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CRJ 110 Final Exam
1.What are the four definitional perspectives in contemporary criminology?
A)The four definitional perspectives are legalistic, political, sociological, and psychological.
2.What is the definition of crime that the authors of your textbook have chosen to use?
A)Crime is human conduct in violation of the criminal laws of a state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction that has the power to make such
3.What is the difference between crime and deviance?
A)Crime violates a law and deviance violates social norms.
4.What is the legalistic approach to the study of crime?
A)The legalistic approach to crime yields the moral high ground to powerful individuals who are able to influence the making of laws and the more content...
10.What are the major crimes on which data is gathered today?
The major crimes that data is gathered on today are personal/violent crimes such as murder, rape, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault, and
property crimes such as burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson.
11.What is the "dark figure of crime?"
A) The dark figure of crime is crimes that go unreported. They never make it into official crime statistics. Crime's dark figure is sometimes glimpsed
through offender self–reports, also known as offender self–report surveys, in which anonymous respondents without fear of disclosure or arrest are
asked to report confidentially any violations of the criminal law that they have committed.
12.What is the role of criminological research in theory building?
A) The goal of research in criminology is the construction of theories or models that allow for a better understanding of criminal behavior and the
permit the development of strategies intended to address the problem of crime.
13.How can theories help us understand criminal behavior and design strategies intended to control such behavior?
A) Theories help us to understand criminal behavior according to Kenneth R. Hoover by providing patterns for the
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Defining Family Essay
Determining family structure and dynamics as well as defining the family is a complex process. Personally, I come from a very traditional family.
Much like the assumptions made by the students in the article Defining Family: Young Adults' Perceptions of the Parent–Child Bond by Mellisa
Holtzman (2008). This is what comes to mind when most people define family; a nuclear family, with married parents, and biological children.
However, a family is a complex system and can take on many different forms. Today, in a world of the "postmodern family" the traditional lines of
family structure are blurred. Children may come from diverse types of homes, or a couple, married or not may choose to have no children and consider more content...
Living with extended family members has also been publicized lately in relation to the poor economy. Young adults who typically lived on their
own after college are moving back in with their parents, older adults on fixed incomes that do not go as far as they once did are living with their
children. This is a definite shift in the traditional family. Having graduated and moved out on my own prior to the economic decline I have learned to
live with less, but having known that was coming I would have considered living at home longer. My siblings have or are planning on moving back in
with our parents after college graduation to get ahead money–wise. This is a stressor on not only the individuals as a lack of feelings of freedom, but
also an adaptation by the family as a whole that was unplanned years ago. It is my belief that recognizing any family structure or definition is
important, as the traditional version may be skewed in so many ways, without knowing or recognizing the "family" that people we run across may
come from. We can also learn from other family definitions to build upon our own themes, rules, and beliefs. Adding stigma and prejudice toward
families different from our own not only alienate the members, but can add unnecessary stress upon that family system. Stress in any family system
can be seen as either an adaptation potential or a negative force. Many effects on the
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Definition Essay
Definition Essay
Definition: The aim in this essay is to define, explain, and exemplify something. Generally, in definition essays, we try to make the terms that we use
understandable for the reader. Our understanding of a term may be different from the general concept, or we may be focusing on a specific aspect.
Giving an exact definition would enable the reader to follow the ideas and arguments in your essay. Organization: Definition of a term is generally
given in the introduction. The development of the essay is dedicated to the explanation of the term. There are many ways to explain a term. It is also
possible to employ more than one of these methods of development. Below are some of the types of organization more content...
Love is not another seasoning to bottle and stick on the dust–lined shelves of the spice rack. Love is not to be confused with adhesive tape. Instead,
love is a great counterpart to late, evening thunder storms on hot July nights. Love goes well with cold pizza on picnic blankets. Love is cold, wet
sand between bare toes. Love is a capitalistic sell–all for novels, Top–40 pop songs, summer movies, and greeting cards.
Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL
2 of 3
DEFINITION ESSAY In its simplest terms, love is a four–letter word. Much like other words of similar letter make up, when expressed it can evoke
laughter, pleasure, pain, anger, and virtually any wave of reaction. Love also can be confused with feelings of indigestion and gas. Houses have been
built, burned, and banished because of love. retrieved May 12, 2004
Written by Oya Ozagac, May 2004 Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL
Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL
3 of
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Essay about My Definition of Freedom
The constitution of the United States of America gives me the right to freedom because I am a United States citizen. I consider "freedom" to be my
right to express myself in any way I choose. Freedom is defined as "having liberty of action or thought, independent". "Self–governed or not controlled
by an outside party" is another definition of freedom. Freedom has a different meaning to each individual thus making it hard to find a clear concise
When referring to freedom these words are often associated with freedom: Liberty, independence, sovereignty, autonomy, privilege,immunity, and
indulgence. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and justice. Independence more content...
The government can however reprimand a person for misuse of their right to freedom of speech. Freedom of expression is also grated by the
constitution by there are laws prohibiting indecent exposure. This law places limits on the freedom of expression. The government has decided that
people are allowed to express themselves however they see fit with in the guideline the laws have set for the citizens. If I person chooses to express
themselves outside the set boundaries they will have to pay the consequences.
If I had to determine a formula to determine freedom I would begin with a persons right to have many choices. In the United States a person has
many choices. In everyday life people choose to go to school, to eat breakfast, and to get married. People also make bad choices like to shoplift, to
drive a plane into the World Trade Center, or to drown their children. When people make decisions they have to take liability or responsibility for
their actions or choices. If a mother decides to drown her children then she has to take responsibility for her actions. I made the choice to go to
college. I now have to take the responsibility of going to class, doing my assignments and paying my tuition. Along with taking responsibility for my
choice to attend college I have to deal with the consequences that come along with my choice. My consequences could be good in that I'm getting an
education and preparing myself for the workforce someday. The mother who
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Cyberpunk Definitional Paper
Cyberpunk Definitional Paper
In the late 1970's and early '80's and new type of writing style came about that relied on many of the traditional criteria to be called science fiction, but
had a certain something else that had many people agreeing that it was not just science fiction. This new style of writing was so different and so many
people started writing in this style that the general public decided that it was time this genre of writing deserved a label: cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is not an
easy group of writing to define on paper, but it is easy to spot when one is reading it. The cyberpunk writing movement started out with many short
stories then became recognizable to the masses with probably the movements most successful novel, more content...
This is not to say that cyberpunks do not have there fair share of far flung imaginative human interface hookups and so forth, but they are talking
about technology that if it were to be developed, it would be within the writers life time or so. The other difference in the technology that is described
in cyberpunk is how it is used. Almost every person in the stories has access to the technology. More importantly, the technology involved normally
allows for extreme human inter–action with it. The writer will make computers and humans connect, and allow the computer to alter the mind,
human social behaviors, and/or society itself. Cyberpunk futures make computers not only become a part of everyday life, but a integral element for
survival and prosperity. This aspect is the main plot in Gibson's novel. His main character, Chase, needs to find a way to reverse the damage in a chip
in his head for him to do the type of work he wanted to do. Before cyberpunk, humans had control over thier technology, and it was a separate entity,
but now the distinction over how much a person is human and how much of them are machine is not so clear. Now humans have lost the ability to
control thier technology.
Another important feature of cyberpunk is the integration of everyday events and items that affect people the most. In Neuromancer, Gibson allows
chase to go in to a bar and have a beer. This may not be an overly exciting event, one that many people do every day, but the
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Family Definition
Beliefs about Definition and Membership Regarding Family
Family is a group of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. This is the definition adopted by the U.S. government, and I believe it is
the most accurate. Family holds a sense of commitment over time. This excludes friends, significant others, and pets. Friends may come in and out of
your life, especially after moving or significant life transitions. Boyfriends and girlfriends are open to walk away once the relationship is not going as
they would like since there is not the commitment of marriage. Yet,family is bound by one of the initial criteria through all stages and circumstances of
life. You may have very close friends that feel like family, but the feeling along more content...
