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Ethnographic Summary
This article showcases an overview of the role technology can play in enhancing and improving how students learn statistics. It however underscore the
point that as teachers we need to ensure that we use the technology that we understand rather than introducing new technology that we have no
understanding of. In using technology that we understand we will be better able to help the students to improve their overall performances.
Importantly the technology should also be chosen based on student's ability to grasp, how interactive it is and how easy it is to be used as a tool for
collaborative learning.
This article is directly related to my research question number three. Which looks at student's receptiveness to the chosen technology
Research question more content...
The methodology chosen for this study was quite appropriate. The study identified various technology tools that have positive impact on students
learning particularly because these tools were design for this reason. The study is high in validity as the results of using the technology was positive. I
am also of the view that the reliability of this results are very high as well for the same
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Homework Ethnography
I am a piece of an American family, and we are noisy, yet in some cases they simply don't know when to calm down. In the event that i am attempting
to do homework and my father is impacting music its pretty diverting. An approach to fathom this is have two or three hours in the day where its
noiseless so we can do our
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Ethnographic Essay
The problem of gaining access can provide important insights into the nature and organization of the social setting under study. In what ways can issues
influence the outcome of ethnographic research? What strategies can researchers adopt to overcome obstacles to access?
'Ethnography is branch of anthropology which has aided social researchers in the quest for a deeper understanding of different societies, social groups
or cultures' (Hammersely, 1995p365). The purpose this essay is to gain an insight into the problems that researchers encounter when the try to gain
access to certain fields they wish to investigate. There are many obstacles associated with this research approach and invariably can impact on the
outcome of more content...
Once you have gained their trust and an effective rapport with the interviewee has been established, expressing your personal attitudes, revulsion or
disgust at their opinions will only jeopardize the purpose of the interview. "The right man for the right job" is also a key factor. When dealing with
sensitive issues for example like abortion and women's views on it, a female researcher would make the interviewees more at ease and more likely to
give an honest response. Likewise when interviewing men and their bedroom antics, men would feel more at ease speaking to another male.
A famous character constructed in traditional ethnographies is that of the "gate keeper". This is usually a person who opens the field for the researcher,
introduces them to the tribe or community They serve as mediator between group and the ethnographer, They will carefully step by step make the
researcher familiar with the new environment.
'To contact, meet, build rapport with, and interview a dealer, ethnographers need to be "properly introduced" by a "trusted associate" who functions
as a go between A "trusted associate" is personally known by and has good relations with the potential subject,' (Qualitive research 1999) The first
step is to take the mystery out of the ethnographer 's role. Gaining access to a social group through a sponsor or gatekeeper is a great strategy method
in order to overcome obstacles in the ethnographic research field. As it is often
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Ethnography Essays
Beginning with the early stages of savagery to the complex civilizations in the 21st century, the need to compete remains an important aspect in the
continual evolution of mankind. Competition took various forms throughout history from the bloody attempts to kill a mammoth in order to provide
nourishment, to the violent battles between two opposing sides taking place on college football fields every Saturday afternoon. Another form of
competition involving severe contact on a scale par with football is the sport of rugby. My personal history with the sport began in a medium sized
island in Polynesia. I lived and worked in New Zealand during the summer of 1999, between my sophomore and junior year. This more
From my research I discovered three conflicting themes, and my theory behind these themes is based upon structural analysis. This ethnography will
also reveal some of the methodological questions discussed in class, specifically, replicability, critical dialogue, reflexivity, and globalization.
Interestingly, I found a way to connect three out of the four methodological issues to the conflicting themes gathered in my research. For example,
critical dialogue links to the contradiction between playfulness and competiveness, reflexivity to upper and lower classes, and globalization to
Englishness and Americaness. My point of departure, however, will begin with a basic introduction to the history and rules of rugby. This will enable
my non–rugby playing readers (i.e. Joel, William, Bashira, etc.) to gain general background knowledge on the sport before they become acquainted
with the Occidental rugby culture.
Rugby's Tale
Legend has it that a young English boy picked up a soccer ball during a match at Rugby School. Picking up the ball is a clear violation in soccer
unless the player is the goalie; but the illegality proved popular and led to the sport of rugby. In 1846, the school later published the rules of rugby.
