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Frq Unit 1
FRQ Unit 1 1. The four types of distortion are: shape, distance, relative size, and direction. Shape is the way a country looks, distance is the space
between countries, relative size how big or small a country is based on its relation to other countries, and direction is the location of one place related
to the meridians/parallels or to another country. For the shape distortion the Mercator Projection would help minimize that effect because the overall
outline and shape of the countries are correct. The Goode Homolosine and Robinson Projections do not have good shapes and are immensely distorted.
For the direction distortion, the Mercator Projection minimizes the most distortion because the countries are located in the right place and
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The map is a functional region. A functional region is one with a node or a focal point and diffuses outward. On this map, Denver is the focal
point. All flights are based in Denver and then extend outward. The concentration of flights are higher, when you are closer to Denver and slowly
decrease as you move out of the US. The first factor that affects the concentration is if the area is a clustered concentration. For example, there is a
very higher amount of flights around just the cities, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. In total there are six flight destinations in the small area of Las
Vegas/Los Angeles. This area is very popular and lots of people go here. For that reason, that area is a popular area causing the amount of flights
that go here is higher. Also since these two destinations are closer together and there is a higher amount of flights coming here in a small space, the
Los Angeles and Las Vegas area is defined as clustered. The second factor that affects the concentration is if the area is a dispersed concentration.
For example, there is a very low amount of flights in the whole country in Mexico. There is only four flights in the country of Mexico while there
was six in the small area of Las Vegas/Los Angeles. Because there is a low amount of flight destinations in Mexico, the destinations are spread out
throughout the country. This is defined as a dispersed concentration where there are a low amount of a feature in an
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Why Did Europeans Want To Imperialize
Imperialism means to maintain a certain strategy or system of improving power of an empire or nation. This definition is extremely significant because
it expanded the authority of nations and cultures. In addition to this, there were plenty of reasons Europeans wanted to imperialize. The first and
foremost reason was that they desired to imperialize natural resources. Some of the main natural resources that worthed a lot were gold, copper, tin,
and diamond.
This had a huge effect of their wealth in their countries because only you could sell your items to other countries. Furthermore, new markets were
another reason that the Europeans wish to imperialize. New markets were important because they were required in order to sustain
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FRQ Essay: Root Causes
FRQ Essay A root cause is the background cause that leads to the event and a direct cause is the final and direct event that begins another event. Some
root causes would be imperialism, nationalism, militarism, alliances, and industrialism. Some reasons why a country would want to imperialize other
places is to gain power, land, to make alliances,more resources, and may need somewhere to stop on their way to far places. Imperializing other
independent countries for there own benefits got the other countries mad. Alot of the European countries were being scooped up by all different
countries. This of course causing tension. Nationalism is that loyal feeling, growing up so proud of their country because of this, this is one of the
main reasons
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Imperialism In The Military
Imperialis means your perspective on how much power you think you have or another country, having more power or for example making your
military more intimidating. This can be going into to some land that you don't have and just saying that it is your land. If your country would just walk
into someone else's territory and say that it is there's. The first reason of imperialized would be nationalism. When a country would claim land, the
people were proud. A second imperialist would be the strategic advantage. The imperialist country did not want anyone ahead of them, they wanted to
be better than everyone else so they thought highly of themselves. The third reason imperialized was national security. They thought if they kept the
economy, a good
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Apush Unit 9 Frq
Kayla Trinh Burke/1 AP US HISTORY UNIT 9 ESSAY Analyze the impact of any TWO of the following on the American industrial worker
between 1865 and 1900. The industrial revolution had been made known all over the world, causing huge waves of immigrants to crash into urban
cities of the United States. Because of this, many factories sprang up and a typical American industrial worker had to face problems because of
immigration and also labor unions, which were created in order to protect factory workers from unfair bosses. Immigration was seen as a pro for
business and factory owners for they were hungry for jobs and would take any no matter how little the pay. These immigrants were seen as ravenous
job–stealing people that made the gap more content...
Because of this, the Colored National Labor Union was created by blacks themselves but the differences did not allow them to work together. The
National Labor union strongly advocated for eight hour workdays. Another union called the Knights of Labor emerged that first began as a secret
society. Their purpose was to include all workers in "one big union." They allowed everyone: blacks, whites, men, women, the skilled and unskilled.
Terence V. Powderly led this union to win several strikes for an eight
– hour day. Unfortunately, the Knights of Labor were involved in a violent protest
called Haymarket Square. They were mistaken to be associated with anarchists and this brought them to their downfall. Finally, a successful union
shows up called the American Federation of Labor (AFL), founded by Samuel Gompers, which only allowed skilled workers. In the end, usually the
management won with the strikers having little improvement. Immigration and labor unions strongly impacted the American. Immigrants mostly
impacted the American industrial worker negatively, because of more competition to earn jobs and also the immigrant's willingness to work for lower
wages. Labor unions were created in order to help the workers, but in the end, both created tension and depersonalized the work
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What Was The Main Cause Of World War 1 Essay
World War I was the first world war and was also called the war to end all wars. This war caused many wives to become widows and left other families
sad for their lose. The war lasted about 4 years and involved two alliances, the Triple alliance and the Triple Entente. World War I was harsh but what
was the main cause of the war? The main cause for World War Iwas militarism. In the chart "Growth in Armaments" adapted from The London Times
History of the World shows the years from 1890 to 1914 of the growth of the armies in Germany, Austria
–Hungary, Italy, Great Britain, Russia, and
France. According to the chart in 1890 France had the biggest army and Great Britain had the biggest navy. By 1914 Germany has the biggest army
and Great more content...
McCutcheon many fingers were pointed to the same person because of alliances. With alliances they can put the blame all on the same person
without to many fingers being pointed at them. In the picture for example Russia, France, Belgium, and England are all pointing to blame Germany
for killing the peace of Europe. Russia, France, and England are all part of the same alliance and Germany is pointing at Russia, so to get counter it
the all point at Germany and that causes Germany to have the most fingers pointing at it. With alliances Russia didn't get the blame and Germany did.
In the speech "The Hammer or the Anvil" written and spoken by Bernhard von Bulow there is a section where it talks about militarism. In the speech
Bernhard von Bulow says, "if we realize that there is no welfare for us without power, without a strong army and a strong fleet." and that there is no
happiness or health without power or without a strong army. Bulow believes in militarism because he thinks the only way for health and happiness is
to have a powerful army and to have power.
