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DeltaV SIS for Process Safety Systems

Smart Safety Loops. Reliable Process.
The DeltaV SIS system helps you reliably protect your assets and improve your plant

performance. Increased safety integrity is provided by continuously monitoring the ability of sensors,
logic solvers, and final elements to perform on demand, with faults diagnosed before they cause
spurious trips. The Smart safety instrumented system (SIS) approach increases process reliability
and reduces lifecycle costs.

    Smart SIS
    Optimized process reliability.

Smart SIS, an extension of the
PlantWebTM digital plant                                      Logic Solvers        Final Control
architecture, provides an              Sensors
integrated approach to complete
safety loops–from sensor, to logic
solver, to final control element. As
a key component of Emerson’s
Smart SIS, the DeltaV SIS system

                                                         Smart SIS
shuts down your plant when
needed for safety, but keeps you
running safely when devices fail.

    Modular Distributed Architecture
    Flexibility to meet your project needs.

                                             The unique modular, distributed
                                             architecture enables you to
                                             custom fit the system to your SIS
                                             applications. This modularity gives
                                             you the capability to meet
                                             changing project requirements.
                                             The DeltaV SIS architecture is
                                             flexible to help provide the safety
                                             you want, when you want, where
                                             you want.

Page 2–DeltaV SIS system
Integrated but Separate
    Increased visibility into your process.

As an integrated control and safety    The integrated but separate             As a stand-alone system, DeltaV
system (ICSS), the DeltaV SIS and      architecture meets IEC 61508 and        SIS can easily be integrated with
DeltaV systems share the same          IEC 61511 requirements for              control systems from other
engineering, maintenance, and          physical separation and                 vendors using interfaces that are
operations environment. All            independence of safety and              based on open communication
safety-related information is easily   control. The DeltaV SIS system          standards, such as Modbus, OPC
accessible through familiar and        delivers the benefits of total          and OPC Express Interface (Xi).
intuitive applications.                integration and total separation
                                       without the tradeoffs associated
                                       with the two extremes.

    Certified Function Blocks
    Reduced engineering and complexity.

The IEC 61508-certified SIS            Standard operator faceplates
function blocks deliver powerful       automatically provide detailed
functionality out of the box,          safety information with no
simplifying the implementation of      configuration. Using these SIS
complex SIS applications. No           function blocks can help
custom code is required to             eliminate engineering hours
implement common SIS tasks. The        required to implement emergency
result is faster configuration and     shutdown (ESD) systems, fire and
troubleshooting of SIS logic.          gas systems (FGS), and burner
                                       management systems (BMS).

    Built for IEC 61511 Compliance
    Simplified safety lifecycle management.

                                       The DeltaV SIS system is built for      simplify IEC 61511 compliance,
                                       IEC 61511 compliance, providing         eliminating your concerns related
                                       stringent change management,            to proper implementation.
                                       security management, and
                                       documentation tools. The system
                                       is certified by TÜV for use in safety
                                       integrity level (SIL) 3 applications
                                       without restriction. DeltaV SIS is
                                       built from the ground up to
                                                                                                              Page 3–DeltaV SIS system
Modular,                  Integrated              Certified      Built-in
                           Distributed                    but                 Function     IEC 61511
      SIS                  Architecture                Separate                Blocks     Compliance

The proven PlantWeb digital plant
architecture helps you detect                                        Engineering           Operations
operations, process, and
equipment problems before they
even occur, so you can move from
reactive to proactive and
profitable management.

Only Emerson Process
Management reliably protects your
assets by providing an integrated
approach to complete safety
loops. Improve your performance
by continuously monitoring and
diagnosing the ability of the
sensors, logic solvers, and final
control elements to perform on
demand as required.

  The DeltaV SIS system is IEC 61508 certified for use in SIL 3
  applications and provides a comprehensive solution for your
  process safety system.

     Modular DeltaV SIS logic solver with configurable HART TM I/O
     Embedded digital field communications and integrated asset
     Integrated operations environment with easy access to all safety and
     control information
     Intuitive function block engineering environment with integrated
     change management
     Automatic event reporting of safety information
     Non-intrusive simulation for training and offline testing.

Page 4–DeltaV SIS system

       Maintenance   Application Station   The integrated control and
                                           safety system architecture
                                             delivered by the DeltaV
                                             and DeltaV SIS systems
                                              provide reliability and

                                            Ethernet network
                                            Digital HART I/O and classic
                                            field interface cards
                                            Modbus RTU/ASCII interface
                                            DeltaV SIS logic solvers
                                            SISNet communications
                                            Zone servers
                                            OPC servers
                                            Backup workstations

                                            Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP

                                                           Page 5–DeltaV SIS system
Modular,                        Integrated                      Certified                         Built-in
     Smart                                                                                                                    IEC 61511
                             Distributed                          but                         Function
      SIS                    Architecture                      Separate                        Blocks                        Compliance

An integrated approach to the entire safety instrumented function (SIF)—from sensor,
to logic solver, to final control element—shuts down when needed for safety, but
keeps you running safely when components fail.
A total loop approach to                ability of sensors, logic solvers and
safety                                  final elements to perform on
Emerson’s Smart SIS is the              demand while diagnosing faults
extension of the PlantWeb               before they cause spurious trips.
architecture to safety instru-          Digital HART communications is
mented systems. With integrated         the enabler. This approach
digital communications and device       increases process availability and
diagnostics from the sensor, to the     reduces lifecycle costs.
logic solver, to the final control
element, DeltaV SIS shuts down          Digital transparency
your plant when needed for safety,      The PlantWeb digital plant
but keeps you running safely when       architecture enables the use of
components fail.                        digital intelligence and predictive
                                        diagnostics to increase system
Safety instrumented systems             availability while reducing life cycle
perform a critical role in providing    costs and enabling easy regulatory
                                        compliance. Emerson products             solution for your safety system
safer, more reliable process
                                        (sensors, systems, and final control     with the power of embedded
operations. Based on industry
                                        elements) are third-party certified      digital communications–all day,
research, over 92% of all faults in
                                        to the IEC 61508 standard for use        every day.
SIS application occur in field
instruments and control elements.       in safety-rated applications.
Therefore, it is critical to consider
                                                                                 Smart logic solver
the entire safety instrumented          The DeltaV SIS system                    Bulky logic solvers and multi-
                                        Pressure to keep your plant safe 24      plexers can now be replaced with
function as a complete entity. As a
                                        hours a day, 7 days a week is            state-of-the-art logic solvers that
smart solution, the DeltaV SIS
                                        relentless. Equipping your safety        support digital communications to
system continuously monitors the
                                        instrumented system with today’s         continuously monitor the health of
                                        digital technologies is your best        the entire SIF. The DeltaV SIS logic
                                        path to addressing this                  solver, built for digital communi-
                                        requirement. A highly reliable           cations with safety sensors and
                                        safety system starts with                final control elements, uses the
                                        predictive intelligence, which           power of predictive field
                                        provides a wealth of diagnostic          intelligence to increase the overall
                                        information, enabling you to             reliability of the entire SIF. It is TÜV-
                                        predict and prevent problems             certified without exception for use
                                        before they occur. The DeltaV SIS        in SIL 1-3 safety applications as
                                        system is a comprehensive                defined by IEC 61508.
       Smart SIS

