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Institución educativa: Charles Dickens Institute
Año y sección: Second Juniors - Única Sección
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary
Cantidad de alumnos: 8
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: The Past
Clase Nº: 1
Duración de la clase: 90 minutos
Fecha de la clase: Thursday, July 1st
Fecha de entrega de la planificación: June 21st
Learning Aims
During this lesson, learners will be able to…
→ Revisit the Past Tense by writing of special events for them.
→ Order events in the past using sequencing words.
→ Focus on key phrases to describe past events.
→ Become aware of the writing process of a text.
→ Work on their impersonal, collaborative and language skills through the analysis of their
classmates´ work.
→ Self-reflect on their learning process.
Language Focus
Describe past events Past Simple
“My mum and I went
“My dad started the
barbecue in the
Sequencing words:
→ First
→ After that
→ Then
→ Finally
Describing an event
→ I will never
→ There were…
→ … was a good
→ It was great to…
Describe a special
event in the past and
sequencing it.
→ Student‟s Book, page 35
→ “My family‟s party” worksheet
→ “New Year‟s Eve” worksheet
→ “Let‟s Write! My Special Event” worksheet
NOTE: All of the activities are described as suggested by the tutor, in
terms of timing, description and instructions, and transition comments.
Scaffolding strategies are included within the description of each
→ Timing: 5 minutes
→ Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech
and scaffolding strategies are included):
Students will be received in the institute‟s door. As always, the teacher will check their
temperature and sterilize their hands, feet and school objects, and then let them in (It usually
takes a while). Once in the classroom, they will be greeted by the teacher. She will say
"Good afternoon, my dear students! How are you today? How was your afternoon so far?"
As a next step, she will ask "What day of the week is today? And what date? Of what
month?" and then copy the date on the board.
→ Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“On our previous lessons we talked about many important events and people from the past.
Now, we are going to focus on something closer to us: our families and friends!”
→ Timing: 5 minutes
→ Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and
scaffolding strategies are included):
The teacher may introduce the lesson‟s topic by saying “I want you to think of your friends;
what special days do you celebrate with them? Now, what about your family? What special
events do you celebrate with them?” Expected answers are: New Year, Christmas, birthdays,
Friend‟s Day, Town‟s Day, among others. If students need some guidance to reply, it could
be said “Think of the end of the year, for example. What very important event do we
celebrate with family and friends t that time of the year? Yeah, Christmas is one of those
events. What else?”
As students answer the questions, the teacher will write key words on the whiteboard so to
keep a record and round up ideas. Those notes may be useful for students to develop their
pieces of writing later on.
→ Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“Good ideas! Now, we’re going to read about Jack, a boy of your age, and a special event
of his!”
→ Timing: 15 minutes
→ Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and
scaffolding strategies are included):
A worksheet will be given to each student as the teacher says “Jack wrote his text, but only
the first and third paragraphs are OK. The second one is not. On it, you’ll find important
information of the most important events of his family’s party. To be able to read it, you need
to order them first”. Once this is done, the teacher will ask for two students to read the
introductory and closing paragraphs. She may say “Okay, now that we’ve got an idea of
what the party was like, you have to read the events of the second paragraph and order
them. To do so, you’re going to work with your partner on your right!” The first one will be
done as a whole group with the teacher as a guide. It will be said “Read carefully all the
options. Which event do you think happened first? That’s correct! The first one was option C.
Now, decide what events were the following ones!” Four or five minutes will be provided for
students to read and do the task.
My Family‟s Party
I'll never forget last July. That's when my big sister and her boyfriend decided to get married,
and my parents had a fantastic party at our house to celebrate.
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
There were about twenty people and we all had a good time. Only our dog didn't enjoy the
party. He stayed in the house - he didn't like the noise of the fireworks! It was a great evening
and I was really happy.
a. At six o'clock, my sister's friends arrived for the party.
b. Finally, at about eleven o'clock, everyone went home.
c. First, my mum and I went shopping for food and drink.
d. We ate the food and then Dad started the firework display – that was a great
e. At seven o'clock, my dad started the barbecue in the garden and after that we
cooked potatoes and burgers. It was a very warm night.