Although alliances was a cause for World War I, militarism was the main cause. Militarism was the main cause because if no one was preparing for a
war there wouldn't have been one. With everyone thinking that having a big army is the key to success and the only way they would be able to use
that army would be in a
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Essay about Minority and majority rights
The rights of many people versus the rights of an individual is certainly a vexing concept. Like a delicate balancing act; if one side is favoured over
the other it causes a rift in the already strained relationship between the minority and majority. Evidently, the justification of taking any side must be
valid, according to the theories of H.L.A. Hart. In the past, Canadian law has violated the rights of minorities; however, these violations have
decreased in their severity as time has passed on. Some cases where the balance between minority and majority rights is questioned is in The Canadian
Indian Residential School System, Bill 101, Equality in the Workplace and The Public Service Act.
To begin, Aboriginal rights have, historically, more content...
The Act was amended for the first time in 1885, the amendment prohibited religious practices and traditional dances. The validity of these laws is
questionable. According to H.L.A. Hart's philosophies: these measures were not valid. Laws are to protect society from exploitation and violence of
the weak and vulnerable; instead children were taken out of their homes and forced into a new strange environment where they were likely abused.
One of Hart's theories says that: for a law to be valid, rules should be obeyed because they make sense, not because of the fear of punishment. In these
residential schools the Children were forced to dress, speak and act in a European manner – they would receive harsh punishments otherwise; clearly,
this is not valid. It was a serious violation of human rights for a minority group in the human population. Canada has recognized this and in 2007 a 1.9
billion dollar compensation package was put together for those who attended residential schools; a formal apology was also delivered by Stephen
Harper to residential school students in 2008. Therefore, Canada has severely violated the rights of the Aboriginal minority in the interest to assimilate
them into Canadian society; the mistake was recognized and compensation was given. It is no secret that French–English relations in Canada have been
strained in the past and still are – albeit to a lesser extent.
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Struggle for Control Fo North America Frq
In the 1740's, Great Britain and France both realized that a struggle for control of North America was unavoidable. With the French's involvement in the
fur trade and the English's concern with their cash crops the desire for more land grew, which ultimately caused clashes between the two empires.
France pushed westward in pursuit of its one valuable resource, the beaver. European fashion setters valued beaver fur hats for their warmth and
luxurious appearance. Demands for the fur grew. French voyageurs even recruited Indians into the fur business in order to help with the hunt. French
fur–trappers and their Indian partners ranged from all over North America in pursuit of the beaver. They hiked, rode, snow shoed, sailed, and paddled more content...
At this moment Bismarck saw his opportunity to trap Austria. Bismarck knew Austria will be forced to side withPrussia against the Danes because they
wish to keep their appearance of superiority in the German Confederation and because neither Austria nor Prussia wished the other to appear more
devoted to the German states (doc21). Otto von Bismarck was not concerned whether or not the Germans in Holstein were happy but only cared
about the expansion of Prussian power and the seizure of Schleswig and Holstein by Prussia (doc20). Austria and Prussia were now allied together
along with Saxony and Hanover in order liberate the twin duchies of Schleswig and Holstein from the Kingdom of Denmark (doc23). The joint forces
of Austria and Prussia threatened war with the king of Denmark (doc24). King Christain IX of Denmark was unable to count on support of England,
France nor Russia and is forced to abdicate, ending the Prussian–Danish War (doc 25). Ending the Prussian–Danish War, the Joint Austrian–Prussian
Agreement was made. Of this agreement Prussia will occupy and administer Schleswig, Austria will occupy and administer Holstein, Austria will
allow for a transportation and communication corridor through Holstein, for the purpose of serving Prussian troops in Schleswig, and Austria will
allow for the construction of a Prussian naval base in Kiel which is located on the Baltic Sea coast of Holstein (doc26). By having a Prussian naval
base in
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Essay on Tobacco/Cotton Slavery FRQ
Compare and contrast the experience of slaves on tobacco plantations in the early seventeenth–century Chesapeake region with that of slaves on
nineteenth–century cotton plantations in the Deep South. What forces transformed the institution of slavery the early seventeenth century to the
nineteenth century? When approaching slavery from a historical standpoint, it is a tendency to generalize the experience of slaves. However, slavery
differs per region and time period. The differing climates of the Chesapeake region and Deep South determined the crops that would be grown and
consequently the severity of slave labor. Likewise, over time slavery evolved from a class based system (poor indentured servants working alongside
blacks) to more content...
Tobacco was an appealing crop for planters, for it cost pennies to purchase and sold for much more. As a result, the slave trade expanded, and many
companies sought to join the lucrative trade. This is shown by the Royal African Company losing its monopoly in 1698. By 1750, blacks
comprised nearly half of the population in Virginia. To ensure the preservation of racial slavery, new slave codes deemed that the children of those
enslaved would also be enslaved. Thus the concept of slavery for life was established. This furthered the claim of planters that the blacks they owned
were in fact property or "chattels", making the racial basis of slavery unquestionable. It is clear that America was no longer just a society with slaves–
the institution of slavery was integrated with race, the economy, politics, as well as everyday life. In addition to tobacco plantations, cotton slavery
was also expanding in the Deep South. As the soil became exhausted from growing tobacco in the Chesapeake area, many slave–owners found it more
profitable to sell their slaves to southern plantations. Thus, though slavery remained in the Chesapeake area, the growing cotton industry moved its
epicenter to the Deep South. The major forces that caused this shift will be included in the paragraph about the end of slavery. The soil was beginning
to become overused because of the intensity of tobacco
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Pros And Cons Of Ap Psychology Frq
AP Psych FRQ: Research Methods A case study is defined as a full, detailed picture of a participant or a small group of other participants. While a
correlational study can suggest that both variables have a relationship that exists. An experiment is where the experimenter's hypothesis is tested to see
whether it works. Typically, the experimenter has an independent variable (the cause) where they can manipulate the variable and as well as the
dependent variable (the effect). Each of these methods has their pros and cons. This portion will analyze the benefits and downfalls of these methods.
An advantage that a case study can offer is that they can simplify some of the most complex concepts. From a positive perspective, a correlational
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Civil War Frq Questions And Answers
One reason for The English not so civil war was James the first and Charles the first. They both believed in the divine right to rule and they both
thought they were absolute monarchs.
Due to those two another reason due to the English not so civil war was foreign policy and persecution. Puritans wanted to purify the Anglican
religion. These two rulers ignored middle and trade & ignored laws and imprisoned enemies without trial.
Charles was imprisoning enemies without trial he is sent a petition. The petition stated that they can't be taxed without approval, have the right to
speedy trial, and can't disregard habeus corpus.
In result of that Charles ignores petition of right and says they can't curve his divine right to more content...
17. In Britain 1714 Queen ann dies, but he had no children so the first two hanover kings took over George(1) and George(2)George the first hardly
spoke english and left rule to minister.
