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Discussion Task
#1 Research
· Scan and analyze the infographic about CRM:
Links to an external site.
· Scan and analyze this article about CRM:
Links to an external site.
· Scan and analyze this article about Cloud Computing:
Links to an external site.
· Scan through Chapter 15: Integrating Google Analytics with
CRM Data
· Search online to learn more about Customer relationship
management (CRM).#2 Answer the Following Question
· What is a CRM system? Basically in your own words explain
how a CRM works.
· What is Cloud Computing and what are the benefits of cloud
computing (list at least 3 benefits)?
· List 4 kinds of your customer's data CRM systems will collect.
· List 4 benefits of a cloud-based CRM platform
· What do you think is the future of CRM and CRM
platforms?#3 Include Your Sources at the Bottom of Your Post
· Be sure to give credit to any resource that you might have
used to help you answer these questions, share the website
URL.#4 Comment on 2 Classmates Post by Sunday
· Say something that will contribute to a meaningful discussion-
-this requires time and thought! Thoroughly reflect on and think
about the point you are making.
· Fully explain and elaborate your points, using examples,
evidence, and logic to explain.
· Speak with precision regarding your meaning, rather than
being vague or general.
1st classmate comment :
A CRM system is a way to collect and use a person's
information regarding that brand. This can be from signup
sheets that are being used for voting, or even for ordering
products online.
Cloud computing is a way to access information and
implementations online instead of having to access all this
information through a company's/person's personal hard drive.
It allows for free use of storage and does not limit the people
who need all the information they can have. It also is
completely autonomous meaning that a person who wanted to
access the cloud would not need to bring their floppy disk with
them to access the data, but rather can have complete access to
it through the cloud. Another great take away is the cloud
computing is scalable allowing companies or users to
intentionally cut down, or up how much usage they want from
the cloud provider unlike floppy disks or even memory cards
that have a set number of Gigabytes in them.
However, CRM is also great for collecting data from its
customers to help create a greater relationship between the
brand, and their customers. Some of the data collected includes
client's personal preference of communication, email, phone
number, and social media data.
Not just for customers are their benefits, but also for the
companies that use Cloud based CRM platforms to. A couple of
those being affordability, easy instillation, secure use, and
incredible reliability.
In my personal opinion I think that CRM is already being used
heavily. I am currently also enrolled in a CRM course this
quarter and while taking that class I began to understand the
importance of CRM. Especially when it comes to creating that
trust between the brand and the customer. Such things as loyalty
programs would have been unheard of 20 years ago, but now
they are a primary source for a company to understand who they
are selling to.
Cloud CRM - The 8 Biggest Benefits of a Cloud-Based CRM
Links to an external site.
What is CRM? -
Links to an external site.
What is Cloud Computing? Types and Examples -
2nd classmate comment :
What is a CRM system? Basically in your own words explain
how a CRM works.
CRM system, stands for “Customer Relationship Management”,
is a software platform that helps businesses communicate easily
from at marketing to sales department by using the tools
focused on automation, record correlation, and insightful
What is Cloud Computing and what are the benefits of cloud
computing (list at least 3 benefits)?
Cloud computing is the provision of IT resources on demand
over the Internet for a pay-as-you-go fee.
Faster time to market
New instances can be spun up and retired instantly, allowing
developers to accelerate development with rapid deployment.
Scalability and flexibility
Cloud computing brings more flexibility to your business. You
can quickly scale resources and storage to meet the demands of
your business without investing in physical infrastructure.
Cost savings
No matter what cloud service model you choose, you only pay
for the resources you actually use.
List 4 kinds of your customer's data CRM systems will collect.
Identity data
Descriptive data
Qualitative data
Quantitive data
List 4 benefits of a cloud-based CRM platform
Easy Installation
Anywhere & Anytime Access
What do you think is the future of CRM and CRM platforms?
CRM will continue to report important data and provide insights
for future action. Experts see CRM evolving to measure and
inform sales support and customer engagement while playing a
tremendous role in future business success.
to an external site. to an
external site.
Chapter 1 - Defining Terrorism
Article Title:
Chapter 1 of the text goes into much detail about defining
terrorism and the types of terrorism.
What exactly constitutes terrorism and why does it seem so
complicated to define? This article
from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, 2021) defines
terrorism as a "contested term, with
no set definition for the concept or broad agreement among
academic experts on its usage "
(para. 1). Is it really that difficult to define? It’s a word and as
such it should just be in any old
dictionary or textbook glossary and boom there's the definition.
