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Difficult Conversations Summary
In Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most Stone et al. provide the reader a
three–part method to analyze conversations. The method described in the book involves sorting out
three conversations that make up a difficult conversation: the "what happened" conversation, the
feelings conversation, and the identity conversation. An analysis of these three conversations
provides a powerful and comprehensive tool for approaching difficult conversations–that is, for the
verbal part. Stone and his colleagues fail to elaborate on nonverbal communication and its essential
role in understanding and gaining the most out of a difficult conversation.
The importance of body language is often forgotten when engaging in conversations with other
people. As masters of our bodies, we do not need to be aware of our limbs in order to prevent them
from falling on to the floor in a messy heap. However, this unconscious ability to control our body
often leads us to trouble, as we allow it to interfere with the effectiveness of our communication. By
understanding the origins of our primal language and how the body conveys our emotions and
thoughts, we can begin to appreciate the vital role the wordless conversation plays in our difficult
conversations. ... Show more content on ...
The spoken language, while endlessly useful, is only a recent invention in comparison to body
language. Dr. Albert Mehrabian's often quoted study found that 7% of a message is conveyed
through words, 38% through vocal elements, and 55% through nonverbal elements. While these
statistics and their meanings may not be so straightforward, the overall take away is clear; nonverbal
communication heavily affects the way we receive and transmit messages.
Our Words May Tell One Story but Our Body May Tell
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Crucial Conversations In The Work Environment
Many people might believe that crucial conversations are witnessed in more political situations, but
these types of conversation appear in our daily lives fairly often. Some typical crucial conversations
in the work environment could be reporting bad news to a superior, approaching a coworker about
them breaking a company rule, or discussing work effort with a team member. These situations
appear in our home and social lives in the forms of disagreements in a relationship, dealing with
roommate problems, and talking to a friend about participating in dangerous behaviors. Commonly,
instead of facing these types of discussions with tact and a sense of confidence, people tend to run
away for fear of embarrassment due to saying the wrong thing
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Turn-Taking System as Described in Conversation Analysis
Outline and illustrate the turn–taking system as described in Conversation Analysis
Introduction to Discourse
Student Number: 12022165
Academic year 2012/2013
3.1 Techniques for selecting the next speaker
4.1 Openings
4.1.1 Topic
4.2 Closings
In conversation people seem to follow a certain rule of communication which is often perceived as
effortless as breathing but not many people are aware that turn–taking system as described in
conversation analysis is deeply structured, organized and has a predictable pattern. It is also one of
the basic mechanisms in ... Show more content on ...
To avoid unintended implicature in dispreferred responses (invitation/declination) we often add
something to them. We can not respond to the invitation by saying "no" as this could be considered
as inappropriate and would create implicature. That is why in the case of declining an invitation we
have to add an apology, explanation or an excuse why we refused the offer. There are also examples
when we have one adjacency pair embedded within another
Dispreferred or complex responses can also be:
Preface: well, uhm, ah
(Levinson, 1983:308)
Politicians often take on these dispreferred responses in order to avoid anwsering a question directly.
Alternative responses to the first part of the adjacency pairs are:
(Levinson, 1983:307)
Example: Interview of Paxman vs. Howard in which Howard (leader of the oposing party) continues
to avoid anwsering the questions provided by Paxman.
Paxman: Did you threaten to overule him?
Howard: I was not entitled to instruct Derek Lewis and I did not instruct him.
Paxman: Did you threaten to overule him?
Howard: The truth of the matter is that Mr. Marriot was not suspended–
Paxman: Did you threaten to overule him?
Howard: I did not overule Derek Lewis–
Paxman: Did you threaten to
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Crucial Conversations: Video Analysis
Crucial conversations are inevitable as we navigate life. I personally have had numerous crucial
conversations some were harder to have then I could ever imagine. Which later led me to arguing in
my head because I didn't say the right thing or react the proper way. In our video we watched this
week I loved how Joseph Grenny explained a myth we all follow about how telling the truth we will
lose a friend or to keep a friend we suppress the truth. If this doesn't hit the nail on the head I don't
know what will. I have often suppressed the truth or what I want to say in order to keep someone in
my life at fear of the unknown reaction that would come back at me. I have also spoken up and
wanted to put my foot in my mouth because that person didn't
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Advantages Of Conversation Analysis
What is a conversation? A conversation is referred to as a spontaneous, impromptu, everyday
exchange of talk between two or more individuals. The participants in a conversation take turns and
during their turn each makes a conversational move of some kind, this is seen as a form of
sociability and reflects an individual's ability and willingness to interact with others. People gather
their construction of a conversation together, cooperatively, and they deal with the gatherings of the
conversation at local level, one utterance at a time (Parker 1999).
Conversation analysis is an approach to the study of human interaction in society which embraces
verbal and nonverbal conduct in situations of everyday interchanges. There may be a misinformed
view that this analysis only focuses on the sociable nature of the conversation, but in reality, it
encompasses conversations of all sorts, from informal and formal to technologically mediated
conversations. Conversation analysis is broad in scope but one of the things that differentiate ...
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It does not use coded or summarised representations, but rather analyses detailed audio or video
recordings of interactional activities and detailed transcripts. Another benefit of using conversation
analysis, it focuses on naturally occurring data and not conversations that are manipulated as
mentioned prior. However, there are limitations to this approach as well such as the fact that it can
be time consuming and therefore requires a great deal of patience and dedication to go through
numerous and long transcripts of conversations. It can also be costly. Often it also requires
specialised training in the Conversation Analysis methodology if it is going to be done well. This
analytic approach is also very sensitive to misinterpretation and over interpretation therefore
member checking becomes very crucial (LaVelle
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Empathy in Tannen, Deborah. "Can't We Talk?, Hemingway,...
Empathy in Conversations Empathy is defined as "the understanding of another's situation, feelings,
and motives" as defined in the dictionary. Some tend to find it difficult to comprehend that a person
could lack such thought and concern for another living being. For as long as some can recall, the
capability to treat others with compassion has been second nature, and a vital part in my moral
principles. Being challenged throughout their childhood, their compassionate character was not only
improved, but, certainly, the toughest element in their moral groundwork. This being said, Good
communication needs understanding between the people communicating as stated in Tannen,
Deborah. "Can't We Talk?", Hemingway, Ernest. "Hills Like White Elephants.", and Turkle, Sherry.
"The Flight from Conversation". In her book "Can't We Talk" Deborah Tannen compares the manner
of which males and females react to each other in diverse circumstances. Early in the reading she
states that men are raised in a world in which a conversation is a competition that they should never
loose, and women are taught to listen, confirm and offer support to other people. She supports this
with when she stated that she saw it in her own husband when they worked in two different cities
and how he "approached the world in a way to achieve and maintain status" (Tannen). Also, stated in
the article, Tannen was talking about how ways to avoid fighting with their significant others, people
tend to give in to
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Ice Breakers In A Conversation
Com–mu–ni–ca–tion (n): the process by which information is exchanged between individuals
through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior (Merriam–Webster). Communication can
also be summed up as the process of understanding and sharing meaning (McClean, 2010). What
kind of style is needed to clothe your communication? Consider clothing yourself with knowledge
of how to start a conversation; put on the brand of socks called ice breakers. Button up those pants
of knowing your purpose when you having something to say, put on the blouse of active listening,
fasten your belt of identifying and displaying body language, and slip into shoes that is the wisdom
in knowing how to end a conversation. The receipt for these concepts comes with ... Show more
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Ice is water frozen into a solid state. Ice is hard and cold; and is created in phases depending on
temperature and pressure. Knowing how to break or melt ice requires tools and warmth. The
transition from ice to water is melting and from ice directly to water vapor is sublimation. The term
sublimation refers to a physical change of state. Ice breakers in a conversation is the warming of the
conversation. Ice breakers is the sublimation tool to change the physical state of one's outcome in a
conversation. This sledgehammer that breaks open a conversation provides a good impression,
creates a positive and collaborative work environment, and allows for open–ended conversations
(, 2013). Ice breakers is essential to warm up the conversation at the very beginning.
Ice breakers by all means occurs at the start of the process (Varvel Jr., 2002). One might ponder
what are useful ice breakers that open up a conversation in an interview process. If you want to get
to know your potential new employee try asking this question; what is one important skill that every
person should have? Don't shy away from asking the individual what they enjoy doing to relieve
stress, or ask them to describe
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Susan Scott's 'Fierce Conversations'
Analysis of the Conversation
I like what William Isaacs says "Dialogue is about a shared inquiry, a way of thinking and reflecting
together." Communication is about authentic connections between people. The goal is to reach new
understanding, to motivate and inspire each other, and to enrich relationships. It should be dynamic
and productive. Susan Scott in her book "Fierce Conversations" defines that a fierce conversation is
one in which we come out from behind ourselves into the conversation and make it real. As
Christians, we should all make "real" conversations because God wants us to be truthful. However,
it does not only require honesty to make "real" conversations, but also requires wisdom,
consideration, experience, technique, and more. Thus, based on the seven principles from "Fierce
Conversations", I can make some analyses on my conversation with Maria that stated previously.
The first principle ... Show more content on ...
Paying attention on what the other says is crucial in a conversation. Being present is the starting
point of creating authentic conversation as Halpern and Lubar say. Active listening techniques –
encouraging, paraphrasing, summarizing, and reflection of feelings are also helpful for this purpose.
My use of questions in the conversation is the secret rule that Susan mentions in her book that to
draw others out with good questions and incredible listening on our part. The answers from Maria
provided solid information for helping me to think and make possible suggestion for her.
The fourth principle is to tackle toughest challenge today. In the conversation, I wanted to find out
what really the issue that makes Maria struggles. Without knowing the actual stumbling block, we
cannot proceed to find solution. Thus, I realized that it was necessary to push Maria to express her
feeling about her job and her real passion in the ministry. This is what Scott says to interrogate
reality with the
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Reflection On Communication
During, communication class I got the chance to discover different concept, tactics, strategies, and
techniques and how I can improve the way a communication with others and be able to listen, focus,
paraphrase, also able to express myself without offending others or causing tense or insecure
conversations. Then, I also discovered how I can making eye contact, assertiveness, self– disclosure
also able to understand body language, which it can assist me to observe the reaction of the others
that would help me to avoid any confrontations during dialogue. Many of these concepts that were
providing to me offer a better way and how I can change any of bad habits I was having every time I
was having a conversation since I wasn't aware before I took this course.
Another, concepts I discovered also it was the twelve listening blocks also hidden agendas, parataxic
distortions, and schemas and I can keep point many others that I didn't know I was using it without
even know it until now that I have the knowledge and ability to understand which were my mistakes
every time I was having a conversation. I planning to apply each of those concepts in my daily life
since I noticed for the last week eight how my communication with others has improved not only at
home with my family, with friends also at work with my coworkers. According, the author of the
book Crucial Conversations states, "What you learn "Crucial Conversations" transform people and
relationships. They are anything by transacted; they create an entirely new level of bonding. The
produce what Buddhism calls" the middle way"–not a compromise between two opposites on a
straight–line continuum, but a higher middle way, like the apex of a triangle" (pg. X). As the author
explained here how conversations can change your life and renovate relationships when we are able
to transmit how we feel without causing a negative energy between us instead we need to create a
better scenario during dialogue with whoever we have around us.
What have you learned about your style of communication and assertiveness and how would you
like to see yourself grow in this area? I have learned the importance to pay attention and concentrate
completely on the other person who is talking
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Creative Writing: Short Conversation
通し番号02–022: Short Conversation (90–120 words)
(Narrator): Listen to a conversation between two students in class.
Alex: Hey Josh, who are you going to vote for tomorrow?
Josh: Hey Alex. I'm not sure yet. Probably Josh Martin. He said he's going to make school tuition
Alex: Really?
Josh: Yeah he wants to make going to public universities free, so I'll probably vote for him. It would
be great to go to school for free.
Alex: It would be great to school for free, but you have to think about what politicians promise
practically. If school was free, where would the money to pay for the schools come from?
Josh: I don't think he ever talked about where the money is ... Show more content on ...
Alex: Hey Zach! Zach!
Zach: Oh hey there friend, long time no see.
Alex: Yeah, you haven't been to class all this week, where have you been?
Zach: Ah, well, It's a long story...
Alex: What happened?
Zach: Well, this past weekend I started feeling very weird and sick. By body hurt a lot, especially
my chest. So on Monday I went to the hospital, and I was hospitalized until the next day.
Alex: You were hospitalized! ? Why!?
Zach: It turns out I have some problems with my heart.
Alex: That's terrible, are you okay buddy?
