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Diversity in Workplace
Harpreet Singh
City University
As companies are becoming more and more diverse it 's becoming more and more important for companies to understand and manage it. The people
of different background, races, religion creates diverse workforce. There is an importance of having diverse workforce to provide better performance.
There are perspectives of managing the diverse workforce, which require organization leaders and managers of being responsible of attaining better
diverse workforce.
Diversity means differences, difference of age, sex, race, religion and culture etc. People with different demographic differences working in
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In short, they claim, diversity will be good for business.
Research stated that the Canadian companies leading the way in the area of diversity management have discovered that by embracing the elements of
ethnic and cultural diversity in their workforce they have enhanced their ability to understand and tap new markets, both within Canada and abroad.
"Research generated from a variety of fields predicts that important benefits will accrue from demographic heterogeneity in organizations by increasing
the variance in perspectives and approaches to work that members of different identity groups can bring" (e.g., Thomas and Ely, 1996).
As the companies of today are getting more and more diverse, the need of managing the diverse workfare is increasing. All Countries specially USA
and Canada are having more diverse workforce everyday. So it is becoming important for the companies manage the diversity to get better results out of
Research stated that Forward–thinking Canadian organizations have recognized that competing successfully in the new global marketplace requires
more than the latest technology, most efficient production processes, or most innovative products. Canadian organizations ' competitive strength is
increasingly contingent on human resources. Competing to win in the global economy will require an ability
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Diversity In The Workplace
Corporate Diversity Since the 1970's, diversity program consisted of recruiting and promoting African Americans in the workplace. Since then,
companies are now broadening the definition of diversity to include a vast range of cultures, age, and gender. Employers consider how to effectively
incorporate diversity as a serious issue. Companies put in effect strategic reviews to determine how diversity impacts the organization and what
actions are needed to prepare for a foreseeable future. Over the past four decades, corporate diversity in the workplace has strengthened to build more
effective corporations by building greater corporate social responsibility, greater team work, and greater opportunities for women. Diversity in the
workplace affects a corporation's social responsibility to the consumers and the employees. Social responsibility involves utilizing corporate assets with
a financial and moral measure to enhance the relationships with key stakeholders and strengthen the company's reputation (Bear, Rahman, and Post 2).
A company with a diverse board of directors provides more content...
Team organization is more productive with each team member contributing different innovative ideas for the company's performance and business
needs. Team conflict is resolved as team members culturally discuss and manage their cultural differences (Hajro and Pudelko). Cultural awareness
brings a greater level of understanding for each team member's background and viewpoint. Understanding different personalities within the workplace
results in developing empathy and positive problem solving techniques within the team. The cultural experience grows throughout the team
environment (Hajro and Pudelko). Effective team work also results in career progression for a profitable an expanding
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Diversity In The Workplace
It is often said that the success of a Business has to do with how well its backbone team manages it. In today's world, most of a company's
management and backbone team is one that is composed of up of a diverse group of employees. Strong, diverse teams play a vital role, on the
success of a business. Diversity is understood to be the ways people can be similar or different from each other. Some examples of diversity in the
workplace include culture, race, age, and gender. A good diverse workforce group is made of distinct employees from diverse backgrounds, different
age groups, and distinct gender. Cultural Diversity in the workplace is one business component that has extreme importance in an organization. More
and more more content...
Many individuals from the same race might be similar in physical appearance, such as their color of skin. A person can sometimes tell what race a
person is from based on their physical appearance. For instance we can pinpoint if a person is Hispanic, white, African American or from Asian
descent. We live in such a diverse country, that even though we might work with people of the same race, it does not always implicate that they
all share the same cultural beliefs and values. Many times the people can be from the same race, but they could have distinct cultural beliefs,
because they were not raised in the country they are from. For instance, in my work place I work with people from all different races. A lot of
them were raised in their home country and have brought with them many cultural traditions and values, yet there are others that are from the
same race, but were raised in the United States, and they were not raised with the same traditional cultural beliefs. We might stereotype people
based on their race, without knowing much about them. This is wrong in the workplace and in every aspect of life. We must not sterotype people,
based on their color of skin or race, but rather we should learn from them so that we can better understand their background and their ways of
thinking. In comparing this to the Mexican culture, I would say that some not all families of the Mexican race follow the same beliefs. My
parents, who were raised in Mexico, always instilled in us that we were to live under their roof until we got married or graduated with a college
degree. Yet, I have friends that are also from the Mexican race, but whose parents were raised here who do not follow this belief. They allowed their
children to move out of their home as soon as they graduated high school. This does not mean that they do not have a close bond with their children,
but rather that they live a
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The Importance Of Diversity In The Workplace
Men are 30% more likely to be hired for a high level position job than women (Stutes). Jobs discriminate and separate genders, races, etc. in a
workplace. This is not fair because it should not matter what you look like or who you are, we should all be treated the same no matter what. It is
hard for someone to get a job because bosses can discriminate and that makes people not succeed. You should have to work towards the higher level
position so you earn it and not just be given it because you are the gender the boss wants. Diversity should be acknowledged so everyone can have a
chance to make a living and support their families. Companies need to be fair and treat everyone equally and not just by looks. Diversity means that
everyone works together no matter what race, culture, gender they are. Workplaces should have diversity taken place in them so they succeed and
people have to work with others no matter what. It shouldn't be about the looks or beliefs, it's about supporting your family and working together
to create one goal. Diversity is becoming a big part of our world and it should continue as companies are growing and hiring. 67% of bosses and job
seekers seek for diverse workplaces (Stutes). That still leaves room for 33% of bosses that are against having diverse workers. This shows that
companies are against a certain race and gender. That should not be present. Continuing, diverse workplaces provide families with the money they need
to survive.
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Diversity In The Workplace
Throughout my time in undergraduate classrooms and my three co–ops, I rarely had the diversity in personal and professional backgrounds that I was
craving. Lacking exposure to differing viewpoints, I sought out with determination an environment that not only was a premier industry leader, but one
that would showcase people's vibrant cultures and celebrate cultural diversity. Joining Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) has been a transformative
experience that has provided me with a depth of understanding and confidence about global landscapes through working on projects and with clients
around the world. At SOM, creative collaboration is the guiding force between various disciplines and we have thus been able to achieve remarkable more content...
