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How to Get Your
Business Seen on Page
One of Google
What is the Google 3 Pack? And why is it
so important for your business?
If Google perceives that a search query
has “local intent,” the first search results
feature three local businesses displayed
as a group (or “pack”), along with a
2 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018
Note that the 3 Pack appears before
the organic search results.
What exactly does “local intent” mean?
A search could have local intent if:
term (e.g. city name, street name, zip
How Can the 3 Pack Impact A
Since the Local 3 Pack is the first thing
map highlighting these businesses’ loca-
tions. This pack of local businesses is dis-
played after any paid ads, and before
the organic search results.
Here is the result from a search for
bankruptcy attorney louisville ky
potential customers see when they
search for a product or service, it is easy
to see how getting your business (or your
client’s business) featured in the 3 Pack
can be a HUGE shortcut to getting to
the top of page 1 of the search engine
In fact, the first, second and third results
receive 24.48%, 13.81% and 9.5% of
clicks respectively, for a combined
total of 47.79% of clicks, according to
3 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018
Advanced Web Ranking (statistics for
mobile traffic, December 2017).
When you combine that with the fact
that more searches occur on mobile vs.
desktop , you can easily see how very
important the Google 3 Pack can be!
Please note that since the 3 Pack is
totally dependent on the location of
the searcher and the terms that are
searched, it is impossible to guarantee
that a business will appear in the 3 Pack.
What we can do, however, is examine
Submit Your Citations to all the local business directories
Claim your GMB (Google My Business) page if you haven’t already
Here aresome of the steps to ranking in the 3-pack
1. Order or make Local Citations
2. Get a GMB (Google My Business) and fill it out completely.
3. Add Geo-tagged photos
4. Press release stacking for more citations.
5. Publish content on web 2.0 sites
6. Publish content on all Google properties
7. Add videos
8. Make sure your NAP, name, address and phone number are in the same format
across all your online content.
9. Press release stacking for more citations.
how you can increase the chances
of appearing in the 3 pack when a
potential customer (i.e. someone in your
geographic area) searches for your
product or service.
Steps required to get your Google My
Business in the 3 Pack
There are many steps required to get
featured in the 3 pack depending on
how competitive your local market is.
Below are some of the steps required.
4 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018
Why Newsletters Are
Vital to Your Attorney
Office Marketing Efforts
How To Write And Publish Your Own Brand
Building Newsletter Build Relationships
And Become An Authority Quickly
With the plethora of marketing tools at
your disposal nowadays, you could be
forgiven for thinking that email may have
become a little redundant. But the truth
is, if used properly, a digital newsletter
sent via email can turn into a real asset
for your business and be one of the
most effective ways to turn leads into
profits. But why are digital newsletters so
effective? Why do they invariably lead
to greater profits when properly utilized?
The Reasons Why It’s Vital You
Publish a Digital Newsletter
Firstly, it’s important to fully understand
the difference between uncoordinated
email “blasts” and digital newsletters.
The main thing to note here is that with
a newsletter, people actually choose
to receive your emails; they want to
receive information from you. This
can have a number of very powerful
benefits, including:
• BuildsRelationshipsWithProspects-You
definitely don’t want to be known as one
of those companies that only engages
with its clients when you’re either trying
to sell them something or when you
need help. Having a digital newsletter
allows you to gain a reputation as just
the opposite; you become a company
that actually cares about your clients’
needs and one that strives to provide
as much help as possible. Who do you
think consumers are more likely to buy
• You Become An Authority - There’s
nothing more powerful than being
perceived to be an expert in your
industry and a digital newsletter can
help you achieve that goal if well
planned. By sharing useful advice and
content about your subject area with
your audience on a regular basis, in
their eyes you become the go-to person
or company whenever they think about
your product or service. Imagine just
how beneficial that would be...
• Encourages Repeat Business - Not only
is the cost to acquire a new customer
far greater (anywhere between 5 - 7
times more in most industries) than the
cost to get an existing customer to
purchase something else from you, but
the probability of the latter occurring
is also much, much higher. That’s
basic marketing stuff. You’ve probably
5 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018
already guessed what comes next! Yes -
an effective digital newsletter keeps you
fresh in the mind of existing clients and
providing they had a good experience
with you the first time around, your
chances of selling to them again are as
high as 70%.
• Increases Your Reach - As long as
you add value in each edition of your
newsletter, it’s very, very likely that your
business’s reach will grow organically.