1756–1763 7 years war affects Austria makes them recognize claim to Silesa, France gives up india to Britain, Canada gets Great lakes and Ohio valley,
American revolution, and Standing armies grow over Europe.
Catherine the Great married Peter the third when Peter was overthrown and Catherine took over. In result she made Russia 50% bigger, take parts of
Poland and also southern Russia.
The revolution was a big part of history and some of the causes that led to the revolution were: Debt due to war, inequality ВЅ estates, Famine 1788
volcano, Monarchy Diamond necklace affair.
1788 government realized royal treasury was empty in result Louis XVI decided to call estates general may 1789.
June 20th arguments got so heated that 3rd estate was locked so he took the tennis court oath. This initiates National Assembly so then revolutions on.
In result Louis sends troops to revolution. But people storm Bastille to protect themselves on july
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AP Psych First Semester Final FRQ Bank
AP Psych First Semester Final FRQ Bank
1.Your friend Dave says: "How can you stand to study the history of psychology? Every single one of those theories is basically the same: the brain
controls our behavior." Given the history of psychology, evaluate Dave's claim using the following terms in their appropriate context:
Psychoanalytic theory
Humanistic psychology
Cognitive revolution
Cognitive dissonance
Social–cultural perspective
2.Professor Hahn received a grant to study the relationship between childhood obesity and video game playing. Answer the following questions about
Professor Hahn's research study: A. Explain how Professor Hahn could use each of the following more content...
Learning principles may help explain this lack of control and may provide possible solutions. A. Some people with alcohol dependence report that just
the smell of alcohol creates a powerful sense of well–being, increasing the desire to drink the alcohol. Explain this reaction using a classical
conditioning model, and describe one possible way to decrease the reaction. Use the following terms in your answer:
Unconditioned stimulus
Unconditioned response
Conditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
B. In cases of long–term addiction, some users report continuing their drug use to avoid the side effects of being without the drug. Explain this
behavior using an operant conditioning model. Use the following terms in your answer.
Negative reinforcement
9.Professor Proust, a memory researcher, designs an experiment to test the hypothesis that reading picture books designed for children significantly
enhances college students' memories of childhood. She asks participants to write about significant childhood memories, and to circle any events they
remember from a list of common memories (such as getting lost in a store or breaking a leg, etc.).
Part A: Use the following terms to describe how Professor Proust should choose the participants and experimental/control groups for her study:
Random sample
Random assignment
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Westward Expansion and the Civil War Frq
12/17/12 Block 6 Westward Expansion and the Civil War By the mid nineteenth century, the United States was expanding westward rapidly. And as
America expanded, so did the sectionalism. The rifts between the North and the South, caused by conflicting views on Westward Expansion were
becoming more evident. Not only were the debates over westward expansion tedious; the ever growing social debate was also becoming alarmingly
prevalent. And in 1860, the Civil War broke out, ultimately because of economic, political and social aspects of westward expansion. Therefore,
westward expansion caused the Civil War. The Western Frontier was seen as a profitable enterprise by many people in the 1850s. In Ripon, Wisconsin
in 1854, the more content...
Finally, the issue of "Bloody Kansas" was a major political factor caused by westward expansion. Once it was resolved that Kansas's stance on
slavery would be determined by popular sovereignty, people flocked to Kansas to make their vote count. The "Border Ruffians" won the controversial
vote, which resulted in Kansas being a slave state. However, the abolitionists refused to recognize the pro–slavery government, so they set up a second
provincial government in Topeka, Kansas. This episode led to a skirmish between the Ruffians and the abolitionists, like in Lawrence, Kansas in
May of 1856. This was a prelude to the actual civil war and showed that even if there was a "fair" vote to determine a Territories slave law, it didn't
mean that all the people would abide by the law. These political episodes involving the ever expanding west showed the weakness of the Union.
Finally, the social issues in the United States brought about by westward expansion really contributed to start of the Civil War. Proposed in 1846 by
David Wilmot, The Wilmot Proviso was a proposition by abolitionists that proposed that there should be no slavery in any of the land included in the
Mexican Secession. This was a bold move by the northern abolitionists, and though this wasn't passed, it showed that the slavery issue was at the
forefront of social issues on the western frontier. It was a
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FRQ #2: Analyze the origins and development of slavery in Britain's North American colonies in the period 1607 to 1776. The founding of the
majority of American colonies was either for an economic profit or for religious freedom. To make the colonies founded for an economic profit, a
large work force was needed. For many religious colonies that turned into huge economic powers, they used the Protestant work ethic. Other colonies
decided to use indentured servants originally, but this ended up turning into a large use of slaves for their work force in some colonies. Despite slavery
in Britain's North American colonies originally pertaining to only the economic aspects of the society, it actually developed into an essential part of more content...
Planters preferred slaves to indentured servants because they could have more control over them. The slaves were used to do the labor needed to
harvest the cash crops which sustained the colonies economies. Towards the end of the period, slave owners realized that slaves were a much better
investment than indentured servants. The number of slaves throughout the period increased because plantation owners and farmers realized how
much profit they could get by owning slaves and using them to harvest the cash crops. It was a very slow moving development, but once it was
widely known, slaves were used much more than indentured servants. Britain's colonies in North America went from a society with slaves to a slave
society. Owning slaves became a key part of everyday life for many plantation owners by the end of the period. Throughout the period, the focus
shifted from indentured servitude to slavery because slaves proved to be more profitable. Slavery in the colonies stayed so popular because it was
based on racial, social, and economic values. It changed the way that plantation owners did things, and they wanted to keep their own profits
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Essay about Frq Analysis
Ruhani Malik
Period 4
1960's HW FRQ Questions
Due by April 26–27, 2012
Be sure to provide a strong and specific thesis statement with a nice introduction to your essay. Also be sure to provide names, dates, book titles,
court cases, statistics and any and all other relevant facts you can think of to support your answer. Staple this sheet to the front of your essay and be
sure to follow the formatting rules discussed for previous FRQ's.
1. With respect to THREE of the following, analyze the view that the 1960's represented a period of profound cultural change:
Ethnic Pride
Gender Roles
Race Relations
Sexual more content...