England, Scotland, and Whales picked the game up quickly and developed leagues for the new sport. The spread of rugby to outside the island
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Ethnographic Essay
Imagine a trip to one of the most beautiful mountain sceneries in the world. Now imagine that this scenic trip also includes sporting entertainment and
historic landmarks. Welcome to the mountains of the Pyrenees. There is absolutely nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain by booking a
summer vacation to this realm of marvelous and beautiful land. The Pyrenees is an exquisite range of mountains located in southwestern Europe. This
intensely beautiful mountain range is the barrier dividing Spain and France. It is approximately 21,380 square miles and contains parts of twelve French
and Spanish provinces. Discover the beautiful significance of the Pyrenees National Park. Witness the historical thrilling events of the Tour de France
as it passes through the Pyrenees route.
The Pyrenees national park is a very beautiful and majestic area, home to many villages of isolated mountain people. The Pyrenees is home to many
elegant and pulchritudinous mountains and valleys along with incommensurable flora and fauna. It has an area of 2,063 kilometers and encompasses
86 villages with 40,000 inhabitants with the intent to preserve mountain life. Along with being one of the most beautifully scenic in the world, this
national landmark is also home to the highest train track in all of Europe ( more content...
This tradition began in 1910 and has taken place for over 100 years. This was, at the time, a very questioned decision given the abhorrent state of the
roads. This new route demanded a plethora of unfamiliar and difficult tasks from its riders. Nevertheless, it provided very pleasing and exciting
entertainment for the fans. Some of the most important and exciting events happen during the steep and difficult climbs of the Pyrenees route
(History). A typical day for these racers lasts an average of forty miles (Street,
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Ethnographic Analysis Paper
Methodology and Methods
An ethnographic study would be the most beneficial methodology for my research because it focuses on an in–depth study of a group (Hoonard 2012).
Focus Group Talking to a group of young black women (aged 18 to 25) would be the most beneficial for my research because I believe it would
spark more of a conversation in comparison to a one on one interview. In a larger group, the women have the ability to feed off of each others
statements and can express if they have had similar experiences in their daily lives. Questions such as "What influenced you to wear your hair they
way you do?", "What is the natural hair movement to you?" and "Do you consider yourself to be apart of the natural hair movement?" would be
asked. These focus groups would include a selection of black more content...
(2015) Social networking sites: a support system for African–American women wearing natural hair, International Journal of Fashion Design,
Technology and Education, 8:1, 21–29 Ellington (2015), examines how the support of social networking sites (SNS) influence the self–esteem of black
women, the acceptance of their natural hair and their decision to remain natural or become natural. This research was guided by standpoint theory and
an Afrocentric approach and conducted through the use of flyers, word of mouth, snowball sampling, and focus groups with semi–structured interview
questions. Findings demonstrated that SNS did play a very important part in black women maintaining the natural hair. However, though giving them
emotional support, these sites did not motivate these women to become natural. It was also found that the narrative of "good/bad hair" which exist
within African American communities have an effect on how the women wanted their hair to be perceived (i.e. "curly" vs. "nappy"). Additionally, the
hesitance to go natural was a product of the lack of support from family and
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Ethnographic Research Essay
Ethnographic research is the scientific description of specific human cultures, foreign to the ethnographer. Each ethnographer has his or her own
way of conducting research and all of these different ideas can be transmitted and understood in a number of different ways. Because there is no
one set idea of how an ethnographer should go about his or her research, conflicts arise. In Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco, Paul Rabinow uses
a story like process to discuss his experiences during his research in Morocco. This makes it easier for the reader to understand his ideas then just
having a technical book about the many different aspects of Moroccan life that he may have discovered. In Writing Culture: the Poetics and Politics of more content...
Once I had become comfortable with myself and the language I would pick a part of the society that I would like to focus on. Similar to what Paul
Willis's study, which Marcus described in his paper, of a group of twelve boys in a working class school, I would first go straight to the primary
source. In Rabinow's book he takes the opposite approach and goes from place to place not focusing on one certain aspect of culture but a broad
range of different ideas of society. I think that this approach may be more difficult because there os so much more that has to be looked at and
understood. For instance, Rabinow must learn two different languages, French and Arabic just to understand the people around him. Then travel all
around Morocco and obtain information on a numerous amount of different cultures. Though this practice of fieldwork has its benefits, describing
one aspect of a society goes more in depth. Focusing on one aspect of a culture, I would want to obtain an exact understanding of what these people
were doing and how they felt they fit into society. After obtaining as much information as I could from my informants, I would go back to my notes
and try to make some sense of them without trying to distort their views of themselves in any way. I would then go to another source of information, in
Willis's example this would be the teachers. By getting more then one perspective of a certain
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Essay about Ethnography
One of the most complex and interesting aspects of cultural anthropology is the ethnography. The idea of being able to read stories about groups of
individuals is something that is intriguing to many people. With the ethnography, the authors many times feel that they have control and understanding
over the individuals that they are writing about. Furthermore, many of these authors assume that the individuals among whom they are living and
studying exemplify the entire society as a whole. Ethnographers have used many different means of establishing their ethnographic authority. One such
method is the use of reflexivity in the ethnography. Ethnographers such as Renato Rosaldo in his work Culture and Truth: The Remaking more
Marcus is stating that with the use of reflexivity the author can in fact produce an ethnography that informs the reader of the role in which the
ethnographer plays in the story, and furthermore, demonstrates the fact that the ethnographer is not an omnipotent character.
