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Critique of Stuff Is Not Salvation
Valued Possessions vs. Insignificant Desires Anna Quindlen, a novelist, social critic, and journalist wrote an intriguing essay "Stuff is Not Salvation"
about the addiction of Americans, who splurge on materialistic items that have no real meaning. The ability to obtain credit is one of the main reasons
to blame for society's consumption epidemic. However, Quindlen feels the economic decline due to credit card debt is insignificant compared to the
underlying issues of American's binging problems. Quindlen's essay gives excellent points regarding the differences in America's typical shopping
habits. Additionally, she mentions how people acquire all this "stuff" but seem to never realize, "why did I get this?"(501). Quindlen makes her... Show
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There are plenty of examples that Quindlen gives to make her point across, that American's spend money unwisely. For instance, in one of the
examples, she mentions how every 16 months a person replaces a cell phone because it's not as new anymore, and how toys are forgotten that
eventually end up being junk (501). Quindlen then states the obvious "stuff does not bring salvation" (501). However, she lacks examples of cases
where people's wants actually provide the happiness they usually expect. Rich people, for example, have an extra sense of security because the worry
and stress that belong to the poor is something the rich don't have and don't want. Plus, who wouldn't want to afford desires such as not living pay
check to pay check or putting their kid(s) through college? Sometimes not being able to afford these items can bring on depression or verbal abuse
into a home. The reader's would have a better understanding of the essay if she included some of these situations. Overall, Quindlen portrays her idea
of happiness not being the materialistic things in life, but by the things that have true meaning. By true meaning, I believe she means items such as
photographs that have a significant memory attached to it. She jokingly states, "Ask people what they would grab if their house were on fire, the way
our national house is on fire right now. No one ever says it's the tricked–up microwave they got at
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Personal Narrative: Life In The Car
I turned up the volume in my headphones as my sister, Amelia's annoying voice sang louder as one of her favorites, but otherwise a terrible song
began to play on the car radio. All I could think was just how much longer I would have to be in the car with her, I was ready to get out and stretch
anyway, we've been in the car for nearly 3 hours. I knew that I would have to suck it up and deal with it until we got there, until then I would just
have to keep quiet, saying something would only encourage her to sing louder. I started dazing out of the window thinking about our destination, we
were headed to my great grandfather's house to try and clear out all of his belongings in order to sell the house after his recent death. His death didn't
affect... Show more content on ...
I say unnecessary because do you know how many toys, stuffed animals, and other dumb things like that my sister brings with us, I don't
understand why she does it, she only plays with a few of the many items. But she was the favorite child, the baby, the spoiled brat that got all the
attention, so she was allowed to take all of this stuff, even after being told "pack lightly, there's not enough room in the car for extras". Maybe the
difference between me and her was that I took their orders to seriously and could have packed a little more than the bare minimum. When I
finished unpacking I ate a sandwich that my mom had made, which went down much better than the hotels rubbery breakfast sausages. My dad,
the over planner that he was stated that we would have to get to work on clearing the house immediately after eating in order to finish in time for
the open house two weeks from now. When I finished I went outside hoping no one would notice and I could get out of doing the work that I knew
would have to been done to get top dollar out of the place. My mom called me out on my laziness, "get back in here, this place will never be finished
without everyone's help". I slumped through the door and stood in front of my mom and asked "where? Where do I start in
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Drugs : Drugs And Drugs
Drugs are all fun and games until you watch someone you love turn into some you have never seen before. I was only 5 years old when i woke up
one morning to get up for school to only see something laying on the table i knew that it wasn't something good and it didn't seem normal and
since i had to take care of myself and make my own school lunch i knew right where the little bags where and gloves to be able to pick it up so it
wouldn't get on me, almost everything i picked up was something that she used the night before just to feel her little high so from then i decided to
put the pill,needles,lighter and everything in a bag and take it to school, i knew it was brandi's and i knew she needed help. I made sure i was
quicker than lighting to get everything put in my bookbag so not only she wouldn't hear me and wake up and so i didn't have to deal with her. I
remember every conversation i had with her it wasn't ever her talking it was always the pills or the dope talking for her. I walked myself to the bus
stop i remember it being so cold outside i didn't even wanna go. I could have probably stayed home but i had stuff that needed to be done and i
needed help ASAP. As the snot ran down my nose from crying and it being so cold i stood at the bus stop for something that felt like a lifetime till
my bus showed. Shortly after i got on the bus i sat there and just acted like a normal 5 year old that wouldn't have heroin or coke pills in her bookbag.
I got to school and started
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Personal Narrative : Personal Experiences
It was hot summer day in Banso, Cameroon, kids were running around, parents were washing clothes and cooking as the wind blew the dust into
our eyes but we loved it and didn't care. I was playing and my mom came to up to me in the backyard and said, "you are going" and I instantly
knew what she was talking about; "I'm so happy we are going together," I exclaimed. I did not notice that she said "you are" instead of "we are."
"Wait your not going" "no" I was happy but I wasn't happy that she wasn't coming with me. she told me not to tell anyone I was going i asked why
and she said "people can be really jealous sometimes and they do things without thinking" so basically if I was to go around blabbing my mouth to
people they might get jealous and try to kill me because everybody wanted to go to Americas for a better life.but when they don't get the chance to
and other people do they get mad.but, of course, i was like. seven and I was happy that I was finally leaving that place so told all friend and my friend's they made me stay in the house till we had to leave for Bamenda where the airport was.on the day we had to leave for the airport we got
up really early in the morning took showers then we got to where our new clothes. We had to give the other ones away because we were told people
in America don't dress like that so we had to buy a couple of clothes for the road. Only the kids were going and all the adult were staying but they
were coming to see us off.
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Minimalism With Children : How You Become A Minimalist Mom
Minimalism With Children: How to Become a Minimalist Mom
By Dusti Arab | Submitted On May 24, 2011
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If you 've ever visited a personal development or lifestyle design site, you may have stumbled across a niche called minimalism. What is minimalism?
That depends on who you ask. Essentially, it is choosing to live with less stuff to live life more fully.
Many find the minimalist lifestyle appealing for a variety of reasons. Some of these include the way it reflects their values. By choosing to live with
less and buy less, a person can live a more sustainable lifestyle. Others prefer the freedom owning less gives you.
There are many interpretations of the minimalist lifestyle, including one where people have chosen to participate in the 100 Thing Challenge, where
they live with 100 items or less. This may sound extreme, but consider people around the world have been doing it for thousands of years.
However, most modern minimalists who write about what they are doing are not parents, and even fewer are moms. There are so many more barriers
for a parent who chooses to live with less stuff because parenthood invariably means you accumulate more stuff.
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Pinkie Pie Alternate Ending
"So let me get this straight," Applejack said, casting an odd glance at Pinkie Pie, "You knew that singin' and stuff was gonna work because ya didn't
know it was gonna work at all?"
Pinkie nodded. "Yep basically, it didn't make any sense for the song to create anything just because there was a song so it started to create things."
"It was actually quite genius," Twilight added, "Choas Magic is a really tricky kind of power. The whole way one uses it is by not trying to use it at
all. I had never even heard that song before but once I managed to tap into the magic too it just came to me. Oh, I wish there were more books about
it, we could spend years on just chaotic musical numbers alone!"
Applejack's nose scrunched up and her eyebrows lowered. ... Show more content on ...
"I just tripped, that's all."
"Nuh uh," Pinkie spoke up, examining the place where Rarity had fallen, "You were tripped."
Applejack glanced up at the other Earth Pony from her deep inspection of Rarity's leg. "That's what she just said, sugar."
Pinkie rolled her eyes and fished something out of the fallen leaves that decorated the forest floor. "I mean, someone caused her to fall over on
purpose." She triumphantly recovered a thin, snapped piece of wire and gave it an experimental lick. "I really don't think copper grows naturally in the
"Let me see that." Twilight's magic flared to life, bathing the trees purple and gently lifting the wire out of Pinkie's hooves and into her own. The
Unicorn turned it over itself, scrutinizing it closely. "It's new," she declared after a couple seconds, "not the wire itself but it definitely hasn't been
sitting in the forest for more than a few hours."
"How can ya tell?" Applejack asked, joining Twilight in peering at the thin metal.
Twilight shrugged. "It's not wet. If it was here for too long dew would have collected on it like everything else."
"So someone planted it," Rainbow growled, "for
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The Story of Stuff
"The Story of Stuff"
All our stuff goes through a process in the materials economy: extraction, production, distribution, consumption, and disposal. It sounds so simple but
there are a lot of loopholes in between each step goes through.
The first stage is extraction. Extraction means taking the planet's resources – wood, minerals, coal, fossil fuel, water, plants, animals, and soil out of the
earth and starting their journey through the materials economy. The problem here is simple: we are using too much stuff, the processes by which we
extract all that stuff cause more damage and we are not sharing the stuff equitably. We are trashing the planet. We are using and wasting more resources
each year than the earth can renew. ... Show more content on ...
The goal here is to keep the prices down, keep the people buying and keep the materials flowing. A key strategy business use to keep prices down is to
externalize costs. That means that the price tags on consumer products don't capture the true costs of producing and distributing all these stuff.
Distributing all these stuff creates more environmental impacts. Energy is used to transport the stuff around the world as well as for lighting and
temperature control of all the shopping malls and stores. The sprawling retail infrastructure is chewing up farmland and wildlife habitat, contributing to
car traffic, increasing greenhouse gases and urban runoff, and adding to local solid waste streams.
The failure of some big commercial retailers to provide adequate health coverage for workers is well documented. Requiring low paid store workers
to cover health care costs, increases their stress, diverts already short earnings from other basic needs may undermine workers' long term health. While
big box stores tout the jobs they provide, most of the new service sector jobs are in suburbs, yet the highest concentration of unemployed workers is in
urban areas.
Increasingly globalized distribution systems present obstacles to promoting sustainability and justice in the distribution of goods. It is harder to track
the location and conditions under which products are made and harder to hold decision makers accountable along the way.
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Descriptive Essay On How Scared Is Scared
This is scared he is a raccoon as you can tell he's only 3 ВЅ months old, he is still very young he about 4 feet tall he is full size. Scared is just a
nickname to him his sister calls him a wimp. But he isn't he's just afraid. When he was 2 months he was so scared that he played dead for a week.
Scared's parents went on a trip when he was little they never came back, he loved his parents so much even though he never got to know them. His
grandma watches him, He was walking home from school when he got thrown into a bag and kidnapped. He was being tossed around in the passenger
seat of a truck. Then he stopped, he was picked up and then tossed into water. The bag was filling up Scared couldn't swim, he was only 3 1/2 months
old . The bag was full of water now Scared didn't make a sound. Scared was in a deep sleep, but then. He was saved, he was still asleep he woke up in a
bed, he heard the door handle move he acted like he was asleep. It was a man with freckles and brown hair. He said to the raccoon "I know you're
awake. The boy with freckles said his name is Ethan. He said he wasn't going to hurt him He asked what was Scared's name was. Scared didn't
answer, he just watched Ethan. Ethan gave Scared some PB&J for breakfast. Scared didn't eat. He went back to sleep. Scared was thinking up a plan
he was going to get away from the city and go live in his uncle's house that was somewhere in the Gobi desert house underground. First, he was going
to get Ethan to take him out of
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Stuff Is Not Salvation Summary
Mindless zombies is what our consumer culture has created. In the article, "Stuff is Not Salvation," by Anna Quindlen, the author uses all three appeals
to shed light on how we as consumers have been throwing away our money on useless "stuff." This not–so–new consumer mindset has created its own
industry that has directly affected the U.S. stock market and made a lot of Wall Street execs rich. Americans need to stop going crazy over holiday
bargains and realize what effect this mindless spending is having on consumer culture and on people in general. The example Anna uses in the text
about a Wal–mart employee being trampled to death opens the readers eye on how consequential season shopping has gotten. This is definitely a use
of pathos as we feel ashamed about how our wants for tangible stuff has gotten so extreme it lead to someone's death which she later adds "wasn't
entirely surprising." So not only has this instance been normalized in "season shopping culture" but has not acted as a what should have been a
wake–up call for most. Anna suspects... Show more content on ...
Because of this, the stuff people are going out of their way to buy are losing their meaning in a matter of months. "A person in the United States
replaces a cell phone every 16 months, not because the cell phone is old, but because it is oldish" (par. 8). Anna uses this statistic as a logical appeal
showing how phones aren't being purchased because of their purpose but how new they are relative to the older phone. This shows how are culture of
spending involves buying something because of the single fact it came out yesterday. In retrospect, the meaning of the stuff people consume today is
solely tied to its popularity and the fact that everyone else has one. This is an example of a bandwagon, meaning what we buy is determined by how
many other people have
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Golden Era Of Consumption
1) What is the "Golden Era of Consumption"?
The "Golden Era of Consumption" is a key aspect in the story of stuff. This era, began after World War II and is highly protected and promoted by the
government. The primary way individuals are analyzed is based on how much each individual contributes to the golden era of consumption. This era
highlights the idea of consumption for each individual and began when the government wanted to amp up the economy. Here, things began to be
intentionally designed to have a short lifespan, therefore increasing the rate of consumption.
Additionally, they started using things like advertisements to make people feel bad about what they own in comparison to other individuals. This then
makes them buy more items, ... Show more content on ...
The difference between a want and a need is, a need is something that you could potentially die without (like water or shelter), while a want is
something that an individual desires to have (regardless if it is obtainable, for example a Ferrari).
