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Division Classification Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Division Classification" can present its own set of challenges.
First and foremost, you need to have a clear understanding of what division classification
entails. This means grasping the concept of categorizing items or ideas into distinct groups based
on shared characteristics or criteria.
Next comes the task of selecting a suitable subject for classification. This involves not only
brainstorming potential categories but also ensuring that they are relevant and meaningful within
the context of the essay. It requires careful consideration to strike a balance between breadth and
specificity, ensuring that the chosen topic can be adequately divided and classified without
becoming too narrow or too broad.
Once you have identified your subject and established your categories, the next step is to
organize your thoughts and information logically. This involves structuring your essay in a way
that clearly presents each category and its corresponding elements, providing sufficient detail
and examples to support your classification.
Furthermore, writing a division classification essay requires a keen attention to detail and
accuracy. You must ensure that each item or idea is placed in the correct category and that the
criteria for classification are consistently applied throughout the essay. This calls for thorough
research and meticulous planning to avoid any confusion or ambiguity.
Additionally, maintaining coherence and cohesion throughout the essay is crucial. You need to
establish clear transitions between categories and paragraphs to guide the reader through your
classification scheme smoothly. This often involves employing effective transitional devices and
maintaining a consistent tone and style throughout the essay.
In conclusion, writing a division classification essay demands careful thought, thorough
planning, and precise execution. It requires a deep understanding of the concept of classification,
as well as the ability to select and organize information in a clear and coherent manner. While it
can be a challenging task, mastering the art of division classification can greatly enhance your
analytical and writing skills.
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Division Classification EssayDivision Classification Essay
How to Be Successful at Composting Essay example
How to Be Successful at Composting
As an avid gardener and as someone who is conscientious of my environment, I
purchased a compost bin several years ago. I have an abundance of yard and lawn
clippings that I am not willing to dump into our already stressed landfills. In turn,
my efforts for composting benefit me greatly because I can use this finished material
to improve my soil texture, the soil s ability to hold water, and as a fertilizer.
Composting is a biological process for converting organic solid wastes into a stable
humus like product. Within a compost pile, microorganisms attack organic substance,
breaking it down and producing rich organic matter (Golueke,13). For this to occur,
several things need to take place, two of ... Show more content on ...
This can be done a number of ways. Most county agriculture departments will supply
you with a soil test kit or with a phone number to obtain a kit. There is also pH paper
on the market along with a more elaborate method known as compost extraction
When taking a measurement of the pH, it is important that several readings are
taken because your compost is unlikely to be homogenous. It may contain anything
from sawdust and grass, to lettuce and coffee grounds. If your pH reading is between
6 and 7.5, most plants will do well in this type of soil. If the pH is 6 or below, the
soil is probably too acidic and you will need to add lime to the compost, such as
ground chalk or a limey clay (Sines,27). This solution can be said to contain more H+
ions than OH #8209; ions. Many plants such as azaleas, hydrangeas and
blueberries love this type of soil. If the soil has a pH above 6, it is too alkaline and
contains more OH #8209; ions than H+ ions. You will need to add brown material
such as pine needles or sawdust to counter act this condition (Golueke,83).
Carbon and Nitrogen (C/N) ratio is also an important element in composting. The
ratio is used to give an indication of the speed at which organic residues in the soil
are likely to be decomposing. Carbon can be considered the food, providing an
energy source and a cellular building block. Some sources of carbon are leaves,
cornstalks and twigs. Nitrogen can be considered
Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams
Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams Paper
Linda Newman
LDR/531 Organizational Leadership
Instructor: M. Aloysius Simpson
August16, 2010
Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams Paper In any group or team there are
always challenges to face but in today s world, more company s are moving to
group or teams as a way to handle large projects along with promoting more
diversity in the workplace. A group is defined as two or more individual interacting
and independent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives (Stephen
Robbins, 2007 p.1). Groups and teams are becoming more popular because the idea
is that more heads are better, and the quality of work improves with group and teams
working together on a ... Show more content on ...
Conflict is defined as a process when one party perceives that other party as
negatively affecting something that the other party cares about. (Stephen Robbins
2007, pg 1) Conflict has challenges but conflict can be beneficial to a team and can
bring out the best in every team member. The benefits can help the team moving in
the right direction; conflict allows people to voice their opinions and allows people
to grow from conflict. Conflict gets everyone involved and it allows the team to
make better choices. Solution to problems comes out of conflict. Conflict can also
lead to new ideas and different ways of accomplishing a project. Conflict has
benefits but there are also downsizes to conflict if left unattended conflict can destroy
a team; it can make people mistrust each other. Conflict can come from not meeting
project deadline and from projects going over budget.
The training development plan is a start to any team project it helps to alleviate and
solves conflict. In any team is to succeed there must be effective communication and
collaborations between team members even if part of the team reside in different
countries. The training lock at different ways to make a team successful and also the
ways the challenges can help or hurt the team. Conflict is a major factor in team
failures but if a team has proper leadership and handles conflict effectively conflict
Solutions To The Salutary Neglect Of The American
Great Britain s longest ruling monarch before Queen Victoria, King George III
ascended the British throne in 1760, during turbulent times in which, brought about
several oppressive and abusive actions towards the thirteen colonies. Salutary neglect:
a policy of non interference, enabled the American colonies to prosper by trading
products. Nevertheless, when the French and Indian War had finally come to an end,
the British had severe debt and was left with possible solutions which only revolved
around taxing the colonies. Furthermore, the Royal Proclamation: a document that set
out guidelines for European settlement of Aboriginal territories, had infuriated the
colonies and they protested that the Proclamation deprived them of land known as
their God given right. In 1774, the British Parliament passed harsh and unbearable
laws known as the Intolerable Actswhich were meant to punish American colonists
for the Boston Tea Partyand other protests. Overall, the colonists were very wrathful
regarding all acts and did not want the British Empireruling over them. To summarize,
in the short span of thirteen years, the colonies went from being loyal subjects of
King George III to becoming rebels capable of overthrowing the most dominant
military nation on earth. To begin with, salutary neglect was an unauthorized, but a
long lasting British policy of avoiding harsh enforcement of parliamentary laws
indicated to keep the American colonies obedient to Great Britain. The policy
The On First Philosophy By Rene Descartes
In his work Meditations on First Philosophy, published in 1641, RenГ© Descartes
sets out to establish a set of indubitable truths for the sciences. He begins by
discarding all of his beliefs, then works to rebuild his beliefs based on careful
thought. Descartes clearly states this goal, saying in the First Meditation, I will work
my way up... I will accomplish this by putting aside everything that admits of the
least doubt (I, 17). He is able to establish his own existence, but struggles to move
beyond his internal thoughts to discuss external objects. Descartes decides that the
Christian Godis the bridge he needs to escape the confines of his own mind, and
argues for the existence of God in the Third Meditation in order to move on to
discussing the physical world. In this paper I will argue that Descartes rationalistic
project would have been improved without an appeal to the Christian God, although I
will also argue that Descartes thinks this appeal is necessary.
Descartes declares that he will only accept ideas that he can absolutely affirm, but
accepts the existence of God without adequately proving it. This inadequacy
undermines his declared project of defining the world in terms of established ideas.
He does not sufficiently prove the idea of God, yet bases so much on it. When he
later discusses physical bodies, intellect, and mathematical concepts, the reader
cannot forget that everything he writes is based on the shaky foundation of the
Christian God, and finds his
Philosophy of Life Essay
All that I m after is a life full of laughter (Life After You Daughtry). Everyone has
their own personal outlook on life. Some people feel like money and success bring
them happiness, others feel like love is all they need. As Aristotle once said,
Happiness is believed to be the most desirable thing in the world... (Aristotle)
Everyone wants different things. I however, feel like you don t need a lot to be
happy in life, it s the little things that count. Having your family and friends, and
people who care about you, falling in loveand having that person with whom you can
disclose your trust with, helping other people and putting them before yourself,
expressing your feelings and emotions, and living your life to the fullest every... Show
more content on ...
You cannot look for love, love finds you. It is unexpected and seems unrealistic, but
once I encountered what love really was everything changed. All of a sudden nothing
else seems to matter; your priorities, your thoughts, and your actions all become
about this person. You wantto do everything to make them happy, and if they are
then you are to. Once you find someone who you can share anything with and who
makes you feel as if you have everything in the world and you don t need anything
else, thats love. That is what I think helps you reach your ultimate happiness, having
that person who you can share your life with. To see other people pleased puts a
smile on my face. I think everyone needs help getting through hard times and
problems throughout their lives, and helping people overcome their obstacles
helps me reach my ultimate happiness. Everyone goes through road blocks in their
lives. Whether they are small and they don t know what boy to date, or big where
they lost someone close to them, people need help making decision and going on
in life. I enjoy listening to peoples problems, I enjoy putting them before myself and
going out of my way to make sure the people I love and the people who need me are
happy. This is what should bring happiness into everyones life. Knowing I just helped
someone conquer a predicament or help them through a tough situation makes me
feel like I mean something to the
Narni The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
Summary/book report
By: Mica Hernandez
Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, four siblings in World War II era England, are
sent away from London to live in the countryside, where they will be safe from air
raids and bombings. While they are staying in a large, historic country house
owned by an old professor, Lucy discovers that a certain wardrobe in a spare room
is a gateway to a magical land called Narnia. In Narnia, Lucy meets and becomes
friends with a Faun named Mr. Tumnus, who tells her that Narnia is ruled by an evil
White Witch who oppresses the people and magically creates an everlasting winter.
Lucy returns home and tells her brothers and sister about her experience, but they don
t believe her because ... Show more content on ...
The freed captives quickly turn the tide of battle as they join in on the side of
Good, and Aslan kills the Witch. Lucy uses her Christmas present, a magic cordial,
to heal the wounded, and Aslan cures those who were turned to stone by the Witch.
Everyone goes to Cair Paravel, the castle on the eastern sea, where Peter, Susan,
Edmund, and Lucy are crowned as kings and queens. They reign for many years and
Narnia prospers, although Aslan comes and goes. One day, while hunting a stag that
grants wishes, King Peter, Queen Susan, King Edmund, and Queen Lucy find a
lamppost in the woods. They begin to remember their lives in England, and as they
go further into the woods, they find themselves back in the wardrobe, and then back
in the spare room in the country house. No time has passed in England since they first
entered Narnia together, and they were children
Meaning In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha
Do people try to find a meaning through their everyday lives by being taught by
someone, or do they find it on their own? Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse wrote about
a guy named Siddhartha who goes out on his own on a quest to learn about the
meaning of life. He, Siddhartha goes on this quest running through many obstacles
trying to reach his goal. Hesse suggests that people can t always find meaning through
teachers but they have to find it themselves, such as when Siddharthatried to learn
from the Samanas, a group of men who are ascetics, and kamala a woman who
teaches him to love.
From Siddhartha waiting for his father s approval he eventually went out to be a
Samana. He, Siddhartha, decided to go out on his own way learning new knowledge
through the Samanas, Siddhartha ... Show more content on ...
He travelled along the path of self denial through pain, through voluntary suffering
and conquering of pain, through hunger, thirst and fatigue. He travelled the way of
self denial through meditation, through emptying of the mind of all images (12).
Siddhartha learned to lose himself while in the Samanas and through suffering and
conquering pain to having hunger and thirst he went along the path of self denial.
He, Siddhartha, did all of this to just to try to gain knowledge that he was in the
search for. On the other hand Siddhartha eventually decided to leave the Samanas
because he couldn t find the meaning of life that he had wanted. Siddhartha and
Govinda start to talk about the rumor of the Perfect one and Siddhartha says, You
have spoken well, Govinda, you have remembered well, but you must also
Savage B-Mag Inplant Training Report
Savage B mag mainitenance is revitivly simple when you first purches your rifle
like Most newin box rifles arrive these days without their bolts installed in the
action. The B Mag arrives likewise. There s only one way to install it. Before doing
so, check the four digits on the bolt. They must match the last four digits of the
rifle s serial number. If they don t make no attempt to install the bolt. Call Savage
and tell them the problem If the serial number do match then install consits of
position the bolt handle to 11 o clock. Align the bolt release slot on the bolt with the
bolt release in the receiver. Insert the bolt. Press the release inward. Push the bolt
forward. Rotate the bolt handle down and let up on the release. Cycle the bolt
Stanislavsky Method Acting
Stanislavsky and the History of Method Acting
I do not believe you. These five words were used by Konstantin Stanislavsky in the
late 1890 s in Soviet Russia to chastise an actor who was not convincing enough in
his role. Although but a brief glimpse into the mind of Stanislavsky, the words help
bring clarity to a technique and system that forever transformed the world of acting
and drama.
Konstantin Stanislavski was an actor and director who is credited with pioneering
method acting and the Stanislavsky system. As an actor, Stanislavski was
discontented with the prevailing ideas on theatre and acting, leading him to drop out
of the Moscow Theatre School after only being there for about two weeks. He found
inspiration rather in the philosophical ... Show more content on ...
One such case is Daniel Day Lewis who received traditional training rather than
experiential at Bristol Old Vic, a high profile theatre arts school in England. Daniel
Day Lewis is known for refusing to break character in between scenes and doing
extensive research for every role he accepts. This was particularly the case for
Spielberg s Lincoln, in which Lewis studied for over a year and used his Lincoln
imitative voice beyond the confines of the set to play the titular role which won
him an Oscar. Lastly, Jake Gyllenhaal is known for undergoing physical
transformations that rival the severity of De Niro s when he adopts a role. This
included losing 30 pounds to portrary the neurotic amaetur videographer Louis
Bloom in Nightcrawler. Additionally, Gyllenhaal left the film with a permanent
scar on his hand, the result of a mindset in which the lines between the actor and
the character were blurred. Following Nightcrawler with the film Southpaw,
Gyllenhaal spent 8 months in an extremely rigorous exercise routine in order to
have the physique he felt necessary to truly be a boxer. Lastly, Dustin Hoffman is
known to have engaged in method acting at least once as he stayed awake for three
days straight during the shoot movie Marathon Man. Hoffman, in his attempt to
immerse himself in the role of Thomas Levy, decided the best way for him to appear
as though he did not sleep for three days was to physically put himself in that very
Free Market Economy
The United States is known to operate in a free market economy. In other words, the
economy is based solely on supply and demand with little to no government control.
In reality, however, the United States has various government regulations on our
country s market. The amount of regulation that is necessary is a continuing debate
among politicians and economists to this day. Some would say that the key to a
successful market economy is to remove government restrictions in order to force
businesses to provide superior products and services at affordable prices. Yet, others
assert that government regulations are essential in protecting consumers, stemming
from the assumption that corporations are not always looking out for the public s
interest. Of course, there are various advantages and disadvantages associated with
each level of regulation, however it is safe to assume that there must be a balance
between an unregulated free market and a regulated economy in order to protect
people and the environment and allow the economy to flourish. Advantages of a
Free Market Economy A free market is driven by individual innovation and the
concept that hard work and initiative will be rewarded with success. Because of the
ingenuity factor, there is plenty of competition in the market place. Therefore, the
rivalry between companies provides the best possible product to the customer at the
best price. In addition, this gives consumers the ability to let their voices be heard,
Character Revelation Of A Worn Path Story By Eudora
Name: Rangga Krisna Saputra NIM: 1512021105 Class: 4C Subject: Literature 1
Date: June 5th, 2017
Character Revelation of A Worn Path story by Eudora Welty Character is an
imaginative person who plays role in a story. (Kennedy, 1983 in Koesnosoebro,
1988). The role of character is very important. Every story must have its own
character, as their function are to play the role in a story. Sometimes, it is easy to
interpret how the character is. However, most of the time, it is quite difficult to know
about the characteristic of them and readers have to analyses more how the character
really is. The characters are not fully revealed at the beginning in order to make the
readers curious about them. ... Show more content on ...
Her face lighted. I ought to be shut up for good, she said with laughter My senses is
gone, I too old. I the oldest people I know. Dance, old scarecrow, she said, While I
dancing with you. (Welty, 326 327)
From that utterance, we will know quite much information about the Phoenix
Jackson. We know that she is an old woman. It can be seen when she said that her
senses had all gone, and she was too old. In addition, this character is also cheerful
and full of imagination. We know that from she enjoyed dancing with a scarecrow in
which it cannot move nor talk. In revealing the character, we can also use the indirect
method. It can be seen from what character says and authorial presentation. In
knowing the character, sometimes a character will say something about how they are
to other characters. These characters will react to another character about their
characteristic. However, in authorial presentation, a writer describes his/her
characters contribution and background in a story. If the readers want to know
further about the character, they should analyze the character because everything is
revealed indirectly. To assure our comprehension about indirect method, we will have
an analysis about the character revelation. The technique which will be used is
authorial presentation. As we can read from the short story, A Worn Path : Putting her
right foot out, she mounted the log and shut her eyes. Lifting her skirt, leveling her
The Negative Environmental Effects Of Light Pollution On...
Artificial illumination consists one of the most useful and integral parts of the human
civilisation as it allows all human activities to expand during the night or to take 30
place in areas where the lighting is inadequate. Its misuse though, causes a
phenomenon known as photopollution/ light pollution/ luminous pollution. This
phenomenon is caused because artificial light is being reflected from the various
components of the atmosphere.
The International Dark Sky Association define light pollution as:
Any adverse effect of artificial lighting, including sky glow, glare, light trespass, light
clutter, decreased visibility at night, and energy waste. (IDA 2012, p. 4)
This definition identifies the negative aesthetic effects of artificial light but IDA
(2012, p. 4) also claims that energy waste is pollution. The definition indicates that
light pollution is a waste of energy and therefore an indirect waste of nuclear energy
and limited fossil resources.
The International Dark Sky Association s definition of light pollution contains four
lighting components that describe different kinds of light pollution:
Urban sky glow is the brightness of the sky over large inhabited areas.
Glare is a visual discomfort or decreased visibility due to excessive brightness.
Light trespass is unintended, unwanted or unnecessary light.
Light clutter is bright, confusing and excessive groupings of light that is common in
urban areas.
Effect of Light Pollution on Humans
Affects the
A Report On Security At Airports
Security at airports
Mariusz Prokopiec
Executive summary
This report is about security at airports. It contains a useful information regarding
airport security regulations such as both hand and hold luggage restrictions and list
of items that are allowed to be taken on a board. This report also presents a brief
changes that had happened in airports security before terrorists attack on 9th of
September 2001. Additionally there is described the recent project Total Airport
Security System (TASS), which aims to improve the security at the airport area using
very advanced technology structures.
Contents page
I.History of airports security5
II.Airport Security Regulations6
2.1 Hold luggage 6
2.2 Hand baggage 6
2.3 ... Show more content on ...
