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           TRB Freeway Operations Committee
                     Athens 2006

SPEED LIMITS: planning perspectives
and drivers’ attitudes in Greece

    Petros Vythoulkas
   Basil Psarianos
   Pavlos Chorianopoulos
Faculty of Rural and Surveying Engineering
National Technical University of Athens

   Eva Kasapi
Ministry of Environment, Regional Planning and Public Works
Setting speed limits: a complex trade-off

 environmental                                          mobility
       and                                                and
    energy                                               costs


• Speed may affect the severity and risk of accidents.
• But unreasonably low speed limits increase drivers’ violation
  of the speed limits

• Investigate drivers’ speed choice behaviour and
  their attitudes towards speed limits
• Review the current practices in setting speed
• Directions for future research
Drivers’ speed choice
Most drivers select a reasonably safe speed for the conditions
under which they travel

They select their self-optimum speed primarily on the basis of
    Travel time minimisation
    Accident risk minimisation
    Minimisation of the Risk of being caught speeding
    Fuel economy

The self-optimum speed is related to driver’s
     Personal characteristics age, income, driving experience,
     risk behaviour, environmental awareness
     Journey characteristics
Driver speeds in the trunk road network in Greece
 Surveys in the context of the research project
 “Method for Setting Reliable Speed Limits in Greece”
 funded by the Ministry of Environment, Regional Planning
 and Planning Works.

 Speed choices are analysed based :
    a)   on actual speed data collected through the use of radar
         meters at 15 stations along the rural highway network of

    b)   on a dataset collected through a questionnaire survey
         that was conducted at 5 motorway toll plazas in Greece.
Motorway with local speed limit 90 km/h
Probability distribution of observed speeds in
      motorwaydistribution ofwith local speed limitwith speed
        probability section observed speeds in motorway 90 km/h
                                      limit 90 km/h
                       histogram     Cumulative Probability Distribution

25%                                                                                           120%
                                                12%                                           60%
                       11%                            11%
                              7%                             7%                               40%
5%                                                                         3%
                                                                                 2%           20%
        0%                                                                             0%    1,5%
0%                                                                                            0%
        85   90   95    100   105   110   115   120   125   130    135     140   145   150

                                                                                 observed speed

         Speed limit                             V85 = 127 km/h
Motorway with general speed limit 120 km/h
Probability distribution of observed speeds in motorway
    Cumulative probability distribution of observed speeds in the left
           with general speed limit 120 km/h
                  and right lane of motorway with speed limit 120 km/h




                                                                               Left lane
                                                                               Right lane
                                                                               both lanes

       90   100     110    120      130    140   150   160   170   180   190      200

                      Speed limit         140    152 157             Speed (km/h)
Roadside surveys

• Self reported speed and relation to drivers’
• Drivers’ attitudes towards speed limits
Self reported speeds in motorways with general
         Histogram and cumulative probabality distribution of self reported speeds in
                           speed limit 120km/h
                         motorways with with speed limit 120 km/h

                       Histogram        Cumulative probability distribution

35%                                                                                                               120%

                                                                                                                         cumulative probability distribution
                                 29%                     26%

10%                                          12%

                     8% 5%                                                                                        20%
5%                                                             6%             6%          3%
           1%                          1%          1%                                                 1%
      0%        0%
0%                                                                                                                0%
      70   80   90   100   110   120   125   130   135   140    150   155     160   170   180   190   200   220

                V85 = 140 ~150 km/h                                                         self reported speed (km/h)
Self reported speed and driver’s age
      in motorways with general speed limit 120 km/h
                = < 80istribution of self reported speed in-motorways with speed limit 120 km/h101 -age
                      D km/h                        81 100 km/h                                by driver's
                                                                                                           120 km/h
                121 - 130 km/h                      131 - 140 km/h                             > = 141 km/h

















