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International University – HCMC
Department of English
1. Course Statistics
: 120 periods (8 credits)
Number of instruction weeks
: 10
Number of sessions
: 30
Number of sessions per week
Number of periods per session
2. Pre–requisite
Number of periods
Students who achieved IE1 course score > 50 or scored from 35–60 on the Placement Test are
required to take this course.
3. Learning outcome
Students who have successfully completed the course are expected to have English proficiency at
high intermediate level or higher.
4. Course books
Reading Activator (Intermediate)
Reading Activator (Advanced)
Writing Activator (Intermediate)
Writing Activator (Advanced) ... Show more content on ...
However, due to the
capacity of the lab, lecturers are expected to register for lab use earlier. The lessons will then be re–
scheduled accordingly.
 Lecturers shall resume the responsibility for designing and offering in–class
assignments as stated in the weekly guide. The assignment format should be as followed: o
In–class assignment Reading 1: 2 passages (20 questions – 100 points)
(Vocabulary, Reference, Fact & Negative Fact, Sentence Simplification, Insertion, and Rhetorical
Purpose questions)
In–class assignment Reading 2: 3 passages (38–42 questions – 100 points) (All question types)
In–class assignment Writing 1: writing an independent essay (100 points)
In–class assignment Writing 2: writing an integrated essay (100 points)
(challenge or problem–solution)
8. Policies
Regular on–time attendance in this course is expected. A student will be allowed NO MORE
THAN SIX ABSENCES. It is compulsory that students attend at least 80% of the course to be
eligible for the final examination.
Class behavior
Students are supposed to:
prepare thoroughly for each class in accordance with the syllabus and complete all assignments
upon the instructor's request
participate fully and constructively in all class activities (and discussions if any)
display appropriate courtesy to all involved in the class
provide constructive
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Physical Exam Paper
Complete Physical Examination (PE) Written Documentation Indiana State University College of
Nursing, Health, and Human Services Nursing 200: Complete Physical Examination (PE) Written
Documentation The format for this paper is based on : Jarvis (2008). Examiner: , SN ISU Date:
4/12/09 Patient: S.C. Age: 20 Occupation: Full–time nursing student taking 14 hours Language
spoken: English Gender: Marital Status Race: Caucasian Ethnic affiliation / association: American
Measurements (2 points): Weight (in lbs & kgs) 125 lbs 56.8kgs Height (in in & cm) 60 inches 15.2
cm Waist–to–hip ratio .82 BMI 21.2 ... Show more content on ...
Heart & Peripheral Vascular (2 points): Carotid arteries 2+ bilat, external jugular visible in supine
position, not visible when elevated. No visible chest wall pulsations, no heave, lift, apical pulse in
5th intercostals space at midclavicular line, pulse 61, regular rate, rhythm. Aortic, pulmonic valves,
S2>S1. Erb's point, S2=S1. Tricuspid, mitral valves, S1>S2. No gallops, murmurs, extra heart
sounds. All pulses present 2+ bilat, no lymphadenopathy. Legs absent of varicosities, tenderness,
edema, atrophy, warm bil. Epitrochlear lymph nodes not palpable, no Homan's signs. Thorax &
Lungs (2 points): AP less than transverse diameter; respiratory rate and pattern relaxed, even; chest
expansion symmetrical; tactile fremitus equal bilat; no tenderness, lumps, lesions; resonant to
percussion over lung fields; vesicular breath sounds clear over lung fields; no adventitious sounds.
Bronchial sounds, inspiration < expiration over trachea and larynx. Bronchovesicular,
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Chronic Acalculous Cholecystitis
When a patient comes with abdominal pain, it can be due to different causes. The pain may be
visceral, somatoparietal or referred pain as an indicator of a wide variety of systemic and local
causes. Visceral pain is from abdominal distention or stretching of the muscle fibers, carried by
sympathetic nerve fibers, presents as dull, poorly localized pain in the mid areas of the abdomen.
Somatic pain occurs once the parietal peritoneum is inflamed or irritated, and passed by sensory
fibers. Somatic pain is better defined and more localized, high intensity, and also associated with
tenderness and spasm of the localized muscle groups.
Differential diagnosis
Chronic Acalculous Cholecystitis: Here Ms. G presented with right upper abdominal pain, ... Show
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G: Ms. G appears ill–looking, uncomfortable and clutching her abdomen, as she is experiencing
pain, she rated her pain as eight on the scale of 0 to 10 as 10 being the worse pain. The pain of Ms.
G is in her upper abdomen and radiating to her upper right back and right scapular tip consistent
with Collins sign. The pain initially stated as achy but changed to colicky in nature and became
more constant. The pain started after she ate and vomited few times before arrival. Percussion of
Ms. G's abdomen is significant for tenderness to palpation towards her upper right quadrant a
positive murphy's sign, without rebound tenderness. Bowel sounds are normal. Ms. G's clinical
presentation is consistent with Cholecystitis. The pain for Cholecystitis usually starts within an hour
post food; it can last from one to five hours and increases steadily over ten to twenty minutes along
with Collins sign, and the pain doesn't relieve after vomiting.
Diagnostic tests
CBC with differential
Leukocytosis with a left sided shift is the common abnormality in Cholecystitis. A high white blood
cell count suggests inflammation, an abscess, gangrene, or a perforated gallbladder.
Gall bladder ultrasound
Gall bladder ultrasound typically helps in establishing the diagnosis of Cholecystitis. A sonographic
Murphy's sign, (when the ultrasound probes the ultrasound patient will have pain) is a useful
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The Main Purpose Of Alcoholic Anonymous Essay
The main purpose of Alcoholic Anonymous (A.A.) is to help members keep an open mind on the
subject and can stay sober. Using the 12 steps designed by A.A. assists people to break through their
denial and to see the problems alcohol has caused in their lives. The Twelve Steps are the core of
A.A's program of recovery from alcoholism. They are based on the trial–and error experience of
A.A's early members and have worked for millions of alcoholics since then. In recent years, there
are about 1.2 million people who belong to one of A.A.'s 55,000 meeting groups in the United
On October 9 2016, after the clinical, I attended the A.A meeting located at St. Patrick 's Roman
Catholic Church 9511 4th Ave Brooklyn. The open meeting started at 4pm and was held with
approximately 35 to 40 attendees for one hour. The room was located at the basement of the
building but it was clean, cozy and bright. There were many chairs and one big C shape desk in the
front so some people could be sitting around the table while most of people were sitting behind the
table. One interesting thing was that there was a person who translated the entire meeting in sign
language for the deaf so the meeting looked more formal and organized. Unlike my imagination that
people would have unkempt, addicting appearances, and borderline offensive hygiene, the majority
of the members had clean and nice looking, well kempt, and healthy appearances. As soon as we
entered the room, one woman welcomed us and
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Essay on Histology Tissue Tracking
Software and hardware systems are the main source of how companies are ran today. To remain
influential in today's markets, businesses must remain flexible, and technology integrated. The
implications of not acquiring up–to–date technology may be the demise of a company as a whole.
While remaining technology up–to–date can cut cost, and implement the highest productivity of a
company helping insure satisfied customers. Business requirements thus, drive businesses to change
the way production, and customer satisfaction is met. During the integrations of a computerized
tissue tracking system needed for irreplaceable patient pathology specimens, a greater need was
understood in the implications of tracking. Handwritten cassettes were ... Show more content on ...
The change in quality delivered, and the legality of improper diagnosis was highly considered when
creating a complete tissue tracking system, consequently creating a computerized beginning to end
electronically embedded tissue tracking system. "Smart" software was installed into the Lab
assistant existing PC's within the department, programmed to interface with an electronic cassette
patient information embedding machine. As patient information was retrieved singularly from the
implemented program, the specimen count, type, source, and patients name is verified by the lab
assistant, and then accepted or denied. If accepted, the cassette embedding machine would then
electronically embed the cassette with a barcode, and a number specific to that patient, and their
tissue type. The patients name, birth date, case number, and tissue type would be printed onto a label
to be placed on the patient's requisition. While another set of labels would be printed for each
specimen and part type then placed on the patient's specimen container. After this process was
completed the tissue and cassettes would then be given to the gross technician for dissection, and
description. The gross technician upon receipt would scan the label on the requisition, pulling up the
patient's information, scan the cassette in which the gross technician would like to place the tissue
into, and lastly scanning the specimen container
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Quality Control For Cyber Forensic Process
Quality Control for Cyber Forensic Process Quality control has two parts management standards
and personnel standards. 1. Management standards apply to the authoritative environment in which
advanced crime scene investigation are performed and incorporates the approaches or techniques
that make the hierarchical environment and procedures that work force take after when performing
computerized criminology. The two administration models address computerized measurable
capacity and quality administration. a) Digital Forensic Capability All associations directing
examinations that may require the utilization of computerized criminology must guarantee the
examinations can be upheld by forensically solid and lawfully adequate advanced scientific
examinations. This standard places on the association the obligation regarding guaranteeing it has
strategies and methods to guarantee computerized crime scene investigation can bolster its
examinations when proper. If an association does not have an ability to forensically get or examine
computerized confirm then it ought to have approach showing how it would handle the circumstance
when these capacities are required. Quality Management Associations directing computerized legal
examinations must execute a quality administration framework to administer advanced scientific
systems and work items. This standard places on the association the obligation regarding
guaranteeing the association has quality practices and methods set up
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Eschools as Organisations Post 16 Options for Young People...
1.2 Explain the post 16 options for young people and adults: – Once a young person has reached
year 11 there are a number of choices to make about their future, this could be choosing a new
course at school or college or entering employment and training. These options will give them a
good base on building a future career. Post 16:– Continue in full time education either sixth form or
at a local college. Depending on their results they can choose from the list below:– Post 17:– If they
have just completed a one–year course, following Year 12, they may decide to continue their studies
full time or look for jobs and training:– Post 18:– Following Year 13, they will have a number of
choices to make about their future. They may ... Show more content on ...
– They'd be paid while they learn the skills that employers are looking for. – They'd gain an NVQ
Level 3 qualification as an Apprentice or a Level 2 qualification as a foundation Apprentice. Higher
Apprenticeships are also available at a Level 4 or above. Traineeships: If the student was leaving
school or college a Traineeship could help them get the skills needed to get a job or progress to
further learning at a higher level, for example Apprenticeships or further education. In most cases
they can start on a Traineeship at any point during the year and they don't need any formal
qualifications to access the programme. There are different levels of Traineeship. (Post 18)
Engagement: If they are finding it difficult to find the right job, get into work or develop their skills
and learning, this level will help prepare them for the world of work or full time learning. This level
can include work placements, community projects or training. Level 1: If they know what career
they want to follow and are ready for full–time learning at Level 1, this level will allow them to
progress their skills further in their chosen subject and can also include work placements and
community projects. If they have successfully completed a Level 1 and are still out of work, they
maybe eligible to start learning at Level 2. Voluntary work: As well as doing something worthwhile
and rewarding in its own right, voluntary work can also be a good way of
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Health Services
Profile A. Vision Mission 3 B. Organization Structure 4 C. Address/Location 5 D. Products/Services
5 III. Competitors 8 IV. Statement of the Problem E. Objective 9 V. Date Gathering F. Questionnaire
10 G. Results and Interpretation 11 VI. Review of Related Literature 23 VII. Tools for Quality
Improvement H. Affinity Diagram 26 I. Fishbone Diagram 28 J. Pareto Diagram 31 VIII.
Conclusion 33 IX. Recommendation 34 APPENDIX I. ... Show more content on ...
Utility Staff ANN ROSE EMPLEO Utility Staff C. Address / Location University Health Service,
Ground Floor Administration Building, Far Eastern University, Nicanor Reyes Street Sampaloc,
Manila, Philippines D. Products / Services Services Offered by University Health Services *
Consultation and evaluation of any health related complaints * Annual physical and dental
examination of all freshmen * Issuance and verification of medical certificate, disability sickness
notification * Pre – employment medical evaluations * Issuance of prescription for medicines as
indicated by the physicians and dentists * Initial dose of medicines administered at the University
Health Service * Nebulization for asthmatic patients * Vaccine administration at reduced cost *
Minimum charges for diagnostics x–rays, dental extractions, dental filling (laser) dental prophylaxis
(cleaning) * Free dental services for all students: Dental extractions, Dental fillings (laser), dental
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Analysis of the Paul Cronan Case Essay
Analysis of the Paul Cronan Case
I. Legal Analysis, Issue 1
Issue: Does party bringing suit (Plaintiff – Paul Cronan) qualify under the ADA for disability?
In Review of ADA and the principles set forth at that time, there are several relevancies to consider
here. A disability is described as follows:
"For purposes of nondiscrimination laws (e.g. the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 503 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act), a person with a
disability is generally defined as someone who (1) has a physical or mental impairment that
substantially limits one or more "major life activities," (2) has a record of such an impairment, or (3)
is regarded as having such an ... Show more content on ...
This information is readily available on the World Wide Web at the following location–14210.
II. Legal Analysis, Issue 2
Issue: Is New England Telephone guilty of discrimination against Paul Cronan strictly because he
has a disease that is disabling called HIV/AIDS?
Rule: "The ADA prohibits discrimination in all employment practices, including job application
procedures, hiring, firing, advancement, compensation, training, and other terms, conditions, and
privileges of employment. It applies to recruitment, advertising, tenure, layoff, leave, fringe benefits,
and all other employment–related activities."
This information is readily available on the World Wide Web at the following location In relation to the situation, the following data is also
pertinent: "Employment discrimination is prohibited against "qualified individuals with disabilities."
This includes applicants for employment and employees. An individual is considered to have a
"disability" if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more
major life activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an
impairment. Persons discriminated against because they have a known association or relationship
with an individual with a disability also are protected.
The first part of the
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Krystall Huffman 22116026 Exam039823 Essay
Dermatology Chart Note 1 Yanktonai, Lakota
# 765851
May 2, 2015
Patient is a 9 year old adolescent male, presents with a 2 day history of itching encrusted sores
especially around the mouth area. Parent is using OTC antibiotic ointment with no improvement, no
recent history of fever. Parent states that pat recently visited a petting zoo
HEENT are basically unrevealing. Temp in the office today is 98.4. The outer area of the mouth
extending into the chin reveals macules, vesicles, copious purulent exudate forming honey– colored
crust on a erythematous base. Skin on trunk, arms and legs is clear. No other symptomology
1. Rx for Mupirocin ointment applied to infected area TID.
2. Advised ... Show more content on ...
She has been sleeping better and her appetite has improved. She believes the outpatient therapy
session have helped her with coping mechanisms. She has been trying to use diaphragmatic
breathing techniques to assist her with her anxiety symptoms
Vitals Temp: 98.6 P: 83 Res: 18 BP: 126/70
General alert and compliant
Effect has improved display of a variety emotional expressions
APPEARANCE hygiene appears to be good. No detection of a skin lesions or rash
HEART regular rate and rhythm
LUNGS clear
Generalized anxiety disorder with mild depression.