Regarding African Americans a strive for political and social equality was apparent through the enactment of two civil rights laws in 1960s by
Congress, nonviolent protests such as the sit–in tactic and marches, advocation of "black power" and the attainment of presidential support for their
cause. Regarding the women's movement, the National Organization for Women (incorporating activist tactics) the adoption of the Equal Pay Act of
1963 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 supported their cause by making fundamental changes in employment and hiring practices. Moreover Latinos
strived for progress by pushing for collective bargaining rights, a mandate for bilingual education and running for offices in major cities. African
Americans were able to gain much attention and sympathy through their various protests and they were also able to advance politically and
economically with their enactment of civil rights laws. In the 1960s nonviolent protests were prevalent among African American; in 1960 students in
North Carolina started the sit–in movement after being denied service at Woolworth's lunch counter (which was segregated). Thereafter the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was formed to maintain this movement where students would deliberately get arrested for sitting in restricted
areas. This movement facilitated the
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Essay on AP Psychology FRQ
FRQ Practice #2 AP Psychology 2013–2014 1. In response to declining reading scores in local schools, John wrote an editorial suggesting that
schools need to increase interest in reading books by providing students with incentives. Based on research showing a relation between use of
incentives and student reading, he recommended providing a free Starbucks gift card for every ten books a student reads. A. Explain how each of the
following psychological concepts could be used to refute John's argument. Correlational Research Operant Conditioning Overjustification Effect B.
Explain how a specific schedule of reinforcement could be used to strengthen John's plan. C. Explain how each of the following psychological concepts more content...
3. Explain how the research design flaw in the study can be corrected. 4. In a well–designed study, what does it mean to say there is a statistically
significant difference between groups? Part B: How might each of the following concepts affect the results of the study? 1. Fluid Intelligence 2.
Circadian Rhythm
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. He is getting
older and has decided to adopt a baby. Since he teachers a psychology course, he is looking forward to applying the principles he learned from theories
and research that address child development. A) Summarize one main idea or finding of each of the following four researchers. 1. Skinner' s operant
conditioning 2. Bandura' s social learning theory 3. Ainsworth' s attachment research 4. Baumrind' s research on parenting styles B) Provide a specific
example of actions that He might take to raise his child to produce positive outcomes using each of the theories below to address the corresponding
situation or characteristic. 1. Skinner' s operant conditioning: tantrum management 2. Bandura's social learning theory: sharing behavior 3. Ainsworth' s
attachment research: independence 4. Baumrind's research on parenting styles: self–esteem 4. For each of the following pairs of terms, explain how the
presence, placement, or location is believed to
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Bio Frq
Liuyi Bian
1. The physical structure of a protein often reflects and affects its function.
(a) Describe THREE types of chemical bonds/interactions found in proteins. For each type, describe its role in determining protein structure. Different
types of bonds/interactions in proteins lead to different kinds of structures. Three of the most commonly known chemical bonds in proteins include the
hydrogen bond, the covalent bond, and the ionic bond. In hydrogen bonds, hydrogen interacts with oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine to form either the alpha
helix, or the beta sheet, which in turn determines its secondary, tertiary, or quaternary structure. Another type of bonds, the covalent bond, links amino
acids together by sharing electrons; more content...
However, when it gets to about 15 meters, a decrease in net productivity is evident due to a decrease in light, causing a decrease in rate of
photosynthesis. Then, at when water is about 20 meters deep, photosynthetic rate equals the respiration rate, meaning no net primary productivity can
be seen. Lastly, at places deeper than 40 meters, photosynthetic rate falls under 0, meaning photosynthesis occur less than respiration.
(d) Describe how the relationship between net primary productivity and depth would be expected to differ if new data were collected in mid–summer
from the same pond. Explain your prediction. Due to excess of amount of sunlight during summer time, the overall net primary productivity would
increase, meaning the rate of photosynthesis would increase because sunlight could provide more nutrient to organisms at deeper site of the water.
3. Regulation is an important aspect of all biological processes. For FOUR of the following processes, describe the specific role of the regulator and
discuss how the process will be altered if the regulation is disrupted. In a cell cycle, there are specific checkpoints between each phases caused by the
occurrence of cyclin. Cyclin determines how concentration flunctuatues. If the regulation is disrupted by a decreasein cyclin, there would be no
mitosis, meaning the cell cycle would continuously go thre G0 phase. However, if there is an increase
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Frq On Personality Analysis
Personality FRQ 1. Psychoanalytic According to Freud, I have an oral fixation that "troubles" my personality. This is due to the fact that I have a
nervous habit of biting my nails and enjoy chewing gum. Freud theorized that the way I was breast fed as a baby caused this fixation because I was
either not fed enough, was fed to much, or not breastfed at all. Ultimately, due to me having an "issue" when I was breastfed now causes me to be
orally fixated and is the driving force behind me biting my nails and chewing gum. 2. Neo–Freudians According to Erik Erikson's Stage Theory, I am
currently in the Adolescence stage of my personality. This is due to me being in the age gap, I am 17 and the age gap is 12–19, and me trying to truly
understand myself. Because of the point in time of my life, I am still trying to find who I am and this is a key characteristic of being in the adolescent
stage. This seen through the conflicts faced at this time, which is identity vs role confusion, and because I am still trying to identify myself, I must be
in the Adolescent more content...
Behaviorism According to the behaviorist perspective on personality, my personality was developed by reward and punishment. For example, I
keep good grades because my parents reward me with personal freedom and allowing me to use the computer. Sadly, if my grades start dropping, my
parents will punish me by taking away my computer and freedom. Essentially, I was molded into a responsible student because of the rewards my
parents would give me for being a good
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Frq 1775 to 1830 Slavery in America
In the time period between 1775 and 1830, African Americans start to gain more freedom in the North while the institution of slavery expanded in the
South. These changes occurred due to the existence of different point of views. The North did not need slavery and acknowledge the cons of slavery
while the South's want for slavery quickly became a need. After the American Revolution, The North slowly started to rid itself of slavery while the
South implemented slavery into their daily lives. Slaves existed right from the start of American history and during the American Revolution. The
British used the African American slaves to their advantage by granting them freedom in return. In Lord Dunmore's Proclamation of 1775, he stated that more content...