       18 - 24             25 - 34             35 - 44            45 - 54             55 - 64              > 65         Sample
                                                                                                            driver's age
Self reported speed and vehicle engine’s power
      in motorwaysreported speed in motorways with speed limit120 km/h
         Distribution of self with general speed limit (120 km/h)
                                      by vehicle engine size
                    = < 80 km/h             81 - 100 km/h              101 - 120 km/h
                   121 - 130 km/h           131 - 140 km/h             > = 141 km/h


       25%                                               26%

                                                 20%                 21%
20%                                                                                                17%

10%                    7%           8% 9%              7%                  7%             8%

         <= 1100      1101 - 1400     1401 - 1800      1801 - 2300         > 2300         sample
Self reported speed and frequency of use
      in motorways with general speed limit 120 km/h
         Distribution of self reported speed in motorway and trip frequency
                     < 110 km/h    110 - 130 km/h    > 130 km/h
70%                                                                 67%
60%                                57%
                                            49%                                  46%
50%      42%          44%
                    43%           41%                                              44%
40%                                            36%
20%               14%                    16%                            13%
                                                       7%                       10%
10%    5%                    3%
        almost   1 - 2 days/ once in a     once a       several   1 - 3 times   Sample
       every day    week     fortnight     month        times a     a year
Relationship between self reported speed and personal
                characteristics of drivers

Reference values:            Linear regression coefficients
- Age > 65                                                            Coef value    t
                             (Constant)                                  109,94    13,19
- Engine =< 1100 cc
                             AGE 18 - 24                                 29,961     5,22
- Frequency 1- 3 /year
                             AGE 25 - 34                                 27,864     5,85
- Gender male                AGE 35 - 44                                 19,266     4,04

- Not involved in accident   AGE 45 - 54                                 21,596     4,56
                             AGE 55 - 64                                 20,229     4,10
- No speeding ticket
                             ENGINE > 2300 cc                            24,926     3,61
- Do not consider safety
                             Frequency: Almost every day                   6,593    1,82
as a reason for
                             GENDER                                       -6,011   -1,93
conforming with speed
limit                        Involvement in an accident                   -5,214   -1,95
                             Speeding ticket in the last 5 years           6,529    2,75
                             Safety is a reason for conforming with
                             speed limit                                 -11,127   -4,01
Exceeding the motorway speed limit:
       Factors affecting driver choices

       Binary logit coefficients
                                    β         Sig.
AGE 18 - 24                        1,551      0,005
AGE 25 - 34                             1,3          0
GENDER (0:male, 1:female)          -0,826     0,033
ENGINE > 2300 cc                    2,64      0,014
ENGINE 1801 – 2300 cc              0,946      0,014
ENGINE 1401 – 1800 cc              0,601      0,023
SPEEDING TICKET                    0,967      0,001
SAFETY is a reason for
conforming with the speed limit    -1,002            0
Reasons that car drivers conform with the
         motorway general speed limit (120km/h)
                                            Driver’s speed
Reasons for conforming with   % of       Drivers who
speed limit                   drivers    Conform with   Others F          sig
                                         speed limit
Safety                           76,2%       128         142       23,4     0
Risk of getting a speeding
ticket                           25,5%       130         136   4,929 0,02
Legislation                      14,3%       131         131   0,005 0,94
Fuel cost                         4,4%       127         131   0,573 0,45
Driver is not in a hurry          4,1%       121         132   3,059 0,81
Environmental                     1,4%       122         131   0,695 0,40
Other reasons                     1,4%       127         131   0,128 0,72
Drivers who stated that
they do not conform with
the 120km/h speed limit in
motorways                         3,4%       160         130   20,26        0
Reasons that drivers exceed the motorway general
                speed limit (120km/h)

                                                 Drivers who
Reasons for exceeding the               % of      exceed the Others    F     sig.
speed limit                            drivers    speed limit
Being in a hurry                       42,9%        131       131     0,01   0,91
The limit for safe driving is higher
than 120km/h in motorways              31,3%        138       128     13,1      0
Other reasons                          24,5%        134       131     0,36   0,55

