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Evaluation Question 3
By Kiera Tolhurst
The bell to signal the end of class rings and the students get ready to go home, whilst everyone
is grabbing their bags to head for the bus Harriet goes over to her bag and another boy's,
Luke's, bag and puts a post-it note in his bag with a note on it with her number and asking
him on a Valentine’s date to the cinema. She zips the bags up and walks off to her bus
smiling at her chance to find love and leaves the note to do its work. Luke goes over to his
bag to take out a sheet of work and puts the paper into his friend Isaac's bag and then zips it
up. Unknown to everyone, on the piece of work was Harriet's note for Luke which is now in
Isaac's bag; a boy who has had a crush on Harriet since High School. Isaac comes over to pick
up his bag and the two boys walk out. Isaac gets home and when he opens his bag, he
notices the post-it note and reads it. He grows excitable when he finds out its from Harriet
and dreams about the date and how well he imagines it to go. The next day dawns, and he
finds two further notes written from Harriet, as he enters the college and on his and Luke’s
homework sheet. Then, it is time for the cinema. When Isaac arrives, there is an
uncomfortable plot twist as Harriet becomes confused and says to him the seat next to her is
reserved. As he attempts to flatter her, still believing the note is for him, she reveals the
truth and tells him the notes weren’t actually meant for him. Isaac becomes embarrassed
and distressed as the audience of the cinema laugh at him in his suit. It gets worse however,
as the next day we walks into lesson and talks to his friend Luke. As the conversation is close
to ending, Luke suddenly tells him how he found a note in his homework – which Isaac
knows is Harriet. Another plot twist is added for further comedy, as Luke turns and says “I
hope it’s from Harry.” This indication to his friend being gay makes the plot more interesting
and funny.
Our project aims
• We aimed to produce an entertaining, engaging and
comedic film filled with elements of humour and
romance. We wanted to engage with romantic comedy,
and make sure we featured the typical conventions of
the genre. As well as this, we wanted to challenge the
audience by opposing the typical conventions of
romantic comedy in some areas, just to make the final
film more original and unique.
• We wanted to create a plot twist that would surprise
the viewer, and use realistic and relatable characters to
develop interest from our audience.
Our Film Poster
In the research process, I found the essential
components to a film poster were:
• The title of the film
• Credits to actors or actresses in the film
• Credits to the production company, distribution
company etc.
• Quotes from magazines/newspapers/film companies
• The film age certification logo
• Links to the film through images, text font, colour etc.
My analysis about the
conventions found in a
rom- com film poster
How we produced our film poster
• I used Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 for the first time. The
overall outcome was a success and allowed us to advertise
our film properly.
• I took a snapshot of Isaac from the film, where he is shot
looking upwards dreamily, and I imported it into
Photoshop, removing the background. I used the ‘polarize’
effect to make him look like a cartoon, to portray Isaac’s
divide between his expectations and dreamy imagination
VS reality.
How we produced our film poster
• I then continued to add layers of post-it notes to act as a
background for the title, making it stand out more. I decided to
add post-it notes as it forebodes our film’s storyline and links to
Harriet’s notes she sends (accidentally!) to Isaac.
• I used the ‘AR Christy’ font to write the title and actor’s names as it
was a fun but imperfect font which I thought worked well with the
comedic aspects of the film. I chose to give each letter a different
colour, to link to the colourful, vibrant conventions of a typical
romantic comedy, and also attracting the younger generation of
our audience. I used the bevel, emboss and outer glow effect to
make the words stand out more, effective at grabbing peoples
The soft edges, colour and
shadow on the font make
it animated and fun.
How we produced our film poster
• I added a thought bubble behind the text so it
looked like the words “rendezvous” were in
Isaac’s imagination. This also forebodes the
storyline as rendezvous means “an arranged
meeting” which relates to his dream in the film of
having a date – or a “rendezvous” - with Harriet.
This helps the film poster to relate to romance, so
the audience of the film poster initially connect
this to our intended genre.
