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10 Useful Tips - Email Marketing

               Publication of Unique Contacts

              How Email Marketing Can Be Used to Increase Site Traffic        /5
                              Can Email Marketing Help in Improving ROI       /7

                     What Email Marketing Can Do to Increase Your Sales       /9

                     Understanding the Requirements of Email Marketing        /11

                  Email Marketing – The Secrets of a Successful Campaign      /13

      Revealing the Secrets of a Successful Email Marketing Campaign          /15

                    Effective Email Marketing Strategies for Your Business    /17
                                Getting Best Results from Email Marketing     /19

                                     Email Marketing Getting Good Leads       /21

                      Email Marketing – 3 Essential Tips to Generate Clicks   /23


Unique Contacts
Email marketing is predominant and contagious; it is slowly becoming the back bone of marketing,
     the pulse of all industries and the face of most. It's the best way to reach a larger audience, faster
     and easier. Online marketing entails many elements, which obviously includes the Social Media
     marketing which is fast becoming the brain of all marketing structures. It is more direct and the
     emails that land into existing customers or potential ones are considered as marketing, with a good
     chance of a large interested audience. It is also one of the best ways to keep track on interested
     customers and build a data base and keep them updated with all your business happenings, releases,
     products, events etc.

                 10 ESSENTIALS

                                           Email Marketing
  How Email Marketing Can                  Getting Good Leads                           Email Marketing – 3
  Be Used to Increase Site                                                              Essential Tips to
  Traffic                                                                               Generate Clicks

Can Email Marketing                                                                     Effective Email
Help in Improving                                                                       Marketing Strategies
ROI                                                                                     for Your Business

                                                                                            Understanding the
Getting Best                                                                                Requirements of
Results from Email                                                                          Email Marketing

                                                                                    Email Marketing – The
What Email Marketing                                                                Secrets of a Successful
Can Do to Increase                                                                  Campaign
Your Sales
                                        Revealing the Secrets of a

                                        Successful Email Marketing
   Unique Contacts
How Email
                  Marketing Can Be
1                 Used to Increase
                  Site Traffic


Unique Contacts
How Email Marketing Can Be Used to Increase Site Traffic

      Traffic is a very important factor in the success of an online business. After the website has been set
      up, the next concern is how to get people to discover and visit the site. This concern can be
      answered in many different ways. Some website owners do it the fast way through search engine
      marketing and advertisements in relevant sites. These, though, requires a big budget allocation. If
      this is a limitation, there are more cost-effective strategies that you can adopt. This includes email
      marketing. All you have to be concerned about is getting a targeted email list and the rest will be

      Email marketing is most effective when the content is written in a
      manner that makes the recipient realize the need to use the product or
      service offered. Even if you have a good email list, traffic may not be
      generated if the content is not engaging. If there is no call for the
      recipient to act quickly on the offered solution, the campaign will not get
      the results that you want. Worse, you will just be wasting your time and
      resources for doing an ill-designed email. The opportunity to improve
      sales will be lost.

      The key, then, to increase site traffic using email marketing is to first define who you want the email
      to be sent to. This is answered by the email list. It is therefore, important to get a good list through a
      list provider or through some other means. When this satisfied, the next aspect is the content and
      style of writing to use in sending the message. The best approach is to be personal in relaying the
      message but do not use words that may be too technical or beyond the understanding of the reader.
      Clear and concise language will help in making readers understand, realize the importance of visiting
      the site, and eventually, visit the site.


    Unique Contacts
Can Email Marketing
2                 Help in Improving ROI


Unique Contacts
Can Email Marketing Help in Improving ROI

         The main objective of a business is to create profit and make the investment return at a short
           period of time. Business owners find ways to make the return on investment be at a faster
           rate. For online businesses, there are many approaches used to ensure that high sales figures
           will be attained. The strategies include email marketing, direct advertisements, pay per click
          advertising, among others. Compared to the other two approaches, email marketing is the more
       cost-effective method that can improve ROI. The two approaches require a good budget allocation
     in their implementation.

