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Grado: 4th Grade
Nivel lingüístico del curso:Elementary
Cantidad de alumnos: 6
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática:My day
NOTE: All of the activities are described as suggested by the tutor, in terms of timing,
description and instructions, and transition comments. Scaffolding strategies are included
within the description of each activity.
Clase Nº: 1 – October 5th
Learning Aims
During this lesson, learners will be able to…
Learn vocabulary related to daily routines.
Consolidate expressions of time through its relationship with daily activities.
Improve their listening and speaking skills through a game.
Improve social skills by playing two different games that require listening and respecting
their partner.
Language Focus
Adverb to express time:
→ o‟clock
To say what time is it. Verb to be – positive and
What time is it?
It‟s 7 o‟clock.
It‟s 8 o‟clock.
Comentario [A1]: Identify
Comentario [A2]: Word order!
To tell the time.
Routines (every day activities)
→ Get up
→ Have breakfast
→ Go to school
→ Have lunch
→ Go home
→ Have dinner
→ Brush my teeth
→ Go to bed
To describe daily routines Present Simple in 1° Person
I get up at 7 o‟clock.
I have breakfast at 8
On-line Calendar from ClassroomScreen (interactive white-board)
Power Point Presentation (Sam‟s routine and activities)
Image with a table for speaking activity and timer, from ClassroomScreen
Cards to play Hang Man in a PPT.
Timing: 4-5 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct
speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
I will greet the children by saying „Hello everyone, how are you today?‟ while making a greeting
gesture with my hand. While doing so, I will prepare myself to share my screen, displaying a
calendar which they are already familiar with. I will make sure everyone sees it by asking „Now,
tell me, can you see the calendar on your screen?‟ If the answer is positive, I will say "Okay,
look at the calendar. Can you tell me what day is it today? You are right, today is
(Monday/Wednesday). Now, tell me, what date is it today? 1, 2, 15? Yes, today is (5). Excellent,
my students!‟
Illustrative example. Taken from:
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
„Okay my students. Today we are going to work with Sam. Do you remember him? He
wants to tell us a little about him. Are you ready? Let‟s discover what he wants to share
with us!‟
Timing:10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
I am going to share a PowerPoint presentation on the screen, in which one of the
characters from the book we use in class will be the protagonist. This presentation will
be presented as a story, and to read it and make it more interesting, I will simulate
Sam's voice. The reading will be carried out as follows (commentaries and questions about
the pictures included in purple):
My Day – by Sam
Look, who’s that? That’s right! He’s Sam. You already know him. Let’s start!
Hello friends! This is Sam. Today, I will tell you about my daily routine.
Let’s start by the beginning. I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.Look at the picture, it’s
seven o’clock, right?
I have breakfast at 8 o’clock.
I go to school.Okay, but what time does he go to school? Look at the watch. What time is
it? Look, the short hand of the watch is pointing at 9. So, it is… Yes! It’s 9 o’clock.
I have lunch at 1 o’clock in the afternoon.
Then, I go home.Again, he doesn’t tell us the time. Look at the watch. What time does he
go home? Right, he goes home at 4 o’clock.
I have dinner in the evening.Hmmm! In the evening… but what time of the evening? Look
at the watch. The short hand is pointing at 7. So, it is… Yes! At 7 o’clock!
At night, I brush my teeth at 9 o’clock.
Finally, I go to bed.Oh, we don’t know what time he goes to bed. Look at the watch, what
time is it? Yes, he goes to bed at 10 o’clock!
Once the reading is finished, we will continue working with an activity in the same
PowerPoint presentation. This activity is based on the consolidation of the new vocabulary
introduced in Sam's story. To do so, Sam (the character from the story) will introduce it
by saying „So, that’s my routine. Let’s see if you remember it! Read the sentences and
choose A or B.‟ and then eight slides will be shown in which Sam will be talking about a
different daily activity in each one, and two pictures as options for the students to
choose from. The students will be invited to read the sentences, for which I will say
'Who wants to read this sentence? Raise your hand'. Once a student has been selected
and the sentence read, I will say 'Okay, thank you. So, which picture best represents this
activity? A or B?'. In case students mention the wrong picture, I will make an
exaggerated gesture pretending to be confused or thoughtful while saying 'Hmmm, are
you sure?' so to encourage them to think and answer again. Otherwise, if students choose
the correct image, I will congratulate them by saying 'Very good, my students! Now, let's
continue. Who wants to read the following sentence? Raise your hand'. This process will
be repeated in each of the slides until all the phrases of the new vocabulary are
Click the link to see the PowerPoint presentation:
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
‘Congratulations! You‟ve done it so well! - Now that we know about Sam‟s routine, what do you
think about learning about our other friends‟ routines? Let‟s do it!’
Timing: 15 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
The main activity is based on a speaking game the students are already familiar with,
'Guess Who!'. Before we start playing, we will get ready to know what to expect and what
to talk about. To do so, I am going to share the game table on the screen, and once I
make sure everyone can see it, I will say 'Well, look at the table. What characters from
the book do you see?'. In case the students do not remember the names, I will encourage
them to name them by making clues or questions such as 'Is there (Nick)? OK, no, he's
not there. But look, there's Car... Yes, It's Carla! Who else is there?', until all four
characters are identified. Then I will ask about the activities shown in the first line of
the table, 'Now, pay attention to the daily activities that we have in the first line of the
table. Which ones do you see? Look at the names below the pictures'.
Adapted from Young Explorers 2, Oxford (Class Book, page 57)
I am going to remind them of the rules and instructions of the game by saying 'Okay
children, listen! Here we have four of the characters from the book, four of our friends.
We can also see the activities they do every day and at what time they do them'. I will
continue with the explanation of the game in the following way, 'Well, let's imagine that I
amgoing to start, okay? I’ll to choose a character BUT I am not going to tell you who it is.
I'm going to give you some clues. For example, I can say ... Hmmm, pay attention! - I get
up at 7 o'clock. I have lunch at 1 o'clock. And… I go home at 4 o'clock'. Once the
explanation and the example are given, I am going to ask them 'Who am I?', encouraging
them to GUESS WHO is the character I have chosen. In case the answer is not correct,
I will give the clues again but this time emphasizing on the activities and also on times.
Once the game has been understood, I will ask 'Who wants to start?' In case no one
dares to start, I will select one of them. To encouragehim/her to do the task, I will say
'Okay (Santi), let's get started! Choose a character BUT don't tell us who it is. Tell me
Comentario [A3]: They will only
read the names. I mean, they won´t
see the characters.
when you're ready.'. Once the student has chosen his/her character, I will continue
'Good. Now, tell us what do you do?'. In case the student does not know how to start, I
will guide him/her by giving some words of encouragement and some guidelines. I may say
'Don't worry (Santi), you can start by saying - I ... - Look at the phrases below the
pictures so to help yourself'.Once the student has finished giving the clues about the
character he/she chose, I will invite the rest of the students to guess who it is by saying
'Thank you, (Santi). Now, everybody! Who is it? Is it Carla, Sophie, Mike or Lucy?'. When
students reply, I will turn to the student who gave the description and ask, 'Is it right?
Is it (Carla)?'. If the answer is negative, I will invite him/her to give the clues again so
everybody can guess again. Finally, when the students guess the character, I will
congratulate them by saying 'Wow, you are all genius! Excellent! Now, it is (Delfi)'s turn.
Come on, choose a character!'
The process will be repeated until all students have participated.
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
„Great job, children! But ... did you notice that we learned about the routines of all our
characters from the book but not from Nick? Do you want to know what he does during the
day? Okay, let's do it! But for that, we are going to have towill play a game!‟
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
The last activity of this lesson will be based on playing a game the students already know,
Hang Man. For this, it will be explained to the students that throughout the class we
have learned about the routine of 5 of our characters, but we don't know anything about
one of the little ones, Nick. Therefore, to know about it, we will have to play Hang Man.
To play, I will have to re-share on the screen the PowerPoint presentation that was used
before on the Warm-Up and Presentation Stage, in which we will see slides with
everything necessary to play.
Taken from the PowerPoint presentation used in the Warm-up and Presentation Stage. Click the link to see
the PowerPoint presentation:
After I make sure everyone can see the slide on their screen, I will proceed with the
explanation of the game by saying 'Okay my students, look at the picture. Who's that?
Yes, it's Nick. And he has something to tell us. He says - I ... at 8 o'clock in the morning.
Hmmm! What does he do at 8 in the morning? Let's count among all the letters that this
activity has, let's see there are ... Well, we need X letters. Let’s start!'. I will invite all
the students to participate, one by one saying 'Well, who wants to start? Rise your hands
if you want to tell me a letter'. In case the letter is correct, I will write it in the
corresponding box. If not, I will write the letter below Nick's picture to keep track of
the ones that have already been mentioned and are not needed. Also, for each incorrect
letter that the students mention, I will take the interactive pencil from the screen and
draw a part of the hang man's body, starting with the head, then the body, two legs and
two arms. If the hang man‟s body is completed, they lose. If the phrase is successfully
completed, I will switch slides to show Nick saying the entire sentence, prompting
students to guess the next one.
This will repeat until all the sentences have been guessed.
Once the game has finished, I will finish the lesson by saying „I’m so happy! You’ve worked very
welltoday. It’s time to finish, so, see you next class. Take care! Bye-Bye!‟
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and
Observations Good start!
Comentario [A4]: Check slide 24!
The sentence starts At night, and it
should start At midday.
Comentario [A5]: Do you know
this Hangman “creator”?
Clase Nº: 2 – October 7th
Learning Aims
During this lesson, learners will be able to…
Consolidate routine vocabulary and expressions.
Learn to read and tell the time.
Improve their writing skills by writing about their routines.
Improve listening, reading and speaking skills by interacting with their teacher through the
activities and by creating their own speaking cartoon character.
Work on their imagination and creativity while personalizing their own speaking cartoon
Know about online resources and web pages to create and share characters.
Language Focus
Routines (every day activities)
→ Get up
→ Have breakfast
→ Go to school
→ Have lunch
→ Go home
→ Have dinner
→ Brush my teeth
→ Go to bed
Adverb to express time:
→ o‟clock
To describe daily routines. Present Simple in 1° Person
I get up at 7 o‟clock.
I have breakfast at 8
Comentario [A6]: Which
strategies/ skills will they develop?
Expressions to tell the time
(prepositional phrases)
→ half past
→ quarter past
→ quarter to
To express time. It‟s half past 7.
It‟s quarter past 7.
It‟s quarter to 7
PowerPoint presentation with pictures of Miss Vale‟s routine and clocks.
True or False cards about time in a PowerPoint presentation.
Miss Vale‟s talking character made with VOKI.
Zoom whiteboard,
Tutorial video and link to work on VOKI and PADLET. (homework)
Timing: 4-5 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct
speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
I will greet the children by saying „Hello everyone, how are you today?‟ while making a greeting
gesture with my hand. While doing so, I will prepare myself to share my screen, displaying a
calendar which they are already familiar with. I will make sure everyone sees it by asking „Now,
tell me, can you see the calendar on your screen?‟ If the answer is positive, I will say "Okay,
look at the calendar. Can you tell me what day is it today? You are right, today is
(Monday/Wednesday). Now, tell me, what date is it today? 1, 2, 15? Yes, today is (5). Excellent,
my students!‟
Comentario [A7]: Tell the time
Illustrative example. Taken from:
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
„Well everybody, I want to tell you a little more about me. Tell me, what time do you think
I start my day?‟
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
I will share a PowerPoint presentation on the screen. I will then ask the students 'Can
you see my screen on yours?' to make sure everyone can see it. Once we are ready, I will
introduce them to "Mini Miss Vale" which is a cartoon character created by me, who is
going to tell students about my routine. To do this, I am going to go to the second slide
(see illustrative image) and I am going to read the first speech bubble, 'Hello you there!