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 Smart devices deliver                   FIELDVUE instruments have               Asset management helps
 predictive and health                   extensive diagnostics to monitor        increase plant
 diagnostics                             travel deviation, pressure              availability
 By replacing switches with              deviation, valve packing friction       AMS Suite™: Intelligent Device
 transmitters, you take the first step   and more. Information is                Manager enables you to monitor
 toward reducing undetected              communicated back to the DeltaV         and maintain field devices.
 failures. Smart transmitters have       SIS system and the AMSTM Device         Intelligent device diagnostic
 far fewer dangerous undetected          Manager software.                       information allows staff to respond
 failures than switches. Emerson’s                                               quickly and prevent unexpected
                                         The SIL-PAC solution incorporates
 smart sensors, such as                                                          downtime. Automatic docu-
                                         Emerson’s industry-leading
 Rosemount TM and Micro MotionTM                                                 mentation provides complete
                                         actuators, digital valve controllers,
 devices, go beyond detecting                                                    device maintenance records.
                                         solenoids, and valves to provide a
 component failures. They evaluate
                                         SIL 3 certified valve solution:
 the performance of the complete
 measurement system, extending             BettisTM G and CBA actuators              Key Benefits
 diagnostics to detect formerly            FisherTM DVC6000 SIS controllers
 undetectable dangerous failures           ASCOTM solenoids                          Enables safer plants
 outside the physical bounds of the        FisherTM valves.
 transmitter–providing both
                                                                                     Increased availability
 transmitter and process                 Smart partial stroke                        Reduced lifecycle cost
 diagnostics.                            testing extends test                        Simplified regulatory compliance
 The end result is greater credit for    Automated partial stroke testing
 failure-on-demand calculations,         of valves can improve safety
 easier compliance with IEC 61511
                                                                                     Key Features
                                         integrity, reduce the number of
 guidelines, higher safe failure         risky personnel trips into the field,
 fractions, less redundancy, less        and extend the time between                 IEC 61508 certified sensors, logic solvers,
 proof testing and longer intervals      mandatory proof tests. Automated            and final elements
 between proof tests.                    partial stroke testing results in           Integrated asset management from AMS
                                         increased confidence that the               Suite
 Smart final elements                    valve will perform on demand
 reduce risk                                                                         Integrated digital device diagnostics
                                         while reducing costs. Partial stroke
 FIELDVUETM digital valve controller     tests can be automatically initiated        ensures reliability
 instruments provide automated           by the DeltaV SIS logic solver or             Extended health diagnostics
 performance monitoring and              manually initiated from standard              detect device failures
 testing by enabling remote partial      operator faceplates. The DeltaV SIS
 stroke testing while the safety                                                       Device alerts enable quick action
                                         system communicates with the
 valve is online. This keeps             DVC6000 SIS via the HART                      Inherent SIS signal status propagation
 personnel safely away from the          protocol so no additional wiring or           HART PV vs. analog value comparison
 valve’s location. The FIELDVUE          components are required to                    Automatic partial stroke testing
 DVC6000 SIS for emergency               automate partial stroke tests.
 shutdown applications is third-
                                                                                       Automated proof testing
                                         Partial stroke test results are
 party certified for use in SIL 3        automatically recorded in the               Integrated documentation tools
 applications.                           DeltaV Event Chronicle for easy
                                                                                                                Page 7–DeltaV SIS system
Modular,                         Integrated                        Certified                     Built-in
     Smart                                                                                                                   IEC 61511
                             Distributed                           but                           Function
      SIS                    Architecture                       Separate                          Blocks                    Compliance

Flexible to provide the safety you want, when you want, where you want.

                           SISNet Domains can be used to distribute SIS applications throughout your plant.

The unique, modular distributed         Flexible architecture                      the traditional approach where
architecture enables you to             Whether you have an isolated               hundreds of SIFs are all placed in a
custom fit the system for your SIS      boiler or a large ESD application,         single safety PLC and the effect of
applications. Modularity gives you      the DeltaV SIS system scales to            changing a single register or the
the flexibility to meet changing        help provide the safety coverage           addition of a SIF could affect all of
project requirements. The DeltaV        you require for your SIL 1, 2 and 3        the logic. The DeltaV SIS
SIS architecture is flexible to help    applications. Unlike other                 architecture isolates SIFs,
provide the safety you want, when       approaches, the modular logic              eliminates single points of failure,
you want, where you want.               solver hardware scales in sizes of         and simplifies change manage-
                                        16 configurable I/O. This means            ment. For complex applications,
Applications that require safety        you automatically add memory               which require multiple SIFs acting
instrumented systems to reduce          and logic solver processing every          on the same final element, input
risk come in all sizes and              time you add I/O. The days of              data is shared among multiple
topologies. You need an                 running out of memory or                   logic solvers so that cause and
SIS offering that can handle the        processing power are over.                 effect logic can easily be
smallest to the largest application                                                implemented in a single SIS
and one that has the flexibility to     A SIF-based approach                       module.
address widely distributed              The DeltaV SIS architecture allows
architectures. The modular SIF-         you to concentrate on the design           Given this flexibility, the DeltaV SIS
based DeltaV SIS architecture           of each SIF–each logic solver is a         system is ideally suited for all
delivers the capability to meet         container for a small number of            safety applications up to SIL 3:
changing project requirements.          SIFs and there can be no                   from small burner management
                                        unplanned interaction between              applications to large ESD and fire
                                        them. This is very different from          and gas applications.
Page 8–DeltaV SIS system

 SLS 1508 logic solver                      Redundant logic solver
 Key features of the SLS 1508 logic         You can increase the availability of   Key Benefits
 solver include:                            your SIS loops with a redundant
   SIL 3 certified by TÜV                   pair of SLS logic solvers.             Increased engineering flexibility
   24V DC redundant power                   Key features include:                  Increased overall reliability
   dual-modular redundant logic               quad-modular redundant logic
                                                                                   Isolated failures–no single point of failure
   processing                                 processing
   dual-voting on output channels             quad-voting on output channels       Isolation of changes and maintenance
   16 channels per logic solver               separate power                       Adding new SIFs does not affect existing
   configurable HART I/O for AI,              same input data for each logic       SIFs’ logic, scan rate, or execution
   AO, DI, and DO                             solver                               Custom fit for applications
   line fault detection on all I/O            continuously drives output
   50ms execution                             channels if a redundant partner
                                                                                   Can implement centralized or decentralized
   -40° to 70°C temperature rating            fails                                SIL 3 certified without restriction
   (compliant with NAMUR NE 21                automatic online proof testing       No repair time required for degraded mode
   temperature rating)                        in-situ hardware and software        Fits any size application
   ISA G3 (corrosive environment              upgrades.
   I/O published locally every scan
   on redundant peer-to-peer links                                                 Key Features
   data integrity checking every
   online logic modification.                                                      A SIF-based approach to logic solving
                                                                                   Modular logic solver with configurable I/O
                                                                                   Scalable from 16 to 30,000 I/O
                                                                                   Flexible redundancy
                                                                                   SIL 3 rating for simplex and redundant SLS
                                                                                   Deterministic scan rate
                                                                                   Remote I/O capability
                                                                                   Expandable online
                                                                                   SIL 3 certified SISNet communications
                                                                                   Up to 62 km distances between nodes

                       Simplex SLS            Redundant SLS

     The flexible, modular SLS 1508 logic solvers can be installed in
     redundant pairs for increased process availability.

                                                                                                           Page 9–DeltaV SIS system
Modular,                      Integrated                     Certified                       Built-in
                            Distributed                        but                        Function                      IEC 61511
      SIS                   Architecture                    Separate                       Blocks                      Compliance

Delivers the benefits of total integration and total separation without the tradeoffs
associated with the two extremes.
                                                                          Integrated operations, engineering and maintenance.
As an integrated control and safety   Operations
system, DeltaV and DeltaV SIS         The operator interface
provide increased visibility into     provides a powerful
your process. DeltaV SIS is           environment for safety
integrated with the DeltaV            operation, with built-in
system’s engineering,                 features for easy
maintenance and operations            information access.
environment. All safety-related       Alarm management,
information is easily accessible      operator navigation,
through familiar and intuitive        standard faceplates
applications. The integrated but      and detail displays
separate architecture meets IEC       provide a consistent
61511 requirements for physical       and intuitive operating
separation and independence of        environment.
safety and control. The DeltaV SIS
system delivers the benefits of       To more effectively
total integration and total                                                                       Separate control and safety.
                                      operate your plant,
separation without the tradeoffs      operators have one common
associated with the two extremes.     operating environment for both          IEC 61511, the DeltaV SIS system
                                      the basic process control system        requires a repeat confirmation on
Architecturally                       (BPCS) and SIS when using the           the emergency shutdown action
independent safety                    DeltaV control system. This             before it will take effect–avoiding
system                                integrated operator interface           an accidental shutdown.
The DeltaV SIS power supplies,        includes alarm handling, time
communication channels,               synchronization, user security and      Engineering
hardware and real-time operating      device health monitoring.               The DeltaV SIS system gives you
systems are physically separate                                               the benefits of drag-and-drop
and independent of the control        Should an emergency stop be             function block configuration,
system, maintaining the               required for the application, two       comprehensive security and
separation required by IEC 61508      mechanisms may be used. You             explorer-based software for
and IEC 61511 standards. This         may hard-wire a physical                intuitive project implementation.
system automatically monitors,        emergency shutdown mushroom             The engineering software allows
controls and collects safety-         button to the input of a logic          you to manage all aspects of your
related data.                         solver. You may also soft-wire an       system configuration, including
                                      emergency shutdown and display          hardware configuration, control
                                      it on an SIS graphic on the             strategies, built-in change
                                      operator station. To comply with        management and history.