“My family‟s party” worksheet
Once they are ready, the teacher will check everyone has done the task well. She may say
“Well, what did happen first? After that? And then? What did happen finally… at the end?”
while making emphasis on the sequencing words for students to notice them. When
everyone has checked, it will be said “It’s time to read the whole text now. Open your
student’s book on page 35. There you’ll find the text and a photo of Jack and his family at
the party. Pay attention to the line above Jack’s text. It says ‘Tell us about a memorable
event in your life and you can win a new smartphone’. So… why did Jack write this text? He
wants to win!”. The teacher will ask then for three volunteer students to read it aloud so
everyone can listen.
My Family‟s Party text - English Plus 2. Student‟s Book, page 35.
Some comprehension questions will be asked “Why did Jack parents have a party? Look at
the picture and think of what we have read. Did they have a good time? Who did not enjoy
the party?”
As a following step, the text will be analysed. To guide such analysis, it will be asked “What
phrases are used to describe the events? Think about this… What phrase introduces the
party topic? I’ll never forget last July. That’s how the text starts. What other phrases are used
to describe the party?”. When student‟s find all the phrases, they will be asked to highlight
them on the text. Other questions will be asked as well, such as “Jack wrote this text to tell us
about a party that took place in the present, past or future time? Past time! How do you
know? What past verbs do we find in it? Now, what words or short phrases are used to
narrate the events? That is, what words are used to order the events?” so to focus on the
past tense and sequencing words.
→ Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“You’ve done well! I wanted to join in the competition so I wrote a text, too. Do you want to
read it?”
Activity 1
→ Timing: 10 minutes
→ Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and
scaffolding strategies are included):
Everyone will be given a copy of a text. The teacher may say “As you can see, there are
some important words and pieces of information missing there. I want you to work in pairs
again to complete it. In that way, you’d help me to finish my text so I can take part in the
competition”. It will be also explained that each gap has a number which correspond to the
one that has all the words and pieces of information missing in the text. To show how the task
has to be done, the teacher will guide students to complete the first gap. She will say “In
number one, we have two gaps. If you look at the information below the text, we have two
pieces of information as well. Look at the first word, where would you write that? In the first or
second gap? What about the second piece of information? How would you write that? If
we are talking about LAST YEAR, how would you write that verb? In the past tense. Do you
remember what is the past tense of GO? It’s an irregular verb, so you can find it in the
second column of your irregular verb list on the last page of your workbooks. As you can see,
the past tense of GO is WENT. That’s how we have to write it in the text. Now, you can
complete the other gaps in the same way”.
New Year‟s Eve
Last New Year‟s Eve, we had a lovely family party at our house. 1____________ my
parents and I __________________________. After 2____________, we
__________________________________ and __________________________________.
3____________ 7.30, our visitors ____________. There were a lot of people: all my uncles,
aunts and cousins. 4____________, we __________________________________and we
__________________________________. 5____________, we
__________________________________. 6____________, at ____________, we all
__________________________________ and then we __________________________________.
1. First / go to the supermarket.
2. After that / come home / spend the afternoon making a lot of amazing food.
3. At 7.30 / arrive
4. After that / sit at a big table / eat all the food.
5. Then / play some really funny games.
6. Finally / at midnight / say „Happy New Year!‟ / sing a special song.
“New Year‟s Eve” worksheet
The timer will be set up and put on the desk for students to see they have six minutes to do
the task. When time is up, the teacher will read the text and stop at each gap so to give
students the opportunity to say what word they wrote in each one. As they do so, she will
write their answers on the whiteboard so everyone can check their answers.
→ Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“Good job! Now… would you like to win a smartphone, too?”
Activity 2
→ Timing: 5 minutes
→ Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and
scaffolding strategies are included):
The teacher will provide each student with the „Let‟s Write: My Special Event!‟ worksheet
and say “If you want to win that smartphone, you have to write a text as Jack and I did! First,
you have to choose a special event. Do you remember the ones we talked about at the
beginning of the class? I wrote them on the board. Choose one of them and make notes to
answer the questions in Parts A and B”. It will be explained that they do not need to write
complete sentences at this stage, that is has to be something quite short and
understandable for them, so they could, for example, write key words.
