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AS Media Studies
Amelia Gould
To create a new music magazine that
is designed to a specified audience.
We were set a project which was to design and create a music
magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread,
which must involve both uses and challenges, popular and modern
music magazine conventions that could be found today.
I then decided to go for a cross genre magazine called ‘Beat’ as I
wished to involve different music types, a meet many customers
needs. I produced the magazine front cover, contents and double
page spread entirely on Adobe Photoshop. In the following slides you
will be able to see how I managed to produce it all.
Before I began designing, developing and creating my magazine, I
decided to needed to research and analyse existing magazines on the
market. These were; XXL, NME and Hip Hop Weekly. I chose these three
as they all contain a variety of different music types (like I wished to do)
and the layout to them all were different so I was able to get a variety
of ideas for my magazine and compare what I preferred on each. I also
picked these three as they instantly caught my eye, which it what every
magazines tries to do.
• The mast head is placed flush left at the top of the front cover over the
top of the feature article photograph/image.
• In this edition NME have the mast head over the top of the artist (Mike
Skinner) on the feature article photograph/image to make the brand
stand out more.
• With the first look at the magazine it is clear that there is a fair amount
of a variety of plugs and puffs on the front cover with are flushed right
and left of the page.
• In this NME edition the impression communicated to the target
audience is a mature, calm and sensible read due to the simple font
type, the simple colouring of the font (black, white, red and the artist’s
natural colouring).
• Even though they haven’t used many colours for the font what they
have used is very effective because they use it in all the right places for
the plug and puff to stand as much as possible (black/red on a white
background and white/red on a black back ground)
• I think the main reason they have used the colouring of red on the front
cover to match the mast head.
• On the front cover of NME the mast head, cover lines, plug and puff are
all in capital letters making them high impact and can be read from a
• The plug used at the top of the front cover and above of the mast
head has been designed to catch the target audiences eye whilst the
magazine is on shelf because it high lights within the magazine itself.
• The mast head of this magazine is placed flush left at the top of the front
cover over the top of the feature article photograph/image. They have the
artist (Wiz Khalifa) covering the last letter of the magazine name, which
demonstrating to us it is a well-known and confident magazine that
customers would recognise and be familiar with.
• By not having many plugs or cover lines it also gives off a tidy and mature
look to the target audience because it looks as if has more structure
compared to other editions the magazine produce.
• I do feel as if the feature article photograph/image has a lot to do with the
mature appeal it gives off as well due to the way Wiz Khalifa and his
girlfriend is standing as they connote that looking down at the camera
giving off the impression of power, the way she turns her body towards his
directions shows that he dominates the image, they are both touching
each other showing possession as well as being a couple without even
reading the plug on the front cover.
• Using a black and white filter on feature article photograph/image gives off
a calm atmosphere between them both, a sophisticated read to the target
audience and also gives the impression of maturity within Wiz Khalifa himself.
• What catches my eye the most about the image is all of Wiz Khalifa tattoos
give him a dirty grungy look, where as his girlfriend looks clean and pure due
to her only having half of a small tattoo visible.
• Wiz Khalifa gives off the impression of arrogance by looking down at the
camera with his chin tilted up towards it. I also believe that the colour worn
by them both says a lot of their personality because Wiz Khalifa is wearing a
dark pair of jeans and a black hat which gives off a bad, mysterious and
trouble appearance to him. Whereas his girlfriend is wearing white clothing
which gives of a pure and friendly appeal about her.
• The mast head is placed at the top left of the front cover but is in a large
font size so almost takes up the whole width of the magazine.
• In this Hip Hop Weekly magazine they have the two artists (Nicki Minaj on
the left, Maraih Carey on the right) on feature article photograph/image
just slightly covering the bottom of the mast head, this then highlights to the
target audience that it is a successful magazine.
• The mast head is coloured in a pure white to be able to still stand out
against the many other colours used on the front colour, but to make it look
different to the other text they have placed a shadow on the text.
• They have also used the same shadow effect lower down on the front cover
with some puff, this highlights the importance of the information as it passed
down from the mast head (magazine identity).
• The cover line is placed half way through the feature article
photograph/image to highlight what the main article is for this edition of Hip
Hop Weekly.
• The colours also give off to the audience it is a light hearted piece to read
as they have used bright colours instead of a mixture of dull, boring and
depressive colours which would give off more of a serious read to the target
• I think it is for the younger audience because the front cover gives off the
impression the magazine is full of lots of different information and is a bit
mad and all over the place (fun and relaxed) due to the various font
colours, the amount of different images over the page (red, yellow, blue,
black, white and image colour – no theme or trend).
• There is a lot of puff used all over the front cover to show/demonstrate it all
• The NME contents page gives off a fairly formal and calm impression to the target audience as
each different contents information is boxed off so they are kept separate from one another; this
could also helps to bring across the fact of all the articles being different within the magazine.
• The boxed off style design also gives off a tidy, organised and professional look to the magazine, this
style could interest more of the mature reader because there looks to be less ‘madness’ and more
of a serious read and the target audience will have more trust in what they will be reading.
• This could be a positive and a negative for the NME magazine as it will be able to suit a variety of
different target audiences but it may lose them also because the audience may not look within the
magazine and just assume that the impression they get from the feature article photography/image
is throughout the whole magazine.
• The title for the page is clearly shown as it is a large font and is at the top centre of the page, this
style design quickly informs the reader what this page is about (what is within the magazine).
• The NME magazine have also managed to keep the same theme style from the front cover with the
type of fonts used to illustrate the images of the page, the use of the colours for the contents text
(red, white and black) this idea does allow the reader to be able follow on from the front cover
easily as the pages do not change their appearance or look.
• The main part to the page in the image in the centre as it is larger than the others featured on the
contents, this automatically highlights to me that this article advertise is more important than the
others, therefore I would read it before the others as I would be interested in why NME have made
the decision. Once this is happens the reader will want to continue to read the rest of the
magazine. Even though the other images on the page aren’t as big the candid style images makes
you more excited to read on and the posed images are following the theme of the front cover so
the target audience know there is a range/variety to the NME magazine.
• The contents page for XXL magazine has been spread out over two A4 pages, both with very
different style set outs. The first contents page you come across in the magazine is ‘the A-side’ this
page has been set out fairly similar to the front page allowing the theme of the magazine to run
through the page.
• The image on the page is of the feature article artist but with a slight change to the posing of the
individuals within the image. Wiz Khalifa manages to remain his strong and steady stance towards
the camera but isn’t looking down at is as much as the feature article image on the front cover, this
shows that may be he has less power than he gives off.
• The female next to him (his girlfriend) has completely changed her positioning and is now shown on
the side behind him, revealing the rebellious tattoo amongst her arm. This tells us as the audience
there is a more rebellious side to the innocent character she originally portrays although comparing
her to Wiz Khalifa’s appearance she is seen as clean and almost ‘heavenly’ with white clothing
(underwear) she is wearing, her lightly coloured hair and pale coloured nail varnish.
• The fact they she remains behind him shows he still has a lot of control over her and she looks to him
for protection, with her hand still remaining on his chest he changes and places his hand on top of
hers showing to us as the audience that there is a caring and lovely side to the hard faced, rough
appearance we first get when looking at Wiz Khalifa.
• Like the feature article image on the front page the image used on the contents page is also black
and white which gives off a calm atmosphere between them both, a sophisticated read to the
target audience and also gives the impression of maturity within Wiz Khalifa himself.
• The images appearing on ‘the B-side’ are all in colour and don’t contain a filter and unlike ‘the A-
side’ contains a variation of images (size, colouring, positioning, etc).
• Although there seems to be a lot more going on amongst this side of the contents in actually
contains Just like the other side the contents titling are the same as each other (black, red and
white usage). This helps to keep a theme throughout the magazine introduction as the front cover
also has the use of black, red and white).
• The images on this contents have been separated by using black lines to create almost box shapes
to show the different articles within. The use of boxed images helps to break the articles as well. The
large page numbers and ‘plus’ text also catches your eye on this page as it has been set up to
larger than the other fonts upon the page.
• The contents page for Hip Hop magazine is very different to the front cover as it contains a
lot less colouring to the page and contains a lot more order as there didn't really seem to be
a lay out to the front cover.
• Although, the font used for the contents page has also been used to create the cover lines
which gives across as steady flow throughout the beginning of the magazine. Also having
repetition allows the reader/audience to feel as if there is consistency with the editing.