I like pictures, videos, demonstrations, anything that will help me to visualize concepts. I can remember things much better if I have a way to see it in
my mind, whether than is visioning the spelling of word when I try to write it or thinking of a concrete example that goes along with the concept. I
think that my instinct would be to teach this way as well because that's what works for me.
As I mentioned, using visuals is very helpful for me. But more than that, I think that practicing what I am learning is the best way for me to
understand something. For example, if I am learning about how to knead bread, it is helpful for me to watch a demonstration first, but then I need to
physically knead the bread in order to put the entire concept together. Watching alone only gets me part way there. I would really like to use a more
kinesthetic, hands on approach in my own classroom someday. I like to be up and active and having others do things along with me, and I think most
people learn well doing hands on activities. I would incorporate other helpful methods along with using movement, though. I know for myself that I
need that visual guidance first, whether that is watching someone or even reading instruction, but if I just listen to someone explain the process, I
most likely will miss a lot of key pieces of information. So, my goal would be to use both visual and auditory elements to introduce
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Definition Essay Reality
What is reality ? the dictionary will tell you, it is the state of being true or actual. Reality an entity, a person or an event, It can also be the totality of
all things in existence.. Reality is not so simple to define. Reality is different for every person and their experiences, it is a definition open to
First, for some people reality isn't based on what's actually going one example is a schizophrenic, A true schizophrenic may not be able to figure out
what is in their head and what is real. They can become so attached to their imaginary world that they don't even consider it as a figment of their
imagination and can not be convinced otherwise. People who have vivid visual or auditory hallucinations seem crazy to more content...
If they don't like the world they live in, they turn to music, books or movies The list goes on and on. It's easy to do this, especially, in the American
culture. Some People want to feed their imagination and daydream all day in the hope they can at least temporarily escape reality,or that it will
somehow come true. It's nice to get lost in a book, movie or a game, but in the end no one can escape life. Sooner or later in most cases the dream
will go away and they will be back dealing with life's daily problems again.On the other hand, some of people lie to themselves so much they truly
believe it. So their perception of reality becomes twisted. They may tell themselves that they are happy even though below the surface their
suffering. Next, for some their reality is limited because it's all they know. There's a verse in the Bible: "My people perish for lack of knowledge."
A person may not know that good hygiene keeps them from getting sick if they grew up in a tribal culture.. People who are Amish don't know the
reality of the modern world like until they leave home. If someone had gotten a sports scholarship to a great college and worked hard all their life,
had good grades and plans for the future but got injured in a freak accident and had to go to a nursing home for the rest of their life it would be a
much more difficult reality for them, than a person whose reality
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The Definition of Poverty Essay
What are the definitions of poor and poverty? Many people hear the words poverty and have different meanings, so how do we know which
definition and I poor is the correct one? According to many people poverty may mean a person who does not have any money to do the things they
want to do, however most people can afford to live only on the things they truly need. This is just one example; there are many other definitions of the
word poverty. Then what do people consider to be the meaning of the word poor? Some may say poor is not having enough money for that extra
something at the supermarket or at the mall. What exactly are the true definitions of each word, and how do you tell the words apart and how do you
know what more content...
