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Dr . M. Vinod Kumar.
      M.D., D.M.(Cardiology)
Interventional Cardiologist
 Definition ,pathology and diagnosis
 Risk stratification
 Medical management
 Secondary prevention
Applying Classification of Recommendations
           and Level of Evidence
Class I                   Class IIa                      Class IIb                        Class III

Benefit >>> Risk          Benefit >> Risk                Benefit ≥ Risk                   Risk ≥ Benefit
                          Additional studies with        Additional studies with          No additional studies
                          focused objectives             broad objectives needed;         needed
                          needed                         Additional registry data
                                                         would be helpful                 Procedure/Treatment
Procedure/ Treatment      IT IS REASONABLE to                                             should NOT be
SHOULD be                 perform                        Procedure/Treatment              performed/administered
performed/                procedure/administer           MAY BE CONSIDERED                SINCE IT IS NOT
administered              treatment                                                       HELPFUL AND MAY
                                                                                          BE HARMFUL

Level A:   Recommendation based on evidence from multiple randomized trials or meta-analyses
           Multiple (3-5) population risk strata evaluated; General consistency of direction and magnitude of effect

Level B:   Recommendation based on evidence from a single randomized trial or non-randomized studies
           Limited (2-3) population risk strata evaluated

Level C:   Recommendation based on expert opinion, case studies, or standard-of-care
           Very limited (1-2) population risk strata evaluated
 ST Elevation Myocardial infarction (STEMI) is a major
  public health problem in both the developed and the
  developing countries in the world.

 The incidence in the developing countries is now similar
  to that in the developed countries.

 Approximately 3-4 per cent of Indians in rural areas and
  8-10 per cent in urban areas have CAD.
 STEMI is fatal in about one third of the patients, with 50%
  deaths occurring in the first hour from ventricular tachy

 Time to thrombolysis remains a key modifiable
  determinant of mortality in STEMI.
 Rapid diagnosis and early risk stratification of patients
  presenting with acute chest pain constitute the pillars of
  success in STEMI management.

 An efficient regional system of care based on pre-hospital
  diagnosis, triage and rapid transportation to the best
  available facility holds the key to success of treatment
  and significantly improves outcome.
Revised Definition of Myocardial Infarction

 Criteria for Acute, Evolving, or Recent MI
 Either of the following criteria satisfies the diagnosis for acute, evolving,
   or recent MI:
1. Typical rise and/or fall of biochemical markers of myocardial necrosis
   with at least one of the following:
    a. Ischemic symptoms
    b. Development of pathologic Q waves in the ECG
    c. Electrocardiographic changes indicative of ischemia (ST-segment
       elevation )
    d. Imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional
       wall motion abnormality
2. Pathologic findings of an acute myocardial infarction
1. Spontaneous ( primary) myocardial infarction
2. Myocardial infarction secondary
3. Sudden unexpected cardiac death, including
          cardiac arrest
4a . Myocardial infarction associated with PCI
4b. Myocardial infarction associated with stent
5. Myocardial infarction associated with CABG
 Almost all MIs result from coronary atherosclerosis.
 An ACS develops when the vulnerable or high-risk plaque
  undergoes disruption of the fibrous cap.
 Disruption of the plaque is the stimulus for thrombogenesis.
 Following disruption of a vulnerable or high-risk plaque
  reduction of flow through the affected epicardial coronary
 The flow reduction may be caused by a completely occlusive
  thrombus leads to STEMI or subtotally occlusive thrombus
  leads to UA/NSTEMI.
Acute Coronary Syndromes.

                                         Anderson J L et al. Circulation 2011;123:e426-e579

Copyright © American Heart Association
 Symptoms such as anginal chest
  pain, dyspnoe, palpitation, diaphoresis etc

 ECG: ST segment elevation or new onset LBBB

 Enzymes : CKMB, Trop T and I

                Show 12-lead ECG results to emergency physician
                within 10 minutes of ED arrival in all patients with
                chest discomfort (or anginal equivalent) or other
                symptoms of STEMI.

I IIa IIb III   In patients with inferior STEMI, ECG leads should
                also be obtained to screen for right ventricular
I IIa IIb III   Laboratory examinations should be performed as part of the
                management of STEMI patients, but should not delay the
                implementation of reperfusion therapy.

                   Serum biomarkers for cardiac damage
                   Complete blood count (CBC) with platelets
                   International normalized ratio (INR)
                   Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)
                   Electrolytes and magnesium
                   Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
                   Creatinine
                   Glucose
                   Complete lipid profile
I IIa IIb III   Cardiac-specific troponins should be used as the
                optimum biomarkers for the evaluation of patients with
                STEMI who have coexistent skeletal muscle injury.

                For patients with ST elevation on the 12-lead ECG and
I IIa IIb III   symptoms of STEMI, reperfusion therapy should be
                initiated as soon as possible and is not contingent on a
                biomarker assay.
Multiples of the URL

                                                            Cardiac troponin-no reperfusion
                       20                                   Cardiac troponin-reperfusion
                       10                                   CKMB- no reperfusion
                                                             CKMB- reperfusion

                                                                     Upper reference limit

                             0   1       2      3       4        5      6         7      8
                                                                                URL = 99th %tile of
                                     Days After Onset of STEMI                  Reference Control Group
 There is risk stratification within STEMI, but in general, STEMI
  is high-risk.

 Important to select greater-risk patients who warrant more
  aggressive strategies for prevention of future serious events
  such as reinfarction or sudden death.
 Occurs in several stages

   Initial presentation

   In-hospital course (CCU, intermediate CU)

   At the time of hospital discharge
 Prior angina pectoris    ECG Criteria
 Prior MI                 Markedly elevated cardiac
 Female gender             enzymes
 Hypertension             Elevated BUN
 History of CHF           Complications
 Hyperlipidemia              VSR/PMD-rupture
 Diabetes                    Myocardial rupture
 Anterior MI/ Persisting ST elevation
 Q waves in multiple leads
 High sum of ST elevation
 Reciprocal ( anterior ) ST depression
 Persisting ST depression
 Prolonged QT
 Conduction defects/ heart block
 Sinus tachycardia/atrial fibrillation
 killips
 best used to supplement—not replace—clinical judgment
 less useful in atypical presentations, but indeed validated in an
  ED population . . .
(David A et al. TIMI Risk Score for ………..: An Intravenous nPA for Treatment of Infarcting Myocardium Early II Trial Substudy.
                                                 Circulation 2000, 102:2031-2037)
                                    MORTALITY RATE
Class 1   No rales, no 3rd       2.8%
          heart sound
Class 2   Rales in <1⁄2 lung     8.8%
          field or presence of
          a 3rd heart sound
Class 3   Rales in >1⁄2 lung     14.4%
Class 4   Cardiogenic shock–     67%
 The first goal for healthcare professionals is to diagnose in a
  very rapid manner whether the patient is having an STEMI or
  NSTEMI because therapy differs between the 2 types of
  myocardial infarction.
 As a general rule, initial therapy for acute myocardial
  infarction is directed toward restoration of perfusion as
  soon as possible to salvage as much of the jeopardized
  myocardium as possible.

 This may be accomplished through medical or mechanical
  means, such as PCI or CABG.
 If STEMI is present, the decision as to whether the patient will
  be treated with thrombolysis or primary PCI should be made
  within the next 10 minutes.

 The goal for patients with STEMI should be to achieve a door-
  to-drug time of within 30 minutes and a door-to-balloon time
  of within 90 minutes.
 Critical factors that weigh into the selection of a
  reperfusion strategy include the following:

 The time elapsed since the onset of symptoms
 The risk associated with STEMI
 The risk of administering a fibrinolytic
 The time required to initiate an invasive strategy .
 Further treatment is based on the following:

 Restoration of the balance between the oxygen supply
  and demand to prevent further ischemia
 Pain relief
 Prevention and treatment of any complications that may
1. Airway, Breathing, Circulation (ABC)
2.   Vital signs, general observation
3.   Presence or absence of jugular venous distension
4.   Pulmonary auscultation for rales
5.   Cardiac auscultation for murmurs and gallops
6.   Presence or absence of stroke
  Morphine
  Oxygen
  Nitroglycerin
  Aspirin
 Pain contribute to the heightened sympathetic activity

 Management of STEMI patients in the emergency
  department should aim to relieve pain.
 Control of cardiac pain typically uses a combination of
  nitrates, analgesics (e.g., morphine), oxygen, and in
  appropriately selected patients, beta-adrenergic blocking

 Although a wide variety of analgesic agents has been
  used to treat the pain associated with STEMI, including
  meperidine, pentazocine, and morphine.

 Morphine remains the drug of choice, except in patients
  with well-documented morphine hypersensitivity.
 A dose of 4 to 8 mg intravenously.
 Doses of 2 to 8 mg repeated at intervals of 5 to 15
 Toxicity —hypotension, depression of respiration, or
  severe vomiting.
 Morphine has unequivocal beneficial effects in patients
  with pulmonary edema because of peripheral arterial and
  venous dilation .
Morphine sulfate (2 to 4 mg intravenously with
                increments of 2 to 8 mg intravenously repeated at 5 to
                15 minute intervals) is the analgesic of choice for
                management of pain associated with STEMI.

 Hypoxemia results from ventilation-perfusion abnormalities are
  sequelae of left ventricular failure.

 Oxygen should be administered to patients with STEMI when
  arterial hypoxemia is clinically evident or can be documented by
  measurement (e.g., Sao2 < 90%).

 The delivery of 2 to 4 liters/min of 100% oxygen by mask or nasal
  prongs for 6 to 12 hours is satisfactory for most patients with mild
 Oxygen
  Arterial oxygen desaturation (SaO2 < 90%)
    Class I(B)

  Uncomplicated STEMI during the first 6 hours
    Class IIa(c)

 Ability to enhance coronary blood flow by coronary

 Decrease ventricular preload by increasing venous
I IIa IIb III   Patients with ongoing ischemic discomfort should receive
                sublingual NTG (0.4 mg) every 5 minutes for a total of 3
                doses, after which an assessment should be made about
                the need for intravenous NTG.