In order to illustrate the notion that with reflexivity the ethnographer can explain to his or her audience the fact that they are not omnipotent, this
knowledge has to be stated as fact. For example, Marcus states "Cultural translation, which is what ethnography is, never fully assimilates difference. In
any attempt to interpret or explain another cultural subject, a surplus of difference always remains..."(Marcus 186). Marcus' definition is very
important because he is stating that there are always differences between the ethnographer and those in which he or she is studying. He is explaining
that by definition ethnography is composed of a conglomeration of differences which cannot be reconciled and always remain constant. With this fact
in mind, one can demonstrate through reflexivity that the belief of the ethnographer's superiority is false due to these differences.
Marcus discusses the fact that there are ethnographic texts in which the ethnographer strays away from the classic assumption
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Ethnographic Report Sample
Due to these successes, I was elected to the New College Student Alliance as Food Service Representative to advocate for social justice, ecological
consciousness and equity in the campus' food supply. I attended weekly meetings with faculty, administrators, and food service staff to develop a call
for campus dining service proposals that reflected our community's values. During meetings and press releases, I was an active panel discussant that
continuously had to negotiate multiple identities– student, teacher, staff, boss, colleague and subordinate. Through these experiences, I learned the art
and challenges of shifting between multiple identities when negotiating access to stakeholders, informants and gatekeepers. I successfully built rapport more content...
Marit Ostebo. Dr. Ostebo, who has extensive and long term experience conducting ethnographic research among the Oromo ethnic group in Bale, will
accompany me during the initial fieldwork, and assist me in locating research assistants and gatekeepers. Her recent research on cooperatives in
Ethiopia will also prove invaluable when navigating methodological limitations and understanding how interactions operate on the ground. I have also
established relationships with Dr. Brenda Chalfin and Dr. John Richard Stepp to further work in political economy and environmental anthropology.
Both professors offer unique expertise that will compliment this interdisciplinary research, prompt me in new directions and situate my findings in a
global context. This support will help ensure success in all aspects of my research and has already been invaluable in guiding the refinement of my
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Ethnography Essay
Works Cited Missing
Reflexivity is a qualitative method of research that takes an ethnography one step further, displaying the personal thoughts and reflections of the
anthropologist on his informants. Ethnographies generally take an outside or foreign perspective of a culture, like reading a text, and reflexivity
introduces a new component of inside description. Here, the anthropologist may describe personal interactions and experiences with natives and use
this inside information to make additional conclusions about the people being studied. The ethnographer may also reflect on his ethnic connections
with his informants, or his acceptance into the society, explaining that it provides valuable, inside knowledge of more content...