In the past security at airports was not developed enough to prevent the unexpected
terrorist attack It was impossible to avoid all of catastrophes that took place in the
past. Actually these incidents approached today s airport security to perfection.
Nowadays there are stringent rules regarding air travelling. I.History of airports
The only concern within aviation was the safety of flying. Hardly any thought was
put into the security sector of the aviation industry. This changed when Peruvian
revolutionaries took over a Pan American mail plane. In the period of time from
1930 to 1958, there was 23 hijackings reported. The first serious incident happened
in 1947 when the aircrew member was killed. In 1955, Jack Graham, placed a
bomb in his mother s luggage. The bomb exploded during the flight killing all
aboard. A similar incident took place in 1960, when two suicide bomber killed all
people on a board. After these acts luggage inspection has become more exact. The
majority of hijackings were made due to either escape from the USA or hold
people for a ransom. In 1961, in order to prevent hijackings, the federal government
started using armed guards on chosen aircrafts. After hijackings of planes in 1969 the
Task Force on the Deterrence of Air Piracy was established by the Federal Aviation
Administration. The task force began
Essay on The Terrorists Attack on the World Trade Centre...
The terrorists attack on the World Trade Centre in New York on September 9, 2001
which changes the western concept about Islam and Muslims. Moreover, Islamic
concept Jihad is criticized and it is questioned among Non Muslims. 9/11 attack not
only effects non Muslims but also the Muslims who have no connections with the
terrorist groups. As well as they do not support these terrorism. These Muslims face
the hatred of the non western people. They feel guilty about the Sin, they neither
commit nor support. After 9/11, The Muslims all over the world called as terrorist
and Islamis considered as religion which provokes terror. Although, the Muslim
terrorists attempted these attacks on the name of Jihad, Islam does not encourage...
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According to the article, The concept of Jihad , Now a days, Many Muslims are
engaged in the movements on the basis of Islamic Jihad . Thought calling
themselves as Jihadi. Actions are needed as Jihad to meet all circumstances.
However, these battles on the behalf of Jihad does not meet the criteria. As they are
promoting Fasad (opposite of Jihad) in the world and will not be rewarded by the
Lord. Instead they will be punished for their evil deed. (Khan 81) An important
question rises about the Islam which is Does Islam promote violence? The criticizers
said that Islam advocates peace and it does not maintain peace. According to the
Islamic history, The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) never preached violence nor did
he urge the Muslims to do brutal killing of people on the name of Islam. He always
preferred the choice which did not raise fierceness. His enemies always abused him,
their kids threw stones on him. They also plotted the murder against him. Instead of
fighting back, he migrated to Medina. He gave several chances to his enemies. He
also signed the treaties with Non Muslims. The most of treaties points are in favor of
Non Muslims.
If Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) anticipated to provoke violence, he
would start brutal killing and did not sign any of these treaties. Why would he spent
thirteen years in Mecca to preach the Islamic teachings? Because, he wanted to set an
example for people that Islam is the name
Ashford eng121 week 3 quiz
Question :
Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below:
Father Christmas is a character best known for _______ long, white beard.
Student Answer:
their Instructor Explanation:
For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit https:/
/ twenty common writing errors.html
Points Received:
1 of 1 Comments:
Question 2.
Question :
Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below:
All children want to please ___________ parents.
Student Answer:
his or her
their Instructor Explanation:
For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit ...
Show more content on ...
Instructor Explanation:
For information on how to correct unnecessary switch in verb tense, visit https:/
/ twenty common writing errors.html
Points Received:
0 of 1 Comments:
Question 9.
Question :
Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below:
All movie reviews reveal the prejudices of ___________ author.
Student Answer:
their Instructor Explanation:
For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit https:/
/ twenty common writing errors.html
Points Received:
0 of 1 Comments:
Question 10.
Question :
Please choose the best revision for the sentence below:
Vicky was torn between her friend, Tanya, and her sister.
Student Answer:
Vicky was torn between her friend, Tanya, and her own sister.
Vicki was torn between her sister and Tanya.
Tanya and her sister made it hard for Vicki to choose sides.
Nothing helped Vicki choose between Tanya and her sister. Instructor Explanation:
For information on how to correct vague pronoun references, visit https:/
/ twenty common writing errors.html
Points Received:
0 of 1 Comments:
Question :
Choose the sentence that correctly matches verb tenses.
Student Answer:
The flowers in the garden bloomed in March because the spring comes earlier these
The flowers in the garden bloom in March because the
Western Medicine Versus Traditional Medicine
Jyn Allec R. Samaniego HNF 61 Z Mam Ma Ann Zarsuelo May 7, 2015
Position Paper: Western Medicine versus Traditional Medicine
The Limitations of Traditional Medicine from the Needs of the Society
In this time of modern technologies, we have found new ways of treating and curing
disease. However, traditional medicine that was derived from old cultures is still
available. Some people still prefer this kind of method, but some stick to conventional
one which is the western medicine.
Western medicine is related to scientific method and emphasize measurable
biochemical processes that drive disease, treatment and health. It relies on new
modern technologies to alleviate disease and cure symptoms ( knowledgewharton ,
On the ... Show more content on ...
It can also help in controlling infectious disease. Modern advances have developed
effective drugs for managing heart disease, like diuretics, beta blockers and
hypertensive (Jamison,2006). It can easy alleviate the symptoms and discomfort of
the patient so he/she can live normally. But also, it can also use procedures to
understand the underlying cause of the symptoms to cure or prevent. Advanced
medical devices can locate the problem through x rays, blood tests, etc.( benefits
,n.d.). Western medicine is also flexible, you can store it in your household while
traditional medicines can t ( debate , 2011). The medicine is also specific for a
certain illness.
When it comes to the asurance, and time,it is better to use the more improved and
advnced one. It is more convenient to use, easier, and more effective. Although,
traditional medicine is an impressive method too, it is still has some limitations. But
one thing that could be better for the society, is the incorporation of herbal plants into
our modern medicines.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Herbal Medicine. Retrieved from lt;http:/
/ gt;
Benefits of Modern Medicine. Retrieved from lt; of
modern medicine/ gt;
Grunert,J. (n.d.) Advantages and disadvantage of Herbal Medicine. Retrieved from
Enuma Elish
Enuma Elish Mythology is the study of the language used to express experiences
with and understandings of the absolute reality. There are four main functions that
make up and are the foundation of mythology: Each of these functions plays a major
role in categorizing the ideas and characters in their respective groups or section. To
name these four functions there is the Mystical function which is also known as the
sacred or universal function. The next function is the cosmological function or
metaphor (character) function. Then comes the social or profane (personal function)
which is one of the main functions that is involved in the idea of mythology. The last
of the four functions is the pedagogical function or the moral function of... Show
more content on ...
The Enuma Elish explains this creation by using numerous gods to create earth,
for example: Apsu and Tiamat are the water that helps flood the landmass that is
later created into earth. Lahmu and Lahumu are the silt that later is turned into the
actual earth and dirt that individuals walk on. So the story uses the forces of nature
and considers them as gods whereas many people just see rivers and ocean as just
water and nothing else. For the second function, the Cosmological function
explains how the cosmic forces are expressed with actual characters and mythical
beings. With the addition of personal characteristics given this will in fact enable
the mystical and cosmological functions to work together and further become
psychological. Not only do the mystical traits get deeper personality characteristics
now but they are closer relating the geographical creation as well as reflect the
cosmological function. In the first explanation of the mystical a male character
represents the fresh river water present which is Apsu, whose deeper trait is as the
first begetter. The silt is projected as Lahmu who is the male figure and Lahumu
who represents the female figure; these two were created and formed from the first
arrivals being Apsu and Tiamat. The third and final personality portrayed is Tiamat
who is the salty/bitter salt water; Tiamat represents a female figure and is the mother
of them all. The metaphors used in the Enuma Elish are shown by using
Nursing Case Study Alarm Management
A sentinel alarm event occurred at several hospitals within the AW Network, which
prompted the Pennsylvania Department of Health to conduct a Center for Medicare
Services level investigation. This type of investigation requires an action plan with a
measure of correction. Parallel with the alarm events, the Joint Commission had
created the National Patient Safety Goal 06.01.01, also known as goal six, to reduce
harm associated with clinical alarms (The Joint Commission, 2014). The potential
patient risks for an adverse event from alarm mismanagement are experienced around
the world, and while the particulars of each event varies; research suggests that by
reducing nuisance alarms, the chance for an adverse event diminishes (Gorges, ...
Show more content on ...
Education of this in the organization about the alarm system management will also be
required in January, 2016.Person responsible:
Patient Safety
Clinical Engineering
Nursing/ Leadership
Patient Safety
Clinical Engineering
Nursing Leadership When to be done:
Begin in 2014
Begin in 2016Where to be done:
All A Network facilities
All X Network facilities
Alarm Assessment Teams Leaders:
Critical Care
Maternal Child
Clinical EngineeringTo begin Feb.
2015 Throughout nursing departments and care/service areas
List the tasks needed to set up this test of changePerson responsibleWhen to be
doneWhere to be done
1.Determine the Group membership belonging to each team
2. Establish meeting times
3. Develop a policy and process
4. Define steps
Each group will make alarm assessment and determine with the multidisciplinary
team the level of importance of each alarm.
The alarm settings will be determined by the teams based on level of severity.
Visual assessment
Auditory assessment measured in decibels
Response assessment Patient Safety
Clinical Eng.
Nursing Clinical Eng. Clinical Eng.
Essay On Fire Prevention
Fire Prevention Through Infrared Scan of Electrical Equipment
Electrical Fires
According to the latest statistics from NFPA s report on Fires in Industrial or
Manufacturing Properties , found here: and research/fire
statistics and reports/fire statistics/fires by property type/industrial and manufacturing
facilities/fires in us industrial and manufacturing facilities, electrical distribution and
lighting equipment caused 11% of fires and accounted for 15% of direct property
damage in industrial or manufacturing facilities from 2009 to 2013.
A key way to prevent electrical fires is through predictive maintenance to detect the
onset of a condition that could eventually lead to a fire, then correcting that ... Show
more content on ...
(3) Temperature differences of 16В°C and above indicate major deficiency; repairs
should be made immediately. Figure 1 Infrared Image
NFPA 70B Section 11.17 provides guidance on the use of infrared scans to determine
the condition of various elements of an electrical power distribution system and to
provide information that is used:
1.To determine whether any corrective maintenance or replacement is necessary or
2.To confirm the ability of the element to continue to perform its design function
3.To chart the gradual deterioration of the equipment over its service life
Preparation for Infrared Scan
Very little preparation is required of the organization requesting the infrared scan.
The thermographer and the qualified electricians opening the panels should follow
NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. This could include the
need for arc flash analysis, training, and specific personal protective equipment (PPE)
for all personnel who will be standing in front of open, live electrical panels. [See
NFPA 70E Tables 130.7 (c)(9) (a), (c)(10), (c)(11) for details on PPE required]
Infrared Scan
Infrared (IR) scans should be performed while electrical equipment is under load,
preferably peak load conditions, but not less than 40% of the rated load of the
electrical equipment being inspected.
Infrared scans typically include the
Sherman Alexie, Louise Erdrich, And Jim Jarmusch
Sherman Alexie, Louise Erdrich, and Jim Jarmusch embody the Native Americans
revolution for education in their work through exposing three of white society s most
prominent methods of attacking Native cultures: forced assimilation, the destruction
of cultural identity, and cultural appropriation. White society forces the assimilation
of Native peoples in an attempt to strip them of their cultural identity and
individualism, which white people see as savagery. Natives who once had a rich
and interesting system of religious beliefs were introduced to Christianity during
colonization and forced to accept the teachings of the church. Alexie creates a
powerful symbol of forced assimilation in his novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a
Part Time... Show more content on ...
Not to be left out, The Economist published an article about alcoholism affecting
Native Americans titled The Wounds of Whiteclay An Alcoholism Epidemic
Among the Lakota Sioux . The article claims that shops have been making immoral
profits from the misery of vulnerable residents of the reservation (Economist).
Substance abuse is one of many reasons that many Natives do not go to college or
receive higher education, as seen when Alexie writes So what was I doing in racist
Reardan, where more than half of every graduating class went to college? Nobody
in my family had ever gone near a college (Alexie, Forney, 56). All of these literary
works show that alcoholism, along with other disadvantages brought to America by
Europeans, hinders the success and the future of Natives. After Non Native people
rob Native Americans of their cultures, if not their lives, they romanticize and steal
the culture that they perverted. Every Halloween, one is apt to see a handful of
young women attending parties in costumes titled Sultry Indian Princess or
Naughty Native . These immoral desecrations of Native American cultures
disregard the rich history and customs that are woven into each garment. Such
histories and customs are described in the poem Song of the Sky Loom : ... weave
for us a garment of brightness; May the warp be the white light of morning, May the
weft be the red light of evening, May the fringes be the falling rain, May the border
be the standing
Soraya s Moral Development
Soraya s Moral Development
Soraya Taheri is one of Khaled Hosseini s characters in The Kite Runner, who
represents what a true woman and wife should be like. She is an example of
Kohlberg s classification of three levels of moral development in humans. Even
though there is not a lot of information in the novel given about Soraya, her
personality can be reviewed based on her behavior throughout the story.
The reader first meets with Soraya in chapter 11, when she is working at a flea
market. Her obedience to her father General Taheri can be referred to the Pre
Conventional Morality, stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation. Because this
stage involves fixed beliefs of a child that hisher authority is always right, Soraya s
... Show more content on ...
Dressed in a stunning winecolored traditional Afghan dress with long sleeves and
gold trimmings. She kissed my father s hands. Sat beside me at last, her eyes
downcast. (168 169)
Here, Soraya wears traditional Afghan dress and follows the rules accordingly. She
sees this as more than simple deal, since marriage in Afghanistan is an important
event. Her good behaviour is visible during the time she spends with Amir s father
when he lies in bed, sick:
Soraya dedicated herself to taking care of my father. She made his toast and tea in
the morning, and helped him in and out of bed. She gave him his pain pills,
washed his clothes, read him the international section of the newspaper every
afternoon, She cooked his favourite dish, potato shorwa, though he could scarcely
eat more than a few spoonfuls, and took him out every day for a brief walk around
the block. And when he became bedridden, she turned him on his side every hour so
he wouldn t get a bedsore. (172)
Soraya takes care of Amir s father, even though no one asked her to do this.
According to Kohlberg, person at this stage has good motives and interpersonal
feelings, such as love, trust, empathy and concern for others, which is exactly what
Soraya shows in this passage. Another time when this level is evident is when Soraya
tells Amir how she taught an illiterate woman how to read and write:
When I was in fourth grade in Kabul, my father hired a woman
Big Brothers Big Sisters Project Paper
Project Description
The project is important due to the fact that Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ocean
State serves between 500 600 boys and girls in Rhode Island and neighboring
communities. These children are able to have a positive role model in their life to
provide them with advice, help them with homework, and help them develop into
productive members of society.
The 93% will increase the number of male mentors by six for Big Brothers Big
Sisters of the Ocean State by December 2015. This will be done by communicating
with Bryant University and establishing a relationship between the school and the non
profit. Serving as a mentor for the non profit will teach cultural awareness and ethical
reason, and help fulfill a Gateway requirement. ... Show more content on ...
In the event that one of our team members fall ill or has an emergency, we as a
team have assigned back up roles for each team member. As an example, if Marvelle
Nicole Markwei has to take the rest of the semester off due to a family emergency
these are the back up roles that will be assigned.
Communication to the Gateway Professors : Kevin Ludemann
Scheduling: Maegan Mark
Communication to the Big Brother Big Sisters of the Ocean State: Adeel Mahmood
and Calum Daly
Writing: Josh Kliger.
If our original plan is not feasible, the back up roles for the Dave and Busters event
will be assigned as follows:
Venue: Maegan Mark and Marvelle Nicole
Why We Need Planned Parenthood
Why We Need Planned Parenthood
In July of 2015 an undercover video was released to the public claiming Planned
Parenthood engages in the selling of fetal tissues. These highly doctored videos
released as apart of a series by a group called The Center for Medical Progress in
attempt to uncover this malpractice within Planned Parenthood clinics. The selling
fetal tissue for profit is an illegal activity in the United States therefore the topic
alone became of interest to the public. Due to the graphic nature of these videos
telling this horrific story, it gained much attention from the public and the media,
leading Planned Parenthood to come under a great deal of fire. It became such an
issue that a bill went to congress arguing for Planned Parenthood to be defunded by
the government. The misinformation spread by this group, and others alike, is
dangerous for the otherwise unknowing public and could have led to a very negative
outcome that would affect the public more than it is aware.
In 1916 Margaret Sanger opened the first clinic in Brooklyn, New York to provide
contraceptives to women. The clinic was highly controversial and faced many issues
due to birth control s illegal nature at this time. Sanger continued in her efforts and in
1923 she started the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau in Manhattan and the
American Birth Control League, which joined to become Planned Parenthood
Federation of America (Planned Parenthood). Since it s creation, Planned Parenthood
Anabolic Steroids Should Be Banned Essay
An anabolic steroid is a synthetic steroid hormone that resembles testosterone in
promoting the growth of muscle (NIDA 2004). Anabolic Steroids are taken by many
athletes, whether male or female and can harm the body. There are many anabolic,
androgenic effects, and risks. When you continue to negatively use this kind of drug
to succeed life threatening consequences come into effect.
..(needs more context )
In many states and surrounding countries athletes are using what are labeled as
Anabolic Steroids. Anabolic steroids are a synthetic derivative of a naturally
produced hormone testosterone, it promotes the growth of muscle (NIDA 2004).
This kind of steroid is usually prescribed by doctors to treat patients for conditions
such as ones who have delayed puberty or people who have medical problems that
causes low amounts of testosterone. Anabolic steroids can be taken as a pill or shot
directly into the muscle, or as a gel or cream rubbed on the skin (BMC 2015).
Though this kind of steroid makes muscles bigger and bones stronger anabolic
steroids can cause serious if not fatal effects in the body. Men as well as women
using this steroid can have various problems and complications if not monitored.
The majority of people who use this steroid are athletes. Athletes want a bigger and
better body to improve how well they play a certain sport or how they look, therefore
many use and abuse this drug illegally and having life changing consequences later.
Jackie Robinson Essay Topics
I m not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect
me as a human being. is a famous quote used by Robinson. In this quote, Robinson
is expressing his feelings on how he felt about segregation and racism. In his quote,
he simply accepts the fact that you not like him because of what he looks like on
the inside, however, he will not except you not liking him because of what he looks
like on the outside. Jackie Robinsonis an important figure in History because he was
the first black male to ever play in MLB.