I IIa IIb III   Intravenous NTG is indicated for relief of ongoing ischemic
                discomfort that responds to nitrate therapy, control of
                hypertension, or management of pulmonary congestion.
I IIa IIb III   Nitrates should not be administered to patients with:
                • systolic pressure < 90 mm Hg or ≥ to 30 mm Hg
                  below baseline
                • severe bradycardia (< 50 bpm)
                • suspected RV infarction.

                Nitrates should not be administered to patients who have
                received a phosphodiesterase inhibitor for erectile
                dysfunction within the last 24 hours (48
                hours for tadalafil).
 Long-acting oral nitrate preparations should be avoided
  in the early course of STEMI because of the frequently
  changing hemodynamic status of the patient.
 In patients with a prolonged period of waxing and waning
 chest pain, intravenous nitroglycerin may help to control
 symptoms and correct ischemia, but requires frequent
 monitoring of blood pressure.
 Relieve ischemic pain, reduce need for analgesics, reduce
  infarct size and life-threatening arrhythmias

 Reduce heart rate, decrease myocardial oxyzen demand .
 Avoid early intravenous beta blockade in patients
 presenting in Killip class II or higher.
 Favorable effects with metoprolol, atenolol, carvedilol
  and timolol.

 Beta blockers with intrinsic sympathomimetic activity
  probably should not be chosen.

 Trial  of esmolol    in   the    presence   of   relative
Effects of Metoprolol
         COMMIT (N = 45,852)                                               Totality of Evidence (N = 52,411)


                               30% relative
                                increase in

                                                                                             Lancet. 2005;366:1622.
*Risk factors for cardiogenic shock :heart failure, age > 70 , systolic blood
pressure < 120, sinus tachycardia > 110 or heart rate < 60, increased time since
onset of STEMI symptoms
       Oral beta-blocker therapy should be administered promptly
       to those patients without a contraindication, irrespective of
       concomitant fibrinolytic therapy or performance of primary
       PCI.         contraindications
                1)   signs of heart failure,
                2)   evidence of a low output state,
I IIa IIb III   3)   increased risk for cardiogenic shock, or
                4)   relative contraindications to beta blockade
                       1AVB > 0.24 sec,
                       2nd- or 3rd-degree heart block
                       reactive airway disease
 It is reasonable to administer intravenous beta-blockers
          promptly to STEMI patients without contraindications,
          especially if a tachyarrhythmia or hypertension is present.

                       contraindications
                       signs of heart failure,
                       evidence of a low output state,
                       increased risk for cardiogenic shock, or
    IIa IIb III
                       relative contraindications to beta blockade
                                1AVB > 0.24 sec,
                                2nd- or 3rd-degree heart block
                                 reactive airway disease

Recommendations - Class III (A)
• IV beta blockers SHOULD NOT be administered to
  STEMI patients who have any of the following:
   1) signs of heart failure
   2) evidence of a low output state
   3) increased risk for cardiogenic shock
   4) relative contraindications to beta blockade
        1AVB > 0.24 sec,
        2nd- or 3rd-degree heart block
        reactive airway disease
 Aspirin

 Aspirin is useful for the primary prevention of vascular

 Effective across the entire spectrum of acute coronary

 Part of the initial management strategy for patients with
  suspected STEMI.
   In a dose of 162 mg or more, aspirin produces a rapid
    clinical antithrombotic effect caused by immediate and
    near-total inhibition of thromboxane A2 production.

   ISIS-2-->ASA led to 23% reduction in mortality.
 Because low doses (40 to 80 mg) take several days to achieve
  full antiplatelet effect, at least 162 to 325 mg should be
  administered acutely in the emergency department.

 To achieve therapeutic blood levels rapidly, the patient should
  chew the tablet to promote buccal absorption rather than
  absorption through the gastric mucosa.

                Aspirin should be chewed by patients who have not
                taken aspirin before presentation with STEMI. The
                initial dose should be 162 mg (Level of Evidence: A) to
                325 mg (Level of Evidence: C)

    Although some trials have used enteric-coated aspirin for initial
    dosing, more rapid buccal absorption occurs with non–enteric-
    coated formulations.

                A daily dose of aspirin (initial dose of 162 to 325 mg
                orally; maintenance dose of 75 to 162 mg) should
                be given indefinitely after STEMI to all patients
                without a true aspirin allergy.
The medical system goal is to facilitate rapid recognition and

treatment of patients with STEMI such that door-to- needle

(or medical contact–to-needle) time for initiation of

fibrinolytic therapy can be achieved within 30 minutes or that

door-to-balloon (or medical contact–to- balloon) time for PCI

can be kept within 90 minutes.
Reperfusion Options for STEMI Patients
                Select Reperfusion Treatment.
    If presentation is < 3 hours and there is no delay to an invasive
           strategy, there is no preference for either strategy.
Fibrinolysis generally preferred
 Early presentation ( ≤ 3 hours from symptom
  onset and delay to invasive strategy)
 Invasive strategy not an option
     Cath lab occupied or not available
     Vascular access difficulties
     No access to skilled PCI lab

 Delay to invasive strategy
    Prolonged transport
    Door-to-balloon more than 90 minutes
    > 1 hour vs fibrinolysis (fibrin-specific agent) now
Reperfusion Options for STEMI Patients
                Select Reperfusion Treatment.
If presentation is < 3 hours and there is no delay to an invasive strategy, there is no
                            preference for either strategy.
  Invasive strategy generally preferred
   Skilled PCI lab available with surgical backup
       Door-to-balloon < 90 minutes

 • High Risk from STEMI
     Cardiogenic shock, Killip class ≥ 3

  Contraindications to fibrinolysis, including
   increased risk of bleeding and ICH

  Late presentation
      > 3 hours from symptom onset

  Diagnosis of STEMI is in doubt
Symptom Onset to Balloon Time and Mortality
                                      in Primary PCI for STEMI

                                    6 RCTs of Primary PCI by Zwolle Group 1994 – 2001
                                                         N = 1791
                             12                                                            P < 0.0001
     One-year mortality, %




                                                    RR = 1.08 [1.01 – 1.16] for each 30 min delay
                              2                                       (P = 0.04)

                              0 0       60         120        180        240         300      360
                                          Symptoms to balloon inflation (minutes)

DeLuca et al. Circulation 2004;109:1223.
PCI vs Fibrinolysis for STEMI:
                                   Short Term Clinical Outcomes


                   30        PCI                           P < 0.0001
   Frequency (%)

                   20                                                                                     P < 0.0001

                   15   P=0.0002                                                                              13
                                   P=0.0003   P < 0.0001                                        P=0.032
                             9                                                                            8
                   10    7               7          7                                            7
                                                            6                      P < 0.0001        5
                   5                          2.2
                                                                         1 2         0 1
                        Death      Death, Recurr. Recurr. Total Hemorrh. Major                             Death
                                      no    MI Ischemia Stroke Stroke Bleed                                  MI
                                     data                                                                   CVA
 N = 7739

Keeley et al. The Lancet 2003;361:13.
 Fibrinolysis

 The principal goal of fibrinolysis is prompt restoration of full
  IRA patency.

 Promote conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, which
  subsequently lyses fibrin thrombi.
 Fibrinolysis

 Recanalizes thrombotic occlusion associated with STEMI
 Restoration of coronary flow reduces infarct size
 Improves myocardial function.
 Improves survival over the short and the long term.

 In current practice, patients are more likely to be treated
  by PCI.

 This has reopened the concept of delivering fibrinolytic
  agents via the intracoronary route, but such efforts at
  present are largely restricted to adjunctive use during
  complicated PCI procedures.

 Streptokinase , tPA,, TNK, rPA

 TNK and rPA - bolus fibrinolytics
 WP-4 hr. t-PA is the preferred treatment

 streptokinase t-PA equivalent choices -risk of death is low
  , and increased risk of ICH .

 WP-4 to 12 hr . streptokinase and t-PA are equivalent
  options, but streptokinase is probably preferable to t-PA
  because of cost considerations
(Antman EM et al: ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Circulation
                                                             110:e82, 2004.)

PARAMETER                        STREPTOKINASE                 ALTEPLASE                 RETEPLASE                    TNK t-PA
                                                     Up to 100 mg in                     10 U ? 2 (30 min
                                                                                                                      30-50 mg based
Dose                             1.5 MU in 30-60 min 90 min (based on                    apart) each over
                                                                                                                      on weight
                                                     weight)                             2 min
Bolus administration             No                            No                        Yes                          Yes

Antigenic                        Yes                           No                        No                           No

 Allergic reactions
hypotension most                 Yes                           No                        No                           No

Systemic fibrinogen
                                 Marked                        Mild                      Moderate                     Minimal

90-min patency rates (%) ≈50                                   ≈75                       ≈75                          ≈75

TIMI grade 3 flow (%)            32                            54                        60                           63

Cost per dose (Rs)               2500                          39375 (50mg)
GISSI-1: Streptokinase 18% reduction in mortality at 21 d
GUSTO-1: tPA. 15% reduction in 30-day mortality compared
to Streptokinase
GUSTO-3: Reteplase had no benefit over tPA but is easier to
use (double bolus)
ASSENT: TNKase is similar to tPA but with less non-cerebral
bleeding and better mortality with symptoms>4 hrs: Single
bolus, fibrin selective, resistance to PAI-1
*Overall risk of ICH is 0.7%; Strokes occurred in 1.4%

                In the absence of contraindications, fibrinolytic
                therapy should be administered to STEMI patients
                with symptom onset within the prior 12 hours and
                new or presumably new left bundle branch block

                In the absence of contraindications, it is reasonable to
                administer fibrinolytic therapy to STEMI patients with
                symptom onset within the prior 12 hours and 12-lead
                ECG findings consistent with a true posterior MI.