     The return on investment will be faster if your email campaign has been carefully
     planned. The email list is a critical component of the plan. If the list can produce good
     leads, the conversion rate can be improved. The list generates the traffic that can create
     the sales that you need. Hence, choosing the list is very important. You can find some
     free email list providers online but there is no assurance of relevance of interest insofar as
     your product or service is concerned.

     There are paid providers but you can be guaranteed of a filtered list according to your specifications.
     The benefits that you will get can compensate for the small cost that you need to pay for. It will be
             your choice. However, in improving ROI, it will be best not to sacrifice this component just
              because you are saving on some necessary costs.
             Your email marketing will also be effective if your message is clearly relayed to the reader
             making him realize the need to avail of what you are offering. This is the next step that
          directly creates the traffic to your site. If your message and your product or service is
     interesting enough to be further studied, an interested reader will surely find time to go to your site
     and get your product or service. As a result, your ROI will be positively affected.


   Unique Contacts
What Email
                  Marketing Can Do
3                 to Increase Your

Unique Contacts
What Email Marketing Can Do to Increase Your Sales

     Sending emails in this generation of technology is one of the effective ways to relay your message
     effectively. Reading emails is becoming a normal activity not only for business
     people but also to ordinary consumers. People spend time checking on their
     inbox and evaluate which among the emails can answer their current needs or
     concerns. This is the reason why online marketers are using the email
     marketing strategy to reach out to potential clients, bring them to their site
     and convert the visits to sales.

     With a good email marketing strategy in place, it is very likely to improve the
     performance of a site in terms of visits and sales. The number of visits is the
     first determinant of a well-written email. The conversion from visits to sales is     a factor of the
     site’s presentation of the solution to a concern and some other aspects. Hence, to increase sales, it is
     important to generate the most number of traffic leading to your site first.

     Email marketing needs to be implemented carefully. With a clear message and a definite solution to
     a person’s concerns, the interest to visit your site will be very high. The more visits to your site will
     be, the higher is the likelihood of getting people to buy your product or service. If for the first visit,
     the visit did not convert to sales your email marketing should not stop. You still have to make follow-
     up emails to further explain the importance of what you will offer to a potential client.

     The follow-up emails though should have reasonable intervals so as not to spam your readers with
     information that they will no longer be interested to read. A reminder every two weeks can help in
     reminding your reader that you can solve a current or future need through your product or service.


   Unique Contacts
Understanding the
                  Requirements of
4                 Email Marketing


Unique Contacts
Understanding the Requirements of Email Marketing

   Email marketing is one of the options considered by online marketers today
   because of its effectiveness in reaching out to the potential clients of a
   business. Reading emails can be part of a person’s normal day whether it is
   related to his job or just for personal reasons. Technology has truly made email
   so powerful that sales can now be generated just with a well-written content
   that touches a current need. Because of this, the need to use the strategy
   effectively is important. Thus, prior to implementation, there are prerequisites
   that need to be observed to ensure a successful campaign measured through the
   traffic and sales figures.

   Email marketing will not be successful if your email list is not in any way filtered according to a site’s
   target market. Even if you have a long email list but the content is not intended for the recipients,
   your effort will be useless. It is therefore, important to have a relevant list to invite visits and
   eventually, generate sales. Aside from a relevant list, another requirement for a successful email
   campaign is having a well-drafted content that touches the reader’s emotion and calls for action
   without forcing it.

   The action should be based on the desire to solve a current concern. The key to this act is the way
   the email is formulated. It should clear, brief, factual and interesting. These four characteristics can
   create a desire to see what is in store for the reader when the business website is visited. With a
   careful attention to the two requirements, it is more likely for your email marketing efforts to pay
   off. You will see improvements on site traffic. More importantly, you will observe the increase in
   your sales. Your site’s ultimate objective to generate income can be attained in no time at all.


