SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Company Name / Logo
Department / Business Name
Design Specification
For Managing
NOTE: This document example has been taken from various documents I’ve
created in the past, and I’ve removed all data that would reference corporate
As such, on occasion parts of this report may not have as much context as would
be normal for any Design document I’ve created. It’s meant to be an example of
what kind of data I’d capture, thoroughness of document, order of
subjects/contents in the document, presentation, ease to understand, etc.
Table of Contents
Livelink Module Requirements .....................................................................................................................4
Livelink Folder Structure...............................................................................................................................4
Livelink Permissions Model...........................................................................................................................5
Workflow Designs .........................................................................................................................................6
Category Metadata.....................................................................................................................................14
Livelink Search Design.................................................................................................................................15
LiveReport Designs......................................................................................................................................16
External Website Solution...........................................................................................................................17
Potential Enhancements.............................................................................................................................18
Few paragraphs to discuss what project or initiative this document was created for; giving some broad
perspective information, business case, etc... example:
The program is an initiative to combine / streamline all Safety documents into a central area. This
concept will facilitate reduced duplication, a more intuitive space for staff to locate key documents
needed for their work, as well as implementing ‘smarter’ document management.
Smarter document management entails utilizing Livelink, a document management application. The
documents stored in Livelink will leverage the application’s audit trail, version history and records
management functions. Workflows to automate document creation, revision and deletion processes
will also be created to support document maintenance.
Livelink Module Requirements
ADN Module
This module can be used to truncate metadata into another field, renaming an object based on
its metadata selection, and/or generate a number for the document. This module is used in
Categories and is already installed.
Web Reports
This module is applied to LiveReports, providing greater functionality to livereports via HTML
This module would be used to create the workflows and related forms. This module has already
been installed in Livelink.
E-signatures can be used with workflows to tag official decisions / approvals for a document
under review. For example, John Smith could have an E-signature in a specific workflow that
signifies he has read and approved a document change. When John approves the change, his e-
signature is applied. This module has already been installed in Livelink.
This is a potential need, as it may be necessary for the workflow to create PDF copies of Word
or Excel documents. This module has other benefits and should be considered a capital expense
as it would provide future benefits for Livelink users outside of this project.
Livelink Folder Structure
This structure will be placed here in Livelink Production:
(URL to location here)
Folder structure example...
Accident Prevention
Incident Reporting
Workflow Tools
Livelink Permissions Model
3 groups will be created for the folder structure laid out in the previous section:
Group Name-Consumer
- Group members (as per Livelink):
List of Names here...
Group Name-Contributor
- Group members:
List of Names here...
Group Name-Coordinator
- Group members:
List of Names here...
Consumer, Contributor, Coordinator definitions
These definitions reflect the permissions applied to each folder in the structure.
-Any members of the -consumer group will have read access to the folder(s) and their contents.
- Access settings in Livelink: See / See Contents
- Any members of the -Contributor group will have add / edit / edit attributes (category
metadata) access to the folder(s) and their contents.
- Access settings in Livelink: See / See Contents / Modify / Edit Attributes / Add Items /
- Members of the –Coordinator group will have add / edit / edit attributes / delete (also move)
access to the folders(s) and their contents. They will also have permissions to edit the group
permissions applied to documents or folders, and be able to add / remove users from the
groups. NOTE: Under the current bureaucracy, Coordinators may need to a take a 2-3 day
course before they are permitted access to change users in the groups they should be managing.
- Access settings in Livelink: See / See Contents / Modify / Edit Attributes / Add Items /
Reserve / Delete Version / Delete / Edit Permissions
1) For the top level folders (HSE, HSE One) the three groups will only have read access.
2) For the ‘Published Documents’ folder, only the Controller group will have permissions beyond read
3) For the ‘Workflow Support’ folder, only the BSC group will have access.