With two–thirds of the group being international, representing four continents and 15 countries, and the remainder from every corner the United States,
the group has a wealth of global and personal experiences that produces an intense, high impact environment that relentlessly produces fresh and
cutting–edge solutions. My current project team, for example, is just a snapshot of the diversity contained within the group: a Parisian new mother,
a Muslim from Karachi, Pakistan, a gay Argentinean, a former South Korean naval officer and myself, a born and bred New Yorker. This fusion of
backgrounds creates a breeding ground for new insights as well as a beneficial friction in which we learn from each other daily. At first, I was slightly
intimidated by the team's intensity, but now I do not see any other we could be as fiercely innovative in approaching and tackling complex challenges.
This same mindset of being challenged at every moment and learning by doing is embedded within the Tuck community and one of the reasons why I
cannot see myself anywhere
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Essay on Diversity in the Workplace
Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the past few years. After all, the impact of affirmative
action and equal employment opportunity programs on the nation's work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically
alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and senior citizens followed not far behind. The result is a diverse
American labor force representing a microcosm of our society – yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Diversity as a social condition is
not new to America. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. "America has always been a merger of cultures and, as such, has undergone periods of more content...
Mentoring and on–the–job training of less skilled workers through courses, assistant programs, and continuing education programs may even the gap
between different employees. However, it is important to recognize potential and use the skills already at hand to create a more efficient team
environment where each member's contribution carries some value and contributes to the organization's goals. Economic status is as important an
issue as is education. Various employees come from different economic background. Their views and manners may differ, along with their
expectations and motivations in daily routine and overall purpose. Nevertheless, they have to work together. There are potential problems and
differences of conduct, motivation, and initiative. Managers have to get to know their people and develop ways of using their differences for the
benefit of the organization. The focus should be on the positive aspects of individuals, and on merging the best qualities people have to form effective
teams. Managing conflict is also very important. One thing managers should recognize is that there will always be a potential for conflict and their job
is to intervene and resolve diversity issues early and quickly. Statistics show the extent of diversity in the workplace. "Eighty–five percent of those
currently entering the American workforce are minorities and
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Diversity In The Workplace
1.The traditional change model consist of three steps: unfreezing, that is, recognizing the need for change because of some event or threat, the actual
change actions and refreezing, that is, incorporating new ways of operating, and thinking into the everyday operations of the organization. Apply this
model to the situation at the Coca–Cola Company at the point when the lawsuit was served in 1999. It's unfortunate that Coca–Cola had to be involved
in a lawsuit to start making changes with the way the company treated their employees and the way they viewed diversity in the workplace. If we
apply the traditional change model to the Coca–Cola situation, I would say the lawsuit was a big eye opener for the CEO and leaders that were in
charge more content...
After reading the lawsuit case article and further research, I come to the conclusion that Coca–Cola has improved tremendously and they continue to
put diversity on the top of the list – diversity is one of the company's core value. Shortly after the lawsuit case the company was more involved in the
community and they showed the efforts they were making to to build a relationship with minority groups, especially in Atlanta, where the company
donated money to churches and schools attended by some of the people who were involved in the lawsuit case (Winter, 2000). The 2011–2012
Coca–Cola sustainability report shows how involved the company is in the community, the groups and programs they support, and how much they
donate. Coca–Cola's 2011 charitable contributions total $124 million dollars; contributions were distributed between education, health and wellness,
community initiatives, environmental programs, healthy living, disaster reliefs, and other kind contributions (The Coca–Cola Company, 2012). In my
opinion Coca–Cola is doing a much better work managing diversity. They have programs and practices in place that have helped their employees and
manager understand the importance of diversity in the workplace. Since they are involved in many programs within the communities they service, I
feel is extremely important they research and are well aware of any new programs so they can get involved and not exclude certain groups. Involvement
in the community also allows them to build a stronger relationship with the community and their costumers – they have to make sure they are ahead of
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Diversity In The Workplace
Different people see diversity from different perspective. Its concept is based on acceptance and respect. It means understanding the fact that every
individual is special, and acknowledging the differences between people. These difference may be attributed to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual
orientation, socio–economic status, age, physical abilities, religious believes, political believes, or other philosophy. Diversity encompasses the analysis
of these differences in a very safe, positive and supportive environment. The understanding between every individual should be looked beyond
tolerating one another, it should be built on supporting and celebrating the immeasurable features of diversity that is found within everyone. [1]
Diversity more content...
Sometimes it makes one stronger; sometime it creates a bad omen of hatred. In my case, diversity has made me stronger over the years. Recalling my
experience of diversity in boot camp, it gives me joy that I was able to relate and interact with different people from different cultural background,
even though initially it was tough for me I still find a way to go around it. It took me a lot of courage and understanding to interact with people from
different cultural background.
[1] "Definition of Diversity." Definition of Diversity. Web. 2 Feb. 2015. <>.
[2] "Social and Cultural." Cultural Diversity in Nigeria: A Blessing or a Curse? Web. 2 Feb. 2015. <
[3] "Effective and Ethical Communication at Work." Introduction to Business Communication. By Guffey, Leowy, Kriza, Merrier, Logan, Williams,
Newman, and Ober, 12–13.
[4] "Corporate Culture." Introduction to Business Communication. By Guffey, Leowy, Kriza, Merrier, Logan, Williams, Newman, and Ober, 40
[5] "How Does Diversity Affect the Workplace?" Small Business. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.
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Diversity In The Workplace
Diversity in a workplace refers to cultural, political, religion, language, social, and educational differences that each individual posses. It is a business
necessity because diversity can bring great financial gains for the companies that embrace it. When employees come from diverse backgrounds it can
provide great advantages if it is managed effectively. However, if it is not managed properly it can harm thebusiness and provide financial loses. As a
CEO of a shoe company, I would definitely embrace diversity and leverage that workforce to my advantage in order improve workplace quality,
efficiency, increase market shares, and enhance relations with consumers from other cultures.
My shoe company will need to tap into new markets with diverse cultural behaviors and demands. Having a workforce that is culturally and
educationally diverse will strengthen the shoe company and meet the global challenges and more content...
Since workers have unique experiences and perceptions, it can be a challenge to form teams to increase productivity. Some cultures are good team
players, but others are more individualists who value individual accomplishments. Another weakness that diversity can be disadvantageous for the
business is that within the group it form xenophobic barriers and cause cultural clashes between co–workers. Also, a diverse workforce can have
tremendous misunderstandings when communication is not effective. A language barrier can affect productivity because workers may not be able to
follow orders. Moreover, communication barriers can impede a positive relationship with customers and suppliers. Finally, diverse groups can have
more challenge to socially interact with each other since they have different values and behave differently. Workers sharing cultural and language
similarities might start forming exclusive groups, this can hinder teamwork productivity and share of
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Diversity in the Workplace Essay
Running head: IMPACT OF DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE McCann School of Business and Technology Janet Miller BU115 Customer Service
Instructor's Name: Mr. Andrew Roth Assignment Issue Date: April 28, 2010 Assignment Due Date: May 10, 2010 Outline Introduction to Diversity
....................................................................................3 Impact of Diversity in the Workplace......................................................................4 Why is
diversity beneficial to a business? .................................................................5 What are the legal risks?