Zach: I'll be fine, I just have to take heart medicine and take it easy. I don't think it's that big of a
deal. (110 words)
Q. How long has Zach been out of class?
1. One day.
2. Two weeks.
3. One week.
4. One month.
Q. Why had he been missing class?
1. Because school is too stressful.
2. Because he has a heart problem.
3. Because he has a stomach problem.
4. Because he had to go back to his family.
Q. What kind of relationship do these students probably have?
1. They don't know each other very
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John Mcdermott Conversation
In his article, "How to have a conversation," John McDermott attempts to persuade his readers that
humans need to have real conversations again to be connected to each other. McDermott begins his
article by naming several notable conversationalists of past like Coleridge, Hume, and Cicero. Also,
he notes some of their methods for being good conversationalists, which included the basic Cicero's
tenants of Cicero' method. Then, McDermott introduces the main medium through which he will
write throughout the article: a story of his experience at the School of Life. At the School of Life, he
took a class on conversation skills along with several other people looking to have genuine
conversations, in spite of technology's tendency to disrupt them. ... Show more content on ...
To demonstrate, the primary way that he does this is through his personal anecdotes about the class
he took. Of these, there are several: anecdotes about the conversations, anecdotes about snack time
cutting the conversations short, or anecdotes about the teacher giving examples of conversations
from Monty Python. Many of the short stories are meant to be humorous by poking fun at the irony
of the class. Furthermore, McDermott's telling of the anecdotes are simple, which is an effective
technique. Steven Cohen describes that an anecdote should "only introduce one or two principal
characters characters so the listeners do not feel overwhelmed" ("The Art of Public Narrative"),
which is a technique McDemott uses. For example, the author tells is of how a fellow classmate's
"nieces and nephews barely looked up from their gadgets when she entered a room," a story
containing limited characters. Secondarily, McDermott appeals to the emotions of his readers by
relating what he thought he and his classmates sought. He says, "But I suspect my classmates were
after that most basic thing, human connection." Human connection is a fundamental aspect of
human existence. It is something all people seek after. So, by appealing to this deep emotional
desire, he persuades his readers to seek that human connection through genuine conversations. Both
of these
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Conversation Analysis: Stereotypes Against Latin People
The focus of Conversation Analysis (CA) is on analyzing the talk in–interactions that naturally
occur, in order to understand how coconversationalists are able to take turns at talk, organize their
conversational actions, or handle difficulties, such as speaking, hearing, or understanding the co–
interactants' utterances (Wilkinson, & Kitzinger, 2011). The development of technology, such as
voice recording and video, has provided elements to observe in detail hesitations, hitches, silences,
overlaps, tokens, breaths, laughter, and/or prosodic company that are also components of the speech
production (Maynard, 2013). CA, more of being interested on analyzing linguistic formulations is
focused on observing how the coconversationists are able to apply these linguistic formulations
during social interactions(Hutchby, & Wooffill, 2008). Critical Discourse ... Show more content on ...
I am sorry, you're not what I picture when I think of a white person, it's crazy'. In the first section of
this sequence 'Are you white?', the actress tries to confirm the socio background of her co–
conversationist, she denotes surprise because she has a narrow concept of the Latin genotype. The
Latin people has been traditionally stereotyped to fit under certain physical features. Latin men
suppose to be small size, dark hair and eyes, a mustache is also part of this description. On the other
hand Latin women should be voluptuous beauties (e.g., Gloria from Modern Family). When a Latin
person does not fit under this description, discourses as the one on this sequence emerge. The
second problematic sequence, ' you're not what I picture when I think of a white person' confirms
the actress intention to portrait her co–conversationist on a set of her own certain racial
characteristics. Finally, her lack of openness to accept different physical characteristics for Latin
people is confirm when she said 'it's
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Asymmetrical Conversations Between Men and Women
Conversation is a normal part of every day life. People converse everywhere they go; whether they
are with their friends', at school or even while at the store, a conversation is bound to ignite. While
communicating has its ups, it also has its downs; these 'downs' can happen especially when men and
women are communicating because, according to Deborah Tannen, they have different
communication styles. Tannen illustrates this in her video, He Said, She Said: Gender, Language, &
Communication, where she talks about and gives many examples of how men and women differ in
their conversational approaches. I definitely agree with Tannen in regards that conversation between
the sexes is asymmetrical. Tannen states in her lecture that boys and ... Show more content on ...
Men, on the other hand, tend to think that they have been using language all day and finally when
they are home and comfortable all they want to do is relax and not have to talk. In public, men are
more open because they feel the need to compete and show off in front of everyone. Women tend to
be quainter in public because they just want to communicate and get along with others without
competing. In the end, men tend to be public communicators while women tend to be private
communicators. Another opposing conversation style between men and women that Tannen
discusses is "ritual opposition", or fighting. Men and women definitely have different outlooks on
fighting. Men use this conversation style to create bonds with other men, while women use fighting
to destroy bonds with other women. Males will exemplify their friendship through teasing and
poking at other guys. Teasing can strengthen relationships between men and allow them to become
even closer. Conversely, when women fight they are not usually teasing another woman for fun; it is
usually because she is mad at her. In general, women definitely do not use opposition to create a
stronger bond in one's friendship. Tannen uses this and all of her other points to prove that men and
women simply have different conversation patterns.
Tannen is not the only author who has looked into the conversational patterns between men and
women. In Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray, the author
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Communication Reflection Analysis
Quietly standing in a museum, you examine a written document or other artifact. It may seem like
just a piece of paper or a cool item to look at from hundreds of years ago, but you aren't just looking
at it. You're having a conversation with it. Not everyone will realize it, but there are conversations to
be had with these items, carried through time so that we might learn from them today. This was the
image painted by Dr. Beth Henschen, who works in the Political Science Department at EMU. This
event was one of several of the lectures from the "Courageous Conversations" series beneath Star
Lectures, held at the Honors College auditorium on September 19th, and beginning at 7:00 pm.
After attending this event, I can now explain my stance about the power and importance of
conversations, and the lasting impact they can have. When I hear the word conversation, I frequently
picture relaxed settings where people speak casually. Conversation was separate from debate,
arguments, and other forms of communication, simply because I was never taught to connect any of
them. What Dr. Henschen explained is that conversation covers a much broader variety of speaking
and can also include a more important and professional type of speaking. Not only did I learn about
the different types of speaking that the word conversation encompasses, but I also learned about the
power and influence of conversations, specifically linked to the constitution, as well as in everyday
life. Through the image
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Essay about Crucial Conversations
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High Crucial Conversations: Tools for
Talking When Stakes are High discusses how to handle disagreements and high–stakes
communication. It is written on the premise that when you are stuck in any situation–whether it's at
home or work–there is a crucial conversation keeping you from accomplishing the desired results. If
you can learn to speak up in these crucial moments effectively, then you can accomplish the results
you are after. The authors support this idea by referring to people who are considered influential by
their peers and managers in their work and relationships. They studied successful communicators
over a period of 25 years and concluded that what typically set them ... Show more content on ...
Learn to look for when a conversation becomes crucial, for signs of silence and violence, and for
your own style under stress. A large part of this is watching your actions and emotions, as well as
the actions and emotions of the other person. Paying attention to both the content of the discussion
and how people are acting and feeling is no easy task. But it's an essential part of dialogue. Chapter
5: Make It Safe: How to Make It Safe to Talk about Almost Anything When things go wrong in
crucial conversations, we assume the content of our message is the problem, so we begin to water it
down or avoid it altogether. But, as long as your intent is pure and you learn how to make it safe for
others, you can talk to almost anyone about almost anything. The key is to make the other person
feel safe. To do this, there are two things the person needs to know. First, they need to know that you
care about their best interests and goals. This is called mutual purpose. Second, they need to know
that you care about them. This is called mutual respect. When people believe both of these things,
they relax and can absorb what you're saying; they feel safe. The instant they don't believe them
(and it can happen instantaneously – even with those we have long and loving relationships with),
safety breaks down and silence or violence follows. To restore safety in the face of silence or
violence, you must restore mutual purpose and respect. Chapter 6:
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Reflective Account On Nursing Home
Assist with patient by taking them to their rooms, prayer services, and activities within the nursing
home facility.
Help patients with activities on a regular basis.
Assist patient in leisure activities on a regular basis.
Assist by taking a humanistic perspective and talk to the clients as individuals with rights, putting an
emphasis on empathy, human rights and equality.
Degree Program: Bachelor's Degree in Psychology
Cumulative GPA: 3.0 or higher
Current Status: Graduate Student
Spring 2017
Background Info: Regent Management Services, Limited Partnership manages twelve separately
owned and operated nursing facilities located in seven Texas cities, as well as Reno, Nevada. Regent
Management Services, Limited Partnership ... Show more content on ...
Afterward I wheeled them I wheeled them to either the dining room. I brought the residents cookies,
and I gave the residents the cookies in the dining room after the rosary was over. I carried a
conversation with the residents, and I lend a hand setting up for lunch. I wheeled people to their
perspective rooms, asking them how lunch was. I carried a conversation with the residents
individually in their perspective rooms. I went back, and I took more of the residents in their room. I
assisted in taking them to their rooms and I had conversations with all of them. I sat in the television
room and spoke to all of the residents there. Ensure confidentiality with clients at all times. On
Wednesday, I passed out coloring books, and I helped some of the residents outline the coloring
books and pages. Afterwards, I helped clean up, and I assisted Irma in taking the coloring books and
colors. I helped the residents set up by putting a plastic cover on the table. I looked for images that
they would like, for example cats, dogs, and flowers. I interacted with the residents and had
conversations with each person coloring. I helped put away the coloring materials, and lend a hand
setting up for lunch. I wheeled people to their rooms, asking them how lunch was. I carried
conversation with them in their perspective rooms. I went back, and I took more of the residents in
their room. I
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Characteristics Of Everyday Talk
There are many important and significant factors in a human being's life. Without those elements,
life stays incomplete. For instance, food, recreation, hobby, fun, and emotions are fundamentals of a
normal life. One of those elements is every day talk. Everyday talk is the process in which people
interact with each other and communicate their points of views (Tedpower, n.d.). This is a way for
them to stay in contact with each other. This is important because human beings cannot live alone.
They are social animals by the nature, which means at every point of their lives they need someone
to talk to or communicate. If a person stays alone for a long time, he starts being depressed and
frustrated which can lead to many odd behavioral traits. People who talk to each other or have a
decent conversation with each other can be friends, family, colleagues, siblings, sub–ordinates,
employers, or strangers.
A lot of research has been done on this topic. Many linguistics have surveyed on the social behavior
that people have to converse with each other who include Biber and Carter and McCarthy.
According to them, there are many characteristics of every day talk. However, before discussing
those features, one thing needs to be kept in mind. Even if the situation or the environment calls for
a ... Show more content on ...
The first one is the transactional information in which the goal of the talk is to convey some
particular information with the other parties that are involved. The second kind is the interactional
conversation in which the main purpose of the talk is to establish and maintain a social bond with
other people. The main goal of this type of talk is to form emotional ties with each other.
Interactional talk emphasizes the social needs of the people while transactional talk only is serious,
that is conveying of
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Analyzing The Moments Of Life Come From Having Crucial...
Many 'defining' moments in life come from having crucial conversations (as these create significant
shifts in attitude and behavior). This book focuses on techniques on how to hold such conversations
in a positive space when surrounded by highly charged emotions. Their findings are based on 25
years of research with 20,000 people.
Their model has essentially 7 steps:
1. Start with the heart (i.e. empathy and positive intent)
2. Stay in dialogue
3. Make it safe
4. Don't get hooked by emotion (or hook them)
5. Agree a mutual purpose
6. Separate facts from story
7. Agree a clear action plan
Our success in life is dictated by the quality of relationships we can engender. Some people seem
better at negotiating better quality outcomes (for all) than others do – they work with people rather
than through people. They are able to hold deeper, more honest conversations that create a new level
of bonding and are able to transform people, situations and relationships. By being prepared to hold
these conversations (often early) they ensure clarity over responsibility, define expectations and
hence maintain high levels of performance. When we let these conversations go by, we let standards
slip and unwittingly give permission for unwanted behavior to continue.
Crucial conversations lie all around us – all the time: from performance appraisals at work, up to
discussing problems over sexual intimacy. The skills we need in the boardroom are the same skills
we need in the bedroom.