Student‟s name: ________________________________
PART A: Title of the text.
What event am I going to write about?
PART B: make notes and answer.
1. What and when was the event?
2. What happened first?
3. What happened after that?
4. How many people were there?
5. How did you feel after the event?
PART C: organise your ideas into paragraphs. Include the phrases from the box
I‟ll never forget… | There were about… | It was a great… | …had
a good time | First | after that | then | Finally
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Event
Paragraph 3: Conclusion
PART D: Write your first draft
PART E: Check and write a final version of your text.
→ Did you include an interesting title? О
→ Did you include all the information from your notes (PART B)? О
→ Did you use phrases to describe events? О
→ Did you use sequencing words to narrate events in order? О
→ Did you use the correct past form of the verbs? О
→ Did you use correct punctuation? О
„Let‟s Write: My Special Event!‟ worksheet
→ Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“Good! Let's start shaping that text!”
Activity 3
→ Timing: 10 minutes
→ Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and
scaffolding strategies are included):
Students will work now on PART C. It might be said “Now that you have written some notes,
it’s time to start thinking of how you will organise the text. As you can see, in PART C you
have to think what info to write in the three paragraphs of your text: the introduction,
description of your event and conclusion. Try to transfer your notes to that scheme so you
can visualize how you’ll organise the ideas. Don’t forget to include the phrases from the
box!”. Again, it will be explained that they are not expected to write complete sentences
yet as this is a stage to focus on the organisation of ideas.
→ Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“You’re on the right track! It’s time now to start writing!”
Activity 4
→ Timing: 15 minutes
→ Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and
scaffolding strategies are included):
At this writing stage, students will be asked start joining in ideas and start writing. The teacher
will say “On your worksheets, PART D, you have some lines to write your first draft. Try to
include all your ideas from PART A and B, as well as the words and phrases from PART C. You
can open your Student’s Book on page 35 and use Jack’s text as a model. Please,
remember to include past verbs! Irregular ones are on the list you have at the back of your
workbooks. Use it! Dictionaries are allowed, too!”. It will be also added that, at this stage, the
teacher will not interfere as students have to work on their ideas by themselves. She will
interfere only if they ask for help or further guidance.
→ Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“Good job! Now, it’s time to check your first draft!”
Activity 5
→ Timing: 15 minutes
→ Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and
scaffolding strategies are included):
At this final stage of their writing process, students will provide feedback to their partners. In
the same pairs they have been working with at the beginning of the class, they will check
each other‟s work. Students will be encouraged to exchange their pieces of writing and
highlight those sections, items or words they think need improvement. After that, they will tell
each other their opinion on the pieces of text they have read. “Please, be clear on what
your classmates have to do to improve their texts. Be kind and respectful with each other.
The idea is to give and receive constructive feedback. One that help your partner to write
better, right?”. They will have around five or six minutes to do so.
Once they have given feedback on each other‟s pieces of text, they will be asked to write
another draft on their notebooks or folders. The teacher might say: “Re-write your texts and
include all the suggestions your partners have given to you. When you finish, you will hand in
them. I’ll read them and check if you need further correction or not. Before that, you have
to answer the questions in PART E. In that section, you will self-evaluate your work and
decide if your draft is ready!”.
→ Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“You‟ve worked so well today! I‟m really looking forward to reading your texts!”
→ Timing: 10 minutes
→ Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and
scaffolding strategies are included):
This stage is thought for students to reflect on what they have done during the class. The
teacher will ask: “Do you like working this way? What was your favourite part? And your least
favourite? Do you think that by following all those stages is it easier to write? Why/Why not?”
The teacher may also ask about the whole unit, as it is the last lesson of it. She may ask:
“What was your favourite part of the unit? What did you enjoy the most? Have you learnt
something you didn’t know?”
Comentario [A1]: Interesting
reflections that will provide you with
meaningful information.
Try to do this in a dynamic and
entertaining way, encouraging
everyone to participate.
→ Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“You’ve done excellent today! I’ll have your texts checked by next class. See you then!”