4) Consumption habits include both spending habits and one's personal habits of usage of products/material items – such as the number of paper towels
one uses in the restroom, choices around food, clothing, personal hygiene items, etc. List 3 positive and 3 negative consumption habits someone might
have. Explain.
Only order a portion size you know you can eat. Therefore, limiting the amount of wasted food.
Turning off the water while brushing their teeth or limiting shower time. Therefore, conserving more water and not being wasteful.
Using products till the last drop. This means squeezing the tube of toothpaste until there's absolutely nothing left. Decreasing the amount of wasted
Going shopping without a specific list, therefore leaving room to buy things you don't necessarily need.
Using bottled water instead of reusable water bottles. This creates more waste and puts harmful products into the
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Descriptive Essay About My House
Living in a city can make you forget the outside world. You forget about the green grass, the trees, the chirping birds, the animals, and so many other
things the world has to offer. We also forget the people who came before us, who did so much for us, who built everything we have today. We're so
busy doing stuff that is unimportant, that we forget about the stuff that is. Getting a house in Connecticut, made me realize all these things. It made me
more in touch with nature and history. I got my country house about 8 years ago, and I think it changed me for the better.
On Sindall Road, in Cheshire, Connecticut there is a blue house with white shudders, it stands partly on a hill, and was built many years ago. The
living room has huge wooden beams that lay across the ceiling. The bedrooms are not big, but not small, as appropriate to the time period that the
house was built. The ceilings are very low, and the stairways are very steep. The house has different pieces of furniture that are from different time
periods. There is a brook running by and on the other side is a river. I saw the house for the first time after buying it. We drove up in the gravel
driveway, and got out of the car, it was one day before my birthday, so I guess you could say that it was an early birthday present. The first thing I said
after looking around a bit was, "I think I'll need a GPS to find my way around this house!" My parents laughed, and I was able to find my
way...eventually. As I explored I
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Freak The Mighty Character Analysis
Who does see the best in you? Everybody has someone different in their life who sees the best in them. In most cases it is people parents who sees
the best in them. But that isn't always the case, like in Freak the Mighty it's not his parents taking care of him anymore. In Freak the Mighty,
Maxwell doesn't have an ordinary life. His parents aren't the ones that see the best in him, his grandparents see the best in him. Maybe his mom
would see the best in him, but his mom is not alive. And their is no chance that his dad could see the best in him after he tried to kill him in the end.
But his grandparents are sending him through school, giving him food anytime he is hungry and making sure he always has clothes on his body and
shoes on his feet. In the book, it is obvious who sees and doesn't see the best in him. It says, "The little room is warm and close–feeling, and the
furniture is real old and saggy. There's a big old TV with a doily on the top, and an empty goldfish bowl, and piles of newspapers tied up neat with a
string, and a Bible on this trick picture of Jesus on the wall..." This is when his dad kidnaps him and brings him to this abandon house. This is
showing how her dad does not really care about him. He just kidnaps him and takes him to run down place like it's nothing.... Show more content on ...
Then it says "... I can't stand just sitting around so I decided to walk over to the hospital, which Grim says is miles and miles, but suit yourself." This is
important because it shows how they aren't strict but they do want to inform him that he can get hurt or something. They just want him to know that he
shouldn't do it but it is up to him because they trust
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Graduation Speech Letter From The University
It all started when I got a long waited acceptance letter from the University. I remember as I held the letter in my hands I felt a feeling of happiness and
of satisfaction as I finally accomplished one of my major goals. I always wanted to go to college ever since I was a young boy and now when I got the
letter I knew that it finally came to a reality. Not only was I going to college but I was going to be the first person in my family to attend a four–year
college, I felt like this was an accomplishment within itself. Not only am I going to college but I'm also make a pathway for future generations in my
When I told my mom about the college acceptance and how I wanted to go to the school she gave me some mix emotions. Of course she was
happy for me but she was sad that her child was leaving her to go to some far place. Since me and my mom are very close we tend not to be apart
from each other for long but the University is six hours away from my home so it would be a pretty long distance between us. She tried to convince
me to stay close to home throughout the rest of the summer but I explained to her that me leaving the home would help me mature more and become
an adult that I need to be. After a lot of convincing she finally realized that I was right and she had to let me go.
So skip a few months later and I'm ready and packed to leave for my first year of college. My cousin had the car ready for me to get in I said my
goodbyes to everyone and then I was off to
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Courage is The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe Essay example
Courage is The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe
Tom Wolfe's novel The Right Stuff, gives an accurate description into the lives of the first astronauts and rocket
–powered aircraft test pilots, from their
careers before, during, and after their selection to become astronauts, through to their private home lives. All throughout his book, Wolfe refers to "the
right stuff" and "this righteous stuff" without ever saying upfront what "the stuff" really is. I have concluded that throughout the story, "the right stuff"
is simply courage. I would personally define courage as: The willingness to put yourself in a potentially dangerous situation. It is never easy to put
yourself into a dangerous position, this is because our brain is programmed for ... Show more content on ...
You name it; they probably had to go through it during the selection process and training aspects for the job. When Allen Shepard became the first
American in space, Wolfe describes his whole flight from the 4 hour plus delay in launch time all the way down to his splash–down in the Atlantic
Ocean. While telling this part of his story, Wolfe is always telling about the reference into Shepard's training and comparing it to the actual flight that
was taking place, even the humorous instance when Shepard needed to "relieve his bladder". Overall, that flight experience, according to Wolfe, was
not as intense as the training that Shepard had gone through. The routine of the training program kept Shepard's mind on the job throughout the flight
and allowed him to accomplish the flight tests that he was sent up there to do. He kept going over the program of events in his head knowing exactly
how much time he had to accomplish each task before he had to move onto the next task. Another example of how training proved to accompany
courage as "the right stuff" is when test pilot Chuck Yeagerwas flying the rocket–powered NF–104 when the aircraft went into a flat spin and he lost
control of it. While the aircraft was plummeting down to Earth from 104,000 feet at 150 per second, Yeager was able to stay calm and run through all
the scenarios that he had been trained in, and then some extra attempts to restart the aircraft and save it from destruction instead of
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Essay on Stuff
James Ronca
Final Paper Wrestling is one of the oldest sports in the world. No one is sure who invented the sport but it was first implemented as a real sport in
the first Olympics in the year 776 B.C. The origins of wrestling can be traced back 15,000 years through cave drawings in France; Babylonian and
Egyptian relief's show wrestlers using most of the holds known to the present–day sport. More modern day wrestling has weight classes implemented so
participants will wrestle people that weigh the same as them, thus starting a trend known in the wrestling world as cutting weight. Weight classes in
wrestling were implemented in order to insure the optimal amount of fairness for each wrestler before they step out onto the mat. I ... Show more
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Modified wrestling is the same way, no set weight classes just the roughly the same size. But then high school wrestling started, there are set weight
classes and they are extremely strict on how it need to be done. In the beginning of each season there is a process that is known as weight
certification. What you have to do for that is pass the hydration test, get your body fat checked and then weigh–in. After all that is done your body fat
and weight are put into a formula that checks to see what the lowest possible weight class you can wrestle is with having a healthy amount of body
fat. They hydration test is extremely important, if you are not hydrated you cannot certify until a later date. You have to pee in a cup and then the
instructor puts the pee into a Refractometer and it measures the absolute weight of the urine and if it's over 1.025 you pass, anything less you fail
and have to retry. They do this test so kids can't suck ridicules amounts of weight, this makes the sport a little bit more healthy I suppose. This new
certification process was implanted in 2006 to help insure the safety of the participants (Funk). Every year in high school I wrestled in the 119 weight
class. My freshman year my coach/team wanted me to wrestle 103 but I did not pass the hydration test and I just couldn't make the weight. It was an
unrealistic weight class and there was just no way to do
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A Short Story : A Story?
I remember that sad day when my parents died. My dad died first, but my mom fought and fought for her life. She told me just before she died that
I needed to pack up all of my stuff as I was moving with my aunt and uncle. My aunt and uncle were my only living relatives, so I had no choice and
they lived in town so same old same old. I finished packing my stuff then my best friends mom Jennifer drove me over to their house. We pulled up
and I looked at the house and I said "wow." It wasn't a good wow it was wow this place is a dump kinda wow. It looked like a giant piece of scrap
metal. The roof was made of old misshapen pieces of aluminum, the windows were more like holes in the walls and pieces of blurred glass that
looked like the have not been cleaned in a decade, and the door was old gray color with the paint peeling off. I knocked twice then took a step back
and heard the pitter patter of footsteps coming towards the door, the door was opened by a woman wearing a AC/DC shirt and jeans 2 sizes too
big. I asked the lady, "You're Maddy right." "Yeah thats me, you must be my sister's son. Eddy right," said Maddy. "Well where is uncle Joe?" I
asked. I was surprised when Aunt Maddy replied that he at the Liquor store. I had seen him at some parties when I was younger drinking a lot of
drinks. I had thought it was just rootbeer, but now that I am 13 it makes sense to me that he is an alcoholic. My aunt helped me bring up my stuff to
my new room at the end of the
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Stuff Documentary
When watching a documentary film, especially if it talks about nature, people expect the same videos of the environment going down, destroyed, and
abused by people–clever, but rarely creating an impact to viewers. This, however, is a lot different than the clichГ©s of the planet's suffering. The
graceful narration by Glenn Close of straightforward content that we all need to be able to grasp the whole point of the film, combined with the
beautifully shot scenes which is mostly from above, basically made it quite remarkable and moving for us.
The documentary focused mainly on how and why things are happening–how society's greed and hunger and why the lack of understanding of humans
on the linkages of the things on Earth lead us into deep catastrophic ... Show more content on ...
They were intelligent people who have schemes to make ends meet and feed the society in an isolated island. Their innovations almost lead them to
their own extinction. The island was said to be the home of the tallest palm trees in the world, which they managed to cut until the very last one for
the need to move and scatter the large stone statues around the place. Imagine the planet earth as the large island, and us, the people who eventually
used up all the resources the nature provided us. In no time, we would end up just like them, no places to go to, no clean water to drink, and no food
to eat–basically
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Good Stuff And Bad Stuff Happens
Good stuff and bad stuff happens, no human is exempt to the trajectory of either the good or the bad. Inexplicable sorrows exist, from large–scale
miseries, such as natural disasters, wars, or famines, to personal circumstances that confront each as individuals, for example, cancer, loneliness, or
depression. These sorrows, as well as numerous other sources of human suffering, create questions that weigh heavy on one's soul. Especially
questions similar to, "Why did God let this happen to me?" The "why" is a question that Dobson (1993) proposes all people at some point struggle to
find the answer. Boinon, Charles, Dauchy & Sultan (2011), in their study of positive thinking, shines a light on the healing impact positive thinking can
have on the body's immune system and the ability for repairing itself. Incidentally, Lynn, Yoo, and Levine (2014) report the relaxing and inspiring
benefits produced from meditation on biblical scripture(s). Research shows that the practice of religion, attending religious services, prayer, and the
study of scripture significantly impacts a period of crisis, such as a cancer diagnosis, and feelings of frustration, fatigue, helplessness, depression, and
anxiety by creating a new meaning for life and death, ultimately rendering hope and empowerment to practicing individuals (Lynn, Yoo, & Levine,
2014; Sadati, Lankarani, Gharibi, Fard, Ebrahimzadeh, & Tahmasebi, 2014). These studies are encouraging in validating the efficacy of the power of
God and
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Stuff By Annie Leonard
In many developing nations across the world, women work in areas known as export processing zones, also known as EPZs. Some of these zones are
located in parts of Central America, where women work in factories known as maquiladoras. In Naomi Klein's book No Logo, she discusses the
inhumane issues and mistreatment that goes on in such zones: . . . Employees are kept on twenty–eight–day contracts – the length of the average
menstrual cycle – making it easy, as soon as a pregnancy comes to light, for the worker to be dismissed" (Klein 222–223). These zones attract
companies like Nike, General Electric, and General Motors mainly because of their cheap skilled labor, minimum regulations and tax free incentives.
EPZs usually are restricted areas that provide companies with their manufacturing needs for export. This is only one example that leads to our problem
with consumerism. In The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard, she sheds light on the exploitation and mistreatment of our natural resources, like the
deforestation of the rainforests due to the demand for lumber. Many Americans today have not come to realize the hidden costs such as: unseen
problems like cheap labor that exploits poor individuals, and the harm it causes to third world societies by creating health hazards and violations of
human rights as a result with our consumption. Benjamin Barber, from his book Consumed, as well as Liz Stinson, from her web article 12 Hidden
Tricks Advertisers Use to Sell You Stuff, both
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Stuff Is Not Salvation Analysis
In her essay "Stuff is Not Salvation" Anna Quindlen speaks on the topic of American's ridiculous addiction to consuming products. Quindlen believes
that this addiction is an even bigger issue than loosing homes, and jobs. She explains how American's tend to frequently replace undamaged items,
leaving old items to gather dust. With the use of credit, one can now purchase items without physical money, digging themselves into debt. Important
things such as bills and medicine are often put behind the wants of new items. Her conclusion is that salvation cannot can, and will not come from
purchased items. With this use of facts and stories, Quindlen makes a valid argument towards her statement of "stuff is not salvation". Quindlen starts
with a story
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Hoarding Buried Alive Essay
I freaked out watching TLC show " Hoarding, Buried Alive". This show evoked me how modern people have accumulated stuff excessively. In the TV
show, none of them are happy living with massive material possessions. It even destroys the relationship with their family members. Hoarders felt
uncomfortable, depression and anxiety. This brings me into a question about the negative effect of consumerism in modern days. Why does living more
or less effect to our happiness?