Is it more complicated than that?
To answer my own question, yes, it is very complicated. But at
least I’m not alone in the
complicatedness of defining terrorism as it seems like the FBI is
having problems too. The article
notes that “the recent spate of extremist attacks in the United
States and Europe have highlighted
the difficulty of defining what constitutes ‘terrorism’” (FBI,
2021, para. 2). Here, The FBI
focuses on recent examples extremism to attempt to answer the
question, even giving the readers
an account of some of the recent terroristic attacks and how the
relate to terrorism and
extremism. By the end of the article the question remains
unclear and unanswered, making this
task of defining terrorism that much more confusing.
The pro of this article is that there were some real-world
examples. These help show the
complicated nature of defining terrorism.
The article would have been more interesting if there were some
frontline details, like the
definition from the FBI’s perspective, especially given it’s the
leading legal enforcement
mechanism in the country.
Words: 270
Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2021). What We Investigate:
Terrorism. Retrieved from
Commented [JW1]: When citing from a webpage, you
must count the paragraphs and include a para. citation.
Commented [JW2]: Note how the quote within a quote
" ' ' "
And note the citation here follows the quote since the
source was not mentioned before the quote.
Sample Discussion Board Post for Criminal Justice
Submitted by Melissia Anderson
Effective writing is so important to criminal justice
professionals for many reasons. According to
Wallace and Roberson (2009), it is estimated that we use 70%
of our time communicating. This may be
accomplished either verbally or in writing. A verbal
communication is considered less formal, while a
written statement is lasting and given more significance.
Because written statements are permanent,
they are assessed as more significant. A report filed by a law
enforcement agent can be used for the
prosecution or defense of a defendant in a court of law.
Inaccuracies in a written report can result in the
failure to convict an individual of a crime. The legal
ramifications of unclear or imprecise writing can be
substantial. An officer must be able to explain the reasons a
report is written and filed. They must be
able to defend errors in their reports. Under oath, they will have
to testify from the contents of the
report. Criminal justice professionals must be able to not only
file written reports, but to draft narratives
that are comprehensible and logical for others to grasp (Wallace
& Roberson, 2009).
Working in Pretrial Services I know that clarity is particularly
essential. If our court officers do
not precisely note the judge’s terms or conditions of release, a
defendant may inadvertently violate
their release. It could cost the individual their freedom. Many
times, the judiciary may be vague when
defining terms of release. In this instance court communications
must be sent to distinguish the original
intent from the judge. It wastes valuable time and court
resources to clear up ambiguous conditions.
Plagiarism involves stealing another person’s ideas or works
and using them as your own.
Sometimes this can be blatant, like copying sentences word for
word without using quotation marks. In
other situations, it may be less obvious, such as paraphrasing
content from another source but not citing
it. This; however, is still plagiarism because that content
originated from someone else's ideas or
research, not your own. Plagiarism in this instance can be
avoided by simply using an in-text citation at
the beginning or the end of the paraphrased content. It is always
a good idea to cite a source rather
than chance an allegation of plagiarism (Keiser University,
n.d.). Stealing from another can destroy the
credibility of any criminal justice professional. Because they
represent the law and courts, law
enforcement agents need to be above reproach.
Word Count: 401
Keiser University. (n.d.). Plagiarism [PowerPoint slides].
Retrieved from
Wallace, H., & Roberson, C. (2009). Written and interpersonal
communication: Methods for law
enforcement (4th ed.). Pearson Education.
Criteria No
O Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
12 points
Satisfactory (C
14 points
Proficient (B Range)
16 points
Exemplary (A Range)
20 points
Thesis and Ideas:
Explores the
appropriate topic based
on chapters read in the
week and displays
college level thinking
Submits the correct
number of Journal
Student did
not submit
Work does not
meet assignment
shows little or no
understanding of
partially meets
expectations with
minimal depth;
demonstrates a
understanding of
the assignment
Assignment meets
expectations with
all components
being addressed;
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate
and apply key
Assignment exceeds
expectations with
exceptional depth;
presents all
requirements of the
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate,
apply and synthesize
key assignment
O Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
12 points
Satisfactory (C
14 points
Proficient B Range
16 points
Exemplary (A Range
20 points
information and
communicates it
through student’s own
thoughts and words.
