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Part 1
The Discipline
Definition of Cultural Studies:
An academic field that analyses contemporary cultures in order to derive meaning from
It is a field of open dialogue on many subjects that might not be acceptable conversation
topics in most social settings.
It politically and critically discusses and observes some of culture’s exclusions, injustices,
and prejudices.
It aims to enhance and celebrate cultural experiences: to enjoy culture by analyzing it and
its social meaning.
It helps us to understand ourselves and those around us by exploring a wide range of
institutions, media, concepts and formations such as television,
multiculturalism, and cultural heritage.
Cultural studies deals with culture as a part of everyday life.
Because of that it is an evolving field that changes and
culture itself.

develops with
» Cultural studies as a discipline is becoming more and more global because after all it is
the study of culture.
» Culture itself is global because everyone has it in one form or another.
» Culture itself is being affected by globalization as people of the world are drawn to each
other's cultures as they trade goods and information.
» Differences are accepted as variances between different cultures and those dividers are
» A “Variety of topics and histories (are) brought into the discipline through globalization.”
• Studying cultural studies might feel like being an “intellectual
tourist dropping into topics which may be enticing in their sheer
exoticness but towards which has little interest or responsibility.”
» “Culture is not a thing or even a system: it’s a set of transactions, processes,
mutations, practices, technologies, institutions, out of which things and events
(such as movies, poems or world wrestling bouts) are produced, to be
experienced, lived out and given meaning and value to in different ways within
the network of differences and mutations from which they emerged to start
» “For cultural studies today, cultural objects are simultaneously events and
experiences, produced out of, and thrown back into, a social force field
constituted unevenly by power flows, status hierarchies and opportunities.”
» “Cultures travel across geographical borders; they merge and separate; they
cross and disrupt political and social divisions, and also, sometimes, strengthen
them. Capital and fashions ebb and flow through different cultural forms. Some
genres become specialized ‘extreme’, others sweep the world.”
» “Because ‘culture’ no longer refers to a specific set of things and
because cultural markets are so pervasive, it can be just about
» “Cultural studies does not cover culture with equal attention to all
its modes.
It has tended to neglect, for instance, religion; food; sport, especially
that part
which is family-based and of most interest to the middle aged such as
improvement and gardening. For different reasons it has neglected
high culture itself.”
» How to study culture? Or the academic study of culture.
» “What kind of concepts and practices should we bring to our conceptualizing?
Political critique? Close readings of ‘texts’ (which might include songs, TV
shows as well as novels)?”
» “It is difficult to say much more about cultural studies method except that, in a
very general way, it is both a theoretical and empirical (experimental)
» Method can be viewed as the heart of cultural studies and can be seen “as a
‘path of reasoning’ since it provides the shared values or ‘common framework
with which we can recognize that we are in dialogue. It continually examines
its own development and processes.”
» Culture is better studied by “providing evidence and citations for arguments;
referring to well-recognized general concepts; implicitly placing one’s work
within the disciplinary field; exposing one’s writing to debate, and engaging in
debate with others.”
» Cultural studies deals mainly with terms such as ‘popular culture’,
‘racism’, ‘globalization’ – words which have good equivalents in various
» A “characteristic feature of cultural studies is that it has a commitment to
celebrating or critiquing cultural forms” and “producing accounts of
culture that can be fed back into cultural production and/or to producing
new connections between various cultural forms and people.”
» Another feature of cultural studies is that it is self-reflective. “It needs
continually critically to examine itself, and in particular its relations to the
educational system and cultural institutions.”
» “Is cultural studies is better regarded as a critical practice, (which) have
helped to generate the discipline itself.”
» Cultural studies being a separate discipline within the academic institutions has its
own challenges.
» The field does not conform to specific guidelines that make up many academic
disciplines but rather requires its own criteria.
» “Disciplinarity (or being a discipline) restricts the variety of topics, interests,
contexts and methods that the field can accommodate.”
» “Academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences have never been
unitary formations: they integrate various methods, objects of inquiry and
professional interests.”
» “Increasingly disciplines flourish elsewhere that the university department or
program itself- and especially in journals and conferences. That’s where
academics and graduate students interact away from the classroom or
departmental common spaces, and that’s where cultural studies forms itself as a
» The globalization of cultural studies means that it is positioned differently
within academic institutions around the world.
» In Latin America cultural studies takes relatively little interest in
‘multiculturalism’ and more interest in concepts such as ‘hybridity’.
» In Asia, culture is studied largely in language or social science departments.
» Traditional topics of cultural studies are less apparent in “third world”
countries because questions and concerns about westernization,
modernization, and autonomous national identity and nation-building are
dominant in the field.

“Enterprise culture is associated first with a rapid increase in the social presence of culture, economically,
governmentally and conceptually.”


Many Contemporary societies have become “culture –societies”. These societies have many of its citizens
working in culture based jobs and industries.


International trade in cultural goods has increased. Entertainment is the USA’s biggest export.