So how do we know that both of these are true meanings of the word poverty? It could also be an educated guess as the word poor. I believe we
must take the learned definitions of each word and merge them with our own opinions and the situations in which they are used to come to an
accurate definition. In the beginning of my research of the word poor I had just thought that the word meant not having anything, digging through
garbage for food and living in the streets. I always thought about the children advertised on the television that had no food and were nothing but
skin and bones; however in my research using the (OED) I found the word poor can mean many different things like having only few materials
needing the things that provide the comforts or the nessecities needed in human life so as in doing the research I have done it has changed my mind
a little and in a way has me confused about the true meaning of the two words. As I have described poor in the last paragraph I have also thought
about the meanin of the word poverty and how closely the two definitions are related they both mean to me having little or nothing, not having the
nessecities needed in life they both mean having little or no wealth, they can also mean having poor condition of the body. I believe that is why the
English language is so distinct
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Definitional Essay Examples
After careful consideration, I feel it to be more appropriate to discuss my position in the sex, gender, and sexuality subgroups as I feel it has had the
most influence on my postitionality. First, I am a female. Although females make up the slight majority of the world, we are not the dominant group,
as we live in a patriarchal society in the United States of America. It is definitely a "man's world" as far as dominance, advantages, and benefits.
Sometimes men and women get treated differently for similar actions; women may get criticized, whereas men may get praised. When I served in the
U. S. Army I got overlooked for promotion twice due to me being a female in a male dominated occupation until the late Staff Sergeant Tompkins more content...
I am Caucasian, or white as most people say. White is and has been the dominant group in the U. S. because of access to resources, power,
oppression of other races, etc. The majority of the time, I have not known if my race had been advantageous, but more than likely it has been. For
instance, I do not know for certain if I got a better price on a vehicle, the better interest rate on a loan, or a mortgage due to me being white, but it is
possible. Most of the systematical discrimination against other races is not sharply known to whites until they start looking at information, statistics,
and studies that provide evidence that this discrimination happened. There may be other aspects I worry about, but I do not worry about my race
putting me at a disadvantage or risk of being mistreated or discriminated against. Other than occasionally being thought of by people of another race
as being naive, inexperienced, or a born racist because I'm white, there have not been any other negative impacts in my life due to my race, White
privilege is existent whether I see it or not. I feel that the more knowledge I have of its existence and to what extent, the more I can control how white
privilege affects my life and those around
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CRJ 110 Final Exam

  • 1. CRJ 110 Final Exam 1.What are the four definitional perspectives in contemporary criminology? A)The four definitional perspectives are legalistic, political, sociological, and psychological. 2.What is the definition of crime that the authors of your textbook have chosen to use? A)Crime is human conduct in violation of the criminal laws of a state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction that has the power to make such laws. 3.What is the difference between crime and deviance? A)Crime violates a law and deviance violates social norms. 4.What is the legalistic approach to the study of crime? A)The legalistic approach to crime yields the moral high ground to powerful individuals who are able to influence the making of laws and the more content... 10.What are the major crimes on which data is gathered today? The major crimes that data is gathered on today are personal/violent crimes such as murder, rape, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault, and property crimes such as burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson. 11.What is the "dark figure of crime?" A) The dark figure of crime is crimes that go unreported. They never make it into official crime statistics. Crime's dark figure is sometimes glimpsed through offender self–reports, also known as offender self–report surveys, in which anonymous respondents without fear of disclosure or arrest are asked to report confidentially any violations of the criminal law that they have committed. 12.What is the role of criminological research in theory building? A) The goal of research in criminology is the construction of theories or models that allow for a better understanding of criminal behavior and the permit the development of strategies intended to address the problem of crime. 13.How can theories help us understand criminal behavior and design strategies intended to control such behavior? A) Theories help us to understand criminal behavior according to Kenneth R. Hoover by providing patterns for the Get more content on
