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Gene Editing Ethics
The days of human embryonic gene editing are rapidly approaching with the development of the editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 and are crucial tools for
understanding the molecular pathway and gene functions. Genome editing technologies can quickly and efficiently modify the genomes by
introducing or genetically correcting mutations either in human cells or animal models, also advanced towards mammalian models and clinical trials in
humans. In China, the genetic modification of human embryos using CRISPR/Cas9 tools was achieved by the Huang laboratory in 2015 and they
have introduces new ethical questions regarding human treatment. CRISPR/Cas9 is one of the newest genomic technologies that has completely
revolutionized the understanding of more content...
While the interest and use of CRISPR/Cas9 has exploded since its discovery in 2012 and since then has seen a rapid improvements, prominent scientists
in the field have already initiated conversations regarding the ethical implications that arise when modifying the human genome. Preventing genetic
diseases by human genetic engineering is inevitable. Opening the doors for genetic engineering of human embryos could with time lead to manipulate
genetics for desirable traits, raising the fear of creating a eugenic driven human
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The Art of Editing and Film Meaning Essay
As one of the most celebrated and best known Soviet directors, Sergei Eisenstein's theoretical writings and practical uses of editing are a crucial part
of cinema's development. He viewed the art form of film as a tool with which to inflict certain reactions and emotions to audiences, be it through shock
or empathetic understanding. His editing techniques were key elements to achieve these effects, carefully planned out and sought to create conflict in
meaning. "Art is not a mirror which reflects the historical struggle, but a weapon of that struggle." (Vertov in Enzensberger, 1972) His keen editing
work proved cinema's propagandistic potential and was used as such to instigate the masses against the Soviet bourgeoisie. Therefore, more
Brought up without a formal cinematic training, the director started off his career in an LA video store and making connections by talking about his
enticing script ideas. After managing to get Natural Born Killers (1994) made by a different director, Oliver Stone, he was disappointed with the final
film and decided not to have his style and vision tainted by other filmmakers. This is why Pulp Fiction is exemplary for his unique vision and
As mentioned, Tarantino's narrative trademark is non–linearity, as he used it in his first feature films, Reservoir Dogs (1992) and Pulp Fiction, and
continues to employ it in his other work. He breaks narrative conventions by avoiding to clearly signpost flashbacks, for instance. Tzioumakis
exemplifies the shift in storytelling through a lack of "blurred images, intensification of music, framing of a character in a close up to suggest that he or
she is remembering or imagining something, and so on". (Tzioumakis, 2006, p. 8) Referring back to Eisenstein, Tarantino's editing choice is a tool for
disorienting the viewer, because even though the narrative is set out in the scriptwriting phase, it is the edit that makes these temporal transitions
difficult to register.
The audience is shown pieces of the narrative like a puzzle, which they have to assemble in order to understand the full plot. "Comprehension of the
central action is supplemented by flashbacks to different characters, giving the movie a Rashomon
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Genome Editing Essay
Genome editing is a huge leap forward in science and medicine. Because of recent advances in technology, the study of genes and induced 'point'
mutations have led to the discovery and advancement of methods previously used in order to mutate genes. The development of Clusters of Regularly
Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPRs) and CRISPR associated system 9 protein (Cas9) technology is a hugely significant leap forward as
this is a tool that could potentially be used for the research into and hopefully the treatment of a range of medical conditions that are genetically
related. Cystic fibrosis (Schwank, G. et al, 2013), haemophilia and sickle cell disease are an example of some of the conditions that have
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Once the complex was bound to the DNA, a cut would be made to eliminate and destroy the invaders. 83% of archaeal genomes and 45% of bacterial
genomes (Shabbir, M. et al, 2016) were shown to be able to successfully utilize the CRISPR Cas9 system. These are very promising statistics, so it is
no wonder that there has been such an advancement in the past few years to bring this technology to eukaryotic cells, mammalian cells and eventually
human cells.
With the rate and volume that new experiments and experimental procedures are being tried and tested, it can be expected that a Nobel Prize will soon
be won for the discovery and advancement of this potential life–saving 'tool'. The category of Nobel Prize and who it potentially should be awarded to
are discussed later in this essay.
The Role of CRISPR/Cas9 as a Genome Editing Tool
There are three types of CRISPR systems. The Type II CRISPR system (where the interface is mediated by a single large protein in conjunction with
crRNA) is the simplest of the three and it is this one that has been the basis for genome editing.
The Cas9 protein is an enzyme that effectively acts as a pair of molecular 'scissors', cutting
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Embryo Editing Outline
I.What is embryo editing?
A.In order to edit embryos, you need to use a tool.
1.(..)Researchers have been developing tools since 1975 and throughout time Jennifer Doudna have developed a tool called the CRISPR–Cas9
(Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats– associated genes).
B.(...) Researchers can edit genes by ridding the faulty genes and replacing the lettering(coding) with the CRISPR–Cas9.
1.CRISPR–Cas9 is also known as genetic scissors. (...) While using the CRISPR–Cas9 researchers are basically cutting out the faulty mutation and
correcting it.
2.Once you do the genetic screening you can proceed with the gene splitting and edit them efficiently. Gene splitting is done outside of the body, or
preimplantation, more content...
According to The Guardian Now we can edit the embryo successfully so why should we do it.
II.Pros when it comes to embryo editing
A.When we look into curing or even reducing the frequency of viruses using the tool could make a huge impact on many lives.
1.US and the Korean team have given evidence basically saying that when you edit the genes with faulty mutations, you might not be able to fix them
all the way but you can fix them from 50% to 70%. (...)
2.The US and Korean team can wipe out the faulty mutations from the sperm or the egg the virus might be gone forever.