“What exactly is this new enterprise culture?”


“Its another term that points in two directions-first, to ‘enterprise culture’ and ‘entrepreneurialism’ as a (model)
covering a wide band of social and economic activities.”


“Second, the entrepreneurialisation of culture (thought of) as leisure activities.


“Enterprise culture emphasizes a set of specific personal and ethical qualities: self-sufficiency, appetite for risk,
individualism, creativity and sense of adventure as well as self-control, financial expertise and management


“Cultural industries are routinely regarded as economic contributors, as employers, as attractors of tourism and
business, as agents in urban regeneration.”


This means that governments get more involved. Nations can themselves be branded
culturally. Hobbies can quickly turn into small businesses.


“Culture is regarded as a means through which governments can manage different
communal values and traditions in society.”
» “Each individual is wholly shaped by the single culture that they inherit. It is
the very opposite of the mobile, fluid, market-directed, entrepreneurial,
globalized culture to which contemporary cultural studies belongs.
» There have been many metaphorical wars within cultural studies that concern
tensions between certain concepts within the field.
» Some of these culture wars include questions of morality and censorship.
Permissiveness or liberalism against decency and family values.
» The risks to traditional heritage and cultural value posed by commercial
culture is another war.
» Also, the threat to consensus and unified heritage implied by multiculturalism
and migration.
» “the term ‘cultural studies’ is used in a variety
of ways.”
» “Different nations have developed different
kinds of cultural studies.”

Cultural Studies started in the UK


It emerged from a center that was popularizing quality literature (at the university of
Birmingham) and started as a form of literary criticism.


It emerged from the notion that language has residual meanings that were not being used to
discuss culture itself.


A key moment in the emergence of British cultural studies is the reconnecting of culture in
the sense of art and literature with the culture of the ordinary (everyday and familiar). An
expanded notion of culture as “a whole way of life.”


The term “Culturalism” came to light. The idea that “societies are interrelated wholes insofar
as all social practices are also cultural practices, that is, practices that make collective


“Hegemony” are the practices, expectations, and ordinary understanding of that nature of
man and his world. It relates to man’s passions and beliefs that make up his daily life
practices. It is also the political, economic, ideological or cultural power exerted by a
dominant group over other groups. Requires consent of the majority to keep the dominant
group in power. Control is achieved through consensus not force. Ex. voting
» Representation in cultural studies is “the way that particular social groups were
represented, especially in the media, and political gains.”

» “Ethnography” is “the analysis of how culture is used and understood by actual
individuals and groups.” It takes two forms:
˃ “Quantitative, which involves large-scale surveys and statistical analysis.”
˃ “Qualitative, which involve interviews with small groups or individuals.”

» “As the discipline has globalized, and as universalizing theories have become
increasingly difficult to sustain, British cultural studies has tended to retreat
into the culture of its own nation-state.”
Important figures, and theories of
Cultural Studies

*Herbert Richard Hoggart (born 24 September 1918) is a British academic and
public figure, whose career has covered the fields of sociology, English literature
and cultural studies, with a special concern for British popular culture.


Massification of Culture
The idea that "we are moving towards the creation of a mass culture, that the
remnants of what was at least in part an urban culture 'of the people' are being
– The Uses of Literacy has been described as a key book in the history of
English and Media Studies and in the founding of Cultural Studies.


The "drift"
The break-up of the old, class culture; the loss of the close-knit communities and
their replacement by the emerging manufactured mass culture. Key features of
this are the tabloid newspapers, advertising, and the triumph of Hollywood. These
"alien" phenomena have colonized local communities and robbed them of their
distinctive features. Hoggart's attack is not on popular culture; rather it is on mass
culture. "Popular culture" being self-created has a fundamental integrity and
evolves according to its own laws and dictates, not as a result of the mass media.