Adjusting to the speed of other
vehicles                                 5,1%       132       131     0,02   0,89

Enjoy speeding                           4,8%       149       130     10,1   0,00

Being bored driving at low speed         4,8%       147       131      8,1   0,01
No specific reason                       3,4%       133       131     0,11   0,74
Never/rarely exceed the speed
limit                                  24,5%        116       136     56,5      0
Drivers’ views on the 120km/h general speed limit on
                 Drivers' views on the level of speed limit in motorways (120km/h)

               70%                                                  65%              150

                                                                                           mean speed (km/h)
                                                                        138          140
% of drivers

               40%                                                                   130
               30%                                                                   120
                                112               120
               10%         5%
               0%                                                                    100
                       It's very high and It's about right     It's very low and
                     should be decreased                     should be increased
Should drivers exceed speed limits?

                     Speed limits should never be
                      Speed limits should never be exceeded
           45%                                                          160
           40%                                                 152
                                                    35%                 150

                                                                              mean speed (km/h)

                              126                                       130
           10%                           10%
                    8%                                                  120
           5%    114                                           5%

           0%                                                           110
                 Strongly     Agree    Neither    Disagree   Strongly
                  Agree               agree not              Disagree
Should drivers exceed speed limits?

                 Current Speed limits are lower than the limit
                 for safe driving andkm/h or more       10 thus could be exceeded
                Speed limits are lower than the speed limit for safe driving, and thus they could be exceeded by

                                      by 10 km/h or even more
               60%        151                                                                               160

               50%                                                                                          150
                                           137              138

                                                                                                                   mean speed (km/h)
% of Drivers

                                                                             124                            130
                                                            14%                                100
               10%                                                                                          100
                           2%                                                                  2%
               0%                                                                                           90
                       Strongly           Agree       Neither agree Disagree               Strongly
                        Agree                         not disagree                         Disagree
Should drivers exceed speed limits?

                              Speed limits are inaccurate
                     Drivers can judge forare inaccurate
                                       Speed limits themselves whether
                         Drivers can judge whether they can drive slowly or fast .
                           they should drive slowly or fast
               70%                                                                   160

               60%       150                                     59%

                                                                                           mean speed (km/h)
% of drivers

                                                   137                               140
               40%                     134
               30%                                                                   130
               20%                     18%
                                                   12%                               120
               10%                                                          9%
               0%                                                                    110
                       Strongly       Agree    Neither agree   Disagree   Strongly
                        Agree                  not disagree               Disagree
Main findings from surveys

 Current speed limits are exceeded by the vast majority
 of drivers.
 Speed limit offenders are mostly Young drivers,
 Frequent users and drivers of high engine power cars.
 Safety is the main reason for conforming with speed
 Being in a hurry is the main reason for exceeding speed
 ~40% of drivers consider current speed limits as lower
 than the limit for safe driving, and believe that speed
 limits could be exceeded by 10km/h or more.
Reasons for regulating drivers’ speed

Self optimum speed : Driver tries to minimise
                          travel time,
                          perceived risk of accident
                          perceived risk of being caught
                          fuel cost

 drivers can impose significant risks
                                             Social optimum
 and uncompensated costs on others
 Different drivers have different risk          Cost of travel time
 tolerances                                     Accident costs
 May have inadequate information
 and/or misjudge roadway conditions,            Environmental costs
 and own and vehicle capabilities               Energy costs
 May misjudge the effect speed on
                                                Enforcement cost
 accident probability and severity
Different approaches in setting speed limits
                  (Fildes et al. for Austroads 2005)
  Road geometry, Traffic speeds, Accident data, Traffic
  volumes, Roadside development.
Drivers’ Choice
 Drivers select a reasonable and safe travel speed.
 The posted speed limit is the 85th percentile driving speed.
Economic Optimisation
 All costs (travel time, injury, death, environmental, energy)
 associated with travel are expressed in monetary terms.
 The posted speed limit is the speed that results in the lowest cost.