.................................................................................................................7 Managing Diversity, in the workplace
.....................................................................7 Identify the major stumbling blocks to communication across cultures more
"Maximizing and capitalizing on workplace diversity has become an important issue for management today." [ (Kelli A. Green, 2002) ] Why is
diversity beneficial to a business? Throughout the years companies have come to realize that there is a distinct advantage to diversity within their
business, both in the corporate world as well as the retail environment. When companies hire diverse employees from different cultures they are
making their company stronger and more marketable. Whether a company is just starting out or been in business for while they need to realize
that diversity needs to be part of their business plan going forward. The global marketplace is built upon many different cultures from all around
the world. Companies today need to be able to interact with each other in order to increase sales and promote their products to clients globally as
well. Advantages of diversity in a workplace are: * Increased creativity * Increased productivity * New attitudes * New language skills * Global
understanding * New process * New solutions to difficult problems Having an understanding and open mind of the perspectives of others, and
identifying the major barriers to building an inclusive workplace and customer relationships is a challenge today. Working with people of many
different cultures brings
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Diversity And Discrimination In The Workplace
Diversity and Discrimination in the Workplace Diversity and discrimination are taken to have the same meaning to most people but this is not the
case. Diversity is more in differ of certain things such as ideas and beliefs while discrimination is more in differ of things such as race, age, and
gender. Yes, both are in differ of something but what is important to understand is that they are in differ of a variety of things. Yet it is sad but these
qualities happen each and every day in the workplace. It does not matter what kind of work or business it is, there is always going to be some sort of
diversity and discrimination. Diversity in the workplace can come from examples such as not following the same ideas as your boss or not being a more content...
He/she studied 133 teams across 5 industries in South Korea to see the effect that team diversity have. "As expected, the results showed that team
diversity exerted negative effects on team–learning behavior, Moonjoo said (Moonjoo, 2017)." But, it also shows that groups that had that traditionally
good leadership saw the negative affects towards deep–level diversity disappear due to the qualities that the leader had which was bringing the team
together to work as one. Also, the teams that had the good perception of support saw that the negative affects of differential attitude towards
diversity started to decrease because the leadership actually showed they cared about the people and company. This shows why good and positive
leadership can really change an organization for the best because it will motivate the employees to work when they are happy. While most think that
any kind of diversity can hurt businesses in the workplace that is not always the case. Actually, cultural diversity has just as much or maybe more
benefits then it does challenges. According to the Hult News, one benefit from cultural diversity is it allows an organization to offer a broader and
more adaptable range of products and services ( "A broader skills base and a more potentially diverse offering of products and services can
help your business to have the
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Diversity In The Workplace
In my current profession, I work with individuals from many different foreign countries. The overall most respectful and jovial clients I encounter are
all from Brazil. They genuinely enjoy life and spread that joy to anyone around them. The Brazilians that I have been fortunate enough to work with
are honest and trustworthy. They stand by their promises and always keep their word. Their positive attitude and ethics set a high standard that I
believe the majority of Americans could learn from. We tend to be less charismatic and all business when dealing with others. Standing by our word
and honoring our promises are also becoming less prevalent with Americans in today's business world. Not only are Brazilians loyal to their word, but
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Diversity In The Workplace
Are today's corporation's diversity programs really successful? The idea of diversity going well past the traditional work environment and implanting
diversity programs that allow a welcoming work environment. Diversity requires the acknowledgment of commitment that every employee is their own
individual, not similarly as individuals from administrative assigned gatherings. Diversity calls for administration of associations to be extremely
comprehensive enduring the individuals who are diverse as well as praising those distinctions. It requires the opening of non–conventional occupations
to men and ladies of all ideologies, backgrounds, religions, races and ethnicity. University Hospital (UH) diversity and inclusion concepts creates a work more content...
UH missions provides a commitment to equity and inclusion with all of our patients and families, our physicians, our workforce, our business partners
and the communities that we serve (University Hospital 2012–2013). At UH recognizing and celebrating the value of diverse cultures, beliefs and
identities. UH created a work environment where a diverse group of people have distinctive perspectives of the general public running from basic
leadership forms, sexual orientation balance, and chain of command. In any case, developing socioeconomics and migration designs have prompted to
a critical change in the social, social, and political standards of the general
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We Need Diversity in the Workplace Essay
Today's workplace is more diverse than it has ever been in history. While the workforce has made strides in the direction of equality, it is still far from
attaining total equality in the workplace. A company must value diversity. The main objectives of valuing diversity include awareness, education, and
positive recognition of the differences among people in the workforce. Organizations are increasingly emphasizing group work or teamwork as a
source of competitive advantage in a diverse workforce. It has been suggested that such organizations must target their recruitment efforts at applicants
who are both diverse and amenable to working in teams ( Rau, Hyland 2003). A cultural environment must allow differences to more content...
America's past should teach America's today that success lies within diversity. In order to achieve ultimate success, diversity is a necessity. Workforce
diversity is a fact of organizational life. It is also a key concern for theory and practice in organizational behavior ( van–Knippenberg, De–Dreu, Homan,
2004). Diversity is important to companies because with a diverse environment people can benefit and learn from others' ideas. Other reasons for the
importance of diversity to many organizations are the recognition of differences as prerequisites for high performance and continuous improvement,
enhancing the effectiveness and creativity of the organization, and valuing conflicts as opportunities for more effective decision–making and problem
solving. Diversity has a major impact on our behaviors in the work place.Many organizations are placing primary emphasis on people who fit their
cultures when hiring. The reasoning is that if the people have the "right" attitude, they will more than likely understand and adapt to the goals and
expectations of the organization. The necessary skills can be taught. That is a lot easier than hiring people with the right skills but wrong attitude
probably cannot be changed. Many organizations have determined what it takes to succeed in their companies. There is an underlying problem that is
promoting racism. It is the fact
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Why Is Diversity In The Workplace Important?
Hello, Belinda!