Henri Lefebvre (16 June 1901 – 29 June 1991) was a French sociologist,
intellectual and philosopher. He first coined the phrase The “Right to the City” as
an idea and a slogan.
» *Matthew Arnold
Stated that culture is important because it helps maintain political order in modern
society. The impulses towards action, help, the desire for removing human error, clearing
human confusion, and diminishing human misery, the noble aspiration to leave the world
better and happier than we found it, come in as part of the grounds of culture. It moves
by the force, not merely of the scientific passion for pure knowledge, but also of the
moral and social passion for doing good.
» High culture
- To have culture is to "know the best that has been said and thought in the world."
- As the term "culture" has come to have a broader meaning, more inclusive of everything
within a given culture rather than simply the most elite cultural manifestations, the term
"high culture" refers to those aspects of culture which are most highly valued and
esteemed by a given society's political, social, economic, and intellectual elite.
- Opera, yachting are associated with high culture in the U.S. Generally, the most powerful
members of a society are the ones who have the most influence over cultural meaning
systems, and therefore the more powerful classes tend to enjoy the privilege of defining
“high culture.”
» Popular culture
- Popular culture (or "pop culture") refers to the cultural meaning systems and cultural
practices employed by the majority classes in a society.
- The movie with the biggest weekend gross box office total, the number one song on the
Billboard charts, the most widely read books and the highest ranking television show in
the ratings are important elements of U.S. popular culture.
» Raymond Williams
Moving from High Culture to Ordinary Culture
- Culture is ordinary: that is the first fact. Every human
society has its own shape, its own purposes, its own
meanings. Every human society expresses these, in
institutions, and in arts and learning. The making of a
society is the finding of common meanings and
directions, and its growth is an active debate and
amendment under the pressures of experience, contact,
and discovery.
- We use the word culture in this sense: to mean a whole
way of life--the common meanings; to mean the arts and
learning--the special processes of discovery and creative
» Cultural Materialism
- A focus on the material side of life (technology, economics and physical environment) seeking to explain
social organizational and behavioral differences among human societies. Concerned less with "culture"
and more with society or social organization.
- The major focus is on
- Mode of production: technology & practices used in basic production of food & energy
- Mode of reproduction: tech.+practices used for increasing, limiting+maintaining a population
- Political economy: maintenance and severance of relationships in a society including that of the family
and household.

:Structuralisman intellectual movement developed in France and grew to become one of the most
popular approaches in academic fields concerned with the analysis of language, culture, and society.


The structuralist mode of reasoning has been used in fields including anthropology, sociology,
psychology, literary criticism, and architecture.


It argues that a specific domain of culture may be understood by means of a structure that is distinct
both from the organizations of reality and those of ideas or the imagination. Such as the grammatical
rules that structure a language.


4 ideas are common to structuralism.
- That a structure determines the position of each element as a whole.
- That every system has a structure.
- Structural laws deal with co-existence rather than change.
- Structures are the "real things" that lie beneath the surface or the appearance of meaning.

Cultural Studies has come to mean something rather different in the USA than in Britain.


American cultural studies helped develop movements that became fundamental parts of
American culture and history such as sixties black power movement.


“Today in the US cultural studies is typically associated with ‘minority’ scholars, that is, with
multiculturalism and the analysis of race and power.”


Cultural studies in the US can mean “the study of popular culture, the ‘postcolonial’ critique
of western representations of non-western cultures, the powerless and dominated, an
analysis of how gender, race, culture otherness and class combine, ‘minority discourse’ and
the embrace of ‘hybridity’.”


“In the US cultural studies is less obsessed with America itself than British cultural studies is
obsessed with Britain. Perhaps because the USA is a global power and attracts more staff and
students internationally.”
» “Australian cultural studies emerges out of British rather than US cultural
studies. It was imported by a system of young British academics who went to
Australia looking for jobs in the late seventies and eighties.”
» “Cultural studies went on to be more successful in the Australian academic
system than in any other.”
» Australian cultural studies was characterized by its capacity to view ‘imaginary
social unities’ as dangerous and ‘to think of cultures as processes which divide
as much as they bring together’.”
» “Migrant/settled and colonizer/colonized divisions that are at the core of the
local discipline’s concerns, pushing aside interests in, say, popular culture.”
» It deals with “work on migrant culture being produced and a new generation of
indigenous intellectuals, who are articulating new understandings of
contemporary aboriginal culture.”
Cultural Populism

“It supposes that popular culture is not merely the opposite of high culture but also of
dominant culture, which means that championing the popular has political value.”


“Popular culture always acts against ‘elitist domination’. It inverts the various traditional
‘minority’ accounts of high culture, which regard high culture as (an obstacle) against a trivial
mass culture.”


Cultural Studies values the everyday life because of “the realization that something of value
could be wrested from the familiar and the routine.”


“A fear that everyday life itself was under threat from modernity helped motivate an amazing,
large-scale organization in Britain: the Mass observation movement of the 1940s which called
upon the community itself to record the routines of ordinary life across the nation.” This in
turn paved the way towards the beginning of the cultural studies discipline.


“Modern everyday life emerges in the emptiness of a rootless social order designed primarily
to produce economically.” As opposed to the traditions and rituals that life used to focus on
and revolve around.


Modernity can be seen as a way for the state and the government to intervene in the lives of
its citizens by using economics and the promise of a better life as an excuse.

