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Digital Recruitment strategies to
attract and win top talent
Why digital recruitment
● Social media has changed the way companies approach talent
search - the world of recruiting has gone nearly 100% digital
(online resumes, social media, webcam interviews etc)
● The best people will measure your suitability as a potential
employer by looking at your presence and activity on various
digital media channels
● Companies with a strong employment brand attract at least 3.5
times more applications per job postings than do other companies
in the same industry
Your digital recruitment
• Strong employment brand
• Positive candidate experience
• Using social media effectively to engage and attract talent
➢ Interview & Career Coach with 10 years of
coaching experience and 11 years of
international, recruitment experience
➢ Recruited for Microsoft, VMware, Expedia,
Yieldify, now Head of Digital Recruitment at
➢ Qualified Personal Performance, Corporate &
Executive Coach
➢ Author of ‘Land That Job!’
About Me - Margaret Buj
It’s all about digital
"Twenty years ago, the résumé was a piece of
paper. Now, it's a collection of all [candidate]
data that can be found online, like participation
in online communities, conferences and meet-
ups. Recruiters can assess whether a person will
fit, and learn if he or she has the right skills for a
Jon Bischke, CEO of Entelo
Your employment brand
Define your proposition to
attract the best
• Your "employment brand" is a key selling point and is
critical to your ability to attract and retain talent, especially
in today’s tough economy.
• What do the actions of your organization tell the rest of the
world about your company?
• Benefits of a strong employment brand: improved quality of
candidates, more passive candidates, fewer costs
associated with turnover, with recruitment, your employees
as brand advocates/
Assessing your employment
Before you can work to strengthen your employment brand, it is
critical that you first understand how your organization is perceived
as a place to work.
1. Does your company have a reputation as collegial or cutthroat?
1. Is the atmosphere casual or formal?
1. Do employees and target talent see it as a place where one can
grow and advance, or as a place to get some experience and
quickly move on?
In order to know truly know what your employment brand is, you
need to listen to what job seekers and current employees are saying
about you.
What do people think of you?
Respondents to a survey from CR Magazine and Allegis Talent2
say that what they hear about an organization affects their job
• 75% wouldn’t work for a company with a bad reputation
even if they were unemployed
And for those who would say yes? Many of them would only
accept a job at a company with a poor reputation for
significantly more money:
• One-quarter said they would need more than a 50% pay
• 15% said they would need more than double their salary
What do applicants think of
It’s not only a recruiter who makes an impression on the
applicant. Many applicants share bad experiences:
1. Over three-fourths would tell family and friends
2. 17% would post on social media
3. 6% would blog about it
Poor communication during the application process, a rude
interviewer — it could all end up being shared with the online
world at large, free to be read by someone you might want to
What do employees think of
• According to a CareerXroads report, employee referrals
are the single most significant source of hires, right
above career websites.
• What your people say to their friends and colleagues can
shape the future of your organization.
• If your employees are unhappy and telling potential
candidates about it, you could lose out on the talent you
want to hire.
What do employees think of
• Give your employees a chance to give you feedback, and
then act on their concerns before unhappiness has a chance
to fester.
• In addition to less formal posts about work culture, you can
set up a website specifically for potential employees.
• You have to sell your company to future employees in the
same way you sell your products and services to
customers—by determining how you can benefit them and
making that clear.
Employee referral programs are another effective way to
communicate your company’s employment brand, whilst at the
same time identifying job candidates.
Often, the best way to recruit qualified employees is through
word of mouth, and satisfied employees are the best
Research demonstrates that word of mouth is perceived as at
least twice as credible as advertisements.
Your employees matter
LinkedIn Recruiting Trends 2016 report.
Ensure your proposition is
• What makes your vacancies attractive?
• Why would a top performer choose you?
• What are your longer-term opportunities?
Include the above in your careers site. The best employers
career portals have:
• case studies
• career plans / roadmaps
• interview and assessment center advice
• interview process details and key dates
The push for employer brand is
paying off
LinkedIn Recruiting Trends 2016 report states:
1. Employer brand re-emerges as a top priority.
1. Spending on employer brand has significantly increased
over the past two years.
1. As a result, organizations are creating more proactive
strategies and using more outbound channels, like online
professional networks and social media.
• What are your strengths as an employer? Your weaknesses?
• How does top talent rate you against your competitors?
• What do your competitors offer that you do not?
• What do you offer that your competitors do not?
• What do employees like about coming to work for you?
• What do employees dislike about coming to work for you?
• What drives job seekers to apply to your jobs?
• What prevents job seekers from applying to your jobs?
• Are you offering competitive pay?
• How could you better position yourself as an employer of choice?
• Where should you be advertising your jobs?
Key questions for defining
your message
Examples of great career
• Or
• Or
• Great pic of a barista smiling on home page.
• Brand reinforced with the black and green and white
Starbucks colors in their headline, search button,
background color of search box.
• A very comprehensive Search Drop-Down - you can search
a drop down for either their Stores or Corporate - you can
search All rather than force them to pick one category.