Continue Lexapro at 5 mg a dose and Klonopin at 3mg a dose. Continue outpatient counselling.
Patient will follow up in 2 weeks or earlier if anxiety symptoms worsen.
Milton E. Eisenberg, MD
d&t 5/4/2015
Psychiatry Consultation
Akhtar, Renita M.
# 09438
May 4, 2015
This patient has been referred to me by her primary care physician. Patient states she has been
suffering from irritability. She states that she has been very irritable for short periods of time. She
associates these feelings with her depression.
The patient is a 56 year old female who has recently lost her job and has been financially struggling.
She has isolated herself from friends and family members. She claims to be close to her older sister
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Preparing for and taking tests Essay example
It's that time of year again, the last few weeks college. You have been on time to every class session
and have managed to add a few points to your normal course average. Just a few more weeks to go
and you will be on your way to a well needed vacation, which you have carefully spent the last
couple months planning. There is only one thing that stands in the way, final exams. Just as every
student before you and every student that will come after you, final examinations can be very
frustrating and stressful. Proper testing preparation combined with skilled testing strategies can help
anyone overcome those examination nightmares. Being well prepared for the big examination day
starts long before the final examination is ever conducted. ... Show more content on
Knowing how to identify internal strengths and weakness can be beneficial in helping to prepare for
any examination. Time management and organizational skills are a key trait that should be mastered
extensively (Shelley, 2005). The most successful students use their time wisely. An upcoming exam
can create a heavy burden. Making a realistic study schedule and having the proper study space that
is free from distractions and kept well organized is vital (Shelley, 2005). Test anxiety is a very
common trait that occurs in many people. You have spent weeks studying for the examination,
covered every single topic and read every single material having to deal with the upcoming exam.
You walk into the classroom, sit down, and retrieve all your materials that you need. The instructor
hands out your exam and gives everyone the confirmation to begin. You open up the exam and start
reading the first question, hoping to be familiar with the subject. As you read question after
question, you realize that you can't recall the answers to anything that you have just read. According
to Salend (2011), this is the time that "you start to panic, your chest gets tight, you get sweaty, you
start feeling overwhelmed" (p. 58). Many students suffer from this type of anxiety when it comes to
taking examinations that can hinder their performance and well being. Proper studying and adequate
preparation can help students overcome test anxiety and help improve their performance. Employing
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China’s Education System
Education is the process of learning and acquiring knowledge at school from a teacher, receiving
knowledge at home from a parent, a family member, and even friend. Education is a key that allows
people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and succeed in life. Education is one factor that
affects job positions people hold, advance in their further career, the income they make, and the title
they hold. The more educated a person is, the more prestige and power that person holds. Education
improves the quality of life, reduces ignorance, and exposes frontiers and opportunities not
previously handled. Education also focuses on the values, attitudes and behaviors that enable
individuals to learn to live together in a world characterized ... Show more content on ...
The similarities include administering a nationwide exam given to all the students. All students are
equally evaluated based on these scores. The test is used to determine which university students are
able to attend. There are also significant differences between these exams. In America the exams are
called the SAT or the ACT. In China it is named Gaokao. The Gaokao test is taken very seriously.
This test is taken for multiple–days. Parents rent hotel rooms nearby so their student can have a
quiet lunch and take a nap. Some Chinese students go insane for this exam. They study for the
Gaokao while hooked up to IV drips. The IV drips contain amino acids which would provide the
students with extra energy (Kristof). This would definitely never be allowed in U.S. And lastly,
merit pay is different in China than U.S. The Chinese believe in merit pay and in using student test
scores for teacher evaluation. For example, when the 9th graders leave middle school they are tested
to see which high school they are qualified to attend. Since the same teachers have had those
students for three years, they compare their entry score to their exit score. The classes that showed
the most academic gain resulted in that banzhuren receiving a bonus that might range from 3000
Yuan to 6000 Yuan (one month or two months pay). The same is true at the high school level. This is
not the case in America. Teachers are evaluated through principals attending the classroom setting
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The Most Common Medical Conditions
Most of patients were of different age group including men women and children. They used to
presents with a variety of complaints with minor and major illnesses. Sometimes they present with a
critical illness which requires meticulous care. I worked with a group of specialists who were easily
available from local hospitals to help manage the patients promptly. Following are some essential
element of practice.
2.1 Knowledge of Medical Conditions – common:
The most common medical conditions that used to encounter on a daily basis in the children under
five years were respiratory, gastrointestinal disorders of infectious origin, mostly viral and some
bacterial in origin. In older group, osteoarthritis, COPD, prostate enlargement, ischemic heart
disease, heart failure, hypertension dementia, depression and neurological disorders such as stroke
and Parkinson disease. Others common illnesses were diabetes, asthma, urinary tract infection, skin
rash, contact dermatitis, traumatic injury, insomnia. In women, menopausal disorder and menstrual
irregularities, dysmenorrhea, and contraceptive advice were some of the common presentation in the
Lifestyle related problems such smoking, tobacco, alcohol–related disorders were common
occurrences. Many of young patients came with sexually transmitted infection such as Chlamydia,
Gonorrhoea, Herpes, Syphilis, Hepatitis, and HIV.
2 Knowledge of Medical Conditions – treatable: There were many medical conditions which could
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Management Communication: Case Study 6-2 Essay
October 9, 2013
To: Ms. Dana Donnley, Director of Employee Communication
From: Mr. X, Employee Communication Manager
Subject: Suggestions to persuade employees to participate in the wellness program
I believe that we need to address three very important challenges in order to persuade all the
employees to participate in our wellness program. First, making the employees understand that this
program is entirely for their benefit, second, convincing them that the results of the physical will be
entirely confidential and third, persuading the employee's spouses also to participate in the program.
I believe that the following communication strategies can be useful.
Sending letters to each employee well before their ... Show more content on ...
Attached: Letter to Employees
The Employee
Whirlpool Corporation
Benton Harbor
Dear Employee,
I wish you a very happy birthday in advance!
I'm pleased to inform you that our company would like to offer a wellness program to you and your
spouse as a birthday gift. Our wellness program is all about investing in your health and helping you
live a healthier lifestyle and make better choices. We believe that healthier the employee and his or
her family happier he or she is and a happier employee can serve our customers better and help our
company prosper.
This program includes a free mini–physical done by our company doctor. This is a screening
program designed to let you know the general condition of your health. It is fairly comprehensive.
The doctor will record your physical details, test various functions and reflexes and provide you a
complete work–up. After the test is completed he will doctor see the results and mail them to you.
You can then contact your family physician and seek appropriate treatment, if needed.
I would like to stress and assure that the results are confidential and neither the doctor nor the
company keeps any record of the same. You will receive the originals and no copies will be made.
Since the company sponsors this program you could save the money that you might spend on the
physical and since, it covers your spouse's physical also you could even save more. The
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HIT 101: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
Program Course Assessment Report (Form B) Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Fall 2016
Semester–HIT 101–Introduction to Medical Billing Department/Program Business
Department/Administrative Assistant Program Introduction (brief description of
department/program and program objectives) Program Description The Administrative Assistant
curriculum prepares students to enter into the workforce as professional office workers in a variety
of areas in today?s work force. The program has three concentrations: Accounting Assistant, Office
Technology, and Medical Billing and Coding. Concentration Descriptions The Accounting Assistant
concentration prepares students to learn about various areas of the business world. Students will
learn ... Show more content on ...
midterm exams, and final exams. Summary of Results Standard developed midterm exam written by
faculty Number of Students: 3 Total Possible Points: 100 Highest Score: 91 Lowest Score: 81
Average Score: 82 Standard developed final exam written by faculty Number of Students: 3 Total
Possible Points: 100 Highest Score: 91 Lowest Score: 81 Average Score: 88 Implication of Results
In the Fall 2016, HIT 101 course, one student received an A and two students received Bs The
lowest score of all students in both midterm and final exams was 76 percent and the highest score
was 95 percent. In the midterm exam, students scored an average of 81%. The exam was comprised
of term definitions. In the final exam, students scored 75% on term definitions and 88% on the
patient claim form portion of the final exam. These results indicate that students tend to score higher
in the practical portion of the exam than they do in the theory portion. However, all students earned
at least a B average. Thus, prior assessment recommendations were
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The On The Surface, Nvr, Inc. Essay
On the surface, NVR, Inc. is just another homebuilder. However, an in–depth examination of the
company tells a different story and gives an investor a glimpse into why NVR, Inc. is successful in
its business. In the previous research, the discussion revolved around the history and background of
NVR, Inc. I also briefly performed an analysis of the company's 2014 10–K filing. Today I will
present a full and thorough assessment of the profitability and earnings; analysis of the trends in
current ratio, working capital, composition of current assets, and cash flows; and evaluation of the
liquidity and solvency of the company. I will also discuss how NVR, Inc. stacks up against its top
two competitors, D.R. Horton, Inc. and Lennar Corporation. The home building industry is a highly
risky and extremely competitive business, and NVR is one of the most successful with an estimate
of $4.45 billion in reported revenues for last year. It trails Lennar Corp, which reported about $7.78
billion and D.R. Horton, Inc. with around $7.86 billion in revenues for 2014. This homebuilder
currently has assets in excess of $2.35 million making it the third largest homebuilder in the U.S.
NVR, Inc. may not be as large as Lennar or D.R. Horton; however, it is consistent in its performance
year over year with its revenues increasing from $3.19 billion in 2012 to $4.22 billion in 2013. NVR
also increased its gross profit from $7.97 million in 2013 to $8.85 million in 2014 (NVR, Inc.). Its
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History Of Evaluation And Management ( E / M ) Codes
Issues and Trends Purpose and history of Evaluation and Management (E/M) Codes Accurate and
comprehensible medical records documents are crucial for a positive outcome for the patient and
health care providers. Health records sequentially convey significant details concerning patient's
health history and future care plans. These records are pertinent when initiating care in the acute and
chronic setting for the patient. Medicare, Medicaid, and other personal health care providers
necessitate rational documentation to guarantee that a procedure and/or examination is consistent
with the individual's health care coverage. The documentation also authorizes the place of health
care treatment, eligible medical requirement and suitability of diagnosis and/or therapy, and that the
services rendered were appropriately documented. Precise and reliable medical documentation
should be recorded at the time of treatment or shortly after the intervention. Inappropriate
documentation can result in erroneous and inappropriate imbursement for provided health care
services. Evaluation and Management (E/M) coding principles and guidelines were founded by
Congress in 1995 and amended two years later. E/M codes are based on the foundation of the
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes recognized by the American Medical Association
(AMA). Active health care suppliers access E/M coding for medical reimbursement by Private
Insurances, Medicaid, and Medicare programs. The E/M codes are a
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LGMT 536 Online Syllabus 0812
LGMT 536 v.0812
LGMT 536
Purchasing for Logistics and Supply Chain Managers
Online Course Syllabus
Credit Hours: 3
Delivery Method: Online (Internet / Blackboard)
Required Course Materials
Monczka, R. M., Handfield, R. B., Giunipero, L. C., & Patterson, J. L. (2011).
Purchasing and supply chain management (5th ed.). Mason, OH:
South–Western College/West.
ISBN–13: 978–0538476423
Suggested Supplemental Materials
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the
American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC:
ISBN: 978–1–4338–0561–5
(APA website:
Course Description
This course addresses the critical role of purchasing in supply chain management. The ... Show more
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Each graded activity is scored at a maximum
100 points.
Evaluation Items & Weights
Focus Discussions (7)
Chapter Discussion Questions (7)
Term Paper
Case Analysis (2)
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Course Grade Scale
90 – 100%
80 – 89%
70 – 79%
0 – 69%
Note: Graduate courses do not use a 'D' letter grade.
Grade Center Naming
When looking in "My Grades," you will see the names of the activities have been shortened.
Below is an explanation of the abbreviations:
Abbreviated Version
Ch. DQ
Focus DQ
TP (Topic, Outline, Rough Draft, and Final)
CA (1 or 2)
Full Name
Chapter Discussion Questions, Assignments you will be submitting in a word processed document
Focus Discussion Questions, Discussions that take place in the Discussion Board area of the course
Term Paper and all of its associated requirements
Case Analysis 1 or 2, Assignments you will submit after taking the midterm and final exams
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Required, Non–Graded Activities
This course requires the completion of the several non–graded activities listed below. Your
completion of these items is recorded in the Grade Center with a green check mark.
Start Here Email: Before beginning Module 1, you are required to send an email, using your ERAU
email account, to your instructor introducing
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Essay about Assembling Charts
Properly assemble inpatient. Assembly of medical records are done in * Chronological order
according to "filing order of the medical record." * Assemble forms according to the order given in
this policy * Charts are identified with typewritten white labels with: 1) Patient Name 2) Electronic
Health Record Number (MRN) Order of Chart Assemble 1. Face sheet * Patient Information and
Guarantor 2. Consent Forms * Signed Yearly Consent Form * Medicare Consent Forms *
Counseling Form * BC Consent 3. Lab Reports * Pathology Reports * Laboratory Reports 4.
Prenatal (Only Pregnant Patients) 5. Hospital DC * All hospital discharges including ... Show more
content on ...
Referrals * All documentation for referral of patients to outside providers 3. Communication *
Orange Telephone Message / Intake Sheets * Any Provider to patient communication including: i.