• The page has been set out into three columns, two larger containing some of the spreads
within for the audience to read.
• The other column is there to mention all the editors, directors, creators, etc. I believe this
gives across to us as the audience that there is a sense of appreciation to everyone involved
at that there is a strong team work and bond built with the magazine.
• But the fact the columns as sized differently makes the page look messy and un-organised,
this look then matches the style and impression giving across on the cover; which was the
rushed and unreliable contents, this then makes the reader believe the contents within isn't
what they want to read or may not believe what they read as it comes across as gossip talk
instead a regular music magazine.
• The use of the large numbering for the pages with the image allows the to catch your eye as
well as the image itself, but also helps the article to seem important or more interesting
compared to others mentioned on the page.
• The information on the contents has been categorised, this is completely different to any
other contents I have looked at but I slightly prefer this as it allows us as the audience to pick
what we would rather read first instead of finding out whilst reading the article/spread.
• The use of black, red and deep purple amongst a white background allow the right text
jump out at you and catch your eye (red numbers). The all also contrast well together as well
as give a strong, clean, cut and organised look to the magazine although other aspects do
• For the Title of the double page spread the magazine have decided to keep up with the same font used for the
front cover of NME, doing this creates a set theme throughout the whole magazine up until that point. This also
creates a form of trust with the magazine and its audience as there is a steady flow during.
• On the double page spread the image used for it has taken up the left had side of the whole page which
catches your eye instantly, I believe this is because of the light grey used for the back to contrast against the
artists himself (Mike Skinner) as well as his clothing.
• The black clothing he is wearing makes the artist (Mike Skinner) look mature, smart and calm which then makes
the read come across as serious tone rather than young and fun. I believe the pale and simple background
also does this.
• The fact that the artist (Mike Skinner) is looking away from the camera makes him comes across as shy or
uncomfortable to his audience.
• Mike Skinner is looking to the left which can portray that he is actually looking into the past, where as if he was
looking to the right it was be as if he was looking into the future, meaning looking forward would be it would be
about the present. Continuing to then read the Title of the double page spread “DON'T MENTION THE STREETS”
shows that Mike Skinner is in fact looking into his past and doesn't want to hear about it, this is where the
uncomfortable look has come from.
• The title for the spread has been created to match the background colour the image to the left so that it is
clear it is together (has a connection) doing this also allows there to be a more high quality and mature look to
the article for actually reading.
• Using red to high light the names mentioned in the sub text quickly catches your eye as it is a strong difference
to the grey, black and white used amongst the two pages. The drop capital used for the beginning of the
article has been created to stand out, as well as to match the font used on the title and front cover for the high
quality finish.
• The article text has been split into three evenly sized columns, which are then separated clearly by using a thin,
dotted grey line to keep up the mature, high quality finish. The use of the drop quote half way through the
article allows the audience to have a break from reading as well as drawing you in when originally seeing the
• This double page spread within the XXL magazine has managed to keep up with the rest of the
magazine style it has gone for in this edition.
• It has stuck it simple colours so they it remains simple, class and official looking to the audience
wishing to purchase and read the magazine.
• The way the artist has be portrayed in the image they have decided to use for the double
page spread says that he is 'well-off' due to the time of clothing he is wearing as well as the
accessories that have been chosen to shown off for the article.
• Although, it is interesting that they have got Lecrae the artist) to look away from the camera so
that there isn't any eye contact with the audience, this them implies that the individual doesn't
hold that much power within the celebrity range at the moment, or he doesn't have
confidence within himself and is therefore shy or it could even be as is he is looking to the future
(ahead of this moment in time) this could be the answer as he is looking the what we see as
right, which is said to be the distance instead of behind (left) which would be the past. The title
of the article then helps to portray this by saying “LIFE IS GOOD”.
• This draws the audience in more as it is shown that more people these days prefer to read an
article which is a more positive read to a negative and depressive set due to the times are now
• The image used for this article has taken up half of the double page spread, this allows it to
clearly dominate the article as it catches your eye with the black background against his light
grey clothing, even though it is still a subtle contrast for the audience to view. The title of “LIFE IS
GOOD” then take up one size of the two columns used to contain the text about Lecrae.
• At the top of the page there is a side titling to the article which is slightly more detailed for the
reader/audience to be informed in what they will be reading about before they begin. The
main article begins with the drop capital faded into the background of the text which is visible
at first but allows not difficulty of reading when wishing too.
• This double page spread within the Hip Hop magazine catches your eye instantly with the use of
the colour upon the page, due to it not looking like any other double page.
• The colours they have used for the background of the article are thought to match the title of
the double page spread “GIRL ON FIRE”.
• Although fire is sin as an rebellious and destructive thing the colours used to represent it cant
help but create and warm and welcoming affect to the audience. It also manages to make the
article look like a fun and enjoying read as it involves a variety of colours where as other may
• The image used for this article of Alicia Keys makes her come across as if she is looking into her
past due to her looking to the left instead of the right which could represent her looking into the
future. The look away for the camera could also imply she is shy towards the audience as she is
revealing something she hasn't before, this is then backed up and confirmed with the
“EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW” written above the title for the double page spread.
• To make the title stand out from the image and the article the text has been made white, which
also catches the audience eye to be informed the play on words used due to the artist (Alicia
• The colours used for the text has then been keyed on the page.
• The dark pink is for the magazine name (HHW), the light pink has been used for the artist name
(Alicia Keys), yellow has been used to highlight what the magazine have asked and the white
has been used to show what Alicia's answer was.
• The images used upon the article side of the page have both been bordered with the same
colouring and style on the whole double page spread to keep up the high quality finish.
I wish for my music magazine to have a cross genre but will also appeal to a target audience
who enjoy chart music. I chose this genre as it is music that I personally enjoy and there isn’t yet
a magazine on the market that is a definite mix of the two. My target market is for any class
people and my magazine contains different artists in and out of the country and where it is a
cross genre could also interest all different ages and genders because each issue and article
will interest a variety and could also help prompt different types of music to individuals who may
not have thought of listening to it before (a new interest for them to enjoy) and make them wish
to read on a continue to purchase so they progress in their music range.
I also intend to make the pricing of my magazine slightly more expensive that some out in the
market but making sure the magazine is cheaper than my main competitors. As I mentioned
above I will be interesting both genders I’d make sure my colour schemed varied so the
magazine wasn’t looked upon as one dominate gender choice. This is for the magazine as well
as the customers sake as it will mean more interest due to it not being sexist.
Bold and eye catching
masthead in a large font,
which is only used for the
masthead and placed in
the top right hand
corner. It is the largest
piece of text on the page
and partly covered by my
feature article photo. A
convention found on all
magazine analysed .
I made sure that the
feature article
photograph is the only
image used upon the
front cover as I want it to
be the only interest on
the page so I also decided
to border it with the text
to show it’s importance
and dominance (also over
the top of the masthead).
Puff has been used as
at the bottom of the
page underneath the
cover line in smaller
font and contrasting
colour. Also making
sure it stands out
against the black
clothing used on the
feature article image.
Evident colour scheme of
black and purple on a
white background which I
believe gives it a more
mature and calm read.
This is also a common
convention used by other
magazine brands.
I made sure the colour
scheme is continued from
front cover onto the
contents page and continues
to give the over-all magazine
a mature and calm read as
well as eye catching . I done
this because it is also seen as
a very common convention
to be used within modern
There is one larger
image on the page
which refers to the
double page
spread, a smaller
image of feature
article as well
another image on a
double page spread
Lots of text and
information about
the magazine content
surrounding the
largest image and
with bold bright page
numbers that
matches the rest of
the font colouring ye
stands out on the
white background.
Masthead reading
“contents” has been
placed at the top of the
page to suggest some
importance as it
informs readers what
the page is about. This
convention was used
on all three of the
magazines I researched
and analysed.
One large pull quote used within the
interview/article to catch the eye of the
audience, this was a convention of an
interview page.
A larger amount of text to
image ratio upon this
double page spread as it
was used on 2 out of 3 of
my magazines I
researched and analysed.
I made sure there wasn’t
too much text and was
easy to read, due to it
being convention used in
the magazines.
Name of magazine
and page number in
bottom corner. As
the is a convention
used upon all three
of the magazines I
researched and
A large amount of text used
around the outside of the
feature article image as the
magazines I looked at didn’t
contain a lot of text and kept
the background plain so that
the feature article image was
the stand out on the page and
didn’t stand the risk of being
dominated by the puff/text.
