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Mood and Sleep Disorder in Concussion
Brett Dusenberry, MD
• Identify common sleep disturbances after concussion
• Identify risk factors for development of mood symptoms after
• Recognize treatment strategies to reduce sleep and mood
symptoms after concussion
Sleep Symptoms After Concussion
• Increased sleep latency
• Increased sleep disturbance
• Insomnia/Hypersomnia
• Increased daytime dysfunction
• Decreased sleep quality
• Increased fatigue
Consequences of Decreased Sleep
• Decreased endurance and sprint sport performance
• Decreased accuracy in sports
• Increased injury and illness risk
• Increased depression risk
Also found increase in accuracy, reaction time and sprint performance after increased
sleep duration (Watson 2017)
Frequency of Sleep Symptoms
• 34% of patients reported sleep disturbance (Bramley 2017, n- 367)
• 50% of patients had some form of sleep disturbance (Mathias 2012)
• 70% of patients experienced sleep disturbance (Paniak 2002, n- 118)
Concussion Leading to Sleep Problems
• Higher level of sleep related problems at 5 weeks in concussed patients
(Barlow 2020)
• Increased rate of sleep disturbances in individuals who have recovered
from concussion (Blake 2019)
Sleep Issues Prolong Concussion Symptoms
• Poor sleep vs good sleep
– higher symptom scores at initial
visit and at 3 months post injury
in poor sleep
– Poor sleep group took 2 weeks
longer to recover (Chung 2019)
• Sleep disturbance associated
with almost 4 fold increase in
recovery time (Bramley 2017)
Is Poor Sleep A Risk Factor For Concussion?
Athletes with a history of moderate to severe insomnia
have a 2-3x higher risk of concussion (Raikes 2019)
Chicken Or The Egg
Ways To Treat Sleep Symptoms
• Sleep hygiene
• Melatonin
• Prescription medications
• Blue light therapy?
• Active rehab
Sleep Hygiene
• Regular bedtime and wake
• Use bed for sleep only
• Cool, quiet, dark room
• No electronics before bed
• Avoid caffeine
• Daily exercise
• Avoid naps if not able to
sleep through the night
• Helps with sleep onset, some neuroprotective and antioxidant
properties (Zizhen 2017)
• Favorable safety profile
• AASM does not advocate for melatonin given weak evidence of
Melatonin In Concussion
• RCT of melatonin vs placebo
showed improvement in sleep
onset time (Sletten 2018)
• 67% of concussed patients reported
improved sleep with melatonin
(Bramley 2017)
• RCT of melatonin vs placebo in
children with PPCS showed no
benefit (Barlow 2020)
Medications For Sleep
• Trazodone
• Zolpidem (Ambien)
• Amitriptyline
• Benzodiazepines and Diphenhydramine
are not recommended (Driver 2018)
Therapy For Sleep
• CBT-I (cognitive behavioral
therapy for insomnia)
• Has been shown to treat
insomnia in adults, limited
data in pediatrics
• RCT of CBT-I vs treatment as
usual in adolescents with
PPCS shows improvement
(Tomfohr-Madsen 2020)
Therapy For Sleep
• Blue light therapy
• RCT of blue vs amber light each morning
in patients with sleep problems after
mTBI showed improvement of
symptoms (Killgore 2020)
– Phase advanced sleep onset, but no
change in overall sleep duration
– Reduced daytime sleepiness
– Improved executive functioning
– Improved interconnectivity in brain
Mood Symptoms Seen In Concussion
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Irritability
• Personality changes
• Behavioral disorders
Frequency of Mood Symptoms With Concussion
• 23% of youth had psychological distress at 4 and 12
weeks post concussion (Brooks 2019)