Workflow Designs
The attached workflow designs and each workflow steps with a written breakdown of each steps’
activities by users and the workflow are designed to be quickly translated into a Livelink workflow, but
are easier to read visually for this document. Workflow example:
- Document Revision
Document Revision Process
The document revision process will be started when:
- Someone requests a revision
- Due to a regulatory change
- It’s a scheduled revision
Document Revision Process Steps
1. Requester enters data into Form Submission Form data fields:
Name Type Options Notes
Request Picklist Create Document
Revise Document
Delete Document
Document Name Text – Mandatory
Document Number Text – Mandatory Category field
Reason for Request Text – Mandatory
Requestor’s Name OpenText captures on the backend
Requestor’s Business Unit Picklist - Mandatory Oil
As per step 7, IF the group is
chosen to revise the document,
the staff in that group would be
notified of the Revision request.
Requestor’s Functional Unit Picklist - Mandatory Assets
Facility Engineering
Well Engineering
Not a Cascading category field.
Request Date OpenText captures on the backend
Plus a ‘SUBMIT’ button to submit request.
2. Reviews Request
Request Review group (group setup in workflow) will review request. Workflow will not designate a specific user, but notify all users of request
via email. A link will be included in the document, directing group members to a form related to steps 4-6.
- IF approved for review, Workflow will flag the review workflow stage as ‘Under Review’
- Mgmt system email included or in workflow…
3. Determine Risk / Work Ranking
Request Review group member(s) will determine that will determine steps 4 and 5. Manual step, no workflow activities required.
Steps 4 – 6
The document controllers will determine amongst themselves who will fill in the form for steps 4-6, the link in the email (step 2) will take users
to a form to capture information.
Acceptance Form data fields:
Name Type Options Notes
Document Browse, Mandatory Request Review group will browse
to the document and select. The
user will not need to know the
folder structure, and the
workflow can use the object ID
going forward for the rest of the
Accepted? Picklist, Mandatory Yes or No Decision workflow step.
Declined Reason Text
Risk assessment Picklist Low, Medium, High
Revision Deadline Date, Mandatory Field must have a date. Date
determined related to the Risk /
Work Ranking matrix. This date
represents the deadline, but the
work could certainly be done
Assign Ownership User HSE Performance Assurance
BU – Doc ‘owner’ person group
This determines who (group) will
be sent an email by OpenText to
start step 7. DEFAULTED to the
user captured in the Category
field for ‘Document Author’. User
can change if necessary.
Final Revision Approver User Person who approves the
Name of staff who filled out form OpenText captures on the backend
Date form filled out OpenText captures on the backend
Plus a ‘SUBMIT’ button to submit request.
NOTE: After Submit button is pressed, Workflow will ask for confirmation via a popup. The workflow will then check whether the Accepted field
was set to ‘No’. If it was set to ‘No’, then it will confirm that the ‘Declined Reason’ field has been populated. If not, it will not submit the form
data and will ask the user (via popup message) to put a declined reason in then press ‘Submit’.
4. Accept Request
Workflow will send an email notice to the Requestor, informing them of the Accept / Decline decision.
- Accepted info: Revision deadline, Risk assessment selection.
- Declined info: Reason why declined.
5. Set Revision Deadline
Email notice mentioned in step 4 will also notify them of the revision deadline. A member of the Owner group will also select who the final
approver will be.
6. Assign Revision Ownership
An email notification will be sent out to the members of the group / individual who were assigned ownership in the above form.
7. User takes Ownership of revising the document
The users who are members of the Owner Group (as selected by the Request Review group) will receive an email notification informing them
that a document has been flagged for revision. The following information will be present in the email:
- Document Name (Submission Form)
- Reason for Request (Submission Form)
- Requestor Name (Submission Form)
- Revision Deadline (Acceptance Form)
- Name of staff who filled out the Acceptance Form.
- Link for an individual to ‘accept’ ownership for revising the document.
- Link to the Document itself.
- Link to the Form required for Step 9.
Workflow will set the review stage as ‘Revising’
A member of the group will accept ownership going forward for revising the document. A workflow will be setup to monitor Revision Deadline
dates and will be able to remind this person when the revision deadline is coming up (example: 90 days prior).
