moment in his life did he suddenly acquire his genius at warfare,
his ability to inspire the loyalty of his followers, or his unprecedented skill for organizing on a
global scale. These derived not from epiphanic enlightenment or formal schooling but from a
persistent cycle of pragmatic learning, experimental adaptation and constant revision driven by his
uniquely disciplined mind and focused will(Ryan, 2012)." When battling the nomadic tribes of
Mongolia, Khan would prepare several military tactics and traps before that before facing off with
his enemy. He was extremely meticulous and planned his attacks very carefully. As a result, he
managed to defeated several other factions, and eventually even the great city of Beijing. Similarly,
whatever business, project or game you enter into; you should always do prior preparation mentally
as well as tactically. By being prepared and ensuring that your men are prepared, you prepare
yourself for victory.The saying goes, Good luck is when preparation meets opportunity. When
everyone in the organization is prepared, they give themselves favorable. If you ever wonder why
we're in a crisis of leadership all you have to do is to watch and listen to those in positions of
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Political Differences Between Russo And China
Whenever people think of communism, Russian SFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist
Republic) and China, as two biggest communist polity, always come to people's mind first.
Likewise, at any time people mention authoritarianism, they will never miss the two biggest
authoritarian regimes: Russia (Russian Federation) and China. The former, with the collapse of
Soviet Union in 1991, the world's first and largest communist polity and the prime facilitator of
communist political system came to an end, which creates the modern Russia Federation, a country
that still persists in authoritarianism but applies democratic political system and constitution. The
latter, after experience multiple destructive invasions and humiliating ... Show more content on ...
The following October Revolution permanently ended the rule of Provisional Government, leaving
all the political power to the Soviets. After a long, decimating civil war and a series of social,
political, and economic transitions, the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was formally
founded as the world's first communist polity with one party rule of the Bolsheviks. Meanwhile,
Bankrupt of Republic of China demonstrates the failure of China's first democracy transition,
leaving mainland China to be fully taken over by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), which
established the modern PRC (People's Republic of China), another communist regime. (China: U.S.
policy since 1945, 1980) Flaws Inside the Social System In 1922, by gradually consolidating his
influence and isolating and outmaneuvering his rivals within the party, Stalin became the undisputed
leader of the Soviet Union and, established totalitarian rule, which contains a series of radical
economic reformations, aiming at thoroughly change the agricultural and industrial structure. The
new policies, known as Stalinism, indicate that the New Economic Policy has been annihilated.
Stalinist policies and ideas, as developed in the Soviet Union, included rapid industrialization, the
theory of socialism in one country, a centralized state, collectivization of agriculture, cult of
personality (Jan Plamper, 2012) and
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Chinese Culture
From 1949–2012, China has undergone many reforms. It has been a socialist, communist, and a
weird combination of market economy/communist. These reforms are essential in explaining how
China has become a major world power. China turned to socialism in 1949, because it seemed like
the only answer to the numerous problems China had to face after nearly 20 years of fighting. This
is the first step down the road to economic prosperity. In October 1949, Mao declared the People's
Republic of China at the Gate of Heavenly Peace in Beijing. He now faced very large problems.
China had been fighting a civil war since the 1920's and a full–scale war with the Japanese since
1937 to 1945. After nearly 20 years of fighting, China (Mao) had many ... Show more content on ...
To allow for this, China was reformed into a series of communes. By the end of 1958, 700 million
people had been placed into 26,578 communes. The speed with which this was achieved was
astounding. In 1959, things started to go wrong. Political decisions/beliefs took precedence over
commonsense and communes faced the task of doing things that they were incapable of achieving.
The excellent growing weather of 1958 was followed by a very poor growing year in 1959. Some
parts of China were hit by floods. In other growing areas, drought was a major problem. The harvest
for 1959 was 170 million tons of grain – well below what China needed at the most basic level. In
parts of China, starvation occurred. 1960 had even worse weather than 1959. The harvest of 1960
was 144 million tons. 9 million people are thought to have starved to death in 1960 alone; many
millions were left desperately ill as a result of a lack of food. The government had to introduce
rationing. This put people on the most minimal of food and between 1959 and 1962, it is thought
that 20 million people died of starvation or diseases related to starvation. Some party members put
the blame of the failure of the Great Leap Forward on Mao. He was popular with the people but he
still had to resign from his position as Head of State (though he remained in the powerful
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Examine the Conditions That Led to the Rise of a...
proclaimed the establishment of the People's Republic of China" (IB Packet, 60). This date marked
the official beginning of the CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) rule under a single party rule.
However, one question remains: what exactly were the prominent conditions that led to this rise of
the CCP under Mao Zedong? Although one could easily isolate several specific variables that aided
the parties rise, such as the failure of the GMD (Nationalist Party) or even The May 4th Movement,
one must look at it more broadly to understand the bigger picture of the circumstances. When
looking at ... Show more content on ...
One last sort–of–social condition that led to the single party state rule had to do with the invasion of
Manchuria. Manchuria, being a Chinese region, was full of agricultural products, opportunities and
even mineral/natural resources. Ergo, Japan wanted to capture it, and this conflict led to a larger
scale war, and by the end, "The war with Japan had left China exhausted and weak" (Leung, 99).
Thus, this gave the possibility to the CCP (because they took more advantage of it) to rise and take
power over the GMD. Thus, the social and economic aspects of China in the time period also had a
rather large effect on China becoming ruled by a single party rule governed by Mao. In conclusion,
political, social and economic conditions in China were altogether very responsible for the rise of
the CCP. From the civil war (political) to the runaway inflation (economic) and even to the bad
relations between the GMD and scholars (social), all these aspects make up what was to become
Mao Zedong's rule. Failures, mainly from the part of the GMD, also helped the CCP rise, such as the
non–acknowledgment of the peasantry or even the failure to wipe out the CCP during the White
Terror. Altogether, there was a considerable amount of reasoning and conditions behind the rise of
Mao and his party. WORKS CITED PAGE Fairbank, John King. The Cambridge History of China:
Republican China 1912–1949, Part 2. 13.
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Communism In Germany Essay
Germany "Actually," quickly he became the Federal Republic of Germany and the German
Democratic Republic are two independent power state [ . The two sides began under the rule of the
law of occupation of each division limit, European countries were divided in the West or the Soviet
sphere of influence. Countries of Central and Eastern Europe that were classified as in the Soviet
sphere of influence, so that the Soviet Union began to intervene in its part of the power structure in
the country, and establish cooperation with the government led by the Communist Party . But even if
the People's Republic of Poland, the Hungarian People's Republic, the Czechoslovak Socialist
Republic, the Socialist Republic of Romania, the People's Socialist Republic ... Show more content
on ...
But then the Japanese rule over Korea, guardianship combined period of 38 degrees line is divided
into northern and southern United States to decide the jurisdiction of the Soviet Union. In 1948,
after two lines divided regions 38 degrees expressed as the legitimate government of North Korea,
eventually led to the outbreak of the Korean War. In China, in 1946, the Kuomintang and the
Communist Party of China from China to revive civil war, finally he won the civil war by the
Communist Party of China and the establishment of the People's Republic of China in mainland
China, and the ROC government he moved to Taiwan in 1949 to retire. As for the Middle East, Arab
countries rejected the resolution of the General Assembly of the United 181 Nations and the
implementation of the redeployment of Palestinian land in Israel, but Israel has created the first war
Middle East broke out, and the results of the war, but to promote a major conflict between the Arab
states and Israel. Although the European colonial powers are still trying to retain some of their
colonial empires of the past (colonial rule), however, the loss of prestige and resources during the
war so that European countries can not continue to hold power–up, bringing eventually to advance
the decolonization of Asia and
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The Rise Of The Chinese Economy
Throughout the world, there are many nations and regions that have undergone immense changes to
reach their modern positions in the international economy. One such location is China, which
experienced a major shift from a society revolved around independent sustenance in the agricultural
industry into a society revolved around socialism, direct funding for the Chinese government
through the Chinese people, and the mass–production of goods with high demand in the global
market by co–operatives. Of course, the changes in the workings of the Chinese economy developed
from the changes in the politics of China. On the 1st of October 1949, The People's Republic of
China was founded in Beijing. The founding of the party both marked the end of what is today
considered by historians the most profound revolutionary upheaval in modern history, in which the
Guomindang Party rose to power in China, issued many different currencies, and was unable to
control inflation, food shortages, and exponentially occurring price fixations; as well as the
beginning of the tides of socialism in China in the 20th century, which caused the contemporary
Chinese economic transformation. The Chinese economic transition from a centrally–planned
economy and agrarian society to a market economy and unified, socialist society was ultimately
caused by the three Five–Year Plans adopted by the growing Chinese Communist Party, which were
stable and beneficial outlines for the Chinese regime because they developed
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The Effects of the Communists’ Policies Towards Women on...
This investigation will cover women's participation in the Long March, the People's Republic of
China Constitution in 1949, Mao's policies for foot binding, the 1950 Marriage Law, and women's
increased participation in society. I will analyze journal articles and books from Western and Asian
authors to evaluate various historians' views on Communists' policies towards women and the
effects they had on Communists' rise to power. Kellee Tsai's Women and the state in post–1949 rural
China and John King Fairbank's "The Great Chinese Revolution: 1800–1985" are two of the
principle sources and will be evaluated.
Part B: Summary of Evidence
Women's Participation in Long March
Mao's uprising in Hunan, known as the Long March, allowed women ... Show more content on ...
The increasing number of women participating in production in turn promoted economic equality
between men and women (Korabik 1). The Constitution additionally created reforms in marriage
laws, abolishing traditions such as concubines, polygamy, and arranged marriages (Korabik 1).
Policies for Foot Binding
Prior to the Communists' rise to power in 1949, traditions such as foot binding and other traditional
Confucian beliefs were dominant throughout China, portraying a feudal society (Korabik 1). The
tradition of foot binding symbolized high sexual standard; unbound feet represented a lower sexual
standard of living (Fairbank 27). Additionally, foot binding kept women in the house, promoting
chastity as the women stayed home, as well as the superiority of men who worked in the fields and
industries (Fairbank 70). However, after Mao took over, foot binding was abolished, resulting in no
more broken and crushed bones, crippled women, or pain (Lewis 59).
1950 Marriage Law
Mao's goal of communism was to destroy feudal ideas including abuses against women and the
traditional extended family (mother and daughter in–laws) (Tsai 493). Marriages in China during the
20th century helped with the transformation from feudalism to socialism due to the 1950 Marriage
Law that Mao created (Hershatter 991). A goal of communism was also to eliminate Confucian
traditions, which
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Mao Zedong Five Year Plan Essay
In 1921 a huge political revolution occurred, where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) took place.
The leader of the national party, Sun Yat Sen, lost to chiang Kai–Shek. The communist and
nationalist split against each other. By October of 1934 the communists escaped and started to
march westwards. This is what started the "Long March" over the mountains and through swamps of
china. Mao Zedong was known as Chairman Mao, the leader of the communist party. He was the
head of the CCP and the government until he died. He also adapted communism to Chinese
conditions as set out in the little red book.
This investigation assesses to what extent did Mao Zedong five year plan in 1953 succeed or fail?
Investigating the success of Mao's reform ... Show more content on ...
By 1958, 700 million people were communes. Communes ,were controlled by almost every activity
in the person's life because they combined many functions. The purpose of communes is to release
what Mao ensured had the best possible use of the time and energy from the people. Communes
advantage was that they could develop industry, education, and agriculture. At first communes were
set up so that people worked extremely hard without any distractions.
Mao Zedong decision to start on the Great Leap Forward was based on parts of being uncertain
about the Soviet policy of financial and economic to china. In Mao's opinion that policy both fell
short of his expectations and needs. It also made him aware of the economic and political
dependence of china. Month's after he launched the Great Leap Forward, things started to go wrong.
Factories had to produce more and more products and produce them fast. Many machines broke
down, and many overworked employers fell asleep at the benches. The Great Leap Forward failed
economically. The economic had a shortage of food, raw materials for industry, and exhaustion of
the peasantry. The Great Leap Forward failed badly. The Weather was good in 1958, there were only
one main problem that prevented the farms being good. That problem was that many of the peasants
were working in the industry and not enough people to work in the fields to crop. The communal
people at the eating halls weren't aware of
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Rise of China as an Economic Power
Submitted to Submitted by:
Mrs. Navjot Kaur Arpandeep Kaur MBA– 1C Roll no: 5218 table of contents * Introduction about
china * Economic history of china * Republic of china ( 1911– 1949) * People's Republic of China
(1949 onwards) * From planned economy to free market powerhouse: The post – Mao era ( 1976
onwards ) * World's second largest economy * Brief overview of china's present economy * China
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Foreign imports fell drastically from 1919–1921 and from 1925 to 1927.
Chinese industries continue to develop in the 1930s with the advent of the Nanking decade in the
1930s, when Chiang Kai–shek unified most of the country and brought political stability. China's
industries developed and grew from 1927 to 1931. Though badly hit by the Great Depression from
1931 to 1935 and Japan's occupation of Manchuria in 1931, industrial output recovered by 1936. By
1936, industrial output had recovered and surpassed its previous peak in 1931 prior to the Great
Depression's effects on China. This is best shown by the trends in Chinese GDP. In 1932, China's
GDP peaked at 28.8 billion, before falling to 21.3 billion by 1934 and recovering to 23.7 billion by
1935. * The rural economy of the Republic of China
The rural economy retained much of the characteristics of the Late Qing. While markets had been
forming since the Song and Ming dynasties, Chinese agriculture by the Republic of China was
almost completely geared towards producing cash crops for foreign consumption, and was thus
subject to the say of the international markets. Key exports included glue, tea, silk, sugar cane,
tobacco, cotton, corn and peanuts.