Kondo writes, " As a Japanese–American young woman doing fieldwork in Japan, the Other was not totally Other for me" (75). This ethnic
connection played a primary role in her acceptance by a Japanese family and eventually by Japanese society. She describes that, "later in the
summer, the wife confided to me that she would never have allowed a 'true American' to live with them." Living with the Japanese family taught
Kondo the proper etiquette of a Japanese female and the longer she stayed in Japan the more she transformed. She gained an insider perspective
because she gained cultural acceptance, although she was still viewed by many as an other. Kondo began to develop relationships and soon after
natives began to ask her to teach them English, and to attend several social gatherings. As more people asked her favors she became irritated, but after
a conversation with her landlady she realized that the, "Japanese don't treat themselves as important, they spend time doing things for the sake of
maintaining good social relationships, regardless of their inner feelings" (81). This realization had a strong impact on Kondo. Her reflections displayed
so much about the Japanese culture in addition to her ethnography. It led her to shift her research from kinship and economics, " to an even more basic
cultural assumption: the nature of the person, and his/her
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Ethnographic Summary

  • 1. Ethnographic Summary This article showcases an overview of the role technology can play in enhancing and improving how students learn statistics. It however underscore the point that as teachers we need to ensure that we use the technology that we understand rather than introducing new technology that we have no understanding of. In using technology that we understand we will be better able to help the students to improve their overall performances. Importantly the technology should also be chosen based on student's ability to grasp, how interactive it is and how easy it is to be used as a tool for collaborative learning. This article is directly related to my research question number three. Which looks at student's receptiveness to the chosen technology Research question more content... The methodology chosen for this study was quite appropriate. The study identified various technology tools that have positive impact on students learning particularly because these tools were design for this reason. The study is high in validity as the results of using the technology was positive. I am also of the view that the reliability of this results are very high as well for the same Get more content on
  • 2. Homework Ethnography I am a piece of an American family, and we are noisy, yet in some cases they simply don't know when to calm down. In the event that i am attempting to do homework and my father is impacting music its pretty diverting. An approach to fathom this is have two or three hours in the day where its noiseless so we can do our Get more content on
  • 3. Ethnographic Essay The problem of gaining access can provide important insights into the nature and organization of the social setting under study. In what ways can issues influence the outcome of ethnographic research? What strategies can researchers adopt to overcome obstacles to access? 'Ethnography is branch of anthropology which has aided social researchers in the quest for a deeper understanding of different societies, social groups or cultures' (Hammersely, 1995p365). The purpose this essay is to gain an insight into the problems that researchers encounter when the try to gain access to certain fields they wish to investigate. There are many obstacles associated with this research approach and invariably can impact on the outcome of more content... Once you have gained their trust and an effective rapport with the interviewee has been established, expressing your personal attitudes, revulsion or disgust at their opinions will only jeopardize the purpose of the interview. "The right man for the right job" is also a key factor. When dealing with sensitive issues for example like abortion and women's views on it, a female researcher would make the interviewees more at ease and more likely to give an honest response. Likewise when interviewing men and their bedroom antics, men would feel more at ease speaking to another male. A famous character constructed in traditional ethnographies is that of the "gate keeper". This is usually a person who opens the field for the researcher, introduces them to the tribe or community They serve as mediator between group and the ethnographer, They will carefully step by step make the researcher familiar with the new environment. 'To contact, meet, build rapport with, and interview a dealer, ethnographers need to be "properly introduced" by a "trusted associate" who functions as a go between A "trusted associate" is personally known by and has good relations with the potential subject,' (Qualitive research 1999) The first step is to take the mystery out of the ethnographer 's role. Gaining access to a social group through a sponsor or gatekeeper is a great strategy method in order to overcome obstacles in the ethnographic research field. As it is often Get more content on
  • 4. Ethnography Essays Ethnography Introduction Beginning with the early stages of savagery to the complex civilizations in the 21st century, the need to compete remains an important aspect in the continual evolution of mankind. Competition took various forms throughout history from the bloody attempts to kill a mammoth in order to provide nourishment, to the violent battles between two opposing sides taking place on college football fields every Saturday afternoon. Another form of competition involving severe contact on a scale par with football is the sport of rugby. My personal history with the sport began in a medium sized island in Polynesia. I lived and worked in New Zealand during the summer of 1999, between my sophomore and junior year. This more content... From my research I discovered three conflicting themes, and my theory behind these themes is based upon structural analysis. This ethnography will also reveal some of the methodological questions discussed in class, specifically, replicability, critical dialogue, reflexivity, and globalization. Interestingly, I found a way to connect three out of the four methodological issues to the conflicting themes gathered in my research. For example, critical dialogue links to the contradiction between playfulness and competiveness, reflexivity to upper and lower classes, and globalization to Englishness and Americaness. My point of departure, however, will begin with a basic introduction to the history and rules of rugby. This will enable my non–rugby playing readers (i.e. Joel, William, Bashira, etc.) to gain general background knowledge on the sport before they become acquainted with the Occidental rugby culture. Rugby's Tale Legend has it that a young English boy picked up a soccer ball during a match at Rugby School. Picking up the ball is a clear violation in soccer unless the player is the goalie; but the illegality proved popular and led to the sport of rugby. In 1846, the school later published the rules of rugby. England, Scotland, and Whales picked the game up quickly and developed leagues for the new sport. The spread of rugby to outside the island