To be completed by your tutor:
Lesson plan
Variety of
Stages and
Observations Lovely lesson!

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DU1: The Past - Lesson 6

  • 1. I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE III ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN ALUMNA PRACTICANTE: Valeria Zentner Institución educativa: Charles Dickens Institute Año y sección: Second Juniors - Única Sección Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary Cantidad de alumnos: 8 Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: The Past Clase Nº: 1 Duración de la clase: 90 minutos Fecha de la clase: Thursday, July 1st Fecha de entrega de la planificación: June 21st Learning Aims During this lesson, learners will be able to… → Revisit the Past Tense by writing of special events for them. → Order events in the past using sequencing words. → Focus on key phrases to describe past events. → Become aware of the writing process of a text. → Work on their impersonal, collaborative and language skills through the analysis of their classmates´ work. → Self-reflect on their learning process. Language Focus LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Describe past events Past Simple “My mum and I went shopping” “My dad started the barbecue in the garden” N E W Sequencing words: → First → After that → Then → Finally Describing an event → I will never forget… → There were… → … was a good time. → It was great to… Describe a special event in the past and sequencing it.
  • 2. Materials → Student‟s Book, page 35 → “My family‟s party” worksheet → “New Year‟s Eve” worksheet → “Let‟s Write! My Special Event” worksheet Procedures NOTE: All of the activities are described as suggested by the tutor, in terms of timing, description and instructions, and transition comments. Scaffolding strategies are included within the description of each activity. ROUTINE → Timing: 5 minutes → Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and scaffolding strategies are included): Students will be received in the institute‟s door. As always, the teacher will check their temperature and sterilize their hands, feet and school objects, and then let them in (It usually takes a while). Once in the classroom, they will be greeted by the teacher. She will say "Good afternoon, my dear students! How are you today? How was your afternoon so far?" As a next step, she will ask "What day of the week is today? And what date? Of what month?" and then copy the date on the board. → Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “On our previous lessons we talked about many important events and people from the past. Now, we are going to focus on something closer to us: our families and friends!” WARM-UP → Timing: 5 minutes → Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and scaffolding strategies are included): The teacher may introduce the lesson‟s topic by saying “I want you to think of your friends; what special days do you celebrate with them? Now, what about your family? What special events do you celebrate with them?” Expected answers are: New Year, Christmas, birthdays, Friend‟s Day, Town‟s Day, among others. If students need some guidance to reply, it could be said “Think of the end of the year, for example. What very important event do we celebrate with family and friends t that time of the year? Yeah, Christmas is one of those events. What else?” As students answer the questions, the teacher will write key words on the whiteboard so to keep a record and round up ideas. Those notes may be useful for students to develop their pieces of writing later on. → Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
  • 3. “Good ideas! Now, we’re going to read about Jack, a boy of your age, and a special event of his!” PRESENTATION → Timing: 15 minutes → Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and scaffolding strategies are included): A worksheet will be given to each student as the teacher says “Jack wrote his text, but only the first and third paragraphs are OK. The second one is not. On it, you’ll find important information of the most important events of his family’s party. To be able to read it, you need to order them first”. Once this is done, the teacher will ask for two students to read the introductory and closing paragraphs. She may say “Okay, now that we’ve got an idea of what the party was like, you have to read the events of the second paragraph and order them. To do so, you’re going to work with your partner on your right!” The first one will be done as a whole group with the teacher as a guide. It will be said “Read carefully all the options. Which event do you think happened first? That’s correct! The first one was option C. Now, decide what events were the following ones!” Four or five minutes will be provided for students to read and do the task. My Family‟s Party I'll never forget last July. That's when my big sister and her boyfriend decided to get married, and my parents had a fantastic party at our house to celebrate. 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ There were about twenty people and we all had a good time. Only our dog didn't enjoy the party. He stayed in the house - he didn't like the noise of the fireworks! It was a great evening and I was really happy. a. At six o'clock, my sister's friends arrived for the party. b. Finally, at about eleven o'clock, everyone went home. c. First, my mum and I went shopping for food and drink. d. We ate the food and then Dad started the firework display – that was a great surprise. e. At seven o'clock, my dad started the barbecue in the garden and after that we cooked potatoes and burgers. It was a very warm night. “My family‟s party” worksheet Once they are ready, the teacher will check everyone has done the task well. She may say