A fairly simple image
was used for the
feature article as I
wanted the colours
used to match the
clour scheme for the
font as well as stand
out on the simple
solid white
background, XXL
and NME both had
mise en scene.
The use of black and
purple lines (matches
the colour scheme) but
challenges convention
as the magazine I
research didn’t use
anything to separate
text sections.
Very few pictures, and not a lot
of text involved upon the page.
The images are also cut out
differently (one has no
bordering, one matches
background but contains a
white border and the other
remains with it original
background as has been
rotated on an angle.
Conventions of the magazines I
looked at included lots of
images and text on the content
My magazine only has
around 74 pages
whereas magazine
have around 100. for
this I will make sure all
the page contain a lot
a give the
reader/audience what
they want.
The variation of colour and
font size may challenge
convention as content
pages are usually more
simple and neatly
structured. But I do believe
I have made it work with
the way I have set the
images out on the page.
SPREADThe page doesn’t have a clear left and
right side of the page a moulds
together with the texts taken up more
than half the page. Descriptive tone to the
introduction of the interview
is more like the style of NME, I
do believe this way does
break the convention but I
thought it fit the style of the
page well as I wish for it to
contain a lot but still look neat
and professional.
The whole colour
scheming revolving
around pink may only
interest a certain kind
of reader and could
be seen as over
powering. I did make
sure a variety of
tones were used to
The background for the
magazine also breaks
convention as it isn't simple
like the other article I
analysed (it is a crowd
picture from artists’
concert) but I believe it has
worked well with the colour
scheme as has blended well.
Overall I feel I have met the conventions of existing music magazines more than
challenged them in the end. This is a point as it means my magazine is hypothetically likely to sell,
however this could also be bad as it may look too similar to other
magazines which could make customers within the market may chose the other magazine over
Like the three existing magazines I studied the tone and mode of address if my
magazine is mature and calm but also a welcoming effect yet still has an excitement to it just like
NME and XXL. I then believe that this portrays the feature article image artists character but also
shows I am not just one selective music magazine (a cross genre). I wished to created a
dominate tone to
the magazine and wanted to connote the type of customers I wish to interest. I used
the colour scheme and a simple feature article to do this.
Although my magazine does challenge some the conventions of the existing magazines. One way
I have challenged is by using a minimum amount of images and text on the contents pages, Hip
Hop and NME both use a lot of pictures, up I managed to balance my pages without cluttering
them and still keeping an exciting and fascinating tone.
I attempted to represent individuals in society that are not quite working class but are
regarded as original and ambitious figures. They may turn to creative outlets in life
rather than working a stereotypical job expected by society.
Here you can see her clothing is
trying to appeal to the mass
audience that is in the society
at the moment with the dark
clothing with the statement
jewellery around her neck. This
look is available for any class of
society so could therefore
appeal to many. Although her
wavy hair gives across the
freedom impression as well as
the quirky pose doing the same.
I have represent the youthful age in music, by my photographs having artists in their
late teens to mid 20’s in them.
This was simply done by making
the poses quirky and fun to try
and appeal to the youthful age.
The large statement piece used
in the top picture in the
diamond which is what the
young generation is about,
showing off their money.
And the colours used in the
clothing of the bottom image of
Nicki Minaj adds a fun appeal.
I have represented both genders throughout my magazine in order to reflect my
entire demographic consisting of both males and females.
By using a variety of picture on
the contents page it allows my
audience to be informed by
what they can read within my
Beat magazine. Although there
are many female images I still
feel the male gender would
interested as the contents text
down the left has mixed gender
interests. The picture on the
bottom right stands out too due
to the blue background which
statically in a male colouring.
I understand due to the
colour theme I have
decided to following
throughout my magazine at
first look it will appeal to the
female audience with the
purple standing out upon
the page. But I have made I
have used a bold and
dominate colour of black to
work with it throughout .
Development Hell Ltd is an independent media company based in Islington, London.
The magazine are currently publish the market leading international dance music
magazine, Mixmag along with the Mixmag ipad app,, Mixmag TV,
Mixmag Events and, the world's biggest clubbing social network. They
have provided consultancy for some of Britain’s biggest publishers and produced tour
brochures for some of the biggest artists in the world.
The board of Development Hell is chaired by Peter Strong and comprises Managing
Director Jerry Perkins, Editorial Director David Hepworth and Finance Director David
Development Hell limited, could be my publishing and distribution company as they
currently publish mixmag magazine and would understand the market place and
how to communicate with and distribute to my target audience.
On the company website: they explain why they
would be a good choice as they have experienced professionals from the British
magazine publishing industry
“Among the Development Hell team are some of the most experienced and
respected operators in British magazines including The Word’s editor Mark Ellen, and
former Editorial Director of Q and Smash Hits, David Hepworth.”
What is my music genre for my magazine?
Hip Hop/R&B.
Who is my target audience?
My target audience was predominately female orientated, stretching from the
ages of 14-24. However, I didn’t single out the male demographic because I
wanted my magazine to appeal to all those who are interested in Indie style
music and who go against the ‘normal’ or popular fashion and style.
After my analysis of existing magazine I decided to create a questionnaire that I got 30
people to answer to enable me to make a clear design brief on what my target
audience would want.
• My magazine will be a cross genre of pop, hip hop and R&B.
• The front cover will be neat and calm.
• I will make the feature article image the most eye catching element on the front cover.
• I will make sure the front cover contains a catchy cover line to draw the target audience in.
• The feature article image will be candid.
• The contents page will be neatly ordered and in page number order.
• The contents page will contain images or what is within the magazine.
• The article (mode of address) will be informal.
• The double page spread will contain more image than text.
• The interview with the feature article artist will be gossip based, but will also contain serious conversation, facts
and music.
• It will have a light hearted tone.
• I will make it a gossip read or mode of address for my target audience.
• The theme and tone will be carried out throughout the whole magazine.
• My target audience will be between 16 to 20 years old.
• My target audience will be aimed more towards the female audience.
After researching further into how my target audience I can clarify my original synopsis successfully
outlines my demographic. My audience does consist of both male and females, ranging from 15-30
years old that like hip hop and R&B music. However, I now know that they’re open minded characters
that like to feel that they have some control in situations along with being passionate people that find
their genre of music aspirational. A typical BEAT reader may live in any part of the country living a fairly
busy student or modern life nonetheless make the time to appreciate things that matter to them. This is
key for my audience, they are alternative and challenge the norm and do what’s right for them not
what is conformed by the majority. Many will probably have student lives or busy business jobs.
I believe my front cover attracts
instantly due to the feature article
image as the colours involved with
the picture contrasts well against
the solid white background. The
colour scheme used on the cover
also works well with the image as
the image contains black clothing
allowing the purple cover line and
white puff to stand out easily. Also
the masthead has played a large
part in attracting as it gives off an
interesting and modern effect to
the target market and the way the
font flows makes it come across as
a smooth flowing magazine.
AUDIENCE?1. A recognisable
branded logo
2. A puff
advertising a
‘special’ article.
3. A feature article
photograph of
teenage girl.
4. A array of
plugs informing
the reader of
In order to attract my audience I used bold vibrant colours, that all
manage to dominate pages easily as they are a strong set of colours
to use together yet they all work well and help to contrast off the solid
white background. This gives the magazine an strong, mature tone,
relating to the name ‘Beat’ which is short and sharp.
I used a close up picture for the front cover in which my artist is starring straight at the
audience, suggesting an ‘in your face’ confident attitude to help reflect what the
magazine is about but doesn’t label one type and leaves the market unaware of
what they are going to read as it a cross genre piece. I also used my mode of
address to capture my audiences attention, my language is laid back and fun
promoting events such popular artists in the charts at the moment in time. Although
there is as element of dominance from the feature image there is still a shy side as
she grasps both sides of her face.
I always planned to set my magazine price at around £3.00 to £4.00 due to the
dramatic price increased that was introduced within the last year. I thought a price
like this will allow enough profit as well as staying cheaper than my competition. I
understand I don’t have a set age for my target market but I realise the likely age
range would be between 14-24years (an age group of mostly unemployed
teenagers) to (people with jobs but also perhaps paying university fees) all of which
would by my magazine as a reasonable price.