Letters of Missed appointments / no shows ii. Letters of Patient Termination 4. HIPAA * Al
Consents – Treatment, Release of Information &amp; Authorization 5. Patient Info / Billing *
Patient demographics * CAP information * Insurance information including copies of insurance
cards It is important that all documentation such as spelling of the names, addresses of the parents,
and full names of the parent are correct the final submitted document. It is a costly mistake for the
parents to have to change this information later after submission. This is where HIPAA polices come
into effect and help healthcare personal to maintain administrative, physical and technical
safeguards in protect confidentiality and prevent unauthorized access to health information. It was
interesting to learn that any if a mother is not married, and the father is not present when signing the
application for a birth certificate that he must pay to add his name after the birth certificate has been
filed with the NC Birth Certificate Registry. Ms. Boyd has 4 days to submit Birth and Death
Certificates to the Edgecombe County Health Department After numerous trips to verify that all the
information was
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Result of Diploma-in-Engineering
Bangladesh Technical Education Board
Office of the Controller of Examinations Agargaon, Sherebangla Nagar, Dhaka–1207
Memo No. BTEB (EX–2)/667(Part–4)/463
Date : 20–01–2011
12053 – Thakurgaon Polytechnic Institute ,Thakurgaon
2 2. It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have failed in one or more subjects in the
6th Semester Final Examination of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING, 2010 held in
August – October, 2010 are listed below in accordance with the notification no BTEB (EX–
2)/667(Part–4)/463 dated 20–01–2011 in regulation of the board. The roll numbers are listed under
the respective subject in which the corresponding student has failed. These examinees are permitted
to appear in the examination of the ... Show more content on ...
(Dr. Md. Nurul Islam) Controller of Examinations Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka –
1207 Phone 9113283
Memo No.
BTEB (EX–2)/667(Part–4)/463
Date : 20–01–2011
Copy of the published result is hereby sent for information and necessary action please: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7–51. 52–56. 57–156. 157–161. 162–166. 167. Director General, Directorate of Technical
Education, Agargaon, Dhaka –1000 Vice Chancellor, Ahsanullah University of Science and
Technology, Dhaka Director (PIW) Directorate of Technical Education Dhaka Director
(Curriculum), Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka –1207 Secretary Bangladesh
Technical Education Board, Dhaka –1207 Director, Dhaka International University, Dhaka
Principal, Polytechnic Institute Principal, BS Polytechnic Institute, Kaptai /Mohila Polytechnic
Institute, Dhaka/Institute of Glass and Ceramic/Graphics Arts Institute/Bangladesh Marine Institute
Principal/Director, ____________. Deputy Controller of Examination–1/2/3/VOC Bangladesh
Technical Education Board, Dhaka –1207 Assistant Controller of Examination–2/3/VOC
Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka –1207 Guard file
( Mohammad Ali Miah) Assistant Controller of Examination Bngladesh Technical Education Board,
Dhaka Phone: 9118776
Page 2 of 43
Bangladesh Technical Education Board
Office of the Controller of Examinations Agargaon, Sherebangla Nagar, Dhaka–1207
Memo No. BTEB (EX–2)/667(Part–4)/463
Date : 20–01–2011
16058 –
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Reflection Of A Personal Perspective : The Influence Of...
Retrospective is looking back on or dealing with past events or situations. It is a collection of data
about a person's past which relatively explains their present condition (Oxford Dictionaries 2017).
Personality can be defined as the pattern of collective character, behavioral, emotional and mental
traits of a person that makes you different from other people (APA 2017). These characteristics may
change after some time, while some may frame an enduring piece of your identity. I will give
examination and depiction of my identity with things change and unaltered inside my identity. I will
likewise expound on the effect of nature identity support as a part of my identity. I will evaluate and
distinguish the conceivable wellsprings of predispositions in review examination and furthermore
the give the upsides of logical strategy over the review.
With a specific end goal to distinguish the progressions that have occurred in my life, I needed to
reflect back finished my life to see the distinction in my state of mind, my feelings, and my conduct.
From the past, I understood that I have changed from numerous points of view. In any case, some
things I have overlooked and declined to change. As time cruises by, I have contemplated over how
my identity has changed towards the way I feel about companions and other individuals. Over much
idea and reflection, I now get it. During that time in the military, I have lived in with a wide range of
individuals and situations. I managed a
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Mr C Case Study
Physical examination Mr. C is a well–developed, well–groomed appropriate weight elderly black
man sitting upright and breathing without difficulty. Mr. C walk with a slight limp. Mr. C does not
use a cane. Mr. C is slow to rise from his seated position and appears to have some discomfort. Vital
signs Height: (without shoes) 5' 10". Weight: (dressed) 160lbs. BMI: 22.96. BP: 110/70 (right arm
supine) HR: 70. RR 16. Temperature (oral) 98.6F. Skin Nail without cyanosis or clubbing, palms
good character warm and moist. HEENT: 1. Head: Normocephalic/atraumatic average texture, no
lesions 2. Eyes: Vision 20/30 both eyes. Extraocular motions full, gross visual fields full to
confrontation, 3. Conjunctiva pink: sclerae white, pupils ... Show more content on
Ears: Hearing poor left ear. Tympanic membrane landmarks well visualized. Acuity good to
whispered voice right ear poor in left ear. Weber midline AC >BC 5. Nose: Mucosa pink. No
discharge, no obstruction 6. Mouth: Oral mucosa pink, pharynx no exudates. Uvula moves up in
midline. Normal gag reflex. 7. Neck: Neck supple so loose skin present. Trachea midline thyroid not
palpable. No masses 8. Lymph nodes: Small no tender, mobile and non–tender tonsillar and
posterior cervical nodes Bilaterally, No adenopathy. 9. Thorax and Lungs: Thorax symmetric. Lungs
resonant, breath sound vesicular with no added Sounds. Diaphragms descends 4 cm bilaterally 10.
Cardiovascular: Regular rhythm with an occasional extra beat. Carotid brisk without bruits. 11.
Abdomen: Soft, flat, bowel sounds present, no bruits. Nontender to palpation. Liver edge, spleen,
kidney not felt. No masses. Liver span 10cm by percussion. 12. Extremities: Skin warm and smooth
without lesion 13. Peripheral vascular: 2+ knee edema noted, no stasis pigmentation of ulcers noted.
Pulses 2+ 14. Neurological: Awake, alert and fully oriented. Cranial nerves III–XII intact except for
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Cram Schools Can´t Substitute for the Official Schools
It is becoming increasingly common nowadays in China that students go to cram
schools frequently instead of attending the official school every time when some important
examinations are coming. This phenomenon happens a lot around me. Many good
friends of mine, no matter whether they are good at studying or not, will chose to go to cram schools
further study. Their goals are to triumph over challenges and difficulties in study and make
higher marks. However, to my surprise, having spent a lot of time and money, they made
lower marks sometimes. They study very hard every time in cram schools, nevertheless,
they feel worn out and always gain results, which are not satisfying. And what is also
unfortunate is that their endeavors are in vain. How ridiculous it is! Cram schools should
be to blame for this.
Attending cram schools too much does harm to a student's academic achievement
because of its high pressure, high costs, endless boring homework,as well as the students'
lacking creativities and flexibilities.
Firstly, cram school gives its students high pressure. Students who attend cram
schools are supposed to study after study; also, they are expected to study against time in
order to get higher grades. They're asked by the teachers to strive hard to excel in every
examination, which leaves them no spare time to develop their hobbies. According to an
article called China's Cram School from Hell (Rachel Lu, 2013), a cram
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Importance Of Lack Of Teaching Facilities
5.4.5 Lack of Teaching Sources and Facilities
The findings of this study indicated that 68% of the participant teachers stated that universities in the
Libyan context lack resources for teaching and facilities. They was also indicated by T2 in the
interviews, T2 stated that:
"Honestly, high education ministry does not provide us with enough support in terms of facilities
resources which are important for in any misunderstanding or difficulties that we might face. Journal
articles and books would be a good guide to figure CLT activities out if we find any ambiguity in
them. Moreover, classrooms design is still an old one which is not suitable for such CLT activities
and this makes it difficult to observe each group of students".
This ... Show more content on ...
Such findings were also reported by Adhikari (2007) in Nepal, Ozsevik (2010) in Turkey, Ansarey
(2012) in Bangladesh and Vongxay (2013) in Laos. They indicated that the number of students in the
class was an issue that made it hard to manage several groups within one class. Such findings were
also emphasised in responding to question 6 in the questionnaire where 68% of the teachers stated
that they had from 20 to 40 students in their classes (see Table 6). This would suggest that teachers
need to divide students into eight or ten groups in order to implement communicative activities
successfully and, thus, it would be difficult to manage all groups.
5.4.7 Examinations
The interviewee teachers indicated that the accountability of Libyan students to examinations is an
issue for an effective integration of CLT in Libyan context. One of the interviewees said:
"We as teachers do not have the right to design or adapt the final exams questions as the Ministry of
Education has the responsibility to decide who will design them. This really reflects a negative
influence for students and this makes them concerning only how to pass the exams which are mostly
based on grammar exercises".
Such orientation may lead to negative influence on the process of learning English language. As this
could imply that the focus is shifting from fluency into accuracy which perhaps would be an issue
for both applying CLT effectively and the students' outcomes. The findings were similar to those
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Computer Test
COMPUTER OR PAPER? According to Enoch Morrison, even if computers are a great help to the
students' examination, there are some people who are still not used to using it for taking tests. There
are advantages and disadvantages when using it. For example, its advantage may be the test could be
arranged by the professor or teacher according to its difficulty like starting off an easy one in the
first question, then it will get difficult by the time the test go to the last question as it will save time
and the student won't get anxious or stressed. Another one that computer based testing is useful or
helpful for correcting grammars, checking the spelling, determining if there is wrong in the structure
or placement of the sentence. One of its disadvantage is how students get their answers for the
exams, it could be from the internet or advanced software tools. The difference between using
computer ... Show more content on ...
Psychology, Mathematics, and Ergonomics were one of the areas where the comparability of paper
based testing and computer based testing was made but few studies looked into this issue in the field
of language assessment. Some studies have revealed that there is a significant difference between
the two testing modes (Pomplun, 2002; Choi, et al., 2003) while others have concluded the opposite
(Boo, 1997; Whitworth, 2001; Bugbee, 1996). Previous researches focused on the product of the
experiment for example, scores of the test and the processes of factors that resulted in these scores,
but not on both aspects. It has been found that computer experience was a major factor in explaining
the difference between students' performance on computer–based arithmetic reasoning tests (Lee,
1986). However, Boo (1997) found that there was no significant relationship between computer
familiarity and the students' performance on three computerized
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Perpetual Care Hospital Essay
PROPOSAL Based on the information provided at the DHC Case, like the local work population
trend and workers survey, the DHC project cannot become self supporting at the term of three years;
the losses forecasted after the third year are $ 105,828. Refer to analysis on pages 3 and 4. To revert
these forecasted results an Offensive Strategy Market Plan must be outlined, and the principal
proposed actions to develop are: Creating awareness and improving image in the community to
increase and retain the number of customers; thru invest in weekly ads, and agreements with local
employers. Expanding visiting hours from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM to hold and increase the number of
Employment / insurance physical examinations. Adding ... Show more content on ...
4.– Patient incidence. Assume that the clinic is treating 20 patients/day (see Ex. 5) Time period % of
patients #of patients Patients/hour 11 AM–2PM 70% 14 4.66 Other(5 hours) 30% 6 1.2 Overall
100% 20 2.5 i) Compare to desired rate of 4/hr The actual rate of 2.5 patient/hour is low compared
to the desired rate. ii) Suggest approaches to solve the problem from: o Demand side: Increase
referral, establish better relationship with the business community, and add gynecology services. o
Supply side: Expand working hours to attract more customers. Which would you recommend? How
would you accomplish the adjustment of supply and/or demand? I would recommend establish
better relationship with the business community and expand working hours to attract more
customers. 5.– Use Exhibit 3 to assess the "expected" repeat visit rate after 11 months of operation.
Does the observed rate conform? What conclusions you draw? What strategy would you suggest?
The "expected" visit rate was 15% or 875 patients. Patient's records indicated that 97% of all visit
were by first time users of DHC and 113 visits were by repeat visit. The conclusion that we can
draw is that the business is not getting enough repeat visits. I would suggest expanding operation
hours, reducing waiting time and offering gynecology services. 6.– Use the concepts of "time series"
analysis to review the data of Exhibit 5. How promising is the goal of "... become self–supporting
three years after
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The Effectiveness Of The Supervision Styles
Throughout this paper, with the aid of Gibbs Model of reflection, refer to appendix one (shaaban,
2014), I will reflect on the efficacy of the supervision styles I experienced throughout my degree at
my clinical site. These styles are direct supervision and in–direct supervision. I will evaluate the
strengths and weaknesses of each style and how it impacted my learning. I will take into
consideration the effect it had on my own learning and how I can use this lesson to ensure I have a
positive impact on students I supervise in the future as a new graduate MRT. Description During the
first half of the degree, students must have direct supervision from a qualified radiographer. Direct
supervision is where the supervisor oversees activities as they occur and provides constant direction,
feedback, and assistance(wiseGEEK, 2014). This is necessary in the clinical setting for junior
students so the supervisor can step in and help stabilize the situation if it gets out of control, which is
very important for health and safety reasons (wiseGEEK, 2014). Feelings The main learning point in
the first year in the clinical setting were common examinations such as chest x–rays and becoming
confident communicating with patients (, 2014). Initially I felt intimidated and anxious
in this environment because I had someone that I had just met, watching and listening to everything
I said and did. This is fairly common and is referred to as 'supervision induced anxiety
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Essay on Mgt 520 Final Exam Study
MGMT520 Final Exam Study Guide
Finals open on Saturday April 20 at 12:01 a.m. MT (Saturday morning)
Finals close on Thursday April 25 at 11:59 p.m. MT (Thursday night)
1. The final exam is "open book, open notes." The maximum time you can spend in the exam is 3
hours, 30 minutes. If you have not clicked the Submit For Grade button by then, you will be
automatically exited from the exam. In the final exam environment, the Windows clipboard is
disabled, and so you will not be able to copy exam questions or answers to or from other
There are three pages to your final, and each page ... Show more content on ...
Even cite paraphrased information. Quoted or paraphrased material should not dominate a student's
work; use it sparingly to support your own thoughts, ideas, and examples. Failure to properly cite
material can jeopardize a passing grade on the exam. Your work may be submitted to,
an online plagiarism checking service. * If you reference your text, it's OK to just say Jennings, p__.