• The thought bubble we chose was cartoon-like
and animated which suited the rest of our poster.
How we produced our film poster
• When I had a basic outline of our film poster, I began to add the
important components which I understood from my research process.
• I added the PG certification logo, to give parents and adults guidance
and attract the suitable and most appropriate audience for our film.
• I added a quote from the “Daily Mail” which works well as it gains trust
from the audience, as they have other forms of media’s perspective.
Daily Mail were quoted to say, “Best short film of the year” which
effectively persuades and attracts an audience. I also added a five-star
rating from ‘Empire’ – a popular online website specifying in film and
television reviews.
• I added a small image of our “Beever Media” production logo, as well as
credits to the producers, editors, script-writers and featured actors and
actresses in our film, in small print at the bottom of the poster, as this is
necessary in every film poster.
Analysis of our film poster
Title of our film –
Bold, vibrant, colourful
and attention-grabbing
Actors name in our
film – Clear and in fun
font, in film posters
they often attract a
fan-baseCartoon thought-
bubble – Relates to
emotions and thoughts
about “rendezvous”-
which links to our genre
and connects to
Picture of the main
character – introduces
the character straight
away. Looks happy and
smiling so audience
begin to like him
straightway.Quote from Daily Mail
– Enforces persuasion
and gives another
about the film
Production logo–
Allows audience to gain
information about
PG Certification Logo –
Allows audience to
know the film is child-
friendly and attracts
the correct audience
Details about
Like the stereotypical film posters for
romantic comedy, we included the
character’s face on the foreground.
Rather than using more realistic images like
the other posters, we added a cartoon
effect instead to forebode Isaac’s character.
We presented our poster with an all white
background like the other posters we’d
looked at. This made it clear and focused on
the other details on the poster.
Unlike the realistic use of props like the
chocolate and hearts etc in the other
posters, we used cartoon emoticons like
the thought bubble to stick to our theme.
We added small-print and certificate
information like the other posters we’d
Rather than the clear and basic fonts in the
typical rom-com poster, we used a font
more inventive, fun and colourful.
Our Radio Trailer
In the research process, I found the essential
components to a radio trailer were:
• Diegetic/non-diegetic audio from the film
• Actors names
• Music to suit the genre, sometimes credit to the artist/s
• Sound effects or transitions
My analysis of “The
Great Gatsby” radio
Analysis of our radio trailer
• To begin, we included non-diegetic audio from the
film, as one of the most important sections of the
film is the beginning as Isaac introduces his
character as being “single for 17 years” and
“tragically alone”. This builds his character from the
very beginning, and we thought we would add this
so the audience of the radio trailer can begin to
relate and like Isaac’s character straight away. For
added effect, we decided to not include any other
sound so the focus was on the voice-over from the
film. Straight away, the links to romance and comedy
are made.
Analysis of our radio trailer
• As Isaac’s voiceover fades, the song “Need a friend” by
Siine begins to play. We thought we would include this
next, as the music is cheery and romantic which links
straight to our genre and gives the listener an
indication on what type of film it is.
• As well as the music, the sound effect of the school bell
ringing is included. This begins to build the setting of a
school or college as the basis of the film, which relates
to our younger audience and would possibly attract
children and teenagers.
• Both of the sounds are prevalent in our film itself, so
we thought it would be beneficial to add in as it links
straight back to our product.
Analysis of our radio trailer
• The sound of the school-bell fades however the music
continues to play.
• For the first time, the sound of a narrator’s voice is heard,
with the words “This summer, follow Isaac’s journey”. We
attempted to make the narrator's voice as professional and
clear as possible, to entice our audience more. The relation
to “This summer” indicates a time-frame of when the
listener’s can go to watch the film, which is important at
grabbing their attention and allowing them to look forward
to watching it. “Follow Isaac’s journey” not only introduces
his character, but the imperative tone sounds quite personal
and is direct to the listener. The link to a “journey” implies
some type of action or story based around the character,
which indicates the basis of the plot to the audience.