The rural economy was hit hard by the Great Depression of the 1930s, in which an overproduction
of agricultural goods lead to massive falling prices for China as well as an increase in foreign
imports (as agricultural goods produced in
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The Legal Systems Of China And India
Research Paper: The Legal Systems of China and India Introduction China and India are two nations
that have endured significant political and economic change. Both nations' legal systems are
interestingly results of the influences from which they stem and contribute to the great strengths of
both countries. However, it is quite evident that politics have triumphed over the legal systems in
both countries. The strength of a legal system can be determined by the simplicity involved in
ignoring its principles. Of course the structure of a legal system and judiciary in a given nation is
absolutely fundamental, but what is illustrative of its sovereignty is the practice itself. Before China
was so powerful and influential within itself, they ... Show more content on ...
I will then explain the kind of legal systems China and India have, what this means, and where
China and India received their influences to begin and carry out such legal systems. After I have
thoroughly explained the structure of both legal systems, I will finally discuss what is important and
that is how China and India operate in regards to their legal systems. I will then go into explaining
the characteristics of both civil law and common law legal systems as a whole as well as the
specifics of China and India's legal systems. Digging deeper, I will analyze the sources of the law in
China and India and the various types of laws within the legal system, such as civil, criminal, etc.
Finally, I will discuss the judiciaries, or court systems, within the two nations. The History of China
As I previously mentioned, what's interesting about China is that it was once free of a prominent
legal system. We can look back to the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949 when
all of the laws of the People's Republic of China were abolished. This, perhaps, was the pinpoint of
the foundation of China's new legal system. However, during the three decades under Mao Zedong,
the dictator failed to establish a legal system. It wasn't until the post–Mao era, under Deng Xiaoping,
that the new economic reforms called for great changes in China, including the emergence of
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Similarities Between China And The United States
I will discuss the similarities and differences between China and the United States in economy,
politics, history, culture and the future development.
Initially, in economic terms, the People's Republic of China implements the socialist market
economy, which originates from China's economic reform under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. It
is based on the dominant position of state–owned sector and the open market economy("Socialist
market economy," n.d.). While the United States implements the capitalist economic system,
namely, "it is based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.
(Shudhanshu, 2016)." Thus, their economic system is different.
Subsequently, China and the US also have distinct political systems. The United ... Show more
content on ...
That is both China and the US gained their independence of the nation by winning the war. For
example, the victory of the American Revolutionary War ended the British colonial rule,which
realized the independence of the nation, established a relatively democratic political system, and
brought a positive impact on the economic development of the US. In the history of China, the
second Anti–Japanese War was a nationalist war that China had fought against Japanese aggression.
In the victory of this war, China completely defeated the Japanese aggressors, which defended the
integrity of the nation's territory, and also laid a significant foundation for the founding of the new
China. In addition, these two countries also have experienced civil war. However, the nature of the
civil war is different. The Chinese civil war was a conflict between the Communist Chinese
Communist Party and the Kuomintang over China's legitimate administration of power("Chinese
Civil War," n.d.). While the essence of the American civil war was the economic and institutional
differences between north and south states, which led to the outbreak of
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Qichao Essay
Entering the twentieth century as a shell of its former self, the Qing Dynasty (Manchus) was moving
closer to its inevitable demise. A dominant force in the world for centuries, by the dawn of the
twentieth the Chinese Empire was divided into zones of influence by Imperialist Europe and had
suffered defeat at the hands of Meiji Japan in the First Sino–Japanese War. The Chinese people,
increasingly angered, watched as their country was manipulated and coerced by their vanquishers.
From these international humiliations arose individuals who sought to radically transform the
politics, society and dynamics of China and to effectively bring her into the twentieth century and
back to international glory. Two of these influential men were Liang Qichao and Sun Yat–sen, who,
despite differences in thought, created their political ideologies through the concept of nationalism.
A member of the literati class, individuals who successfully passed civil service examinations, Liang
Qichao was an outspoken advocate for reform ... Show more content on ...
From June to September 1898, Qichao and his mentor Yang Youwei were responsible for the more
than one hundred decrees from the Guangxu emperor calling for institutional reform in a multitude
of social, economic and political arenas. Among these included the establishment of a national
school system and change to the examination system, modernization of the military, and
restructuring of the government. Popular sovereignty did not come to the reformers, however, as the
calls for the establishment of a constitution and national assembly went unheeded. The
advancements of the Hundred Days Reform failed with the coup d'état of the Guangxu emperor and
the implementation of the Empress Dowager as head–of–state. The decrees were abolished and
Qichao fled for his life to Japan where his political ideology became more widely infused with that
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Assess the Impact of Interference by Foreign Powers on...
Assess the impact of interference by foreign powers on China's development in the 20th century
During the 20th century China underwent a massive transformation. In the early 1900s China was a
mass of land lacking any real political cohesion and so was plagued by disputes between the many
ruling warlords. However, by the year 2000 China was considered a major contender on the world
stage and still is today; it almost seems certain that China will become the most powerful nation on
earth in the next 50 years. This major transformation is seen to be a great success of China,
considering the relatively short amount of time in which it was accomplished, but the question still
remains as to whether entire credit should be given to China ... Show more content on ...
Despite the burgeoning hope of a strong independent China, free of the exploitation of foreign
powers, Sun Yat–Sen's aims were not achieved. However, this laid the basis for China's ideal of
developing their own independence.
A politician of great significance was Mao Zedong, the first Chairman of the People's Republic of
China. He had possibly the largest impact on the development of China, particularly with policies
such as his agricultural reform. Foreign interference, by way of Japan's invasion (1937–49), had had
a great negative effect on economic development. Their original intent to exploit China's resources
was manifested in "mass murder" across the country (the rape of Nanking being a focussed example
of this) and such destruction of infrastructure and mass looting that instances of cannibalism became
quite widespread. Hence, it was to Mao that much of the task of reforming and rebuilding fell.
Mao's greatest achievement, and the core of any development free of foreign interference, was his
success in harnessing the unquenchable spirit of the Chinese people. Their unrelenting efforts went
some way to counteracting the
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Chin A Nation Of Varying Size Dating
Unlike the United States, China has been a nation of varying size dating back over 4,000 years with
over 20 different ruling dynasties. Within relatively recent history of the past 175 years, China has
undergone considerable economic shifts including a heavy communist push. Many times, the
causation for these events was war. This idea was seen numerous times in ancient China; for
example, the Ming treasure ships that were sent out for monetary and military conquest were a result
of a naval and military dominance in the Eastern Hemisphere, which allowed them to gain new
countries as tributaries with ease. Although these ships were successful in their missions, they
eventually had to destroy the ships to offset the large cost of the growing ... Show more content on ...
"Prior to 1810 Western nations had been spending 350 million Mexican silver dollars on porcelain,
cotton, silks, brocades, and various grades of tea, by 1837 opium represented 57 percent of Chinese
imports, and for the fiscal period 1835–36 alone China exported 4.5 million silver dollars" (England
and China: The Opium Wars, 1839–60). This demonstrates how the illegal opium trade largely
imbalanced the trade with the West. It was estimated that between four and twelve million Chinese
males under the age of 40 were addicted to the use of opium. Tensions grew rapidly following the
Kowloon Incident, where "drunk British sailors from several opium clipper ships rioted in Kowloon,
killing a Chinese man and vandalizing a Buddhist temple" (The First and Second Opium Wars). Lin
Ze–xu, the Emperor's special emissary, ordered the seizure of opium and closing of ports. In
response, the British superintendent of trade, Charles Elliot, ordered the blockade of Pearl River,
thus initiating the war. Economically, China cut off trade with Britain and the Western nations. This
reinforces the idea that they were an isolationist country with respect to trading with the West.
The first Opium War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Nanking on August 29, 1842. Some of
the most important economic parts of the treaty included, "Ceding the island of Hong Kong to Great
Britain, opened five "Treaty" ports to Western trade and residence, and paid nine million dollars in
reparations to the
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Buddhism and Ecotourism
Following Mao Zedong's Communist forces victory over the Kuomintang forces of Generalissimo
Chiang Kai–shek, "Mao declared the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1,
1949." (History of PRC) This marked the beginning of the socialist transformation under Mao's rule
in which he planned to unify China and raise the standard of living through the development of
China's infrastructure, industry, healthcare, and education. Mao's two main campaigns during his
time in power were the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. Through these campaigns he
hoped to purify China's culture by eradicating the landlord ownership system and focusing on class
struggle by implementing a distribution system in favor of poor, landless ... Show more content on ...
Its market reforms still aren't complete and its per capita income is still much lower than any
advanced country, which has led to China's high inequality. Along with economic issues, the rapid
economic growth has caused multiple other issues. China's main focus has been solely on its
economic aspects for so long that it almost seems as if they have been blind to the environmental
degradation, increasing rural crisis, growing unemployment and poverty, government corruption,
deteriorating public services, as well as escalating social unrests that is and has been occurring for a
while now. Although all of these issues at hand are important, the issue that I will be focusing on is
the massive environmental degradation and how it has been affected by the increases in Buddhist
religious freedom and ecotourism.
In 1949, China's natural forests were nationalized and private forests were collectivized, this gave
state enterprises control over the forests. The main problem that came out of this was that these
enterprises promoted leadership with higher profits from timber production. This caused managers
of companies to try to increase their profits from timber production but wouldn't use any of those
profits for replanting timber resources because they had no incentive to. This led to China's annual
forest volume harvested to be greater than the growth in forest volume, which directly connects to
deforestation. "China had
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The Relations Between China And The Democratic Republic Of...
Introduction The trajectory of global politics has dramatically changed after the end the World War
II and after the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. In fact, many countries around the globe became
economically competitive, politically stable, and culturally optimistic. As the result, many nations
started affirming themselves on the global arena while others continued to struggle internally and
beyond the borders. The combinations of these factors have perhaps led to interdependency.
Globalization has played a significant role in bringing nations together. In order to advance their
interests, share their common experience, and overcome their weaknesses, states constantly engage
in bilateral or multilateral relationships. The bilateral relationships between China and the
Democratic Republic of Congo obey to these dynamic trends. The People's Republic of China and
the Democratic Republic of Congo enjoy stable diplomatic relations although there have been an
increasing economic interests for one another since 1973.
The People's Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Formerly Zaire) established
their diplomatic relationships in 1973 during an official visit to Beijing by Mubuto. Since, there
have been intensifications despite the internal turmoil on each side. Before 1973 however, relations
with China became rocky when Zaire obtained its independence in 1960 from Belgium and
established relations with Taiwan. As the result, the angry China
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The Constitution Of The People's Republic Of Imperial China
The constitution of the People's Republic of China defines it as "a socialist state of people's
democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants".
This means that it is an essentially dictatorial countries, with reference to the state ideology of
Marxism–Leninism. Historical patterns of imperial China have maintained centralized power
structure, each town, village, school, hospital and any administrative body with its corresponding
Party relayed locally by neighborhood councils. Moreover, a check is often maintained on the
population through the control of information, propaganda, censorship and fear that cause the
population threats of repression.
The Chinese model sees trade as a way to promote
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To What Extent Did China Change for the Better in the...
In 1949, Mao Zedong declared the People's Republic of China after the communists won the civil
war against the nationalists, promising a fresh start, however China was a broken country following
the Japanese and Civil Wars, which meant the new government inherited severe problems, the worst
of which include hyperinflation, complete lack of industry, heavy food shortages, which was
exacerbated by steep population increases. During the first eight years of power, Mao's regime
tackled the economy remarkably, stemming inflation and introducing the first 5–year plan.
Furthermore political control began to take form – although the methods of control were debatably
unethical – and social initiatives were taken to improve, among other things, ... Show more content
on ...
The poorer peasants were encouraged to break down the class barriers between the landlords at
'speak bitterness' meetings where they were urged to condemn their landlords, which mobilised the
peasant body. Peasant equality was furthered by land redistribution (approx. 40% of land was
redistributed) and the Agrarian Reform Act that benefitted the poorest peasants and destroyed the
old elite. Women's rights also slightly progressed due to improvements in marriage laws; forced
marriage was banned, women now had the right to divorce and men could not divorce their wives in
the year after the birth of a child, as well as the egalitarian attitudes of the radical communists giving
women further socioeconomic and political roles in society. Health was also addressed, with clinics
and health initiatives increasing life expectancy, and crime was reduced due to Mao's 'three antis'
campaign along with the stemming of opium use, all of which complied with the reforming crusade
of the CCP and the new republic. Education programmes improved with the simplification of
Chinese characters and progress was made tackling illiteracy. Evidence of this progress is the
increase in primary schooling numbers between 49–57, from 24.4 million to 51.1 million. This sharp
increase, along with the raising of social prospects for much of the population shows a clear change
for the better during this time
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North Korea and Human Rights Abuses
In the wake of the inquiry into North Korea's Human Rights Abuses published in February 2014 by
the United Nations Human Rights Council, there has been a large global focus on the abuses of
human rights by the rogue state. The inquiry, which compares the North Korean regime to that of
Nazi Germany (Kirby, Darusman, and Biserko, 2014), has generated widespread global discussion
about the conditions within the totalitarian state, and for the international community it is difficult to
dismiss the considerable injustices that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (DPRKs)
citizens are suffering under the current North Korean regime.
North Korea is a state frozen in time, devoid of any recent social, economical and technological
advances, and their inveterate abuse of human rights is widespread and deeply ingrained in their
society. Despite the recent global focus of North Koreas human rights abuses, some claim that
human rights conditions in the DPRK have been gradually improving (Lankov, 2013. b.). If this is
the case, why was their need for such a recent inquiry into an improving situation?
The investigation into the early 2014 focus will attempt to consider the issue from both a realist and
liberal point of view. The main actors national interest in relation to the United Nations (UN) report
will be explored to determine if an explanation for the global focus can arise, looking purposely at
the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of
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Mao Zedong Five Year Plan Case Study
This investigation assesses to what extent did Mao Zedong five year plan in 1953 succeed or fail?
