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Evaluation – AS Media
   Genre: I decided to make a music based magazine and the genre of music which I decided
    to base my magazine on was Dubstep. Even though I decided to choose Dubstep there
    aren't really any professional Dubstep based magazine out there for me to draw inspiration
    from so I decided to draw inspiration from other magazine’s with a similar genre, target
    audience and overall tone like:

                 VIBE                    NME                    MIXMAG
NME Magazine Front Cover
                           • Masthead: All magazine will have a masthead at the top of their
                           page, preferably to the left hand side since we read from left to right
                           so it will be on of the first things we see. They are usually very
                           bold, very larger and brightly coloured so we can spot them straight
                           away and know what magazine we’re about to read into.

                           •Headline: Any magazine would need a headline on it’s front cover in
                           order for readers to see what is the most important article in the
                           magazine which could attract them to buy the magazine. They are
                           always the second largest copy on the front cover so they can be
                           easily spotted but not take away from the masthead’s importance.

                           •Sell Line: A magazine’s slogan is seen frequently on magazine’s
                           front cover . They are usually located right under, on top or around
                           the masthead in a much smaller font, this way it won’t take away
                           from the masthead itself since it’s not as important on a front cover.

                           •Puffs: Are words or phrases that are situated in a magazine front
                           cover to boost status.
VIBE Magazine Front Cover   •   Cover Lines: Are located in the mid to bottom region of a front
                                cover and can be situated on either side of the page. Copy will
                                always be aligned to the side that its on for example if situated
                                on the left it will be aligned to the left. Cover lines summarise
                                certain stories that are inside the magazine in an attempt to
                                boost the status of the magazine and entice readers to buy the

                            •   Issue Number: Usually located near the serial bar, the issue
                                number shows us what issue this current magazine is.

                            •   Date: Usually located near the serial bar, the date shows us
                                when this issue of the magazine was released.

                            •   Serial Bar: A code that is used to pay for a magazine which is
                                usually located at the bottom right or left of a front cover. It is
                                usually quite small in order for it to not take up space on the
                                front cover or take away any importance from other elements of
                                a front cover

                            •   House Style: This is a magazine’s own distinctive design that
                                makes it different from other magazines, for instance a
                                magazine’s house style, layout and colour scheme.
Mixmag Magazine Front Cover      Strap Line: These are printed above or below the main
                                  headline, they are used frequently to emphasise a headline
                                  and make it seem more appealing or interesting. They always
                                  have a smaller font or different colour to the headline in
                                  order for it to stand out from the headline itself.

                                 Image: The image on the front cover is usually a mid-shot
                                  image of the music artist that is mentioned in the headline.
                                  The image is centred on a front cover and takes up most of
                                  the page frequently we see that the image overlaps the

                                 Colour Scheme: A magazine tends to use only a few amount
                                  of colours on their front cover, for example, blue, white and
                                  black (like the Mixmag front cover).
Masthead – I made my masthead bright and             My Magazine - DUBHEAD   Banner – I added a banner like what I saw on Vibe
  bold because my target audience is young like
                                                                                and Mixmag front covers and I realised that this
    those of other magazines like Vibe. Their
                                                                                was a conventional thing to do in the magazine
     masthead is always very large, bold and
                                                                               industry so I decided to add one to my magazine.
  coloured so I decided to do the same in order
  for it to be appealing as possible to my target                              Model – I made sure that my model is very young
                      audience                                                  due to the fact that my audience is young so
Sell Line – My sell line is ‘Dubstep straight to the                            seeing a young person on the front cover will
 head’ I decided to use this phrase because it’s a                                             appeal to them
play on the name of the magazine. My sell line is                              Image – The image I used on my front cover is a
  unique to other magazine’s sell line because I                               mid-shot image of the main artist I featured in my
 want to sell my own magazine in a fashion that                                magazine. I purposely took a picture of him in his
               suits the magazine.                                               room due to the fact that the main story was
     Puffs – I made sure to mention artists I                                       about him returning to his hometown.
 featured in my magazine but also artists that
 my audience said they liked, this way it would                                 Cover lines - I deliberately placed my placed my
   help boost the status of the magazine like                                   cover lines on the right hand side of the page in
                                                                               order for it to not take away importance from the
               other magazines do.
                                                                                 headline and my models right arm. This goes
 Headline – I made sure to make my headline a                                  against the conventional placement of cover lines
 different font from the other copy on the front                                 because we read from left to right but I made
   cover as well as making it larger in order to                                sure that the cover lines are still very noticeable
 make it as visible as possible. I did this since it
        done by professional magazines.
                                                                                   Language – I’ve used casual and informal
 Strap Line - I placed my strap line underneath                                language for my front cover due to the fact that
my headline purposely because I wanted it to be                                my target audience are teenagers and this type of
seen straight after the headline but also because                                language is what they use everyday so it will
   it is what is conventional in the magazine                                                  appeal to them.
   Above is the type of social group that I have aimed to represent in my magazine. Young people
    who go to parties and clubs at night and are considered ‘young rebels’. Their Social Grade would
    be C1C2D because most of them are still in school studying so they probably don’t have jobs and
    those that do have jobs they are more likely to be working part-time so they wont take away from
    their school time. They live with their parents although few of them may have moved into their
    own homes so they are more likely to not have a steady income of their own. The people that
    mainly produce Dubstep are Black inner city youths and also the people that are interested
    in/listen to Dubstep are predominately Black inner city youths which is why I have featured alot of
    black artists in my magazine in order to best represent my target social group.
How they are represented in my magazine