I believe my contents page
attracts the target market by the
instant titling of ‘Contents’ at the
top of the page as the black
and white work well to contrast
off each other. The red colouring
then used for the main bulk of
the text makes it an easy and
eye catching read against the
solid black background. I do
believe the variety of styles used
to edit the images on the pages
catching the markets eye as the
larger image is mostly light pink
repels strongly against the black
and the rotated image attracts
as it stands out to regular images
you’d come across on a
contents page.
1. A bold
and eye
2. Variety of
pictures to
show variety.
4. Prizes to
be won to
3. Set theme
to follow
I believe my contents attracts purely
because of the use of pink all over
the both of the pages, as this is a
very uncommon way to set out a
double page spread because
usually it hasn’t worked well together.
But I feel as if with this article is has
due to the artist is about, the
covering line which then informs that
information and then the different
toning used to allowing the texts to
stand out from each section. The
way the image has been cut out
and taken is attractive as it is a clear
action shot which works well with the
article. Also the background image
used is uncommon because it isn’t a
simple block colour and contains an
image of a concert crowd. The way
it has been blurred allows the article
to still be easily read.
1. A bold
and eye
2. A large
and powerful
4. A matched
background to
article (concert
3. Set theme
to follow
magazine of
text (pink).
I dressed up my sister to take pictures for my feature article photo. We had a lot of fun
and I am pleased with the outcome. The use of her poses and clothing allows her to
match the colour scheme and help fit the magazine style I wished to go for. I took
some mid-shots and some close ups but decided to use a close up for a better effect
with connotations of loud, confident character she is portrayed as on the front cover.
With all the picture I made sure I had the statement jewellery involved.
I wanted my inside pictures to vary from my front cover, feature article photo so again
using my sister for one of the images, and then decided to use images from a Nicki
Minaj Concert I went where Tyga was supporting. I am very pleased with the
outcome of these images and they fit the house style of my magazine well.
Looking at other double page spread I was aware I needed a strong image to go with
the article so I made sure I had a few images on Nicki Minaj to be able to get the right
look across. I then also planned to use another image as the background of the
article so I thought I should use one off the crowd, which is shown below. Although the
image contains a lot of colour it is still simple to a point.
This is the design I decided to use for my final front cover before production, this made the production process much
easier. Over all I felt I stuck to my design very well, the only change I had to make was the position of the barcode
as I thought it looked better at the bottom after filling in all the text. I also changed the positioning of the cover line
slightly As I felt it looked more professional flush right.
Overall I think I stuck to my original plan quite well as I have kept most of the positioning the same. Although I have removed an
image and replaced it with more text and enlarged the other two images upon the right hand side of the page. I also
change the positioning of all the page numbers as I felt it didn’t look right the way I had planned and the image in the top
right has been rotated also.
I also felt overall I managed to stick to my original plan for my double page spread, as I positioned the title in the same place
and later added a subtitling of information about the article. I also lowered my pull in quote so that it fitted correctly
around the image I ended up using for the spread.
To create my Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page spread I used a software
called Photoshop, this software allowed me to create exactly what I wanted. I was able
to use the cut tool several different ways; the magic eraser would cut out/erase larger
errors of the same colour I no longer required (this tended to be background colouring).
The general erasing tool was then ease to use when wanting to edit certain sections the
magic eraser could not get too without removing parts of the image required. I was able
to have a choice of fonts to use on the pages, I could then also import different fonts
from the internet as well as other software's. I was also able to re-size, reverse and rotate
images so that any image could be used upon a page. To make things easier for my I
would also create new layers for each section I added to each page so if something was
wrong it could be easily deleted without effecting anything else on the page.
Having a shaping tool allowed me to create different shapes on all the pages and a line
tool meant I could section off different texts so that I could easily identify different sections.
The cropping tool is just like what you would find on other software's Photoshop made it
more accurate and simple so you could have it to how you wish (not just boxed crop but
curved as well). The filling tool then meant I could colour in the background or blocked
shapes quickly with them all being able to have the colours I designed them to be as the is
a detailed toning bar where I can choose to exactly tone of I colour. When uploading a
new page I was also able to choose grey scale or not which meant it anything appearing
on the page would be in black and white, although I didn't end up using this selection It
gave me the simple use of colour on the front cover and contents page.
On Photoshop you are also able to change the capacity of an image on the page so you can fade
it out into the background so that it is more subtle to the eye, with this you could also change how it
fades (into pixels, darkness, lightness, etc.).
For me to able to get this as accurate as I could whilst creating I was able to zoom into the page I
was working on to as close as I wished by using the keys 'ctrl' and '+', this meant that the page
selected enlarge and not the rest of the screen like when not using Photoshop. Although Photoshop
contained a lot of different tools to help me create my final front cover, contents and double page
spread it allowed me to make each page as much of my idea as possible as I didn't not receive help
from the software and I could use it to how I wished. Even though I was slow at using Photoshop at
the beginning because I was unsure of everything and what it could do I soon become comfortable
with it as was able to do a lot more than what I first anticipated.
I used the text box tool to
apply text, used a lot on
my front cover and
content page as there
were many small plugs
and cover lines of text
I used the ‘move’ tool a
lot of the time during
production as I often
had to adjust the
position of text or
pictures for example.
This was very helpful.
‘blur’ tool to add a
design to each page
of my magazine, this
helped develop a
strong house style
throughout my
‘Magic lasso’ tool, this was
useful when cutting out
my feature article photo.
Although difficult to use at
times, it was much
For my preliminary task we had to produce a school magazine, including a
front cover and content page. I initially went around the school grounds
taking pictures with a friend for the feature article photograph. This was a lot
of fun and I used Photoshop to cut it out in production.
I only had three items of text on the front cover which were either blue or
white and contrasted the red masthead, this was something I developed on
when designing and producing my final magazine as I was more familiar
with the Photoshop tools.
As I didn’t really know how to cut out with the lasso tool, it was very roughly
and badly cut out. I decided to cut the person out of the picture because
the brick wall background was boring and inappropriate.
Very limited
amount of
text and
Lots of text in bright
colour and
information to cover
in any negative
space. Also contains
a cover line upon
Well cut out
feature article
photo so that the
magazine looks to
a high standard.
Feature article
photo is not cut
out accurately,
lowers quality of
background, no
sense of house
style. To strong
and cheap
Boring and simple masthead.
Creative and
effective masthead
that will watch the
audience eye and
stand out on the
Simple background
but involves a lot of
information and
interesting image
upon front cover.
Very limited
information, same
picture used on the
front cover so
nothing new any
eye catching.
Lots of text, all in
a different bright
colour sticking to
the colour
scheme and
repelling strongly
against the
background of
And eye catching
masthead which
informs what is
on the page
Bright bold
pictures both
about the feature
article artist, the
double page
spread about
Nicki Minaj and
A boring masthead
and no date or
reference to
magazine name.
Again my
background is
plain and un-
Also the
colours used
for the text is
There is no
structure or
specific order to
the text upon the
page either.
Competition stands out
from the rest of the
page but still manages
to stick to the colour
theme intended.
Overall I feel that all my new products are all significantly different to my
original ones in many different ways. I think that the ways that they are
different has improved the quality of all of them. For example, my
Photoshop skilled have developed a lot and I am much more familiar
with the tools used to make an effective and strong magazine.
In contrast to my preliminary task, my front cover, content page and
double page spread are vibrant and have the right conventions to
capture the attention of my target audience.
I think it also helped to have a lot of research about my target
audience and a genre of music to focus on when designing and
producing my full product, this meant I could create a house strong
house style too.
I think the most improved aspect of my magazine is my content page, I
improved this significantly and my full product is now exciting, bold and
vibrant. It holds a lot of information and carries a strong style as well as
capturing the genre of music it is based on.
In terms of improvement, despite being happy with my finished magazine I
think I could have improved on my positioning and scale. I often struggled
throughout production to fit the amount of content I wanted onto one
page, my content page is a good example of this as I needed to include a
lot of information in order to follow conventions of existing magazines.
I am most pleased with my double page spread, contrasting my content
page which I felt was perhaps lacking in images, contained lots to read as
well as lots to look at. On the other hand it is a double page meaning I had
more space to fill and I think I utilised this space very well, as it is the most
balanced out of all three pages.
Over all however I am very pleased with the outcome of my full product and I
am proud of how my skills and knowledge have developed based upon this.

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Amelia Gould Music Magazine Evaluation.

  • 1. MUSIC MAGAZINE AS Media Studies Amelia Gould
  • 2. DESIGN BRIEF: To create a new music magazine that is designed to a specified audience.