This is Miss Vale! I will tell you about my daily routine'. I will continue with the reading of
the following slides one by one to introduce the expressions of time. I am going to read
the next slide and say 'I get up at 8 o'clock every day. Look at the clock, the short hand
points to 8 and the long hand points to 12. It's 8 o'clock. I get up at 8 o'clock.'
emphasizing the time expression. The next three slides will be read and commented on in
the same way so that the students become familiar with these expressions.
The next 6 slides are presented in a different way. Mini Miss Vale tells the students
what activities she does and at what time but this time the clocks do not have the minute
hands drawn, so students will have to draw them. For this, I will continue reading 'I will
tell you about other activities I do every day. This time, YOU will draw the hands. Are
you ready? GO!' so to invite them to participate in the following slides. I will change the
slide and the students will see Mini Miss Vale with a speech bubble that says 'I have
lunch at 12 o’clock'. At that point I am going to say 'Hmm! Okay, I get up at 8 o'clock.
Comentario [A8]: Check slide 7.
They won´t draw the watches.
They will draw the hands on the
But look at the clock; we only have the short hand pointing at 8. We don't have the long
hand. We should draw it, but pointing to what number to make it 8 o'clock?' In case
students do not remember where that hand should point, I will go back to slide 2 where
that time expression was displayed, rereading the speech bubble and showing them the
clock again. Once that is done, we will return to the slide of the clock that we must draw
and I will say 'Who wants to draw the long hand?'. For this to be possible, I will need to
make sure that the option to write on the screen is enabled for students.
This process will be repeated with the next slides until all clocks are drawn. There are
six total slides with clocks to complete, one for each student so everyone can participate.
Taken from the PowerPoint Presentation to be used in this section. Click the link to see it:
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
„Excellent, children! You have done it so well! Now, my clocks have some problems. Can you help
me to decide if the times are correct or not? Let‟s do it!‟
Main Activity 1:
Timing: 5-7 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
This first activity will be based on a TRUE or FALSE game. We will continue working on
the same PowerPoint presentation that we used previously. To introduce the activity to
the students, I will say 'Okay, apparently we have some problems with Mini Miss Vale’s
clocks. Let's see what time she thinks it is and what time appears on the clock. If Mini
Miss Vale gets it right, let's say the sentence is TRUE. If she does not get it right, we
will say that the sentence is FALSE and we will all try to correct it together. Are we all
ready? Well, let's get started!'
I will show them the first slide of the activity. I will invite one of the students to read
the sentence by saying 'Does anyone want to read the sentence?' In case no one offers,
I will name the students myself or I will read them myself.
Taken from the PowerPoint presentation to be shared with the students.
Once the sentence is read, I will guide them through the decision process about whether
it is true or false. For this, I will say 'Hmm! Well, she thinks it's quarter past 1. Is she
right? Look at the clock. The short hand is pointing at 12 and the long one is pointing at 3.
Is it quarter past 1?'. If they answer correctly, I will congratulate them and move on to
the next slide. In case they answer the wrong way or have trouble identifying the time, I
will remind them on how to read and say it. I will say 'Remember, the short hand always
marks the time. In this case, it is pointing at 12. Now, if the long hand is at 12, then it is
o'clock. If it is at 3, it's quarter past, that is, 15 minutes of that hour have passed. If
the long hand is on 6, then it's half past. If it's at 9, it's quarter to, that is, there are 15
minutes left for that hour' and in this way I will invite them to reflect again on their
The process will be repeated with the following slides until all the sentences and clocks
have been seen.
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
„Excellent, children! You have done it so well!Now, you know about my routine but I don’t
know about yours.Do you want to tell me?‟
Main Activity 2:
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
This second activity will be based on the preparation of the students for the task that
will be introduced in the closure, which they will have to complete at home.
To start, I will say 'Well children, it's time to take our notebooks out. Do you have them
at hand? Do you also have a pen? Show me! Excellent'. While they find their notebooks
and get ready, I will share the Zoom Whiteboard on the screen for everyone to see. I will
make sure everyone sees it before I explain the activity, for which I will ask 'Can you see
the board? Can I explain the task? Okay, let's begin'. The board will be already written,
so we do not lose time. It will contain the following items:
October ___
Write about 5 or 6 activities you do every day. You can include the following activities and any other you
do during quarantine (watch TV, read comics, play video games, etc.). Be sure to include the time.
For example: I get up at 8 o‟clock.
Once everyone sees the whiteboard on their screen, I will read the task and then say
'Well, first of all, we don’t have to copy this in the notebook, okay? We're just going to
look at the task the pictures to guide our work in the notebook. So, what we are going to
do is to write about 5 or 6 activities that you do every day in quarantine, okay? It can be
one of those that you see on the screen, or it can be any other you want, such as read
comics, play videogames, play the drums or the piano, yes? Any activity you want. BUT
remember to write the time as in the example, which says - I get up at 8 o'clock. Okay?
Come on!'
If they have some problems with the routine vocabulary or with time expressions, I will
invite all the students to help him/her. I will say „Okay, listen to me! X doesn’t remember
how to say Z in English. Does someone remember? How do we say Z in English?‟. After
they have replied, I will congratulate them and write their answer in the whiteboard so
everybody can see it.
Once everyone has finished their sentences, they can read them in class. Those who do
not want to do so; I will ask them to send them to me through WhatsApp when the
meeting ends so I can read them and check that they are okay.
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
„If you had to invent your own avatar, how do you imagine it would be? What
characteristics would it have?‟
Comentario [A9]: waste
Comentario [A10]: Maybe just the
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
After asking them about their possible avatar, I will share a Padlet wall on the screen
where we will find a picture of a speaking character. I will say, 'Look, here's my avatar, it
can speak! Do you want to hear what she says?'. At that moment, I will click on my
avatar‟s picture and a new tab will open with the video of my speaking character created
with VOKI, I will play it and they will hear what my avatar has to tell them. The image-
quality will not be a problem in this case, since the only thing that has movement from the
avatar are the lips, so the most important thing is what the students will hear.
Click to see the avatar speaking:
After the students have listened to the task that my avatar gave them to do at home, I
will say 'Well children, you already heard my avatar. You are going to create your own
character with VOKI and make them say what activities you do every day, those
activities that you wrote in the previous activity, remember?' I will continue saying 'So, I
am going to send you a video through WhatsApp explaining how VOKI works and I am also
going to give you the link so you can enter the page. The idea is that when you finish it,
we share them on this PADLET so that we can all see them, okay? It will be fun!'.
Having said that, I will say goodbye to the students saying 'Okay, we finish here! But you
have some homework to do. I am looking forward to seeing your avatars! See you next
class, bye bye!'
Homework – To be sent to the students
Hello my students!
You are going to create your own speaking character and share it through Padlet!
We already know how to use Padlet, but here you have some guidance on how to write a new
post and the steps you must follow to do this activity:
Now, we‟re ready to start! Click on the following link to see our PADLET. You will find there
my talking avatar and a video tutorial on how to create yours.
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and
Good job!!
Clase Nº: 3 – October 14th
Learning Aims
During this lesson, learners will be able to…
Improve listening and speaking skills by interacting with their teacher and their classmates
through the activities.
Improve their listening skills through a song.
Consolidate daily routines vocabulary and learn new phrases related to the topic.
Work on the Present Simple form of the verbs in 3rd
personwhile improving cognitive skills
through the analysis and understanding of the aforementioned structure.
Work on their social, collaborative and speaking skills by interacting with peers and the
Language Focus
Routines (every day activities)
→ Get up
→ Have breakfast
→ Go to school
→ Have lunch
→ Go home
→ Have dinner
→ Brush my teeth
→ Go to bed
Expressions to tell the time
To describe daily routines. Present Simple in 1° Person
I get up at 7 o‟clock.
I have breakfast at 8
Comentario [A11]: What for?
Describe aims in terms of language
functions, strategies and skills
(prepositional phrases)
→ half past
→ quarter past
→ quarter to
→ o‟clock
To express tell thetime. It‟s half past 7.
It‟s quarter past 7.
It‟s quarter to 7
More daily activities‟
→ Get up
→ Get dressed
→ Have a shower
To describe daily routines. Present Simple form of the
verbs in 3rd
He gets up at when it‟s dark.
He gets dressed.
He has a shower at half
past 2.
“Mr Upside Down” song and illustrative pictures of his weird routine.
Present Simple Game made with Wordwall.
Activity Book, page 49.
Timing: 4-5 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct
speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
I will greet the children by saying „Hello everyone, how are you today?‟ while making a greeting
gesture with my hand. While doing so, I will prepare myself to share my screen, displaying a
calendar which they are already familiar with. I will make sure everyone sees it by asking „Now,
tell me, can you see the calendar on your screen?‟ If the answer is positive, I will say "Okay,
look at the calendar. Can you tell me what day is it today? You are right, today is
(Monday/Wednesday). Now, tell me, what date is it today? 1, 2, 15? Yes, today is (5). Excellent,
my students!‟
Illustrative example. Taken from:
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
„Okay my students. Today, we are going to work with Sam. Do you remember him? He
wants to tell us a little about him. Are you ready? Let‟s get started!‟
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
This lesson will begin by asking students to open their Class Books on page 59. That same
section will be shared on the screen by me. Once the students are ready and the book
page is on the screen, I will say 'Well children, the man you see in the pictures is Mr
Upside Down. He has a somewhat somehowstrange routine. Look at the pictures and tell
me, what activities does he do?' In case they do not remember the name of the
activities, I will ask questions such as'Does he have breakfast? yes or no? - Does he have
lunch? What other activities do we see him doing?' Once this is done, I will say 'Well,
let's see if our ideas are correct or not while we listen to the song, okay?'. For this to be
possible, I will have to make sure to share the full screen so that not only the player
function is activated, but also that they see the song lyrics and the illustrative pictures.
I will also have to activate the option of "share sound from the device".
Taken from Young Explorers 2, Oxford – Class Book, page 59.
Once we have heard the song once or twice, I will encourage students to talk about the
activities that Mr Upside Down does daily. We will start with picture number one, and I
will ask 'Okay, according to what we’ve just heard in the song and what we see in picture
number 1, at what time of day does Mr Upside Down get up? In the morning, in the
afternoon, in the evening or at night?'. In case they do not answer correctly, I will make
a confused gesture with my face while saying 'Hmmm! Are you sure? Look at the picture,
it's dark. So, what moment of the day is it? Is it the morning, the afternoon, the evening,
or is it at night? Yes, it's at night!’. Then, I will continue asking about the other activities
and the time Mr Upside Down does them. For example, I will say „Okay, look at picture
number 5. What activity does he do in that picture? Does he have dinner or breakfast? –
Okay. Now, tell me. What time does he have dinner? Look at the watch. Is it 12 o’clock in
the afternoon? No, it isn’t. Is it a quarter to 1 in the afternoon? Yes, it is. Great!‟. In the
case of the new phrases (wake up, get dressed, have a shower), I will make emphasis on
their pronunciation and invite them to repeat them while pointing at the illustrative
picture of each one with the red light from Zoom. For example, I will say „Look at picture
number 2. He gets dressed, right? Let’s repeat all together. He gets dressed. Excellent!’.