 Unique Contacts
Email Marketing –
                  The Secrets of a
5                 Successful


Unique Contacts
Email Marketing – The Secrets of a Successful Campaign

   There are many marketing strategies that can be done today because of the convenience and
   reach that technology has offered. Direct online marketing through advertisements, search
   engine marketing, organic search results strategy, text messaging and email marketing are some
   of the methods used by online marketers today. Among these, the more common approach adopted
   by the experts is email marketing.

   Email marketing can lead to either positive or negative results, depending on how you will
   implement it. Below are some tips that can guide you in implementing a successful

  1. Write an interesting subject

   The first thing that the recipient sees is the subject of the email. It is important to create an
   impression of providing an answer to a current need or concern without doing the hard sell
   approach. A personal message will get better attention than one written in the third person.

  2. The email should be clear and concise

   A long email will most likely end up in the trash folder. To sustain a reader’s interest, your email
   should be short but clear in its message of helping provide a solution to a problem.

  3. Get a good email list

   There are companies that provide a list of email leads. You can get their service to get a filtered list
   relevant to the needs that your product or service can solve.

  4. Always include a link back to your site

   This is the reason for sending the email. You want the recipient to visit your site and realize that you
   have a solution to a concern or problem that is currently being encountered. Make sure that your
   website URL is correct. When you do the above tips, with the assumption of having a well-written
   email, the number of visits to your site can surely increase. As a result, you return on investment can

   become shorter and faster.

 Unique Contacts
Revealing the
                  Secrets of a
6                 Successful Email
                  Marketing Campaign

Unique Contacts
Revealing the Secrets of a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

  Online businesses require a good level of traffic to be able to generate sales. There are many ways to
  have visitors to a site. One of the popular ways of meeting this objective is to implement email
  marketing. Opening and reading emails are now a part of the daily activities of a person, regardless
  whether he or she is working or not. The reach of technology is broad that anybody now has access
  to emails. Thus, if you have an online business and you want people to visit your site so you can
  share your products or services, one of the best ways to do it is communicate through emails.

  Email marketing can be very effective if this is done correctly. Many businesses
  improve their sales just by using this strategy. There are two main secrets of an
  effective email campaign. Although these may no longer be considered as secrets,
  because many marketers are already aware of it, there are still some who need to
  know so they can also benefit from this approach. The two important things to consider
  are your email list and the email content. If these are well-taken care of, you can expect
  good results to come. An email list can be free or paid.

  Free lists, however, may not be that reliable. The paid ones can be more targeted by some filtering
  criteria. Thus, you know that the recipients have a need for what you will offer. So, with a good list,
  things can go right. But in addition to a good list, you also have to present a well-written content.
  The email body should be clear, concise and short. Your website’s URL should be included. This is the
  key to generating visits to your site.

  When the two important components mentioned above are strictly followed, you can be assured of
  getting better results in your email marketing campaign.                                                  15

Unique Contacts
Effective Email
7                 Marketing Strategies
                  for Your Business


Unique Contacts
Effective Email Marketing Strategies for Your Business

   If you are into online business, you know that it is important for you to make people visit your site,
   read and see what product or service you offer, make them buy. These three objectives may be easy
   to say but there are many online marketers who fail in their businesses because of implementing
                   ineffective strategies to achieve the said objectives.

                   Some say the email marketing can be too general and may not give the results that
                   you want. The truth is that this strategy can be very effective if it is carefully thought
                   of and is implemented with the right guidelines.

                  When you send emails and the content is read, it means that you are given the
                 attention and importance for the moment. This means that you can make a change in
   one’s heart depending on the content of what will be read. Thus, your email marketing campaign
   should be able to translate the attention to action of visiting your site and getting a solution to a
   current concern.

   The key here is the content. The language, length, completeness and relevance of the email body to
   the concerns of the recipient are very important. You should make sure that your email will take
   advantage of that attention. It should be convincing enough to create an interest in visiting your site.