8. Revises Document
From an automated Workflow standpoint, this isn’t a ‘true’ step. Once the user has edited / saved to the version they wish to have reviewed,
they will trigger steps 9 & 10. The current Livelink edit / versioning functionality doesn’t need to be maintained via a workflow.
9. Determine who will be notified for comment.
10. Posts for Review
Steps 9 & 10 will be executed together. The user enters the workflow and selects the “Post for Review” step OR uses the link present in the
email from step 7. They will then select the user(s) who will be notified (via email) that this particular document has a new version present for
review and comment until a set date.
Once this is submitted, the workflow will make a copy of the submitted document (for review purposes), store that copy in an ‘Up for Review
and Comment’ folder designated for the review / comment steps, where ALL users have read permissions to the contents). Users will be able to
review this document without being given any access to the original that is being revised.
Two links will be present in the email – one for the document up for review (the copy), one that will take them to a form for posting a comment.
Post for Review Form Data Fields:
Name Type Options Notes
Document Hotlink This info will be pre-populated by
the workflow.
Select user(s) / group Username Setup to select multiple users.
OR, could have preset groups.
Groups will need to be
maintained to ensure their
members are current / correct.
Commentary period Date Prepopulated (eg. 2 weeks), or set
by the user filling out this form?
Plus a ‘SUBMIT’ button to submit request.
Users who are not on the notifications list that was entered on the Post for Review form will be able to access a list of documents that are
currently available for review / comment. This list will be produced via a Live Report (potentially with a web report layer). Document names will
be hotlinked in the report, and a link will also be available to take the reviewer to the Comments Form.
NOTE: Add ‘review / comment step (team member aisle).
Workflow will set the review workflow stage as ‘Open for Comment’.
11. Review and Comment:
Team Members will review the document and if they choose to comment, they will go to and fill out the Comments Form. It is important to
note that in order to review the document OR leave a comment, users will need to members of Livelink, in a group that gives them read access
to the document and workflow form.
Comment Form
Name Type Options Notes
Document Text This info will be pre-populated by
the workflow.
User Username This info will be pre-populated by
the workflow.
Comment Text, multi-line Field size: 5 rows, 100 columns A larger ‘window’ for data entry
by the commentor.
Attach Comment Browse Field Allows users how prefer to
compile their comments (ie: a lot
of comments) into a word
document to be reviewed by the
HSE Performance Assurance /
Business Unit Groups. This
document will be stored in the
‘temp’ folder location for the
Date Date This info will be pre-populated by
the workflow.
Plus a ‘SUBMIT’ button to submit request.
Note: The comments captured here will be added into one field by the workflow. Any new comments will update the field to include the new
Once comment window is closed, the workflow will change the status to “Closed for Comments”
IF a document containing comments is attached, the workflow will notify the document editor and provide a link for them to review.
12. Reviews Comments and 13. Revise as per Comments
This step occurs after the document comment window has closed. Workflow will set the review workflow stage as ‘Under Revision’.
The approver reviews the comments, determines if any comments have merit and whether further changes need to be made to the document.
The Approver will fill out the Approved Form and submit it.
- IF approved by the approver, his/her digital signature will be applied to the workflow, approved document metadata, and the
workflow will end. Workflow will set the review workflow stage as ‘Approved’. The workflow will remove the ‘copy’ that was stored in
the ‘Up for Review and Comment’ folder.
- If declined, the ‘Why’ field will be Mandatory, this information will be supplied via email to the person doing the revising, and the
workflow will move to step 14.
14. Reviews Final Document and 15. Revision Approved?
Approved review the document, if document is NOT approved, Approver will add comments as to why, and the document will cycle back to step
13. If approved, workflow will add the approver’s digital signature to the document metadata, and the Comments will be added to the ‘Last
Revision Comments’ field in the ‘HSEone Process’ category. Workflow Ends.
Category Metadata
HSEone Process category:
Field Name Field Type Field Size Picklist Options Comments
Status Picklist N/A Open for Comments
Closed for Comments
Closed, Under Revision
Pending Approval
Create list in this order,
not alphabetical.