This process will be repeated until we have talked about all the activities.
To sum up this character‟s routine, I will ask „What activities does Mr Upside Down do at
night?‟. In case they have difficulties answering the question, I will encourage them to
think about it by making questions such as „Does he wake up at night? – Does he have
lunch at night?‟. This will be repeated until the four main moments of the day have been
mentioned (morning, afternoon, evening, night).
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
Comentario [A12]: I love it! 
We´re using this book at school
and we sang this song last week.
‘It seems that Mr Upside Down wanted to write about his daily routine in our Activity Books,
but he didn’t write it in the correct order. So, open your Activity Books on atpage 47 and let’s
help him!’
Main Activity 1 -
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
This activity will be focused on the comprehension of the topics worked on in the
presentation stage. I will encourage students to start by saying ‘Okay students, it’s time
to open our Activity Books on page 49. Be sure to have your pencils, please!’. At this point,
I will also share that page on the screen so everyone can see it. Then, I will say ‘Well,
here we are. Look at the pictures, children. Who do you see? It’s Mr Upside Down! But
look, all the pictures are disordered. To put them in order again, first we have to know
what he is doing in each picture, okay? So let’s read the sentences and match them with
the pictures!’. I will encourage them to take part on it by saying ‘Well, let’s start by
reading the first sentence. Who wants to read it?’ while marking the first sentence on
the screen with the Zoom pencil. If nobody offers themselves to read, I will ask one by
one if he/she can do it. Once it is done, I will guide the activity by repeating what the
sentence says and then asking ‘Okay, in what picture do you see Mr Upside Down working
in a shop? Well, yes! It’s picture C!’. This will be done until all sentences are matched with
their respective pictures.
Once the previous step is ready, it will be time to put the pictures in order. To do so, I
will ask students to look at the pictures carefully and then ask ‘As you know, Mr Upside
Down’s day starts at night when it’s dark. But, what activity does he do first?’. If the
students have difficulties answering this question, I will help them by sharing on the
screen the illustrative pictures from the song and say ‘Okay, here we have the pictures.
Look at number 1, what does he do first? Does he go to work? Does he wake up? Yes, he
wakes up! So, go back to your Activity Books. What picture is number 1? Yes, it’s picture
B’. This will be done until all pictures are numbered.
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
„Apparently, Mr Upside Down wrote sentences about his routine but these are not completed.
Let‟s play a game and help him!‟
Main Activity 2 -
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
This activity‟s purpose is to help students understand the Present Simple structure in 3rd
person. I will start by sharing the Present Simple Game on the screen and then will say
‘Well children, here we have our game. Are you ready to play? Let’s read the first
sentence that Mr Upside Down has written to us. It says –Mr Upside Down ____ when
it’s dark. - What option do you think is the correct one? Wake up or wakes up?’making
emphasis on the /s/ sound at the end of the second option. This will be repeated until all
the sentences are completed.
Game created by Valeria Zentner to be played in this lesson. Available at
Students may not have completed all the sentences correctly, so when the game finishes
I will share a picture of Sophie, one of the characters from the book we use. It will say
the following:
Once it is on the screen, I will invite one of the students to read it, or I will do it myself.
After that, I will ask them ‘Why do you think here Sophie says –wake up- and here she
says –wakes up-?’ while pointing at those phrases with the Zoom red light. I will
encourage students to make deductions it by asking questions such as ‘Read the first
sentence again. It says –I get up at 8 o’clock. Is she talking about herself or about
someone else? Okay, she is talking about herself. Now, read the last sentence. It says –
He gets up when it’s dark.’ while making emphasis on the /s/ sound again. I will continue
saying ‘So, in that last sentence, is Sophie talking about herself or someone else? Yes,
she’s talking about someone else, about Mr Upside Down. So, pay attention! When we talk
about the activities WE do, we express them as we have learnt them, okay? BUT, when
we talk about the activities another person does, we have to add an S at the end of that
word, as in wakes up, right?’.
Comentario [A13]: May they
check on their books? They can
read the lyrics. 
Comentario [A14]: Try to elicit the
rules from students. Draw their
attention to spelling.
Once the explanation is given, I will encourage students to play the game all together
again in the same way as before so to practisce what has already been learnt.
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
‘Excellent job, children! Now, let’s sing Mir Upside Down again and practisce what we have learnt
Timing: 5 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
I will share the Mr Upside Down lyrics and illustrative pictures with the music player on
the screen again and say „Open your Class Books on page 59 again. There you have the
song lyrics. Are you ready?‟ Once they are ready, I will play the song through Zoom and
we all will sing it again. When it finishes, I will ask them if they want to sing it again, and
if they do, it will be done.
After we have done so, I will say ‘Excellent, kids! You have worked so well today! It’s time
to go now but we are going to meet again next class, okay? See you then! By bye!’
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and
Observations You should have included the activity from the Activity Book.
What about systematizing the rules by means of some examples?
Clase Nº: 4 – October 19th
Learning Aims
During this lesson, learners will be able to…
Improve their listening skills through listening about Sophie.
Improve listening and speaking skills by interacting with their teacher and their classmates
through the activities.
Consolidate daily routines vocabulary.
Work on the Present Simple form of the verbs in 3rd
person through a personalized activity.
Improve their writing skills by writing about a member of their family.
Language Focus
Routines (every day activities)
→ Get up
→ Have breakfast
→ Go to school
→ Have lunch
→ Go home
→ Have dinner
→ Brush my teeth
→ Go to bed
→ Wake up
→ Get dressed
→ Have a shower
Expressions to tell the time
(prepositional phrases)
→ half past
→ quarter past
→ quarter to
→ o‟clock
To describe daily routines.
To express tell thetime.
Present Simple form of the
verbs in 3rd
He gets up at when it‟s dark.
He gets dressed.
He has a shower at half
past 2.
It‟s half past 7.
It‟s quarter past 7.
It‟s quarter to 7
PowerPoint presentation with Presentation and Main Activity 1 on it.
Student‟s notebooks.
Padlet – “Our Family Members”
Track 50, CD2 – Sophie‟s Routine
Timing: 4-5 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct
speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
I will greet the children by saying „Hello everyone, how are you today?‟ while making a greeting
gesture with my hand. While doing so, I will prepare myself to share my screen, displaying a
calendar which they are already familiar with. I will make sure everyone sees it by asking „Now,
tell me, can you see the calendar on your screen?‟ If the answer is positive, I will say "Okay,
look at the calendar. Can you tell me what day is it today? You are right, today is
(Monday/Wednesday). Now, tell me, what date is it today? 1, 2, 15? Yes, today is (5). Excellent,
my students!‟
Illustrative example. Taken from:
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
Mike, one of the characters from the book will say to the students ‘Hello friends! How
are you? Today, you’ll learn about my sister’s routine. Her name is Sophie. Do you
remember her?’
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
Before starting the activity, I will share on the screen a PowerPoint presentation in
which Mike, one of the characters in the book, will talk about his sister Sophie's routine.
I will make sure everyone can see it by asking 'Tell me children, can you see my
presentation on your screen?'. Once they reply, I will show them the second slide where
Mike appears with a speech bubble saying 'Hello friends! How are you? Today, you’ll learn
about my sister’s routine. Her name is Sophie. Do you remember her?', then I will say 'Do
you remember Sophie? She is the one in these pictures' while I show them the second
slide with images of her.
Taken from the PowerPoint presentation to be shared in this lesson.
Next, we will analyze the images and the clocks to be able to continue with the activity.
To do this, I will ask 'Look at picture 1, there's Sophie. What activity do you think she’s
doing? Is she having breakfast? waking up? Brushing her teeth? What is she doing?'.
Once the activity is identified, we will continue with the clocks. I will say 'Okay, now let's
look at clocks A and B in the same picture. On clock A, what time is it? Do we know?'. In
case it is difficult to express what time it is, I will guide students by saying 'Let's
remember that the short hand is the one that marks the hour. Look at what number it's
pointing to. Well, it's pointing to 6, we have to take that number into account. Now notice
the long hand, it marks the minutes. Do you remember that we go from 5 to 5? If it is
pointing to the number 3, how many minutes passedfrom 6? Let's count ... 5, 10 15. 15
minutes passed from 6. It's quarter past 6'. This will be repeated until all the activities
and clocks from the pictures are identified.
Comentario [A15]: Slide 1:
Learning about… (instead of
Comentario [A16]: Careful with
the tenses in the questions.
Remember you are practising
Simple Present tense to describe
Comentario [A17]: Went by
Once this is done, it will be time to listen to the conversation between Mike and Sophie
about their routine. Before doing so, I will introduce this step of the activity by saying
'Okay, now that we know about the activities that Sophie is doing, we are going to do the
task that Mike gave us, okay? We are going to listen to a conversation between the two
of them and we are going to try to choose the correct clock. ' To do this activity, I will
have to share my entire desktop on the screen, with the presentation and the audio
player so that we can all hear the conversation. Then I'll say 'Okay, let's go picture by
picture. Let's get started ', while I play the audio.
CD 2, Track 50
1. Sophie: I’m tired!
Mike: What time do you wake up?
Sophie: I wake up at half past six.
2. Mike: What time do you get dressed, Sophie?
Sophie: I get dressed at quarter to seven.
Mike: That’s early!
3. Sophie: I’m hungry!
Mike: What time do you have lunch?
Sophie: At quarter past 1.
4. Mike: I have a shower in the evening. What about you, Sophie?
Sophie: I have a shower in the evening too. I have a shower at half past nine.
5. Sophie: Do you brush your teeth at night?
Mike: Yes, I do!
Sophie: Me too. I brush my teeth at ten o’clock. Then I go to bed.
When the first part of the audio about the first picture has finished, I will pause the
audio and ask 'Okay, Sophie wakes up early in the morning. But what time? At quarter
past 6 or half past 6?'. This process will be repeated until all the watches have been
correctly identified. After that, we are going to do some comprehension work. To do so, I
will show the students the following slide in which Mike says to the students ‘EXCELLENT,
it. Can you help me?’. In the following slides, there will be Sophie‟s routine pictures, but
with incomplete sentences to guide students to answer Mike questions. For the task to be
completed, I will show them the following slide and will read what Mike says, ‘Look at the
picture and the clock. What time does Sophie wake up?’making emphasis on the last
phrase. I will continue reading the incomplete sentence so to encourage them to answer
Mike‟s question. This will be done until all the questions have been answered.
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
‘EXCELLENT, MY FRIENDS! VERY GOOD JOB!Miss Vale has also got a sister. Let’s see what
she does every day!’
Comentario [A18]: Slide 4
Now, not know!
Comentario [A19]: You may ask
them to write down their answers in
the chat box.
Main activity 1
Timing: 5- 6 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
This activity purpose is to prepare students to talk about one of their family members‟
routine. To do so, I will introduce my own sister‟s daily activities with some pictures in
the same PowerPoint presentation than before.