8. Some of the key study areas are as follows: (while these are key areas remember that the exam is
comprehensive for all the assigned course content and this study guide may not be all inclusive. *
TCO A: Given an organizational requirement to conform business practices to both the law and best
ethical practices, apply appropriate ethical theories to shape a business decision. * Schools of
thought * Ethical models – you will need to apply them to a factual situation much as you did in
your midterm
* TCO B: Given instances of federal regulation of business and commercial practices, determine the
constitutional and regulatory bases for such regulation, and formulate a strategy by which an
impacted business can influence or contest regulating outcomes. * APA * process of regulation
promulgation * Legal challenges to regulations (recall our Week 2 assignment, especially #5)
* TCO C: Given an example of corporate liability arising from the sale of defective and dangerous
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Persuasive Letter
Mr. Allen I apologize for the inconvenience but I'm traveling out of the country tomorrow night and
coming back on the 23rd. But here is the estimate, you can go through it, I will be able to respond to
any questions you might have even while i am out of the country. Please don't doubt shooting me an
email. We can do the installation on the last week of the month or the first week of April. I will
install a New RUUD Single stage 16 SEER 3 Ton A/C Condenser Outdoor pad – New disconnect
box & fuses– Robber noise pad– electrical outdoor Rater whip– clean refrigerant lines –add Puron
(as needed) RUUD 3 Ton Alum/cup Evaporator coil –Drain switch ( avoids water overflowing
inside the furnace protecting its components –Wet switch
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Comprehensive Health Assessment Paper
A Comprehensive Health Assessment of M. H.
Nicole M. Henneberg
Empire State College
A COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT OF M. H. 2 The purpose of this paper is to
discuss the results of a comprehensive health assessment on a patient of my choosing. This
comprehensive assessment included the patient 's complete health history and a head–to–toe
physical examination. The complete health history information was obtained by interviewing the
patient, who was considered to be a reliable source. Other sources of data, such as medical records,
were not available at the time of the interview. Physical examination data was obtained ... Show
more content on ...
Her current prescription medications include a 225 mg tablet of Venlafaxine HCL once daily for
anxiety related dizziness, and a 20 mg tablet of Atorvastatin for high cholesterol. She drinks alcohol
socially, approximately two 12 ounce beers a day. She is a former smoker of one pack of cigarettes a
day for nearly forty years. Her quite date was September, 2011. She denies the use of street drugs.
Review of Systems M. H. states that she is generally in good overall health. No cardiac, respiratory,
endocrine, vascular, musculoskeletal, urinary, hematologic, neurologic, genitourinary, or
gastrointestinal problems.
No history of skin disease. Skin is pink, dry, and void of bruising, rashes, or lesions. No recent hair
loss; head is normocephalic. Pupils equally reactive to light; no history of glaucoma or cataracts.
Ears are in normal alignment; no history of chronic infections, hearing loss, tinnitus, or discharge.
Nose and sinus history includes clear nasal discharge "since last October", and occasional nose
bleeds; states she use to get nose bleeds often as a child. Mouth and throat are absent of lesions; no
bleeding gums, sore throat, dysphagia, hoarseness, or altered taste. Neck is void of pain, swelling,
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The Distribution Of The Company Essay
The variation in the number of sales also interferes with the planning process within the company.
Future projections are made based on the prospected sales hence profits by the company. Due to the
fact that the sales of sportswear varies, the company cannot easily project its future growth as well
as predict the profits it will make in future (Plunkett, 2009).
In addition to this, the political and financial instability that is making headwinds in key worldwide
markets is also a contributing factor to the inability of the company to come up with precise
projections. It looks more Europe since it has identity with the company's EMEA direct business
where CSC has continuous exertions to revitalize the Columbia brand, and in South America
regarding import limitations and money obligations in key wholesaler markets. The other factor is
the continuous change in the exchange rates for the foreign currencies. This changes with time and
is quite irregular. This implies that no single firm can come up with its financial plan based on
accurate exchange rates. This has to be subjected to some approximations that could interfere with
the company budget in the long term basis. There exist many more factors that are to be put into
consideration. Apart from the ones that have been discussed.
Despite all these, the company expects to expand and increase its net income. There are some
factors that will contribute to the expansion. The first one is an increment in the number of sales by
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Dr. Quyyumi During The Community Health Fair
I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Quyyumi during the Community Health Fair that is held
twice every year. This charity clinic provides care for underserved and uninsured patients. My duties
included patient triage, focused history and physical exam, blood drawing and performing pap
smears. The experience allowed me to practice my clinical skills and provide care to patients in
I participated in taking patients ' histories, doing physical examinations, reviewing lab results and
prescribing the appropriate treatment, I helped in performing administrative duties and updating
patients' medical records. At the clinic's pharmacy, I assisted the pharmacist in explaining the
medication route of administration, dosing, and frequency. I also involved in introducing public
health awareness and vaccination projects during our local medical tours.
I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Moussa at Scottish rite hospital. I assisted in obtaining
histories, performing physical exams, reviewing lab work and discussing differential diagnosis with
assessment and plan. The experience allowed me to practice my clinical knowledge while learning
about inpatient medicine.
My responsibilities were taking patients' histories, doing physical examinations, performing EKGs,
reviewing the patient medications, discussing the management plan and updating the electronic
medical records, also I participated in inpatient rounds in the afternoon at
Piedmont Hospital and Emory Midtown Hospital.
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Essay on Socs 350 Entire Course Week 1
SOCS 350 Entire Course Week 1 – 8
Purchase here–350–entire–course–week–1–8
Product Description
(SOCS 350 Cultural Diversity in the Professions – DeVry)
SOCS 350 Week 1 Assignment Paper: Let's Be Lefties for a Day
SOCS 350 Week 1 Discussion 1 You Eat What?!
SOCS 350 Week 1 Discussion 2 Some of My Best
SOCS 350 Week 2 Course Project: Project Proposal
SOCS 350 Week 2 Quiz (11 Questions & Answers)
SOCS 350 Week 2 Discussion 1 Culture is in the Air
SOCS 350 Week 2 Discussion 2 Power Relationships
SOCS 350 Week 3 Assignment: You Decide
SOCS 350 Week 3 Discussion 1 Take a Walk
SOCS 350 Week 3 Discussion 2 Gender Roles
SOCS 350 Week 4 Course Project: Reference List and Outline ... Show more content on ...
SOCS 350 Week 1 Discussion 2 Some of My Best
SOCS 350 Week 2 Course Project: Project Proposal
SOCS 350 Week 2 Quiz (11 Questions & Answers)
SOCS 350 Week 2 Discussion 1 Culture is in the Air
SOCS 350 Week 2 Discussion 2 Power Relationships
SOCS 350 Week 3 Assignment: You Decide
SOCS 350 Week 3 Discussion 1 Take a Walk
SOCS 350 Week 3 Discussion 2 Gender Roles
SOCS 350 Week 4 Course Project: Reference List and Outline
SOCS 350 Week 4 Discussion 1 Board Meeting
SOCS 350 Week 4 Discussion 2 Diverse Groups
SOCS 350
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Veteran Service Representative Case Study
Veteran Service Representative
Conducts interviews and explains veterans benefit programs and state, federal and local benefit
programs and entitlement criteria to active service members, veteran, their dependents, or survivors.
Assist active service members, veteran and beneficiaries with their applications for Compensation
and Pension Disability claim. Advise other VA elements and organizations on changes to VA benefit
programs and entitlement criteria.
Analyzes Compensation and Pension Disability claims to determine if diseases and/or injuries were
incurred or aggravated by military service in the line of duty for purposes of compensation,
treatment or hospitalization. For pension claim, analyzes' claimant income, debt and assets to
determine whether they qualify for pension based on income. ... Show more content on ...
Actively participates in meetings and training sessions and lends my expertise in developing and
promulgating Veteran Service Representative (VSR) skills as they related to evidence gathering for
rating decisions.
Serves as Pre–Discharge Program Coordinator / assist Military Service Coordinator (MSC)
Responsible for screening active service members' pre–discharge applications and reviewing of their
Service Treatment Records (STRs) to ensure appropriate disabilities are included on VA Form 21–
Requested appropriate compensation and pension medical examinations after thoroughly reviewing
of STRs, including the discharge examination done by the installation medical facility staff. Service
connection exams are scheduled through the Veteran Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) via CAPRI
computer or Contract via Centralized Administrative Accounting Transaction System (CAATS)
program. Responsible for coordinating examinations with VAMC and Department of Defense
(DOD) staff. Responsible for reordering of any incomplete, return, or missing
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The Effects of Dynasties
Three main dynasties that affected Chinese heritage, culture, economy and society were the Sui,
Tang and Song dynasties. Each of these dynasties were significant into further building and creating
China. Two out of three succeeded. Sui Dynasty was the second shortest dynasty, lasted only 38
years. The Tang Dynasty lasted almost 300 years and helped continue to improve China based on
the results of the Sui Dynasty. The Song Dynasty followed after lasting only a few years because
there was too much to do in order to fix the ruins from the downfall of the Tang Dynasty. The Sui
Dynasty began in 581 and ended in 618. During the 38 years it lasted there were three different
emperors who all made significant changes. After the tyrannical ... Show more content on ...
Economically the Tang dynasty also implemented an equal distribution system in order to increase
taxes, and production, while ensuring the livelihood of the working families. Under this particular
system the government would distribute similar portions of farmland to all qualifying males until
they reached the retirement age of sixty. Socially, the government was in favor of the people doing a
lot to take care of them and ensure their livelihood so the people remained at peace until religion got
involved which eventually caused the downfall of their dynasty. The Song Dynasty began in 960
and ended in 1270. During the period it lasted, it didn't mount up to the previous two dynasties. The
Sung rulers of that time encountered more problems than the previous rulers of their dynasties. After
the downfall of the Tang Dynasty rebuilding it was too difficult which made the Song Dynasty non
long lasting. Socially, politically and economically the dynasty was an epic fail. Rebuilding it was
too difficult and the people remained unhappy making the Song Dynasty an unpleasant era. Each of
the three dynasties affected China differently. The Sui Dynasty set it off with their new form of
government and expansion in the skill industry. After the second tyranny emperor stepped down and
the new one stepped up,
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ETS. 101.001 Arthur Manjarrez, ABD, OSU
Ethnic Awareness Black Hall 101–13
Spring Quarter, 2014 PH: 963–2161
M–F: 12:00 – 12:50 Office Hour: 8:00–9:00am
Farrell Hall 111 E–mail:
Course Materials:
Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 7th Edition by Richard T. Schaefer
Course Description: Ethnic Studies is designed to bring awareness and understanding of the
problems facing the American people in the area of race and ethnic relations, primarily focusing on
ethnic minorities. Ethnic Studies will focus on the nature and scope of relationships between
minority groups and majority group in the United States. ... Show more content on
Effective participation in class requires that you read the required materials prior to coming to class
and that you have completed all assignments that are due. In addition, I expect you to contribute
honestly and thoughtfully to class discussions. Late or missed assignments, and/or response papers
will be accepted only during the next class meeting. 2 points will be deducted for late response
papers or late assignments. No late final papers will be accepted, and missed quizzes cannot be
made up. Electronic devices such as iPods or cell phones should be 'turned off' prior to the start of
Grading: Grades will be assigned based upon the following breakdown: 4– Response Papers: 25%
(100 points–25pts each) 4–Class Assignments: 25% (100 points–25pts each) 3–Quizzes: 20% (100
points–33.3pts each) 1– Oral Presentation: 10% (50 points) 1–Final Reflection Paper: 20% (150
points) 100% 500 points | You can keep track of your own grade by summing your total points
A: 500–465 points, A–:464–450 points
B+: 449–440 points, B: 439–415 points, B–: 414–400 points C+: 449–440 points, C: 439–415
points, C–: 414–400 points D+: 449–440 points, D: 439–415 points, D–: 414–400 points Students
with 399 points or less will receive a failing grade!
Date | Assignments/Readings | TuesdayApril 2 – April 11 | Review and discuss Syllabus: What is
Ethnic Studies?Begin April 2nd, Students Read
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Speech On Exams
Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
Albert Einstein wrote, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it
will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
The purpose of this speech is to explain how exams fail to fulfil their purpose of indicating ability.
Examinations, by definition, are 'a formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a subject or
skill'. However, this definition itself is flawed; a student's ability to pass a test is a shallow
assessment of their proficiency in the career they choose to pursue. This brings me to my primary
question: Do examinations really provide as an adequate indication of ability?
Imagine a world where intelligence was not limited to the answers students ... Show more content
on ...
Exams have caused a lack of enthusiasm in the mindset of scholars and encouraged students to have
superficial knowledge which doesn't last long. At the cost of writing exams are many individuals
who do not succeed in a certain profession because they performed poorly on a particular exam. A
change needs to be made to the system of education by creating a scheme which encourages
students to work consistently and enthusiastically, and offers greater opportunity for each and every
student to
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A Short Note On Health And Dental Insurance
Health History Date: August 15th Name: Mr. ZNK Address: 1121 Maryland Avenue, Beltsville, MD
20707 Telephone: 3016554386 Age: 30 Date of birth: April 24,1984 Birthplace: Accra, Ghana
Gender: Male Marital status: Single Race: African Religion: Non Occupation: Automotive
technician Health insurance: Medical & dental insurance from work Source: Client Reliability:
Client is alert to person, place ,situation, and time and is able to provide needed information during
assessment Present Health/Illness Reason for seeking care: Medical checkup for frequent urination
that started one week ago. Urine amount each time is very small. Daily activities get interrupted and
"I am hesitant to drink fluids but that has not prevented it". Health beliefs and practices: Visit the
doctor as often as possible, especially if I feel like something is not right in my body. Health
patterns: Try to eat right and exercise regularly Medications: No medications. Tylenol once in
awhile for headache Health goals: Work on having annual checkup with my doctor Past History
Childhood illnesses: Chicken pox, measles and asthma Immunizations: Had all the childhood
vaccines in Accra. Other vaccines like hepatitis vaccine I had in the US Medical illnesses: History of
asthma and seasonal flu Hospitalization: None Surgery: None Injury: Sustained a laceration on scalp
at age 10 and had a suture. Blood transfusion: None Emotional/psychiatric problems: I get
overwhelmed at times with pressure
... Get more on ...
Taking a Look at Medical Transcription
What is Medical Transcription?
Medical Transcription, commonly known as MT, is a form of record keeping. It is an allied health
profession. Doctors/Physicians or other medical personnel dictate and record medical reports about
patients. These dictations generally discuss patients' current symptoms, their medical history, known
allergies, diagnostic process and suggested treatments.
A Medical Transcriptionist listens to these recorded medical dictations and types these reports as per
the instructions by the client using a computer and word–processing software and sent back with
turn–around–time (TAT). Hence, Medical Transcription is simply a process of converting voice–
recorded medical reports into suitable text format.