Harm Minimisation
 Life and health cannot be measured in monetary terms.
 Fatalities or serious casualties is not considered as an
 inevitable cost of increased mobility.
Economic optimisation approach
                (EU-MASTER, Cameron)

Explicit framework that takes account of :
•   Road accident costs       AccC
•   Travel time costs       TimC
•   Vehicle operating costs OpC
•   Traffic emissions costs     EmisC
•   Noise pollution costs     NoisC
Road accident costs

              AccC =         Σi   NiA * VAcci

NA      the number of accidents of category i
Vacc the cost of an accident
        Estimation of a fatal accident cost is a controversial issue
        Different methods
             Human Capital Approach
             Willingness to Pay
        can lead to significantly different costs of accidents
The number of Road accidents
                     (Nilsson (1984)

      NA = (VA/VB)p * NB

NA = number of accidents After the speed change
NB = number of accidents Before the speed change
VA = mean or median speed After
VB = mean or median speed Before
 p = 4 for fatal accidents
        3 for serious injury accidents
        2 for minor injury accidents
Poor estimates of NB can result in highly inaccurate estimates of
NA, particularly in the case of fatal accidents where p = 4
Speed variance is also considered as an important factor
Travel time costs

    TimC = Traffic Volume * Travel Time * VoT
requires reliable estimates of the value of time

Vehicle operating costs
    OpC = Traffic Volume * distance
                      * Fuel Consumption * fuel cost

 - Reliable Fuel consumption functions are available for different
   types of vehicles
 - Fleet composition data should be available
Traffic emissions costs
Atmospheric emission pollutants which are normally regarded as
the ones of most concern include:
                                                                                  Euro III_< 1.4 l        Euro III_1.4 - 2.0 l   Euro III_> 2.0 l
  • Hydrocarbons and other
    organic compounds (VOC),                                                      Euro IV_< 1.4 l         Euro IV_1.4 - 2.0 l    Euro IV_> 2.0 l

    benzene, 1,3-butadiene                                             0,8
                                                                                 NOx emissions rates
  • Carbon monoxide CO                                                 0,7

  • Nitrogen Oxides NOx                                                0,6

  • Particular Matter (PM) –

                                    Ν Ο x e m i s s i o n s (g r / k m )

    particles emitted from the
  • CO2: is a main contributor
    to global warming.                                                 0,2

Extensive database of vehicle
Emission functions is provided by                                      0,0

                                                                                                              80 100 120 140 160 180
                                                                                                              80  100  120 140    160        180

the UK Dept of Environment                                                                                            Speed (km/h)
                                                                                                                               speed (km/h))
Traffic emissions costs
 EmisC = Σi Volume Pollutanti * CoPi
CoPi the cost of pollutant i.
  Traffic emission impact depends on
       • the size of the population living in the vicinity of the
         road, and who are exposed to emissions, and
       • the emission concentration which the population is
         exposed to.

        Pollutant concentrations at the road side receptors
        should be estimated by taking into account the
        dispersion and dilution of the pollutants.
   Vehicle fleet composition
   Cost of different pollutants has not been estimated in Greece
Noise pollution impact

Depends on the size of the population living in the vicinity
of the road, and who are exposed to noise.
Noise level depends on speed, traffic volume and form of
roadside development - Estimation of noise level is a
complex problem often requiring specialised SW
Cost and effectiveness of noise barriers should be
compared to cost of reduced mobility due to speed
Cost of noise pollution – hedonic pricing applied in urban
areas, WTP approaches
Noise pollution cost has not been estimated in Greece
Speed limits, speed distribution and
 speed enforcement
All relationships for estimating
safety, environmental, energy and
mobility implications are based on
driver speeds - not speed limits.
Nonlinear relationships imply that
speed distributions rather than
mean speed values should be
  f( E[v] ) ≠ E[ f(v) ]                          Intense
Accident frequency is related to                 enforcement
speed variance.
Intensity of speed enforcement
affects speed distribution
But cost of intensive enforcement
can incur high costs                    Speed limit
Future research
Further research in
• Effect of level of enforcement on speed distribution
• Speed – accident relationships
• Reliable estimates of accident, pollution costs