After reading Mike‟s introduction to the activity, I will show the following slide to the
students in which they will see one of the four pictures of my sister‟s routine. Next to
the picture, they will see two sentences to choose from to be the correct one. I will
invite one of the students to read them, and after this is done I will say ‘Okay, my sister
brushes or brush her teeth at 8 o’clock? What option is the correct one? 1 or 2?’ while
making emphasis on the two main verbs of the sentences. To help them decide the
correct option, I will remind them of what we worked on in the previous lesson. I will say
'Do you remember that last class we talked about how to talk about the activities that
someone else does? Well, when we talk about another person, what should we add to the
verb or word that represents that activity? That's right, we should add an S. So what is
the correct option?'.
This will be done until all pictures are matched with the correct pictures.
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
‘VERY GOOD JOB, MY FRIENDS!What if you tell us about a family member of yours?’
Main activity 2
Timing: 10 -15 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
In this activity, students will be encouraged to write about a family member and the daily
activities that he or she performs. For this, I am going to say 'Okay, we already heard
Sam talking about his sister's routine and you also already know about the daily activities
that my sister does. Now it is your turn to talk about a member of your family. I want you
to choose anyone who lives with you at home, who are you going to talk about? Tell me!'.
Once students answer this last question, I will say 'Okay, now think about the activities
that person does during this quarantine. You got it?'. Next, I will ask them to take out
their notebooks to start the activity and then say‘Okay, since you have chosen a member
of your family and decided the activities that he or she does, I want you to write in your
notebooks 5 or 6 of those activities. Don’t forget to write the time in which these
activities are done, okay? For example, you can say -My mum gets up at 8 o'clock- Right?
Once they finish, we are going to share what you wrote'.
Comentario [A20]: Slide 14
You used he instead of she.
Comentario [A21]: You should
write a few examples in the chat
box or on the board.
When they are ready, I will encourage them to share their sentences so their classmates
and I can hear them. This will be an instance of checking the activity to verify that there
are no mistakes. If there is any mistake in the sentences, we will analyze them all
together. To do so, I will ask that student to repeat the sentence and then I will say
'Hmmm! Well, is that sentence is okay? Is there something missing? Is there an extra
word? What do you think?' This is how we will work on correcting the mistakes that
appear if any.
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
‘Excellent job, children. What do you think about sharing what you wrote so we all can read
about your family members’ routine?’
Timing: 5 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
In this last activity, I will introduce the Padlet wall that we will use to share everything
written in the previous activity. I will start by sharing it on the screen and then reading
the first post I left there to guide the students in their activity. After doing so, I will
remind the students how they should make their comment on this site by saying 'Well,
remember that to make your comment you must first click on this small circle below.
Then, where it says -title- we are going to write our name so that we can identify our
writings. Under your names, you are going to write the same you have written in your
notebooks, okay? Do you know what else you can add? A photo or drawing of the person
you wrote about! It will be great! Then, we can like or comment on the publications of our
classmates’ while marking and following the steps in real time so that they know how to
perform each step.
After having given the explanation, I am going to say 'Okay, be aware because when our
Zoom meeting is over, I will send you the link to access our Padlet, alright? Well, I’ll be
reading your posts. See you next class. Bye bye!'
Comentario [A22]: You may ask
them to write the sentences in the
chat box, so as to check spelling.
Comentario [A23]: attentive
Comentario [A24]: You may
encourage them to read their
classmates´ posts and even add a
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and
Keep an eye on some language mistakes!
Clase Nº: 5 – October 21st
Learning Aims
During this lesson, learners will be able to…
Improve listening and speaking skills by interacting with their teacher and their classmates
through the activities.
Work on their reading skills by reading a text about time zones.
Learn and understand about different time zones.
Consolidate their knowledge on Present Simple structures and time expressions.
Improve listening and speaking skills by interacting with their teacher and their classmates
through the activities.
Language Focus
Routines (every day activities)
→ Get up
→ Have breakfast
→ Go to school
→ Have lunch
→ Go home
→ Have dinner
→ Brush my teeth
→ Go to bed
→ Wake up
→ Get dressed
→ Have a shower
Expressions to tell the time
(prepositional phrases)
→ half past
→ quarter past
→ quarter to
→ o‟clock
To describe daily routines.
To tell the time.
Present Simple form of the
verbs in 3rd
He gets up at when it‟s dark.
He gets dressed.
He has a shower at half
past 2.
It‟s half past 7.
It‟s quarter past 7.
It‟s quarter to 7
Prepositions of time
→ ahead
→ behind
To express time difference
between cities
Beijing is seven hours ahead
of Madrid.
Mexico City is 7 hours
behind Madrid.
PowerPoint presentation with pictures as an introduction to the text and activities.
Class Book, page 61.
Interactive game to be played in real time – Quizizz
Timing: 4-5 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct
speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
I will greet the children by saying „Hello everyone, how are you today?‟ while making a greeting
gesture with my hand. While doing so, I will prepare myself to share my screen, displaying a
calendar which they are already familiar with. I will make sure everyone sees it by asking „Now,
tell me, can you see the calendar on your screen?‟ If the answer is positive, I will say "Okay,
look at the calendar. Can you tell me what day is it today? You are right, today is
(Monday/Wednesday). Now, tell me, what date is it today? 1, 2, 15? Yes, today is (5). Excellent,
my students!‟
Illustrative example. Taken from:
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
„Okay my students. Today, we are going to work with Sam. Do you remember him? He
wants to tell us a little about him. Are you ready? Let‟s get started!‟
Timing: 5 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
To introduce the topics that will be worked on through the text in Main Activity 1, I will
share on the screen a PowerPoint presentation with the three images that the text
contains. I will show them to the students one by one and say 'Okay, look at the picture.
Tell me, what activity does he/she do in the picture? Does he have lunch, or maybe
breakfast, what does he do?'. Once the activity is identified, I will try to guide the
students to think about what time of day it is, that is, what time it is in each photo. For
example, I will say 'Okay, if the boy has breakfast, what time do you think it is in that
Once we have discussed the activities and times, we are ready to move on to the next
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
'Well, now that we've seen some pictures of these children, let's open our Class Books on
page 61 and find out what time it really is on each picture. Maybe we'll even find out
something else!'
Main Activity 1
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
This activity will be based on reading a text about different cities and the time
difference between them. To get started, I will share the page of text on the screen and
say'Okay, notice that the same pictures we saw a moment ago are in this text. Let's read
about these kids'. I will invite the students to read by asking 'Does anyone want to
read?' while mentioning their names to encourage them to do so. The idea is they read a
little each one, so those who want to read will have the opportunity to do so.
Once the text has been read, we will work on their understanding of it. To do this, I will
ask questions such as 'What is the name of the child in the first photo? Where is he
from? What time is it in the photo? What do people do at that time? Do they eat lunch,
work, go to school? What do they do? Well, what about the second image? Where is he
from? What time is it there? How many hours are there?'. When the time comes to talk
about the time difference between the cities, we will think together how many hours
there are between each of the three cities, Mexico City, Madrid and Beijing. For
Comentario [A25]: This question
is not clear.
example, I will say 'Well, if in Mexico City it is 8 o'clock and in Madrid it is 1 o'clock also
in the morning, how many hours are there apart?' and when they reply I will write “-7
hours” above the text.
Once this is done, I will encourage students to do the TRUE or FALSE activity that is
below the text. To do this, I will read each sentence emphasizing the most important
informationin each one. I will say 'When it's eight o'clock in the morning in Madrid, it's
light in Mexico City. Hmmm, is it true or false? If you have any doubts, go back to the
text and find it!'. In case they have any doubts, I will read a phrase or sentence from the
text to help them think of the correct answer.
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
‘Well little students, we already know that when it is 8 o'clock in Madrid, it is 1 o'clock in
the morning in Mexico City and 3 o'clock in the afternoon in Beijing. But ... what time
would it be in our town?’.
Main Activity 2
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
In this last activity we will work with the time difference between our town and Madrid,
one of the cities mentioned in the text of the previous activity. To do this, I will share
the PowerPoint presentation again on the screen but this time showing two different
clocks, one marking Madrid time and the other on blank to draw Pedro Luro time.
Taken from the PowerPoint presentation to be shared in this lesson. Available at:
To introduce the activity, I will say 'Okay, let's see what time difference there is
between Madrid andour town. Well, Pedro Luro is 5 hours behind Madrid. So ... if it's 8
o'clock in the morning in Madrid, what time would it be in Pedro Luro?' I will scaffold this
step by saying something like 'Okay, remember that Pedro Luro is FIVE hours BEHIND
Comentario [A26]: Challenging!
Madrid' while making gestures with my hands back for them to realize that we must
subtract 5 hours from Madrid time.I will continue saying 'So if we have to subtract 5
hours from Madrid time, and it's 8there, what time is it in Pedro Luro? Well, it's 3 in the
morning. Excellent!'. After doing thisanalysis, I will invite the students to draw the time
on the Pedro Luro clock. I willguide them by reminding how the time is marked by saying
‘Remember that the short hand marksthe hour and the long hand marks the minutes. So
if we have to dial 3 o'clock, where do we have to point the short hand to and where the
long hand?'.
This process will be repeated until all clocks in the display are drawn with the correct
hour timeof Pedro Luro.
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
'Very good children, you have worked very well! Now we know the time difference between
Madrid and Pedro Luro, but we do not know what activities we do at those times. Let's play and
find it out!'
Timing: 10 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include
direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
The purpose of this activity will be to close the lesson and the unit. To do this, we will do
a live game all together through Quizizz.
Through the Zoom chat (or WhatsApp) I will share the link of the game with the
students and I will tell them 'Well, let's play! I just shared the link of the game through
the Zoom chat; open it to the account of 3 all together. Let's count, 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... open it,
come on!'
Click on the link to play the game:
I will explain that the game will only start once we are all connected, we have written our names
and clicked on "Play". Once we are all ready, I will guide the game so we can play them all
together. I will start by saying 'Okay little students, let's get started! Let's see the first
question, this one says -When it's 1 o'clock at night in Madrid, what time is it in Pedro Luro? -
Well, let's see now the possible answers, we only have one minute to answer! Try to read the
options and don't say anything, you must choose the option that you think is correct, okay? Then
we’re going to share our results'. In case they have any questions, I will invite them to look at
the clock on each question so that they can have it as a guide. We will work this way until all 6
questions are answered by everyone.
Once everyone finishes playing, I will share the results of the game on the screen so that we
can see who the winner was, who will be congratulated by me and the rest of the students. Once
Comentario [A27]: signals
Comentario [A28]: If they are
using their phones, they need the
app. Have they already installed it?
Comentario [A29]: The clocks in
the “questions” do not match the
text… why?
that is done, I will share the question cards so we can really see what the correct answers were
to each question.
In this way, we will finish the class and it will be time to say goodbye. I will say 'Excellent work
today little students! They have carried out the activities very very well. It is time to go now,
but we will see each other again the next class with many surprises! See you then!’.