                           I made sure to use a young model with similar dress sense to my
                            target social group in order for him to come across as one of the
Target Social Group
                            people in the social group I am trying to represent.
                           My model is wearing accessories that is worn frequently by the
                            social group I am trying to represent like hats and piercings.
                           In the social group I am trying to represent people tend to throw up
                            hand signs in their pictures so I made sure my model used his own
                            signature hand sign in his pictures.
   Since my target social group is most likely to
                                     not have a steady income for them to be
                                     able to buy desirable products I decided to
                                     have a competition in my magazine giving
                                     readers a chance to win an iPhone 4S. I knew
                                     that iPhone’s carry a certain status to
                                     possessing them and that an iPhone allows a
                                     person to do an array of things like surf the
Competition in my magazine
                                     net, sign into twitter and Facebook etc which
                                     are in high demand within my target

                                    When I asked my target audience what other
                                     artists they liked the top three artists were
                                     Trolley Snatcha, Skism and Nero so I
                                     featured them in my magazine since they
                                     are the most liked by my target social group.
Other artists I featured in my
   I would choose Bauer to publish my magazine
    because I’m trying to break into the market with
    a new genre of music and I’d need a publisher
    that could give my magazine the hype it
   Bauer would be able to do that best because it’s
    such a huge international company, it has a
    readership of over 19 million people in the UK
    alone and not only does it have links inside of the
    magazine industry but is also well established in
    the TV and Radio industry.
    With all these links it would allow the magazine
    to gain a higher status and reputation than if it
    was to be published by IPC simply due to the fact
    that Bauer has a wider audience worldwide over
    many different types of media platforms.
   I would distribute my magazine online as
    well as in supermarkets and newsagents
    due to the fact that a lot of younger
    people surf the internet on a daily basis to
    go onto social networking sites and other
    websites. If I distributed my magazine
    online and linked the magazine’s website
    to the Dubhead Facebook page then it
    would increase the amount of places
    where people can buy the magazine from
    which would help boost magazine sales.
   I have created a DUBHEAD Facebook
    like page so that readers and fans of the
    magazine can keep up to date with the
    magazine on a social network that is
    frequently used by my target audience.

   I also created a Twitter because it’s
    another social network that is very
    popular within my target audience. The
    DUBHEAD twitter would be used to
    update followers about Dubstep artists
    and Local Raves/Parties because I know
    that my target audience are the type of
    people to go out raving and clubbing so
    this will appeal to them.
   The age group of my audience would be
    16-21 who are interested in gaming,
    technology, going out clubbing/partying,
    drinking, driving and looking good.
   My audience would be interested in
    brands aimed at younger people like
    Levi’s, Topman, Supreme and Converse
   My audience would be predominately
    male and classed in the C1C2D social
    grade due to the fact that most of my
    audience would still be studying or only
    have a part time job.
   With the age of my audience being so young I decided to use
    informal language on my magazine front cover in order for them to
    relate with the magazine and see it as though they are having a
    casual conversation with a friend about Dubstep.