Jackie Robinson, son of Mallie and Jerry Robinson, was born on January 31, 1919
in Cairo, Georgia. Robinson was the youngest of five children, Robinson was raised
in poverty by his single mother, Mallie. Jackie went to John Muir High School and
Pasadena Junior College. ... Show more content on ...
He was the first African American male to ever play for the Major League Baseball.
Robinson had multiple accomplishments. He hit his first home run when he played
for the the minor league team the Montreal Royals. In 1955 Robinson won the world
series with his team. He was also the first African American baseballplayer to be
elected in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Robinson was named Most Valuable Player of
the International League while playing for the Montreal Royals, a Brooklyn
Dodgers affiliated farm team. He lead the league with the highest batting average
and base percentage. Robinson always suffered multiple falls but managed to go
through them. There were always racist whites calling him racial names, but
Robinson remained strong for the faith he had in himself. Robinson broke a color
and racial barrier, not only for american baseball, but changed the society of America.
Robinson changed the way Americans thought. He taught that every person despite
their color, was equal. MLB became more famous over the years that Robinson
What Is Object Detection In Unorganized PCD
Object detection in unorganized PCD. Nowadays, road features are becoming
more complex, which leads having more complicated complaints in urban
environments. Usually, PCD produces a wealthy set of data which need undergo a
PCD process to identify and detect objects is in focus. It is important to extract
objects, such as edges, pedestrians, curbs, and ends, from PCD. Over the last few
years, many efforts have been made to detect objects, such as buildings, doors, etc.
(Wang et al. 2014). Cluster analysis is one of the primary methods for enormous data
analysis to detect objects, which is a massive PCD processing would help to
recognize different natural grouping or structure. In the other word, the cluster can
make a set of meaningful... Show more content on ...
Isolate noise and cut back the quantity of error within the data and unnecessary
points to layers is one in every of the foremost vital options within the automated
method. In addition to classifying planes and ground surfaces is that extracting
edges, pedestrians, curbs, and ends. The advantages of automated modeling and
identification are significant. In scanning a public facility with many intersections
and a thousand miles of sidewalks and curbs of the various classifications and style,
automatic identification and modeling will save many operating hours in time and
value. (Bisio 2016) The automated algorithmic programs also can match the pixels
of the image with PCD s coordinate to generate colorized point clouds. Moreover,
automated analysis of pictures same time with cloud data comparison can extract
knowledge of the facility, vegetation, and buildings. Automated classification can
perform smarter point clouds that offer further efficiency. Moreover, automated
classification is helpful if a public facility needs checks and analysis if the
regulations law check required. (Bisio 2016) ADA requirements for Accessible
Routes. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 includes civil rights law that
requires for individuals with disabilities general protections like those given to
persons on the basis of race, sex, national origin,
The Effects Of Emotional Abuse
The effects emotional abuse has on a victim will stick with them for their entire life.
Even the smallest event can, and usually will, trigger horrific memories that create
anxiety and makes it a struggle to interact with others. It causes the victim to
withdraw from society because they feel they are not worry of social interaction.
When a person is repeatedly told they are stupid, worthless or any other degrading
comments, they begin to believe them. Even worse, they start to believe they deserve
the comments and think they have to change who they are as a person to fit the
expectations of the abuser. Over time, emotional abuse changes how a person thinks
and feels. Their beliefs start to model after the person attacking them. This tends to
make it hard to separate from their attackers. They become trapped in a hostile
environment because they are taught that... Show more content on ...
It can make a person truly think they are worthless instead of just having a feeling.
When the abuser uses mental abuse it can be a form of control, jealousy,
manipulation or even a hostile environment. Mental abuse can be very intimidating.
(Rogers, 2014) It gets to the point that the assailant does not even have to speak; the
victim becomes so scared of punishment that they do what is expected of them. When
emotional abuse changes over to mental abuse, the attacker is reinforcing their
control over the victim. The mental attacks are meant to force the victim to
completely change how they think and act. This removes all free will and
encourages behavior that matches the assailant s expectations and desires. This is
why victims of domestic abuse become trapped in a relationship and only those
closest to the victim recognizing the changes in the person. When the victim manages
to get free from the person abusing them, if they are able to get away, they are no
longer the same
A Bug s Life Through The Lens Of Karl Marx
A Bug s Life Through the Lens of Karl Marx
A Bug s Life through the lens of Karl Marx
Disney s Pixar film, A Bug s Life, is much more than meets the eye. The film is not
only an animated comedy; it holds deep sociological theory within its plot. Many of
the major themes and concepts of the movie can be viewed through the lens of the
famous theorist Karl Marx. Marx s theory is famous for focusing on how society
functions. In particular he concerns himself with how capitalism, the working class,
and the revolutions create problems in our society. My paper will analyze how
Marxian theory and concepts fit into major climactic scenes of the film.
The film revolves around the protagonist Filk, a worker ant. The colony is being
oppressed by a group of grasshoppers and their leader Hopper. The grasshoppers
claim they will provide protection as long as the ants provide the food supply.
When the ants cannot supply the food for the grasshoppers, Hopper demands the
ants to produce twice as much food as they did before. As a result, the ants will not
have enough food to store up for themselves. Filk then travels to recruit warrior bugs
to help the ants fight off the grasshoppers. According to Marx, this would free the
colony from the constant oppression of the grasshoppers.
The major themes of the movie follow Marxian theory. The first relates to Hopper
and how the grasshoppers abuse their power and exploit the ant colony. The
grasshoppers expect food knowing that the ants cannot
Girl Interrupted Analysis
Pain demands to be felt. Through analysing one written text and three visual texts
the reoccurring connection between them is mental illness. All four texts bring
about the idea of pain in the world being inevitable and mental detachment from the
world being the only solution, making me question the world that we live in. Fight
Club (1999) written by Chuck Palahniuk, Girl, Interrupted (1999) directed by James
Mangold, Requeim for a Dream directed by Darren Anronofsky (2000), and Clean
Shaven (1993) directed by Lodge Kerrigan each show a realist perspective of coping
with mental illness and the struggle of reality. Each character with their own reality
that they face we see the lengths that they are willing to go to ease their constant pain
they feel making the individual question the borderline of sanity and insanity. I...
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The key to the detachment is losing all hope it s when we lose hope that we
essentially give up on life due to reality being too hard to face, and in that moment,
we find freedom. In the novel Fight Club, the characterisation of Tyler Durden, is
interesting in the sense that he creates a protective alter ego for himself, Hey, you
created me. I didn t create some loser alter ego to make myself feel better. (Fight
Club, 1999), this quote shows that Tyler s unhappiness with reality is reason
enough for him to create a different reality through adventure and the elements of
adrenaline and danger in contrast to his average mediocre life. Tyler s adventurous
spirit is seen through the creation of Fight Club where he puts himself in in
extreme situations, just to see if he will survive and even when there is no
possible way he can survive his adventurous ways he still challenges himself. For
instance, in the beginning and end of the novel he is on top of a Skyscraper where
a bomb is set to go off at a certain time, he has a pistol in his mouth and is ready to
Serena Williams Inequality
Serena Jameka Williams in an American professional tennis player who is ranked
number 1 in the singles to six separate occasions. Serena is a tennis star and
sporting legend who has to Her credit 32 major titles and several Olympic medals
.She is the reigning champion of the French Open, Wimbledon and Olympic women s
singles and doubles. Williams is properly known as the greatest female tennisplayer of
anll time. She is the most recent player, male or female, to have held all four major
singles titles simultaneously.
American professional tennis player Serena Williams has won over Grand Slam
Single titles and several Olympic gold medals. At age American Serena and her sister
Venus started playing tennis. (A E) Since turning pro she s countless awards and...
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It is different to imagine tennis without Serena Williams who have influenced a
generation of female players and left a mark that no sibling in sport s can equal .
(Glyn Clarke) Her prominence in tennis is growing this includes her impact on
inspiring African American tennis players. Before Williams, black athletes faced
unique challenges, but Williams helped promote progress , instead of over
focusing on the negativity. She is working so that future athletes won t have to face
the same inequality . Serena has been at or near the top of her sport longer than
almost any other athletes. (Lindsay Gibbs) Before Serena entered no female had
earned over 56 million dollars in prize money . Tennis today is much more depth and
quality competition than existed during the 1970s and 1980s. When became the
second African American women to claim a Grand Slam title , later becoming a U.S.
Open Champion. Before Serena no tennis player brought a mixture of maturity,
fashion , business and a foot in the entertainment realm as an actress. Williams had
been the likely target for a new generation of record chasers yet to
Biology Eei Essay examples
| 2012| | Toby Rheinberger
Lab Partner: Jeremy Saba |
[The Effect of surface area to volume ratio and solute concentration on osmosis.]|
The aim of this experiment was to test the effect of surface area on osmosis and the
effect of solute concentration on osmosis. To test this aim to hypotheses were
devised. 1) If potato pieces are immersed in various salt solutions, then the pieces
with the greatest surface area to volume ratio will experience the greatest weight
change, because more water can move by osmosis across the potato cell s semi
permeable membrane. 2) If potato pieces are immersed in various salt solutions, then
the pieces immersed in the most concentrated solution will experience he greatest
weight change, ... Show more content on ...
A semi permeable membrane. (Biology at Aveson , 2007)
Figure 2. A semi permeable membrane. (Biology at Aveson , 2007) pass through the
membrane and into the cell.
Despite its importance osmosis may also damage cells by causing them to; a)
shrink from water loss or b) burst from too much water gain. Plant cells [fig 3] have
adapted themselves to ensure that these factors do not affect them, by forming a
ridged wall, known as the cell wall, around their cells. The cell wall maintains the
shape of the cell, and prevents the cell from bursting in a hypotonic medium by
resisting water pressure. Plant cells have also adapted a larger vacuole, which
occupies 80% or more of the cells cytoplasm (Davidson, 2004); allowing plants to
store more water and nutrients per cell. Vacuoles also play a structural role in plant
cells; by swelling when liquids contact them, plant vacuoles are able to control
turgor pressure within the cell. This helps maintain the structural integrity of the
cell as well as providing the plant with suitable amounts of water and nutrients;
however the cell will never burst because the vacuole is contained within the cell
wall. If plant cells are deprived of water their vacuole will begin to shrink, yet due
to the cell the wall, the plant cell will be able to maintain its shape. [fig.4] Animal
cells [fig 5] on the other hand do not have this
Censorship In Schools
Should students in public high schools have the right to access uncensored internet
on the campus computers or electronic devices? In an article by,
Internet Censorship Pros and Cons List, they believe that controlling students access
to the internet will keep students safe from dangerous situations and unethical
content. For example, filtering the internetin high schools can prevent many issues
like cyber bullying, pornography and protect students from becoming a victim to
predators. According to the Federal Communication Commission s web page it
explains that there is a law called (CIPA) Children s Internet Protection Act, which
requires public schools and public libraries to censor out certain websites or material
that... Show more content on ...
On the website, Technology in Education, a teacher who was not named blogged
about how hard it is to teach a lesson because some many websites are restricted. She
went on to describe how things have gotten better, but she goes on to a quote Melinda
Anderson s from her article about internet filtering in schools. We sometimes think
too much about the content that we block, and we limit their opportunities to
succeed, explore their passions, and discover their strengths and talents. There is no
doubt that if a teacher is having problems accessing vital information, it brings up the
question of how much important information are high school students missing out on
especially for those without access to the internet at
The Broken Window Model Of Wilson And Keiling
According to, Broken window model focuses on the importance of
disorder (e.g., broken windows) in generating and sustaining more serious crime.
Wilson and Kelling are the creator of this model. They notice that neighborhoods
who have high crime rate, consider of disreputable people . They are the people who
hang out on the corner, the mental ill who pace back and forth up and down the
streets, and those juvenile delinquents that love to pickpocket other people. Most of
the communities are low income minority communities that Wilson and Keiling
looked at. Wilson and Keiling does not think that poverty, racial segregation, and
residential mobility and other social issues is not the root causes to high crimerates,
They think to restore order needs to be placed in these communityas Nixon will say
Law and Order . They think the government cannot eliminate the root causes.
Policing should be enforce more into the community to create a safe haven for
these communities. By not focusing on social reform, rehabilitation is too costly
and difficult. Wilson said to increase cost of crime by increasing punishment in
prison. It will help measure deterrence, and if it does not work incapacitation. He
also the believe that the root causes is caused by causal fallacy. Wilson and Keiling
believed that officers need to go back to the style of enforcement. They explain that
there should be more foot patrol have officers get know the resident while
maintaining order.
Example Of Hubris In Oedipus
Theatre was an important aspect of Ancient Greece, as it honoured the gods in a
festival called Dionysian. An example of a Greek play is Oedipus Rex, written by
Sophocles. Throughout this tragedy, the main character, Oedipus, possesses hubris,
which eventually leads to his loss of power and downfall. In Robert Fagles
translation of OedipusRex, powerful dialogue, characters, and motifs demonstrate that
excessive pride leads to the protagonist s tragic downfall.
Fagles uses dialogue and specific word choice to demonstrate the hubris that Oedipus
possesses. In the early stages of Oedipus the King, Fagles uses Here I am myself you
all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus (7 9), which signifies the
pride that Oedipus has. When ... Show more content on ...
Fagles writes, You with your precious eyes, you re blind to the corruption of your
life (470 471), which signifies that Oedipus can literally see things clearly,
however, he s blind to the state of his life. During this time, Oedipus is completely
ignorant of what s happening around him. This led to his hubris because people
who are overconfident don t see the full picture. In this case, Oedipus wasn t seeing
how poor of a state his life was. In turn, this leads to his downfall, as he was
unaware of what was going on. Because of Oedipus arrogance, he doesn t know
what s ahead. Fagles uses like the wild mountain bull cut off from men, each step
in agony, frenzied, racing blind (544 555) to demonstrate hubris. In racing blind ,
racing demonstrates that Oedipus makes quick decisions without thinking, and
blind demonstrates that he s not realizing the mistakes that he is making. After
making poor decisions, Oedipus doesn t look back on what he did, because in his
mind, everything he does is perfect. This leads to his destruction because... Once
Oedipus was physically blinded, his arrogance lessened. Oedipus states What good
were eyes to me? Nothing I could see could bring me joy (1471 1472). He later
encountered anagnorisis when he realized that he wasn t seeing the full truth and he
was ignorant of what was happening. As soon as Oedipus sight and power were
taken away, he began to see things in a different perspective and more
Analysis Of The Book Strange Creatures By Susan...
Sanjana Mamidi
Section 28
Final Draft Paper 4
Human Mind Control
OCD is a phrase that gets to the existential core of worry, a clenched, demonic
doubting that overrides evidence, empiricism, plain common sense (Slater234). The
meme theory states that a meme consists of everything that is passed from person to
person (Blackmore 37). In Strange Creatures by Susan Blackmore and Who Holds
the Clicker? by Lauren Slater both authors discuss the control humans have over their
minds. In Who Holds the Clicker Lauren Slater discusses DBS (deep brain
simulation), which is a type of psychosurgery in which electrical impulses are sent to
certain portions of the brain to control and change the emotions one feels. She
discusses both the positive and negatives of deep brain simulation through a specific
patient named Mario and also presents the control DBS can have over one s mind.
Similarly, Blackmore in Strange Creatures discusses the meme theory, which consists
of any idea that is passed down from person to person. Both authors provide
information that allows people to draw conclusions relating to why people do not
have control over their minds. Even though some people believe that humans do have
control over their minds, Blackmore and Slater both successfully portray that in
actuality humans do not have any control over their minds because human thoughts
and ideas are unoriginal products of external forces, many human thoughts occur at
deeper level of consciousness, and
Bohemian Rhapsody Literary Devices
Bohemian Rhapsody Queen The song can be interpreted to that of a youthful man
has to come face to face with his actions after confessing to shooting another man.
The song follows a young man that has confessed to murdering another man.
During the song you hear all of the emotional pain he goes through as he faces the
penalties of his wrong doing. Halfway through the song the culprit pleads for no
sympathy as he receives his final fate. Towards the end the man rebels against his
final fate before accepting it and going forward with it. In the introduction of the
song the culprit questions his life and the choices he has made. But the truth is that
we cannot close our eyes and forget about our actions; evil or good. We must deal
with the consequences... Show more content on ...
But towards the end of it he is then referred to as a man. Throughout the song a
transformation has happened to the boy where he has metaphorically committed
suicide and in return become older and a man. During this metaphorical
transformation he has also changed himself from the evil life he was living and
become a good person. The Catholic Church believes that: 1755 A morally good
act requires the goodness of the object, of the end, and of the circumstances
together. An evil end corrupts the action, even if the object is good in itself (such
as praying and fasting in order to be seen by men ). The object of the choice can by
itself vitiate an act in its entirety. There are some concrete acts such as fornication
that it is always wrong to choose, because choosing them entails a disorder of the
will, that is, a moral evil. The Catholic Church believes that for someone to be
considered good they must be a good person that demonstrates a good behaviour,
good thoughts and good morals. For someone to be classified as evil they can be a
good person demonstrating evil thoughts, evil acts and evil morals or an evil person
demonstrating evil thoughts, evil acts and evil morals. This can be such things as
praying and going to church just to be seen by
Leadership And Leadership Of Leadership
7. Facilitative Leadership
Facilitative leadership is dependent on quantities and outcomes not a skill, though it
takes much skill to master. The efficiency of a group is directly related to the
effectiveness of its process. If the group is high operational, the facilitative leader
uses a light hand on the procedure.
8. Laissez faire Leadership
Laissez faire leadership gives expert to workers. According to AZ central, sections or
subordinates are acceptable to work as they choose with nominal. According to
research, this type of leadership has been dependably found to be the least satisfying
and least active management style.
9. Transactional Leadership
This is a leadership that sustains or continues the status quo. It is also the ... Show
more content on ...
Furthermore to managing Renault activities in Mercosur, he was responsible for
research, automative engineering and development, manufacturing, powertrain
operations, and purchasing. Carlos Ghosn joined Nissan Motor as Chief Operating
Officer in June 1999 and was named Chief Executive Officer in June 2001.
CEO of Renault as May 2005, he rests President and CEO of Nissan.
He was appointed President and CEO of Renault on May 6, 2009, and reappointed in
He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of AVTOVAZ, the Russia s automotive
manufacturer, from 2012 until June 2016. In 2012 he also hired Chairman of the
Alliance Rostec Auto BV, the holding company that controls AVTOVAZ.
In December 2016 he was appointed Chairman of the board of director of Mitsubishi
Motors Corp, Nissan Motor had taken a 34% stake on 20 October of the same year.