To be completed by your tutor:
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and
Observations (voice note)

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DU1 - My Day

  • 2. 2 UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA N° 1 – MY DAY Grado: 4th Grade Nivel lingüístico del curso:Elementary Cantidad de alumnos: 6 Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática:My day NOTE: All of the activities are described as suggested by the tutor, in terms of timing, description and instructions, and transition comments. Scaffolding strategies are included within the description of each activity. Clase Nº: 1 – October 5th Learning Aims During this lesson, learners will be able to… Learn vocabulary related to daily routines. Consolidate expressions of time through its relationship with daily activities. Improve their listening and speaking skills through a game. Improve social skills by playing two different games that require listening and respecting their partner. Language Focus LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Adverb to express time: → o‟clock To say what time is it. Verb to be – positive and interrogative. What time is it? It‟s 7 o‟clock. It‟s 8 o‟clock. Comentario [A1]: Identify Comentario [A2]: Word order! To tell the time.
  • 3. 3 N E W Routines (every day activities) vocabulary: → Get up → Have breakfast → Go to school → Have lunch → Go home → Have dinner → Brush my teeth → Go to bed To describe daily routines Present Simple in 1° Person I get up at 7 o‟clock. I have breakfast at 8 o‟clock. Materials On-line Calendar from ClassroomScreen (interactive white-board) Power Point Presentation (Sam‟s routine and activities) Image with a table for speaking activity and timer, from ClassroomScreen Cards to play Hang Man in a PPT. Procedures ROUTINE Timing: 4-5 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: I will greet the children by saying „Hello everyone, how are you today?‟ while making a greeting gesture with my hand. While doing so, I will prepare myself to share my screen, displaying a calendar which they are already familiar with. I will make sure everyone sees it by asking „Now, tell me, can you see the calendar on your screen?‟ If the answer is positive, I will say "Okay, look at the calendar. Can you tell me what day is it today? You are right, today is (Monday/Wednesday). Now, tell me, what date is it today? 1, 2, 15? Yes, today is (5). Excellent, my students!‟
  • 4. 4 Illustrative example. Taken from: Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: „Okay my students. Today we are going to work with Sam. Do you remember him? He wants to tell us a little about him. Are you ready? Let‟s discover what he wants to share with us!‟ WARM- UP &PRESENTATION Timing:10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: I am going to share a PowerPoint presentation on the screen, in which one of the characters from the book we use in class will be the protagonist. This presentation will be presented as a story, and to read it and make it more interesting, I will simulate Sam's voice. The reading will be carried out as follows (commentaries and questions about the pictures included in purple): My Day – by Sam Look, who’s that? That’s right! He’s Sam. You already know him. Let’s start! Hello friends! This is Sam. Today, I will tell you about my daily routine. Let’s start by the beginning. I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.Look at the picture, it’s seven o’clock, right? I have breakfast at 8 o’clock. I go to school.Okay, but what time does he go to school? Look at the watch. What time is it? Look, the short hand of the watch is pointing at 9. So, it is… Yes! It’s 9 o’clock. I have lunch at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Then, I go home.Again, he doesn’t tell us the time. Look at the watch. What time does he
  • 5. 5 go home? Right, he goes home at 4 o’clock. I have dinner in the evening.Hmmm! In the evening… but what time of the evening? Look at the watch. The short hand is pointing at 7. So, it is… Yes! At 7 o’clock! At night, I brush my teeth at 9 o’clock. Finally, I go to bed.Oh, we don’t know what time he goes to bed. Look at the watch, what time is it? Yes, he goes to bed at 10 o’clock! Once the reading is finished, we will continue working with an activity in the same PowerPoint presentation. This activity is based on the consolidation of the new vocabulary introduced in Sam's story. To do so, Sam (the character from the story) will introduce it by saying „So, that’s my routine. Let’s see if you remember it! Read the sentences and choose A or B.‟ and then eight slides will be shown in which Sam will be talking about a different daily activity in each one, and two pictures as options for the students to choose from. The students will be invited to read the sentences, for which I will say 'Who wants to read this sentence? Raise your hand'. Once a student has been selected and the sentence read, I will say 'Okay, thank you. So, which picture best represents this activity? A or B?'. In case students mention the wrong picture, I will make an exaggerated gesture pretending to be confused or thoughtful while saying 'Hmmm, are you sure?' so to encourage them to think and answer again. Otherwise, if students choose the correct image, I will congratulate them by saying 'Very good, my students! Now, let's continue. Who wants to read the following sentence? Raise your hand'. This process will be repeated in each of the slides until all the phrases of the new vocabulary are revisited. Click the link to see the PowerPoint presentation: Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: ‘Congratulations! You‟ve done it so well! - Now that we know about Sam‟s routine, what do you think about learning about our other friends‟ routines? Let‟s do it!’
  • 6. 6 DEVELOPMENT (PRACTICE and PRODUCTION) Timing: 15 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: The main activity is based on a speaking game the students are already familiar with, 'Guess Who!'. Before we start playing, we will get ready to know what to expect and what to talk about. To do so, I am going to share the game table on the screen, and once I make sure everyone can see it, I will say 'Well, look at the table. What characters from the book do you see?'. In case the students do not remember the names, I will encourage them to name them by making clues or questions such as 'Is there (Nick)? OK, no, he's not there. But look, there's Car... Yes, It's Carla! Who else is there?', until all four characters are identified. Then I will ask about the activities shown in the first line of the table, 'Now, pay attention to the daily activities that we have in the first line of the table. Which ones do you see? Look at the names below the pictures'. Adapted from Young Explorers 2, Oxford (Class Book, page 57) I am going to remind them of the rules and instructions of the game by saying 'Okay children, listen! Here we have four of the characters from the book, four of our friends. We can also see the activities they do every day and at what time they do them'. I will continue with the explanation of the game in the following way, 'Well, let's imagine that I amgoing to start, okay? I’ll to choose a character BUT I am not going to tell you who it is. I'm going to give you some clues. For example, I can say ... Hmmm, pay attention! - I get up at 7 o'clock. I have lunch at 1 o'clock. And… I go home at 4 o'clock'. Once the explanation and the example are given, I am going to ask them 'Who am I?', encouraging them to GUESS WHO is the character I have chosen. In case the answer is not correct, I will give the clues again but this time emphasizing on the activities and also on times. Once the game has been understood, I will ask 'Who wants to start?' In case no one dares to start, I will select one of them. To encouragehim/her to do the task, I will say 'Okay (Santi), let's get started! Choose a character BUT don't tell us who it is. Tell me Comentario [A3]: They will only read the names. I mean, they won´t see the characters.
  • 7. 7 when you're ready.'. Once the student has chosen his/her character, I will continue 'Good. Now, tell us what do you do?'. In case the student does not know how to start, I will guide him/her by giving some words of encouragement and some guidelines. I may say 'Don't worry (Santi), you can start by saying - I ... - Look at the phrases below the pictures so to help yourself'.Once the student has finished giving the clues about the character he/she chose, I will invite the rest of the students to guess who it is by saying 'Thank you, (Santi). Now, everybody! Who is it? Is it Carla, Sophie, Mike or Lucy?'. When students reply, I will turn to the student who gave the description and ask, 'Is it right? Is it (Carla)?'. If the answer is negative, I will invite him/her to give the clues again so everybody can guess again. Finally, when the students guess the character, I will congratulate them by saying 'Wow, you are all genius! Excellent! Now, it is (Delfi)'s turn. Come on, choose a character!' The process will be repeated until all students have participated. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: „Great job, children! But ... did you notice that we learned about the routines of all our characters from the book but not from Nick? Do you want to know what he does during the day? Okay, let's do it! But for that, we are going to have towill play a game!‟ CLOSURE Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: The last activity of this lesson will be based on playing a game the students already know, Hang Man. For this, it will be explained to the students that throughout the class we have learned about the routine of 5 of our characters, but we don't know anything about one of the little ones, Nick. Therefore, to know about it, we will have to play Hang Man. To play, I will have to re-share on the screen the PowerPoint presentation that was used before on the Warm-Up and Presentation Stage, in which we will see slides with everything necessary to play. Taken from the PowerPoint presentation used in the Warm-up and Presentation Stage. Click the link to see
  • 8. 8 the PowerPoint presentation: After I make sure everyone can see the slide on their screen, I will proceed with the explanation of the game by saying 'Okay my students, look at the picture. Who's that? Yes, it's Nick. And he has something to tell us. He says - I ... at 8 o'clock in the morning. Hmmm! What does he do at 8 in the morning? Let's count among all the letters that this activity has, let's see there are ... Well, we need X letters. Let’s start!'. I will invite all the students to participate, one by one saying 'Well, who wants to start? Rise your hands if you want to tell me a letter'. In case the letter is correct, I will write it in the corresponding box. If not, I will write the letter below Nick's picture to keep track of the ones that have already been mentioned and are not needed. Also, for each incorrect letter that the students mention, I will take the interactive pencil from the screen and draw a part of the hang man's body, starting with the head, then the body, two legs and two arms. If the hang man‟s body is completed, they lose. If the phrase is successfully completed, I will switch slides to show Nick saying the entire sentence, prompting students to guess the next one. This will repeat until all the sentences have been guessed. Once the game has finished, I will finish the lesson by saying „I’m so happy! You’ve worked very welltoday. It’s time to finish, so, see you next class. Take care! Bye-Bye!‟ Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources x Stages and activities X Scaffolding strategies X Language accuracy X Observations Good start! Comentario [A4]: Check slide 24! The sentence starts At night, and it should start At midday. Comentario [A5]: Do you know this Hangman “creator”? hangman
  • 9. 9 ____________________________________ Clase Nº: 2 – October 7th Learning Aims During this lesson, learners will be able to… Consolidate routine vocabulary and expressions. Learn to read and tell the time. Improve their writing skills by writing about their routines. Improve listening, reading and speaking skills by interacting with their teacher through the activities and by creating their own speaking cartoon character. Work on their imagination and creativity while personalizing their own speaking cartoon character. Know about online resources and web pages to create and share characters. Language Focus LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Routines (every day activities) vocabulary: → Get up → Have breakfast → Go to school → Have lunch → Go home → Have dinner → Brush my teeth → Go to bed Adverb to express time: → o‟clock To describe daily routines. Present Simple in 1° Person I get up at 7 o‟clock. I have breakfast at 8 o‟clock. Comentario [A6]: Which strategies/ skills will they develop?