The economic and political theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that hold
that human actions and institutions are economically determined and that class
struggle is needed to create historical change and that capitalism always

- Issues addressed may include how to classify and culturally define notions
like the study of classes, the question of class conflict, economics and
dependency, general issues of power, underdevelopment, peasantry and
social change.
- Concerns of power and class also intersect with race + gender issues
- Cultural Marxism: A mixture of analysis where anthropologists attempt to
understand how Marxist issues are imbedded in culture and the lives of
people being studied.
- Neo-Marxism: interpretations and reinterpretations of Marxist thought.
» “Over the last decade or so, among the most important borrowings (from other fields)
has been ‘post Marxism’.”
» Traditional Marxism emphasize class struggle and insists on the determining power of
economic relations.
» Post Marxism suggests that the personal or subjective and the political could not be
pulled apart. It states that our ideas and actions are affected by politics and that who we
are is formed by it.
» “Images, social stereotypes, media stories and vernacular forms of discourse such as
jokes communicate political values, politics is not confined to the institutions in which
politicians work. Politics is everywhere.”
» “Post Marxism feeds so deeply into cultural studies because it allows for an account of
the relation between social structures, political power and subjectivity.”
» “How can cultural studies claim to be an engaged and worldly practice if it remains
stuck in the fasts of the academy? Academics need to lift their public profile,
popularize themselves and make themselves available to the media.”
» “It may seem that journalists, being closer to the day-by-day shifts in cultural
production and being required to write for mainly non-academic readerships, are
better placed to evaluate culture than academics, who necessarily remain
committed to academic abstraction and analysis.
» “How might one balance, on the other side, the various limits and pressures under
which journalists operate as employees of media conglomerates whose product-the
story- is required to help their managers meet returns on capital targets by
delivering audiences to advertisers, against, on the other side, the pressures and
limits that produce self-perpetuating, academic, critical rhetoric.”

» “Cultural studies’ primary commitment must be to the educational system rather
than to its big competitor, the media.”
» “The global dispersion of cultural studies both in a disciplinary sense and in a
geographical sense means that that history has been radically dispersed. There
can now be no single history of cultural studies.”

» “Thinkers of the eighteenth century elaborated the notion that different
societies possess different cultures (determined by local conditions and
environments), through which they make sense of themselves and the world
they inhabit, and through which they articulate their humanity.”
» “Culture is supposed to carry out the work of reform that, in truth, only politics
can perform. Culture’s energy requires a distance from politics: the
‘discrepancy’ between them is what allows culture to possess whatever social
power it does.”

The many debates about method and interest have divided the field internationally.


The three most important debates are:

“The debate over the claim that culture (and hence cultural studies) has strong political


“The debate over the determining power of economic structures on cultural formations.”


“The debate over what individual experience should play in cultural studies analysis.”
» “Culture is Politics”-“Cultural studies claims to be not so much an academic
discipline but a ‘critical practice’ with political force. Obviously this claim invites
skepticism: how can sitting in a classroom chatting about television compare as
a political activity with leafleting on behalf of a candidate?”
» cultural studies' political ambitions point to three quite distinct modes.
1. Cultural populism: treats popular culture as being the opposite of an element that is consented
to by the majority with in a society and not forced or Hegemony.
2. Identity politics: concerns groups formed around ethnic, or local identities.
3. Ideology critique: Assigns real political value to critical readings which convince audiences into
accepting dominant norms.

» Cultural studies has caused politics to change. “Mass politics has been
diminished. Party politics (for example) has ceased to matter as much to
people as it once did. Political parties increasingly communicate to and with
the public through public relations, the media and polling.”
» “Politics is increasingly informed by culture that cultural studies can claim to be

» “Traditionally, cultural studies aimed to ‘democratize’ culture. (To make it a)
‘participatory democracy’ in which all individuals, as inherently creative and
engaged, would play significant roles.”
» Thus, cultural studies can be seen as a fundamentally “democratic” discipline.
» “Democracy is first and foremost a political concept.” this also means that the
two are affecting each other and are influencing each other.
» “The aim of cultural studies is not so much to democratize as to liberalize-to
articulate an understanding of culture in the interests of the liberty of
individuals and groups, their overcoming restrictions imposed by repressive
prejudices, social hierarchies and economic inequities.”
» “Culture is shaped, indirectly and directly, by economic
» economy can effect the formation of new cultures when:
1. “Placing cultural production rather than consumption or reception at the discipline’s
2. “An acceptance of the class hierarchies embedded in capitalism as the ultimate
target of cultural analysis.”
3. “Social and economic ‘structures of domination’ are veiled by popular culture, it
being the task of cultural studies intellectuals to lift the veil and to disseminate the
hidden truth.”
4. “Marginalizing other, more or less emergent, social identities – feminist, ethnic – on
the grounds that they are insufficiently (made-up) in relation to the main game:
class and capitalism.”
» “All interpretive disciplines tend to invoke personal and individualized
understandings of their objects. Cultural studies refuses to accept cultural
identities (the American, the worker, the white) which override internal
differences within the communities defined by these identities.” It refuses
to make conclusions about entire cultural identities based on a few
» “It is interested in experience and life-practices, cultural studies is driven to
find a basis in personal responses to cultural formations. So, increasingly,
academics in the field find themselves writing essays in which they share
their personal involvement with, and passion for, some or other cultural

» “Individuals have possessed unconsciousness or sub-consciousness, in
which feelings and memories are ‘repressed’ and are likely to be expressed
in displaced and unexpected acts or thoughts.” for instance, specific
practices of child-rearing and therapy, which can be seen as products of
complex social and institutional settings.