Analysis of our radio trailer
• After the voice-over fades, the audience hear a ‘swoop’ transition
sound, which we included after the narrator’s voice to show a
transition back to the film’s audio. This was effective and made it
less confusing to the listener. We continued to play the music but
lowered the volume drastically so the following sounds could be
heard fully.
• When the transition sound effect plays, the sound shifts back to
diegetic sound deriving from the actual film. We can hear the
teacher asking “Where’s Luke today?” to which Isaac replies “Oh, I
think he’s ill miss.” This straightaway forms some type of
relationship between Isaac and Luke, as he has privileged
information over the teacher and knows that he is ill.
• Next, the teacher says “Looks like you’ve got an admirer.” We
included this sound from the film as we thought it was a good line
to introduce some type of romantic connections between Isaac
and somebody else, which the audience already know he is
looking for.
Analysis of our radio trailer0.21-0.22
• The narrator’s voice is heard again with the words “on his pursuit
for love.” It is clear to the listener now, with the help of the music,
narration and film audio, that the film is a romantic comedy. The
link to “pursuit” and “love” indicates Isaac’s journey follows some
type of quest relating to romance.
• Another ‘swoop’ transition sound effect is played, so the listener
can assume the following sounds have shifted back to the film. A
girl’s voice is heard with the words “Had my eye on you for a
while” “Be my valentine” “Will you be my Romeo?”. Again, this
links to romance and shows Isaac’s ‘pursuit for love’ may be
coming true. We included an inter-textual link to the famous
Shakespearean play “Romeo and Juliet”, famous for it’s romantic
elements which could attract an audience who familiarise with
this. We added an echo effect to the sound, to make it sound
dreamy and delirious, so the listener’s can wonder if they are
authentic or whether they are coming from imagination. We
continued to play the cheery music, but at a really low volume so
the film audio was emphasised.
Analysis of our radio trailer
• After the sounds of the dreamy girl’s voice, in which
she hints to some type of pursuit too, we decided to
link this back to the focal character Isaac, by including a
line from the film in which he says, “I’ve waited for this
day all my life”. This indicates the previous voices from
the girl have some type of connection with Isaac, and
we thought it would be effective to add in as the
listener’s are enticed, and wondering whether Isaac’s
dreams have come true.
• After Isaac’s dialogue, we faded it out and allowed the
music to play solely on full volume for a couple of
seconds, just to relate back to the genre and remind
the listeners what type of film is in store.
Analysis of our radio trailer
• The music fades out to a lower volume, so the
following sounds from the narrator can be heard.
• We then added the narrator’s voice, and he uses
the rhetorical question “But the question is, will
he ever find his true match?” to question the
listener and make them want to find out for
themselves. This is an effective form of
persuasion and we think this worked well when
advertising our product.
Analysis of our radio trailer
• The narrator continues to say, “With music from Siine” which both informs
and attracts the listeners. In my research process, the majority of the
radio trailers, especially the “Great Gatsby”, featured credit to the music
artists in the film, and I discovered it was effective at drawing attention
from music-lovers and possibly Siine’s fan-base.
• The voice-over continues, with the music in the background at a low
volume, as the narrator credits the actors in our film. He says, “With
starring roles from Kiera Tolhurst... And Louis Piper”. Many radio trailers,
like “Gravity” and “The Great Gatsby” address the actors and actresses, to
attract their fan-base and enforce the professionalism of the film.
• Between the credits, diegetic sounds from the film are heard, with a line
from the actor’s role in the film. For example, Harriet’s voice can be heard
saying “Tonight is the night” and Isaac says, “Isaac, you will go the ball.”
Not only does this create a connection between actor and character, the
reference to the line from the famous fairy-tale, Cinderella, relates and
familiarises a younger audience.
Analysis of our radio trailer
• The audience are effectively persuaded by the narrator
when he says, “This is not to be missed.” He adds an
emphasis on “not” to further entice the audience and
address them in an assertive way.
