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   General layout- There is only one main image featured in on this double page spread- it takes up one page entirely to emphasize the
    importance of the artist Lana Del Rey and to indicate she is the main focus of the article. The size of this image suggests that this is probably the
    most significant article within the magazine. On the double page spread there are three relatively small columns, with the main image being the
    centerfold of the article. By separating the text format into three different columns it allows the reader to navigate the page easier and makes
    the information within easier for them to digest and absorb. The first column is largest in font sizing and the ‘eye puller’ to first gain the attention
    of the reader. The way Lana Del Rey is described in it as ‘looking demonic’ and ‘blood running down her forehead’ is a shock factor used to
    engage the audience, drawing them to read the rest of the columns. Because the font sizing is large on the primary column it makes it
    impossible to avoid or miss being an instant attention grabber. The text columns take up ¾ of the image less page with the drop cap ‘S’ taking
    up the remaining ¼ on the left side of that page, with the main column being placed directly underneath it. The overall color scheme of the
    page consists of pale tones such as whiteand blue with black used on darker elements like the text.

   Text Elements- The body of the text columns all incorporate the same font style, this indicates to the reader that they are visually connected
    to one another and are related to the same theme. There is no feature headline nor kicker used in this specific article yet a drop cap has been
    employed, overly emphasized to be the main focus to attract the readers attention to this article, the prominent ‘S’ stands out so much to the
    extent that it is impossible for the audience to ignore it. Having a single letter by itself portrays a mysterious element, the identity of this letter is
    unknown and this may encourage the reader to view the article to find out the meaning of it. The drop cap has used the same font as the body
    of text which immediately creates a direct link between that and the writers of the article. This has been used by the writers to subconsciously
    create a connection between the text elements, without the readers realizing. All of the text remains in black, this relates nicely to the dark,
    gothic style that has been chosen for this particular article. Having it in black may also keep a sophisticated sense, showing that this has been
    produced at a professional standard and it looks good when printed on the page. The way the text has been positioned on the spread
    indicates its level of importance, therefore the drop cap is highest as it is the first thing the reader will notice, with the main body of text lower as
    that will be what they will progress on to view. The color of the text is black, this is used to relate to the artist chosen area of music, if a more
    brighter palate was used then this wouldn’t communicate very well with Lana Del Rey’s focus on indie/alternative scene. It also gives a serious
    tone to the article relating that the main focus is on the artist, their interview and the music they produce- nothing else will be included. There
    are no pull quotes, headers, further images or side bars that may disrupt the text in any way, this reminds the reader that they will be able to
    navigate their way through the article without having to break or pause to glance at something else.

   Graphical Furniture- The only image that relates to this article in any form is the main image, this provides clear meaning about what the
    main focus is as the readers can clearly distinguish upon whom this article is revolving around. The feature relates how Lana rose to power in the
    music scene and how she has defied critics to get the position and achievements as a top music artist in the industry. The writers have placed
    ‘Lana Del Rey’ in the top right hand corner of the second page of the double spread, this will make it easier for the reader to locate the article
    when browsing through the magazine to find it. The masthead magazine logo is used on the bottom right hand corner besides the page
    number on the spread which covey's the idea that the reader is being reminded about the infamouity of the magazine which emphasizes its
    popularity, it may also give a sense that they are copywriting the article as it wont be present in any other music magazine. There is a page
    number located at the bottom right hand corner of the magazine to help the reader navigate, however there are no more unique logos,
    graphical points etc.

   Tone – The magazine’s register is presented in a very formal tone, as it takes the reader through some of Lana’s tough experiences claiming to
    fame in music, its almost written in a biographical sense as if the writer is telling her story rather than herself. The first paragraph substitutes for the
    lack of a kicker and really sets the scene for what the article is about, the mysterious quality of it will be explained once the audience begins to
    read the feature fully.