Complexities and uncertainties related to the estimation of the
monetary values of the various benefits and disbenefits from
speed changes dictate that alternative options that could
improve accident rate should always be considered before
proceeding to speed limit changes.

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Driver's Attitudes toward Speed Limits

  • 1. 1st INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FREEWAY AND TOLLWAY OPERATIONS TRB Freeway Operations Committee Athens 2006 SPEED LIMITS: planning perspectives and drivers’ attitudes in Greece Petros Vythoulkas Basil Psarianos Pavlos Chorianopoulos Faculty of Rural and Surveying Engineering National Technical University of Athens Eva Kasapi Ministry of Environment, Regional Planning and Public Works
  • 2. Setting speed limits: a complex trade-off safety, environmental mobility and and economic energy costs costs speed • Speed may affect the severity and risk of accidents. • But unreasonably low speed limits increase drivers’ violation of the speed limits
  • 3. Objectives • Investigate drivers’ speed choice behaviour and their attitudes towards speed limits • Review the current practices in setting speed limits. • Directions for future research
  • 4. Drivers’ speed choice Most drivers select a reasonably safe speed for the conditions under which they travel They select their self-optimum speed primarily on the basis of Travel time minimisation Accident risk minimisation Minimisation of the Risk of being caught speeding Fuel economy The self-optimum speed is related to driver’s Personal characteristics age, income, driving experience, risk behaviour, environmental awareness Journey characteristics
  • 5. Driver speeds in the trunk road network in Greece Surveys in the context of the research project “Method for Setting Reliable Speed Limits in Greece” funded by the Ministry of Environment, Regional Planning and Planning Works. Speed choices are analysed based : a) on actual speed data collected through the use of radar meters at 15 stations along the rural highway network of Greece. b) on a dataset collected through a questionnaire survey that was conducted at 5 motorway toll plazas in Greece.
  • 6. Motorway with local speed limit 90 km/h
  • 7. Probability distribution of observed speeds in motorwaydistribution ofwith local speed limitwith speed probability section observed speeds in motorway 90 km/h limit 90 km/h histogram Cumulative Probability Distribution 25% 120% 21% 20% 100% 85% 80% 15% 12% 12% 60% 11% 11% 10% 8% 7% 7% 40% 5% 5% 3% 2% 20% 2% 0% 0% 1,5% 0% 0% 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 observed speed Speed limit V85 = 127 km/h
  • 8. Motorway with general speed limit 120 km/h
  • 9. Probability distribution of observed speeds in motorway Cumulative probability distribution of observed speeds in the left with general speed limit 120 km/h and right lane of motorway with speed limit 120 km/h 120% 100% 85% 80% Left lane 60% Right lane both lanes 40% 31,7% 19,3% 20% 5,6% 0% 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Speed limit 140 152 157 Speed (km/h)
  • 10. Roadside surveys • Self reported speed and relation to drivers’ characteristics • Drivers’ attitudes towards speed limits
  • 11. Self reported speeds in motorways with general Histogram and cumulative probabality distribution of self reported speeds in speed limit 120km/h motorways with with speed limit 120 km/h Histogram Cumulative probability distribution 35% 120% cumulative probability distribution 30% 100% 29% 26% 25% 80% 20% 60% 15% 40% 10% 12% 8% 5% 20% 5% 6% 6% 3% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 70 80 90 100 110 120 125 130 135 140 150 155 160 170 180 190 200 220 V85 = 140 ~150 km/h self reported speed (km/h)