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Cultural studies part 1 The discipline

  • 1.
  • 3. Definition of Cultural Studies: An academic field that analyses contemporary cultures in order to derive meaning from them. It is a field of open dialogue on many subjects that might not be acceptable conversation topics in most social settings. It politically and critically discusses and observes some of culture’s exclusions, injustices, and prejudices. It aims to enhance and celebrate cultural experiences: to enjoy culture by analyzing it and its social meaning. It helps us to understand ourselves and those around us by exploring a wide range of institutions, media, concepts and formations such as television, multiculturalism, and cultural heritage. Cultural studies deals with culture as a part of everyday life. Because of that it is an evolving field that changes and culture itself. develops with
  • 4. » Cultural studies as a discipline is becoming more and more global because after all it is the study of culture. » Culture itself is global because everyone has it in one form or another. » Culture itself is being affected by globalization as people of the world are drawn to each other's cultures as they trade goods and information. » Differences are accepted as variances between different cultures and those dividers are studied. » A “Variety of topics and histories (are) brought into the discipline through globalization.” • Studying cultural studies might feel like being an “intellectual tourist dropping into topics which may be enticing in their sheer exoticness but towards which has little interest or responsibility.”
  • 5. » “Culture is not a thing or even a system: it’s a set of transactions, processes, mutations, practices, technologies, institutions, out of which things and events (such as movies, poems or world wrestling bouts) are produced, to be experienced, lived out and given meaning and value to in different ways within the network of differences and mutations from which they emerged to start with.” » “For cultural studies today, cultural objects are simultaneously events and experiences, produced out of, and thrown back into, a social force field constituted unevenly by power flows, status hierarchies and opportunities.” » “Cultures travel across geographical borders; they merge and separate; they cross and disrupt political and social divisions, and also, sometimes, strengthen them. Capital and fashions ebb and flow through different cultural forms. Some genres become specialized ‘extreme’, others sweep the world.”
  • 6. » “Because ‘culture’ no longer refers to a specific set of things and because cultural markets are so pervasive, it can be just about anything.” » “Cultural studies does not cover culture with equal attention to all its modes. It has tended to neglect, for instance, religion; food; sport, especially that part which is family-based and of most interest to the middle aged such as home improvement and gardening. For different reasons it has neglected high culture itself.”
  • 7. » How to study culture? Or the academic study of culture. » “What kind of concepts and practices should we bring to our conceptualizing? Political critique? Close readings of ‘texts’ (which might include songs, TV shows as well as novels)?” » “It is difficult to say much more about cultural studies method except that, in a very general way, it is both a theoretical and empirical (experimental) discipline.” » Method can be viewed as the heart of cultural studies and can be seen “as a ‘path of reasoning’ since it provides the shared values or ‘common framework with which we can recognize that we are in dialogue. It continually examines its own development and processes.” » Culture is better studied by “providing evidence and citations for arguments; referring to well-recognized general concepts; implicitly placing one’s work within the disciplinary field; exposing one’s writing to debate, and engaging in debate with others.”
  • 8. » Cultural studies deals mainly with terms such as ‘popular culture’, ‘racism’, ‘globalization’ – words which have good equivalents in various languages.” » A “characteristic feature of cultural studies is that it has a commitment to celebrating or critiquing cultural forms” and “producing accounts of culture that can be fed back into cultural production and/or to producing new connections between various cultural forms and people.” » Another feature of cultural studies is that it is self-reflective. “It needs continually critically to examine itself, and in particular its relations to the educational system and cultural institutions.” » “Is cultural studies is better regarded as a critical practice, (which) have helped to generate the discipline itself.”
  • 9. » Cultural studies being a separate discipline within the academic institutions has its own challenges. » The field does not conform to specific guidelines that make up many academic disciplines but rather requires its own criteria. » “Disciplinarity (or being a discipline) restricts the variety of topics, interests, contexts and methods that the field can accommodate.” » “Academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences have never been unitary formations: they integrate various methods, objects of inquiry and professional interests.” » “Increasingly disciplines flourish elsewhere that the university department or program itself- and especially in journals and conferences. That’s where academics and graduate students interact away from the classroom or departmental common spaces, and that’s where cultural studies forms itself as a discipline.”
  • 10. » The globalization of cultural studies means that it is positioned differently within academic institutions around the world. » In Latin America cultural studies takes relatively little interest in ‘multiculturalism’ and more interest in concepts such as ‘hybridity’. » In Asia, culture is studied largely in language or social science departments. » Traditional topics of cultural studies are less apparent in “third world” countries because questions and concerns about westernization, modernization, and autonomous national identity and nation-building are dominant in the field.