                In the absence of contraindications, it is reasonable to
                administer fibrinolytic therapy to patients with
                symptoms of STEMI beginning in the prior 12 to 24
                hours who have continuing ischemic symptoms and ST
                elevation > 0.1 mV in ≥ 2 contiguous precordial leads
                or ≥ 2 adjacent limb leads.

I IIa IIb III   Fibrinolytic therapy should not be administered to
                asymptomatic patients whose initial symptoms of
                STEMI began more than 24 hours earlier.

I IIa IIb III   Fibrinolytic therapy should not be administered to
                patients whose 12-lead ECG shows only ST-segment
                depression, except if a true posterior MI is suspected.
Contraindications and Cautions
                   for Fibrinolysis in STEMI
                     Any prior intracranial hemorrhage
Contraindications    Known structural cerebral vascular lesion
                     (e.g., arteriovenous malformation)
                     Known malignant intracranial neoplasm (primary
                     or metastatic)
                     Ischemic stroke within 3 months EXCEPT acute
                     ischemic stroke within 3 hours
                     Suspected aortic dissection
                     Active bleeding or bleeding diathesis (excluding
                     Significant closed-head or facial trauma within 3
Contraindications and Cautions
                  for Fibrinolysis in STEMI
Relative            • History of chronic, severe, poorly controlled
Contraindications     hypertension
                    • Severe uncontrolled hypertension on
                      presentation (SBP > 180 mm Hg or DBP > 110
                      mm Hg)
                    • History of prior ischemic stroke greater than 3
                      months, dementia, or known intracranial
                      pathology not covered in contraindications
                    • Traumatic or prolonged (> 10 minutes) CPR or
                      major surgery (< 3 weeks)
Contraindications and Cautions
                   for Fibrinolysis in STEMI

Relative            • Recent (< 2 to 4 weeks) internal bleeding
Contraindications   • Noncompressible vascular punctures
                    • For streptokinase/anistreplase: prior exposure (>
                      5 days ago) or prior allergic reaction to these
                    • Pregnancy
                    • Active peptic ulcer
                    • Current use of anticoagulants: the higher the
                      INR, the higher the risk of bleeding
 Fibrinolytics given between 12 and 24 hours

 No mortality benefit - LATE and EMERAS trials

 Increases risk of cardiac rupture (elderly population)

 Preferable to restrict late fibrinolytic administration to
  patients younger than 65 years with ongoing
  ischemia, especially those with large anterior infarctions.
 Delays in the administration of thrombolysis often occur
  because of the following factors:

 Delay in obtaining an ECG
 Interpretation
 Lack of immediate availability of thrombolytic agents

 Early intravenous fibrinolysis undoubtedly improves survival.

 The gretest benefit when administered as early as possible.

 Most dramatic results when given less than 2 hours after
  symptoms begin.

 18% - 25% reduction in short-term mortality.
 Hazards of fibrinolysis

 Stroke (0.9–1.0%) - firstday after treatment, Largely
  attributable to cerebral haemorrhage.

 Advanced age, lower weight, female gender, prior
  cerebrovascular disease, and systolic and diastolic
  hypertension on admission are significant predictors of
  intracranial haemorrhage.

 Major non-cerebral bleeds (bleeding complications requiring
  blood transfusion or that are life-threatening) occur in 4–13%
  of the patients treated.
 Streptokinase may be associated with hypotension, but
 severe allergic reactions are rare.

 Re-administration of streptokinase should be avoided
 because of antibodies, which can impair its activity, and
 because of the risk of allergic reactions.
Primary PCI for STEMI:
                    General Considerations
                Patient with STEMI (including posterior MI) or MI with
                  new or presumably new LBBB
                PCI of infarct artery within 12 hours of symptom onset
                Balloon inflation within 90 minutes of presentation
                Skilled personnel available (individual performs > 75
                  procedures per year)
                Appropriate lab environment (lab performs > 200
                  PCIs/year of which at least 36 are primary PCI for
                Cardiac surgical backup available
Primary PCI for STEMI:
                      Specific Considerations

                Primary PCI should be performed in patients less than

I IIa IIb III   75 years old with ST elevation or LBBB who develop
                shock within 36 hours of MI and are suitable for
                revascularization that can be performed within 18
                hours of shock.
Primary PCI for STEMI:
                         Specific Considerations

                Primary PCI is reasonable in selected patients 75 years or
I IIa IIb III   older with ST elevation or LBBB who develop shock within
                36 hours of MI and are suitable for revascularization that
                can be performed within 18 hours of shock.
Primary PCI for STEMI:
                     Specific Considerations

                It is reasonable to perform primary PCI for patients
                with onset of symptoms within the prior 12 to 24
                hours and 1 or more of the following:

                a. Severe CHF

                b. Hemodynamic or electrical instability

                c. Persistent ischemic symptoms.
PCI After Fibrinolysis

                It is reasonable to perform routine PCI in patients with
                left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤ 0.40, CHF, or
                serious ventricular arrhythmias.

                It is reasonable to perform PCI when there is
                documented clinical heart failure during the acute
                episode, even though subsequent evaluation shows
                preserved LV function (LVEF > 0.40).
                Routine PCI might be considered as part of an
                invasive strategy after fibrinolytic therapy.
Assessment of Reperfusion
                It is reasonable to monitor the pattern of ST elevation,
                cardiac rhythm and clinical symptoms over the 60 to 180
                minutes after initiation of fibrinolytic therapy.

                Noninvasive findings suggestive of reperfusion include:

                 Relief of symptoms

                 Maintenance and restoration of hemodynamic and/or
                  electrical instability

                 Reduction of ≥ 50% of the initial ST-segment elevation
                  pattern on follow-up ECG 60 to 90 minutes after initiation of
 Flow in the IRA angiographically

 Gd. 0,   complete Occlussion

 Gd. 1,   some penetration

 Gd.2,   entire vessel with
  Impaired flow
 Gd.3,    entire vessel with
  Normal flow
Rescue PCI

It is reasonable to perform rescue PCI
for patients with one or more of the following:

Hemodynamic or electrical instability
Persistent ischemic symptoms or
Fibrinolytic therapy has failed (ST-segment
       elevation < 50%, resolved after 90 minutes
       following initiation of fibrinolytic therapy in the lead
       showing the worst initial elevation),
A moderate or large area of myocardium at risk
               (Class II; LOE -B).
 Coronary artery bypass graft surgery should be
  considered when recurrent ischemia occurs in patients
  with STEMI whose coronary artery anatomy is not
  suitable for PCI. This is a class I level b indication
 Coronary angiography should not be performed in
 patients following fibrinolytic therapy with extensive
 comorbidities in whom the risks of revascularization are
 likely to outweigh the benefits (Class III; LOE, C).
 Establishing & maintaining patency of IRA.

 For prevention of
 pulmonary embolism
 ventricular thrombus
 cerebral embolization
•   Anticoagulant regimens with established efficacy include:

•   Patients undergoing reperfusion with fibrinolytics should
        receive anticoagulant therapy for a minimum of 48 hours
        (Class IIa; C)

•   Preferably for the duration of the index hospitalization,
        up to 8 days when using regimens other than
        unfractionated heparin (UFH) (Class IIa; A).
 Trials shown that more prolonged anticoagulant therapy
 is beneficial (duration of index hospitalization) in patients
 receiving thrombolytic therapy
 Recommendations for Anticoagulant Therapy

 A regimen of UFH bolus at 60 U/kg to a maximum of 4000
  U, followed by an initial infusion of 12 U/kg/hr to a maximum
  of 1000 U/hr given for 48 hours.

 Administration of enoxaparin or fondaparinux is preferred
  when administration of an anticoagulant for longer than 48
  hours is planned for patients with STEMI treated with a
 UFH is recommended for patients undergoing primary PCI .

 In STEMI patients not receiving reperfusion
  therapy, fondaparinux reduces the composite of death or
  recurrent MI without an increase in severe bleeding as
  compared with placebo or UFH
 Recommendations for Antiplatelet Therapy

 During the maintenance phase of antiplatelet therapy
  following STEMI, the dose of aspirin should be reduced to 75
  to 162 mg to minimize bleeding risk.

 If true aspirin allergy is present, other antiplatelet agents such
  as clopidogrel (loading dose, 300 to 600 mg; maintenance
  dose, 75 mg/day) or ticlopidine (loading dose, 500 mg;
  maintenance dose, 250 mg twice daily) can be substituted.
 The addition of a P2Y12 inhibitor to aspirin is warranted for most
  patients with STEMI.

 Based on the results of the COMMIT and CLARITY-TIMI 2 trials,

 Clopidogrel at 75 mg/day orally is an alternative for all patients with
  STEMI, regardless of whether they receive fibrinolytic therapy,
  undergo primary PCI, or do not receive reperfusion therapy. (Class I;
  lOE, B).

 The available data suggest that a loading dose of 300 mg of
  clopidogrel should be given to patients younger than 75 years of age
  who receive fibrinolytic therapy.
In patients for whom PCI is planned, clopidogrel should be started
and continued:

                 • ≥ 1 month after bare-metal stent
                 • ≥ 3 months after sirolimus-eluting stent
                 • ≥ 6 months after paclitaxel-eluting stent
                 • Up to 12 months in absence of high risk for

                In patients taking clopidogrel in whom CABG is
I IIa IIb III   planned, the drug should be withheld for at least 5
                days, and preferably for 7 days, unless the urgency
                for revascularization outweighs the risk of excessive
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors

I IIa IIb III   It is reasonable to start treatment with abciximab
                as early as possible before primary PCI (with or
                without stenting) in patients with STEMI.

I IIa IIb III   Treatment with tirofiban or eptifibatide may be
                considered before primary PCI (with or without
                stenting) in patients with STEMI.
 Favorable impact on

 ventricular remodeling
 Improvement in hemodynamics
 Reductions in congestive heart failure

   Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
   Angiotensin II receptor blockers
   Aldosterone blockade
 For high-risk patients following STEMI
        EF ≤40%,
        clinical HF
        DM(Class I; lOE, A).