Investigating the success of Mao's reform movements; Five Year Plan, the Great Leap Forward, and
Cultural Revolution which has proved to have affected China, but was Mao a successful leader to
these policies? A leader, who gained the support of his people, while keeping his goals clear
throughout his rule, these policies will be analyzed. Zedong was a Chinese communist
revolutionary, poet, and the founding father of the People's Republic of China(PRC). He was the
chairman of the Communist Party for china from 1949 until he died in 1976. Various book and
internet sources discussing the purpose and expectations of Mao's reforms will be evaluated ... Show
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In Mao's opinion that policy both fell short of his expectations and needs. It also made him aware of
the economic and political dependence of china. Month's after he launched the Great Leap Forward,
things started to go wrong. Factories had to produce more and more products and produce them fast.
Many machines broke down, and many overworked employers fell asleep at the benches. The Great
Leap Forward failed economically. The economic had a shortage of food, raw materials for industry,
and exhaustion of the peasantry. The Great Leap Forward failed badly. The Weather was good in
1958, there were only one main problem that prevented the farms being good. That problem was
that many of the peasants were working in the industry and not enough people to work in the fields
to crop. The communal people at the eating halls weren't aware of this and started giving out
generous meals, using up all of the food stocks. The following year weather was bad, causing floods
in some places and droughts in other. Not long after, people began to starve. The Great Leap
Forward was also successful, it showed its people what went wrong with the plan and how it can
possibly change it. Zedong had a great view on economic for china, to only find out that he did
neglect some points, such as the agriculture, which chinese people relied on for food. More than 23
million people died during the People's Republic celebration in 1959. It resulted in china being
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China's Boxer Rebellion
Throughout hundreds of years China has undergone several economic
transformations, yet none proved to be as effective as the 1978 shift to a market based
economy. Although this transition has allowed the country to flourish, it did not happen
overnight. In 1978, China was one of the poorest countries in the world. The real per
capita GDP in China was only one–fortieth of the U.S. level and one–tenth the Brazilian
level (Zhu, 2012, N.p.). Yet since the change occurred, China's real per capita GDP has
consistently grown at an average rate of more than 8% per year. As a result, China's real
per capita GDP is now almost one–fifth the U.S. level and at the same level as Brazil
(Zhu, 2012, N.p.). The continued improvements in China's ... Show more content on
At the beginning of the 20th century, China was bombarded by powerful Western
nations trying to apply as much control over it as possible. The Chinese opposed the
attempts of foreign control and expressed this at the beginning of the 20th century with
the Boxer Rebellion. During this era, the traditional government of China began to fail.
The Chinese people became resentful of foreigners and dissatisfied with failure of the
present government to throw them out, which initiated the Revolution of 1911, replacing
the Chinese 2000 year old imperial system with the Republic of China led by Sun Yat–
sen. In January of 1946, two factions of China began to have a power struggle. The KMT
(Kuomintang), which were supplied by the United States, controlled the cities, while the
CCP (Chinese Communist Party) had a strong hold in the countryside (Abbey, 1999,
N.p.). To make matters worse, high inflation rates were weakening the citizens and
military. By 1948, the CCP began to wage war against the KMT, taking control of
Manchuria (a region in northeast China) and working its way south. On October 1, 1949,
Mao Zedong established the People's Republic of China. The People's Republic of
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Essay about The Legal History of China
The Legal History of China
Before I introduce the legal history of China, I want to talk about several points:
First, introduce the legal history of China should be based on the general history of china:
As everyone has know the general history of China, I will not introduce it in detail.( The ancient
China had many dynasties, from the Xia Dynasty (21th–16th century before Christ), to the Shang
Dynasty (16thâ€11th century B.C). West Zhou Dynasty (11century B.C–256 B.C. total 800 years),
the Spring and Autumn Period (770 B.C.â€476 B.C), Warring States Period (403–221 BC),the Qin
Dynasty (221B.Câ€206B.C.) ,the Han Dynasty (202B.C,24EMPORALS,406years), Three
Kingdoms (220 – 265) ... Show more content on ...
1 slave society, including The xia, Shang, west zhou three Dynasties.
2 feudal society , from Qin dynast to Qing dynasty, the duration is from 210 B.C. to 1841
3 semi–feudal , semi–colony society, from 1841 to 1949
4 socialism society from 1949 till now
Then, I want to generally combine the qualities or features of the legal system that distinguishes one
stage from another
In the legal education of China, we teach the legal system of each dynasty respectively. If I select
this kind of method to introduce the legal system of china, I can not finish it in just 15 minutes.
Therefore, I want to form general conclusions of each stage.
I slave society,
First, theocracy and divinity Judge, nemesis
We can find it in the old books, and can easy find it from the literal meaning and structure of the
word of "law". The Chinese word of law in ancient Chinese, is constituted with three parts, which
are water, unicorn and go. Water means equity like water, unicorn, another named ancient goat,
which reputed to gore guilty pers at court, "go" means to gore.
Second, patriarchal clan system no difference between the country and the family. People were
divided into different classes, and people of different status must abide the rule of his class
Third, emphasize
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Ifrs in China
Introduction China has more than 5000 years of history, and was a mysterious country to most
occidental people. Because of the influence of the culture and history, China use to be closed to
foreign countries until 1979. Chinese people have their own accounting rules that are totally
different from occidental countries' accounting rules. With the development of China's economy and
the implementation of the reform and opening policy, Chinese economic system became from
planning economy to free– market economy, more and more occidental countries focus on China –a
fast developing country. More and more international cooperation and trade appeared. In order to get
the best investment, to know well Chinese accounting system ... Show more content on ...
The accounting system reform cannot be stopped until it is completely accepted by foreign
companies, which has a long way to go. But only if China can do so, the global trading in China can
get the most benefit and the investment.( Jiashe Ge. Facing the New Century–Focusing On the
Trend of Chinese Accounting.1999) Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) Deeply influenced by the
culture, tradition, and the social system Chinese accounting system is tightly controlled by the
government which is Ministry of Finance of China. According to Wei–guo Zhang (Weiguo Zhang.
China's challenge: Building an accounting system. 1996), this feature is the "unique feature of
Chinese accounting methods." Ministry of Finance is the most powerful financial department of
Chinese government which handles all the businesses of finance, accounting, and economics. It has
the major power of decision–making of accounting standards; cares about the setting of accounting
standards; monitors the implement of the accounting standards and modifies the accounting
standards. According to Reaf Lawson (Rael Lawson, Jiliang Yang and Hongqi Yuan. Accounting in
China: A Long Journey to The Rebirth Of A Profession. 2009), the current framework for
accounting in China consists of four levels. The first level consists of the accounting law which was
issued by the National People's Congress in 1985 and last revised in 1999; the second level includes
administrative regulations distributed
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The Response of the Chinese Intellectuals to Thought...
On October 1, 1949, the newly established People's Republic of China faced the challenge of
consolidating its power over a vast mainland and implementing the socialist policies it advocated.
Of hindrance to the process of organizational and ideological remolding of China was the
ambivalent ideological nature of China's intellectuals. Special action had to be taken by the
Communist regime to address the explicit and latent issue of non–Marxian thought and bourgeois
ideals among its most talented educated class. The campaigns of the Communists to transform the
intelligentsia were not spurred by vehemence towards a former ruling class, but by the Communist
appeal for a united ideological front. The behavior of the intellectuals and the ... Show more content
on ...
Also, Chou's statements give the impression that the CCP initiated the campaign to Suppress
Counter–Revolutionaries in direct response to the divided intellectual class. The Suppression of
Counter–Revolutionaries took the form of a program of ideological remolding. The Communists
had graduated from the early and mild forms of 'study' to more severe methods in an effort to reform
the intellectuals. It involved group pressure, public trials, mass arrests and executions, and an
Inquisition–style system of mutual spying and informing which penetrated the inner circles of
family life in China. In September of 1951 some three thousand professors gathered to hear a lecture
by Premier Enlai. This was the official launch of the ideological reform. As applied to the
intellectual class, the ideological reform and study program began in 1951 and lasted well into 1955.
The pressures of the ideological reform program bound the intelligentsia in struggle, and then split
the intellectuals of China into three groups. The first group was the converts, those who joined the
Communist cause actively and, according to their evaluators,
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China Trip Essay
As a part of our Fb& E course we have to compalsary do a country visit and visiting China & Hong
Kong was a part of the course. The trip was for 15 days and I was unable to visit the domestic
companies due to an external event of Swayam Club whose prior permission was taken. This visit
was undertaken to understand the global scenario for doing business as China is one of the biggest
hub for doing business.
Business Environment
China is one of the biggest markets in the world. China's immense diversity, complexity, variety &
immense competitive intensity are unrivalled in the world. China's historical development, political
structure, climate & its foreign relation influence its economy & foreign trade. China's ... Show
more content on ...
In 1981 the industrial product prices were liberalized & private enterprise was allowed to setup
factories in rural areas. In 1984 China allowed of forming of Town Village Enterprise which is a
person co–operative in small and medium scale industry engaged in light manufacturing & services.
It helped in absorbing surplus labour. It resulted in growth of China. MNC are encouraged to have
joint ventures but now even wholly owned MNC's are also allowed in China. SEZ were stared in
China to encourage FDI in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou & Xiamen.
Details of places visited
 Shanghai: Shanghai is the one of the largest city by population in China and the largest city
proper in the world. It is province–level municipalities in the People's Republic of China. It is
divided into two parts by a river. It is a global city, with effect in commerce, culture, finance, media,
fashion, technology, and transport. It is one of the major financial centre and the busiest container
port in the world. It is situated in the Yangtze River Delta in East China. Shanghai is famous for
Shopping Streets, Skyscrapers, Event Venues, and Clothing & Fashion. Its major exports include
Electrical Machinery & Equipment, Woven Apparel, Footwear, and Toys & Sporting Goods. The
Key Industries: Textiles, Garments, Footwear, Toys, Crude Oil, Electrical Appliances, Sports. The
major items are goods, Telecommunication Equipment, Pharmaceuticals, Steel
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Education And Development Of Special Education
There are some significant laws that influenced the development of special education in China.
Special education schools emerged in the late 19th century with special schools that served those
who were blind and deaf (Deng, Poon–McBrayer & Farnsworth, 2001, p. 289–290). "Education for
individual with mental retardation or other disabilities was nonexistent" (Deng et al., p. 289–290).
The foundation of the People's Republic of China established in 1949 is often considered the actual
start of special education services in China. From the 1950's to 1980's, the Chinese modeled their
special schools after the Soviet Union's (Deng et al., p. 290). In 1959, "the first school for students
with mental retardation was established" however, the school was forced to close four years later
and did not resume until 1979 (Deng et al., p. 290).
Education reform began in the 1980's. At this time, the Chinese system was beginning to be
influenced by Western special education systems (Deng et al., p. 291). In 1982, China revised their
constitution. This revision established their first mandate for the educating people with disabilities
(Kritzer, 2012, p. 52). In 1986, they adopted the Compulsory Education Law of the People's
Republic of China, which increased the mandate to include that all children are entitled to nine years
of free education (Kritzer, 2012, p. 52).
In 1990, the Law on the Protection of the Disabled Persons was passed. This law states that the
families and
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The Current State of the CHinese Economic System
The current state of the Chinese economic system has drawn international attention and praise due
to its overwhelmingly positive statistical growth. This growth, according to the nation's leader,
stems from what its government calls strides toward common prosperity. As of 2013, China's leaders
proclaim to be moving toward a state of theoretical consciousness. In China, consistency and
persistence is promoted over spontaneity within the confines of a sound economic structure, which
has created a fertile ground for socialism to grow. A recent documentary composed by a
conglomerate of media outlets, depicts the current economic landscape of China. Its story unravels
to present the growing city of Shanghai as progressive, oppressive, and modern; yet, its growth has
been rooted in older communist practices, given to much economic success and an uncertain future
("City of Dreams"). The changes that have taken place in modern China since the late 1970's has
grown its economy to unprecedented ends, and by unprecedented means. The transformation into an
industrialized capitalistic society has catapulted its development into an uncharted realm, prompting
much discussion on its future impact on the world at large. In the following report, we will examine
China's economical changes in three decades, encompassing three distinct phases of economic
reform: recovery, establishment, and improvement.
Socialism, combined with practice deliberately and uniquely designed by China's republic, has
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Is China Entering The Middle Income Trap?
Is China entering the middle income trap?
An analysis about China's current economic situation and the challenges ahead
Vinicius Porto Amorim
Global Leadership Program
Asia B
April 29, 2016
Is China entering a middle income trap? Who knows? But the recent slowdown of the Chinese
economy has turned on the warning sign that the country might be falling into one of the greatest
challenges of the developing economies: the middle income trap. However, prior to understanding
the reasons that the Chinese economy might (or might not) be falling under the trap, it is necessary
to do an overview about the drivers that led the incredible growth of the Asian Dragon during the
past decades.
The Mao Era: 1949–1976
The history of modern China starts on October 1st of 1949 with the victory by the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) in the Chinese Civil War and the consequently proclamation of the People's
Republic of China (PRC) by Mao Zedong . From 1949 until 1976, Mao started to implement in
China his idea of a communist society with a centrally controlled economy based on the Soviet
model. In order to achieve the massive changes towards the implementation of communism, he
developed several ambitious projects, guided by the Five–Year Plans that included the Great Leap
Forward, started in 1958, and the Cultural Revolution (between 1966 and 1976). It's estimated that
the implementation of the Maoist ideals was responsible for more than 65 million deaths in China,
mostly by forced
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Chinese Criminal Reform Research Paper
We Chinese, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), are a unitary sovereign state in East
Asia. With a population of over 1.381 billion, we are the world's most populous country. Our state is
governed by the Communist Party based in the capital of Beijing. Criminal gangs are found
throughout China but they are most active in Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang and Guangzhou as well as
Hong Kong. The number of people involved in organized crime on the mainland has risen from
around 100,000 in 1986 to around 1.5 million in 2000. New members are often recruited among the
120–million–strong "floating population" of migrant workers.
Organized crime is growing in China, because of factors including economic liberalization,
increasing migration, ... Show more content on ...