Why? Well, just like on the social media
websites that are now so popular,
content distributed via email is easy
to share. And when I say easy, I mean
exceptionally easy. At the click of a
button, one of your subscribers could
share your newsletter with hundreds of
other people. What’s even better is that
by sharing your newsletter this person
is endorsing your content. And guess
what, people have a habit of acting on
recommendations they get from people
they trust. Let your existing clients bring
in the new clients for you!
Below is one example of how newsletter
is a realtor example. Add your photo and
provide quality content and images for
your readers so they know, like and trust
you.. Our writers and graphic designers
can provide whatever you require.
If I Still Haven’t
Convinced You to
Start a Newsletter, I’ll
Leave you With the
Following Facts:
• Over 2.5 billion
people own an email
account, compared to
1.32 billion active users
on Facebook and 271
million on Twitter.
• Digital newsletters are
one of the most cost
effective ways to market
your business, with an
average ROI of $44.25
for every $1 spent.
• A whopping 91% of all
consumers say that they
check their email at
least once per day.
• A study conducted by
Mckinsey & Company
found that email as a
marketing channel is 40
times more effective at
acquiring new clients
than social media.
6 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018
Get Instant Major
Media Attention From
Get Your Business Featured On 100’s
of media Channels
Imagine seeing your business seen on
NBC, ABC, FOX and CBS and hundreds
more major media channels. How would
you feel with the instant power and
authority that a premier press release
written and sent to hundreds of editors
looking for quality content would make
to you and being seen as an expert and
trusted business.
Gain instant authority for you and your
business by having a high converting
press release written by our expert copy
writers and then submitted to a premium
submission service. To get the best
results from your press release and get it
accepted by the major media channels
you must follow the correct format when
writing your release including who, what,
where and when, use a headline that
grabs attention, use quotes, add links
in the correct format, quality images,
videos and contact information.
Then you must submit your press release
to a premier company who will get your
press release featured on hundreds of
major media channels.
After you have your press release
published, we can make design a graphic
with your logo, business product featured
together with the major media logos.
There is a special way that press releases
must be formatted to be accepted to
submission services, they must have
great headlines that grab attention,
and several other very important steps
to make sure they are accepted for
distribution and also to get the attention
of editors in major media channels.
Publishing press releases is one of the
best ways to get instant major media
channels aware of your new products,
services, new employees and other
business news related topics.
With your premium press release
submitted to all the major media outlets
your business will get instant brand
awareness and authority.
We would be happy to have our
experienced press release copy writers
complete a press release that gets the
best results for your business.
Instant Expert Status and Authority From Being
Seen On Major Media Channels
7 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018
How To Become the Trusted Attorney
to Hire Today
Believe it or not, many of your customers
look at online reviews before making
a choosing an attorney. We’re talking
percentages along the lines of 90 to
92%. Not only that! Around 88% of your
customers blindly trust online reviews as
the next best thing to hiring an attorney.
And up to 72% of the masses admit that
positive reviews, as well as, testimonials go
a long way towards establishing trust with
a certain brand or business.
All of the statistics being mentioned
above are a net positive for countless
organizations around the world today.
This is because they guarantee a step
forward towards helping businesses earn
a consumer’s cash. With that being said,
it’s important to realize that customer
review videos are not solely beneficial
for the sake of conversion. They’re
significant in terms of driving traffic via
an increase in SEO as well as the selling
of additional goods to both previously
existing as well as new consumer cohorts.
Standing out among a crowd full of
Establishing a reputed brand identity is
more important now than ever. After
all, the revolution of the internet allows
businesses to engage upon dealings
with no regards to cross country borders.
And that also means being engulfed in
an arena that’s immensely crowded.
Online customer reviews grant users
perspective through the eyes of a
regular consumer, someone that’s
similar to them. And it’s safe to say, it’s
one of the greatest ways of preventing
businesses from being swamped into a
sea that’s surrounded by competition.
What makes customer review videos
so important?
Consumer reviews are not an
exaggeration, to say the least. And
to help you understand why they’re
so important, we’ve listed the reasons
systematically for your understanding.
8 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018
Majority of customers first check out
a brand online
Almost all human beings have become
anchored into the world that’s present
over the internet. And that’s why it
may come as no surprise that people
actually refer to what others are saying
about a certain brand before making an
The trust factor plays a crucial role
as more than 88% of individuals trust
customer reviews
Studies have revealed that as much as
88% of individuals have full trust in any
online reviews being showcased, similar
to the figure that relates them trusting
personal recommendations.
Return on sales is a major plus point
for online customer review videos
showing 5 star reviews
Online customer review videos are in
turn a major factor in boosting up sales.
