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Dating Online Essay
When navigating a dating app or website, searching and filtering tools allow daters to be more
selective when finding a partner online than offline. Many enter the experience prepared with a
desirable "shopping list'' of characteristics and qualities a potential partner must have. < source?
There is little opportunity to reveal information gradually and check for reciprocity along the way.
Instead, reciprocity is determined prior to any communication. Many potential partners who would
be given the opportunity of a first date in real life are automatically excluded from the list of search
results and never considered, due to characteristics that would not be shared until the first date, such
as smoking habits, quirky interests, or a desire ... Show more content on ...
We found that users consistently valued communication and characteristics such as personality or
kindness more than sexual attraction
Online dating functions best to the degree that it introduces people to potential partners they would
have been unlikely to encounter otherwise and facilitates a rapid transition to face–to–face
interaction, where the two people can get a clearer sense of their romantic potential. As online
dating evolves and matures, it seems likely that more and more of us will first encounter romantic
partners online.
Live interaction is a complex, multifaceted process with an essence that cannot be fully captured by
CMC (Computer Mediated Communication). In online dating, users are wise to engage in CMC
briefly to assess basic levels of romantic potential and then move rapidly to face–to–face
interactions. source
The way people view human interaction will determine whether they go online to seek relationships
or not. Jaron Lanier, a founder of the field of virtual reality, made a similar point about social
networking sites, describing them as dehumanizing and fostering shallow interactions and a "fakey–
fakey social life" (Kahn, 2011, p. 46). Relationships are most satisfying when partners adopt a
communal orientation, responding mutually to each other's needs and preferences (Clark et al.,
2010), rather than an exchange orientation, in which benefits and costs are assessed on an
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Passerby Individualism
In source one, the cartoonist shows the large pay gap between those who embrace collectivism and
those who are more for individualism. The classical liberal is shown to be more economically
successful than the modern liberal. Although each person in the collective of teachers receives one
two–hundredth of what the hockey player is paid in a year, they appear to be happy and more
upright than the hockey player. On the other hand, the hockey player is depicted as an 'all about me'
individual who is not as upright or put together as the teachers, thus the artist shows him slouching
and with missing teeth. This cartoon represents the capitalist world today and shows that classical
liberalism and the ideas of individualism supersede the opportunity ... Show more content on ...
The negatives of modern liberalism are shown in source two through Lanier's listing of all the
groups that have cast a shadow over the favorable aspects of modern liberalism. Contrarily, source
one highlights the positive influence the collective has on society, by representing modern liberalism
with teachers – a vital point in shaping the future. Additionally, source one disproves the ideas that
modern liberalism is predominantly evil in that it shows a collective of teachers, who are the driving
force in preparing children to be the future generation. In the same way, source one and three differ
in that the hockey player in source one is more successful than the collective of teacher and the
individual in source three cannot even stand on his own two feet. Despite the many differences in
these sources, the second and third source share the idea that the individual asking for help in the
second source is turning to the collective and is being drawn back to the 'mob'/collective proving
human tendency to drift towards the values of modern
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Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?
Social media has connected us in unimaginable ways, and introduced us to a world much larger than
our humble backyards. Nowadays, nearly everyone has a Facebook, an Instagram, or a Twitter
account. Grandparents, teenagers, children, and even some pets are a part of one social network or
another. While websites like Facebook are great for sharing pictures, stories, and interests, but they
are also capable of raising awareness about important issues that may have been overlooked.
Recently, the overuse of Facebook was thought to promote negative psychology well–being,
including depression and loneliness. It 's safe to say that the world has become hopelessly addicted
to social media. Plenty of people can 't make it through the day or in extreme cases a few hours
without popping on their computers or scrolling through their smart phones to check the newsfeed
on Facebook. As Stephen Marche says in his article, "Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?", Facebook
makes us miserable and lonely. In fact, even though there is evidence showing that we 're more
detached or lonely than ever because given Facebook is about social relationships; however, the site
also offers an extraordinary number of ways to connect with others. This is just a taste of what
Facebook can do, and with a huge number of people utilizing them, its possibilities are only
growing. Facebook does not replace real human relationship or create loneliness, but it does not
exterminate it either. It all depends on ones usage.
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Artificial Intelligence Frankenstein
When someone brings up the term "artificial intelligence", a variety of connotations tend to arise,
connotations that often are unfair or unrepresentative of the true real–world applications of such a
term. Due to the incidentally fear–mongering nature of the media, artificial intelligence can refer to
something as basic as a robotic arm in a factory, as well as the implied extinction and/or
enslavement of the human race as caused by robo–revolution. As of today, however, when applied in
the world of modern technology, artificial intelligence is defined as any innovation that performs a
task usually completed by humans. Of course, with this definition, artificial intelligence holds the
potential for both societal harm and benefit, and its fate ... Show more content on ...
Only recently has the topic arisen in its modern interpretation, but mankind has long pondered over
the possibility of automation. For centuries, scientists, authors, and philosophers have discussed the
potential creation of automatons, or automated machines, as well as the possibility that the processes
of the human mind are mechanical, and could perhaps be replicated artificially. In his 1748
materialist work titled L'Homme Machine, or "Man a Machine", philosopher Julien Offray de La
Mettrie describes "that thought seems to be a property of matter, like electricity, power to move,
impenetrability, extension, etc" (de La Mettrie 30). De La Mettrie negated the ideals of Descartes,
who had previously stated that the functions of the mind were of a different nature. This new way of
thinking helped to get the scientific ball rolling for the future creation of intelligent machinery. For
the majority of history, such matters would be considered supernatural or simply out of the realm of
foreseeable scientific accomplishment, in that they were merely works of fiction and such
technology was too far out of reach. However, with the development of computer technologies in
the 1900's, suddenly the sky became the limit. With the help of computers, new innovations quickly
advanced the technology industry, allowing for much more efficient
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Virtual Reality as Jaron Lanier Envisioned It.
VR Essay
2. Virtual Reality as Lanier envisioned it has not eventuated, yet the desires he articulated live on.
To discuss Lanier's keen views and anticipations regarding Virtual Reality back in the mid 1980s, it
would be useful to first cover exactly how far Virtual Reality has progressed up until today. This
essay will begin by discussing the history of Virtual Reality and the usage trends. That discussion
will then be used to preface a discussion about Lanier's views that were expressed in A Vintage
Virtual Reality Interview. The essay will then finish off by looking at particularly interesting views
held by some of today's futurists and these views will be related back to Lanier's original exuberant
view of Virtual ... Show more content on ...
This vision then guided nearly every successive development in the field of Virtual Reality.
Sutherland's concept featured: * A virtual world that appears real to any observer, seen through an
HMD and augmented through three–dimensional sound and tactile stimuli * A computer that
maintains the world model in real time * The ability for users to manipulate virtual objects in a
realistic, intuitive way
In 1966, Sutherland then went forth and built an HMD that was connected to a computer system. All
the graphics were created by the computer system and the HMD could also display images in stereo,
giving the illusion of depth.
The HMD could even track the user's head movements so that the field of view would change
appropriately as the user looked around.
Once the technology had been developed to a point where it could actually be utilized, VR was
often seen as more of a tool than a new method of entertainment. The technology was fine–tuned
and then used in flight simulators during the 70s to train pilots before they got into a real plane. The
technology then made its way to the entertainment industry during the video–game boom of the 80s.
Since its inception, Virtual Reality technology has found a wide range of uses in very unpredictable
ways. The military, the space program, medical students and even driving schools use virtual
training environments that take place in a version of Virtual Reality.
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Quotes From Tom's Guide
Virtual Reality was an invention that revolutionized the world of entertainment. So basically, here
are 3 quotes from Tom's Guide. First one is "What was once the stuff of Hollywood fantasy has now
become reality." So virtual reality made everything that was only real in movies reality. The second
quote is "With its high refresh rate and low latency, most people shouldn't experience motion
sickness in theory." What it is saying is that you won't get motion sickness from playing on a VR
system. The final quote from Tom's guide is "Filmmakers have begun to experiment with the Oculus
Rift to make an audience member feel like he or she is part of the film." Basically, the Oculus Rift
virtual reality headset will not just do games, but also TV shows and movies once they are able to.
In conclusion, virtual reality can be very helpful for most kinds of entertainment.
Virtual Reality can also make you feel like you're inside a video game, and here are some quotes
from the website named Wired to prove it. First quote is "This is the first time that we've succeeded
in ... Show more content on ...
First quote is "A patient wears a virtual–reality headset during a therapy session." That means
virtual reality is being used for therapy. 2nd quote is "Technology that immerses users in artificial,
but strikingly realistic, experiences is poised to move beyond flight simulators and other specialized
training applications into games, health care, education and mental health therapy, to name a few
uses." Those are more uses to virtual reality, and one I said in an earlier quote. The final quote for
this thing is "Programmers can now create an array of lifelike sensations: flying like a bird, fighting
off predators, riding a roller coaster or climbing a mountain." This is why it is called "virtual
reality." It can simulate almost anything so far. In conclusion for this paragraph, those are some
more purposes for
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The Circle Eggers
Circle by Dave Eggers
"The Circle" is an American novel that was written by Dave Eggers and was published in the year
2013. It is a book of fiction and is the author's tenth publication (Eggers 12). The novel is about a
lady by the name Mae Holland who is employed by an internet company that is flourishing well and
has high rewards. However, with time and as she continues to work there systems and things begin
to fall apart and the success story begins to diminish (Eggers 19). The major theme of the book is
the ability to handle and manage the right to independence and self governance of understanding
and elucidation over a person's life in the future (Eggers 49).
Text to self The novel "the circle" is a depiction of the day to day life of an individual. From the
incidence of how Mae got a job to the rest of the scenes in the book show a person having a daily
routine of life (Eggers 112). However, it is important to note that the book is a string of ideas that
mainly concern the social edifice and deconstruction of privacy. Privacy can either be termed to be
personal or corporate but has effects to either of them. This therefore means that something that is
held to be private can be explained to be that which is disclosed. For instance the fact Mae kept her
health condition to be private had its own repercussions (Eggers 199). Therefore, as human beings,
we ought to live an open life and not everything can be termed to ... Show more content on ...
There are several similarities between "the circle" by Dave Eggers and "You are not a gadget" by
Jaron Lanier. Although the book by Jaron is non fiction, they both speak of the effects of digitalized
utopianism on a daily life of an individual. In both books the aspect of internet is explained at large
and also spells out the dangers of living online and the impossibility of measuring
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Persuasive Essay On Virtual Reality
Virtual reality is such a cool concept in technology. It's something that a lot of people are at the very
least intrigued by. Maybe not something that they think about or look up on a daily basis, but
something that they may keep an eye on. I mean Google has sold over 5 million Google cardboards
and has shipped over 10 million of them. For those that don't know what Google cardboard is, it's a
virtual reality platform that Google made ( a cardboard headset) that you put on your head that you
use in conjunction with your smart phone that can give you a virtual reality like experience. What
you do is download some compatible apps, put your smart into the Google cardboard. Put it on your
head and have some fun. I'm very interested in virtual reality and what the future holds for it.