Student did
not submit
Work does not
meet assignment
shows little or no
understanding of
partially meets
expectations with
minimal depth;
demonstrates a
understanding of
the assignment
Assignment meets
expectations with
all components
being addressed;
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate
and apply key
Assignment exceeds
expectations with
exceptional depth;
presents all
requirements of the
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate,
apply and synthesize
key assignment
Criteria No
O Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
12 points
Satisfactory (C
14 points
Proficient (B Range)
16 points
Exemplary (A Range)
20 points
Evidence critical and
analytical skills
Student did
not submit
Work does not
meet assignment
shows little or no
understanding of
partially meets
expectations with
minimal depth;
demonstrates a
understanding of
the assignment
Assignment meets
expectations with
all components
being addressed;
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate
and apply key
Assignment exceeds
expectations with
exceptional depth;
presents all
requirements of the
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate,
apply and synthesize
key assignment
Criteria No
0 Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
12 points
Satisfactory (C
14 points
Proficient B Range
16 points
Exemplary (A Range)
20 points
Research: Appropriate
use of scholarly sources
Student did
not submit
Work does not
meet assignment
shows little or no
understanding of
partially meets
expectations with
minimal depth;
demonstrates a
understanding of
the assignment
Assignment meets
expectations with
all components
being addressed;
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate
and apply key
Assignment exceeds
expectations with
exceptional depth;
presents all
requirements of the
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate,
apply and synthesize
Criteria No
0 Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
6 points
Satisfactory (C
7 points
Proficient B Range
8 points
Exemplary (A Range)
10 points
Organization: Writing
demonstrates well-
developed body that
evidences each
element from the
thesis in succinct
paragraphs and each
Student did
not submit
Work does not
meet assignment
shows little or no
understanding of
partially meets
expectations with
minimal depth;
demonstrates a
understanding of
Assignment meets
expectations with
all components
being addressed;
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate
Assignment exceeds
expectations with
exceptional depth;
presents all
requirements of the
demonstrates the
paragraph supports the
the assignment
and apply key
ability to evaluate,
apply and synthesize
Criteria No
0 Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
6 points
Satisfactory (C
7 points
Proficient (B Range)
8 points
Exemplary (A Range)
10 points
Used APA formatted
citations and
references and used
correct structural
Student did
not submit
No attempt at APA
formatting when
using references
APA is attempted
with numerous
Using APA format
accurately; errors
are noticeable
Using APA format
proficiently, text is
basically error free
Overall Score
Emerging (F-D) Satisfactory
(C Range)
Proficient (B
Exemplary (A
Chapter 12: Structure for Managing Emergency Response
Article Name:
“Florida officials seek tourism boost after Alberto blows
Article Review:
The Emergency Operations Center should be the most important
building of any community.
This is where all the knowledge and nuts and bolts to keep the
safety, economy, and welfare of
all the citizens and dynamics of a city or county, flowing. Every
part of our country has its own
hazards, from California and earthquakes, wildfires and tsunami
threats, to hurricanes, tornadoes,
and floods in the South and Midwest. Every EOC has its own
set of emergency plans based on
the threat assessment.
I bring up economy because you see it every storm season,
disasters blow in and everyone flees,
including the tourists which would have spurred the economy
but now are gone, and so is the
economy. Disasters not only pull down the economy, and the
lack of needed tourism, but then is
the increased cost of preparing, mitigating, and recovery of
disasters and emergencies. Hurricane
season started in the south, and now Florida is trying to pull
back in tourists in between storms. I
understand that, but I also see a risk involved. According to one
source, “As winds and rains let
up from Subtropical Storm Alberto, Florida officials Tuesday
were quickly spinning ways to
draw tourists to areas that may have missed out on Memorial
Day crowds” (Turner, 2018, para.
1). The Governor of Florida visited an EOC to thank them for a
job well done for this first storm
as he was questioned about tourism efforts. He said, “The
Legislature gave us $76 million again
this year (for visit Florida), and part of that money is to work
on when we have something like
this, to let people know we’re back open for business” (Turner,
2018, para. 5). The EOC is the
hub and is excellent at tracking emergency and disaster
situations before they happen, when
possible, and that success is shown by minimal loss of life and
When greed steps in, that is when you see tourism take a back
seat, but most who have been
through the big storms know those risks, and you see a good
attitude with the Governor of
Florida in this article who knows what his State is facing. It
shows a good leader also who shows
appreciation to those he knows keeps the public safe.
WC 375
Turner, J. (2018, May 30). Florida officials seek tourism boost
after Alberto blows through.