  • 10. 10 N E W Expressions to tell the time (prepositional phrases) → half past → quarter past → quarter to To express time. It‟s half past 7. It‟s quarter past 7. It‟s quarter to 7 Materials PowerPoint presentation with pictures of Miss Vale‟s routine and clocks. True or False cards about time in a PowerPoint presentation. Miss Vale‟s talking character made with VOKI. Zoom whiteboard, Tutorial video and link to work on VOKI and PADLET. (homework) Procedures ROUTINE Timing: 4-5 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: I will greet the children by saying „Hello everyone, how are you today?‟ while making a greeting gesture with my hand. While doing so, I will prepare myself to share my screen, displaying a calendar which they are already familiar with. I will make sure everyone sees it by asking „Now, tell me, can you see the calendar on your screen?‟ If the answer is positive, I will say "Okay, look at the calendar. Can you tell me what day is it today? You are right, today is (Monday/Wednesday). Now, tell me, what date is it today? 1, 2, 15? Yes, today is (5). Excellent, my students!‟ Comentario [A7]: Tell the time
  • 11. 11 Illustrative example. Taken from: Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: „Well everybody, I want to tell you a little more about me. Tell me, what time do you think I start my day?‟ WARM- UP &PRESENTATION Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: I will share a PowerPoint presentation on the screen. I will then ask the students 'Can you see my screen on yours?' to make sure everyone can see it. Once we are ready, I will introduce them to "Mini Miss Vale" which is a cartoon character created by me, who is going to tell students about my routine. To do this, I am going to go to the second slide (see illustrative image) and I am going to read the first speech bubble, 'Hello you there! This is Miss Vale! I will tell you about my daily routine'. I will continue with the reading of the following slides one by one to introduce the expressions of time. I am going to read the next slide and say 'I get up at 8 o'clock every day. Look at the clock, the short hand points to 8 and the long hand points to 12. It's 8 o'clock. I get up at 8 o'clock.' emphasizing the time expression. The next three slides will be read and commented on in the same way so that the students become familiar with these expressions. The next 6 slides are presented in a different way. Mini Miss Vale tells the students what activities she does and at what time but this time the clocks do not have the minute hands drawn, so students will have to draw them. For this, I will continue reading 'I will tell you about other activities I do every day. This time, YOU will draw the hands. Are you ready? GO!' so to invite them to participate in the following slides. I will change the slide and the students will see Mini Miss Vale with a speech bubble that says 'I have lunch at 12 o’clock'. At that point I am going to say 'Hmm! Okay, I get up at 8 o'clock. Comentario [A8]: Check slide 7. They won´t draw the watches. They will draw the hands on the clocks.
  • 12. 12 But look at the clock; we only have the short hand pointing at 8. We don't have the long hand. We should draw it, but pointing to what number to make it 8 o'clock?' In case students do not remember where that hand should point, I will go back to slide 2 where that time expression was displayed, rereading the speech bubble and showing them the clock again. Once that is done, we will return to the slide of the clock that we must draw and I will say 'Who wants to draw the long hand?'. For this to be possible, I will need to make sure that the option to write on the screen is enabled for students. This process will be repeated with the next slides until all clocks are drawn. There are six total slides with clocks to complete, one for each student so everyone can participate. Taken from the PowerPoint Presentation to be used in this section. Click the link to see it: Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: „Excellent, children! You have done it so well! Now, my clocks have some problems. Can you help me to decide if the times are correct or not? Let‟s do it!‟ DEVELOPMENT (PRACTICE and PRODUCTION) Main Activity 1: Timing: 5-7 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: This first activity will be based on a TRUE or FALSE game. We will continue working on the same PowerPoint presentation that we used previously. To introduce the activity to the students, I will say 'Okay, apparently we have some problems with Mini Miss Vale’s clocks. Let's see what time she thinks it is and what time appears on the clock. If Mini Miss Vale gets it right, let's say the sentence is TRUE. If she does not get it right, we will say that the sentence is FALSE and we will all try to correct it together. Are we all ready? Well, let's get started!' I will show them the first slide of the activity. I will invite one of the students to read the sentence by saying 'Does anyone want to read the sentence?' In case no one offers,
  • 13. 13 I will name the students myself or I will read them myself. Taken from the PowerPoint presentation to be shared with the students. Once the sentence is read, I will guide them through the decision process about whether it is true or false. For this, I will say 'Hmm! Well, she thinks it's quarter past 1. Is she right? Look at the clock. The short hand is pointing at 12 and the long one is pointing at 3. Is it quarter past 1?'. If they answer correctly, I will congratulate them and move on to the next slide. In case they answer the wrong way or have trouble identifying the time, I will remind them on how to read and say it. I will say 'Remember, the short hand always marks the time. In this case, it is pointing at 12. Now, if the long hand is at 12, then it is o'clock. If it is at 3, it's quarter past, that is, 15 minutes of that hour have passed. If the long hand is on 6, then it's half past. If it's at 9, it's quarter to, that is, there are 15 minutes left for that hour' and in this way I will invite them to reflect again on their answer. The process will be repeated with the following slides until all the sentences and clocks have been seen. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: „Excellent, children! You have done it so well!Now, you know about my routine but I don’t know about yours.Do you want to tell me?‟ Main Activity 2: Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: This second activity will be based on the preparation of the students for the task that will be introduced in the closure, which they will have to complete at home. To start, I will say 'Well children, it's time to take our notebooks out. Do you have them at hand? Do you also have a pen? Show me! Excellent'. While they find their notebooks and get ready, I will share the Zoom Whiteboard on the screen for everyone to see. I will
  • 14. 14 make sure everyone sees it before I explain the activity, for which I will ask 'Can you see the board? Can I explain the task? Okay, let's begin'. The board will be already written, so we do not lose time. It will contain the following items: October ___ MY ROUTINE Write about 5 or 6 activities you do every day. You can include the following activities and any other you do during quarantine (watch TV, read comics, play video games, etc.). Be sure to include the time. For example: I get up at 8 o‟clock. Once everyone sees the whiteboard on their screen, I will read the task and then say 'Well, first of all, we don’t have to copy this in the notebook, okay? We're just going to look at the task the pictures to guide our work in the notebook. So, what we are going to do is to write about 5 or 6 activities that you do every day in quarantine, okay? It can be one of those that you see on the screen, or it can be any other you want, such as read comics, play videogames, play the drums or the piano, yes? Any activity you want. BUT remember to write the time as in the example, which says - I get up at 8 o'clock. Okay? Come on!' If they have some problems with the routine vocabulary or with time expressions, I will invite all the students to help him/her. I will say „Okay, listen to me! X doesn’t remember how to say Z in English. Does someone remember? How do we say Z in English?‟. After they have replied, I will congratulate them and write their answer in the whiteboard so everybody can see it. Once everyone has finished their sentences, they can read them in class. Those who do not want to do so; I will ask them to send them to me through WhatsApp when the meeting ends so I can read them and check that they are okay. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: „If you had to invent your own avatar, how do you imagine it would be? What characteristics would it have?‟ Comentario [A9]: waste Comentario [A10]: Maybe just the title
  • 15. 15 CLOSURE Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: After asking them about their possible avatar, I will share a Padlet wall on the screen where we will find a picture of a speaking character. I will say, 'Look, here's my avatar, it can speak! Do you want to hear what she says?'. At that moment, I will click on my avatar‟s picture and a new tab will open with the video of my speaking character created with VOKI, I will play it and they will hear what my avatar has to tell them. The image- quality will not be a problem in this case, since the only thing that has movement from the avatar are the lips, so the most important thing is what the students will hear. Click to see the avatar speaking: After the students have listened to the task that my avatar gave them to do at home, I will say 'Well children, you already heard my avatar. You are going to create your own character with VOKI and make them say what activities you do every day, those activities that you wrote in the previous activity, remember?' I will continue saying 'So, I am going to send you a video through WhatsApp explaining how VOKI works and I am also going to give you the link so you can enter the page. The idea is that when you finish it, we share them on this PADLET so that we can all see them, okay? It will be fun!'. Having said that, I will say goodbye to the students saying 'Okay, we finish here! But you have some homework to do. I am looking forward to seeing your avatars! See you next class, bye bye!'
  • 16. 16 Homework – To be sent to the students Hello my students! You are going to create your own speaking character and share it through Padlet! We already know how to use Padlet, but here you have some guidance on how to write a new post and the steps you must follow to do this activity:
  • 17. 17 Now, we‟re ready to start! Click on the following link to see our PADLET. You will find there my talking avatar and a video tutorial on how to create yours. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources x Stages and activities x
  • 18. 18 Scaffolding strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Good job!! ____________________________________ Clase Nº: 3 – October 14th Learning Aims During this lesson, learners will be able to… Improve listening and speaking skills by interacting with their teacher and their classmates through the activities. Improve their listening skills through a song. Consolidate daily routines vocabulary and learn new phrases related to the topic. Work on the Present Simple form of the verbs in 3rd personwhile improving cognitive skills through the analysis and understanding of the aforementioned structure. Work on their social, collaborative and speaking skills by interacting with peers and the teacher. Language Focus LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Routines (every day activities) vocabulary: → Get up → Have breakfast → Go to school → Have lunch → Go home → Have dinner → Brush my teeth → Go to bed Expressions to tell the time To describe daily routines. Present Simple in 1° Person I get up at 7 o‟clock. I have breakfast at 8 o‟clock. Comentario [A11]: What for? Describe aims in terms of language functions, strategies and skills development.
  • 19. 19 (prepositional phrases) → half past → quarter past → quarter to → o‟clock To express tell thetime. It‟s half past 7. It‟s quarter past 7. It‟s quarter to 7 N E W More daily activities‟ vocabulary → Get up → Get dressed → Have a shower To describe daily routines. Present Simple form of the verbs in 3rd person He gets up at when it‟s dark. He gets dressed. He has a shower at half past 2. Materials “Mr Upside Down” song and illustrative pictures of his weird routine. Present Simple Game made with Wordwall. Activity Book, page 49. Procedures ROUTINE Timing: 4-5 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: I will greet the children by saying „Hello everyone, how are you today?‟ while making a greeting gesture with my hand. While doing so, I will prepare myself to share my screen, displaying a calendar which they are already familiar with. I will make sure everyone sees it by asking „Now, tell me, can you see the calendar on your screen?‟ If the answer is positive, I will say "Okay, look at the calendar. Can you tell me what day is it today? You are right, today is (Monday/Wednesday). Now, tell me, what date is it today? 1, 2, 15? Yes, today is (5). Excellent, my students!‟
  • 20. 20 Illustrative example. Taken from: Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: „Okay my students. Today, we are going to work with Sam. Do you remember him? He wants to tell us a little about him. Are you ready? Let‟s get started!‟ WARM- UP &PRESENTATION Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: This lesson will begin by asking students to open their Class Books on page 59. That same section will be shared on the screen by me. Once the students are ready and the book page is on the screen, I will say 'Well children, the man you see in the pictures is Mr Upside Down. He has a somewhat somehowstrange routine. Look at the pictures and tell me, what activities does he do?' In case they do not remember the name of the activities, I will ask questions such as'Does he have breakfast? yes or no? - Does he have lunch? What other activities do we see him doing?' Once this is done, I will say 'Well, let's see if our ideas are correct or not while we listen to the song, okay?'. For this to be possible, I will have to make sure to share the full screen so that not only the player function is activated, but also that they see the song lyrics and the illustrative pictures. I will also have to activate the option of "share sound from the device".
  • 21. 21 Taken from Young Explorers 2, Oxford – Class Book, page 59. Once we have heard the song once or twice, I will encourage students to talk about the activities that Mr Upside Down does daily. We will start with picture number one, and I will ask 'Okay, according to what we’ve just heard in the song and what we see in picture number 1, at what time of day does Mr Upside Down get up? In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening or at night?'. In case they do not answer correctly, I will make a confused gesture with my face while saying 'Hmmm! Are you sure? Look at the picture, it's dark. So, what moment of the day is it? Is it the morning, the afternoon, the evening, or is it at night? Yes, it's at night!’. Then, I will continue asking about the other activities and the time Mr Upside Down does them. For example, I will say „Okay, look at picture number 5. What activity does he do in that picture? Does he have dinner or breakfast? – Okay. Now, tell me. What time does he have dinner? Look at the watch. Is it 12 o’clock in the afternoon? No, it isn’t. Is it a quarter to 1 in the afternoon? Yes, it is. Great!‟. In the case of the new phrases (wake up, get dressed, have a shower), I will make emphasis on their pronunciation and invite them to repeat them while pointing at the illustrative picture of each one with the red light from Zoom. For example, I will say „Look at picture number 2. He gets dressed, right? Let’s repeat all together. He gets dressed. Excellent!’. This process will be repeated until we have talked about all the activities. To sum up this character‟s routine, I will ask „What activities does Mr Upside Down do at night?‟. In case they have difficulties answering the question, I will encourage them to think about it by making questions such as „Does he wake up at night? – Does he have lunch at night?‟. This will be repeated until the four main moments of the day have been mentioned (morning, afternoon, evening, night). Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: Comentario [A12]: I love it!  We´re using this book at school and we sang this song last week.