• Finally, to finish the radio trailer on a last note, we further
promote our product by advertising our website. We add
that the listeners can “check out our website for more
details, sneak peeks and upcoming festivals.” which
enhances the idea that our film has a lot to offer and
inform people about. The relation to “more details and
sneak peeks” entices our audience and makes them want
to find out more. The music plays loudly for a couple of
seconds, after the narration ends, then finally fades out to
end the radio trailer completely.
In conclusion, how effective were our
two ancillary texts?
The film poster
The film poster supported our final product as it presented a clear
message about the type of genre the film was, using both
stereotypical and opposing rom-com conventions in colour, font and
We hoped this would help to sell our final film more, as it gave
information about the age certification of the film, which parents
and adults would find useful when choosing a film for their children
(our younger audience). We aimed to attract this generation
through a bold, attention-grabbing title and introduction to our
comedic, happy character.
We also included quotes from “The Daily Mail” and popular film
review website, “Empire” which helps to persuade our audience to
watch our film.
Relating back to our project aims, we feel that the film poster
supported our intent to provide an entertaining, engaging product
with relation to characters and conventions.
In conclusion how effective were our
two ancillary texts?
The radio trailer
The radio trailer helped to advertise our final product as it gave
the listener’s information on the summer release almost
straightaway – which makes the audience knowledgeable
about our film and makes them look forward to seeing it.
We feel the use of cheery, romantic music related back to our
genre and indicated to the listener’s straightaway, the type of
film Rendezvous was. We thought the addition of the “school-
bell ringing” sound effect helped to build a setting almost
instantly and relate to our teenage listeners who relate to
school and college life.
Relating back to our project aims, I feel we chose the appropriate
audio links from the film to persuade and give the audience
some type of idea of the storyline and of course, the genre. The
radio trailer also hints at some kind of plot-twist which we
wanted to advertise, to persuade and entice our viewers.

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Critical Evaluation Question 2

  • 1. Evaluation Question 3 By Kiera Tolhurst
  • 2. RENDEVOUS SYNOPSIS The bell to signal the end of class rings and the students get ready to go home, whilst everyone is grabbing their bags to head for the bus Harriet goes over to her bag and another boy's, Luke's, bag and puts a post-it note in his bag with a note on it with her number and asking him on a Valentine’s date to the cinema. She zips the bags up and walks off to her bus smiling at her chance to find love and leaves the note to do its work. Luke goes over to his bag to take out a sheet of work and puts the paper into his friend Isaac's bag and then zips it up. Unknown to everyone, on the piece of work was Harriet's note for Luke which is now in Isaac's bag; a boy who has had a crush on Harriet since High School. Isaac comes over to pick up his bag and the two boys walk out. Isaac gets home and when he opens his bag, he notices the post-it note and reads it. He grows excitable when he finds out its from Harriet and dreams about the date and how well he imagines it to go. The next day dawns, and he finds two further notes written from Harriet, as he enters the college and on his and Luke’s homework sheet. Then, it is time for the cinema. When Isaac arrives, there is an uncomfortable plot twist as Harriet becomes confused and says to him the seat next to her is reserved. As he attempts to flatter her, still believing the note is for him, she reveals the truth and tells him the notes weren’t actually meant for him. Isaac becomes embarrassed and distressed as the audience of the cinema laugh at him in his suit. It gets worse however, as the next day we walks into lesson and talks to his friend Luke. As the conversation is close to ending, Luke suddenly tells him how he found a note in his homework – which Isaac knows is Harriet. Another plot twist is added for further comedy, as Luke turns and says “I hope it’s from Harry.” This indication to his friend being gay makes the plot more interesting and funny.
  • 3. Our project aims • We aimed to produce an entertaining, engaging and comedic film filled with elements of humour and romance. We wanted to engage with romantic comedy, and make sure we featured the typical conventions of the genre. As well as this, we wanted to challenge the audience by opposing the typical conventions of romantic comedy in some areas, just to make the final film more original and unique. • We wanted to create a plot twist that would surprise the viewer, and use realistic and relatable characters to develop interest from our audience.