  • 12. Self reported speed and driver’s age in motorways with general speed limit 120 km/h = < 80istribution of self reported speed in-motorways with speed limit 120 km/h101 -age D km/h 81 100 km/h by driver's 120 km/h 121 - 130 km/h 131 - 140 km/h > = 141 km/h 50% 46% 42% 41% 45% 37% 40% 34% 34% 32% 35% 31% 27% 30% 25% 25% 24% 24% 23% 25% 18% 17% 16% 20% 15% 14% 13% 14% 13% 11% 11% 15% 10% 9% 10% 5% 5% 0% 18 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 > 65 Sample driver's age
  • 13. Self reported speed and vehicle engine’s power in motorwaysreported speed in motorways with speed limit120 km/h Distribution of self with general speed limit (120 km/h) by vehicle engine size = < 80 km/h 81 - 100 km/h 101 - 120 km/h 121 - 130 km/h 131 - 140 km/h > = 141 km/h 70% 64% 60% 50% 50% 43% 40% 34% 29% 30% 25% 26% 20% 21% 20% 17% 10% 7% 8% 9% 7% 7% 8% 0% <= 1100 1101 - 1400 1401 - 1800 1801 - 2300 > 2300 sample
  • 14. Self reported speed and frequency of use in motorways with general speed limit 120 km/h Distribution of self reported speed in motorway and trip frequency < 110 km/h 110 - 130 km/h > 130 km/h 80% 70% 67% 63% 60% 57% 53% 49% 46% 50% 42% 44% 43% 41% 44% 40% 36% 30% 30% 20% 20% 14% 16% 13% 7% 10% 10% 5% 3% 0% almost 1 - 2 days/ once in a once a several 1 - 3 times Sample every day week fortnight month times a a year year
  • 15. Relationship between self reported speed and personal characteristics of drivers Reference values: Linear regression coefficients - Age > 65 Coef value t (Constant) 109,94 13,19 - Engine =< 1100 cc AGE 18 - 24 29,961 5,22 - Frequency 1- 3 /year AGE 25 - 34 27,864 5,85 - Gender male AGE 35 - 44 19,266 4,04 - Not involved in accident AGE 45 - 54 21,596 4,56 AGE 55 - 64 20,229 4,10 - No speeding ticket ENGINE > 2300 cc 24,926 3,61 - Do not consider safety Frequency: Almost every day 6,593 1,82 as a reason for GENDER -6,011 -1,93 conforming with speed limit Involvement in an accident -5,214 -1,95 Speeding ticket in the last 5 years 6,529 2,75 Safety is a reason for conforming with speed limit -11,127 -4,01
  • 16. Exceeding the motorway speed limit: Factors affecting driver choices Binary logit coefficients β Sig. AGE 18 - 24 1,551 0,005 AGE 25 - 34 1,3 0 GENDER (0:male, 1:female) -0,826 0,033 ENGINE > 2300 cc 2,64 0,014 ENGINE 1801 – 2300 cc 0,946 0,014 ENGINE 1401 – 1800 cc 0,601 0,023 SPEEDING TICKET 0,967 0,001 SAFETY is a reason for conforming with the speed limit -1,002 0
  • 17. Reasons that car drivers conform with the motorway general speed limit (120km/h) Driver’s speed Reasons for conforming with % of Drivers who speed limit drivers Conform with Others F sig speed limit Safety 76,2% 128 142 23,4 0 Risk of getting a speeding ticket 25,5% 130 136 4,929 0,02 Legislation 14,3% 131 131 0,005 0,94 Fuel cost 4,4% 127 131 0,573 0,45 Driver is not in a hurry 4,1% 121 132 3,059 0,81 Environmental 1,4% 122 131 0,695 0,40 Other reasons 1,4% 127 131 0,128 0,72 Drivers who stated that they do not conform with the 120km/h speed limit in motorways 3,4% 160 130 20,26 0
  • 18. Reasons that drivers exceed the motorway general speed limit (120km/h) Drivers who Reasons for exceeding the % of exceed the Others F sig. speed limit drivers speed limit Being in a hurry 42,9% 131 131 0,01 0,91 The limit for safe driving is higher than 120km/h in motorways 31,3% 138 128 13,1 0 Other reasons 24,5% 134 131 0,36 0,55 Adjusting to the speed of other vehicles 5,1% 132 131 0,02 0,89 Enjoy speeding 4,8% 149 130 10,1 0,00 Being bored driving at low speed 4,8% 147 131 8,1 0,01 No specific reason 3,4% 133 131 0,11 0,74 Never/rarely exceed the speed limit 24,5% 116 136 56,5 0