During this time period, the treatment of slaves improved because they were treated more like humans rather than farm animal. Some slave
owners even allowed their slaves to purchase their freedom by working for them for a certain amount of time. Some African American slaves were
not as lucky for their masters forbid them to do so (Doc F). As the North finally gets rid of all slave activity, the South becomes more and more
dependent on slave labor and more embedded into the system. Both free and enslaved Africans were discriminated against in this time period but
responded differently towards their challenges. African Americans found ways to cope with their situation one being religious gatherings (Doc
D). They sang old traditional African songs and danced. By doing so, they can forget about life troubles for a moment and give themselves a sense
of hope that someday they would by free. Some slaves where more violent than other and began rebellions against their white owners. The use of
rebellion was inspired to them by the Bible and that God was pleading for their cause with earnestness and zeal (Doc G). Slaves who caused
mischief was relocated deeper south where the treatment and condition was even worse. The Fugitive Slave Law forced the North to send back any
slaves who escaped to the North in return for a reward. Slaves who tried to escape to the North were also relocated. By relocating them, the chances of
escape decreased for them. Even
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Frq Unit 1

  • 1. Frq Unit 1 FRQ Unit 1 1. The four types of distortion are: shape, distance, relative size, and direction. Shape is the way a country looks, distance is the space between countries, relative size how big or small a country is based on its relation to other countries, and direction is the location of one place related to the meridians/parallels or to another country. For the shape distortion the Mercator Projection would help minimize that effect because the overall outline and shape of the countries are correct. The Goode Homolosine and Robinson Projections do not have good shapes and are immensely distorted. For the direction distortion, the Mercator Projection minimizes the most distortion because the countries are located in the right place and more content... The map is a functional region. A functional region is one with a node or a focal point and diffuses outward. On this map, Denver is the focal point. All flights are based in Denver and then extend outward. The concentration of flights are higher, when you are closer to Denver and slowly decrease as you move out of the US. The first factor that affects the concentration is if the area is a clustered concentration. For example, there is a very higher amount of flights around just the cities, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. In total there are six flight destinations in the small area of Las Vegas/Los Angeles. This area is very popular and lots of people go here. For that reason, that area is a popular area causing the amount of flights that go here is higher. Also since these two destinations are closer together and there is a higher amount of flights coming here in a small space, the Los Angeles and Las Vegas area is defined as clustered. The second factor that affects the concentration is if the area is a dispersed concentration. For example, there is a very low amount of flights in the whole country in Mexico. There is only four flights in the country of Mexico while there was six in the small area of Las Vegas/Los Angeles. Because there is a low amount of flight destinations in Mexico, the destinations are spread out throughout the country. This is defined as a dispersed concentration where there are a low amount of a feature in an Get more content on
  • 2. Why Did Europeans Want To Imperialize Imperialism means to maintain a certain strategy or system of improving power of an empire or nation. This definition is extremely significant because it expanded the authority of nations and cultures. In addition to this, there were plenty of reasons Europeans wanted to imperialize. The first and foremost reason was that they desired to imperialize natural resources. Some of the main natural resources that worthed a lot were gold, copper, tin, and diamond. This had a huge effect of their wealth in their countries because only you could sell your items to other countries. Furthermore, new markets were another reason that the Europeans wish to imperialize. New markets were important because they were required in order to sustain Get more content on
  • 3. FRQ Essay: Root Causes FRQ Essay A root cause is the background cause that leads to the event and a direct cause is the final and direct event that begins another event. Some root causes would be imperialism, nationalism, militarism, alliances, and industrialism. Some reasons why a country would want to imperialize other places is to gain power, land, to make alliances,more resources, and may need somewhere to stop on their way to far places. Imperializing other independent countries for there own benefits got the other countries mad. Alot of the European countries were being scooped up by all different countries. This of course causing tension. Nationalism is that loyal feeling, growing up so proud of their country because of this, this is one of the main reasons Get more content on
  • 4. Imperialism In The Military Imperialis means your perspective on how much power you think you have or another country, having more power or for example making your military more intimidating. This can be going into to some land that you don't have and just saying that it is your land. If your country would just walk into someone else's territory and say that it is there's. The first reason of imperialized would be nationalism. When a country would claim land, the people were proud. A second imperialist would be the strategic advantage. The imperialist country did not want anyone ahead of them, they wanted to be better than everyone else so they thought highly of themselves. The third reason imperialized was national security. They thought if they kept the economy, a good Get more content on
  • 5. Apush Unit 9 Frq Kayla Trinh Burke/1 AP US HISTORY UNIT 9 ESSAY Analyze the impact of any TWO of the following on the American industrial worker between 1865 and 1900. The industrial revolution had been made known all over the world, causing huge waves of immigrants to crash into urban cities of the United States. Because of this, many factories sprang up and a typical American industrial worker had to face problems because of immigration and also labor unions, which were created in order to protect factory workers from unfair bosses. Immigration was seen as a pro for business and factory owners for they were hungry for jobs and would take any no matter how little the pay. These immigrants were seen as ravenous job–stealing people that made the gap more content... Because of this, the Colored National Labor Union was created by blacks themselves but the differences did not allow them to work together. The National Labor union strongly advocated for eight hour workdays. Another union called the Knights of Labor emerged that first began as a secret society. Their purpose was to include all workers in "one big union." They allowed everyone: blacks, whites, men, women, the skilled and unskilled. Terence V. Powderly led this union to win several strikes for an eight – hour day. Unfortunately, the Knights of Labor were involved in a violent protest called Haymarket Square. They were mistaken to be associated with anarchists and this brought them to their downfall. Finally, a successful union shows up called the American Federation of Labor (AFL), founded by Samuel Gompers, which only allowed skilled workers. In the end, usually the management won with the strikers having little improvement. Immigration and labor unions strongly impacted the American. Immigrants mostly impacted the American industrial worker negatively, because of more competition to earn jobs and also the immigrant's willingness to work for lower wages. Labor unions were created in order to help the workers, but in the end, both created tension and depersonalized the work Get more content on