The great majority of criminals can also be reformed. Turning minuses into pluses and changing
criminals into people who are useful to society are in conformity with the great Marxist ideal of
liberating all of mankind. Consistent with this understanding, China does not simply punish
criminals; instead it emphasizes reform and change for the better. Therefore, even in the case of
criminals who have committed serious offenses, China has always adhered to its laws and policies,
which call for a minimum number of executions. In the actual practice of criminal reform, China
pays close attention to implementing the principles of humanitarianism. Criminals are not only
provided with proper living conditions, but their human dignity is also respected. Humiliation of
prisoners is forbidden. Chinese law clearly stipulates that criminals are to be provided with a
humane level of material comfort during their prison terms and that the staff in prisons and reform–
through–labour institutions must handle criminals in a civilized manner. China strictly protects the
due rights of criminals. Chinese law stipulates the various civil rights not restricted by law to which
a criminal is entitled during a prison term. There are specific legal provisions concerning the rights a
criminal must enjoy during the entire process from initial detention to release after serving the
sentence. Chinese law forbids any maltreatment of prisoners by the prison staff and prisoners have
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Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama Essay example
Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Over the past few decades, there have been many political problems in Tibet. This can be attributed
to the ongoing problem between Tibet and China. Tibet had previously, for many years, been faced
with occupation by the forces of the People's Republic of China in their land. This was very
alarming to many people, including the highly respected Dalai Lama of Tibet. The Dalai Lama has
been a very influential person in Tibet's history and many of the decisions he has made have directly
affected the outcome of certain situations pertaining to the relationship between Tibet and China.
The Dalai Lama, in Tibetan Buddhism, is a lineage of reborn magistrates which traces all the way
back to the year 1391. ... Show more content on ...
After extensive searching, the monks found the house of the current Dalai Lama. They analyzed him
thoroughly and after he passed certain tests, they decided he was the next Dalai Lama. The Dalai
Lama, as the previous ones chosen before him had done, began his monastic education at the young
age of six. During his adolescent years, he was very unhappy. He missed his family very much and
did not experience what would be considered a "normal childhood". However, the person in charge
of him [the Regent] let him sneak away to spend times with his parents, choosing to ignore these
excursions. By the time the Dalai Lama was fifteen years old, he was being considered the spiritual
and temporal leader of Tibet. He was then invested with full powers as head of the state of Tibet and
enthroned as temporal leader of Tibet after there was a large threat from communist China. The
following years, he set up numerous delegations and negotiations with the Chinese. However,
Tibetan armed resistance began growing as the threat of the People's Republic of China overtaking
Tibet became more prevalent. Tibet had always been seen as its own sovereign state. The
Government of Tibet charged taxes, issued its own currency, ran its postal system, issued postage
stamps, commanded Tibet's small army, and generally conducted all affairs of government..
Although the system worked perfectly for the Tibetans, it was an ancient form of government that
was in need of
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Xi Jinping's Influence On The Government Of China
President Xi Jinping Xi Jinping is the top leader in the Communist Party of China and he's the
President of the People's Republic of China. Additionally, according to (Timmons, n.d.), he worked
up the ranks and touched all the right bases within the bureaucracy in order to become a major
player in the Chinese Politburo. By 2013, Jinping was elected General Secretary of the Communist
Party, Chair of the Military Commission and President of the People's Republic of China. Moreover,
according to (Economy, 2014, p. 80), Jinping articulated a simple but powerful vision for the
country which was the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In fact, he rejected the communist
tradition of collective leadership and instead established himself as the top leader within the tightly
centralized political system. After just a few years in office, he has proven himself to be a
transformative leader by ... Show more content on ...
The President and Vice–President are elected by the NPC. Additionally, the Vice–President assists
the president and has the ability to exercise as many powers that the President entrusts him to. The
State Council is the executive body of the supreme organ of state power. The State Council is
composed of the Premier, the Vice–Premiers, the State Councilors, the Ministers in charge of
ministries, the Ministers in charge of commissions, the Auditor–General, and the Secretary–General.
In addition, the Premier assumes total responsibility for the work of the State Council and the
ministers assume total responsibility for the work of the ministries and commissions. Moreover, the
State Council is responsible for giving reports on their work to the NPC (or to its Standing
Committee when the NPC is not in
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Deng Xiaoping's Massive Reform Set China on a...
He was the Napoleon of China. At just four feet eleven inches tall. Deng Xiaoping set China on a
sky–rocketing course. When Deng Xiaoping took control of China in 1978 the economy was in "a
backwards state", also in the early 1980s more than 80% of China was in poverty, but two decades
later after the massive reforms of Deng Xiaoping, the poverty level drastically decreased. This
incredible task could have only been done though the outstanding leadership and policies of people
like Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping was a revolutionary and truly paramount leader, who recreated
the Chinese economy for rapid modernization; adopted ideas capitalism bringing millions of
Chinese citizens out of poverty, and instigating rapid economic growth; and he ... Show more
content on ...
In 1978 when Deng came into official power China had greatly suffered economically. This was the
result of the orthodox socialist and communist policies implemented largely during the Cultural
Revolution. China's economic growth in the 1960s and 1970s was very slow, almost stagnant (World
Bank), this lead to the expected result of being left in the dust by many countries in Asia, such as
Japan. Also in 1978 the population of China living in a rural situation was at least 76.3% (Reuters)
of the total Chinese population, equivalent to around 743,463,800 people living in China. However
when Deng took over and put his economic policies in place, which included, but were not limited
to: opening China to foreign trade. His other economic policies eased the government control over
economics and it resulted in a large boost of economic growth, this economic growth extended even
past the time he resigned in the 1990s. For instance the GDP (Gross Domestic Product, a determiner
of the quality of life) per capita in 1978 was 154.07 billion U.S dollars (World Bank), just 30 years
later the Chinese GDP per capita in 2008 skyrocketed to 3,170 billion U.S dollars (World Bank).
This increase from 154.07 billion U.S dollars to 3,170 billion U.S dollars represents an approximate
whopping 20.57% increase in its GDP in only 30 years after Deng implemented his reforms and
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Chinese Economy in 2025
The Chinese Economy in 2025 By: [Student Name] Subject: Presented To: [Institute] [City/State]
Date The Chinese Economy in 2025 Introduction The rapid growth in the Chinese economy since
1978 has captured the attention of most of the international and business organizations. Some of the
people have negative views about the future growth of China, whereas, others fear that China will
turn out be a very strong nation in economic terms. According to Nicholas Lardy, huge economic
problems will be confronted by China as there is a great probability of social unrest in future in the
People's Republic of China. In addition to that, there would be an increase in the indebted state
owned enterprises. This increase in social unrest and nonperforming loans will lead towards a
decline in the economic growth of the Chinese Economy. (Holz 2005) Even though, the future
prospects for the economic growth of China are negative but the rapid growth of the People's
Republic of China, in economic terms, since the reforms of 1978 is undeniable. Chinese economy
has an average Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 9.37 per year. In addition to that, China has also
become one of the major contributors in the world economy and has shown tremendous growth even
in the times of recession as well. (Holz 2005) Growth Trends in Chinese Economy (1978–2012)
Since the introduction of the reforms of 1978, Chinese economy has been growing at a sustainable
and a fast rate as compared to the pre reform
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May Fourth Movement and Beyond
Mao Zedong, the prominent leader of the Cultural Revolution and one of the innovators of the
People's Republic of China, once declared, "Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are
eliminated. Such is history; such is the history of civilization for thousands of years." By the time
the Qing Dynasty met its inevitable downfall in 1919, a new set of radicals started protesting of a
new form of government on May Fourth. This movement, known as the May Fourth Movement,
facilitated the Marxist and Leninist ideologies which had been circulating from the aftermath of the
Bolshevik Revolution in Soviet Russia. This changed the entire political system that China had been
eternally run by. However, the idea of Communism exploded based on the ... Show more content on ...
Television, a dominant form of media, has also become popular due to the Communist Party in
China allowing a multitude of Western channels. This shows how due to the Communist Party, the
media has become significantly westernized. In addition to the media, China has considerably
influenced their economy as well.
Over the course of the Communist Party's ruling history, the economy has fluctuated in its quality.
From Mao Zedong's reign (1949–1978), Chairman Mao focused on the industrialization of
communes and agriculture. The economy not only remained relatively stagnant as a result, but also
caused an immense famine throughout these communes. Since Mao's death in 1976, the Communist
Party has steered away from its communal form of economy and became the world's second largest
economy through capitalism. This act of change depicts how the Communist Party has influenced
the People's Republic of China's financial system into becoming increasingly capitalistic. The
People's Republic of China had issued a multitude of economic reforms in 1978 after the death of
Mao Zedong. As a result, China has risen in the ranks of the world's economy, effectively becoming
the second fastest growing economy in the world as well. All in all, the Communist Party of the
People's Republic of China has aided the Chinese economy to reach its current success.
The Communist Party was quite
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Essay on China's Reformation
In most works of art, the tone, costumes, and setting can largely influence the mood of the story. A
deep examination of the mentioned attributes can possibly reveal latent messages and intents of the
artists. This is evident in both Lao She's Teahouse and China's The Founding of a Republic. The
Founding of a Republic was funded and produced by Chinese government as a celebration of the
60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China; as a result, it widely regarded as propaganda.
Lao's Teahouse, however, was written about the Chinese revolution from a common man's
perspective. These differences in the interpretation of the Chinese revolution, along with the intent
of the presentations, reveal the creators' underlying political ... Show more content on ...
As previously mentioned, the prominent historical events shown are a majority of the offenses made
by the nationalists. The film depicts the KMT officials as violent and eager to engage in conflicts.
The Communists, however, are portrayed in the opposite light. The authority figures are commonly
dressed in light–colored uniforms. The movie's depiction of Mao Zedong, perhaps, speaks the
loudest for the Communist party. Mao is shown as a calm–blooded peaceful leader with great
determination. He is shown as a family man, playing with his niece and daughter in a field of
flowers. When victorious news of successful battle is delivered to Mao, he is cheerful, yet solemn
for the loss of lives. Mao is also shown connecting with and respecting even the lowliest soldiers.
When a chef is killed trying to serve the Chairman, Mao is sure to have a proper burial for the man.
Even the choices of words in the movie are gentle on the few violent acts of the Communists. When
the People's Liberation Army successfully seizes Shanghai from the Nationals, the movies subtitles
claim the city was "Liberated". The next day the town is full of the soldiers peacefully sleeping on
the streets.
These portrayals of The Chinese Communist Party all contribute to the benevolent image of the
Republic of China. The film also illustrates the Nation's negative attitude towards the United States
and Soviet Union. Although these outside nations do not have many appearances, the scenes shown
... Get more on ...
Analysis And Valuation Of China Mobile Ltd
Executive Summary
China is the fastest–growing merging market over the past decades. China has become the second
largest economy, transform the country. The rapid growth bring challengers that has theathen
economic stality. Internally, the new leadership under Xi Jingpin has set forth comprehensive
reforms to address the economic imbalance, social equity, environmental sustainability. Externally,
Following the country analysis, my group provides an analysis and valuation of China Mobile Ltd,
the largest telecommunication company in term of market capitalization. Decribe Swot analysis.
Economic Overview:
Since the initiation of the economic reform and opening up policy in 1978, China has experienced a
rapid economic growth over the last few decades. An average growth rate of 10% per year in gross
domestic product (GDP) has transformed China into the second largest economy with GDP of
$9.240 trillion dollar in 2013. Over 500 million people were lifted out of poverty as a result of its
economic success. As one of the world's fastest growing economy, China has expanded their
economic presence globally, with trading partners all over the world. Benefiting from its
demographic dividend and globalization, China has become the manufacturing powerhouse and a
major contributor to the world's economy. About 232 countries import goods from China with U.S,
Japan, and Korea being the major importers of Chinese products.1
Economic Outlook: The extensive economic growth in China
... Get more on ...
Historical Events Of The People's Republic Of China
People's Republic of China formerly known as China is located in the East Asia. China is the largest
nation in Asia and the second largest country in the world based on land area and covers 9.6 million
square kilometers. China has approximately one billion and four hundred million people making it
the most populous country in the world. The World Bank categorizes the People's Republic of China
as a low middle–income country. China is a multi–ethnic country with different customs and
traditions which vary geographically. China is a multi–religious country the population practice
Taoism, Buddhism, Islamism, Protestantism, and Christianity. The Han Chinese majorly practices
Buddhism as well as Taoism.
The historical events of China comprise ... Show more content on ...
China government commits public funds into health care for the benefit of the increased population.
The money channeled is through insurance which is results from the considerable reform in the
healthcare system. However, China faces external factors which reap the benefits of the population
on the health care system. The increased economic growth creates different consumer expectations
and this influences the desire to have higher–quality services and advanced technology. The
widening gap in socio–economic class of the high and low–income earners creates the difficult for
China to achieve its societal goal in the equal provision of health care. However, to cope with the
situation, China determines the performance of the health care system and pays attention to rising
concerns by channeling funds into health care.
China's macroeconomic growth affects the health care system in the provision of progressive life
expectancy. The country lacks primary care services because of unequal distribution of resources. As
a result, patients complain of dissatisfaction of the health facilities condition on service provision.
Furthermore, the aging population has increased the tendency of developing chronic diseases. The
country has increased childhood mortality rates and this pushed the government to focus on efforts
of ensuring all citizens have access to healthcare services. The social pressure from the citizens on
... Get more on ...