Page 10–DeltaV SIS system

 The DeltaV SIS system maintains       Connecting to existing
 proper security on safety logic       BPCS                                    Key Benefits
 software and makes the                No matter what DCS or PLC you
 management of required safety         are using as your basic process         Reduced safety lifecycle costs
 logic modifications easier.           control system, you can increase          Equipment and installation costs
                                       your plant’s availability using the
 For DeltaV BPCS users, the                                                      Engineering and maintenance costs
                                       advanced diagnostics in Emerson’s
 integrated configuration              Smart SIS solution.                     Reduced training costs
 environment simplifies and                                                    Easier regulatory compliance
 streamlines the engineering effort.   Modbus integration                      Robust security
 This integrated approach              Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP can
                                                                               Increased visibility into the process
 eliminates time-wasting, difficult-   be used to integrate the DeltaV SIS
 to-maintain data mapping and          system and your BPCS. Modbus
 handshaking logic that is common      brings the advantage of familiarity
 with disparate systems.               to most users, as well as the
 Additionally, non-intrusive           comfort of decades of proven
                                                                               Key Integration Features
 simulation allows for                 reliability.
 comprehensive testing of safety                                               Simplified architecture with no mapping of
 logic before installation.            OPC Xi and OPC                          data
                                       The DeltaV SIS system can connect
                                                                               Integrated engineering, maintenance and
 Maintenance                           with your non-DeltaV BPCS via
                                       OPC or OPC Xi. All operating and        operations environment
 To manage change and maintain
 compliance over time, the DeltaV      event information is available to       Time synchronization and event collection
 SIS system provides compre-           your operator interfaces and            Security management with SIS locks
 hensive version control and audit     history collection software as part
                                                                               Advanced alarm management
 trail functionality for required      of an integrated solution.
                                                                               Change management including version
 engineering modifications.            OPC Express Interface (Xi) is a new
 Electronic signatures ensure                                                  control, audit trail and electronic signatures
                                       data communications interface
 proper authorization for online                                               Integrated, non-intrusive ICSS simulation
                                       developed by many diverse
 changes. To support compliance        process automation suppliers.           for testing and operator training
 documentation requirements, a         OPC Xi connectivity provides
 comprehensive history of plant        secure, robust, firewall-friendly
 safety events are automatically       data access to real-time and
 recorded. AMS Device Manager          historical process data, as well as     Key Separation Features
 provides detailed diagnostic          real-time alarm and event data.
 information to diagnose device
 problems quickly and correctly. It    The OPC communications                  Built-in IEC 61511 compliance
 also documents and archives           standard has served the process         Separate hardware for control and safety
 instrument configurations and         industry well for over a decade. It     Separate power for control and safety
 changes, as well as health            supports access to real-time and        Separate control and safety networks
 information and alarms.               historical data, as well as alarm and
                                       event data.
                                                                               Gateway between SIS and control network
                                                                               provides firewall protection

                                                                                                        Page 11–DeltaV SIS system
Smart                   Modular,                     Integrated                   Certified                    Built-in
                            Distributed                       but                      Function                   IEC 61511
      SIS                   Architecture                   Separate                     Blocks                   Compliance

Provides powerful functionality out of the box, simplifying the implementation of complex
SIS applications.
No custom code is required to        ladder logic or custom
implement common SIS tasks with      programming to engineer, test,
the IEC 61508 certified function     and commission into a simple
blocks, providing faster             drag-and-drop configuration
configuration and troubleshooting    activity. Using standard function
of SIS logic. Standard operator      blocks instead of custom
faceplates automatically provide     programming makes it easy for
detailed safety information with     engineers to troubleshoot and
no configuration. Using these        maintain logic, even if they did not
function blocks can help eliminate   create it.
engineering hours previously
needed to implement ESD, FGS,        Other capabilities that make the
and BMS applications. The            certified DeltaV SIS software
certified function blocks deliver    intuitive include:
powerful functionality out of the      built-in sequence of events
box, simplifying the imple-             handler with automatic first-out
mentation of complex SIS                trapping
applications.                          built-in maintenance bypasses
                                       easy compliance to IEC 61511
Intuitive safety software               standard
functions                              non-intrusive simulation
The DeltaV SIS system provides a       built-in alarm management per
full palette of smart safety            EEMUA 191 standard
function blocks certified by TÜV       standard operator faceplates         Status handling
for safety applications. Special        automatically provide safety        Input processing provides status
blocks like MooN voter blocks with      information with no                 handling with no need for custom
bypass management reduce what           configuration.                      code and different options are
used to be pages and pages of                                               available. For example, voter
                                                                            blocks can automatically degrade
                                                                            voting when an input value is bad.
                                                                            With integrated HART I/O, device
                                                                            diagnostic information is
                                                                            automatically presented to
                                                                            operations with no additional

Page 12–DeltaV SIS system

 Sequence of events                       CEM function blocks include
 Built-in sequence of events              advanced functionality, including a    Key Benefits
 handler, with automatic first-out        state machine for each effect to
 trapping, eliminates hours of            handle trip status, resetting and      Implement complex logic in a single
 engineering while reducing testing       forcing of outputs.                    module, eliminating pages of custom
 and simplifying maintenance.
                                          State transition and step              programming
 Voter function blocks                    sequencer function                     No custom code needed to implement
 Voter function blocks provide            blocks                                 common tasks
 advanced features like built-in          Function blocks for state              Simplified configuration and
 bypass and deviation alarms to           transitions and step sequencing
                                                                                 troubleshooting of logic
 improve plant availability. The          provide powerful functionality out
 voting is configured using radio         of the box for BMS applications.       Consistent approach throughout SIS
 buttons and check boxes with             These function blocks convert          applications
 extendable blocks ensuring the           what is typically a very               Significantly reduce engineering hours
 same approach is taken                   complicated set of custom logic
                                                                                 required to implement ESD, FGS and BMS
 throughout the configuration,            into a simple, intuitive
                                          configuration task that is easy to     applications
 regardless of the application size.
                                          implement, troubleshoot and            Rich function block information
 Voter blocks include advanced            maintain. Templates can be             No concerns for migration to future
 features such as maintenance and         created and re-used for multiple       releases
 startup bypasses with a variety of       BMS applications.
 options to meet your application
 needs.                                   Standard design templates make
                                          configuring operator graphics easy
 Cause and effect                         for voter, CEM, state transition and   Key Features
 function blocks                          step sequencer function blocks.
 Traditional SIS project                  Status information is automatically
                                                                                 Powerful, intuitive, out-of-the-box
 requirements are typically detailed      presented to the operator without
                                          mapping data tags or creating          functionality
 using cause-and-effect matrices
 (CEM). Once approved, these are          custom templates or faceplates.        Intuitive drag-and-drop function block
 often translated into logic                                                     interface
 diagrams and ultimately into                                                    Inherent status propagation and status
 ladder logic of the selected
 supplier. No more. With the CEM
 function block, the cause-and-                                                  Built-in overrides and deviation alarms
 effect diagrams can be deployed                                                 Automatic degraded voting when device
 directly in the logic solver, enabling                                          failures are detected
 fast configuration and reduced                                                  Built-in sequence of events handler with
 testing. The CEM table executes as
                                                                                 automatic first-out trapping
 it is presented. Documentation is
 easy, since the CEM configuration                                               Powerful state transition and step sequence
 is the logic that executes.                                                     function blocks for BMS

                                                                                                       Page 13–DeltaV SIS system
Smart                    Modular,                      Integrated                          Certified                         Built-in
                             Distributed                        but                             Function                        IEC 61511
      SIS                    Architecture                    Separate                            Blocks                        Compliance

Built from the ground up to simplify regulatory compliance, eliminating your concerns
related to proper implementation.
The DeltaV SIS system is built for     engineering centers for
IEC 61511 compliance, providing        implementation. The
stringent change management,           templates are protected from
security management and                modification by only allowing
documentation tools. It is certified   changes to occur on the master
for use in SIL 3 applications          system.
without restriction. The system is
built from the ground up to            Easy to track changes
simplify regulatory compliance–        Comprehensive version control
eliminating your concerns related      of a configuration item is
to proper implementation.              automatically tracked and
                                       updated. The new version is
Change Management                      time-stamped and a history
Increasingly stringent regulations     comment can be recorded
require manufacturers to provide       when the item is checked back
comprehensive documentation of         in. Embedded reporting tools
their process. DeltaV                  give engineers the ability to
Configuration Audit Trail is a         print configuration change              The DeltaV SIS system is built for IEC 61511 compliance.
powerful tool that tracks changes      histories for any item in the
and manages revision information       configuration database.                    Ensure compliance during
for any item in the configuration      By keeping detailed historical             operation with Electronic
database, including SIS items. This    information on configuration               Signatures
application creates and maintains      items, the system automatically            To support compliance
a change history for configuration     maintains quality data for                 requirements for online changes,
items, such as modules, SIS            regulatory compliance                      the DeltaV SIS system uses an
modules, phases, operations, unit      requirements and                           electronic signature functionality
procedures, user accounts and          troubleshooting.                           designed to meet the life science
operator graphics–making                                                          industry’s stringent requirements.
regulatory compliance simpler.         Ensure authorized configuration            Any actions taken can be
                                       changes                                    configured to require a
Protected composite templates          The DeltaV SIS security system             confirmation in which the user’s
For reduced complexity in global       gives you the ability to grant             name and password is needed to
engineering and IEC 61508              privileges to individual users. Items      execute, as well as an additional
compliance, the DeltaV SIS system      may be checked out for editing             verifying user name and password
includes protected composite           only by approved users.                    if required.
templates. Templates, such as
certified safety logic, are created
on a ‘master’ DeltaV SIS system
and then distributed to