 EPHESUS trial

 Eplerenone, 25 mg/day titrated to 50 mg/day
 Mean follow-up 16 months, there was a 15% reduction in the
    RR of mortality.
ACE/ARB: Within 24 Hours
                An ACE inhibitor should be administered orally
                within the first 24 hours of STEMI to the following
                patients without hypotension or known class of
                • Anterior infarction
                 Pulmonary congestion
                 LVEF < 0.40

                An ARB should be given to ACE-intolerant patients with
                either clinical or radiological signs of HF or LVEF < 0.40.
ACE/ARB: Within 24 Hours

I IIa IIb III   An ACE inhibitor administered orally can be useful within
                the first 24 hours of STEMI to the following patients
                without hypotension or known class contraindications:
                 Anterior infarction
                 Pulmonary congestion
                 LVEF < 0.40.

                An intravenous ACE inhibitor should not be given to
                patients within the first 24 hours of STEMI because of the
                risk of hypotension (possible exception: refractory
 Immediate-release preparation of nifedipine increased risk of in-
  hospital mortality

 Verapamil & diltiazem can be given for relief of ongoing ischemia
  or slowing of a rapid ventricular response in AF in patients with
  contraindication to beta blockers.

 INTERCEPT trial compared 300 mg of diltiazem with placebo and
  Diltiazem did not reduce cardiac death, nonfatal
  reinfarction, during a 6-month follow-up
 Statins

 Statins should be used in the secondary prevention of patients with
   In addition to lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
    cholesterol, statins also improve endothelial function, have
    antiplatelet effects, and reduce inflammation.
   Data are not clear regarding the benefits of early statin use.
   STEMI patients are more likely to be on statin therapy in the post MI
    period if treatment is initiated during the index hospitalization.
   An LDL goal of less than 70 mg/dL should be achieved.
 It is reasonable to use an insulin based regimen to achieve and
  maintain glucose levels less than 180 mg/dl while avoiding
  hypoglycemia for patients with STEMI with either a
  complicated or uncomplicated course
  Class IIa(B)

 A calm, quiet atmosphere allay anxiety and reduce
  sympathetic tone, ultimately leading to a reduction in
  hypertension, tachycardia, and arrhythmias.

 During the first 4 to 12 hours after admission patients should
  receive nothing by mouth or a clear liquid diet.

 The diet should be enriched in foods that are high in
  potassium, magnesium, and fiber but low in sodium.
 Haloperidol, a butyrophenone, can be used safely in patients
  with STEMI, beginning with a dose of 2 mg intravenously for
  mildly agitated patients and 5 to 10 mg for progressively more
  agitated patients.

 Hypnotics, such as temazepam, 15 to 30 mg, or an equivalent,
  should be provided as needed for sleep.

 Stool softener should be used to prevent constipation and
 Physical Activity

 In the absence of complications, patients with STEMI need not
  be confined to bed for more than 12 hours and, unless they
  are hemodynamically compromised.

 Progression of activity should be individualized depending on
  the patient’s clinical status, age, and physical capacity.
 Myocardial dysfunction frequently occurs during the
  acute and subacute phases following STEMI.

 Cardiogenic shock complicates 6–10% of all cases of
  STEMI and remains a leading cause of death, with
  hospital mortality rates approaching 50%.
 Heart failure
 Hypotension
 Pulmonary congestion
 Low output states
 Cardiogenic shock
 The diagnosis of heart failure is based on typical symptoms
  such as dyspnoea, signs such as sinus tachycardia, a third heart
  sound or pulmonary rales, and some objective evidence of
  cardiac dysfunction, such as LV dilatation and reduced ejection
 Mechanical Causes of Heart Failure

 Free wall rupture.
 Rupture of the interventricular septum.
 Rupture of a papillary muscle.
 first day and as late as 6 weeks after STEMI

 Radiation of the pain to either trapezius ridge.

 Treatment consists of aspirin doses of 650 mg orally every
  4 to 6 hours may be necessary.

 NSAIDs and steroids should be avoided
 Anticoagulation- heparin to elevate the aPTT to 1.5 to 2
  times that of control, followed by a minimum of 3 to 6
  months of warfarin in the following clinical situations:

   An embolic event has already occurred or
   The patient has a large anterior infarction whether or not a
    thrombus is visualized echocardiographically

              Ventricular        Correction of electrolyte deficits and       Potassium and magnesium
              premature beats    increased sympathetic tone                   solutions, beta blocker

              Ventricular        Prophylaxis against ventricular fibrillation, Antiarrhythmic agents;
              tachycardia        restoration of hemodynamic stability          cardioversion/defibrillation

Electrical    Ventricular                                                     Defibrillation; bretylium
instability                      Urgent reversion to sinus rhythm
              fibrillation                                                    tosylate
              Accelerated                                                Increase sinus rate (atropine,
                                 Observation unless hemodynamic function
              idioventricular                                            atrial pacing); antiarrhythmic
                                 is compromised
              rhythm                                                     agents

                                                                              Atrial overdrive pacing;
              Nonparoxysmal      Search for precipitating causes (e.g.,
                                                                              antiarrhythmic agents;
              atrioventricular   digitalis intoxication); suppress arrhythmia
                                                                              cardioversion relatively
              junctional         only if hemodynamic function is
                                                                              contraindicated if digitalis
              tachycardia        compromised
                                                                              intoxication present

                                                           Antipyretics; analgesics; consider beta
                               Reduce heart rate to        blocker unless congestive heart failure
                               diminish myocardial         present; treat latter if present with
                               oxygen demands              anticongestive measures (diuretics,
                                                           afterload reduction)
Pump failure,
sympathetic                                                Verapamil, digitalis glycosides;
stimulation Atrial fibrillation Reduce ventricular rate;   anticongestive measures (diuretics,
              and/or atrial
                                restore sinus rhythm       afterload reduction); cardioversion;
                                                           rapid atrial pacing (for atrial flutter)

              Paroxysmal                                   Vagal maneuvers; verapamil, cardiac
                               Reduce ventricular rate;
              supraventricular                             glycosides, beta-adrenergic blockers;
                               restore sinus rhythm
              tachycardia                                  cardioversion; rapid atrial pacing

                                 Acceleration of heart rate only if
             Sinus bradycardia   hemodynamic function is            Atropine; atrial pacing

mias and
conduction                       Acceleration of sinus rate only if
disturbances Junctional escape   loss of atrial “kick” causes         Atropine; atrial pacing
                                 hemodynamic compromise

             block and
                                                                      Insertion of pacemaker
At time of discharge patient should be on:
   ASA unless contra-indication
      Clopidogrel if PCI/NSTEMI (duration minimum1 year)
      Longer duration of clopidogrel if DES in critical location or
       complex lesion
   -blocker unless contra-indication
   ACE inhibitor for CHF or LV dysfunction
      All for vascular protection?
   Statin for LDL to < 70mg%(minimum 50% reduction)
 High Risk                          Complicated MI
   extensive ECG changes              CHF/ flash pulmonary
   anterior/ infero-posterior/           edema
     prior MI
                                         shock
                                         heart block
 Residual ischaemia
    post MI angina
                                         RBBB
    positive TMT/ perfusion scan        sustained ventricular
    non-Q MI                             arrhythmias
    ischaemia at a distance

                                     Anxiety/ physical labor/
                                      young age
 Exercise Testing
   Performed either in the hospital or early after discharge in
    patients not selected for cardiac catheterization and without
    high-risk features to assess the presence and extent of
    inducible ischemia                         Class I (B)

   Exercise testing might be considered before discharge of
    patients recovering from STEMI to guide the post discharge
    exercise prescription or to evaluate the functional
    significance of a coronary lesion previously identified at
    angiography                                      Class IIb (C)
 Sub maximal protocol
  Target workload =5 METS, 70 % MPHR or symptom

 Predictors of poor outcome
  Ischemic ST depression > 1 mm is inconsistent
    predictor of mortality
  poor exercise tolerance < 3 minutes doubles one
    year mortality ( 7% to14%)
  Inability to exercise or contra-indication to TMT
    identifies High Risk patient.
Late Risk Stratification - 4 to 8 weeks
  (Assessment of residual ischaemia)
 Stress echocardiography
 Adenosine/Dipyridamole Perfusion imaging
   Un-interpretable ECG
   Equivocal TMT
   Inability to exercise
 Smoking Goal: Complete Cessation
   With in 2yrs risk of nonfatal MI falls to normal

 Blood pressure control:
   Goal: < 140/90 mm Hg or <130/80 mm Hg if chronic kidney
     disease or diabetes

 Physical activity:
   Minimum goal: 30 minutes 3 to 4 days per week;
   Optimal daily
 Weight management:
    Goal: BMI 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2
    Waist circumference: Women < 35 in.     Men: < 40 in.

 Diabetes management:
    Goal: HbA1c < 7%

 Lipid management: Primary goal: LDL-C <70mg%
    Start dietary therapy in all patients (< 7% of total calories as saturated
     fat and < 200 mg/d cholesterol). Promote physical activity and weight
     management. Encourage increased consumption of omega-3 fatty
    Assess fasting lipid profile in all patients, preferably within 24 hours of
 Hormone therapy:
 It is recommended that not starting hormone therapy with
  estrogen plus progestin after STEMI and discontinuing it in
  postmenopausal women after STEMI.
  Class III (A)

 Antioxidant vitamins:

   Such as vitamin E and/or vitamin C supplements should not
     be prescribed to patients recovering from STEMI to prevent
     cardiovascular disease
 Psychosocial status of the patient should be
  evaluated, including inquiries regarding symptoms of
  depression, anxiety, or sleep disorders and the social support
  environment.                                        Class I (C)

 Treatment with cognitive-behavioral therapy and selective
  serotonin reuptake inhibitors can be useful for STEMI patients
  with depression that occurs in the year after hospital
  discharge.                         Class IIa (A)
( Yusuf, S. Two decades of progress in preventing vascular disease. Lancet 2002; 360: 2-3).