• 22% of children recovering from concussion had
depression symptoms (Stazyk 2017)
• 49.4% of patients recovering from concussion had at
least 1 emotional symptom (Ellis 2015)
Mood Symptoms and Duration of Concussion
• Children with depressive symptoms had higher post
concussion symptom scores (Stayzk 2017, Ellis 2015)
• Pre concussion depression or anxiety disorder are
markers for prolonged concussion symptoms (Meares
Concussion Leading to Mood Issues
• Dose response relationship between amount of prior
concussions and risk for future diagnosis of depression
in retired NFL players (Kerr 2012)
• History of concussion was associated with a 3.3x greater
risk of diagnosis of depression in adolescents (Chrisman
Concussion and Elevated Anxiety
• Athletes may be worried about losing position on the
team, future scholarships and relationships with
• Adults may be worried about loss of income and
inability to support family
• Pandemics don’t help either
Concussion and ADHD
• Higher rate of concussion in adolescents with ADHD (Iverson 2016)
• Systematic review: Those with ADHD or LD do not appear to be at
substantially greater risk of concussion (Iverson 2017)
• Higher prevalence of prior concussion in adolescents with ADHD and/or LD
(Iverson 2020)
• 50% of adolescents with concussion had predating ADHD (Iaccarino 2018)
• Higher post concussion symptom score in patients with ADHD (Iaccarino 2018)
Ways to Treat Mood Symptoms With Concussion
• Reassurance, education, support
• Mindfulness and relaxation
• Medication (SSRI etc.)
• Active rehab
Reassurance and Relaxation in Concussion
• Reassurance and education
– 10 randomized studies reviewed-
mixed results
• Relaxation and mindfulness-
– 2 randomized studies reviewed-
mixed results (Al Sayegh 2010)
Therapy for Mood Symptoms
– 3 RCTs - all showing some benefit
• Reduced frequency, intensity and
duration of symptoms at 6 mo
• Improved anxiety and depression
symptoms at 1 mo
• Improvement in psychosocial
functioning (anxiety and depression)
– 7 non randomized studies- all showed
some benefit (Al Sayegh 2010)
Medication for Mood Symptoms
• SSRIs (Fluoxetine, Sertraline, etc)- first line
• SNRIs (Duloxetine, Venlafaxine, etc)- second line
– 2018 meta analysis shows no benefit for SSRI/SNRI vs placebo
– Included study with questionable mTBI
– Silverberg et al suggest treating mTBI with SSRIs (Silverberg 2019)
Relationship Between Sleep and Mood Symptoms
• In a cohort of pediatric patients with anxiety
disorder, 88% also had sleep related problems
(Chorney 2007)
• In a cohort of pediatric patients with depression
disorder, 74% also had significant insomnia
(Chorney 2007)
• Levels of anxiety and depression were found to
correlate with changes in sleep in TBI patients
(Parcell 2008)
Take Home Points
• There is a bi directional relationship between
– Concussion and sleep
– Concussion and mood
• Early recognition and treatment of sleep and mood
issues is important in concussion
• Bramley H, Henson A, Lewis MM, Kong L, Stetter C, Silvis M. Sleep Disturbance Following Concussion Is a Risk Factor for a Prolonged Recovery. Clin Pediatr (Phila).
2017;56(14):1280-1285. doi:10.1177/0009922816681603
• Mathias JL, Alvaro PK. Prevalence of sleep disturbances, disorders, and problems following traumatic brain injury: a meta-analysis. Sleep Med. 2012;13(7):898-905.
• Paniak C, Reynolds S, Phillips K, Toller-Lobe G, Melnyk A, Nagy J. Patient complaints within 1 month of mild traumatic brain injury: a controlled study. Arch Clin
Neuropsychol. 2002;17(4):319-334.