Status Date Date N/A Set at time status changes
Business Picklist N/A ALL
Department Picklist N/A ACCT
Picklist N/A Form
Doc Number ADN field N/A N/A Used for number
generation, 10000 starting
Doc Control
ADN field N/A N/A Used to concatenate the
‘Department’, ‘Document
Type’ and ‘Doc Number’
into a doc control number.
Last Revision
Text, Multi-line Field size: 10 rows, 100
The accumulated
comments will be saved
here upon completion of a
Number field N/A The number here
represents how often the
document needs to be
reviewed and potentially
User field N/A Document Author
(persons who will be
revising the document for
the Owner group – user
Livelink Search Design
In addition to the LiveReports covered in the next section, a customized search will be setup to offer
users a method to search Livelink. Utilizing the Appearances and Custom View objects in Livelink (out of
the box tools), a clean and HSE specific search will be created for the users to use. A link will be created
on the HSE One site pages that will take users directly to this search screen. An example search screen:
Note: Custom View / Appearance design limitations may not allow for visual enhancements like an
image background on the search screen, further research into this will determine. Otherwise a solid
color would be used. More fields that what is shown in the example may also be present.
LiveReport Designs
Leveraging the LiveReport and WebReport functionality in Livelink will allow for some manual work in SharePoint to be replaced with an
automated report instead. It’s important to note that the reports will immediately open and execute when the link to it is clicked by the user
and display the search results, but they will open in Livelink, so Livelink’s standard ‘header’ image will appear at the top of the screen. A web
report layer could hide this if it is seen as an issue.
Revision status report
This report will show all documents currently within the Revision workflow process. Once a document completes its process it will be removed
from this list.
The Name column is also a hyperlink to the draft document (the ‘copy’ created by the workflow for general public viewing). The ‘Click to
Comment’ is a link to the appropriate form in Livelink for commenting. The ‘Click to See Comments’ link will open a popup window displaying
the updated ‘comments’ field. To work as designed, these links may require application of a WebReport layer to the LiveReport.
< Image example of the Reports output would be inserted here>
External Access Solution
An external website is needed as an ‘access point’ for all external contractors who require access to the
documents stored in Livelink. This is where they will access all published Safety policies and procedures
relevant to the work they are doing in the field. This site will require a username and password to
Livelink and the website will communicate to each other. Livelink will add / replace / remove published
documents on the website, ensuring it contains accurate and up-to-date documentation. The website
will allow for staff to fill in blank Safety forms supplied on the website and submit digitally to Livelink.
The ‘how’ will not be described here, as for the design to be explained in further detail, an external site
solution needs to be determined. A workflow process for the website passing a filled in form to Livelink
will also need to be devised at that time.
Pros to using this solution:
By having the users access only the website and the website acting as a ‘user’ and submitting documents
to Livelink on their behalf, only a single user needs to be designed for access to Livelink. Conversely,
Livelink will also act as a single ‘user’ in order to add documents to the Website. Appropriate data
transfer methods and website security rules will need to be setup to ensure maximum security.
In any event if Livelink went down, the external site would still have copies of the published documents
accessible to the external users.
In most cases only users who know exactly what to look for would be aware that the documents are
being stored in Livelink. However, certain things (like LiveReports) will appear and have the standard
Livelink header at the top of the screen. If this is an issue, solutions such as adding a web report layer
could resolve this either partially or completely.
Workflow intelligence
A couple of the workflows have a step where the workflow creates a PDF copy of the original document
for publishing / updating pdf versions from the ‘Original’ documents. Livelink’s workflow will likely
require an engine to make this conversion. Another suggestion is to purchase / utilize a ‘Renditions’
module, which creates / produces a PDF version of a word or excel document for users that have only
Read access.
Potential Enhancements
Crooze Mode
This application for Livelink serves as a ‘skin set’ for Livelink, offering functionality like drag n drop,
remote access, search enhancements, etc. This tool may provide a simpler alternative to the Livelink
Search Design as well as a ‘renditions’ tool.