Over the past years, like many other people, I searched my happiness in material possessions. Like an ordinary 20s something girl, I thrived to shop
pretty clothes, shoes, and bags. At the age of 21, I moved to New York City. A big city with a new place made me a good reason to modernize myself
with updated brand new materials. I bought shoes, sweaters, pants and many other accessories to fill up my new closet and room. But my happiness
did not last long. A few days later, I found more discounted items, deals online for the same items I bought before. An... Show more content on ...
Over the time, Hill moved and lived in different cities for his new jobs.Soon after his success, he felt agitated and imperfect of his possessions. He
spent time in carrying, moving and clearing boxes from his old houses. And He life become distracted in taking care of material things he bought
just to fill in his houses. Then Hill started realizing effects of consumerism. Now he lives in small efficiency spacing with fewer items. Later he
concluded he felt his life is bigger and happier even though he owns less. (qtd in hill) This article reflects my situation when I was a coupon maniac
one time.It gives me an understanding of my greediness on material things is no good for me. Instead of fulfilling our desire, consumerism gives us
negative effect on our
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Essay About Catcher In The Rye
Today I woke up to such an amazing surprise. I was so excited to see Holden for the first time in what felt like years. I love Holden very much and
I missed him so much while he was at school. I just did not have the patience to wait to tell him all of the stuff I have been doing while he was
gone! I told how I played one of the biggest if not the biggest traitors in U.S. history known as Benedict Arnold in my school play. I also told him
other stuff like the movie I just saw, the movie our brother D.B. is working on, the boy at school that is always bullying me, and that our parents were
at a party so they would not be home until later. I was just so happy to see him. But I realized something. Holden was home two days earlier than he was
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Holden told me that two things he liked were Allie and sitting down and talking to me. When Holden told me this I got angry because Allie was
dead. We argued about whether or not it counted to like someone that is no longer in this world. Once we finally stopped arguing I asked holden
what he wanted to do with his life. All he answered with was "If a body catch a body comin' thro the rye." He said he wanted to be the catcher that
catched the kids that are about to fall off of the cliff. But I pointed out to him that he had the lyrics mixed up. The real lyrics were "If a body meet
a body comin' thro the rye". Once I said that Holden decided to step out of the room to do something. When he came back in he asked me for a
dance. We danced for a bit until we heard the door open. It was our parents, they had just come back from the party they were attending. Holden had
to hide quick so he decided to jump into the closet until they were gone. Once they came and tucked me in then left, Holden came back out. He came
out with some troubling news though. He told me that he was going to move out west alone. I loaned him my christmas money, said my goodbye,
and he was off. I really did not want him to leave. But i knew I had to let him because that was his decision to make. Not
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“Stuff, Stuff, I Am Surrounded By Stuff.”(Line 1) We Look
"Stuff, stuff, I am surrounded by stuff."(line 1) We look around and all we see are belongings that we might not even use or need. Although we
don't acknowledge it, keeping ties and papers from ten years ago is a characteristic of hoarding. There is just a little hoarder inside all of us. It is
part of human nature. The emotional value that we give to objects play the biggest role when deciding to keep or get rid of something. We collect and
save some items because it helps us remember the past or a person that is not longer among the living. However, some people become obsessed with
the idea of collecting. This obsession eventually turns into a disorder. Memories, sentimental value, laziness, and procrastination are the main reasons
why... Show more content on ...
In addition, hoarding does not discriminate between children and adults. Hoarding behaviors have been reported in children, "the behaviors are
often less noticeable" ( author and page)due to early intervenience. Nevertheless, we all collect and protect some objects that we grasp onto with
sentimental value and memories. "But mostly, there is the more generalized stuff, the stuff we all hold on to for inexplicable reasons"(Knapp 4).
Many times we feel the need to save items that mean something to us, maybe some papers from high school or that favorite shirt from the 8th
grade. Piles of Magazines, pictures, or that old and rusty piece of metal sitting in the garage are all attributes of a hoarder. If we look around, it is
very noticeable that we all hoard at some level. It is part of human nature to feel compelled to things, that remind us of the past. Memories keep many
things alive, whether is a past event or a family member; they give us some type of comfort. According to, hoard is defined to be a
"supply or accumulation that is hidden or carefully guarded for preservation, future use, etc..." The concept of hoarding means that objects we intend to
protect and save are selected because of the thought of comfortability in the future. This definition reinforces the statement of why memories and
sentimental value are the main reason why we hoard. The words
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My Experience To Play Basketball
It was the month.The month the basketball tryouts came for me.I was ready to play basketball for my school.So I woke up at 5 a.m. and went down
stairs to get a smooth,red colored apple to eat while I practiced my basketball outside but, then I noticed that I had to study for my global studies
test.So then I quietly walk back in my house.
Then it happened in the livingroom when I first came in through the front door,"What are you doing up at this time shouldn't you be sleeping for
school?", Mom exclaimed.
"Mom I am coming in quietly from practicing basketball when I realized that I have to study for my global studies test today".I said.I thought that
everyone was sleeping and that it was only me that was up this early.
"Okay but,don't wake up this early then make a lot of noises when there are people sleeping".Mom said.
Although I got in trouble my mom let me stay up and study my study guide.My mom quietly walk back to her room and then I went to the kitchen
to get something to eat.I went back to study more but,I am scared that I am going to fail this test.I hope don't because if I do get low grade I
wouldn't be able to play on the basketball team.So I am trying to get all the facts I need to know in my mind to be able to pass with a big fat A+ on
Friday's test.
I want to keep on studying but,I also wanted to practice basketball for the tryouts on tomorrow afternoon.I tried hurry up the paste to get through the
studying and back to the basketball.Then I heard something next to the stairs.It was my sister coming down for some water in the refrigerator.
"What are you doing this early in the morning",My sister asked.
"Studying for my globals studies test on Friday",I said.Wait what was she doing up at this time when it is 6 a.m in the morning when she only gets up
2 hours later?
"And what are you doing up at this time",I questioned.
"I came down for some water",My sister said.
My sister went back up to go back to sleep.A few minutes later it was already time for me to brush my teeth and get ready for school.So I quickly ran
up stairs and rushed to the bathroom but of course my sister was in the bathroom getting ready for school.Why she in the bathroom when she knows I
have to get ready for school before
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When I 'm Gone?
When I'm Gone
It all started out on July–23–2014, when my mother told me she and my father were getting a divorce, and that we were moving from Owatonna,
Minnesota to San Diego. I remember that day like it was yesterday, how I felt, how I felt like I would never stop crying, and confused about what was
going to happen. I remember hearing what my mother 's voice sounded like I knew something bad happened, that my father got in an accident or
died, or that my dog had gotten hit by a car, or someone died. But all my assumptions were incorrect no one died no one got hurt besides me , my
mother , and father. I remember as soon as my mother said the word Divorce, I instantly started bursting into tears.
As a couple days passed by I asked my mother if we were going to keep my animals, Luke and Leia our Siberian huskies, and Tazz our cat. She said no,
and things got even worse, I felt like I should just end my life now to make all the pain go away. But, I took a deep breath, and I said to myself "You
need to keep going no matter how hard things get, carry on."
"Pack all the big things in the boxes", my mother said doing the same thing. Stripping my bed and pillows and putting them in the boxes. Carefully
placing all my toys in a box, and having to choose seven of my stuffed animals. Most of our stuff was going to our car. I was worried that I wouldn't be
able to say goodbye to my friends, soon the week passed, and I only got to say goodbye to my two best friends, who
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Who Is My Mentor Essay
My soon–to–be boyfriend, Daiwan is my mentor. He's about 5'10 and brownskin. He has chinky eyes, just like me and a beautiful smile. He's
technically 11 months older than me, but he's thirsty to say a year. We met over social media, I noticed him via Twitter, he approached me over
Instagram. A month later, we started texting and stuff and we became very close, and he's been helping me every since.
Daiwan is more than a mentor to me, he's kind of my inspiration. I wouldn't say he had a terrible childhood but he been through stuff other kids
would not have lived through. Daiwan brother was killed, and his other brother was sent to jail when he was still an adolescent. Daiwan went from
gangbanging, being in a detention home, to graduating high school to enlisting in the Army. I haven't known him for that long but every since our
first FaceTime call he's been venting to me and telling me stories, and I've been doing the same. He encourages me to keep going, he's always on
me about the days I miss, and about my grades. He said he'll talk to me while I write this paper so we're on the phone right now, as I type. He
motivated me to actually start this paper. I don't want to fail this class or anything but sometimes it's hard to do what you know you have to do, he
gives me that extra push I need, that boost.
Talking to him made me realize that you can't let the stuff you been through, determines you. He is a prime example of a hard worker, and odds beater.
I know plenty of people
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The Right Stuff Sparknotes
American Heros in Tom Wolfe's The Right Stuff
Tom Wolfe's The Right Stuff depicts the lives of some of America's hottest pilots and its first astronauts. These men include Pete Conrad, Chuck
Yeager, John Glenn, Gus Grissom, Wally Shirra, Alan Shepard, Gordon Cooper, Scott Carpenter and Deke Sleyton. Some of these men were hotshot
test pilots at Edwards Air Force Base, and some flew cargo planes. Some had impeccable service records, while others hadn't flown in a real dog fight
for even a second. Despite these differences in backgrounds and credentials, TomWolfe turns each of these nine men into a separate and individualized
Chuck Yeager and JohnGlenn are probably the most memorable of the nine pilots in The Right Stuff. ... Show more content on ...
This anecdote occurs at the beginning of the chapter that introduces Chuck Yeager. The placement of this story is important because the reader is
made aware of Yeager's influence before he knows who Yeager really is.
Wolfe also uses an anecdote to set John Glenn apart form the rest of the pilots. Wolfe describes Glenn's personal exercise by saying," He'd be out
there in full view, on the circular driveway of the Bachelor Officers Quarters, togged out in his sweat suit, his great freckled face flaming red...there
was no end to it, in front of everybody" (110). Glenn's activities were definitely unusual. The astronauts of the Mercury Project were required to do
four hours of exercise per week. John Glenn far exceeded these guidelines. But according to Wolfe, most fighter pilots, at least those who have the
right stuff, put exercise very low on their list of priorities. This is an important point because Glenn wasn't a typical fighter jock. It was very obvious to
the other pilots that he was very different.
Another way that Wolfe develops each astronaut into a hero is by revealing details about his personality through his words. For example, Chuck
Yeager is asked about how he feels about being left out of the Mercury Project. Inflating his own ego, Yeager mentions his own
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Brazil Stuff
Brazil Stuff
The music of Brazil encompasses various regional music styles influenced by African, European and Amerindian forms. After 500 years of history,
Brazilian music developed some unique and original styles such as samba, bossa nova, MPB, sertanejo, pagode, tropicalia, choro, maracatu, embolada
(coco de repente), Mangue Bit, funk carioca (in Brazil simply known as Funk), frevo, forrГі, axГ©, brega, lambada, and Brazilian versions of foreign
musical genres, such as Brazilian rock and rap.
Brazil's language is Portuguese. Language is one of the strongest elements of Brazil's national unity. Portuguese is spoken by nearly 100 percent of the
population. The only exceptions are some members of Amerindian groups and pockets of immigrants, primarily from Japan and South Korea, who
have not yet learned Portuguese. The principal families of Indian languages are TupГ, Arawak, Carib, and GГЄ.
Rio de Janeiro style originally mimicked the European form of the festival, later absorbing and creolizing elements derived from Native American and
African cultures.
In the late 19th century, the cordГµes (literally "cords", laces or strings in Portuguese) were introduced in Rio de ... Show more content on ...
GRES Estação Primeira de Mangueira Samba–School, represented by Cartola, and EstГЎcio de SГЎ samba School, represented by Ismael Silva,
were the other 2 contestants. Eventually, "Oswaldo Cruz" became, GRES Portela Samba School, the greatest winner of Rio's Carnival with 21 Titles.
Although many Brazilians tend now to favor other forms of national music culture to that of Rio's samba schools, the carnival of Rio de Janeiro
remains the national festival par excellence, and the samba of Rio de Janeiro continues to be an agent of national
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The Fight
The Fight " Run!" John exclaimed, as we were running from the police. " I 'm running as fast as I can!" I said. We were running because our parents
got tooken away. See you in 20–30 and everything was perfect. Let me start from the beginning. I 'm a Addie short for Adeline. I live in Los Angeles,
California. I am 17 years old, my brother, John, is fifteen. We were born in Nashville, Tennessee. When we moved my dad had a job offer. We haven 't
moved since. We love it here. " What 's going on out there?" " I have no clue." I said. " well go and see!" John said. " no! Why should I? Once I get
out there you would lock me out !" " true!" He said." You have gotten really smart !" " kids let 's go!" My mom said. " coming mom !" we say together.
As we race down the steps for the front seat. When we got to school John went to his friends and I went to mine. " Hey Jasmine, Kay , Jay ." I said "
Hey!" said Jasmine over excitedly. " Hey Addie!" Kay and Jay say because they are twins. They do everything together. " are you guys nervous about
that math test?" I said " oh my goodness! yes!" said Kay " totally!" Said Jay. As I looked up at the clock the bell rang. " See you guys later !" I said. "
bye!" They all said
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I Liked More Was The One From Gretel Ehrlich
The essay I liked more was the one from Gretel Ehrlich I liked this essay because when she was telling her story she was focusing on only one place.