Earlier, Medical Transcription was used to be done by using manual typewriters, but with the
advancement of technology, electric typewriters replaced manual typewriters and further computers
and word–processing software changed the whole system. Today, these medical reports are recorded
in digital formats which allow efficient data storage, ready retrieval and provide remote access to
patients' medical reports.
Many health–care facilities out–source their Medical Transcription work to specialized agencies.
Specific formats and reports types are used as per doctors or specialty requirements while
transcribing medical reports. Some companies provide their own software, along with required
training, to listen, type and submit medical reports.
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Docx International University – HCMC Department of English IE2 READING & WRITING 1. Course Statistics : 120 periods (8 credits) Number of instruction weeks : 10 Number of sessions : 30 Number of sessions per week :3 Number of periods per session 2. Pre–requisite Number of periods :4 Students who achieved IE1 course score > 50 or scored from 35–60 on the Placement Test are required to take this course. 3. Learning outcome Students who have successfully completed the course are expected to have English proficiency at high intermediate level or higher.
  • 2. 4. Course books Reading Activator (Intermediate) Reading Activator (Advanced) Writing Activator (Intermediate) Writing Activator (Advanced) ... Show more content on ... However, due to the capacity of the lab, lecturers are expected to register for lab use earlier. The lessons will then be re– scheduled accordingly.  Lecturers shall resume the responsibility for designing and offering in–class assignments as stated in the weekly guide. The assignment format should be as followed: o In–class assignment Reading 1: 2 passages (20 questions – 100 points) (Vocabulary, Reference, Fact & Negative Fact, Sentence Simplification, Insertion, and Rhetorical Purpose questions) o In–class assignment Reading 2: 3 passages (38–42 questions – 100 points) (All question types) o In–class assignment Writing 1: writing an independent essay (100 points) o In–class assignment Writing 2: writing an integrated essay (100 points) (challenge or problem–solution) 8. Policies Attendance Regular on–time attendance in this course is expected. A student will be allowed NO MORE THAN SIX ABSENCES. It is compulsory that students attend at least 80% of the course to be eligible for the final examination. Class behavior Students are supposed to: – prepare thoroughly for each class in accordance with the syllabus and complete all assignments upon the instructor's request –
  • 3. participate fully and constructively in all class activities (and discussions if any) – display appropriate courtesy to all involved in the class – provide constructive ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Physical Exam Paper Running head: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (PE) WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION Nursing 200: Complete Physical Examination (PE) Written Documentation Indiana State University College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services Nursing 200: Complete Physical Examination (PE) Written Documentation The format for this paper is based on : Jarvis (2008). Examiner: , SN ISU Date: 4/12/09 Patient: S.C. Age: 20 Occupation: Full–time nursing student taking 14 hours Language spoken: English Gender: Marital Status Race: Caucasian Ethnic affiliation / association: American Measurements (2 points): Weight (in lbs & kgs) 125 lbs 56.8kgs Height (in in & cm) 60 inches 15.2 cm Waist–to–hip ratio .82 BMI 21.2 ... Show more content on ... Heart & Peripheral Vascular (2 points): Carotid arteries 2+ bilat, external jugular visible in supine position, not visible when elevated. No visible chest wall pulsations, no heave, lift, apical pulse in 5th intercostals space at midclavicular line, pulse 61, regular rate, rhythm. Aortic, pulmonic valves, S2>S1. Erb's point, S2=S1. Tricuspid, mitral valves, S1>S2. No gallops, murmurs, extra heart sounds. All pulses present 2+ bilat, no lymphadenopathy. Legs absent of varicosities, tenderness, edema, atrophy, warm bil. Epitrochlear lymph nodes not palpable, no Homan's signs. Thorax & Lungs (2 points): AP less than transverse diameter; respiratory rate and pattern relaxed, even; chest expansion symmetrical; tactile fremitus equal bilat; no tenderness, lumps, lesions; resonant to percussion over lung fields; vesicular breath sounds clear over lung fields; no adventitious sounds. Bronchial sounds, inspiration < expiration over trachea and larynx. Bronchovesicular, inspiration=expiration ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Chronic Acalculous Cholecystitis When a patient comes with abdominal pain, it can be due to different causes. The pain may be visceral, somatoparietal or referred pain as an indicator of a wide variety of systemic and local causes. Visceral pain is from abdominal distention or stretching of the muscle fibers, carried by sympathetic nerve fibers, presents as dull, poorly localized pain in the mid areas of the abdomen. Somatic pain occurs once the parietal peritoneum is inflamed or irritated, and passed by sensory fibers. Somatic pain is better defined and more localized, high intensity, and also associated with tenderness and spasm of the localized muscle groups. Differential diagnosis Chronic Acalculous Cholecystitis: Here Ms. G presented with right upper abdominal pain, ... Show more content on ... G: Ms. G appears ill–looking, uncomfortable and clutching her abdomen, as she is experiencing pain, she rated her pain as eight on the scale of 0 to 10 as 10 being the worse pain. The pain of Ms. G is in her upper abdomen and radiating to her upper right back and right scapular tip consistent with Collins sign. The pain initially stated as achy but changed to colicky in nature and became more constant. The pain started after she ate and vomited few times before arrival. Percussion of Ms. G's abdomen is significant for tenderness to palpation towards her upper right quadrant a positive murphy's sign, without rebound tenderness. Bowel sounds are normal. Ms. G's clinical presentation is consistent with Cholecystitis. The pain for Cholecystitis usually starts within an hour post food; it can last from one to five hours and increases steadily over ten to twenty minutes along with Collins sign, and the pain doesn't relieve after vomiting. Diagnostic tests CBC with differential Leukocytosis with a left sided shift is the common abnormality in Cholecystitis. A high white blood cell count suggests inflammation, an abscess, gangrene, or a perforated gallbladder. Gall bladder ultrasound Gall bladder ultrasound typically helps in establishing the diagnosis of Cholecystitis. A sonographic Murphy's sign, (when the ultrasound probes the ultrasound patient will have pain) is a useful diagnostic ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Main Purpose Of Alcoholic Anonymous Essay The main purpose of Alcoholic Anonymous (A.A.) is to help members keep an open mind on the subject and can stay sober. Using the 12 steps designed by A.A. assists people to break through their denial and to see the problems alcohol has caused in their lives. The Twelve Steps are the core of A.A's program of recovery from alcoholism. They are based on the trial–and error experience of A.A's early members and have worked for millions of alcoholics since then. In recent years, there are about 1.2 million people who belong to one of A.A.'s 55,000 meeting groups in the United States. On October 9 2016, after the clinical, I attended the A.A meeting located at St. Patrick 's Roman Catholic Church 9511 4th Ave Brooklyn. The open meeting started at 4pm and was held with approximately 35 to 40 attendees for one hour. The room was located at the basement of the building but it was clean, cozy and bright. There were many chairs and one big C shape desk in the front so some people could be sitting around the table while most of people were sitting behind the table. One interesting thing was that there was a person who translated the entire meeting in sign language for the deaf so the meeting looked more formal and organized. Unlike my imagination that people would have unkempt, addicting appearances, and borderline offensive hygiene, the majority of the members had clean and nice looking, well kempt, and healthy appearances. As soon as we entered the room, one woman welcomed us and ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Essay on Histology Tissue Tracking Software and hardware systems are the main source of how companies are ran today. To remain influential in today's markets, businesses must remain flexible, and technology integrated. The implications of not acquiring up–to–date technology may be the demise of a company as a whole. While remaining technology up–to–date can cut cost, and implement the highest productivity of a company helping insure satisfied customers. Business requirements thus, drive businesses to change the way production, and customer satisfaction is met. During the integrations of a computerized tissue tracking system needed for irreplaceable patient pathology specimens, a greater need was understood in the implications of tracking. Handwritten cassettes were ... Show more content on ... The change in quality delivered, and the legality of improper diagnosis was highly considered when creating a complete tissue tracking system, consequently creating a computerized beginning to end electronically embedded tissue tracking system. "Smart" software was installed into the Lab assistant existing PC's within the department, programmed to interface with an electronic cassette patient information embedding machine. As patient information was retrieved singularly from the implemented program, the specimen count, type, source, and patients name is verified by the lab assistant, and then accepted or denied. If accepted, the cassette embedding machine would then electronically embed the cassette with a barcode, and a number specific to that patient, and their tissue type. The patients name, birth date, case number, and tissue type would be printed onto a label to be placed on the patient's requisition. While another set of labels would be printed for each specimen and part type then placed on the patient's specimen container. After this process was completed the tissue and cassettes would then be given to the gross technician for dissection, and description. The gross technician upon receipt would scan the label on the requisition, pulling up the patient's information, scan the cassette in which the gross technician would like to place the tissue into, and lastly scanning the specimen container ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Quality Control For Cyber Forensic Process Quality Control for Cyber Forensic Process Quality control has two parts management standards and personnel standards. 1. Management standards apply to the authoritative environment in which advanced crime scene investigation are performed and incorporates the approaches or techniques that make the hierarchical environment and procedures that work force take after when performing computerized criminology. The two administration models address computerized measurable capacity and quality administration. a) Digital Forensic Capability All associations directing examinations that may require the utilization of computerized criminology must guarantee the examinations can be upheld by forensically solid and lawfully adequate advanced scientific examinations. This standard places on the association the obligation regarding guaranteeing it has strategies and methods to guarantee computerized crime scene investigation can bolster its examinations when proper. If an association does not have an ability to forensically get or examine computerized confirm then it ought to have approach showing how it would handle the circumstance when these capacities are required. Quality Management Associations directing computerized legal examinations must execute a quality administration framework to administer advanced scientific systems and work items. This standard places on the association the obligation regarding guaranteeing the association has quality practices and methods set up ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Eschools as Organisations Post 16 Options for Young People... 1.2 Explain the post 16 options for young people and adults: – Once a young person has reached year 11 there are a number of choices to make about their future, this could be choosing a new course at school or college or entering employment and training. These options will give them a good base on building a future career. Post 16:– Continue in full time education either sixth form or at a local college. Depending on their results they can choose from the list below:– Post 17:– If they have just completed a one–year course, following Year 12, they may decide to continue their studies full time or look for jobs and training:– Post 18:– Following Year 13, they will have a number of choices to make about their future. They may ... Show more content on ... – They'd be paid while they learn the skills that employers are looking for. – They'd gain an NVQ Level 3 qualification as an Apprentice or a Level 2 qualification as a foundation Apprentice. Higher Apprenticeships are also available at a Level 4 or above. Traineeships: If the student was leaving school or college a Traineeship could help them get the skills needed to get a job or progress to further learning at a higher level, for example Apprenticeships or further education. In most cases they can start on a Traineeship at any point during the year and they don't need any formal qualifications to access the programme. There are different levels of Traineeship. (Post 18) Engagement: If they are finding it difficult to find the right job, get into work or develop their skills and learning, this level will help prepare them for the world of work or full time learning. This level can include work placements, community projects or training. Level 1: If they know what career they want to follow and are ready for full–time learning at Level 1, this level will allow them to progress their skills further in their chosen subject and can also include work placements and community projects. If they have successfully completed a Level 1 and are still out of work, they maybe eligible to start learning at Level 2. Voluntary work: As well as doing something worthwhile and rewarding in its own right, voluntary work can also be a good way of ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Health Services TQM IMPROVEMENT PLAN PAPER TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Executive Summary 2 II. Area Profile A. Vision Mission 3 B. Organization Structure 4 C. Address/Location 5 D. Products/Services 5 III. Competitors 8 IV. Statement of the Problem E. Objective 9 V. Date Gathering F. Questionnaire 10 G. Results and Interpretation 11 VI. Review of Related Literature 23 VII. Tools for Quality Improvement H. Affinity Diagram 26 I. Fishbone Diagram 28 J. Pareto Diagram 31 VIII. Conclusion 33 IX. Recommendation 34 APPENDIX I. ... Show more content on ... THERESAAGUSTIN, RN School Nurse I CARLO ANTON METRA, RN School Nurse II JEZEL FAUSTINO, RN School Nurse I NIKKO TOLEDO, RN School Nurse I DANILO MONSALVE Utility Staff ANN ROSE EMPLEO Utility Staff C. Address / Location University Health Service, Ground Floor Administration Building, Far Eastern University, Nicanor Reyes Street Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines D. Products / Services Services Offered by University Health Services * Consultation and evaluation of any health related complaints * Annual physical and dental examination of all freshmen * Issuance and verification of medical certificate, disability sickness notification * Pre – employment medical evaluations * Issuance of prescription for medicines as indicated by the physicians and dentists * Initial dose of medicines administered at the University Health Service * Nebulization for asthmatic patients * Vaccine administration at reduced cost * Minimum charges for diagnostics x–rays, dental extractions, dental filling (laser) dental prophylaxis (cleaning) * Free dental services for all students: Dental extractions, Dental fillings (laser), dental prophylaxis ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Analysis of the Paul Cronan Case Essay Analysis of the Paul Cronan Case I. Legal Analysis, Issue 1 Issue: Does party bringing suit (Plaintiff – Paul Cronan) qualify under the ADA for disability? Rule: In Review of ADA and the principles set forth at that time, there are several relevancies to consider here. A disability is described as follows: "For purposes of nondiscrimination laws (e.g. the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act), a person with a disability is generally defined as someone who (1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more "major life activities," (2) has a record of such an impairment, or (3) is regarded as having such an ... Show more content on ... This information is readily available on the World Wide Web at the following location–14210. II. Legal Analysis, Issue 2 Issue: Is New England Telephone guilty of discrimination against Paul Cronan strictly because he has a disease that is disabling called HIV/AIDS? Rule: "The ADA prohibits discrimination in all employment practices, including job application procedures, hiring, firing, advancement, compensation, training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. It applies to recruitment, advertising, tenure, layoff, leave, fringe benefits, and all other employment–related activities." This information is readily available on the World Wide Web at the following location In relation to the situation, the following data is also pertinent: "Employment discrimination is prohibited against "qualified individuals with disabilities." This includes applicants for employment and employees. An individual is considered to have a "disability" if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment. Persons discriminated against because they have a known association or relationship