Images – This particular article only uses one main image which entirely fills the left page of the double page spread, the sizing of it
is ridiculously large, clearly referencing to its immediate importance and of the artist it is showing. It displays the alternative artist Lana
Del Rey engulfed in a very gothic background of black and deep blue mist, her body is not identifiable with the camera focusing
solely on her face and neckline, capturing the emotions and expression they were after. Three of her fingers are also
viewable, giving the impression she is clawing at her neck or is postured in an erotic, promiscuous manner. The style of photography
used is entirely for a very personal close up shot of the artist, for expression only, with the contrast on the image itself being altered as
if she is dissolving or being consumed by the darkness that surrounds her. Although this has easily been done as a studio shoot, the
way the photographer has altered the original image suggests a location shoot would not have satisfied the look they were aiming
for so careful editing on the computer has gained this (the supernatural feel of the picture would have been hard to replicate in a
realistic environment) The lighting is extremely dark and murky yet Lana’s identity is identifiable, although readers unfamiliar with her
work may be unable to relate to who she is. The makeup on her skin is a very natural tone yet the heavy black around her eye line
perceives the darkened tone of the article, there is no costume/clothes available to view on the artist, adding to the mysterious
outlook to this spread. The image minuses any other additional props further referencing that the writer wants the audience to focus
on the artist entirely and nothing else. With it being a studio orientated shot with unusual qualities it relates to the theme of the music
magazine, Lana Del Rey may not be as heavy in the industry as other artists featured in rival magazines like NME and Kerrang, but Q
tend to focus on upcoming or rising artists, she still has a large fan base and the writers may want to honor that by making her the
feature article, whilst also introducing others to her line of music which is a line of their publishing to feature those who aren't as well
known. There are no captions accompanying this photograph.
General layout- The double page spread is dominated by the large blown up image of the rap artist Nicki Minaj which occupies literally a full
page and overflows onto the remaining one. She’s looking directly at the reader and because of her size on the page it is clear to assume she is
the most important figure of the article and who it is focused upon. The large image is eye catching and appeals to the readers whom might take
interest in reading the feature. On the double page the text itself is separated into a controlled numbered format, the first column is an
introductory paragraph about the article with the remainder of the columns being composed of questions and the answers Nicki has gave to
them. The text format moves around the image of the artist and occupies the areas it cannot fill, this provides the sense that this is the most
significant article and that the writers have attempted to get as much information about the artist they can to fulfill the interest of their audiences.
The color scheme has been portrayed as a girly theme with black and pink being the major, whilst the image conveys zebra prints which further
emphasizes ghetto female glamour indicating the article will appeal to more the female audiences although males may be interested as the
page focuses on a sexual female stereotype.

Text Elements-The feature headline to the article and the body of text beneath each incorporate the same style of font, with large pink bold
letters used for the beginnings of the more important sentences and to highlight the numbers of her ‘Gospel’, which relates to the name of the
feature which the artist Nicki believes is her point to plan for a better life, the use of stand out colors easily identifies to the audience which are the
main areas of the spread they want to focus upon as it has the most interesting information within and so naturally attracts them to view these
parts first over the rest of the feature. This is a sell technique as if the readers are viewing the important areas first they are twice as more likely to
enjoy the article as they are observing the relevant parts of the interview over the introductory paragraphs so may be more prompted to
purchase the product. Combining the same style of font in the main headline and text relates to the idea they are visually connected to one
another and the readers will identify the texts are related to one another. The kicker has the same style of font as what is used within the text, this
informs the reader of what will be focused upon in the feature but also allows them to identify the writer of the article and the photographer who
took the images which are presented in it, creating a direct but fairly personal link between the audiences and the creators of the interview they
are reading. Although un -doubly the reader will fail to recognize this, the writer used this connecting method so although the reader isn’t
necessarily aware and consciously thinking over it, there is a subtle connection between the elements in the texts. The text is a combination of a
bright, in your face candy floss pink for the headline and for major letters on important elements within the article and the remainder is black to
give a sophisticated feel to the feature. Pink and black easily demonstrates what will be focused upon is in relation to the female rap music Nicki
creates, as this is a popular color choice within that industry and is nearly always incorporated onto her album/single covers. Yet the black
suggests she is taking a mature approach to the feature and that her answers will be truthful and honest as if she wants the public to know the
real her and not the aggressive rapper she sometimes portrays herself to be in her line of music. This can help the reader to relate to her more as a
normal, genuine down to earth woman. Black also incorporates a professional approach to the article and looks good when presented on the
page. The text elements have been placed in an ascending order with the most important placed highest assuring it will the first the reader will
look at. The kicker has been place directly underneath the main headline of the feature, as it will be viewed by the audience before they read
the article itself. Kickers encourage the reader to keep reading on, they usually include interesting information or directly address then in a chatty
style, so therefore it is normally placed high up on the page ensuring it will not be overlooked and is visible to read, with the main body of text
placed lower as this is generally the last element which will attract the readers attention. The way text is ordered on a double page spread
determines the way in which it will be intended to be read, in this case the way I have described it above – Headline, kicker, main body of text.