Especially being a person who loves to play video games. I haven't gotten a chance to get my hands
on a Playstation VR yet, but at some point I would love to try it out. Playstation VR for those that
don't know is Sony's virtual reality device that you use with a Playstion 4. Playstaion has over 100
compatible games with the Playstaion VR and that just amazes me because it just released back in
October of 2016.
Also there was an anime (a Japanese cartoon) that came out a few years back called "sword art
online" that peaked my interest in virtual reality. Sword art online is set in the near future and
focuses on various virtual reality MMORPG's (Massively Multiplayer Online Role playing games).
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Nothing Comes Of Nothing Book Review
This is a curious book; a text that in its physical production – its writing, its publication and possibly
even its reception – says much more than its actual words disclose. Which is not to say those words
are badly written or otherwise lacking. Laurence Scott has set himself the formidable task of
registering the impact of the new digital technologies on our cognition, our perception and our
emotions; in short, our phenomenology in its broadest sense. Other pundits take on the political,
economic and social changes occasioned by the world wide web and the internet – Scott busies
himself with the existential ones. The four–dimensional humans of the book's title are our wired
selves, compelled increasingly to inhabit an environment in which ... Show more content on ...
form. Unlike Bob Dylan's Mr Jones, Scott sees there is something going on here but he has a fairly
good idea of what it is: a sinister lock–step between humanity's technological "advance" and its
compulsive shitting in its own nest. He tries to stave off what he terms "the Demon of Melodramatic
Prophesies" which can bedevil writing about the present, yet having already identified as intrinsic to
virtual existence a collapsing of the future and the past into a permanently digitised "now", he can't
avoid the doomsday intersection of human connectivity and environmental
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The Importance Of Drinking Water In Georgia
Water plays a vital role in everyday life, from quenching your thirst on a hot summer day, to being
one of the main ingredient of life in all aspects on earth.
Recently, Georgia has been under a severe water drought. Lake Lanier in Georgia, which is a major
supply of drinking water to its state, and neighboring states Alabama, and Florida; has been at its
lowest in years. Georgia's drought is certainly due to the lack of precipitation; therefore, creating
water levels to decline more rapidly as time progresses. The state has now asked its homeowners to
monitor their water usage, which includes watering lawns, washing cars, and other outside water
As a resident of Duluth Georgia, which is located approximately twenty miles north ... Show more
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Georgia's farm life are taking a direct punch from this crisis. In article, "Newton farmers struggling
to produce in the midst of drought", I've thought how farmers are dealing with this current drought
situation? Since Georgia is known as the "Peach State", as one of its famous nickname. Well,
farmers in Newton County, Georgia are definitely feeling the effects with "corn yields in the county
are half of what they were last year, and soybeans – barely a quarter of last year's output"(Rimal, G
2016). According to farmers, the lack of rain has a ripple effect from not only damages it has on the
crops and livestock; 1 but the lively hood of farmers, and their families. Farmers speaks about an
abundance of armyworms, that if there is "any remaining green grass or hay left, armyworms will
easily devour them" (Rimal, G 2016). Therefore, knowing how vital water is, farmers in Newton
County Georgia, are continuing to remain optimistic in hopes next season will be
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Microsoft Vs. Microsoft : A Comparison Between Microsoft...
Martin Nichols
McSweeney, Kristina
ENGL 1013
Microsoft and Apple Microsoft and Apple are two well–known technology corporations, with
billions of dollars of earnings between them." The most important thing about a technology is how it
changes people". JARON LANIER, You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto. Microsoft and Apple
revolutionized how people view computers. Before these company's existed computers did not even
have screens, only complex outputs on long sheets of paper. Computers that are used today would
not exist if it were not for these two corporations. Microsoft and Apple are two very large business
with many similar technologies, but have very different upbringings and overall view of technology
Microsoft was founded on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. The company was strictly
based on microprocessors (a circuit used in computing) and software at the time. As their new "MS–
DOS" OS (Operating System) gained popularity with several technology companies such as IBM,
Gates and Allen moved their focus to new OS's. 1985 was the start of the OS we all know and love,
Windows. Windows was the first main stream OS to have a GUI (Graphical User Interface) that was
easy to use with no prior knowledge of command line. After Microsoft sales skyrocketed they went
on to create new products used every day by millions of people. These products vary from the Xbox
to Bing with hundreds of products in–between. Apple (Microsoft's most famous competitor) was
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Persuasive Essay Technology
Google – Technology Essay Technology has become inescapable. Whether you're in a store, at
school, or even at church, there's technology all around you being used in many different ways. It's
changed the way we live our everyday lives, whether we notice it or not. Technology is used to
check you out at the grocery store, it allows you to pass in your assignment at eleven fifty–nine the
night before it's due, it even has given our soldiers the ability to walk again, but do these good
impacts overshadow our ability to see its negative impacts? And if the good truly does overshadow
the bad, is that okay? On a personal level, technology has affected my own life by helping me
maintain relationships, possibly hindering my reading ability, and by becoming a necessity for
everyday life. It's become infectious, not only for me, but for the majority of its users. The question
is though, is this constant use really hurting us, and if so, are we ready to stop it? Technology,
specifically the internet and social media networks, has allowed us to connect with people from
anywhere, whenever we want. This ability to connect has allowed me to maintain relationships that I
might not have been able to maintain otherwise. As I have moved around the state several times
during the entirety of my childhood, I don't see the people I want to as much as I wish. The clashing
of schedules makes it hard to keep in touch, let alone having a family and adding their schedules on
top of it all. I, like
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The Life of Aemelia Lanyer
It was said that she was the best poet of her time and during her career. Aemelia Lanyer sought out
to prove just that. Aemelia was a strong minded woman who stood for equality. She stressed her
need for woman to be heard. Using her work for the women of many generations, she proved that
they were just as important to society as men. Aemelia inspired women to play their roles in society.
She was an inspiration to some, an alter ego to others, and a hero to many. She was strong, bold, and
outspoken when it came to her personal opinions. Aemelia Lanyer, also known as Emilia Bassano
birthdate is not certain, but sources say that she was baptized on January 27, 1569 in London. She
was born into a big family of Jews. Her parents were Baptist Bassano, who was a court musician,
and Margaret Johnson. Margaret was his common law wife which means they were only married in
their eyes. At the age of 7, her father died. After his death, she started to get royal access to
Elizabethan court circles. She spent some of her early years in the household of Susan Bertie,
Countess of Kent. Another tragic death happen when Aemilia became eighteen. After her mother
died, she began spiraling out of control. While Aemilia was in the Elizabethan court circles, she met
Henry Carey, first Lord Hunsdon, Queen Elizabeth's lord chamberlain. Though forty–five years her
senior, she became his mistress for several years. During her affair, she became married to Alphonso
Lanyer, her first cousin,
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Anonymity On The Internet
Anonymity on The Internet With the internet's popularity rapidly growing, anonymous
communication between people has become easier than ever. Anonymous communication can
include setting up fake social media pages, creating webpages, or even just chatting on online chat
sites. Although anonymity may not be a new thing, the internet's popularity has increased the ease at
which someone can become anonymous. In recent discussions of anonymity on the internet, a
controversial issue has been whether or not anonymity is dangerous to society. On one hand,
individuals like Jaron Lanier disagree with the idea of anonymity. Jaron Lanier, author of You Are
Not a Gadget, believes that anonymity only brings out the worst in people. Because anonymity
allows users to exist without proving their identity, it makes it near impossible to tell a troll from a
real person allowing users to get away with saying and doing just about anything. This has resulted
in an increase in leaked personal information, cyber bullying, security problems, online transactions
problems, and the list continues. On the other hand, individuals argue that anonymity allows, and
often encourages, people express their thoughts and ideas (freedom of speech) due to the privacy
provided by the internet. Individuals are more likely to voice their opinion (in a non–negative way),
seek advice, or even look up personal information if they are not judged like they would be in
person all because there is no name behind what they
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The Importance Of Virtual Reality
With the development and evolution of humanity, people need to be prepared for the major
technological changes that will take place. Virtual reality or VR, is one of the biggest tech
developments we've seen in recent years that is forcing the public to question reality. Consumers
from all over the world are flocking to the shelves to buy these newly affordable VR products that
take them to new worlds and adventures. It is argued whether or not these products will have a
dramatic impact on the world or just be another new technology that eventually is swept under the
rug, but people are already making steps to push for a reality that includes VR products. By putting
on a VR headset, this new generation's virtual pioneers can experience ... Show more content on ...
One of the leading virtual reality website (Virtual Reality Society) founded in 1984 by
Jaron Lanier, who is often regarded as the person who coined the term virtual reality claims that
"Early forms of virtual reality included blocky looking graphics and crude renderings which did not
take long to produce but would not meet today's ever increasing demands. People want faster,
smoother and lifelike scenarios which make greater demands on processing speed, memory and
rendering time." The experiences of VR users back in the 90's is nothing compared to the 3d
rendering and development of present day. Now since the demand is higher and price lower we can
start seeing some of the effects on the users. The long term effects are also still being tested, but
many of them are starting to be uncovered. The effects relation is more physical than mental and is
usually due to eye strain (which causes problems with motion sickness). They are calling this effect
"cybersickness" and it's different for everyone. The main effects a user might feel due to
"cybersickness" are headaches, nausea, etc. Age, balance, health, all influence the effects and it is
completely different for everyone. Another problem people are facing is the factor of time. It takes
time to develop these virtual reality worlds and the user can sometimes get lost in time and not
realize how much has gone by. With more knowledge and tests the consumer can find their
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Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?
Social media has connected us in ways we never imagined, and also introduced us to a world much
larger than our humble backyards. Nowadays, nearly everyone has a Facebook, an Instagram, or a
Twitter account. Grandparents, teenagers, children, and even some pets are a part of one social
network or another. Websites like Facebook are great for sharing pictures, stories, and interests, but
they are also capable of raising awareness about important issues that may have been overlooked
before. Recently, the overused of Facebook was thought to promote negative psychology well–
being, including depression and loneliness. It 's safe to say that the world has become hopelessly
addicted to social media. Plenty of people can 't make it through the day or in extreme cases a few
hours without popping on their computers or scrolling through their smart phones to check the
newsfeed on Facebook. As Stephen Marche says in his article, "Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?,"
Facebook makes us miserable and creates loneliness. In fact, even though there are some evidences
showed that we 're more detached or lonely than ever because given Facebook is about social
relationships; however, the site also offers an extraordinary vast number of ways to connect with
others. This is just a taste of what Facebook can do, and with a huge number of people utilizing
them, its possibilities are only growing. To be brief, Facebook does not replace real human
relationship or create loneliness, but it does not
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Gadget: Computer and Academic Performance
#9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City
Gadgets Obsession and Academic Performance
Of High School Students
Submitted by :
Go, JolinaQ.