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Economic Questions

  • 1. Economic Questions QUESTION 1 What are the THREE (3) basic economic questions that all economies must answer? Describe the differences in the way capitalism and socialism answer these questions. Scarcity, Choices, Opportunity Costs We live in a finite world. No matter how seemingly bountiful the quantity of our natural resources may be or how carefully human try to conserve them, if we keep using them, they eventually are going to run out. Our tastes for goods and services are virtually limitless and this creates scarcity. Like the Rolling Stones song says, "You can't always get what you want." Because we can't have it all, we're forced to make choices. When we making a particular decision, we forsake opportunity to choose the alternative option. ... Show more content on ... Communist China The Communist Party of China is the ruling political party of the People's Republic of China. The Communist Party of China was founded in 1921 and the party was small at first, but grew intermittently through 1920s. It became formally allied with the Kuomingtang (KMT) in 1923. In 1927 the Communist Party of China split from the Kuomingtang party. The only major section of the party which survived was the section built around Mao Zedong. The Peoples' Republic of China was regarded as Communist China. Since it was established in 1949, it has been led by the Communist Party of China. Chairman Mao is the founder of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and one of the founders of the Chinese Communist party in 1921. He is known as one of the most prominent Communist theoreticians. The Communist Party of China takes Marxism–Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as its guide to action. From 1921 to 1949, the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people in their tough armed struggle and finally succeeded in overthrowing the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat– capitalism and establishing the People's Republic of China (PRC). After the founding of the PRC, the CPC led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in defending the independence and security of the country, successfully completing the transition from new democratic ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. China 's Economic Development Through The Stages Of The... China's booming economic growth over the past forty or so years is one of the most impressive events to happen in the global economy. The economic transformation of this country is unlike any other transformation. China was by far the most economically and technologically advanced nation almost a millennium ago. However, it started to fall behind in economic growth compare to Western Europe during the time of 1500 and 1800. This paper will examine China's economic development through the stages of the demographic transition model and its post–transition conditions. In addition, some of the implication of the ageing population has on the continuing development of the country's economy will be addressed. There is great debate if the decline in economic growth was before or after the Industrial revolution but many seem to agree that the political system and the many conflicts that occurred in China play a major role. These factors made it difficult for the Chinese economy from getting the force it needed to catch up to the growth of Western Europe. Up until the 1950s, there was both high birth and death rates. Although the population growth was low and stable during this time, the economic growth in this country was at a minimal. The pre 1950s period would be considered stage one on the demographic transition model for China. It was not until the 1950s, when the People's Republic of China was established, that the process of growth began. The decisions made during this ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Great Leaders in China Genghis Khan, first known as Temujin, was the son of a leader of a Mongolian tribe. He was brought up in a time of warring tribes and factions. Genghis Khan was a fierce and brilliant military commander, who achieved unprecedented success in setting Ghengis Khanup an Empire which stretched across Europe and Asia. His Mongol armies left a trail of fear, death and destruction. But, he also created a vibrant empire with a common language, booming trade, tolerance of religion and some basic customs and laws( Pettinger., 2010). Arguably the most famous Asian of the last 2,000 years, Genghis Khan created an empire that was more than twice the size of any other conqueror's in history, and that endured for more than a century and a half after ... Show more content on ... Instil a level of discipline within your organization such that you will do so much better in whatever your industry is in. Really, no management technique or framework can replace the power of simple discipline. "At no single, crucial moment in his life did he suddenly acquire his genius at warfare, his ability to inspire the loyalty of his followers, or his unprecedented skill for organizing on a global scale. These derived not from epiphanic enlightenment or formal schooling but from a persistent cycle of pragmatic learning, experimental adaptation and constant revision driven by his uniquely disciplined mind and focused will(Ryan, 2012)." When battling the nomadic tribes of Mongolia, Khan would prepare several military tactics and traps before that before facing off with his enemy. He was extremely meticulous and planned his attacks very carefully. As a result, he managed to defeated several other factions, and eventually even the great city of Beijing. Similarly, whatever business, project or game you enter into; you should always do prior preparation mentally as well as tactically. By being prepared and ensuring that your men are prepared, you prepare yourself for victory.The saying goes, Good luck is when preparation meets opportunity. When everyone in the organization is prepared, they give themselves favorable. If you ever wonder why we're in a crisis of leadership all you have to do is to watch and listen to those in positions of ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Political Differences Between Russo And China Whenever people think of communism, Russian SFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) and China, as two biggest communist polity, always come to people's mind first. Likewise, at any time people mention authoritarianism, they will never miss the two biggest authoritarian regimes: Russia (Russian Federation) and China. The former, with the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991, the world's first and largest communist polity and the prime facilitator of communist political system came to an end, which creates the modern Russia Federation, a country that still persists in authoritarianism but applies democratic political system and constitution. The latter, after experience multiple destructive invasions and humiliating ... Show more content on ... The following October Revolution permanently ended the rule of Provisional Government, leaving all the political power to the Soviets. After a long, decimating civil war and a series of social, political, and economic transitions, the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was formally founded as the world's first communist polity with one party rule of the Bolsheviks. Meanwhile, Bankrupt of Republic of China demonstrates the failure of China's first democracy transition, leaving mainland China to be fully taken over by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), which established the modern PRC (People's Republic of China), another communist regime. (China: U.S. policy since 1945, 1980) Flaws Inside the Social System In 1922, by gradually consolidating his influence and isolating and outmaneuvering his rivals within the party, Stalin became the undisputed leader of the Soviet Union and, established totalitarian rule, which contains a series of radical economic reformations, aiming at thoroughly change the agricultural and industrial structure. The new policies, known as Stalinism, indicate that the New Economic Policy has been annihilated. Stalinist policies and ideas, as developed in the Soviet Union, included rapid industrialization, the theory of socialism in one country, a centralized state, collectivization of agriculture, cult of personality (Jan Plamper, 2012) and ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Chinese Culture From 1949–2012, China has undergone many reforms. It has been a socialist, communist, and a weird combination of market economy/communist. These reforms are essential in explaining how China has become a major world power. China turned to socialism in 1949, because it seemed like the only answer to the numerous problems China had to face after nearly 20 years of fighting. This is the first step down the road to economic prosperity. In October 1949, Mao declared the People's Republic of China at the Gate of Heavenly Peace in Beijing. He now faced very large problems. China had been fighting a civil war since the 1920's and a full–scale war with the Japanese since 1937 to 1945. After nearly 20 years of fighting, China (Mao) had many ... Show more content on ... To allow for this, China was reformed into a series of communes. By the end of 1958, 700 million people had been placed into 26,578 communes. The speed with which this was achieved was astounding. In 1959, things started to go wrong. Political decisions/beliefs took precedence over commonsense and communes faced the task of doing things that they were incapable of achieving. The excellent growing weather of 1958 was followed by a very poor growing year in 1959. Some parts of China were hit by floods. In other growing areas, drought was a major problem. The harvest for 1959 was 170 million tons of grain – well below what China needed at the most basic level. In parts of China, starvation occurred. 1960 had even worse weather than 1959. The harvest of 1960 was 144 million tons. 9 million people are thought to have starved to death in 1960 alone; many millions were left desperately ill as a result of a lack of food. The government had to introduce rationing. This put people on the most minimal of food and between 1959 and 1962, it is thought that 20 million people died of starvation or diseases related to starvation. Some party members put the blame of the failure of the Great Leap Forward on Mao. He was popular with the people but he still had to resign from his position as Head of State (though he remained in the powerful ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Examine the Conditions That Led to the Rise of a... Victor Heaulme IB History SL 28/02/12 EXAMINE THE CONDITIONS THAT LED TO THE RISE OF A SINGLE–PARTY STATE UNDER MAO ZEDONG. "In October 1949 Mao Zedong proclaimed the establishment of the People's Republic of China" (IB Packet, 60). This date marked the official beginning of the CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) rule under a single party rule. However, one question remains: what exactly were the prominent conditions that led to this rise of the CCP under Mao Zedong? Although one could easily isolate several specific variables that aided the parties rise, such as the failure of the GMD (Nationalist Party) or even The May 4th Movement, one must look at it more broadly to understand the bigger picture of the circumstances. When looking at ... Show more content on ... One last sort–of–social condition that led to the single party state rule had to do with the invasion of Manchuria. Manchuria, being a Chinese region, was full of agricultural products, opportunities and even mineral/natural resources. Ergo, Japan wanted to capture it, and this conflict led to a larger scale war, and by the end, "The war with Japan had left China exhausted and weak" (Leung, 99). Thus, this gave the possibility to the CCP (because they took more advantage of it) to rise and take power over the GMD. Thus, the social and economic aspects of China in the time period also had a rather large effect on China becoming ruled by a single party rule governed by Mao. In conclusion, political, social and economic conditions in China were altogether very responsible for the rise of the CCP. From the civil war (political) to the runaway inflation (economic) and even to the bad relations between the GMD and scholars (social), all these aspects make up what was to become Mao Zedong's rule. Failures, mainly from the part of the GMD, also helped the CCP rise, such as the non–acknowledgment of the peasantry or even the failure to wipe out the CCP during the White Terror. Altogether, there was a considerable amount of reasoning and conditions behind the rise of Mao and his party. WORKS CITED PAGE Fairbank, John King. The Cambridge History of China: Republican China 1912–1949, Part 2. 13. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Communism In Germany Essay Germany "Actually," quickly he became the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic are two independent power state [ . The two sides began under the rule of the law of occupation of each division limit, European countries were divided in the West or the Soviet sphere of influence. Countries of Central and Eastern Europe that were classified as in the Soviet sphere of influence, so that the Soviet Union began to intervene in its part of the power structure in the country, and establish cooperation with the government led by the Communist Party . But even if the People's Republic of Poland, the Hungarian People's Republic, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, the Socialist Republic of Romania, the People's Socialist Republic ... Show more content on ... But then the Japanese rule over Korea, guardianship combined period of 38 degrees line is divided into northern and southern United States to decide the jurisdiction of the Soviet Union. In 1948, after two lines divided regions 38 degrees expressed as the legitimate government of North Korea, eventually led to the outbreak of the Korean War. In China, in 1946, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China from China to revive civil war, finally he won the civil war by the Communist Party of China and the establishment of the People's Republic of China in mainland China, and the ROC government he moved to Taiwan in 1949 to retire. As for the Middle East, Arab countries rejected the resolution of the General Assembly of the United 181 Nations and the implementation of the redeployment of Palestinian land in Israel, but Israel has created the first war Middle East broke out, and the results of the war, but to promote a major conflict between the Arab states and Israel. Although the European colonial powers are still trying to retain some of their colonial empires of the past (colonial rule), however, the loss of prestige and resources during the war so that European countries can not continue to hold power–up, bringing eventually to advance the decolonization of Asia and ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. The Rise Of The Chinese Economy Throughout the world, there are many nations and regions that have undergone immense changes to reach their modern positions in the international economy. One such location is China, which experienced a major shift from a society revolved around independent sustenance in the agricultural industry into a society revolved around socialism, direct funding for the Chinese government through the Chinese people, and the mass–production of goods with high demand in the global market by co–operatives. Of course, the changes in the workings of the Chinese economy developed from the changes in the politics of China. On the 1st of October 1949, The People's Republic of China was founded in Beijing. The founding of the party both marked the end of what is today considered by historians the most profound revolutionary upheaval in modern history, in which the Guomindang Party rose to power in China, issued many different currencies, and was unable to control inflation, food shortages, and exponentially occurring price fixations; as well as the beginning of the tides of socialism in China in the 20th century, which caused the contemporary Chinese economic transformation. The Chinese economic transition from a centrally–planned economy and agrarian society to a market economy and unified, socialist society was ultimately caused by the three Five–Year Plans adopted by the growing Chinese Communist Party, which were stable and beneficial outlines for the Chinese regime because they developed ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Effects of the Communists’ Policies Towards Women on... This investigation will cover women's participation in the Long March, the People's Republic of China Constitution in 1949, Mao's policies for foot binding, the 1950 Marriage Law, and women's increased participation in society. I will analyze journal articles and books from Western and Asian authors to evaluate various historians' views on Communists' policies towards women and the effects they had on Communists' rise to power. Kellee Tsai's Women and the state in post–1949 rural China and John King Fairbank's "The Great Chinese Revolution: 1800–1985" are two of the principle sources and will be evaluated. Part B: Summary of Evidence Women's Participation in Long March Mao's uprising in Hunan, known as the Long March, allowed women ... Show more content on ... The increasing number of women participating in production in turn promoted economic equality between men and women (Korabik 1). The Constitution additionally created reforms in marriage laws, abolishing traditions such as concubines, polygamy, and arranged marriages (Korabik 1). Policies for Foot Binding Prior to the Communists' rise to power in 1949, traditions such as foot binding and other traditional Confucian beliefs were dominant throughout China, portraying a feudal society (Korabik 1). The tradition of foot binding symbolized high sexual standard; unbound feet represented a lower sexual standard of living (Fairbank 27). Additionally, foot binding kept women in the house, promoting chastity as the women stayed home, as well as the superiority of men who worked in the fields and industries (Fairbank 70). However, after Mao took over, foot binding was abolished, resulting in no more broken and crushed bones, crippled women, or pain (Lewis 59). 