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Personal Narrative: My Dementia Conversation
Throughout the week I had three different memorable conversations that I felt would be excellent
for this assignment. The first conversation I had was with my mother, than my sister, and lastly one
of my co–workers named Jennifer. During the first conversation my mother and I were discussing
my grandfather's recent diagnosis of dementia. Although I wanted to voice my input on what would
be best for him, I knew to keep my mouth shut. My mother didn't actually call to talk, she needed to
vent to someone, and express her emotions. I let her carry on for a good hour until I noticed the tone
of her voice subside to a relaxed yet calm pitch. Then I began asking questions, and also stated she
needs to take a step back and walk in his shoes, before
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Neverwinters Night Toolset: Case Study
1. Although learning the Neverwinters Night Toolset and game play were enjoyable, the best
learning experience I received was learning the process of working on a major system develop
project. The process started with the Statement of Work. The statement of work acted as a road map
and outlined everything our group needed to achieve by the end of the project. With each objective
in mind, everyone in the class was tasked with building a group of people with different strengths. I
learned that a group with a bunch of people who could only do one aspect of the game would fail
and a multifaceted group would thrive. Next, the groups were presented with a list of paperwork that
had to be completed upon completion of the game. The paperwork allowed you to plan before any
work on the game started. Another aspect that the paperwork help was having detailed ... Show more
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First, I would dissect the project. For example, a project similar to this one needs numerous things: a
webpage, the game, and documentation. To make the best team possible I would make sure each
team member had a different skill. For the video game, the skills I would seek would be someone
good at designing logic, a visual design person, and a programming or scripting person. For the
webpage you need someone with a skill for designing and maintaining webpages. A
documenter/scheduler is needed to keep the group on a time line and complete all paperwork.
The logic skilled person would be in charge of conversations, the flow of the game, and the quest
line. A visual design person would work on area design and the webpages presentation. A person
with programming skills would work with the logic skilled person and write scripts for
conversations and NPCs. All the members would have to be good at working together as a team and
collaborating. At different points of the project, different people might have to work on parts of the
project out of what they would normally work on to have the project in on
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What Crucial Conversations Tools For Talking When Stakes...
Communication skills are essential to developing relationships. Human nature makes us yearn to
have positive relationships, but building a relationship requires the skills and ability to communicate
effectively in all circumstances. Although we know how to speak in a calm setting, our defense
mechanism can lead us to destructive behaviors during crucial moments. Kerry Patterson, Joseph
Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler collaborate to provide tools that facilitate high–stakes
crucial conversation.
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High is a book written to teach the reader
how to better communicate in crucial moments, where adrenaline can cause insensible actions.
According to Patterson et al, we are built to react when emotions run high, our defensive mechanism
takes over and blinds the actions we take. Actions that would normally not occur seem reasonable in
a moment of rage, but they only lead to bad habits. The authors break down the book into sections,
which facilitate mastering crucial conversations. Chapters 1 and 2 explain what crucial
conversations consist of and the different outcomes. The next two chapters shift the focus to the
reader, how the person communicates, the relationships one builds, the role one has in a
conversation, and understanding how one responds under stress. The focus on these two chapters is
to determine what the end goal is and stay focused during the conversations. Chapter 4 presents a
quiz that helps the
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Conversation Analysis Paper
Conversation Analysis
Conversation analysis refers to a model of analyzing spoken communication or interactions for the
determination of how language develops within social contexts. It is useful in understanding
interactions with classroom settings, courtrooms and in interviews (Sidnell, 2011). Conversation
analysis provides a framework for assessing specific aspects of an oral interaction, such as opening
and closing, topic management, adjacency pairs, feedback, preference organization, turn–taking and
repair. Opening and closing is a crucial element of a conversation as it influences the starting and
finishing of oral interactions. Notably, different cultures have divergent approaches to opening and
closing conversations. Antaki (2011) illustrates that the place of the conversation also influences the
nature of opening and closing statements. For instance, communication across online platforms,
including social media networks have different opening and closing approaches when compared to
face–to–face communication. Sidnell (2011) indicates that ... Show more content on
An effective conversation provides all participants with opportunities of contributing to discourse.
Conversation analysis seeks to establish the need for eliminating possibilities of having overly
dominant speakers within conversations (Wong & Waring, 2010). Feedback mechanisms are also
analyzed to determine whether conversations provide participants with opportunities of providing
responses. It is however notable that feedback differs across cultures. Social media platform are
designed to provide users with opportunities of providing feedback or expressing their reactions to
specific content. However, the language used to provide feedback in social media conversations may
not be culturally relevant owing to the divergent cultural values of members of online communities
(Thurlow & Mroczek,
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Review Of Conversation Analysis
City University of Hong Kong
LT4239 Conversation Analysis Assignment 2: Article Review
Group 2: Fu Yuen Sum, Winsome (5405 1982)
Review on "Repair" in "The Handbook of Conversation Analysis" by Celia Kitzinger
Repair is a field of study in conversation analysis, and several linguists had been working on this
topic since 1970s. This chapter from "The Handbook of Conversation Analysis" focuses on the
domain of repair, introducing current research results about the various types of repair made in
speech, making it clear for readers who might not have much knowledge in this field. Consequently,
possible functions and sequence of these repairing acts are described and explained with ample
easy–to–understand examples. The researches cited in the ... Show more content on
She claimed that repair is performed so as to "fine–tune" a turn, in order to perform certain actions
which the speaker intends to achieve. She mentioned "upgrading and downgrading the force of
action" as one of the possible interactional uses of repair. I do agree with this point since we may
sometimes mistakenly make an extreme comment on an event or a thing at first and we would try to
downgrade that to a milder word in order to avoid misunderstandings or even arguments. Thus, I
believe repairing may carry social functions in certain
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Rhetorical Analysis Of The Flight From Conversation Turrkle
The author and esteemed Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sherry Turkle, in the essay, "The Flight from Conversation,"
published in the New York Times on April 22, 2012 addresses the topic of conversation versus
connection. It argues that technology is interfering with the ability to communicate. Turkle supports
her claim first by using ethos to establish her credibility, second by using logos to provide her logic,
and finally pathos to relate and move the reader. Turkle establishes a sentimental tone in order to
appeal to her audience's emotions on the topic. The author's overall purpose is to persuade her
audience to be together and to interact in person so that they will ... Show more content on ...
The modern trend is switching from conversation to connection as digital devices are being relied on
more. People are avoiding face to face contact and are forming relationships with their technology.
Their devices have no human experiences, but they still find them more trustworthy and comforting
than other humans. Sherry Turkle successfully gets her point across that communication is failing
with the use of ethos, logos, and
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Effective Communication As An Effective Negotiator Essay
"Delivering a difficult message is like throwing a hand grenade. Coated with sugar, thrown hard or
soft, a hand grenade is still going to do damage" (Stone, Patton, & Heen, 2000, p. 17). If the
underlying context of our message is not desirable, no matter how hard we try to throw the grenade
softly, once it lands, it shows its consequences. Difficult conversations are not about who's right,
rather they are about dissimilar insights, perceptions, interpretations, and beliefs.
Effective communication is not only important to be an effective negotiator, but it's very essential in
all aspects of life. Regardless of our level of proficiency, some conversations are always cause of
anxiety and frustrations.
As argued by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen, "conversations take place on multiple
levels: the rational, the emotional, and the "identity" level". Essentially, by considering these parts of
conversation, we can learn each party's version of what was articulated; what feelings take place
throughout the conversation; and to what extent one's identity may have been exposed, sapped, or
fortified by the dialogue.
The "rational" conversations are essentially the "what happened" conversations, which are usually
made much more complicated than what parties' initial expectations are and commonly involve
tension over what happened and who is to blame for. In such conversations, each side of the
conversation should look for their contribution to the dilemma, rather than
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Crucial Conversations: Video Analysis
Crucial conversations are inevitable as we navigate life. I personally have had numerous crucial
conversations some were harder to have then I could ever imagine. Which later led me to arguing in
my head because I didn't say the right thing or react the proper way. In our video we watched this
week I loved how Joseph Grenny explained a myth we all follow about how telling the truth we will
lose a friend or to keep a friend we suppress the truth. If this doesn't hit the nail on the head I don't
know what will. I have often suppressed the truth or what I want to say in order to keep someone in
my life at fear of the unknown reaction that would come back at me. I have also spoken up and
wanted to put my foot in my mouth because that person didn't
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A Conversation Analysis
People spend a significant part of their lives listening and talking, that is the main reason why
conversation is regarded to be the most generalised form of talk that concerns both speakers and
listeners and it is contemplated to be the essential ingredient in co–operative undertaking
(Wardhaugh, 1985). Conversation is informal talk involving two or more people and interviews are
a particular type of conversation. Interviews are regarded as meetings at which a journalist asks
questions in order to find out the interviewee's opinion. This is an assignment that analyses a
telephone interview, so there is an absence of eye contact, body language or facial expressions that
are attributes of a 'live' ... Show more content on ...
Two examples that portray this representative type are: the suppositional statement made by the
journalist at the beginning of the interview that reads 'Are we losing the overall picture here,
anybody in West Yorkshire who's getting a bit sore that Tetley's getting the elbow?' (journalist, first
page); and, the supposition concerning the name's change for Royal Mail to Consignia that 'it was
like a flop, wasn't it?' (journalist, second page). Furthermore, certain speech acts in this conversation
are examples of direct speech because the question that reads as 'I think of stories like Consignia,
you remember?' (speaker, first page) is associated directly with its relevant answer in its literate
sense that reads as 'yeah' (journalist, first page).
In cases that there is a hidden difference of opinion, a suggestion of politeness is formulated in
positive face polite statements and relates to the desire to be liked and express approval (Brown and
Levinson, 1987 cited in Maybin & Mercer, 1996). The intention of satisfying the face needs of
others while protecting our own is evidenced in this interview's utterances such as, 'well, if I see it
from that point of view may well be' (speaker, third page) that indicate a certain kind of polite tone
through mediating of opinion. The expression of personal opinions in a 'down to earth' interview,
that overall 'touches' the topic and 'captures' the listener's ear, is re–enforced
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Example Of A Difficult Conversation
Difficult conversation #1
What Happened According to the text the "what happened conversation" is where most difficult
conversation develop from, which is the heart of what is going wrong between individuals. They
may agree on the basic facts but have different interpretations of what it means. We often play the
blame game where we think they are to blame and they think we are to blame. To defuse the
situation the authors suggest adopting the "And Stance," which acknowledges that both parties have
different views on the situation but both views matter.
Next, it suggests we should not make assumptions based on intentions, often we tend to jump from
the impact of the situation to the intent without asking for an explanation of why. ... Show more
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I was asked to be in my friend wedding; however my mother's health began to deteriorate around the
same time. By this time the wedding was two months away and there were many things to still
accomplish, but things were getting worse with my mother. By this time the wedding was a month
away, yet my mother was not better so I felt it would be better for me to not be in the wedding. I
tried to explain this to my friend, but we ended up in an argument although her concerns were valid
I felt my mother's health was a more pressing concern. Initially, we let our feelings and emotions
control the tone and path of the conversation, which lead to a heated argument. We were both very
passionate about our feelings and concerns and could not see past them to have a rational
conversation. Eventually we calmed down and came up with a way to avoid a problem with her
wedding and time for me to monitor my mother
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A Research Study On Service Encounters
Service Encounters The interactions between various people can help explain social and cultural
differences, which overall allow us to gather information on the wide expanse of ideologies that
people from different economic and ethnic backgrounds hold and believe. Throughout this research
project I was able to build off of what I had learned from Benjamin Bailey's study and conduct
something similar to experience firsthand what beneficial information can be obtained from
observing various service encounters. Understanding that not every person feels the same way about
how certain social interactions should be carried out is important. This enables us to realize that
some interactions may come off as disrespectful, ill mannered, or ... Show more content on ...
They were both white males of average height and build. Quickly after listening to the beginning of
their conversation, it was clear they knew one another.
Example 1:
1. Attendant: How's it going?
2. Customer: It's going good bro, what about you?
3. Attendant: Going good, how's ASU?
4. Customer: Pretty good, I'm getting through it. *Light chuckle*
5. Attendant: Well I'm glad to hear it, hope you have a good night.
6. Customer: You too man.
It was apparent that they had exchanged conversations maybe several times in the past and were on
more personal terms, where they knew things about one another. That was the first interaction I
witnessed that day, between the attendant and a customer that included a conversation that seemed
more informal and casual. My second example took place in the Mexican restaurant, Los Taquitos,
and the interaction I observed was between a young women and an older male. The attendant looked
around 16–18 and was a Mexican American woman. The customer seemed to be in his late 60's and
was a Native American man who was in a wheelchair. They had a polite conversation and seemed to
be previously acquainted.
Example 2:
1. Attendant: Hey Liam, how are you today?
2. Customer: Hi Alexa, I'm doing fine.
3. Attendant: Lengua burrito?
4. Customer: Of course, and can you add four sides of pico?
5. Attendant: Mhmm, where's your wife today?
6. Customer: Oh she had an old friend
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Techniques Used by Law Enforcement Officers to Catch...
Law enforcement officers have used multiple techniques over the years to try to catch criminals in
the act. One such technique is the use of undercover officers, who work in the field to gain
information under a false persona. This tactic is often used to catch child predators in online chat
rooms. These men and women of the law pose as young boys and girls in an effort to catch a
predator before they can harm another child. In the course of the transcript we were to read for class,
the officer posed as a 12–year–old girl. To convince the predator jazzeman04 that he was talking to a
12–year–old girl the officer placed a deceptive picture on "her" profile. The officer was also keen on
the current chat lingo, and communicated in the same ... Show more content on ...