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  • 6. Ethnographic Essay Imagine a trip to one of the most beautiful mountain sceneries in the world. Now imagine that this scenic trip also includes sporting entertainment and historic landmarks. Welcome to the mountains of the Pyrenees. There is absolutely nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain by booking a summer vacation to this realm of marvelous and beautiful land. The Pyrenees is an exquisite range of mountains located in southwestern Europe. This intensely beautiful mountain range is the barrier dividing Spain and France. It is approximately 21,380 square miles and contains parts of twelve French and Spanish provinces. Discover the beautiful significance of the Pyrenees National Park. Witness the historical thrilling events of the Tour de France as it passes through the Pyrenees route. The Pyrenees national park is a very beautiful and majestic area, home to many villages of isolated mountain people. The Pyrenees is home to many elegant and pulchritudinous mountains and valleys along with incommensurable flora and fauna. It has an area of 2,063 kilometers and encompasses 86 villages with 40,000 inhabitants with the intent to preserve mountain life. Along with being one of the most beautifully scenic in the world, this national landmark is also home to the highest train track in all of Europe ( more content... This tradition began in 1910 and has taken place for over 100 years. This was, at the time, a very questioned decision given the abhorrent state of the roads. This new route demanded a plethora of unfamiliar and difficult tasks from its riders. Nevertheless, it provided very pleasing and exciting entertainment for the fans. Some of the most important and exciting events happen during the steep and difficult climbs of the Pyrenees route (History). A typical day for these racers lasts an average of forty miles (Street, Get more content on
  • 7. Ethnographic Analysis Paper Methodology and Methods Ethnography An ethnographic study would be the most beneficial methodology for my research because it focuses on an in–depth study of a group (Hoonard 2012). Focus Group Talking to a group of young black women (aged 18 to 25) would be the most beneficial for my research because I believe it would spark more of a conversation in comparison to a one on one interview. In a larger group, the women have the ability to feed off of each others statements and can express if they have had similar experiences in their daily lives. Questions such as "What influenced you to wear your hair they way you do?", "What is the natural hair movement to you?" and "Do you consider yourself to be apart of the natural hair movement?" would be asked. These focus groups would include a selection of black more content... (2015) Social networking sites: a support system for African–American women wearing natural hair, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 8:1, 21–29 Ellington (2015), examines how the support of social networking sites (SNS) influence the self–esteem of black women, the acceptance of their natural hair and their decision to remain natural or become natural. This research was guided by standpoint theory and an Afrocentric approach and conducted through the use of flyers, word of mouth, snowball sampling, and focus groups with semi–structured interview questions. Findings demonstrated that SNS did play a very important part in black women maintaining the natural hair. However, though giving them emotional support, these sites did not motivate these women to become natural. It was also found that the narrative of "good/bad hair" which exist within African American communities have an effect on how the women wanted their hair to be perceived (i.e. "curly" vs. "nappy"). Additionally, the hesitance to go natural was a product of the lack of support from family and Get more content on
  • 8. Ethnographic Research Essay Ethnographic research is the scientific description of specific human cultures, foreign to the ethnographer. Each ethnographer has his or her own way of conducting research and all of these different ideas can be transmitted and understood in a number of different ways. Because there is no one set idea of how an ethnographer should go about his or her research, conflicts arise. In Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco, Paul Rabinow uses a story like process to discuss his experiences during his research in Morocco. This makes it easier for the reader to understand his ideas then just having a technical book about the many different aspects of Moroccan life that he may have discovered. In Writing Culture: the Poetics and Politics of more content... Once I had become comfortable with myself and the language I would pick a part of the society that I would like to focus on. Similar to what Paul Willis's study, which Marcus described in his paper, of a group of twelve boys in a working class school, I would first go straight to the primary source. In Rabinow's book he takes the opposite approach and goes from place to place not focusing on one certain aspect of culture but a broad range of different ideas of society. I think that this approach may be more difficult because there os so much more that has to be looked at and understood. For instance, Rabinow must learn two different languages, French and Arabic just to understand the people around him. Then travel all around Morocco and obtain information on a numerous amount of different cultures. Though this practice of fieldwork has its benefits, describing one aspect