1950 Marriage Law Mao's goal of communism was to destroy feudal ideas including abuses against women and the traditional extended family (mother and daughter in–laws) (Tsai 493). Marriages in China during the 20th century helped with the transformation from feudalism to socialism due to the 1950 Marriage Law that Mao created (Hershatter 991). A goal of communism was also to eliminate Confucian traditions, which ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Mao Zedong Five Year Plan Essay In 1921 a huge political revolution occurred, where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) took place. The leader of the national party, Sun Yat Sen, lost to chiang Kai–Shek. The communist and nationalist split against each other. By October of 1934 the communists escaped and started to march westwards. This is what started the "Long March" over the mountains and through swamps of china. Mao Zedong was known as Chairman Mao, the leader of the communist party. He was the head of the CCP and the government until he died. He also adapted communism to Chinese conditions as set out in the little red book. This investigation assesses to what extent did Mao Zedong five year plan in 1953 succeed or fail? Investigating the success of Mao's reform ... Show more content on ... By 1958, 700 million people were communes. Communes ,were controlled by almost every activity in the person's life because they combined many functions. The purpose of communes is to release what Mao ensured had the best possible use of the time and energy from the people. Communes advantage was that they could develop industry, education, and agriculture. At first communes were set up so that people worked extremely hard without any distractions. Mao Zedong decision to start on the Great Leap Forward was based on parts of being uncertain about the Soviet policy of financial and economic to china. In Mao's opinion that policy both fell short of his expectations and needs. It also made him aware of the economic and political dependence of china. Month's after he launched the Great Leap Forward, things started to go wrong. Factories had to produce more and more products and produce them fast. Many machines broke down, and many overworked employers fell asleep at the benches. The Great Leap Forward failed economically. The economic had a shortage of food, raw materials for industry, and exhaustion of the peasantry. The Great Leap Forward failed badly. The Weather was good in 1958, there were only one main problem that prevented the farms being good. That problem was that many of the peasants were working in the industry and not enough people to work in the fields to crop. The communal people at the eating halls weren't aware of ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Rise of China as an Economic Power PROJECT REPORT ON: RISE OF CHINA AS AN ECONOMIC POWER Submitted to Submitted by: Mrs. Navjot Kaur Arpandeep Kaur MBA– 1C Roll no: 5218 table of contents * Introduction about china * Economic history of china * Republic of china ( 1911– 1949) * People's Republic of China (1949 onwards) * From planned economy to free market powerhouse: The post – Mao era ( 1976 onwards ) * World's second largest economy * Brief overview of china's present economy * China ... Show more content on ... Foreign imports fell drastically from 1919–1921 and from 1925 to 1927. Chinese industries continue to develop in the 1930s with the advent of the Nanking decade in the 1930s, when Chiang Kai–shek unified most of the country and brought political stability. China's industries developed and grew from 1927 to 1931. Though badly hit by the Great Depression from 1931 to 1935 and Japan's occupation of Manchuria in 1931, industrial output recovered by 1936. By 1936, industrial output had recovered and surpassed its previous peak in 1931 prior to the Great Depression's effects on China. This is best shown by the trends in Chinese GDP. In 1932, China's GDP peaked at 28.8 billion, before falling to 21.3 billion by 1934 and recovering to 23.7 billion by 1935. * The rural economy of the Republic of China The rural economy retained much of the characteristics of the Late Qing. While markets had been forming since the Song and Ming dynasties, Chinese agriculture by the Republic of China was almost completely geared towards producing cash crops for foreign consumption, and was thus subject to the say of the international markets. Key exports included glue, tea, silk, sugar cane, tobacco, cotton, corn and peanuts. The rural economy was hit hard by the Great Depression of the 1930s, in which an overproduction of agricultural goods lead to massive falling prices for China as well as an increase in foreign imports (as agricultural goods produced in ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Legal Systems Of China And India Research Paper: The Legal Systems of China and India Introduction China and India are two nations that have endured significant political and economic change. Both nations' legal systems are interestingly results of the influences from which they stem and contribute to the great strengths of both countries. However, it is quite evident that politics have triumphed over the legal systems in both countries. The strength of a legal system can be determined by the simplicity involved in ignoring its principles. Of course the structure of a legal system and judiciary in a given nation is absolutely fundamental, but what is illustrative of its sovereignty is the practice itself. Before China was so powerful and influential within itself, they ... Show more content on ... I will then explain the kind of legal systems China and India have, what this means, and where China and India received their influences to begin and carry out such legal systems. After I have thoroughly explained the structure of both legal systems, I will finally discuss what is important and that is how China and India operate in regards to their legal systems. I will then go into explaining the characteristics of both civil law and common law legal systems as a whole as well as the specifics of China and India's legal systems. Digging deeper, I will analyze the sources of the law in China and India and the various types of laws within the legal system, such as civil, criminal, etc. Finally, I will discuss the judiciaries, or court systems, within the two nations. The History of China As I previously mentioned, what's interesting about China is that it was once free of a prominent legal system. We can look back to the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949 when all of the laws of the People's Republic of China were abolished. This, perhaps, was the pinpoint of the foundation of China's new legal system. However, during the three decades under Mao Zedong, the dictator failed to establish a legal system. It wasn't until the post–Mao era, under Deng Xiaoping, that the new economic reforms called for great changes in China, including the emergence of ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Similarities Between China And The United States I will discuss the similarities and differences between China and the United States in economy, politics, history, culture and the future development. Initially, in economic terms, the People's Republic of China implements the socialist market economy, which originates from China's economic reform under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. It is based on the dominant position of state–owned sector and the open market economy("Socialist market economy," n.d.). While the United States implements the capitalist economic system, namely, "it is based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. (Shudhanshu, 2016)." Thus, their economic system is different. Subsequently, China and the US also have distinct political systems. The United ... Show more content on ... That is both China and the US gained their independence of the nation by winning the war. For example, the victory of the American Revolutionary War ended the British colonial rule,which realized the independence of the nation, established a relatively democratic political system, and brought a positive impact on the economic development of the US. In the history of China, the second Anti–Japanese War was a nationalist war that China had fought against Japanese aggression. In the victory of this war, China completely defeated the Japanese aggressors, which defended the integrity of the nation's territory, and also laid a significant foundation for the founding of the new China. In addition, these two countries also have experienced civil war. However, the nature of the civil war is different. The Chinese civil war was a conflict between the Communist Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang over China's legitimate administration of power("Chinese Civil War," n.d.). While the essence of the American civil war was the economic and institutional differences between north and south states, which led to the outbreak of ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Qichao Essay Entering the twentieth century as a shell of its former self, the Qing Dynasty (Manchus) was moving closer to its inevitable demise. A dominant force in the world for centuries, by the dawn of the twentieth the Chinese Empire was divided into zones of influence by Imperialist Europe and had suffered defeat at the hands of Meiji Japan in the First Sino–Japanese War. The Chinese people, increasingly angered, watched as their country was manipulated and coerced by their vanquishers. From these international humiliations arose individuals who sought to radically transform the politics, society and dynamics of China and to effectively bring her into the twentieth century and back to international glory. Two of these influential men were Liang Qichao and Sun Yat–sen, who, despite differences in thought, created their political ideologies through the concept of nationalism. A member of the literati class, individuals who successfully passed civil service examinations, Liang Qichao was an outspoken advocate for reform ... Show more content on ... From June to September 1898, Qichao and his mentor Yang Youwei were responsible for the more than one hundred decrees from the Guangxu emperor calling for institutional reform in a multitude of social, economic and political arenas. Among these included the establishment of a national school system and change to the examination system, modernization of the military, and restructuring of the government. Popular sovereignty did not come to the reformers, however, as the calls for the establishment of a constitution and national assembly went unheeded. The advancements of the Hundred Days Reform failed with the coup d'état of the Guangxu emperor and the implementation of the Empress Dowager as head–of–state. The decrees were abolished and Qichao fled for his life to Japan where his political ideology became more widely infused with that of ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Assess the Impact of Interference by Foreign Powers on... Assess the impact of interference by foreign powers on China's development in the 20th century During the 20th century China underwent a massive transformation. In the early 1900s China was a mass of land lacking any real political cohesion and so was plagued by disputes between the many ruling warlords. However, by the year 2000 China was considered a major contender on the world stage and still is today; it almost seems certain that China will become the most powerful nation on earth in the next 50 years. This major transformation is seen to be a great success of China, considering the relatively short amount of time in which it was accomplished, but the question still remains as to whether entire credit should be given to China ... Show more content on ... Despite the burgeoning hope of a strong independent China, free of the exploitation of foreign powers, Sun Yat–Sen's aims were not achieved. However, this laid the basis for China's ideal of developing their own independence. A politician of great significance was Mao Zedong, the first Chairman of the People's Republic of China. He had possibly the largest impact on the development of China, particularly with policies such as his agricultural reform. Foreign interference, by way of Japan's invasion (1937–49), had had a great negative effect on economic development. Their original intent to exploit China's resources was manifested in "mass murder" across the country (the rape of Nanking being a focussed example of this) and such destruction of infrastructure and mass looting that instances of cannibalism became quite widespread. Hence, it was to Mao that much of the task of reforming and rebuilding fell. Mao's greatest achievement, and the core of any development free of foreign interference, was his success in harnessing the unquenchable spirit of the Chinese people. Their unrelenting efforts went some way to counteracting the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Chin A Nation Of Varying Size Dating Unlike the United States, China has been a nation of varying size dating back over 4,000 years with over 20 different ruling dynasties. Within relatively recent history of the past 175 years, China has undergone considerable economic shifts including a heavy communist push. Many times, the causation for these events was war. This idea was seen numerous times in ancient China; for example, the Ming treasure ships that were sent out for monetary and military conquest were a result of a naval and military dominance in the Eastern Hemisphere, which allowed them to gain new countries as tributaries with ease. Although these ships were successful in their missions, they eventually had to destroy the ships to offset the large cost of the growing ... Show more content on ... "Prior to 1810 Western nations had been spending 350 million Mexican silver dollars on porcelain, cotton, silks, brocades, and various grades of tea, by 1837 opium represented 57 percent of Chinese imports, and for the fiscal period 1835–36 alone China exported 4.5 million silver dollars" (England and China: The Opium Wars, 1839–60). This demonstrates how the illegal opium trade largely imbalanced the trade with the West. It was estimated that between four and twelve million Chinese males under the age of 40 were addicted to the use of opium. Tensions grew rapidly following the Kowloon Incident, where "drunk British sailors from several opium clipper ships rioted in Kowloon, killing a Chinese man and vandalizing a Buddhist temple" (The First and Second Opium Wars). Lin Ze–xu, the Emperor's special emissary, ordered the seizure of opium and closing of ports. In response, the British superintendent of trade, Charles Elliot, ordered the blockade of Pearl River, thus initiating the war. Economically, China cut off trade with Britain and the Western nations. This reinforces the idea that they were an isolationist country with respect to trading with the West. The first Opium War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Nanking on August 29, 1842. Some of the most important economic parts of the treaty included, "Ceding the island of Hong Kong to Great Britain, opened five "Treaty" ports to Western trade and residence, and paid nine million dollars in reparations to the ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Buddhism and Ecotourism Following Mao Zedong's Communist forces victory over the Kuomintang forces of Generalissimo Chiang Kai–shek, "Mao declared the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949." (History of PRC) This marked the beginning of the socialist transformation under Mao's rule in which he planned to unify China and raise the standard of living through the development of China's infrastructure, industry, healthcare, and education. Mao's two main campaigns during his time in power were the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. Through these campaigns he hoped to purify China's culture by eradicating the landlord ownership system and focusing on class struggle by implementing a distribution system in favor of poor, landless ... Show more content on ... Its market reforms still aren't complete and its per capita income is still much lower than any advanced country, which has led to China's high inequality. Along with economic issues, the rapid economic growth has caused multiple other issues. China's main focus has been solely on its economic aspects for so long that it almost seems as if they have been blind to the environmental degradation, increasing rural crisis, growing unemployment and poverty, government corruption, deteriorating public services, as well as escalating social unrests that is and has been occurring for a while now. Although all of these issues at hand are important, the issue that I will be focusing on is the massive environmental degradation and how it has been affected by the increases in Buddhist religious freedom and ecotourism. In 1949, China's natural forests were nationalized and private forests were collectivized, this gave state enterprises control over the forests. The main problem that came out of this was that these enterprises promoted leadership with higher profits from timber production. This caused managers of companies to try to increase their profits from timber production but wouldn't use any of those profits for replanting timber resources because they had no incentive to. This led to China's annual forest volume harvested to be greater than the growth in forest volume, which directly connects to deforestation. "China had ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Relations Between China And The Democratic Republic Of... Introduction The trajectory of global politics has dramatically changed after the end the World War II and after the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. In fact, many countries around the globe became economically competitive, politically stable, and culturally optimistic. As the result, many nations started affirming themselves on the global arena while others continued to struggle internally and beyond the borders. The combinations of these factors have perhaps led to interdependency. Globalization has played a significant role in bringing nations together. In order to advance their interests, share their common experience, and overcome their weaknesses, states constantly engage in bilateral or multilateral relationships. The bilateral relationships between China and the Democratic Republic of Congo obey to these dynamic trends. The People's Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of Congo enjoy stable diplomatic relations although there have been an increasing economic interests for one another since 1973. Background The People's Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Formerly Zaire) established their diplomatic relationships in 1973 during an official visit to Beijing by Mubuto. Since, there have been intensifications despite the internal turmoil on each side. Before 1973 however, relations with China became rocky when Zaire obtained its independence in 1960 from Belgium and established relations with Taiwan. As the result, the angry China ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Constitution Of The People's Republic Of Imperial China The constitution of the People's Republic of China defines it as "a socialist state of people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants". This means that it is an essentially dictatorial countries, with reference to the state ideology of Marxism–Leninism. Historical patterns of imperial China have maintained centralized power structure, each town, village, school, hospital and any administrative body with its corresponding Party relayed locally by neighborhood councils. Moreover, a check is often maintained on the population through the control of information, propaganda, censorship and fear that cause the population threats of repression. The Chinese model sees trade as a way to promote ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. To What Extent Did China Change for the Better in the... In 1949, Mao Zedong declared the People's Republic of China after the communists won the civil war against the nationalists, promising a fresh start, however China was a broken country following the Japanese and Civil Wars, which meant the new government inherited severe problems, the worst of which include hyperinflation, complete lack of industry, heavy food shortages, which was exacerbated by steep population increases. During the first eight years of power, Mao's regime tackled the economy remarkably, stemming inflation and introducing the first 5–year plan. Furthermore political control began to take form – although the methods of control were debatably unethical – and social initiatives were taken to improve, among other things, ... Show more content on ... The poorer peasants were encouraged to break down the class barriers between the landlords at 'speak bitterness' meetings where they were urged to condemn their landlords, which mobilised the peasant body. Peasant equality was furthered by land redistribution (approx. 