  • 19. Drivers’ views on the 120km/h general speed limit on motorways Drivers' views on the level of speed limit in motorways (120km/h) 70% 65% 150 60% mean speed (km/h) 138 140 % of drivers 50% 40% 130 31% 30% 120 112 120 20% 110 10% 5% 0% 100 It's very high and It's about right It's very low and should be decreased should be increased
  • 20. Should drivers exceed speed limits? Speed limits should never be Speed limits should never be exceeded exceeded 45% 160 42% 40% 152 35% 150 35% mean speed (km/h) 30% %Drivers 139 140 25% 131 20% 126 130 15% 10% 10% 8% 120 5% 114 5% 0% 110 Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Agree agree not Disagree disagree
  • 21. Should drivers exceed speed limits? Current Speed limits are lower than the limit for safe driving andkm/h or more 10 thus could be exceeded Speed limits are lower than the speed limit for safe driving, and thus they could be exceeded by by 10 km/h or even more 60% 151 160 50% 150 46% 137 138 mean speed (km/h) 140 40% % of Drivers 36% 124 130 30% 120 20% 110 14% 100 10% 100 2% 2% 0% 90 Strongly Agree Neither agree Disagree Strongly Agree not disagree Disagree
  • 22. Should drivers exceed speed limits? Speed limits are inaccurate Drivers can judge forare inaccurate Speed limits themselves whether Drivers can judge whether they can drive slowly or fast . they should drive slowly or fast 70% 160 60% 150 59% 150 mean speed (km/h) 50% % of drivers 137 140 40% 134 130 30% 130 123 20% 18% 12% 120 10% 9% 2% 0% 110 Strongly Agree Neither agree Disagree Strongly Agree not disagree Disagree
  • 23. Main findings from surveys Current speed limits are exceeded by the vast majority of drivers. Speed limit offenders are mostly Young drivers, Frequent users and drivers of high engine power cars. Safety is the main reason for conforming with speed limits. Being in a hurry is the main reason for exceeding speed limits. ~40% of drivers consider current speed limits as lower than the limit for safe driving, and believe that speed limits could be exceeded by 10km/h or more.
  • 24. Reasons for regulating drivers’ speed Self optimum speed : Driver tries to minimise travel time, perceived risk of accident perceived risk of being caught fuel cost drivers can impose significant risks Social optimum and uncompensated costs on others Different drivers have different risk Cost of travel time tolerances Accident costs May have inadequate information and/or misjudge roadway conditions, Environmental costs and own and vehicle capabilities Energy costs May misjudge the effect speed on Enforcement cost accident probability and severity
  • 25. Different approaches in setting speed limits (Fildes et al. for Austroads 2005) Engineering Road geometry, Traffic speeds, Accident data, Traffic volumes, Roadside development. Drivers’ Choice Drivers select a reasonable and safe travel speed. The posted speed limit is the 85th percentile driving speed. Economic Optimisation All costs (travel time, injury, death, environmental, energy) associated with travel are expressed in monetary terms. The posted speed limit is the speed that results in the lowest cost. Harm Minimisation Life and health cannot be measured in monetary terms. Fatalities or serious casualties is not considered as an inevitable cost of increased mobility.
  • 26. Economic optimisation approach (EU-MASTER, Cameron) Explicit framework that takes account of : • Road accident costs AccC • Travel time costs TimC • Vehicle operating costs OpC • Traffic emissions costs EmisC • Noise pollution costs NoisC
  • 27. Road accident costs AccC = Σi NiA * VAcci where NA the number of accidents of category i Vacc the cost of an accident Estimation of a fatal accident cost is a controversial issue Different methods Human Capital Approach Willingness to Pay can lead to significantly different costs of accidents