(they don’t offer this for their Store job search (likely
because of the complexity of 10,000+ store job openings).
• Full Screen Video on their career home page behind their job
search box.
• They ask the candidate “What do you want to do?” with some
sections like “Search Jobs”, “Stay in Touch (talent community)
and a list of key teams/departments (Consulting, Tech,
Operations, Corporate).
• Self-Selection — Accenture tells the candidate that if they’re “not
sure where to begin” they can use an easy drop-down menu to
self-identify as a student, intern, professional, veteran, or alumni.
• Employee Profile Timeline
• A dedicated Accenture Alumni page - this says to new candidates
that you will find benefits from Accenture even if you leave the
company one day.
• Amazon’s careers home page begins with one of the fastest job
searches (especially with 16,000+ job openings)
• Pioneers Section — They include a Pioneers section which briefly
profiles 60+ Amazon employees. Each of those profiles leads to job
families and job sub-families as well
• Comprehensive Job Family and Sub-Job Family Microsites — every
department, team and location appears to be represented by its own
pages e.g.:
• When you view those job family/microsite pages you will typically see
a description and list of job openings (with volume) related to the
position, team or location.
• Easy to Find Job Descriptions — Hootsuite’s main call to action is a
link to their job openings at the bottom of their career home
• 5 Themes/Video Vignettes — the first thing you see is a partial-
screen video playing with part 1 of 5 things that Hootsuite is
looking for in the candidate (the first is called “You’re social”). The
next 4 qualities are “You’re proud to be quirky”, “You’re curious”,
“You’re quick on your feet” and “You’re passionate”
• 4 Quick-hit Videos — they have videos of 4 employees in different
departments. The videos are each 16 seconds which is way short
but just as effective. (Tip: Career site videos should be less
than 60 seconds because data shows nearly all candidates drop
off after a minute).
• Dedicated URL (
• Effective Theme — The theme of adventure/journey is
consistent across their career site.
• Nice combo of pics and video with minimal text.
• Breakdown of brands (most people don’t know that Expedia
owns Hotwire, and Any one of
those might draw a candidate in.
• Eye-Catching Headline — not many websites have a clear headline
to hook and engage the reader. Adidas nails this one in 3 words:
“Make Your Move”.
• Full Screen Video — There is one background pic and then a video
to play over it that takes up the whole screen.
• Section Videos – They use a separate video for each main section
of their career site.
• Contrarian navigation — Candidates scroll left and right (not
down) to navigate. If you want to show you’re different, this is
one way to do it.
Evaluating your brand
What gets measured gets done.
Below are metrics you need to track to test the effectiveness of your
employment brand:
• Number of job applicants per dollar spent advertising the job
• Quality of job applicants per dollar spent
• Candidate acceptance rate per dollar spent
• Cost per hire
• Length of time to fill job openings
• Turnover of new hires
• Turnover of veteran employees
• Employee satisfaction and engagement
Positive candidate experience
Ensuring a positive candidate
Candidates expect a fast, easy application process
"Talent acquisition has become a seller's market. For
employers, it's all about maximizing the candidate experience
through the job application process.”
Laura Kerekes, chief knowledge officer of ThinkHR, a provider
of human resources solutions
These days’ candidates know their worth and are attentive
of the competitive landscape.
If an employer does not respond properly OR makes the
application process difficult, they quickly move on to the
next company.
Candidate experience is defined by how well the interaction
goes between the employer and job seeker in the
recruitment process.
Candidate approach
Ensuring a positive candidate
1. Make the process engaging & simple
1. Give the candidate a realistic overview of the job, the
working environment in your team and your organisation’s
culture to try and attract them to you.
1. Especially important if you are recruiting in a highly
competitive candidate-driven market such as digital and
Help create a positive
candidate experience by:
• providing information about the job, team and the
• responding to candidate enquiries and applications quickly
and courteously
• ensuring that candidates don’t spend a disproportionate
amount of time and effort applying for the role e.g. try not
to use an overly complex application form or a
excessive selection procedures
• familiarising yourself with each application and asking
specific, relevant questions
• providing accurate, timely feedback after the selection
process is completed
Ensuring a positive candidate
• Treat potential employees as customers to create a lasting
• Create a positive experience of openness and transparency -it can
go a long way in attracting quality applicants to your company.
• When using different social and media channels in getting your
content out, make sure that your brand message is
consistent across all of these platforms.
Remember, a satisfied candidate might tell a friend about
their positive experience.
Disgruntled candidate will tell at least 10 friends how
appalled they were with their interview experience.
And there’s no stopping the damage they could bring to
your reputation when they begin their social media tirade.