  • 6. THE PROJECT We were set a project which was to design and create a music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread, which must involve both uses and challenges, popular and modern music magazine conventions that could be found today. I then decided to go for a cross genre magazine called ‘Beat’ as I wished to involve different music types, a meet many customers needs. I produced the magazine front cover, contents and double page spread entirely on Adobe Photoshop. In the following slides you will be able to see how I managed to produce it all.
  • 7. RESEARCH OF EXISTING MAGAZINES Before I began designing, developing and creating my magazine, I decided to needed to research and analyse existing magazines on the market. These were; XXL, NME and Hip Hop Weekly. I chose these three as they all contain a variety of different music types (like I wished to do) and the layout to them all were different so I was able to get a variety of ideas for my magazine and compare what I preferred on each. I also picked these three as they instantly caught my eye, which it what every magazines tries to do.
  • 9. NME • The mast head is placed flush left at the top of the front cover over the top of the feature article photograph/image. • In this edition NME have the mast head over the top of the artist (Mike Skinner) on the feature article photograph/image to make the brand stand out more. • With the first look at the magazine it is clear that there is a fair amount of a variety of plugs and puffs on the front cover with are flushed right and left of the page. • In this NME edition the impression communicated to the target audience is a mature, calm and sensible read due to the simple font type, the simple colouring of the font (black, white, red and the artist’s natural colouring). • Even though they haven’t used many colours for the font what they have used is very effective because they use it in all the right places for the plug and puff to stand as much as possible (black/red on a white background and white/red on a black back ground) • I think the main reason they have used the colouring of red on the front cover to match the mast head. • On the front cover of NME the mast head, cover lines, plug and puff are all in capital letters making them high impact and can be read from a distance. • The plug used at the top of the front cover and above of the mast head has been designed to catch the target audiences eye whilst the magazine is on shelf because it high lights within the magazine itself.
  • 10. XXL • The mast head of this magazine is placed flush left at the top of the front cover over the top of the feature article photograph/image. They have the artist (Wiz Khalifa) covering the last letter of the magazine name, which demonstrating to us it is a well-known and confident magazine that customers would recognise and be familiar with. • By not having many plugs or cover lines it also gives off a tidy and mature look to the target audience because it looks as if has more structure compared to other editions the magazine produce. • I do feel as if the feature article photograph/image has a lot to do with the mature appeal it gives off as well due to the way Wiz Khalifa and his girlfriend is standing as they connote that looking down at the camera giving off the impression of power, the way she turns her body towards his directions shows that he dominates the image, they are both touching each other showing possession as well as being a couple without even reading the plug on the front cover. • Using a black and white filter on feature article photograph/image gives off a calm atmosphere between them both, a sophisticated read to the target audience and also gives the impression of maturity within Wiz Khalifa himself. • What catches my eye the most about the image is all of Wiz Khalifa tattoos give him a dirty grungy look, where as his girlfriend looks clean and pure due to her only having half of a small tattoo visible. • Wiz Khalifa gives off the impression of arrogance by looking down at the camera with his chin tilted up towards it. I also believe that the colour worn by them both says a lot of their personality because Wiz Khalifa is wearing a dark pair of jeans and a black hat which gives off a bad, mysterious and trouble appearance to him. Whereas his girlfriend is wearing white clothing which gives of a pure and friendly appeal about her.
  • 11. HIP HOP • The mast head is placed at the top left of the front cover but is in a large font size so almost takes up the whole width of the magazine. • In this Hip Hop Weekly magazine they have the two artists (Nicki Minaj on the left, Maraih Carey on the right) on feature article photograph/image just slightly covering the bottom of the mast head, this then highlights to the target audience that it is a successful magazine. • The mast head is coloured in a pure white to be able to still stand out against the many other colours used on the front colour, but to make it look different to the other text they have placed a shadow on the text. • They have also used the same shadow effect lower down on the front cover with some puff, this highlights the importance of the information as it passed down from the mast head (magazine identity). • The cover line is placed half way through the feature article photograph/image to highlight what the main article is for this edition of Hip Hop Weekly. • The colours also give off to the audience it is a light hearted piece to read as they have used bright colours instead of a mixture of dull, boring and depressive colours which would give off more of a serious read to the target audience. • I think it is for the younger audience because the front cover gives off the impression the magazine is full of lots of different information and is a bit mad and all over the place (fun and relaxed) due to the various font colours, the amount of different images over the page (red, yellow, blue, black, white and image colour – no theme or trend). • There is a lot of puff used all over the front cover to show/demonstrate it all contains.
  • 12. • The NME contents page gives off a fairly formal and calm impression to the target audience as each different contents information is boxed off so they are kept separate from one another; this could also helps to bring across the fact of all the articles being different within the magazine. • The boxed off style design also gives off a tidy, organised and professional look to the magazine, this style could interest more of the mature reader because there looks to be less ‘madness’ and more of a serious read and the target audience will have more trust in what they will be reading. • This could be a positive and a negative for the NME magazine as it will be able to suit a variety of different target audiences but it may lose them also because the audience may not look within the magazine and just assume that the impression they get from the feature article photography/image is throughout the whole magazine. • The title for the page is clearly shown as it is a large font and is at the top centre of the page, this style design quickly informs the reader what this page is about (what is within the magazine). • The NME magazine have also managed to keep the same theme style from the front cover with the type of fonts used to illustrate the images of the page, the use of the colours for the contents text (red, white and black) this idea does allow the reader to be able follow on from the front cover easily as the pages do not change their appearance or look. • The main part to the page in the image in the centre as it is larger than the others featured on the contents, this automatically highlights to me that this article advertise is more important than the others, therefore I would read it before the others as I would be interested in why NME have made the decision. Once this is happens the reader will want to continue to read the rest of the magazine. Even though the other images on the page aren’t as big the candid style images makes you more excited to read on and the posed images are following the theme of the front cover so the target audience know there is a range/variety to the NME magazine. NME CONTENTS
  • 13. XXL CONTENTS • The contents page for XXL magazine has been spread out over two A4 pages, both with very different style set outs. The first contents page you come across in the magazine is ‘the A-side’ this page has been set out fairly similar to the front page allowing the theme of the magazine to run through the page. • The image on the page is of the feature article artist but with a slight change to the posing of the individuals within the image. Wiz Khalifa manages to remain his strong and steady stance towards the camera but isn’t looking down at is as much as the feature article image on the front cover, this shows that may be he has less power than he gives off. • The female next to him (his girlfriend) has completely changed her positioning and is now shown on the side behind him, revealing the rebellious tattoo amongst her arm. This tells us as the audience there is a more rebellious side to the innocent character she originally portrays although comparing her to Wiz Khalifa’s appearance she is seen as clean and almost ‘heavenly’ with white clothing (underwear) she is wearing, her lightly coloured hair and pale coloured nail varnish. • The fact they she remains behind him shows he still has a lot of control over her and she looks to him for protection, with her hand still remaining on his chest he changes and places his hand on top of hers showing to us as the audience that there is a caring and lovely side to the hard faced, rough appearance we first get when looking at Wiz Khalifa. • Like the feature article image on the front page the image used on the contents page is also black and white which gives off a calm atmosphere between them both, a sophisticated read to the target audience and also gives the impression of maturity within Wiz Khalifa himself. • The images appearing on ‘the B-side’ are all in colour and don’t contain a filter and unlike ‘the A- side’ contains a variation of images (size, colouring, positioning, etc). • Although there seems to be a lot more going on amongst this side of the contents in actually contains Just like the other side the contents titling are the same as each other (black, red and white usage). This helps to keep a theme throughout the magazine introduction as the front cover also has the use of black, red and white). • The images on this contents have been separated by using black lines to create almost box shapes to show the different articles within. The use of boxed images helps to break the articles as well. The large page numbers and ‘plus’ text also catches your eye on this page as it has been set up to larger than the other fonts upon the page.