With this third partner, the Renault Nissan Alliance becomes one of the three largest
car manufacturers in the world, with annual sales topping 10 million vehicles.
He sits on the board of directors of the European car Manufacturers Association
(ACEA), he was President from 2014 to 2015.
He was a World Economic Forum Governor, a follower of the International Advisory
Council of Tsinghua University in Beijing, and a member of the Strategic Council of
Saint Joseph University in Beirut.
Carlos Ghosn Leadership Style Carlos Ghosn is characterized by different leadership
style. Leadership
York Dance Ensemble Analysis Essay
The York Dance Ensemble Presented: Space/Time/Line, and a piece in the show that
was captivating was Avium Redux choreographed by Susan Lee. The dance was a
fourteen minute number consisting of eighteen dancers. The simplicity of the dancer
s white costumes made the movements clearly visible and captivating. This dance
evidently presents all aspects of body, effort, space, shape and time through the
dancer s movement. From an audience perspective, it appears the movements were
based off bird like movements as the musichas nature noises highlighting bird calls.
The dancer s movements embodied the bird like qualities and movements.
Furthermore, the dancers were also not afraid to let their bodies go, there was no
holding back with their movements.
The Folly And Dual Identities Of The Victorian Society
Angela Reyes
Mrs. Garner
AP English Literature and Composition
28 October 2017
The Folly and Dual Identities of the Victorian Society
Stephen Colbert states, Status is always ripe for satire; status is always good for
comedy. The timeless message of the social elites obsession with their self imposed
high statuses is the target of Oscar Wilde s satirical play, The Importance of Being
Earnest. Wilde defaces the reputations elites upheld in the Victorian eraand outlines
the deviant display of Victorian manners as hypocritical. The quick witted dialogue of
his characters incites comedy which masks the underlying criticism of the Victorian
way of life. Oscar Wilde s masterful use of satire, the neologism Bunbury, and
mockery of the Victorian society establish the theme of duality embedded throughout
the play, The Importance of Being Earnest.
Satire is applied to highlight the folly embedded in Victorian logic, demonstrated by
their manner of addressing important matters with triviality. Lady Bracknell, a
Victorian social elite condemns Algernon s neologism Bunbury s history of terminal
illnesses, an unexpected approach to the situation considering the uncontrollable
nature of illnesses. Lady Bracknell advised, is high time that Mr. Bunbury made
up his mind whether he was going to live or die. This shilly shallying with the
question is absurd (Wilde 9). The folly of the Victorian elite is apparent in the manner
with which Lady Bracknell demeans the seriousness of
Stereotyping Affects Alcohol Consumption
The objective of this article is to determine how using self control for stereotyping
affects alcohol consumption and how individual motivations toward alcohol
consumption based on self control affect regular drinking habits. In this study 61
drinkers were examined, 31 of which were females, to determine out of two social
situations what would be their alcoholconsumption. The participants were all around
the age of 24.5 and were 70.5% white. On average the participants had about 6
drinks a week and it was most commonly beer. The participants took self report
questionnaires and were told to refrain from drinking, eating, and doing any drugs
within 72 hours, besides nicotine. The results showed that those high in approach and
avoidance had
Kappa Gamma Business Plan
This plan is a resource to guide the establishment of a new chapter of Kappa Kappa
Gamma. The plan follows the chapter through its first five years. It outlines the
chapter s milestones, human resources and support provided as well as the
anticipated outcomes for each year.
Summary Table of Support and Education Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Support for New Chapters
One or Two Resident Chapter Consultants
One Based Consultant as Needed вњ“вњ“вњ“
Leadership Consultant Visitвњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“
Coordinator of Chapter Developmentвњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“exiting
New Chapters Chairmanвњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“
Chapter Advisory Boardвњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“
Extension Coordinatorвњ“
District Director and Content Specialists Fully Engaged вњ“вњ“вњ“
Chapter ... Show more content on ...
After successful completion of the New Member Experience, they may choose to
participate in the Middle Member Experience or the Senior Member Experience
based on their learning needs.
New Member Experience
A new member is a member in her first year of membership in Kappa Kappa
Gamma. She will participate in the New Member Experience, a foundational program
upon which new members build their knowledge and understanding of Kappa Kappa
Gamma. Information is focused on Kappa Kappa Gamma s Pillars of Education our
core educational values which include sisterhood, leadership, intellectual
development, well being, community responsibility, human dignity, and heritage. The
goals of the program are as follows.
New members understand their stage of membership and journey with Kappa Kappa
Each chapter provides valuable educational opportunities for every new member. This
will make her first year of membership memorable, relevant and meaningful, which
will lead to stronger long term membership commitment.
New members understand the Pillars of Education and how these core educational
values can assist them throughout their membership in Kappa Kappa
Factors Affecting The Foreclosure Crisis Of The...
To raise capital to invest in the refurbishing of residential properties in Wake County,
North Carolina, USA. Investing in counties adjacent to Wake is also being studied.
To use proven methodology to acquire houses in financial distress, repair and
improve them, then sell them on the open market for a gain.
Properties with potential are acquired through foreclosure auctions at below market
value. The properties to be acquired must meet defined criteria to ensure profitability.
Necessary repairs and limited updates are made to prepare them for market.
Transaction costs are minimized. Houses are sold through the Raleigh Regional
Association of Realtor s Triangle Multiple Listing Service on the open market.
Wake County has a net population influx (20+ per day) due largely to the increasing
employment availability in the technology sector as well as a renowned quality of
life. Builders are finding available land very expensive and place an emphasis on
building high end housing. Currently the available housing inventory is considered
low. Although lending has become more stringent, there is still a steady amount of
properties which become distressed and begin the foreclosure process each month.
Such proceedings can stretch over years.
Properties obtained at foreclosure auctions are sold as is, without warranty, and may
be occupied. They cannot be officially inspected before purchase. Structural issues,
damage, or
me I and me
Ch. 1 Data Collection 1.1 Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 1 Define statistics
and statistical thinking. SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best
completes each statement or answers the question. Provide an appropriate response.
1) What is statistics? MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best
completes the statement or answers the question. 2) Which of the following is not
true of statistics? A) Statistics is used to answer questions with 100% certainty. B)
Statistics involves collecting and summarizing data. C) Statistics can be used to
organize and analyze information. D) Statistics is used to draw conclusions using
data. 2 Explain the process of statistics. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one
alternative... Show more content on ...
University administrators are interested in determining the average parking time
(e.g. the time it takes a student to find a parking spot) of its students. An
administrator inconspicuously followed 180 students and carefully recorded their
parking times. Identify the sample of interest to the university administration. A)
parking times of the 180 students B) parking time of a student C) location of the
parking spot D) type of car (import or domestic) 14) The legal profession conducted
a study to determine the percentage of cardiologists who had been sued for
malpractice in the last three years. The sample was randomly chosen from a
national directory of doctors. Identify the individuals in the study. A) each
cardiologist selected from the directory B) the responses: have been sued/have not
been sued for malpractice in the last three years C) the doctorК№s area of expertise
(i.e., cardiology, pediatrics, etc.) D) all cardiologists in the directory SHORT
ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers
the question. 15) Administrators at a large university want to know the average debt
incurred by their graduates. Surveys were mailed to 150 graduating seniors asking
them to report their total student loan debt.
Minor Client Challenges
Ethical and Legal Challenges When Counseling Minors Working with minor clients
can be extremely challenging because of the grey areas surrounding ethical and legal
issues. Two major challenges when working with minor clients are confidentiality and
reporting suspected child abuse or neglect. There are actions taken by counselors to
provide the best possible care for the minor client, while maintaining a therapeutic
relationship. As a future counselor, I am aware I will encounter challenges pertaining
to confidentiality and abuse/ neglect, however I understand the need to make an
ethical decision and use the ACA Code Of Ethicsto guide me through the journey.
The Challenge of Confidentiality Working with minor clients is a complex process
where not all solutions come easy. There are not solutions to every situation that may
occur in the ACA Code Of Ethics, which is why it is the... Show more content on ...
It is essential to work with the parents or guardians of the minor child to have the
greatest success in counseling. Educating and bringing awareness to the minor child
and their parents/guardians about confidentiality is key. The counselor should state
clear and precise roles each the counselor, parent, and child plays in the therapeutic
process (Herlihy Corey, 2015). Counselor can be guided through this process by
using the ACA Code of Ethics Standard A.2.d, which states the counselor
acknowledges the need to balance between the parent/guardian and the minor child. A
counselor acknowledges this code with respect for Standard B.5.d, which states a
counselor respects inherent rights and responsibilities of the parent/guardian over the
welfare of the minor client (Remley Herlihy, 2014). It is necessary for counselors to
encourage open communication with parents/guardians. The counselor is responsible
for educating families as well as themselves on basic rights in the state they are
practicing (Diaz et al.,
Descriptive Essay On Animal Abuse
An Animal Extravaganza s Galore
Animals are the beginning of the best nerve wrecking filled love you could ever
dream of for your entire existence. Ever since I was a young child, I ve always
resonated with the everlasting idea of helping animals more so than anyone and
anything else in this world. My love for animals had begun when I was a mere two
years old. I ve always had pets: dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and much more. I
remember the joy I d felt when my parents brought my dogs and I to the park. To find
out more information about how to help adoptable animals in shelters, I contacted
Amanda Smasal, a community outreach coordinator at Wayside Waifs. Wayside
Waifs is no kill shelter located in Kansas City, Missouri which has adoptable dogs
and cats, ready and willing to go to safe, loving homes.
When I first emailed Smasal asking if she would participate in the interview, I felt
overwhelming fear and began to panic about the whole encounter. The fear of
having to ask someone I had never met to talk with me is something that scares me.
Nonetheless, I sent the email asking politely yet efficiently to see if she would give
me a few of her precious minutes to answer questions about a cause worth fighting
for: animal rescue hospitals. She quickly responded to my quaint email
approximately a day later stating she would happily answer any and all questions I
have, significant or insignificant. The questions took a couple days to figure out. The
few days I had to create
Space Debri Research Paper
Name: Yuhao Ren
Date: 10/20/2016
Class: ESS 102
Space Debris
There are kinds of materials, always floating around in the space. When astronauts
are doing the space traveling, it is the worst thing to come across with these
materials. Some people may be not familiar with these materials; however, the one I
was talking about is called space debris in the term of space science.
Space debris is made up with both natural particles and artificial particles, which are
called as meteoroids and man made products. Natural particles are always in the track
around the sun; however, most of the artificial particles are in the orbit about the earth
. So we may call these as orbital debris, which are always in the orbit of stars. (Space
Debris and Human Spacecraft, 2013)
According to the prediction, there are more than 21,000 pieces of orbital debris
which are larger than 10 centimeters and half a million bits of ... Show more content
on ...
We can rely on some basic methods to eliminate debris. Grabbing debris directly
from the machine and throwing them into a part of space where can burn up rapidly.
Furthermore, laser work as well, which use the power from the photon. It can slow
them down till to the atmosphere of the earth. (Incredible Technology: How to Clean
Up Dangerous Space Jun, 2013)
Cited Sources:
Space Debris and Human Spacecraft. NASA. NASA, 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Oct.
@NolaTRedd. Space Junk: Tracking Removing Orbital Debris. N.p., 8
Mar. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.
Space Debris FAQs. The Aerospace Corporation. N.p., 2016. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.
By Default, If the Menu Opens on the Right, We. How We Can Prevent Space Junk:
The Dangers of Space Debris. Bright Hub. N.p., 23 Jan. 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.
@mirikramer. Incredible Technology: How to Clean Up Dangerous Space Junk. N.p., 30 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Oct.
Comparing Christian Beliefs About Heaven And Hell
The basic beliefs about heaven and hell is that our lives extend beyond the grave.
Although the body gets cremated or buried the soul lives on and is raised to new life
by god. The belief is that like gods resurrection after 3 days of his crucifixion if we
believe in his teachings and accept him as your lord and saviour you will also rise
from the dead after 3 days and are resurrected just like god. Christian s beliefs in
heaven and hell is that heaven is a place where your soul lives on, and that heaven
is a state of being united with god. For hell they believe it is a place of suffering,
and of separation from God it is also thought that it could possibly believe that it is
a spiritual place where you are separated from god for eternity. Purgatory is also a
big believe in the ultimate reality of life after death, purgatory is the place between
hell and heaven where you can be cleansed from sin and being prepared for heaven.
... Show more content on ...
Majority of the nine aspects are related to Christianity I will just pick 3 to discuss
further Social Structures, Texts and Rituals. Social Structure in Christianity goes
Pope пѓ Cardinals пѓ Archbishops пѓ Priests пѓ Deacons пѓ The people. The main
text in Christianity is the Bible with is made up of the Old and New Testament.
The bible consists of a bunch of sacred stories, which the Jews and Christians
consider good Morales to live by. Some rituals which are a part of the catholic life
are Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Extreme Unction, Eucharist, Penance, and
Holy Orders , Ordination these are the seven main rituals which are a part of the
What Was The Evolution Of Rugby
Rugby is a very popular sport in England that is best known to have been born in
1873, when William Webb Ellis, with fine disregard for the rules of soccer,
considering the fact that soccer rules hadn t even really taken serious yet anyways,
was playing soccer at rugby school where he attended, when he took off with the ball
in his hands, thus originating the distinctive feature of the Rugby Game. This is also
the explanation of why the Rugby world is called the William Webb EllisTrophy.
However, Rugby originated from various earlier ballgames similar to itself, before it
s time .It developed slowly over time throughout the fifth century of our common era
due to the other games that resembled itself, or football in a rougher, unruled way,...
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Stoppages for injury or to allow the referee to take disciplinary action do not count
as part of the playing time, so that the elapsed time is usually longer than 80
minutes.The referee is responsible for keeping time, even when as in many
professional tournaments he is assisted by an official timekeeper.If time expires
while the ball is in play, the game continues until the ball is dead , and only then
will the referee blow the whistle to signal half time or full time; but if the referee
awards a penalty or free kick, the game continues.
In the knockout stages of rugby competitions, most notably the Rugby world cup, two
extra time periods of 10 minutes periods are played (with an interval of 5 minutes
in between) if the game is tied after full time. If scores are level after 100 minutes
then the rules call for 20 minutes of sudden death extra time to be played. If the
sudden death extra time period results in no scoring a kicking competition is used
to determine the winner. However, no match in the history of the Rugby World
Cup has ever gone past 100 minutes into a sudden death extra time period. This
paper was a paper over the history and everything to do with rugby in Great Britain
since it has started . It talk about the rules, the people that made all the rules and all
the people that helped start one of the most physical sports ever to be
Importance Of Love In Lulie s Dan In Real Life...
Fall in Love whenever you can
If there s just one piece of advice I can give you, it s this: when there s something
you really want, fight for it, don t give up no matter how hopeless it seems. And
when you ve lost hope, ask yourself if in 10 years from now, you re gonna wish you
gave it just one more shot, because the best things in life don t come free, (Meredith
Grey). Now love is a powerful thing, but the ability to allow yourself to welcome it
into your heart, is impressive as it can question your values and blind you from
reality; but it also can bring out the person we wish to become. Love is beautifully
complicated in all its glory.
In Dan in real life and Paradise Cafe Love is expressed as a powerful emotion,
emotional and physical. Dan probably thought that after the death of his wife,
nobody would ever be able to make him feel that way again. On a journey to get
lost and find himself, he fell in love with a complete stranger. They sat for hours,
talking about anything and everything, finding safety and comfort in sharing tales
of their lives with one another, with no fear of judgment or repercussions or
commitment. He fell in love with her the moment he laid eyes on her. In Paradise
Cafe , Lulie describes love in a physical manner, it electrifies. Graham was her first
love, before him, she had never felt that way before. It consumed every nerve and
rushed through her hand and straightened to her heart. It must ve been exciting for
her to be able to put a
Restricting Blood Float Research Paper
achieving ultimate bliss, both with a partner or by way of somewhat by myself time,
is what each red blooded male desires, but a sore penis can influence from over
zealous pursuit of this purpose. Numerous routine that men have interaction in can
result in penis damage, starting from floor abrasions to serious tissue harm. Some
usual feel care and guidelines for promoting better peniswellness can support men to
restrict each instantaneous affliction and long term penalties.
One of the vital riskier strategies that guys may just appoint to up the depth and/or
period of their sensual encounters are described here.
Restricting blood float
One general measure that many men take is to take a look at to make their erections
final longer so ... Show more content on ...
Within the event that a person overlooks these precautions in an pressing attempt to
get over the top, he can look for soothing and medication in a number of methods:
First and most important, if there may be any signal of bruising, bleeding or
swelling, or if any severe anguish occurs, on the spot clinical concentration is a
ought to. Treating tissue injury proper away can help to slash the consequences of
an harm that could or else result in loss of perform and/or loss of sensation.
For surface accidents that outcome in chafing, with out open cuts or abrasions that
naturally need authentic care, men can ease the sting by applying an ice % to the
area. Ice will have to now not be utilized straight to the skin because of the risk of
frostbite, however a freezer percent that s wrapped in a towel should do the trick.
For ongoing comfort of harassed skin, a penis wellbeing cream (wellbeing
specialists propose Man 1 Man Oil) is an fine option. Shea butter, an ingredient in
some penis health lotions, rejuvenates and revitalizes the overexerted penis. A
cream with alpha lipoic acid also soothes while serving to to preclude a wrinkled
look concerning the member, and one with acetyl L carnitine helps to increase penis
sensitivity. Making use of a penis cream to a healthful penis can also aid to minimize
the hazard of specific injuries and beef up the total seem and consider of the
The Lowering Ages of Students Who Study Abroad Essay
The Lowering Ages of Students Who Study Abroad
With the development of economy of China, the tendency for students to study
abroad increases every year. According to a report of the Institute of International
Education, there are 229,300 Chinese students who chose to study abroad in 2010.
That data means people who went to study abroad exceed 30 percentages than the
previous year. (Lin 1) A statistics showed Chinese spent 10 billion CNY, which
equals about 1.5 billion dollars on study abroad every year. What makes people
curious is that students who study as high school students or undergraduate students
occupied a huge part. This phenomenon is totally different from ten years ago. Before
that time, most of students who study abroad ... Show more content on ...
They get up at six a.m., study all day long and go back home at 9.p.m. Everything,
which conflicts with the goal, will be regarded as wrong. Especially in the third year
of senior middle school, students have no art or music class. All they do every day
is doing exercise in textbook and listening to the lecture. Despite of that, a lot of
students are not able to get the opportunities to be admitted by their preferred
universities. They have to study one more year and take the exam again .(Rong ,Shi
114)Some of them who are not willing to study one more year, prefer study abroad
and get a degree in foreign countries rather than study in ordinary universities of
China. So, a lot of students choose to study abroad after their senior high school.