Colintava, Lanimarie
Dizon, Mark Lean
Salvador, Angel G.
Chapter 1
Gadget refers to any electronic device that has specific functions like voice recording, music
playing, surveillance, video playing, photos displaying, etc. The advantage here is that because of its
mobility, it can help you lessen the time you consume in your work load.
Most school systems have technology standards that all students must attain at various points
throughout their education. Education standards are guidelines that define the knowledge and ...
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Gadgets compile many products in one. But over using them tends to change its usefulness to
destruction, therefore users who are experiencing addiction to gadgets seems to be more noticeable
as it greatly affects their psychological ability and of course their social interaction that is why we
made this study to figure out, how gadgets dramatically affects the performance of the students.
This study aims to know the effect of obsession to the academic performance of High School
students. Specifically this study seeks to answer the following question:
This study specifically answers the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1Gender
1.2 Economical Status
2. What are the different gadgets being obsessed by the students?
3. What is the activity you mostly do in your gadget
4. How do gadgets affect their everyday life?
5. Is there a significant relationship between the students obsession of the different gadgets in their
overall performance?
6. How may the results of the study be utilized to enhance the academic performance of the
This research is with great significance to the readers because life generally demands, challenging,
fast phasing and unstoppable because of continuous evolution of technology and its consequences.
For students to serve
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Interactivity In Art Essay
Interactivity In Art
This essay examines the nature of interactivity in the arts through a cybernetic model, to arrive at an
understanding of how interactive artworks can maintain and augment the subjectivity of the viewer.
The cybernetic discourse foregrounds the relationship between the physical artifact (machine and/or
work of art), the participant/spectator, and information/data/content. By examining the shifts in
focus from each part of the cybernetic equation, several models for interactivity in art emerge. In a
search for a definitive and user–centered working model of interactivity in the arts, a logical place to
look is at the history of cybernetics. Cybernetics, defined by Norbert Wiener in ... Show more
content on ...
My object in writing is to examine interactivity in art from a local, personal point of view as an
artist involved in the design and production of interactive immersive virtual environments, and to
subsequently seek the construction, through historical and philosophical bricollage, of a model for
the conceptualization and actualization of consequent works of art. To this end, my attention will
finally turn to an evolving collaborative project that is constructing a low–budget, user–centered
model for the creation of an immersive virtual environment/augmented reality called "The Dance of
the Body w/o Organs".
According to the discourse surrounding interactive art, the art object is no longer static, no longer an
object of contemplation, but a dynamic, responsive engine able to tailor its construction and
outcome to the unique dataset of choices for each individual that enters its input field.
Often in my experience of interactive artworks, my physical action or signifying; that is, pushing a
button, triggering a sensor, etc; seems only related to the consequence or signification of my action
in a purely literal way, that is, push button, something occurs. Frequently I wonder what, on a less
obvious level, is the relationship between the trigger and the triggered? What if the
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The Excerpt From You Are Not A Gadget Summary
The Excerpt from You Are Not a Gadget was written by Jaron Lanier and published in the 2010 in
New York by Vintage Books. The author Jaron Lanier writes the excerpt raising awareness to how
technology changes people and how technology is helping the spread of fragmentary among the
people of the world. In the Excerpt Lanier is investigating the affects technology has on society.
Lanier is also investigating how communication and the perception of reality are being altered by
the technology. His argument in the excerpt is that the sense and practice of fragmentary that
technology has brought to the world and society is not normal. Lanier is raising the awareness that
practice of fragmentary has gone too far and is now almost defining the people of the world. His
persuasion in the excerpt is using the information from a Stanford University researcher to help the
readers understand how technology actually affects society's perceptions and people's ... Show more
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I am a proud user of technology and I love how easily it allows me to connect to people all across
the world. The text in my opinion didn't have any effect on what I think about technology. But I do
think that the excerpt is definitely relevant and important to our culture at this day in time because
technology has gotten to the point where it is now being incorporated into everything around us. As
we talked about a lot in class this term I definitely think technology is becoming a monster that is
consuming the lives of people everywhere.
If I was writing an article like the one Lanier wrote about this topic my argument would be
completely opposite. It would be completely pro–technology. I would talk about how the invention
of the many electronics of use today and how they are such a convenience in making our lives
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The Internet and User Content Essay
In the January 18th, 2012 New York Times article "The False Ideals of the Web", Jaron Lanier
attempts to take a very difficult issue – one that many view in terms of black or white – and find
some middle ground. Unfortunately, what he ends up doing in the article is create an either/or
situation, rather than find any middle ground. In the end we are left in the same situation that we
started with. In the first paragraph, Jaron appeals to the pathos of the reader; he assumes that the
reader is of the generation that has grown up in the digital age, thus they would agree that the most
important aspect of the internet is the people who contribute to it. However, there is no reason to
ever assume that. Some people may actually believe that ... Show more content on
He assumes that the reader will accept his word that the legislation deals with this issue using the
mentioned method. In a way, this can be considered a bandwagon fallacy, in that we're supposed to
accept that because he and his colleagues think the bill uses draconion methods, it does in fact use
them. Without support for this statement, there is no reason to ever believe what the author has said.
In addition, the author appeals to the readers' ethos, as well as an appeal to authority, in that we're
expected to accept the opinions of these people, simply because the author says we should. The
author then goes on to state, "Those rare tech companies that have come out in support of SOPA are
not merely criticized but barred from industry events and subject to boycotts. We, the keepers of the
flame of free speech, are banishing people for their speech. The result is a chilling atmosphere, with
people afraid to speak their minds." It's hard to see, but this is definitely a fallacy of equivocation.
The author is comparing the corporations who wish to make it illegal to upload user content if it
contains anything they have made. Under this model, electronic musicians would not be allowed to
make the music they make, simply because they use samples from other artists. Under this model,
Apple would not be allowed to distribute their operating system, simply because they have used
code from FreeBSD.
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The Tri State Water War
Tri–State Water War
Nathan A. Smith
Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Thesis: Georgia should be able to continue their withdrawals from Lake Lanier and the water basins
because of their water supply needs for irrigating its crops in the south, flood control, and sustaining
its rapidly growing population in the metro Atlanta area.
Epa, U. (2013). Georgia: Upper Apalachicola–Chattahoochee–Flint River Basin, (2). Retrieved
December 7, 2014, from In the
past, Georgia has experienced several droughts that impacted Georgia economically and politically.
Because of this, states and counties downstream have been harmed ... Show more content on ...
Lund, N. (n.d.). Georgia Battles Back in Tri–State Water Wars. Retrieved December 7, 2014, from Lake Lanier is a
large reservoir that serves many purposes including the following: flood control, power generation,
recreation, water supply, and water storage. The US Army Corps of Engineers allowed Georgia to
withdraw water from Lake Lanier. However, Alabama and Florida filed a lawsuit against the Corps
due to the fact that Georgia was withdrawing water from Lake Lanier which decreased the
downstream levels. In the 2009 ruling, Georgia as increased their withdraw amount to the point
exceeding WSA which affected the hydropower generation. In the 11th circuit Appeal, Georgians
were given hope in an increase in withdraws from Lake Lanier, but in the end, the Corps repudiated
Georgia's request. However, there was a problem with the law so the Corps is reevaluating Georgia's
request. Georgia has responsibility issues between water storage and hydropower generation.
Alabama, Florida, and Georgia will wait for the Corps decision on the case before they do anything
else. This source is useful because it gives detail at the time the Buford dam was created, the 2009
ruling, and the 11th Circuit Appeal. Compared to the other sources, this source details out the
specifics of the purpose of the dam and how
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Technology And Technology Essay
The human brain is one of the most complex brains among all living creatures. The amount of work
it does is off the scales. It can think, retain memories, understand language, create words, see, hear,
learn new things, feel and so much more. Within the last few decades, a question has arose. Has
technology affected the way our brains think? In the essays " Is Google Making Us Stupid" by
Nicholas Carr, and " Technophilia" by Kevin Kelley, these men dive into the idea of how technology
has altered our brains, forever. Technophilia, or the love of technology, is the theme of Kelleys
essay. He plunges into how technology has made our lives so much better. He admits that he is a
technophiliac, "I am one of them. I am no longer embarrassed to admit that I love the internet. Or
maybe it's the web. Whatever you want to call the place we go to while we are online, I think it is
beautiful" (Kelley 5). I too love technology. It has made my life so much easier in so many ways. I
am able to pursue my college career from my bed. From my computer I can write essays, look up
directions, update my social media, play games– all while taking a selfie on photo booth. Instead of
going downstairs and getting myself a drink, I can direct message my boyfriend and ask him to get
me one. Can you imagine our grandparents doing this? Texting each other from different rooms
asking for things instead of just walking and talking to one another. This may be why our
grandparents rarely ever got
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Online Higher Education 's Individualist Fallacy Essay
Have you ever wondered what the best college learning method for a working adult is online or
campus? If working adults took online courses they can do their work anywhere there is an internet
connection however they have to ask themselves; would I get the same or better education I could if
I was sitting in a classroom? In a classroom setting they would get the interaction with fellow
classmates and the professor who all come from different places in their lives. If the working adult
had a question or did not understand they would get the results right away, on the other hand, if the
student is learning online they have to wait for their professor. The response time for their email to
be read and returned will not be there when it's fresh in the student's mind. If one is planning on
going to college as a working adult, he or she should consider the value of taking the time and
attend classes on campus. In the article titled "Online Higher Education's Individualist Fallacy"
written by Johann N. Neem was about the "Individualist Fallacy" which is ecological studies and
instrumental variables. Some boosters think the traditional campus is going to be displaced (102).
Richard Vedder believes that campus is only good for "making friends, partying, drinking, and
having sex" (103). While others like Jaron Lanier; a computer scientist, said that "computers exist to
support human endeavors" (104). Bill Gates thinks that in five years the best lectures in the world
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The Ethics of Crowdsourcing
Stephanie Lee
Ethics of Crowdsourcing
'Crowdsourcing'; Innovation or Exploitation?
Crowdsourcing is the concept of mass collaboration of external outsourced tasks typically from an
institution to its community (Howe, 2005). This paper explores the two sides of crowd sourcing;
whether this net–enabled community collaboration is accelerating innovation or exploiting the
laborers with menial tasks of little to no benefit through an analysis of Soylent, one of the latest
innovations in crowd sourcing using John Rawls' Theory of Justice, the Veil of Ignorance, I aim to
demonstrate how can we all benefit from crowdsourcing and harness the true power of collective
intelligence and mass collaboration just by maintaining a fine ... Show more content on ...