This officer did a remarkable job in their attempt to catch this online predator. The strategies of
using common chat room jargon, leaving the conversation gap for a few minutes at a time, and
pretending to speak to "her" mother multiple times would lead many to believe they are truly
speaking to a young girl. Leaving the conversation gap from time to time allows the officer to prove
that the other individual was leading the conversation, and wanted to speak to "her".
The only thing I could see in this conversation that may appear as entrapment is when the officer is
asking if jazzeman04 is being serious on meeting "her". These questions could be seen in either light
of the argument. Defense could argue that it is entrapment, trying to make sure his client shows up
at the sting. Prosecution could argue that those kinds of questions would be normal for anyone
young girl that wants to meet her new friend.
I personally would stand with the prosecution on the matter because the officer in no way had led
the conversation up to this point. The officer also posing, as a young girl that had been groomed to
meeting the individual would want to make sure that meeting was going to happen. In multiple
places of the textbook, the authors give the guidelines of what an office is and is not allowed to do
during the course of an
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No Day We Make Conversations
Every day we make conversations. Every day we express ideas and opinions. Every day there is
crucial information being passed long. We use our words every day, however, noise occurs every
day too, so it makes sense that everyone takes the time to learn how to avoid noise and make
effective conversations. Whether we let it disturb our conversations is our own choice. There are
four types of noise that will be discussed in this paper: physiological, physical, psychological, and
The first type of noise is physiological noise. This is a distraction to communication caused by
factors that affect how one feels and thinks such as being hungry, fatigued, feeling pain, or being
under the influence of medication. Though it sounds simple, this kind of noise can be difficult to
control. One example of this occurrence is when a person has allergies and decides to take Benadryl.
This medication actually causes drowsiness and even on the bottle of the medication, it says not to
operate machinery afterwards. Being drowsy causes the person to be less aware of the situation and
can cause them to be disjointed when engaged in a conversation. Occasionally, my mother will have
severe allergies and take this medication. Well, one of our favorite family activities is to watch the
TV show "Criminal Minds" and we have a tendency to talk about every part of the movie, making
comments and spectacles with one another, but if my mother has recently taken Benadryl, she
doesn't take in
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Celeste Headlee's How To Have A Good Conversation
In the video "How to Have a Good Conversation," May (2015), by Celeste Headlee provides us with
insight on today's world, and how we interact with each other. Celeste Headlee proves her point by
talking about statistics. Also she brings up technology, and social media. She is sharing information
to help change the way we speak to one another, and it is her purpose, because there needs to be a
change with the way we communicate. The biggest audience she is trying to grab the attention of is
her audience or everybody, because many need to see how the world has changed. Celeste Headlee
catches the audience's attention and keeps them engaged by telling real life stories. She starts off by
giving a statistic that within the talk alone about a third of American teenagers send more than a
hundred texts a day. Then she gives a brief introduction of herself so that the audience understands
what she does. She does not acknowledge any other experts in the field but she does acknowledge
the sources from which she has obtained information. The work that is discussed, however, validates
her authority on the subject and convinces the audience that she is knowledgeable on the topic.
Pulling at the brains of the audience, Celeste tells the audience "All right. I want ... Show more
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The audience laughs and the idea she is proving is intensified. The moments in which she steps back
and allows the audience to think are profoundly effective. The audience feels very engaged and
claps when she discusses the moves America needs to take. She leaves the audience by saying, "you
do the same thing. Go out, talk to people, listen to people, and, most importantly, be prepared to be
amazed." This last statement not only summarizes her hope for the future, but also challenges the
audience to do something about
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Conversation : Static V. Charismatic
Static v. Charismatic
We 've all been there. You sit down next to someone somewhere, maybe a bus, maybe a school,
maybe a library. You try your hardest not to make eye contact and not to be noticed. Maybe you
even pull out your phone. Just please don't let them notice me. Please don't let them talk to me. You
want to go invisible.
This mindset of avoiding interaction with others has become a pivotal aspect in many of our lives as
we attempt to escape everyday conversations with others by shielding ourselves using a variety of
distractions and excuses. Yet why do we do this? Do we fear the judgement of others? Perhaps we
will embarrass ourselves somehow. Maybe we just don't like talking to others in general and we
would rather ... Show more content on ...
Aloof Proof
To prove that this is a relevant problem at CHS, we personally set out with a series of two
interviews, a survey, and a social experiment. The first interview was conducted with three random
students at CHS to exemplify first–hand accounts of the problem. After questioning two sophomores
and one senior, all three recognized that many students at our school are callous and cold towards
others they don't know. Saying "People at CHS can be mean and disrespectful if you try and talk to
them without knowing them."(Fernandes Interview) This was also the reason all three stated for not
wanting to make more friends at our school. Clearly the results concurred as every single subject
showed an obvious disdain towards social interaction with others in general, outlining the evident
problems our school faces with claims such as " I don't like constantly meeting new people, it puts
me out of my comfort zone."(Fernandes Interview) This mindset displayed by one of our students
shows how many others at our school view it as their personal choice to neglect interaction with
their classmates.
However, additional research has shown a completely different cause of what many of these
students consider to be their decision. Ph.D. Him Keung Ma explains in his academic journal that
choosing to not socialize and just wanting to play games on a device are not separate factors in this
issue. In fact, they
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Sample Resume : ' 5 Conversation Starters That Won 't Kill...
5 Conversation Starters That Won't Kill a Conversation
Sure, we 'd all love to have that spontaneous Eat Pray Love moment traveling alone around Italy and
meeting beautiful men who drive us around on Vespas – not to say it couldn't happen – but if you 're
more like us when we travel alone, you 'll probably end up sitting on the street corner eating from a
box of cheap Chinese takeout pretending to text friends from back home...when you don 't even
have WiFi. Traveling alone doesn't mean you need to be a loner.
Let's face it; making friends before meeting face–to–face is not easy. Throw in the struggle of a
foreign language barrier, and you're probably the farthest thing away from being a social butterfly.
It's time like these that make you wish you had kept in touch with your elementary school pen pal
from France.
But you didn't. So now what?
We've been asked to review the HelloTalk app, and we found that it's the perfect place to find people
who will help you sound less like an awkward 9th grade French student and more like a true
Parisian bobo sipping espresso streetside and looking oh–so classe. If only we sounded (and looked)
that good when French came floating off of our lips.
Within two minutes of downloading the free app, we received at least five requests from 20–
something locals of our chosen languages asking to be language partners. They wanted to be
language partners with us maybe just because we speak English, or possibly because they saw how
many errors
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Speech And Speech: Why Is Conversation Important?
Among other things, what distinguishes man from other animals is speech and language. The very
fact of being man signifies speech and conversation. Conversation is an expression which is
important in many ways. It lessens pain and suffering, multiplies joy, enjoyment and exaltation and
enriches experience.
Why Is Conversation important?
Conversation as a tool and vehicle of expression of ideas, emotions and experience is of great
importance. It is a great boon and blessing and one of the important means of preserving and
increasing knowledge. Man can best reveal his mind, intentions, ideas, and personality through
words of the mouth or talk. A man is known by his words and talk. A talk reveals a man's inner
being, his thoughts and emotions. ... Show more content on ...
Exchange of ideas, experiences, joys, fears, emotions, opinions and concepts is likely to prove a
great asset in your life and career. Even a casual talk with somebody somewhere for a brief period
will positively add to your knowledge, wisdom and skills of language, expression and
communication. Avail yourself of the opportunity of talking to various kinds of people whenever it
is there. Your conversation would not go waste but talk with a purpose, be conscious of your aim
and object and never lose sight of what you want to
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A Conversation Between The Director Of Food And Beverage...
This negotiation consisted of a conversation between the Director of Food and Beverage at the
Statler Hotel (me) and the East Coast Vice President of Sales for Anderson Coffee. Our negotiation
was fairly short, consisting of only five minutes total. I believe this was because both parties came
in with an open, friendly attitude ready to strike a deal together. We also had a great deal of mutual
respect for one another, so having an open conversation about limits and potential opportunities
within the relationship was much easier. She opened the conversation with the beginning offer, and I
followed up with asking her about why the price was where it was at and explaining that while we
are excited to talk to Anderson we are also content to ... Show more content on ...
The two year contract created value for both parties for different reasons. Value was created for me
due to the guaranteed lower price for a longer period of time and a relationship with a superior
vendor. It was valuable to her because it guaranteed both revenue and an advertising stream for a
long period of time. We would not have been able to reach these terms without listening to one
another. I also learned one thing that I would like to stop doing during the negotiation is letting the
other party offer first. I was able to adequately prepare for the negotiation, find the prices I wanted
and was willing to accept, and identify different issues besides price to use as bargaining chips since
the Statler Hotel had less to offer than the seller. Although I knew that I had taken enough time to
prepare for the negotiation, I let fear of inducing a chilling effect keep me from being aggressive
with my first offer. I now know I have no need to be self–conscious if I have prepared – although I
read this in the book it is different to experience it in practice. I also know, that if I do miss the
chance to offer first because the other party happens to be more aggressive than myself it is
important to re–anchor the conversation to keep the negotiation on the track I want it to be. There
are also a few things I
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Crucial Conversation Analysis
Having a crucial conversation can be difficult; however, it is essential for me to be successful in my
project. I think of different ways I could approach the CNA to have this crucial conversation without
any conflict and to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible, and handle the conversation in a way
that will produce a better outcome. I asked the CNA to let me know when she is ready for her break,
so we can take one together because I will like to talk to her about something that will improve our
work relationship effectively. We went for a break, and I started the conversation by saying I would
like to talk to you about some things I am noticing when we work together, I am not accusing you of
anything, I just want us to talk about my observations, and I will listen to what you have to say. I
explained to her about the issues in my initial post, when I started the conversation her facial
expression ... Show more content on ...
I was stunned because I was expecting denial and augments. She said to me "I like working with
you because I know you are very helpful and you do not wait for me to care for your patients."
Maybe I am so used to you doing It, I neglect your assignment. I told her that I do not have a
problem helping out, but it gets overwhelming and more frustrating when I see her sitting down
doing nothing while I run around trying to do her work and mine. I told her going forward I will like
to be at a place where I can trust her because at this point I am constantly checking to see if she is
doing what she is supposed to be doing on her shift. She was open to the idea of having a better
work relationship, and she thanked me by saying "Phanta I appreciate you for talking to me about
this instead of going to somebody else, and I am sorry you have been feeling this way because of
me." I hugged her and told her it is nothing personal, and I am looking forward to a great
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Nursing Conversation Analysis
After getting assigned this assignment, I have been thinking about what kind of conversations I
should be looking out for or taking part of. I noticed that I was analyzing every conversation too
much. It wasn't until the weekend after receiving this assignment, I took place in an interesting
conversation at work. I am a Licensed Nursing Assistant at Bedford Hills Nursing Home. It was
right after I came back from taking my lunch. I was walking back to and all of a sudden one of my
fairly new patients, a very nice little old man, called me over. He got my attention by saying "Hey
skinny", which I barely understood because his voice is just so rough. Now he is usually so sweet to
me so I was shocked when he called me that, but I laughed it ... Show more content on ...
I did not care what we talked about, and I am sure he did not either. It was quite a successful
conversation, I asked him questions and he asked me questions also. We could have talked all day, I
was sad when I had to walk away and keep working. The roles in this conversation were an elder to
a child and a patient to a nurse. I think that the conversation and listening skills that helped the
conversation go well was that we were both truthful, kept the conversation going, had some laughs,
asked questions, did not interrupt each other, empathized, and I got physically ready to listen
because I bent down to get to his level since he is in a wheelchair. I think that the one thing that
could have been used to improve this conversation was if the conversation was the speaking was
balanced. He talked more, which I did not mind because I realized how lonely he actually is and just
wants to talk to someone. I believe that the external noise distracted him more than me because he
would look away at anyone walking by, but I did not mind it. For me, I think that the internal noise,
like my thoughts of realizing how lonely he was took over, but I could still focus on the
conversation, because it was very important to
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Creating Crucial Conversations Summary
Creating and Completing Crucial Conversations
The acclaimed book Crucial Conversations discusses the intricacies of communication and analyzes
the potential reasons for dialog deterioration in a group setting. The authors emphasize the
importance of making people feel safe to exchange ideas and the techniques to restore balance when
safety is threatened. This book, although unique in its views, has its roots embedded in proven
psychological theories by James–Lang and Cannon–Bard, which state that emotions cause
physiological arousal that stimulates emotional brain activity but reduces the ability for cognitive
reasoning (Passer & Smith, 2007, p. 384–386).
Purpose and Why?
So, why is keeping control of our emotions so crucial to dialog? As human beings, we converse with
each other at all times of the day or night and it is the primary method of communication. For most
of us, the bulk of our communication occurs at work and ends with family members or friends by
day's end. At any point, one of these dialog sessions can become a crucial conversation if people
become defensive, frightened, hurt, or angry during communication. According to the ... Show more
content on ...