What is more, some students who want to escape from the competitive environment
even choose to enter foreign senior high school, after graduating from junior high
school. (Zhu 1) This situation is a departure from the previous years, in which
students study abroad for graduate degree or PhD. The competitive environment is a
reasonable explanation for lowering ages of Chinese abroad students.
Another reason is the improvement of economic condition of Chinese people.
Because the government only provides financial aids for visiting scholars and
undergraduate students who major in some certain areasпјЊmost of the Chinese
students did not have opportunities to study abroad at young ages ten years ago.
Unlike 20th century, students
Bryon Bay Research Paper
Gold Coast to Bryon Bay Limo service for a wonderful vacation Are you thinking of
a small vacation to a place nearby? If yes, how about going to Bryon Bay for a day
outing. Situated just an hour from the Gold Coast, the beautiful beach town offers
a plethora of water excursions for the visitors. It is specifically known for surfing and
also noted for its wildlife, whale watching, scuba diving and snorkelling. However,
there are many limo firms in Gold Coast that offer car hire for Bryon Bay transfers.
Limo services from the Gold Coast to Bryon Bay are readily available at reasonable
prices. All you need to do is look for a reputable and professional service provider.
Having a Limousine as your vacation car make your outing extra special.... Show
more content on ...
Limousines come with professional and trained chauffeurs. They are well versed
with the itinerary and know the best routes to help you reach your destination. On
the way, you can relax on the back seat, eat and drink while the driver navigates
you comfortably through untraveled roads. They know the shortcuts to the town
and strive to save your time. Your vacations are special. After all hard work and
toil in the office, you need a break to rejuvenate your spirits. A Limo lets you do
that. The service providers have many types of cars available for hire. So you can
choose one depending on the number of people in your group. If you have a large
group of people to transport, you can choose to travel in a stretched car. For two or
four of you, the SUV is the best. If you are planning for such a vacation shortly,
ensure to book a limo in advance. Bryon Bay is a popular tourist destination. Many
people travel from Gold Coast to the region on weekends and limo get booked
pretty fast. For Gold Coast to Bryon Bay transfers, get in touch with Booking
Limos. We offer the best rental packages in the region. Call us for more details or fill
our online form for
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Division Classification Essay.pdf

  • 1. Division Classification Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "Division Classification" can present its own set of challenges. First and foremost, you need to have a clear understanding of what division classification entails. This means grasping the concept of categorizing items or ideas into distinct groups based on shared characteristics or criteria. Next comes the task of selecting a suitable subject for classification. This involves not only brainstorming potential categories but also ensuring that they are relevant and meaningful within the context of the essay. It requires careful consideration to strike a balance between breadth and specificity, ensuring that the chosen topic can be adequately divided and classified without becoming too narrow or too broad. Once you have identified your subject and established your categories, the next step is to organize your thoughts and information logically. This involves structuring your essay in a way that clearly presents each category and its corresponding elements, providing sufficient detail and examples to support your classification. Furthermore, writing a division classification essay requires a keen attention to detail and accuracy. You must ensure that each item or idea is placed in the correct category and that the criteria for classification are consistently applied throughout the essay. This calls for thorough research and meticulous planning to avoid any confusion or ambiguity. Additionally, maintaining coherence and cohesion throughout the essay is crucial. You need to establish clear transitions between categories and paragraphs to guide the reader through your classification scheme smoothly. This often involves employing effective transitional devices and maintaining a consistent tone and style throughout the essay. In conclusion, writing a division classification essay demands careful thought, thorough planning, and precise execution. It requires a deep understanding of the concept of classification, as well as the ability to select and organize information in a clear and coherent manner. While it can be a challenging task, mastering the art of division classification can greatly enhance your analytical and writing skills. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Division Classification EssayDivision Classification Essay
  • 2. How to Be Successful at Composting Essay example How to Be Successful at Composting As an avid gardener and as someone who is conscientious of my environment, I purchased a compost bin several years ago. I have an abundance of yard and lawn clippings that I am not willing to dump into our already stressed landfills. In turn, my efforts for composting benefit me greatly because I can use this finished material to improve my soil texture, the soil s ability to hold water, and as a fertilizer. Composting is a biological process for converting organic solid wastes into a stable humus like product. Within a compost pile, microorganisms attack organic substance, breaking it down and producing rich organic matter (Golueke,13). For this to occur, several things need to take place, two of ... Show more content on ... This can be done a number of ways. Most county agriculture departments will supply you with a soil test kit or with a phone number to obtain a kit. There is also pH paper on the market along with a more elaborate method known as compost extraction (Trautman). When taking a measurement of the pH, it is important that several readings are taken because your compost is unlikely to be homogenous. It may contain anything from sawdust and grass, to lettuce and coffee grounds. If your pH reading is between 6 and 7.5, most plants will do well in this type of soil. If the pH is 6 or below, the soil is probably too acidic and you will need to add lime to the compost, such as ground chalk or a limey clay (Sines,27). This solution can be said to contain more H+ ions than OH #8209; ions. Many plants such as azaleas, hydrangeas and blueberries love this type of soil. If the soil has a pH above 6, it is too alkaline and contains more OH #8209; ions than H+ ions. You will need to add brown material such as pine needles or sawdust to counter act this condition (Golueke,83). Carbon and Nitrogen (C/N) ratio is also an important element in composting. The ratio is used to give an indication of the speed at which organic residues in the soil are likely to be decomposing. Carbon can be considered the food, providing an energy source and a cellular building block. Some sources of carbon are leaves, cornstalks and twigs. Nitrogen can be considered
  • 3. Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams Paper Linda Newman LDR/531 Organizational Leadership Instructor: M. Aloysius Simpson August16, 2010 Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams Paper In any group or team there are always challenges to face but in today s world, more company s are moving to group or teams as a way to handle large projects along with promoting more diversity in the workplace. A group is defined as two or more individual interacting and independent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives (Stephen Robbins, 2007 p.1). Groups and teams are becoming more popular because the idea is that more heads are better, and the quality of work improves with group and teams working together on a ... Show more content on ... Conflict is defined as a process when one party perceives that other party as negatively affecting something that the other party cares about. (Stephen Robbins 2007, pg 1) Conflict has challenges but conflict can be beneficial to a team and can bring out the best in every team member. The benefits can help the team moving in the right direction; conflict allows people to voice their opinions and allows people to grow from conflict. Conflict gets everyone involved and it allows the team to make better choices. Solution to problems comes out of conflict. Conflict can also lead to new ideas and different ways of accomplishing a project. Conflict has benefits but there are also downsizes to conflict if left unattended conflict can destroy a team; it can make people mistrust each other. Conflict can come from not meeting project deadline and from projects going over budget. The training development plan is a start to any team project it helps to alleviate and solves conflict. In any team is to succeed there must be effective communication and collaborations between team members even if part of the team reside in different countries. The training lock at different ways to make a team successful and also the ways the challenges can help or hurt the team. Conflict is a major factor in team failures but if a team has proper leadership and handles conflict effectively conflict
  • 4. Solutions To The Salutary Neglect Of The American Colonies Great Britain s longest ruling monarch before Queen Victoria, King George III ascended the British throne in 1760, during turbulent times in which, brought about several oppressive and abusive actions towards the thirteen colonies. Salutary neglect: a policy of non interference, enabled the American colonies to prosper by trading products. Nevertheless, when the French and Indian War had finally come to an end, the British had severe debt and was left with possible solutions which only revolved around taxing the colonies. Furthermore, the Royal Proclamation: a document that set out guidelines for European settlement of Aboriginal territories, had infuriated the colonies and they protested that the Proclamation deprived them of land known as their God given right. In 1774, the British Parliament passed harsh and unbearable laws known as the Intolerable Actswhich were meant to punish American colonists for the Boston Tea Partyand other protests. Overall, the colonists were very wrathful regarding all acts and did not want the British Empireruling over them. To summarize, in the short span of thirteen years, the colonies went from being loyal subjects of King George III to becoming rebels capable of overthrowing the most dominant military nation on earth. To begin with, salutary neglect was an unauthorized, but a long lasting British policy of avoiding harsh enforcement of parliamentary laws indicated to keep the American colonies obedient to Great Britain. The policy
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  • 6. Philosophy of Life Essay All that I m after is a life full of laughter (Life After You Daughtry). Everyone has their own personal outlook on life. Some people feel like money and success bring them happiness, others feel like love is all they need. As Aristotle once said, Happiness is believed to be the most desirable thing in the world... (Aristotle) Everyone wants different things. I however, feel like you don t need a lot to be happy in life, it s the little things that count. Having your family and friends, and people who care about you, falling in loveand having that person with whom you can disclose your trust with, helping other people and putting them before yourself, expressing your feelings and emotions, and living your life to the fullest every... Show more content on ... You cannot look for love, love finds you. It is unexpected and seems unrealistic, but once I encountered what love really was everything changed. All of a sudden nothing else seems to matter; your priorities, your thoughts, and your actions all become about this person. You wantto do everything to make them happy, and if they are then you are to. Once you find someone who you can share anything with and who makes you feel as if you have everything in the world and you don t need anything else, thats love. That is what I think helps you reach your ultimate happiness, having that person who you can share your life with. To see other people pleased puts a smile on my face. I think everyone needs help getting through hard times and problems throughout their lives, and helping people overcome their obstacles helps me reach my ultimate happiness. Everyone goes through road blocks in their lives. Whether they are small and they don t know what boy to date, or big where they lost someone close to them, people need help making decision and going on in life. I enjoy listening to peoples problems, I enjoy putting them before myself and going out of my way to make sure the people I love and the people who need me are happy. This is what should bring happiness into everyones life. Knowing I just helped someone conquer a predicament or help them through a tough situation makes me feel like I mean something to the
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  • 8. Meaning In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha Do people try to find a meaning through their everyday lives by being taught by someone, or do they find it on their own? Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse wrote about a guy named Siddhartha who goes out on his own on a quest to learn about the meaning of life. He, Siddhartha goes on this quest running through many obstacles trying to reach his goal. Hesse suggests that people can t always find meaning through teachers but they have to find it themselves, such as when Siddharthatried to learn from the Samanas, a group of men who are ascetics, and kamala a woman who teaches him to love. From Siddhartha waiting for his father s approval he eventually went out to be a Samana. He, Siddhartha, decided to go out on his own way learning new knowledge through the Samanas, Siddhartha ... Show more content on ... He travelled along the path of self denial through pain, through voluntary suffering and conquering of pain, through hunger, thirst and fatigue. He travelled the way of self denial through meditation, through emptying of the mind of all images (12). Siddhartha learned to lose himself while in the Samanas and through suffering and conquering pain to having hunger and thirst he went along the path of self denial. He, Siddhartha, did all of this to just to try to gain knowledge that he was in the search for. On the other hand Siddhartha eventually decided to leave the Samanas because he couldn t find the meaning of life that he had wanted. Siddhartha and Govinda start to talk about the rumor of the Perfect one and Siddhartha says, You have spoken well, Govinda, you have remembered well, but you must also
  • 9. Savage B-Mag Inplant Training Report Savage B mag mainitenance is revitivly simple when you first purches your rifle like Most newin box rifles arrive these days without their bolts installed in the action. The B Mag arrives likewise. There s only one way to install it. Before doing so, check the four digits on the bolt. They must match the last four digits of the rifle s serial number. If they don t make no attempt to install the bolt. Call Savage and tell them the problem If the serial number do match then install consits of position the bolt handle to 11 o clock. Align the bolt release slot on the bolt with the bolt release in the receiver. Insert the bolt. Press the release inward. Push the bolt forward. Rotate the bolt handle down and let up on the release. Cycle the bolt
  • 10. Stanislavsky Method Acting Stanislavsky and the History of Method Acting I do not believe you. These five words were used by Konstantin Stanislavsky in the late 1890 s in Soviet Russia to chastise an actor who was not convincing enough in his role. Although but a brief glimpse into the mind of Stanislavsky, the words help bring clarity to a technique and system that forever transformed the world of acting and drama. Konstantin Stanislavski was an actor and director who is credited with pioneering method acting and the Stanislavsky system. As an actor, Stanislavski was discontented with the prevailing ideas on theatre and acting, leading him to drop out of the Moscow Theatre School after only being there for about two weeks. He found inspiration rather in the philosophical ... Show more content on ... One such case is Daniel Day Lewis who received traditional training rather than experiential at Bristol Old Vic, a high profile theatre arts school in England. Daniel Day Lewis is known for refusing to break character in between scenes and doing extensive research for every role he accepts. This was particularly the case for Spielberg s Lincoln, in which Lewis studied for over a year and used his Lincoln imitative voice beyond the confines of the set to play the titular role which won him an Oscar. Lastly, Jake Gyllenhaal is known for undergoing physical transformations that rival the severity of De Niro s when he adopts a role. This included losing 30 pounds to portrary the neurotic amaetur videographer Louis Bloom in Nightcrawler. Additionally, Gyllenhaal left the film with a permanent scar on his hand, the result of a mindset in which the lines between the actor and the character were blurred. Following Nightcrawler with the film Southpaw, Gyllenhaal spent 8 months in an extremely rigorous exercise routine in order to have the physique he felt necessary to truly be a boxer. Lastly, Dustin Hoffman is known to have engaged in method acting at least once as he stayed awake for three days straight during the shoot movie Marathon Man. Hoffman, in his attempt to immerse himself in the role of Thomas Levy, decided the best way for him to appear as though he did not sleep for three days was to physically put himself in that very
  • 11. Free Market Economy The United States is known to operate in a free market economy. In other words, the economy is based solely on supply and demand with little to no government control. In reality, however, the United States has various government regulations on our country s market. The amount of regulation that is necessary is a continuing debate among politicians and economists to this day. Some would say that the key to a successful market economy is to remove government restrictions in order to force businesses to provide superior products and services at affordable prices. Yet, others assert that government regulations are essential in protecting consumers, stemming from the assumption that corporations are not always looking out for the public s interest. Of course, there are various advantages and disadvantages associated with each level of regulation, however it is safe to assume that there must be a balance between an unregulated free market and a regulated economy in order to protect people and the environment and allow the economy to flourish. Advantages of a Free Market Economy A free market is driven by individual innovation and the concept that hard work and initiative will be rewarded with success. Because of the ingenuity factor, there is plenty of competition in the market place. Therefore, the rivalry between companies provides the best possible product to the customer at the best price. In addition, this gives consumers the ability to let their voices be heard, since
  • 12. Character Revelation Of A Worn Path Story By Eudora Welty Name: Rangga Krisna Saputra NIM: 1512021105 Class: 4C Subject: Literature 1 Date: June 5th, 2017 Character Revelation of A Worn Path story by Eudora Welty Character is an imaginative person who plays role in a story. (Kennedy, 1983 in Koesnosoebro, 1988). The role of character is very important. Every story must have its own character, as their function are to play the role in a story. Sometimes, it is easy to interpret how the character is. However, most of the time, it is quite difficult to know about the characteristic of them and readers have to analyses more how the character really is. The characters are not fully revealed at the beginning in order to make the readers curious about them. ... Show more content on ... Her face lighted. I ought to be shut up for good, she said with laughter My senses is gone, I too old. I the oldest people I know. Dance, old scarecrow, she said, While I dancing with you. (Welty, 326 327) From that utterance, we will know quite much information about the Phoenix Jackson. We know that she is an old woman. It can be seen when she said that her senses had all gone, and she was too old. In addition, this character is also cheerful and full of imagination. We know that from she enjoyed dancing with a scarecrow in which it cannot move nor talk. In revealing the character, we can also use the indirect method. It can be seen from what character says and authorial presentation. In knowing the character, sometimes a character will say something about how they are to other characters. These characters will react to another character about their characteristic. However, in authorial presentation, a writer describes his/her characters contribution and background in a story. If the readers want to know further about the character, they should analyze the character because everything is revealed indirectly. To assure our comprehension about indirect method, we will have an analysis about the character revelation. The technique which will be used is authorial presentation. As we can read from the short story, A Worn Path : Putting her right foot out, she mounted the log and shut her eyes. Lifting her skirt, leveling her
  • 13. The Negative Environmental Effects Of Light Pollution On... Artificial illumination consists one of the most useful and integral parts of the human civilisation as it allows all human activities to expand during the night or to take 30 place in areas where the lighting is inadequate. Its misuse though, causes a phenomenon known as photopollution/ light pollution/ luminous pollution. This phenomenon is caused because artificial light is being reflected from the various components of the atmosphere. The International Dark Sky Association define light pollution as: Any adverse effect of artificial lighting, including sky glow, glare, light trespass, light clutter, decreased visibility at night, and energy waste. (IDA 2012, p. 4) This definition identifies the negative aesthetic effects of artificial light but IDA (2012, p. 4) also claims that energy waste is pollution. The definition indicates that light pollution is a waste of energy and therefore an indirect waste of nuclear energy and limited fossil resources. Text The International Dark Sky Association s definition of light pollution contains four lighting components that describe different kinds of light pollution: Urban sky glow is the brightness of the sky over large inhabited areas. Glare is a visual discomfort or decreased visibility due to excessive brightness. Light trespass is unintended, unwanted or unnecessary light. Light clutter is bright, confusing and excessive groupings of light that is common in urban areas. Text Effect of Light Pollution on Humans Affects the