• Blake AL, McVicar CL, Retino M, Hall EE, Ketcham CJ. Concussion history influences sleep disturbances, symptoms, and quality of life in collegiate student-athletes. Sleep
Health. 2019;5(1):72-77. doi:10.1016/j.sleh.2018.10.011
• Barlow KM, Girgulis KA, Goldstein G, et al. Sleep Parameters and Overnight Urinary Melatonin Production in Children With Persistent Post-concussion Symptoms. Pediatr
Neurol. 2020;105:27-34. doi:10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2019.11.006
• Barlow KM, Brooks BL, Esser MJ, et al. Efficacy of Melatonin in Children With Postconcussive Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Pediatrics. 2020;145(4):e20192812.
• Watson AM. Sleep and Athletic Performance. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2017;16(6):413-418. doi:10.1249/JSR.0000000000000418
• Raikes AC, Athey A, Alfonso-Miller P, Killgore WDS, Grandner MA. Insomnia and daytime sleepiness: risk factors for sports-related concussion. Sleep Med. 2019;58:66-74.
• Zizhen Xie, Fei Chen, William A. Li, Xiaokun Geng, Changhong Li, Xiaomei Meng, Yan Feng, Wei Liu & Fengchun Yu (2017) A review of sleep disorders and melatonin,
Neurological Research, 39:6, 559-565, DOI: 10.1080/01616412.2017.1315864
• Sletten TL, Magee M, Murray JM, et al. Efficacy of melatonin with behavioural sleep-wake scheduling for delayed sleep-wake phase disorder: A double-blind, randomised
clinical trial. PLoS Med. 2018;15(6):e1002587. Published 2018 Jun 18.
• Driver S, Stork R. Pharmacological management of sleep after traumatic brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation. 2018;43(3):347-353. doi:10.3233/NRE-182536
• Tomfohr-Madsen L, Madsen JW, Bonneville D, et al. A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Adolescents With Persistent
Postconcussion Symptoms. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2020;35(2):E103-E112. doi:10.1097/HTR.0000000000000504
• Killgore WDS, Vanuk JR, Shane BR, Weber M, Bajaj S. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of blue wavelength light exposure on sleep and recovery of brain structure, function, and cognition
following mild traumatic brain injury. Neurobiol Dis. 2020;134:104679. doi:10.1016/j.nbd.2019.104679
• Stazyk K, DeMatteo C, Moll S, Missiuna C. Depression in youth recovering from concussion: Correlates and predictors. Brain Inj. 2017;31(5):631-638. doi:10.1080/02699052.2017.1283533
• Brooks BL, Plourde V, Beauchamp MH, et al. Predicting Psychological Distress after Pediatric Concussion. J Neurotrauma. 2019;36(5):679-685. doi:10.1089/neu.2018.5792
• Ellis MJ, Ritchie LJ, Koltek M, et al. Psychiatric outcomes after pediatric sports-related concussion. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2015;16(6):709-718. doi:10.3171/2015.5.PEDS15220
• Meares S, Shores EA, Taylor AJ, et al. The prospective course of postconcussion syndrome: the role of mild traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychology. 2011;25(4):454-465. doi:10.1037/a0022580
• Chrisman SP, Richardson LP. Prevalence of diagnosed depression in adolescents with history of concussion. J Adolesc Health. 2014;54(5):582-586. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2013.10.006
• Kerr ZY, Marshall SW, Harding HP Jr, Guskiewicz KM. Nine-year risk of depression diagnosis increases with increasing self-reported concussions in retired professional football players. Am J Sports Med.
2012;40(10):2206-2212. doi:10.1177/0363546512456193
• Iverson GL, Atkins JE, Zafonte R, Berkner PD. Concussion History in Adolescent Athletes with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. J Neurotrauma. 2016;33(23):2077-2080. doi:10.1089/neu.2014.3424
• Iverson GL, Gardner AJ, Terry DP, et al. Predictors of clinical recovery from concussion: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2017;51(12):941-948. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097729
• Iverson GL, Wojtowicz M, Brooks BL, et al. High School Athletes With ADHD and Learning Difficulties Have a Greater Lifetime Concussion History. J Atten Disord. 2020;24(8):1095-1101.