In 1714, the British Government was stuck for a solution to what they called "The Longitude
Problem" which made sailing difficult and deadly (killing 1,000s of seamen every year) (Thomas,
2011). Inaccurate Longitude charts were causing sailors to be lost at sea, and in some cases people
starved. Seeking innovation, the British Government offered £20,000 for people to invent a solution
(£20,000 in 1714 is around $4.7 million dollars in 2010) (Thomas, 2011). Innovative scientists and
sailors came together to formulate information that is more accurate. This is possibly the first ever
example of crowdsourcing; thus, solving the problems for many sailors. The contest was considered
unsolvable by many. John Harrison, the son of a carpenter, won the Longitude contest. Harrison
invented the 'marine chronometer' (i.e. an accurate, vacuum–sealed pocket watch) (Thomas, 2011).
His knowledge and brilliance helped solve navigation in the 1700's. The aristocrats were hesitant to
award Harrison the prize but eventually paid him the £20,000 (Thomas, 2011). This example of
crowdsourcing is a great one because it highlights one of the principles of crowdsourcing –
innovation and creativity can come from anywhere (Thomas, 2011). In the early 18th century, being
able to navigate accurately was the difference of returning home or not. Getting lost on a
transoceanic voyage did not just mean that a competing nation could
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Essay on Augmented Reality and The Future of Multimedia
What does "augmented reality" means? AR is the acronym for augmented reality. A rough definition
of augmented is to maximize or change to a higher extent. Augmented reality, which is a type of
virtual reality, basically means that the real–world environments are duplicated in a computer. A
combination of reality and virtual scenes, created a composited view for the end–user which are
generated by the computer. The computer with augmented reality system augments the real–world
view or scene with additional information. The design of the virtual scene created by the computer
is to improve the sensory perception of the user of the virtual world that they are interacting with or
seeing. A system in which a user cannot ... Show more content on ...
He is also responsible in popularizing the phrase "Virtual Reality". Just a year later, the phrase
"Augmented Reality" (AR) was phrased out by Tom Caudell while he was at Boeing, helping
workers assemble cables into aircrafts.
In 1992, one the first fully–working AR system called VIRTUAL FIXTURES was developed. It was
developed by L.B. Rosenberg at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory in Armstrong and
demonstrated benefits to the performance of human. In the same year, the Graphics Interface
conference witnessed the first major paper on an AR prototype, KARMA, presented by Blair
MacIntyre, Doree Seligmann and Steven Feiner. In 1993, another version of the paper, a widely–
cited version is published in Communications of the ACM.
With sponsorship from STRICOM, Loral WDL performed the very first demonstration that manned
simulators and live AR–equiped vehicle, also in 1993. In 1994, funded by the Australia Council for
the Arts, Julie Martin creates the first 'Augmented Reality production' entitled Dancing in
Cyberspace. It features dancers and acrobats interacting and manipulating with virtual object in the
size of a body in real time. The virtual object is projected into the same physical space and
performance plane of the performers and they appeared immersed within the virtual environments
and object. Polhemus sensing system and Silicon Graphics computers are used in the settings and
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Invisible Workers In The Simpsons
America has had large expanses in technology: from the invention of the iPhone, which
revolutionized how the cell phone was viewed and used, to websites like eBay and Amazon that are
able to give quick easy access to whatever item that person so desires on that given day. But when
an individual is purchasing an iPhone 5 or using one of these shopping websites, they rarely think
about the person who work to build those iPhones or ship out those items. These "Invisible
Workers", those who work behind the scenes, rarely get the credit or the respect they deserve and
are often mistreated and abused because of it. Because of society's natural desire to consume,
businesses have the ability to treat any of their workers unfairly and allows for the ... Show more
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Because of the fear to unionize or the fear of fighting back at all, the continued cycle of abuse does
tend to continue due to inaction. But does this solely lie on the backs of the workers? In the case of
overseas workers, they work hours on end in horrid conditions, their children sometimes working
alongside them in order to even come close to making ends meet and it comes short even then.
Anything they do can risk their job and any tiny mistake ruining the rest of their lives in this
oppressed environment. So yes, out of fear workers do not tend to fight back but this out of
necessity to protect their families from losing what in most cases is their only source of income. In
the case of American society, the workers are hidden behind technology where consumers
automatically assume everything is done by "computers". Though American workers are treated
better, they still have to contend with being replaced by machines and worry about companies
taking their jobs away. While it can be said that this is due to the advancement of technology, there
is no compensation whatsoever for the worker when he or she is inevitably replaced. They are
forced out, without any regard for their families or their
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Marty Mcfly: Back To The Future
1989, the year Marty McFly went Back to the Future to 2015 and gave us a glimpse of what
technology held for us. Well, here we are in 2015 and some predictions were right, others not so
much. With these new technologies came consequences, consequences that even Doc Brown could
not predict. Technological advances have obvious benefits, for example better security devices to
keep people safe or medical advances that prolong lives and combat illness; however, these
technologies can also have what is referred to as unintended consequences, those less obvious
outcomes that cannot be seen during the initial onset of a technological advance such as creating
power struggles and unduly influencing society. It is those consequences that appear after ... Show
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When Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "the medium is the message" back in 1967, we were
facing a very different society than we are today. His focus was of course on the mediums of the
time: radio, newsprint and television. Mark Federman, a Chief Strategist for the McLuhan Program
in Culture and Technology asserts in his article, What is the Meaning of the Medium is the
Message? (2004), McLuhan was not speaking directly about the medium itself. His thought process
went to a deeper level. Federman "note[s] that it is not the content or use of innovation, but the
change in inter–personal dynamics that the innovation brings with it" that is the issue. In a world
that we can now access hundreds of thousands of bits of information in milliseconds, we can
certainly see a shift in media influence. Today we can actually watch events as they unfold, whether
they are events for a greater good or events of horrific acts of terrorism, technology has enabled
society to be omnipresent. Melody Thompson (2011) refers to Jaron Lanier in discussing how
technology shapes our relationship to itself. She notes that Lanier believes technology imposes on
us its own viewpoint and that shapes our decisions. In a world where we live with a 24 hour news
cycle and news stations that can skew their reporting to send the message they want their viewers to
hear, it is quite prophetic when Lanier states "it
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Summary of Prevail and Transcend Scenario in Radical...
Summary of Prevail and Transcend Scenario In chapter six of Radical Evolution, author Joel
Garreau shows through various interviews and examples that even though technology may be rising
on an exponentially increasing Curve, humans may still be able to change the effects of
technological advance in unpredictable ways. Deemed the Prevail scenario, it is also characterized
by humans slowing down once–viewed inevitable change viewed as negative and speeding up
positive change. Another great theme of the Prevail Scenario is its idea that technological advance
will enable humans to acquire a better understanding of their society and nature. In addition to
discussing the Prevail scenario, Garreau also discusses the possible change humans ... Show more
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Garreau emphasizes this scenario by quoting Faulkner's famous saying that "man will prevail
'because he has a soul, a spirit capable of passion and sacrifice and endurance'" (qtd. in 209). Gareau
expands on the concept of the development of human nature in the chapter seven. Through a series
of interviews and examples, Garreau attempts to explain and clarify what it means for humans to
transcend and how technological advance will have an impact on that transcendence. Garreau starts
out the chapter with an explanation that throughout human history, humans have been changing and
evolving, with examples such as fire and writing. Then, Garreau describes the way human nature is
being changed: "Even the least educated among us is not raised by wolves, feral and wild. He grows
up shaped by contemporary humans who own television, who have been shaped by modern society"
(237). This quote further suggests that human nature may be impacted the advancing GRIN
technologies. To examine this possibility, Garreau interviewed Nick Bostrom, co–founder of the
World Transhumanist Association. Bostrom shows his agreement with human transcendence by
asserting that "Technological progress makes it harder for people to ignore the fact that we might
actually change the human nature" (qtd. in Garreau, 242). Garreau also brings up the topic of civil
disruption from such enhancement. As discussed in the
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The Nsa Had Committed 2776 Violations
Maria Sanchez
Professor Thrasher
English 100
October 17, 2014
Final Rough Draft In 2012, people discovered that the NSA had committed 2,776 violations to the
law. The NSA was mainly spying on other countries while those other countries were spying on the
United States.The U.S. government tried to explain why they did those infractions with the excuse
that they were unintentional. The court ruled it as unconstitutional. As of now, the United States has
collected every single piece of data that has been placed on the world wide web and is stored in a
metadata machine.This means that anyone can have access to any piece of private information, just
by looking it up on the internet. The only ways to fix that is by either monetizing all data or using a
wrapper. The option of monetizing would people would surely benefit from this meanwhile, the
corporations and the government would significantly loose their power. To begin, Jaron Lanier,
author of the article, "How Should We Think about Privacy?" and computer scientist at Microsoft
Research, states that people should be able to have complete control over their personal information
by monetizing it. This would lead up to being able to make profits out of his/hers private data by
selling it. If the government or a corporation wants to own someones contact information, they
would have to buy it off of the people at whatever price he/she puts on it because monetizing would
allow one to have full power over their own privacy. This is
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Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On The World Essay
Since the first time an image was transported to a laptop screen or a handheld device was used to
communicate to people in other countries, the world has been a system of calls, emails, texts, and
networks that are all categorized under the term technology. We started off with technology that
helped us forage for food or manage our livestock. However, tech today is a basis of
telecommunications and the use of different mechanical mechanisms that are seemingly robotic.
How far we have come from the beginning of the first civilizations to what we are able to do now
illustrates the impact of the industrial revolution and, some may say, tech revolution. We are still
booming and at every corner that is turned new advancements are introduced into society that was
not thought about before. It seems that we should be all "tech" savvy and a life without technology
would be a little unnerving to say the least. Others say that this dependence makes "robots" or us
less human. Throughout the research conducted on technology, there were news articles assumingly
concluding that we are "humans merging with technology and turning into robots" and another
similarly arguing that we need to "become cyborgs or risk humans being turned into robots." These
may not be scholarly articles but are interesting to see and notice the perspective that people believe
to be true. The extremely absurd notion that we are so heavily dependent on technology that we will
turn into robots may actually be true.
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Virtual World
REAL WORLD: It is the world where we can feel , touch,emotions etc. VIRTUAL WORLD: It is a
world where digital creatures look like real life , sounds like real life & feel like real life. ABOUT
VIRTUAL REALITY: In 1965 , Ivan Sutherland published a paper called ," The Ultimate display "
in which he described the computers as a" window through which one beholds a virtual world". The
roots of virtual reality began in early 1940's when an entrepreneur "Edwin Link"devloped filght
stimulators to reduce training time & cost. The term "Artificial Reality"was coined in ... Show more
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Why Do we need Virtual World?? The current intellectual climate in human–computer interaction is
increasingly hospitable to "virtual" (implying non–physical) artifacts. Friends meet in virtual "chat
rooms"; children are educated in virtual classrooms; academics attend virtual conferences. The
products of computer–based work and education––spreadsheet models,educational simulations.