B.There are thousands of viruses in the human body that can come from one faulty mutation. (...) This is a complex process because again there are
thousands of viruses. When you have faulty genes the chances it will be passed on to your kids is right in the middle at 50%. (...)
C.With new tool parents could have their ideal or genetically enhanced children they may desire
1.The US and Korean team created 58 human embryos while using the CRISPR–Cas9 they were able to repair faulty genes up to 70%. (...) According
to Quartz.
According to
The Guardian
Show diagram
According to
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Editing Post-Production
Editing post– production is edited raw footage to cut scene, to insert transition, working with voice and sound of an actor. There's a lot of editing in
post–production. There's picture edit offline and online edit, analogue, and digital edit, and audio edit. In editing, they using editing software
examples like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe premiere pro, and final cut pro. Audio editing is happening between the actual recording transcription in a
studio and in a studio and the completion of a master skipper recording. It involves sound design, sound figure, sound editing, audio mixing, and gain
of an issue. The process of Editing, first pick an editing. Two ways it can be done, you can shoot your video and import it to yourcomputer and you can
start to edit your raw footage. Second, performed a rough cut by laying all your main footage trim the unwanted or extra footage. more
Offline editing, is the process of filmmaking and television and in which raw footage is copied and edited without affecting the camera original. Once
it has completed by offline editing, the original media will be assembled in online editing. Editing is to structured and shows all information like
television shows, film and a lot more. Photo editing is the changing of range. These images can be digital exposure, illustrations, prints, or photograph
graphs on the moving–picture show. Some eccentric of editing, such as airbrushing, is done by hand and others are done using photo editing
programs like Photoshop, Gimpiness and Microsoft Blusher. Photo editing is done for a reason. It used to complete new things and to tricks people
eye. By editing the video, the film makes a good intense be it a sad movie or scary movie. Audio editing software is Adobe illustration, sound forge,
and audio editor. Audio editing process record all audio, delete or edit gaps at beginning and end of a recording if any. Edit out any noticeable
distracting breaths or other
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Dna Editing Research Paper
Where did DNA editing come from and how does it work?
DNA editing was discovered thanks to the clash between bacteria and viruses. Bacteria and viruses have been fighting each other since life on Earth
began. During an invasion of a cell, the virus inserts its own genetic code(RNA) into the bacterium and takes it over to use as a factory to replicate
itself. The bacterium, meanwhile, tries to resist but ends up failing most of the time because it has weak, and insufficient tools to protect itself. Some
bacteria however, through natural selection or chance, survive the attack and save part of the virus's genetic code(Kurzgesagt, 2016). The RNA of the
virus is then saved in the bacterium's own genetic code in a DNA more content...
A scientist named Anthony James encountered this problem when he programmed mosquitoes to no longer transmit malaria. Though years of hard
work, James was able to create a mosquito resistant to the parasite by adding genes that made it impossible for the malaria parasite to live inside of it.
After this success, Anthony James was met with the problem of how he was going to spread this new gene(Kahn, 2016). Now that you've got a
mosquito resistant to malaria, how is this gene going to replace the malaria in mosquitoes carrying the parasite? At first there was the idea that ten
times the the amount of mosquitoes in the area should be released in the hopes that the gene would be passed on. This idea, however, would not be
beneficial to the people living in the area where the mosquitoes were being released(Kahn, 2016). Months later, James received an email from a
biologist named Ethan Baer about a genetic tool that not only ensured that a genetic trait would be inherited, but that it would spread exponentially
quickly. To test the reliability of this tool, the scientists engineered two mosquitoes to not only carry the anti–malaria gene, but also the new tool(Kahn,
2016). They set up the test in such a way that any mosquitoes that inherited the anti–malaria gene would not have the ordinary white eyes, but red eyes.
This made it easier for scientists to distinguish between a mosquito with the gene and without it(Kahn, 2016). After putting two of the red–eyed
mosquitoes in a box with 30 ordinary mosquitoes to breed, scientists found that after two generations, not only had 38,000 mosquitoes been born, but
all of them had red eyes. According to mendelian genetics this is not possible because only half of the DNA from each parent is inherited by the
offspring(Kahn, 2016). This means that there should have been
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College Essay On Video Editing
There are hundreds of different jobs in the television and film industry that exist today.
Many people are needed to create a film or video, some people have very small parts in making the film while others have very large and important
parts. Video editors hold a very important job in creating a finished afilm or video. By sorting through footage, picking effective scenes, and
sequencing the scenes in an effective manner; the video editor helps to create a well done final product.
Anywhere from websites, commercials, television shows, to Hollywood movies; video editors, who are also called film editors, are needed. When a
film is being made, tons of "raw footage" ("Complete the Illusion with a Video more content...
You need to learn these techniques and the correct way of going about editing the film before starting this career.
EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Before making your way into a video editing career, you need the proper education and experience. A high
school diploma is a must because it is required at most all editing jobs. While a college degree is preferred, because it is a requirement at most
jobs. "Most studios will not consider people for film or television editor positions without a bachelor's degree or several years of on the job
experience" (Morkes 62). With this in mind, it would definitely benefit you to get your bachelor's degree and take multiple film courses having to
do with film such as film production, film appreciation, film production techniques, film shooting, and film processing (Reed 63). Taking courses
such as these will expose you to the film industry and help you to better understand the film making process. Some techniques you will learn are
some such as splicing, cutting and assembling. Already acquiring some basic skills will help you to land a small job to get started in your career.