  • 20. with an individual with a disability also are protected. The first part of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Krystall Huffman 22116026 Exam039823 Essay Dermatology Chart Note 1 Yanktonai, Lakota # 765851 May 2, 2015 SUBJECTIVE Patient is a 9 year old adolescent male, presents with a 2 day history of itching encrusted sores especially around the mouth area. Parent is using OTC antibiotic ointment with no improvement, no recent history of fever. Parent states that pat recently visited a petting zoo OBJECTIVE HEENT are basically unrevealing. Temp in the office today is 98.4. The outer area of the mouth extending into the chin reveals macules, vesicles, copious purulent exudate forming honey– colored crust on a erythematous base. Skin on trunk, arms and legs is clear. No other symptomology ASSESSMENT Impetigo PLAN 1. Rx for Mupirocin ointment applied to infected area TID. 2. Advised ... Show more content on ... She has been sleeping better and her appetite has improved. She believes the outpatient therapy session have helped her with coping mechanisms. She has been trying to use diaphragmatic breathing techniques to assist her with her anxiety symptoms Objective Vitals Temp: 98.6 P: 83 Res: 18 BP: 126/70 General alert and compliant Effect has improved display of a variety emotional expressions APPEARANCE hygiene appears to be good. No detection of a skin lesions or rash HEART regular rate and rhythm LUNGS clear ASSESMENT Generalized anxiety disorder with mild depression. PLAN Continue Lexapro at 5 mg a dose and Klonopin at 3mg a dose. Continue outpatient counselling. Patient will follow up in 2 weeks or earlier if anxiety symptoms worsen. Milton E. Eisenberg, MD
  • 23. ME:hpi d&t 5/4/2015 Psychiatry Consultation Akhtar, Renita M. # 09438 May 4, 2015 CHIEF COMPLAINT This patient has been referred to me by her primary care physician. Patient states she has been suffering from irritability. She states that she has been very irritable for short periods of time. She associates these feelings with her depression. HISTORY PRESENT ILLNESS The patient is a 56 year old female who has recently lost her job and has been financially struggling. She has isolated herself from friends and family members. She claims to be close to her older sister but ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Preparing for and taking tests Essay example It's that time of year again, the last few weeks college. You have been on time to every class session and have managed to add a few points to your normal course average. Just a few more weeks to go and you will be on your way to a well needed vacation, which you have carefully spent the last couple months planning. There is only one thing that stands in the way, final exams. Just as every student before you and every student that will come after you, final examinations can be very frustrating and stressful. Proper testing preparation combined with skilled testing strategies can help anyone overcome those examination nightmares. Being well prepared for the big examination day starts long before the final examination is ever conducted. ... Show more content on ... Knowing how to identify internal strengths and weakness can be beneficial in helping to prepare for any examination. Time management and organizational skills are a key trait that should be mastered extensively (Shelley, 2005). The most successful students use their time wisely. An upcoming exam can create a heavy burden. Making a realistic study schedule and having the proper study space that is free from distractions and kept well organized is vital (Shelley, 2005). Test anxiety is a very common trait that occurs in many people. You have spent weeks studying for the examination, covered every single topic and read every single material having to deal with the upcoming exam. You walk into the classroom, sit down, and retrieve all your materials that you need. The instructor hands out your exam and gives everyone the confirmation to begin. You open up the exam and start reading the first question, hoping to be familiar with the subject. As you read question after question, you realize that you can't recall the answers to anything that you have just read. According to Salend (2011), this is the time that "you start to panic, your chest gets tight, you get sweaty, you start feeling overwhelmed" (p. 58). Many students suffer from this type of anxiety when it comes to taking examinations that can hinder their performance and well being. Proper studying and adequate preparation can help students overcome test anxiety and help improve their performance. Employing ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. China’s Education System Education is the process of learning and acquiring knowledge at school from a teacher, receiving knowledge at home from a parent, a family member, and even friend. Education is a key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and succeed in life. Education is one factor that affects job positions people hold, advance in their further career, the income they make, and the title they hold. The more educated a person is, the more prestige and power that person holds. Education improves the quality of life, reduces ignorance, and exposes frontiers and opportunities not previously handled. Education also focuses on the values, attitudes and behaviors that enable individuals to learn to live together in a world characterized ... Show more content on ... The similarities include administering a nationwide exam given to all the students. All students are equally evaluated based on these scores. The test is used to determine which university students are able to attend. There are also significant differences between these exams. In America the exams are called the SAT or the ACT. In China it is named Gaokao. The Gaokao test is taken very seriously. This test is taken for multiple–days. Parents rent hotel rooms nearby so their student can have a quiet lunch and take a nap. Some Chinese students go insane for this exam. They study for the Gaokao while hooked up to IV drips. The IV drips contain amino acids which would provide the students with extra energy (Kristof). This would definitely never be allowed in U.S. And lastly, merit pay is different in China than U.S. The Chinese believe in merit pay and in using student test scores for teacher evaluation. For example, when the 9th graders leave middle school they are tested to see which high school they are qualified to attend. Since the same teachers have had those students for three years, they compare their entry score to their exit score. The classes that showed the most academic gain resulted in that banzhuren receiving a bonus that might range from 3000 Yuan to 6000 Yuan (one month or two months pay). The same is true at the high school level. This is not the case in America. Teachers are evaluated through principals attending the classroom setting and/or ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Most Common Medical Conditions Most of patients were of different age group including men women and children. They used to presents with a variety of complaints with minor and major illnesses. Sometimes they present with a critical illness which requires meticulous care. I worked with a group of specialists who were easily available from local hospitals to help manage the patients promptly. Following are some essential element of practice. 2.1 Knowledge of Medical Conditions – common: The most common medical conditions that used to encounter on a daily basis in the children under five years were respiratory, gastrointestinal disorders of infectious origin, mostly viral and some bacterial in origin. In older group, osteoarthritis, COPD, prostate enlargement, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, hypertension dementia, depression and neurological disorders such as stroke and Parkinson disease. Others common illnesses were diabetes, asthma, urinary tract infection, skin rash, contact dermatitis, traumatic injury, insomnia. In women, menopausal disorder and menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhea, and contraceptive advice were some of the common presentation in the practice. Lifestyle related problems such smoking, tobacco, alcohol–related disorders were common occurrences. Many of young patients came with sexually transmitted infection such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Herpes, Syphilis, Hepatitis, and HIV. 2 Knowledge of Medical Conditions – treatable: There were many medical conditions which could be ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Management Communication: Case Study 6-2 Essay October 9, 2013 To: Ms. Dana Donnley, Director of Employee Communication From: Mr. X, Employee Communication Manager Subject: Suggestions to persuade employees to participate in the wellness program I believe that we need to address three very important challenges in order to persuade all the employees to participate in our wellness program. First, making the employees understand that this program is entirely for their benefit, second, convincing them that the results of the physical will be entirely confidential and third, persuading the employee's spouses also to participate in the program. I believe that the following communication strategies can be useful. Sending letters to each employee well before their ... Show more content on ... Attached: Letter to Employees The Employee Whirlpool Corporation Benton Harbor Michigan U.S.A Dear Employee, I wish you a very happy birthday in advance! I'm pleased to inform you that our company would like to offer a wellness program to you and your spouse as a birthday gift. Our wellness program is all about investing in your health and helping you live a healthier lifestyle and make better choices. We believe that healthier the employee and his or her family happier he or she is and a happier employee can serve our customers better and help our company prosper. This program includes a free mini–physical done by our company doctor. This is a screening program designed to let you know the general condition of your health. It is fairly comprehensive. The doctor will record your physical details, test various functions and reflexes and provide you a complete work–up. After the test is completed he will doctor see the results and mail them to you.
  • 32. You can then contact your family physician and seek appropriate treatment, if needed. I would like to stress and assure that the results are confidential and neither the doctor nor the company keeps any record of the same. You will receive the originals and no copies will be made. Since the company sponsors this program you could save the money that you might spend on the physical and since, it covers your spouse's physical also you could even save more. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. HIT 101: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Program Course Assessment Report (Form B) Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Fall 2016 Semester–HIT 101–Introduction to Medical Billing Department/Program Business Department/Administrative Assistant Program Introduction (brief description of department/program and program objectives) Program Description The Administrative Assistant curriculum prepares students to enter into the workforce as professional office workers in a variety of areas in today?s work force. The program has three concentrations: Accounting Assistant, Office Technology, and Medical Billing and Coding. Concentration Descriptions The Accounting Assistant concentration prepares students to learn about various areas of the business world. Students will learn ... Show more content on ... midterm exams, and final exams. Summary of Results Standard developed midterm exam written by faculty Number of Students: 3 Total Possible Points: 100 Highest Score: 91 Lowest Score: 81 Average Score: 82 Standard developed final exam written by faculty Number of Students: 3 Total Possible Points: 100 Highest Score: 91 Lowest Score: 81 Average Score: 88 Implication of Results In the Fall 2016, HIT 101 course, one student received an A and two students received Bs The lowest score of all students in both midterm and final exams was 76 percent and the highest score was 95 percent. In the midterm exam, students scored an average of 81%. The exam was comprised of term definitions. In the final exam, students scored 75% on term definitions and 88% on the patient claim form portion of the final exam. These results indicate that students tend to score higher in the practical portion of the exam than they do in the theory portion. However, all students earned at least a B average. Thus, prior assessment recommendations were ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The On The Surface, Nvr, Inc. Essay On the surface, NVR, Inc. is just another homebuilder. However, an in–depth examination of the company tells a different story and gives an investor a glimpse into why NVR, Inc. is successful in its business. In the previous research, the discussion revolved around the history and background of NVR, Inc. I also briefly performed an analysis of the company's 2014 10–K filing. Today I will present a full and thorough assessment of the profitability and earnings; analysis of the trends in current ratio, working capital, composition of current assets, and cash flows; and evaluation of the liquidity and solvency of the company. I will also discuss how NVR, Inc. stacks up against its top two competitors, D.R. Horton, Inc. and Lennar Corporation. The home building industry is a highly risky and extremely competitive business, and NVR is one of the most successful with an estimate of $4.45 billion in reported revenues for last year. It trails Lennar Corp, which reported about $7.78 billion and D.R. Horton, Inc. with around $7.86 billion in revenues for 2014. This homebuilder currently has assets in excess of $2.35 million making it the third largest homebuilder in the U.S. NVR, Inc. may not be as large as Lennar or D.R. Horton; however, it is consistent in its performance year over year with its revenues increasing from $3.19 billion in 2012 to $4.22 billion in 2013. NVR also increased its gross profit from $7.97 million in 2013 to $8.85 million in 2014 (NVR, Inc.). Its gross ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. History Of Evaluation And Management ( E / M ) Codes Issues and Trends Purpose and history of Evaluation and Management (E/M) Codes Accurate and comprehensible medical records documents are crucial for a positive outcome for the patient and health care providers. Health records sequentially convey significant details concerning patient's health history and future care plans. These records are pertinent when initiating care in the acute and chronic setting for the patient. Medicare, Medicaid, and other personal health care providers necessitate rational documentation to guarantee that a procedure and/or examination is consistent with the individual's health care coverage. The documentation also authorizes the place of health care treatment, eligible medical requirement and suitability of diagnosis and/or therapy, and that the services rendered were appropriately documented. Precise and reliable medical documentation should be recorded at the time of treatment or shortly after the intervention. Inappropriate documentation can result in erroneous and inappropriate imbursement for provided health care services. Evaluation and Management (E/M) coding principles and guidelines were founded by Congress in 1995 and amended two years later. E/M codes are based on the foundation of the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA). Active health care suppliers access E/M coding for medical reimbursement by Private Insurances, Medicaid, and Medicare programs. The E/M codes are a ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. LGMT 536 Online Syllabus 0812 LGMT 536 v.0812 LGMT 536 Purchasing for Logistics and Supply Chain Managers Online Course Syllabus Credit Hours: 3 Delivery Method: Online (Internet / Blackboard) Required Course Materials Monczka, R. M., Handfield, R. B., Giunipero, L. C., & Patterson, J. L. (2011). Purchasing and supply chain management (5th ed.). Mason, OH: South–Western College/West. ISBN–13: 978–0538476423 Suggested Supplemental Materials American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. ISBN: 978–1–4338–0561–5 (APA website: Course Description This course addresses the critical role of purchasing in supply chain management. The ... Show more content on ... Each graded activity is scored at a maximum 100 points. Evaluation Items & Weights Focus Discussions (7) 15% Chapter Discussion Questions (7) 20%
  • 41. Term Paper 15% Case Analysis (2) 10% Midterm Exam 20% Final Exam 20% Total 100% Course Grade Scale 90 – 100% A 80 – 89% B 70 – 79% C 0 – 69% F Note: Graduate courses do not use a 'D' letter grade. Grade Center Naming When looking in "My Grades," you will see the names of the activities have been shortened. Below is an explanation of the abbreviations: Abbreviated Version Ch. DQ Focus DQ TP (Topic, Outline, Rough Draft, and Final)