   Needless to say, your website URL should be included as a way to the solution of a problem.
   With good content and with the right recipients, you will surely have the results that you expect. It
   will not be based on random visits but because of defined reasons that visitors are brought to your
   site. These are the basic things to remember in implementing your email marketing strategy. When
   this is done well, you know that you are helping people in their current concerns and at the same
   time, you are meeting your sales objectives.


 Unique Contacts
Getting Best Results
8                 from Email


Unique Contacts
Getting Best Results from Email Marketing

  Online marketing is a very broad area. With the many tools available today, getting the number of
  visits and improving your company sales can be achieved easily. However, the available tools do not
  necessarily equate to cost-efficiency. There are strategies that can create a good level of traffic but
  can drain a company’s budget. There are also some cost-efficient strategies but careful
  implementation should be observed to ensure success. This includes the
  implementation of email marketing.

  Email marketing allows you to reach to a potential market and present
  the reason for a visit to your site. With this strategy, you do not need to
  sell anything. You only have to present your email content in a way that
  will convince the reader to visit the site. This can only be done if you have
  a well-organized content that makes the reader think that you are
  offering a solution to his concern. There is an art in writing emails.

  You have to learn how to craft this kind of content to touch the heart of your reader. Otherwise,
  there is no way that the reader will visit your site. If the content is poorly-written, do not expect
  great results from the effort.

  You can only get the results that you want if you are sending your emails to the right people. It is not
  a hit and miss strategy. The target should be defined. You have to specify the characteristics of your
  intended recipients in terms of age, gender, interest, economic status and even location, if
  necessary. Without these filters, anybody will receive your email and you wouldn’t know if there is a
  need for the product or service that you are offering. You will simply be waiting for random visits.

  If you want success in your business, this is not the strategy to make it happen. Your email marketing
  campaign will give the best results if you consider the right market and the right content.


Unique Contacts
Email Marketing
9                 Getting Good Leads

                                   20  Page

Unique Contacts
Email Marketing Getting Good Leads

   Setting up a site does not start and end with website. It is important to invite visitors to see what you
   can offer that will answer their needs or concern. There are many ways to do this. Some resort to
                   advertisements in the popular websites but this can be costly especially if the
                   payment scheme uses a pay per click (PPC) approach. Another strategy is to
                   implement search engine optimization to generate visitors through organic search.

                   This approach can take so much time especially if the keyword is competitive. The
                   strategy that most marketers consider effective is email marketing.

                  Email marketing can create targeted visits to a site with a well-written content that
                  invites the readers to look for a solution to their concerns in the given website. If the
                  email is written in a manner that touches the reader’s emotions and makes him act
   because of the necessity to address a problem, the result can be an improvement in sales. However,
   you may be able to write the best content but if the recipients are not in your target market, you
   may just end up disappointed for not getting the results. Hence, it is important to get good email list
   that contains addresses of your prospective clients.

   This can be done through a sign-up page in your site or you can use the services of an email list
   provider to get the leads that you are looking for. With a good combination of the right leads and a
   well-written content for your email, you are sure to get positive results in your email marketing
   strategy. There is no reason for you not to meet your business objectives when these are done. Even
   with good leads, you may not get immediate results. However, follow-up emails can make the
   convincing easier.


 Unique Contacts
Email Marketing – 3
10                Essential Tips to
                  Generate Clicks

Unique Contacts
Email Marketing – 3 Essential Tips to Generate Clicks

  Marketing is very important in making sure that your online business can generate sales. No matter
  how well-designed your website is if there is not enough traffic going to it, the existence of your
  website is useless. It is important to reach out to your target market to inform them of the products
  and services that you offer. One effective strategy to create leads is to include email marketing in
  your plan. Email is one of the best strategies to make people read your message. Before starting with
  your email marketing campaign, you can consider the following guidelines to make the most of the

 a) Write an effective message

  It is important to be straightforward but not too blunt in writing your
  email. Short emails with clear, concise and sincere messages are more
  likely to get the interest of the reader than long emails loaded with
  information. The shorter emails with a clear message of answering a
  current need can better catch your reader’s attention.

  b) Use a good list relevant to what you are offering

  If you have an existing list of leads for your email marketing campaign, you have to make sure that
  the interest will include the product or service that you are offering. You can have this specified in
  the email list that you will buy. It can also be based from the interest expressed by those who sign up
  in your newsletter or whatever you are offering in your site.

 c) Always include a link to your site

  Even if you have the best message to relay, if you will not include a message to visit your site, the
  purpose of converting visits to sales will not be realized. Your website URL is basically the most
  important component of your email to generate sales.