                                   RRR                                2yr Event Rate
None                                                                              8%
ASA                                 25%                                           6%
  -Blockers                         25%                                          4.5%
Lipid lowering                      30%                                          3.0%
ACE-inhibitors                      25%                                          2.3%

       Cumulative relative risk reduction if all four drugs are used is about 75%

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Dr. m vinod cardiologist

  • 1. Dr . M. Vinod Kumar. M.D., D.M.(Cardiology) Interventional Cardiologist
  • 2.  Definition ,pathology and diagnosis  Risk stratification  Medical management  Secondary prevention
  • 3. Applying Classification of Recommendations and Level of Evidence Class I Class IIa Class IIb Class III Benefit >>> Risk Benefit >> Risk Benefit ≥ Risk Risk ≥ Benefit Additional studies with Additional studies with No additional studies focused objectives broad objectives needed; needed needed Additional registry data would be helpful Procedure/Treatment Procedure/ Treatment IT IS REASONABLE to should NOT be SHOULD be perform Procedure/Treatment performed/administered performed/ procedure/administer MAY BE CONSIDERED SINCE IT IS NOT administered treatment HELPFUL AND MAY BE HARMFUL Level A: Recommendation based on evidence from multiple randomized trials or meta-analyses Multiple (3-5) population risk strata evaluated; General consistency of direction and magnitude of effect Level B: Recommendation based on evidence from a single randomized trial or non-randomized studies Limited (2-3) population risk strata evaluated Level C: Recommendation based on expert opinion, case studies, or standard-of-care Very limited (1-2) population risk strata evaluated
  • 4.  ST Elevation Myocardial infarction (STEMI) is a major public health problem in both the developed and the developing countries in the world.  The incidence in the developing countries is now similar to that in the developed countries.  Approximately 3-4 per cent of Indians in rural areas and 8-10 per cent in urban areas have CAD.
  • 5.  STEMI is fatal in about one third of the patients, with 50% deaths occurring in the first hour from ventricular tachy arrhythmias.  Time to thrombolysis remains a key modifiable determinant of mortality in STEMI.
  • 6.  Rapid diagnosis and early risk stratification of patients presenting with acute chest pain constitute the pillars of success in STEMI management.  An efficient regional system of care based on pre-hospital diagnosis, triage and rapid transportation to the best available facility holds the key to success of treatment and significantly improves outcome.
  • 7. Revised Definition of Myocardial Infarction  Criteria for Acute, Evolving, or Recent MI  Either of the following criteria satisfies the diagnosis for acute, evolving, or recent MI: 1. Typical rise and/or fall of biochemical markers of myocardial necrosis with at least one of the following: a. Ischemic symptoms b. Development of pathologic Q waves in the ECG c. Electrocardiographic changes indicative of ischemia (ST-segment elevation ) d. Imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional wall motion abnormality 2. Pathologic findings of an acute myocardial infarction
  • 8. 1. Spontaneous ( primary) myocardial infarction 2. Myocardial infarction secondary 3. Sudden unexpected cardiac death, including cardiac arrest 4a . Myocardial infarction associated with PCI 4b. Myocardial infarction associated with stent thrombosis 5. Myocardial infarction associated with CABG
  • 9.  Almost all MIs result from coronary atherosclerosis.  An ACS develops when the vulnerable or high-risk plaque undergoes disruption of the fibrous cap.  Disruption of the plaque is the stimulus for thrombogenesis.  Following disruption of a vulnerable or high-risk plaque reduction of flow through the affected epicardial coronary artery.  The flow reduction may be caused by a completely occlusive thrombus leads to STEMI or subtotally occlusive thrombus leads to UA/NSTEMI.
  • 10. Acute Coronary Syndromes. Anderson J L et al. Circulation 2011;123:e426-e579 Copyright © American Heart Association
  • 11.  Symptoms such as anginal chest pain, dyspnoe, palpitation, diaphoresis etc  ECG: ST segment elevation or new onset LBBB  Enzymes : CKMB, Trop T and I
  • 12. Electrocardiogram Show 12-lead ECG results to emergency physician I IIa IIb III within 10 minutes of ED arrival in all patients with chest discomfort (or anginal equivalent) or other symptoms of STEMI. I IIa IIb III In patients with inferior STEMI, ECG leads should also be obtained to screen for right ventricular infarction.
  • 13. I IIa IIb III Laboratory examinations should be performed as part of the management of STEMI patients, but should not delay the implementation of reperfusion therapy.  Serum biomarkers for cardiac damage  Complete blood count (CBC) with platelets  International normalized ratio (INR)  Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)  Electrolytes and magnesium  Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)  Creatinine  Glucose  Complete lipid profile
  • 14. I IIa IIb III Cardiac-specific troponins should be used as the optimum biomarkers for the evaluation of patients with STEMI who have coexistent skeletal muscle injury. For patients with ST elevation on the 12-lead ECG and I IIa IIb III symptoms of STEMI, reperfusion therapy should be initiated as soon as possible and is not contingent on a biomarker assay.
  • 15. 100 Multiples of the URL 50 Cardiac troponin-no reperfusion 20 Cardiac troponin-reperfusion 10 CKMB- no reperfusion CKMB- reperfusion 5 2 Upper reference limit 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URL = 99th %tile of Days After Onset of STEMI Reference Control Group
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  • 18.  There is risk stratification within STEMI, but in general, STEMI is high-risk.  Important to select greater-risk patients who warrant more aggressive strategies for prevention of future serious events such as reinfarction or sudden death.
  • 19.  Occurs in several stages  Initial presentation  In-hospital course (CCU, intermediate CU)  At the time of hospital discharge
  • 20.  Prior angina pectoris  ECG Criteria  Prior MI  Markedly elevated cardiac  Female gender enzymes  Hypertension  Elevated BUN  History of CHF  Complications  Hyperlipidemia  VSR/PMD-rupture  Diabetes  Myocardial rupture
  • 21.  Anterior MI/ Persisting ST elevation  Q waves in multiple leads  RVMI + IWMI  High sum of ST elevation  Reciprocal ( anterior ) ST depression  Persisting ST depression  Prolonged QT  Conduction defects/ heart block  Sinus tachycardia/atrial fibrillation
  • 22.  TIMI  GRACE  killips  PURSUIT  best used to supplement—not replace—clinical judgment  less useful in atypical presentations, but indeed validated in an ED population . . .
  • 23. (David A et al. TIMI Risk Score for ………..: An Intravenous nPA for Treatment of Infarcting Myocardium Early II Trial Substudy. Circulation 2000, 102:2031-2037)
  • 24. CLASS CLINICAL FINDINGS 30 DAY MORTALITY RATE Class 1 No rales, no 3rd 2.8% heart sound Class 2 Rales in <1⁄2 lung 8.8% field or presence of a 3rd heart sound Class 3 Rales in >1⁄2 lung 14.4% field–pulmonary edema Class 4 Cardiogenic shock– 67% determined clinically
  • 25.
  • 26.  The first goal for healthcare professionals is to diagnose in a very rapid manner whether the patient is having an STEMI or NSTEMI because therapy differs between the 2 types of myocardial infarction.
  • 27.  As a general rule, initial therapy for acute myocardial infarction is directed toward restoration of perfusion as soon as possible to salvage as much of the jeopardized myocardium as possible.  This may be accomplished through medical or mechanical means, such as PCI or CABG.
  • 28.  If STEMI is present, the decision as to whether the patient will be treated with thrombolysis or primary PCI should be made within the next 10 minutes.  The goal for patients with STEMI should be to achieve a door- to-drug time of within 30 minutes and a door-to-balloon time of within 90 minutes.
  • 29.  Critical factors that weigh into the selection of a reperfusion strategy include the following:  The time elapsed since the onset of symptoms  The risk associated with STEMI  The risk of administering a fibrinolytic  The time required to initiate an invasive strategy .
  • 30.  Further treatment is based on the following:  Restoration of the balance between the oxygen supply and demand to prevent further ischemia  Pain relief  Prevention and treatment of any complications that may arise
  • 31. 1. Airway, Breathing, Circulation (ABC) 2. Vital signs, general observation 3. Presence or absence of jugular venous distension 4. Pulmonary auscultation for rales 5. Cardiac auscultation for murmurs and gallops 6. Presence or absence of stroke
  • 32.  MONA  Morphine  Oxygen  Nitroglycerin  Aspirin
  • 33.  Pain contribute to the heightened sympathetic activity  Management of STEMI patients in the emergency department should aim to relieve pain.
  • 34.  Control of cardiac pain typically uses a combination of nitrates, analgesics (e.g., morphine), oxygen, and in appropriately selected patients, beta-adrenergic blocking agents.
  • 35.  ANALGESICS.  Although a wide variety of analgesic agents has been used to treat the pain associated with STEMI, including meperidine, pentazocine, and morphine.  Morphine remains the drug of choice, except in patients with well-documented morphine hypersensitivity.
  • 36.  A dose of 4 to 8 mg intravenously.  Doses of 2 to 8 mg repeated at intervals of 5 to 15 minutes  Toxicity —hypotension, depression of respiration, or severe vomiting.  Morphine has unequivocal beneficial effects in patients with pulmonary edema because of peripheral arterial and venous dilation .
  • 37. Morphine sulfate (2 to 4 mg intravenously with I IIa IIb III increments of 2 to 8 mg intravenously repeated at 5 to 15 minute intervals) is the analgesic of choice for management of pain associated with STEMI.