A lot of studios and companies require previous experience, so it would be in your best interest to start as an apprentice or intern to gain experience
and show interest in the job. Becoming an apprentice to a video editor will expose you to what it is like on the job and you will get real world
experience and a look into what you could eventually
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Peer Editing Reflection
For the college essay practice paper we peer edited, reread, sought instructor advice, and rewrote our essays until we felt that our paper was worthy
of being turned in. By the end of the process we should have had a final draft which was almost completely different from our original copies. This
process, in my opinion, is extremely valuable to the course as it is vital in order for incoming students to improve their writing abilities. Personally, the
technique in the process which forced me to realize my mistakes on a broader level, more than any other step, was the one foot reading to find syntax
errors and awkward diction which our brains skim over when simply rereading the essay. Peer editing, while still helpful, didn't seem as useful
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Smarthinking: A Peer Review
This peer review on Smarthinking was great. I did not expect it to give me such thorough responses. The reviewer, Padma P., gave descriptions on
what I need to work on, and then she provided examples to help clarify my mistakes and show me the proper way to write. For instance, she
explained that I had a homonym error with the word effecting because it is a different word from affecting. She gave the example of using the words
eight and ate incorrectly. Blatantly both, eight and ate, have different meanings. I am going to focus on finding an attention grabber for my persuasive
essay, because it will hopefully make the reader more engaged and convinced by my stance. I was surprised by her analysis of my thesis statement. I
thought I was clear,
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Genetic Editing Research Paper
disagree with the idea of genetic editing, we all want the next and even the future generations that will come after us to have a better, safe, and
natural environment to live in but genetic editing will not help us achieve any of that, even if it has helped slowing down the process of food spoilage
and supplying recipients with their needed organs it is still too risky to agree with this new and world–changing technology. In the year 2005, scientists
involved in the genetic modification of corns, has been asked by a German court to publicly state their newly found discoveries – that consuming
genetically modified corn can put human health at risk if consumed, this discovery has been tested out in rats, and has horrifyingly revealed that the
ingested modified corns showed blood, kidney and liver failures in rats due to the toxic reaction in their more content...
Practicing cloning is making everything in this world artificial and fake, we should not be interfering with nature, everyone should be aware of their
limits and how far they can take these technologies and inventions. By continuing the practice of genetic editing we are putting billions of lives at
risk and creating a dangerous and far worse environment for the next generations to live in. I oppose genetic editing, because I want a change and a
world in which I can say that it is safe and specifically preserved for the future generations to
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The History of Film Editing
My grandpa is always talking about how much movies have changed with time. His favorite movie, E.T.: The Extra–Terrestrial, is an example of how
editing and special effects have changed drastically since 1982 and even before that. Watching a movie from this year compared to a movie from the
1930s, you would notice many differences. In the beginning, there was no digital technology to edit films. There have also been important contributors
to help evolvement in film editing. In the process of editing film, there are some common editing techniques that have been used ever since film started.
The way you edit a scene can also affect the mood and feeling of it. Although the editing of filmmaking has changed a lot over time, there are many
reasons for the cause of this including humanities drastic evolvement in technology.
In the beginning, there was no digital technology to edit films. The initial editing of all films was done with a positive copy of the film negative
called a film work print. This was done by physically cutting and pasting together pieces of film, using a splicer and threading the film on a
machine with a viewer, which was a Moviola, "flatbed" machine or Steenbeck. The 2" Video Tape Recording System (VTR) created by Ampex
Corp. was introduced in 1956. This device was also called the splicing block. The user of the machine was able to view the splice point through a
microscope. The machine also had a cutting blade that was mounted across the guide to be able to
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Editing and Montage Film
"Once I understood that editing is crucial to how a film is made, I was hooked. Imagine: placed in your hands is fantastic raw footage that 250 people
have created during shooting. You and the director are then allowed to sculpt this raw material into something that has structure, rhythm and pace, that
builds characters, that creates dramatic peaks and lows and that hopefully has a good ending. Editing is an incredibly rewarding profession.
Film editing is described, when typed in to google as "the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film" `but it
is much more than just that. If done well it is invisible but also has the ability to control a film, even control the viewer watching the film. The process
of editing film has been around nearly as long as film itself. After the cinema of attractions, people realised a narrative story could be constructed by
splicing ends of celluloid together to tell a story. The most famous early example of this is The Great Train Robbery (1903) directed by Edwin S.
Porter. Before Porters film the cinema of attractions consisted of single shot films of streets and crowded areas, projected later that day so that the
people could see themselves on the big screen.
As the 1900's marched on so did editing and montage. The Great Train Robbery had established that it was possible to create a narrative by cutting
film. The next decade would build on that and establish rules which apply to films today. One
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My Video Editing Experience
A long time I decided to live the zombie life as a video editor and during that time I had to experience a lot of workflow to get good at it. In the
beginning of learning it was difficult and there were so many different programs to edit with, but during the time I did not know about which were
professional or not. For example, when I first started I used a program called Window Movie Maker, and without doubt it was not very useful since
there were only limited tools that the program holds; Since I did not know any better at the time I easily continued to work with the program for a
couple months, which was the most difficult start of my experience. For example, there were obstacles such as slow render, 15 effects or less, and
very rigid transitions from clips to clips. When it came to actual editing, I was amateurish as well, but that's normal for anyone that's new to a hobby
that they want to learn by experience; The way I synched the lyrics or beats to my clips were off at first, as well as the quality, which was poor. In
fact, I did not even know how to discover a source to download the type of footage I worked with at the time. After 3 or 4 months of editing, I
finally made my first friend that does the same hobby as me, and he then helped me locate high quality clips. My friend was from Germany and of
course I was from the United States, so we both helped each other grow as editors as time passed, even as it was difficult we had fun
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Editing And Proofreading Process Analysis
Editing is what you begin doing as soon as you finish your first draft. The process writers use to catch errors usal to their own writing. It's hard to
edit or proofread a paper that you've just finished writing. It's still too familiar, and you tend to skip over a lot of errors. Try creating a brief outline of
your paper to ensure the organization is reasonable. Review your paper to ensure that your tone is appropriate for your audience and consistent
throughout your paper. Determine areas where you could add, delete, or move text to make your content more effective. If you try to identify and
revise too many things at once, you risk losing focus, and your proofreading will be less effective. Editing and proofreading are two different stages
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College Essay On Film Editing
Editing is one of the most important parts of filmmaking. Film Editing is one of my favorite things to do. But let's get to the point. I have recently
graduated from a recognized film school and I just created a short film that goes viral. I am anxious for a TV/ film production company to see my
produced video. Or if that doesn't work you make ads to get your name out there for local job openings, or recruitments. Well no one's interested in an
award winning filmmaker! A production company with standards is not going to consider a student who just graduated from afilm school. A degree in
law, master's or engineering degree all are bait for finding a job easily. Sure I may know how to block a scene, move a dolly, edit, correct colors and mix
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Editing Human Embryos
Seven years ago, Jessica was engaged to her boyfriend of six years. Jessica found out she was pregnant with her first child. Eight months pass and
Jessica is going through the monthly scans and tests, but the doctor informs that her child has a gene that will give the child Huntington's disease.