Unique Contacts

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10 useful tips email marketing

  • 1. 10 Useful Tips - Email Marketing Publication of Unique Contacts
  • 2. Contents How Email Marketing Can Be Used to Increase Site Traffic /5 Can Email Marketing Help in Improving ROI /7 What Email Marketing Can Do to Increase Your Sales /9 Understanding the Requirements of Email Marketing /11 Email Marketing – The Secrets of a Successful Campaign /13 Revealing the Secrets of a Successful Email Marketing Campaign /15 Effective Email Marketing Strategies for Your Business /17 Getting Best Results from Email Marketing /19 Email Marketing Getting Good Leads /21 Email Marketing – 3 Essential Tips to Generate Clicks /23 2 Page Unique Contacts
  • 3. Email marketing is predominant and contagious; it is slowly becoming the back bone of marketing, the pulse of all industries and the face of most. It's the best way to reach a larger audience, faster and easier. Online marketing entails many elements, which obviously includes the Social Media marketing which is fast becoming the brain of all marketing structures. It is more direct and the emails that land into existing customers or potential ones are considered as marketing, with a good chance of a large interested audience. It is also one of the best ways to keep track on interested customers and build a data base and keep them updated with all your business happenings, releases, products, events etc. 10 ESSENTIALS Email Marketing How Email Marketing Can Getting Good Leads Email Marketing – 3 Be Used to Increase Site Essential Tips to Traffic Generate Clicks Can Email Marketing Effective Email Help in Improving Marketing Strategies ROI for Your Business Understanding the Getting Best Requirements of Results from Email Email Marketing Marketing Email Marketing – The What Email Marketing Secrets of a Successful Can Do to Increase Campaign Your Sales 3 Revealing the Secrets of a Page Successful Email Marketing Campaign Unique Contacts
  • 4. How Email Marketing Can Be 1 Used to Increase Site Traffic 4 Page Unique Contacts
  • 5. How Email Marketing Can Be Used to Increase Site Traffic Traffic is a very important factor in the success of an online business. After the website has been set up, the next concern is how to get people to discover and visit the site. This concern can be answered in many different ways. Some website owners do it the fast way through search engine marketing and advertisements in relevant sites. These, though, requires a big budget allocation. If this is a limitation, there are more cost-effective strategies that you can adopt. This includes email marketing. All you have to be concerned about is getting a targeted email list and the rest will be easy. Email marketing is most effective when the content is written in a manner that makes the recipient realize the need to use the product or service offered. Even if you have a good email list, traffic may not be generated if the content is not engaging. If there is no call for the recipient to act quickly on the offered solution, the campaign will not get the results that you want. Worse, you will just be wasting your time and resources for doing an ill-designed email. The opportunity to improve sales will be lost. The key, then, to increase site traffic using email marketing is to first define who you want the email to be sent to. This is answered by the email list. It is therefore, important to get a good list through a list provider or through some other means. When this satisfied, the next aspect is the content and style of writing to use in sending the message. The best approach is to be personal in relaying the message but do not use words that may be too technical or beyond the understanding of the reader. Clear and concise language will help in making readers understand, realize the importance of visiting the site, and eventually, visit the site. 5 Page Unique Contacts
  • 6. Can Email Marketing 2 Help in Improving ROI 6 Page Unique Contacts
  • 7. Can Email Marketing Help in Improving ROI The main objective of a business is to create profit and make the investment return at a short period of time. Business owners find ways to make the return on investment be at a faster rate. For online businesses, there are many approaches used to ensure that high sales figures will be attained. The strategies include email marketing, direct advertisements, pay per click advertising, among others. Compared to the other two approaches, email marketing is the more cost-effective method that can improve ROI. The two approaches require a good budget allocation in their implementation. The return on investment will be faster if your email campaign has been carefully planned. The email list is a critical component of the plan. If the list can produce good leads, the conversion rate can be improved. The list generates the traffic that can create the sales that you need. Hence, choosing the list is very important. You can find some free email list providers online but there is no assurance of relevance of interest insofar as your product or service is concerned. There are paid providers but you can be guaranteed of a filtered list according to your specifications. The benefits that you will get can compensate for the small cost that you need to pay for. It will be your choice. However, in improving ROI, it will be best not to sacrifice this component just because you are saving on some necessary costs. Your email marketing will also be effective if your message is clearly relayed to the reader making him realize the need to avail of what you are offering. This is the next step that directly creates the traffic to your site. If your message and your product or service is interesting enough to be further studied, an interested reader will surely find time to go to your site and get your product or service. As a result, your ROI will be positively affected. 7 Page Unique Contacts