  • 11. » “Enterprise culture is associated first with a rapid increase in the social presence of culture, economically, governmentally and conceptually.” » Many Contemporary societies have become “culture –societies”. These societies have many of its citizens working in culture based jobs and industries. » International trade in cultural goods has increased. Entertainment is the USA’s biggest export. » “What exactly is this new enterprise culture?” » “Its another term that points in two directions-first, to ‘enterprise culture’ and ‘entrepreneurialism’ as a (model) covering a wide band of social and economic activities.” » “Second, the entrepreneurialisation of culture (thought of) as leisure activities. » “Enterprise culture emphasizes a set of specific personal and ethical qualities: self-sufficiency, appetite for risk, individualism, creativity and sense of adventure as well as self-control, financial expertise and management skills.” » “Cultural industries are routinely regarded as economic contributors, as employers, as attractors of tourism and business, as agents in urban regeneration.” » This means that governments get more involved. Nations can themselves be branded culturally. Hobbies can quickly turn into small businesses. » “Culture is regarded as a means through which governments can manage different communal values and traditions in society.”
  • 12. » “Each individual is wholly shaped by the single culture that they inherit. It is the very opposite of the mobile, fluid, market-directed, entrepreneurial, globalized culture to which contemporary cultural studies belongs. » There have been many metaphorical wars within cultural studies that concern tensions between certain concepts within the field. » Some of these culture wars include questions of morality and censorship. Permissiveness or liberalism against decency and family values. » The risks to traditional heritage and cultural value posed by commercial culture is another war. » Also, the threat to consensus and unified heritage implied by multiculturalism and migration.
  • 13. » “the term ‘cultural studies’ is used in a variety of ways.” » “Different nations have developed different kinds of cultural studies.”
  • 14. » Cultural Studies started in the UK » It emerged from a center that was popularizing quality literature (at the university of Birmingham) and started as a form of literary criticism. » It emerged from the notion that language has residual meanings that were not being used to discuss culture itself. » A key moment in the emergence of British cultural studies is the reconnecting of culture in the sense of art and literature with the culture of the ordinary (everyday and familiar). An expanded notion of culture as “a whole way of life.” » The term “Culturalism” came to light. The idea that “societies are interrelated wholes insofar as all social practices are also cultural practices, that is, practices that make collective meaning.” » “Hegemony” are the practices, expectations, and ordinary understanding of that nature of man and his world. It relates to man’s passions and beliefs that make up his daily life practices. It is also the political, economic, ideological or cultural power exerted by a dominant group over other groups. Requires consent of the majority to keep the dominant group in power. Control is achieved through consensus not force. Ex. voting
  • 15. » Representation in cultural studies is “the way that particular social groups were represented, especially in the media, and political gains.” » “Ethnography” is “the analysis of how culture is used and understood by actual individuals and groups.” It takes two forms: ˃ “Quantitative, which involves large-scale surveys and statistical analysis.” ˃ “Qualitative, which involve interviews with small groups or individuals.” » “As the discipline has globalized, and as universalizing theories have become increasingly difficult to sustain, British cultural studies has tended to retreat into the culture of its own nation-state.”
  • 16. Important figures, and theories of Cultural Studies
  • 17. • *Herbert Richard Hoggart (born 24 September 1918) is a British academic and public figure, whose career has covered the fields of sociology, English literature and cultural studies, with a special concern for British popular culture. • Massification of Culture The idea that "we are moving towards the creation of a mass culture, that the remnants of what was at least in part an urban culture 'of the people' are being destroyed". – The Uses of Literacy has been described as a key book in the history of English and Media Studies and in the founding of Cultural Studies. • The "drift" The break-up of the old, class culture; the loss of the close-knit communities and their replacement by the emerging manufactured mass culture. Key features of this are the tabloid newspapers, advertising, and the triumph of Hollywood. These "alien" phenomena have colonized local communities and robbed them of their distinctive features. Hoggart's attack is not on popular culture; rather it is on mass culture. "Popular culture" being self-created has a fundamental integrity and evolves according to its own laws and dictates, not as a result of the mass media. • Henri Lefebvre (16 June 1901 – 29 June 1991) was a French sociologist, intellectual and philosopher. He first coined the phrase The “Right to the City” as an idea and a slogan.
  • 18. » *Matthew Arnold Stated that culture is important because it helps maintain political order in modern society. The impulses towards action, help, the desire for removing human error, clearing human confusion, and diminishing human misery, the noble aspiration to leave the world better and happier than we found it, come in as part of the grounds of culture. It moves by the force, not merely of the scientific passion for pure knowledge, but also of the moral and social passion for doing good. » High culture - To have culture is to "know the best that has been said and thought in the world." - As the term "culture" has come to have a broader meaning, more inclusive of everything within a given culture rather than simply the most elite cultural manifestations, the term "high culture" refers to those aspects of culture which are most highly valued and esteemed by a given society's political, social, economic, and intellectual elite. - Opera, yachting are associated with high culture in the U.S. Generally, the most powerful members of a society are the ones who have the most influence over cultural meaning systems, and therefore the more powerful classes tend to enjoy the privilege of defining “high culture.” » Popular culture - Popular culture (or "pop culture") refers to the cultural meaning systems and cultural practices employed by the majority classes in a society. - The movie with the biggest weekend gross box office total, the number one song on the Billboard charts, the most widely read books and the highest ranking television show in the ratings are important elements of U.S. popular culture.