Importance of positive
candidate experience
Hootsuite case study
Hootsuite case study
Goals and Expected Outcomes
• Develop a better understanding of a candidate’s experience
in their interview process
• Help applicants find and engage their social recruiting
channels, and better understand their culture
• Proactively inform applicants about their interview process
and timeline
• Make their job descriptions more compelling, reflective of
their culture, informative, and mobile-friendly
• Offer resources and support to applicants who were not
hired but took the time to apply
Hootsuite case study
Hootsuite case study – how
they did it
• Re-Imagining the Job description
• Re-designing our application response
• Re-thinking our rejection template
• Expanding our Candidate Experience survey
Part 1– re-imagining job
• Job descriptions are typically a static laundry list of
responsibilities and qualifications. They’re often written
from an employer’s point of view, and rarely help a
prospect really understand how being in that role will
benefit them or what success will look like.
• The goal was to create something more visual/branded
(header) and dynamic (hyperlinks), but also to reframe
the content to speak directly to the reader (you), rather
than the traditional framing around the org (we).
• They also wanted to be tighter and more efficient with their
copy to better support a mobile viewing experience.
Part 2: Redesigning the
Application Response
Most companies have a static email they send automatically
confirming receipt of a new job application.
They’re often nothing more than a message:
“We’ve received your resume – thank you for applying”
Part 2: Redesigning the
Application Response
Behind The Redesign
Hootsuite wanted to set that stage for applicants to have a
better idea of what to expect when applying at Hootsuite by
proactively addressing FAQ’s about the process.
• Visuals – Most recruiting emails are text-only. They wanted to
add some life with a branded header
• Interview Process – Hootsuite wanted to bring transparency to
things like applicant volume, review approach, interview process,
and timeframe.
• Timing – Set expectations for when applicants will hear back.
• Personality & Tone – Add personality and warmth to to their
applicant communications.
• Culture & Connection – They wanted to make it easy for
applicants to connect with all of their social recruiting and culture
• Access – They built and shared a Twitter list for their recruiting
team in an effort to make them more accessible and easier to
• View full email at:
Part 2: Redesigning the Application Response
• View example at:
Part 2: Redesigning the Application
Part 3: Rethinking rejection
Option 1. The rejection email never comes (the unfortunate
‘black hole’). Your enthusiastic application is greeted with
silence and you’re left to wonder if your resume was even
Option 2. You receive a standard rejection template that
conveys a message you will not be considered for the job.
Could organizations do more to help job seekers
beyond their application?
More Than “We Regret To Inform You…”
Hootsuite wanted to help job seekers outside of their
application with Hootsuite. They revised their candidate emails
to include additional resources they can draw from e.g. job
search strategies, networking, company research, resume
writing, LinkedIn tips, interview prep, interview feedback, and
You can see the full email at:
Part 3: Rethinking rejection
Social media recruiting
Digital recruitment extends your reach
and maximizes your advertising spend
– when you get it right!
Social media provides a great platform for companies to
communicate with employees and candidates about
everything from announcing new opportunities to discussing
the benefits of working at their company.
Make sure you are utilizing your profiles on social
networking sites in the most effective way.
Social media recruiting
Social media recruiting
• Jobvite found that social media has been used by 73% of
recruiters to hire candidates.
• 44% of recruiters say that social recruiting has increased both the
quantity and quality of candidates
• Socially engaged companies are 58% more likely to attract top
• Social media lets you learn more about prospective employees
than a resume on its own, whether it’s because you can see their
endorsements on LinkedIn, or their personality on Facebook helps
you gauge their potential fit with your company culture.
• As for candidates, getting to know a company’s culture through
social media can be a powerful draw.
Best practices for engaging both
current and potential employees using
social media
Create An Exclusive User Experience
Use your social networking profile page (eg.Facebook page) to post
compelling content (such as videos, photos, article links or status
updates) that provides insight into what it’s like to work at your
Highlight Specific Jobs
Provide information beyond just a job description e.g. employee
testimonials of others who hold that position and want to be
advocates for the company and the job.
Best practices for engaging both
current and potential employees using
social media.
Listen, Learn and Engage
This is an ongoing process. Once you have a profile and are active
on the site, you can start to listen to the conversations about your
brand. Allow employees and job seekers to post questions about
the company.
Dedicate Time and Effort
Keep at it - it takes time to build a following and generate
How to ensure success of
your social media
recruitment strategy
Step 1: Building your team
Your team will vary depending on how your company is
structured and the resources you have to work with.
Will they be using company social media handles or will they be
posting and recruiting through their personal account? What
types of language will they be using? Answering these questions
ahead of time will save you a load of stress down the road.
Step 2: Building your content
• Your content needs to sell jobs, not a product.
• What types of content can you post to attract potential
• Employee testimonials – Interview your employees and let
them speak honestly about their experiences working at your
company. The more you can showcase real stories from real
employees, the more transparency you can build with
potential candidates.
• Company “wow” factor – Do talk about why your company is
awesome, but don’t over do it. You might talk about how you’ve
been listed as a best place to work for 5 years in a row.
• Values showcase – Candidates want to know what your
company stands for. They want to see that you have a clear vision
and more importantly, they want to see how it’s carried out day-
Step 3: Decide what platform to
be on
Every social media platform has its own prevailing
demographic. Ask yourself where your candidates are.