of a society goes more in depth. Focusing on one aspect of a culture, I would want to obtain an exact understanding of what these people were doing and how they felt they fit into society. After obtaining as much information as I could from my informants, I would go back to my notes and try to make some sense of them without trying to distort their views of themselves in any way. I would then go to another source of information, in Willis's example this would be the teachers. By getting more then one perspective of a certain Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Ethnography Ethnography One of the most complex and interesting aspects of cultural anthropology is the ethnography. The idea of being able to read stories about groups of individuals is something that is intriguing to many people. With the ethnography, the authors many times feel that they have control and understanding over the individuals that they are writing about. Furthermore, many of these authors assume that the individuals among whom they are living and studying exemplify the entire society as a whole. Ethnographers have used many different means of establishing their ethnographic authority. One such method is the use of reflexivity in the ethnography. Ethnographers such as Renato Rosaldo in his work Culture and Truth: The Remaking more content... Marcus is stating that with the use of reflexivity the author can in fact produce an ethnography that informs the reader of the role in which the ethnographer plays in the story, and furthermore, demonstrates the fact that the ethnographer is not an omnipotent character. In order to illustrate the notion that with reflexivity the ethnographer can explain to his or her audience the fact that they are not omnipotent, this knowledge has to be stated as fact. For example, Marcus states "Cultural translation, which is what ethnography is, never fully assimilates difference. In any attempt to interpret or explain another cultural subject, a surplus of difference always remains..."(Marcus 186). Marcus' definition is very important because he is stating that there are always differences between the ethnographer and those in which he or she is studying. He is explaining that by definition ethnography is composed of a conglomeration of differences which cannot be reconciled and always remain constant. With this fact in mind, one can demonstrate through reflexivity that the belief of the ethnographer's superiority is false due to these differences. Marcus discusses the fact that there are ethnographic texts in which the ethnographer strays away from the classic assumption Get more content on
  • 10. Ethnographic Report Sample Due to these successes, I was elected to the New College Student Alliance as Food Service Representative to advocate for social justice, ecological consciousness and equity in the campus' food supply. I attended weekly meetings with faculty, administrators, and food service staff to develop a call for campus dining service proposals that reflected our community's values. During meetings and press releases, I was an active panel discussant that continuously had to negotiate multiple identities– student, teacher, staff, boss, colleague and subordinate. Through these experiences, I learned the art and challenges of shifting between multiple identities when negotiating access to stakeholders, informants and gatekeepers. I successfully built rapport more content... Marit Ostebo. Dr. Ostebo, who has extensive and long term experience conducting ethnographic research among the Oromo ethnic group in Bale, will accompany me during the initial fieldwork, and assist me in locating research assistants and gatekeepers. Her recent research on cooperatives in Ethiopia will also prove invaluable when navigating methodological limitations and understanding how interactions operate on the ground. I have also established relationships with Dr. Brenda Chalfin and Dr. John Richard Stepp to further work in political economy and environmental anthropology. Both professors offer unique expertise that will compliment this interdisciplinary research, prompt me in new directions and situate my findings in a global context. This support will help ensure success in all aspects of my research and has already been invaluable in guiding the refinement of my Get more content on
  • 11. Ethnography Essay Ethnography Works Cited Missing Reflexivity is a qualitative method of research that takes an ethnography one step further, displaying the personal thoughts and reflections of the anthropologist on his informants. Ethnographies generally take an outside or foreign perspective of a culture, like reading a text, and reflexivity introduces a new component of inside description. Here, the anthropologist may describe personal interactions and experiences with natives and use this inside information to make additional conclusions about the people being studied. The ethnographer may also reflect on his ethnic connections with his informants, or his acceptance into the society, explaining that it provides valuable, inside knowledge of more content... Kondo writes, " As a Japanese–American young woman doing fieldwork in Japan, the Other was not totally Other for me" (75). This ethnic connection played a primary role in her acceptance by a Japanese family and eventually by Japanese society. She describes that, "later in the summer, the wife confided to me that she would never have allowed a 'true American' to live with them." Living with the Japanese family taught Kondo the proper etiquette of a Japanese female and the longer she stayed in Japan the more she transformed. She gained an insider perspective because she gained cultural acceptance, although she was still viewed by many as an other. Kondo began to develop relationships and soon after natives began to ask her to teach them English, and to attend several social gatherings. As more people asked her favors she became irritated, but after a conversation with her landlady she realized that the, "Japanese don't treat themselves as important, they spend time doing things for the sake of maintaining good social relationships, regardless of their inner feelings" (81). This realization had a strong impact on Kondo. Her reflections displayed so much about the Japanese culture in addition to her ethnography. It led her to shift her research from kinship and economics, " to an even more basic cultural assumption: the nature of the person, and his/her Get more content on