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Design Document Sample

  • 1. Company Name / Logo Department / Business Name Design Specification For Managing Documents NOTE: This document example has been taken from various documents I’ve created in the past, and I’ve removed all data that would reference corporate information. As such, on occasion parts of this report may not have as much context as would be normal for any Design document I’ve created. It’s meant to be an example of what kind of data I’d capture, thoroughness of document, order of subjects/contents in the document, presentation, ease to understand, etc.
  • 2. Table of Contents Overview.......................................................................................................................................................3 Livelink Module Requirements .....................................................................................................................4 Livelink Folder Structure...............................................................................................................................4 Livelink Permissions Model...........................................................................................................................5 Workflow Designs .........................................................................................................................................6 Category Metadata.....................................................................................................................................14 Livelink Search Design.................................................................................................................................15 LiveReport Designs......................................................................................................................................16 External Website Solution...........................................................................................................................17 Issues...........................................................................................................................................................18 Potential Enhancements.............................................................................................................................18
  • 3. Overview Few paragraphs to discuss what project or initiative this document was created for; giving some broad perspective information, business case, etc... example: The program is an initiative to combine / streamline all Safety documents into a central area. This concept will facilitate reduced duplication, a more intuitive space for staff to locate key documents needed for their work, as well as implementing ‘smarter’ document management. Smarter document management entails utilizing Livelink, a document management application. The documents stored in Livelink will leverage the application’s audit trail, version history and records management functions. Workflows to automate document creation, revision and deletion processes will also be created to support document maintenance.
  • 4. Livelink Module Requirements ADN Module This module can be used to truncate metadata into another field, renaming an object based on its metadata selection, and/or generate a number for the document. This module is used in Categories and is already installed. Web Reports This module is applied to LiveReports, providing greater functionality to livereports via HTML coding. Workflow This module would be used to create the workflows and related forms. This module has already been installed in Livelink. E-signatures E-signatures can be used with workflows to tag official decisions / approvals for a document under review. For example, John Smith could have an E-signature in a specific workflow that signifies he has read and approved a document change. When John approves the change, his e- signature is applied. This module has already been installed in Livelink. Renditions This is a potential need, as it may be necessary for the workflow to create PDF copies of Word or Excel documents. This module has other benefits and should be considered a capital expense as it would provide future benefits for Livelink users outside of this project. Livelink Folder Structure This structure will be placed here in Livelink Production: (URL to location here) Folder structure example... Documents Accident Prevention Health Incident Reporting Workflow Tools
  • 5. Livelink Permissions Model 3 groups will be created for the folder structure laid out in the previous section: Group Name-Consumer - Group members (as per Livelink): List of Names here... Group Name-Contributor - Group members: List of Names here... Group Name-Coordinator - Group members: List of Names here... Consumer, Contributor, Coordinator definitions These definitions reflect the permissions applied to each folder in the structure. Consumer -Any members of the -consumer group will have read access to the folder(s) and their contents. - Access settings in Livelink: See / See Contents Contributor - Any members of the -Contributor group will have add / edit / edit attributes (category metadata) access to the folder(s) and their contents. - Access settings in Livelink: See / See Contents / Modify / Edit Attributes / Add Items / Reserve Coordinator - Members of the –Coordinator group will have add / edit / edit attributes / delete (also move) access to the folders(s) and their contents. They will also have permissions to edit the group permissions applied to documents or folders, and be able to add / remove users from the groups. NOTE: Under the current bureaucracy, Coordinators may need to a take a 2-3 day course before they are permitted access to change users in the groups they should be managing. - Access settings in Livelink: See / See Contents / Modify / Edit Attributes / Add Items / Reserve / Delete Version / Delete / Edit Permissions Exceptions 1) For the top level folders (HSE, HSE One) the three groups will only have read access. 2) For the ‘Published Documents’ folder, only the Controller group will have permissions beyond read access. 3) For the ‘Workflow Support’ folder, only the BSC group will have access.