  • 38.  OXYGEN.  Hypoxemia results from ventilation-perfusion abnormalities are sequelae of left ventricular failure.  Oxygen should be administered to patients with STEMI when arterial hypoxemia is clinically evident or can be documented by measurement (e.g., Sao2 < 90%).  The delivery of 2 to 4 liters/min of 100% oxygen by mask or nasal prongs for 6 to 12 hours is satisfactory for most patients with mild hypoxemia.
  • 39.  Oxygen Arterial oxygen desaturation (SaO2 < 90%) Class I(B) Uncomplicated STEMI during the first 6 hours Class IIa(c)
  • 40.  NITRATES.  Ability to enhance coronary blood flow by coronary vasodilation  Decrease ventricular preload by increasing venous capacitance.
  • 41. I IIa IIb III Patients with ongoing ischemic discomfort should receive sublingual NTG (0.4 mg) every 5 minutes for a total of 3 doses, after which an assessment should be made about the need for intravenous NTG. I IIa IIb III Intravenous NTG is indicated for relief of ongoing ischemic discomfort that responds to nitrate therapy, control of hypertension, or management of pulmonary congestion.
  • 42. Nitroglycerin I IIa IIb III Nitrates should not be administered to patients with: • systolic pressure < 90 mm Hg or ≥ to 30 mm Hg below baseline • severe bradycardia (< 50 bpm) • suspected RV infarction. I IIa IIb III Nitrates should not be administered to patients who have received a phosphodiesterase inhibitor for erectile dysfunction within the last 24 hours (48 hours for tadalafil).
  • 43.  Long-acting oral nitrate preparations should be avoided in the early course of STEMI because of the frequently changing hemodynamic status of the patient.
  • 44.  In patients with a prolonged period of waxing and waning chest pain, intravenous nitroglycerin may help to control symptoms and correct ischemia, but requires frequent monitoring of blood pressure.
  • 45.  Relieve ischemic pain, reduce need for analgesics, reduce infarct size and life-threatening arrhythmias  Reduce heart rate, decrease myocardial oxyzen demand .
  • 46.  Avoid early intravenous beta blockade in patients presenting in Killip class II or higher.
  • 47.  Favorable effects with metoprolol, atenolol, carvedilol and timolol.  Beta blockers with intrinsic sympathomimetic activity probably should not be chosen.  Trial of esmolol in the presence of relative contraindications.
  • 48. Effects of Metoprolol COMMIT (N = 45,852) Totality of Evidence (N = 52,411) Death 13% P=0.0006 ReMI 30% relative 22% increase in P=0.0002 *cardiogenic shock VF 15% P=0.002 Lancet. 2005;366:1622. *Risk factors for cardiogenic shock :heart failure, age > 70 , systolic blood pressure < 120, sinus tachycardia > 110 or heart rate < 60, increased time since onset of STEMI symptoms
  • 49. Beta-Blockers Oral beta-blocker therapy should be administered promptly to those patients without a contraindication, irrespective of concomitant fibrinolytic therapy or performance of primary PCI. contraindications 1) signs of heart failure, 2) evidence of a low output state, I IIa IIb III 3) increased risk for cardiogenic shock, or 4) relative contraindications to beta blockade  1AVB > 0.24 sec,  2nd- or 3rd-degree heart block  reactive airway disease
  • 50.  It is reasonable to administer intravenous beta-blockers promptly to STEMI patients without contraindications, especially if a tachyarrhythmia or hypertension is present.  contraindications signs of heart failure, evidence of a low output state, increased risk for cardiogenic shock, or I I IIa IIb III IIa IIb III relative contraindications to beta blockade 1AVB > 0.24 sec, 2nd- or 3rd-degree heart block reactive airway disease
  • 51. Beta-Blockers Recommendations - Class III (A) • IV beta blockers SHOULD NOT be administered to STEMI patients who have any of the following: 1) signs of heart failure 2) evidence of a low output state 3) increased risk for cardiogenic shock 4) relative contraindications to beta blockade  1AVB > 0.24 sec,  2nd- or 3rd-degree heart block  reactive airway disease
  • 52.  Aspirin  Aspirin is useful for the primary prevention of vascular events  Effective across the entire spectrum of acute coronary syndromes  Part of the initial management strategy for patients with suspected STEMI.
  • 53. In a dose of 162 mg or more, aspirin produces a rapid clinical antithrombotic effect caused by immediate and near-total inhibition of thromboxane A2 production.  ISIS-2-->ASA led to 23% reduction in mortality.
  • 54.  Because low doses (40 to 80 mg) take several days to achieve full antiplatelet effect, at least 162 to 325 mg should be administered acutely in the emergency department.  To achieve therapeutic blood levels rapidly, the patient should chew the tablet to promote buccal absorption rather than absorption through the gastric mucosa.
  • 55. I IIa IIb III Aspirin should be chewed by patients who have not taken aspirin before presentation with STEMI. The I IIa IIb III initial dose should be 162 mg (Level of Evidence: A) to 325 mg (Level of Evidence: C) Although some trials have used enteric-coated aspirin for initial dosing, more rapid buccal absorption occurs with non–enteric- coated formulations.
  • 56. Aspirin A daily dose of aspirin (initial dose of 162 to 325 mg I IIa IIb III orally; maintenance dose of 75 to 162 mg) should be given indefinitely after STEMI to all patients without a true aspirin allergy.
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  • 59. Reperfusion The medical system goal is to facilitate rapid recognition and treatment of patients with STEMI such that door-to- needle (or medical contact–to-needle) time for initiation of fibrinolytic therapy can be achieved within 30 minutes or that door-to-balloon (or medical contact–to- balloon) time for PCI can be kept within 90 minutes.
  • 60.
  • 61. Reperfusion Options for STEMI Patients Select Reperfusion Treatment. If presentation is < 3 hours and there is no delay to an invasive strategy, there is no preference for either strategy. Fibrinolysis generally preferred  Early presentation ( ≤ 3 hours from symptom onset and delay to invasive strategy)  Invasive strategy not an option  Cath lab occupied or not available  Vascular access difficulties  No access to skilled PCI lab  Delay to invasive strategy  Prolonged transport  Door-to-balloon more than 90 minutes  > 1 hour vs fibrinolysis (fibrin-specific agent) now
  • 62. Reperfusion Options for STEMI Patients Select Reperfusion Treatment. If presentation is < 3 hours and there is no delay to an invasive strategy, there is no preference for either strategy. Invasive strategy generally preferred  Skilled PCI lab available with surgical backup  Door-to-balloon < 90 minutes • High Risk from STEMI  Cardiogenic shock, Killip class ≥ 3  Contraindications to fibrinolysis, including increased risk of bleeding and ICH  Late presentation  > 3 hours from symptom onset  Diagnosis of STEMI is in doubt
  • 63. Symptom Onset to Balloon Time and Mortality in Primary PCI for STEMI 6 RCTs of Primary PCI by Zwolle Group 1994 – 2001 N = 1791 12 P < 0.0001 One-year mortality, % 10 8 6 4 RR = 1.08 [1.01 – 1.16] for each 30 min delay 2 (P = 0.04) 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Symptoms to balloon inflation (minutes) DeLuca et al. Circulation 2004;109:1223.
  • 64. PCI vs Fibrinolysis for STEMI: Short Term Clinical Outcomes 35 30 PCI P < 0.0001 Fibrinolysis Frequency (%) 25 21 20 P < 0.0001 15 P=0.0002 13 P=0.0003 P < 0.0001 P=0.032 9 8 10 7 7 7 7 P=0.0004 6 P < 0.0001 5 4.5 5 2.2 1 2 0 1 0 Death Death, Recurr. Recurr. Total Hemorrh. Major Death no MI Ischemia Stroke Stroke Bleed MI SHOCK data CVA N = 7739 Keeley et al. The Lancet 2003;361:13.
  • 65.  Fibrinolysis  The principal goal of fibrinolysis is prompt restoration of full IRA patency.  Promote conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, which subsequently lyses fibrin thrombi.
  • 66.  Fibrinolysis  Recanalizes thrombotic occlusion associated with STEMI  Restoration of coronary flow reduces infarct size  Improves myocardial function.  Improves survival over the short and the long term.
  • 67.  INTRACORONARY FIBRINOLYSIS.  In current practice, patients are more likely to be treated by PCI.  This has reopened the concept of delivering fibrinolytic agents via the intracoronary route, but such efforts at present are largely restricted to adjunctive use during complicated PCI procedures.
  • 68.  INTRAVENOUS FIBRINOLYSIS  Streptokinase , tPA,, TNK, rPA  TNK and rPA - bolus fibrinolytics
  • 69.  WP-4 hr. t-PA is the preferred treatment  streptokinase t-PA equivalent choices -risk of death is low , and increased risk of ICH .  WP-4 to 12 hr . streptokinase and t-PA are equivalent options, but streptokinase is probably preferable to t-PA because of cost considerations
  • 70. (Antman EM et al: ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Circulation 110:e82, 2004.) PARAMETER STREPTOKINASE ALTEPLASE RETEPLASE TNK t-PA Up to 100 mg in 10 U ? 2 (30 min 30-50 mg based Dose 1.5 MU in 30-60 min 90 min (based on apart) each over on weight weight) 2 min Bolus administration No No Yes Yes Antigenic Yes No No No Allergic reactions hypotension most Yes No No No common Systemic fibrinogen Marked Mild Moderate Minimal depletion 90-min patency rates (%) ≈50 ≈75 ≈75 ≈75 TIMI grade 3 flow (%) 32 54 60 63 Cost per dose (Rs) 2500 39375 (50mg)
  • 71. GISSI-1: Streptokinase 18% reduction in mortality at 21 d GUSTO-1: tPA. 15% reduction in 30-day mortality compared to Streptokinase GUSTO-3: Reteplase had no benefit over tPA but is easier to use (double bolus) ASSENT: TNKase is similar to tPA but with less non-cerebral bleeding and better mortality with symptoms>4 hrs: Single bolus, fibrin selective, resistance to PAI-1 *Overall risk of ICH is 0.7%; Strokes occurred in 1.4%
  • 72. Fibrinolysis In the absence of contraindications, fibrinolytic I IIa IIb III therapy should be administered to STEMI patients with symptom onset within the prior 12 hours and new or presumably new left bundle branch block (LBBB).
  • 73. Fibrinolysis In the absence of contraindications, it is reasonable to I IIa IIb III administer fibrinolytic therapy to STEMI patients with symptom onset within the prior 12 hours and 12-lead ECG findings consistent with a true posterior MI. In the absence of contraindications, it is reasonable to administer fibrinolytic therapy to patients with symptoms of STEMI beginning in the prior 12 to 24 hours who have continuing ischemic symptoms and ST elevation > 0.1 mV in ≥ 2 contiguous precordial leads or ≥ 2 adjacent limb leads.