Huntington's disease causes the nerve cells to break down which can lead to the face being disarranged and slower motor skills. The editing of
DNA in embryos could have saved Jessica's child, so should editing in human embryos be allowed? The editing of DNA in human embryos is when
scientists go into genome and delete or write out certain genes. The indicated process is done so the embryos can be born without genetic disorders.
Scientists should be allowed to change the DNA of human embryos because it can prevent genetic disorders, help in vitro pregnency, and save
potential lives. One reason it should be allowed is it can prevent genetic diseases. For example, Fredrik Lanner, the lead scientist on the DNA editing
in Sweden states, "if we can understand the early cells of this embryo it will help us prevent diseases like Parkinson's or other genetic diseases"(Lanner).
This quote shows the more content...
John Harris an author writing about gene editing expresses that the procedure can provide more benefit than harm. John illustrates in the article, "yes,
their are issues with the process,but the amount of breakthrough that can be achieved s able to have the issues be overlooked"(Harris). Even though
there are issues with the experimentation the scientific advancement this can provide will help change the future. When the gene editing is finally
complete and mastered by the bio–technicians, it can help save lives. Even with the risks presented the scientific community is leaning in favor for the
process, because of the long term benefits it can
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Peer Editing Analysis
The peer editing is to correct your paper from person who is in the same age or level and write their opinion about it. That can help you to have other
view from someone's in your level. It was my first editing experience. I learned about something new in writing skills, which is how to edit other
paper, and how to give them your opinion. Also, when I see other person paper, it helps me to think widely and gain more ideas about how to be a good
writer also whom I can read my paper as critic to it. Moreover, it helps me to think correctly to give right advice to other person. Editing peer gives
me chance to participate with classmate how she thought. Moreover, it was as a practice to my grammar when I correct my partner paper. I edited two
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Essay On Editing Drafting And Persuasion
The use of editing, drafting, and persuasion are all beneficial in the use of writing, but they also impact society by way of helping audience
understanding. Drafting is the beginning, it's the opportunity to discover what you have to say and how best to say it (Murray). Editing is a way of
correcting a piece over time to make writing less blocked so words will come more easily (Elbow). Persuasion is the reason to make a speech or publish
a document –a document such as the Constitution– achieving what the author wants to say (Aristotle). The Constitution had a positive impact, written
by James Madison and a group of others who took the time to draft, edit, and eventually persuade Congress to publish the document to the United States
. Drafting can be a long antagonizing process, but in the long run it'll pay off like it did for the Constitution. There needs to be a focus on drafting
including revising, editing, and reading (Murray) so that you're completely successful in eventually finishing a piece. It took the authors of the
Constitution 5 months, from May 1787 until the signing in September 1787 (National Constitution Center) to achieve this. That shows that drafting
can be a long process, but because of the positive outcome to the United States, drafting was just the beginning part of an impactful piece on society. more content...
The one that applies to the Constitution is putting the audience into a certain frame of mind. The ratification of the Constitution gave the citizens of
the United States a different mindset of things, such as what was legal or not, and what were the rights of others. But none of that would have mattered
without persuasion. Without it, the Constitution would not have been ratified the way it was, written the way it was, or changed the U.S. the way it
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Memento Essay
Memento paved the way as one of the most comprehensive and complicated use of film shots within the choice of films. The director, Christopher
Nolan used a variety of shots and editing to get his point across and delve the viewer into the main characters point of view. Memento is centered on
Leonard, who suffers from a form of amnesia that makes it so he cannot form new memories. To aid him with his short–term memory loss, he utilizes
tattoos and polaroid pictures with notes to recall his primary objective: avenge his wife's rape and murder. The film starts from the end and works its
way back, in a clever technique that allows the viewer to see as if they were also suffering from Leonard's disability. The reverse telling of the
screenplay leads itself as one of the most peculiar films to be seen. This style is confusing but ultimately offers a different experience to that of a
"normal" film storyline. Many of the scenes feature extreme close up shots on Lenny, especially when showcasing his personal notes and tattoos that
aid him in piecing together "John G". The usage of such shots allows the viewer to partake in the movie solely from Lenny's point of view and
understand his mind frame. The movie starts at present time and starts working its way more content...
He tricks himself to target Teddy, after Teddy reveals to him that he has already killed John G years ago and that his wife survived the attack.