   Also I decided to use bright colours like blue in my colour scheme
    that would be immediately eye catching but yet appealing to my

   Since 60% of the people I surveyed said that they were first drawn
    to the image on a front cover I decided to make the image on my
    own front cover very large in order for it to take up the whole page
    and even overlap the masthead since this would be the most
    appealing to my audience

   I kept the amount of copy on my front cover to a minimum but only
    including 2 puffs, a headline, 3 cover lines and 2 strap lines since
    83% of the people in my survey thought that a front cover should
    have minimal text on it.

   I found out from my survey that people wanted to pay between £2
    and £3 for my magazine so I decided to make the price of my
    magazine £2.30 since more of the people in my survey (63%)
    wanted the price to be £2 rather than £3.
   I found that 40% of the people in
    my survey wanted to win mobile
    devices so I decided to give
    readers a chance of winning an
    iPhone 4S in the magazine
    competition which I decided to
    place on the contents page instead
    of on the front cover because of
    the fact that my audience’s
    attention was not drawn very
    much by competitions, only 4%
   I found that 63% of the people in
    my survey wanted to see interviews
    of an artist’s latest releases and also
    66% of people wanted to see
    articles about an artist’s personal
    life or background.
   Since 66% of the people in my
    survey wanted to see articles about
    an artist’s personal life/ background
    I decided to feature this type of
    article on my double page spread
    because it would be very popular
    amongst my audience and could
    entice them into buying my
Magazine Name – I called my magazine                My Magazine Front Cover      Price- Since I Knew my audience would be
‘Dubhead’ due to the fact that it is what people                                 young and probably unemployed due to the fact
 who constantly listen to Dubstep are called by                                  that they are still in school I decided to make the
   their peers. This would be automatically                                       price of my magazine £2.30 which is very cheap
 appealing to people who really love Dubstep.                                     so they would be able to buy the magazine and
 Masthead – I made my masthead bright and                                           even be enticed to buy it since it’s so cheap.
bold because my target audience is young like                                    Banner – I used informal language in my banner
            those of other magazines                                              so that my target audience would see this and
Sell Line – My sell line is ‘Dubstep straight to the                               automatically feel at home since I am using
 head’ I decided to use this phrase because it’s a                                   language that they use in their everyday
 play on the name of the magazine. I decided to                                                   conversations.
use this because I wanted to get the point across
                                                                                 Model – I made sure that my model is very young
    to readers that this magazine is all about
                                                                                    due to the fact that my audience is young so
        Dubstep from beginning to finish.
                                                                                    seeing a young person on the front cover will
    Puffs – I made sure to mention artists I                                     appeal to them. I made sure to dress my model in
 featured in my magazine but also artists that                                       clothes that is popularly worn by my target
 my audience said they liked, this way it would                                                        audience.
    help boost the status of the magazine.                                       Image –I purposely took a picture of my model in
  Headline –Since my audience is young they                                       his room due to the fact that the main story was
want to get information as quick as possible so I                                about him returning to his hometown. As well as
made my headline as large as possible and used                                   that I knew that my audience would relate to the
 a very bold and eye catching font so that they                                  layout of my models room since their own rooms
would be drawn to the important information on                                           may be laid out in a similar fashion.
         the page as quickly as possible.                                         Cover lines - I deliberately decided to mention
   Strap Line - I used the phrase ‘Wild Child’                                    the clothing brand ‘Supreme’ on my front cover
purposely in the strap line due to the fact that I                               due to the fact that my target audience thinks it is
 knew it would appeal to my audience because                                               a very popular clothing brand.
they are interested in being rebellious and wild.
My Magazine Contents Page

  Features - I added a ‘Don’t Miss’                                Images – Rather than using a lot of
Section to my magazine. The ‘Don’t                                   text I decided to use a mixture of
   Miss’ section tells readers about                               image and text due to the fact that
Raves/Gigs/Parties that simply can’t                                 my target audience is young and
  be missed. I know that my target                                   seeing a wall of text would make
audience are the type of people who                                   them not want to read into the
like to go out partying and clubbing                                  magazine so I broke it down by
    so having this section would                                   using images to make my contents
      definitely appeal to them                                     page more graphic and appealing.