Page 14–DeltaV SIS system

 Security                                 and USB ports to prevent the      the Audit Trail for a complete
 Adaptable User Manager                   introduction of viruses and       history. AMS Suite provides
 With the role-based user access,         malware.                          integrated device configuration
 you have complete flexibility to         The DeltaV Flexlock security      and security to reduce lifecycle
 define the security structure to         application creates a secure      costs. QuickCheck allows for easier
 match your operating philosophy.         workstation desktop to prevent    interlock verification. Additionally,
                                          unauthorized access outside of    Meridium APM software can be
 A separate set of locks and keys is      the DeltaV operations             seamlessly integrated with AMS
 provided for control and safety.         environment.                      Suite in real-time to easily verify
 Through a single sign-on, you can        DeltaV Smart Switches provide     proof-testing compliance. AMS
 define groups of users and assign        auto lockdown to prevent          Suite allows you to operate with
 them privileges. For example, one        unauthorized network              confidence.
 group may be able to change only         connections on switch ports.
 control operating parameters,            Unauthorized network devices
 while another may be able to             cannot participate in DeltaV
 change safety parameters. And            communications, because               Key Benefits
 you can limit a user to particular       DeltaV devices are
 areas of the plant–providing you         authenticated as part of system
                                                                                Simplified regulatory compliance
 with peace of mind that only the         configuration.
                                          Physical access to local              Standardized designs
 appropriate people are making
 decisions affecting your plant.          equipment is not required for         Reduced engineering effort
                                          routine maintenance                   Reduced lifecycle costs
                                          procedures and
 Easy security management                                                       Robust security
 When you make changes to                 troubleshooting because
 system users and their privileges in     system diagnostics are done
 DeltaV User Manager, the changes         over the network using DeltaV
 are immediately applied across all       and AMS Device Manager                Key Features
 DeltaV and AMS applications and          workstations.
 Windows security is automatically
                                        Syncade Suite                           IEC 61511 compliance is enforced by

                                        Syncade Smart Operations                engineering tools, with no restrictions
 Built for security                     Management suite extends the            Change management of safety logic and
 The DeltaV system was developed        value of PlantWeb by providing          field device configuration/calibration
 with system security as a key          electronic manufacturing control
                                                                                Integrated security for competency
 design criterion. To safeguard your    that optimizes plant-wide work
                                        processes and increases                 management
 assets and ensure proper access,
 the system delivers these security     productivity. Safety workflow,          Secure write mechanism provides repeat
 capabilities:                          such as proof-testing, is guided,       confirmation for online changes
   DeltaV controllers have been         verified, and documented for easy
                                                                                Automatic logging of events and diagnostic
   hardened to mitigate specific,       regulatory compliance.
   well-documented security
   threats.                             AMS Suite                               Non-intrusive simulation for testing and
   Workstation hardening disables       When maintenance functions are          operator training
   unused operating system              performed, AMS Device Manager
   services and disables CDROM          automatically records activity in
                                                                                                            Page 15–DeltaV SIS system
Smart                  Modular,                       Integrated                                Certified                          Built-in
                                 Distributed                         but                                   Function                         IEC 61511
            SIS                  Architecture                     Separate                                  Blocks                         Compliance

     Ensures maximum uptime for your plant.
     Safety applications are designed to
     protect your plant and personnel                        Plant and
     from hazardous conditions and                          Emergency                                      Emergency Response Layer
     provide a rapid and coordinated
     operational response to                  Mitigate    Containment,
                                                            Dike/Vessel                                       Passive Protection Layer
     emergency situations, ensuring
     maximum uptime for your plant.                        Fire and Gas
                                                                System                                           Active Protection Layer

     The DeltaV SIS system provides a
     high level of reliability and                           Shutdown
                                                                                                    Emergency               Safety Layer
     availability through redundant
                                                                          Trip level alarm            shutdown
     architecture design, including                            Operator
                                                                                                                 Process Control Layer
     redundant networks, logic solvers                     Intervention
                                                                          Process alarm

     and I/O. The system automatically
     monitors, controls and collects                                        Process
                                                                                                                   Process Control Layer
     safety-related data for ESD, FGS                                       value                Normal behavior

     and BMS applications.

     Prevent incidents from
                                           it be required. Sensors are used to               reliability in compliance with IEC
                                           detect certain conditions, and the                61508 and IEC 61511 international
                                           DeltaV SIS logic solver is                        standards, and in addition has
                                           configured to meet your safety                    many innovations: repeat
                                           requirements to take the final                    confirmation built in to the
                                           elements (valves, pumps) to a                     operator graphics, version control
                                           safe state.                                       that can be defined by SIL level,
                                                                                             powerful voting functionality and
           Emergency                       The combination of sensor, logic                  a very flexible cause and effect
        Shutdown System                    solver and final element form a                   matrix (CEM) function block that is
                                           safety instrumented function (SIF).               intuitive and easy to use.
     The DeltaV SIS system can be used     Each SIF is designed to prevent a
     for emergency shutdown                specific hazard from occurring by
     applications to prevent hazardous     reducing a certain amount of risk.
     situations from occurring, and can    This risk reduction equates to a
     initiate the shutdown of a plant,     safety integrity level (SIL). The
     unit, or piece of equipment should    DeltaV SIS system provides SIL 3

Page 16–DeltaV SIS system

 Mitigate the                          The integrated system can alert
 consequences of events                personnel in a fast, accurate and
 when they occur                       structured way, giving employees
                                       time to decide what course of
                                       action to take while bringing the
                                       plant to a pre-determined state.

                                       Permit the system to
                                       operate when safe

       Fire and Gas System

 IEC 61511 recognizes fire and gas
 systems (FGS) as mitigative SIS
 systems. The major focus of a FGS
 is to mitigate an incident AFTER it
 has occurred. This is done to gain
 time for people to evacuate the
                                        Burner Management System
 area, contain the incident from
 escalating and allow emergency
 response teams to assess and deal     The DeltaV SIS system can be used
 with the incident. By monitoring      for burner management system
 process areas where fire, build up    (BMS) applications, a safety
 of a potentially flammable gas or     solution for control and
 toxic gases may occur, the DeltaV     monitoring of burner units.
 SIS system can be configured to       Through proper sequencing and
 detect these hazardous events,        interlocks, the DeltaV SIS BMS
 alert personnel and initiate timely   application allows the burner
 actions in order to minimize the      unit(s) to go safely through all
 consequences of an incident.          relevant states, from start-up to
                                       operation and shutdown when
 Fire and gas systems are usually      needed. If so required (usually
 stand alone systems that take         dependent on the size of the
 actions when required. With           burner unit), the DeltaV SIS system
 today’s technology, many              can also be configured to provide
 companies utilize an integrated       automated leak testing of the gas
 approach and interface the FGS        valves. Using specially developed
 with the ESD system to initiate       function blocks, the DeltaV SIS
 plant shutdown if hazardous           BMS solution is highly flexible and
 events occur.                         easy to maintain and monitor.

                                                                             Page 17–DeltaV SIS system
Smart                   Modular,                     Integrated                   Certified                    Built-in
                            Distributed                       but                      Function                   IEC 61511
      SIS                   Architecture                   Separate                     Blocks                   Compliance

Reduce engineering and maintenance costs.
Emerson is an industry leader in     Emerson Certified Functional
providing services throughout the    Safety Experts utilize this process
lifecycle of your operations, no     and their expertise with the latest
matter where on the globe you        safety technologies and practices
operate.                             to help clients define and
                                     implement their safety systems.
Managing risk with                   Our processes are consistent with
                                     the most stringent demands for
global standards                     protection, risk reduction and
Companies that correctly plan for    reliability.
and manage the operational risks
inherent to industrial processes
avoid exposure to production         Certified safety experts
outages, equipment damage,           IEC 61511 requires personnel and
environmental incidents, injury to   organizations to be competent
personnel and loss of life. The      and qualified to carry out safety
international community has          activities.
developed standards for the
evaluation and design of safety      Emerson is the first safety systems
functions. The IEC 61511 standard    provider to develop TÜV-certified
is aimed directly at total process   procedures in alignment with IEC
plant operations and covers the      61511. In addition, all employees
whole safety lifecycle of the        involved with safety systems
system from concept to               engineering and development are
operation and maintenance,           required to complete extensive
to decommissioning.                  safety training and Emerson
Certified safety process                                                    Reducing failures from
                                     Many of our engineers and
Emerson utilizes a Functional                                               the start
                                     technologists have also completed
Safety Management System as
                                     a rigorous competency                  IEC 61511 defines a process to
defined by the IEC 61511
                                     qualification for system design        help reduce random hardware
standard. This TÜV-certified
                                     engineers known as the Certified       failures and reduce systemic
system covers:
                                     Functional Safety Expert (CFSE)        failures. Having CFSE experts
  Management of functional
                                     exam. This certification requires      involved early in the lifecycle
  safety                             experience in the SIS field, as well   process helps reduce faults caused
  Safety lifecycle structure and     as successful completion of a          by poor specifications or poor
  planning                           comprehensive examination.             engineering.
  Design and engineering of SIS
  Installation, commissioning and
  Maintenance and modification.