  • 6. What Was The Main Cause Of World War 1 Essay World War I was the first world war and was also called the war to end all wars. This war caused many wives to become widows and left other families sad for their lose. The war lasted about 4 years and involved two alliances, the Triple alliance and the Triple Entente. World War I was harsh but what was the main cause of the war? The main cause for World War Iwas militarism. In the chart "Growth in Armaments" adapted from The London Times History of the World shows the years from 1890 to 1914 of the growth of the armies in Germany, Austria –Hungary, Italy, Great Britain, Russia, and France. According to the chart in 1890 France had the biggest army and Great Britain had the biggest navy. By 1914 Germany has the biggest army and Great more content... McCutcheon many fingers were pointed to the same person because of alliances. With alliances they can put the blame all on the same person without to many fingers being pointed at them. In the picture for example Russia, France, Belgium, and England are all pointing to blame Germany for killing the peace of Europe. Russia, France, and England are all part of the same alliance and Germany is pointing at Russia, so to get counter it the all point at Germany and that causes Germany to have the most fingers pointing at it. With alliances Russia didn't get the blame and Germany did. In the speech "The Hammer or the Anvil" written and spoken by Bernhard von Bulow there is a section where it talks about militarism. In the speech Bernhard von Bulow says, "if we realize that there is no welfare for us without power, without a strong army and a strong fleet." and that there is no happiness or health without power or without a strong army. Bulow believes in militarism because he thinks the only way for health and happiness is to have a powerful army and to have power. Although alliances was a cause for World War I, militarism was the main cause. Militarism was the main cause because if no one was preparing for a war there wouldn't have been one. With everyone thinking that having a big army is the key to success and the only way they would be able to use that army would be in a Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Minority and majority rights The rights of many people versus the rights of an individual is certainly a vexing concept. Like a delicate balancing act; if one side is favoured over the other it causes a rift in the already strained relationship between the minority and majority. Evidently, the justification of taking any side must be valid, according to the theories of H.L.A. Hart. In the past, Canadian law has violated the rights of minorities; however, these violations have decreased in their severity as time has passed on. Some cases where the balance between minority and majority rights is questioned is in The Canadian Indian Residential School System, Bill 101, Equality in the Workplace and The Public Service Act. To begin, Aboriginal rights have, historically, more content... The Act was amended for the first time in 1885, the amendment prohibited religious practices and traditional dances. The validity of these laws is questionable. According to H.L.A. Hart's philosophies: these measures were not valid. Laws are to protect society from exploitation and violence of the weak and vulnerable; instead children were taken out of their homes and forced into a new strange environment where they were likely abused. One of Hart's theories says that: for a law to be valid, rules should be obeyed because they make sense, not because of the fear of punishment. In these residential schools the Children were forced to dress, speak and act in a European manner – they would receive harsh punishments otherwise; clearly, this is not valid. It was a serious violation of human rights for a minority group in the human population. Canada has recognized this and in 2007 a 1.9 billion dollar compensation package was put together for those who attended residential schools; a formal apology was also delivered by Stephen Harper to residential school students in 2008. Therefore, Canada has severely violated the rights of the Aboriginal minority in the interest to assimilate them into Canadian society; the mistake was recognized and compensation was given. It is no secret that French–English relations in Canada have been strained in the past and still are – albeit to a lesser extent. Get more content on
  • 8. Struggle for Control Fo North America Frq In the 1740's, Great Britain and France both realized that a struggle for control of North America was unavoidable. With the French's involvement in the fur trade and the English's concern with their cash crops the desire for more land grew, which ultimately caused clashes between the two empires. France pushed westward in pursuit of its one valuable resource, the beaver. European fashion setters valued beaver fur hats for their warmth and luxurious appearance. Demands for the fur grew. French voyageurs even recruited Indians into the fur business in order to help with the hunt. French fur–trappers and their Indian partners ranged from all over North America in pursuit of the beaver. They hiked, rode, snow shoed, sailed, and paddled more content... At this moment Bismarck saw his opportunity to trap Austria. Bismarck knew Austria will be forced to side withPrussia against the Danes because they wish to keep their appearance of superiority in the German Confederation and because neither Austria nor Prussia wished the other to appear more devoted to the German states (doc21). Otto von Bismarck was not concerned whether or not the Germans in Holstein were happy but only cared about the expansion of Prussian power and the seizure of Schleswig and Holstein by Prussia (doc20). Austria and Prussia were now allied together along with Saxony and Hanover in order liberate the twin duchies of Schleswig and Holstein from the Kingdom of Denmark (doc23). The joint forces of Austria and Prussia threatened war with the king of Denmark (doc24). King Christain IX of Denmark was unable to count on support of England, France nor Russia and is forced to abdicate, ending the Prussian–Danish War (doc 25). Ending the Prussian–Danish War, the Joint Austrian–Prussian Agreement was made. Of this agreement Prussia will occupy and administer Schleswig, Austria will occupy and administer Holstein, Austria will allow for a transportation and communication corridor through Holstein, for the purpose of serving Prussian troops in Schleswig, and Austria will allow for the construction of a Prussian naval base in Kiel which is located on the Baltic Sea coast of Holstein (doc26). By having a Prussian naval base in Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Tobacco/Cotton Slavery FRQ Compare and contrast the experience of slaves on tobacco plantations in the early seventeenth–century Chesapeake region with that of slaves on nineteenth–century cotton plantations in the Deep South. What forces transformed the institution of slavery the early seventeenth century to the nineteenth century? When approaching slavery from a historical standpoint, it is a tendency to generalize the experience of slaves. However, slavery differs per region and time period. The differing climates of the Chesapeake region and Deep South determined the crops that would be grown and consequently the severity of slave labor. Likewise, over time slavery evolved from a class based system (poor indentured servants working alongside blacks) to more content... Tobacco was an appealing crop for planters, for it cost pennies to purchase and sold for much more. As a result, the slave trade expanded, and many companies sought to join the lucrative trade. This is shown by the Royal African Company losing its monopoly in 1698. By 1750, blacks comprised nearly half of the population in Virginia. To ensure the preservation of racial slavery, new slave codes deemed that the children of those enslaved would also be enslaved. Thus the concept of slavery for life was established. This furthered the claim of planters that the blacks they owned were in fact property or "chattels", making the racial basis of slavery unquestionable. It is clear that America was no longer just a society with slaves– the institution of slavery was integrated with race, the economy, politics, as well as everyday life. In addition to tobacco plantations, cotton slavery was also expanding in the Deep South. As the soil became exhausted from growing tobacco in the Chesapeake area, many slave–owners found it more profitable to sell their slaves to southern plantations. Thus, though slavery remained in the Chesapeake area, the growing cotton industry moved its epicenter to the Deep South. The major forces that caused this shift will be included in the paragraph about the end of slavery. The soil was beginning to become overused because of the intensity of tobacco Get more content on
  • 10. Pros And Cons Of Ap Psychology Frq AP Psych FRQ: Research Methods A case study is defined as a full, detailed picture of a participant or a small group of other participants. While a correlational study can suggest that both variables have a relationship that exists. An experiment is where the experimenter's hypothesis is tested to see whether it works. Typically, the experimenter has an independent variable (the cause) where they can manipulate the variable and as well as the dependent variable (the effect). Each of these methods has their pros and cons. This portion will analyze the benefits and downfalls of these methods. An advantage that a case study can offer is that they can simplify some of the most complex concepts. From a positive perspective, a correlational Get more content on
  • 11. Civil War Frq Questions And Answers 1. One reason for The English not so civil war was James the first and Charles the first. They both believed in the divine right to rule and they both thought they were absolute monarchs. 2. Due to those two another reason due to the English not so civil war was foreign policy and persecution. Puritans wanted to purify the Anglican religion. These two rulers ignored middle and trade & ignored laws and imprisoned enemies without trial. 3. Charles was imprisoning enemies without trial he is sent a petition. The petition stated that they can't be taxed without approval, have the right to speedy trial, and can't disregard habeus corpus. 4. In result of that Charles ignores petition of right and says they can't curve his divine right to more content... 17. In Britain 1714 Queen ann dies, but he had no children so the first two hanover kings took over George(1) and George(2)George the first hardly spoke english and left rule to minister. 18. 1756–1763 7 years war affects Austria makes them recognize claim to Silesa, France gives up india to Britain, Canada gets Great lakes and Ohio valley, American revolution, and Standing armies grow over Europe. 19. Catherine the Great married Peter the third when Peter was overthrown and Catherine took over. In result she made Russia 50% bigger, take parts of Poland and also southern Russia. 20.