  • 14. A Report On Security At Airports Security at airports Mariusz Prokopiec Executive summary This report is about security at airports. It contains a useful information regarding airport security regulations such as both hand and hold luggage restrictions and list of items that are allowed to be taken on a board. This report also presents a brief changes that had happened in airports security before terrorists attack on 9th of September 2001. Additionally there is described the recent project Total Airport Security System (TASS), which aims to improve the security at the airport area using very advanced technology structures. Contents page Introduction4 I.History of airports security5 II.Airport Security Regulations6 2.1 Hold luggage 6 2.2 Hand baggage 6 2.3 ... Show more content on ... In the past security at airports was not developed enough to prevent the unexpected terrorist attack It was impossible to avoid all of catastrophes that took place in the past. Actually these incidents approached today s airport security to perfection. Nowadays there are stringent rules regarding air travelling. I.History of airports security The only concern within aviation was the safety of flying. Hardly any thought was put into the security sector of the aviation industry. This changed when Peruvian revolutionaries took over a Pan American mail plane. In the period of time from 1930 to 1958, there was 23 hijackings reported. The first serious incident happened in 1947 when the aircrew member was killed. In 1955, Jack Graham, placed a bomb in his mother s luggage. The bomb exploded during the flight killing all aboard. A similar incident took place in 1960, when two suicide bomber killed all people on a board. After these acts luggage inspection has become more exact. The majority of hijackings were made due to either escape from the USA or hold people for a ransom. In 1961, in order to prevent hijackings, the federal government started using armed guards on chosen aircrafts. After hijackings of planes in 1969 the Task Force on the Deterrence of Air Piracy was established by the Federal Aviation Administration. The task force began
  • 15. Essay on The Terrorists Attack on the World Trade Centre... The terrorists attack on the World Trade Centre in New York on September 9, 2001 which changes the western concept about Islam and Muslims. Moreover, Islamic concept Jihad is criticized and it is questioned among Non Muslims. 9/11 attack not only effects non Muslims but also the Muslims who have no connections with the terrorist groups. As well as they do not support these terrorism. These Muslims face the hatred of the non western people. They feel guilty about the Sin, they neither commit nor support. After 9/11, The Muslims all over the world called as terrorist and Islamis considered as religion which provokes terror. Although, the Muslim terrorists attempted these attacks on the name of Jihad, Islam does not encourage... Show more content on ... According to the article, The concept of Jihad , Now a days, Many Muslims are engaged in the movements on the basis of Islamic Jihad . Thought calling themselves as Jihadi. Actions are needed as Jihad to meet all circumstances. However, these battles on the behalf of Jihad does not meet the criteria. As they are promoting Fasad (opposite of Jihad) in the world and will not be rewarded by the Lord. Instead they will be punished for their evil deed. (Khan 81) An important question rises about the Islam which is Does Islam promote violence? The criticizers said that Islam advocates peace and it does not maintain peace. According to the Islamic history, The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) never preached violence nor did he urge the Muslims to do brutal killing of people on the name of Islam. He always preferred the choice which did not raise fierceness. His enemies always abused him, their kids threw stones on him. They also plotted the murder against him. Instead of fighting back, he migrated to Medina. He gave several chances to his enemies. He also signed the treaties with Non Muslims. The most of treaties points are in favor of Non Muslims. If Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) anticipated to provoke violence, he would start brutal killing and did not sign any of these treaties. Why would he spent thirteen years in Mecca to preach the Islamic teachings? Because, he wanted to set an example for people that Islam is the name
  • 16. Ashford eng121 week 3 quiz 1. Question : Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below: Father Christmas is a character best known for _______ long, white beard. Student Answer: her his its their Instructor Explanation: For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit https:/ / twenty common writing errors.html Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 2. Question : Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below: All children want to please ___________ parents. Student Answer: her his his or her their Instructor Explanation: For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit ... Show more content on ... Instructor Explanation: For information on how to correct unnecessary switch in verb tense, visit https:/ / twenty common writing errors.html Points Received: 0 of 1 Comments:
  • 17. Question 9. Question : Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below: All movie reviews reveal the prejudices of ___________ author. Student Answer: her his its their Instructor Explanation: For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit https:/ / twenty common writing errors.html Points Received: 0 of 1 Comments: Question 10. Question : Please choose the best revision for the sentence below: Vicky was torn between her friend, Tanya, and her sister. Student Answer: Vicky was torn between her friend, Tanya, and her own sister. Vicki was torn between her sister and Tanya. Tanya and her sister made it hard for Vicki to choose sides. Nothing helped Vicki choose between Tanya and her sister. Instructor Explanation: For information on how to correct vague pronoun references, visit https:/ / twenty common writing errors.html Points Received: 0 of 1 Comments: 1. Question :
  • 18. Choose the sentence that correctly matches verb tenses. Student Answer: The flowers in the garden bloomed in March because the spring comes earlier these days. The flowers in the garden bloom in March because the
  • 19. Western Medicine Versus Traditional Medicine Jyn Allec R. Samaniego HNF 61 Z Mam Ma Ann Zarsuelo May 7, 2015 Position Paper: Western Medicine versus Traditional Medicine The Limitations of Traditional Medicine from the Needs of the Society In this time of modern technologies, we have found new ways of treating and curing disease. However, traditional medicine that was derived from old cultures is still available. Some people still prefer this kind of method, but some stick to conventional one which is the western medicine. Western medicine is related to scientific method and emphasize measurable biochemical processes that drive disease, treatment and health. It relies on new modern technologies to alleviate disease and cure symptoms ( knowledgewharton , n.d.) On the ... Show more content on ... It can also help in controlling infectious disease. Modern advances have developed effective drugs for managing heart disease, like diuretics, beta blockers and hypertensive (Jamison,2006). It can easy alleviate the symptoms and discomfort of the patient so he/she can live normally. But also, it can also use procedures to understand the underlying cause of the symptoms to cure or prevent. Advanced medical devices can locate the problem through x rays, blood tests, etc.( benefits ,n.d.). Western medicine is also flexible, you can store it in your household while traditional medicines can t ( debate , 2011). The medicine is also specific for a certain illness. When it comes to the asurance, and time,it is better to use the more improved and advnced one. It is more convenient to use, easier, and more effective. Although, traditional medicine is an impressive method too, it is still has some limitations. But one thing that could be better for the society, is the incorporation of herbal plants into our modern medicines. References: Advantages and Disadvantages of Herbal Medicine. Retrieved from lt;http:/ / gt; Benefits of Modern Medicine. Retrieved from lt; of modern medicine/ gt; Grunert,J. (n.d.) Advantages and disadvantage of Herbal Medicine. Retrieved from
  • 20. Enuma Elish Enuma Elish Mythology is the study of the language used to express experiences with and understandings of the absolute reality. There are four main functions that make up and are the foundation of mythology: Each of these functions plays a major role in categorizing the ideas and characters in their respective groups or section. To name these four functions there is the Mystical function which is also known as the sacred or universal function. The next function is the cosmological function or metaphor (character) function. Then comes the social or profane (personal function) which is one of the main functions that is involved in the idea of mythology. The last of the four functions is the pedagogical function or the moral function of... Show more content on ... The Enuma Elish explains this creation by using numerous gods to create earth, for example: Apsu and Tiamat are the water that helps flood the landmass that is later created into earth. Lahmu and Lahumu are the silt that later is turned into the actual earth and dirt that individuals walk on. So the story uses the forces of nature and considers them as gods whereas many people just see rivers and ocean as just water and nothing else. For the second function, the Cosmological function explains how the cosmic forces are expressed with actual characters and mythical beings. With the addition of personal characteristics given this will in fact enable the mystical and cosmological functions to work together and further become psychological. Not only do the mystical traits get deeper personality characteristics now but they are closer relating the geographical creation as well as reflect the cosmological function. In the first explanation of the mystical a male character represents the fresh river water present which is Apsu, whose deeper trait is as the first begetter. The silt is projected as Lahmu who is the male figure and Lahumu who represents the female figure; these two were created and formed from the first arrivals being Apsu and Tiamat. The third and final personality portrayed is Tiamat who is the salty/bitter salt water; Tiamat represents a female figure and is the mother of them all. The metaphors used in the Enuma Elish are shown by using
  • 21. Nursing Case Study Alarm Management Background A sentinel alarm event occurred at several hospitals within the AW Network, which prompted the Pennsylvania Department of Health to conduct a Center for Medicare Services level investigation. This type of investigation requires an action plan with a measure of correction. Parallel with the alarm events, the Joint Commission had created the National Patient Safety Goal 06.01.01, also known as goal six, to reduce harm associated with clinical alarms (The Joint Commission, 2014). The potential patient risks for an adverse event from alarm mismanagement are experienced around the world, and while the particulars of each event varies; research suggests that by reducing nuisance alarms, the chance for an adverse event diminishes (Gorges, ... Show more content on ... Education of this in the organization about the alarm system management will also be required in January, 2016.Person responsible: Patient Safety Clinical Engineering Nursing/ Leadership Patient Safety Clinical Engineering Nursing Leadership When to be done: Begin in 2014 Begin in 2016Where to be done: All A Network facilities All X Network facilities Alarm Assessment Teams Leaders: Cardiac Critical Care Maternal Child PerioperativePS Nursing Clinical EngineeringTo begin Feb. 2015 Throughout nursing departments and care/service areas Plan List the tasks needed to set up this test of changePerson responsibleWhen to be doneWhere to be done 1.Determine the Group membership belonging to each team 2. Establish meeting times 3. Develop a policy and process 4. Define steps Each group will make alarm assessment and determine with the multidisciplinary team the level of importance of each alarm.
  • 22. The alarm settings will be determined by the teams based on level of severity. Visual assessment Auditory assessment measured in decibels Response assessment Patient Safety CNO Clinical Eng. Nursing Clinical Eng. Clinical Eng.
  • 23. Essay On Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Through Infrared Scan of Electrical Equipment Electrical Fires According to the latest statistics from NFPA s report on Fires in Industrial or Manufacturing Properties , found here: and research/fire statistics and reports/fire statistics/fires by property type/industrial and manufacturing facilities/fires in us industrial and manufacturing facilities, electrical distribution and lighting equipment caused 11% of fires and accounted for 15% of direct property damage in industrial or manufacturing facilities from 2009 to 2013. A key way to prevent electrical fires is through predictive maintenance to detect the onset of a condition that could eventually lead to a fire, then correcting that ... Show more content on ... (3) Temperature differences of 16В°C and above indicate major deficiency; repairs should be made immediately. Figure 1 Infrared Image NFPA 70B Section 11.17 provides guidance on the use of infrared scans to determine the condition of various elements of an electrical power distribution system and to provide information that is used: 1.To determine whether any corrective maintenance or replacement is necessary or desirable 2.To confirm the ability of the element to continue to perform its design function adequately 3.To chart the gradual deterioration of the equipment over its service life Preparation for Infrared Scan Very little preparation is required of the organization requesting the infrared scan. The thermographer and the qualified electricians opening the panels should follow NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. This could include the need for arc flash analysis, training, and specific personal protective equipment (PPE) for all personnel who will be standing in front of open, live electrical panels. [See NFPA 70E Tables 130.7 (c)(9) (a), (c)(10), (c)(11) for details on PPE required] Infrared Scan Infrared (IR) scans should be performed while electrical equipment is under load, preferably peak load conditions, but not less than 40% of the rated load of the electrical equipment being inspected. Infrared scans typically include the
  • 24. Sherman Alexie, Louise Erdrich, And Jim Jarmusch Sherman Alexie, Louise Erdrich, and Jim Jarmusch embody the Native Americans revolution for education in their work through exposing three of white society s most prominent methods of attacking Native cultures: forced assimilation, the destruction of cultural identity, and cultural appropriation. White society forces the assimilation of Native peoples in an attempt to strip them of their cultural identity and individualism, which white people see as savagery. Natives who once had a rich and interesting system of religious beliefs were introduced to Christianity during colonization and forced to accept the teachings of the church. Alexie creates a powerful symbol of forced assimilation in his novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time... Show more content on ... Not to be left out, The Economist published an article about alcoholism affecting Native Americans titled The Wounds of Whiteclay An Alcoholism Epidemic Among the Lakota Sioux . The article claims that shops have been making immoral profits from the misery of vulnerable residents of the reservation (Economist). Substance abuse is one of many reasons that many Natives do not go to college or receive higher education, as seen when Alexie writes So what was I doing in racist Reardan, where more than half of every graduating class went to college? Nobody in my family had ever gone near a college (Alexie, Forney, 56). All of these literary works show that alcoholism, along with other disadvantages brought to America by Europeans, hinders the success and the future of Natives. After Non Native people rob Native Americans of their cultures, if not their lives, they romanticize and steal the culture that they perverted. Every Halloween, one is apt to see a handful of young women attending parties in costumes titled Sultry Indian Princess or Naughty Native . These immoral desecrations of Native American cultures disregard the rich history and customs that are woven into each garment. Such histories and customs are described in the poem Song of the Sky Loom : ... weave for us a garment of brightness; May the warp be the white light of morning, May the weft be the red light of evening, May the fringes be the falling rain, May the border be the standing
  • 25. Soraya s Moral Development Soraya s Moral Development Soraya Taheri is one of Khaled Hosseini s characters in The Kite Runner, who represents what a true woman and wife should be like. She is an example of Kohlberg s classification of three levels of moral development in humans. Even though there is not a lot of information in the novel given about Soraya, her personality can be reviewed based on her behavior throughout the story. The reader first meets with Soraya in chapter 11, when she is working at a flea market. Her obedience to her father General Taheri can be referred to the Pre Conventional Morality, stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation. Because this stage involves fixed beliefs of a child that hisher authority is always right, Soraya s ... Show more content on ... Dressed in a stunning winecolored traditional Afghan dress with long sleeves and gold trimmings. She kissed my father s hands. Sat beside me at last, her eyes downcast. (168 169) Here, Soraya wears traditional Afghan dress and follows the rules accordingly. She sees this as more than simple deal, since marriage in Afghanistan is an important event. Her good behaviour is visible during the time she spends with Amir s father when he lies in bed, sick: Soraya dedicated herself to taking care of my father. She made his toast and tea in the morning, and helped him in and out of bed. She gave him his pain pills, washed his clothes, read him the international section of the newspaper every afternoon, She cooked his favourite dish, potato shorwa, though he could scarcely eat more than a few spoonfuls, and took him out every day for a brief walk around the block. And when he became bedridden, she turned him on his side every hour so he wouldn t get a bedsore. (172) Soraya takes care of Amir s father, even though no one asked her to do this. According to Kohlberg, person at this stage has good motives and interpersonal feelings, such as love, trust, empathy and concern for others, which is exactly what Soraya shows in this passage. Another time when this level is evident is when Soraya tells Amir how she taught an illiterate woman how to read and write: When I was in fourth grade in Kabul, my father hired a woman
  • 26. Big Brothers Big Sisters Project Paper Project Description The project is important due to the fact that Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ocean State serves between 500 600 boys and girls in Rhode Island and neighboring communities. These children are able to have a positive role model in their life to provide them with advice, help them with homework, and help them develop into productive members of society. The 93% will increase the number of male mentors by six for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ocean State by December 2015. This will be done by communicating with Bryant University and establishing a relationship between the school and the non profit. Serving as a mentor for the non profit will teach cultural awareness and ethical reason, and help fulfill a Gateway requirement. ... Show more content on ... In the event that one of our team members fall ill or has an emergency, we as a team have assigned back up roles for each team member. As an example, if Marvelle Nicole Markwei has to take the rest of the semester off due to a family emergency these are the back up roles that will be assigned. Communication to the Gateway Professors : Kevin Ludemann Scheduling: Maegan Mark Communication to the Big Brother Big Sisters of the Ocean State: Adeel Mahmood and Calum Daly Writing: Josh Kliger. If our original plan is not feasible, the back up roles for the Dave and Busters event will be assigned as follows: Venue: Maegan Mark and Marvelle Nicole
  • 27. Why We Need Planned Parenthood Why We Need Planned Parenthood In July of 2015 an undercover video was released to the public claiming Planned Parenthood engages in the selling of fetal tissues. These highly doctored videos released as apart of a series by a group called The Center for Medical Progress in attempt to uncover this malpractice within Planned Parenthood clinics. The selling fetal tissue for profit is an illegal activity in the United States therefore the topic alone became of interest to the public. Due to the graphic nature of these videos telling this horrific story, it gained much attention from the public and the media, leading Planned Parenthood to come under a great deal of fire. It became such an issue that a bill went to congress arguing for Planned Parenthood to be defunded by the government. The misinformation spread by this group, and others alike, is dangerous for the otherwise unknowing public and could have led to a very negative outcome that would affect the public more than it is aware. In 1916 Margaret Sanger opened the first clinic in Brooklyn, New York to provide contraceptives to women. The clinic was highly controversial and faced many issues due to birth control s illegal nature at this time. Sanger continued in her efforts and in 1923 she started the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau in Manhattan and the American Birth Control League, which joined to become Planned Parenthood Federation of America (Planned Parenthood). Since it s creation, Planned Parenthood
  • 28. Anabolic Steroids Should Be Banned Essay An anabolic steroid is a synthetic steroid hormone that resembles testosterone in promoting the growth of muscle (NIDA 2004). Anabolic Steroids are taken by many athletes, whether male or female and can harm the body. There are many anabolic, androgenic effects, and risks. When you continue to negatively use this kind of drug to succeed life threatening consequences come into effect. ..(needs more context ) Introduction In many states and surrounding countries athletes are using what are labeled as Anabolic Steroids. Anabolic steroids are a synthetic derivative of a naturally produced hormone testosterone, it promotes the growth of muscle (NIDA 2004). This kind of steroid is usually prescribed by doctors to treat patients for conditions such as ones who have delayed puberty or people who have medical problems that causes low amounts of testosterone. Anabolic steroids can be taken as a pill or shot directly into the muscle, or as a gel or cream rubbed on the skin (BMC 2015). Though this kind of steroid makes muscles bigger and bones stronger anabolic steroids can cause serious if not fatal effects in the body. Men as well as women using this steroid can have various problems and complications if not monitored. The majority of people who use this steroid are athletes. Athletes want a bigger and better body to improve how well they play a certain sport or how they look, therefore many use and abuse this drug illegally and having life changing consequences later. Method
  • 29. Jackie Robinson Essay Topics I m not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being. is a famous quote used by Robinson. In this quote, Robinson is expressing his feelings on how he felt about segregation and racism. In his quote, he simply accepts the fact that you not like him because of what he looks like on the inside, however, he will not except you not liking him because of what he looks like on the outside. Jackie Robinsonis an important figure in History because he was the first black male to ever play in MLB. Jackie Robinson, son of Mallie and Jerry Robinson, was born on January 31, 1919 in Cairo, Georgia. Robinson was the youngest of five children, Robinson was raised in poverty by his single mother, Mallie. Jackie went to John Muir High School and Pasadena Junior College. ... Show more content on ... He was the first African American male to ever play for the Major League Baseball. Robinson had multiple accomplishments. He hit his first home run when he played for the the minor league team the Montreal Royals. In 1955 Robinson won the world series with his team. He was also the first African American baseballplayer to be elected in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Robinson was named Most Valuable Player of the International League while playing for the Montreal Royals, a Brooklyn Dodgers affiliated farm team. He lead the league with the highest batting average and base percentage. Robinson always suffered multiple falls but managed to go through them. There were always racist whites calling him racial names, but Robinson remained strong for the faith he had in himself. Robinson broke a color and racial barrier, not only for american baseball, but changed the society of America. Robinson changed the way Americans thought. He taught that every person despite their color, was equal. MLB became more famous over the years that Robinson