Page 18–DeltaV SIS system

 Differentiated safety
 services throughout the
 safety lifecycle
 Emerson provides solutions with
 certified hardware, software, and
 engineering services needed to
 meet the requirements of the
 safety system lifecycle. Emerson
 has extensive global coverage for
 main automation contractor
 (MAC) services–providing a single
 source for all of your safety project
 needs. These services include all
 aspects of your automation
 project from front end
 engineering design (FEED)
 onward. Emerson can provide a
 turnkey solution for your project
 that includes equipment selection,
 commissioning services, and
                                                 Globally, Emerson can help you with IEC 61511 Safety Life Cycle management.
 implementation and operational

 ANALYSIS                                OPERATION                               Emerson–a partner you
 As part of pre-project planning,        Emerson’s SureServiceTM program         can trust
 FEED is early design work done          offers an array of support services
                                                                                 For over 100 years, Emerson has
 after conceptual business planning      designed to help you achieve your
                                                                                 been a global leader in providing
 and prior to detailed design. Once      business objectives, reduce your
                                                                                 process automation solutions with
 the safety integrity levels (SIL) of    operating and service costs, and
                                                                                 a commitment to total quality,
 the safety instrument functions         keep your systems running at peak
                                                                                 plant safety, and dedication to
 (SIF) are defined, Emerson can          performance. These support
                                                                                 meeting customer expectations.
 compile your safety requirement         services include:
                                                                                 We can help you operate your
 specification (SRS). We also offer        Guardian Support                      plant safely, reliably, and more
 SIS functional safety consulting to       Emergency Onsite Service              efficiently–giving you peace
 help you design the safety loop           Express Module Replacement            of mind.
 and select the components that            Critical Data Backup
 are needed.                               Local Spares Management
                                           Functional Safety Maintenance
 IMPLEMENTATION                            and Proof Testing
 Emerson project services for              Power and Grounding Integrity
 application software follow our           Security Assessment
 TÜV-certified processes and               Alarm Management
 provide documented verification
                                           SIS Modification
 of all design, implementation, and
                                           Extended Software Support
 testing activity. Each step of the
 process is reviewed and                   Premier Service.
 documented to help ensure
 compliance with IEC 61511.
                                                                                                                 Page 19–DeltaV SIS system
Emerson Process Management                                   The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to
12301 Research Blvd.                                         ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products
Research Park Plaza, Building III                            or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our software licensing agreement and
Austin, TX 78759                                             terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or
                                                             specifications of our product and services at any time without notice.
                                                             © 2010 Emerson Process Management. All rights reserved. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson
                                                             Electric Co.

                                                             For Emerson Process Management trademarks and service marks, go to
Form B-000015 / Printed in USA / 6.5K AQ / 3.5K A4 / 06-10   All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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Security Issues in SCADA based Industrial Control Systems
Security Issues in SCADA based Industrial Control Systems Security Issues in SCADA based Industrial Control Systems
Security Issues in SCADA based Industrial Control Systems