  • 42. CA (1 or 2) Full Name Chapter Discussion Questions, Assignments you will be submitting in a word processed document Focus Discussion Questions, Discussions that take place in the Discussion Board area of the course Term Paper and all of its associated requirements Case Analysis 1 or 2, Assignments you will submit after taking the midterm and final exams . Page 4 of 9 Required, Non–Graded Activities This course requires the completion of the several non–graded activities listed below. Your completion of these items is recorded in the Grade Center with a green check mark.      Start Here Email: Before beginning Module 1, you are required to send an email, using your ERAU email account, to your instructor introducing ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Essay about Assembling Charts Properly assemble inpatient. Assembly of medical records are done in * Chronological order according to "filing order of the medical record." * Assemble forms according to the order given in this policy * Charts are identified with typewritten white labels with: 1) Patient Name 2) Electronic Health Record Number (MRN) Order of Chart Assemble 1. Face sheet * Patient Information and Guarantor 2. Consent Forms * Signed Yearly Consent Form * Medicare Consent Forms * Counseling Form * BC Consent 3. Lab Reports * Pathology Reports * Laboratory Reports 4. Prenatal (Only Pregnant Patients) 5. Hospital DC * All hospital discharges including ... Show more content on ... Referrals * All documentation for referral of patients to outside providers 3. Communication * Orange Telephone Message / Intake Sheets * Any Provider to patient communication including: i. Letters of Missed appointments / no shows ii. Letters of Patient Termination 4. HIPAA * Al Consents – Treatment, Release of Information &amp; Authorization 5. Patient Info / Billing * Patient demographics * CAP information * Insurance information including copies of insurance cards It is important that all documentation such as spelling of the names, addresses of the parents, and full names of the parent are correct the final submitted document. It is a costly mistake for the parents to have to change this information later after submission. This is where HIPAA polices come into effect and help healthcare personal to maintain administrative, physical and technical safeguards in protect confidentiality and prevent unauthorized access to health information. It was interesting to learn that any if a mother is not married, and the father is not present when signing the application for a birth certificate that he must pay to add his name after the birth certificate has been filed with the NC Birth Certificate Registry. Ms. Boyd has 4 days to submit Birth and Death Certificates to the Edgecombe County Health Department After numerous trips to verify that all the information was ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Result of Diploma-in-Engineering Bangladesh Technical Education Board Office of the Controller of Examinations Agargaon, Sherebangla Nagar, Dhaka–1207 Memo No. BTEB (EX–2)/667(Part–4)/463 NOTICE Date : 20–01–2011 12053 – Thakurgaon Polytechnic Institute ,Thakurgaon 2 2. It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have failed in one or more subjects in the 6th Semester Final Examination of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING, 2010 held in August – October, 2010 are listed below in accordance with the notification no BTEB (EX– 2)/667(Part–4)/463 dated 20–01–2011 in regulation of the board. The roll numbers are listed under the respective subject in which the corresponding student has failed. These examinees are permitted to appear in the examination of the ... Show more content on ... (Dr. Md. Nurul Islam) Controller of Examinations Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka – 1207 Phone 9113283 Memo No. BTEB (EX–2)/667(Part–4)/463 Date : 20–01–2011 Copy of the published result is hereby sent for information and necessary action please: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7–51. 52–56. 57–156. 157–161. 162–166. 167. Director General, Directorate of Technical Education, Agargaon, Dhaka –1000 Vice Chancellor, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka Director (PIW) Directorate of Technical Education Dhaka Director (Curriculum), Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka –1207 Secretary Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka –1207 Director, Dhaka International University, Dhaka Principal, Polytechnic Institute Principal, BS Polytechnic Institute, Kaptai /Mohila Polytechnic Institute, Dhaka/Institute of Glass and Ceramic/Graphics Arts Institute/Bangladesh Marine Institute Principal/Director, ____________. Deputy Controller of Examination–1/2/3/VOC Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka –1207 Assistant Controller of Examination–2/3/VOC Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka –1207 Guard file
  • 47. ( Mohammad Ali Miah) Assistant Controller of Examination Bngladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka Phone: 9118776 Page 2 of 43 Bangladesh Technical Education Board Office of the Controller of Examinations Agargaon, Sherebangla Nagar, Dhaka–1207 Memo No. BTEB (EX–2)/667(Part–4)/463 NOTICE Date : 20–01–2011 16058 – ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Reflection Of A Personal Perspective : The Influence Of... Retrospective is looking back on or dealing with past events or situations. It is a collection of data about a person's past which relatively explains their present condition (Oxford Dictionaries 2017). Personality can be defined as the pattern of collective character, behavioral, emotional and mental traits of a person that makes you different from other people (APA 2017). These characteristics may change after some time, while some may frame an enduring piece of your identity. I will give examination and depiction of my identity with things change and unaltered inside my identity. I will likewise expound on the effect of nature identity support as a part of my identity. I will evaluate and distinguish the conceivable wellsprings of predispositions in review examination and furthermore the give the upsides of logical strategy over the review. With a specific end goal to distinguish the progressions that have occurred in my life, I needed to reflect back finished my life to see the distinction in my state of mind, my feelings, and my conduct. From the past, I understood that I have changed from numerous points of view. In any case, some things I have overlooked and declined to change. As time cruises by, I have contemplated over how my identity has changed towards the way I feel about companions and other individuals. Over much idea and reflection, I now get it. During that time in the military, I have lived in with a wide range of individuals and situations. I managed a ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Mr C Case Study Physical examination Mr. C is a well–developed, well–groomed appropriate weight elderly black man sitting upright and breathing without difficulty. Mr. C walk with a slight limp. Mr. C does not use a cane. Mr. C is slow to rise from his seated position and appears to have some discomfort. Vital signs Height: (without shoes) 5' 10". Weight: (dressed) 160lbs. BMI: 22.96. BP: 110/70 (right arm supine) HR: 70. RR 16. Temperature (oral) 98.6F. Skin Nail without cyanosis or clubbing, palms good character warm and moist. HEENT: 1. Head: Normocephalic/atraumatic average texture, no lesions 2. Eyes: Vision 20/30 both eyes. Extraocular motions full, gross visual fields full to confrontation, 3. Conjunctiva pink: sclerae white, pupils ... Show more content on ... Ears: Hearing poor left ear. Tympanic membrane landmarks well visualized. Acuity good to whispered voice right ear poor in left ear. Weber midline AC >BC 5. Nose: Mucosa pink. No discharge, no obstruction 6. Mouth: Oral mucosa pink, pharynx no exudates. Uvula moves up in midline. Normal gag reflex. 7. Neck: Neck supple so loose skin present. Trachea midline thyroid not palpable. No masses 8. Lymph nodes: Small no tender, mobile and non–tender tonsillar and posterior cervical nodes Bilaterally, No adenopathy. 9. Thorax and Lungs: Thorax symmetric. Lungs resonant, breath sound vesicular with no added Sounds. Diaphragms descends 4 cm bilaterally 10. Cardiovascular: Regular rhythm with an occasional extra beat. Carotid brisk without bruits. 11. Abdomen: Soft, flat, bowel sounds present, no bruits. Nontender to palpation. Liver edge, spleen, kidney not felt. No masses. Liver span 10cm by percussion. 12. Extremities: Skin warm and smooth without lesion 13. Peripheral vascular: 2+ knee edema noted, no stasis pigmentation of ulcers noted. Pulses 2+ 14. Neurological: Awake, alert and fully oriented. Cranial nerves III–XII intact except for decreased ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Cram Schools Can´t Substitute for the Official Schools It is becoming increasingly common nowadays in China that students go to cram schools frequently instead of attending the official school every time when some important examinations are coming. This phenomenon happens a lot around me. Many good friends of mine, no matter whether they are good at studying or not, will chose to go to cram schools for further study. Their goals are to triumph over challenges and difficulties in study and make higher marks. However, to my surprise, having spent a lot of time and money, they made lower marks sometimes. They study very hard every time in cram schools, nevertheless, they feel worn out and always gain results, which are not satisfying. And what is also unfortunate is that their endeavors are in vain. How ridiculous it is! Cram schools should be to blame for this. Attending cram schools too much does harm to a student's academic achievement because of its high pressure, high costs, endless boring homework,as well as the students' lacking creativities and flexibilities. Firstly, cram school gives its students high pressure. Students who attend cram schools are supposed to study after study; also, they are expected to study against time in order to get higher grades. They're asked by the teachers to strive hard to excel in every examination, which leaves them no spare time to develop their hobbies. According to an
  • 54. article called China's Cram School from Hell (Rachel Lu, 2013), a cram ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Importance Of Lack Of Teaching Facilities 5.4.5 Lack of Teaching Sources and Facilities The findings of this study indicated that 68% of the participant teachers stated that universities in the Libyan context lack resources for teaching and facilities. They was also indicated by T2 in the interviews, T2 stated that: "Honestly, high education ministry does not provide us with enough support in terms of facilities resources which are important for in any misunderstanding or difficulties that we might face. Journal articles and books would be a good guide to figure CLT activities out if we find any ambiguity in them. Moreover, classrooms design is still an old one which is not suitable for such CLT activities and this makes it difficult to observe each group of students". This ... Show more content on ... Such findings were also reported by Adhikari (2007) in Nepal, Ozsevik (2010) in Turkey, Ansarey (2012) in Bangladesh and Vongxay (2013) in Laos. They indicated that the number of students in the class was an issue that made it hard to manage several groups within one class. Such findings were also emphasised in responding to question 6 in the questionnaire where 68% of the teachers stated that they had from 20 to 40 students in their classes (see Table 6). This would suggest that teachers need to divide students into eight or ten groups in order to implement communicative activities successfully and, thus, it would be difficult to manage all groups. 5.4.7 Examinations The interviewee teachers indicated that the accountability of Libyan students to examinations is an issue for an effective integration of CLT in Libyan context. One of the interviewees said: "We as teachers do not have the right to design or adapt the final exams questions as the Ministry of Education has the responsibility to decide who will design them. This really reflects a negative influence for students and this makes them concerning only how to pass the exams which are mostly based on grammar exercises". Such orientation may lead to negative influence on the process of learning English language. As this could imply that the focus is shifting from fluency into accuracy which perhaps would be an issue for both applying CLT effectively and the students' outcomes. The findings were similar to those ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Computer Test COMPUTER OR PAPER? According to Enoch Morrison, even if computers are a great help to the students' examination, there are some people who are still not used to using it for taking tests. There are advantages and disadvantages when using it. For example, its advantage may be the test could be arranged by the professor or teacher according to its difficulty like starting off an easy one in the first question, then it will get difficult by the time the test go to the last question as it will save time and the student won't get anxious or stressed. Another one that computer based testing is useful or helpful for correcting grammars, checking the spelling, determining if there is wrong in the structure or placement of the sentence. One of its disadvantage is how students get their answers for the exams, it could be from the internet or advanced software tools. The difference between using computer ... Show more content on ... Psychology, Mathematics, and Ergonomics were one of the areas where the comparability of paper based testing and computer based testing was made but few studies looked into this issue in the field of language assessment. Some studies have revealed that there is a significant difference between the two testing modes (Pomplun, 2002; Choi, et al., 2003) while others have concluded the opposite (Boo, 1997; Whitworth, 2001; Bugbee, 1996). Previous researches focused on the product of the experiment for example, scores of the test and the processes of factors that resulted in these scores, but not on both aspects. It has been found that computer experience was a major factor in explaining the difference between students' performance on computer–based arithmetic reasoning tests (Lee, 1986). However, Boo (1997) found that there was no significant relationship between computer familiarity and the students' performance on three computerized ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Perpetual Care Hospital Essay PROPOSAL Based on the information provided at the DHC Case, like the local work population trend and workers survey, the DHC project cannot become self supporting at the term of three years; the losses forecasted after the third year are $ 105,828. Refer to analysis on pages 3 and 4. To revert these forecasted results an Offensive Strategy Market Plan must be outlined, and the principal proposed actions to develop are: Creating awareness and improving image in the community to increase and retain the number of customers; thru invest in weekly ads, and agreements with local employers. Expanding visiting hours from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM to hold and increase the number of Employment / insurance physical examinations. Adding ... Show more content on ... 4.– Patient incidence. Assume that the clinic is treating 20 patients/day (see Ex. 5) Time period % of patients #of patients Patients/hour 11 AM–2PM 70% 14 4.66 Other(5 hours) 30% 6 1.2 Overall 100% 20 2.5 i) Compare to desired rate of 4/hr The actual rate of 2.5 patient/hour is low compared to the desired rate. ii) Suggest approaches to solve the problem from: o Demand side: Increase referral, establish better relationship with the business community, and add gynecology services. o Supply side: Expand working hours to attract more customers. Which would you recommend? How would you accomplish the adjustment of supply and/or demand? I would recommend establish better relationship with the business community and expand working hours to attract more customers. 5.– Use Exhibit 3 to assess the "expected" repeat visit rate after 11 months of operation. Does the observed rate conform? What conclusions you draw? What strategy would you suggest? The "expected" visit rate was 15% or 875 patients. Patient's records indicated that 97% of all visit were by first time users of DHC and 113 visits were by repeat visit. The conclusion that we can draw is that the business is not getting enough repeat visits. I would suggest expanding operation hours, reducing waiting time and offering gynecology services. 6.– Use the concepts of "time series" analysis to review the data of Exhibit 5. How promising is the goal of "... become self–supporting three years after ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Effectiveness Of The Supervision Styles Throughout this paper, with the aid of Gibbs Model of reflection, refer to appendix one (shaaban, 2014), I will reflect on the efficacy of the supervision styles I experienced throughout my degree at my clinical site. These styles are direct supervision and in–direct supervision. I will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each style and how it impacted my learning. I will take into consideration the effect it had on my own learning and how I can use this lesson to ensure I have a positive impact on students I supervise in the future as a new graduate MRT. Description During the first half of the degree, students must have direct supervision from a qualified radiographer. Direct supervision is where the supervisor oversees activities as they occur and provides constant direction, feedback, and assistance(wiseGEEK, 2014). This is necessary in the clinical setting for junior students so the supervisor can step in and help stabilize the situation if it gets out of control, which is very important for health and safety reasons (wiseGEEK, 2014). Feelings The main learning point in the first year in the clinical setting were common examinations such as chest x–rays and becoming confident communicating with patients (, 2014). Initially I felt intimidated and anxious in this environment because I had someone that I had just met, watching and listening to everything I said and did. This is fairly common and is referred to as 'supervision induced anxiety ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Essay on Mgt 520 Final Exam Study MGMT520 Final Exam Study Guide Finals open on Saturday April 20 at 12:01 a.m. MT (Saturday morning) Finals close on Thursday April 25 at 11:59 p.m. MT (Thursday night) PLEASE DON'T WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE – THE SYSTEM IS BUSY AND MAY SLOW DOWN AND ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. YOU MAY WANT TO PRINT THIS GUIDE. 1. The final exam is "open book, open notes." The maximum time you can spend in the exam is 3 hours, 30 minutes. If you have not clicked the Submit For Grade button by then, you will be automatically exited from the exam. In the final exam environment, the Windows clipboard is disabled, and so you will not be able to copy exam questions or answers to or from other applications. There are three pages to your final, and each page ... Show more content on ... Even cite paraphrased information. Quoted or paraphrased material should not dominate a student's work; use it sparingly to support your own thoughts, ideas, and examples. Failure to properly cite material can jeopardize a passing grade on the exam. Your work may be submitted to, an online plagiarism checking service. * If you reference your text, it's OK to just say Jennings, p__. 