  • 30. What Is Object Detection In Unorganized PCD Object detection in unorganized PCD. Nowadays, road features are becoming more complex, which leads having more complicated complaints in urban environments. Usually, PCD produces a wealthy set of data which need undergo a PCD process to identify and detect objects is in focus. It is important to extract objects, such as edges, pedestrians, curbs, and ends, from PCD. Over the last few years, many efforts have been made to detect objects, such as buildings, doors, etc. (Wang et al. 2014). Cluster analysis is one of the primary methods for enormous data analysis to detect objects, which is a massive PCD processing would help to recognize different natural grouping or structure. In the other word, the cluster can make a set of meaningful... Show more content on ... Isolate noise and cut back the quantity of error within the data and unnecessary points to layers is one in every of the foremost vital options within the automated method. In addition to classifying planes and ground surfaces is that extracting edges, pedestrians, curbs, and ends. The advantages of automated modeling and identification are significant. In scanning a public facility with many intersections and a thousand miles of sidewalks and curbs of the various classifications and style, automatic identification and modeling will save many operating hours in time and value. (Bisio 2016) The automated algorithmic programs also can match the pixels of the image with PCD s coordinate to generate colorized point clouds. Moreover, automated analysis of pictures same time with cloud data comparison can extract knowledge of the facility, vegetation, and buildings. Automated classification can perform smarter point clouds that offer further efficiency. Moreover, automated classification is helpful if a public facility needs checks and analysis if the regulations law check required. (Bisio 2016) ADA requirements for Accessible Routes. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 includes civil rights law that requires for individuals with disabilities general protections like those given to persons on the basis of race, sex, national origin,
  • 31. The Effects Of Emotional Abuse The effects emotional abuse has on a victim will stick with them for their entire life. Even the smallest event can, and usually will, trigger horrific memories that create anxiety and makes it a struggle to interact with others. It causes the victim to withdraw from society because they feel they are not worry of social interaction. When a person is repeatedly told they are stupid, worthless or any other degrading comments, they begin to believe them. Even worse, they start to believe they deserve the comments and think they have to change who they are as a person to fit the expectations of the abuser. Over time, emotional abuse changes how a person thinks and feels. Their beliefs start to model after the person attacking them. This tends to make it hard to separate from their attackers. They become trapped in a hostile environment because they are taught that... Show more content on ... It can make a person truly think they are worthless instead of just having a feeling. When the abuser uses mental abuse it can be a form of control, jealousy, manipulation or even a hostile environment. Mental abuse can be very intimidating. (Rogers, 2014) It gets to the point that the assailant does not even have to speak; the victim becomes so scared of punishment that they do what is expected of them. When emotional abuse changes over to mental abuse, the attacker is reinforcing their control over the victim. The mental attacks are meant to force the victim to completely change how they think and act. This removes all free will and encourages behavior that matches the assailant s expectations and desires. This is why victims of domestic abuse become trapped in a relationship and only those closest to the victim recognizing the changes in the person. When the victim manages to get free from the person abusing them, if they are able to get away, they are no longer the same
  • 32. A Bug s Life Through The Lens Of Karl Marx A Bug s Life Through the Lens of Karl Marx A Bug s Life through the lens of Karl Marx Disney s Pixar film, A Bug s Life, is much more than meets the eye. The film is not only an animated comedy; it holds deep sociological theory within its plot. Many of the major themes and concepts of the movie can be viewed through the lens of the famous theorist Karl Marx. Marx s theory is famous for focusing on how society functions. In particular he concerns himself with how capitalism, the working class, and the revolutions create problems in our society. My paper will analyze how Marxian theory and concepts fit into major climactic scenes of the film. The film revolves around the protagonist Filk, a worker ant. The colony is being oppressed by a group of grasshoppers and their leader Hopper. The grasshoppers claim they will provide protection as long as the ants provide the food supply. When the ants cannot supply the food for the grasshoppers, Hopper demands the ants to produce twice as much food as they did before. As a result, the ants will not have enough food to store up for themselves. Filk then travels to recruit warrior bugs to help the ants fight off the grasshoppers. According to Marx, this would free the colony from the constant oppression of the grasshoppers. The major themes of the movie follow Marxian theory. The first relates to Hopper and how the grasshoppers abuse their power and exploit the ant colony. The grasshoppers expect food knowing that the ants cannot
  • 33. Girl Interrupted Analysis Pain demands to be felt. Through analysing one written text and three visual texts the reoccurring connection between them is mental illness. All four texts bring about the idea of pain in the world being inevitable and mental detachment from the world being the only solution, making me question the world that we live in. Fight Club (1999) written by Chuck Palahniuk, Girl, Interrupted (1999) directed by James Mangold, Requeim for a Dream directed by Darren Anronofsky (2000), and Clean Shaven (1993) directed by Lodge Kerrigan each show a realist perspective of coping with mental illness and the struggle of reality. Each character with their own reality that they face we see the lengths that they are willing to go to ease their constant pain they feel making the individual question the borderline of sanity and insanity. I... Show more content on ... The key to the detachment is losing all hope it s when we lose hope that we essentially give up on life due to reality being too hard to face, and in that moment, we find freedom. In the novel Fight Club, the characterisation of Tyler Durden, is interesting in the sense that he creates a protective alter ego for himself, Hey, you created me. I didn t create some loser alter ego to make myself feel better. (Fight Club, 1999), this quote shows that Tyler s unhappiness with reality is reason enough for him to create a different reality through adventure and the elements of adrenaline and danger in contrast to his average mediocre life. Tyler s adventurous spirit is seen through the creation of Fight Club where he puts himself in in extreme situations, just to see if he will survive and even when there is no possible way he can survive his adventurous ways he still challenges himself. For instance, in the beginning and end of the novel he is on top of a Skyscraper where a bomb is set to go off at a certain time, he has a pistol in his mouth and is ready to
  • 34. Serena Williams Inequality Serena Jameka Williams in an American professional tennis player who is ranked number 1 in the singles to six separate occasions. Serena is a tennis star and sporting legend who has to Her credit 32 major titles and several Olympic medals .She is the reigning champion of the French Open, Wimbledon and Olympic women s singles and doubles. Williams is properly known as the greatest female tennisplayer of anll time. She is the most recent player, male or female, to have held all four major singles titles simultaneously. American professional tennis player Serena Williams has won over Grand Slam Single titles and several Olympic gold medals. At age American Serena and her sister Venus started playing tennis. (A E) Since turning pro she s countless awards and... Show more content on ... It is different to imagine tennis without Serena Williams who have influenced a generation of female players and left a mark that no sibling in sport s can equal . (Glyn Clarke) Her prominence in tennis is growing this includes her impact on inspiring African American tennis players. Before Williams, black athletes faced unique challenges, but Williams helped promote progress , instead of over focusing on the negativity. She is working so that future athletes won t have to face the same inequality . Serena has been at or near the top of her sport longer than almost any other athletes. (Lindsay Gibbs) Before Serena entered no female had earned over 56 million dollars in prize money . Tennis today is much more depth and quality competition than existed during the 1970s and 1980s. When became the second African American women to claim a Grand Slam title , later becoming a U.S. Open Champion. Before Serena no tennis player brought a mixture of maturity, fashion , business and a foot in the entertainment realm as an actress. Williams had been the likely target for a new generation of record chasers yet to
  • 35. Biology Eei Essay examples | 2012| | Toby Rheinberger Lab Partner: Jeremy Saba | [The Effect of surface area to volume ratio and solute concentration on osmosis.]| The aim of this experiment was to test the effect of surface area on osmosis and the effect of solute concentration on osmosis. To test this aim to hypotheses were devised. 1) If potato pieces are immersed in various salt solutions, then the pieces with the greatest surface area to volume ratio will experience the greatest weight change, because more water can move by osmosis across the potato cell s semi permeable membrane. 2) If potato pieces are immersed in various salt solutions, then the pieces immersed in the most concentrated solution will experience he greatest weight change, ... Show more content on ... A semi permeable membrane. (Biology at Aveson , 2007) Figure 2. A semi permeable membrane. (Biology at Aveson , 2007) pass through the membrane and into the cell. Despite its importance osmosis may also damage cells by causing them to; a) shrink from water loss or b) burst from too much water gain. Plant cells [fig 3] have adapted themselves to ensure that these factors do not affect them, by forming a ridged wall, known as the cell wall, around their cells. The cell wall maintains the shape of the cell, and prevents the cell from bursting in a hypotonic medium by resisting water pressure. Plant cells have also adapted a larger vacuole, which occupies 80% or more of the cells cytoplasm (Davidson, 2004); allowing plants to store more water and nutrients per cell. Vacuoles also play a structural role in plant cells; by swelling when liquids contact them, plant vacuoles are able to control turgor pressure within the cell. This helps maintain the structural integrity of the cell as well as providing the plant with suitable amounts of water and nutrients; however the cell will never burst because the vacuole is contained within the cell wall. If plant cells are deprived of water their vacuole will begin to shrink, yet due to the cell the wall, the plant cell will be able to maintain its shape. [fig.4] Animal cells [fig 5] on the other hand do not have this
  • 36. Censorship In Schools Should students in public high schools have the right to access uncensored internet on the campus computers or electronic devices? In an article by, Internet Censorship Pros and Cons List, they believe that controlling students access to the internet will keep students safe from dangerous situations and unethical content. For example, filtering the internetin high schools can prevent many issues like cyber bullying, pornography and protect students from becoming a victim to predators. According to the Federal Communication Commission s web page it explains that there is a law called (CIPA) Children s Internet Protection Act, which requires public schools and public libraries to censor out certain websites or material that... Show more content on ... On the website, Technology in Education, a teacher who was not named blogged about how hard it is to teach a lesson because some many websites are restricted. She went on to describe how things have gotten better, but she goes on to a quote Melinda Anderson s from her article about internet filtering in schools. We sometimes think too much about the content that we block, and we limit their opportunities to succeed, explore their passions, and discover their strengths and talents. There is no doubt that if a teacher is having problems accessing vital information, it brings up the question of how much important information are high school students missing out on especially for those without access to the internet at
  • 37. The Broken Window Model Of Wilson And Keiling According to, Broken window model focuses on the importance of disorder (e.g., broken windows) in generating and sustaining more serious crime. Wilson and Kelling are the creator of this model. They notice that neighborhoods who have high crime rate, consider of disreputable people . They are the people who hang out on the corner, the mental ill who pace back and forth up and down the streets, and those juvenile delinquents that love to pickpocket other people. Most of the communities are low income minority communities that Wilson and Keiling looked at. Wilson and Keiling does not think that poverty, racial segregation, and residential mobility and other social issues is not the root causes to high crimerates, They think to restore order needs to be placed in these communityas Nixon will say Law and Order . They think the government cannot eliminate the root causes. Policing should be enforce more into the community to create a safe haven for these communities. By not focusing on social reform, rehabilitation is too costly and difficult. Wilson said to increase cost of crime by increasing punishment in prison. It will help measure deterrence, and if it does not work incapacitation. He also the believe that the root causes is caused by causal fallacy. Wilson and Keiling believed that officers need to go back to the style of enforcement. They explain that there should be more foot patrol have officers get know the resident while maintaining order.
  • 38. Example Of Hubris In Oedipus Theatre was an important aspect of Ancient Greece, as it honoured the gods in a festival called Dionysian. An example of a Greek play is Oedipus Rex, written by Sophocles. Throughout this tragedy, the main character, Oedipus, possesses hubris, which eventually leads to his loss of power and downfall. In Robert Fagles translation of OedipusRex, powerful dialogue, characters, and motifs demonstrate that excessive pride leads to the protagonist s tragic downfall. Fagles uses dialogue and specific word choice to demonstrate the hubris that Oedipus possesses. In the early stages of Oedipus the King, Fagles uses Here I am myself you all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus (7 9), which signifies the pride that Oedipus has. When ... Show more content on ... Fagles writes, You with your precious eyes, you re blind to the corruption of your life (470 471), which signifies that Oedipus can literally see things clearly, however, he s blind to the state of his life. During this time, Oedipus is completely ignorant of what s happening around him. This led to his hubris because people who are overconfident don t see the full picture. In this case, Oedipus wasn t seeing how poor of a state his life was. In turn, this leads to his downfall, as he was unaware of what was going on. Because of Oedipus arrogance, he doesn t know what s ahead. Fagles uses like the wild mountain bull cut off from men, each step in agony, frenzied, racing blind (544 555) to demonstrate hubris. In racing blind , racing demonstrates that Oedipus makes quick decisions without thinking, and blind demonstrates that he s not realizing the mistakes that he is making. After making poor decisions, Oedipus doesn t look back on what he did, because in his mind, everything he does is perfect. This leads to his destruction because... Once Oedipus was physically blinded, his arrogance lessened. Oedipus states What good were eyes to me? Nothing I could see could bring me joy (1471 1472). He later encountered anagnorisis when he realized that he wasn t seeing the full truth and he was ignorant of what was happening. As soon as Oedipus sight and power were taken away, he began to see things in a different perspective and more
  • 39. Analysis Of The Book Strange Creatures By Susan... Sanjana Mamidi Section 28 Final Draft Paper 4 Human Mind Control OCD is a phrase that gets to the existential core of worry, a clenched, demonic doubting that overrides evidence, empiricism, plain common sense (Slater234). The meme theory states that a meme consists of everything that is passed from person to person (Blackmore 37). In Strange Creatures by Susan Blackmore and Who Holds the Clicker? by Lauren Slater both authors discuss the control humans have over their minds. In Who Holds the Clicker Lauren Slater discusses DBS (deep brain simulation), which is a type of psychosurgery in which electrical impulses are sent to certain portions of the brain to control and change the emotions one feels. She discusses both the positive and negatives of deep brain simulation through a specific patient named Mario and also presents the control DBS can have over one s mind. Similarly, Blackmore in Strange Creatures discusses the meme theory, which consists of any idea that is passed down from person to person. Both authors provide information that allows people to draw conclusions relating to why people do not have control over their minds. Even though some people believe that humans do have control over their minds, Blackmore and Slater both successfully portray that in actuality humans do not have any control over their minds because human thoughts and ideas are unoriginal products of external forces, many human thoughts occur at deeper level of consciousness, and
  • 40. Bohemian Rhapsody Literary Devices Bohemian Rhapsody Queen The song can be interpreted to that of a youthful man has to come face to face with his actions after confessing to shooting another man. The song follows a young man that has confessed to murdering another man. During the song you hear all of the emotional pain he goes through as he faces the penalties of his wrong doing. Halfway through the song the culprit pleads for no sympathy as he receives his final fate. Towards the end the man rebels against his final fate before accepting it and going forward with it. In the introduction of the song the culprit questions his life and the choices he has made. But the truth is that we cannot close our eyes and forget about our actions; evil or good. We must deal with the consequences... Show more content on ... But towards the end of it he is then referred to as a man. Throughout the song a transformation has happened to the boy where he has metaphorically committed suicide and in return become older and a man. During this metaphorical transformation he has also changed himself from the evil life he was living and become a good person. The Catholic Church believes that: 1755 A morally good act requires the goodness of the object, of the end, and of the circumstances together. An evil end corrupts the action, even if the object is good in itself (such as praying and fasting in order to be seen by men ). The object of the choice can by itself vitiate an act in its entirety. There are some concrete acts such as fornication that it is always wrong to choose, because choosing them entails a disorder of the will, that is, a moral evil. The Catholic Church believes that for someone to be considered good they must be a good person that demonstrates a good behaviour, good thoughts and good morals. For someone to be classified as evil they can be a good person demonstrating evil thoughts, evil acts and evil morals or an evil person demonstrating evil thoughts, evil acts and evil morals. This can be such things as praying and going to church just to be seen by
  • 41. Leadership And Leadership Of Leadership 7. Facilitative Leadership Facilitative leadership is dependent on quantities and outcomes not a skill, though it takes much skill to master. The efficiency of a group is directly related to the effectiveness of its process. If the group is high operational, the facilitative leader uses a light hand on the procedure. 8. Laissez faire Leadership Laissez faire leadership gives expert to workers. According to AZ central, sections or subordinates are acceptable to work as they choose with nominal. According to research, this type of leadership has been dependably found to be the least satisfying and least active management style. 9. Transactional Leadership This is a leadership that sustains or continues the status quo. It is also the ... Show more content on ... Furthermore to managing Renault activities in Mercosur, he was responsible for research, automative engineering and development, manufacturing, powertrain operations, and purchasing. Carlos Ghosn joined Nissan Motor as Chief Operating Officer in June 1999 and was named Chief Executive Officer in June 2001. CEO of Renault as May 2005, he rests President and CEO of Nissan. He was appointed President and CEO of Renault on May 6, 2009, and reappointed in 2013. He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of AVTOVAZ, the Russia s automotive manufacturer, from 2012 until June 2016. In 2012 he also hired Chairman of the Alliance Rostec Auto BV, the holding company that controls AVTOVAZ. In December 2016 he was appointed Chairman of the board of director of Mitsubishi Motors Corp, Nissan Motor had taken a 34% stake on 20 October of the same year. With this third partner, the Renault Nissan Alliance becomes one of the three largest car manufacturers in the world, with annual sales topping 10 million vehicles. He sits on the board of directors of the European car Manufacturers Association (ACEA), he was President from 2014 to 2015. He was a World Economic Forum Governor, a follower of the International Advisory Council of Tsinghua University in Beijing, and a member of the Strategic Council of Saint Joseph University in Beirut. Carlos Ghosn Leadership Style Carlos Ghosn is characterized by different leadership style. Leadership
  • 42. York Dance Ensemble Analysis Essay The York Dance Ensemble Presented: Space/Time/Line, and a piece in the show that was captivating was Avium Redux choreographed by Susan Lee. The dance was a fourteen minute number consisting of eighteen dancers. The simplicity of the dancer s white costumes made the movements clearly visible and captivating. This dance evidently presents all aspects of body, effort, space, shape and time through the dancer s movement. From an audience perspective, it appears the movements were based off bird like movements as the musichas nature noises highlighting bird calls. The dancer s movements embodied the bird like qualities and movements. Furthermore, the dancers were also not afraid to let their bodies go, there was no holding back with their movements.