  • 14. HIP HOP CONTENTS • The contents page for Hip Hop magazine is very different to the front cover as it contains a lot less colouring to the page and contains a lot more order as there didn't really seem to be a lay out to the front cover. • Although, the font used for the contents page has also been used to create the cover lines which gives across as steady flow throughout the beginning of the magazine. Also having repetition allows the reader/audience to feel as if there is consistency with the editing. • The page has been set out into three columns, two larger containing some of the spreads within for the audience to read. • The other column is there to mention all the editors, directors, creators, etc. I believe this gives across to us as the audience that there is a sense of appreciation to everyone involved at that there is a strong team work and bond built with the magazine. • But the fact the columns as sized differently makes the page look messy and un-organised, this look then matches the style and impression giving across on the cover; which was the rushed and unreliable contents, this then makes the reader believe the contents within isn't what they want to read or may not believe what they read as it comes across as gossip talk instead a regular music magazine. • The use of the large numbering for the pages with the image allows the to catch your eye as well as the image itself, but also helps the article to seem important or more interesting compared to others mentioned on the page. • The information on the contents has been categorised, this is completely different to any other contents I have looked at but I slightly prefer this as it allows us as the audience to pick what we would rather read first instead of finding out whilst reading the article/spread. • The use of black, red and deep purple amongst a white background allow the right text jump out at you and catch your eye (red numbers). The all also contrast well together as well as give a strong, clean, cut and organised look to the magazine although other aspects do not.
  • 15. NME DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD • For the Title of the double page spread the magazine have decided to keep up with the same font used for the front cover of NME, doing this creates a set theme throughout the whole magazine up until that point. This also creates a form of trust with the magazine and its audience as there is a steady flow during. • On the double page spread the image used for it has taken up the left had side of the whole page which catches your eye instantly, I believe this is because of the light grey used for the back to contrast against the artists himself (Mike Skinner) as well as his clothing. • The black clothing he is wearing makes the artist (Mike Skinner) look mature, smart and calm which then makes the read come across as serious tone rather than young and fun. I believe the pale and simple background also does this. • The fact that the artist (Mike Skinner) is looking away from the camera makes him comes across as shy or uncomfortable to his audience. • Mike Skinner is looking to the left which can portray that he is actually looking into the past, where as if he was looking to the right it was be as if he was looking into the future, meaning looking forward would be it would be about the present. Continuing to then read the Title of the double page spread “DON'T MENTION THE STREETS” shows that Mike Skinner is in fact looking into his past and doesn't want to hear about it, this is where the uncomfortable look has come from. • The title for the spread has been created to match the background colour the image to the left so that it is clear it is together (has a connection) doing this also allows there to be a more high quality and mature look to the article for actually reading. • Using red to high light the names mentioned in the sub text quickly catches your eye as it is a strong difference to the grey, black and white used amongst the two pages. The drop capital used for the beginning of the article has been created to stand out, as well as to match the font used on the title and front cover for the high quality finish. • The article text has been split into three evenly sized columns, which are then separated clearly by using a thin, dotted grey line to keep up the mature, high quality finish. The use of the drop quote half way through the article allows the audience to have a break from reading as well as drawing you in when originally seeing the page.
  • 16. XXL DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD • This double page spread within the XXL magazine has managed to keep up with the rest of the magazine style it has gone for in this edition. • It has stuck it simple colours so they it remains simple, class and official looking to the audience wishing to purchase and read the magazine. • The way the artist has be portrayed in the image they have decided to use for the double page spread says that he is 'well-off' due to the time of clothing he is wearing as well as the accessories that have been chosen to shown off for the article. • Although, it is interesting that they have got Lecrae the artist) to look away from the camera so that there isn't any eye contact with the audience, this them implies that the individual doesn't hold that much power within the celebrity range at the moment, or he doesn't have confidence within himself and is therefore shy or it could even be as is he is looking to the future (ahead of this moment in time) this could be the answer as he is looking the what we see as right, which is said to be the distance instead of behind (left) which would be the past. The title of the article then helps to portray this by saying “LIFE IS GOOD”. • This draws the audience in more as it is shown that more people these days prefer to read an article which is a more positive read to a negative and depressive set due to the times are now in. • The image used for this article has taken up half of the double page spread, this allows it to clearly dominate the article as it catches your eye with the black background against his light grey clothing, even though it is still a subtle contrast for the audience to view. The title of “LIFE IS GOOD” then take up one size of the two columns used to contain the text about Lecrae. • At the top of the page there is a side titling to the article which is slightly more detailed for the reader/audience to be informed in what they will be reading about before they begin. The main article begins with the drop capital faded into the background of the text which is visible at first but allows not difficulty of reading when wishing too.
  • 17. HIP HOP DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD • This double page spread within the Hip Hop magazine catches your eye instantly with the use of the colour upon the page, due to it not looking like any other double page. • The colours they have used for the background of the article are thought to match the title of the double page spread “GIRL ON FIRE”. • Although fire is sin as an rebellious and destructive thing the colours used to represent it cant help but create and warm and welcoming affect to the audience. It also manages to make the article look like a fun and enjoying read as it involves a variety of colours where as other may not. • The image used for this article of Alicia Keys makes her come across as if she is looking into her past due to her looking to the left instead of the right which could represent her looking into the future. The look away for the camera could also imply she is shy towards the audience as she is revealing something she hasn't before, this is then backed up and confirmed with the “EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW” written above the title for the double page spread. • To make the title stand out from the image and the article the text has been made white, which also catches the audience eye to be informed the play on words used due to the artist (Alicia Keys). • The colours used for the text has then been keyed on the page. • The dark pink is for the magazine name (HHW), the light pink has been used for the artist name (Alicia Keys), yellow has been used to highlight what the magazine have asked and the white has been used to show what Alicia's answer was. • The images used upon the article side of the page have both been bordered with the same colouring and style on the whole double page spread to keep up the high quality finish.
  • 18. DECIDING ON A TARGET MARKET I wish for my music magazine to have a cross genre but will also appeal to a target audience who enjoy chart music. I chose this genre as it is music that I personally enjoy and there isn’t yet a magazine on the market that is a definite mix of the two. My target market is for any class people and my magazine contains different artists in and out of the country and where it is a cross genre could also interest all different ages and genders because each issue and article will interest a variety and could also help prompt different types of music to individuals who may not have thought of listening to it before (a new interest for them to enjoy) and make them wish to read on a continue to purchase so they progress in their music range. I also intend to make the pricing of my magazine slightly more expensive that some out in the market but making sure the magazine is cheaper than my main competitors. As I mentioned above I will be interesting both genders I’d make sure my colour schemed varied so the magazine wasn’t looked upon as one dominate gender choice. This is for the magazine as well as the customers sake as it will mean more interest due to it not being sexist.
  • 19. DEVELOPMENT: FRONT COVER Bold and eye catching masthead in a large font, which is only used for the masthead and placed in the top right hand corner. It is the largest piece of text on the page and partly covered by my feature article photo. A convention found on all magazine analysed . I made sure that the feature article photograph is the only image used upon the front cover as I want it to be the only interest on the page so I also decided to border it with the text to show it’s importance and dominance (also over the top of the masthead). Puff has been used as at the bottom of the page underneath the cover line in smaller font and contrasting colour. Also making sure it stands out against the black clothing used on the feature article image. Evident colour scheme of black and purple on a white background which I believe gives it a more mature and calm read. This is also a common convention used by other magazine brands.
  • 20. DEVELOPMENT: CONTENTS I made sure the colour scheme is continued from front cover onto the contents page and continues to give the over-all magazine a mature and calm read as well as eye catching . I done this because it is also seen as a very common convention to be used within modern magazines. There is one larger image on the page which refers to the double page spread, a smaller image of feature article as well another image on a double page spread article. Lots of text and information about the magazine content surrounding the largest image and with bold bright page numbers that matches the rest of the font colouring ye stands out on the white background. Masthead reading “contents” has been placed at the top of the page to suggest some importance as it informs readers what the page is about. This convention was used on all three of the magazines I researched and analysed.
  • 21. DEVELOPMENT: DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD One large pull quote used within the interview/article to catch the eye of the audience, this was a convention of an interview page. A larger amount of text to image ratio upon this double page spread as it was used on 2 out of 3 of my magazines I researched and analysed. I made sure there wasn’t too much text and was easy to read, due to it being convention used in the magazines. Name of magazine and page number in bottom corner. As the is a convention used upon all three of the magazines I researched and analysed.
  • 22. CHALLENGE: FRONT COVER A large amount of text used around the outside of the feature article image as the magazines I looked at didn’t contain a lot of text and kept the background plain so that the feature article image was the stand out on the page and didn’t stand the risk of being dominated by the puff/text. A fairly simple image was used for the feature article as I wanted the colours used to match the clour scheme for the font as well as stand out on the simple solid white background, XXL and NME both had mise en scene. The use of black and purple lines (matches the colour scheme) but challenges convention as the magazine I research didn’t use anything to separate text sections.