These stories should first show insight on how each person is interpreting the facts of what they see
and hear. Secondly, they should explain the why, how, and what each communication is doing by
focusing on behavior and not emotion. Thirdly, everyone should speak persuasively and present
their points of view from the least controversial to most persuasive facts of their argument. And
fourth, each person should convey the facts as they interpret them and expect others to test their
viewpoints to obtain a collaborative and meaningful solution towards the conversation's purpose and
goal. Lastly, everyone should be good listeners and provide safe and meaning feedback whether in
agreement or disagreement to each point of
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Difficult Conversations Summary

  • 1. Difficult Conversations Summary In Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most Stone et al. provide the reader a three–part method to analyze conversations. The method described in the book involves sorting out three conversations that make up a difficult conversation: the "what happened" conversation, the feelings conversation, and the identity conversation. An analysis of these three conversations provides a powerful and comprehensive tool for approaching difficult conversations–that is, for the verbal part. Stone and his colleagues fail to elaborate on nonverbal communication and its essential role in understanding and gaining the most out of a difficult conversation. THE WORDLESS CONVERSATION The importance of body language is often forgotten when engaging in conversations with other people. As masters of our bodies, we do not need to be aware of our limbs in order to prevent them from falling on to the floor in a messy heap. However, this unconscious ability to control our body often leads us to trouble, as we allow it to interfere with the effectiveness of our communication. By understanding the origins of our primal language and how the body conveys our emotions and thoughts, we can begin to appreciate the vital role the wordless conversation plays in our difficult conversations. ... Show more content on ... The spoken language, while endlessly useful, is only a recent invention in comparison to body language. Dr. Albert Mehrabian's often quoted study found that 7% of a message is conveyed through words, 38% through vocal elements, and 55% through nonverbal elements. While these statistics and their meanings may not be so straightforward, the overall take away is clear; nonverbal communication heavily affects the way we receive and transmit messages. Our Words May Tell One Story but Our Body May Tell ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Crucial Conversations In The Work Environment Many people might believe that crucial conversations are witnessed in more political situations, but these types of conversation appear in our daily lives fairly often. Some typical crucial conversations in the work environment could be reporting bad news to a superior, approaching a coworker about them breaking a company rule, or discussing work effort with a team member. These situations appear in our home and social lives in the forms of disagreements in a relationship, dealing with roommate problems, and talking to a friend about participating in dangerous behaviors. Commonly, instead of facing these types of discussions with tact and a sense of confidence, people tend to run away for fear of embarrassment due to saying the wrong thing ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Turn-Taking System as Described in Conversation Analysis Outline and illustrate the turn–taking system as described in Conversation Analysis Introduction to Discourse Student Number: 12022165 Academic year 2012/2013 TABLE OF CONTENT 1 INTRODUCITON 2 TURN–TAKING 3 STRUCTURE OF THE TURN–TAKING SYSTEM 3.1 Techniques for selecting the next speaker 4 OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE CONVERSATION 4.1 Openings 4.1.1 Topic 4.2 Closings 5 CONCLUSION INTRODUCITON In conversation people seem to follow a certain rule of communication which is often perceived as effortless as breathing but not many people are aware that turn–taking system as described in conversation analysis is deeply structured, organized and has a predictable pattern. It is also one of the basic mechanisms in ... Show more content on ... To avoid unintended implicature in dispreferred responses (invitation/declination) we often add something to them. We can not respond to the invitation by saying "no" as this could be considered
  • 6. as inappropriate and would create implicature. That is why in the case of declining an invitation we have to add an apology, explanation or an excuse why we refused the offer. There are also examples when we have one adjacency pair embedded within another Dispreferred or complex responses can also be: Silence Pauses Preface: well, uhm, ah Example: [pic] (Levinson, 1983:308) Politicians often take on these dispreferred responses in order to avoid anwsering a question directly. Alternative responses to the first part of the adjacency pairs are: [pic] (Levinson, 1983:307) Example: Interview of Paxman vs. Howard in which Howard (leader of the oposing party) continues to avoid anwsering the questions provided by Paxman. Paxman: Did you threaten to overule him? Howard: I was not entitled to instruct Derek Lewis and I did not instruct him. Paxman: Did you threaten to overule him? Howard: The truth of the matter is that Mr. Marriot was not suspended– Paxman: Did you threaten to overule him? Howard: I did not overule Derek Lewis– Paxman: Did you threaten to ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. Crucial Conversations: Video Analysis Crucial conversations are inevitable as we navigate life. I personally have had numerous crucial conversations some were harder to have then I could ever imagine. Which later led me to arguing in my head because I didn't say the right thing or react the proper way. In our video we watched this week I loved how Joseph Grenny explained a myth we all follow about how telling the truth we will lose a friend or to keep a friend we suppress the truth. If this doesn't hit the nail on the head I don't know what will. I have often suppressed the truth or what I want to say in order to keep someone in my life at fear of the unknown reaction that would come back at me. I have also spoken up and wanted to put my foot in my mouth because that person didn't ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Advantages Of Conversation Analysis What is a conversation? A conversation is referred to as a spontaneous, impromptu, everyday exchange of talk between two or more individuals. The participants in a conversation take turns and during their turn each makes a conversational move of some kind, this is seen as a form of sociability and reflects an individual's ability and willingness to interact with others. People gather their construction of a conversation together, cooperatively, and they deal with the gatherings of the conversation at local level, one utterance at a time (Parker 1999). Conversation analysis is an approach to the study of human interaction in society which embraces verbal and nonverbal conduct in situations of everyday interchanges. There may be a misinformed view that this analysis only focuses on the sociable nature of the conversation, but in reality, it encompasses conversations of all sorts, from informal and formal to technologically mediated conversations. Conversation analysis is broad in scope but one of the things that differentiate ... Show more content on ... It does not use coded or summarised representations, but rather analyses detailed audio or video recordings of interactional activities and detailed transcripts. Another benefit of using conversation analysis, it focuses on naturally occurring data and not conversations that are manipulated as mentioned prior. However, there are limitations to this approach as well such as the fact that it can be time consuming and therefore requires a great deal of patience and dedication to go through numerous and long transcripts of conversations. It can also be costly. Often it also requires specialised training in the Conversation Analysis methodology if it is going to be done well. This analytic approach is also very sensitive to misinterpretation and over interpretation therefore member checking becomes very crucial (LaVelle ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Empathy in Tannen, Deborah. "Can't We Talk?, Hemingway,... Empathy in Conversations Empathy is defined as "the understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives" as defined in the dictionary. Some tend to find it difficult to comprehend that a person could lack such thought and concern for another living being. For as long as some can recall, the capability to treat others with compassion has been second nature, and a vital part in my moral principles. Being challenged throughout their childhood, their compassionate character was not only improved, but, certainly, the toughest element in their moral groundwork. This being said, Good communication needs understanding between the people communicating as stated in Tannen, Deborah. "Can't We Talk?", Hemingway, Ernest. "Hills Like White Elephants.", and Turkle, Sherry. "The Flight from Conversation". In her book "Can't We Talk" Deborah Tannen compares the manner of which males and females react to each other in diverse circumstances. Early in the reading she states that men are raised in a world in which a conversation is a competition that they should never loose, and women are taught to listen, confirm and offer support to other people. She supports this with when she stated that she saw it in her own husband when they worked in two different cities and how he "approached the world in a way to achieve and maintain status" (Tannen). Also, stated in the article, Tannen was talking about how ways to avoid fighting with their significant others, people tend to give in to ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Ice Breakers In A Conversation Com–mu–ni–ca–tion (n): the process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior (Merriam–Webster). Communication can also be summed up as the process of understanding and sharing meaning (McClean, 2010). What kind of style is needed to clothe your communication? Consider clothing yourself with knowledge of how to start a conversation; put on the brand of socks called ice breakers. Button up those pants of knowing your purpose when you having something to say, put on the blouse of active listening, fasten your belt of identifying and displaying body language, and slip into shoes that is the wisdom in knowing how to end a conversation. The receipt for these concepts comes with ... Show more content on ... Ice is water frozen into a solid state. Ice is hard and cold; and is created in phases depending on temperature and pressure. Knowing how to break or melt ice requires tools and warmth. The transition from ice to water is melting and from ice directly to water vapor is sublimation. The term sublimation refers to a physical change of state. Ice breakers in a conversation is the warming of the conversation. Ice breakers is the sublimation tool to change the physical state of one's outcome in a conversation. This sledgehammer that breaks open a conversation provides a good impression, creates a positive and collaborative work environment, and allows for open–ended conversations (, 2013). Ice breakers is essential to warm up the conversation at the very beginning. Ice breakers by all means occurs at the start of the process (Varvel Jr., 2002). One might ponder what are useful ice breakers that open up a conversation in an interview process. If you want to get to know your potential new employee try asking this question; what is one important skill that every person should have? Don't shy away from asking the individual what they enjoy doing to relieve stress, or ask them to describe ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Susan Scott's 'Fierce Conversations' Analysis of the Conversation I like what William Isaacs says "Dialogue is about a shared inquiry, a way of thinking and reflecting together." Communication is about authentic connections between people. The goal is to reach new understanding, to motivate and inspire each other, and to enrich relationships. It should be dynamic and productive. Susan Scott in her book "Fierce Conversations" defines that a fierce conversation is one in which we come out from behind ourselves into the conversation and make it real. As Christians, we should all make "real" conversations because God wants us to be truthful. However, it does not only require honesty to make "real" conversations, but also requires wisdom, consideration, experience, technique, and more. Thus, based on the seven principles from "Fierce Conversations", I can make some analyses on my conversation with Maria that stated previously. The first principle ... Show more content on ... Paying attention on what the other says is crucial in a conversation. Being present is the starting point of creating authentic conversation as Halpern and Lubar say. Active listening techniques – encouraging, paraphrasing, summarizing, and reflection of feelings are also helpful for this purpose. My use of questions in the conversation is the secret rule that Susan mentions in her book that to draw others out with good questions and incredible listening on our part. The answers from Maria provided solid information for helping me to think and make possible suggestion for her. The fourth principle is to tackle toughest challenge today. In the conversation, I wanted to find out what really the issue that makes Maria struggles. Without knowing the actual stumbling block, we cannot proceed to find solution. Thus, I realized that it was necessary to push Maria to express her feeling about her job and her real passion in the ministry. This is what Scott says to interrogate reality with the ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Reflection On Communication During, communication class I got the chance to discover different concept, tactics, strategies, and techniques and how I can improve the way a communication with others and be able to listen, focus, paraphrase, also able to express myself without offending others or causing tense or insecure conversations. Then, I also discovered how I can making eye contact, assertiveness, self– disclosure also able to understand body language, which it can assist me to observe the reaction of the others that would help me to avoid any confrontations during dialogue. Many of these concepts that were providing to me offer a better way and how I can change any of bad habits I was having every time I was having a conversation since I wasn't aware before I took this course. Another, concepts I discovered also it was the twelve listening blocks also hidden agendas, parataxic distortions, and schemas and I can keep point many others that I didn't know I was using it without even know it until now that I have the knowledge and ability to understand which were my mistakes every time I was having a conversation. I planning to apply each of those concepts in my daily life since I noticed for the last week eight how my communication with others has improved not only at home with my family, with friends also at work with my coworkers. According, the author of the book Crucial Conversations states, "What you learn "Crucial Conversations" transform people and relationships. They are anything by transacted; they create an entirely new level of bonding. The produce what Buddhism calls" the middle way"–not a compromise between two opposites on a straight–line continuum, but a higher middle way, like the apex of a triangle" (pg. X). As the author explained here how conversations can change your life and renovate relationships when we are able to transmit how we feel without causing a negative energy between us instead we need to create a better scenario during dialogue with whoever we have around us. What have you learned about your style of communication and assertiveness and how would you like to see yourself grow in this area? I have learned the importance to pay attention and concentrate completely on the other person who is talking ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Creative Writing: Short Conversation 通し番号02–022から028まで 通し番号02–022: Short Conversation (90–120 words) (Narrator): Listen to a conversation between two students in class. Alex: Hey Josh, who are you going to vote for tomorrow? Josh: Hey Alex. I'm not sure yet. Probably Josh Martin. He said he's going to make school tuition cheaper. Alex: Really? Josh: Yeah he wants to make going to public universities free, so I'll probably vote for him. It would be great to go to school for free. Alex: It would be great to school for free, but you have to think about what politicians promise practically. If school was free, where would the money to pay for the schools come from? Josh: I don't think he ever talked about where the money is ... Show more content on ... Alex: Hey Zach! Zach! Zach: Oh hey there friend, long time no see. Alex: Yeah, you haven't been to class all this week, where have you been? Zach: Ah, well, It's a long story... Alex: What happened? Zach: Well, this past weekend I started feeling very weird and sick. By body hurt a lot, especially my chest. So on Monday I went to the hospital, and I was hospitalized until the next day. Alex: You were hospitalized! ? Why!? Zach: It turns out I have some problems with my heart. Alex: That's terrible, are you okay buddy? Zach: I'll be fine, I just have to take heart medicine and take it easy. I don't think it's that big of a deal. (110 words) Q. How long has Zach been out of class? 1. One day. 2. Two weeks. 3. One week. 4. One month. Q. Why had he been missing class? 1. Because school is too stressful. 2. Because he has a heart problem.