  • 22. 22 ‘It seems that Mr Upside Down wanted to write about his daily routine in our Activity Books, but he didn’t write it in the correct order. So, open your Activity Books on atpage 47 and let’s help him!’ DEVELOPMENT (PRACTICE and PRODUCTION) Main Activity 1 - Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: This activity will be focused on the comprehension of the topics worked on in the presentation stage. I will encourage students to start by saying ‘Okay students, it’s time to open our Activity Books on page 49. Be sure to have your pencils, please!’. At this point, I will also share that page on the screen so everyone can see it. Then, I will say ‘Well, here we are. Look at the pictures, children. Who do you see? It’s Mr Upside Down! But look, all the pictures are disordered. To put them in order again, first we have to know what he is doing in each picture, okay? So let’s read the sentences and match them with the pictures!’. I will encourage them to take part on it by saying ‘Well, let’s start by reading the first sentence. Who wants to read it?’ while marking the first sentence on the screen with the Zoom pencil. If nobody offers themselves to read, I will ask one by one if he/she can do it. Once it is done, I will guide the activity by repeating what the sentence says and then asking ‘Okay, in what picture do you see Mr Upside Down working in a shop? Well, yes! It’s picture C!’. This will be done until all sentences are matched with their respective pictures. Once the previous step is ready, it will be time to put the pictures in order. To do so, I will ask students to look at the pictures carefully and then ask ‘As you know, Mr Upside Down’s day starts at night when it’s dark. But, what activity does he do first?’. If the students have difficulties answering this question, I will help them by sharing on the screen the illustrative pictures from the song and say ‘Okay, here we have the pictures. Look at number 1, what does he do first? Does he go to work? Does he wake up? Yes, he wakes up! So, go back to your Activity Books. What picture is number 1? Yes, it’s picture B’. This will be done until all pictures are numbered. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: „Apparently, Mr Upside Down wrote sentences about his routine but these are not completed. Let‟s play a game and help him!‟ Main Activity 2 - Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented:
  • 23. 23 This activity‟s purpose is to help students understand the Present Simple structure in 3rd person. I will start by sharing the Present Simple Game on the screen and then will say ‘Well children, here we have our game. Are you ready to play? Let’s read the first sentence that Mr Upside Down has written to us. It says –Mr Upside Down ____ when it’s dark. - What option do you think is the correct one? Wake up or wakes up?’making emphasis on the /s/ sound at the end of the second option. This will be repeated until all the sentences are completed. Game created by Valeria Zentner to be played in this lesson. Available at Students may not have completed all the sentences correctly, so when the game finishes I will share a picture of Sophie, one of the characters from the book we use. It will say the following: Once it is on the screen, I will invite one of the students to read it, or I will do it myself. After that, I will ask them ‘Why do you think here Sophie says –wake up- and here she says –wakes up-?’ while pointing at those phrases with the Zoom red light. I will encourage students to make deductions it by asking questions such as ‘Read the first sentence again. It says –I get up at 8 o’clock. Is she talking about herself or about someone else? Okay, she is talking about herself. Now, read the last sentence. It says – He gets up when it’s dark.’ while making emphasis on the /s/ sound again. I will continue saying ‘So, in that last sentence, is Sophie talking about herself or someone else? Yes, she’s talking about someone else, about Mr Upside Down. So, pay attention! When we talk about the activities WE do, we express them as we have learnt them, okay? BUT, when we talk about the activities another person does, we have to add an S at the end of that word, as in wakes up, right?’. Comentario [A13]: May they check on their books? They can read the lyrics.  Comentario [A14]: Try to elicit the rules from students. Draw their attention to spelling.
  • 24. 24 Once the explanation is given, I will encourage students to play the game all together again in the same way as before so to practisce what has already been learnt. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: ‘Excellent job, children! Now, let’s sing Mir Upside Down again and practisce what we have learnt today!’ CLOSURE Timing: 5 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: I will share the Mr Upside Down lyrics and illustrative pictures with the music player on the screen again and say „Open your Class Books on page 59 again. There you have the song lyrics. Are you ready?‟ Once they are ready, I will play the song through Zoom and we all will sing it again. When it finishes, I will ask them if they want to sing it again, and if they do, it will be done. After we have done so, I will say ‘Excellent, kids! You have worked so well today! It’s time to go now but we are going to meet again next class, okay? See you then! By bye!’ Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization X Coherence and sequencing X Variety of resources X Stages and activities X Scaffolding strategies X Language accuracy X Observations You should have included the activity from the Activity Book. What about systematizing the rules by means of some examples?
  • 25. 25 ____________________________________ Clase Nº: 4 – October 19th Learning Aims During this lesson, learners will be able to… Improve their listening skills through listening about Sophie. Improve listening and speaking skills by interacting with their teacher and their classmates through the activities. Consolidate daily routines vocabulary. Work on the Present Simple form of the verbs in 3rd person through a personalized activity. Improve their writing skills by writing about a member of their family. Language Focus LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Routines (every day activities) vocabulary: → Get up → Have breakfast → Go to school → Have lunch → Go home → Have dinner → Brush my teeth → Go to bed → Wake up → Get dressed → Have a shower Expressions to tell the time (prepositional phrases) → half past → quarter past → quarter to → o‟clock To describe daily routines. To express tell thetime. Present Simple form of the verbs in 3rd person He gets up at when it‟s dark. He gets dressed. He has a shower at half past 2. It‟s half past 7. It‟s quarter past 7. It‟s quarter to 7
  • 26. 26 N E W Materials PowerPoint presentation with Presentation and Main Activity 1 on it. Student‟s notebooks. Padlet – “Our Family Members” Track 50, CD2 – Sophie‟s Routine Procedures ROUTINE Timing: 4-5 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: I will greet the children by saying „Hello everyone, how are you today?‟ while making a greeting gesture with my hand. While doing so, I will prepare myself to share my screen, displaying a calendar which they are already familiar with. I will make sure everyone sees it by asking „Now, tell me, can you see the calendar on your screen?‟ If the answer is positive, I will say "Okay, look at the calendar. Can you tell me what day is it today? You are right, today is (Monday/Wednesday). Now, tell me, what date is it today? 1, 2, 15? Yes, today is (5). Excellent, my students!‟ Illustrative example. Taken from:
  • 27. 27 Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: Mike, one of the characters from the book will say to the students ‘Hello friends! How are you? Today, you’ll learn about my sister’s routine. Her name is Sophie. Do you remember her?’ WARM- UP &PRESENTATION Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: Before starting the activity, I will share on the screen a PowerPoint presentation in which Mike, one of the characters in the book, will talk about his sister Sophie's routine. I will make sure everyone can see it by asking 'Tell me children, can you see my presentation on your screen?'. Once they reply, I will show them the second slide where Mike appears with a speech bubble saying 'Hello friends! How are you? Today, you’ll learn about my sister’s routine. Her name is Sophie. Do you remember her?', then I will say 'Do you remember Sophie? She is the one in these pictures' while I show them the second slide with images of her. Taken from the PowerPoint presentation to be shared in this lesson. Next, we will analyze the images and the clocks to be able to continue with the activity. To do this, I will ask 'Look at picture 1, there's Sophie. What activity do you think she’s doing? Is she having breakfast? waking up? Brushing her teeth? What is she doing?'. Once the activity is identified, we will continue with the clocks. I will say 'Okay, now let's look at clocks A and B in the same picture. On clock A, what time is it? Do we know?'. In case it is difficult to express what time it is, I will guide students by saying 'Let's remember that the short hand is the one that marks the hour. Look at what number it's pointing to. Well, it's pointing to 6, we have to take that number into account. Now notice the long hand, it marks the minutes. Do you remember that we go from 5 to 5? If it is pointing to the number 3, how many minutes passedfrom 6? Let's count ... 5, 10 15. 15 minutes passed from 6. It's quarter past 6'. This will be repeated until all the activities and clocks from the pictures are identified. Comentario [A15]: Slide 1: Learning about… (instead of knowing) Comentario [A16]: Careful with the tenses in the questions. Remember you are practising Simple Present tense to describe routines. Comentario [A17]: Went by
  • 28. 28 Once this is done, it will be time to listen to the conversation between Mike and Sophie about their routine. Before doing so, I will introduce this step of the activity by saying 'Okay, now that we know about the activities that Sophie is doing, we are going to do the task that Mike gave us, okay? We are going to listen to a conversation between the two of them and we are going to try to choose the correct clock. ' To do this activity, I will have to share my entire desktop on the screen, with the presentation and the audio player so that we can all hear the conversation. Then I'll say 'Okay, let's go picture by picture. Let's get started ', while I play the audio. CD 2, Track 50 1. Sophie: I’m tired! Mike: What time do you wake up? Sophie: I wake up at half past six. 2. Mike: What time do you get dressed, Sophie? Sophie: I get dressed at quarter to seven. Mike: That’s early! 3. Sophie: I’m hungry! Mike: What time do you have lunch? Sophie: At quarter past 1. 4. Mike: I have a shower in the evening. What about you, Sophie? Sophie: I have a shower in the evening too. I have a shower at half past nine. 5. Sophie: Do you brush your teeth at night? Mike: Yes, I do! Sophie: Me too. I brush my teeth at ten o’clock. Then I go to bed. When the first part of the audio about the first picture has finished, I will pause the audio and ask 'Okay, Sophie wakes up early in the morning. But what time? At quarter past 6 or half past 6?'. This process will be repeated until all the watches have been correctly identified. After that, we are going to do some comprehension work. To do so, I will show the students the following slide in which Mike says to the students ‘EXCELLENT, MY FRIENDS!NOW WE ALL KNOW ABOUT SOPHIE’S ROUTINE! I want to write about it. Can you help me?’. In the following slides, there will be Sophie‟s routine pictures, but with incomplete sentences to guide students to answer Mike questions. For the task to be completed, I will show them the following slide and will read what Mike says, ‘Look at the picture and the clock. What time does Sophie wake up?’making emphasis on the last phrase. I will continue reading the incomplete sentence so to encourage them to answer Mike‟s question. This will be done until all the questions have been answered. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: ‘EXCELLENT, MY FRIENDS! VERY GOOD JOB!Miss Vale has also got a sister. Let’s see what she does every day!’ Comentario [A18]: Slide 4 Spelling! Now, not know! Comentario [A19]: You may ask them to write down their answers in the chat box.