This essay was very different than Annie Dillard I say this because when Annie was talking she didn't focus on only one place in her essay she was
focusing on many different places. I personally think that the essay from Gretel Ehrich was the best. Why I think is the best is because when I was
reading it I felt like I can picture what she was talking about in my head. As I was readying this essay I felt like I can place myself in the place she was
describing for example when she was taking about being at the farm and other things she made reference too. This essay was just really calm,
essay to fallow, it was clear, and as I as readying it I felt like I was connected to it. this is why I liked this essay more than the one from Annie
Dillard when I was readying the essay from Annie I just could focus on what she was talking about because she would take her story to multiple
places. She would be talking about one thing and then she would all the sudden change it and this is what I didn't like about her essay because it
was just really hard to fallow with all the multiple places she was referring too. Another thing I think like about it I that when it was telling her story
she would repeat herself. This is what made it hard for me to understand, it's just crazy and goes on and on. This is why I choose the essay from Gretel.
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Cimorene Character Analysis
Cimorene was hallowed in complying with the social expectations of her day because she toiled as a princess in Linderwall, she helped to save the
dragon kingdom, and it would eventually make a great patent on her father's kingdom.
First, Cimorene was justified in leaving because she was miserable and resented being a manifested princess. Cimorene hated a lot of stuff that she
had to do at the kingdom. In the book it says, "Cimorene found it all very dull, but she pressed her lips together and learned it anyway." This shows
that she hated what she was compelled to learn in the kingdom. Furthermore, this also shows how she had to do stuff and how she would rather be any
place but there. Cimorene also is apathetic in the stuff she has to do. In the book it says, "Boring. I want to do things, not sit around all day and listen
to the court minstrel make up songs about how brave Daddy is and how lovely his wife and daughters are." This shows how Cimorene does not like to
do stuff that she can't do anything in. Moreover, Cimorene doesn't like what she has to go through and thinks that it is the most monotonous thing ever.
To conclude, Cimorene rebels against her social expectations of her day because she hates them.
Second, Cimorene helped to save the dragon kingdom. Cimorene discovered a plot in which the wizards were in kahoots with Woraug to control the
dragon kingdom, In the book it says, "A plot to cheat on the test to see who the next King of the Dragons will be," Cimorene
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Fictional Narrative
I spent the majority of seventh grade looking at the back of Ryan Caneda's head and sighing wistfully. He had all the trademarks of the Myspace
generation and I loved him for it. Admittedly, the way his shiny brown hair swooped over one eye like an Anime hero was what intrigued me at first,
but I knew I was caught: hook, line and sinker by the way he radiated mall–bought tween angst from every pore of his being. All the Spencer's Gifts
and Hot Topic stores in the world could convince me less of his profound individualism. I often spent my allotted hour of Internet searching for, then
copying and pasting song lyrics into my online profile in order to trumpet the depth and anguish of my troubled soul, hoping to impress him. I dyed
my hair pink and purple to match my "edgy" new style of dress, one akin to Ryan's ratty band t–shirts and tight jeans. I noted with quiet fascination
that he sometimes smelled like weed and beer, which made me fall even deeper in love with him because how dangerous. It was safe to say that
99% of my actions and reactions during this time were based on what Ryan would think if he were there with me. Conversely, there were a few
people in my life who did not feel as enamored with Ryan. While my parents saw my burgeoning pubescence as a time that they should allow me to
engage in self–expression, my best friend, Nicole and her mother, Robin took it upon themselves to point out that my recent interests were of the devil.
Of course, Nicole and Robin
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Stuff Themes
In the film, I felt there were three themes running through the film that I found interesting and one theme that I disliked. The film showed that the cave
drawings found were made by prehistoric man over thirty thousand years ago and the people viewing the drawings were in awe of the fact they were
still around. Another theme running through the film was that art is inherently part of being human. The film also was continually demonstrating the
need to preserve these cave drawings. The film also made some suppositions and filmed them as if they were true without providing proof or facts.
When they found the cave and then the drawings they immediately knew they had found something significant. They sealed the cave to ensure nothing
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We as a people view the world as what can it give us now without looking too deeply at consequences. In the film, they discuss the power plant
being just 20 miles away and how it may affect the drawings in the cave. The power plant provides heat and electricity for numerous people that
will never get to see the drawings so they are not worried about destroying them. If these drawings are allowed to be destroyed most of the world
will never care or probably never even know about them. They still need to be preserved for our future. Even if only the drawings are ever able to be
seen through photographs or movies, the originals still need to be saved for future
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I About Hate And School
I. Hate. School. You have to wake up early each morning, and then get ready. Then you have to go on the bus, which is loud, and people don 't
leave you alone. Then you have to go to class and listen to your teachers talk about stuff that you don 't even understand. And on top of all of that,
there is always a mean girl. You have never done anything to her, and she treats you like garbage. She is always so perfect and everyone wants to be
her friend. I am the total opposite.
My parents are not very wealthy, we have just enough to put food on the table and send me to school, but I would be fine if they didn't have enough
for me go to school. School is starting soon, and the weather is displaying my feelings. Despite the cloudy, gloomy ... Show more content on ...
"Okay. About the clothes, can I get a new pair of sneakers too?" I ask, hoping the answer will be yes.
"It depends on when the time comes."
"Alright," my heart sinks a little bit. Usually when she says that, it is a no. Hooray for another year of holy shoes.
As we pulled up to the dollar store in our area, I took out my list of school supplies I need–six binders, two notebooks, four folders, colorful
highlighters, pens, pencils, and a pencil bag.
"For my binders, I will find the cheapest kind, and just put colored paper in the very front of the binder," telling my mom my idea.
"That sounds like a good idea." she replied.
"Then I can just find the cheapest notebooks, writing utensils, folders, etc."
"Alright, get going!" my mom told me.
I started to roam the aisles, one by one, starting at the front of the store, making my way to the back. As I dropped everything into my cart, my school
supplies were reaching the brim, and I only had one more aisle to go. Soon I found everything, and my mom and I bought all of the stuff. For school, all
the money I have to spend is $50, and with my strategic thinking, I only used $20 dollars!
Once we got back into the car, we were on our way to the thrift store. As we pulled up to the store, once again, I asked my mom about the sneakers
"So about the sneakers, is it a yes?" I asked.
"Only if you don't waste all of the money on them!" she replied.
"Really! Thanks, Mom! You're the
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Analysis Of The Right Stuff By Tom Wolfe
The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe chronicles the beginning of the United States space program and the "Space Race" against the Soviets through the eyes
of America's first astronauts and those around them in the style of new journalism. The Right Stuff may seem like an odd title for a book about
astronauts and space exploration, as it appears to have nothing to do with either, but it is a theme that is explored throughout the book. Put simply,the
right stuff is a quality that a test pilot or astronaut possessed that enabled them to be the best. It was not typical bravery, a person either had it or they
didn't, and its possessors seemed to be above the rules.
The right stuff was not only classic bravery as one would imagine, but bravery was certainly ... Show more content on ...
Even so, there wasn't a specific test to prove if one had it or didn't have it. Instead, it was a continuous pyramid of tests that one must conquer, and
those who failed to prove themselves at any level of the pyramid certainly did not have the right stuff. Wolfe notes that, "...the idea was to prove at
every foot of the way up that pyramid that you were one of the elected and anointed ones who had the right stuff and could move higher and higher
and even...that you might be able to join that special few at the very top..., the very Brotherhood of the Right Stuff itself." Every level in the
pyramid presented more challenging demands where, "...the world was once again divided into those men who had the right stuff to continue the
climb and those who had to be left behind in the most obvious way." Those who failed to prove themselves and were left behind most definitely did
not have the right stuff and were left to pursue a career in a less demanding wing of flight testing where the concept of the right stuff did not pertain.
In the early levels of the pyramid some people were left behind because they couldn't take the coursework or were unable to complete a phase in their
training such as carrier landings Others were left behind because they were deemed medically unfit to take on the task of becoming a test pilot,
something that was beyond their control but was sometimes still seen as a failure. In the higher and more dangerous levels of the pyramid some were
left behind only because they were no longer alive to continue climbing the pyramid. When faced with this reality some men would voluntarily decide
to no longer continue climbing the pyramid, although this meant sacrificing the notion of ever having the right
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Brief Story Of Timmy's Neighborhood
Timmy, has a great deal of money and lives in an extremely nice mansion. The private neighborhood is guarded, so no one could come in unless
they live there or have permission from a resident. His neighborhood is gated and lined with large trees along a newly made road. Additionally,
there is a pool with a fitness center attached to the pool building. Cut into an enormous sandstone is the name of the neighborhood, Sun Village. It
was named after an old Indian group who once lived on the land, and called themselves the Sun Tribe. One day, he was just sitting on his couch
watching television when an ice cream commercial began to play. So of course he had a craving for ice cream. He started gathering his belongings to
head out to the store, but couldn't find his credit card. "I probably lost it in my enormous mansion." Timmy snorted. Timmy doesn't usually carry cash
around with him so he decided to go... Show more content on ...
He knew he wouldn't last long without his money, and he was still craving ice cream, so he decided to track down the thief himself. He heads back
to his house to brainstorm some ideas. Timmy knows he's definitely the richest man in town, so if he could find someone spending excessive
amounts of money, it would more than likely be the thief. He also starts to assume that the thief must know him and that he is rich. He grabs a ski
mask to conceal his face and puts on old clothes, so it looks like he is not wealthy but poor. He set out on his journey to find the thief.
Occasionally, people would look at him like he was getting ready to rob a bank, the ski mask was definitely not working in his favor. "Alright," he
said, "All I have to do is find someone who is buying so much stuff that only I can afford." He began wandering around downtown where there were a
lot of shops and looking for someone with a large number of items. "Is this the best method for finding the thief," he questioned. "yes," he believed it
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Western Counterculture: A Short Story
"Organizing is nothing but well–planned hoarding," says Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus. Your home has enough space for all of the
things that you need. It's time to embrace smallness! When I first looked at the giant pile of all that I owned it was like staring into the face of a
monster. The idea of "getting small" did not start off as "joyful". Wanting less is Western Counterculture. We want things. Hell, it is almost in our
DNA. "Give me my toy!" "I am going to make a shit ton of money to buy that toy." "I am going to make some money, buy a house I can't afford;
then I am going to fill it up with a bunch of shit I don't need." Embracing minimalism was a happy accident. Each revelation, each explosion of a bag
of my life's crap landing in a dumpster was the epicenter of a miraculous blast of the many that were occurring in my life. I had not planned to tidy up
my life, yet there I was, chiseling down. I began thinking of... Show more content on ...
It is more than ample for my needs. I even have a link to George Carlin Video a lovely ten–by–twelve alcove I call my library. I was able to decorate
all of this to suit my personality: paint, fixtures, etc. So much purple. I even have twinkle lights! My bedroom smells of lavender, and it makes me
smile when I enter. I am amazed by how much I do not need when faced with the challenge of space and the newfound freedom from the bondage
of conspicuous consumption. Just this past weekend I got rid of another five or six trash bags of clothing. I also put into practice the KonMari
folding system for hanging and folding my clothes. It took me approximately five hours to contend with the entire process. I took all of my clothes
from the drawers, cupboards, and closet and piled them all on my bed. That included removing everything from their hangers. This was followed by
only putting those clothes back that spark joy and make me happy. I followed this KonMari
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Video Analysis: The Story Of Stuff By Annie Leonard And...
"The Story of Stuff" is a short video created by The Story of Stuff project in 2007. In the video, writers Annie Leonard and Jonah Sachs describe the
process of turning natural resources into consumer goods, then into waste. The writers describe a seemingly linear five–step process: extraction,
production, distribution, consumption, and disposal. Leonard and Sachs describe a carefully–scripted culture of unsustainable consumption and waste.
The extraction phase of "The Story of Stuff" refers to the removal of natural resources such as timber, natural gas, coal, oil, and water. The writers
emphasize the unsustainability of this phase, especially in the United States. The video states that the United States holds 5% of the world's ... Show
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They maintain low wages for employees with minimal (if any) benefits such as 401ks or health insurance. The quickest way for a company to cut costs
is to cut their largest expense– payroll. The consumption phase is one of the most important to the corporation– it's the buy, buy, buy phase! But, why
do Americans buy? Remember when the writers discussed the "carefully–scripted" culture in the United States? Americans have been conditioned to
buy, buy, buy. The "stuff" is portrayed in print and video advertising as a "need," not a "want." It is the concept of "keeping up with the Jones'." Your
neighbor buys a new car– you need a bigger one. The neighbor down the street has a new outdoor pool– you need a bigger one. To be considered a
normal member of society you need to own stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. When the stuff breaks, buy new stuff. Buying new stuff is the carefully
constructed concept of planned obsolescence. Leonard and Sachs discuss this concept in "The Story of Stuff." Things are designed to break. They
give the example of a desktop computer. The actual piece that becomes obsolete is smaller than a credit card. However, the piece changes shape every
two years, making it impossible to simply repair the item. The entire system must be replaced. Look at cellphone advertisements today. The Samsung
Galaxy 4, then the 4S, then the 5, all within two
... Get more on ...
New School Experience
New school, new people, and new clothes. Everything is going to be different, I was not looking forward to that year. The second I stepped foot in
that door, I wanted to run as fast as I could back home. But I couldn't I had to do this. I walked inside and everyone automatically looked at me. Of
course, everyone is in one room right now, I'm the new girl at a small school. What else should I expect, i went and set my stuff down in my home
room. When i walked back in all eyes were on me, again. I didn't like it so I quickly sat down. After we left assembly we had math, i did not like
that teacher at all. Even on the first day, she was mean and rude, that really made me nervous because i wanted her to like me but the people in my
class said she doesn't like anyone. Great.