• Iaccarino MA, Fitzgerald M, Pulli A, et al. Sport concussion and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in student athletes: A cohort study. Neurol Clin Pract. 2018;8(5):403-411.
• Al Sayegh A, Sandford D, Carson AJ. Psychological approaches to treatment of postconcussion syndrome: a systematic review. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2010;81(10):1128-1134.
• Silverberg ND, Panenka WJ. Antidepressants for depression after concussion and traumatic brain injury are still best practice. BMC Psychiatry. 2019;19(1):100. Published 2019 Mar 27. doi:10.1186/s12888-019-
• Chorney DB, Detweiler MF, Morris TL, Kuhn BR. The interplay of sleep disturbance, anxiety, and depression in children. J Pediatr Psychol. 2008;33(4):339-348. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsm105
• Parcell DL, Ponsford JL, Redman JR, Rajaratnam SM. Poor sleep quality and changes in objectively recorded sleep after traumatic brain injury: a preliminary study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008;89(5):843-850.

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Dusenberry new template

  • 1. Mood and Sleep Disorder in Concussion Brett Dusenberry, MD
  • 3. Objectives • Identify common sleep disturbances after concussion • Identify risk factors for development of mood symptoms after concussion • Recognize treatment strategies to reduce sleep and mood symptoms after concussion
  • 4.
  • 7. Sleep Symptoms After Concussion • Increased sleep latency • Increased sleep disturbance • Insomnia/Hypersomnia • Increased daytime dysfunction • Decreased sleep quality • Increased fatigue
  • 8. Consequences of Decreased Sleep • Decreased endurance and sprint sport performance • Decreased accuracy in sports • Increased injury and illness risk • Increased depression risk Also found increase in accuracy, reaction time and sprint performance after increased sleep duration (Watson 2017)
  • 9. Frequency of Sleep Symptoms • 34% of patients reported sleep disturbance (Bramley 2017, n- 367) • 50% of patients had some form of sleep disturbance (Mathias 2012) • 70% of patients experienced sleep disturbance (Paniak 2002, n- 118)
  • 10. Concussion Leading to Sleep Problems • Higher level of sleep related problems at 5 weeks in concussed patients (Barlow 2020) • Increased rate of sleep disturbances in individuals who have recovered from concussion (Blake 2019)
  • 11. Sleep Issues Prolong Concussion Symptoms • Poor sleep vs good sleep groups – higher symptom scores at initial visit and at 3 months post injury in poor sleep – Poor sleep group took 2 weeks longer to recover (Chung 2019) • Sleep disturbance associated with almost 4 fold increase in recovery time (Bramley 2017)
  • 12. Is Poor Sleep A Risk Factor For Concussion? Athletes with a history of moderate to severe insomnia have a 2-3x higher risk of concussion (Raikes 2019)
  • 15. Ways To Treat Sleep Symptoms • Sleep hygiene • Melatonin • Prescription medications • CBT-I • Blue light therapy? • Active rehab
  • 16. Sleep Hygiene • Regular bedtime and wake time • Use bed for sleep only • Cool, quiet, dark room • No electronics before bed • Avoid caffeine • Daily exercise • Avoid naps if not able to sleep through the night
  • 17. Melatonin • Helps with sleep onset, some neuroprotective and antioxidant properties (Zizhen 2017) • Favorable safety profile • AASM does not advocate for melatonin given weak evidence of efficacy
  • 18. Melatonin In Concussion • RCT of melatonin vs placebo showed improvement in sleep onset time (Sletten 2018) • 67% of concussed patients reported improved sleep with melatonin (Bramley 2017) • RCT of melatonin vs placebo in children with PPCS showed no benefit (Barlow 2020)
  • 19. Medications For Sleep • Trazodone • Zolpidem (Ambien) • Amitriptyline • Benzodiazepines and Diphenhydramine are not recommended (Driver 2018)