  • 74. Fibrinolysis I IIa IIb III Fibrinolytic therapy should not be administered to asymptomatic patients whose initial symptoms of STEMI began more than 24 hours earlier. I IIa IIb III Fibrinolytic therapy should not be administered to patients whose 12-lead ECG shows only ST-segment depression, except if a true posterior MI is suspected.
  • 75. Contraindications and Cautions for Fibrinolysis in STEMI Any prior intracranial hemorrhage Absolute Contraindications Known structural cerebral vascular lesion (e.g., arteriovenous malformation) Known malignant intracranial neoplasm (primary or metastatic) Ischemic stroke within 3 months EXCEPT acute ischemic stroke within 3 hours Suspected aortic dissection Active bleeding or bleeding diathesis (excluding menses) Significant closed-head or facial trauma within 3 months
  • 76. Contraindications and Cautions for Fibrinolysis in STEMI Relative • History of chronic, severe, poorly controlled Contraindications hypertension • Severe uncontrolled hypertension on presentation (SBP > 180 mm Hg or DBP > 110 mm Hg) • History of prior ischemic stroke greater than 3 months, dementia, or known intracranial pathology not covered in contraindications • Traumatic or prolonged (> 10 minutes) CPR or major surgery (< 3 weeks)
  • 77. Contraindications and Cautions for Fibrinolysis in STEMI Relative • Recent (< 2 to 4 weeks) internal bleeding Contraindications • Noncompressible vascular punctures • For streptokinase/anistreplase: prior exposure (> 5 days ago) or prior allergic reaction to these agents • Pregnancy • Active peptic ulcer • Current use of anticoagulants: the higher the INR, the higher the risk of bleeding
  • 78.  Fibrinolytics given between 12 and 24 hours  No mortality benefit - LATE and EMERAS trials  Increases risk of cardiac rupture (elderly population)  Preferable to restrict late fibrinolytic administration to patients younger than 65 years with ongoing ischemia, especially those with large anterior infarctions.
  • 79.  Delays in the administration of thrombolysis often occur because of the following factors:  Delay in obtaining an ECG  Interpretation  Lack of immediate availability of thrombolytic agents
  • 80.  EFFECT OF FIBRINOLYTIC THERAPY ON MORTALITY.  Early intravenous fibrinolysis undoubtedly improves survival.  The gretest benefit when administered as early as possible.  Most dramatic results when given less than 2 hours after symptoms begin.  18% - 25% reduction in short-term mortality.
  • 81.  Hazards of fibrinolysis  Stroke (0.9–1.0%) - firstday after treatment, Largely attributable to cerebral haemorrhage.  Advanced age, lower weight, female gender, prior cerebrovascular disease, and systolic and diastolic hypertension on admission are significant predictors of intracranial haemorrhage.  Major non-cerebral bleeds (bleeding complications requiring blood transfusion or that are life-threatening) occur in 4–13% of the patients treated.
  • 82.  Streptokinase may be associated with hypotension, but severe allergic reactions are rare.  Re-administration of streptokinase should be avoided because of antibodies, which can impair its activity, and because of the risk of allergic reactions.
  • 83. Primary PCI for STEMI: General Considerations Patient with STEMI (including posterior MI) or MI with new or presumably new LBBB PCI of infarct artery within 12 hours of symptom onset Balloon inflation within 90 minutes of presentation I IIa IIb III Skilled personnel available (individual performs > 75 procedures per year) Appropriate lab environment (lab performs > 200 PCIs/year of which at least 36 are primary PCI for STEMI) Cardiac surgical backup available
  • 84. Primary PCI for STEMI: Specific Considerations Primary PCI should be performed in patients less than I IIa IIb III 75 years old with ST elevation or LBBB who develop shock within 36 hours of MI and are suitable for revascularization that can be performed within 18 hours of shock.
  • 85. Primary PCI for STEMI: Specific Considerations Primary PCI is reasonable in selected patients 75 years or I IIa IIb III older with ST elevation or LBBB who develop shock within 36 hours of MI and are suitable for revascularization that can be performed within 18 hours of shock.
  • 86. Primary PCI for STEMI: Specific Considerations It is reasonable to perform primary PCI for patients with onset of symptoms within the prior 12 to 24 hours and 1 or more of the following: a. Severe CHF I IIa IIb III b. Hemodynamic or electrical instability c. Persistent ischemic symptoms.
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  • 89. PCI After Fibrinolysis I IIa IIb III It is reasonable to perform routine PCI in patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤ 0.40, CHF, or serious ventricular arrhythmias. I IIa IIb III It is reasonable to perform PCI when there is documented clinical heart failure during the acute episode, even though subsequent evaluation shows preserved LV function (LVEF > 0.40). I IIa IIb III Routine PCI might be considered as part of an invasive strategy after fibrinolytic therapy.
  • 90. Assessment of Reperfusion I IIa IIb III It is reasonable to monitor the pattern of ST elevation, cardiac rhythm and clinical symptoms over the 60 to 180 minutes after initiation of fibrinolytic therapy. Noninvasive findings suggestive of reperfusion include:  Relief of symptoms  Maintenance and restoration of hemodynamic and/or electrical instability  Reduction of ≥ 50% of the initial ST-segment elevation pattern on follow-up ECG 60 to 90 minutes after initiation of therapy.
  • 91.  Flow in the IRA angiographically  Gd. 0, complete Occlussion  Gd. 1, some penetration  Gd.2, entire vessel with Impaired flow  Gd.3, entire vessel with Normal flow
  • 92. Rescue PCI It is reasonable to perform rescue PCI for patients with one or more of the following: Hemodynamic or electrical instability Persistent ischemic symptoms or Fibrinolytic therapy has failed (ST-segment elevation < 50%, resolved after 90 minutes following initiation of fibrinolytic therapy in the lead showing the worst initial elevation), A moderate or large area of myocardium at risk (Class II; LOE -B).
  • 93.  Coronary artery bypass graft surgery should be considered when recurrent ischemia occurs in patients with STEMI whose coronary artery anatomy is not suitable for PCI. This is a class I level b indication
  • 94.  Coronary angiography should not be performed in patients following fibrinolytic therapy with extensive comorbidities in whom the risks of revascularization are likely to outweigh the benefits (Class III; LOE, C).
  • 95.  Establishing & maintaining patency of IRA.  For prevention of  DVT  pulmonary embolism  ventricular thrombus  cerebral embolization
  • 96. Anticoagulant regimens with established efficacy include: UFH Enoxaparin Fondaparinux • Patients undergoing reperfusion with fibrinolytics should receive anticoagulant therapy for a minimum of 48 hours (Class IIa; C) • Preferably for the duration of the index hospitalization, up to 8 days when using regimens other than unfractionated heparin (UFH) (Class IIa; A).
  • 97.  Trials shown that more prolonged anticoagulant therapy is beneficial (duration of index hospitalization) in patients receiving thrombolytic therapy
  • 98.  Recommendations for Anticoagulant Therapy ANTICOAGULATION WITH FIBRINOLYSIS.  A regimen of UFH bolus at 60 U/kg to a maximum of 4000 U, followed by an initial infusion of 12 U/kg/hr to a maximum of 1000 U/hr given for 48 hours.  Administration of enoxaparin or fondaparinux is preferred when administration of an anticoagulant for longer than 48 hours is planned for patients with STEMI treated with a fibrinolytic.
  • 99. ADJUNCTIVE ANTICOAGULATION FOR PRIMARY PERCUTANEOUS INTERVENTION.  UFH is recommended for patients undergoing primary PCI . PATIENTS TREATED WITHOUT REPERFUSION THERAPY.  In STEMI patients not receiving reperfusion therapy, fondaparinux reduces the composite of death or recurrent MI without an increase in severe bleeding as compared with placebo or UFH
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  • 101.  Recommendations for Antiplatelet Therapy  During the maintenance phase of antiplatelet therapy following STEMI, the dose of aspirin should be reduced to 75 to 162 mg to minimize bleeding risk.  If true aspirin allergy is present, other antiplatelet agents such as clopidogrel (loading dose, 300 to 600 mg; maintenance dose, 75 mg/day) or ticlopidine (loading dose, 500 mg; maintenance dose, 250 mg twice daily) can be substituted.
  • 102.  The addition of a P2Y12 inhibitor to aspirin is warranted for most patients with STEMI.  Based on the results of the COMMIT and CLARITY-TIMI 2 trials,  Clopidogrel at 75 mg/day orally is an alternative for all patients with STEMI, regardless of whether they receive fibrinolytic therapy, undergo primary PCI, or do not receive reperfusion therapy. (Class I; lOE, B).  The available data suggest that a loading dose of 300 mg of clopidogrel should be given to patients younger than 75 years of age who receive fibrinolytic therapy.
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  • 104. In patients for whom PCI is planned, clopidogrel should be started and continued: • ≥ 1 month after bare-metal stent • ≥ 3 months after sirolimus-eluting stent • ≥ 6 months after paclitaxel-eluting stent • Up to 12 months in absence of high risk for bleeding.
  • 105. Thienopyridines In patients taking clopidogrel in whom CABG is I IIa IIb III planned, the drug should be withheld for at least 5 days, and preferably for 7 days, unless the urgency for revascularization outweighs the risk of excessive bleeding.
  • 106. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors I IIa IIb III It is reasonable to start treatment with abciximab as early as possible before primary PCI (with or without stenting) in patients with STEMI. I IIa IIb III Treatment with tirofiban or eptifibatide may be considered before primary PCI (with or without stenting) in patients with STEMI.
  • 107.  Favorable impact on  ventricular remodeling  Improvement in hemodynamics  Reductions in congestive heart failure  Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors  Angiotensin II receptor blockers  Aldosterone blockade
  • 108.  For high-risk patients following STEMI  EF ≤40%,  clinical HF  DM(Class I; lOE, A).  EPHESUS trial  Eplerenone, 25 mg/day titrated to 50 mg/day  Mean follow-up 16 months, there was a 15% reduction in the RR of mortality.