The font is fairly average, most of it is presented in a bold lettering, this may emphasize the changes Nicki has went through and that she wants
her words to stick with the audience so they won’t make the mistakes she has. Bold can indicate how passionate she is about what she does (i.e.
her music), it means a lot to her and she wants everyone to know how strong that feeling is within her. Unlike most hip hop related articles the
black may suggest how mature she is as a female solo artist compared to others on the scene who may be more naïve, Nicki wants people to
take her seriously. Although the pink indicates she still wants the register of her music to be identified (pink is used frequently amongst female
rappers) and also provides a girly, welcoming feel to the article.
In the main body of text, it displays many other graphical furniture such as numbers relating to Nicki’s ‘Gospel’ and a kicker which
highlights a major part of her interview, breaking down the text. This separates the articles points away from each other, allowing the
reader to view it in sections, with main points (such as what is used in the kicker) as an attempt to interest them even more as it is giving a
preview of what they expect to read.

Graphical Furniture - There is only one image included on the double page spread that relates to the article in anyway, which is the
one of the rapper Nicki Minaj, this emphasizes the meaning of the feature as the readers can clearly identify which artist it is focused
upon. It details the hardships Nicki has endured to get to the position she holds in this current day, and her words are presented in a
numbered format as she explains the do’s and don’ts people should follow for a ‘perfect’ life on this earth. In the bottom right of the
magazine the page number is printed beside the name of the music magazine, this helps the reader easily navigate the pages to find
what they are looking for (i.e. this article from the contents page) and the recurring theme of placing the cover masthead on the article
reinforces the idea they are copywriting this interview and that it will be present in no other rival companies product.