п»їBeing culturally competent in society today is so important, no matter what career field we plan to enter. As you said well, we live in a diverse
world. If we view that world through our own ethnocentrism, there is a probability that eventually we will fail to recognize or underestimate how
different someone else's experiences have been. I have an off–book but relevant example that I would like to share with you. I just began a new job, as
I shared during our course introductions. One of the interview questions that was asked was about diversity, e.g. "Why is diversity in the workplace
important? What are the advantages and disadvantages of diversity in the workplace?" I answered the question well, I thought, citing various definitions
and examples that I had learned in my sociology classes. During the first week at work, I had met a few people around my age that had been very
helpful as I strove to acclimate. п»їп»їI had some Welch's fruit snacks, and shared some of the packs with those people one day. I got a message from
one of the girls that she wasn't able to eat fruit snacks because they were made from pork. I had not considered that there would possibly be
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I felt, to a certain extent at least, that I was culturally competent. I understood that not everyone had the same upbringing and experiences that I
have had. My life course may not allow for true levels of comprehension for the struggles that others have experienced, but I like to think that I do
have a mature level of empathy for others. Despite all of this, and all 3.5 years at UNCP, I am still so unaware of the diversity around me that I
didn't even consider the implications of what I had considered to be an act of kindness. I'm so thankful to be taking this class, and I hope that the
information I learn in it helps move me to an even deeper level of appreciation and understanding of the diversity in our world
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Diversity In The Workplace
Diversity is present in all aspects of life, its been major topics for cultures forever and helps with all social or cultural probems of diputes. When
you have such a huge populations of peopel there are bound to be a lot of differneces and ways of looking at things so ther has to be understanding
involved otherwise nothing gets resolved. the key is to be accepting to everytone and never judge anyone regardless of differences. Diversity is
extremely importante; in the work place, school, or over all population diversity is the key that unites it all. With diversity you get people from all
walks of life that share their unique stories or create opportunities for new insight to be shared. Diversity is important because it recognizes
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The reason being is that when you are able to work and thrive in a diverse work place you will have better communication skills and be much
better at accepting new ideas which in return ends in coming to agreements and figuring out solutions. So by being in and all around diverse
environments you figure out how to communicate well with people and become a more well rounded person which directly impacts your chances
and probabilities of how successful you could become. Personally I experience diversity on an everyday basis, on this campus alone you see
people from different ethnicity's, races and from all walks of life. It creates a cultural diversity where all these different people interact with each
other and work successfully. However, there is always room for improvement of you diversity accepting skills. For some people its more difficult
but I think after listening to our guest speaker everyone's minds were changed and it helped us all grow as people. If we can all be accepting of
diversity it would make for a much more smooth moving education system. When you're is able to accept new ideas from people unlike them
yourself it helps your life tremendously. The diversity presentation given a few weeks ago was very education and I'm sure helped open a lot of
peoples eyes about
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Workplace Diversity In The Workplace
Workplace Diversity – Benefits and Employment Laws
Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. Diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age,
personality, education, back ground, cognitive style and much more. As the work places are becoming more multicultural and diverse, there is an
increased need in understanding the dimensions of diversity and cultural differences that affects the business communication within organizations. A
better understanding of these differences is not only important to effectively bridge such gaps but also helpful in identifying the unique strengths and
perspectives, each diverse group brings, that an organization can benefit from.
Globalization presents new markets at home and abroad, and firms increasingly recognize the importance of hiring a workforce that reflects their
potential markets. Global companies strive to create an inclusive culture in which differences are recognized and valued. By bringing together people
from diverse backgrounds and providing them opportunity to contribute their skills, experience and perspectives, companies are able to deliver the best
innovative solutions to challenges and add value to their stakeholders.
In recent times the term "inclusion" is replacing diversity, diversity refers to a group's demographic qualities, while inclusion involves the degree to
which individuals feel a part of the organizational process and are therefore encouraged to
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Diversity In The Workplace
Diversity Defined
In today's global market, there is more diversity than ever in the workplace from the highest employee to the bottom of the organizational chart.
Diversity encompasses age, gender, various ethnic groups and races, cognitive style, education, and background. Diversity is also a lot more money
at the mall were not in a year of one or all of that each on home and sexual orientation, religion, and social status (Nelson, 2013, p. 47). These areas
are just a part of diversity. Diversity also involves how workers identify themselves as well as the manner they perceive other individuals. These varied
perceptions will have an effect on the manner in which a person interacts with co–workers or superiors, and consumers. more
Management must promote the contribution of each diverse perspective as well as to recognize and appreciate wide–ranging cultural differences.
Another reason organizations are embracing is the fact that the diversity in their employees has a direct impact on the diversity of their consumers and
customer base. However, there are also issues managers must contend with such as a lack of cohesiveness, interpersonal conflicts, difficulties in
decision making and communication, and lastly resistant to change (Nelson, 2013, p. 53). Finally, managing and placing value on diversity in the
workplace is not as much changing in company policy as it is changing mindsets and attitudes. Diversity should be a corporate value, a top priorityfor
managers, and a vital objective for any organization along with becoming a foundation to the organizations strategic blueprint. Diversity does have its
advantages; the benefits of diversity include attracting and retaining the best employees, as well as improved marketing efforts, superior problem
solving, and enhanced flexibility within the organization along with the obvious creativity and innovation diversity brings (Nelson, 2013, p.
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Diversity In The Workplace
Planning, initiating and maintain a diversified workforce and environment allows for the development of a well–equipped workforce that is poised to
meet current and future challenges. In the public sector, these issues, including addressing skills shortages, recruitment and retention, succession
planning and knowledge management for an aging workforce.
Recent diversity initiatives are impacting all levels of the public and private sectors in relation to personnel and workforce planning. Over the last
twenty years, research shows that productivity gains from the existing workforce increase with a diversified staff (, 2017). Diversity in the
workplace is defined as, the variety of differences between people in an organization. Diversity includes gender, age, race, ethnic group, personality,
cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more (, 2017). The need to become inclusive in management and the more content...
Through the prioritization recruitment, development initiatives in areas of potential skills shortages and retention remain the primary focus to ensure
public sector bodies continue to deliver services efficiently. With a diversified workforce and application pool, the ability to meet the needs of client
and agency can be achieved.