Subscribe Box- I made sure to tell                                   Competition- Since my target
   readers about my magazine’s                                        audience is classed within the
    Facebook and Twitter pages                                     C1C2D social grade they may not be
because I know that my audience Is                                  able buy the more expensive and
young and that people aged 16-21                                    desirable products so I decided to
are the majority of people who use                                  give readers the chance to win an
      these social networks.                                        iPhone 4S. I purposely offered an
                                                                   iPhone 4S because I found from my
                                                                     survey that my audience would
                                                                     want to win some sort of mobile
   Researching other magazines: By
    using the internet I could find
    images of industry level magazines
    like Vibe, NME and Mixmag in which
    to analyse. After analysing a few
    different magazine front covers,
    content pages and double page
    spreads I could see what the codes
    and conventions of an industry
    magazine where which then helped
    me to structure mine in the same
   Surveying my Target Audience:
    By using Zoomerang I could make
    an online survey which people
    would be able to fill out from the
    comfort of their own homes.

   Distributing my Survey: In order
    for people to know about my
    survey I dropped a link on my
    profile via Facebook, this way
    people within the age group of 16-
    21 would see my survey and be
    able to fill it out for me by clicking
    the link
   Technology: I used the Canon
    EOS 550D to take the pictures for
    my magazine. This digital camera
    has a lot of features and takes
    high resolution and high quality
    pictures. Also it has a flash
    function which allowed me to take
    pictures in low light.
   Software: I used Photoshop to
                                                         manipulate images and construct
                                                         my magazine.

Below is an example of one of the photo manipulations I did on Photoshop

1. First I selected the background   2. Then I deleted it the       3. Lastly I added a new layer.
of the image using the quick         background of the picture      Placed it behind the image, then
selection tool                                                      I added a radial gradient from
                                                                    grey to white to act as a shadow
                                                                    on a wall.
   Displaying my Work:
    To display my work
    digitally and graphically
    I created a blogger
    account so I could
    upload all my files and
    productions to one
    place to be viewed
    quickly and easily.
My Prelim Task           My Music Magazine Front Cover   Differences:
                                                          The colour and exposure of the
                                                             image on my front cover has been
                                                          The masthead has a gradient
                                                             going with many different colours
                                                             in it
                                                          The copy on my magazine has a
                                                             drop shadow effect to make them
                                                             more visible on the page
                                                          My magazine has a bar code
                                                          The image on the front cover of
                                                             my music magazine has been
  Both products have a masthead
                                                             edited so that it comes on top of
  Both have a headline
                                                             the masthead
  Both have an issue number and date
                                                          The image on my magazine front
                                                             cover is larger and a much higher
My Prelim Task              My Music Magazine Double Page Spread

                                                                                   The image on my
                                                                                       double page
                                                                                       spread is a head
                                                                                       and shoulders
                                                                                   The headline on
                                                                                       my double page
                                                                                       spread is
                                                                                       contained within
                                                                                       a paint splatter

 Similarities:              Differences:
  Both have a headline      My double page spread has paint splatters on the page to make the page look
  Both have a subheading        more interesting and graphic
  Both have a pull quote    The subheading and pull quote is also contained within a paint splatter
                             My double page spread upholds a tone of mess and wildness.
                             I used up useless space on my double page spread with a logo
                             My double page spread has page numbers
                             The image on my double page spread is edited so that the logo stays behind
                                 the image.
My Prelim Task
                  The layout is simple yet effective
                  There is a mixture of image and text so that the page
                     looks graphic rather than just being a wall of text
                  There is a logo which corresponds with the masthead
                  The masthead is red to contradict the green
                     background and to stand out.
                  The name of the newsletter is relevant to the fact that
                     getting an education is all about ‘reaching’ for your
                  The articles are laid out in columns

                  The masthead is the same font as the rest of the
                  There is no visible signs of image manipulation or
                  The page overall looks very flat and monotonous
                  The pull quote isn’t as distinguishable as it could be
My Music Magazine Front Cover   Strengths:
                                   The layout is simple yet effective, cover lines and puffs are
                                    aligned to either side of the page
                                   There is a mixture of image and text so that the page looks
                                    graphic rather than just being a wall of text
                                   The masthead has a gradient on it to look very appealing and
                                    eye catching
                                   The banner is very colourful and vibrant
                                   Copy on the front cover has been given the ‘Drop Shadow’
                                    effect in order to stand out and be seen much easier
                                   The name of the magazine is informal and will appeal to its
                                    target audience since it is part of the language they use in
                                    everyday casual conversation.
                                   The language used is informal so that it appeals to its target
                                   The colours and brightness of the image is edited to make it
                                    much more brighter and vibrant
                                   The image comes over the masthead just like professional
                                    music magazines
                                   The front cover overall has a very vibrant and energetic tone
                                    which will appeal to my target audience