  • 20. Therapy For Sleep • CBT-I (cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia) • Has been shown to treat insomnia in adults, limited data in pediatrics • RCT of CBT-I vs treatment as usual in adolescents with PPCS shows improvement (Tomfohr-Madsen 2020)
  • 21. Therapy For Sleep • Blue light therapy • RCT of blue vs amber light each morning in patients with sleep problems after mTBI showed improvement of symptoms (Killgore 2020) – Phase advanced sleep onset, but no change in overall sleep duration – Reduced daytime sleepiness – Improved executive functioning – Improved interconnectivity in brain on DTI MRI
  • 23. Mood Symptoms Seen In Concussion • Anxiety • Depression • Irritability • ADD/ADHD • PTSD • Personality changes • Behavioral disorders
  • 24. Frequency of Mood Symptoms With Concussion • 23% of youth had psychological distress at 4 and 12 weeks post concussion (Brooks 2019) • 22% of children recovering from concussion had depression symptoms (Stazyk 2017) • 49.4% of patients recovering from concussion had at least 1 emotional symptom (Ellis 2015)
  • 25. Mood Symptoms and Duration of Concussion • Children with depressive symptoms had higher post concussion symptom scores (Stayzk 2017, Ellis 2015) • Pre concussion depression or anxiety disorder are markers for prolonged concussion symptoms (Meares 2011)
  • 26. Concussion Leading to Mood Issues • Dose response relationship between amount of prior concussions and risk for future diagnosis of depression in retired NFL players (Kerr 2012) • History of concussion was associated with a 3.3x greater risk of diagnosis of depression in adolescents (Chrisman 2014)
  • 27. Concussion and Elevated Anxiety • Athletes may be worried about losing position on the team, future scholarships and relationships with teammates • Adults may be worried about loss of income and inability to support family • Pandemics don’t help either
  • 28. Concussion and ADHD • Higher rate of concussion in adolescents with ADHD (Iverson 2016) • Systematic review: Those with ADHD or LD do not appear to be at substantially greater risk of concussion (Iverson 2017) • Higher prevalence of prior concussion in adolescents with ADHD and/or LD (Iverson 2020) • 50% of adolescents with concussion had predating ADHD (Iaccarino 2018) • Higher post concussion symptom score in patients with ADHD (Iaccarino 2018)
  • 30. Ways to Treat Mood Symptoms With Concussion • Reassurance, education, support • Mindfulness and relaxation • CBT • Medication (SSRI etc.) • Active rehab
  • 31. Reassurance and Relaxation in Concussion • Reassurance and education – 10 randomized studies reviewed- mixed results • Relaxation and mindfulness- – 2 randomized studies reviewed- mixed results (Al Sayegh 2010)
  • 32. Therapy for Mood Symptoms • CBT – 3 RCTs - all showing some benefit • Reduced frequency, intensity and duration of symptoms at 6 mo • Improved anxiety and depression symptoms at 1 mo • Improvement in psychosocial functioning (anxiety and depression) – 7 non randomized studies- all showed some benefit (Al Sayegh 2010)
  • 33. Medication for Mood Symptoms • SSRIs (Fluoxetine, Sertraline, etc)- first line • SNRIs (Duloxetine, Venlafaxine, etc)- second line – 2018 meta analysis shows no benefit for SSRI/SNRI vs placebo – Included study with questionable mTBI – Silverberg et al suggest treating mTBI with SSRIs (Silverberg 2019)
  • 34. Relationship Between Sleep and Mood Symptoms • In a cohort of pediatric patients with anxiety disorder, 88% also had sleep related problems (Chorney 2007) • In a cohort of pediatric patients with depression disorder, 74% also had significant insomnia (Chorney 2007) • Levels of anxiety and depression were found to correlate with changes in sleep in TBI patients (Parcell 2008)
  • 36. Take Home Points • There is a bi directional relationship between – Concussion and sleep – Concussion and mood • Early recognition and treatment of sleep and mood issues is important in concussion