  • 8. What Email Marketing Can Do 3 to Increase Your Sales 8 Page Unique Contacts
  • 9. What Email Marketing Can Do to Increase Your Sales Sending emails in this generation of technology is one of the effective ways to relay your message effectively. Reading emails is becoming a normal activity not only for business people but also to ordinary consumers. People spend time checking on their inbox and evaluate which among the emails can answer their current needs or concerns. This is the reason why online marketers are using the email marketing strategy to reach out to potential clients, bring them to their site and convert the visits to sales. With a good email marketing strategy in place, it is very likely to improve the performance of a site in terms of visits and sales. The number of visits is the first determinant of a well-written email. The conversion from visits to sales is a factor of the site’s presentation of the solution to a concern and some other aspects. Hence, to increase sales, it is important to generate the most number of traffic leading to your site first. Email marketing needs to be implemented carefully. With a clear message and a definite solution to a person’s concerns, the interest to visit your site will be very high. The more visits to your site will be, the higher is the likelihood of getting people to buy your product or service. If for the first visit, the visit did not convert to sales your email marketing should not stop. You still have to make follow- up emails to further explain the importance of what you will offer to a potential client. The follow-up emails though should have reasonable intervals so as not to spam your readers with information that they will no longer be interested to read. A reminder every two weeks can help in reminding your reader that you can solve a current or future need through your product or service. 9 Page Unique Contacts
  • 10. Understanding the Requirements of 4 Email Marketing 10 Page Unique Contacts
  • 11. Understanding the Requirements of Email Marketing Email marketing is one of the options considered by online marketers today because of its effectiveness in reaching out to the potential clients of a business. Reading emails can be part of a person’s normal day whether it is related to his job or just for personal reasons. Technology has truly made email so powerful that sales can now be generated just with a well-written content that touches a current need. Because of this, the need to use the strategy effectively is important. Thus, prior to implementation, there are prerequisites that need to be observed to ensure a successful campaign measured through the traffic and sales figures. Email marketing will not be successful if your email list is not in any way filtered according to a site’s target market. Even if you have a long email list but the content is not intended for the recipients, your effort will be useless. It is therefore, important to have a relevant list to invite visits and eventually, generate sales. Aside from a relevant list, another requirement for a successful email campaign is having a well-drafted content that touches the reader’s emotion and calls for action without forcing it. The action should be based on the desire to solve a current concern. The key to this act is the way the email is formulated. It should clear, brief, factual and interesting. These four characteristics can create a desire to see what is in store for the reader when the business website is visited. With a careful attention to the two requirements, it is more likely for your email marketing efforts to pay off. You will see improvements on site traffic. More importantly, you will observe the increase in your sales. Your site’s ultimate objective to generate income can be attained in no time at all. 11 Page Unique Contacts
  • 12. Email Marketing – The Secrets of a 5 Successful Campaign 12 Page Unique Contacts