If you’re just starting out, a solid strategy would be to get on
The Big 3:
1. Facebook
2. LinkedIn
3. Twitter
• Consider the type of content you’ll be posting e.g. if you’ll
be primarily posting long-form, text-based content like
White Papers, LinkedIn is best.
• If you’re using a platform with a younger audience like
SnapChat and Instagram, how can your brand come across
as young and hip, but still display and communicate the
proper branding? Will your messaging resonate with
• If you’re on several platforms, are you educating your
follower bases in slightly different ways? (change the copy)
Step 3: Decide what
platform to be on
Step 4: Targeting your audience
Now that you know whom to target, you need to find those
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of internet
marketing that can help you target specific users through
optimization and advertising.
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn all provide opportunities for
paid promotion and targeting. Deciding how to target your
social posts is based on a variety of factors, including:
• Goal of each post
• Example post goals: To get more clicks to your job listing
• Demographics in relation to goal
• Example demographics: 25-30, French speakers, living in
• Psychographics in relation to goal
• Example psychographics: Those interested in technology,
enjoy nightlife
• Behaviors in relation to goal
• Example behaviors: Use mobile devices, give to charity
• In addition to your target labels, you can’t underestimate
the power of your post copy.
Step 4: Targeting your audience
Step 5: Proving your ROI
• Shares, ‘Likes’ and retweets are great for engagement, but do
they actually lead to clicks, applications and hires? Proving the
ROI of social media is difficult, but it’s not impossible.
• Success of your social media effort is also driving people one step
closer to application. Those “micro-conversions” create awareness
of your company. Getting a user to subscribe to your
newsletter, or having them visit your career site, content
pages and job descriptions create awareness of your
How to leverage Twitter
1. Make use of your network
• If you have a great job, ask your followers to share it out. Just
don’t do it too often. That gets annoying.
2. Rejoice in hashtags
• Those little “#” symbols before every word count. Use them. If
you’re posting about a marketing job in London consider
#Marketing #Job in #London. And if you need a little guidance
with which hashtags to use, try a tool like Hashtracking.
3. Search for colloquialisms
• If you want to do outreach to potential recruits, know the local
lingo. For instance, while a developer on LinkedIn might say
Ruby on Rails, on Twitter expect RoR. Or they might use Jet City
instead of Seattle.
How to leverage Facebook
1. Try out Facebook ads
• People share so much on Facebook — use it to target them. Do you
need someone with a certain degree, someone that lives in a
particular city? etc Facebook’s robust ad platform lets you target
exactly who you want and remove anyone you don’t.
2. Create a jobs tab
• There are countless apps that let you add a Jobs tab to the top of
your Company page to help put your open jobs in front of people e.g.
3. Create a job-specific page
• L’Oréal’s Facebook pages are an model of recruitment success. It has
almost 215,000 Likes and has become a dedicated hub to post job
openings, answer questions from candidates, and share behind-the-
scenes photos to give a sense of the company culture.
How to leverage LinkedIn
1. Test LinkedIn Recruiter or Recruiter Lite
• Gives you access to the entire network of professionals on
2. Target candidates with ads
• Use this shared information to target individuals at specific
companies and with specific job titles.
3. Take advantage of Groups
• Let’s say you’re looking to recruit an inbound marketer. You’d
want to join the Inbound Marketers Group, which has nearly
115,000 members! Groups can get pretty niche, which is great
when you’re searching for a very particular type of individual.
How to measure success of your
digital recruitment strategy
• Create unique pages in your web site for the same job.
Then use different links on different platforms or mailing lists.
That way you can see which platform / approach drives the most
hits to your site.
• Ensure you have analytics or some sort of traffic
measurement tool set-up on your web site so you can track
hits to certain pages and understand what job seekers click on
when on your site.
• Use social media buttons such as’ Tweet’ and ‘Share’ so you can
track how many times a particular post or page is shared via
social media.
Social media – final tips
• Leverage social media to reach a vast pool of potential
• Encourage your employees to promote job openings on
their personal pages.
• Consider creating a video describing your organization’s
culture and what makes it a great place to work. Post the
video on your company’s website and YouTube, and ask
employees to promote it through social media as well.
Why Does Any of this Matter?
“I’m a small business, and don’t have nearly the consumer
following or name recognition that bigger businesses have. Why
even bother investing in my employment brand?”
You just answered your own question. Having a strong
employment brand helps small- and medium-sized businesses
stay competitive by increasing their exposure among both
consumers and top talent that can easily be swayed by larger
company brands.
Smaller companies can leverage the increased exposure to
communicate the unique qualities that make them an employer of
“We’re not hiring right now and don’t have immediate plans
to do so. How is employment branding relevant to me?”
Even if you’re not hiring, it will save you time and money in
the long run to plan ahead by building your employment
The effort will increase your exposure and help you build a
pipeline of enthusiastic, engaged talent from which you can
draw when you find yourself with an open position later on.
Additionally, you’ll be creating something your current
employees can rally behind.
Why Does Any of this Matter?