  • 23. CHALLENGE: CONTENTS Very few pictures, and not a lot of text involved upon the page. The images are also cut out differently (one has no bordering, one matches background but contains a white border and the other remains with it original background as has been rotated on an angle. Conventions of the magazines I looked at included lots of images and text on the content page. My magazine only has around 74 pages whereas magazine have around 100. for this I will make sure all the page contain a lot a give the reader/audience what they want. The variation of colour and font size may challenge convention as content pages are usually more simple and neatly structured. But I do believe I have made it work with the way I have set the images out on the page.
  • 24. CHALLENGE: DOUBLE PAGE SPREADThe page doesn’t have a clear left and right side of the page a moulds together with the texts taken up more than half the page. Descriptive tone to the introduction of the interview is more like the style of NME, I do believe this way does break the convention but I thought it fit the style of the page well as I wish for it to contain a lot but still look neat and professional. The whole colour scheming revolving around pink may only interest a certain kind of reader and could be seen as over powering. I did make sure a variety of tones were used to help. The background for the magazine also breaks convention as it isn't simple like the other article I analysed (it is a crowd picture from artists’ concert) but I believe it has worked well with the colour scheme as has blended well.
  • 25. EVALUATION OF CONVENTIONS Overall I feel I have met the conventions of existing music magazines more than challenged them in the end. This is a point as it means my magazine is hypothetically likely to sell, however this could also be bad as it may look too similar to other magazines which could make customers within the market may chose the other magazine over mine. Like the three existing magazines I studied the tone and mode of address if my magazine is mature and calm but also a welcoming effect yet still has an excitement to it just like NME and XXL. I then believe that this portrays the feature article image artists character but also shows I am not just one selective music magazine (a cross genre). I wished to created a dominate tone to the magazine and wanted to connote the type of customers I wish to interest. I used the colour scheme and a simple feature article to do this. Although my magazine does challenge some the conventions of the existing magazines. One way I have challenged is by using a minimum amount of images and text on the contents pages, Hip Hop and NME both use a lot of pictures, up I managed to balance my pages without cluttering them and still keeping an exciting and fascinating tone.
  • 27. CLASS I attempted to represent individuals in society that are not quite working class but are regarded as original and ambitious figures. They may turn to creative outlets in life rather than working a stereotypical job expected by society. Here you can see her clothing is trying to appeal to the mass audience that is in the society at the moment with the dark clothing with the statement jewellery around her neck. This look is available for any class of society so could therefore appeal to many. Although her wavy hair gives across the freedom impression as well as the quirky pose doing the same.
  • 28. AGE I have represent the youthful age in music, by my photographs having artists in their late teens to mid 20’s in them. This was simply done by making the poses quirky and fun to try and appeal to the youthful age. The large statement piece used in the top picture in the diamond which is what the young generation is about, showing off their money. And the colours used in the clothing of the bottom image of Nicki Minaj adds a fun appeal.
  • 29. GENDER I have represented both genders throughout my magazine in order to reflect my entire demographic consisting of both males and females. By using a variety of picture on the contents page it allows my audience to be informed by what they can read within my Beat magazine. Although there are many female images I still feel the male gender would interested as the contents text down the left has mixed gender interests. The picture on the bottom right stands out too due to the blue background which statically in a male colouring. I understand due to the colour theme I have decided to following throughout my magazine at first look it will appeal to the female audience with the purple standing out upon the page. But I have made I have used a bold and dominate colour of black to work with it throughout .
  • 31. Development Hell Ltd is an independent media company based in Islington, London. The magazine are currently publish the market leading international dance music magazine, Mixmag along with the Mixmag ipad app,, Mixmag TV, Mixmag Events and, the world's biggest clubbing social network. They have provided consultancy for some of Britain’s biggest publishers and produced tour brochures for some of the biggest artists in the world. The board of Development Hell is chaired by Peter Strong and comprises Managing Director Jerry Perkins, Editorial Director David Hepworth and Finance Director David Joseph.
  • 32. Development Hell limited, could be my publishing and distribution company as they currently publish mixmag magazine and would understand the market place and how to communicate with and distribute to my target audience. On the company website: they explain why they would be a good choice as they have experienced professionals from the British magazine publishing industry “Among the Development Hell team are some of the most experienced and respected operators in British magazines including The Word’s editor Mark Ellen, and former Editorial Director of Q and Smash Hits, David Hepworth.”
  • 35. GENRE AND TARGET AUDIENCE What is my music genre for my magazine? Hip Hop/R&B. Who is my target audience? My target audience was predominately female orientated, stretching from the ages of 14-24. However, I didn’t single out the male demographic because I wanted my magazine to appeal to all those who are interested in Indie style music and who go against the ‘normal’ or popular fashion and style.
  • 36. QUESTIONNAIRE After my analysis of existing magazine I decided to create a questionnaire that I got 30 people to answer to enable me to make a clear design brief on what my target audience would want. • My magazine will be a cross genre of pop, hip hop and R&B. • The front cover will be neat and calm. • I will make the feature article image the most eye catching element on the front cover. • I will make sure the front cover contains a catchy cover line to draw the target audience in. • The feature article image will be candid. • The contents page will be neatly ordered and in page number order. • The contents page will contain images or what is within the magazine. • The article (mode of address) will be informal. • The double page spread will contain more image than text. • The interview with the feature article artist will be gossip based, but will also contain serious conversation, facts and music. • It will have a light hearted tone. • I will make it a gossip read or mode of address for my target audience. • The theme and tone will be carried out throughout the whole magazine. • My target audience will be between 16 to 20 years old. • My target audience will be aimed more towards the female audience.
  • 37. MY AUDIENCE After researching further into how my target audience I can clarify my original synopsis successfully outlines my demographic. My audience does consist of both male and females, ranging from 15-30 years old that like hip hop and R&B music. However, I now know that they’re open minded characters that like to feel that they have some control in situations along with being passionate people that find their genre of music aspirational. A typical BEAT reader may live in any part of the country living a fairly busy student or modern life nonetheless make the time to appreciate things that matter to them. This is key for my audience, they are alternative and challenge the norm and do what’s right for them not what is conformed by the majority. Many will probably have student lives or busy business jobs.
  • 39. HOW MY COVER ATTRACTS I believe my front cover attracts instantly due to the feature article image as the colours involved with the picture contrasts well against the solid white background. The colour scheme used on the cover also works well with the image as the image contains black clothing allowing the purple cover line and white puff to stand out easily. Also the masthead has played a large part in attracting as it gives off an interesting and modern effect to the target market and the way the font flows makes it come across as a smooth flowing magazine.
  • 40. HOW DID I ATTRACT MY TARGET AUDIENCE?1. A recognisable branded logo masthead 2. A puff advertising a ‘special’ article. 3. A feature article photograph of teenage girl. 4. A array of plugs informing the reader of additional content.
  • 41. In order to attract my audience I used bold vibrant colours, that all manage to dominate pages easily as they are a strong set of colours to use together yet they all work well and help to contrast off the solid white background. This gives the magazine an strong, mature tone, relating to the name ‘Beat’ which is short and sharp. MAST HEAD
  • 42. I used a close up picture for the front cover in which my artist is starring straight at the audience, suggesting an ‘in your face’ confident attitude to help reflect what the magazine is about but doesn’t label one type and leaves the market unaware of what they are going to read as it a cross genre piece. I also used my mode of address to capture my audiences attention, my language is laid back and fun promoting events such popular artists in the charts at the moment in time. Although there is as element of dominance from the feature image there is still a shy side as she grasps both sides of her face. IMAGE
  • 43. I always planned to set my magazine price at around £3.00 to £4.00 due to the dramatic price increased that was introduced within the last year. I thought a price like this will allow enough profit as well as staying cheaper than my competition. I understand I don’t have a set age for my target market but I realise the likely age range would be between 14-24years (an age group of mostly unemployed teenagers) to (people with jobs but also perhaps paying university fees) all of which would by my magazine as a reasonable price. PRICE
  • 44. HOW DOES MY CONTENTS ATTRACT? I believe my contents page attracts the target market by the instant titling of ‘Contents’ at the top of the page as the black and white work well to contrast off each other. The red colouring then used for the main bulk of the text makes it an easy and eye catching read against the solid black background. I do believe the variety of styles used to edit the images on the pages catching the markets eye as the larger image is mostly light pink repels strongly against the black and the rotated image attracts as it stands out to regular images you’d come across on a contents page.