  • 37. References • Bramley H, Henson A, Lewis MM, Kong L, Stetter C, Silvis M. Sleep Disturbance Following Concussion Is a Risk Factor for a Prolonged Recovery. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2017;56(14):1280-1285. doi:10.1177/0009922816681603 • Mathias JL, Alvaro PK. Prevalence of sleep disturbances, disorders, and problems following traumatic brain injury: a meta-analysis. Sleep Med. 2012;13(7):898-905. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2012.04.006 • Paniak C, Reynolds S, Phillips K, Toller-Lobe G, Melnyk A, Nagy J. Patient complaints within 1 month of mild traumatic brain injury: a controlled study. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2002;17(4):319-334. • Blake AL, McVicar CL, Retino M, Hall EE, Ketcham CJ. Concussion history influences sleep disturbances, symptoms, and quality of life in collegiate student-athletes. Sleep Health. 2019;5(1):72-77. doi:10.1016/j.sleh.2018.10.011 • Barlow KM, Girgulis KA, Goldstein G, et al. Sleep Parameters and Overnight Urinary Melatonin Production in Children With Persistent Post-concussion Symptoms. Pediatr Neurol. 2020;105:27-34. doi:10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2019.11.006 • Barlow KM, Brooks BL, Esser MJ, et al. Efficacy of Melatonin in Children With Postconcussive Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Pediatrics. 2020;145(4):e20192812. doi:10.1542/peds.2019-2812 • Watson AM. Sleep and Athletic Performance. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2017;16(6):413-418. doi:10.1249/JSR.0000000000000418 • Raikes AC, Athey A, Alfonso-Miller P, Killgore WDS, Grandner MA. Insomnia and daytime sleepiness: risk factors for sports-related concussion. Sleep Med. 2019;58:66-74. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2019.03.008 • Zizhen Xie, Fei Chen, William A. Li, Xiaokun Geng, Changhong Li, Xiaomei Meng, Yan Feng, Wei Liu & Fengchun Yu (2017) A review of sleep disorders and melatonin, Neurological Research, 39:6, 559-565, DOI: 10.1080/01616412.2017.1315864 • Sletten TL, Magee M, Murray JM, et al. Efficacy of melatonin with behavioural sleep-wake scheduling for delayed sleep-wake phase disorder: A double-blind, randomised clinical trial. PLoS Med. 2018;15(6):e1002587. Published 2018 Jun 18. • Driver S, Stork R. Pharmacological management of sleep after traumatic brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation. 2018;43(3):347-353. doi:10.3233/NRE-182536 • Tomfohr-Madsen L, Madsen JW, Bonneville D, et al. A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Adolescents With Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2020;35(2):E103-E112. doi:10.1097/HTR.0000000000000504
  • 38. References • Killgore WDS, Vanuk JR, Shane BR, Weber M, Bajaj S. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of blue wavelength light exposure on sleep and recovery of brain structure, function, and cognition following mild traumatic brain injury. Neurobiol Dis. 2020;134:104679. doi:10.1016/j.nbd.2019.104679 • Stazyk K, DeMatteo C, Moll S, Missiuna C. Depression in youth recovering from concussion: Correlates and predictors. Brain Inj. 2017;31(5):631-638. doi:10.1080/02699052.2017.1283533 • Brooks BL, Plourde V, Beauchamp MH, et al. Predicting Psychological Distress after Pediatric Concussion. J Neurotrauma. 2019;36(5):679-685. doi:10.1089/neu.2018.5792 • Ellis MJ, Ritchie LJ, Koltek M, et al. Psychiatric outcomes after pediatric sports-related concussion. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2015;16(6):709-718. doi:10.3171/2015.5.PEDS15220 • Meares S, Shores EA, Taylor AJ, et al. The prospective course of postconcussion syndrome: the role of mild traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychology. 2011;25(4):454-465. doi:10.1037/a0022580 • Chrisman SP, Richardson LP. Prevalence of diagnosed depression in adolescents with history of concussion. J Adolesc Health. 2014;54(5):582-586. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2013.10.006 • Kerr ZY, Marshall SW, Harding HP Jr, Guskiewicz KM. Nine-year risk of depression diagnosis increases with increasing self-reported concussions in retired professional football players. Am J Sports Med. 2012;40(10):2206-2212. doi:10.1177/0363546512456193 • Iverson GL, Atkins JE, Zafonte R, Berkner PD. Concussion History in Adolescent Athletes with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. J Neurotrauma. 2016;33(23):2077-2080. doi:10.1089/neu.2014.3424 • Iverson GL, Gardner AJ, Terry DP, et al. Predictors of clinical recovery from concussion: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2017;51(12):941-948. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097729 • Iverson GL, Wojtowicz M, Brooks BL, et al. High School Athletes With ADHD and Learning Difficulties Have a Greater Lifetime Concussion History. J Atten Disord. 2020;24(8):1095-1101. doi:10.1177/1087054716657410 • Iaccarino MA, Fitzgerald M, Pulli A, et al. Sport concussion and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in student athletes: A cohort study. Neurol Clin Pract. 2018;8(5):403-411. doi:10.1212/CPJ.0000000000000525 • Al Sayegh A, Sandford D, Carson AJ. Psychological approaches to treatment of postconcussion syndrome: a systematic review. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2010;81(10):1128-1134. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2008.170092 • Silverberg ND, Panenka WJ. Antidepressants for depression after concussion and traumatic brain injury are still best practice. BMC Psychiatry. 2019;19(1):100. Published 2019 Mar 27. doi:10.1186/s12888-019- 2076-9 • Chorney DB, Detweiler MF, Morris TL, Kuhn BR. The interplay of sleep disturbance, anxiety, and depression in children. J Pediatr Psychol. 2008;33(4):339-348. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsm105 • Parcell DL, Ponsford JL, Redman JR, Rajaratnam SM. Poor sleep quality and changes in objectively recorded sleep after traumatic brain injury: a preliminary study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008;89(5):843-850. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2007.09.05

Editor's Notes

  1. Trouble getting to sleep Trouble staying asleep Sleeping more/less Needing more naps, trouble focusing Not enough REM sleep
  2. Single night of 5 hrs of sleep was shown to decrease serving accuracy up to 53% in tennis players -Collegiate male basketball players, increased sleep by 1.9 hrs per night over 5-7 week was associated with 9% increase in free throw percentage and 9.2% increase in 3-point percentage and improvements in reaction time -Collegiate tennis players, 1.6 hr increase in sleep was associated with 36-41% increase in serving accuracy
  3. -Bramley 2017, N-367, 13-18 yo after concussion -Mathias 2012, meta analysis of after TBI -Paniak 2002, N-118
  4. -Barlow 2020, Higher level of SRP in children with Persistent PostConcussive Symptoms (PPCS) at 5 weeks following injury compared to recovered and healthy individuals, of note objective measures found no differences -Blake 2019, 82 collegiate athletes surveyed, not currently recovering from concussion, found that those with a history of concussion were more likely to have sleep disturbances vs those without concussion, also found graded response, more previous concussion the more sleep disturbances
  5. -Chung 2019, Participants were from the north Texas concussion network prospective registry and were 18yo or less with concussion, used Pittsburg sleep quality index (PSQI) at initial visit and 3mo f/u, good sleep group 5 or less and bad sleep group >5 on PSQI, N: 517 Poor sleep group reported higher total concussion symptoms scores at initial visit and 3 months post injury and took avg 2 weeks longer to recover compared to good sleep group Poor sleep group also had higher levels of anxiety and depression symptoms -Bramley 2017, n 367, retrospective chart review, adolescents with concussion, 34% with sleep disturbance, those with sleep disturbance recovered in 111 days vs 29 days in those without sleep disturbance (asked if they had trouble falling or staying asleep)