Tone and Register - The tone of the article is done in a very casual sense, although we get the impression the writer isn’t addressing
the reader directly, the layout its placed in with Nicki answering NME it feels as if the audience is in the room with them whilst its
conducted so does include them in a sense. The kicker refers to Nicki Minaj as a deity or god as if what she says is commandments of the
law, this may please some of her more mainstream followers who look up to her as an inspiration of her genre and time. The article
focuses on how Nicki believes we should all live our lives, following a set of rules that will guarantee we avoid trouble and leaves us
happy, incorporating some of her real life experiences she wants us to avoid. Basically describing how these helped her develop her
music career and how anything is possible if we believe. She also describes how she wants to be an inspiration to the generation who
listens to her music

Images – This double page spread feature only includes one main image (of the rap artist Nicki Minaj) which has been blown up to
large proportions, covering half of the right hand page and overflowing onto the adjoining page. The size indicates its overall importance
and how relevant the music artist is to the article, it conveys the sense they are what it is focused upon therefore they deserve the
recognition and for the audience to immediately be able to identify who the feature is revolving around. The shot is of Nicki Minaj a
worldwide famous female rap artist, dressed in a typical ghetto costume (zebra prints, large, bold colorful jewelry) which is typically
associated with her line of music, staring directly at the camera and therefore the reader to instantly gain their attention. The style of
image selected is a close up shot of the facial expression and posture of the model, this signifies the photographer wanted to gain
audience attraction through the way they have placed them. Nicki’ body language and emotions have a demanding, authorative look
and this may be what appeals the reader to the feature, as if she is commanding them to look at her and therefore the interview. There is
a constant pink and white color theme running throughout the spread, this relates heavily towards the artwork colors Nicki significantly
chooses for her albums as many of them work with a recurring pink and black palette, the scheme used here relates directly to her and
her music, identifying with her fans and other familiar with her line of work. The lighting of the image is under the normal expectations of
what one would relate to as a studio shoot, you can clearly see who the artist is and the reader will be able to recognize who they are
more easily. The makeup palette used on the artist Nicki is very heavy with much emphasis on her lips and eyes to give her a made
up, dolled look. There are no additional props used in this article as everything is focused upon the artist. The images were clearly
prepped and take in a studio based shoot with no added captions to the photo.
   General Layout-         There are several images included in this particular double paged spread, one blown up large central
    one that occupies most of the right hand page with three additional snap shots separated from the main attraction by a single
    column. The size of the center photo indicates its importance on the page and suggests this is probably the most significant
    article within this magazine. On the left hand page of the spread there are four text columns, spaced from each other by pull
    quotes and other major information to the audience (i.e. a table predicting how much the movie will gross in the box
    office), with the vast majority of the feature focusing upon the images taken directly from the movie. The text columns are
    placed halfway down the page to give room to the title and kicker. The overall color scheme revolves around basic shades of
    black and white.

   Text Elements -         The feature headline and the main body of text each incorporate the same bold, direct font style as one
    another, this connects them visually, identifying to the audience they are related and coincide so they will be able to see the
    idea they are related in context. The kicker has the same font as the text, although slightly less bolder in color, this may be
    because although it is important in gaining audience interest it still isn’t as attractive as the feature headline, however it does not
    contain the essential information of who wrote the article or who provided the images (in this case they were direct shots from
    the Pirates of the Caribbean movie and distributed by) All of the text is in the same black font, keeping with a very professional
    and sophisticated look to the article, as this is a review it should come across direct in nature and extremely formal, this way the
    writer get there opinions across more easily as they are meaning what they say and want that took on board before the
    audience sees this film. This movie article is very similar to a music as the way the text has been positioned indicates its relevant
    levels of importance, the higher it is the more major. The kicker is directly located underneath the feature headline as this is what
    the audience will be reading before the diverge into the article as a whole. Kicker’s are distributed to engage and attract the
    reader to continue looking at the spread by containing often witty information, therefore it is placed highest enough to enable it
    clearly visible to view. The font is very direct and mature, this is due to it being a movie review therefore the writer has deemed a
    professional mannerism so the audience will take the opinions disclosed seriously rather then mockingly. The color of the text is
    black adding a sleek established effect to the spread, as if a bright color palette had been incorporated then the reader may
    not take the nature of this review seriously and wouldn’t relate to the topic being discussed. This in turn conveys meaning as the
    audience will be able to immeditally relate to the serious tone and know the spread is about nothing but the movie review.

   Tone and Register-           The tone to the magazine is very formal, the writer addresses the reader more like a business
    partner, as if they are reverberating vital details that need to be taken seriously (in this case the opinions regarding the Pirates of
    the Carriibean movie) The kicker ‘Talk, lots of talk’ references to the chatty personality and his gossipy persona of the titular
    character Captain Jack Sparrow, fans of the other two films may find this funny.