DeltaV Safety Instrumented System Overview

  • 1. DeltaV SIS for Process Safety Systems TM Smart Safety Loops. Reliable Process.
  • 2. The DeltaV SIS system helps you reliably protect your assets and improve your plant TM performance. Increased safety integrity is provided by continuously monitoring the ability of sensors, logic solvers, and final elements to perform on demand, with faults diagnosed before they cause spurious trips. The Smart safety instrumented system (SIS) approach increases process reliability and reduces lifecycle costs. Smart SIS Optimized process reliability. Smart SIS, an extension of the PlantWebTM digital plant Logic Solvers Final Control architecture, provides an Sensors Elements integrated approach to complete safety loops–from sensor, to logic solver, to final control element. As a key component of Emerson’s Smart SIS, the DeltaV SIS system Smart SIS shuts down your plant when needed for safety, but keeps you running safely when devices fail. Modular Distributed Architecture Flexibility to meet your project needs. The unique modular, distributed architecture enables you to custom fit the system to your SIS applications. This modularity gives you the capability to meet changing project requirements. The DeltaV SIS architecture is flexible to help provide the safety you want, when you want, where you want. Page 2–DeltaV SIS system
  • 3. Integrated but Separate Increased visibility into your process. As an integrated control and safety The integrated but separate As a stand-alone system, DeltaV system (ICSS), the DeltaV SIS and architecture meets IEC 61508 and SIS can easily be integrated with DeltaV systems share the same IEC 61511 requirements for control systems from other engineering, maintenance, and physical separation and vendors using interfaces that are operations environment. All independence of safety and based on open communication safety-related information is easily control. The DeltaV SIS system standards, such as Modbus, OPC accessible through familiar and delivers the benefits of total and OPC Express Interface (Xi). intuitive applications. integration and total separation without the tradeoffs associated with the two extremes. Certified Function Blocks Reduced engineering and complexity. The IEC 61508-certified SIS Standard operator faceplates function blocks deliver powerful automatically provide detailed functionality out of the box, safety information with no simplifying the implementation of configuration. Using these SIS complex SIS applications. No function blocks can help custom code is required to eliminate engineering hours implement common SIS tasks. The required to implement emergency result is faster configuration and shutdown (ESD) systems, fire and troubleshooting of SIS logic. gas systems (FGS), and burner management systems (BMS). Built for IEC 61511 Compliance Simplified safety lifecycle management. The DeltaV SIS system is built for simplify IEC 61511 compliance, IEC 61511 compliance, providing eliminating your concerns related stringent change management, to proper implementation. security management, and documentation tools. The system is certified by TÜV for use in safety integrity level (SIL) 3 applications without restriction. DeltaV SIS is built from the ground up to Page 3–DeltaV SIS system
  • 4. Modular, Integrated Certified Built-in Smart Distributed but Function IEC 61511 SIS Architecture Separate Blocks Compliance The proven PlantWeb digital plant architecture helps you detect Engineering Operations operations, process, and equipment problems before they even occur, so you can move from reactive to proactive and profitable management. Only Emerson Process Management reliably protects your assets by providing an integrated approach to complete safety loops. Improve your performance by continuously monitoring and diagnosing the ability of the sensors, logic solvers, and final control elements to perform on demand as required. The DeltaV SIS system is IEC 61508 certified for use in SIL 3 applications and provides a comprehensive solution for your process safety system. Modular DeltaV SIS logic solver with configurable HART TM I/O Embedded digital field communications and integrated asset management Integrated operations environment with easy access to all safety and control information Intuitive function block engineering environment with integrated change management Automatic event reporting of safety information Non-intrusive simulation for training and offline testing. Page 4–DeltaV SIS system
  • 5. Services Maintenance Application Station The integrated control and safety system architecture delivered by the DeltaV and DeltaV SIS systems provide reliability and redundancy. Ethernet network connections Controllers Digital HART I/O and classic field interface cards Modbus RTU/ASCII interface DeltaV SIS logic solvers SISNet communications Zone servers OPC servers Backup workstations Digital Communications HART Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP Ethernet/IP OPC Page 5–DeltaV SIS system
  • 6. Modular, Integrated Certified Built-in Smart IEC 61511 Distributed but Function SIS Architecture Separate Blocks Compliance An integrated approach to the entire safety instrumented function (SIF)—from sensor, to logic solver, to final control element—shuts down when needed for safety, but keeps you running safely when components fail. A total loop approach to ability of sensors, logic solvers and safety final elements to perform on Emerson’s Smart SIS is the demand while diagnosing faults extension of the PlantWeb before they cause spurious trips. architecture to safety instru- Digital HART communications is mented systems. With integrated the enabler. This approach digital communications and device increases process availability and diagnostics from the sensor, to the reduces lifecycle costs. logic solver, to the final control element, DeltaV SIS shuts down Digital transparency your plant when needed for safety, The PlantWeb digital plant but keeps you running safely when architecture enables the use of components fail. digital intelligence and predictive diagnostics to increase system Safety instrumented systems availability while reducing life cycle perform a critical role in providing costs and enabling easy regulatory compliance. Emerson products solution for your safety system safer, more reliable process (sensors, systems, and final control with the power of embedded operations. Based on industry elements) are third-party certified digital communications–all day, research, over 92% of all faults in to the IEC 61508 standard for use every day. SIS application occur in field instruments and control elements. in safety-rated applications. Therefore, it is critical to consider Smart logic solver the entire safety instrumented The DeltaV SIS system Bulky logic solvers and multi- Pressure to keep your plant safe 24 plexers can now be replaced with function as a complete entity. As a hours a day, 7 days a week is state-of-the-art logic solvers that smart solution, the DeltaV SIS relentless. Equipping your safety support digital communications to system continuously monitors the instrumented system with today’s continuously monitor the health of digital technologies is your best the entire SIF. The DeltaV SIS logic path to addressing this solver, built for digital communi- requirement. A highly reliable cations with safety sensors and safety system starts with final control elements, uses the predictive intelligence, which power of predictive field provides a wealth of diagnostic intelligence to increase the overall information, enabling you to reliability of the entire SIF. It is TÜV- predict and prevent problems certified without exception for use before they occur. The DeltaV SIS in SIL 1-3 safety applications as system is a comprehensive defined by IEC 61508. Smart SIS Page 6–DeltaV SIS system
  • 7. Services Smart devices deliver FIELDVUE instruments have Asset management helps predictive and health extensive diagnostics to monitor increase plant diagnostics travel deviation, pressure availability By replacing switches with deviation, valve packing friction AMS Suite™: Intelligent Device transmitters, you take the first step and more. Information is Manager enables you to monitor toward reducing undetected communicated back to the DeltaV and maintain field devices. failures. Smart transmitters have SIS system and the AMSTM Device Intelligent device diagnostic far fewer dangerous undetected Manager software. information allows staff to respond failures than switches. Emerson’s quickly and prevent unexpected The SIL-PAC solution incorporates smart sensors, such as downtime. Automatic docu- Emerson’s industry-leading Rosemount TM and Micro MotionTM mentation provides complete actuators, digital valve controllers, devices, go beyond detecting device maintenance records. solenoids, and valves to provide a component failures. They evaluate SIL 3 certified valve solution: the performance of the complete measurement system, extending BettisTM G and CBA actuators Key Benefits diagnostics to detect formerly FisherTM DVC6000 SIS controllers undetectable dangerous failures ASCOTM solenoids Enables safer plants outside the physical bounds of the FisherTM valves. transmitter–providing both Increased availability transmitter and process Smart partial stroke Reduced lifecycle cost diagnostics. testing extends test Simplified regulatory compliance intervals The end result is greater credit for Automated partial stroke testing failure-on-demand calculations, of valves can improve safety easier compliance with IEC 61511 Key Features integrity, reduce the number of guidelines, higher safe failure risky personnel trips into the field, fractions, less redundancy, less and extend the time between IEC 61508 certified sensors, logic solvers, proof testing and longer intervals mandatory proof tests. Automated and final elements between proof tests. partial stroke testing results in Integrated asset management from AMS increased confidence that the Suite Smart final elements valve will perform on demand reduce risk Integrated digital device diagnostics while reducing costs. Partial stroke FIELDVUETM digital valve controller tests can be automatically initiated ensures reliability instruments provide automated by the DeltaV SIS logic solver or Extended health diagnostics performance monitoring and manually initiated from standard detect device failures testing by enabling remote partial operator faceplates. The DeltaV SIS stroke testing while the safety Device alerts enable quick action system communicates with the valve is online. This keeps DVC6000 SIS via the HART Inherent SIS signal status propagation personnel safely away from the protocol so no additional wiring or HART PV vs. analog value comparison valve’s location. The FIELDVUE components are required to Automatic partial stroke testing DVC6000 SIS for emergency automate partial stroke tests. shutdown applications is third- Automated proof testing Partial stroke test results are party certified for use in SIL 3 automatically recorded in the Integrated documentation tools applications. DeltaV Event Chronicle for easy documentation. Page 7–DeltaV SIS system
  • 8. Modular, Integrated Certified Built-in Smart IEC 61511 Distributed but Function SIS Architecture Separate Blocks Compliance Flexible to provide the safety you want, when you want, where you want. SISNet Domains can be used to distribute SIS applications throughout your plant. The unique, modular distributed Flexible architecture the traditional approach where architecture enables you to Whether you have an isolated hundreds of SIFs are all placed in a custom fit the system for your SIS boiler or a large ESD application, single safety PLC and the effect of applications. Modularity gives you the DeltaV SIS system scales to changing a single register or the the flexibility to meet changing help provide the safety coverage addition of a SIF could affect all of project requirements. The DeltaV you require for your SIL 1, 2 and 3 the logic. The DeltaV SIS SIS architecture is flexible to help applications. Unlike other architecture isolates SIFs, provide the safety you want, when approaches, the modular logic eliminates single points of failure, you want, where you want. solver hardware scales in sizes of and simplifies change manage- 16 configurable I/O. This means ment. For complex applications, Applications that require safety you automatically add memory which require multiple SIFs acting instrumented systems to reduce and logic solver processing every on the same final element, input risk come in all sizes and time you add I/O. The days of data is shared among multiple topologies. You need an running out of memory or logic solvers so that cause and SIS offering that can handle the processing power are over. effect logic can easily be smallest to the largest application implemented in a single SIS and one that has the flexibility to A SIF-based approach module. address widely distributed The DeltaV SIS architecture allows architectures. The modular SIF- you to concentrate on the design Given this flexibility, the DeltaV SIS based DeltaV SIS architecture of each SIF–each logic solver is a system is ideally suited for all delivers the capability to meet container for a small number of safety applications up to SIL 3: changing project requirements. SIFs and there can be no from small burner management unplanned interaction between applications to large ESD and fire them. This is very different from and gas applications. Page 8–DeltaV SIS system