Pinpointing the climax in Memento is hard since the story is told in a highly unconventional nonlinear structure. There is no exact point in the
storyline were the viewer can decide when the movie starts making sense, aside from the very end when Leonard asks himself if he lies to make
himself happy. In other words, Leonard lies and keeps this vengeance facade up to help himself through life after dealing with the trauma of his
amnesia and death of his
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Gene Editing Ethics

  • 1. Gene Editing Ethics The days of human embryonic gene editing are rapidly approaching with the development of the editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 and are crucial tools for understanding the molecular pathway and gene functions. Genome editing technologies can quickly and efficiently modify the genomes by introducing or genetically correcting mutations either in human cells or animal models, also advanced towards mammalian models and clinical trials in humans. In China, the genetic modification of human embryos using CRISPR/Cas9 tools was achieved by the Huang laboratory in 2015 and they have introduces new ethical questions regarding human treatment. CRISPR/Cas9 is one of the newest genomic technologies that has completely revolutionized the understanding of more content... While the interest and use of CRISPR/Cas9 has exploded since its discovery in 2012 and since then has seen a rapid improvements, prominent scientists in the field have already initiated conversations regarding the ethical implications that arise when modifying the human genome. Preventing genetic diseases by human genetic engineering is inevitable. Opening the doors for genetic engineering of human embryos could with time lead to manipulate genetics for desirable traits, raising the fear of creating a eugenic driven human Get more content on
  • 2. The Art of Editing and Film Meaning Essay As one of the most celebrated and best known Soviet directors, Sergei Eisenstein's theoretical writings and practical uses of editing are a crucial part of cinema's development. He viewed the art form of film as a tool with which to inflict certain reactions and emotions to audiences, be it through shock or empathetic understanding. His editing techniques were key elements to achieve these effects, carefully planned out and sought to create conflict in meaning. "Art is not a mirror which reflects the historical struggle, but a weapon of that struggle." (Vertov in Enzensberger, 1972) His keen editing work proved cinema's propagandistic potential and was used as such to instigate the masses against the Soviet bourgeoisie. Therefore, more content... Brought up without a formal cinematic training, the director started off his career in an LA video store and making connections by talking about his enticing script ideas. After managing to get Natural Born Killers (1994) made by a different director, Oliver Stone, he was disappointed with the final film and decided not to have his style and vision tainted by other filmmakers. This is why Pulp Fiction is exemplary for his unique vision and techniques. As mentioned, Tarantino's narrative trademark is non–linearity, as he used it in his first feature films, Reservoir Dogs (1992) and Pulp Fiction, and continues to employ it in his other work. He breaks narrative conventions by avoiding to clearly signpost flashbacks, for instance. Tzioumakis exemplifies the shift in storytelling through a lack of "blurred images, intensification of music, framing of a character in a close up to suggest that he or she is remembering or imagining something, and so on". (Tzioumakis, 2006, p. 8) Referring back to Eisenstein, Tarantino's editing choice is a tool for disorienting the viewer, because even though the narrative is set out in the scriptwriting phase, it is the edit that makes these temporal transitions difficult to register. The audience is shown pieces of the narrative like a puzzle, which they have to assemble in order to understand the full plot. "Comprehension of the central action is supplemented by flashbacks to different characters, giving the movie a Rashomon Get more content on
  • 3. Genome Editing Essay Introduction Genome editing is a huge leap forward in science and medicine. Because of recent advances in technology, the study of genes and induced 'point' mutations have led to the discovery and advancement of methods previously used in order to mutate genes. The development of Clusters of Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPRs) and CRISPR associated system 9 protein (Cas9) technology is a hugely significant leap forward as this is a tool that could potentially be used for the research into and hopefully the treatment of a range of medical conditions that are genetically related. Cystic fibrosis (Schwank, G. et al, 2013), haemophilia and sickle cell disease are an example of some of the conditions that have more content... Once the complex was bound to the DNA, a cut would be made to eliminate and destroy the invaders. 83% of archaeal genomes and 45% of bacterial genomes (Shabbir, M. et al, 2016) were shown to be able to successfully utilize the CRISPR Cas9 system. These are very promising statistics, so it is no wonder that there has been such an advancement in the past few years to bring this technology to eukaryotic cells, mammalian cells and eventually human cells. With the rate and volume that new experiments and experimental procedures are being tried and tested, it can be expected that a Nobel Prize will soon be won for the discovery and advancement of this potential life–saving 'tool'. The category of Nobel Prize and who it potentially should be awarded to are discussed later in this essay. The Role of CRISPR/Cas9 as a Genome Editing Tool There are three types of CRISPR systems. The Type II CRISPR system (where the interface is mediated by a single large protein in conjunction with crRNA) is the simplest of the three and it is this one that has been the basis for genome editing. The Cas9 protein is an enzyme that effectively acts as a pair of molecular 'scissors', cutting Get more content on
  • 4. Embryo Editing Outline BODY I.What is embryo editing? A.In order to edit embryos, you need to use a tool. 1.(..)Researchers have been developing tools since 1975 and throughout time Jennifer Doudna have developed a tool called the CRISPR–Cas9 (Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats– associated genes). B.(...) Researchers can edit genes by ridding the faulty genes and replacing the lettering(coding) with the CRISPR–Cas9. 1.CRISPR–Cas9 is also known as genetic scissors. (...) While using the CRISPR–Cas9 researchers are basically cutting out the faulty mutation and correcting it. 2.Once you do the genetic screening you can proceed with the gene splitting and edit them efficiently. Gene splitting is done outside of the body, or preimplantation, more content... According to The Guardian Now we can edit the embryo successfully so why should we do it. II.Pros when it comes to embryo editing A.When we look into curing or even reducing the frequency of viruses using the tool could make a huge impact on many lives. 1.US and the Korean team have given evidence basically saying that when you edit the genes with faulty mutations, you might not be able to fix them all the way but you can fix them from 50% to 70%. (...) 2.The US and Korean team can wipe out the faulty mutations from the sperm or the egg the virus might be gone forever. B.There are thousands of viruses in the human body that can come from one faulty mutation. (...) This is a complex process because again there are thousands of viruses. When you have faulty genes the chances it will be passed on to your kids is right in the middle at 50%. (...) C.With new tool parents could have their ideal or genetically enhanced children they may desire 1.The US and Korean team created 58 human embryos while using the CRISPR–Cas9 they were able to repair faulty genes up to 70%. (...) According to Quartz. According to The Guardian Show diagram