  • 45. HOW DID I ATTRACT MY TARGET AUDIENCE? 1. A bold and eye catching contents. 2. Variety of pictures to show variety. 4. Prizes to be won to interest target market. 3. Set theme to follow throughout the magazine.
  • 46. HOW DOES MY DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD ATTRACT? I believe my contents attracts purely because of the use of pink all over the both of the pages, as this is a very uncommon way to set out a double page spread because usually it hasn’t worked well together. But I feel as if with this article is has due to the artist is about, the covering line which then informs that information and then the different toning used to allowing the texts to stand out from each section. The way the image has been cut out and taken is attractive as it is a clear action shot which works well with the article. Also the background image used is uncommon because it isn’t a simple block colour and contains an image of a concert crowd. The way it has been blurred allows the article to still be easily read.
  • 47. HOW DID I ATTRACT MY TARGET AUDIENCE? 1. A bold and eye catching title. 2. A large and powerful article image. 4. A matched themed background to article (concert audience). 3. Set theme to follow throughout the magazine of text (pink).
  • 48. FRONT COVER IMAGES I dressed up my sister to take pictures for my feature article photo. We had a lot of fun and I am pleased with the outcome. The use of her poses and clothing allows her to match the colour scheme and help fit the magazine style I wished to go for. I took some mid-shots and some close ups but decided to use a close up for a better effect with connotations of loud, confident character she is portrayed as on the front cover. With all the picture I made sure I had the statement jewellery involved.
  • 49. CONTENTS IMAGES I wanted my inside pictures to vary from my front cover, feature article photo so again using my sister for one of the images, and then decided to use images from a Nicki Minaj Concert I went where Tyga was supporting. I am very pleased with the outcome of these images and they fit the house style of my magazine well.
  • 50. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD IMAGES Looking at other double page spread I was aware I needed a strong image to go with the article so I made sure I had a few images on Nicki Minaj to be able to get the right look across. I then also planned to use another image as the background of the article so I thought I should use one off the crowd, which is shown below. Although the image contains a lot of colour it is still simple to a point.
  • 51. PLAN OF PRODUCTION This is the design I decided to use for my final front cover before production, this made the production process much easier. Over all I felt I stuck to my design very well, the only change I had to make was the position of the barcode as I thought it looked better at the bottom after filling in all the text. I also changed the positioning of the cover line slightly As I felt it looked more professional flush right.
  • 52. PLAN OF PRODUCTION Overall I think I stuck to my original plan quite well as I have kept most of the positioning the same. Although I have removed an image and replaced it with more text and enlarged the other two images upon the right hand side of the page. I also change the positioning of all the page numbers as I felt it didn’t look right the way I had planned and the image in the top right has been rotated also.
  • 53. PLAN OF PRODUCTION I also felt overall I managed to stick to my original plan for my double page spread, as I positioned the title in the same place and later added a subtitling of information about the article. I also lowered my pull in quote so that it fitted correctly around the image I ended up using for the spread.
  • 55. PHOTOSHOP To create my Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page spread I used a software called Photoshop, this software allowed me to create exactly what I wanted. I was able to use the cut tool several different ways; the magic eraser would cut out/erase larger errors of the same colour I no longer required (this tended to be background colouring). The general erasing tool was then ease to use when wanting to edit certain sections the magic eraser could not get too without removing parts of the image required. I was able to have a choice of fonts to use on the pages, I could then also import different fonts from the internet as well as other software's. I was also able to re-size, reverse and rotate images so that any image could be used upon a page. To make things easier for my I would also create new layers for each section I added to each page so if something was wrong it could be easily deleted without effecting anything else on the page.
  • 56. Having a shaping tool allowed me to create different shapes on all the pages and a line tool meant I could section off different texts so that I could easily identify different sections. The cropping tool is just like what you would find on other software's Photoshop made it more accurate and simple so you could have it to how you wish (not just boxed crop but curved as well). The filling tool then meant I could colour in the background or blocked shapes quickly with them all being able to have the colours I designed them to be as the is a detailed toning bar where I can choose to exactly tone of I colour. When uploading a new page I was also able to choose grey scale or not which meant it anything appearing on the page would be in black and white, although I didn't end up using this selection It gave me the simple use of colour on the front cover and contents page.
  • 57. On Photoshop you are also able to change the capacity of an image on the page so you can fade it out into the background so that it is more subtle to the eye, with this you could also change how it fades (into pixels, darkness, lightness, etc.). For me to able to get this as accurate as I could whilst creating I was able to zoom into the page I was working on to as close as I wished by using the keys 'ctrl' and '+', this meant that the page selected enlarge and not the rest of the screen like when not using Photoshop. Although Photoshop contained a lot of different tools to help me create my final front cover, contents and double page spread it allowed me to make each page as much of my idea as possible as I didn't not receive help from the software and I could use it to how I wished. Even though I was slow at using Photoshop at the beginning because I was unsure of everything and what it could do I soon become comfortable with it as was able to do a lot more than what I first anticipated.
  • 58. I used the text box tool to apply text, used a lot on my front cover and content page as there were many small plugs and cover lines of text I used the ‘move’ tool a lot of the time during production as I often had to adjust the position of text or pictures for example. This was very helpful. ‘blur’ tool to add a design to each page of my magazine, this helped develop a strong house style throughout my magazine ‘Magic lasso’ tool, this was useful when cutting out my feature article photo. Although difficult to use at times, it was much needed.
  • 60. PRELIMINARY TASK For my preliminary task we had to produce a school magazine, including a front cover and content page. I initially went around the school grounds taking pictures with a friend for the feature article photograph. This was a lot of fun and I used Photoshop to cut it out in production. I only had three items of text on the front cover which were either blue or white and contrasted the red masthead, this was something I developed on when designing and producing my final magazine as I was more familiar with the Photoshop tools. As I didn’t really know how to cut out with the lasso tool, it was very roughly and badly cut out. I decided to cut the person out of the picture because the brick wall background was boring and inappropriate.
  • 61.
  • 62. COMPARISON BETWEEN FRONT COVERS Very limited amount of text and information Lots of text in bright colour and information to cover in any negative space. Also contains a cover line upon image. Well cut out feature article photo so that the magazine looks to a high standard. Feature article photo is not cut out accurately, lowers quality of magazine. Plain background, no sense of house style. To strong and cheap looking. Boring and simple masthead. Creative and effective masthead that will watch the audience eye and stand out on the page. Simple background but involves a lot of information and interesting image upon front cover.
  • 63. COMPARISON BETWEEN CONTENTS Very limited information, same picture used on the front cover so nothing new any eye catching. Lots of text, all in a different bright colour sticking to the colour scheme and repelling strongly against the background of white. And eye catching masthead which informs what is on the page instantly. Bright bold pictures both about the feature article artist, the double page spread about Nicki Minaj and others. A boring masthead and no date or reference to magazine name. Again my background is plain and un- interesting. Also the colours used for the text is boring There is no structure or specific order to the text upon the page either. Competition stands out from the rest of the page but still manages to stick to the colour theme intended.
  • 64. WHAT I HAVE LEARNT FROM BOTH TASKS Overall I feel that all my new products are all significantly different to my original ones in many different ways. I think that the ways that they are different has improved the quality of all of them. For example, my Photoshop skilled have developed a lot and I am much more familiar with the tools used to make an effective and strong magazine. In contrast to my preliminary task, my front cover, content page and double page spread are vibrant and have the right conventions to capture the attention of my target audience.
  • 65. I think it also helped to have a lot of research about my target audience and a genre of music to focus on when designing and producing my full product, this meant I could create a house strong house style too. I think the most improved aspect of my magazine is my content page, I improved this significantly and my full product is now exciting, bold and vibrant. It holds a lot of information and carries a strong style as well as capturing the genre of music it is based on.
  • 66. IMPROVEMENTS In terms of improvement, despite being happy with my finished magazine I think I could have improved on my positioning and scale. I often struggled throughout production to fit the amount of content I wanted onto one page, my content page is a good example of this as I needed to include a lot of information in order to follow conventions of existing magazines. I am most pleased with my double page spread, contrasting my content page which I felt was perhaps lacking in images, contained lots to read as well as lots to look at. On the other hand it is a double page meaning I had more space to fill and I think I utilised this space very well, as it is the most balanced out of all three pages. Over all however I am very pleased with the outcome of my full product and I am proud of how my skills and knowledge have developed based upon this.