Digital recruitment strategies to attract top talent

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Digital recruitment strategies to attract top talent

  • 1. Digital Recruitment strategies to attract and win top talent
  • 2. Why digital recruitment strategy? ● Social media has changed the way companies approach talent search - the world of recruiting has gone nearly 100% digital (online resumes, social media, webcam interviews etc) ● The best people will measure your suitability as a potential employer by looking at your presence and activity on various digital media channels ● Companies with a strong employment brand attract at least 3.5 times more applications per job postings than do other companies in the same industry
  • 3. Your digital recruitment strategy • Strong employment brand • Positive candidate experience • Using social media effectively to engage and attract talent
  • 4. ➢ Interview & Career Coach with 10 years of coaching experience and 11 years of international, recruitment experience ➢ Recruited for Microsoft, VMware, Expedia, Yieldify, now Head of Digital Recruitment at ConnectDG ➢ Qualified Personal Performance, Corporate & Executive Coach ➢ Author of ‘Land That Job!’ e-book About Me - Margaret Buj
  • 5.
  • 6. It’s all about digital "Twenty years ago, the résumé was a piece of paper. Now, it's a collection of all [candidate] data that can be found online, like participation in online communities, conferences and meet- ups. Recruiters can assess whether a person will fit, and learn if he or she has the right skills for a job.” Jon Bischke, CEO of Entelo
  • 8. Define your proposition to attract the best • Your "employment brand" is a key selling point and is critical to your ability to attract and retain talent, especially in today’s tough economy. • What do the actions of your organization tell the rest of the world about your company? • Benefits of a strong employment brand: improved quality of candidates, more passive candidates, fewer costs associated with turnover, with recruitment, your employees as brand advocates/
  • 9. Assessing your employment brand Before you can work to strengthen your employment brand, it is critical that you first understand how your organization is perceived as a place to work. 1. Does your company have a reputation as collegial or cutthroat? 1. Is the atmosphere casual or formal? 1. Do employees and target talent see it as a place where one can grow and advance, or as a place to get some experience and quickly move on? In order to know truly know what your employment brand is, you need to listen to what job seekers and current employees are saying about you.
  • 10. What do people think of you? Respondents to a survey from CR Magazine and Allegis Talent2 say that what they hear about an organization affects their job decisions: • 75% wouldn’t work for a company with a bad reputation even if they were unemployed And for those who would say yes? Many of them would only accept a job at a company with a poor reputation for significantly more money: • One-quarter said they would need more than a 50% pay raise • 15% said they would need more than double their salary
  • 11. What do applicants think of you? It’s not only a recruiter who makes an impression on the applicant. Many applicants share bad experiences: 1. Over three-fourths would tell family and friends 2. 17% would post on social media 3. 6% would blog about it Poor communication during the application process, a rude interviewer — it could all end up being shared with the online world at large, free to be read by someone you might want to hire.
  • 12. What do employees think of you? • According to a CareerXroads report, employee referrals are the single most significant source of hires, right above career websites. • What your people say to their friends and colleagues can shape the future of your organization. • If your employees are unhappy and telling potential candidates about it, you could lose out on the talent you want to hire.
  • 13. What do employees think of you? • Give your employees a chance to give you feedback, and then act on their concerns before unhappiness has a chance to fester. • In addition to less formal posts about work culture, you can set up a website specifically for potential employees. • You have to sell your company to future employees in the same way you sell your products and services to customers—by determining how you can benefit them and making that clear.
  • 14. Employee referral programs are another effective way to communicate your company’s employment brand, whilst at the same time identifying job candidates. Often, the best way to recruit qualified employees is through word of mouth, and satisfied employees are the best messengers. Research demonstrates that word of mouth is perceived as at least twice as credible as advertisements. Your employees matter
  • 16. Ensure your proposition is competitive • What makes your vacancies attractive? • Why would a top performer choose you? • What are your longer-term opportunities? Include the above in your careers site. The best employers career portals have: • case studies • career plans / roadmaps • interview and assessment center advice • interview process details and key dates
  • 17. The push for employer brand is paying off LinkedIn Recruiting Trends 2016 report states: 1. Employer brand re-emerges as a top priority. 1. Spending on employer brand has significantly increased over the past two years. 1. As a result, organizations are creating more proactive strategies and using more outbound channels, like online professional networks and social media.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. • What are your strengths as an employer? Your weaknesses? • How does top talent rate you against your competitors? • What do your competitors offer that you do not? • What do you offer that your competitors do not? • What do employees like about coming to work for you? • What do employees dislike about coming to work for you? • What drives job seekers to apply to your jobs? • What prevents job seekers from applying to your jobs? • Are you offering competitive pay? • How could you better position yourself as an employer of choice? • Where should you be advertising your jobs? Key questions for defining your message
  • 21.
  • 22. Examples of great career sites
  • 25. Starbucks • Great pic of a barista smiling on home page. • Brand reinforced with the black and green and white Starbucks colors in their headline, search button, background color of search box. • A very comprehensive Search Drop-Down - you can search a drop down for either their Stores or Corporate - you can search All rather than force them to pick one category. (they don’t offer this for their Store job search (likely because of the complexity of 10,000+ store job openings).