40% of land was redistributed) and the Agrarian Reform Act that benefitted the poorest peasants and destroyed the old elite. Women's rights also slightly progressed due to improvements in marriage laws; forced marriage was banned, women now had the right to divorce and men could not divorce their wives in the year after the birth of a child, as well as the egalitarian attitudes of the radical communists giving women further socioeconomic and political roles in society. Health was also addressed, with clinics and health initiatives increasing life expectancy, and crime was reduced due to Mao's 'three antis' campaign along with the stemming of opium use, all of which complied with the reforming crusade of the CCP and the new republic. Education programmes improved with the simplification of Chinese characters and progress was made tackling illiteracy. Evidence of this progress is the increase in primary schooling numbers between 49–57, from 24.4 million to 51.1 million. This sharp increase, along with the raising of social prospects for much of the population shows a clear change for the better during this time ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. North Korea and Human Rights Abuses Introduction In the wake of the inquiry into North Korea's Human Rights Abuses published in February 2014 by the United Nations Human Rights Council, there has been a large global focus on the abuses of human rights by the rogue state. The inquiry, which compares the North Korean regime to that of Nazi Germany (Kirby, Darusman, and Biserko, 2014), has generated widespread global discussion about the conditions within the totalitarian state, and for the international community it is difficult to dismiss the considerable injustices that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (DPRKs) citizens are suffering under the current North Korean regime. North Korea is a state frozen in time, devoid of any recent social, economical and technological advances, and their inveterate abuse of human rights is widespread and deeply ingrained in their society. Despite the recent global focus of North Koreas human rights abuses, some claim that human rights conditions in the DPRK have been gradually improving (Lankov, 2013. b.). If this is the case, why was their need for such a recent inquiry into an improving situation? The investigation into the early 2014 focus will attempt to consider the issue from both a realist and liberal point of view. The main actors national interest in relation to the United Nations (UN) report will be explored to determine if an explanation for the global focus can arise, looking purposely at the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Mao Zedong Five Year Plan Case Study This investigation assesses to what extent did Mao Zedong five year plan in 1953 succeed or fail? Investigating the success of Mao's reform movements; Five Year Plan, the Great Leap Forward, and Cultural Revolution which has proved to have affected China, but was Mao a successful leader to these policies? A leader, who gained the support of his people, while keeping his goals clear throughout his rule, these policies will be analyzed. Zedong was a Chinese communist revolutionary, poet, and the founding father of the People's Republic of China(PRC). He was the chairman of the Communist Party for china from 1949 until he died in 1976. Various book and internet sources discussing the purpose and expectations of Mao's reforms will be evaluated ... Show more content on ... In Mao's opinion that policy both fell short of his expectations and needs. It also made him aware of the economic and political dependence of china. Month's after he launched the Great Leap Forward, things started to go wrong. Factories had to produce more and more products and produce them fast. Many machines broke down, and many overworked employers fell asleep at the benches. The Great Leap Forward failed economically. The economic had a shortage of food, raw materials for industry, and exhaustion of the peasantry. The Great Leap Forward failed badly. The Weather was good in 1958, there were only one main problem that prevented the farms being good. That problem was that many of the peasants were working in the industry and not enough people to work in the fields to crop. The communal people at the eating halls weren't aware of this and started giving out generous meals, using up all of the food stocks. The following year weather was bad, causing floods in some places and droughts in other. Not long after, people began to starve. The Great Leap Forward was also successful, it showed its people what went wrong with the plan and how it can possibly change it. Zedong had a great view on economic for china, to only find out that he did neglect some points, such as the agriculture, which chinese people relied on for food. More than 23 million people died during the People's Republic celebration in 1959. It resulted in china being rushed ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. China's Boxer Rebellion Throughout hundreds of years China has undergone several economic transformations, yet none proved to be as effective as the 1978 shift to a market based economy. Although this transition has allowed the country to flourish, it did not happen overnight. In 1978, China was one of the poorest countries in the world. The real per capita GDP in China was only one–fortieth of the U.S. level and one–tenth the Brazilian level (Zhu, 2012, N.p.). Yet since the change occurred, China's real per capita GDP has consistently grown at an average rate of more than 8% per year. As a result, China's real per capita GDP is now almost one–fifth the U.S. level and at the same level as Brazil (Zhu, 2012, N.p.). The continued improvements in China's ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of the 20th century, China was bombarded by powerful Western nations trying to apply as much control over it as possible. The Chinese opposed the attempts of foreign control and expressed this at the beginning of the 20th century with the Boxer Rebellion. During this era, the traditional government of China began to fail. The Chinese people became resentful of foreigners and dissatisfied with failure of the present government to throw them out, which initiated the Revolution of 1911, replacing the Chinese 2000 year old imperial system with the Republic of China led by Sun Yat– sen. In January of 1946, two factions of China began to have a power struggle. The KMT (Kuomintang), which were supplied by the United States, controlled the cities, while the
  • 46. CCP (Chinese Communist Party) had a strong hold in the countryside (Abbey, 1999, N.p.). To make matters worse, high inflation rates were weakening the citizens and military. By 1948, the CCP began to wage war against the KMT, taking control of Manchuria (a region in northeast China) and working its way south. On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong established the People's Republic of China. The People's Republic of ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Essay about The Legal History of China The Legal History of China Before I introduce the legal history of China, I want to talk about several points: First, introduce the legal history of China should be based on the general history of china: As everyone has know the general history of China, I will not introduce it in detail.( The ancient China had many dynasties, from the Xia Dynasty (21th–16th century before Christ), to the Shang Dynasty (16thâ€11th century B.C). West Zhou Dynasty (11century B.C–256 B.C. total 800 years), the Spring and Autumn Period (770 B.C.â€476 B.C), Warring States Period (403–221 BC),the Qin Dynasty (221B.Câ€206B.C.) ,the Han Dynasty (202B.C,24EMPORALS,406years), Three Kingdoms (220 – 265) ... Show more content on ... 1 slave society, including The xia, Shang, west zhou three Dynasties. 2 feudal society , from Qin dynast to Qing dynasty, the duration is from 210 B.C. to 1841 3 semi–feudal , semi–colony society, from 1841 to 1949 4 socialism society from 1949 till now Then, I want to generally combine the qualities or features of the legal system that distinguishes one stage from another In the legal education of China, we teach the legal system of each dynasty respectively. If I select this kind of method to introduce the legal system of china, I can not finish it in just 15 minutes. Therefore, I want to form general conclusions of each stage. I slave society, First, theocracy and divinity Judge, nemesis We can find it in the old books, and can easy find it from the literal meaning and structure of the word of "law". The Chinese word of law in ancient Chinese, is constituted with three parts, which are water, unicorn and go. Water means equity like water, unicorn, another named ancient goat, which reputed to gore guilty pers at court, "go" means to gore.
  • 49. Second, patriarchal clan system no difference between the country and the family. People were divided into different classes, and people of different status must abide the rule of his class Third, emphasize ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Ifrs in China Introduction China has more than 5000 years of history, and was a mysterious country to most occidental people. Because of the influence of the culture and history, China use to be closed to foreign countries until 1979. Chinese people have their own accounting rules that are totally different from occidental countries' accounting rules. With the development of China's economy and the implementation of the reform and opening policy, Chinese economic system became from planning economy to free– market economy, more and more occidental countries focus on China –a fast developing country. More and more international cooperation and trade appeared. In order to get the best investment, to know well Chinese accounting system ... Show more content on ... The accounting system reform cannot be stopped until it is completely accepted by foreign companies, which has a long way to go. But only if China can do so, the global trading in China can get the most benefit and the investment.( Jiashe Ge. Facing the New Century–Focusing On the Trend of Chinese Accounting.1999) Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) Deeply influenced by the culture, tradition, and the social system Chinese accounting system is tightly controlled by the government which is Ministry of Finance of China. According to Wei–guo Zhang (Weiguo Zhang. China's challenge: Building an accounting system. 1996), this feature is the "unique feature of Chinese accounting methods." Ministry of Finance is the most powerful financial department of Chinese government which handles all the businesses of finance, accounting, and economics. It has the major power of decision–making of accounting standards; cares about the setting of accounting standards; monitors the implement of the accounting standards and modifies the accounting standards. According to Reaf Lawson (Rael Lawson, Jiliang Yang and Hongqi Yuan. Accounting in China: A Long Journey to The Rebirth Of A Profession. 2009), the current framework for accounting in China consists of four levels. The first level consists of the accounting law which was issued by the National People's Congress in 1985 and last revised in 1999; the second level includes administrative regulations distributed ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Response of the Chinese Intellectuals to Thought... On October 1, 1949, the newly established People's Republic of China faced the challenge of consolidating its power over a vast mainland and implementing the socialist policies it advocated. Of hindrance to the process of organizational and ideological remolding of China was the ambivalent ideological nature of China's intellectuals. Special action had to be taken by the Communist regime to address the explicit and latent issue of non–Marxian thought and bourgeois ideals among its most talented educated class. The campaigns of the Communists to transform the intelligentsia were not spurred by vehemence towards a former ruling class, but by the Communist appeal for a united ideological front. The behavior of the intellectuals and the ... Show more content on ... Also, Chou's statements give the impression that the CCP initiated the campaign to Suppress Counter–Revolutionaries in direct response to the divided intellectual class. The Suppression of Counter–Revolutionaries took the form of a program of ideological remolding. The Communists had graduated from the early and mild forms of 'study' to more severe methods in an effort to reform the intellectuals. It involved group pressure, public trials, mass arrests and executions, and an Inquisition–style system of mutual spying and informing which penetrated the inner circles of family life in China. In September of 1951 some three thousand professors gathered to hear a lecture by Premier Enlai. This was the official launch of the ideological reform. As applied to the intellectual class, the ideological reform and study program began in 1951 and lasted well into 1955. The pressures of the ideological reform program bound the intelligentsia in struggle, and then split the intellectuals of China into three groups. The first group was the converts, those who joined the Communist cause actively and, according to their evaluators, ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. China Trip Essay Introduction As a part of our Fb& E course we have to compalsary do a country visit and visiting China & Hong Kong was a part of the course. The trip was for 15 days and I was unable to visit the domestic companies due to an external event of Swayam Club whose prior permission was taken. This visit was undertaken to understand the global scenario for doing business as China is one of the biggest hub for doing business. Business Environment China is one of the biggest markets in the world. China's immense diversity, complexity, variety & immense competitive intensity are unrivalled in the world. China's historical development, political structure, climate & its foreign relation influence its economy & foreign trade. China's ... Show more content on ... In 1981 the industrial product prices were liberalized & private enterprise was allowed to setup factories in rural areas. In 1984 China allowed of forming of Town Village Enterprise which is a person co–operative in small and medium scale industry engaged in light manufacturing & services. It helped in absorbing surplus labour. It resulted in growth of China. MNC are encouraged to have joint ventures but now even wholly owned MNC's are also allowed in China. SEZ were stared in China to encourage FDI in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou & Xiamen. Details of places visited  Shanghai: Shanghai is the one of the largest city by population in China and the largest city proper in the world. It is province–level municipalities in the People's Republic of China. It is divided into two parts by a river. It is a global city, with effect in commerce, culture, finance, media, fashion, technology, and transport. It is one of the major financial centre and the busiest container port in the world. It is situated in the Yangtze River Delta in East China. Shanghai is famous for Shopping Streets, Skyscrapers, Event Venues, and Clothing & Fashion. Its major exports include Electrical Machinery & Equipment, Woven Apparel, Footwear, and Toys & Sporting Goods. The Key Industries: Textiles, Garments, Footwear, Toys, Crude Oil, Electrical Appliances, Sports. The major items are goods, Telecommunication Equipment, Pharmaceuticals, Steel ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Education And Development Of Special Education There are some significant laws that influenced the development of special education in China. Special education schools emerged in the late 19th century with special schools that served those who were blind and deaf (Deng, Poon–McBrayer & Farnsworth, 2001, p. 289–290). "Education for individual with mental retardation or other disabilities was nonexistent" (Deng et al., p. 289–290). The foundation of the People's Republic of China established in 1949 is often considered the actual start of special education services in China. From the 1950's to 1980's, the Chinese modeled their special schools after the Soviet Union's (Deng et al., p. 290). In 1959, "the first school for students with mental retardation was established" however, the school was forced to close four years later and did not resume until 1979 (Deng et al., p. 290). Education reform began in the 1980's. At this time, the Chinese system was beginning to be influenced by Western special education systems (Deng et al., p. 291). In 1982, China revised their constitution. This revision established their first mandate for the educating people with disabilities (Kritzer, 2012, p. 52). In 1986, they adopted the Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China, which increased the mandate to include that all children are entitled to nine years of free education (Kritzer, 2012, p. 52). In 1990, the Law on the Protection of the Disabled Persons was passed. This law states that the families and ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Current State of the CHinese Economic System The current state of the Chinese economic system has drawn international attention and praise due to its overwhelmingly positive statistical growth. This growth, according to the nation's leader, stems from what its government calls strides toward common prosperity. As of 2013, China's leaders proclaim to be moving toward a state of theoretical consciousness. In China, consistency and persistence is promoted over spontaneity within the confines of a sound economic structure, which has created a fertile ground for socialism to grow. A recent documentary composed by a conglomerate of media outlets, depicts the current economic landscape of China. Its story unravels to present the growing city of Shanghai as progressive, oppressive, and modern; yet, its growth has been rooted in older communist practices, given to much economic success and an uncertain future ("City of Dreams"). The changes that have taken place in modern China since the late 1970's has grown its economy to unprecedented ends, and by unprecedented means. The transformation into an industrialized capitalistic society has catapulted its development into an uncharted realm, prompting much discussion on its future impact on the world at large. In the following report, we will examine China's economical changes in three decades, encompassing three distinct phases of economic reform: recovery, establishment, and improvement. Socialism, combined with practice deliberately and uniquely designed by China's republic, has ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Is China Entering The Middle Income Trap? Is China entering the middle income trap? An analysis about China's current economic situation and the challenges ahead Vinicius Porto Amorim Global Leadership Program Asia B April 29, 2016 Is China entering a middle income trap? Who knows? But the recent slowdown of the Chinese economy has turned on the warning sign that the country might be falling into one of the greatest challenges of the developing economies: the middle income trap. However, prior to understanding the reasons that the Chinese economy might (or might not) be falling under the trap, it is necessary to do an overview about the drivers that