8. Some of the key study areas are as follows: (while these are key areas remember that the exam is comprehensive for all the assigned course content and this study guide may not be all inclusive. * TCO A: Given an organizational requirement to conform business practices to both the law and best ethical practices, apply appropriate ethical theories to shape a business decision. * Schools of thought * Ethical models – you will need to apply them to a factual situation much as you did in your midterm * TCO B: Given instances of federal regulation of business and commercial practices, determine the constitutional and regulatory bases for such regulation, and formulate a strategy by which an impacted business can influence or contest regulating outcomes. * APA * process of regulation promulgation * Legal challenges to regulations (recall our Week 2 assignment, especially #5) * TCO C: Given an example of corporate liability arising from the sale of defective and dangerous ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Persuasive Letter Mr. Allen I apologize for the inconvenience but I'm traveling out of the country tomorrow night and coming back on the 23rd. But here is the estimate, you can go through it, I will be able to respond to any questions you might have even while i am out of the country. Please don't doubt shooting me an email. We can do the installation on the last week of the month or the first week of April. I will install a New RUUD Single stage 16 SEER 3 Ton A/C Condenser Outdoor pad – New disconnect box & fuses– Robber noise pad– electrical outdoor Rater whip– clean refrigerant lines –add Puron (as needed) RUUD 3 Ton Alum/cup Evaporator coil –Drain switch ( avoids water overflowing inside the furnace protecting its components –Wet switch ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Comprehensive Health Assessment Paper Running head: A COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT OF M. H. 1 A Comprehensive Health Assessment of M. H. Nicole M. Henneberg Empire State College A COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT OF M. H. 2 The purpose of this paper is to discuss the results of a comprehensive health assessment on a patient of my choosing. This comprehensive assessment included the patient 's complete health history and a head–to–toe physical examination. The complete health history information was obtained by interviewing the patient, who was considered to be a reliable source. Other sources of data, such as medical records, were not available at the time of the interview. Physical examination data was obtained ... Show more content on ... Her current prescription medications include a 225 mg tablet of Venlafaxine HCL once daily for anxiety related dizziness, and a 20 mg tablet of Atorvastatin for high cholesterol. She drinks alcohol socially, approximately two 12 ounce beers a day. She is a former smoker of one pack of cigarettes a day for nearly forty years. Her quite date was September, 2011. She denies the use of street drugs. A COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH ASSESSMENT OF M. H. 4 Review of Systems M. H. states that she is generally in good overall health. No cardiac, respiratory, endocrine, vascular, musculoskeletal, urinary, hematologic, neurologic, genitourinary, or gastrointestinal problems. No history of skin disease. Skin is pink, dry, and void of bruising, rashes, or lesions. No recent hair loss; head is normocephalic. Pupils equally reactive to light; no history of glaucoma or cataracts. Ears are in normal alignment; no history of chronic infections, hearing loss, tinnitus, or discharge. Nose and sinus history includes clear nasal discharge "since last October", and occasional nose bleeds; states she use to get nose bleeds often as a child. Mouth and throat are absent of lesions; no bleeding gums, sore throat, dysphagia, hoarseness, or altered taste. Neck is void of pain, swelling, ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Distribution Of The Company Essay The variation in the number of sales also interferes with the planning process within the company. Future projections are made based on the prospected sales hence profits by the company. Due to the fact that the sales of sportswear varies, the company cannot easily project its future growth as well as predict the profits it will make in future (Plunkett, 2009). In addition to this, the political and financial instability that is making headwinds in key worldwide markets is also a contributing factor to the inability of the company to come up with precise projections. It looks more Europe since it has identity with the company's EMEA direct business where CSC has continuous exertions to revitalize the Columbia brand, and in South America regarding import limitations and money obligations in key wholesaler markets. The other factor is the continuous change in the exchange rates for the foreign currencies. This changes with time and is quite irregular. This implies that no single firm can come up with its financial plan based on accurate exchange rates. This has to be subjected to some approximations that could interfere with the company budget in the long term basis. There exist many more factors that are to be put into consideration. Apart from the ones that have been discussed. Despite all these, the company expects to expand and increase its net income. There are some factors that will contribute to the expansion. The first one is an increment in the number of sales by the ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Dr. Quyyumi During The Community Health Fair I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Quyyumi during the Community Health Fair that is held twice every year. This charity clinic provides care for underserved and uninsured patients. My duties included patient triage, focused history and physical exam, blood drawing and performing pap smears. The experience allowed me to practice my clinical skills and provide care to patients in need. I participated in taking patients ' histories, doing physical examinations, reviewing lab results and prescribing the appropriate treatment, I helped in performing administrative duties and updating patients' medical records. At the clinic's pharmacy, I assisted the pharmacist in explaining the medication route of administration, dosing, and frequency. I also involved in introducing public health awareness and vaccination projects during our local medical tours. I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Moussa at Scottish rite hospital. I assisted in obtaining histories, performing physical exams, reviewing lab work and discussing differential diagnosis with assessment and plan. The experience allowed me to practice my clinical knowledge while learning about inpatient medicine. My responsibilities were taking patients' histories, doing physical examinations, performing EKGs, reviewing the patient medications, discussing the management plan and updating the electronic medical records, also I participated in inpatient rounds in the afternoon at Piedmont Hospital and Emory Midtown Hospital. ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Essay on Socs 350 Entire Course Week 1 SOCS 350 Entire Course Week 1 – 8 Purchase here–350–entire–course–week–1–8 Product Description (SOCS 350 Cultural Diversity in the Professions – DeVry) SOCS 350 Week 1 Assignment Paper: Let's Be Lefties for a Day SOCS 350 Week 1 Discussion 1 You Eat What?! SOCS 350 Week 1 Discussion 2 Some of My Best SOCS 350 Week 2 Course Project: Project Proposal SOCS 350 Week 2 Quiz (11 Questions & Answers) SOCS 350 Week 2 Discussion 1 Culture is in the Air SOCS 350 Week 2 Discussion 2 Power Relationships SOCS 350 Week 3 Assignment: You Decide SOCS 350 Week 3 Discussion 1 Take a Walk SOCS 350 Week 3 Discussion 2 Gender Roles SOCS 350 Week 4 Course Project: Reference List and Outline ... Show more content on ... SOCS 350 Week 1 Discussion 2 Some of My Best SOCS 350 Week 2 Course Project: Project Proposal SOCS 350 Week 2 Quiz (11 Questions & Answers) SOCS 350 Week 2 Discussion 1 Culture is in the Air SOCS 350 Week 2 Discussion 2 Power Relationships SOCS 350 Week 3 Assignment: You Decide SOCS 350 Week 3 Discussion 1 Take a Walk SOCS 350 Week 3 Discussion 2 Gender Roles SOCS 350 Week 4 Course Project: Reference List and Outline SOCS 350 Week 4 Discussion 1 Board Meeting SOCS 350 Week 4 Discussion 2 Diverse Groups SOCS 350
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  • 77. Veteran Service Representative Case Study Veteran Service Representative Conducts interviews and explains veterans benefit programs and state, federal and local benefit programs and entitlement criteria to active service members, veteran, their dependents, or survivors. Assist active service members, veteran and beneficiaries with their applications for Compensation and Pension Disability claim. Advise other VA elements and organizations on changes to VA benefit programs and entitlement criteria. Analyzes Compensation and Pension Disability claims to determine if diseases and/or injuries were incurred or aggravated by military service in the line of duty for purposes of compensation, treatment or hospitalization. For pension claim, analyzes' claimant income, debt and assets to determine whether they qualify for pension based on income. ... Show more content on ... Actively participates in meetings and training sessions and lends my expertise in developing and promulgating Veteran Service Representative (VSR) skills as they related to evidence gathering for rating decisions. Serves as Pre–Discharge Program Coordinator / assist Military Service Coordinator (MSC) Responsible for screening active service members' pre–discharge applications and reviewing of their Service Treatment Records (STRs) to ensure appropriate disabilities are included on VA Form 21– 526EZ. Requested appropriate compensation and pension medical examinations after thoroughly reviewing of STRs, including the discharge examination done by the installation medical facility staff. Service connection exams are scheduled through the Veteran Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) via CAPRI computer or Contract via Centralized Administrative Accounting Transaction System (CAATS) program. Responsible for coordinating examinations with VAMC and Department of Defense (DOD) staff. Responsible for reordering of any incomplete, return, or missing ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. The Effects of Dynasties Three main dynasties that affected Chinese heritage, culture, economy and society were the Sui, Tang and Song dynasties. Each of these dynasties were significant into further building and creating China. Two out of three succeeded. Sui Dynasty was the second shortest dynasty, lasted only 38 years. The Tang Dynasty lasted almost 300 years and helped continue to improve China based on the results of the Sui Dynasty. The Song Dynasty followed after lasting only a few years because there was too much to do in order to fix the ruins from the downfall of the Tang Dynasty. The Sui Dynasty began in 581 and ended in 618. During the 38 years it lasted there were three different emperors who all made significant changes. After the tyrannical ... Show more content on ... Economically the Tang dynasty also implemented an equal distribution system in order to increase taxes, and production, while ensuring the livelihood of the working families. Under this particular system the government would distribute similar portions of farmland to all qualifying males until they reached the retirement age of sixty. Socially, the government was in favor of the people doing a lot to take care of them and ensure their livelihood so the people remained at peace until religion got involved which eventually caused the downfall of their dynasty. The Song Dynasty began in 960 and ended in 1270. During the period it lasted, it didn't mount up to the previous two dynasties. The Sung rulers of that time encountered more problems than the previous rulers of their dynasties. After the downfall of the Tang Dynasty rebuilding it was too difficult which made the Song Dynasty non long lasting. Socially, politically and economically the dynasty was an epic fail. Rebuilding it was too difficult and the people remained unhappy making the Song Dynasty an unpleasant era. Each of the three dynasties affected China differently. The Sui Dynasty set it off with their new form of government and expansion in the skill industry. After the second tyranny emperor stepped down and the new one stepped up, ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Syllabus ETS. 101.001 Arthur Manjarrez, ABD, OSU Ethnic Awareness Black Hall 101–13 Spring Quarter, 2014 PH: 963–2161 M–F: 12:00 – 12:50 Office Hour: 8:00–9:00am Farrell Hall 111 E–mail: Course Materials: Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 7th Edition by Richard T. Schaefer Course Description: Ethnic Studies is designed to bring awareness and understanding of the problems facing the American people in the area of race and ethnic relations, primarily focusing on ethnic minorities. Ethnic Studies will focus on the nature and scope of relationships between minority groups and majority group in the United States. ... Show more content on ... Effective participation in class requires that you read the required materials prior to coming to class and that you have completed all assignments that are due. In addition, I expect you to contribute honestly and thoughtfully to class discussions. Late or missed assignments, and/or response papers will be accepted only during the next class meeting. 2 points will be deducted for late response papers or late assignments. No late final papers will be accepted, and missed quizzes cannot be made up. Electronic devices such as iPods or cell phones should be 'turned off' prior to the start of class. Grading: Grades will be assigned based upon the following breakdown: 4– Response Papers: 25% (100 points–25pts each) 4–Class Assignments: 25% (100 points–25pts each) 3–Quizzes: 20% (100 points–33.3pts each) 1– Oral Presentation: 10% (50 points) 1–Final Reflection Paper: 20% (150 points) 100% 500 points | You can keep track of your own grade by summing your total points earned: A: 500–465 points, A–:464–450 points B+: 449–440 points, B: 439–415 points, B–: 414–400 points C+: 449–440 points, C: 439–415 points, C–: 414–400 points D+: 449–440 points, D: 439–415 points, D–: 414–400 points Students with 399 points or less will receive a failing grade! Date | Assignments/Readings | TuesdayApril 2 – April 11 | Review and discuss Syllabus: What is Ethnic Studies?Begin April 2nd, Students Read
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  • 84. Speech On Exams Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Albert Einstein wrote, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." The purpose of this speech is to explain how exams fail to fulfil their purpose of indicating ability. Examinations, by definition, are 'a formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill'. However, this definition itself is flawed; a student's ability to pass a test is a shallow assessment of their proficiency in the career they choose to pursue. This brings me to my primary question: Do examinations really provide as an adequate indication of ability? Imagine a world where intelligence was not limited to the answers students ... Show more content on ... Exams have caused a lack of enthusiasm in the mindset of scholars and encouraged students to have superficial knowledge which doesn't last long. At the cost of writing exams are many individuals who do not succeed in a certain profession because they performed poorly on a particular exam. A change needs to be made to the system of education by creating a scheme which encourages students to work consistently and enthusiastically, and offers greater opportunity for each and every student to ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. A Short Note On Health And Dental Insurance Health History Date: August 15th Name: Mr. ZNK Address: 1121 Maryland Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20707 Telephone: 3016554386 Age: 30 Date of birth: April 24,1984 Birthplace: Accra, Ghana Gender: Male Marital status: Single Race: African Religion: Non Occupation: Automotive technician Health insurance: Medical & dental insurance from work Source: Client Reliability: Client is alert to person, place ,situation, and time and is able to provide needed information during assessment Present Health/Illness Reason for seeking care: Medical checkup for frequent urination that started one week ago. Urine amount each time is very small. Daily activities get interrupted and "I am hesitant to drink fluids but that has not prevented it". Health beliefs and practices: Visit the doctor as often as possible, especially if I feel like something is not right in my body. Health patterns: Try to eat right and exercise regularly Medications: No medications. Tylenol once in awhile for headache Health goals: Work on having annual checkup with my doctor Past History Childhood illnesses: Chicken pox, measles and asthma Immunizations: Had all the childhood vaccines in Accra. Other vaccines like hepatitis vaccine I had in the US Medical illnesses: History of asthma and seasonal flu Hospitalization: None Surgery: None Injury: Sustained a laceration on scalp at age 10 and had a suture. Blood transfusion: None Emotional/psychiatric problems: I get overwhelmed at times with pressure ... Get more on ...
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  • 88. Taking a Look at Medical Transcription What is Medical Transcription? Medical Transcription, commonly known as MT, is a form of record keeping. It is an allied health profession. Doctors/Physicians or other medical personnel dictate and record medical reports about patients. These dictations generally discuss patients' current symptoms, their medical history, known allergies, diagnostic process and suggested treatments. A Medical Transcriptionist listens to these recorded medical dictations and types these reports as per the instructions by the client using a computer and word–processing software and sent back with turn–around–time (TAT). Hence, Medical Transcription is simply a process of converting voice– recorded medical reports into suitable text format. Earlier, Medical Transcription was used to be done by using manual typewriters, but with the advancement of technology, electric typewriters replaced manual typewriters and further computers and word–processing software changed the whole system. Today, these medical reports are recorded in digital formats which allow efficient data storage, ready retrieval and provide remote access to patients' medical reports. Many health–care facilities out–source their Medical Transcription work to specialized agencies. Specific formats and reports types are used as per doctors or specialty requirements while transcribing medical reports. Some companies provide their own software, along with required training, to listen, type and submit medical reports. Medical ... Get more on ...