  • 43. The Folly And Dual Identities Of The Victorian Society Angela Reyes Mrs. Garner AP English Literature and Composition 28 October 2017 The Folly and Dual Identities of the Victorian Society Stephen Colbert states, Status is always ripe for satire; status is always good for comedy. The timeless message of the social elites obsession with their self imposed high statuses is the target of Oscar Wilde s satirical play, The Importance of Being Earnest. Wilde defaces the reputations elites upheld in the Victorian eraand outlines the deviant display of Victorian manners as hypocritical. The quick witted dialogue of his characters incites comedy which masks the underlying criticism of the Victorian way of life. Oscar Wilde s masterful use of satire, the neologism Bunbury, and mockery of the Victorian society establish the theme of duality embedded throughout the play, The Importance of Being Earnest. Satire is applied to highlight the folly embedded in Victorian logic, demonstrated by their manner of addressing important matters with triviality. Lady Bracknell, a Victorian social elite condemns Algernon s neologism Bunbury s history of terminal illnesses, an unexpected approach to the situation considering the uncontrollable nature of illnesses. Lady Bracknell advised, is high time that Mr. Bunbury made up his mind whether he was going to live or die. This shilly shallying with the question is absurd (Wilde 9). The folly of the Victorian elite is apparent in the manner with which Lady Bracknell demeans the seriousness of
  • 44. Stereotyping Affects Alcohol Consumption The objective of this article is to determine how using self control for stereotyping affects alcohol consumption and how individual motivations toward alcohol consumption based on self control affect regular drinking habits. In this study 61 drinkers were examined, 31 of which were females, to determine out of two social situations what would be their alcoholconsumption. The participants were all around the age of 24.5 and were 70.5% white. On average the participants had about 6 drinks a week and it was most commonly beer. The participants took self report questionnaires and were told to refrain from drinking, eating, and doing any drugs within 72 hours, besides nicotine. The results showed that those high in approach and avoidance had
  • 45. Kappa Gamma Business Plan Introduction This plan is a resource to guide the establishment of a new chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. The plan follows the chapter through its first five years. It outlines the chapter s milestones, human resources and support provided as well as the anticipated outcomes for each year. Summary Table of Support and Education Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Support for New Chapters One or Two Resident Chapter Consultants вњ“вњ“ One Based Consultant as Needed вњ“вњ“вњ“ Leadership Consultant Visitвњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“ Coordinator of Chapter Developmentвњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“exiting New Chapters Chairmanвњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“ Chapter Advisory Boardвњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“вњ“ Extension Coordinatorвњ“ District Director and Content Specialists Fully Engaged вњ“вњ“вњ“ Chapter ... Show more content on ... After successful completion of the New Member Experience, they may choose to participate in the Middle Member Experience or the Senior Member Experience based on their learning needs. New Member Experience A new member is a member in her first year of membership in Kappa Kappa Gamma. She will participate in the New Member Experience, a foundational program upon which new members build their knowledge and understanding of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Information is focused on Kappa Kappa Gamma s Pillars of Education our core educational values which include sisterhood, leadership, intellectual development, well being, community responsibility, human dignity, and heritage. The goals of the program are as follows. New members understand their stage of membership and journey with Kappa Kappa Gamma. Each chapter provides valuable educational opportunities for every new member. This will make her first year of membership memorable, relevant and meaningful, which will lead to stronger long term membership commitment. New members understand the Pillars of Education and how these core educational values can assist them throughout their membership in Kappa Kappa
  • 46. Factors Affecting The Foreclosure Crisis Of The... Objective To raise capital to invest in the refurbishing of residential properties in Wake County, North Carolina, USA. Investing in counties adjacent to Wake is also being studied. Plan To use proven methodology to acquire houses in financial distress, repair and improve them, then sell them on the open market for a gain. Methodology Properties with potential are acquired through foreclosure auctions at below market value. The properties to be acquired must meet defined criteria to ensure profitability. Necessary repairs and limited updates are made to prepare them for market. Transaction costs are minimized. Houses are sold through the Raleigh Regional Association of Realtor s Triangle Multiple Listing Service on the open market. Market Wake County has a net population influx (20+ per day) due largely to the increasing employment availability in the technology sector as well as a renowned quality of life. Builders are finding available land very expensive and place an emphasis on building high end housing. Currently the available housing inventory is considered low. Although lending has become more stringent, there is still a steady amount of properties which become distressed and begin the foreclosure process each month. Such proceedings can stretch over years. Risk Properties obtained at foreclosure auctions are sold as is, without warranty, and may be occupied. They cannot be officially inspected before purchase. Structural issues, damage, or
  • 47. me I and me Ch. 1 Data Collection 1.1 Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 1 Define statistics and statistical thinking. SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. Provide an appropriate response. 1) What is statistics? MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 2) Which of the following is not true of statistics? A) Statistics is used to answer questions with 100% certainty. B) Statistics involves collecting and summarizing data. C) Statistics can be used to organize and analyze information. D) Statistics is used to draw conclusions using data. 2 Explain the process of statistics. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative... Show more content on ... University administrators are interested in determining the average parking time (e.g. the time it takes a student to find a parking spot) of its students. An administrator inconspicuously followed 180 students and carefully recorded their parking times. Identify the sample of interest to the university administration. A) parking times of the 180 students B) parking time of a student C) location of the parking spot D) type of car (import or domestic) 14) The legal profession conducted a study to determine the percentage of cardiologists who had been sued for malpractice in the last three years. The sample was randomly chosen from a national directory of doctors. Identify the individuals in the study. A) each cardiologist selected from the directory B) the responses: have been sued/have not been sued for malpractice in the last three years C) the doctorК№s area of expertise (i.e., cardiology, pediatrics, etc.) D) all cardiologists in the directory SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 15) Administrators at a large university want to know the average debt incurred by their graduates. Surveys were mailed to 150 graduating seniors asking them to report their total student loan debt.
  • 48. Minor Client Challenges Ethical and Legal Challenges When Counseling Minors Working with minor clients can be extremely challenging because of the grey areas surrounding ethical and legal issues. Two major challenges when working with minor clients are confidentiality and reporting suspected child abuse or neglect. There are actions taken by counselors to provide the best possible care for the minor client, while maintaining a therapeutic relationship. As a future counselor, I am aware I will encounter challenges pertaining to confidentiality and abuse/ neglect, however I understand the need to make an ethical decision and use the ACA Code Of Ethicsto guide me through the journey. The Challenge of Confidentiality Working with minor clients is a complex process where not all solutions come easy. There are not solutions to every situation that may occur in the ACA Code Of Ethics, which is why it is the... Show more content on ... It is essential to work with the parents or guardians of the minor child to have the greatest success in counseling. Educating and bringing awareness to the minor child and their parents/guardians about confidentiality is key. The counselor should state clear and precise roles each the counselor, parent, and child plays in the therapeutic process (Herlihy Corey, 2015). Counselor can be guided through this process by using the ACA Code of Ethics Standard A.2.d, which states the counselor acknowledges the need to balance between the parent/guardian and the minor child. A counselor acknowledges this code with respect for Standard B.5.d, which states a counselor respects inherent rights and responsibilities of the parent/guardian over the welfare of the minor client (Remley Herlihy, 2014). It is necessary for counselors to encourage open communication with parents/guardians. The counselor is responsible for educating families as well as themselves on basic rights in the state they are practicing (Diaz et al.,
  • 49. Descriptive Essay On Animal Abuse An Animal Extravaganza s Galore Animals are the beginning of the best nerve wrecking filled love you could ever dream of for your entire existence. Ever since I was a young child, I ve always resonated with the everlasting idea of helping animals more so than anyone and anything else in this world. My love for animals had begun when I was a mere two years old. I ve always had pets: dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and much more. I remember the joy I d felt when my parents brought my dogs and I to the park. To find out more information about how to help adoptable animals in shelters, I contacted Amanda Smasal, a community outreach coordinator at Wayside Waifs. Wayside Waifs is no kill shelter located in Kansas City, Missouri which has adoptable dogs and cats, ready and willing to go to safe, loving homes. When I first emailed Smasal asking if she would participate in the interview, I felt overwhelming fear and began to panic about the whole encounter. The fear of having to ask someone I had never met to talk with me is something that scares me. Nonetheless, I sent the email asking politely yet efficiently to see if she would give me a few of her precious minutes to answer questions about a cause worth fighting for: animal rescue hospitals. She quickly responded to my quaint email approximately a day later stating she would happily answer any and all questions I have, significant or insignificant. The questions took a couple days to figure out. The few days I had to create
  • 50. Space Debri Research Paper Name: Yuhao Ren Date: 10/20/2016 Class: ESS 102 Space Debris There are kinds of materials, always floating around in the space. When astronauts are doing the space traveling, it is the worst thing to come across with these materials. Some people may be not familiar with these materials; however, the one I was talking about is called space debris in the term of space science. Space debris is made up with both natural particles and artificial particles, which are called as meteoroids and man made products. Natural particles are always in the track around the sun; however, most of the artificial particles are in the orbit about the earth . So we may call these as orbital debris, which are always in the orbit of stars. (Space Debris and Human Spacecraft, 2013) According to the prediction, there are more than 21,000 pieces of orbital debris which are larger than 10 centimeters and half a million bits of ... Show more content on ... We can rely on some basic methods to eliminate debris. Grabbing debris directly from the machine and throwing them into a part of space where can burn up rapidly. Furthermore, laser work as well, which use the power from the photon. It can slow them down till to the atmosphere of the earth. (Incredible Technology: How to Clean Up Dangerous Space Jun, 2013) Cited Sources: Space Debris and Human Spacecraft. NASA. NASA, 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2016. @NolaTRedd. Space Junk: Tracking Removing Orbital Debris. N.p., 8 Mar. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2016. Space Debris FAQs. The Aerospace Corporation. N.p., 2016. Web. 21 Oct. 2016. By Default, If the Menu Opens on the Right, We. How We Can Prevent Space Junk: The Dangers of Space Debris. Bright Hub. N.p., 23 Jan. 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2016. @mirikramer. Incredible Technology: How to Clean Up Dangerous Space Junk. N.p., 30 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Oct.
  • 51. Comparing Christian Beliefs About Heaven And Hell CHRISTIANITY The basic beliefs about heaven and hell is that our lives extend beyond the grave. Although the body gets cremated or buried the soul lives on and is raised to new life by god. The belief is that like gods resurrection after 3 days of his crucifixion if we believe in his teachings and accept him as your lord and saviour you will also rise from the dead after 3 days and are resurrected just like god. Christian s beliefs in heaven and hell is that heaven is a place where your soul lives on, and that heaven is a state of being united with god. For hell they believe it is a place of suffering, and of separation from God it is also thought that it could possibly believe that it is a spiritual place where you are separated from god for eternity. Purgatory is also a big believe in the ultimate reality of life after death, purgatory is the place between hell and heaven where you can be cleansed from sin and being prepared for heaven. ... Show more content on ... Majority of the nine aspects are related to Christianity I will just pick 3 to discuss further Social Structures, Texts and Rituals. Social Structure in Christianity goes Pope пѓ Cardinals пѓ Archbishops пѓ Priests пѓ Deacons пѓ The people. The main text in Christianity is the Bible with is made up of the Old and New Testament. The bible consists of a bunch of sacred stories, which the Jews and Christians consider good Morales to live by. Some rituals which are a part of the catholic life are Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Extreme Unction, Eucharist, Penance, and Holy Orders , Ordination these are the seven main rituals which are a part of the catholic
  • 52. What Was The Evolution Of Rugby Rugby is a very popular sport in England that is best known to have been born in 1873, when William Webb Ellis, with fine disregard for the rules of soccer, considering the fact that soccer rules hadn t even really taken serious yet anyways, was playing soccer at rugby school where he attended, when he took off with the ball in his hands, thus originating the distinctive feature of the Rugby Game. This is also the explanation of why the Rugby world is called the William Webb EllisTrophy. However, Rugby originated from various earlier ballgames similar to itself, before it s time .It developed slowly over time throughout the fifth century of our common era due to the other games that resembled itself, or football in a rougher, unruled way,... Show more content on ... Stoppages for injury or to allow the referee to take disciplinary action do not count as part of the playing time, so that the elapsed time is usually longer than 80 minutes.The referee is responsible for keeping time, even when as in many professional tournaments he is assisted by an official timekeeper.If time expires while the ball is in play, the game continues until the ball is dead , and only then will the referee blow the whistle to signal half time or full time; but if the referee awards a penalty or free kick, the game continues. In the knockout stages of rugby competitions, most notably the Rugby world cup, two extra time periods of 10 minutes periods are played (with an interval of 5 minutes in between) if the game is tied after full time. If scores are level after 100 minutes then the rules call for 20 minutes of sudden death extra time to be played. If the sudden death extra time period results in no scoring a kicking competition is used to determine the winner. However, no match in the history of the Rugby World Cup has ever gone past 100 minutes into a sudden death extra time period. This paper was a paper over the history and everything to do with rugby in Great Britain since it has started . It talk about the rules, the people that made all the rules and all the people that helped start one of the most physical sports ever to be
  • 53. Importance Of Love In Lulie s Dan In Real Life... Fall in Love whenever you can If there s just one piece of advice I can give you, it s this: when there s something you really want, fight for it, don t give up no matter how hopeless it seems. And when you ve lost hope, ask yourself if in 10 years from now, you re gonna wish you gave it just one more shot, because the best things in life don t come free, (Meredith Grey). Now love is a powerful thing, but the ability to allow yourself to welcome it into your heart, is impressive as it can question your values and blind you from reality; but it also can bring out the person we wish to become. Love is beautifully complicated in all its glory. In Dan in real life and Paradise Cafe Love is expressed as a powerful emotion, emotional and physical. Dan probably thought that after the death of his wife, nobody would ever be able to make him feel that way again. On a journey to get lost and find himself, he fell in love with a complete stranger. They sat for hours, talking about anything and everything, finding safety and comfort in sharing tales of their lives with one another, with no fear of judgment or repercussions or commitment. He fell in love with her the moment he laid eyes on her. In Paradise Cafe , Lulie describes love in a physical manner, it electrifies. Graham was her first love, before him, she had never felt that way before. It consumed every nerve and rushed through her hand and straightened to her heart. It must ve been exciting for her to be able to put a
  • 54. Restricting Blood Float Research Paper achieving ultimate bliss, both with a partner or by way of somewhat by myself time, is what each red blooded male desires, but a sore penis can influence from over zealous pursuit of this purpose. Numerous routine that men have interaction in can result in penis damage, starting from floor abrasions to serious tissue harm. Some usual feel care and guidelines for promoting better peniswellness can support men to restrict each instantaneous affliction and long term penalties. One of the vital riskier strategies that guys may just appoint to up the depth and/or period of their sensual encounters are described here. Restricting blood float One general measure that many men take is to take a look at to make their erections final longer so ... Show more content on ... Within the event that a person overlooks these precautions in an pressing attempt to get over the top, he can look for soothing and medication in a number of methods: First and most important, if there may be any signal of bruising, bleeding or swelling, or if any severe anguish occurs, on the spot clinical concentration is a ought to. Treating tissue injury proper away can help to slash the consequences of an harm that could or else result in loss of perform and/or loss of sensation. For surface accidents that outcome in chafing, with out open cuts or abrasions that naturally need authentic care, men can ease the sting by applying an ice % to the area. Ice will have to now not be utilized straight to the skin because of the risk of frostbite, however a freezer percent that s wrapped in a towel should do the trick. For ongoing comfort of harassed skin, a penis wellbeing cream (wellbeing specialists propose Man 1 Man Oil) is an fine option. Shea butter, an ingredient in some penis health lotions, rejuvenates and revitalizes the overexerted penis. A cream with alpha lipoic acid also soothes while serving to to preclude a wrinkled look concerning the member, and one with acetyl L carnitine helps to increase penis sensitivity. Making use of a penis cream to a healthful penis can also aid to minimize the hazard of specific injuries and beef up the total seem and consider of the
  • 55. The Lowering Ages of Students Who Study Abroad Essay The Lowering Ages of Students Who Study Abroad With the development of economy of China, the tendency for students to study abroad increases every year. According to a report of the Institute of International Education, there are 229,300 Chinese students who chose to study abroad in 2010. That data means people who went to study abroad exceed 30 percentages than the previous year. (Lin 1) A statistics showed Chinese spent 10 billion CNY, which equals about 1.5 billion dollars on study abroad every year. What makes people curious is that students who study as high school students or undergraduate students occupied a huge part. This phenomenon is totally different from ten years ago. Before that time, most of students who study abroad ... Show more content on ... They get up at six a.m., study all day long and go back home at 9.p.m. Everything, which conflicts with the goal, will be regarded as wrong. Especially in the third year of senior middle school, students have no art or music class. All they do every day is doing exercise in textbook and listening to the lecture. Despite of that, a lot of students are not able to get the opportunities to be admitted by their preferred universities. They have to study one more year and take the exam again .(Rong ,Shi 114)Some of them who are not willing to study one more year, prefer study abroad and get a degree in foreign countries rather than study in ordinary universities of China. So, a lot of students choose to study abroad after their senior high school. What is more, some students who want to escape from the competitive environment even choose to enter foreign senior high school, after graduating from junior high school. (Zhu 1) This situation is a departure from the previous years, in which students study abroad for graduate degree or PhD. The competitive environment is a reasonable explanation for lowering ages of Chinese abroad students. Another reason is the improvement of economic condition of Chinese people. Because the government only provides financial aids for visiting scholars and undergraduate students who major in some certain areasпјЊmost of the Chinese students did not have opportunities to study abroad at young ages ten years ago. Unlike 20th century, students
  • 56. Bryon Bay Research Paper Gold Coast to Bryon Bay Limo service for a wonderful vacation Are you thinking of a small vacation to a place nearby? If yes, how about going to Bryon Bay for a day outing. Situated just an hour from the Gold Coast, the beautiful beach town offers a plethora of water excursions for the visitors. It is specifically known for surfing and also noted for its wildlife, whale watching, scuba diving and snorkelling. However, there are many limo firms in Gold Coast that offer car hire for Bryon Bay transfers. Limo services from the Gold Coast to Bryon Bay are readily available at reasonable prices. All you need to do is look for a reputable and professional service provider. Having a Limousine as your vacation car make your outing extra special.... Show more content on ... Limousines come with professional and trained chauffeurs. They are well versed with the itinerary and know the best routes to help you reach your destination. On the way, you can relax on the back seat, eat and drink while the driver navigates you comfortably through untraveled roads. They know the shortcuts to the town and strive to save your time. Your vacations are special. After all hard work and toil in the office, you need a break to rejuvenate your spirits. A Limo lets you do that. The service providers have many types of cars available for hire. So you can choose one depending on the number of people in your group. If you have a large group of people to transport, you can choose to travel in a stretched car. For two or four of you, the SUV is the best. If you are planning for such a vacation shortly, ensure to book a limo in advance. Bryon Bay is a popular tourist destination. Many people travel from Gold Coast to the region on weekends and limo get booked pretty fast. For Gold Coast to Bryon Bay transfers, get in touch with Booking Limos. We offer the best rental packages in the region. Call us for more details or fill our online form for