  • 4. “Well, what did happen first? After that? And then? What did happen finally… at the end?” while making emphasis on the sequencing words for students to notice them. When everyone has checked, it will be said “It’s time to read the whole text now. Open your student’s book on page 35. There you’ll find the text and a photo of Jack and his family at the party. Pay attention to the line above Jack’s text. It says ‘Tell us about a memorable event in your life and you can win a new smartphone’. So… why did Jack write this text? He wants to win!”. The teacher will ask then for three volunteer students to read it aloud so everyone can listen. My Family‟s Party text - English Plus 2. Student‟s Book, page 35. Some comprehension questions will be asked “Why did Jack parents have a party? Look at the picture and think of what we have read. Did they have a good time? Who did not enjoy the party?” As a following step, the text will be analysed. To guide such analysis, it will be asked “What phrases are used to describe the events? Think about this… What phrase introduces the party topic? I’ll never forget last July. That’s how the text starts. What other phrases are used to describe the party?”. When student‟s find all the phrases, they will be asked to highlight them on the text. Other questions will be asked as well, such as “Jack wrote this text to tell us about a party that took place in the present, past or future time? Past time! How do you know? What past verbs do we find in it? Now, what words or short phrases are used to narrate the events? That is, what words are used to order the events?” so to focus on the past tense and sequencing words. → Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
  • 5. “You’ve done well! I wanted to join in the competition so I wrote a text, too. Do you want to read it?” DEVELOPMENT (PRACTICE and PRODUCTION) Activity 1 → Timing: 10 minutes → Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and scaffolding strategies are included): Everyone will be given a copy of a text. The teacher may say “As you can see, there are some important words and pieces of information missing there. I want you to work in pairs again to complete it. In that way, you’d help me to finish my text so I can take part in the competition”. It will be also explained that each gap has a number which correspond to the one that has all the words and pieces of information missing in the text. To show how the task has to be done, the teacher will guide students to complete the first gap. She will say “In number one, we have two gaps. If you look at the information below the text, we have two pieces of information as well. Look at the first word, where would you write that? In the first or second gap? What about the second piece of information? How would you write that? If we are talking about LAST YEAR, how would you write that verb? In the past tense. Do you remember what is the past tense of GO? It’s an irregular verb, so you can find it in the second column of your irregular verb list on the last page of your workbooks. As you can see, the past tense of GO is WENT. That’s how we have to write it in the text. Now, you can complete the other gaps in the same way”. New Year‟s Eve Last New Year‟s Eve, we had a lovely family party at our house. 1____________ my parents and I __________________________. After 2____________, we __________________________________ and __________________________________. 3____________ 7.30, our visitors ____________. There were a lot of people: all my uncles, aunts and cousins. 4____________, we __________________________________and we __________________________________. 5____________, we __________________________________. 6____________, at ____________, we all __________________________________ and then we __________________________________. 1. First / go to the supermarket. 2. After that / come home / spend the afternoon making a lot of amazing food. 3. At 7.30 / arrive 4. After that / sit at a big table / eat all the food. 5. Then / play some really funny games. 6. Finally / at midnight / say „Happy New Year!‟ / sing a special song. “New Year‟s Eve” worksheet
  • 6. The timer will be set up and put on the desk for students to see they have six minutes to do the task. When time is up, the teacher will read the text and stop at each gap so to give students the opportunity to say what word they wrote in each one. As they do so, she will write their answers on the whiteboard so everyone can check their answers. → Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “Good job! Now… would you like to win a smartphone, too?” Activity 2 → Timing: 5 minutes → Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and scaffolding strategies are included): The teacher will provide each student with the „Let‟s Write: My Special Event!‟ worksheet and say “If you want to win that smartphone, you have to write a text as Jack and I did! First, you have to choose a special event. Do you remember the ones we talked about at the beginning of the class? I wrote them on the board. Choose one of them and make notes to answer the questions in Parts A and B”. It will be explained that they do not need to write complete sentences at this stage, that is has to be something quite short and understandable for them, so they could, for example, write key words. Student‟s name: ________________________________ PART A: Title of the text. What event am I going to write about? PART B: make notes and answer. 