In the public sector, the loss of corporate knowledge due to retirement is a climbing significant workforce risk. This loss of the skilled and
knowledgeable group of individuals retiring or leaving the public sector has driven the goal for a diversified workforce. The benefits of diversity, as
discussed in class and our text, allows for the identification of critical positions, and the gaps that a more diversified environment would allow for the
broader, better–developed staff with the goal of increased capability in future candidates for these
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Diversity In Workplace

  • 1. Diversity in Workplace DIVERSITY: GROWTH AND IMPORTANCE OF MANAGING Harpreet Singh City University ABSTRACT: As companies are becoming more and more diverse it 's becoming more and more important for companies to understand and manage it. The people of different background, races, religion creates diverse workforce. There is an importance of having diverse workforce to provide better performance. There are perspectives of managing the diverse workforce, which require organization leaders and managers of being responsible of attaining better diverse workforce. INTRODUCTION Diversity means differences, difference of age, sex, race, religion and culture etc. People with different demographic differences working in more content... In short, they claim, diversity will be good for business. Research stated that the Canadian companies leading the way in the area of diversity management have discovered that by embracing the elements of ethnic and cultural diversity in their workforce they have enhanced their ability to understand and tap new markets, both within Canada and abroad. "Research generated from a variety of fields predicts that important benefits will accrue from demographic heterogeneity in organizations by increasing the variance in perspectives and approaches to work that members of different identity groups can bring" (e.g., Thomas and Ely, 1996).
  • 2. IMPORTANCE OF MANAGING DIVERSITY As the companies of today are getting more and more diverse, the need of managing the diverse workfare is increasing. All Countries specially USA and Canada are having more diverse workforce everyday. So it is becoming important for the companies manage the diversity to get better results out of employees. Research stated that Forward–thinking Canadian organizations have recognized that competing successfully in the new global marketplace requires more than the latest technology, most efficient production processes, or most innovative products. Canadian organizations ' competitive strength is increasingly contingent on human resources. Competing to win in the global economy will require an ability Get more content on
  • 3. Diversity In The Workplace Corporate Diversity Since the 1970's, diversity program consisted of recruiting and promoting African Americans in the workplace. Since then, companies are now broadening the definition of diversity to include a vast range of cultures, age, and gender. Employers consider how to effectively incorporate diversity as a serious issue. Companies put in effect strategic reviews to determine how diversity impacts the organization and what actions are needed to prepare for a foreseeable future. Over the past four decades, corporate diversity in the workplace has strengthened to build more effective corporations by building greater corporate social responsibility, greater team work, and greater opportunities for women. Diversity in the workplace affects a corporation's social responsibility to the consumers and the employees. Social responsibility involves utilizing corporate assets with a financial and moral measure to enhance the relationships with key stakeholders and strengthen the company's reputation (Bear, Rahman, and Post 2). A company with a diverse board of directors provides more content... Team organization is more productive with each team member contributing different innovative ideas for the company's performance and business needs. Team conflict is resolved as team members culturally discuss and manage their cultural differences (Hajro and Pudelko). Cultural awareness brings a greater level of understanding for each team member's background and viewpoint. Understanding different personalities within the workplace results in developing empathy and positive problem solving techniques within the team. The cultural experience grows throughout the team environment (Hajro and Pudelko). Effective team work also results in career progression for a profitable an expanding Get more content on
  • 4. Diversity In The Workplace It is often said that the success of a Business has to do with how well its backbone team manages it. In today's world, most of a company's management and backbone team is one that is composed of up of a diverse group of employees. Strong, diverse teams play a vital role, on the success of a business. Diversity is understood to be the ways people can be similar or different from each other. Some examples of diversity in the workplace include culture, race, age, and gender. A good diverse workforce group is made of distinct employees from diverse backgrounds, different age groups, and distinct gender. Cultural Diversity in the workplace is one business component that has extreme importance in an organization. More and more more content... Many individuals from the same race might be similar in physical appearance, such as their color of skin. A person can sometimes tell what race a person is from based on their physical appearance. For instance we can pinpoint if a person is Hispanic, white, African American or from Asian descent. We live in such a diverse country, that even though we might work with people of the same race, it does not always implicate that they all share the same cultural beliefs and values. Many times the people can be from the same race, but they could have distinct cultural beliefs, because they were not raised in the country they are from. For instance, in my work place I work with people from all different races. A lot of them were raised in their home country and have brought with them many cultural traditions and values, yet there are others that are from the same race, but were raised in the United States, and they were not raised with the same traditional cultural beliefs. We might stereotype people based on their race, without knowing much about them. This is wrong in the workplace and in every aspect of life. We must not sterotype people, based on their color of skin or race, but rather we should learn from them so that we can better understand their background and their ways of thinking. In comparing this to the Mexican culture, I would say that some not all families of the Mexican race follow the same beliefs. My parents, who were raised in Mexico, always instilled in us that we were to live under their roof until we got married or graduated with a college degree. Yet, I have friends that are also from the Mexican race, but whose parents were raised here who do not follow this belief. They allowed their children to move out of their home as soon as they graduated high school. This does not mean that they do not have a close bond with their children, but rather that they live a Get more content on
  • 5. The Importance Of Diversity In The Workplace Men are 30% more likely to be hired for a high level position job than women (Stutes). Jobs discriminate and separate genders, races, etc. in a workplace. This is not fair because it should not matter what you look like or who you are, we should all be treated the same no matter what. It is hard for someone to get a job because bosses can discriminate and that makes people not succeed. You should have to work towards the higher level position so you earn it and not just be given it because you are the gender the boss wants. Diversity should be acknowledged so everyone can have a chance to make a living and support their families. Companies need to be fair and treat everyone equally and not just by looks. Diversity means that everyone works together no matter what race, culture, gender they are. Workplaces should have diversity taken place in them so they succeed and people have to work with others no matter what. It shouldn't be about the looks or beliefs, it's about supporting your family and working together to create one goal. Diversity is becoming a big part of our world and it should continue as companies are growing and hiring. 67% of bosses and job seekers seek for diverse workplaces (Stutes). That still leaves room for 33% of bosses that are against having diverse workers. This shows that companies are against a certain race and gender. That should not be present. Continuing, diverse workplaces provide families with the money they need to survive. Get more content on