  • 5. According to Get more content on
  • 6. Editing Post-Production Editing post– production is edited raw footage to cut scene, to insert transition, working with voice and sound of an actor. There's a lot of editing in post–production. There's picture edit offline and online edit, analogue, and digital edit, and audio edit. In editing, they using editing software examples like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe premiere pro, and final cut pro. Audio editing is happening between the actual recording transcription in a studio and in a studio and the completion of a master skipper recording. It involves sound design, sound figure, sound editing, audio mixing, and gain of an issue. The process of Editing, first pick an editing. Two ways it can be done, you can shoot your video and import it to yourcomputer and you can start to edit your raw footage. Second, performed a rough cut by laying all your main footage trim the unwanted or extra footage. more content... Offline editing, is the process of filmmaking and television and in which raw footage is copied and edited without affecting the camera original. Once it has completed by offline editing, the original media will be assembled in online editing. Editing is to structured and shows all information like television shows, film and a lot more. Photo editing is the changing of range. These images can be digital exposure, illustrations, prints, or photograph graphs on the moving–picture show. Some eccentric of editing, such as airbrushing, is done by hand and others are done using photo editing programs like Photoshop, Gimpiness and Microsoft Blusher. Photo editing is done for a reason. It used to complete new things and to tricks people eye. By editing the video, the film makes a good intense be it a sad movie or scary movie. Audio editing software is Adobe illustration, sound forge, and audio editor. Audio editing process record all audio, delete or edit gaps at beginning and end of a recording if any. Edit out any noticeable distracting breaths or other Get more content on
  • 7. Dna Editing Research Paper Body/Hypothesis Where did DNA editing come from and how does it work? DNA editing was discovered thanks to the clash between bacteria and viruses. Bacteria and viruses have been fighting each other since life on Earth began. During an invasion of a cell, the virus inserts its own genetic code(RNA) into the bacterium and takes it over to use as a factory to replicate itself. The bacterium, meanwhile, tries to resist but ends up failing most of the time because it has weak, and insufficient tools to protect itself. Some bacteria however, through natural selection or chance, survive the attack and save part of the virus's genetic code(Kurzgesagt, 2016). The RNA of the virus is then saved in the bacterium's own genetic code in a DNA more content... A scientist named Anthony James encountered this problem when he programmed mosquitoes to no longer transmit malaria. Though years of hard work, James was able to create a mosquito resistant to the parasite by adding genes that made it impossible for the malaria parasite to live inside of it. After this success, Anthony James was met with the problem of how he was going to spread this new gene(Kahn, 2016). Now that you've got a mosquito resistant to malaria, how is this gene going to replace the malaria in mosquitoes carrying the parasite? At first there was the idea that ten times the the amount of mosquitoes in the area should be released in the hopes that the gene would be passed on. This idea, however, would not be beneficial to the people living in the area where the mosquitoes were being released(Kahn, 2016). Months later, James received an email from a biologist named Ethan Baer about a genetic tool that not only ensured that a genetic trait would be inherited, but that it would spread exponentially quickly. To test the reliability of this tool, the scientists engineered two mosquitoes to not only carry the anti–malaria gene, but also the new tool(Kahn, 2016). They set up the test in such a way that any mosquitoes that inherited the anti–malaria gene would not have the ordinary white eyes, but red eyes. This made it easier for scientists to distinguish between a mosquito with the gene and without it(Kahn, 2016). After putting two of the red–eyed mosquitoes in a box with 30 ordinary mosquitoes to breed, scientists found that after two generations, not only had 38,000 mosquitoes been born, but all of them had red eyes. According to mendelian genetics this is not possible because only half of the DNA from each parent is inherited by the offspring(Kahn, 2016). This means that there should have been Get more content on
  • 8. College Essay On Video Editing There are hundreds of different jobs in the television and film industry that exist today. Many people are needed to create a film or video, some people have very small parts in making the film while others have very large and important parts. Video editors hold a very important job in creating a finished afilm or video. By sorting through footage, picking effective scenes, and sequencing the scenes in an effective manner; the video editor helps to create a well done final product. JOB DESCRIPTION Anywhere from websites, commercials, television shows, to Hollywood movies; video editors, who are also called film editors, are needed. When a film is being made, tons of "raw footage" ("Complete the Illusion with a Video more content... You need to learn these techniques and the correct way of going about editing the film before starting this career. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Before making your way into a video editing career, you need the proper education and experience. A high school diploma is a must because it is required at most all editing jobs. While a college degree is preferred, because it is a requirement at most jobs. "Most studios will not consider people for film or television editor positions without a bachelor's degree or several years of on the job experience" (Morkes 62). With this in mind, it would definitely benefit you to get your bachelor's degree and take multiple film courses having to do with film such as film production, film appreciation, film production techniques, film shooting, and film processing (Reed 63). Taking courses such as these will expose you to the film industry and help you to better understand the film making process. Some techniques you will learn are some such as splicing, cutting and assembling. Already acquiring some basic skills will help you to land a small job to get started in your career. A lot of studios and companies require previous experience, so it would be in your best interest to start as an apprentice or intern to gain experience and show interest in the job. Becoming an apprentice to a video editor will expose you to what it is like on the job and you will get real world experience and a look into what you could eventually Get more content on