  • 28. • Full Screen Video on their career home page behind their job search box. • They ask the candidate “What do you want to do?” with some sections like “Search Jobs”, “Stay in Touch (talent community) and a list of key teams/departments (Consulting, Tech, Operations, Corporate). • Self-Selection — Accenture tells the candidate that if they’re “not sure where to begin” they can use an easy drop-down menu to self-identify as a student, intern, professional, veteran, or alumni. • Employee Profile Timeline • A dedicated Accenture Alumni page - this says to new candidates that you will find benefits from Accenture even if you leave the company one day. Accenture
  • 30. Amazon • Amazon’s careers home page begins with one of the fastest job searches (especially with 16,000+ job openings) • Pioneers Section — They include a Pioneers section which briefly profiles 60+ Amazon employees. Each of those profiles leads to job families and job sub-families as well • Comprehensive Job Family and Sub-Job Family Microsites — every department, team and location appears to be represented by its own pages e.g.: • When you view those job family/microsite pages you will typically see a description and list of job openings (with volume) related to the position, team or location.
  • 35. Hootsuite • Easy to Find Job Descriptions — Hootsuite’s main call to action is a link to their job openings at the bottom of their career home page) • 5 Themes/Video Vignettes — the first thing you see is a partial- screen video playing with part 1 of 5 things that Hootsuite is looking for in the candidate (the first is called “You’re social”). The next 4 qualities are “You’re proud to be quirky”, “You’re curious”, “You’re quick on your feet” and “You’re passionate” • 4 Quick-hit Videos — they have videos of 4 employees in different departments. The videos are each 16 seconds which is way short but just as effective. (Tip: Career site videos should be less than 60 seconds because data shows nearly all candidates drop off after a minute).
  • 37. Expedia • Dedicated URL ( • Effective Theme — The theme of adventure/journey is consistent across their career site. • Nice combo of pics and video with minimal text. • Breakdown of brands (most people don’t know that Expedia owns Hotwire, and Any one of those might draw a candidate in.
  • 41. Adidas • Eye-Catching Headline — not many websites have a clear headline to hook and engage the reader. Adidas nails this one in 3 words: “Make Your Move”. • Full Screen Video — There is one background pic and then a video to play over it that takes up the whole screen. • Section Videos – They use a separate video for each main section of their career site. • Contrarian navigation — Candidates scroll left and right (not down) to navigate. If you want to show you’re different, this is one way to do it.
  • 42. Evaluating your brand effectiveness What gets measured gets done. Below are metrics you need to track to test the effectiveness of your employment brand: Attraction: • Number of job applicants per dollar spent advertising the job • Quality of job applicants per dollar spent • Candidate acceptance rate per dollar spent • Cost per hire • Length of time to fill job openings Retention: • Turnover of new hires • Turnover of veteran employees • Employee satisfaction and engagement
  • 44. Ensuring a positive candidate experience Candidates expect a fast, easy application process "Talent acquisition has become a seller's market. For employers, it's all about maximizing the candidate experience through the job application process.” Laura Kerekes, chief knowledge officer of ThinkHR, a provider of human resources solutions
  • 45. These days’ candidates know their worth and are attentive of the competitive landscape. If an employer does not respond properly OR makes the application process difficult, they quickly move on to the next company. Candidate experience is defined by how well the interaction goes between the employer and job seeker in the recruitment process. Candidate approach
  • 46. Ensuring a positive candidate experience 1. Make the process engaging & simple 1. Give the candidate a realistic overview of the job, the working environment in your team and your organisation’s culture to try and attract them to you. 1. Especially important if you are recruiting in a highly competitive candidate-driven market such as digital and tech.
  • 47. Help create a positive candidate experience by: • providing information about the job, team and the organisation • responding to candidate enquiries and applications quickly and courteously • ensuring that candidates don’t spend a disproportionate amount of time and effort applying for the role e.g. try not to use an overly complex application form or a excessive selection procedures • familiarising yourself with each application and asking specific, relevant questions • providing accurate, timely feedback after the selection process is completed
  • 48. Ensuring a positive candidate experience • Treat potential employees as customers to create a lasting impression. • Create a positive experience of openness and transparency -it can go a long way in attracting quality applicants to your company. • When using different social and media channels in getting your content out, make sure that your brand message is consistent across all of these platforms.