  • 6. Workflow Designs The attached workflow designs and each workflow steps with a written breakdown of each steps’ activities by users and the workflow are designed to be quickly translated into a Livelink workflow, but are easier to read visually for this document. Workflow example: - Document Revision
  • 7. Document Revision Process The document revision process will be started when: - Someone requests a revision - Due to a regulatory change - It’s a scheduled revision
  • 8. Document Revision Process Steps 1. Requester enters data into Form Submission Form data fields: Name Type Options Notes Request Picklist Create Document Revise Document Delete Document Document Name Text – Mandatory Document Number Text – Mandatory Category field Reason for Request Text – Mandatory Requestor’s Name OpenText captures on the backend Requestor’s Business Unit Picklist - Mandatory Oil Gas Pipeline As per step 7, IF the group is chosen to revise the document, the staff in that group would be notified of the Revision request. Requestor’s Functional Unit Picklist - Mandatory Assets Reclamation Remediation Drilling Construction Electrical Facility Engineering Well Engineering Not a Cascading category field. Request Date OpenText captures on the backend Plus a ‘SUBMIT’ button to submit request. 2. Reviews Request Request Review group (group setup in workflow) will review request. Workflow will not designate a specific user, but notify all users of request via email. A link will be included in the document, directing group members to a form related to steps 4-6. - IF approved for review, Workflow will flag the review workflow stage as ‘Under Review’ - Mgmt system email included or in workflow…
  • 9. 3. Determine Risk / Work Ranking Request Review group member(s) will determine that will determine steps 4 and 5. Manual step, no workflow activities required. Steps 4 – 6 The document controllers will determine amongst themselves who will fill in the form for steps 4-6, the link in the email (step 2) will take users to a form to capture information. Acceptance Form data fields: Name Type Options Notes Document Browse, Mandatory Request Review group will browse to the document and select. The user will not need to know the folder structure, and the workflow can use the object ID going forward for the rest of the steps. Accepted? Picklist, Mandatory Yes or No Decision workflow step. Declined Reason Text Risk assessment Picklist Low, Medium, High Revision Deadline Date, Mandatory Field must have a date. Date determined related to the Risk / Work Ranking matrix. This date represents the deadline, but the work could certainly be done sooner. Assign Ownership User HSE Performance Assurance BU – Doc ‘owner’ person group for This determines who (group) will be sent an email by OpenText to start step 7. DEFAULTED to the user captured in the Category field for ‘Document Author’. User can change if necessary. Final Revision Approver User Person who approves the
  • 10. revisions. Name of staff who filled out form OpenText captures on the backend Date form filled out OpenText captures on the backend Plus a ‘SUBMIT’ button to submit request. NOTE: After Submit button is pressed, Workflow will ask for confirmation via a popup. The workflow will then check whether the Accepted field was set to ‘No’. If it was set to ‘No’, then it will confirm that the ‘Declined Reason’ field has been populated. If not, it will not submit the form data and will ask the user (via popup message) to put a declined reason in then press ‘Submit’. 4. Accept Request Workflow will send an email notice to the Requestor, informing them of the Accept / Decline decision. - Accepted info: Revision deadline, Risk assessment selection. - Declined info: Reason why declined. 5. Set Revision Deadline Email notice mentioned in step 4 will also notify them of the revision deadline. A member of the Owner group will also select who the final approver will be. 6. Assign Revision Ownership An email notification will be sent out to the members of the group / individual who were assigned ownership in the above form. 7. User takes Ownership of revising the document The users who are members of the Owner Group (as selected by the Request Review group) will receive an email notification informing them that a document has been flagged for revision. The following information will be present in the email: - Document Name (Submission Form) - Reason for Request (Submission Form) - Requestor Name (Submission Form) - Revision Deadline (Acceptance Form) - Name of staff who filled out the Acceptance Form. - Link for an individual to ‘accept’ ownership for revising the document.