  • 12. The revolution was a big part of history and some of the causes that led to the revolution were: Debt due to war, inequality ВЅ estates, Famine 1788 volcano, Monarchy Diamond necklace affair. 21. 1788 government realized royal treasury was empty in result Louis XVI decided to call estates general may 1789. 22. June 20th arguments got so heated that 3rd estate was locked so he took the tennis court oath. This initiates National Assembly so then revolutions on. In result Louis sends troops to revolution. But people storm Bastille to protect themselves on july Get more content on
  • 13. AP Psych First Semester Final FRQ Bank AP Psych First Semester Final FRQ Bank Essay 1.Your friend Dave says: "How can you stand to study the history of psychology? Every single one of those theories is basically the same: the brain controls our behavior." Given the history of psychology, evaluate Dave's claim using the following terms in their appropriate context: Introspection Psychoanalytic theory Behaviorism Humanistic psychology Cognitive revolution Cognitive dissonance Conformity Social–cultural perspective 2.Professor Hahn received a grant to study the relationship between childhood obesity and video game playing. Answer the following questions about Professor Hahn's research study: A. Explain how Professor Hahn could use each of the following more content... Learning principles may help explain this lack of control and may provide possible solutions. A. Some people with alcohol dependence report that just the smell of alcohol creates a powerful sense of well–being, increasing the desire to drink the alcohol. Explain this reaction using a classical conditioning model, and describe one possible way to decrease the reaction. Use the following terms in your answer: Unconditioned stimulus Unconditioned response Conditioned stimulus Conditioned response Extinction
  • 14. B. In cases of long–term addiction, some users report continuing their drug use to avoid the side effects of being without the drug. Explain this behavior using an operant conditioning model. Use the following terms in your answer. Tolerance Withdrawal Negative reinforcement 9.Professor Proust, a memory researcher, designs an experiment to test the hypothesis that reading picture books designed for children significantly enhances college students' memories of childhood. She asks participants to write about significant childhood memories, and to circle any events they remember from a list of common memories (such as getting lost in a store or breaking a leg, etc.). Part A: Use the following terms to describe how Professor Proust should choose the participants and experimental/control groups for her study: Population Random sample Random assignment Get more content on
  • 15. Westward Expansion and the Civil War Frq 12/17/12 Block 6 Westward Expansion and the Civil War By the mid nineteenth century, the United States was expanding westward rapidly. And as America expanded, so did the sectionalism. The rifts between the North and the South, caused by conflicting views on Westward Expansion were becoming more evident. Not only were the debates over westward expansion tedious; the ever growing social debate was also becoming alarmingly prevalent. And in 1860, the Civil War broke out, ultimately because of economic, political and social aspects of westward expansion. Therefore, westward expansion caused the Civil War. The Western Frontier was seen as a profitable enterprise by many people in the 1850s. In Ripon, Wisconsin in 1854, the more content... Finally, the issue of "Bloody Kansas" was a major political factor caused by westward expansion. Once it was resolved that Kansas's stance on slavery would be determined by popular sovereignty, people flocked to Kansas to make their vote count. The "Border Ruffians" won the controversial vote, which resulted in Kansas being a slave state. However, the abolitionists refused to recognize the pro–slavery government, so they set up a second provincial government in Topeka, Kansas. This episode led to a skirmish between the Ruffians and the abolitionists, like in Lawrence, Kansas in May of 1856. This was a prelude to the actual civil war and showed that even if there was a "fair" vote to determine a Territories slave law, it didn't mean that all the people would abide by the law. These political episodes involving the ever expanding west showed the weakness of the Union. Finally, the social issues in the United States brought about by westward expansion really contributed to start of the Civil War. Proposed in 1846 by David Wilmot, The Wilmot Proviso was a proposition by abolitionists that proposed that there should be no slavery in any of the land included in the Mexican Secession. This was a bold move by the northern abolitionists, and though this wasn't passed, it showed that the slavery issue was at the forefront of social issues on the western frontier. It was a Get more content on
  • 16. APUSH SLAVERY FRQ FRQ #2: Analyze the origins and development of slavery in Britain's North American colonies in the period 1607 to 1776. The founding of the majority of American colonies was either for an economic profit or for religious freedom. To make the colonies founded for an economic profit, a large work force was needed. For many religious colonies that turned into huge economic powers, they used the Protestant work ethic. Other colonies decided to use indentured servants originally, but this ended up turning into a large use of slaves for their work force in some colonies. Despite slavery in Britain's North American colonies originally pertaining to only the economic aspects of the society, it actually developed into an essential part of more content... Planters preferred slaves to indentured servants because they could have more control over them. The slaves were used to do the labor needed to harvest the cash crops which sustained the colonies economies. Towards the end of the period, slave owners realized that slaves were a much better investment than indentured servants. The number of slaves throughout the period increased because plantation owners and farmers realized how much profit they could get by owning slaves and using them to harvest the cash crops. It was a very slow moving development, but once it was widely known, slaves were used much more than indentured servants. Britain's colonies in North America went from a society with slaves to a slave society. Owning slaves became a key part of everyday life for many plantation owners by the end of the period. Throughout the period, the focus shifted from indentured servitude to slavery because slaves proved to be more profitable. Slavery in the colonies stayed so popular because it was based on racial, social, and economic values. It changed the way that plantation owners did things, and they wanted to keep their own profits Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about Frq Analysis Ruhani Malik Period 4 1960's HW FRQ Questions Due by April 26–27, 2012 Be sure to provide a strong and specific thesis statement with a nice introduction to your essay. Also be sure to provide names, dates, book titles, court cases, statistics and any and all other relevant facts you can think of to support your answer. Staple this sheet to the front of your essay and be sure to follow the formatting rules discussed for previous FRQ's. 1. With respect to THREE of the following, analyze the view that the 1960's represented a period of profound cultural change: Ethnic Pride Gender Roles Music Race Relations Hippies Sexual more content... Regarding African Americans a strive for political and social equality was apparent through the enactment of two civil rights laws in 1960s by Congress, nonviolent protests such as the sit–in tactic and marches, advocation of "black power" and the attainment of presidential support for their cause. Regarding the women's movement, the National Organization for Women (incorporating activist tactics) the adoption of the Equal Pay Act of