  • 9. Peer Editing Reflection For the college essay practice paper we peer edited, reread, sought instructor advice, and rewrote our essays until we felt that our paper was worthy of being turned in. By the end of the process we should have had a final draft which was almost completely different from our original copies. This process, in my opinion, is extremely valuable to the course as it is vital in order for incoming students to improve their writing abilities. Personally, the technique in the process which forced me to realize my mistakes on a broader level, more than any other step, was the one foot reading to find syntax errors and awkward diction which our brains skim over when simply rereading the essay. Peer editing, while still helpful, didn't seem as useful Get more content on
  • 10. Smarthinking: A Peer Review This peer review on Smarthinking was great. I did not expect it to give me such thorough responses. The reviewer, Padma P., gave descriptions on what I need to work on, and then she provided examples to help clarify my mistakes and show me the proper way to write. For instance, she explained that I had a homonym error with the word effecting because it is a different word from affecting. She gave the example of using the words eight and ate incorrectly. Blatantly both, eight and ate, have different meanings. I am going to focus on finding an attention grabber for my persuasive essay, because it will hopefully make the reader more engaged and convinced by my stance. I was surprised by her analysis of my thesis statement. I thought I was clear, Get more content on
  • 11. Genetic Editing Research Paper disagree with the idea of genetic editing, we all want the next and even the future generations that will come after us to have a better, safe, and natural environment to live in but genetic editing will not help us achieve any of that, even if it has helped slowing down the process of food spoilage and supplying recipients with their needed organs it is still too risky to agree with this new and world–changing technology. In the year 2005, scientists involved in the genetic modification of corns, has been asked by a German court to publicly state their newly found discoveries – that consuming genetically modified corn can put human health at risk if consumed, this discovery has been tested out in rats, and has horrifyingly revealed that the ingested modified corns showed blood, kidney and liver failures in rats due to the toxic reaction in their more content... Practicing cloning is making everything in this world artificial and fake, we should not be interfering with nature, everyone should be aware of their limits and how far they can take these technologies and inventions. By continuing the practice of genetic editing we are putting billions of lives at risk and creating a dangerous and far worse environment for the next generations to live in. I oppose genetic editing, because I want a change and a world in which I can say that it is safe and specifically preserved for the future generations to Get more content on
  • 12. The History of Film Editing My grandpa is always talking about how much movies have changed with time. His favorite movie, E.T.: The Extra–Terrestrial, is an example of how editing and special effects have changed drastically since 1982 and even before that. Watching a movie from this year compared to a movie from the 1930s, you would notice many differences. In the beginning, there was no digital technology to edit films. There have also been important contributors to help evolvement in film editing. In the process of editing film, there are some common editing techniques that have been used ever since film started. The way you edit a scene can also affect the mood and feeling of it. Although the editing of filmmaking has changed a lot over time, there are many reasons for the cause of this including humanities drastic evolvement in technology. In the beginning, there was no digital technology to edit films. The initial editing of all films was done with a positive copy of the film negative called a film work print. This was done by physically cutting and pasting together pieces of film, using a splicer and threading the film on a machine with a viewer, which was a Moviola, "flatbed" machine or Steenbeck. The 2" Video Tape Recording System (VTR) created by Ampex Corp. was introduced in 1956. This device was also called the splicing block. The user of the machine was able to view the splice point through a microscope. The machine also had a cutting blade that was mounted across the guide to be able to Get more content on
  • 13. Editing and Montage Film "Once I understood that editing is crucial to how a film is made, I was hooked. Imagine: placed in your hands is fantastic raw footage that 250 people have created during shooting. You and the director are then allowed to sculpt this raw material into something that has structure, rhythm and pace, that builds characters, that creates dramatic peaks and lows and that hopefully has a good ending. Editing is an incredibly rewarding profession. Film editing is described, when typed in to google as "the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film" `but it is much more than just that. If done well it is invisible but also has the ability to control a film, even control the viewer watching the film. The process of editing film has been around nearly as long as film itself. After the cinema of attractions, people realised a narrative story could be constructed by splicing ends of celluloid together to tell a story. The most famous early example of this is The Great Train Robbery (1903) directed by Edwin S. Porter. Before Porters film the cinema of attractions consisted of single shot films of streets and crowded areas, projected later that day so that the people could see themselves on the big screen. As the 1900's marched on so did editing and montage. The Great Train Robbery had established that it was possible to create a narrative by cutting film. The next decade would build on that and establish rules which apply to films today. One Get more content on
  • 14. My Video Editing Experience A long time I decided to live the zombie life as a video editor and during that time I had to experience a lot of workflow to get good at it. In the beginning of learning it was difficult and there were so many different programs to edit with, but during the time I did not know about which were professional or not. For example, when I first started I used a program called Window Movie Maker, and without doubt it was not very useful since there were only limited tools that the program holds; Since I did not know any better at the time I easily continued to work with the program for a couple months, which was the most difficult start of my experience. For example, there were obstacles such as slow render, 15 effects or less, and very rigid transitions from clips to clips. When it came to actual editing, I was amateurish as well, but that's normal for anyone that's new to a hobby that they want to learn by experience; The way I synched the lyrics or beats to my clips were off at first, as well as the quality, which was poor. In fact, I did not even know how to discover a source to download the type of footage I worked with at the time. After 3 or 4 months of editing, I finally made my first friend that does the same hobby as me, and he then helped me locate high quality clips. My friend was from Germany and of course I was from the United States, so we both helped each other grow as editors as time passed, even as it was difficult we had fun Get more content on
  • 15. Editing And Proofreading Process Analysis Editing is what you begin doing as soon as you finish your first draft. The process writers use to catch errors usal to their own writing. It's hard to edit or proofread a paper that you've just finished writing. It's still too familiar, and you tend to skip over a lot of errors. Try creating a brief outline of your paper to ensure the organization is reasonable. Review your paper to ensure that your tone is appropriate for your audience and consistent throughout your paper. Determine areas where you could add, delete, or move text to make your content more effective. If you try to identify and revise too many things at once, you risk losing focus, and your proofreading will be less effective. Editing and proofreading are two different stages Get more content on