In fact, a whopping 31% of customers are
more willing to spend on an organization
that has depicted 5 star positive reviews
in the recent past. This further leads to
an increase in CTR or click-through
rate and an increase in your business’s
bottom line.
interaction with the business themselves.
That’s why customer review videos are in
turn a major driving force for commerce
that occurs daily across the globe.
Search your company name review or
company name reviews and see what
Our customer review video services
Being in the industry for a while now
has granted us the professional
expertise and knowledge regarding
the understanding of the global online
market with due emphasis on consumer
demand. Our seamless customer review
video services can not only help your
business get the best deal but also give
you a clear picture regarding what
consumers expect from you as a brand.
Our goal revolves around taking
consumer reviews for a certain product
or service in question and compiling
them in video format and then working
to get a business found for your business’s
name online. It’s as simple as that,
leaving your business with great rewards
to reap in the near future.
9 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018
Video Marketing
These amazing stats show
the proven power of video
marketing tactics.
Nearly 50% of internet users
look for videos related to a
product or service before
visiting a store. (Google)
Including video on landing
pages can increase
conversion rates by 80%.
Shoppers who view demo
videos are 1.81 times more
likely to make a purchase
than non-viewers. (Adobe)
4 times as many consumers
would rather watch a video
about a product or service,
rather than read about it.
Searches related to “how to”
on YouTube have grown 70%
year on year. (Google)
Companies that use videos
in their marketing have 27%
higher clickthrough rate and
34% higher conversion rates
than those that don’t. (Buffer)
80% of consumers believe
demonstration videos
are helpful when making
purchases. (Blue Corona)
80% of users can recall a video
10 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018
ad that they viewed in the last
30 days. (Single Grain)
65% of executives have
navigated to a vendor’s site
and 39% have called a vendor
after watching a marketing
video. (Forbes)
Using the word “video” in an
email subject line was found
to increase open rates by
19% and clickthrough rates by
65%. (HubSpot)
52% of marketers say video is
the type of content with the
best ROI. (HubSpot)
70% of U.S. marketers plan to
use social video ads in the
next 12 months. (eMarketer)
Video ads have an average
clickthrough rate of 1.84%,
the highest of all digital ad
formats. (Business Insider)
Brands that use video
marketing grow their year-
over-year revenue 49% faster
than brands that don’t.
Blog posts that incorporate
video attract three times as
many inbound links as blog
posts without video. (Moz)
53% of smartphone users
feel more favorable towards
companies whose mobile sites
or apps provide instructional
video content. (Google)
On average, people spend
2.6x more time on pages with
video than without. (Insivia)
(347) 523 4498

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Digital marketing for attorneys

  • 1.
  • 2. How to Get Your Business Seen on Page One of Google What is the Google 3 Pack? And why is it so important for your business? If Google perceives that a search query has “local intent,” the first search results feature three local businesses displayed as a group (or “pack”), along with a 2 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018 Note that the 3 Pack appears before the organic search results. What exactly does “local intent” mean? A search could have local intent if: Thesearchphraseincludesageographic term (e.g. city name, street name, zip code) How Can the 3 Pack Impact A Business? Since the Local 3 Pack is the first thing map highlighting these businesses’ loca- tions. This pack of local businesses is dis- played after any paid ads, and before the organic search results. Here is the result from a search for bankruptcy attorney louisville ky potential customers see when they search for a product or service, it is easy to see how getting your business (or your client’s business) featured in the 3 Pack can be a HUGE shortcut to getting to the top of page 1 of the search engine results. In fact, the first, second and third results receive 24.48%, 13.81% and 9.5% of clicks respectively, for a combined total of 47.79% of clicks, according to
  • 3. 3 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018 Advanced Web Ranking (statistics for mobile traffic, December 2017). When you combine that with the fact that more searches occur on mobile vs. desktop , you can easily see how very important the Google 3 Pack can be! Please note that since the 3 Pack is totally dependent on the location of the searcher and the terms that are searched, it is impossible to guarantee that a business will appear in the 3 Pack. What we can do, however, is examine Submit Your Citations to all the local business directories Claim your GMB (Google My Business) page if you haven’t already Here aresome of the steps to ranking in the 3-pack 1. Order or make Local Citations 2. Get a GMB (Google My Business) and fill it out completely. 3. Add Geo-tagged photos 4. Press release stacking for more citations. 5. Publish content on web 2.0 sites 6. Publish content on all Google properties 7. Add videos 8. Make sure your NAP, name, address and phone number are in the same format across all your online content. 9. Press release stacking for more citations. how you can increase the chances of appearing in the 3 pack when a potential customer (i.e. someone in your geographic area) searches for your product or service. Steps required to get your Google My Business in the 3 Pack There are many steps required to get featured in the 3 pack depending on how competitive your local market is. Below are some of the steps required.