  • 13. Email Marketing – The Secrets of a Successful Campaign There are many marketing strategies that can be done today because of the convenience and reach that technology has offered. Direct online marketing through advertisements, search engine marketing, organic search results strategy, text messaging and email marketing are some of the methods used by online marketers today. Among these, the more common approach adopted by the experts is email marketing. Email marketing can lead to either positive or negative results, depending on how you will implement it. Below are some tips that can guide you in implementing a successful campaign. 1. Write an interesting subject The first thing that the recipient sees is the subject of the email. It is important to create an impression of providing an answer to a current need or concern without doing the hard sell approach. A personal message will get better attention than one written in the third person. 2. The email should be clear and concise A long email will most likely end up in the trash folder. To sustain a reader’s interest, your email should be short but clear in its message of helping provide a solution to a problem. 3. Get a good email list There are companies that provide a list of email leads. You can get their service to get a filtered list relevant to the needs that your product or service can solve. 4. Always include a link back to your site This is the reason for sending the email. You want the recipient to visit your site and realize that you have a solution to a concern or problem that is currently being encountered. Make sure that your website URL is correct. When you do the above tips, with the assumption of having a well-written 13 email, the number of visits to your site can surely increase. As a result, you return on investment can Page become shorter and faster. Unique Contacts
  • 14. Revealing the Secrets of a 6 Successful Email Marketing Campaign 14 Page Unique Contacts
  • 15. Revealing the Secrets of a Successful Email Marketing Campaign Online businesses require a good level of traffic to be able to generate sales. There are many ways to have visitors to a site. One of the popular ways of meeting this objective is to implement email marketing. Opening and reading emails are now a part of the daily activities of a person, regardless whether he or she is working or not. The reach of technology is broad that anybody now has access to emails. Thus, if you have an online business and you want people to visit your site so you can share your products or services, one of the best ways to do it is communicate through emails. Email marketing can be very effective if this is done correctly. Many businesses improve their sales just by using this strategy. There are two main secrets of an effective email campaign. Although these may no longer be considered as secrets, because many marketers are already aware of it, there are still some who need to know so they can also benefit from this approach. The two important things to consider are your email list and the email content. If these are well-taken care of, you can expect good results to come. An email list can be free or paid. Free lists, however, may not be that reliable. The paid ones can be more targeted by some filtering criteria. Thus, you know that the recipients have a need for what you will offer. So, with a good list, things can go right. But in addition to a good list, you also have to present a well-written content. The email body should be clear, concise and short. Your website’s URL should be included. This is the key to generating visits to your site. When the two important components mentioned above are strictly followed, you can be assured of getting better results in your email marketing campaign. 15 Page Unique Contacts
  • 16. Effective Email 7 Marketing Strategies for Your Business 16 Page Unique Contacts
  • 17. Effective Email Marketing Strategies for Your Business If you are into online business, you know that it is important for you to make people visit your site, read and see what product or service you offer, make them buy. These three objectives may be easy to say but there are many online marketers who fail in their businesses because of implementing ineffective strategies to achieve the said objectives. Some say the email marketing can be too general and may not give the results that you want. The truth is that this strategy can be very effective if it is carefully thought of and is implemented with the right guidelines. When you send emails and the content is read, it means that you are given the attention and importance for the moment. This means that you can make a change in one’s heart depending on the content of what will be read. Thus, your email marketing campaign should be able to translate the attention to action of visiting your site and getting a solution to a current concern. The key here is the content. The language, length, completeness and relevance of the email body to the concerns of the recipient are very important. You should make sure that your email will take advantage of that attention. It should be convincing enough to create an interest in visiting your site. Needless to say, your website URL should be included as a way to the solution of a problem. With good content and with the right recipients, you will surely have the results that you expect. It will not be based on random visits but because of defined reasons that visitors are brought to your site. These are the basic things to remember in implementing your email marketing strategy. When this is done well, you know that you are helping people in their current concerns and at the same time, you are meeting your sales objectives. 17 Page Unique Contacts
  • 18. Getting Best Results 8 from Email Marketing 18 Page Unique Contacts