  • 6. Diversity In The Workplace Throughout my time in undergraduate classrooms and my three co–ops, I rarely had the diversity in personal and professional backgrounds that I was craving. Lacking exposure to differing viewpoints, I sought out with determination an environment that not only was a premier industry leader, but one that would showcase people's vibrant cultures and celebrate cultural diversity. Joining Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) has been a transformative experience that has provided me with a depth of understanding and confidence about global landscapes through working on projects and with clients around the world. At SOM, creative collaboration is the guiding force between various disciplines and we have thus been able to achieve remarkable more content... With two–thirds of the group being international, representing four continents and 15 countries, and the remainder from every corner the United States, the group has a wealth of global and personal experiences that produces an intense, high impact environment that relentlessly produces fresh and cutting–edge solutions. My current project team, for example, is just a snapshot of the diversity contained within the group: a Parisian new mother, a Muslim from Karachi, Pakistan, a gay Argentinean, a former South Korean naval officer and myself, a born and bred New Yorker. This fusion of backgrounds creates a breeding ground for new insights as well as a beneficial friction in which we learn from each other daily. At first, I was slightly intimidated by the team's intensity, but now I do not see any other we could be as fiercely innovative in approaching and tackling complex challenges. This same mindset of being challenged at every moment and learning by doing is embedded within the Tuck community and one of the reasons why I cannot see myself anywhere Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Diversity in the Workplace Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the past few years. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs on the nation's work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and senior citizens followed not far behind. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a microcosm of our society – yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Diversity as a social condition is not new to America. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. "America has always been a merger of cultures and, as such, has undergone periods of more content... Mentoring and on–the–job training of less skilled workers through courses, assistant programs, and continuing education programs may even the gap between different employees. However, it is important to recognize potential and use the skills already at hand to create a more efficient team environment where each member's contribution carries some value and contributes to the organization's goals. Economic status is as important an issue as is education. Various employees come from different economic background. Their views and manners may differ, along with their expectations and motivations in daily routine and overall purpose. Nevertheless, they have to work together. There are potential problems and differences of conduct, motivation, and initiative. Managers have to get to know their people and develop ways of using their differences for the benefit of the organization. The focus should be on the positive aspects of individuals, and on merging the best qualities people have to form effective teams. Managing conflict is also very important. One thing managers should recognize is that there will always be a potential for conflict and their job is to intervene and resolve diversity issues early and quickly. Statistics show the extent of diversity in the workplace. "Eighty–five percent of those currently entering the American workforce are minorities and Get more content on
  • 8. Diversity In The Workplace 1.The traditional change model consist of three steps: unfreezing, that is, recognizing the need for change because of some event or threat, the actual change actions and refreezing, that is, incorporating new ways of operating, and thinking into the everyday operations of the organization. Apply this model to the situation at the Coca–Cola Company at the point when the lawsuit was served in 1999. It's unfortunate that Coca–Cola had to be involved in a lawsuit to start making changes with the way the company treated their employees and the way they viewed diversity in the workplace. If we apply the traditional change model to the Coca–Cola situation, I would say the lawsuit was a big eye opener for the CEO and leaders that were in charge more content... After reading the lawsuit case article and further research, I come to the conclusion that Coca–Cola has improved tremendously and they continue to put diversity on the top of the list – diversity is one of the company's core value. Shortly after the lawsuit case the company was more involved in the community and they showed the efforts they were making to to build a relationship with minority groups, especially in Atlanta, where the company donated money to churches and schools attended by some of the people who were involved in the lawsuit case (Winter, 2000). The 2011–2012 Coca–Cola sustainability report shows how involved the company is in the community, the groups and programs they support, and how much they donate. Coca–Cola's 2011 charitable contributions total $124 million dollars; contributions were distributed between education, health and wellness, community initiatives, environmental programs, healthy living, disaster reliefs, and other kind contributions (The Coca–Cola Company, 2012). In my opinion Coca–Cola is doing a much better work managing diversity. They have programs and practices in place that have helped their employees and manager understand the importance of diversity in the workplace. Since they are involved in many programs within the communities they service, I feel is extremely important they research and are well aware of any new programs so they can get involved and not exclude certain groups. Involvement in the community also allows them to build a stronger relationship with the community and their costumers – they have to make sure they are ahead of other Get more content on
  • 9. Diversity In The Workplace Different people see diversity from different perspective. Its concept is based on acceptance and respect. It means understanding the fact that every individual is special, and acknowledging the differences between people. These difference may be attributed to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio–economic status, age, physical abilities, religious believes, political believes, or other philosophy. Diversity encompasses the analysis of these differences in a very safe, positive and supportive environment. The understanding between every individual should be looked beyond tolerating one another, it should be built on supporting and celebrating the immeasurable features of diversity that is found within everyone. [1] Diversity more content... Sometimes it makes one stronger; sometime it creates a bad omen of hatred. In my case, diversity has made me stronger over the years. Recalling my experience of diversity in boot camp, it gives me joy that I was able to relate and interact with different people from different cultural background, even though initially it was tough for me I still find a way to go around it. It took me a lot of courage and understanding to interact with people from different cultural background. WORK CITED [1] "Definition of Diversity." Definition of Diversity. Web. 2 Feb. 2015. <>. [2] "Social and Cultural." Cultural Diversity in Nigeria: A Blessing or a Curse? Web. 2 Feb. 2015. < /cultural–diversity–in–nigeria–blessing.html>. [3] "Effective and Ethical Communication at Work." Introduction to Business Communication. By Guffey, Leowy, Kriza, Merrier, Logan, Williams, Newman, and Ober, 12–13. [4] "Corporate Culture." Introduction to Business Communication. By Guffey, Leowy, Kriza, Merrier, Logan, Williams, Newman, and Ober, 40 –41. [5] "How Does Diversity Affect the Workplace?" Small Business. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.