                                  The masthead is the same font as some of the text on the
                                   front cover
Progression of the ‘DUBHEAD’ Magazine Front Cover                      Final Draft
                                              3rd Draft
                       2nd Draft
  1st Draft

        I developed my front cover after receiving feedback from my
       target audience. (audience feedback is on the next slide)
Audience Feedback:

 1st Draft: The front cover is too plain and dull even though you’ve had used
  the colour blue to try and add a little vibrancy to the page. The image is too plain
  and doesn’t jump out as it should and some of the text is hard to read
 2nd Draft: The cover lines at the upper left hand side of the image needs to
  be aligned to the left in the same way you aligned the puffs at the bottom right
  and that "Dubsteps’ “ would need to be spelled as "Dubstep's“
 3rd Draft: There is a large gap between the puffs and the serial bar, you could fill
  up the space with another puff or cover line relating to one of the most
  interesting articles inside the magazine.

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Dubhead magazine evaluation

  • 2. Genre: I decided to make a music based magazine and the genre of music which I decided to base my magazine on was Dubstep. Even though I decided to choose Dubstep there aren't really any professional Dubstep based magazine out there for me to draw inspiration from so I decided to draw inspiration from other magazine’s with a similar genre, target audience and overall tone like: VIBE NME MIXMAG
  • 3. NME Magazine Front Cover • Masthead: All magazine will have a masthead at the top of their page, preferably to the left hand side since we read from left to right so it will be on of the first things we see. They are usually very bold, very larger and brightly coloured so we can spot them straight away and know what magazine we’re about to read into. •Headline: Any magazine would need a headline on it’s front cover in order for readers to see what is the most important article in the magazine which could attract them to buy the magazine. They are always the second largest copy on the front cover so they can be easily spotted but not take away from the masthead’s importance. •Sell Line: A magazine’s slogan is seen frequently on magazine’s front cover . They are usually located right under, on top or around the masthead in a much smaller font, this way it won’t take away from the masthead itself since it’s not as important on a front cover. •Puffs: Are words or phrases that are situated in a magazine front cover to boost status.
  • 4. VIBE Magazine Front Cover • Cover Lines: Are located in the mid to bottom region of a front cover and can be situated on either side of the page. Copy will always be aligned to the side that its on for example if situated on the left it will be aligned to the left. Cover lines summarise certain stories that are inside the magazine in an attempt to boost the status of the magazine and entice readers to buy the magazine • Issue Number: Usually located near the serial bar, the issue number shows us what issue this current magazine is. • Date: Usually located near the serial bar, the date shows us when this issue of the magazine was released. • Serial Bar: A code that is used to pay for a magazine which is usually located at the bottom right or left of a front cover. It is usually quite small in order for it to not take up space on the front cover or take away any importance from other elements of a front cover • House Style: This is a magazine’s own distinctive design that makes it different from other magazines, for instance a magazine’s house style, layout and colour scheme.
  • 5. Mixmag Magazine Front Cover  Strap Line: These are printed above or below the main headline, they are used frequently to emphasise a headline and make it seem more appealing or interesting. They always have a smaller font or different colour to the headline in order for it to stand out from the headline itself.  Image: The image on the front cover is usually a mid-shot image of the music artist that is mentioned in the headline. The image is centred on a front cover and takes up most of the page frequently we see that the image overlaps the masthead.  Colour Scheme: A magazine tends to use only a few amount of colours on their front cover, for example, blue, white and black (like the Mixmag front cover).
  • 6. Masthead – I made my masthead bright and My Magazine - DUBHEAD Banner – I added a banner like what I saw on Vibe bold because my target audience is young like and Mixmag front covers and I realised that this those of other magazines like Vibe. Their was a conventional thing to do in the magazine masthead is always very large, bold and industry so I decided to add one to my magazine. coloured so I decided to do the same in order for it to be appealing as possible to my target Model – I made sure that my model is very young audience due to the fact that my audience is young so Sell Line – My sell line is ‘Dubstep straight to the seeing a young person on the front cover will head’ I decided to use this phrase because it’s a appeal to them play on the name of the magazine. My sell line is Image – The image I used on my front cover is a unique to other magazine’s sell line because I mid-shot image of the main artist I featured in my want to sell my own magazine in a fashion that magazine. I purposely took a picture of him in his suits the magazine. room