  • 19. Getting Best Results from Email Marketing Online marketing is a very broad area. With the many tools available today, getting the number of visits and improving your company sales can be achieved easily. However, the available tools do not necessarily equate to cost-efficiency. There are strategies that can create a good level of traffic but can drain a company’s budget. There are also some cost-efficient strategies but careful implementation should be observed to ensure success. This includes the implementation of email marketing. Email marketing allows you to reach to a potential market and present the reason for a visit to your site. With this strategy, you do not need to sell anything. You only have to present your email content in a way that will convince the reader to visit the site. This can only be done if you have a well-organized content that makes the reader think that you are offering a solution to his concern. There is an art in writing emails. You have to learn how to craft this kind of content to touch the heart of your reader. Otherwise, there is no way that the reader will visit your site. If the content is poorly-written, do not expect great results from the effort. You can only get the results that you want if you are sending your emails to the right people. It is not a hit and miss strategy. The target should be defined. You have to specify the characteristics of your intended recipients in terms of age, gender, interest, economic status and even location, if necessary. Without these filters, anybody will receive your email and you wouldn’t know if there is a need for the product or service that you are offering. You will simply be waiting for random visits. If you want success in your business, this is not the strategy to make it happen. Your email marketing campaign will give the best results if you consider the right market and the right content. 19 Page Unique Contacts
  • 20. Email Marketing 9 Getting Good Leads 20 Page Unique Contacts
  • 21. Email Marketing Getting Good Leads Setting up a site does not start and end with website. It is important to invite visitors to see what you can offer that will answer their needs or concern. There are many ways to do this. Some resort to advertisements in the popular websites but this can be costly especially if the payment scheme uses a pay per click (PPC) approach. Another strategy is to implement search engine optimization to generate visitors through organic search. This approach can take so much time especially if the keyword is competitive. The strategy that most marketers consider effective is email marketing. Email marketing can create targeted visits to a site with a well-written content that invites the readers to look for a solution to their concerns in the given website. If the email is written in a manner that touches the reader’s emotions and makes him act because of the necessity to address a problem, the result can be an improvement in sales. However, you may be able to write the best content but if the recipients are not in your target market, you may just end up disappointed for not getting the results. Hence, it is important to get good email list that contains addresses of your prospective clients. This can be done through a sign-up page in your site or you can use the services of an email list provider to get the leads that you are looking for. With a good combination of the right leads and a well-written content for your email, you are sure to get positive results in your email marketing strategy. There is no reason for you not to meet your business objectives when these are done. Even with good leads, you may not get immediate results. However, follow-up emails can make the convincing easier. 21 Page Unique Contacts
  • 22. Email Marketing – 3 10 Essential Tips to Generate Clicks 22 Page Unique Contacts
  • 23. Email Marketing – 3 Essential Tips to Generate Clicks Marketing is very important in making sure that your online business can generate sales. No matter how well-designed your website is if there is not enough traffic going to it, the existence of your website is useless. It is important to reach out to your target market to inform them of the products and services that you offer. One effective strategy to create leads is to include email marketing in your plan. Email is one of the best strategies to make people read your message. Before starting with your email marketing campaign, you can consider the following guidelines to make the most of the effort. a) Write an effective message It is important to be straightforward but not too blunt in writing your email. Short emails with clear, concise and sincere messages are more likely to get the interest of the reader than long emails loaded with information. The shorter emails with a clear message of answering a current need can better catch your reader’s attention. b) Use a good list relevant to what you are offering If you have an existing list of leads for your email marketing campaign, you have to make sure that the interest will include the product or service that you are offering. You can have this specified in the email list that you will buy. It can also be based from the interest expressed by those who sign up in your newsletter or whatever you are offering in your site. c) Always include a link to your site Even if you have the best message to relay, if you will not include a message to visit your site, the purpose of converting visits to sales will not be realized. Your website URL is basically the most important component of your email to generate sales. 23 Page Unique Contacts