That day was absloute chaos, it felt so weird being there. After one day there I felt like I was completely out of place, and I was. None of the teachers
really stood out to me, as people that i could look up to. A lot of the teachers were still trying to get certified and were still really young and immature. I
don't think that's right but that school didn't think that.
A few weeks passed and nothing worth talking about happened, but after the first nine weeks everything started going downhill, One girl in my class
didn't exactly like me so she told the teachers that I was cheating on some stuff. When i wasn't, she took credit for some of the stuff i did and i had
enough of it. I told my Mom and
... Get more on ...

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Critique Of Stuff Is Not Salvation

  • 1. Critique of Stuff Is Not Salvation Valued Possessions vs. Insignificant Desires Anna Quindlen, a novelist, social critic, and journalist wrote an intriguing essay "Stuff is Not Salvation" about the addiction of Americans, who splurge on materialistic items that have no real meaning. The ability to obtain credit is one of the main reasons to blame for society's consumption epidemic. However, Quindlen feels the economic decline due to credit card debt is insignificant compared to the underlying issues of American's binging problems. Quindlen's essay gives excellent points regarding the differences in America's typical shopping habits. Additionally, she mentions how people acquire all this "stuff" but seem to never realize, "why did I get this?"(501). Quindlen makes her... Show more content on ... There are plenty of examples that Quindlen gives to make her point across, that American's spend money unwisely. For instance, in one of the examples, she mentions how every 16 months a person replaces a cell phone because it's not as new anymore, and how toys are forgotten that eventually end up being junk (501). Quindlen then states the obvious "stuff does not bring salvation" (501). However, she lacks examples of cases where people's wants actually provide the happiness they usually expect. Rich people, for example, have an extra sense of security because the worry and stress that belong to the poor is something the rich don't have and don't want. Plus, who wouldn't want to afford desires such as not living pay check to pay check or putting their kid(s) through college? Sometimes not being able to afford these items can bring on depression or verbal abuse into a home. The reader's would have a better understanding of the essay if she included some of these situations. Overall, Quindlen portrays her idea of happiness not being the materialistic things in life, but by the things that have true meaning. By true meaning, I believe she means items such as photographs that have a significant memory attached to it. She jokingly states, "Ask people what they would grab if their house were on fire, the way our national house is on fire right now. No one ever says it's the tricked–up microwave they got at ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Personal Narrative: Life In The Car I turned up the volume in my headphones as my sister, Amelia's annoying voice sang louder as one of her favorites, but otherwise a terrible song began to play on the car radio. All I could think was just how much longer I would have to be in the car with her, I was ready to get out and stretch anyway, we've been in the car for nearly 3 hours. I knew that I would have to suck it up and deal with it until we got there, until then I would just have to keep quiet, saying something would only encourage her to sing louder. I started dazing out of the window thinking about our destination, we were headed to my great grandfather's house to try and clear out all of his belongings in order to sell the house after his recent death. His death didn't affect... Show more content on ... I say unnecessary because do you know how many toys, stuffed animals, and other dumb things like that my sister brings with us, I don't understand why she does it, she only plays with a few of the many items. But she was the favorite child, the baby, the spoiled brat that got all the attention, so she was allowed to take all of this stuff, even after being told "pack lightly, there's not enough room in the car for extras". Maybe the difference between me and her was that I took their orders to seriously and could have packed a little more than the bare minimum. When I finished unpacking I ate a sandwich that my mom had made, which went down much better than the hotels rubbery breakfast sausages. My dad, the over planner that he was stated that we would have to get to work on clearing the house immediately after eating in order to finish in time for the open house two weeks from now. When I finished I went outside hoping no one would notice and I could get out of doing the work that I knew would have to been done to get top dollar out of the place. My mom called me out on my laziness, "get back in here, this place will never be finished without everyone's help". I slumped through the door and stood in front of my mom and asked "where? Where do I start in ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Drugs : Drugs And Drugs Drugs are all fun and games until you watch someone you love turn into some you have never seen before. I was only 5 years old when i woke up one morning to get up for school to only see something laying on the table i knew that it wasn't something good and it didn't seem normal and since i had to take care of myself and make my own school lunch i knew right where the little bags where and gloves to be able to pick it up so it wouldn't get on me, almost everything i picked up was something that she used the night before just to feel her little high so from then i decided to put the pill,needles,lighter and everything in a bag and take it to school, i knew it was brandi's and i knew she needed help. I made sure i was quicker than lighting to get everything put in my bookbag so not only she wouldn't hear me and wake up and so i didn't have to deal with her. I remember every conversation i had with her it wasn't ever her talking it was always the pills or the dope talking for her. I walked myself to the bus stop i remember it being so cold outside i didn't even wanna go. I could have probably stayed home but i had stuff that needed to be done and i needed help ASAP. As the snot ran down my nose from crying and it being so cold i stood at the bus stop for something that felt like a lifetime till my bus showed. Shortly after i got on the bus i sat there and just acted like a normal 5 year old that wouldn't have heroin or coke pills in her bookbag. I got to school and started ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Personal Narrative : Personal Experiences It was hot summer day in Banso, Cameroon, kids were running around, parents were washing clothes and cooking as the wind blew the dust into our eyes but we loved it and didn't care. I was playing and my mom came to up to me in the backyard and said, "you are going" and I instantly knew what she was talking about; "I'm so happy we are going together," I exclaimed. I did not notice that she said "you are" instead of "we are." "Wait your not going" "no" I was happy but I wasn't happy that she wasn't coming with me. she told me not to tell anyone I was going i asked why and she said "people can be really jealous sometimes and they do things without thinking" so basically if I was to go around blabbing my mouth to people they might get jealous and try to kill me because everybody wanted to go to Americas for a better life.but when they don't get the chance to and other people do they get mad.but, of course, i was like. seven and I was happy that I was finally leaving that place so told all friend and my friend's they made me stay in the house till we had to leave for Bamenda where the airport was.on the day we had to leave for the airport we got up really early in the morning took showers then we got to where our new clothes. We had to give the other ones away because we were told people in America don't dress like that so we had to buy a couple of clothes for the road. Only the kids were going and all the adult were staying but they were coming to see us off. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Minimalism With Children : How You Become A Minimalist Mom Minimalism With Children: How to Become a Minimalist Mom By Dusti Arab | Submitted On May 24, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest If you 've ever visited a personal development or lifestyle design site, you may have stumbled across a niche called minimalism. What is minimalism? That depends on who you ask. Essentially, it is choosing to live with less stuff to live life more fully. Many find the minimalist lifestyle appealing for a variety of reasons. Some of these include the way it reflects their values. By choosing to live with less and buy less, a person can live a more sustainable lifestyle. Others prefer the freedom owning less gives you. There are many interpretations of the minimalist lifestyle, including one where people have chosen to participate in the 100 Thing Challenge, where they live with 100 items or less. This may sound extreme, but consider people around the world have been doing it for thousands of years. However, most modern minimalists who write about what they are doing are not parents, and even fewer are moms. There are so many more barriers for a parent who chooses to live with less stuff because parenthood invariably means you accumulate more stuff. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Pinkie Pie Alternate Ending "So let me get this straight," Applejack said, casting an odd glance at Pinkie Pie, "You knew that singin' and stuff was gonna work because ya didn't know it was gonna work at all?" Pinkie nodded. "Yep basically, it didn't make any sense for the song to create anything just because there was a song so it started to create things." "It was actually quite genius," Twilight added, "Choas Magic is a really tricky kind of power. The whole way one uses it is by not trying to use it at all. I had never even heard that song before but once I managed to tap into the magic too it just came to me. Oh, I wish there were more books about it, we could spend years on just chaotic musical numbers alone!" Applejack's nose scrunched up and her eyebrows lowered. ... Show more content on ... "I just tripped, that's all." "Nuh uh," Pinkie spoke up, examining the place where Rarity had fallen, "You were tripped." Applejack glanced up at the other Earth Pony from her deep inspection of Rarity's leg. "That's what she just said, sugar." Pinkie rolled her eyes and fished something out of the fallen leaves that decorated the forest floor. "I mean, someone caused her to fall over on purpose." She triumphantly recovered a thin, snapped piece of wire and gave it an experimental lick. "I really don't think copper grows naturally in the Everfree." "Let me see that." Twilight's magic flared to life, bathing the trees purple and gently lifting the wire out of Pinkie's hooves and into her own. The Unicorn turned it over itself, scrutinizing it closely. "It's new," she declared after a couple seconds, "not the wire itself but it definitely hasn't been sitting in the forest for more than a few hours." "How can ya tell?" Applejack asked, joining Twilight in peering at the thin metal. Twilight shrugged. "It's not wet. If it was here for too long dew would have collected on it like everything else."
  • 7. "So someone planted it," Rainbow growled, "for ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Story of Stuff "The Story of Stuff" All our stuff goes through a process in the materials economy: extraction, production, distribution, consumption, and disposal. It sounds so simple but there are a lot of loopholes in between each step goes through. The first stage is extraction. Extraction means taking the planet's resources – wood, minerals, coal, fossil fuel, water, plants, animals, and soil out of the earth and starting their journey through the materials economy. The problem here is simple: we are using too much stuff, the processes by which we extract all that stuff cause more damage and we are not sharing the stuff equitably. We are trashing the planet. We are using and wasting more resources each year than the earth can renew. ... Show more content on ... The goal here is to keep the prices down, keep the people buying and keep the materials flowing. A key strategy business use to keep prices down is to externalize costs. That means that the price tags on consumer products don't capture the true costs of producing and distributing all these stuff. Distributing all these stuff creates more environmental impacts. Energy is used to transport the stuff around the world as well as for lighting and temperature control of all the shopping malls and stores. The sprawling retail infrastructure is chewing up farmland and wildlife habitat, contributing to car traffic, increasing greenhouse gases and urban runoff, and adding to local solid waste streams. The failure of some big commercial retailers to provide adequate health coverage for workers is well documented. Requiring low paid store workers to cover health care costs, increases their stress, diverts already short earnings from other basic needs may undermine workers' long term health. While big box stores tout the jobs they provide, most of the new service sector jobs are in suburbs, yet the highest concentration of unemployed workers is in urban areas. Increasingly globalized distribution systems present obstacles to promoting sustainability and justice in the distribution of goods. It is harder to track the location and conditions under which products are made and harder to hold decision makers accountable along the way. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Descriptive Essay On How Scared Is Scared This is scared he is a raccoon as you can tell he's only 3 ВЅ months old, he is still very young he about 4 feet tall he is full size. Scared is just a nickname to him his sister calls him a wimp. But he isn't he's just afraid. When he was 2 months he was so scared that he played dead for a week. Scared's parents went on a trip when he was little they never came back, he loved his parents so much even though he never got to know them. His grandma watches him, He was walking home from school when he got thrown into a bag and kidnapped. He was being tossed around in the passenger seat of a truck. Then he stopped, he was picked up and then tossed into water. The bag was filling up Scared couldn't swim, he was only 3 1/2 months old . The bag was full of water now Scared didn't make a sound. Scared was in a deep sleep, but then. He was saved, he was still asleep he woke up in a bed, he heard the door handle move he acted like he was asleep. It was a man with freckles and brown hair. He said to the raccoon "I know you're awake. The boy with freckles said his name is Ethan. He said he wasn't going to hurt him He asked what was Scared's name was. Scared didn't answer, he just watched Ethan. Ethan gave Scared some PB&J for breakfast. Scared didn't eat. He went back to sleep. Scared was thinking up a plan he was going to get away from the city and go live in his uncle's house that was somewhere in the Gobi desert house underground. First, he was going to get Ethan to take him out of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Stuff Is Not Salvation Summary Mindless zombies is what our consumer culture has created. In the article, "Stuff is Not Salvation," by Anna Quindlen, the author uses all three appeals to shed light on how we as consumers have been throwing away our money on useless "stuff." This not–so–new consumer mindset has created its own industry that has directly affected the U.S. stock market and made a lot of Wall Street execs rich. Americans need to stop going crazy over holiday bargains and realize what effect this mindless spending is having on consumer culture and on people in general. The example Anna uses in the text about a Wal–mart employee being trampled to death opens the readers eye on how consequential season shopping has gotten. This is definitely a use of pathos as we feel ashamed about how our wants for tangible stuff has gotten so extreme it lead to someone's death which she later adds "wasn't entirely surprising." So not only has this instance been normalized in "season shopping culture" but has not acted as a what should have been a wake–up call for most. Anna suspects... Show more content on ... Because of this, the stuff people are going out of their way to buy are losing their meaning in a matter of months. "A person in the United States replaces a cell phone every 16 months, not because the cell phone is old, but because it is oldish" (par. 8). Anna uses this statistic as a logical appeal showing how phones aren't being purchased because of their purpose but how new they are relative to the older phone. This shows how are culture of spending involves buying something because of the single fact it came out yesterday. In retrospect, the meaning of the stuff people consume today is solely tied to its popularity and the fact that everyone else has one. This is an example of a bandwagon, meaning what we buy is determined by how many other people have ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Golden Era Of Consumption 1) What is the "Golden Era of Consumption"? The "Golden Era of Consumption" is a key aspect in the story of stuff. This era, began after World War II and is highly protected and promoted by the government. The primary way individuals are analyzed is based on how much each individual contributes to the golden era of consumption. This era highlights the idea of consumption for each individual and began when the government wanted to amp up the economy. Here, things began to be intentionally designed to have a short lifespan, therefore increasing the rate of consumption. Additionally, they started using things like advertisements to make people feel bad about what they own in comparison to other individuals. This then makes them buy more items, ... Show more content on ... The difference between a want and a need is, a need is something that you could potentially die without (like water or shelter), while a want is something that an individual desires to have (regardless if it is obtainable, for example a Ferrari). 