  • 9. Services SLS 1508 logic solver Redundant logic solver Key features of the SLS 1508 logic You can increase the availability of Key Benefits solver include: your SIS loops with a redundant SIL 3 certified by TÜV pair of SLS logic solvers. Increased engineering flexibility 24V DC redundant power Key features include: Increased overall reliability dual-modular redundant logic quad-modular redundant logic Isolated failures–no single point of failure processing processing dual-voting on output channels quad-voting on output channels Isolation of changes and maintenance 16 channels per logic solver separate power Adding new SIFs does not affect existing configurable HART I/O for AI, same input data for each logic SIFs’ logic, scan rate, or execution AO, DI, and DO solver Custom fit for applications line fault detection on all I/O continuously drives output 50ms execution channels if a redundant partner Can implement centralized or decentralized -40° to 70°C temperature rating fails SIL 3 certified without restriction (compliant with NAMUR NE 21 automatic online proof testing No repair time required for degraded mode temperature rating) in-situ hardware and software Fits any size application ISA G3 (corrosive environment upgrades. rating) I/O published locally every scan on redundant peer-to-peer links Key Features data integrity checking every scan online logic modification. A SIF-based approach to logic solving Modular logic solver with configurable I/O Scalable from 16 to 30,000 I/O Flexible redundancy SIL 3 rating for simplex and redundant SLS Deterministic scan rate Remote I/O capability Expandable online SIL 3 certified SISNet communications Up to 62 km distances between nodes Simplex SLS Redundant SLS The flexible, modular SLS 1508 logic solvers can be installed in redundant pairs for increased process availability. Page 9–DeltaV SIS system
  • 10. Modular, Integrated Certified Built-in Smart Distributed but Function IEC 61511 SIS Architecture Separate Blocks Compliance Delivers the benefits of total integration and total separation without the tradeoffs associated with the two extremes. Integrated operations, engineering and maintenance. As an integrated control and safety Operations system, DeltaV and DeltaV SIS The operator interface provide increased visibility into provides a powerful your process. DeltaV SIS is environment for safety integrated with the DeltaV operation, with built-in system’s engineering, features for easy maintenance and operations information access. environment. All safety-related Alarm management, information is easily accessible operator navigation, through familiar and intuitive standard faceplates applications. The integrated but and detail displays separate architecture meets IEC provide a consistent 61511 requirements for physical and intuitive operating separation and independence of environment. safety and control. The DeltaV SIS system delivers the benefits of To more effectively total integration and total Separate control and safety. operate your plant, separation without the tradeoffs operators have one common associated with the two extremes. operating environment for both IEC 61511, the DeltaV SIS system the basic process control system requires a repeat confirmation on Architecturally (BPCS) and SIS when using the the emergency shutdown action independent safety DeltaV control system. This before it will take effect–avoiding system integrated operator interface an accidental shutdown. The DeltaV SIS power supplies, includes alarm handling, time communication channels, synchronization, user security and Engineering hardware and real-time operating device health monitoring. The DeltaV SIS system gives you systems are physically separate the benefits of drag-and-drop and independent of the control Should an emergency stop be function block configuration, system, maintaining the required for the application, two comprehensive security and separation required by IEC 61508 mechanisms may be used. You explorer-based software for and IEC 61511 standards. This may hard-wire a physical intuitive project implementation. system automatically monitors, emergency shutdown mushroom The engineering software allows controls and collects safety- button to the input of a logic you to manage all aspects of your related data. solver. You may also soft-wire an system configuration, including emergency shutdown and display hardware configuration, control it on an SIS graphic on the strategies, built-in change operator station. To comply with management and history. Page 10–DeltaV SIS system
  • 11. Services The DeltaV SIS system maintains Connecting to existing proper security on safety logic BPCS Key Benefits software and makes the No matter what DCS or PLC you management of required safety are using as your basic process Reduced safety lifecycle costs logic modifications easier. control system, you can increase Equipment and installation costs your plant’s availability using the For DeltaV BPCS users, the Engineering and maintenance costs advanced diagnostics in Emerson’s integrated configuration Smart SIS solution. Reduced training costs environment simplifies and Easier regulatory compliance streamlines the engineering effort. Modbus integration Robust security This integrated approach Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP can Increased visibility into the process eliminates time-wasting, difficult- be used to integrate the DeltaV SIS to-maintain data mapping and system and your BPCS. Modbus handshaking logic that is common brings the advantage of familiarity with disparate systems. to most users, as well as the Additionally, non-intrusive comfort of decades of proven Key Integration Features simulation allows for reliability. comprehensive testing of safety Simplified architecture with no mapping of logic before installation. OPC Xi and OPC data The DeltaV SIS system can connect Integrated engineering, maintenance and Maintenance with your non-DeltaV BPCS via OPC or OPC Xi. All operating and operations environment To manage change and maintain compliance over time, the DeltaV event information is available to Time synchronization and event collection SIS system provides compre- your operator interfaces and Security management with SIS locks hensive version control and audit history collection software as part Advanced alarm management trail functionality for required of an integrated solution. Change management including version engineering modifications. OPC Express Interface (Xi) is a new Electronic signatures ensure control, audit trail and electronic signatures data communications interface proper authorization for online Integrated, non-intrusive ICSS simulation developed by many diverse changes. To support compliance process automation suppliers. for testing and operator training documentation requirements, a OPC Xi connectivity provides comprehensive history of plant secure, robust, firewall-friendly safety events are automatically data access to real-time and recorded. AMS Device Manager historical process data, as well as Key Separation Features provides detailed diagnostic real-time alarm and event data. information to diagnose device problems quickly and correctly. It The OPC communications Built-in IEC 61511 compliance also documents and archives standard has served the process Separate hardware for control and safety instrument configurations and industry well for over a decade. It Separate power for control and safety changes, as well as health supports access to real-time and Separate control and safety networks information and alarms. historical data, as well as alarm and event data. Gateway between SIS and control network provides firewall protection Page 11–DeltaV SIS system
  • 12. Smart Modular, Integrated Certified Built-in Distributed but Function IEC 61511 SIS Architecture Separate Blocks Compliance Provides powerful functionality out of the box, simplifying the implementation of complex SIS applications. No custom code is required to ladder logic or custom implement common SIS tasks with programming to engineer, test, the IEC 61508 certified function and commission into a simple blocks, providing faster drag-and-drop configuration configuration and troubleshooting activity. Using standard function of SIS logic. Standard operator blocks instead of custom faceplates automatically provide programming makes it easy for detailed safety information with engineers to troubleshoot and no configuration. Using these maintain logic, even if they did not function blocks can help eliminate create it. engineering hours previously needed to implement ESD, FGS, Other capabilities that make the and BMS applications. The certified DeltaV SIS software certified function blocks deliver intuitive include: powerful functionality out of the built-in sequence of events box, simplifying the imple- handler with automatic first-out mentation of complex SIS trapping applications. built-in maintenance bypasses easy compliance to IEC 61511 Intuitive safety software standard functions non-intrusive simulation The DeltaV SIS system provides a built-in alarm management per full palette of smart safety EEMUA 191 standard function blocks certified by TÜV standard operator faceplates Status handling for safety applications. Special automatically provide safety Input processing provides status blocks like MooN voter blocks with information with no handling with no need for custom bypass management reduce what configuration. code and different options are used to be pages and pages of available. For example, voter blocks can automatically degrade voting when an input value is bad. With integrated HART I/O, device diagnostic information is automatically presented to operations with no additional configuration. Page 12–DeltaV SIS system
  • 13. Services Sequence of events CEM function blocks include Built-in sequence of events advanced functionality, including a Key Benefits handler, with automatic first-out state machine for each effect to trapping, eliminates hours of handle trip status, resetting and Implement complex logic in a single engineering while reducing testing forcing of outputs. module, eliminating pages of custom and simplifying maintenance. State transition and step programming Voter function blocks sequencer function No custom code needed to implement Voter function blocks provide blocks common tasks advanced features like built-in Function blocks for state Simplified configuration and bypass and deviation alarms to transitions and step sequencing troubleshooting of logic improve plant availability. The provide powerful functionality out voting is configured using radio of the box for BMS applications. Consistent approach throughout SIS buttons and check boxes with These function blocks convert applications extendable blocks ensuring the what is typically a very Significantly reduce engineering hours same approach is taken complicated set of custom logic required to implement ESD, FGS and BMS throughout the configuration, into a simple, intuitive configuration task that is easy to applications regardless of the application size. implement, troubleshoot and Rich function block information Voter blocks include advanced maintain. Templates can be No concerns for migration to future features such as maintenance and created and re-used for multiple releases startup bypasses with a variety of BMS applications. options to meet your application needs. Standard design templates make configuring operator graphics easy Cause and effect for voter, CEM, state transition and Key Features function blocks step sequencer function blocks. Traditional SIS project Status information is automatically Powerful, intuitive, out-of-the-box requirements are typically detailed presented to the operator without mapping data tags or creating functionality using cause-and-effect matrices (CEM). Once approved, these are custom templates or faceplates. Intuitive drag-and-drop function block often translated into logic interface diagrams and ultimately into Inherent status propagation and status ladder logic of the selected handling supplier. No more. With the CEM function block, the cause-and- Built-in overrides and deviation alarms effect diagrams can be deployed Automatic degraded voting when device directly in the logic solver, enabling failures are detected fast configuration and reduced Built-in sequence of events handler with testing. The CEM table executes as automatic first-out trapping it is presented. Documentation is easy, since the CEM configuration Powerful state transition and step sequence is the logic that executes. function blocks for BMS Page 13–DeltaV SIS system
  • 14. Smart Modular, Integrated Certified Built-in Distributed but Function IEC 61511 SIS Architecture Separate Blocks Compliance Built from the ground up to simplify regulatory compliance, eliminating your concerns related to proper implementation. The DeltaV SIS system is built for engineering centers for IEC 61511 compliance, providing implementation. The stringent change management, templates are protected from security management and modification by only allowing documentation tools. It is certified changes to occur on the master for use in SIL 3 applications system. without restriction. The system is built from the ground up to Easy to track changes simplify regulatory compliance– Comprehensive version control eliminating your concerns related of a configuration item is to proper implementation. automatically tracked and updated. The new version is Change Management time-stamped and a history Increasingly stringent regulations comment can be recorded require manufacturers to provide when the item is checked back comprehensive documentation of in. Embedded reporting tools their process. DeltaV give engineers the ability to Configuration Audit Trail is a print configuration change The DeltaV SIS system is built for IEC 61511 compliance. powerful tool that tracks changes histories for any item in the and manages revision information configuration database. Ensure compliance during for any item in the configuration By keeping detailed historical operation with Electronic database, including SIS items. This information on configuration Signatures application creates and maintains items, the system automatically To support compliance a change history for configuration maintains quality data for requirements for online changes, items, such as modules, SIS regulatory compliance the DeltaV SIS system uses an modules, phases, operations, unit requirements and electronic signature functionality procedures, user accounts and troubleshooting. designed to meet the life science operator graphics–making industry’s stringent requirements. regulatory compliance simpler. Ensure authorized configuration Any actions taken can be changes configured to require a Protected composite templates The DeltaV SIS security system confirmation in which the user’s For reduced complexity in global gives you the ability to grant name and password is needed to engineering and IEC 61508 privileges to individual users. Items execute, as well as an additional compliance, the DeltaV SIS system may be checked out for editing verifying user name and password includes protected composite only by approved users. if required. templates. Templates, such as certified safety logic, are created on a ‘master’ DeltaV SIS system and then distributed to Page 14–DeltaV SIS system