  • 19. » Raymond Williams Moving from High Culture to Ordinary Culture - Culture is ordinary: that is the first fact. Every human society has its own shape, its own purposes, its own meanings. Every human society expresses these, in institutions, and in arts and learning. The making of a society is the finding of common meanings and directions, and its growth is an active debate and amendment under the pressures of experience, contact, and discovery. - We use the word culture in this sense: to mean a whole way of life--the common meanings; to mean the arts and learning--the special processes of discovery and creative effort.
  • 20. » Cultural Materialism - A focus on the material side of life (technology, economics and physical environment) seeking to explain social organizational and behavioral differences among human societies. Concerned less with "culture" and more with society or social organization. - The major focus is on - Mode of production: technology & practices used in basic production of food & energy - Mode of reproduction: tech.+practices used for increasing, limiting+maintaining a population - Political economy: maintenance and severance of relationships in a society including that of the family and household. » :Structuralisman intellectual movement developed in France and grew to become one of the most popular approaches in academic fields concerned with the analysis of language, culture, and society. - The structuralist mode of reasoning has been used in fields including anthropology, sociology, psychology, literary criticism, and architecture. - It argues that a specific domain of culture may be understood by means of a structure that is distinct both from the organizations of reality and those of ideas or the imagination. Such as the grammatical rules that structure a language. - 4 ideas are common to structuralism. - That a structure determines the position of each element as a whole. - That every system has a structure. - Structural laws deal with co-existence rather than change. - Structures are the "real things" that lie beneath the surface or the appearance of meaning.
  • 21. » Cultural Studies has come to mean something rather different in the USA than in Britain. » American cultural studies helped develop movements that became fundamental parts of American culture and history such as sixties black power movement. » “Today in the US cultural studies is typically associated with ‘minority’ scholars, that is, with multiculturalism and the analysis of race and power.” » Cultural studies in the US can mean “the study of popular culture, the ‘postcolonial’ critique of western representations of non-western cultures, the powerless and dominated, an analysis of how gender, race, culture otherness and class combine, ‘minority discourse’ and the embrace of ‘hybridity’.” » “In the US cultural studies is less obsessed with America itself than British cultural studies is obsessed with Britain. Perhaps because the USA is a global power and attracts more staff and students internationally.”
  • 22. » “Australian cultural studies emerges out of British rather than US cultural studies. It was imported by a system of young British academics who went to Australia looking for jobs in the late seventies and eighties.” » “Cultural studies went on to be more successful in the Australian academic system than in any other.” » Australian cultural studies was characterized by its capacity to view ‘imaginary social unities’ as dangerous and ‘to think of cultures as processes which divide as much as they bring together’.” » “Migrant/settled and colonizer/colonized divisions that are at the core of the local discipline’s concerns, pushing aside interests in, say, popular culture.” » It deals with “work on migrant culture being produced and a new generation of indigenous intellectuals, who are articulating new understandings of contemporary aboriginal culture.”
  • 23. Cultural Populism • “It supposes that popular culture is not merely the opposite of high culture but also of dominant culture, which means that championing the popular has political value.” • “Popular culture always acts against ‘elitist domination’. It inverts the various traditional ‘minority’ accounts of high culture, which regard high culture as (an obstacle) against a trivial mass culture.” » Cultural Studies values the everyday life because of “the realization that something of value could be wrested from the familiar and the routine.” » “A fear that everyday life itself was under threat from modernity helped motivate an amazing, large-scale organization in Britain: the Mass observation movement of the 1940s which called upon the community itself to record the routines of ordinary life across the nation.” This in turn paved the way towards the beginning of the cultural studies discipline. » “Modern everyday life emerges in the emptiness of a rootless social order designed primarily to produce economically.” As opposed to the traditions and rituals that life used to focus on and revolve around. » Modernity can be seen as a way for the state and the government to intervene in the lives of its citizens by using economics and the promise of a better life as an excuse.
  • 24. Marxism - The economic and political theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that hold that human actions and institutions are economically determined and that class struggle is needed to create historical change and that capitalism always prevails. - Issues addressed may include how to classify and culturally define notions like the study of classes, the question of class conflict, economics and dependency, general issues of power, underdevelopment, peasantry and social change. - Concerns of power and class also intersect with race + gender issues - Cultural Marxism: A mixture of analysis where anthropologists attempt to understand how Marxist issues are imbedded in culture and the lives of people being studied. - Neo-Marxism: interpretations and reinterpretations of Marxist thought.