  6. Raikes 2019- N 190, survey of UofA atheltes, Insomnia severity index ISI and Pittsburg sleep quality index PSQI given and then followed to see who had a concussion
  7. -keep a good schedule -avoid blue light for 2 hrs prior to bed (screen filters/glasses) -if going to have caffeine avoid after lunch -Get sub symptom threshold exercise daily but avoid exercise right before bed
  8. -Released by pineal gland at night corresponding with circadian rhythm, generally starts to increase 2 hrs before sleep onset and peaks 5 hours later (Zizhen 2017) -Concerns over product quality and regulation -American Academy of Sleep Medicine does not advocate for melatonin given weak evidence of efficacy
  9. Sletten 2018, RCT of melatonin vs placebo showed improvement in sleep onset time by 34 min and improvement of subjective sleep parameters Bramley 2017, n 367, Of patients with sleep disturbance after concussion 67% who took melatonin reported improved sleep (Bramley 2017) Barlow 2020, 3mg vs 10mg vs Placebo, RCT, n92, treated for 28 days, no significant difference, everyone got better Didn’t differentiate between those with sleep problems, no control without placebo
  10. Trazodone- antidepressant, at low doses acts as a hypnotic agent, can decrease number of early awakenings Zolpidem (Ambien)- nonbenzo GABA receptor agonist, hypnotics, less cognitive side effects and lower risk for dependence Amitriptyline- tricyclic antidepressant, used for migraines in mTBI, side effect of sedation can be used for sleep Benzodiazepines and Diphenhydramine are not recommended (Driver 2018)
  11. -Helps to identify, challenge and alter maladaptive beliefs, attitudes and practices related to sleep -Tomfohr-Madsen 2020, n 24 RCT of CBT-I vs treatment as usual in adolescents with PPCS Improved insomnia ratings Fewer dysfunctional beliefs about sleep Better sleep efficiency Shorter sleep onset latency Longer sleep time
  12. -Retinal ganglion cells are sensitive to blue light, they then project to the SCN which then suppresses melatonin secretion from the pineal gland -Killgore 2020, n 32, RCT 6 weeks of 30 min of blue vs amber light in the am Phase advanced sleep onset, but no change in overall sleep duration Reduced daytime sleepiness Improved executive functioning Improved interconnectivity in brain on DTI MRI
  13. Brooks 2019, N 311, 6-17 yo seen at injury, 4 weeks and 12 weeks Stazyk 2017, N 92, children with concussion Ellis 2015, N 174, avg 14.2yo
  14. -Kerr 2012, 9 yr risk of depression, n 1044 ex NFL players surveyed in 2001 and again in 2010 -Chrisman 2014, N 36,060, retrospective phone survey, 12-17yo without active concussion, only included those with current depression in depressed group
  15. -Iverson 2016, In adolescents with ADHD, 26.1% had a history of concussion. Whereas in those without ADHD, 17.1% had a history of concussion. N 6529, 13-19yo, baseline impact testing, Kids with ADHD are at increased risk for injuries in general, perhaps owing to being less attentive, more impulsive, and more prone to risk taking? -Iverson 2020, N 32,487, adolescents with baseline impacts -Iaccarino 2018, N 79, 12-24yo with concussion in last 10 yrs, 50% of adolescents with concussion had ADHD where as the overall rate of ADHD in children is 9.4% per CDC
  16. Al Sayegh 2010, systematic review of 42 papers Reassurance and education(3 showing benefit, 7 showing no benefit or inconclusive) Relaxation and mindfulness -1 study showing improvement of symptoms with relaxation techniques 1 study showing no improvement with mindfulness based intervention
  17. Silverberg 2019, questionable study had more likely moderate to severe TBI than mTBI, Also note that even if there is benefit from placebo it may still be worth giving the medication.