Florida Division of Emergency Management. Retrieved from
Research & Report
you should find
two articles that relates to the material covered in your
reading this week:
· Chapter 13 Terrorist Surveillance Techniques
· Chapter 15 The Decision and Attack Sequence: The Last
Chance to Stop an Attack
Use any peer reviewed resources (
government websites) to find an article that discusses
the same topic. Then write in an APA review of the article. You
should submit
two of these. Submit them in the same document.
· Complete two article reviews.
· Each review shouold have a minimum of 250-350 words.
· Each review should explain the significance of the article and
relate it to your reading this week.
· Each review should end with your opinion on the pros or cons
of the article being reviewed.
Note: Do NOT use any articels older than 5 years.
This field is always changing, so you should be using current
information (no older than five years).
Note: Do NOT simply cut-and-paste from a website or
from an article. Yes, you should be sources to find the
information for this journal assignment, but do not simply cut-
and-paste someone else's words. As you review the article, put
it in your own words. Be sure to cite in APA. If you copy and
paste, you will NOT get credit for doing this. Your reviews
must be your own words, thoughts, and analysis.
Homeland Security Journal RubricHomeland Security
Journal Rubric - Alternative Formats
· Example Student Journals:
Example 1 - “Florida Officials Seek Tourism Boost
after Alberto Blows Through”Example 1 - “Florida Officials
Seek Tourism Boost after Alberto Blows Through” - Alternative
Example 2 - "What We Investigate: Terrorism"Example
2 - "What We Investigate: Terrorism" - Alternative Formats
Homeland Security Discussion Rubric 5/10/2021
Response No Submission
O Points
Emerging (F through
D range)
Satisfactory (C Range)
Proficient (B Range)
Exemplary (A Range)
Quality of
Initial Posting
No Initial
The Information
provided is
inaccurate not
focused on the
assignment topic.
Does not answer the
question fully,
understanding of the
topic and /or
The information
provided is accurate
giving a basic
understanding of the
topic(s) covered.
Despite this basic
understanding, initial
posting may nit
include complete
development of all
aspects of the
The information
provided is accurate,
displaying a good
understanding of the
topic(s) covered.
Initial posting
demonstrates clear
understanding and
addresses most
aspects of the
assignment although
all concepts may not
be fully discussed.
The information
provided is accurate,
providing an in-
depth, well thought-
out understanding of
the topic(s) covered.
The initial post
provides an analysis
of the information
learned from the
course and/or
assigned readings.
No Submission
Emerging (F through
D range)
Satisfactory (C Range)
Proficient B Range Exemplary (A Range
in Discussion
Student did not
submit the
May include one or
more of the
Comments to only
one other student’s
post. Comments are
not substantive, such
as saying “good job”
or comments are off
Comments to two or
more classmates’
initial posts but only
on one day of the
week. Comments are
substantive and
expand on what
another student
Comments to two or
more classmates’
initial posts but only
on one day of the
week. Comments are
substantive and
expand on what
another student
Comments to two or
more classmates’
initial posts and to
the instructors’
comments (if
applicable) on two or
more days.
Demonstrates an
analysis of peer’s
comments, building
on previous posts.
Criteria No Submission
O Points
Emerging (F through
D range)
Satisfactory (C Range)
Proficient (B Range)
Exemplary (A Range)
Homeland Security Discussion Rubric 5/10/2021
Citation Style)
Student did not
submit the
Numerous issues in
any of the following:
mechanics, spelling
use of slang, an
incomplete or
missing citations and
Some spelling,
grammatical, and/or
structural errors are
present. Some errors
in formatting
citations and
references are
Minor to no errors in
grammar, mechanics,
or spelling in the
initial postings are
present in both the
initial post and
comments to others.
Utilizes sources to
include text readings
as well as outside
Assignment exceeds
expectations with
exceptional depth;
presents all
requirements of the
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate,
apply and synthesize
key assignment
Overall score
No Submission
There was no
Submission for
Emerging (F-D
progress has
not been met
on the
of this
(C Range)
Satisfactory progress
has been achieved
on the competencies
for this assignment
Proficient (B Range)
Proficiency has been
achieved on the
competencies for this
Exemplary (A Range)
The competencies for
this assignment have
been mastered.