led the incredible growth of the Asian Dragon during the past decades. The Mao Era: 1949–1976 The history of modern China starts on October 1st of 1949 with the victory by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the Chinese Civil War and the consequently proclamation of the People's Republic of China (PRC) by Mao Zedong . From 1949 until 1976, Mao started to implement in China his idea of a communist society with a centrally controlled economy based on the Soviet model. In order to achieve the massive changes towards the implementation of communism, he developed several ambitious projects, guided by the Five–Year Plans that included the Great Leap Forward, started in 1958, and the Cultural Revolution (between 1966 and 1976). It's estimated that the implementation of the Maoist ideals was responsible for more than 65 million deaths in China, mostly by forced ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Chinese Criminal Reform Research Paper We Chinese, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), are a unitary sovereign state in East Asia. With a population of over 1.381 billion, we are the world's most populous country. Our state is governed by the Communist Party based in the capital of Beijing. Criminal gangs are found throughout China but they are most active in Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang and Guangzhou as well as Hong Kong. The number of people involved in organized crime on the mainland has risen from around 100,000 in 1986 to around 1.5 million in 2000. New members are often recruited among the 120–million–strong "floating population" of migrant workers. Organized crime is growing in China, because of factors including economic liberalization, increasing migration, ... Show more content on ... The great majority of criminals can also be reformed. Turning minuses into pluses and changing criminals into people who are useful to society are in conformity with the great Marxist ideal of liberating all of mankind. Consistent with this understanding, China does not simply punish criminals; instead it emphasizes reform and change for the better. Therefore, even in the case of criminals who have committed serious offenses, China has always adhered to its laws and policies, which call for a minimum number of executions. In the actual practice of criminal reform, China pays close attention to implementing the principles of humanitarianism. Criminals are not only provided with proper living conditions, but their human dignity is also respected. Humiliation of prisoners is forbidden. Chinese law clearly stipulates that criminals are to be provided with a humane level of material comfort during their prison terms and that the staff in prisons and reform– through–labour institutions must handle criminals in a civilized manner. China strictly protects the due rights of criminals. Chinese law stipulates the various civil rights not restricted by law to which a criminal is entitled during a prison term. There are specific legal provisions concerning the rights a criminal must enjoy during the entire process from initial detention to release after serving the sentence. Chinese law forbids any maltreatment of prisoners by the prison staff and prisoners have ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama Essay example Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama Over the past few decades, there have been many political problems in Tibet. This can be attributed to the ongoing problem between Tibet and China. Tibet had previously, for many years, been faced with occupation by the forces of the People's Republic of China in their land. This was very alarming to many people, including the highly respected Dalai Lama of Tibet. The Dalai Lama has been a very influential person in Tibet's history and many of the decisions he has made have directly affected the outcome of certain situations pertaining to the relationship between Tibet and China. The Dalai Lama, in Tibetan Buddhism, is a lineage of reborn magistrates which traces all the way back to the year 1391. ... Show more content on ... After extensive searching, the monks found the house of the current Dalai Lama. They analyzed him thoroughly and after he passed certain tests, they decided he was the next Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama, as the previous ones chosen before him had done, began his monastic education at the young age of six. During his adolescent years, he was very unhappy. He missed his family very much and did not experience what would be considered a "normal childhood". However, the person in charge of him [the Regent] let him sneak away to spend times with his parents, choosing to ignore these excursions. By the time the Dalai Lama was fifteen years old, he was being considered the spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet. He was then invested with full powers as head of the state of Tibet and enthroned as temporal leader of Tibet after there was a large threat from communist China. The following years, he set up numerous delegations and negotiations with the Chinese. However, Tibetan armed resistance began growing as the threat of the People's Republic of China overtaking Tibet became more prevalent. Tibet had always been seen as its own sovereign state. The Government of Tibet charged taxes, issued its own currency, ran its postal system, issued postage stamps, commanded Tibet's small army, and generally conducted all affairs of government.. Although the system worked perfectly for the Tibetans, it was an ancient form of government that was in need of ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Xi Jinping's Influence On The Government Of China President Xi Jinping Xi Jinping is the top leader in the Communist Party of China and he's the President of the People's Republic of China. Additionally, according to (Timmons, n.d.), he worked up the ranks and touched all the right bases within the bureaucracy in order to become a major player in the Chinese Politburo. By 2013, Jinping was elected General Secretary of the Communist Party, Chair of the Military Commission and President of the People's Republic of China. Moreover, according to (Economy, 2014, p. 80), Jinping articulated a simple but powerful vision for the country which was the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In fact, he rejected the communist tradition of collective leadership and instead established himself as the top leader within the tightly centralized political system. After just a few years in office, he has proven himself to be a transformative leader by ... Show more content on ... The President and Vice–President are elected by the NPC. Additionally, the Vice–President assists the president and has the ability to exercise as many powers that the President entrusts him to. The State Council is the executive body of the supreme organ of state power. The State Council is composed of the Premier, the Vice–Premiers, the State Councilors, the Ministers in charge of ministries, the Ministers in charge of commissions, the Auditor–General, and the Secretary–General. In addition, the Premier assumes total responsibility for the work of the State Council and the ministers assume total responsibility for the work of the ministries and commissions. Moreover, the State Council is responsible for giving reports on their work to the NPC (or to its Standing Committee when the NPC is not in ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Deng Xiaoping's Massive Reform Set China on a... He was the Napoleon of China. At just four feet eleven inches tall. Deng Xiaoping set China on a sky–rocketing course. When Deng Xiaoping took control of China in 1978 the economy was in "a backwards state", also in the early 1980s more than 80% of China was in poverty, but two decades later after the massive reforms of Deng Xiaoping, the poverty level drastically decreased. This incredible task could have only been done though the outstanding leadership and policies of people like Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping was a revolutionary and truly paramount leader, who recreated the Chinese economy for rapid modernization; adopted ideas capitalism bringing millions of Chinese citizens out of poverty, and instigating rapid economic growth; and he ... Show more content on ... In 1978 when Deng came into official power China had greatly suffered economically. This was the result of the orthodox socialist and communist policies implemented largely during the Cultural Revolution. China's economic growth in the 1960s and 1970s was very slow, almost stagnant (World Bank), this lead to the expected result of being left in the dust by many countries in Asia, such as Japan. Also in 1978 the population of China living in a rural situation was at least 76.3% (Reuters) of the total Chinese population, equivalent to around 743,463,800 people living in China. However when Deng took over and put his economic policies in place, which included, but were not limited to: opening China to foreign trade. His other economic policies eased the government control over economics and it resulted in a large boost of economic growth, this economic growth extended even past the time he resigned in the 1990s. For instance the GDP (Gross Domestic Product, a determiner of the quality of life) per capita in 1978 was 154.07 billion U.S dollars (World Bank), just 30 years later the Chinese GDP per capita in 2008 skyrocketed to 3,170 billion U.S dollars (World Bank). This increase from 154.07 billion U.S dollars to 3,170 billion U.S dollars represents an approximate whopping 20.57% increase in its GDP in only 30 years after Deng implemented his reforms and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Chinese Economy in 2025 The Chinese Economy in 2025 By: [Student Name] Subject: Presented To: [Institute] [City/State] Date The Chinese Economy in 2025 Introduction The rapid growth in the Chinese economy since 1978 has captured the attention of most of the international and business organizations. Some of the people have negative views about the future growth of China, whereas, others fear that China will turn out be a very strong nation in economic terms. According to Nicholas Lardy, huge economic problems will be confronted by China as there is a great probability of social unrest in future in the People's Republic of China. In addition to that, there would be an increase in the indebted state owned enterprises. This increase in social unrest and nonperforming loans will lead towards a decline in the economic growth of the Chinese Economy. (Holz 2005) Even though, the future prospects for the economic growth of China are negative but the rapid growth of the People's Republic of China, in economic terms, since the reforms of 1978 is undeniable. Chinese economy has an average Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 9.37 per year. In addition to that, China has also become one of the major contributors in the world economy and has shown tremendous growth even in the times of recession as well. (Holz 2005) Growth Trends in Chinese Economy (1978–2012) Since the introduction of the reforms of 1978, Chinese economy has been growing at a sustainable and a fast rate as compared to the pre reform ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. May Fourth Movement and Beyond Mao Zedong, the prominent leader of the Cultural Revolution and one of the innovators of the People's Republic of China, once declared, "Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history; such is the history of civilization for thousands of years." By the time the Qing Dynasty met its inevitable downfall in 1919, a new set of radicals started protesting of a new form of government on May Fourth. This movement, known as the May Fourth Movement, facilitated the Marxist and Leninist ideologies which had been circulating from the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution in Soviet Russia. This changed the entire political system that China had been eternally run by. However, the idea of Communism exploded based on the ... Show more content on ... Television, a dominant form of media, has also become popular due to the Communist Party in China allowing a multitude of Western channels. This shows how due to the Communist Party, the media has become significantly westernized. In addition to the media, China has considerably influenced their economy as well. Over the course of the Communist Party's ruling history, the economy has fluctuated in its quality. From Mao Zedong's reign (1949–1978), Chairman Mao focused on the industrialization of communes and agriculture. The economy not only remained relatively stagnant as a result, but also caused an immense famine throughout these communes. Since Mao's death in 1976, the Communist Party has steered away from its communal form of economy and became the world's second largest economy through capitalism. This act of change depicts how the Communist Party has influenced the People's Republic of China's financial system into becoming increasingly capitalistic. The People's Republic of China had issued a multitude of economic reforms in 1978 after the death of Mao Zedong. As a result, China has risen in the ranks of the world's economy, effectively becoming the second fastest growing economy in the world as well. All in all, the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China has aided the Chinese economy to reach its current success. The Communist Party was quite ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Essay on China's Reformation In most works of art, the tone, costumes, and setting can largely influence the mood of the story. A deep examination of the mentioned attributes can possibly reveal latent messages and intents of the artists. This is evident in both Lao She's Teahouse and China's The Founding of a Republic. The Founding of a Republic was funded and produced by Chinese government as a celebration of the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China; as a result, it widely regarded as propaganda. Lao's Teahouse, however, was written about the Chinese revolution from a common man's perspective. These differences in the interpretation of the Chinese revolution, along with the intent of the presentations, reveal the creators' underlying political ... Show more content on ... As previously mentioned, the prominent historical events shown are a majority of the offenses made by the nationalists. The film depicts the KMT officials as violent and eager to engage in conflicts. The Communists, however, are portrayed in the opposite light. The authority figures are commonly dressed in light–colored uniforms. The movie's depiction of Mao Zedong, perhaps, speaks the loudest for the Communist party. Mao is shown as a calm–blooded peaceful leader with great determination. He is shown as a family man, playing with his niece and daughter in a field of flowers. When victorious news of successful battle is delivered to Mao, he is cheerful, yet solemn for the loss of lives. Mao is also shown connecting with and respecting even the lowliest soldiers. When a chef is killed trying to serve the Chairman, Mao is sure to have a proper burial for the man. Even the choices of words in the movie are gentle on the few violent acts of the Communists. When the People's Liberation Army successfully seizes Shanghai from the Nationals, the movies subtitles claim the city was "Liberated". The next day the town is full of the soldiers peacefully sleeping on the streets. These portrayals of The Chinese Communist Party all contribute to the benevolent image of the Republic of China. The film also illustrates the Nation's negative attitude towards the United States and Soviet Union. Although these outside nations do not have many appearances, the scenes shown imply ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Analysis And Valuation Of China Mobile Ltd Executive Summary China is the fastest–growing merging market over the past decades. China has become the second largest economy, transform the country. The rapid growth bring challengers that has theathen economic stality. Internally, the new leadership under Xi Jingpin has set forth comprehensive reforms to address the economic imbalance, social equity, environmental sustainability. Externally, Following the country analysis, my group provides an analysis and valuation of China Mobile Ltd, the largest telecommunication company in term of market capitalization. Decribe Swot analysis. Economic Overview: Since the initiation of the economic reform and opening up policy in 1978, China has experienced a rapid economic growth over the last few decades. An average growth rate of 10% per year in gross domestic product (GDP) has transformed China into the second largest economy with GDP of $9.240 trillion dollar in 2013. Over 500 million people were lifted out of poverty as a result of its economic success. As one of the world's fastest growing economy, China has expanded their economic presence globally, with trading partners all over the world. Benefiting from its demographic dividend and globalization, China has become the manufacturing powerhouse and a major contributor to the world's economy. About 232 countries import goods from China with U.S, Japan, and Korea being the major importers of Chinese products.1 Economic Outlook: The extensive economic growth in China ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Historical Events Of The People's Republic Of China People's Republic of China formerly known as China is located in the East Asia. China is the largest nation in Asia and the second largest country in the world based on land area and covers 9.6 million square kilometers. China has approximately one billion and four hundred million people making it the most populous country in the world. The World Bank categorizes the People's Republic of China as a low middle–income country. China is a multi–ethnic country with different customs and traditions which vary geographically. China is a multi–religious country the population practice Taoism, Buddhism, Islamism, Protestantism, and Christianity. The Han Chinese majorly practices Buddhism as well as Taoism. The historical events of China comprise ... Show more content on ... China government commits public funds into health care for the benefit of the increased population. The money channeled is through insurance which is results from the considerable reform in the healthcare system. However, China faces external factors which reap the benefits of the population on the health care system. The increased economic growth creates different consumer expectations and this influences the desire to have higher–quality services and advanced technology. The widening gap in socio–economic class of the high and low–income earners creates the difficult for China to achieve its societal goal in the equal provision of health care. However, to cope with the situation, China determines the performance of the health care system and pays attention to rising concerns by channeling funds into health care. China's macroeconomic growth affects the health care system in the provision of progressive life expectancy. The country lacks primary care services because of unequal distribution of resources. As a result, patients complain of dissatisfaction of the health facilities condition on service provision. Furthermore, the aging population has increased the tendency of developing chronic diseases. The country has increased childhood mortality rates and this pushed the government to focus on efforts of ensuring all citizens have access to healthcare services. The social pressure from the citizens on poor ... Get more on ...