due to the fact that the main story was Puffs – I made sure to mention artists I about him returning to his hometown. featured in my magazine but also artists that my audience said they liked, this way it would Cover lines - I deliberately placed my placed my help boost the status of the magazine like cover lines on the right hand side of the page in order for it to not take away importance from the other magazines do. headline and my models right arm. This goes Headline – I made sure to make my headline a against the conventional placement of cover lines different font from the other copy on the front because we read from left to right but I made cover as well as making it larger in order to sure that the cover lines are still very noticeable make it as visible as possible. I did this since it done by professional magazines. Language – I’ve used casual and informal Strap Line - I placed my strap line underneath language for my front cover due to the fact that my headline purposely because I wanted it to be my target audience are teenagers and this type of seen straight after the headline but also because language is what they use everyday so it will it is what is conventional in the magazine appeal to them. industry
  • 7. Above is the type of social group that I have aimed to represent in my magazine. Young people who go to parties and clubs at night and are considered ‘young rebels’. Their Social Grade would be C1C2D because most of them are still in school studying so they probably don’t have jobs and those that do have jobs they are more likely to be working part-time so they wont take away from their school time. They live with their parents although few of them may have moved into their own homes so they are more likely to not have a steady income of their own. The people that mainly produce Dubstep are Black inner city youths and also the people that are interested in/listen to Dubstep are predominately Black inner city youths which is why I have featured alot of black artists in my magazine in order to best represent my target social group.
  • 8. How they are represented in my magazine  I made sure to use a young model with similar dress sense to my target social group in order for him to come across as one of the Target Social Group people in the social group I am trying to represent.  My model is wearing accessories that is worn frequently by the social group I am trying to represent like hats and piercings.  In the social group I am trying to represent people tend to throw up hand signs in their pictures so I made sure my model used his own signature hand sign in his pictures.
  • 9. Since my target social group is most likely to not have a steady income for them to be able to buy desirable products I decided to have a competition in my magazine giving readers a chance to win an iPhone 4S. I knew that iPhone’s carry a certain status to possessing them and that an iPhone allows a person to do an array of things like surf the Competition in my magazine net, sign into twitter and Facebook etc which are in high demand within my target audience.  When I asked my target audience what other artists they liked the top three artists were Trolley Snatcha, Skism and Nero so I featured them in my magazine since they are the most liked by my target social group. Other artists I featured in my magazine
  • 10. I would choose Bauer to publish my magazine because I’m trying to break into the market with a new genre of music and I’d need a publisher that could give my magazine the hype it deserves  Bauer would be able to do that best because it’s such a huge international company, it has a readership of over 19 million people in the UK alone and not only does it have links inside of the magazine industry but is also well established in the TV and Radio industry.  With all these links it would allow the magazine to gain a higher status and reputation than if it was to be published by IPC simply due to the fact that Bauer has a wider audience worldwide over many different types of media platforms.
  • 11. I would distribute my magazine online as well as in supermarkets and newsagents due to the fact that a lot of younger people surf the internet on a daily basis to go onto social networking sites and other websites. If I distributed my magazine online and linked the magazine’s website to the Dubhead Facebook page then it would increase the amount of places where people can buy the magazine from which would help boost magazine sales.
  • 12. I have created a DUBHEAD Facebook like page so that readers and fans of the magazine can keep up to date with the magazine on a social network that is frequently used by my target audience.  I also created a Twitter because it’s another social network that is very popular within my target audience. The DUBHEAD twitter would be used to update followers about Dubstep artists and Local Raves/Parties because I know that my target audience are the type of people to go out raving and clubbing so this will appeal to them.
  • 13. The age group of my audience would be 16-21 who are interested in gaming, technology, going out clubbing/partying, drinking, driving and looking good.  My audience would be interested in brands aimed at younger people like Levi’s, Topman, Supreme and Converse  My audience would be predominately male and classed in the C1C2D social grade due to the fact that most of my audience would still be studying or only have a part time job.