  • 10. Get more content on
  • 11. Diversity In The Workplace Diversity in a workplace refers to cultural, political, religion, language, social, and educational differences that each individual posses. It is a business necessity because diversity can bring great financial gains for the companies that embrace it. When employees come from diverse backgrounds it can provide great advantages if it is managed effectively. However, if it is not managed properly it can harm thebusiness and provide financial loses. As a CEO of a shoe company, I would definitely embrace diversity and leverage that workforce to my advantage in order improve workplace quality, efficiency, increase market shares, and enhance relations with consumers from other cultures. My shoe company will need to tap into new markets with diverse cultural behaviors and demands. Having a workforce that is culturally and educationally diverse will strengthen the shoe company and meet the global challenges and more content... Since workers have unique experiences and perceptions, it can be a challenge to form teams to increase productivity. Some cultures are good team players, but others are more individualists who value individual accomplishments. Another weakness that diversity can be disadvantageous for the business is that within the group it form xenophobic barriers and cause cultural clashes between co–workers. Also, a diverse workforce can have tremendous misunderstandings when communication is not effective. A language barrier can affect productivity because workers may not be able to follow orders. Moreover, communication barriers can impede a positive relationship with customers and suppliers. Finally, diverse groups can have more challenge to socially interact with each other since they have different values and behave differently. Workers sharing cultural and language similarities might start forming exclusive groups, this can hinder teamwork productivity and share of Get more content on
  • 12. Diversity in the Workplace Essay Running head: IMPACT OF DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE McCann School of Business and Technology Janet Miller BU115 Customer Service Instructor's Name: Mr. Andrew Roth Assignment Issue Date: April 28, 2010 Assignment Due Date: May 10, 2010 Outline Introduction to Diversity ....................................................................................3 Impact of Diversity in the Workplace......................................................................4 Why is diversity beneficial to a business? .................................................................5 What are the legal risks? .................................................................................................................7 Managing Diversity, in the workplace .....................................................................7 Identify the major stumbling blocks to communication across cultures more content... "Maximizing and capitalizing on workplace diversity has become an important issue for management today." [ (Kelli A. Green, 2002) ] Why is diversity beneficial to a business? Throughout the years companies have come to realize that there is a distinct advantage to diversity within their business, both in the corporate world as well as the retail environment. When companies hire diverse employees from different cultures they are making their company stronger and more marketable. Whether a company is just starting out or been in business for while they need to realize that diversity needs to be part of their business plan going forward. The global marketplace is built upon many different cultures from all around the world. Companies today need to be able to interact with each other in order to increase sales and promote their products to clients globally as well. Advantages of diversity in a workplace are: * Increased creativity * Increased productivity * New attitudes * New language skills * Global understanding * New process * New solutions to difficult problems Having an understanding and open mind of the perspectives of others, and identifying the major barriers to building an inclusive workplace and customer relationships is a challenge today. Working with people of many different cultures brings Get more content on
  • 13. Diversity And Discrimination In The Workplace Diversity and Discrimination in the Workplace Diversity and discrimination are taken to have the same meaning to most people but this is not the case. Diversity is more in differ of certain things such as ideas and beliefs while discrimination is more in differ of things such as race, age, and gender. Yes, both are in differ of something but what is important to understand is that they are in differ of a variety of things. Yet it is sad but these qualities happen each and every day in the workplace. It does not matter what kind of work or business it is, there is always going to be some sort of diversity and discrimination. Diversity in the workplace can come from examples such as not following the same ideas as your boss or not being a more content... He/she studied 133 teams across 5 industries in South Korea to see the effect that team diversity have. "As expected, the results showed that team diversity exerted negative effects on team–learning behavior, Moonjoo said (Moonjoo, 2017)." But, it also shows that groups that had that traditionally good leadership saw the negative affects towards deep–level diversity disappear due to the qualities that the leader had which was bringing the team together to work as one. Also, the teams that had the good perception of support saw that the negative affects of differential attitude towards diversity started to decrease because the leadership actually showed they cared about the people and company. This shows why good and positive leadership can really change an organization for the best because it will motivate the employees to work when they are happy. While most think that any kind of diversity can hurt businesses in the workplace that is not always the case. Actually, cultural diversity has just as much or maybe more benefits then it does challenges. According to the Hult News, one benefit from cultural diversity is it allows an organization to offer a broader and more adaptable range of products and services ( "A broader skills base and a more potentially diverse offering of products and services can help your business to have the Get more content on
  • 14. Diversity In The Workplace In my current profession, I work with individuals from many different foreign countries. The overall most respectful and jovial clients I encounter are all from Brazil. They genuinely enjoy life and spread that joy to anyone around them. The Brazilians that I have been fortunate enough to work with are honest and trustworthy. They stand by their promises and always keep their word. Their positive attitude and ethics set a high standard that I believe the majority of Americans could learn from. We tend to be less charismatic and all business when dealing with others. Standing by our word and honoring our promises are also becoming less prevalent with Americans in today's business world. Not only are Brazilians loyal to their word, but Get more content on
  • 15. Diversity In The Workplace Are today's corporation's diversity programs really successful? The idea of diversity going well past the traditional work environment and implanting diversity programs that allow a welcoming work environment. Diversity requires the acknowledgment of commitment that every employee is their own individual, not similarly as individuals from administrative assigned gatherings. Diversity calls for administration of associations to be extremely comprehensive enduring the individuals who are diverse as well as praising those distinctions. It requires the opening of non–conventional occupations to men and ladies of all ideologies, backgrounds, religions, races and ethnicity. University Hospital (UH) diversity and inclusion concepts creates a work more content... UH missions provides a commitment to equity and inclusion with all of our patients and families, our physicians, our workforce, our business partners and the communities that we serve (University Hospital 2012–2013). At UH recognizing and celebrating the value of diverse cultures, beliefs and identities. UH created a work environment where a diverse group of people have distinctive perspectives of the general public running from basic leadership forms, sexual orientation balance, and chain of command. In any case, developing socioeconomics and migration designs have prompted to a critical change in the social, social, and political standards of the general Get more content on
  • 16. We Need Diversity in the Workplace Essay Today's workplace is more diverse than it has ever been in history. While the workforce has made strides in the direction of equality, it is still far from attaining total equality in the workplace. A company must value diversity. The main objectives of valuing diversity include awareness, education, and positive recognition of the differences among people in the workforce. Organizations are increasingly emphasizing group work or teamwork as a source of competitive advantage in a diverse workforce. It has been suggested that such organizations must target their recruitment efforts at applicants who are both diverse and amenable to working in teams ( Rau, Hyland 2003). A cultural environment must allow differences to more content... America's past should teach America's today that success lies within diversity. In order to achieve ultimate success, diversity is a necessity. Workforce diversity is a fact of organizational life. It is also a key concern for theory and practice in organizational behavior ( van–Knippenberg, De–Dreu, Homan, 2004). Diversity is important to companies because with a diverse environment people can benefit and learn from others' ideas. Other reasons for the importance of diversity to many organizations are the recognition of differences as prerequisites for high performance and continuous improvement, enhancing the effectiveness and creativity of the organization, and valuing conflicts as opportunities for more effective decision–making and problem solving. Diversity has a major impact on our behaviors in the work place.Many organizations are placing primary emphasis on people who fit their cultures when hiring. The reasoning is that if the people have the "right" attitude, they will more than likely understand and adapt to the goals and expectations of the organization. The necessary skills can be taught. That is a lot easier than hiring people with the right skills but wrong attitude probably cannot be changed. Many organizations have determined what it takes to succeed in their companies. There is an underlying problem that is promoting racism. It is the fact Get more content on