   Graphical Furniture-There is one main image that references to the article with three smaller less significant
    shots accompnying it, this further adds to the meaning of the double page spread as the reader can easily identify
    what movie is being reviewed within the article. The article relates to one of the more recent Pirates of The
    Carribean movie franchise sequels ‘At Worlds End’, which the film critic is focusing upon. This article lacks in a
    magazine logo and at the bottom corner there is a page number so the reader can easily navigate their way
    throughout the magazine.

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  • 1.
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  • 3. General layout- There is only one main image featured in on this double page spread- it takes up one page entirely to emphasize the importance of the artist Lana Del Rey and to indicate she is the main focus of the article. The size of this image suggests that this is probably the most significant article within the magazine. On the double page spread there are three relatively small columns, with the main image being the centerfold of the article. By separating the text format into three different columns it allows the reader to navigate the page easier and makes the information within easier for them to digest and absorb. The first column is largest in font sizing and the ‘eye puller’ to first gain the attention of the reader. The way Lana Del Rey is described in it as ‘looking demonic’ and ‘blood running down her forehead’ is a shock factor used to engage the audience, drawing them to read the rest of the columns. Because the font sizing is large on the primary column it makes it impossible to avoid or miss being an instant attention grabber. The text columns take up ¾ of the image less page with the drop cap ‘S’ taking up the remaining ¼ on the left side of that page, with the main column being placed directly underneath it. The overall color scheme of the page consists of pale tones such as whiteand blue with black used on darker elements like the text.  Text Elements- The body of the text columns all incorporate the same font style, this indicates to the reader that they are visually connected to one another and are related to the same theme. There is no feature headline nor kicker used in this specific article yet a drop cap has been employed, overly emphasized to be the main focus to attract the readers attention to this article, the prominent ‘S’ stands out so much to the extent that it is impossible for the audience to ignore it. Having a single letter by itself portrays a mysterious element, the identity of this letter is unknown and this may encourage the reader to view the article to find out the meaning of it. The drop cap has used the same font as the body of text which immediately creates a direct link between that and the writers of the article. This has been used by the writers to subconsciously create a connection between the text elements, without the readers realizing. All of the text remains in black, this relates nicely to the dark, gothic style that has been chosen for this particular article. Having it in black may also keep a sophisticated sense, showing that this has been produced at a professional standard and it looks good when printed on the page. The way the text has been positioned on the spread indicates its level of importance, therefore the drop cap is highest as it is the first thing the reader will notice, with the main body of text lower as that will be what they will progress on to view. The color of the text is black, this is used to relate to the artist chosen area of music, if a more brighter palate was used then this wouldn’t communicate very well with Lana Del Rey’s focus on indie/alternative scene. It also gives a serious tone to the article relating that the main focus is on the artist, their interview and the music they produce- nothing else will be included. There are no pull quotes, headers, further images or side bars that may disrupt the text in any way, this reminds the reader that they will be able to navigate their way through the article without having to break or pause to glance at something else.  Graphical Furniture- The only image that relates to this article in any form is the main image, this provides clear meaning about what the main focus is as the readers can clearly distinguish upon whom this article is revolving around. The feature relates how Lana rose to power in the music scene and how she has defied critics to get the position and achievements as a top music artist in the industry. The writers have placed ‘Lana Del Rey’ in the top right hand corner of the second page of the double spread, this will make it easier for the reader to locate the article when browsing through the magazine to find it. The masthead magazine logo is used on the bottom right hand corner besides the page number on the spread which covey's the idea that the reader is being reminded about the infamouity of the magazine which emphasizes its popularity, it may also give a sense that they are copywriting the article as it wont be present in any other music magazine. There is a page number located at the bottom right hand corner of the magazine to help the reader navigate, however there are no more unique logos, graphical points etc.  Tone – The magazine’s register is presented in a very formal tone, as it takes the reader through some of Lana’s tough experiences claiming to fame in music, its almost written in a biographical sense as if the writer is telling her story rather than herself. The first paragraph substitutes for the lack of a kicker and really sets the scene for what the article is about, the mysterious quality of it will be explained once the audience begins to read the feature fully.