  • 25. » “Over the last decade or so, among the most important borrowings (from other fields) has been ‘post Marxism’.” » Traditional Marxism emphasize class struggle and insists on the determining power of economic relations. » Post Marxism suggests that the personal or subjective and the political could not be pulled apart. It states that our ideas and actions are affected by politics and that who we are is formed by it. » “Images, social stereotypes, media stories and vernacular forms of discourse such as jokes communicate political values, politics is not confined to the institutions in which politicians work. Politics is everywhere.” » “Post Marxism feeds so deeply into cultural studies because it allows for an account of the relation between social structures, political power and subjectivity.”
  • 26. » “How can cultural studies claim to be an engaged and worldly practice if it remains stuck in the fasts of the academy? Academics need to lift their public profile, popularize themselves and make themselves available to the media.” » “It may seem that journalists, being closer to the day-by-day shifts in cultural production and being required to write for mainly non-academic readerships, are better placed to evaluate culture than academics, who necessarily remain committed to academic abstraction and analysis. » “How might one balance, on the other side, the various limits and pressures under which journalists operate as employees of media conglomerates whose product-the story- is required to help their managers meet returns on capital targets by delivering audiences to advertisers, against, on the other side, the pressures and limits that produce self-perpetuating, academic, critical rhetoric.” » “Cultural studies’ primary commitment must be to the educational system rather than to its big competitor, the media.”
  • 27. » “The global dispersion of cultural studies both in a disciplinary sense and in a geographical sense means that that history has been radically dispersed. There can now be no single history of cultural studies.” » “Thinkers of the eighteenth century elaborated the notion that different societies possess different cultures (determined by local conditions and environments), through which they make sense of themselves and the world they inhabit, and through which they articulate their humanity.” » “Culture is supposed to carry out the work of reform that, in truth, only politics can perform. Culture’s energy requires a distance from politics: the ‘discrepancy’ between them is what allows culture to possess whatever social power it does.”
  • 28. » The many debates about method and interest have divided the field internationally. » The three most important debates are: 1. “The debate over the claim that culture (and hence cultural studies) has strong political force.” 2. “The debate over the determining power of economic structures on cultural formations.” 3. “The debate over what individual experience should play in cultural studies analysis.”
  • 29. » “Culture is Politics”-“Cultural studies claims to be not so much an academic discipline but a ‘critical practice’ with political force. Obviously this claim invites skepticism: how can sitting in a classroom chatting about television compare as a political activity with leafleting on behalf of a candidate?” » cultural studies' political ambitions point to three quite distinct modes. 1. Cultural populism: treats popular culture as being the opposite of an element that is consented to by the majority with in a society and not forced or Hegemony. 2. Identity politics: concerns groups formed around ethnic, or local identities. 3. Ideology critique: Assigns real political value to critical readings which convince audiences into accepting dominant norms. » Cultural studies has caused politics to change. “Mass politics has been diminished. Party politics (for example) has ceased to matter as much to people as it once did. Political parties increasingly communicate to and with the public through public relations, the media and polling.”
  • 30. » “Politics is increasingly informed by culture that cultural studies can claim to be political.” » “Traditionally, cultural studies aimed to ‘democratize’ culture. (To make it a) ‘participatory democracy’ in which all individuals, as inherently creative and engaged, would play significant roles.” » Thus, cultural studies can be seen as a fundamentally “democratic” discipline. » “Democracy is first and foremost a political concept.” this also means that the two are affecting each other and are influencing each other. » “The aim of cultural studies is not so much to democratize as to liberalize-to articulate an understanding of culture in the interests of the liberty of individuals and groups, their overcoming restrictions imposed by repressive prejudices, social hierarchies and economic inequities.”
  • 31. » “Culture is shaped, indirectly and directly, by economic structures.” » economy can effect the formation of new cultures when: 1. “Placing cultural production rather than consumption or reception at the discipline’s center.” 2. “An acceptance of the class hierarchies embedded in capitalism as the ultimate target of cultural analysis.” 3. “Social and economic ‘structures of domination’ are veiled by popular culture, it being the task of cultural studies intellectuals to lift the veil and to disseminate the hidden truth.” 4. “Marginalizing other, more or less emergent, social identities – feminist, ethnic – on the grounds that they are insufficiently (made-up) in relation to the main game: class and capitalism.”
  • 32. » “All interpretive disciplines tend to invoke personal and individualized understandings of their objects. Cultural studies refuses to accept cultural identities (the American, the worker, the white) which override internal differences within the communities defined by these identities.” It refuses to make conclusions about entire cultural identities based on a few generalizations. » “It is interested in experience and life-practices, cultural studies is driven to find a basis in personal responses to cultural formations. So, increasingly, academics in the field find themselves writing essays in which they share their personal involvement with, and passion for, some or other cultural form.” » “Individuals have possessed unconsciousness or sub-consciousness, in which feelings and memories are ‘repressed’ and are likely to be expressed in displaced and unexpected acts or thoughts.” for instance, specific practices of child-rearing and therapy, which can be seen as products of complex social and institutional settings.