  • 29. 29 DEVELOPMENT (PRACTICE and PRODUCTION) Main activity 1 Timing: 5- 6 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: This activity purpose is to prepare students to talk about one of their family members‟ routine. To do so, I will introduce my own sister‟s daily activities with some pictures in the same PowerPoint presentation than before. After reading Mike‟s introduction to the activity, I will show the following slide to the students in which they will see one of the four pictures of my sister‟s routine. Next to the picture, they will see two sentences to choose from to be the correct one. I will invite one of the students to read them, and after this is done I will say ‘Okay, my sister brushes or brush her teeth at 8 o’clock? What option is the correct one? 1 or 2?’ while making emphasis on the two main verbs of the sentences. To help them decide the correct option, I will remind them of what we worked on in the previous lesson. I will say 'Do you remember that last class we talked about how to talk about the activities that someone else does? Well, when we talk about another person, what should we add to the verb or word that represents that activity? That's right, we should add an S. So what is the correct option?'. This will be done until all pictures are matched with the correct pictures. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: ‘VERY GOOD JOB, MY FRIENDS!What if you tell us about a family member of yours?’ Main activity 2 Timing: 10 -15 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: In this activity, students will be encouraged to write about a family member and the daily activities that he or she performs. For this, I am going to say 'Okay, we already heard Sam talking about his sister's routine and you also already know about the daily activities that my sister does. Now it is your turn to talk about a member of your family. I want you to choose anyone who lives with you at home, who are you going to talk about? Tell me!'. Once students answer this last question, I will say 'Okay, now think about the activities that person does during this quarantine. You got it?'. Next, I will ask them to take out their notebooks to start the activity and then say‘Okay, since you have chosen a member of your family and decided the activities that he or she does, I want you to write in your notebooks 5 or 6 of those activities. Don’t forget to write the time in which these activities are done, okay? For example, you can say -My mum gets up at 8 o'clock- Right? Once they finish, we are going to share what you wrote'. Comentario [A20]: Slide 14 You used he instead of she. Comentario [A21]: You should write a few examples in the chat box or on the board.
  • 30. 30 When they are ready, I will encourage them to share their sentences so their classmates and I can hear them. This will be an instance of checking the activity to verify that there are no mistakes. If there is any mistake in the sentences, we will analyze them all together. To do so, I will ask that student to repeat the sentence and then I will say 'Hmmm! Well, is that sentence is okay? Is there something missing? Is there an extra word? What do you think?' This is how we will work on correcting the mistakes that appear if any. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: ‘Excellent job, children. What do you think about sharing what you wrote so we all can read about your family members’ routine?’ CLOSURE Timing: 5 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: In this last activity, I will introduce the Padlet wall that we will use to share everything written in the previous activity. I will start by sharing it on the screen and then reading the first post I left there to guide the students in their activity. After doing so, I will remind the students how they should make their comment on this site by saying 'Well, remember that to make your comment you must first click on this small circle below. Then, where it says -title- we are going to write our name so that we can identify our writings. Under your names, you are going to write the same you have written in your notebooks, okay? Do you know what else you can add? A photo or drawing of the person you wrote about! It will be great! Then, we can like or comment on the publications of our classmates’ while marking and following the steps in real time so that they know how to perform each step. After having given the explanation, I am going to say 'Okay, be aware because when our Zoom meeting is over, I will send you the link to access our Padlet, alright? Well, I’ll be reading your posts. See you next class. Bye bye!' Comentario [A22]: You may ask them to write the sentences in the chat box, so as to check spelling. Comentario [A23]: attentive Comentario [A24]: You may encourage them to read their classmates´ posts and even add a commentary.
  • 31. 31 Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization X Coherence and sequencing X Variety of resources X Stages and activities X Scaffolding strategies X Language accuracy X Observations Keep an eye on some language mistakes! ____________________________________ Clase Nº: 5 – October 21st Learning Aims During this lesson, learners will be able to… Improve listening and speaking skills by interacting with their teacher and their classmates through the activities. Work on their reading skills by reading a text about time zones. Learn and understand about different time zones. Consolidate their knowledge on Present Simple structures and time expressions. Improve listening and speaking skills by interacting with their teacher and their classmates through the activities. Language Focus
  • 32. 32 LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Routines (every day activities) vocabulary: → Get up → Have breakfast → Go to school → Have lunch → Go home → Have dinner → Brush my teeth → Go to bed → Wake up → Get dressed → Have a shower Expressions to tell the time (prepositional phrases) → half past → quarter past → quarter to → o‟clock To describe daily routines. To tell the time. Present Simple form of the verbs in 3rd person He gets up at when it‟s dark. He gets dressed. He has a shower at half past 2. It‟s half past 7. It‟s quarter past 7. It‟s quarter to 7 N E W Prepositions of time → ahead → behind To express time difference between cities Beijing is seven hours ahead of Madrid. Mexico City is 7 hours behind Madrid. Materials PowerPoint presentation with pictures as an introduction to the text and activities. Class Book, page 61. Interactive game to be played in real time – Quizizz Procedures ROUTINE Timing: 4-5 minutes
  • 33. 33 Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: I will greet the children by saying „Hello everyone, how are you today?‟ while making a greeting gesture with my hand. While doing so, I will prepare myself to share my screen, displaying a calendar which they are already familiar with. I will make sure everyone sees it by asking „Now, tell me, can you see the calendar on your screen?‟ If the answer is positive, I will say "Okay, look at the calendar. Can you tell me what day is it today? You are right, today is (Monday/Wednesday). Now, tell me, what date is it today? 1, 2, 15? Yes, today is (5). Excellent, my students!‟ Illustrative example. Taken from: Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: „Okay my students. Today, we are going to work with Sam. Do you remember him? He wants to tell us a little about him. Are you ready? Let‟s get started!‟ WARM- UP &PRESENTATION Timing: 5 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: To introduce the topics that will be worked on through the text in Main Activity 1, I will share on the screen a PowerPoint presentation with the three images that the text contains. I will show them to the students one by one and say 'Okay, look at the picture. Tell me, what activity does he/she do in the picture? Does he have lunch, or maybe breakfast, what does he do?'. Once the activity is identified, I will try to guide the students to think about what time of day it is, that is, what time it is in each photo. For example, I will say 'Okay, if the boy has breakfast, what time do you think it is in that
  • 34. 34 picture?' Once we have discussed the activities and times, we are ready to move on to the next activity. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: 'Well, now that we've seen some pictures of these children, let's open our Class Books on page 61 and find out what time it really is on each picture. Maybe we'll even find out something else!' DEVELOPMENT (PRACTICE and PRODUCTION) Main Activity 1 Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: This activity will be based on reading a text about different cities and the time difference between them. To get started, I will share the page of text on the screen and say'Okay, notice that the same pictures we saw a moment ago are in this text. Let's read about these kids'. I will invite the students to read by asking 'Does anyone want to read?' while mentioning their names to encourage them to do so. The idea is they read a little each one, so those who want to read will have the opportunity to do so. Once the text has been read, we will work on their understanding of it. To do this, I will ask questions such as 'What is the name of the child in the first photo? Where is he from? What time is it in the photo? What do people do at that time? Do they eat lunch, work, go to school? What do they do? Well, what about the second image? Where is he from? What time is it there? How many hours are there?'. When the time comes to talk about the time difference between the cities, we will think together how many hours there are between each of the three cities, Mexico City, Madrid and Beijing. For Comentario [A25]: This question is not clear.
  • 35. 35 example, I will say 'Well, if in Mexico City it is 8 o'clock and in Madrid it is 1 o'clock also in the morning, how many hours are there apart?' and when they reply I will write “-7 hours” above the text. Once this is done, I will encourage students to do the TRUE or FALSE activity that is below the text. To do this, I will read each sentence emphasizing the most important informationin each one. I will say 'When it's eight o'clock in the morning in Madrid, it's light in Mexico City. Hmmm, is it true or false? If you have any doubts, go back to the text and find it!'. In case they have any doubts, I will read a phrase or sentence from the text to help them think of the correct answer. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: ‘Well little students, we already know that when it is 8 o'clock in Madrid, it is 1 o'clock in the morning in Mexico City and 3 o'clock in the afternoon in Beijing. But ... what time would it be in our town?’. Main Activity 2 Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: In this last activity we will work with the time difference between our town and Madrid, one of the cities mentioned in the text of the previous activity. To do this, I will share the PowerPoint presentation again on the screen but this time showing two different clocks, one marking Madrid time and the other on blank to draw Pedro Luro time. Taken from the PowerPoint presentation to be shared in this lesson. Available at: To introduce the activity, I will say 'Okay, let's see what time difference there is between Madrid andour town. Well, Pedro Luro is 5 hours behind Madrid. So ... if it's 8 o'clock in the morning in Madrid, what time would it be in Pedro Luro?' I will scaffold this step by saying something like 'Okay, remember that Pedro Luro is FIVE hours BEHIND Comentario [A26]: Challenging! Good.
  • 36. 36 Madrid' while making gestures with my hands back for them to realize that we must subtract 5 hours from Madrid time.I will continue saying 'So if we have to subtract 5 hours from Madrid time, and it's 8there, what time is it in Pedro Luro? Well, it's 3 in the morning. Excellent!'. After doing thisanalysis, I will invite the students to draw the time on the Pedro Luro clock. I willguide them by reminding how the time is marked by saying ‘Remember that the short hand marksthe hour and the long hand marks the minutes. So if we have to dial 3 o'clock, where do we have to point the short hand to and where the long hand?'. This process will be repeated until all clocks in the display are drawn with the correct hour timeof Pedro Luro. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: 'Very good children, you have worked very well! Now we know the time difference between Madrid and Pedro Luro, but we do not know what activities we do at those times. Let's play and find it out!' CLOSURE Timing: 10 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech), and scaffolding strategies to be implemented: The purpose of this activity will be to close the lesson and the unit. To do this, we will do a live game all together through Quizizz. Through the Zoom chat (or WhatsApp) I will share the link of the game with the students and I will tell them 'Well, let's play! I just shared the link of the game through the Zoom chat; open it to the account of 3 all together. Let's count, 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... open it, come on!' Click on the link to play the game: I will explain that the game will only start once we are all connected, we have written our names and clicked on "Play". Once we are all ready, I will guide the game so we can play them all together. I will start by saying 'Okay little students, let's get started! Let's see the first question, this one says -When it's 1 o'clock at night in Madrid, what time is it in Pedro Luro? - Well, let's see now the possible answers, we only have one minute to answer! Try to read the options and don't say anything, you must choose the option that you think is correct, okay? Then we’re going to share our results'. In case they have any questions, I will invite them to look at the clock on each question so that they can have it as a guide. We will work this way until all 6 questions are answered by everyone. Once everyone finishes playing, I will share the results of the game on the screen so that we can see who the winner was, who will be congratulated by me and the rest of the students. Once Comentario [A27]: signals Comentario [A28]: If they are using their phones, they need the app. Have they already installed it? Comentario [A29]: The clocks in the “questions” do not match the text… why?
  • 37. 37 that is done, I will share the question cards so we can really see what the correct answers were to each question. In this way, we will finish the class and it will be time to say goodbye. I will say 'Excellent work today little students! They have carried out the activities very very well. It is time to go now, but we will see each other again the next class with many surprises! See you then!’. To be completed by your tutor: Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization X Coherence and sequencing X Variety of resources X Stages and activities X Scaffolding strategies X Language accuracy X Observations (voice note)