Homeland Security Discussion Rubric 5/10/2021
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  • 1. Discussion Task #1 Research · Scan and analyze the infographic about CRM: infographic/ · Links to an external site. · · Scan and analyze this article about CRM: · Links to an external site. · · Scan and analyze this article about Cloud Computing: practices/cloud-computing/ · Links to an external site. · · Scan through Chapter 15: Integrating Google Analytics with CRM Data · Search online to learn more about Customer relationship management (CRM).#2 Answer the Following Question · What is a CRM system? Basically in your own words explain how a CRM works. · What is Cloud Computing and what are the benefits of cloud computing (list at least 3 benefits)? · List 4 kinds of your customer's data CRM systems will collect. · List 4 benefits of a cloud-based CRM platform · What do you think is the future of CRM and CRM platforms?#3 Include Your Sources at the Bottom of Your Post · Be sure to give credit to any resource that you might have used to help you answer these questions, share the website URL.#4 Comment on 2 Classmates Post by Sunday · Say something that will contribute to a meaningful discussion-
  • 2. -this requires time and thought! Thoroughly reflect on and think about the point you are making. · Fully explain and elaborate your points, using examples, evidence, and logic to explain. · Speak with precision regarding your meaning, rather than being vague or general. 1st classmate comment : A CRM system is a way to collect and use a person's information regarding that brand. This can be from signup sheets that are being used for voting, or even for ordering products online. Cloud computing is a way to access information and implementations online instead of having to access all this information through a company's/person's personal hard drive. It allows for free use of storage and does not limit the people who need all the information they can have. It also is completely autonomous meaning that a person who wanted to access the cloud would not need to bring their floppy disk with them to access the data, but rather can have complete access to it through the cloud. Another great take away is the cloud computing is scalable allowing companies or users to intentionally cut down, or up how much usage they want from the cloud provider unlike floppy disks or even memory cards that have a set number of Gigabytes in them. However, CRM is also great for collecting data from its customers to help create a greater relationship between the brand, and their customers. Some of the data collected includes client's personal preference of communication, email, phone number, and social media data. Not just for customers are their benefits, but also for the companies that use Cloud based CRM platforms to. A couple of those being affordability, easy instillation, secure use, and incredible reliability. In my personal opinion I think that CRM is already being used heavily. I am currently also enrolled in a CRM course this
  • 3. quarter and while taking that class I began to understand the importance of CRM. Especially when it comes to creating that trust between the brand and the customer. Such things as loyalty programs would have been unheard of 20 years ago, but now they are a primary source for a company to understand who they are selling to. References: Cloud CRM - The 8 Biggest Benefits of a Cloud-Based CRM ( Links to an external site. What is CRM? - Links to an external site. What is Cloud Computing? Types and Examples - 2nd classmate comment : What is a CRM system? Basically in your own words explain how a CRM works. CRM system, stands for “Customer Relationship Management”, is a software platform that helps businesses communicate easily from at marketing to sales department by using the tools focused on automation, record correlation, and insightful reporting What is Cloud Computing and what are the benefits of cloud computing (list at least 3 benefits)? Cloud computing is the provision of IT resources on demand over the Internet for a pay-as-you-go fee. Faster time to market New instances can be spun up and retired instantly, allowing
  • 4. developers to accelerate development with rapid deployment. Scalability and flexibility Cloud computing brings more flexibility to your business. You can quickly scale resources and storage to meet the demands of your business without investing in physical infrastructure. Cost savings No matter what cloud service model you choose, you only pay for the resources you actually use. List 4 kinds of your customer's data CRM systems will collect. Identity data Descriptive data Qualitative data Quantitive data List 4 benefits of a cloud-based CRM platform Easy Installation Anywhere & Anytime Access Cost-Effective Secure What do you think is the future of CRM and CRM platforms? CRM will continue to report important data and provide insights for future action. Experts see CRM evolving to measure and inform sales support and customer engagement while playing a tremendous role in future business success.
  • 5. to an external site. to an external site. Chapter: Chapter 1 - Defining Terrorism Article Title: “Terrorism” Chapter 1 of the text goes into much detail about defining terrorism and the types of terrorism. What exactly constitutes terrorism and why does it seem so complicated to define? This article from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, 2021) defines terrorism as a "contested term, with no set definition for the concept or broad agreement among academic experts on its usage " (para. 1). Is it really that difficult to define? It’s a word and as such it should just be in any old dictionary or textbook glossary and boom there's the definition. Is it more complicated than that? To answer my own question, yes, it is very complicated. But at least I’m not alone in the complicatedness of defining terrorism as it seems like the FBI is having problems too. The article
  • 6. notes that “the recent spate of extremist attacks in the United States and Europe have highlighted the difficulty of defining what constitutes ‘terrorism’” (FBI, 2021, para. 2). Here, The FBI focuses on recent examples extremism to attempt to answer the question, even giving the readers an account of some of the recent terroristic attacks and how the relate to terrorism and extremism. By the end of the article the question remains unclear and unanswered, making this task of defining terrorism that much more confusing. The pro of this article is that there were some real-world examples. These help show the complicated nature of defining terrorism. The article would have been more interesting if there were some frontline details, like the definition from the FBI’s perspective, especially given it’s the leading legal enforcement mechanism in the country. Words: 270 Reference Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2021). What We Investigate: Terrorism. Retrieved from Commented [JW1]: When citing from a webpage, you must count the paragraphs and include a para. citation.