  • 16. College Essay On Film Editing Editing is one of the most important parts of filmmaking. Film Editing is one of my favorite things to do. But let's get to the point. I have recently graduated from a recognized film school and I just created a short film that goes viral. I am anxious for a TV/ film production company to see my produced video. Or if that doesn't work you make ads to get your name out there for local job openings, or recruitments. Well no one's interested in an award winning filmmaker! A production company with standards is not going to consider a student who just graduated from afilm school. A degree in law, master's or engineering degree all are bait for finding a job easily. Sure I may know how to block a scene, move a dolly, edit, correct colors and mix Get more content on
  • 17. Editing Human Embryos Seven years ago, Jessica was engaged to her boyfriend of six years. Jessica found out she was pregnant with her first child. Eight months pass and Jessica is going through the monthly scans and tests, but the doctor informs that her child has a gene that will give the child Huntington's disease. Huntington's disease causes the nerve cells to break down which can lead to the face being disarranged and slower motor skills. The editing of DNA in embryos could have saved Jessica's child, so should editing in human embryos be allowed? The editing of DNA in human embryos is when scientists go into genome and delete or write out certain genes. The indicated process is done so the embryos can be born without genetic disorders. Scientists should be allowed to change the DNA of human embryos because it can prevent genetic disorders, help in vitro pregnency, and save potential lives. One reason it should be allowed is it can prevent genetic diseases. For example, Fredrik Lanner, the lead scientist on the DNA editing in Sweden states, "if we can understand the early cells of this embryo it will help us prevent diseases like Parkinson's or other genetic diseases"(Lanner). This quote shows the more content... John Harris an author writing about gene editing expresses that the procedure can provide more benefit than harm. John illustrates in the article, "yes, their are issues with the process,but the amount of breakthrough that can be achieved s able to have the issues be overlooked"(Harris). Even though there are issues with the experimentation the scientific advancement this can provide will help change the future. When the gene editing is finally complete and mastered by the bio–technicians, it can help save lives. Even with the risks presented the scientific community is leaning in favor for the process, because of the long term benefits it can Get more content on
  • 18. Peer Editing Analysis The peer editing is to correct your paper from person who is in the same age or level and write their opinion about it. That can help you to have other view from someone's in your level. It was my first editing experience. I learned about something new in writing skills, which is how to edit other paper, and how to give them your opinion. Also, when I see other person paper, it helps me to think widely and gain more ideas about how to be a good writer also whom I can read my paper as critic to it. Moreover, it helps me to think correctly to give right advice to other person. Editing peer gives me chance to participate with classmate how she thought. Moreover, it was as a practice to my grammar when I correct my partner paper. I edited two papers Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On Editing Drafting And Persuasion The use of editing, drafting, and persuasion are all beneficial in the use of writing, but they also impact society by way of helping audience understanding. Drafting is the beginning, it's the opportunity to discover what you have to say and how best to say it (Murray). Editing is a way of correcting a piece over time to make writing less blocked so words will come more easily (Elbow). Persuasion is the reason to make a speech or publish a document –a document such as the Constitution– achieving what the author wants to say (Aristotle). The Constitution had a positive impact, written by James Madison and a group of others who took the time to draft, edit, and eventually persuade Congress to publish the document to the United States . Drafting can be a long antagonizing process, but in the long run it'll pay off like it did for the Constitution. There needs to be a focus on drafting including revising, editing, and reading (Murray) so that you're completely successful in eventually finishing a piece. It took the authors of the Constitution 5 months, from May 1787 until the signing in September 1787 (National Constitution Center) to achieve this. That shows that drafting can be a long process, but because of the positive outcome to the United States, drafting was just the beginning part of an impactful piece on society. more content... The one that applies to the Constitution is putting the audience into a certain frame of mind. The ratification of the Constitution gave the citizens of the United States a different mindset of things, such as what was legal or not, and what were the rights of others. But none of that would have mattered without persuasion. Without it, the Constitution would not have been ratified the way it was, written the way it was, or changed the U.S. the way it Get more content on
  • 20. Memento Essay Memento paved the way as one of the most comprehensive and complicated use of film shots within the choice of films. The director, Christopher Nolan used a variety of shots and editing to get his point across and delve the viewer into the main characters point of view. Memento is centered on Leonard, who suffers from a form of amnesia that makes it so he cannot form new memories. To aid him with his short–term memory loss, he utilizes tattoos and polaroid pictures with notes to recall his primary objective: avenge his wife's rape and murder. The film starts from the end and works its way back, in a clever technique that allows the viewer to see as if they were also suffering from Leonard's disability. The reverse telling of the screenplay leads itself as one of the most peculiar films to be seen. This style is confusing but ultimately offers a different experience to that of a "normal" film storyline. Many of the scenes feature extreme close up shots on Lenny, especially when showcasing his personal notes and tattoos that aid him in piecing together "John G". The usage of such shots allows the viewer to partake in the movie solely from Lenny's point of view and understand his mind frame. The movie starts at present time and starts working its way more content... He tricks himself to target Teddy, after Teddy reveals to him that he has already killed John G years ago and that his wife survived the attack. Pinpointing the climax in Memento is hard since the story is told in a highly unconventional nonlinear structure. There is no exact point in the storyline were the viewer can decide when the movie starts making sense, aside from the very end when Leonard asks himself if he lies to make himself happy. In other words, Leonard lies and keeps this vengeance facade up to help himself through life after dealing with the trauma of his amnesia and death of his Get more content on