  • 4. Images – This particular article only uses one main image which entirely fills the left page of the double page spread, the sizing of it is ridiculously large, clearly referencing to its immediate importance and of the artist it is showing. It displays the alternative artist Lana Del Rey engulfed in a very gothic background of black and deep blue mist, her body is not identifiable with the camera focusing solely on her face and neckline, capturing the emotions and expression they were after. Three of her fingers are also viewable, giving the impression she is clawing at her neck or is postured in an erotic, promiscuous manner. The style of photography used is entirely for a very personal close up shot of the artist, for expression only, with the contrast on the image itself being altered as if she is dissolving or being consumed by the darkness that surrounds her. Although this has easily been done as a studio shoot, the way the photographer has altered the original image suggests a location shoot would not have satisfied the look they were aiming for so careful editing on the computer has gained this (the supernatural feel of the picture would have been hard to replicate in a realistic environment) The lighting is extremely dark and murky yet Lana’s identity is identifiable, although readers unfamiliar with her work may be unable to relate to who she is. The makeup on her skin is a very natural tone yet the heavy black around her eye line perceives the darkened tone of the article, there is no costume/clothes available to view on the artist, adding to the mysterious outlook to this spread. The image minuses any other additional props further referencing that the writer wants the audience to focus on the artist entirely and nothing else. With it being a studio orientated shot with unusual qualities it relates to the theme of the music magazine, Lana Del Rey may not be as heavy in the industry as other artists featured in rival magazines like NME and Kerrang, but Q tend to focus on upcoming or rising artists, she still has a large fan base and the writers may want to honor that by making her the feature article, whilst also introducing others to her line of music which is a line of their publishing to feature those who aren't as well known. There are no captions accompanying this photograph.
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  • 6. General layout- The double page spread is dominated by the large blown up image of the rap artist Nicki Minaj which occupies literally a full page and overflows onto the remaining one. She’s looking directly at the reader and because of her size on the page it is clear to assume she is the most important figure of the article and who it is focused upon. The large image is eye catching and appeals to the readers whom might take interest in reading the feature. On the double page the text itself is separated into a controlled numbered format, the first column is an introductory paragraph about the article with the remainder of the columns being composed of questions and the answers Nicki has gave to them. The text format moves around the image of the artist and occupies the areas it cannot fill, this provides the sense that this is the most significant article and that the writers have attempted to get as much information about the artist they can to fulfill the interest of their audiences. The color scheme has been portrayed as a girly theme with black and pink being the major, whilst the image conveys zebra prints which further emphasizes ghetto female glamour indicating the article will appeal to more the female audiences although males may be interested as the page focuses on a sexual female stereotype. Text Elements-The feature headline to the article and the body of text beneath each incorporate the same style of font, with large pink bold letters used for the beginnings of the more important sentences and to highlight the numbers of her ‘Gospel’, which relates to the name of the feature which the artist Nicki believes is her point to plan for a better life, the use of stand out colors easily identifies to the audience which are the main areas of the spread they want to focus upon as it has the most interesting information within and so naturally attracts them to view these parts first over the rest of the feature. This is a sell technique as if the readers are viewing the important areas first they are twice as more likely to enjoy the article as they are observing the relevant parts of the interview over the introductory paragraphs so may be more prompted to purchase the product. Combining the same style of font in the main headline and text relates to the idea they are visually connected to one another and the readers will identify the texts are related to one another. The kicker has the same style of font as what is used within the text, this informs the reader of what will be focused upon in the feature but also allows them to identify the writer of the article and the photographer who took the images which are presented in it, creating a direct but fairly personal link between the audiences and the creators of the interview they are reading. Although un -doubly the reader will fail to recognize this, the writer used this connecting method so although the reader isn’t necessarily aware and consciously thinking over it, there is a subtle connection between the elements in the texts. The text is a combination of a bright, in your face candy floss pink for the headline and for major letters on important elements within the article and the remainder is black to give a sophisticated feel to the feature. Pink and black easily demonstrates what will be focused upon is in relation to the female rap music Nicki creates, as this is a popular color choice within that industry and is nearly always incorporated onto her album/single covers. Yet the black suggests she is taking a mature approach to the feature and that her answers will be truthful and honest as if she wants the public to know the real her and not the aggressive rapper she sometimes portrays herself to be in her line of music. This can help the reader to relate to her more as a normal, genuine