  • 7. Commented [JW2]: Note how the quote within a quote appears: " ' ' " And note the citation here follows the quote since the source was not mentioned before the quote. Sample Discussion Board Post for Criminal Justice Submitted by Melissia Anderson Effective writing is so important to criminal justice professionals for many reasons. According to Wallace and Roberson (2009), it is estimated that we use 70% of our time communicating. This may be accomplished either verbally or in writing. A verbal communication is considered less formal, while a written statement is lasting and given more significance. Because written statements are permanent, they are assessed as more significant. A report filed by a law enforcement agent can be used for the prosecution or defense of a defendant in a court of law. Inaccuracies in a written report can result in the failure to convict an individual of a crime. The legal ramifications of unclear or imprecise writing can be substantial. An officer must be able to explain the reasons a
  • 8. report is written and filed. They must be able to defend errors in their reports. Under oath, they will have to testify from the contents of the report. Criminal justice professionals must be able to not only file written reports, but to draft narratives that are comprehensible and logical for others to grasp (Wallace & Roberson, 2009). Working in Pretrial Services I know that clarity is particularly essential. If our court officers do not precisely note the judge’s terms or conditions of release, a defendant may inadvertently violate their release. It could cost the individual their freedom. Many times, the judiciary may be vague when defining terms of release. In this instance court communications must be sent to distinguish the original intent from the judge. It wastes valuable time and court resources to clear up ambiguous conditions. Plagiarism involves stealing another person’s ideas or works and using them as your own. Sometimes this can be blatant, like copying sentences word for word without using quotation marks. In other situations, it may be less obvious, such as paraphrasing content from another source but not citing it. This; however, is still plagiarism because that content originated from someone else's ideas or research, not your own. Plagiarism in this instance can be avoided by simply using an in-text citation at the beginning or the end of the paraphrased content. It is always a good idea to cite a source rather than chance an allegation of plagiarism (Keiser University, n.d.). Stealing from another can destroy the credibility of any criminal justice professional. Because they represent the law and courts, law enforcement agents need to be above reproach.
  • 9. Word Count: 401 References Keiser University. (n.d.). Plagiarism [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from Wallace, H., & Roberson, C. (2009). Written and interpersonal communication: Methods for law enforcement (4th ed.). Pearson Education. Criteria No Submission: O Points Emerging (F through D range) 12 points Satisfactory (C Range) 14 points Proficient (B Range) 16 points Exemplary (A Range) 20 points
  • 10. Criterion score 20/20 Thesis and Ideas: Explores the appropriate topic based on chapters read in the week and displays college level thinking Submits the correct number of Journal articles. Student did not submit the assignment Work does not meet assignment expectations; shows little or no understanding of assignment concepts Assignment partially meets expectations with minimal depth; demonstrates a limited understanding of the assignment concepts
  • 11. Assignment meets expectations with all components being addressed; demonstrates the ability to evaluate and apply key assignments Assignment exceeds expectations with exceptional depth; presents all requirements of the assignment; demonstrates the ability to evaluate, apply and synthesize key assignment concepts 20/20 Criteria No Submission: O Points Emerging (F through D range)
  • 12. 12 points Satisfactory (C Range) 14 points Proficient B Range 16 points Exemplary (A Range 20 points Criterion score 20/20 Comprehension: Synthesizes information and communicates it through student’s own thoughts and words. Student did not submit the assignment Work does not meet assignment expectations;
  • 13. shows little or no understanding of assignment concepts Assignment partially meets expectations with minimal depth; demonstrates a limited understanding of the assignment concepts Assignment meets expectations with all components being addressed; demonstrates the ability to evaluate and apply key assignments Assignment exceeds expectations with exceptional depth; presents all requirements of the assignment; demonstrates the ability to evaluate, apply and synthesize key assignment concepts
  • 14. 20/20 Criteria No Submission: O Points Emerging (F through D range) 12 points Satisfactory (C Range) 14 points Proficient (B Range) 16 points Exemplary (A Range) 20 points 20/20 Evidence critical and analytical skills Student did not submit