1. What and when was the event? 2. What happened first? 3. What happened after that? 4. How many people were there? 5. How did you feel after the event? PART C: organise your ideas into paragraphs. Include the phrases from the box I‟ll never forget… | There were about… | It was a great… | …had a good time | First | after that | then | Finally Paragraph 1: Introduction _________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: Event _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 3: Conclusion _________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 7. ____________________________________________________________________________________ PART D: Write your first draft _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ PART E: Check and write a final version of your text. → Did you include an interesting title? О → Did you include all the information from your notes (PART B)? О → Did you use phrases to describe events? О → Did you use sequencing words to narrate events in order? О → Did you use the correct past form of the verbs? О → Did you use correct punctuation? О „Let‟s Write: My Special Event!‟ worksheet → Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “Good! Let's start shaping that text!” Activity 3 → Timing: 10 minutes → Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and scaffolding strategies are included): Students will work now on PART C. It might be said “Now that you have written some notes, it’s time to start thinking of how you will organise the text. As you can see, in PART C you have to think what info to write in the three paragraphs of your text: the introduction, description of your event and conclusion. Try to transfer your notes to that scheme so you can visualize how you’ll organise the ideas. Don’t forget to include the phrases from the box!”. Again, it will be explained that they are not expected to write complete sentences yet as this is a stage to focus on the organisation of ideas. → Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “You’re on the right track! It’s time now to start writing!” Activity 4 → Timing: 15 minutes → Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and
  • 8. scaffolding strategies are included): At this writing stage, students will be asked start joining in ideas and start writing. The teacher will say “On your worksheets, PART D, you have some lines to write your first draft. Try to include all your ideas from PART A and B, as well as the words and phrases from PART C. You can open your Student’s Book on page 35 and use Jack’s text as a model. Please, remember to include past verbs! Irregular ones are on the list you have at the back of your workbooks. Use it! Dictionaries are allowed, too!”. It will be also added that, at this stage, the teacher will not interfere as students have to work on their ideas by themselves. She will interfere only if they ask for help or further guidance. → Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “Good job! Now, it’s time to check your first draft!” Activity 5 → Timing: 15 minutes → Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and scaffolding strategies are included): At this final stage of their writing process, students will provide feedback to their partners. In the same pairs they have been working with at the beginning of the class, they will check each other‟s work. Students will be encouraged to exchange their pieces of writing and highlight those sections, items or words they think need improvement. After that, they will tell each other their opinion on the pieces of text they have read. “Please, be clear on what your classmates have to do to improve their texts. Be kind and respectful with each other. The idea is to give and receive constructive feedback. One that help your partner to write better, right?”. They will have around five or six minutes to do so. Once they have given feedback on each other‟s pieces of text, they will be asked to write another draft on their notebooks or folders. The teacher might say: “Re-write your texts and include all the suggestions your partners have given to you. When you finish, you will hand in them. I’ll read them and check if you need further correction or not. Before that, you have to answer the questions in PART E. In that section, you will self-evaluate your work and decide if your draft is ready!”. → Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “You‟ve worked so well today! I‟m really looking forward to reading your texts!” CLOSURE → Timing: 10 minutes → Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (direct speech and scaffolding strategies are included): This stage is thought for students to reflect on what they have done during the class. The teacher will ask: “Do you like working this way? What was your favourite part? And your least favourite? Do you think that by following all those stages is it easier to write? Why/Why not?” The teacher may also ask about the whole unit, as it is the last lesson of it. She may ask: “What was your favourite part of the unit? What did you enjoy the most? Have you learnt something you didn’t know?” Comentario [A1]: Interesting reflections that will provide you with meaningful information. Try to do this in a dynamic and entertaining way, encouraging everyone to participate.
  • 9. → Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “You’ve done excellent today! I’ll have your texts checked by next class. See you then!” To be completed by your tutor: Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources x Stages and activities x Scaffolding strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Lovely lesson!