Why to prefer Virtual World over Real World:Example. Virtual world aims to teach children English
{draw:frame} 1.]In a world where extensive 3D worlds are plentiful, but companies are still
struggling to find a way to make online learning successful, a Shanghai–based startup company is
developing what might be the next generation of education software. ]Wiz World Online, developed
by 8D World, aims to teach Chinese children English through a 3D virtual world. It's not your
typical classroom stuff, either. ]The ultimate goal is to teach children how to really communicate,
not just pass examinations. 4.]Alex Wang, the company's chief executive and co–founder, said the
idea grew out of his personal experience landing at the San Francisco airport on his first visit from
China, 21 years ago, when he was in his 20s. 5.]Though he had studied English for years and scored
well on the written part of the GRE test, he discovered that he could not read the McDonald's menu
... Get more on ...

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Dating Online Essay

  • 1. Dating Online Essay When navigating a dating app or website, searching and filtering tools allow daters to be more selective when finding a partner online than offline. Many enter the experience prepared with a desirable "shopping list'' of characteristics and qualities a potential partner must have. < source? There is little opportunity to reveal information gradually and check for reciprocity along the way. Instead, reciprocity is determined prior to any communication. Many potential partners who would be given the opportunity of a first date in real life are automatically excluded from the list of search results and never considered, due to characteristics that would not be shared until the first date, such as smoking habits, quirky interests, or a desire ... Show more content on ... We found that users consistently valued communication and characteristics such as personality or kindness more than sexual attraction Online dating functions best to the degree that it introduces people to potential partners they would have been unlikely to encounter otherwise and facilitates a rapid transition to face–to–face interaction, where the two people can get a clearer sense of their romantic potential. As online dating evolves and matures, it seems likely that more and more of us will first encounter romantic partners online. Live interaction is a complex, multifaceted process with an essence that cannot be fully captured by CMC (Computer Mediated Communication). In online dating, users are wise to engage in CMC briefly to assess basic levels of romantic potential and then move rapidly to face–to–face interactions. source The way people view human interaction will determine whether they go online to seek relationships or not. Jaron Lanier, a founder of the field of virtual reality, made a similar point about social networking sites, describing them as dehumanizing and fostering shallow interactions and a "fakey– fakey social life" (Kahn, 2011, p. 46). Relationships are most satisfying when partners adopt a communal orientation, responding mutually to each other's needs and preferences (Clark et al., 2010), rather than an exchange orientation, in which benefits and costs are assessed on an ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Passerby Individualism In source one, the cartoonist shows the large pay gap between those who embrace collectivism and those who are more for individualism. The classical liberal is shown to be more economically successful than the modern liberal. Although each person in the collective of teachers receives one two–hundredth of what the hockey player is paid in a year, they appear to be happy and more upright than the hockey player. On the other hand, the hockey player is depicted as an 'all about me' individual who is not as upright or put together as the teachers, thus the artist shows him slouching and with missing teeth. This cartoon represents the capitalist world today and shows that classical liberalism and the ideas of individualism supersede the opportunity ... Show more content on ... The negatives of modern liberalism are shown in source two through Lanier's listing of all the groups that have cast a shadow over the favorable aspects of modern liberalism. Contrarily, source one highlights the positive influence the collective has on society, by representing modern liberalism with teachers – a vital point in shaping the future. Additionally, source one disproves the ideas that modern liberalism is predominantly evil in that it shows a collective of teachers, who are the driving force in preparing children to be the future generation. In the same way, source one and three differ in that the hockey player in source one is more successful than the collective of teacher and the individual in source three cannot even stand on his own two feet. Despite the many differences in these sources, the second and third source share the idea that the individual asking for help in the second source is turning to the collective and is being drawn back to the 'mob'/collective proving human tendency to drift towards the values of modern ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? Social media has connected us in unimaginable ways, and introduced us to a world much larger than our humble backyards. Nowadays, nearly everyone has a Facebook, an Instagram, or a Twitter account. Grandparents, teenagers, children, and even some pets are a part of one social network or another. While websites like Facebook are great for sharing pictures, stories, and interests, but they are also capable of raising awareness about important issues that may have been overlooked. Recently, the overuse of Facebook was thought to promote negative psychology well–being, including depression and loneliness. It 's safe to say that the world has become hopelessly addicted to social media. Plenty of people can 't make it through the day or in extreme cases a few hours without popping on their computers or scrolling through their smart phones to check the newsfeed on Facebook. As Stephen Marche says in his article, "Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?", Facebook makes us miserable and lonely. In fact, even though there is evidence showing that we 're more detached or lonely than ever because given Facebook is about social relationships; however, the site also offers an extraordinary number of ways to connect with others. This is just a taste of what Facebook can do, and with a huge number of people utilizing them, its possibilities are only growing. Facebook does not replace real human relationship or create loneliness, but it does not exterminate it either. It all depends on ones usage. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Artificial Intelligence Frankenstein When someone brings up the term "artificial intelligence", a variety of connotations tend to arise, connotations that often are unfair or unrepresentative of the true real–world applications of such a term. Due to the incidentally fear–mongering nature of the media, artificial intelligence can refer to something as basic as a robotic arm in a factory, as well as the implied extinction and/or enslavement of the human race as caused by robo–revolution. As of today, however, when applied in the world of modern technology, artificial intelligence is defined as any innovation that performs a task usually completed by humans. Of course, with this definition, artificial intelligence holds the potential for both societal harm and benefit, and its fate ... Show more content on ... Only recently has the topic arisen in its modern interpretation, but mankind has long pondered over the possibility of automation. For centuries, scientists, authors, and philosophers have discussed the potential creation of automatons, or automated machines, as well as the possibility that the processes of the human mind are mechanical, and could perhaps be replicated artificially. In his 1748 materialist work titled L'Homme Machine, or "Man a Machine", philosopher Julien Offray de La Mettrie describes "that thought seems to be a property of matter, like electricity, power to move, impenetrability, extension, etc" (de La Mettrie 30). De La Mettrie negated the ideals of Descartes, who had previously stated that the functions of the mind were of a different nature. This new way of thinking helped to get the scientific ball rolling for the future creation of intelligent machinery. For the majority of history, such matters would be considered supernatural or simply out of the realm of foreseeable scientific accomplishment, in that they were merely works of fiction and such technology was too far out of reach. However, with the development of computer technologies in the 1900's, suddenly the sky became the limit. With the help of computers, new innovations quickly advanced the technology industry, allowing for much more efficient ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Virtual Reality as Jaron Lanier Envisioned It. VR Essay 2. Virtual Reality as Lanier envisioned it has not eventuated, yet the desires he articulated live on. Discuss. To discuss Lanier's keen views and anticipations regarding Virtual Reality back in the mid 1980s, it would be useful to first cover exactly how far Virtual Reality has progressed up until today. This essay will begin by discussing the history of Virtual Reality and the usage trends. That discussion will then be used to preface a discussion about Lanier's views that were expressed in A Vintage Virtual Reality Interview. The essay will then finish off by looking at particularly interesting views held by some of today's futurists and these views will be related back to Lanier's original exuberant view of Virtual ... Show more content on ... This vision then guided nearly every successive development in the field of Virtual Reality. Sutherland's concept featured: * A virtual world that appears real to any observer, seen through an HMD and augmented through three–dimensional sound and tactile stimuli * A computer that maintains the world model in real time * The ability for users to manipulate virtual objects in a realistic, intuitive way In 1966, Sutherland then went forth and built an HMD that was connected to a computer system. All the graphics were created by the computer system and the HMD could also display images in stereo, giving the illusion of depth. The HMD could even track the user's head movements so that the field of view would change appropriately as the user looked around. Once the technology had been developed to a point where it could actually be utilized, VR was often seen as more of a tool than a new method of entertainment. The technology was fine–tuned and then used in flight simulators during the 70s to train pilots before they got into a real plane. The technology then made its way to the entertainment industry during the video–game boom of the 80s. Since its inception, Virtual Reality technology has found a wide range of uses in very unpredictable ways. The military, the space program, medical students and even driving schools use virtual training environments that take place in a version of Virtual Reality. Some
  • 6. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Quotes From Tom's Guide Virtual Reality was an invention that revolutionized the world of entertainment. So basically, here are 3 quotes from Tom's Guide. First one is "What was once the stuff of Hollywood fantasy has now become reality." So virtual reality made everything that was only real in movies reality. The second quote is "With its high refresh rate and low latency, most people shouldn't experience motion sickness in theory." What it is saying is that you won't get motion sickness from playing on a VR system. The final quote from Tom's guide is "Filmmakers have begun to experiment with the Oculus Rift to make an audience member feel like he or she is part of the film." Basically, the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset will not just do games, but also TV shows and movies once they are able to. In conclusion, virtual reality can be very helpful for most kinds of entertainment. Virtual Reality can also make you feel like you're inside a video game, and here are some quotes from the website named Wired to prove it. First quote is "This is the first time that we've succeeded in ... Show more content on ... First quote is "A patient wears a virtual–reality headset during a therapy session." That means virtual reality is being used for therapy. 2nd quote is "Technology that immerses users in artificial, but strikingly realistic, experiences is poised to move beyond flight simulators and other specialized training applications into games, health care, education and mental health therapy, to name a few uses." Those are more uses to virtual reality, and one I said in an earlier quote. The final quote for this thing is "Programmers can now create an array of lifelike sensations: flying like a bird, fighting off predators, riding a roller coaster or climbing a mountain." This is why it is called "virtual reality." It can simulate almost anything so far. In conclusion for this paragraph, those are some more purposes for ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Circle Eggers Circle by Dave Eggers Introduction "The Circle" is an American novel that was written by Dave Eggers and was published in the year 2013. It is a book of fiction and is the author's tenth publication (Eggers 12). The novel is about a lady by the name Mae Holland who is employed by an internet company that is flourishing well and has high rewards. However, with time and as she continues to work there systems and things begin to fall apart and the success story begins to diminish (Eggers 19). The major theme of the book is the ability to handle and manage the right to independence and self governance of understanding and elucidation over a person's life in the future (Eggers 49). Text to self The novel "the circle" is a depiction of the day to day life of an individual. From the incidence of how Mae got a job to the rest of the scenes in the book show a person having a daily routine of life (Eggers 112). However, it is important to note that the book is a string of ideas that mainly concern the social edifice and deconstruction of privacy. Privacy can either be termed to be personal or corporate but has effects to either of them. This therefore means that something that is held to be private can be explained to be that which is disclosed. For instance the fact Mae kept her health condition to be private had its own repercussions (Eggers 199). Therefore, as human beings, we ought to live an open life and not everything can be termed to ... Show more content on ... There are several similarities between "the circle" by Dave Eggers and "You are not a gadget" by Jaron Lanier. Although the book by Jaron is non fiction, they both speak of the effects of digitalized utopianism on a daily life of an individual. In both books the aspect of internet is explained at large and also spells out the dangers of living online and the impossibility of measuring ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On Virtual Reality Virtual reality is such a cool concept in technology. It's something that a lot of people are at the very least intrigued by. Maybe not something that they think about or look up on a daily basis, but something that they may keep an eye on. I mean Google has sold over 5 million Google cardboards and has shipped over 10 million of them. For those that don't know what Google cardboard is, it's a virtual reality platform that Google made ( a cardboard headset) that you put on your head that you use in conjunction with your smart phone that can give you a virtual reality like experience. What you do is download some compatible apps, put your smart into the Google cardboard. Put it on your head and have some fun. I'm very interested in virtual reality and what the future holds for it. Especially being a person who loves to play video games. I haven't gotten a chance to get my hands on a Playstation VR yet, but at some point I would love to try it out. Playstation VR for those that don't know is Sony's virtual reality device that you use with a Playstion 4. Playstaion has over 100 compatible games with the Playstaion VR and that just amazes me because it just released back in October of 2016. Also there was an anime (a Japanese cartoon) that came out a few years back called "sword art online" that peaked my interest in virtual reality. Sword art online is set in the near future and focuses on various virtual reality MMORPG's (Massively Multiplayer Online Role playing games). ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Nothing Comes Of Nothing Book Review This is a curious book; a text that in its physical production – its writing, its publication and possibly even its reception – says much more than its actual words disclose. Which is not to say those words are badly written or otherwise lacking. Laurence Scott has set himself the formidable task of registering the impact of the new digital technologies on our cognition, our perception and our emotions; in short, our phenomenology in its broadest sense. Other pundits take on the political, economic and social changes occasioned by the world wide web and the internet – Scott busies himself with the existential ones. The four–dimensional humans of the book's title are our wired selves, compelled increasingly to inhabit an environment in which ... Show more content on ... form. Unlike Bob Dylan's Mr Jones, Scott sees there is something going on here but he has a fairly good idea of what it is: a sinister lock–step between humanity's technological "advance" and its compulsive shitting in its own nest. He tries to stave off what he terms "the Demon of Melodramatic Prophesies" which can bedevil writing about the present, yet having already identified as intrinsic to virtual existence a collapsing of the future and the past into a permanently digitised "now", he can't avoid the doomsday intersection of human connectivity and environmental ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Importance Of Drinking Water In Georgia Water plays a vital role in everyday life, from quenching your thirst on a hot summer day, to being one of the main ingredient of life in all aspects on earth. Recently, Georgia has been under a severe water drought. Lake Lanier in Georgia, which is a major supply of drinking water to its state, and neighboring states Alabama, and Florida; has been at its lowest in years. Georgia's drought is certainly due to the lack of precipitation; therefore, creating water levels to decline more rapidly as time progresses. The state has now asked its homeowners to monitor their water usage, which includes watering lawns, washing cars, and other outside water activities. As a resident of Duluth Georgia, which is located approximately twenty miles north ... Show more content on ... Georgia's farm life are taking a direct punch from this crisis. In article, "Newton farmers struggling to produce in the midst of drought", I've thought how farmers are dealing with this current drought situation? Since Georgia is known as the "Peach State", as one of its famous nickname. Well, farmers in Newton County, Georgia are definitely feeling the effects with "corn yields in the county are half of what they were last year, and soybeans – barely a quarter of last year's output"(Rimal, G 2016). According to farmers, the lack of rain has a ripple effect from not only damages it has on the crops and livestock; 1 but the lively hood of farmers, and their families. Farmers speaks about an abundance of armyworms, that if there is "any remaining green grass or hay left, armyworms will easily devour them" (Rimal, G 2016). Therefore, knowing how vital water is, farmers in Newton County Georgia, are continuing to remain optimistic in hopes next season will be ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Microsoft Vs. Microsoft : A Comparison Between Microsoft... Martin Nichols McSweeney, Kristina ENGL 1013 11/07/2017 Microsoft and Apple Microsoft and Apple are two well–known technology corporations, with billions of dollars of earnings between them." The most important thing about a technology is how it changes people". JARON LANIER, You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto. Microsoft and Apple revolutionized how people view computers. Before these company's existed computers did not even have screens, only complex outputs on long sheets of paper. Computers that are used today would not exist if it were not for these two corporations. Microsoft and Apple are two very large business with many similar technologies, but have very different upbringings and overall view of technology Microsoft was founded on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. The company was strictly based on microprocessors (a circuit used in computing) and software at the time. As their new "MS– DOS" OS (Operating System) gained popularity with several technology companies such as IBM, Gates and Allen moved their focus to new OS's. 1985 was the start of the OS we all know and love, Windows. Windows was the first main stream OS to have a GUI (Graphical User Interface) that was easy to use with no prior knowledge of command line. After Microsoft sales skyrocketed they went on to create new products used every day by millions of people. These products vary from the Xbox to Bing with hundreds of products in–between. Apple (Microsoft's most famous competitor) was ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Persuasive Essay Technology Google – Technology Essay Technology has become inescapable. Whether you're in a store, at school, or even at church, there's technology all around you being used in many different ways. It's changed the way we live our everyday lives, whether we notice it or not. Technology is used to check you out at the grocery store, it allows you to pass in your assignment at eleven fifty–nine the night before it's due, it even has given our soldiers the ability to walk again, but do these good impacts overshadow our ability to see its negative impacts? And if the good truly does overshadow the bad, is that okay? On a personal level, technology has affected my own life by helping me maintain relationships, possibly hindering my reading ability, and by becoming a necessity for everyday life. It's become infectious, not only for me, but for the majority of its users. The question is though, is this constant use really hurting us, and if so, are we ready to stop it? Technology, specifically the internet and social media networks, has allowed us to connect with people from anywhere, whenever we want. This ability to connect has allowed me to maintain relationships that I might not have been able to maintain otherwise. As I have moved around the state several times during the entirety of my childhood, I don't see the people I want to as much as I wish. The clashing of schedules makes it hard to keep in touch, let alone having a family and adding their schedules on top of it all. I, like ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Life of Aemelia Lanyer It was said that she was the best poet of her time and during her career. Aemelia Lanyer sought out to prove just that. Aemelia was a strong minded woman who stood for equality. She stressed her need for woman to be heard. Using her work for the women of many generations, she proved that they were just as important to society as men. Aemelia inspired women to play their roles in society. She was an inspiration to some, an alter ego to others, and a hero to many. She was strong, bold, and outspoken when it came to her personal opinions. Aemelia Lanyer, also known as Emilia Bassano birthdate is not certain, but sources say that she was baptized on January 27, 1569 in London. She was born into a big family of Jews. Her parents were Baptist Bassano, who was a court musician, and Margaret Johnson. Margaret was his common law wife which means they were only married in their eyes. At the age of 7, her father died. After his death, she started to get royal access to Elizabethan court circles. She spent some of her early years in the household of Susan Bertie, Countess of Kent. Another tragic death happen when Aemilia became eighteen. After her mother died, she began spiraling out of control. While Aemilia was in the Elizabethan court circles, she met Henry Carey, first Lord Hunsdon, Queen Elizabeth's lord chamberlain. Though forty–five years her senior, she became his mistress for several years. During her affair, she became married to Alphonso Lanyer, her first cousin, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Anonymity On The Internet Anonymity on The Internet With the internet's popularity rapidly growing, anonymous communication between people has become easier than ever. Anonymous communication can include setting up fake social media pages, creating webpages, or even just chatting on online chat sites. Although anonymity may not be a new thing, the internet's popularity has increased the ease at which someone can become anonymous. In recent discussions of anonymity on the internet, a controversial issue has been whether or not anonymity is dangerous to society. On one hand, individuals like Jaron Lanier disagree with the idea of anonymity. Jaron Lanier, author of You Are Not a Gadget, believes that anonymity only brings out the worst in people. Because anonymity allows users to exist without proving their identity, it makes it near impossible to tell a troll from a real person allowing users to get away with saying and doing just about anything. This has resulted in an increase in leaked personal information, cyber bullying, security problems, online transactions problems, and the list continues. On the other hand, individuals argue that anonymity allows, and often encourages, people express their thoughts and ideas (freedom of speech) due to the privacy provided by the internet. Individuals are more likely to voice their opinion (in a non–negative way), seek advice, or even look up personal information if they are not judged like they would be in person all because there is no name behind what they ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Importance Of Virtual Reality With the development and evolution of humanity, people need to be prepared for the major technological changes that will take place. Virtual reality or VR, is one of the biggest tech developments we've seen in recent years that is forcing the public to question reality. Consumers from all over the world are flocking to the shelves to buy these newly affordable VR products that take them to new worlds and adventures. It is argued whether or not these products will have a dramatic impact on the world or just be another new technology that eventually is swept under the rug, but people are already making steps to push for a reality that includes VR products. By putting on a VR headset, this new generation's virtual pioneers can experience ... Show more content on ... One of the leading virtual reality website (Virtual Reality Society) founded in 1984 by Jaron Lanier, who is often regarded as the person who coined the term virtual reality claims that "Early forms of virtual reality included blocky looking graphics and crude renderings which did not take long to produce but would not meet today's ever increasing demands. People want faster, smoother and lifelike scenarios which make greater demands on processing speed, memory and rendering time." The experiences of VR users back in the 90's is nothing compared to the 3d rendering and development of present day. Now since the demand is higher and price lower we can start seeing some of the effects on the users. The long term effects are also still being tested, but many of them are starting to be uncovered. The effects relation is more physical than mental and is usually due to eye strain (which causes problems with motion sickness). They are calling this effect "cybersickness" and it's different for everyone. The main effects a user might feel due to "cybersickness" are headaches, nausea, etc. Age, balance, health, all influence the effects and it is completely different for everyone. Another problem people are facing is the factor of time. It takes time to develop these virtual reality worlds and the user can sometimes get lost in time and not realize how much has gone by. With more knowledge and tests the consumer can find their ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? Social media has connected us in ways we never imagined, and also introduced us to a world much larger than our humble backyards. Nowadays, nearly everyone has a Facebook, an Instagram, or a Twitter account. Grandparents, teenagers, children, and even some pets are a part of one social network or another. Websites like Facebook are great for sharing pictures, stories, and interests, but they are also capable of raising awareness about important issues that may have been overlooked before. Recently, the overused of Facebook was thought to promote negative psychology well– being, including depression and loneliness. It 's safe to say that the world has become hopelessly addicted to social media. Plenty of people can 't make it through the day or in extreme cases a few hours without popping on their computers or scrolling through their smart phones to check the newsfeed on Facebook. As Stephen Marche says in his article, "Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?," Facebook makes us miserable and creates loneliness. In fact, even though there are some evidences showed that we 're more detached or lonely than ever because given Facebook is about social relationships; however, the site also offers an extraordinary vast number of ways to connect with others. This is just a taste of what Facebook can do, and with a huge number of people utilizing them, its possibilities are only growing. To be brief, Facebook does not replace real human relationship or create loneliness, but it does not ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Gadget: Computer and Academic Performance NEW ERA UNIVERSITY #9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City Gadgets Obsession and Academic Performance Of High School Students Submitted by : Go, JolinaQ. Colintava, Lanimarie Dizon, Mark Lean Salvador, Angel G. Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION Gadget refers to any electronic device that has specific functions like voice recording, music playing, surveillance, video playing, photos displaying, etc. The advantage here is that because of its mobility, it can help you lessen the time you consume in your work load. Most school systems have technology standards that all students must attain at various points throughout their education. Education standards are guidelines that define the knowledge and ... Show more content on ... Gadgets compile many products in one. But over using them tends to change its usefulness to destruction, therefore users who are experiencing addiction to gadgets seems to be more noticeable as it greatly affects their psychological ability and of course their social interaction that is why we made this study to figure out, how gadgets dramatically affects the performance of the students. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aims to know the effect of obsession to the academic performance of High School students. Specifically this study seeks to answer the following question: This study specifically answers the following questions: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1Gender