  • 18. 1963 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 supported their cause by making fundamental changes in employment and hiring practices. Moreover Latinos strived for progress by pushing for collective bargaining rights, a mandate for bilingual education and running for offices in major cities. African Americans were able to gain much attention and sympathy through their various protests and they were also able to advance politically and economically with their enactment of civil rights laws. In the 1960s nonviolent protests were prevalent among African American; in 1960 students in North Carolina started the sit–in movement after being denied service at Woolworth's lunch counter (which was segregated). Thereafter the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was formed to maintain this movement where students would deliberately get arrested for sitting in restricted areas. This movement facilitated the Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on AP Psychology FRQ FRQ Practice #2 AP Psychology 2013–2014 1. In response to declining reading scores in local schools, John wrote an editorial suggesting that schools need to increase interest in reading books by providing students with incentives. Based on research showing a relation between use of incentives and student reading, he recommended providing a free Starbucks gift card for every ten books a student reads. A. Explain how each of the following psychological concepts could be used to refute John's argument. Correlational Research Operant Conditioning Overjustification Effect B. Explain how a specific schedule of reinforcement could be used to strengthen John's plan. C. Explain how each of the following psychological concepts more content... 3. Explain how the research design flaw in the study can be corrected. 4. In a well–designed study, what does it mean to say there is a statistically significant difference between groups? Part B: How might each of the following concepts affect the results of the study? 1. Fluid Intelligence 2. Circadian Rhythm ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. He is getting older and has decided to adopt a baby. Since he teachers a psychology course, he is looking forward to applying the principles he learned from theories and research that address child development. A) Summarize one main idea or finding of each of the following four researchers. 1. Skinner' s operant conditioning 2. Bandura' s social learning theory 3. Ainsworth' s attachment research 4. Baumrind' s research on parenting styles B) Provide a specific example of actions that He might take to raise his child to produce positive outcomes using each of the theories below to address the corresponding situation or characteristic. 1. Skinner' s operant conditioning: tantrum management 2. Bandura's social learning theory: sharing behavior 3. Ainsworth' s attachment research: independence 4. Baumrind's research on parenting styles: self–esteem 4. For each of the following pairs of terms, explain how the presence, placement, or location is believed to Get more content on
  • 20. Bio Frq Liuyi Bian P2 1. The physical structure of a protein often reflects and affects its function. (a) Describe THREE types of chemical bonds/interactions found in proteins. For each type, describe its role in determining protein structure. Different types of bonds/interactions in proteins lead to different kinds of structures. Three of the most commonly known chemical bonds in proteins include the hydrogen bond, the covalent bond, and the ionic bond. In hydrogen bonds, hydrogen interacts with oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine to form either the alpha helix, or the beta sheet, which in turn determines its secondary, tertiary, or quaternary structure. Another type of bonds, the covalent bond, links amino acids together by sharing electrons; more content... However, when it gets to about 15 meters, a decrease in net productivity is evident due to a decrease in light, causing a decrease in rate of photosynthesis. Then, at when water is about 20 meters deep, photosynthetic rate equals the respiration rate, meaning no net primary productivity can be seen. Lastly, at places deeper than 40 meters, photosynthetic rate falls under 0, meaning photosynthesis occur less than respiration. (d) Describe how the relationship between net primary productivity and depth would be expected to differ if new data were collected in mid–summer from the same pond. Explain your prediction. Due to excess of amount of sunlight during summer time, the overall net primary productivity would increase, meaning the rate of photosynthesis would increase because sunlight could provide more nutrient to organisms at deeper site of the water. 3. Regulation is an important aspect of all biological processes. For FOUR of the following processes, describe the specific role of the regulator and discuss how the process will be altered if the regulation is disrupted. In a cell cycle, there are specific checkpoints between each phases caused by the occurrence of cyclin. Cyclin determines how concentration flunctuatues. If the regulation is disrupted by a decreasein cyclin, there would be no mitosis, meaning the cell cycle would continuously go thre G0 phase. However, if there is an increase Get more content on
  • 21. Frq On Personality Analysis Personality FRQ 1. Psychoanalytic According to Freud, I have an oral fixation that "troubles" my personality. This is due to the fact that I have a nervous habit of biting my nails and enjoy chewing gum. Freud theorized that the way I was breast fed as a baby caused this fixation because I was either not fed enough, was fed to much, or not breastfed at all. Ultimately, due to me having an "issue" when I was breastfed now causes me to be orally fixated and is the driving force behind me biting my nails and chewing gum. 2. Neo–Freudians According to Erik Erikson's Stage Theory, I am currently in the Adolescence stage of my personality. This is due to me being in the age gap, I am 17 and the age gap is 12–19, and me trying to truly understand myself. Because of the point in time of my life, I am still trying to find who I am and this is a key characteristic of being in the adolescent stage. This seen through the conflicts faced at this time, which is identity vs role confusion, and because I am still trying to identify myself, I must be in the Adolescent more content... Behaviorism According to the behaviorist perspective on personality, my personality was developed by reward and punishment. For example, I keep good grades because my parents reward me with personal freedom and allowing me to use the computer. Sadly, if my grades start dropping, my parents will punish me by taking away my computer and freedom. Essentially, I was molded into a responsible student because of the rewards my parents would give me for being a good Get more content on
  • 22. Frq 1775 to 1830 Slavery in America In the time period between 1775 and 1830, African Americans start to gain more freedom in the North while the institution of slavery expanded in the South. These changes occurred due to the existence of different point of views. The North did not need slavery and acknowledge the cons of slavery while the South's want for slavery quickly became a need. After the American Revolution, The North slowly started to rid itself of slavery while the South implemented slavery into their daily lives. Slaves existed right from the start of American history and during the American Revolution. The British used the African American slaves to their advantage by granting them freedom in return. In Lord Dunmore's Proclamation of 1775, he stated that more content... During this time period, the treatment of slaves improved because they were treated more like humans rather than farm animal. Some slave owners even allowed their slaves to purchase their freedom by working for them for a certain amount of time. Some African American slaves were not as lucky for their masters forbid them to do so (Doc F). As the North finally gets rid of all slave activity, the South becomes more and more dependent on slave labor and more embedded into the system. Both free and enslaved Africans were discriminated against in this time period but responded differently towards their challenges. African Americans found ways to cope with their situation one being religious gatherings (Doc D). They sang old traditional African songs and danced. By doing so, they can forget about life troubles for a moment and give themselves a sense of hope that someday they would by free. Some slaves where more violent than other and began rebellions against their white owners. The use of rebellion was inspired to them by the Bible and that God was pleading for their cause with earnestness and zeal (Doc G). Slaves who caused mischief was relocated deeper south where the treatment and condition was even worse. The Fugitive Slave Law forced the North to send back any slaves who escaped to the North in return for a reward. Slaves who tried to escape to the North were also relocated. By relocating them, the chances of escape decreased for them. Even Get more content on