  • 109. ACE/ARB: Within 24 Hours I IIa IIb III An ACE inhibitor should be administered orally within the first 24 hours of STEMI to the following patients without hypotension or known class of contraindications: • Anterior infarction  Pulmonary congestion  LVEF < 0.40 I IIa IIb III An ARB should be given to ACE-intolerant patients with either clinical or radiological signs of HF or LVEF < 0.40.
  • 110. ACE/ARB: Within 24 Hours I IIa IIb III An ACE inhibitor administered orally can be useful within the first 24 hours of STEMI to the following patients without hypotension or known class contraindications:  Anterior infarction  Pulmonary congestion  LVEF < 0.40. I IIa IIb III An intravenous ACE inhibitor should not be given to patients within the first 24 hours of STEMI because of the risk of hypotension (possible exception: refractory hypotension).
  • 111.  Immediate-release preparation of nifedipine increased risk of in- hospital mortality  Verapamil & diltiazem can be given for relief of ongoing ischemia or slowing of a rapid ventricular response in AF in patients with contraindication to beta blockers.  INTERCEPT trial compared 300 mg of diltiazem with placebo and Diltiazem did not reduce cardiac death, nonfatal reinfarction, during a 6-month follow-up
  • 112.  Statins  Statins should be used in the secondary prevention of patients with CAD.  In addition to lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, statins also improve endothelial function, have antiplatelet effects, and reduce inflammation.  Data are not clear regarding the benefits of early statin use.  STEMI patients are more likely to be on statin therapy in the post MI period if treatment is initiated during the index hospitalization.  An LDL goal of less than 70 mg/dL should be achieved.
  • 113.  It is reasonable to use an insulin based regimen to achieve and maintain glucose levels less than 180 mg/dl while avoiding hypoglycemia for patients with STEMI with either a complicated or uncomplicated course Class IIa(B)
  • 114. GENERAL MEASURES.  A calm, quiet atmosphere allay anxiety and reduce sympathetic tone, ultimately leading to a reduction in hypertension, tachycardia, and arrhythmias.  During the first 4 to 12 hours after admission patients should receive nothing by mouth or a clear liquid diet.  The diet should be enriched in foods that are high in potassium, magnesium, and fiber but low in sodium.
  • 115.  Haloperidol, a butyrophenone, can be used safely in patients with STEMI, beginning with a dose of 2 mg intravenously for mildly agitated patients and 5 to 10 mg for progressively more agitated patients.  Hypnotics, such as temazepam, 15 to 30 mg, or an equivalent, should be provided as needed for sleep.  Stool softener should be used to prevent constipation and straining.
  • 116.  Physical Activity  In the absence of complications, patients with STEMI need not be confined to bed for more than 12 hours and, unless they are hemodynamically compromised.  Progression of activity should be individualized depending on the patient’s clinical status, age, and physical capacity.
  • 117.  Myocardial dysfunction frequently occurs during the acute and subacute phases following STEMI.  Cardiogenic shock complicates 6–10% of all cases of STEMI and remains a leading cause of death, with hospital mortality rates approaching 50%.
  • 118.  Heart failure  Hypotension  Pulmonary congestion  Low output states  Cardiogenic shock  The diagnosis of heart failure is based on typical symptoms such as dyspnoea, signs such as sinus tachycardia, a third heart sound or pulmonary rales, and some objective evidence of cardiac dysfunction, such as LV dilatation and reduced ejection fraction.
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  • 122.  Mechanical Causes of Heart Failure  Free wall rupture.  Rupture of the interventricular septum.  Rupture of a papillary muscle.
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  • 124.  first day and as late as 6 weeks after STEMI  Radiation of the pain to either trapezius ridge.  Treatment consists of aspirin doses of 650 mg orally every 4 to 6 hours may be necessary.  NSAIDs and steroids should be avoided
  • 125.  Anticoagulation- heparin to elevate the aPTT to 1.5 to 2 times that of control, followed by a minimum of 3 to 6 months of warfarin in the following clinical situations:  An embolic event has already occurred or  The patient has a large anterior infarction whether or not a thrombus is visualized echocardiographically
  • 126. CATEGORY ARRHYTHMIA OBJECTIVE OF TREATMENT THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS Ventricular Correction of electrolyte deficits and Potassium and magnesium premature beats increased sympathetic tone solutions, beta blocker Ventricular Prophylaxis against ventricular fibrillation, Antiarrhythmic agents; tachycardia restoration of hemodynamic stability cardioversion/defibrillation Electrical Ventricular Defibrillation; bretylium instability Urgent reversion to sinus rhythm fibrillation tosylate Accelerated Increase sinus rate (atropine, Observation unless hemodynamic function idioventricular atrial pacing); antiarrhythmic is compromised rhythm agents Atrial overdrive pacing; Nonparoxysmal Search for precipitating causes (e.g., antiarrhythmic agents; atrioventricular digitalis intoxication); suppress arrhythmia cardioversion relatively junctional only if hemodynamic function is contraindicated if digitalis tachycardia compromised intoxication present
  • 127. CATEGORY ARRHYTHMIA OBJECTIVE OF TREATMENT THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS Antipyretics; analgesics; consider beta Reduce heart rate to blocker unless congestive heart failure Sinus diminish myocardial present; treat latter if present with tachycardia oxygen demands anticongestive measures (diuretics, afterload reduction) Pump failure, excessive sympathetic Verapamil, digitalis glycosides; stimulation Atrial fibrillation Reduce ventricular rate; anticongestive measures (diuretics, and/or atrial restore sinus rhythm afterload reduction); cardioversion; flutter rapid atrial pacing (for atrial flutter) Paroxysmal Vagal maneuvers; verapamil, cardiac Reduce ventricular rate; supraventricular glycosides, beta-adrenergic blockers; restore sinus rhythm tachycardia cardioversion; rapid atrial pacing
  • 128. CATEGORY ARRHYTHMIA OBJECTIVE OF TREATMENT THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS Acceleration of heart rate only if Sinus bradycardia hemodynamic function is Atropine; atrial pacing compromised Bradyarrhyth mias and conduction Acceleration of sinus rate only if disturbances Junctional escape loss of atrial “kick” causes Atropine; atrial pacing rhythm hemodynamic compromise Atrioventricular block and Insertion of pacemaker intraventricular block
  • 129. At time of discharge patient should be on:  ASA unless contra-indication  Clopidogrel if PCI/NSTEMI (duration minimum1 year)  Longer duration of clopidogrel if DES in critical location or complex lesion  -blocker unless contra-indication  ACE inhibitor for CHF or LV dysfunction  All for vascular protection?  Statin for LDL to < 70mg%(minimum 50% reduction)
  • 130.  High Risk  Complicated MI  extensive ECG changes  CHF/ flash pulmonary  anterior/ infero-posterior/ edema prior MI  shock  heart block  Residual ischaemia  post MI angina  RBBB  positive TMT/ perfusion scan  sustained ventricular  non-Q MI arrhythmias  ischaemia at a distance  Anxiety/ physical labor/ young age
  • 131.  Exercise Testing  Performed either in the hospital or early after discharge in patients not selected for cardiac catheterization and without high-risk features to assess the presence and extent of inducible ischemia Class I (B)  Exercise testing might be considered before discharge of patients recovering from STEMI to guide the post discharge exercise prescription or to evaluate the functional significance of a coronary lesion previously identified at angiography Class IIb (C)
  • 132.  Sub maximal protocol Target workload =5 METS, 70 % MPHR or symptom limited  Predictors of poor outcome Ischemic ST depression > 1 mm is inconsistent predictor of mortality poor exercise tolerance < 3 minutes doubles one year mortality ( 7% to14%) Inability to exercise or contra-indication to TMT identifies High Risk patient.
  • 133. Late Risk Stratification - 4 to 8 weeks (Assessment of residual ischaemia)  TMT  Stress echocardiography  Adenosine/Dipyridamole Perfusion imaging  Un-interpretable ECG  Equivocal TMT  Inability to exercise
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  • 135.  Smoking Goal: Complete Cessation  With in 2yrs risk of nonfatal MI falls to normal  Blood pressure control:  Goal: < 140/90 mm Hg or <130/80 mm Hg if chronic kidney disease or diabetes  Physical activity:  Minimum goal: 30 minutes 3 to 4 days per week;  Optimal daily
  • 136.  Weight management:  Goal: BMI 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2  Waist circumference: Women < 35 in. Men: < 40 in.  Diabetes management:  Goal: HbA1c < 7%  Lipid management: Primary goal: LDL-C <70mg%  Start dietary therapy in all patients (< 7% of total calories as saturated fat and < 200 mg/d cholesterol). Promote physical activity and weight management. Encourage increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids.  Assess fasting lipid profile in all patients, preferably within 24 hours of STEMI.
  • 137.  Hormone therapy:  It is recommended that not starting hormone therapy with estrogen plus progestin after STEMI and discontinuing it in postmenopausal women after STEMI. Class III (A)  Antioxidant vitamins:  Such as vitamin E and/or vitamin C supplements should not be prescribed to patients recovering from STEMI to prevent cardiovascular disease
  • 138.  Psychosocial status of the patient should be evaluated, including inquiries regarding symptoms of depression, anxiety, or sleep disorders and the social support environment. Class I (C)  Treatment with cognitive-behavioral therapy and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can be useful for STEMI patients with depression that occurs in the year after hospital discharge. Class IIa (A)
  • 139. ( Yusuf, S. Two decades of progress in preventing vascular disease. Lancet 2002; 360: 2-3). RRR 2yr Event Rate None 8% ASA 25% 6% -Blockers 25% 4.5% Lipid lowering 30% 3.0% ACE-inhibitors 25% 2.3% Cumulative relative risk reduction if all four drugs are used is about 75%
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