  • 4. 4 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018 Why Newsletters Are Vital to Your Attorney Office Marketing Efforts How To Write And Publish Your Own Brand Building Newsletter Build Relationships And Become An Authority Quickly With the plethora of marketing tools at your disposal nowadays, you could be forgiven for thinking that email may have become a little redundant. But the truth is, if used properly, a digital newsletter sent via email can turn into a real asset for your business and be one of the most effective ways to turn leads into profits. But why are digital newsletters so effective? Why do they invariably lead to greater profits when properly utilized? The Reasons Why It’s Vital You Publish a Digital Newsletter Firstly, it’s important to fully understand the difference between uncoordinated email “blasts” and digital newsletters. The main thing to note here is that with a newsletter, people actually choose to receive your emails; they want to receive information from you. This can have a number of very powerful benefits, including: • BuildsRelationshipsWithProspects-You definitely don’t want to be known as one of those companies that only engages with its clients when you’re either trying to sell them something or when you need help. Having a digital newsletter allows you to gain a reputation as just the opposite; you become a company that actually cares about your clients’ needs and one that strives to provide as much help as possible. Who do you think consumers are more likely to buy from? • You Become An Authority - There’s nothing more powerful than being perceived to be an expert in your industry and a digital newsletter can help you achieve that goal if well planned. By sharing useful advice and content about your subject area with your audience on a regular basis, in their eyes you become the go-to person or company whenever they think about your product or service. Imagine just how beneficial that would be... • Encourages Repeat Business - Not only is the cost to acquire a new customer far greater (anywhere between 5 - 7 times more in most industries) than the cost to get an existing customer to purchase something else from you, but the probability of the latter occurring is also much, much higher. That’s basic marketing stuff. You’ve probably
  • 5. 5 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018 already guessed what comes next! Yes - an effective digital newsletter keeps you fresh in the mind of existing clients and providing they had a good experience with you the first time around, your chances of selling to them again are as high as 70%. • Increases Your Reach - As long as you add value in each edition of your newsletter, it’s very, very likely that your business’s reach will grow organically. Why? Well, just like on the social media websites that are now so popular, content distributed via email is easy to share. And when I say easy, I mean exceptionally easy. At the click of a button, one of your subscribers could share your newsletter with hundreds of other people. What’s even better is that by sharing your newsletter this person is endorsing your content. And guess what, people have a habit of acting on recommendations they get from people they trust. Let your existing clients bring in the new clients for you! Below is one example of how newsletter couldlookforeachattorneyalthoughthis is a realtor example. Add your photo and provide quality content and images for your readers so they know, like and trust you.. Our writers and graphic designers can provide whatever you require. If I Still Haven’t Convinced You to Start a Newsletter, I’ll Leave you With the Following Facts: • Over 2.5 billion people own an email account, compared to 1.32 billion active users on Facebook and 271 million on Twitter. • Digital newsletters are one of the most cost effective ways to market your business, with an average ROI of $44.25 for every $1 spent. • A whopping 91% of all consumers say that they check their email at least once per day. • A study conducted by Mckinsey & Company found that email as a marketing channel is 40 times more effective at acquiring new clients than social media.