  • 21. 3. Because he has a stomach problem. 4. Because he had to go back to his family. Q. What kind of relationship do these students probably have? 1. They don't know each other very ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. John Mcdermott Conversation In his article, "How to have a conversation," John McDermott attempts to persuade his readers that humans need to have real conversations again to be connected to each other. McDermott begins his article by naming several notable conversationalists of past like Coleridge, Hume, and Cicero. Also, he notes some of their methods for being good conversationalists, which included the basic Cicero's tenants of Cicero' method. Then, McDermott introduces the main medium through which he will write throughout the article: a story of his experience at the School of Life. At the School of Life, he took a class on conversation skills along with several other people looking to have genuine conversations, in spite of technology's tendency to disrupt them. ... Show more content on ... To demonstrate, the primary way that he does this is through his personal anecdotes about the class he took. Of these, there are several: anecdotes about the conversations, anecdotes about snack time cutting the conversations short, or anecdotes about the teacher giving examples of conversations from Monty Python. Many of the short stories are meant to be humorous by poking fun at the irony of the class. Furthermore, McDermott's telling of the anecdotes are simple, which is an effective technique. Steven Cohen describes that an anecdote should "only introduce one or two principal characters characters so the listeners do not feel overwhelmed" ("The Art of Public Narrative"), which is a technique McDemott uses. For example, the author tells is of how a fellow classmate's "nieces and nephews barely looked up from their gadgets when she entered a room," a story containing limited characters. Secondarily, McDermott appeals to the emotions of his readers by relating what he thought he and his classmates sought. He says, "But I suspect my classmates were after that most basic thing, human connection." Human connection is a fundamental aspect of human existence. It is something all people seek after. So, by appealing to this deep emotional desire, he persuades his readers to seek that human connection through genuine conversations. Both of these ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Conversation Analysis: Stereotypes Against Latin People The focus of Conversation Analysis (CA) is on analyzing the talk in–interactions that naturally occur, in order to understand how coconversationalists are able to take turns at talk, organize their conversational actions, or handle difficulties, such as speaking, hearing, or understanding the co– interactants' utterances (Wilkinson, & Kitzinger, 2011). The development of technology, such as voice recording and video, has provided elements to observe in detail hesitations, hitches, silences, overlaps, tokens, breaths, laughter, and/or prosodic company that are also components of the speech production (Maynard, 2013). CA, more of being interested on analyzing linguistic formulations is focused on observing how the coconversationists are able to apply these linguistic formulations during social interactions(Hutchby, & Wooffill, 2008). Critical Discourse ... Show more content on ... I am sorry, you're not what I picture when I think of a white person, it's crazy'. In the first section of this sequence 'Are you white?', the actress tries to confirm the socio background of her co– conversationist, she denotes surprise because she has a narrow concept of the Latin genotype. The Latin people has been traditionally stereotyped to fit under certain physical features. Latin men suppose to be small size, dark hair and eyes, a mustache is also part of this description. On the other hand Latin women should be voluptuous beauties (e.g., Gloria from Modern Family). When a Latin person does not fit under this description, discourses as the one on this sequence emerge. The second problematic sequence, ' you're not what I picture when I think of a white person' confirms the actress intention to portrait her co–conversationist on a set of her own certain racial characteristics. Finally, her lack of openness to accept different physical characteristics for Latin people is confirm when she said 'it's ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Asymmetrical Conversations Between Men and Women Conversation is a normal part of every day life. People converse everywhere they go; whether they are with their friends', at school or even while at the store, a conversation is bound to ignite. While communicating has its ups, it also has its downs; these 'downs' can happen especially when men and women are communicating because, according to Deborah Tannen, they have different communication styles. Tannen illustrates this in her video, He Said, She Said: Gender, Language, & Communication, where she talks about and gives many examples of how men and women differ in their conversational approaches. I definitely agree with Tannen in regards that conversation between the sexes is asymmetrical. Tannen states in her lecture that boys and ... Show more content on ... Men, on the other hand, tend to think that they have been using language all day and finally when they are home and comfortable all they want to do is relax and not have to talk. In public, men are more open because they feel the need to compete and show off in front of everyone. Women tend to be quainter in public because they just want to communicate and get along with others without competing. In the end, men tend to be public communicators while women tend to be private communicators. Another opposing conversation style between men and women that Tannen discusses is "ritual opposition", or fighting. Men and women definitely have different outlooks on fighting. Men use this conversation style to create bonds with other men, while women use fighting to destroy bonds with other women. Males will exemplify their friendship through teasing and poking at other guys. Teasing can strengthen relationships between men and allow them to become even closer. Conversely, when women fight they are not usually teasing another woman for fun; it is usually because she is mad at her. In general, women definitely do not use opposition to create a stronger bond in one's friendship. Tannen uses this and all of her other points to prove that men and women simply have different conversation patterns. Tannen is not the only author who has looked into the conversational patterns between men and women. In Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray, the author ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Communication Reflection Analysis Quietly standing in a museum, you examine a written document or other artifact. It may seem like just a piece of paper or a cool item to look at from hundreds of years ago, but you aren't just looking at it. You're having a conversation with it. Not everyone will realize it, but there are conversations to be had with these items, carried through time so that we might learn from them today. This was the image painted by Dr. Beth Henschen, who works in the Political Science Department at EMU. This event was one of several of the lectures from the "Courageous Conversations" series beneath Star Lectures, held at the Honors College auditorium on September 19th, and beginning at 7:00 pm. After attending this event, I can now explain my stance about the power and importance of conversations, and the lasting impact they can have. When I hear the word conversation, I frequently picture relaxed settings where people speak casually. Conversation was separate from debate, arguments, and other forms of communication, simply because I was never taught to connect any of them. What Dr. Henschen explained is that conversation covers a much broader variety of speaking and can also include a more important and professional type of speaking. Not only did I learn about the different types of speaking that the word conversation encompasses, but I also learned about the power and influence of conversations, specifically linked to the constitution, as well as in everyday life. Through the image ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Essay about Crucial Conversations Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High discusses how to handle disagreements and high–stakes communication. It is written on the premise that when you are stuck in any situation–whether it's at home or work–there is a crucial conversation keeping you from accomplishing the desired results. If you can learn to speak up in these crucial moments effectively, then you can accomplish the results you are after. The authors support this idea by referring to people who are considered influential by their peers and managers in their work and relationships. They studied successful communicators over a period of 25 years and concluded that what typically set them ... Show more content on ... Learn to look for when a conversation becomes crucial, for signs of silence and violence, and for your own style under stress. A large part of this is watching your actions and emotions, as well as the actions and emotions of the other person. Paying attention to both the content of the discussion and how people are acting and feeling is no easy task. But it's an essential part of dialogue. Chapter 5: Make It Safe: How to Make It Safe to Talk about Almost Anything When things go wrong in crucial conversations, we assume the content of our message is the problem, so we begin to water it down or avoid it altogether. But, as long as your intent is pure and you learn how to make it safe for others, you can talk to almost anyone about almost anything. The key is to make the other person feel safe. To do this, there are two things the person needs to know. First, they need to know that you care about their best interests and goals. This is called mutual purpose. Second, they need to know that you care about them. This is called mutual respect. When people believe both of these things, they relax and can absorb what you're saying; they feel safe. The instant they don't believe them (and it can happen instantaneously – even with those we have long and loving relationships with), safety breaks down and silence or violence follows. To restore safety in the face of silence or violence, you must restore mutual purpose and respect. Chapter 6: ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Reflective Account On Nursing Home Assist with patient by taking them to their rooms, prayer services, and activities within the nursing home facility. Help patients with activities on a regular basis. Assist patient in leisure activities on a regular basis. Assist by taking a humanistic perspective and talk to the clients as individuals with rights, putting an emphasis on empathy, human rights and equality. Qualifications: Degree Program: Bachelor's Degree in Psychology Cumulative GPA: 3.0 or higher Current Status: Graduate Student Spring 2017 Background Info: Regent Management Services, Limited Partnership manages twelve separately owned and operated nursing facilities located in seven Texas cities, as well as Reno, Nevada. Regent Management Services, Limited Partnership ... Show more content on ... Afterward I wheeled them I wheeled them to either the dining room. I brought the residents cookies, and I gave the residents the cookies in the dining room after the rosary was over. I carried a conversation with the residents, and I lend a hand setting up for lunch. I wheeled people to their perspective rooms, asking them how lunch was. I carried a conversation with the residents individually in their perspective rooms. I went back, and I took more of the residents in their room. I assisted in taking them to their rooms and I had conversations with all of them. I sat in the television room and spoke to all of the residents there. Ensure confidentiality with clients at all times. On Wednesday, I passed out coloring books, and I helped some of the residents outline the coloring books and pages. Afterwards, I helped clean up, and I assisted Irma in taking the coloring books and colors. I helped the residents set up by putting a plastic cover on the table. I looked for images that they would like, for example cats, dogs, and flowers. I interacted with the residents and had conversations with each person coloring. I helped put away the coloring materials, and lend a hand setting up for lunch. I wheeled people to their rooms, asking them how lunch was. I carried conversation with them in their perspective rooms. I went back, and I took more of the residents in their room. I ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Characteristics Of Everyday Talk CHARACTERISTICS OF EVERYDAY TALK There are many important and significant factors in a human being's life. Without those elements, life stays incomplete. For instance, food, recreation, hobby, fun, and emotions are fundamentals of a normal life. One of those elements is every day talk. Everyday talk is the process in which people interact with each other and communicate their points of views (Tedpower, n.d.). This is a way for them to stay in contact with each other. This is important because human beings cannot live alone. They are social animals by the nature, which means at every point of their lives they need someone to talk to or communicate. If a person stays alone for a long time, he starts being depressed and frustrated which can lead to many odd behavioral traits. People who talk to each other or have a decent conversation with each other can be friends, family, colleagues, siblings, sub–ordinates, employers, or strangers. A lot of research has been done on this topic. Many linguistics have surveyed on the social behavior that people have to converse with each other who include Biber and Carter and McCarthy. According to them, there are many characteristics of every day talk. However, before discussing those features, one thing needs to be kept in mind. Even if the situation or the environment calls for a ... Show more content on ... The first one is the transactional information in which the goal of the talk is to convey some particular information with the other parties that are involved. The second kind is the interactional conversation in which the main purpose of the talk is to establish and maintain a social bond with other people. The main goal of this type of talk is to form emotional ties with each other. Interactional talk emphasizes the social needs of the people while transactional talk only is serious, that is conveying of ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Analyzing The Moments Of Life Come From Having Crucial... Many 'defining' moments in life come from having crucial conversations (as these create significant shifts in attitude and behavior). This book focuses on techniques on how to hold such conversations in a positive space when surrounded by highly charged emotions. Their findings are based on 25 years of research with 20,000 people. Their model has essentially 7 steps: 1. Start with the heart (i.e. empathy and positive intent) 2. Stay in dialogue 3. Make it safe 4. Don't get hooked by emotion (or hook them) 5. Agree a mutual purpose 6. Separate facts from story 7. Agree a clear action plan Our success in life is dictated by the quality of relationships we can engender. Some people seem better at negotiating better quality outcomes (for all) than others do – they work with people rather than through people. They are able to hold deeper, more honest conversations that create a new level of bonding and are able to transform people, situations and relationships. By being prepared to hold these conversations (often early) they ensure clarity over responsibility, define expectations and hence maintain high levels of performance. When we let these conversations go by, we let standards slip and unwittingly give permission for unwanted behavior to continue. Crucial conversations lie all around us – all the time: from performance appraisals at work, up to discussing problems over sexual intimacy. The skills we need in the boardroom are the same skills we need in the bedroom. ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Personal Narrative: My Dementia Conversation Throughout the week I had three different memorable conversations that I felt would be excellent for this assignment. The first conversation I had was with my mother, than my sister, and lastly one of my co–workers named Jennifer. During the first conversation my mother and I were discussing my grandfather's recent diagnosis of dementia. Although I wanted to voice my input on what would be best for him, I knew to keep my mouth shut. My mother didn't actually call to talk, she needed to vent to someone, and express her emotions. I let her carry on for a good hour until I noticed the tone of her voice subside to a relaxed yet calm pitch. Then I began asking questions, and also stated she needs to take a step back and walk in his shoes, before ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Neverwinters Night Toolset: Case Study 1. Although learning the Neverwinters Night Toolset and game play were enjoyable, the best learning experience I received was learning the process of working on a major system develop project. The process started with the Statement of Work. The statement of work acted as a road map and outlined everything our group needed to achieve by the end of the project. With each objective in mind, everyone in the class was tasked with building a group of people with different strengths. I learned that a group with a bunch of people who could only do one aspect of the game would fail and a multifaceted group would thrive. Next, the groups were presented with a list of paperwork that had to be completed upon completion of the game. The paperwork allowed you to plan before any work on the game started. Another aspect that the paperwork help was having detailed ... Show more content on ... First, I would dissect the project. For example, a project similar to this one needs numerous things: a webpage, the game, and documentation. To make the best team possible I would make sure each team member had a different skill. For the video game, the skills I would seek would be someone good at designing logic, a visual design person, and a programming or scripting person. For the webpage you need someone with a skill for designing and maintaining webpages. A documenter/scheduler is needed to keep the group on a time line and complete all paperwork. The logic skilled person would be in charge of conversations, the flow of the game, and the quest line. A visual design person would work on area design and the webpages presentation. A person with programming skills would work with the logic skilled person and write scripts for conversations and NPCs. All the members would have to be good at working together as a team and collaborating. At different points of the project, different people might have to work on parts of the project out of what they would normally work on to have the project in on ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. What Crucial Conversations Tools For Talking When Stakes... Communication skills are essential to developing relationships. Human nature makes us yearn to have positive relationships, but building a relationship requires the skills and ability to communicate effectively in all circumstances. Although we know how to speak in a calm setting, our defense mechanism can lead us to destructive behaviors during crucial moments. Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler collaborate to provide tools that facilitate high–stakes crucial conversation. Summary Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High is a book written to teach the reader how to better communicate in crucial moments, where adrenaline can cause insensible actions. According to Patterson et al, we are built to react when emotions run high, our defensive mechanism takes over and blinds the actions we take. Actions that would normally not occur seem reasonable in a moment of rage, but they only lead to bad habits. The authors break down the book into sections, which facilitate mastering crucial conversations. Chapters 1 and 2 explain what crucial conversations consist of and the different outcomes. The next two chapters shift the focus to the reader, how the person communicates, the relationships one builds, the role one has in a conversation, and understanding how one responds under stress. The focus on these two chapters is to determine what the end goal is and stay focused during the conversations. Chapter 4 presents a quiz that helps the ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Conversation Analysis Paper Conversation Analysis Conversation analysis refers to a model of analyzing spoken communication or interactions for the determination of how language develops within social contexts. It is useful in understanding interactions with classroom settings, courtrooms and in interviews (Sidnell, 2011). Conversation analysis provides a framework for assessing specific aspects of an oral interaction, such as opening and closing, topic management, adjacency pairs, feedback, preference organization, turn–taking and repair. Opening and closing is a crucial element of a conversation as it influences the starting and finishing of oral interactions. Notably, different cultures have divergent approaches to opening and closing conversations. Antaki (2011) illustrates that the place of the conversation also influences the nature of opening and closing statements. For instance, communication across online platforms, including social media networks have different opening and closing approaches when compared to face–to–face communication. Sidnell (2011) indicates that ... Show more content on ... An effective conversation provides all participants with opportunities of contributing to discourse. Conversation analysis seeks to establish the need for eliminating possibilities of having overly dominant speakers within conversations (Wong & Waring, 2010). Feedback mechanisms are also analyzed to determine whether conversations provide participants with opportunities of providing responses. It is however notable that feedback differs across cultures. Social media platform are designed to provide users with opportunities of providing feedback or expressing their reactions to specific content. However, the language used to provide feedback in social media conversations may not be culturally relevant owing to the divergent cultural values of members of online communities (Thurlow & Mroczek, ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Review Of Conversation Analysis City University of Hong Kong LT4239 Conversation Analysis Assignment 2: Article Review Group 2: Fu Yuen Sum, Winsome (5405 1982) Review on "Repair" in "The Handbook of Conversation Analysis" by Celia Kitzinger Repair is a field of study in conversation analysis, and several linguists had been working on this topic since 1970s. This chapter from "The Handbook of Conversation Analysis" focuses on the domain of repair, introducing current research results about the various types of repair made in speech, making it clear for readers who might not have much knowledge in this field. Consequently, possible functions and sequence of these repairing acts are described and explained with ample easy–to–understand examples. The researches cited in the ... Show more content on ... She claimed that repair is performed so as to "fine–tune" a turn, in order to perform certain actions which the speaker intends to achieve. She mentioned "upgrading and downgrading the force of action" as one of the possible interactional uses of repair. I do agree with this point since we may sometimes mistakenly make an extreme comment on an event or a thing at first and we would try to downgrade that to a milder word in order to avoid misunderstandings or even arguments. Thus, I believe repairing may carry social functions in certain ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Rhetorical Analysis Of The Flight From Conversation Turrkle The author and esteemed Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sherry Turkle, in the essay, "The Flight from Conversation," published in the New York Times on April 22, 2012 addresses the topic of conversation versus connection. It argues that technology is interfering with the ability to communicate. Turkle supports her claim first by using ethos to establish her credibility, second by using logos to provide her logic, and finally pathos to relate and move the reader. Turkle establishes a sentimental tone in order to appeal to her audience's emotions on the topic. The author's overall purpose is to persuade her audience to be together and to interact in person so that they will ... Show more content on ... The modern trend is switching from conversation to connection as digital devices are being relied on more. People are avoiding face to face contact and are forming relationships with their technology. Their devices have no human experiences, but they still find them more trustworthy and comforting than other humans. Sherry Turkle successfully gets her point across that communication is failing with the use of ethos, logos, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Effective Communication As An Effective Negotiator Essay "Delivering a difficult message is like throwing a hand grenade. Coated with sugar, thrown hard or soft, a hand grenade is still going to do damage" (Stone, Patton, & Heen, 2000, p. 17). If the underlying context of our message is not desirable, no matter how hard we try to throw the grenade softly, once it lands, it shows its consequences. Difficult conversations are not about who's right, rather they are about dissimilar insights, perceptions, interpretations, and beliefs. Effective communication is not only important to be an effective negotiator, but it's very essential in all aspects of life. Regardless of our level of proficiency, some conversations are always cause of anxiety and frustrations. As argued by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen, "conversations take place on multiple levels: the rational, the emotional, and the "identity" level". Essentially, by considering these parts of conversation, we can learn each party's version of what was articulated; what feelings take place throughout the conversation; and to what extent one's identity may have been exposed, sapped, or fortified by the dialogue. The "rational" conversations are essentially the "what happened" conversations, which are usually made much more complicated than what parties' initial expectations are and commonly involve tension over what happened and who is to blame for. In such conversations, each side of the conversation should look for their contribution to the dilemma, rather than ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Crucial Conversations: Video Analysis Crucial conversations are inevitable as we navigate life. I personally have had numerous crucial conversations some were harder to have then I could ever imagine. Which later led me to arguing in my head because I didn't say the right thing or react the proper way. In our video we watched this week I loved how Joseph Grenny explained a myth we all follow about how telling the truth we will lose a friend or to keep a friend we suppress the truth. If this doesn't hit the nail on the head I don't know what will. I have often suppressed the truth or what I want to say in order to keep someone in my life at fear of the unknown reaction that would come back at me. I have also spoken up and wanted to put my foot in my mouth because that person didn't ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. A Conversation Analysis ENGLISH IN CONTEXT ANALYSIS OF SPEECH People spend a significant part of their lives listening and talking, that is the main reason why conversation is regarded to be the most generalised form of talk that concerns both speakers and listeners and it is contemplated to be the essential ingredient in co–operative undertaking (Wardhaugh, 1985). Conversation is informal talk involving two or more people and interviews are a particular type of conversation. Interviews are regarded as meetings at which a journalist asks questions in order to find out the interviewee's opinion. This is an assignment that analyses a telephone interview, so there is an absence of eye contact, body language or facial expressions that are attributes of a 'live' ... Show more content on ... Two examples that portray this representative type are: the suppositional statement made by the journalist at the beginning of the interview that reads 'Are we losing the overall picture here, anybody in West Yorkshire who's getting a bit sore that Tetley's getting the elbow?' (journalist, first page); and, the supposition concerning the name's change for Royal Mail to Consignia that 'it was like a flop, wasn't it?' (journalist, second page). Furthermore, certain speech acts in this conversation are examples of direct speech because the question that reads as 'I think of stories like Consignia, you remember?' (speaker, first page) is associated directly with its relevant answer in its literate sense that reads as 'yeah' (journalist, first page). In cases that there is a hidden difference of opinion, a suggestion of politeness is formulated in positive face polite statements and relates to the desire to be liked and express approval (Brown and Levinson, 1987 cited in Maybin & Mercer, 1996). The intention of satisfying the face needs of others while protecting our own is evidenced in this interview's utterances such as, 'well, if I see it from that point of view may well be' (speaker, third page) that indicate a certain kind of polite tone through mediating of opinion. The expression of personal opinions in a 'down to earth' interview, that overall 'touches' the topic and 'captures' the listener's ear, is re–enforced ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Example Of A Difficult Conversation Difficult conversation #1 What Happened According to the text the "what happened conversation" is where most difficult conversation develop from, which is the heart of what is going wrong between individuals. They may agree on the basic facts but have different interpretations of what it means. We often play the blame game where we think they are to blame and they think we are to blame. To defuse the situation the authors suggest adopting the "And Stance," which acknowledges that both parties have different views on the situation but both views matter. Next, it suggests we should not make assumptions based on intentions, often we tend to jump from the impact of the situation to the intent without asking for an explanation of why. ... Show more content on ... I was asked to be in my friend wedding; however my mother's health began to deteriorate around the same time. By this time the wedding was two months away and there were many things to still accomplish, but things were getting worse with my mother. By this time the wedding was a month away, yet my mother was not better so I felt it would be better for me to not be in the wedding. I tried to explain this to my friend, but we ended up in an argument although her concerns were valid I felt my mother's health was a more pressing concern. Initially, we let our feelings and emotions control the tone and path of the conversation, which lead to a heated argument. We were both very passionate about our feelings and concerns and could not see past them to have a rational conversation. Eventually we calmed down and came up with a way to avoid a problem with her wedding and time for me to monitor my mother ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. A Research Study On Service Encounters Service Encounters The interactions between various people can help explain social and cultural differences, which overall allow us to gather information on the wide expanse of ideologies that people from different economic and ethnic backgrounds hold and believe. Throughout this research project I was able to build off of what I had learned from Benjamin Bailey's study and conduct something similar to experience firsthand what beneficial information can be obtained from observing various service encounters. Understanding that not every person feels the same way about how certain social interactions should be carried out is important. This enables us to realize that some interactions may come off as disrespectful, ill mannered, or ... Show more content on ... They were both white males of average height and build. Quickly after listening to the beginning of their conversation, it was clear they knew one another. Example 1: 1. Attendant: How's it going? 2. Customer: It's going good bro, what about you? 3. Attendant: Going good, how's ASU? 4. Customer: Pretty good, I'm getting through it. *Light chuckle* 5. Attendant: Well I'm glad to hear it, hope you have a good night. 6. Customer: You too man. It was apparent that they had exchanged conversations maybe several times in the past and were on more personal terms, where they knew things about one another. That was the first interaction I witnessed that day, between the attendant and a customer that included a conversation that seemed more informal and casual. My second example took place in the Mexican restaurant, Los Taquitos, and the interaction I observed was between a young women and an older male. The attendant looked around 16–18 and was a Mexican American woman. The customer seemed to be in his late 60's and was a Native American man who was in a wheelchair. They had a polite conversation and seemed to be previously acquainted. Example 2: 1. Attendant: Hey Liam, how are you today? 2. Customer: Hi Alexa, I'm doing fine. 3. Attendant: Lengua burrito? 4. Customer: Of course, and can you add four sides of pico? 5. Attendant: Mhmm, where's your wife today? 