  • 2. Defining Family Essay Determining family structure and dynamics as well as defining the family is a complex process. Personally, I come from a very traditional family. Much like the assumptions made by the students in the article Defining Family: Young Adults' Perceptions of the Parent–Child Bond by Mellisa Holtzman (2008). This is what comes to mind when most people define family; a nuclear family, with married parents, and biological children. However, a family is a complex system and can take on many different forms. Today, in a world of the "postmodern family" the traditional lines of family structure are blurred. Children may come from diverse types of homes, or a couple, married or not may choose to have no children and consider more content... Living with extended family members has also been publicized lately in relation to the poor economy. Young adults who typically lived on their own after college are moving back in with their parents, older adults on fixed incomes that do not go as far as they once did are living with their children. This is a definite shift in the traditional family. Having graduated and moved out on my own prior to the economic decline I have learned to live with less, but having known that was coming I would have considered living at home longer. My siblings have or are planning on moving back in with our parents after college graduation to get ahead money–wise. This is a stressor on not only the individuals as a lack of feelings of freedom, but also an adaptation by the family as a whole that was unplanned years ago. It is my belief that recognizing any family structure or definition is important, as the traditional version may be skewed in so many ways, without knowing or recognizing the "family" that people we run across may come from. We can also learn from other family definitions to build upon our own themes, rules, and beliefs. Adding stigma and prejudice toward families different from our own not only alienate the members, but can add unnecessary stress upon that family system. Stress in any family system can be seen as either an adaptation potential or a negative force. Many effects on the Get more content on
  • 3. Definition Essay DEFINITION ESSAY Definition Essay Definition: The aim in this essay is to define, explain, and exemplify something. Generally, in definition essays, we try to make the terms that we use understandable for the reader. Our understanding of a term may be different from the general concept, or we may be focusing on a specific aspect. Giving an exact definition would enable the reader to follow the ideas and arguments in your essay. Organization: Definition of a term is generally given in the introduction. The development of the essay is dedicated to the explanation of the term. There are many ways to explain a term. It is also possible to employ more than one of these methods of development. Below are some of the types of organization more content... Love is not another seasoning to bottle and stick on the dust–lined shelves of the spice rack. Love is not to be confused with adhesive tape. Instead, love is a great counterpart to late, evening thunder storms on hot July nights. Love goes well with cold pizza on picnic blankets. Love is cold, wet sand between bare toes. Love is a capitalistic sell–all for novels, Top–40 pop songs, summer movies, and greeting cards. Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL 2 of 3 DEFINITION ESSAY In its simplest terms, love is a four–letter word. Much like other words of similar letter make up, when expressed it can evoke laughter, pleasure, pain, anger, and virtually any wave of reaction. Love also can be confused with feelings of indigestion and gas. Houses have been built, burned, and banished because of love. retrieved May 12, 2004 ________________________________________________ Written by Oya Ozagac, May 2004 Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL 3 of
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  • 5. Essay about My Definition of Freedom The constitution of the United States of America gives me the right to freedom because I am a United States citizen. I consider "freedom" to be my right to express myself in any way I choose. Freedom is defined as "having liberty of action or thought, independent". "Self–governed or not controlled by an outside party" is another definition of freedom. Freedom has a different meaning to each individual thus making it hard to find a clear concise definition. When referring to freedom these words are often associated with freedom: Liberty, independence, sovereignty, autonomy, privilege,immunity, and indulgence. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and justice. Independence more content... The government can however reprimand a person for misuse of their right to freedom of speech. Freedom of expression is also grated by the constitution by there are laws prohibiting indecent exposure. This law places limits on the freedom of expression. The government has decided that people are allowed to express themselves however they see fit with in the guideline the laws have set for the citizens. If I person chooses to express themselves outside the set boundaries they will have to pay the consequences. If I had to determine a formula to determine freedom I would begin with a persons right to have many choices. In the United States a person has many choices. In everyday life people choose to go to school, to eat breakfast, and to get married. People also make bad choices like to shoplift, to drive a plane into the World Trade Center, or to drown their children. When people make decisions they have to take liability or responsibility for their actions or choices. If a mother decides to drown her children then she has to take responsibility for her actions. I made the choice to go to college. I now have to take the responsibility of going to class, doing my assignments and paying my tuition. Along with taking responsibility for my choice to attend college I have to deal with the consequences that come along with my choice. My consequences could be good in that I'm getting an education and preparing myself for the workforce someday. The mother who Get more content on