down to earth woman. Black also incorporates a professional approach to the article and looks good when presented on the page. The text elements have been placed in an ascending order with the most important placed highest assuring it will the first the reader will look at. The kicker has been place directly underneath the main headline of the feature, as it will be viewed by the audience before they read the article itself. Kickers encourage the reader to keep reading on, they usually include interesting information or directly address then in a chatty style, so therefore it is normally placed high up on the page ensuring it will not be overlooked and is visible to read, with the main body of text placed lower as this is generally the last element which will attract the readers attention. The way text is ordered on a double page spread determines the way in which it will be intended to be read, in this case the way I have described it above – Headline, kicker, main body of text. The font is fairly average, most of it is presented in a bold lettering, this may emphasize the changes Nicki has went through and that she wants her words to stick with the audience so they won’t make the mistakes she has. Bold can indicate how passionate she is about what she does (i.e. her music), it means a lot to her and she wants everyone to know how strong that feeling is within her. Unlike most hip hop related articles the black may suggest how mature she is as a female solo artist compared to others on the scene who may be more naïve, Nicki wants people to take her seriously. Although the pink indicates she still wants the register of her music to be identified (pink is used frequently amongst female rappers) and also provides a girly, welcoming feel to the article.
  • 7. In the main body of text, it displays many other graphical furniture such as numbers relating to Nicki’s ‘Gospel’ and a kicker which highlights a major part of her interview, breaking down the text. This separates the articles points away from each other, allowing the reader to view it in sections, with main points (such as what is used in the kicker) as an attempt to interest them even more as it is giving a preview of what they expect to read. Graphical Furniture - There is only one image included on the double page spread that relates to the article in anyway, which is the one of the rapper Nicki Minaj, this emphasizes the meaning of the feature as the readers can clearly identify which artist it is focused upon. It details the hardships Nicki has endured to get to the position she holds in this current day, and her words are presented in a numbered format as she explains the do’s and don’ts people should follow for a ‘perfect’ life on this earth. In the bottom right of the magazine the page number is printed beside the name of the music magazine, this helps the reader easily navigate the pages to find what they are looking for (i.e. this article from the contents page) and the recurring theme of placing the cover masthead on the article reinforces the idea they are copywriting this interview and that it will be present in no other rival companies product. Tone and Register - The tone of the article is done in a very casual sense, although we get the impression the writer isn’t addressing the reader directly, the layout its placed in with Nicki answering NME it feels as if the audience is in the room with them whilst its conducted so does include them in a sense. The kicker refers to Nicki Minaj as a deity or god as if what she says is commandments of the law, this may please some of her more mainstream followers who look up to her as an inspiration of her genre and time. The article focuses on how Nicki believes we should all live our lives, following a set of rules that will guarantee we avoid trouble and leaves us happy, incorporating some of her real life experiences she wants us to avoid. Basically describing how these helped her develop her music career and how anything is possible if we believe. She also describes how she wants to be an inspiration to the generation who listens to her music Images – This double page spread feature only includes one main image (of the rap artist Nicki Minaj) which has been blown up to large proportions, covering half of the right hand page and overflowing onto the adjoining page. The size indicates its overall importance and how relevant the music artist is to the article, it conveys the sense they are what it is focused upon therefore they deserve the recognition and for the audience to immediately be able to identify who the feature is revolving around. The shot is of Nicki Minaj a worldwide famous female rap artist, dressed in a typical ghetto costume (zebra prints, large, bold colorful jewelry) which is typically associated with her line of music, staring directly at the camera and therefore the reader to instantly gain their attention. The style of image selected is a close up shot of the facial expression and posture of the model, this signifies the photographer wanted to gain audience attraction through the way they have placed them. Nicki’ body language and emotions have a demanding, authorative look and this may be what appeals the reader to the feature, as if she is commanding them to look at her and therefore the interview. There is a constant pink and white color theme running throughout the spread, this relates heavily towards the artwork colors Nicki significantly chooses for her albums as many of them work with a recurring pink and black palette, the scheme used here relates directly to her and her music, identifying with her fans and other familiar with her line of work. The lighting of the image is under the normal expectations of what one would relate to as a studio shoot, you can clearly see who the artist is and the reader will be able to recognize who they are more easily. The makeup palette used on the artist Nicki is very heavy with much emphasis on her lips and eyes to give her a made up, dolled look. There are no additional props used in this article as everything is focused upon the artist. The images were clearly prepped and take in a studio based shoot with no added captions to the photo.