  • 15. Services Security and USB ports to prevent the the Audit Trail for a complete Adaptable User Manager introduction of viruses and history. AMS Suite provides With the role-based user access, malware. integrated device configuration you have complete flexibility to The DeltaV Flexlock security and security to reduce lifecycle define the security structure to application creates a secure costs. QuickCheck allows for easier match your operating philosophy. workstation desktop to prevent interlock verification. Additionally, unauthorized access outside of Meridium APM software can be A separate set of locks and keys is the DeltaV operations seamlessly integrated with AMS provided for control and safety. environment. Suite in real-time to easily verify Through a single sign-on, you can DeltaV Smart Switches provide proof-testing compliance. AMS define groups of users and assign auto lockdown to prevent Suite allows you to operate with them privileges. For example, one unauthorized network confidence. group may be able to change only connections on switch ports. control operating parameters, Unauthorized network devices while another may be able to cannot participate in DeltaV change safety parameters. And communications, because Key Benefits you can limit a user to particular DeltaV devices are areas of the plant–providing you authenticated as part of system Simplified regulatory compliance with peace of mind that only the configuration. Physical access to local Standardized designs appropriate people are making decisions affecting your plant. equipment is not required for Reduced engineering effort routine maintenance Reduced lifecycle costs procedures and Easy security management Robust security When you make changes to troubleshooting because system users and their privileges in system diagnostics are done DeltaV User Manager, the changes over the network using DeltaV are immediately applied across all and AMS Device Manager Key Features DeltaV and AMS applications and workstations. Windows security is automatically Syncade Suite IEC 61511 compliance is enforced by updated. TM Syncade Smart Operations engineering tools, with no restrictions Built for security Management suite extends the Change management of safety logic and The DeltaV system was developed value of PlantWeb by providing field device configuration/calibration with system security as a key electronic manufacturing control Integrated security for competency design criterion. To safeguard your that optimizes plant-wide work processes and increases management assets and ensure proper access, the system delivers these security productivity. Safety workflow, Secure write mechanism provides repeat capabilities: such as proof-testing, is guided, confirmation for online changes DeltaV controllers have been verified, and documented for easy Automatic logging of events and diagnostic hardened to mitigate specific, regulatory compliance. faults well-documented security threats. AMS Suite Non-intrusive simulation for testing and Workstation hardening disables When maintenance functions are operator training unused operating system performed, AMS Device Manager services and disables CDROM automatically records activity in Page 15–DeltaV SIS system
  • 16. Smart Modular, Integrated Certified Built-in Distributed but Function IEC 61511 SIS Architecture Separate Blocks Compliance Ensures maximum uptime for your plant. Safety applications are designed to protect your plant and personnel Plant and from hazardous conditions and Emergency Emergency Response Layer Response provide a rapid and coordinated operational response to Mitigate Containment, Dike/Vessel Passive Protection Layer emergency situations, ensuring maximum uptime for your plant. Fire and Gas System Active Protection Layer The DeltaV SIS system provides a Incident Emergency SIS high level of reliability and Shutdown System Emergency Safety Layer availability through redundant Trip level alarm shutdown Prevent architecture design, including Operator Process Control Layer redundant networks, logic solvers Intervention Process alarm Operator BPCS intervention and I/O. The system automatically monitors, controls and collects Process Process Control Layer safety-related data for ESD, FGS value Normal behavior and BMS applications. Prevent incidents from occurring it be required. Sensors are used to reliability in compliance with IEC detect certain conditions, and the 61508 and IEC 61511 international DeltaV SIS logic solver is standards, and in addition has configured to meet your safety many innovations: repeat requirements to take the final confirmation built in to the elements (valves, pumps) to a operator graphics, version control safe state. that can be defined by SIL level, powerful voting functionality and Emergency The combination of sensor, logic a very flexible cause and effect Shutdown System solver and final element form a matrix (CEM) function block that is safety instrumented function (SIF). intuitive and easy to use. The DeltaV SIS system can be used Each SIF is designed to prevent a for emergency shutdown specific hazard from occurring by applications to prevent hazardous reducing a certain amount of risk. situations from occurring, and can This risk reduction equates to a initiate the shutdown of a plant, safety integrity level (SIL). The unit, or piece of equipment should DeltaV SIS system provides SIL 3 Page 16–DeltaV SIS system
  • 17. Services Mitigate the The integrated system can alert consequences of events personnel in a fast, accurate and when they occur structured way, giving employees time to decide what course of action to take while bringing the plant to a pre-determined state. Permit the system to operate when safe Fire and Gas System IEC 61511 recognizes fire and gas systems (FGS) as mitigative SIS systems. The major focus of a FGS is to mitigate an incident AFTER it has occurred. This is done to gain time for people to evacuate the Burner Management System area, contain the incident from escalating and allow emergency response teams to assess and deal The DeltaV SIS system can be used with the incident. By monitoring for burner management system process areas where fire, build up (BMS) applications, a safety of a potentially flammable gas or solution for control and toxic gases may occur, the DeltaV monitoring of burner units. SIS system can be configured to Through proper sequencing and detect these hazardous events, interlocks, the DeltaV SIS BMS alert personnel and initiate timely application allows the burner actions in order to minimize the unit(s) to go safely through all consequences of an incident. relevant states, from start-up to operation and shutdown when Fire and gas systems are usually needed. If so required (usually stand alone systems that take dependent on the size of the actions when required. With burner unit), the DeltaV SIS system today’s technology, many can also be configured to provide companies utilize an integrated automated leak testing of the gas approach and interface the FGS valves. Using specially developed with the ESD system to initiate function blocks, the DeltaV SIS plant shutdown if hazardous BMS solution is highly flexible and events occur. easy to maintain and monitor. Page 17–DeltaV SIS system
  • 18. Smart Modular, Integrated Certified Built-in Distributed but Function IEC 61511 SIS Architecture Separate Blocks Compliance Reduce engineering and maintenance costs. Emerson is an industry leader in Emerson Certified Functional providing services throughout the Safety Experts utilize this process lifecycle of your operations, no and their expertise with the latest matter where on the globe you safety technologies and practices operate. to help clients define and implement their safety systems. Managing risk with Our processes are consistent with the most stringent demands for global standards protection, risk reduction and Companies that correctly plan for reliability. and manage the operational risks inherent to industrial processes avoid exposure to production Certified safety experts outages, equipment damage, IEC 61511 requires personnel and environmental incidents, injury to organizations to be competent personnel and loss of life. The and qualified to carry out safety international community has activities. developed standards for the evaluation and design of safety Emerson is the first safety systems functions. The IEC 61511 standard provider to develop TÜV-certified is aimed directly at total process procedures in alignment with IEC plant operations and covers the 61511. In addition, all employees whole safety lifecycle of the involved with safety systems system from concept to engineering and development are operation and maintenance, required to complete extensive to decommissioning. safety training and Emerson certification. Certified safety process Reducing failures from Many of our engineers and Emerson utilizes a Functional the start technologists have also completed Safety Management System as a rigorous competency IEC 61511 defines a process to defined by the IEC 61511 qualification for system design help reduce random hardware standard. This TÜV-certified engineers known as the Certified failures and reduce systemic system covers: Functional Safety Expert (CFSE) failures. Having CFSE experts Management of functional exam. This certification requires involved early in the lifecycle safety experience in the SIS field, as well process helps reduce faults caused Safety lifecycle structure and as successful completion of a by poor specifications or poor planning comprehensive examination. engineering. Verification Design and engineering of SIS Installation, commissioning and validation Maintenance and modification. Page 18–DeltaV SIS system
  • 19. Services Differentiated safety services throughout the safety lifecycle Emerson provides solutions with certified hardware, software, and engineering services needed to meet the requirements of the safety system lifecycle. Emerson has extensive global coverage for main automation contractor (MAC) services–providing a single source for all of your safety project needs. These services include all aspects of your automation project from front end engineering design (FEED) onward. Emerson can provide a turnkey solution for your project that includes equipment selection, commissioning services, and Globally, Emerson can help you with IEC 61511 Safety Life Cycle management. implementation and operational capabilities. ANALYSIS OPERATION Emerson–a partner you As part of pre-project planning, Emerson’s SureServiceTM program can trust FEED is early design work done offers an array of support services For over 100 years, Emerson has after conceptual business planning designed to help you achieve your been a global leader in providing and prior to detailed design. Once business objectives, reduce your process automation solutions with the safety integrity levels (SIL) of operating and service costs, and a commitment to total quality, the safety instrument functions keep your systems running at peak plant safety, and dedication to (SIF) are defined, Emerson can performance. These support meeting customer expectations. compile your safety requirement services include: We can help you operate your specification (SRS). We also offer Guardian Support plant safely, reliably, and more SIS functional safety consulting to Emergency Onsite Service efficiently–giving you peace help you design the safety loop Express Module Replacement of mind. and select the components that Critical Data Backup are needed. Local Spares Management Functional Safety Maintenance IMPLEMENTATION and Proof Testing Emerson project services for Power and Grounding Integrity application software follow our Security Assessment TÜV-certified processes and Alarm Management provide documented verification SIS Modification of all design, implementation, and Extended Software Support testing activity. Each step of the process is reviewed and Premier Service. documented to help ensure compliance with IEC 61511. Page 19–DeltaV SIS system
  • 20. Emerson Process Management The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to 12301 Research Blvd. ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products Research Park Plaza, Building III or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our software licensing agreement and Austin, TX 78759 terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of our product and services at any time without notice. © 2010 Emerson Process Management. All rights reserved. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. For Emerson Process Management trademarks and service marks, go to Form B-000015 / Printed in USA / 6.5K AQ / 3.5K A4 / 06-10 All other marks are the property of their respective owners.