  • 6. Cyberpunk Definitional Paper Cyberpunk Definitional Paper In the late 1970's and early '80's and new type of writing style came about that relied on many of the traditional criteria to be called science fiction, but had a certain something else that had many people agreeing that it was not just science fiction. This new style of writing was so different and so many people started writing in this style that the general public decided that it was time this genre of writing deserved a label: cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is not an easy group of writing to define on paper, but it is easy to spot when one is reading it. The cyberpunk writing movement started out with many short stories then became recognizable to the masses with probably the movements most successful novel, more content... This is not to say that cyberpunks do not have there fair share of far flung imaginative human interface hookups and so forth, but they are talking about technology that if it were to be developed, it would be within the writers life time or so. The other difference in the technology that is described in cyberpunk is how it is used. Almost every person in the stories has access to the technology. More importantly, the technology involved normally allows for extreme human inter–action with it. The writer will make computers and humans connect, and allow the computer to alter the mind, human social behaviors, and/or society itself. Cyberpunk futures make computers not only become a part of everyday life, but a integral element for survival and prosperity. This aspect is the main plot in Gibson's novel. His main character, Chase, needs to find a way to reverse the damage in a chip in his head for him to do the type of work he wanted to do. Before cyberpunk, humans had control over thier technology, and it was a separate entity, but now the distinction over how much a person is human and how much of them are machine is not so clear. Now humans have lost the ability to control thier technology. Another important feature of cyberpunk is the integration of everyday events and items that affect people the most. In Neuromancer, Gibson allows chase to go in to a bar and have a beer. This may not be an overly exciting event, one that many people do every day, but the Get more content on
  • 7. Family Definition Beliefs about Definition and Membership Regarding Family Family is a group of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. This is the definition adopted by the U.S. government, and I believe it is the most accurate. Family holds a sense of commitment over time. This excludes friends, significant others, and pets. Friends may come in and out of your life, especially after moving or significant life transitions. Boyfriends and girlfriends are open to walk away once the relationship is not going as they would like since there is not the commitment of marriage. Yet,family is bound by one of the initial criteria through all stages and circumstances of life. You may have very close friends that feel like family, but the feeling along more content... I like pictures, videos, demonstrations, anything that will help me to visualize concepts. I can remember things much better if I have a way to see it in my mind, whether than is visioning the spelling of word when I try to write it or thinking of a concrete example that goes along with the concept. I think that my instinct would be to teach this way as well because that's what works for me. As I mentioned, using visuals is very helpful for me. But more than that, I think that practicing what I am learning is the best way for me to understand something. For example, if I am learning about how to knead bread, it is helpful for me to watch a demonstration first, but then I need to physically knead the bread in order to put the entire concept together. Watching alone only gets me part way there. I would really like to use a more kinesthetic, hands on approach in my own classroom someday. I like to be up and active and having others do things along with me, and I think most people learn well doing hands on activities. I would incorporate other helpful methods along with using movement, though. I know for myself that I need that visual guidance first, whether that is watching someone or even reading instruction, but if I just listen to someone explain the process, I most likely will miss a lot of key pieces of information. So, my goal would be to use both visual and auditory elements to introduce Get more content on