  • 11. - Link to the Document itself. - Link to the Form required for Step 9. Workflow will set the review stage as ‘Revising’ A member of the group will accept ownership going forward for revising the document. A workflow will be setup to monitor Revision Deadline dates and will be able to remind this person when the revision deadline is coming up (example: 90 days prior). 8. Revises Document From an automated Workflow standpoint, this isn’t a ‘true’ step. Once the user has edited / saved to the version they wish to have reviewed, they will trigger steps 9 & 10. The current Livelink edit / versioning functionality doesn’t need to be maintained via a workflow. 9. Determine who will be notified for comment. 10. Posts for Review Steps 9 & 10 will be executed together. The user enters the workflow and selects the “Post for Review” step OR uses the link present in the email from step 7. They will then select the user(s) who will be notified (via email) that this particular document has a new version present for review and comment until a set date. Once this is submitted, the workflow will make a copy of the submitted document (for review purposes), store that copy in an ‘Up for Review and Comment’ folder designated for the review / comment steps, where ALL users have read permissions to the contents). Users will be able to review this document without being given any access to the original that is being revised. Two links will be present in the email – one for the document up for review (the copy), one that will take them to a form for posting a comment. Post for Review Form Data Fields: Name Type Options Notes Document Hotlink This info will be pre-populated by the workflow. Select user(s) / group Username Setup to select multiple users. OR, could have preset groups.
  • 12. Groups will need to be maintained to ensure their members are current / correct. Commentary period Date Prepopulated (eg. 2 weeks), or set by the user filling out this form? Plus a ‘SUBMIT’ button to submit request. Note: Users who are not on the notifications list that was entered on the Post for Review form will be able to access a list of documents that are currently available for review / comment. This list will be produced via a Live Report (potentially with a web report layer). Document names will be hotlinked in the report, and a link will also be available to take the reviewer to the Comments Form. NOTE: Add ‘review / comment step (team member aisle). Workflow will set the review workflow stage as ‘Open for Comment’. 11. Review and Comment: Team Members will review the document and if they choose to comment, they will go to and fill out the Comments Form. It is important to note that in order to review the document OR leave a comment, users will need to members of Livelink, in a group that gives them read access to the document and workflow form. Comment Form Name Type Options Notes Document Text This info will be pre-populated by the workflow. User Username This info will be pre-populated by the workflow. Comment Text, multi-line Field size: 5 rows, 100 columns A larger ‘window’ for data entry by the commentor. Attach Comment Browse Field Allows users how prefer to compile their comments (ie: a lot of comments) into a word document to be reviewed by the
  • 13. HSE Performance Assurance / Business Unit Groups. This document will be stored in the ‘temp’ folder location for the workflow. Date Date This info will be pre-populated by the workflow. Plus a ‘SUBMIT’ button to submit request. Note: The comments captured here will be added into one field by the workflow. Any new comments will update the field to include the new commentary. Once comment window is closed, the workflow will change the status to “Closed for Comments” IF a document containing comments is attached, the workflow will notify the document editor and provide a link for them to review. 12. Reviews Comments and 13. Revise as per Comments This step occurs after the document comment window has closed. Workflow will set the review workflow stage as ‘Under Revision’. The approver reviews the comments, determines if any comments have merit and whether further changes need to be made to the document. The Approver will fill out the Approved Form and submit it. - IF approved by the approver, his/her digital signature will be applied to the workflow, approved document metadata, and the workflow will end. Workflow will set the review workflow stage as ‘Approved’. The workflow will remove the ‘copy’ that was stored in the ‘Up for Review and Comment’ folder. - If declined, the ‘Why’ field will be Mandatory, this information will be supplied via email to the person doing the revising, and the workflow will move to step 14. 14. Reviews Final Document and 15. Revision Approved? Approved review the document, if document is NOT approved, Approver will add comments as to why, and the document will cycle back to step 13. If approved, workflow will add the approver’s digital signature to the document metadata, and the Comments will be added to the ‘Last Revision Comments’ field in the ‘HSEone Process’ category. Workflow Ends.