  • 15. the assignment Work does not meet assignment expectations; shows little or no understanding of assignment concepts Assignment partially meets expectations with minimal depth; demonstrates a limited understanding of the assignment concepts Assignment meets expectations with all components being addressed; demonstrates the ability to evaluate and apply key assignments Assignment exceeds expectations with exceptional depth; presents all requirements of the assignment;
  • 16. demonstrates the ability to evaluate, apply and synthesize key assignment concepts 20/20 Criteria No Submission: 0 Points Emerging (F through D range) 12 points Satisfactory (C Range) 14 points Proficient B Range 16 points Exemplary (A Range) 20 points 20/20 Research: Appropriate use of scholarly sources Student did not submit the
  • 17. assignment Work does not meet assignment expectations; shows little or no understanding of assignment concepts Assignment partially meets expectations with minimal depth; demonstrates a limited understanding of the assignment concepts Assignment meets expectations with all components being addressed; demonstrates the ability to evaluate and apply key assignments Assignment exceeds expectations with exceptional depth; presents all requirements of the assignment; demonstrates the
  • 18. ability to evaluate, apply and synthesize key 20/20 Criteria No Submission: 0 Points Emerging (F through D range) 6 points Satisfactory (C Range) 7 points Proficient B Range 8 points Exemplary (A Range) 10 points 10/10 Organization: Writing demonstrates well- developed body that evidences each element from the thesis in succinct paragraphs and each
  • 19. Student did not submit the assignment Work does not meet assignment expectations; shows little or no understanding of assignment concepts Assignment partially meets expectations with minimal depth; demonstrates a limited understanding of Assignment meets expectations with all components being addressed; demonstrates the ability to evaluate Assignment exceeds expectations with exceptional depth; presents all requirements of the assignment; demonstrates the
  • 20. 10/10 paragraph supports the thesis. the assignment concepts and apply key assignments ability to evaluate, apply and synthesize key Criteria No Submission 0 Points Emerging (F through D range) 6 points Satisfactory (C Range) 7 points Proficient (B Range) 8 points Exemplary (A Range) 10 points
  • 21. 10/10 Used APA formatted citations and references and used correct structural formatting Student did not submit the assignment No attempt at APA formatting when using references APA is attempted with numerous errors Using APA format accurately; errors are noticeable Using APA format proficiently, text is basically error free Overall Score Emerging (F-D) Satisfactory (C Range)
  • 22. Proficient (B range) Exemplary (A range) Chapter 12: Structure for Managing Emergency Response Article Name: “Florida officials seek tourism boost after Alberto blows through” Article Review: The Emergency Operations Center should be the most important building of any community. This is where all the knowledge and nuts and bolts to keep the safety, economy, and welfare of all the citizens and dynamics of a city or county, flowing. Every part of our country has its own hazards, from California and earthquakes, wildfires and tsunami threats, to hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods in the South and Midwest. Every EOC has its own
  • 23. set of emergency plans based on the threat assessment. I bring up economy because you see it every storm season, disasters blow in and everyone flees, including the tourists which would have spurred the economy but now are gone, and so is the economy. Disasters not only pull down the economy, and the lack of needed tourism, but then is the increased cost of preparing, mitigating, and recovery of disasters and emergencies. Hurricane season started in the south, and now Florida is trying to pull back in tourists in between storms. I understand that, but I also see a risk involved. According to one source, “As winds and rains let up from Subtropical Storm Alberto, Florida officials Tuesday were quickly spinning ways to draw tourists to areas that may have missed out on Memorial Day crowds” (Turner, 2018, para. 1). The Governor of Florida visited an EOC to thank them for a job well done for this first storm as he was questioned about tourism efforts. He said, “The Legislature gave us $76 million again this year (for visit Florida), and part of that money is to work on when we have something like
  • 24. this, to let people know we’re back open for business” (Turner, 2018, para. 5). The EOC is the hub and is excellent at tracking emergency and disaster situations before they happen, when possible, and that success is shown by minimal loss of life and property. When greed steps in, that is when you see tourism take a back seat, but most who have been through the big storms know those risks, and you see a good attitude with the Governor of Florida in this article who knows what his State is facing. It shows a good leader also who shows appreciation to those he knows keeps the public safe. WC 375 Turner, J. (2018, May 30). Florida officials seek tourism boost after Alberto blows through. Florida Division of Emergency Management. Retrieved from afterAlbertoblows through