  • 14. With the age of my audience being so young I decided to use informal language on my magazine front cover in order for them to relate with the magazine and see it as though they are having a casual conversation with a friend about Dubstep.  Also I decided to use bright colours like blue in my colour scheme that would be immediately eye catching but yet appealing to my audience.  Since 60% of the people I surveyed said that they were first drawn to the image on a front cover I decided to make the image on my own front cover very large in order for it to take up the whole page and even overlap the masthead since this would be the most appealing to my audience  I kept the amount of copy on my front cover to a minimum but only including 2 puffs, a headline, 3 cover lines and 2 strap lines since 83% of the people in my survey thought that a front cover should have minimal text on it.  I found out from my survey that people wanted to pay between £2 and £3 for my magazine so I decided to make the price of my magazine £2.30 since more of the people in my survey (63%) wanted the price to be £2 rather than £3.
  • 15. I found that 40% of the people in my survey wanted to win mobile devices so I decided to give readers a chance of winning an iPhone 4S in the magazine competition which I decided to place on the contents page instead of on the front cover because of the fact that my audience’s attention was not drawn very much by competitions, only 4% were.
  • 16. I found that 63% of the people in my survey wanted to see interviews of an artist’s latest releases and also 66% of people wanted to see articles about an artist’s personal life or background.  Since 66% of the people in my survey wanted to see articles about an artist’s personal life/ background I decided to feature this type of article on my double page spread because it would be very popular amongst my audience and could entice them into buying my magazine.
  • 17. Magazine Name – I called my magazine My Magazine Front Cover Price- Since I Knew my audience would be ‘Dubhead’ due to the fact that it is what people young and probably unemployed due to the fact who constantly listen to Dubstep are called by that they are still in school I decided to make the their peers. This would be automatically price of my magazine £2.30 which is very cheap appealing to people who really love Dubstep. so they would be able to buy the magazine and Masthead – I made my masthead bright and even be enticed to buy it since it’s so cheap. bold because my target audience is young like Banner – I used informal language in my banner those of other magazines so that my target audience would see this and Sell Line – My sell line is ‘Dubstep straight to the automatically feel at home since I am using head’ I decided to use this phrase because it’s a language that they use in their everyday play on the name of the magazine. I decided to conversations. use this because I wanted to get the point across Model – I made sure that my model is very young to readers that this magazine is all about due to the fact that my audience is young so Dubstep from beginning to finish. seeing a young person on the front cover will Puffs – I made sure to mention artists I appeal to them. I made sure to dress my model in featured in my magazine but also artists that clothes that is popularly worn by my target my audience said they liked, this way it would audience. help boost the status of the magazine. Image –I purposely took a picture of my model in Headline –Since my audience is young they his room due to the fact that the main story was want to get information as quick as possible so I about him returning to his hometown. As well as made my headline as large as possible and used that I knew that my audience would relate to the a very bold and eye catching font so that they layout of my models room since their own rooms would be drawn to the important information on may be laid out in a similar fashion. the page as quickly as possible. Cover lines - I deliberately decided to mention Strap Line - I used the phrase ‘Wild Child’ the clothing brand ‘Supreme’ on my front cover purposely in the strap line due to the fact that I due to the fact that my target audience thinks it is knew it would appeal to my audience because a very popular clothing brand. they are interested in being rebellious and wild.
  • 18. My Magazine Contents Page Features - I added a ‘Don’t Miss’ Images – Rather than using a lot of Section to my magazine. The ‘Don’t text I decided to use a mixture of Miss’ section tells readers about image and text due to the fact that Raves/Gigs/Parties that simply can’t my target audience is young and be missed. I know that my target seeing a wall of text would make audience are the type of people who them not want to read into the like to go out partying and clubbing magazine so I broke it down by so having this section would using images to make my contents definitely appeal to them page more graphic and appealing. Subscribe Box- I made sure to tell Competition- Since my target readers about my magazine’s audience is classed within the Facebook and Twitter pages C1C2D social grade they may not be because I know that my audience Is able buy the more expensive and young and that people aged 16-21 desirable products so I decided to are the majority of people who use give readers the chance to win an these social networks. iPhone 4S. I purposely offered an iPhone 4S because I found from my survey that my audience would want to win some sort of mobile device