4) Consumption habits include both spending habits and one's personal habits of usage of products/material items – such as the number of paper towels one uses in the restroom, choices around food, clothing, personal hygiene items, etc. List 3 positive and 3 negative consumption habits someone might have. Explain. Positives: Only order a portion size you know you can eat. Therefore, limiting the amount of wasted food. Turning off the water while brushing their teeth or limiting shower time. Therefore, conserving more water and not being wasteful. Using products till the last drop. This means squeezing the tube of toothpaste until there's absolutely nothing left. Decreasing the amount of wasted products. Negatives: Going shopping without a specific list, therefore leaving room to buy things you don't necessarily need. Using bottled water instead of reusable water bottles. This creates more waste and puts harmful products into the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Descriptive Essay About My House Living in a city can make you forget the outside world. You forget about the green grass, the trees, the chirping birds, the animals, and so many other things the world has to offer. We also forget the people who came before us, who did so much for us, who built everything we have today. We're so busy doing stuff that is unimportant, that we forget about the stuff that is. Getting a house in Connecticut, made me realize all these things. It made me more in touch with nature and history. I got my country house about 8 years ago, and I think it changed me for the better. On Sindall Road, in Cheshire, Connecticut there is a blue house with white shudders, it stands partly on a hill, and was built many years ago. The living room has huge wooden beams that lay across the ceiling. The bedrooms are not big, but not small, as appropriate to the time period that the house was built. The ceilings are very low, and the stairways are very steep. The house has different pieces of furniture that are from different time periods. There is a brook running by and on the other side is a river. I saw the house for the first time after buying it. We drove up in the gravel driveway, and got out of the car, it was one day before my birthday, so I guess you could say that it was an early birthday present. The first thing I said after looking around a bit was, "I think I'll need a GPS to find my way around this house!" My parents laughed, and I was able to find my way...eventually. As I explored I ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Freak The Mighty Character Analysis Who does see the best in you? Everybody has someone different in their life who sees the best in them. In most cases it is people parents who sees the best in them. But that isn't always the case, like in Freak the Mighty it's not his parents taking care of him anymore. In Freak the Mighty, Maxwell doesn't have an ordinary life. His parents aren't the ones that see the best in him, his grandparents see the best in him. Maybe his mom would see the best in him, but his mom is not alive. And their is no chance that his dad could see the best in him after he tried to kill him in the end. But his grandparents are sending him through school, giving him food anytime he is hungry and making sure he always has clothes on his body and shoes on his feet. In the book, it is obvious who sees and doesn't see the best in him. It says, "The little room is warm and close–feeling, and the furniture is real old and saggy. There's a big old TV with a doily on the top, and an empty goldfish bowl, and piles of newspapers tied up neat with a string, and a Bible on this trick picture of Jesus on the wall..." This is when his dad kidnaps him and brings him to this abandon house. This is showing how her dad does not really care about him. He just kidnaps him and takes him to run down place like it's nothing.... Show more content on ... Then it says "... I can't stand just sitting around so I decided to walk over to the hospital, which Grim says is miles and miles, but suit yourself." This is important because it shows how they aren't strict but they do want to inform him that he can get hurt or something. They just want him to know that he shouldn't do it but it is up to him because they trust ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Graduation Speech Letter From The University It all started when I got a long waited acceptance letter from the University. I remember as I held the letter in my hands I felt a feeling of happiness and of satisfaction as I finally accomplished one of my major goals. I always wanted to go to college ever since I was a young boy and now when I got the letter I knew that it finally came to a reality. Not only was I going to college but I was going to be the first person in my family to attend a four–year college, I felt like this was an accomplishment within itself. Not only am I going to college but I'm also make a pathway for future generations in my family. When I told my mom about the college acceptance and how I wanted to go to the school she gave me some mix emotions. Of course she was happy for me but she was sad that her child was leaving her to go to some far place. Since me and my mom are very close we tend not to be apart from each other for long but the University is six hours away from my home so it would be a pretty long distance between us. She tried to convince me to stay close to home throughout the rest of the summer but I explained to her that me leaving the home would help me mature more and become an adult that I need to be. After a lot of convincing she finally realized that I was right and she had to let me go. So skip a few months later and I'm ready and packed to leave for my first year of college. My cousin had the car ready for me to get in I said my goodbyes to everyone and then I was off to ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Courage is The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe Essay example Courage is The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe Tom Wolfe's novel The Right Stuff, gives an accurate description into the lives of the first astronauts and rocket –powered aircraft test pilots, from their careers before, during, and after their selection to become astronauts, through to their private home lives. All throughout his book, Wolfe refers to "the right stuff" and "this righteous stuff" without ever saying upfront what "the stuff" really is. I have concluded that throughout the story, "the right stuff" is simply courage. I would personally define courage as: The willingness to put yourself in a potentially dangerous situation. It is never easy to put yourself into a dangerous position, this is because our brain is programmed for ... Show more content on ... You name it; they probably had to go through it during the selection process and training aspects for the job. When Allen Shepard became the first American in space, Wolfe describes his whole flight from the 4 hour plus delay in launch time all the way down to his splash–down in the Atlantic Ocean. While telling this part of his story, Wolfe is always telling about the reference into Shepard's training and comparing it to the actual flight that was taking place, even the humorous instance when Shepard needed to "relieve his bladder". Overall, that flight experience, according to Wolfe, was not as intense as the training that Shepard had gone through. The routine of the training program kept Shepard's mind on the job throughout the flight and allowed him to accomplish the flight tests that he was sent up there to do. He kept going over the program of events in his head knowing exactly how much time he had to accomplish each task before he had to move onto the next task. Another example of how training proved to accompany courage as "the right stuff" is when test pilot Chuck Yeagerwas flying the rocket–powered NF–104 when the aircraft went into a flat spin and he lost control of it. While the aircraft was plummeting down to Earth from 104,000 feet at 150 per second, Yeager was able to stay calm and run through all the scenarios that he had been trained in, and then some extra attempts to restart the aircraft and save it from destruction instead of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Essay on Stuff James Ronca Final Paper Wrestling is one of the oldest sports in the world. No one is sure who invented the sport but it was first implemented as a real sport in the first Olympics in the year 776 B.C. The origins of wrestling can be traced back 15,000 years through cave drawings in France; Babylonian and Egyptian relief's show wrestlers using most of the holds known to the present–day sport. More modern day wrestling has weight classes implemented so participants will wrestle people that weigh the same as them, thus starting a trend known in the wrestling world as cutting weight. Weight classes in wrestling were implemented in order to insure the optimal amount of fairness for each wrestler before they step out onto the mat. I ... Show more content on ... Modified wrestling is the same way, no set weight classes just the roughly the same size. But then high school wrestling started, there are set weight classes and they are extremely strict on how it need to be done. In the beginning of each season there is a process that is known as weight certification. What you have to do for that is pass the hydration test, get your body fat checked and then weigh–in. After all that is done your body fat and weight are put into a formula that checks to see what the lowest possible weight class you can wrestle is with having a healthy amount of body fat. They hydration test is extremely important, if you are not hydrated you cannot certify until a later date. You have to pee in a cup and then the instructor puts the pee into a Refractometer and it measures the absolute weight of the urine and if it's over 1.025 you pass, anything less you fail and have to retry. They do this test so kids can't suck ridicules amounts of weight, this makes the sport a little bit more healthy I suppose. This new certification process was implanted in 2006 to help insure the safety of the participants (Funk). Every year in high school I wrestled in the 119 weight class. My freshman year my coach/team wanted me to wrestle 103 but I did not pass the hydration test and I just couldn't make the weight. It was an unrealistic weight class and there was just no way to do ... Get more on ...
  • 17. A Short Story : A Story? I remember that sad day when my parents died. My dad died first, but my mom fought and fought for her life. She told me just before she died that I needed to pack up all of my stuff as I was moving with my aunt and uncle. My aunt and uncle were my only living relatives, so I had no choice and they lived in town so same old same old. I finished packing my stuff then my best friends mom Jennifer drove me over to their house. We pulled up and I looked at the house and I said "wow." It wasn't a good wow it was wow this place is a dump kinda wow. It looked like a giant piece of scrap metal. The roof was made of old misshapen pieces of aluminum, the windows were more like holes in the walls and pieces of blurred glass that looked like the have not been cleaned in a decade, and the door was old gray color with the paint peeling off. I knocked twice then took a step back and heard the pitter patter of footsteps coming towards the door, the door was opened by a woman wearing a AC/DC shirt and jeans 2 sizes too big. I asked the lady, "You're Maddy right." "Yeah thats me, you must be my sister's son. Eddy right," said Maddy. "Well where is uncle Joe?" I asked. I was surprised when Aunt Maddy replied that he at the Liquor store. I had seen him at some parties when I was younger drinking a lot of drinks. I had thought it was just rootbeer, but now that I am 13 it makes sense to me that he is an alcoholic. My aunt helped me bring up my stuff to my new room at the end of the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Stuff Documentary When watching a documentary film, especially if it talks about nature, people expect the same videos of the environment going down, destroyed, and abused by people–clever, but rarely creating an impact to viewers. This, however, is a lot different than the clichГ©s of the planet's suffering. The graceful narration by Glenn Close of straightforward content that we all need to be able to grasp the whole point of the film, combined with the beautifully shot scenes which is mostly from above, basically made it quite remarkable and moving for us. The documentary focused mainly on how and why things are happening–how society's greed and hunger and why the lack of understanding of humans on the linkages of the things on Earth lead us into deep catastrophic ... Show more content on ... They were intelligent people who have schemes to make ends meet and feed the society in an isolated island. Their innovations almost lead them to their own extinction. The island was said to be the home of the tallest palm trees in the world, which they managed to cut until the very last one for the need to move and scatter the large stone statues around the place. Imagine the planet earth as the large island, and us, the people who eventually used up all the resources the nature provided us. In no time, we would end up just like them, no places to go to, no clean water to drink, and no food to eat–basically ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Good Stuff And Bad Stuff Happens Good stuff and bad stuff happens, no human is exempt to the trajectory of either the good or the bad. Inexplicable sorrows exist, from large–scale miseries, such as natural disasters, wars, or famines, to personal circumstances that confront each as individuals, for example, cancer, loneliness, or depression. These sorrows, as well as numerous other sources of human suffering, create questions that weigh heavy on one's soul. Especially questions similar to, "Why did God let this happen to me?" The "why" is a question that Dobson (1993) proposes all people at some point struggle to find the answer. Boinon, Charles, Dauchy & Sultan (2011), in their study of positive thinking, shines a light on the healing impact positive thinking can have on the body's immune system and the ability for repairing itself. Incidentally, Lynn, Yoo, and Levine (2014) report the relaxing and inspiring benefits produced from meditation on biblical scripture(s). Research shows that the practice of religion, attending religious services, prayer, and the study of scripture significantly impacts a period of crisis, such as a cancer diagnosis, and feelings of frustration, fatigue, helplessness, depression, and anxiety by creating a new meaning for life and death, ultimately rendering hope and empowerment to practicing individuals (Lynn, Yoo, & Levine, 2014; Sadati, Lankarani, Gharibi, Fard, Ebrahimzadeh, & Tahmasebi, 2014). These studies are encouraging in validating the efficacy of the power of God and ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Stuff By Annie Leonard In many developing nations across the world, women work in areas known as export processing zones, also known as EPZs. Some of these zones are located in parts of Central America, where women work in factories known as maquiladoras. In Naomi Klein's book No Logo, she discusses the inhumane issues and mistreatment that goes on in such zones: . . . Employees are kept on twenty–eight–day contracts – the length of the average menstrual cycle – making it easy, as soon as a pregnancy comes to light, for the worker to be dismissed" (Klein 222–223). These zones attract companies like Nike, General Electric, and General Motors mainly because of their cheap skilled labor, minimum regulations and tax free incentives. EPZs usually are restricted areas that provide companies with their manufacturing needs for export. This is only one example that leads to our problem with consumerism. In The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard, she sheds light on the exploitation and mistreatment of our natural resources, like the deforestation of the rainforests due to the demand for lumber. Many Americans today have not come to realize the hidden costs such as: unseen problems like cheap labor that exploits poor individuals, and the harm it causes to third world societies by creating health hazards and violations of human rights as a result with our consumption. Benjamin Barber, from his book Consumed, as well as Liz Stinson, from her web article 12 Hidden Tricks Advertisers Use to Sell You Stuff, both ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Stuff Is Not Salvation Analysis In her essay "Stuff is Not Salvation" Anna Quindlen speaks on the topic of American's ridiculous addiction to consuming products. Quindlen believes that this addiction is an even bigger issue than loosing homes, and jobs. She explains how American's tend to frequently replace undamaged items, leaving old items to gather dust. With the use of credit, one can now purchase items without physical money, digging themselves into debt. Important things such as bills and medicine are often put behind the wants of new items. Her conclusion is that salvation cannot can, and will not come from purchased items. With this use of facts and stories, Quindlen makes a valid argument towards her statement of "stuff is not salvation". Quindlen starts with a story ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Hoarding Buried Alive Essay I freaked out watching TLC show " Hoarding, Buried Alive". This show evoked me how modern people have accumulated stuff excessively. In the TV show, none of them are happy living with massive material possessions. It even destroys the relationship with their family members. Hoarders felt uncomfortable, depression and anxiety. This brings me into a question about the negative effect of consumerism in modern days. Why does living more or less effect to our happiness? Over the past years, like many other people, I searched my happiness in material possessions. Like an ordinary 20s something girl, I thrived to shop pretty clothes, shoes, and bags. At the age of 21, I moved to New York City. A big city with a new place made me a good reason to modernize myself with updated brand new materials. I bought shoes, sweaters, pants and many other accessories to fill up my new closet and room. But my happiness did not last long. A few days later, I found more discounted items, deals online for the same items I bought before. An... Show more content on ... Over the time, Hill moved and lived in different cities for his new jobs.Soon after his success, he felt agitated and imperfect of his possessions. He spent time in carrying, moving and clearing boxes from his old houses. And He life become distracted in taking care of material things he bought just to fill in his houses. Then Hill started realizing effects of consumerism. Now he lives in small efficiency spacing with fewer items. Later he concluded he felt his life is bigger and happier even though he owns less. (qtd in hill) This article reflects my situation when I was a coupon maniac one time.It gives me an understanding of my greediness on material things is no good for me. Instead of fulfilling our desire, consumerism gives us negative effect on our ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essay About Catcher In The Rye Today I woke up to such an amazing surprise. I was so excited to see Holden for the first time in what felt like years. I love Holden very much and I missed him so much while he was at school. I just did not have the patience to wait to tell him all of the stuff I have been doing while he was gone! I told how I played one of the biggest if not the biggest traitors in U.S. history known as Benedict Arnold in my school play. I also told him other stuff like the movie I just saw, the movie our brother D.B. is working on, the boy at school that is always bullying me, and that our parents were at a party so they would not be home until later. I was just so happy to see him. But I realized something. Holden was home two days earlier than he was ... Show more content on ... Holden told me that two things he liked were Allie and sitting down and talking to me. When Holden told me this I got angry because Allie was dead. We argued about whether or not it counted to like someone that is no longer in this world. Once we finally stopped arguing I asked holden what he wanted to do with his life. All he answered with was "If a body catch a body comin' thro the rye." He said he wanted to be the catcher that catched the kids that are about to fall off of the cliff. But I pointed out to him that he had the lyrics mixed up. The real lyrics were "If a body meet a body comin' thro the rye". Once I said that Holden decided to step out of the room to do something. When he came back in he asked me for a dance. We danced for a bit until we heard the door open. It was our parents, they had just come back from the party they were attending. Holden had to hide quick so he decided to jump into the closet until they were gone. Once they came and tucked me in then left, Holden came back out. He came out with some troubling news though. He told me that he was going to move out west alone. I loaned him my christmas money, said my goodbye, and he was off. I really did not want him to leave. But i knew I had to let him because that was his decision to make. Not ... Get more on ...