  • 25. Research & Report you should find two articles that relates to the material covered in your reading this week: · Chapter 13 Terrorist Surveillance Techniques · Chapter 15 The Decision and Attack Sequence: The Last Chance to Stop an Attack Use any peer reviewed resources ( government websites) to find an article that discusses the same topic. Then write in an APA review of the article. You should submit two of these. Submit them in the same document. Requirements: · Complete two article reviews. · Each review shouold have a minimum of 250-350 words. · Each review should explain the significance of the article and relate it to your reading this week. · Each review should end with your opinion on the pros or cons of the article being reviewed. · Note: Do NOT use any articels older than 5 years. This field is always changing, so you should be using current information (no older than five years). · Note: Do NOT simply cut-and-paste from a website or from an article. Yes, you should be sources to find the information for this journal assignment, but do not simply cut- and-paste someone else's words. As you review the article, put it in your own words. Be sure to cite in APA. If you copy and paste, you will NOT get credit for doing this. Your reviews must be your own words, thoughts, and analysis. Resources:
  • 26. · Homeland Security Journal RubricHomeland Security Journal Rubric - Alternative Formats · Example Student Journals: · Example 1 - “Florida Officials Seek Tourism Boost after Alberto Blows Through”Example 1 - “Florida Officials Seek Tourism Boost after Alberto Blows Through” - Alternative Formats · Example 2 - "What We Investigate: Terrorism"Example 2 - "What We Investigate: Terrorism" - Alternative Formats image5.gif image4.gif image3.gif Homeland Security Discussion Rubric 5/10/2021 Response No Submission O Points Emerging (F through D range) 60 Satisfactory (C Range) 70 Proficient (B Range) 85
  • 27. Exemplary (A Range) 100 Criterion score Quality of Initial Posting 50% No Initial Posting The Information provided is inaccurate not focused on the assignment topic. Does not answer the question fully, Response demonstrates incomplete understanding of the topic and /or inadequate preparation The information provided is accurate giving a basic understanding of the topic(s) covered.
  • 28. Despite this basic understanding, initial posting may nit include complete development of all aspects of the assignment. The information provided is accurate, displaying a good understanding of the topic(s) covered. Initial posting demonstrates clear understanding and addresses most aspects of the assignment although all concepts may not be fully discussed. The information provided is accurate, providing an in- depth, well thought- out understanding of the topic(s) covered. The initial post provides an analysis of the information learned from the course and/or assigned readings.
  • 29. Criteria No Submission Emerging (F through D range) Satisfactory (C Range) Proficient B Range Exemplary (A Range Criterion score Participation in Discussion 30% Student did not submit the assignment. May include one or more of the following.: Comments to only one other student’s
  • 30. post. Comments are not substantive, such as saying “good job” or comments are off topic. Comments to two or more classmates’ initial posts but only on one day of the week. Comments are substantive and expand on what another student wrote. Comments to two or more classmates’ initial posts but only on one day of the week. Comments are substantive and expand on what another student wrote. Comments to two or more classmates’ initial posts and to the instructors’ comments (if applicable) on two or more days. Demonstrates an analysis of peer’s comments, building
  • 31. on previous posts. Criteria No Submission O Points Emerging (F through D range) Satisfactory (C Range) Proficient (B Range) Exemplary (A Range) Criterion score Homeland Security Discussion Rubric 5/10/2021 Writing Mechanics (Spelling, Grammar, Citation Style) and Information Literacy.
  • 32. 20% Student did not submit the assignment Numerous issues in any of the following: grammar, mechanics, spelling use of slang, an incomplete or missing citations and references Some spelling, grammatical, and/or structural errors are present. Some errors in formatting citations and references are present. Minor to no errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling in the initial postings are present in both the initial post and comments to others. Utilizes sources to include text readings as well as outside sources.
  • 33. Assignment exceeds expectations with exceptional depth; presents all requirements of the assignment; demonstrates the ability to evaluate, apply and synthesize key assignment concepts. Overall score No Submission There was no Submission for this assignment Emerging (F-D Range) Satisfactory progress has not been met on the competencies of this assignment Satisfactory
  • 34. (C Range) Satisfactory progress has been achieved on the competencies for this assignment Proficient (B Range) Proficiency has been achieved on the competencies for this assignment Exemplary (A Range) The competencies for this assignment have been mastered. Homeland Security Discussion Rubric 5/10/2021