  • 19. Researching other magazines: By using the internet I could find images of industry level magazines like Vibe, NME and Mixmag in which to analyse. After analysing a few different magazine front covers, content pages and double page spreads I could see what the codes and conventions of an industry magazine where which then helped me to structure mine in the same way.
  • 20. Surveying my Target Audience: By using Zoomerang I could make an online survey which people would be able to fill out from the comfort of their own homes.  Distributing my Survey: In order for people to know about my survey I dropped a link on my profile via Facebook, this way people within the age group of 16- 21 would see my survey and be able to fill it out for me by clicking the link
  • 21. Technology: I used the Canon EOS 550D to take the pictures for my magazine. This digital camera has a lot of features and takes high resolution and high quality pictures. Also it has a flash function which allowed me to take pictures in low light.
  • 22. Software: I used Photoshop to manipulate images and construct my magazine. Below is an example of one of the photo manipulations I did on Photoshop 1. First I selected the background 2. Then I deleted it the 3. Lastly I added a new layer. of the image using the quick background of the picture Placed it behind the image, then selection tool I added a radial gradient from grey to white to act as a shadow on a wall.
  • 23. Displaying my Work: To display my work digitally and graphically I created a blogger account so I could upload all my files and productions to one place to be viewed quickly and easily.
  • 24. My Prelim Task My Music Magazine Front Cover Differences:  The colour and exposure of the image on my front cover has been edited  The masthead has a gradient going with many different colours in it  The copy on my magazine has a drop shadow effect to make them more visible on the page  My magazine has a bar code  The image on the front cover of Similarities: my music magazine has been  Both products have a masthead edited so that it comes on top of  Both have a headline the masthead  Both have an issue number and date  The image on my magazine front cover is larger and a much higher quality
  • 25. My Prelim Task My Music Magazine Double Page Spread Differences:  The image on my double page spread is a head and shoulders shot  The headline on my double page spread is contained within a paint splatter Similarities: Differences:  Both have a headline  My double page spread has paint splatters on the page to make the page look  Both have a subheading more interesting and graphic  Both have a pull quote  The subheading and pull quote is also contained within a paint splatter  My double page spread upholds a tone of mess and wildness.  I used up useless space on my double page spread with a logo  My double page spread has page numbers  The image on my double page spread is edited so that the logo stays behind the image.
  • 26. My Prelim Task Strengths:  The layout is simple yet effective  There is a mixture of image and text so that the page looks graphic rather than just being a wall of text  There is a logo which corresponds with the masthead  The masthead is red to contradict the green background and to stand out.  The name of the newsletter is relevant to the fact that getting an education is all about ‘reaching’ for your dreams  The articles are laid out in columns Weaknesses:  The masthead is the same font as the rest of the newsletter  There is no visible signs of image manipulation or editing  The page overall looks very flat and monotonous  The pull quote isn’t as distinguishable as it could be
  • 27. My Music Magazine Front Cover Strengths:  The layout is simple yet effective, cover lines and puffs are aligned to either side of the page  There is a mixture of image and text so that the page looks graphic rather than just being a wall of text  The masthead has a gradient on it to look very appealing and eye catching  The banner is very colourful and vibrant  Copy on the front cover has been given the ‘Drop Shadow’ effect in order to stand out and be seen much easier  The name of the magazine is informal and will appeal to its target audience since it is part of the language they use in everyday casual conversation.  The language used is informal so that it appeals to its target audience  The colours and brightness of the image is edited to make it much more brighter and vibrant  The image comes over the masthead just like professional music magazines  The front cover overall has a very vibrant and energetic tone which will appeal to my target audience Weaknesses:  The masthead is the same font as some of the text on the front cover
  • 28. Progression of the ‘DUBHEAD’ Magazine Front Cover Final Draft 3rd Draft 2nd Draft 1st Draft  I developed my front cover after receiving feedback from my target audience. (audience feedback is on the next slide)
  • 29. Audience Feedback:  1st Draft: The front cover is too plain and dull even though you’ve had used the colour blue to try and add a little vibrancy to the page. The image is too plain and doesn’t jump out as it should and some of the text is hard to read  2nd Draft: The cover lines at the upper left hand side of the image needs to be aligned to the left in the same way you aligned the puffs at the bottom right and that "Dubsteps’ “ would need to be spelled as "Dubstep's“  3rd Draft: There is a large gap between the puffs and the serial bar, you could fill up the space with another puff or cover line relating to one of the most interesting articles inside the magazine.