  • 17. Why Is Diversity In The Workplace Important? Hello, Belinda! п»їBeing culturally competent in society today is so important, no matter what career field we plan to enter. As you said well, we live in a diverse world. If we view that world through our own ethnocentrism, there is a probability that eventually we will fail to recognize or underestimate how different someone else's experiences have been. I have an off–book but relevant example that I would like to share with you. I just began a new job, as I shared during our course introductions. One of the interview questions that was asked was about diversity, e.g. "Why is diversity in the workplace important? What are the advantages and disadvantages of diversity in the workplace?" I answered the question well, I thought, citing various definitions and examples that I had learned in my sociology classes. During the first week at work, I had met a few people around my age that had been very helpful as I strove to acclimate. п»їп»їI had some Welch's fruit snacks, and shared some of the packs with those people one day. I got a message from one of the girls that she wasn't able to eat fruit snacks because they were made from pork. I had not considered that there would possibly be more content... I felt, to a certain extent at least, that I was culturally competent. I understood that not everyone had the same upbringing and experiences that I have had. My life course may not allow for true levels of comprehension for the struggles that others have experienced, but I like to think that I do have a mature level of empathy for others. Despite all of this, and all 3.5 years at UNCP, I am still so unaware of the diversity around me that I didn't even consider the implications of what I had considered to be an act of kindness. I'm so thankful to be taking this class, and I hope that the information I learn in it helps move me to an even deeper level of appreciation and understanding of the diversity in our world Get more content on
  • 18. Diversity In The Workplace Diversity is present in all aspects of life, its been major topics for cultures forever and helps with all social or cultural probems of diputes. When you have such a huge populations of peopel there are bound to be a lot of differneces and ways of looking at things so ther has to be understanding involved otherwise nothing gets resolved. the key is to be accepting to everytone and never judge anyone regardless of differences. Diversity is extremely importante; in the work place, school, or over all population diversity is the key that unites it all. With diversity you get people from all walks of life that share their unique stories or create opportunities for new insight to be shared. Diversity is important because it recognizes more content... The reason being is that when you are able to work and thrive in a diverse work place you will have better communication skills and be much better at accepting new ideas which in return ends in coming to agreements and figuring out solutions. So by being in and all around diverse environments you figure out how to communicate well with people and become a more well rounded person which directly impacts your chances and probabilities of how successful you could become. Personally I experience diversity on an everyday basis, on this campus alone you see people from different ethnicity's, races and from all walks of life. It creates a cultural diversity where all these different people interact with each other and work successfully. However, there is always room for improvement of you diversity accepting skills. For some people its more difficult but I think after listening to our guest speaker everyone's minds were changed and it helped us all grow as people. If we can all be accepting of diversity it would make for a much more smooth moving education system. When you're is able to accept new ideas from people unlike them yourself it helps your life tremendously. The diversity presentation given a few weeks ago was very education and I'm sure helped open a lot of peoples eyes about Get more content on
  • 19. Workplace Diversity In The Workplace Workplace Diversity – Benefits and Employment Laws Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. Diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, education, back ground, cognitive style and much more. As the work places are becoming more multicultural and diverse, there is an increased need in understanding the dimensions of diversity and cultural differences that affects the business communication within organizations. A better understanding of these differences is not only important to effectively bridge such gaps but also helpful in identifying the unique strengths and perspectives, each diverse group brings, that an organization can benefit from. Globalization presents new markets at home and abroad, and firms increasingly recognize the importance of hiring a workforce that reflects their potential markets. Global companies strive to create an inclusive culture in which differences are recognized and valued. By bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and providing them opportunity to contribute their skills, experience and perspectives, companies are able to deliver the best innovative solutions to challenges and add value to their stakeholders. In recent times the term "inclusion" is replacing diversity, diversity refers to a group's demographic qualities, while inclusion involves the degree to which individuals feel a part of the organizational process and are therefore encouraged to Get more content on
  • 20. Diversity In The Workplace Diversity Defined In today's global market, there is more diversity than ever in the workplace from the highest employee to the bottom of the organizational chart. Diversity encompasses age, gender, various ethnic groups and races, cognitive style, education, and background. Diversity is also a lot more money at the mall were not in a year of one or all of that each on home and sexual orientation, religion, and social status (Nelson, 2013, p. 47). These areas are just a part of diversity. Diversity also involves how workers identify themselves as well as the manner they perceive other individuals. These varied perceptions will have an effect on the manner in which a person interacts with co–workers or superiors, and consumers. more content... Management must promote the contribution of each diverse perspective as well as to recognize and appreciate wide–ranging cultural differences. Another reason organizations are embracing is the fact that the diversity in their employees has a direct impact on the diversity of their consumers and customer base. However, there are also issues managers must contend with such as a lack of cohesiveness, interpersonal conflicts, difficulties in decision making and communication, and lastly resistant to change (Nelson, 2013, p. 53). Finally, managing and placing value on diversity in the workplace is not as much changing in company policy as it is changing mindsets and attitudes. Diversity should be a corporate value, a top priorityfor managers, and a vital objective for any organization along with becoming a foundation to the organizations strategic blueprint. Diversity does have its advantages; the benefits of diversity include attracting and retaining the best employees, as well as improved marketing efforts, superior problem solving, and enhanced flexibility within the organization along with the obvious creativity and innovation diversity brings (Nelson, 2013, p. Get more content on
  • 21. Diversity In The Workplace Planning, initiating and maintain a diversified workforce and environment allows for the development of a well–equipped workforce that is poised to meet current and future challenges. In the public sector, these issues, including addressing skills shortages, recruitment and retention, succession planning and knowledge management for an aging workforce. Recent diversity initiatives are impacting all levels of the public and private sectors in relation to personnel and workforce planning. Over the last twenty years, research shows that productivity gains from the existing workforce increase with a diversified staff (, 2017). Diversity in the workplace is defined as, the variety of differences between people in an organization. Diversity includes gender, age, race, ethnic group, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more (, 2017). The need to become inclusive in management and the more content... Through the prioritization recruitment, development initiatives in areas of potential skills shortages and retention remain the primary focus to ensure public sector bodies continue to deliver services efficiently. With a diversified workforce and application pool, the ability to meet the needs of client and agency can be achieved. In the public sector, the loss of corporate knowledge due to retirement is a climbing significant workforce risk. This loss of the skilled and knowledgeable group of individuals retiring or leaving the public sector has driven the goal for a diversified workforce. The benefits of diversity, as discussed in class and our text, allows for the identification of critical positions, and the gaps that a more diversified environment would allow for the broader, better–developed staff with the goal of increased capability in future candidates for these Get more content on