  • 49. Remember, a satisfied candidate might tell a friend about their positive experience. Disgruntled candidate will tell at least 10 friends how appalled they were with their interview experience. And there’s no stopping the damage they could bring to your reputation when they begin their social media tirade. Importance of positive candidate experience
  • 52. Goals and Expected Outcomes • Develop a better understanding of a candidate’s experience in their interview process • Help applicants find and engage their social recruiting channels, and better understand their culture • Proactively inform applicants about their interview process and timeline • Make their job descriptions more compelling, reflective of their culture, informative, and mobile-friendly • Offer resources and support to applicants who were not hired but took the time to apply Hootsuite case study
  • 53. Hootsuite case study – how they did it • Re-Imagining the Job description • Re-designing our application response • Re-thinking our rejection template • Expanding our Candidate Experience survey
  • 54. Part 1– re-imagining job description • Job descriptions are typically a static laundry list of responsibilities and qualifications. They’re often written from an employer’s point of view, and rarely help a prospect really understand how being in that role will benefit them or what success will look like. • The goal was to create something more visual/branded (header) and dynamic (hyperlinks), but also to reframe the content to speak directly to the reader (you), rather than the traditional framing around the org (we). • They also wanted to be tighter and more efficient with their copy to better support a mobile viewing experience.
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. Part 2: Redesigning the Application Response Most companies have a static email they send automatically confirming receipt of a new job application. They’re often nothing more than a message: “We’ve received your resume – thank you for applying”
  • 58. Part 2: Redesigning the Application Response Behind The Redesign Hootsuite wanted to set that stage for applicants to have a better idea of what to expect when applying at Hootsuite by proactively addressing FAQ’s about the process.
  • 59. • Visuals – Most recruiting emails are text-only. They wanted to add some life with a branded header • Interview Process – Hootsuite wanted to bring transparency to things like applicant volume, review approach, interview process, and timeframe. • Timing – Set expectations for when applicants will hear back. • Personality & Tone – Add personality and warmth to to their applicant communications. • Culture & Connection – They wanted to make it easy for applicants to connect with all of their social recruiting and culture channels. • Access – They built and shared a Twitter list for their recruiting team in an effort to make them more accessible and easier to engage. • View full email at: content/uploads/2015/08/ApplicationAutoresponse.pdf Part 2: Redesigning the Application Response
  • 60. • View example at: • content/uploads/2015/08/Applic ationAutoresponse.pdf Part 2: Redesigning the Application Response
  • 61. Part 3: Rethinking rejection Option 1. The rejection email never comes (the unfortunate ‘black hole’). Your enthusiastic application is greeted with silence and you’re left to wonder if your resume was even seen. Option 2. You receive a standard rejection template that conveys a message you will not be considered for the job. Could organizations do more to help job seekers beyond their application?
  • 62. More Than “We Regret To Inform You…” Hootsuite wanted to help job seekers outside of their application with Hootsuite. They revised their candidate emails to include additional resources they can draw from e.g. job search strategies, networking, company research, resume writing, LinkedIn tips, interview prep, interview feedback, and more. You can see the full email at: content/uploads/2015/08/RejectionTemplate.pdf Part 3: Rethinking rejection
  • 63.
  • 64. Social media recruiting Digital recruitment extends your reach and maximizes your advertising spend – when you get it right!
  • 65. Social media provides a great platform for companies to communicate with employees and candidates about everything from announcing new opportunities to discussing the benefits of working at their company. Make sure you are utilizing your profiles on social networking sites in the most effective way. Social media recruiting
  • 66. Social media recruiting • Jobvite found that social media has been used by 73% of recruiters to hire candidates. • 44% of recruiters say that social recruiting has increased both the quantity and quality of candidates • Socially engaged companies are 58% more likely to attract top talent • Social media lets you learn more about prospective employees than a resume on its own, whether it’s because you can see their endorsements on LinkedIn, or their personality on Facebook helps you gauge their potential fit with your company culture. • As for candidates, getting to know a company’s culture through social media can be a powerful draw.
  • 67. Best practices for engaging both current and potential employees using social media Create An Exclusive User Experience Use your social networking profile page (eg.Facebook page) to post compelling content (such as videos, photos, article links or status updates) that provides insight into what it’s like to work at your organization. Highlight Specific Jobs Provide information beyond just a job description e.g. employee testimonials of others who hold that position and want to be advocates for the company and the job.
  • 68. Best practices for engaging both current and potential employees using social media. Listen, Learn and Engage This is an ongoing process. Once you have a profile and are active on the site, you can start to listen to the conversations about your brand. Allow employees and job seekers to post questions about the company. Dedicate Time and Effort Keep at it - it takes time to build a following and generate engagement
  • 69. How to ensure success of your social media recruitment strategy
  • 70. Step 1: Building your team Your team will vary depending on how your company is structured and the resources you have to work with. Will they be using company social media handles or will they be posting and recruiting through their personal account? What types of language will they be using? Answering these questions ahead of time will save you a load of stress down the road.
  • 71. Step 2: Building your content • Your content needs to sell jobs, not a product. • What types of content can you post to attract potential candidates? • Employee testimonials – Interview your employees and let them speak honestly about their experiences working at your company. The more you can showcase real stories from real employees, the more transparency you can build with potential candidates. • Company “wow” factor – Do talk about why your company is awesome, but don’t over do it. You might talk about how you’ve been listed as a best place to work for 5 years in a row. • Values showcase – Candidates want to know what your company stands for. They want to see that you have a clear vision and more importantly, they want to see how it’s carried out day-
  • 72. Step 3: Decide what platform to be on Every social media platform has its own prevailing demographic. Ask yourself where your candidates are. If you’re just starting out, a solid strategy would be to get on The Big 3: 1. Facebook 2. LinkedIn 3. Twitter
  • 73.