  • 6. 6 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018 Get Instant Major Media Attention From ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX Get Your Business Featured On 100’s of media Channels Imagine seeing your business seen on NBC, ABC, FOX and CBS and hundreds more major media channels. How would you feel with the instant power and authority that a premier press release written and sent to hundreds of editors looking for quality content would make to you and being seen as an expert and trusted business. Gain instant authority for you and your business by having a high converting press release written by our expert copy writers and then submitted to a premium submission service. To get the best results from your press release and get it accepted by the major media channels you must follow the correct format when writing your release including who, what, where and when, use a headline that grabs attention, use quotes, add links in the correct format, quality images, videos and contact information. Then you must submit your press release to a premier company who will get your press release featured on hundreds of major media channels. After you have your press release published, we can make design a graphic with your logo, business product featured together with the major media logos. There is a special way that press releases must be formatted to be accepted to submission services, they must have great headlines that grab attention, and several other very important steps to make sure they are accepted for distribution and also to get the attention of editors in major media channels. Publishing press releases is one of the best ways to get instant major media channels aware of your new products, services, new employees and other business news related topics. With your premium press release submitted to all the major media outlets your business will get instant brand awareness and authority. We would be happy to have our experienced press release copy writers complete a press release that gets the best results for your business. Instant Expert Status and Authority From Being Seen On Major Media Channels
  • 7. 7 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018 How To Become the Trusted Attorney to Hire Today Believe it or not, many of your customers look at online reviews before making a choosing an attorney. We’re talking percentages along the lines of 90 to 92%. Not only that! Around 88% of your customers blindly trust online reviews as the next best thing to hiring an attorney. And up to 72% of the masses admit that positive reviews, as well as, testimonials go a long way towards establishing trust with a certain brand or business. All of the statistics being mentioned above are a net positive for countless organizations around the world today. This is because they guarantee a step forward towards helping businesses earn a consumer’s cash. With that being said, it’s important to realize that customer review videos are not solely beneficial for the sake of conversion. They’re significant in terms of driving traffic via an increase in SEO as well as the selling of additional goods to both previously existing as well as new consumer cohorts. Standing out among a crowd full of people Establishing a reputed brand identity is more important now than ever. After all, the revolution of the internet allows businesses to engage upon dealings with no regards to cross country borders. And that also means being engulfed in an arena that’s immensely crowded. Online customer reviews grant users perspective through the eyes of a regular consumer, someone that’s similar to them. And it’s safe to say, it’s one of the greatest ways of preventing businesses from being swamped into a sea that’s surrounded by competition. What makes customer review videos so important? Consumer reviews are not an exaggeration, to say the least. And to help you understand why they’re so important, we’ve listed the reasons systematically for your understanding.
  • 8. 8 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018 Majority of customers first check out a brand online Almost all human beings have become anchored into the world that’s present over the internet. And that’s why it may come as no surprise that people actually refer to what others are saying about a certain brand before making an The trust factor plays a crucial role as more than 88% of individuals trust customer reviews Studies have revealed that as much as 88% of individuals have full trust in any online reviews being showcased, similar to the figure that relates them trusting personal recommendations. Return on sales is a major plus point for online customer review videos showing 5 star reviews Online customer review videos are in turn a major factor in boosting up sales. In fact, a whopping 31% of customers are more willing to spend on an organization that has depicted 5 star positive reviews in the recent past. This further leads to an increase in CTR or click-through rate and an increase in your business’s bottom line. interaction with the business themselves. That’s why customer review videos are in turn a major driving force for commerce that occurs daily across the globe. Search your company name review or company name reviews and see what appears. Our customer review video services Being in the industry for a while now has granted us the professional expertise and knowledge regarding the understanding of the global online market with due emphasis on consumer demand. Our seamless customer review video services can not only help your business get the best deal but also give you a clear picture regarding what consumers expect from you as a brand. Our goal revolves around taking consumer reviews for a certain product or service in question and compiling them in video format and then working to get a business found for your business’s name online. It’s as simple as that, leaving your business with great rewards to reap in the near future.
  • 9. 9 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018 Video Marketing Statistics These amazing stats show the proven power of video marketing tactics. Nearly 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store. (Google) Including video on landing pages can increase conversion rates by 80%. (Unbounce) Shoppers who view demo videos are 1.81 times more likely to make a purchase than non-viewers. (Adobe) 4 times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product or service, rather than read about it. (eMarketer) Searches related to “how to” on YouTube have grown 70% year on year. (Google) Companies that use videos in their marketing have 27% higher clickthrough rate and 34% higher conversion rates than those that don’t. (Buffer) 80% of consumers believe demonstration videos are helpful when making purchases. (Blue Corona) 80% of users can recall a video
  • 10. 10 Digital Marketing For Attorneys December 2018 ad that they viewed in the last 30 days. (Single Grain) 65% of executives have navigated to a vendor’s site and 39% have called a vendor after watching a marketing video. (Forbes) Using the word “video” in an email subject line was found to increase open rates by 19% and clickthrough rates by 65%. (HubSpot) 52% of marketers say video is the type of content with the best ROI. (HubSpot) 70% of U.S. marketers plan to use social video ads in the next 12 months. (eMarketer) Video ads have an average clickthrough rate of 1.84%, the highest of all digital ad formats. (Business Insider) Brands that use video marketing grow their year- over-year revenue 49% faster than brands that don’t. (Wirebuzz) Blog posts that incorporate video attract three times as many inbound links as blog posts without video. (Moz) 53% of smartphone users feel more favorable towards companies whose mobile sites or apps provide instructional video content. (Google) On average, people spend 2.6x more time on pages with video than without. (Insivia)