  • 19. 1.2 Economical Status 2. What are the different gadgets being obsessed by the students? 3. What is the activity you mostly do in your gadget 4. How do gadgets affect their everyday life? 5. Is there a significant relationship between the students obsession of the different gadgets in their overall performance? 6. How may the results of the study be utilized to enhance the academic performance of the students? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This research is with great significance to the readers because life generally demands, challenging, fast phasing and unstoppable because of continuous evolution of technology and its consequences. For students to serve ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Interactivity In Art Essay Interactivity In Art Abstract: This essay examines the nature of interactivity in the arts through a cybernetic model, to arrive at an understanding of how interactive artworks can maintain and augment the subjectivity of the viewer. The cybernetic discourse foregrounds the relationship between the physical artifact (machine and/or work of art), the participant/spectator, and information/data/content. By examining the shifts in focus from each part of the cybernetic equation, several models for interactivity in art emerge. In a search for a definitive and user–centered working model of interactivity in the arts, a logical place to look is at the history of cybernetics. Cybernetics, defined by Norbert Wiener in ... Show more content on ... My object in writing is to examine interactivity in art from a local, personal point of view as an artist involved in the design and production of interactive immersive virtual environments, and to subsequently seek the construction, through historical and philosophical bricollage, of a model for the conceptualization and actualization of consequent works of art. To this end, my attention will finally turn to an evolving collaborative project that is constructing a low–budget, user–centered model for the creation of an immersive virtual environment/augmented reality called "The Dance of the Body w/o Organs". According to the discourse surrounding interactive art, the art object is no longer static, no longer an object of contemplation, but a dynamic, responsive engine able to tailor its construction and outcome to the unique dataset of choices for each individual that enters its input field. Often in my experience of interactive artworks, my physical action or signifying; that is, pushing a button, triggering a sensor, etc; seems only related to the consequence or signification of my action in a purely literal way, that is, push button, something occurs. Frequently I wonder what, on a less obvious level, is the relationship between the trigger and the triggered? What if the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Excerpt From You Are Not A Gadget Summary The Excerpt from You Are Not a Gadget was written by Jaron Lanier and published in the 2010 in New York by Vintage Books. The author Jaron Lanier writes the excerpt raising awareness to how technology changes people and how technology is helping the spread of fragmentary among the people of the world. In the Excerpt Lanier is investigating the affects technology has on society. Lanier is also investigating how communication and the perception of reality are being altered by the technology. His argument in the excerpt is that the sense and practice of fragmentary that technology has brought to the world and society is not normal. Lanier is raising the awareness that practice of fragmentary has gone too far and is now almost defining the people of the world. His persuasion in the excerpt is using the information from a Stanford University researcher to help the readers understand how technology actually affects society's perceptions and people's ... Show more content on ... I am a proud user of technology and I love how easily it allows me to connect to people all across the world. The text in my opinion didn't have any effect on what I think about technology. But I do think that the excerpt is definitely relevant and important to our culture at this day in time because technology has gotten to the point where it is now being incorporated into everything around us. As we talked about a lot in class this term I definitely think technology is becoming a monster that is consuming the lives of people everywhere. If I was writing an article like the one Lanier wrote about this topic my argument would be completely opposite. It would be completely pro–technology. I would talk about how the invention of the many electronics of use today and how they are such a convenience in making our lives better. (Part ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Internet and User Content Essay In the January 18th, 2012 New York Times article "The False Ideals of the Web", Jaron Lanier attempts to take a very difficult issue – one that many view in terms of black or white – and find some middle ground. Unfortunately, what he ends up doing in the article is create an either/or situation, rather than find any middle ground. In the end we are left in the same situation that we started with. In the first paragraph, Jaron appeals to the pathos of the reader; he assumes that the reader is of the generation that has grown up in the digital age, thus they would agree that the most important aspect of the internet is the people who contribute to it. However, there is no reason to ever assume that. Some people may actually believe that ... Show more content on ... He assumes that the reader will accept his word that the legislation deals with this issue using the mentioned method. In a way, this can be considered a bandwagon fallacy, in that we're supposed to accept that because he and his colleagues think the bill uses draconion methods, it does in fact use them. Without support for this statement, there is no reason to ever believe what the author has said. In addition, the author appeals to the readers' ethos, as well as an appeal to authority, in that we're expected to accept the opinions of these people, simply because the author says we should. The author then goes on to state, "Those rare tech companies that have come out in support of SOPA are not merely criticized but barred from industry events and subject to boycotts. We, the keepers of the flame of free speech, are banishing people for their speech. The result is a chilling atmosphere, with people afraid to speak their minds." It's hard to see, but this is definitely a fallacy of equivocation. The author is comparing the corporations who wish to make it illegal to upload user content if it contains anything they have made. Under this model, electronic musicians would not be allowed to make the music they make, simply because they use samples from other artists. Under this model, Apple would not be allowed to distribute their operating system, simply because they have used code from FreeBSD. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Tri State Water War Tri–State Water War Nathan A. Smith Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Thesis: Georgia should be able to continue their withdrawals from Lake Lanier and the water basins because of their water supply needs for irrigating its crops in the south, flood control, and sustaining its rapidly growing population in the metro Atlanta area. Epa, U. (2013). Georgia: Upper Apalachicola–Chattahoochee–Flint River Basin, (2). Retrieved December 7, 2014, from In the past, Georgia has experienced several droughts that impacted Georgia economically and politically. Because of this, states and counties downstream have been harmed ... Show more content on ... Lund, N. (n.d.). Georgia Battles Back in Tri–State Water Wars. Retrieved December 7, 2014, from Lake Lanier is a large reservoir that serves many purposes including the following: flood control, power generation, recreation, water supply, and water storage. The US Army Corps of Engineers allowed Georgia to withdraw water from Lake Lanier. However, Alabama and Florida filed a lawsuit against the Corps due to the fact that Georgia was withdrawing water from Lake Lanier which decreased the downstream levels. In the 2009 ruling, Georgia as increased their withdraw amount to the point exceeding WSA which affected the hydropower generation. In the 11th circuit Appeal, Georgians were given hope in an increase in withdraws from Lake Lanier, but in the end, the Corps repudiated Georgia's request. However, there was a problem with the law so the Corps is reevaluating Georgia's request. Georgia has responsibility issues between water storage and hydropower generation. Alabama, Florida, and Georgia will wait for the Corps decision on the case before they do anything else. This source is useful because it gives detail at the time the Buford dam was created, the 2009 ruling, and the 11th Circuit Appeal. Compared to the other sources, this source details out the specifics of the purpose of the dam and how ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Technology And Technology Essay The human brain is one of the most complex brains among all living creatures. The amount of work it does is off the scales. It can think, retain memories, understand language, create words, see, hear, learn new things, feel and so much more. Within the last few decades, a question has arose. Has technology affected the way our brains think? In the essays " Is Google Making Us Stupid" by Nicholas Carr, and " Technophilia" by Kevin Kelley, these men dive into the idea of how technology has altered our brains, forever. Technophilia, or the love of technology, is the theme of Kelleys essay. He plunges into how technology has made our lives so much better. He admits that he is a technophiliac, "I am one of them. I am no longer embarrassed to admit that I love the internet. Or maybe it's the web. Whatever you want to call the place we go to while we are online, I think it is beautiful" (Kelley 5). I too love technology. It has made my life so much easier in so many ways. I am able to pursue my college career from my bed. From my computer I can write essays, look up directions, update my social media, play games– all while taking a selfie on photo booth. Instead of going downstairs and getting myself a drink, I can direct message my boyfriend and ask him to get me one. Can you imagine our grandparents doing this? Texting each other from different rooms asking for things instead of just walking and talking to one another. This may be why our grandparents rarely ever got ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Online Higher Education 's Individualist Fallacy Essay Have you ever wondered what the best college learning method for a working adult is online or campus? If working adults took online courses they can do their work anywhere there is an internet connection however they have to ask themselves; would I get the same or better education I could if I was sitting in a classroom? In a classroom setting they would get the interaction with fellow classmates and the professor who all come from different places in their lives. If the working adult had a question or did not understand they would get the results right away, on the other hand, if the student is learning online they have to wait for their professor. The response time for their email to be read and returned will not be there when it's fresh in the student's mind. If one is planning on going to college as a working adult, he or she should consider the value of taking the time and attend classes on campus. In the article titled "Online Higher Education's Individualist Fallacy" written by Johann N. Neem was about the "Individualist Fallacy" which is ecological studies and instrumental variables. Some boosters think the traditional campus is going to be displaced (102). Richard Vedder believes that campus is only good for "making friends, partying, drinking, and having sex" (103). While others like Jaron Lanier; a computer scientist, said that "computers exist to support human endeavors" (104). Bill Gates thinks that in five years the best lectures in the world ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Ethics of Crowdsourcing Stephanie Lee Ethics of Crowdsourcing 'Crowdsourcing'; Innovation or Exploitation? Abstract Crowdsourcing is the concept of mass collaboration of external outsourced tasks typically from an institution to its community (Howe, 2005). This paper explores the two sides of crowd sourcing; whether this net–enabled community collaboration is accelerating innovation or exploiting the laborers with menial tasks of little to no benefit through an analysis of Soylent, one of the latest innovations in crowd sourcing using John Rawls' Theory of Justice, the Veil of Ignorance, I aim to demonstrate how can we all benefit from crowdsourcing and harness the true power of collective intelligence and mass collaboration just by maintaining a fine ... Show more content on ... In 1714, the British Government was stuck for a solution to what they called "The Longitude Problem" which made sailing difficult and deadly (killing 1,000s of seamen every year) (Thomas, 2011). Inaccurate Longitude charts were causing sailors to be lost at sea, and in some cases people starved. Seeking innovation, the British Government offered £20,000 for people to invent a solution (£20,000 in 1714 is around $4.7 million dollars in 2010) (Thomas, 2011). Innovative scientists and sailors came together to formulate information that