  • 8. Definition Essay Reality What is reality ? the dictionary will tell you, it is the state of being true or actual. Reality an entity, a person or an event, It can also be the totality of all things in existence.. Reality is not so simple to define. Reality is different for every person and their experiences, it is a definition open to interpretation. First, for some people reality isn't based on what's actually going one example is a schizophrenic, A true schizophrenic may not be able to figure out what is in their head and what is real. They can become so attached to their imaginary world that they don't even consider it as a figment of their imagination and can not be convinced otherwise. People who have vivid visual or auditory hallucinations seem crazy to more content... If they don't like the world they live in, they turn to music, books or movies The list goes on and on. It's easy to do this, especially, in the American culture. Some People want to feed their imagination and daydream all day in the hope they can at least temporarily escape reality,or that it will somehow come true. It's nice to get lost in a book, movie or a game, but in the end no one can escape life. Sooner or later in most cases the dream will go away and they will be back dealing with life's daily problems again.On the other hand, some of people lie to themselves so much they truly believe it. So their perception of reality becomes twisted. They may tell themselves that they are happy even though below the surface their suffering. Next, for some their reality is limited because it's all they know. There's a verse in the Bible: "My people perish for lack of knowledge." A person may not know that good hygiene keeps them from getting sick if they grew up in a tribal culture.. People who are Amish don't know the reality of the modern world like until they leave home. If someone had gotten a sports scholarship to a great college and worked hard all their life, had good grades and plans for the future but got injured in a freak accident and had to go to a nursing home for the rest of their life it would be a much more difficult reality for them, than a person whose reality Get more content on
  • 9. The Definition of Poverty Essay What are the definitions of poor and poverty? Many people hear the words poverty and have different meanings, so how do we know which definition and I poor is the correct one? According to many people poverty may mean a person who does not have any money to do the things they want to do, however most people can afford to live only on the things they truly need. This is just one example; there are many other definitions of the word poverty. Then what do people consider to be the meaning of the word poor? Some may say poor is not having enough money for that extra something at the supermarket or at the mall. What exactly are the true definitions of each word, and how do you tell the words apart and how do you know what more content... So how do we know that both of these are true meanings of the word poverty? It could also be an educated guess as the word poor. I believe we must take the learned definitions of each word and merge them with our own opinions and the situations in which they are used to come to an accurate definition. In the beginning of my research of the word poor I had just thought that the word meant not having anything, digging through garbage for food and living in the streets. I always thought about the children advertised on the television that had no food and were nothing but skin and bones; however in my research using the (OED) I found the word poor can mean many different things like having only few materials needing the things that provide the comforts or the nessecities needed in human life so as in doing the research I have done it has changed my mind a little and in a way has me confused about the true meaning of the two words. As I have described poor in the last paragraph I have also thought about the meanin of the word poverty and how closely the two definitions are related they both mean to me having little or nothing, not having the nessecities needed in life they both mean having little or no wealth, they can also mean having poor condition of the body. I believe that is why the English language is so distinct Get more content on
  • 10. Definitional Essay Examples After careful consideration, I feel it to be more appropriate to discuss my position in the sex, gender, and sexuality subgroups as I feel it has had the most influence on my postitionality. First, I am a female. Although females make up the slight majority of the world, we are not the dominant group, as we live in a patriarchal society in the United States of America. It is definitely a "man's world" as far as dominance, advantages, and benefits. Sometimes men and women get treated differently for similar actions; women may get criticized, whereas men may get praised. When I served in the U. S. Army I got overlooked for promotion twice due to me being a female in a male dominated occupation until the late Staff Sergeant Tompkins more content... I am Caucasian, or white as most people say. White is and has been the dominant group in the U. S. because of access to resources, power, oppression of other races, etc. The majority of the time, I have not known if my race had been advantageous, but more than likely it has been. For instance, I do not know for certain if I got a better price on a vehicle, the better interest rate on a loan, or a mortgage due to me being white, but it is possible. Most of the systematical discrimination against other races is not sharply known to whites until they start looking at information, statistics, and studies that provide evidence that this discrimination happened. There may be other aspects I worry about, but I do not worry about my race putting me at a disadvantage or risk of being mistreated or discriminated against. Other than occasionally being thought of by people of another race as being naive, inexperienced, or a born racist because I'm white, there have not been any other negative impacts in my life due to my race, White privilege is existent whether I see it or not. I feel that the more knowledge I have of its existence and to what extent, the more I can control how white privilege affects my life and those around Get more content on