  • 24. “Stuff, Stuff, I Am Surrounded By Stuff.”(Line 1) We Look "Stuff, stuff, I am surrounded by stuff."(line 1) We look around and all we see are belongings that we might not even use or need. Although we don't acknowledge it, keeping ties and papers from ten years ago is a characteristic of hoarding. There is just a little hoarder inside all of us. It is part of human nature. The emotional value that we give to objects play the biggest role when deciding to keep or get rid of something. We collect and save some items because it helps us remember the past or a person that is not longer among the living. However, some people become obsessed with the idea of collecting. This obsession eventually turns into a disorder. Memories, sentimental value, laziness, and procrastination are the main reasons why... Show more content on ... In addition, hoarding does not discriminate between children and adults. Hoarding behaviors have been reported in children, "the behaviors are often less noticeable" ( author and page)due to early intervenience. Nevertheless, we all collect and protect some objects that we grasp onto with sentimental value and memories. "But mostly, there is the more generalized stuff, the stuff we all hold on to for inexplicable reasons"(Knapp 4). Many times we feel the need to save items that mean something to us, maybe some papers from high school or that favorite shirt from the 8th grade. Piles of Magazines, pictures, or that old and rusty piece of metal sitting in the garage are all attributes of a hoarder. If we look around, it is very noticeable that we all hoard at some level. It is part of human nature to feel compelled to things, that remind us of the past. Memories keep many things alive, whether is a past event or a family member; they give us some type of comfort. According to, hoard is defined to be a "supply or accumulation that is hidden or carefully guarded for preservation, future use, etc..." The concept of hoarding means that objects we intend to protect and save are selected because of the thought of comfortability in the future. This definition reinforces the statement of why memories and sentimental value are the main reason why we hoard. The words ... Get more on ...
  • 25. My Experience To Play Basketball It was the month.The month the basketball tryouts came for me.I was ready to play basketball for my school.So I woke up at 5 a.m. and went down stairs to get a smooth,red colored apple to eat while I practiced my basketball outside but, then I noticed that I had to study for my global studies test.So then I quietly walk back in my house. Then it happened in the livingroom when I first came in through the front door,"What are you doing up at this time shouldn't you be sleeping for school?", Mom exclaimed. "Mom I am coming in quietly from practicing basketball when I realized that I have to study for my global studies test today".I said.I thought that everyone was sleeping and that it was only me that was up this early. "Okay but,don't wake up this early then make a lot of noises when there are people sleeping".Mom said. Although I got in trouble my mom let me stay up and study my study guide.My mom quietly walk back to her room and then I went to the kitchen to get something to eat.I went back to study more but,I am scared that I am going to fail this test.I hope don't because if I do get low grade I wouldn't be able to play on the basketball team.So I am trying to get all the facts I need to know in my mind to be able to pass with a big fat A+ on Friday's test. I want to keep on studying but,I also wanted to practice basketball for the tryouts on tomorrow afternoon.I tried hurry up the paste to get through the studying and back to the basketball.Then I heard something next to the stairs.It was my sister coming down for some water in the refrigerator. "What are you doing this early in the morning",My sister asked. "Studying for my globals studies test on Friday",I said.Wait what was she doing up at this time when it is 6 a.m in the morning when she only gets up 2 hours later? "And what are you doing up at this time",I questioned. "I came down for some water",My sister said. My sister went back up to go back to sleep.A few minutes later it was already time for me to brush my teeth and get ready for school.So I quickly ran up stairs and rushed to the bathroom but of course my sister was in the bathroom getting ready for school.Why she in the bathroom when she knows I have to get ready for school before ... Get more on ...
  • 26. When I 'm Gone? When I'm Gone It all started out on July–23–2014, when my mother told me she and my father were getting a divorce, and that we were moving from Owatonna, Minnesota to San Diego. I remember that day like it was yesterday, how I felt, how I felt like I would never stop crying, and confused about what was going to happen. I remember hearing what my mother 's voice sounded like I knew something bad happened, that my father got in an accident or died, or that my dog had gotten hit by a car, or someone died. But all my assumptions were incorrect no one died no one got hurt besides me , my mother , and father. I remember as soon as my mother said the word Divorce, I instantly started bursting into tears. As a couple days passed by I asked my mother if we were going to keep my animals, Luke and Leia our Siberian huskies, and Tazz our cat. She said no, and things got even worse, I felt like I should just end my life now to make all the pain go away. But, I took a deep breath, and I said to myself "You need to keep going no matter how hard things get, carry on." "Pack all the big things in the boxes", my mother said doing the same thing. Stripping my bed and pillows and putting them in the boxes. Carefully placing all my toys in a box, and having to choose seven of my stuffed animals. Most of our stuff was going to our car. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to say goodbye to my friends, soon the week passed, and I only got to say goodbye to my two best friends, who ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Who Is My Mentor Essay My soon–to–be boyfriend, Daiwan is my mentor. He's about 5'10 and brownskin. He has chinky eyes, just like me and a beautiful smile. He's technically 11 months older than me, but he's thirsty to say a year. We met over social media, I noticed him via Twitter, he approached me over Instagram. A month later, we started texting and stuff and we became very close, and he's been helping me every since. Daiwan is more than a mentor to me, he's kind of my inspiration. I wouldn't say he had a terrible childhood but he been through stuff other kids would not have lived through. Daiwan brother was killed, and his other brother was sent to jail when he was still an adolescent. Daiwan went from gangbanging, being in a detention home, to graduating high school to enlisting in the Army. I haven't known him for that long but every since our first FaceTime call he's been venting to me and telling me stories, and I've been doing the same. He encourages me to keep going, he's always on me about the days I miss, and about my grades. He said he'll talk to me while I write this paper so we're on the phone right now, as I type. He motivated me to actually start this paper. I don't want to fail this class or anything but sometimes it's hard to do what you know you have to do, he gives me that extra push I need, that boost. Talking to him made me realize that you can't let the stuff you been through, determines you. He is a prime example of a hard worker, and odds beater. I know plenty of people ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Right Stuff Sparknotes American Heros in Tom Wolfe's The Right Stuff Tom Wolfe's The Right Stuff depicts the lives of some of America's hottest pilots and its first astronauts. These men include Pete Conrad, Chuck Yeager, John Glenn, Gus Grissom, Wally Shirra, Alan Shepard, Gordon Cooper, Scott Carpenter and Deke Sleyton. Some of these men were hotshot test pilots at Edwards Air Force Base, and some flew cargo planes. Some had impeccable service records, while others hadn't flown in a real dog fight for even a second. Despite these differences in backgrounds and credentials, TomWolfe turns each of these nine men into a separate and individualized hero. Chuck Yeager and JohnGlenn are probably the most memorable of the nine pilots in The Right Stuff. ... Show more content on ... This anecdote occurs at the beginning of the chapter that introduces Chuck Yeager. The placement of this story is important because the reader is made aware of Yeager's influence before he knows who Yeager really is. Wolfe also uses an anecdote to set John Glenn apart form the rest of the pilots. Wolfe describes Glenn's personal exercise by saying," He'd be out there in full view, on the circular driveway of the Bachelor Officers Quarters, togged out in his sweat suit, his great freckled face flaming red...there was no end to it, in front of everybody" (110). Glenn's activities were definitely unusual. The astronauts of the Mercury Project were required to do four hours of exercise per week. John Glenn far exceeded these guidelines. But according to Wolfe, most fighter pilots, at least those who have the right stuff, put exercise very low on their list of priorities. This is an important point because Glenn wasn't a typical fighter jock. It was very obvious to the other pilots that he was very different. Another way that Wolfe develops each astronaut into a hero is by revealing details about his personality through his words. For example, Chuck Yeager is asked about how he feels about being left out of the Mercury Project. Inflating his own ego, Yeager mentions his own ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Brazil Stuff Brazil Stuff The music of Brazil encompasses various regional music styles influenced by African, European and Amerindian forms. After 500 years of history, Brazilian music developed some unique and original styles such as samba, bossa nova, MPB, sertanejo, pagode, tropicalia, choro, maracatu, embolada (coco de repente), Mangue Bit, funk carioca (in Brazil simply known as Funk), frevo, forrГі, axГ©, brega, lambada, and Brazilian versions of foreign musical genres, such as Brazilian rock and rap. Brazil's language is Portuguese. Language is one of the strongest elements of Brazil's national unity. Portuguese is spoken by nearly 100 percent of the population. The only exceptions are some members of Amerindian groups and pockets of immigrants, primarily from Japan and South Korea, who have not yet learned Portuguese. The principal families of Indian languages are TupГ, Arawak, Carib, and GГЄ. Rio de Janeiro style originally mimicked the European form of the festival, later absorbing and creolizing elements derived from Native American and African cultures. In the late 19th century, the cordГµes (literally "cords", laces or strings in Portuguese) were introduced in Rio de ... Show more content on ... GRES Estação Primeira de Mangueira Samba–School, represented by Cartola, and EstГЎcio de SГЎ samba School, represented by Ismael Silva, were the other 2 contestants. Eventually, "Oswaldo Cruz" became, GRES Portela Samba School, the greatest winner of Rio's Carnival with 21 Titles. Although many Brazilians tend now to favor other forms of national music culture to that of Rio's samba schools, the carnival of Rio de Janeiro remains the national festival par excellence, and the samba of Rio de Janeiro continues to be an agent of national ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Fight The Fight " Run!" John exclaimed, as we were running from the police. " I 'm running as fast as I can!" I said. We were running because our parents got tooken away. See you in 20–30 and everything was perfect. Let me start from the beginning. I 'm a Addie short for Adeline. I live in Los Angeles, California. I am 17 years old, my brother, John, is fifteen. We were born in Nashville, Tennessee. When we moved my dad had a job offer. We haven 't moved since. We love it here. " What 's going on out there?" " I have no clue." I said. " well go and see!" John said. " no! Why should I? Once I get out there you would lock me out !" " true!" He said." You have gotten really smart !" " kids let 's go!" My mom said. " coming mom !" we say together. As we race down the steps for the front seat. When we got to school John went to his friends and I went to mine. " Hey Jasmine, Kay , Jay ." I said " Hey!" said Jasmine over excitedly. " Hey Addie!" Kay and Jay say because they are twins. They do everything together. " are you guys nervous about that math test?" I said " oh my goodness! yes!" said Kay " totally!" Said Jay. As I looked up at the clock the bell rang. " See you guys later !" I said. " bye!" They all said ... Get more on ...