  • 28. The number of Road accidents (Nilsson (1984) NA = (VA/VB)p * NB NA = number of accidents After the speed change NB = number of accidents Before the speed change VA = mean or median speed After VB = mean or median speed Before p = 4 for fatal accidents 3 for serious injury accidents 2 for minor injury accidents Poor estimates of NB can result in highly inaccurate estimates of NA, particularly in the case of fatal accidents where p = 4 Speed variance is also considered as an important factor
  • 29. Travel time costs TimC = Traffic Volume * Travel Time * VoT requires reliable estimates of the value of time Vehicle operating costs OpC = Traffic Volume * distance * Fuel Consumption * fuel cost - Reliable Fuel consumption functions are available for different types of vehicles - Fleet composition data should be available
  • 30. Traffic emissions costs Atmospheric emission pollutants which are normally regarded as the ones of most concern include: Euro III_< 1.4 l Euro III_1.4 - 2.0 l Euro III_> 2.0 l • Hydrocarbons and other organic compounds (VOC), Euro IV_< 1.4 l Euro IV_1.4 - 2.0 l Euro IV_> 2.0 l benzene, 1,3-butadiene 0,8 NOx emissions rates • Carbon monoxide CO 0,7 • Nitrogen Oxides NOx 0,6 • Particular Matter (PM) – Ν Ο x e m i s s i o n s (g r / k m ) 0,5 particles emitted from the 0,4 exhaust 0,3 • CO2: is a main contributor to global warming. 0,2 0,1 Extensive database of vehicle Emission functions is provided by 0,0 0 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 80 100 120 140 160 180 the UK Dept of Environment Speed (km/h) speed (km/h))
  • 31. Traffic emissions costs EmisC = Σi Volume Pollutanti * CoPi where CoPi the cost of pollutant i. Traffic emission impact depends on • the size of the population living in the vicinity of the road, and who are exposed to emissions, and • the emission concentration which the population is exposed to. Pollutant concentrations at the road side receptors should be estimated by taking into account the dispersion and dilution of the pollutants. Vehicle fleet composition Cost of different pollutants has not been estimated in Greece
  • 32. Noise pollution impact Depends on the size of the population living in the vicinity of the road, and who are exposed to noise. Noise level depends on speed, traffic volume and form of roadside development - Estimation of noise level is a complex problem often requiring specialised SW Cost and effectiveness of noise barriers should be compared to cost of reduced mobility due to speed reduction Cost of noise pollution – hedonic pricing applied in urban areas, WTP approaches Noise pollution cost has not been estimated in Greece
  • 33. Speed limits, speed distribution and speed enforcement Low/moderate All relationships for estimating enforcement safety, environmental, energy and mobility implications are based on driver speeds - not speed limits. Nonlinear relationships imply that speed distributions rather than mean speed values should be used. f( E[v] ) ≠ E[ f(v) ] Intense Accident frequency is related to enforcement speed variance. Intensity of speed enforcement affects speed distribution But cost of intensive enforcement can incur high costs Speed limit
  • 34. Future research Further research in • Effect of level of enforcement on speed distribution • Speed – accident relationships • Reliable estimates of accident, pollution costs Complexities and uncertainties related to the estimation of the monetary values of the various benefits and disbenefits from speed changes dictate that alternative options that could improve accident rate should always be considered before proceeding to speed limit changes.