is more accurate. This is possibly the first ever example of crowdsourcing; thus, solving the problems for many sailors. The contest was considered unsolvable by many. John Harrison, the son of a carpenter, won the Longitude contest. Harrison invented the 'marine chronometer' (i.e. an accurate, vacuum–sealed pocket watch) (Thomas, 2011). His knowledge and brilliance helped solve navigation in the 1700's. The aristocrats were hesitant to award Harrison the prize but eventually paid him the £20,000 (Thomas, 2011). This example of crowdsourcing is a great one because it highlights one of the principles of crowdsourcing – innovation and creativity can come from anywhere (Thomas, 2011). In the early 18th century, being able to navigate accurately was the difference of returning home or not. Getting lost on a transoceanic voyage did not just mean that a competing nation could ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Essay on Augmented Reality and The Future of Multimedia Introduction What does "augmented reality" means? AR is the acronym for augmented reality. A rough definition of augmented is to maximize or change to a higher extent. Augmented reality, which is a type of virtual reality, basically means that the real–world environments are duplicated in a computer. A combination of reality and virtual scenes, created a composited view for the end–user which are generated by the computer. The computer with augmented reality system augments the real–world view or scene with additional information. The design of the virtual scene created by the computer is to improve the sensory perception of the user of the virtual world that they are interacting with or seeing. A system in which a user cannot ... Show more content on ... He is also responsible in popularizing the phrase "Virtual Reality". Just a year later, the phrase "Augmented Reality" (AR) was phrased out by Tom Caudell while he was at Boeing, helping workers assemble cables into aircrafts. In 1992, one the first fully–working AR system called VIRTUAL FIXTURES was developed. It was developed by L.B. Rosenberg at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory in Armstrong and demonstrated benefits to the performance of human. In the same year, the Graphics Interface conference witnessed the first major paper on an AR prototype, KARMA, presented by Blair MacIntyre, Doree Seligmann and Steven Feiner. In 1993, another version of the paper, a widely– cited version is published in Communications of the ACM. With sponsorship from STRICOM, Loral WDL performed the very first demonstration that manned simulators and live AR–equiped vehicle, also in 1993. In 1994, funded by the Australia Council for the Arts, Julie Martin creates the first 'Augmented Reality production' entitled Dancing in Cyberspace. It features dancers and acrobats interacting and manipulating with virtual object in the size of a body in real time. The virtual object is projected into the same physical space and performance plane of the performers and they appeared immersed within the virtual environments and object. Polhemus sensing system and Silicon Graphics computers are used in the settings and installations ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Invisible Workers In The Simpsons America has had large expanses in technology: from the invention of the iPhone, which revolutionized how the cell phone was viewed and used, to websites like eBay and Amazon that are able to give quick easy access to whatever item that person so desires on that given day. But when an individual is purchasing an iPhone 5 or using one of these shopping websites, they rarely think about the person who work to build those iPhones or ship out those items. These "Invisible Workers", those who work behind the scenes, rarely get the credit or the respect they deserve and are often mistreated and abused because of it. Because of society's natural desire to consume, businesses have the ability to treat any of their workers unfairly and allows for the ... Show more content on ... Because of the fear to unionize or the fear of fighting back at all, the continued cycle of abuse does tend to continue due to inaction. But does this solely lie on the backs of the workers? In the case of overseas workers, they work hours on end in horrid conditions, their children sometimes working alongside them in order to even come close to making ends meet and it comes short even then. Anything they do can risk their job and any tiny mistake ruining the rest of their lives in this oppressed environment. So yes, out of fear workers do not tend to fight back but this out of necessity to protect their families from losing what in most cases is their only source of income. In the case of American society, the workers are hidden behind technology where consumers automatically assume everything is done by "computers". Though American workers are treated better, they still have to contend with being replaced by machines and worry about companies taking their jobs away. While it can be said that this is due to the advancement of technology, there is no compensation whatsoever for the worker when he or she is inevitably replaced. They are forced out, without any regard for their families or their ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Marty Mcfly: Back To The Future 1989, the year Marty McFly went Back to the Future to 2015 and gave us a glimpse of what technology held for us. Well, here we are in 2015 and some predictions were right, others not so much. With these new technologies came consequences, consequences that even Doc Brown could not predict. Technological advances have obvious benefits, for example better security devices to keep people safe or medical advances that prolong lives and combat illness; however, these technologies can also have what is referred to as unintended consequences, those less obvious outcomes that cannot be seen during the initial onset of a technological advance such as creating power struggles and unduly influencing society. It is those consequences that appear after ... Show more content on ... When Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "the medium is the message" back in 1967, we were facing a very different society than we are today. His focus was of course on the mediums of the time: radio, newsprint and television. Mark Federman, a Chief Strategist for the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology asserts in his article, What is the Meaning of the Medium is the Message? (2004), McLuhan was not speaking directly about the medium itself. His thought process went to a deeper level. Federman "note[s] that it is not the content or use of innovation, but the change in inter–personal dynamics that the innovation brings with it" that is the issue. In a world that we can now access hundreds of thousands of bits of information in milliseconds, we can certainly see a shift in media influence. Today we can actually watch events as they unfold, whether they are events for a greater good or events of horrific acts of terrorism, technology has enabled society to be omnipresent. Melody Thompson (2011) refers to Jaron Lanier in discussing how technology shapes our relationship to itself. She notes that Lanier believes technology imposes on us its own viewpoint and that shapes our decisions. In a world where we live with a 24 hour news cycle and news stations that can skew their reporting to send the message they want their viewers to hear, it is quite prophetic when Lanier states "it ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Summary of Prevail and Transcend Scenario in Radical... Summary of Prevail and Transcend Scenario In chapter six of Radical Evolution, author Joel Garreau shows through various interviews and examples that even though technology may be rising on an exponentially increasing Curve, humans may still be able to change the effects of technological advance in unpredictable ways. Deemed the Prevail scenario, it is also characterized by humans slowing down once–viewed inevitable change viewed as negative and speeding up positive change. Another great theme of the Prevail Scenario is its idea that technological advance will enable humans to acquire a better understanding of their society and nature. In addition to discussing the Prevail scenario, Garreau also discusses the possible change humans ... Show more content on ... Garreau emphasizes this scenario by quoting Faulkner's famous saying that "man will prevail 'because he has a soul, a spirit capable of passion and sacrifice and endurance'" (qtd. in 209). Gareau expands on the concept of the development of human nature in the chapter seven. Through a series of interviews and examples, Garreau attempts to explain and clarify what it means for humans to transcend and how technological advance will have an impact on that transcendence. Garreau starts out the chapter with an explanation that throughout human history, humans have been changing and evolving, with examples such as fire and writing. Then, Garreau describes the way human nature is being changed: "Even the least educated among us is not raised by wolves, feral and wild. He grows up shaped by contemporary humans who own television, who have been shaped by modern society" (237). This quote further suggests that human nature may be impacted the advancing GRIN technologies. To examine this possibility, Garreau interviewed Nick Bostrom, co–founder of the World Transhumanist Association. Bostrom shows his agreement with human transcendence by asserting that "Technological progress makes it harder for people to ignore the fact that we might actually change the human nature" (qtd. in Garreau, 242). Garreau also brings up the topic of civil disruption from such enhancement. As discussed in the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Nsa Had Committed 2776 Violations Maria Sanchez Professor Thrasher English 100 October 17, 2014 Final Rough Draft In 2012, people discovered that the NSA had committed 2,776 violations to the law. The NSA was mainly spying on other countries while those other countries were spying on the United States.The U.S. government tried to explain why they did those infractions with the excuse that they were unintentional. The court ruled it as unconstitutional. As of now, the United States has collected every single piece of data that has been placed on the world wide web and is stored in a metadata machine.This means that anyone can have access to any piece of private information, just by looking it up on the internet. The only ways to fix that is by either monetizing all data or using a wrapper. The option of monetizing would people would surely benefit from this meanwhile, the corporations and the government would significantly loose their power. To begin, Jaron Lanier, author of the article, "How Should We Think about Privacy?" and computer scientist at Microsoft Research, states that people should be able to have complete control over their personal information by monetizing it. This would lead up to being able to make profits out of his/hers private data by selling it. If the government or a corporation wants to own someones contact information, they would have to buy it off of the people at whatever price he/she puts on it because monetizing would allow one to have full power over their own privacy. This is ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On The World Essay Since the first time an image was transported to a laptop screen or a handheld device was used to communicate to people in other countries, the world has been a system of calls, emails, texts, and networks that are all categorized under the term technology. We started off with technology that helped us forage for food or manage our livestock. However, tech today is a basis of telecommunications and the use of different mechanical mechanisms that are seemingly robotic. How far we have come from the beginning of the first civilizations to what we are able to do now illustrates the impact of the industrial revolution and, some may say, tech revolution. We are still booming and at every corner that is turned new advancements are introduced into society that was not thought about before. It seems that we should be all "tech" savvy and a life without technology would be a little unnerving to say the least. Others say that this dependence makes "robots" or us less human. Throughout the research conducted on technology, there were news articles assumingly concluding that we are "humans merging with technology and turning into robots" and another similarly arguing that we need to "become cyborgs or risk humans being turned into robots." These may not be scholarly articles but are interesting to see and notice the perspective that people believe to be true. The extremely absurd notion that we are so heavily dependent on technology that we will turn into robots may actually be true. ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Virtual World VIRTUAL WORLD CONTENTS: VIRTUAL IN THE REAL WORLD HISTORY APPICATIONS/USES WHY VIRTUAL WORLD RATHER THAN REAL WORLD FUTURE REAL WORLD: It is the world where we can feel , touch,emotions etc. VIRTUAL WORLD: It is a world where digital creatures look like real life , sounds like real life & feel like real life. ABOUT VIRTUAL REALITY: In 1965 , Ivan Sutherland published a paper called ," The Ultimate display " in which he described the computers as a" window through which one beholds a virtual world". The roots of virtual reality began in early 1940's when an entrepreneur "Edwin Link"devloped filght stimulators to reduce training time & cost. The term "Artificial Reality"was coined in ... Show more content on ... Why Do we need Virtual World?? The current intellectual climate in human–computer interaction is increasingly hospitable to "virtual" (implying non–physical) artifacts. Friends meet in virtual "chat rooms"; children are educated in virtual classrooms; academics attend virtual conferences. The products of computer–based work and education––spreadsheet models,educational simulations. Why to prefer Virtual World over Real World:Example. Virtual world aims to teach children English {draw:frame} 1.]In a world where extensive 3D worlds are plentiful, but companies are still struggling to find a way to make online learning successful, a Shanghai–based startup company is developing what might be the next generation of education software. ]Wiz World Online, developed by 8D World, aims to teach Chinese children English through a 3D virtual world. It's not your typical classroom stuff, either. ]The ultimate goal is to teach children how to really communicate, not just pass examinations. 4.]Alex Wang, the company's chief executive and co–founder, said the idea grew out of his personal experience landing at the San Francisco airport on his first visit from China, 21 years ago, when he was in his 20s. 5.]Though he had studied English for years and scored well on the written part of the GRE test, he discovered that he could not read the McDonald's menu in ... Get more on ...