6. Customer: Oh she had an old friend ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Techniques Used by Law Enforcement Officers to Catch... Law enforcement officers have used multiple techniques over the years to try to catch criminals in the act. One such technique is the use of undercover officers, who work in the field to gain information under a false persona. This tactic is often used to catch child predators in online chat rooms. These men and women of the law pose as young boys and girls in an effort to catch a predator before they can harm another child. In the course of the transcript we were to read for class, the officer posed as a 12–year–old girl. To convince the predator jazzeman04 that he was talking to a 12–year–old girl the officer placed a deceptive picture on "her" profile. The officer was also keen on the current chat lingo, and communicated in the same ... Show more content on ... This officer did a remarkable job in their attempt to catch this online predator. The strategies of using common chat room jargon, leaving the conversation gap for a few minutes at a time, and pretending to speak to "her" mother multiple times would lead many to believe they are truly speaking to a young girl. Leaving the conversation gap from time to time allows the officer to prove that the other individual was leading the conversation, and wanted to speak to "her". The only thing I could see in this conversation that may appear as entrapment is when the officer is asking if jazzeman04 is being serious on meeting "her". These questions could be seen in either light of the argument. Defense could argue that it is entrapment, trying to make sure his client shows up at the sting. Prosecution could argue that those kinds of questions would be normal for anyone young girl that wants to meet her new friend. I personally would stand with the prosecution on the matter because the officer in no way had led the conversation up to this point. The officer also posing, as a young girl that had been groomed to meeting the individual would want to make sure that meeting was going to happen. In multiple places of the textbook, the authors give the guidelines of what an office is and is not allowed to do during the course of an ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. No Day We Make Conversations Every day we make conversations. Every day we express ideas and opinions. Every day there is crucial information being passed long. We use our words every day, however, noise occurs every day too, so it makes sense that everyone takes the time to learn how to avoid noise and make effective conversations. Whether we let it disturb our conversations is our own choice. There are four types of noise that will be discussed in this paper: physiological, physical, psychological, and semantic. The first type of noise is physiological noise. This is a distraction to communication caused by factors that affect how one feels and thinks such as being hungry, fatigued, feeling pain, or being under the influence of medication. Though it sounds simple, this kind of noise can be difficult to control. One example of this occurrence is when a person has allergies and decides to take Benadryl. This medication actually causes drowsiness and even on the bottle of the medication, it says not to operate machinery afterwards. Being drowsy causes the person to be less aware of the situation and can cause them to be disjointed when engaged in a conversation. Occasionally, my mother will have severe allergies and take this medication. Well, one of our favorite family activities is to watch the TV show "Criminal Minds" and we have a tendency to talk about every part of the movie, making comments and spectacles with one another, but if my mother has recently taken Benadryl, she doesn't take in ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Celeste Headlee's How To Have A Good Conversation In the video "How to Have a Good Conversation," May (2015), by Celeste Headlee provides us with insight on today's world, and how we interact with each other. Celeste Headlee proves her point by talking about statistics. Also she brings up technology, and social media. She is sharing information to help change the way we speak to one another, and it is her purpose, because there needs to be a change with the way we communicate. The biggest audience she is trying to grab the attention of is her audience or everybody, because many need to see how the world has changed. Celeste Headlee catches the audience's attention and keeps them engaged by telling real life stories. She starts off by giving a statistic that within the talk alone about a third of American teenagers send more than a hundred texts a day. Then she gives a brief introduction of herself so that the audience understands what she does. She does not acknowledge any other experts in the field but she does acknowledge the sources from which she has obtained information. The work that is discussed, however, validates her authority on the subject and convinces the audience that she is knowledgeable on the topic. Pulling at the brains of the audience, Celeste tells the audience "All right. I want ... Show more content on ... The audience laughs and the idea she is proving is intensified. The moments in which she steps back and allows the audience to think are profoundly effective. The audience feels very engaged and claps when she discusses the moves America needs to take. She leaves the audience by saying, "you do the same thing. Go out, talk to people, listen to people, and, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed." This last statement not only summarizes her hope for the future, but also challenges the audience to do something about ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Conversation : Static V. Charismatic Conversation: Static v. Charismatic We 've all been there. You sit down next to someone somewhere, maybe a bus, maybe a school, maybe a library. You try your hardest not to make eye contact and not to be noticed. Maybe you even pull out your phone. Just please don't let them notice me. Please don't let them talk to me. You want to go invisible. This mindset of avoiding interaction with others has become a pivotal aspect in many of our lives as we attempt to escape everyday conversations with others by shielding ourselves using a variety of distractions and excuses. Yet why do we do this? Do we fear the judgement of others? Perhaps we will embarrass ourselves somehow. Maybe we just don't like talking to others in general and we would rather ... Show more content on ... Aloof Proof To prove that this is a relevant problem at CHS, we personally set out with a series of two interviews, a survey, and a social experiment. The first interview was conducted with three random students at CHS to exemplify first–hand accounts of the problem. After questioning two sophomores and one senior, all three recognized that many students at our school are callous and cold towards others they don't know. Saying "People at CHS can be mean and disrespectful if you try and talk to them without knowing them."(Fernandes Interview) This was also the reason all three stated for not wanting to make more friends at our school. Clearly the results concurred as every single subject showed an obvious disdain towards social interaction with others in general, outlining the evident problems our school faces with claims such as " I don't like constantly meeting new people, it puts me out of my comfort zone."(Fernandes Interview) This mindset displayed by one of our students shows how many others at our school view it as their personal choice to neglect interaction with their classmates. However, additional research has shown a completely different cause of what many of these students consider to be their decision. Ph.D. Him Keung Ma explains in his academic journal that choosing to not socialize and just wanting to play games on a device are not separate factors in this issue. In fact, they ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Sample Resume : ' 5 Conversation Starters That Won 't Kill... 5 Conversation Starters That Won't Kill a Conversation Sure, we 'd all love to have that spontaneous Eat Pray Love moment traveling alone around Italy and meeting beautiful men who drive us around on Vespas – not to say it couldn't happen – but if you 're more like us when we travel alone, you 'll probably end up sitting on the street corner eating from a box of cheap Chinese takeout pretending to text friends from back home...when you don 't even have WiFi. Traveling alone doesn't mean you need to be a loner. Let's face it; making friends before meeting face–to–face is not easy. Throw in the struggle of a foreign language barrier, and you're probably the farthest thing away from being a social butterfly. It's time like these that make you wish you had kept in touch with your elementary school pen pal from France. But you didn't. So now what? We've been asked to review the HelloTalk app, and we found that it's the perfect place to find people who will help you sound less like an awkward 9th grade French student and more like a true Parisian bobo sipping espresso streetside and looking oh–so classe. If only we sounded (and looked) that good when French came floating off of our lips. Within two minutes of downloading the free app, we received at least five requests from 20– something locals of our chosen languages asking to be language partners. They wanted to be language partners with us maybe just because we speak English, or possibly because they saw how many errors ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Speech And Speech: Why Is Conversation Important? Among other things, what distinguishes man from other animals is speech and language. The very fact of being man signifies speech and conversation. Conversation is an expression which is important in many ways. It lessens pain and suffering, multiplies joy, enjoyment and exaltation and enriches experience. Why Is Conversation important? Conversation as a tool and vehicle of expression of ideas, emotions and experience is of great importance. It is a great boon and blessing and one of the important means of preserving and increasing knowledge. Man can best reveal his mind, intentions, ideas, and personality through words of the mouth or talk. A man is known by his words and talk. A talk reveals a man's inner being, his thoughts and emotions. ... Show more content on ... Exchange of ideas, experiences, joys, fears, emotions, opinions and concepts is likely to prove a great asset in your life and career. Even a casual talk with somebody somewhere for a brief period will positively add to your knowledge, wisdom and skills of language, expression and communication. Avail yourself of the opportunity of talking to various kinds of people whenever it is there. Your conversation would not go waste but talk with a purpose, be conscious of your aim and object and never lose sight of what you want to ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. A Conversation Between The Director Of Food And Beverage... This negotiation consisted of a conversation between the Director of Food and Beverage at the Statler Hotel (me) and the East Coast Vice President of Sales for Anderson Coffee. Our negotiation was fairly short, consisting of only five minutes total. I believe this was because both parties came in with an open, friendly attitude ready to strike a deal together. We also had a great deal of mutual respect for one another, so having an open conversation about limits and potential opportunities within the relationship was much easier. She opened the conversation with the beginning offer, and I followed up with asking her about why the price was where it was at and explaining that while we are excited to talk to Anderson we are also content to ... Show more content on ... The two year contract created value for both parties for different reasons. Value was created for me due to the guaranteed lower price for a longer period of time and a relationship with a superior vendor. It was valuable to her because it guaranteed both revenue and an advertising stream for a long period of time. We would not have been able to reach these terms without listening to one another. I also learned one thing that I would like to stop doing during the negotiation is letting the other party offer first. I was able to adequately prepare for the negotiation, find the prices I wanted and was willing to accept, and identify different issues besides price to use as bargaining chips since the Statler Hotel had less to offer than the seller. Although I knew that I had taken enough time to prepare for the negotiation, I let fear of inducing a chilling effect keep me from being aggressive with my first offer. I now know I have no need to be self–conscious if I have prepared – although I read this in the book it is different to experience it in practice. I also know, that if I do miss the chance to offer first because the other party happens to be more aggressive than myself it is important to re–anchor the conversation to keep the negotiation on the track I want it to be. There are also a few things I ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Crucial Conversation Analysis Having a crucial conversation can be difficult; however, it is essential for me to be successful in my project. I think of different ways I could approach the CNA to have this crucial conversation without any conflict and to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible, and handle the conversation in a way that will produce a better outcome. I asked the CNA to let me know when she is ready for her break, so we can take one together because I will like to talk to her about something that will improve our work relationship effectively. We went for a break, and I started the conversation by saying I would like to talk to you about some things I am noticing when we work together, I am not accusing you of anything, I just want us to talk about my observations, and I will listen to what you have to say. I explained to her about the issues in my initial post, when I started the conversation her facial expression ... Show more content on ... I was stunned because I was expecting denial and augments. She said to me "I like working with you because I know you are very helpful and you do not wait for me to care for your patients." Maybe I am so used to you doing It, I neglect your assignment. I told her that I do not have a problem helping out, but it gets overwhelming and more frustrating when I see her sitting down doing nothing while I run around trying to do her work and mine. I told her going forward I will like to be at a place where I can trust her because at this point I am constantly checking to see if she is doing what she is supposed to be doing on her shift. She was open to the idea of having a better work relationship, and she thanked me by saying "Phanta I appreciate you for talking to me about this instead of going to somebody else, and I am sorry you have been feeling this way because of me." I hugged her and told her it is nothing personal, and I am looking forward to a great ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Nursing Conversation Analysis After getting assigned this assignment, I have been thinking about what kind of conversations I should be looking out for or taking part of. I noticed that I was analyzing every conversation too much. It wasn't until the weekend after receiving this assignment, I took place in an interesting conversation at work. I am a Licensed Nursing Assistant at Bedford Hills Nursing Home. It was right after I came back from taking my lunch. I was walking back to and all of a sudden one of my fairly new patients, a very nice little old man, called me over. He got my attention by saying "Hey skinny", which I barely understood because his voice is just so rough. Now he is usually so sweet to me so I was shocked when he called me that, but I laughed it ... Show more content on ... I did not care what we talked about, and I am sure he did not either. It was quite a successful conversation, I asked him questions and he asked me questions also. We could have talked all day, I was sad when I had to walk away and keep working. The roles in this conversation were an elder to a child and a patient to a nurse. I think that the conversation and listening skills that helped the conversation go well was that we were both truthful, kept the conversation going, had some laughs, asked questions, did not interrupt each other, empathized, and I got physically ready to listen because I bent down to get to his level since he is in a wheelchair. I think that the one thing that could have been used to improve this conversation was if the conversation was the speaking was balanced. He talked more, which I did not mind because I realized how lonely he actually is and just wants to talk to someone. I believe that the external noise distracted him more than me because he would look away at anyone walking by, but I did not mind it. For me, I think that the internal noise, like my thoughts of realizing how lonely he was took over, but I could still focus on the conversation, because it was very important to ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Creating Crucial Conversations Summary Creating and Completing Crucial Conversations Introduction The acclaimed book Crucial Conversations discusses the intricacies of communication and analyzes the potential reasons for dialog deterioration in a group setting. The authors emphasize the importance of making people feel safe to exchange ideas and the techniques to restore balance when safety is threatened. This book, although unique in its views, has its roots embedded in proven psychological theories by James–Lang and Cannon–Bard, which state that emotions cause physiological arousal that stimulates emotional brain activity but reduces the ability for cognitive reasoning (Passer & Smith, 2007, p. 384–386). Purpose and Why? So, why is keeping control of our emotions so crucial to dialog? As human beings, we converse with each other at all times of the day or night and it is the primary method of communication. For most of us, the bulk of our communication occurs at work and ends with family members or friends by day's end. At any point, one of these dialog sessions can become a crucial conversation if people become defensive, frightened, hurt, or angry during communication. According to the ... Show more content on ... These stories should first show insight on how each person is interpreting the facts of what they see and hear. Secondly, they should explain the why, how, and what each communication is doing by focusing on behavior and not emotion. Thirdly, everyone should speak persuasively and present their points of view from the least controversial to most persuasive facts of their argument. And fourth, each person should convey the facts as they interpret them and expect others to test their viewpoints to obtain a collaborative and meaningful solution towards the conversation's purpose and goal. Lastly, everyone should be good listeners and provide safe and meaning feedback whether in agreement or disagreement to each point of ... Get more on ...