  • 74. • Consider the type of content you’ll be posting e.g. if you’ll be primarily posting long-form, text-based content like White Papers, LinkedIn is best. • If you’re using a platform with a younger audience like SnapChat and Instagram, how can your brand come across as young and hip, but still display and communicate the proper branding? Will your messaging resonate with followers? • If you’re on several platforms, are you educating your follower bases in slightly different ways? (change the copy) Step 3: Decide what platform to be on
  • 75. Step 4: Targeting your audience Now that you know whom to target, you need to find those candidates. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of internet marketing that can help you target specific users through optimization and advertising.
  • 76. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn all provide opportunities for paid promotion and targeting. Deciding how to target your social posts is based on a variety of factors, including: • Goal of each post • Example post goals: To get more clicks to your job listing • Demographics in relation to goal • Example demographics: 25-30, French speakers, living in London • Psychographics in relation to goal • Example psychographics: Those interested in technology, enjoy nightlife • Behaviors in relation to goal • Example behaviors: Use mobile devices, give to charity • In addition to your target labels, you can’t underestimate the power of your post copy. Step 4: Targeting your audience
  • 77. Step 5: Proving your ROI • Shares, ‘Likes’ and retweets are great for engagement, but do they actually lead to clicks, applications and hires? Proving the ROI of social media is difficult, but it’s not impossible. • Success of your social media effort is also driving people one step closer to application. Those “micro-conversions” create awareness of your company. Getting a user to subscribe to your newsletter, or having them visit your career site, content pages and job descriptions create awareness of your company.
  • 78. How to leverage Twitter 1. Make use of your network • If you have a great job, ask your followers to share it out. Just don’t do it too often. That gets annoying. 2. Rejoice in hashtags • Those little “#” symbols before every word count. Use them. If you’re posting about a marketing job in London consider #Marketing #Job in #London. And if you need a little guidance with which hashtags to use, try a tool like Hashtracking. 3. Search for colloquialisms • If you want to do outreach to potential recruits, know the local lingo. For instance, while a developer on LinkedIn might say Ruby on Rails, on Twitter expect RoR. Or they might use Jet City instead of Seattle.
  • 79. How to leverage Facebook 1. Try out Facebook ads • People share so much on Facebook — use it to target them. Do you need someone with a certain degree, someone that lives in a particular city? etc Facebook’s robust ad platform lets you target exactly who you want and remove anyone you don’t. 2. Create a jobs tab • There are countless apps that let you add a Jobs tab to the top of your Company page to help put your open jobs in front of people e.g. LinkUp 3. Create a job-specific page • L’Oréal’s Facebook pages are an model of recruitment success. It has almost 215,000 Likes and has become a dedicated hub to post job openings, answer questions from candidates, and share behind-the- scenes photos to give a sense of the company culture.
  • 80. How to leverage LinkedIn 1. Test LinkedIn Recruiter or Recruiter Lite • Gives you access to the entire network of professionals on LinkedIn 2. Target candidates with ads • Use this shared information to target individuals at specific companies and with specific job titles. 3. Take advantage of Groups • Let’s say you’re looking to recruit an inbound marketer. You’d want to join the Inbound Marketers Group, which has nearly 115,000 members! Groups can get pretty niche, which is great when you’re searching for a very particular type of individual.
  • 81. How to measure success of your digital recruitment strategy • Create unique pages in your web site for the same job. Then use different links on different platforms or mailing lists. That way you can see which platform / approach drives the most hits to your site. • Ensure you have analytics or some sort of traffic measurement tool set-up on your web site so you can track hits to certain pages and understand what job seekers click on when on your site. • Use social media buttons such as’ Tweet’ and ‘Share’ so you can track how many times a particular post or page is shared via social media.
  • 82. Social media – final tips • Leverage social media to reach a vast pool of potential applicants. • Encourage your employees to promote job openings on their personal pages. • Consider creating a video describing your organization’s culture and what makes it a great place to work. Post the video on your company’s website and YouTube, and ask employees to promote it through social media as well.
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  • 84. Why Does Any of this Matter? “I’m a small business, and don’t have nearly the consumer following or name recognition that bigger businesses have. Why even bother investing in my employment brand?” You just answered your own question. Having a strong employment brand helps small- and medium-sized businesses stay competitive by increasing their exposure among both consumers and top talent that can easily be swayed by larger company brands. Smaller companies can leverage the increased exposure to communicate the unique qualities that make them an employer of choice.
  • 85. “We’re not hiring right now and don’t have immediate plans to do so. How is employment branding relevant to me?” Even if you’re not hiring, it will save you time and money in the long run to plan ahead by building your employment brand. The effort will increase your exposure and help you build a pipeline of enthusiastic, engaged talent from which you can draw when you find yourself with an open position later on. Additionally, you’ll be creating something your current employees can rally behind. Why Does Any of this Matter?