  • 14. Category Metadata HSEone Process category: Field Name Field Type Field Size Picklist Options Comments Status Picklist N/A Open for Comments Closed for Comments Closed, Under Revision Pending Approval Approved Cancelled Create list in this order, not alphabetical. Status Date Date N/A Set at time status changes Business Picklist N/A ALL FIN OIL GAS Department Picklist N/A ACCT DM RM Document Type Picklist N/A Form Standard Procedure Policy Doc Number ADN field N/A N/A Used for number generation, 10000 starting number. Doc Control Number ADN field N/A N/A Used to concatenate the ‘Department’, ‘Document Type’ and ‘Doc Number’ into a doc control number. Example: ALL-DM-Standard-10000 Last Revision Comments Text, Multi-line Field size: 10 rows, 100 columns The accumulated comments will be saved here upon completion of a workflow. Revision Frequency Number field N/A The number here represents how often the document needs to be reviewed and potentially revised. Document Author User field N/A Document Author (persons who will be revising the document for
  • 15. the Owner group – user field Livelink Search Design In addition to the LiveReports covered in the next section, a customized search will be setup to offer users a method to search Livelink. Utilizing the Appearances and Custom View objects in Livelink (out of the box tools), a clean and HSE specific search will be created for the users to use. A link will be created on the HSE One site pages that will take users directly to this search screen. An example search screen: Note: Custom View / Appearance design limitations may not allow for visual enhancements like an image background on the search screen, further research into this will determine. Otherwise a solid color would be used. More fields that what is shown in the example may also be present.
  • 16. LiveReport Designs Leveraging the LiveReport and WebReport functionality in Livelink will allow for some manual work in SharePoint to be replaced with an automated report instead. It’s important to note that the reports will immediately open and execute when the link to it is clicked by the user and display the search results, but they will open in Livelink, so Livelink’s standard ‘header’ image will appear at the top of the screen. A web report layer could hide this if it is seen as an issue. Revision status report This report will show all documents currently within the Revision workflow process. Once a document completes its process it will be removed from this list. The Name column is also a hyperlink to the draft document (the ‘copy’ created by the workflow for general public viewing). The ‘Click to Comment’ is a link to the appropriate form in Livelink for commenting. The ‘Click to See Comments’ link will open a popup window displaying the updated ‘comments’ field. To work as designed, these links may require application of a WebReport layer to the LiveReport. < Image example of the Reports output would be inserted here>
  • 17. External Access Solution An external website is needed as an ‘access point’ for all external contractors who require access to the documents stored in Livelink. This is where they will access all published Safety policies and procedures relevant to the work they are doing in the field. This site will require a username and password to access. Livelink and the website will communicate to each other. Livelink will add / replace / remove published documents on the website, ensuring it contains accurate and up-to-date documentation. The website will allow for staff to fill in blank Safety forms supplied on the website and submit digitally to Livelink. The ‘how’ will not be described here, as for the design to be explained in further detail, an external site solution needs to be determined. A workflow process for the website passing a filled in form to Livelink will also need to be devised at that time. Pros to using this solution: By having the users access only the website and the website acting as a ‘user’ and submitting documents to Livelink on their behalf, only a single user needs to be designed for access to Livelink. Conversely, Livelink will also act as a single ‘user’ in order to add documents to the Website. Appropriate data transfer methods and website security rules will need to be setup to ensure maximum security. In any event if Livelink went down, the external site would still have copies of the published documents accessible to the external users.
  • 18. Issues Appearances In most cases only users who know exactly what to look for would be aware that the documents are being stored in Livelink. However, certain things (like LiveReports) will appear and have the standard Livelink header at the top of the screen. If this is an issue, solutions such as adding a web report layer could resolve this either partially or completely. Workflow intelligence A couple of the workflows have a step where the workflow creates a PDF copy of the original document for publishing / updating pdf versions from the ‘Original’ documents. Livelink’s workflow will likely require an engine to make this conversion. Another suggestion is to purchase / utilize a ‘Renditions’ module, which creates / produces a PDF version of a word or excel document for users that have only Read access. Potential Enhancements Crooze Mode This application for Livelink serves as a ‘skin set’ for Livelink, offering functionality like drag n drop, remote access, search enhancements, etc. This tool may provide a simpler alternative to the Livelink Search Design as well as a ‘renditions’ tool.