  • 31. I Liked More Was The One From Gretel Ehrlich The essay I liked more was the one from Gretel Ehrlich I liked this essay because when she was telling her story she was focusing on only one place. This essay was very different than Annie Dillard I say this because when Annie was talking she didn't focus on only one place in her essay she was focusing on many different places. I personally think that the essay from Gretel Ehrich was the best. Why I think is the best is because when I was reading it I felt like I can picture what she was talking about in my head. As I was readying this essay I felt like I can place myself in the place she was describing for example when she was taking about being at the farm and other things she made reference too. This essay was just really calm, essay to fallow, it was clear, and as I as readying it I felt like I was connected to it. this is why I liked this essay more than the one from Annie Dillard when I was readying the essay from Annie I just could focus on what she was talking about because she would take her story to multiple places. She would be talking about one thing and then she would all the sudden change it and this is what I didn't like about her essay because it was just really hard to fallow with all the multiple places she was referring too. Another thing I think like about it I that when it was telling her story she would repeat herself. This is what made it hard for me to understand, it's just crazy and goes on and on. This is why I choose the essay from Gretel. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Cimorene Character Analysis Cimorene was hallowed in complying with the social expectations of her day because she toiled as a princess in Linderwall, she helped to save the dragon kingdom, and it would eventually make a great patent on her father's kingdom. First, Cimorene was justified in leaving because she was miserable and resented being a manifested princess. Cimorene hated a lot of stuff that she had to do at the kingdom. In the book it says, "Cimorene found it all very dull, but she pressed her lips together and learned it anyway." This shows that she hated what she was compelled to learn in the kingdom. Furthermore, this also shows how she had to do stuff and how she would rather be any place but there. Cimorene also is apathetic in the stuff she has to do. In the book it says, "Boring. I want to do things, not sit around all day and listen to the court minstrel make up songs about how brave Daddy is and how lovely his wife and daughters are." This shows how Cimorene does not like to do stuff that she can't do anything in. Moreover, Cimorene doesn't like what she has to go through and thinks that it is the most monotonous thing ever. To conclude, Cimorene rebels against her social expectations of her day because she hates them. Second, Cimorene helped to save the dragon kingdom. Cimorene discovered a plot in which the wizards were in kahoots with Woraug to control the dragon kingdom, In the book it says, "A plot to cheat on the test to see who the next King of the Dragons will be," Cimorene ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Fictional Narrative I spent the majority of seventh grade looking at the back of Ryan Caneda's head and sighing wistfully. He had all the trademarks of the Myspace generation and I loved him for it. Admittedly, the way his shiny brown hair swooped over one eye like an Anime hero was what intrigued me at first, but I knew I was caught: hook, line and sinker by the way he radiated mall–bought tween angst from every pore of his being. All the Spencer's Gifts and Hot Topic stores in the world could convince me less of his profound individualism. I often spent my allotted hour of Internet searching for, then copying and pasting song lyrics into my online profile in order to trumpet the depth and anguish of my troubled soul, hoping to impress him. I dyed my hair pink and purple to match my "edgy" new style of dress, one akin to Ryan's ratty band t–shirts and tight jeans. I noted with quiet fascination that he sometimes smelled like weed and beer, which made me fall even deeper in love with him because how dangerous. It was safe to say that 99% of my actions and reactions during this time were based on what Ryan would think if he were there with me. Conversely, there were a few people in my life who did not feel as enamored with Ryan. While my parents saw my burgeoning pubescence as a time that they should allow me to engage in self–expression, my best friend, Nicole and her mother, Robin took it upon themselves to point out that my recent interests were of the devil. Of course, Nicole and Robin ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Stuff Themes In the film, I felt there were three themes running through the film that I found interesting and one theme that I disliked. The film showed that the cave drawings found were made by prehistoric man over thirty thousand years ago and the people viewing the drawings were in awe of the fact they were still around. Another theme running through the film was that art is inherently part of being human. The film also was continually demonstrating the need to preserve these cave drawings. The film also made some suppositions and filmed them as if they were true without providing proof or facts. When they found the cave and then the drawings they immediately knew they had found something significant. They sealed the cave to ensure nothing was... Show more content on ... We as a people view the world as what can it give us now without looking too deeply at consequences. In the film, they discuss the power plant being just 20 miles away and how it may affect the drawings in the cave. The power plant provides heat and electricity for numerous people that will never get to see the drawings so they are not worried about destroying them. If these drawings are allowed to be destroyed most of the world will never care or probably never even know about them. They still need to be preserved for our future. Even if only the drawings are ever able to be seen through photographs or movies, the originals still need to be saved for future ... Get more on ...
  • 35. I About Hate And School I. Hate. School. You have to wake up early each morning, and then get ready. Then you have to go on the bus, which is loud, and people don 't leave you alone. Then you have to go to class and listen to your teachers talk about stuff that you don 't even understand. And on top of all of that, there is always a mean girl. You have never done anything to her, and she treats you like garbage. She is always so perfect and everyone wants to be her friend. I am the total opposite. My parents are not very wealthy, we have just enough to put food on the table and send me to school, but I would be fine if they didn't have enough for me go to school. School is starting soon, and the weather is displaying my feelings. Despite the cloudy, gloomy ... Show more content on ... "Okay. About the clothes, can I get a new pair of sneakers too?" I ask, hoping the answer will be yes. "It depends on when the time comes." "Alright," my heart sinks a little bit. Usually when she says that, it is a no. Hooray for another year of holy shoes. As we pulled up to the dollar store in our area, I took out my list of school supplies I need–six binders, two notebooks, four folders, colorful highlighters, pens, pencils, and a pencil bag. "For my binders, I will find the cheapest kind, and just put colored paper in the very front of the binder," telling my mom my idea. "That sounds like a good idea." she replied. "Then I can just find the cheapest notebooks, writing utensils, folders, etc." "Alright, get going!" my mom told me. I started to roam the aisles, one by one, starting at the front of the store, making my way to the back. As I dropped everything into my cart, my school supplies were reaching the brim, and I only had one more aisle to go. Soon I found everything, and my mom and I bought all of the stuff. For school, all the money I have to spend is $50, and with my strategic thinking, I only used $20 dollars! Once we got back into the car, we were on our way to the thrift store. As we pulled up to the store, once again, I asked my mom about the sneakers again. "So about the sneakers, is it a yes?" I asked. "Only if you don't waste all of the money on them!" she replied. "Really! Thanks, Mom! You're the
  • 36. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Analysis Of The Right Stuff By Tom Wolfe The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe chronicles the beginning of the United States space program and the "Space Race" against the Soviets through the eyes of America's first astronauts and those around them in the style of new journalism. The Right Stuff may seem like an odd title for a book about astronauts and space exploration, as it appears to have nothing to do with either, but it is a theme that is explored throughout the book. Put simply,the right stuff is a quality that a test pilot or astronaut possessed that enabled them to be the best. It was not typical bravery, a person either had it or they didn't, and its possessors seemed to be above the rules. The right stuff was not only classic bravery as one would imagine, but bravery was certainly ... Show more content on ... Even so, there wasn't a specific test to prove if one had it or didn't have it. Instead, it was a continuous pyramid of tests that one must conquer, and those who failed to prove themselves at any level of the pyramid certainly did not have the right stuff. Wolfe notes that, "...the idea was to prove at every foot of the way up that pyramid that you were one of the elected and anointed ones who had the right stuff and could move higher and higher and even...that you might be able to join that special few at the very top..., the very Brotherhood of the Right Stuff itself." Every level in the pyramid presented more challenging demands where, "...the world was once again divided into those men who had the right stuff to continue the climb and those who had to be left behind in the most obvious way." Those who failed to prove themselves and were left behind most definitely did not have the right stuff and were left to pursue a career in a less demanding wing of flight testing where the concept of the right stuff did not pertain. In the early levels of the pyramid some people were left behind because they couldn't take the coursework or were unable to complete a phase in their training such as carrier landings Others were left behind because they were deemed medically unfit to take on the task of becoming a test pilot, something that was beyond their control but was sometimes still seen as a failure. In the higher and more dangerous levels of the pyramid some were left behind only because they were no longer alive to continue climbing the pyramid. When faced with this reality some men would voluntarily decide to no longer continue climbing the pyramid, although this meant sacrificing the notion of ever having the right ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Brief Story Of Timmy's Neighborhood Timmy, has a great deal of money and lives in an extremely nice mansion. The private neighborhood is guarded, so no one could come in unless they live there or have permission from a resident. His neighborhood is gated and lined with large trees along a newly made road. Additionally, there is a pool with a fitness center attached to the pool building. Cut into an enormous sandstone is the name of the neighborhood, Sun Village. It was named after an old Indian group who once lived on the land, and called themselves the Sun Tribe. One day, he was just sitting on his couch watching television when an ice cream commercial began to play. So of course he had a craving for ice cream. He started gathering his belongings to head out to the store, but couldn't find his credit card. "I probably lost it in my enormous mansion." Timmy snorted. Timmy doesn't usually carry cash around with him so he decided to go... Show more content on ... He knew he wouldn't last long without his money, and he was still craving ice cream, so he decided to track down the thief himself. He heads back to his house to brainstorm some ideas. Timmy knows he's definitely the richest man in town, so if he could find someone spending excessive amounts of money, it would more than likely be the thief. He also starts to assume that the thief must know him and that he is rich. He grabs a ski mask to conceal his face and puts on old clothes, so it looks like he is not wealthy but poor. He set out on his journey to find the thief. Occasionally, people would look at him like he was getting ready to rob a bank, the ski mask was definitely not working in his favor. "Alright," he said, "All I have to do is find someone who is buying so much stuff that only I can afford." He began wandering around downtown where there were a lot of shops and looking for someone with a large number of items. "Is this the best method for finding the thief," he questioned. "yes," he believed it would ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Western Counterculture: A Short Story "Organizing is nothing but well–planned hoarding," says Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus. Your home has enough space for all of the things that you need. It's time to embrace smallness! When I first looked at the giant pile of all that I owned it was like staring into the face of a monster. The idea of "getting small" did not start off as "joyful". Wanting less is Western Counterculture. We want things. Hell, it is almost in our DNA. "Give me my toy!" "I am going to make a shit ton of money to buy that toy." "I am going to make some money, buy a house I can't afford; then I am going to fill it up with a bunch of shit I don't need." Embracing minimalism was a happy accident. Each revelation, each explosion of a bag of my life's crap landing in a dumpster was the epicenter of a miraculous blast of the many that were occurring in my life. I had not planned to tidy up my life, yet there I was, chiseling down. I began thinking of... Show more content on ... It is more than ample for my needs. I even have a link to George Carlin Video a lovely ten–by–twelve alcove I call my library. I was able to decorate all of this to suit my personality: paint, fixtures, etc. So much purple. I even have twinkle lights! My bedroom smells of lavender, and it makes me smile when I enter. I am amazed by how much I do not need when faced with the challenge of space and the newfound freedom from the bondage of conspicuous consumption. Just this past weekend I got rid of another five or six trash bags of clothing. I also put into practice the KonMari folding system for hanging and folding my clothes. It took me approximately five hours to contend with the entire process. I took all of my clothes from the drawers, cupboards, and closet and piled them all on my bed. That included removing everything from their hangers. This was followed by only putting those clothes back that spark joy and make me happy. I followed this KonMari ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Video Analysis: The Story Of Stuff By Annie Leonard And... "The Story of Stuff" is a short video created by The Story of Stuff project in 2007. In the video, writers Annie Leonard and Jonah Sachs describe the process of turning natural resources into consumer goods, then into waste. The writers describe a seemingly linear five–step process: extraction, production, distribution, consumption, and disposal. Leonard and Sachs describe a carefully–scripted culture of unsustainable consumption and waste. The extraction phase of "The Story of Stuff" refers to the removal of natural resources such as timber, natural gas, coal, oil, and water. The writers emphasize the unsustainability of this phase, especially in the United States. The video states that the United States holds 5% of the world's ... Show more content on ... They maintain low wages for employees with minimal (if any) benefits such as 401ks or health insurance. The quickest way for a company to cut costs is to cut their largest expense– payroll. The consumption phase is one of the most important to the corporation– it's the buy, buy, buy phase! But, why do Americans buy? Remember when the writers discussed the "carefully–scripted" culture in the United States? Americans have been conditioned to buy, buy, buy. The "stuff" is portrayed in print and video advertising as a "need," not a "want." It is the concept of "keeping up with the Jones'." Your neighbor buys a new car– you need a bigger one. The neighbor down the street has a new outdoor pool– you need a bigger one. To be considered a normal member of society you need to own stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. When the stuff breaks, buy new stuff. Buying new stuff is the carefully constructed concept of planned obsolescence. Leonard and Sachs discuss this concept in "The Story of Stuff." Things are designed to break. They give the example of a desktop computer. The actual piece that becomes obsolete is smaller than a credit card. However, the piece changes shape every two years, making it impossible to simply repair the item. The entire system must be replaced. Look at cellphone advertisements today. The Samsung Galaxy 4, then the 4S, then the 5, all within two ... Get more on ...
  • 41. New School Experience New school, new people, and new clothes. Everything is going to be different, I was not looking forward to that year. The second I stepped foot in that door, I wanted to run as fast as I could back home. But I couldn't I had to do this. I walked inside and everyone automatically looked at me. Of course, everyone is in one room right now, I'm the new girl at a small school. What else should I expect, i went and set my stuff down in my home room. When i walked back in all eyes were on me, again. I didn't like it so I quickly sat down. After we left assembly we had math, i did not like that teacher at all. Even on the first day, she was mean and rude, that really made me nervous because i wanted her to like me but the people in my class said she doesn't like anyone. Great. That day was absloute chaos, it felt so weird being there. After one day there I felt like I was completely out of place, and I was. None of the teachers really stood out to me, as people that i could look up to. A lot of the teachers were still trying to get certified and were still really young and immature. I don't think that's right but that school didn't think that. A few weeks passed and nothing worth talking about happened, but after the first nine weeks everything started going downhill, One girl in my class didn't exactly like me so she told the teachers that I was cheating on some stuff. When i wasn't, she took credit for some of the stuff i did and i had enough of it. I told my Mom and ... Get more on ...