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  • 9. General Layout- There are several images included in this particular double paged spread, one blown up large central one that occupies most of the right hand page with three additional snap shots separated from the main attraction by a single column. The size of the center photo indicates its importance on the page and suggests this is probably the most significant article within this magazine. On the left hand page of the spread there are four text columns, spaced from each other by pull quotes and other major information to the audience (i.e. a table predicting how much the movie will gross in the box office), with the vast majority of the feature focusing upon the images taken directly from the movie. The text columns are placed halfway down the page to give room to the title and kicker. The overall color scheme revolves around basic shades of black and white.  Text Elements - The feature headline and the main body of text each incorporate the same bold, direct font style as one another, this connects them visually, identifying to the audience they are related and coincide so they will be able to see the idea they are related in context. The kicker has the same font as the text, although slightly less bolder in color, this may be because although it is important in gaining audience interest it still isn’t as attractive as the feature headline, however it does not contain the essential information of who wrote the article or who provided the images (in this case they were direct shots from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie and distributed by) All of the text is in the same black font, keeping with a very professional and sophisticated look to the article, as this is a review it should come across direct in nature and extremely formal, this way the writer get there opinions across more easily as they are meaning what they say and want that took on board before the audience sees this film. This movie article is very similar to a music as the way the text has been positioned indicates its relevant levels of importance, the higher it is the more major. The kicker is directly located underneath the feature headline as this is what the audience will be reading before the diverge into the article as a whole. Kicker’s are distributed to engage and attract the reader to continue looking at the spread by containing often witty information, therefore it is placed highest enough to enable it clearly visible to view. The font is very direct and mature, this is due to it being a movie review therefore the writer has deemed a professional mannerism so the audience will take the opinions disclosed seriously rather then mockingly. The color of the text is black adding a sleek established effect to the spread, as if a bright color palette had been incorporated then the reader may not take the nature of this review seriously and wouldn’t relate to the topic being discussed. This in turn conveys meaning as the audience will be able to immeditally relate to the serious tone and know the spread is about nothing but the movie review.  Tone and Register- The tone to the magazine is very formal, the writer addresses the reader more like a business partner, as if they are reverberating vital details that need to be taken seriously (in this case the opinions regarding the Pirates of the Carriibean movie) The kicker ‘Talk, lots of talk’ references to the chatty personality and his gossipy persona of the titular character Captain Jack Sparrow, fans of the other two films may find this funny.
  • 10. Graphical Furniture-There is one main image that references to the article with three smaller less significant shots accompnying it, this further adds to the meaning of the double page spread as the reader can easily identify what movie is being reviewed within the article. The article relates to one of the more recent Pirates of The Carribean movie franchise sequels ‘At Worlds End’, which the film critic is focusing upon. This article lacks in a magazine logo and at the bottom corner there is a page number so the reader can easily navigate their way throughout the magazine.