  • 5. In the research process, I found the essential components to a film poster were: • The title of the film • Credits to actors or actresses in the film • Credits to the production company, distribution company etc. • Quotes from magazines/newspapers/film companies • The film age certification logo • Links to the film through images, text font, colour etc. My analysis about the conventions found in a rom- com film poster
  • 6. How we produced our film poster • I used Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 for the first time. The overall outcome was a success and allowed us to advertise our film properly. • I took a snapshot of Isaac from the film, where he is shot looking upwards dreamily, and I imported it into Photoshop, removing the background. I used the ‘polarize’ effect to make him look like a cartoon, to portray Isaac’s divide between his expectations and dreamy imagination VS reality.
  • 7. How we produced our film poster • I then continued to add layers of post-it notes to act as a background for the title, making it stand out more. I decided to add post-it notes as it forebodes our film’s storyline and links to Harriet’s notes she sends (accidentally!) to Isaac. • I used the ‘AR Christy’ font to write the title and actor’s names as it was a fun but imperfect font which I thought worked well with the comedic aspects of the film. I chose to give each letter a different colour, to link to the colourful, vibrant conventions of a typical romantic comedy, and also attracting the younger generation of our audience. I used the bevel, emboss and outer glow effect to make the words stand out more, effective at grabbing peoples attention. The soft edges, colour and shadow on the font make it animated and fun.
  • 8. How we produced our film poster • I added a thought bubble behind the text so it looked like the words “rendezvous” were in Isaac’s imagination. This also forebodes the storyline as rendezvous means “an arranged meeting” which relates to his dream in the film of having a date – or a “rendezvous” - with Harriet. This helps the film poster to relate to romance, so the audience of the film poster initially connect this to our intended genre. • The thought bubble we chose was cartoon-like and animated which suited the rest of our poster.
  • 9. How we produced our film poster • When I had a basic outline of our film poster, I began to add the important components which I understood from my research process. • I added the PG certification logo, to give parents and adults guidance and attract the suitable and most appropriate audience for our film. • I added a quote from the “Daily Mail” which works well as it gains trust from the audience, as they have other forms of media’s perspective. Daily Mail were quoted to say, “Best short film of the year” which effectively persuades and attracts an audience. I also added a five-star rating from ‘Empire’ – a popular online website specifying in film and television reviews. • I added a small image of our “Beever Media” production logo, as well as credits to the producers, editors, script-writers and featured actors and actresses in our film, in small print at the bottom of the poster, as this is necessary in every film poster.
  • 10. Analysis of our film poster Title of our film – Bold, vibrant, colourful and attention-grabbing Actors name in our film – Clear and in fun font, in film posters they often attract a fan-baseCartoon thought- bubble – Relates to emotions and thoughts about “rendezvous”- which links to our genre and connects to romance. Picture of the main character – introduces the character straight away. Looks happy and smiling so audience begin to like him straightway.Quote from Daily Mail – Enforces persuasion and gives another perspective/opinion about the film Production logo– Allows audience to gain information about company PG Certification Logo – Allows audience to know the film is child- friendly and attracts the correct audience Details about production
  • 11. FOLLOWING THE TYPICAL CONVENTIONS CHALLENGING THE TYPICAL CONVENTIONS Like the stereotypical film posters for romantic comedy, we included the character’s face on the foreground. Rather than using more realistic images like the other posters, we added a cartoon effect instead to forebode Isaac’s character. We presented our poster with an all white background like the other posters we’d looked at. This made it clear and focused on the other details on the poster. Unlike the realistic use of props like the chocolate and hearts etc in the other posters, we used cartoon emoticons like the thought bubble to stick to our theme. We added small-print and certificate information like the other posters we’d researched. Rather than the clear and basic fonts in the typical rom-com poster, we used a font more inventive, fun and colourful.
  • 13. In the research process, I found the essential components to a radio trailer were: • Diegetic/non-diegetic audio from the film • Actors names • Music to suit the genre, sometimes credit to the artist/s • Sound effects or transitions My analysis of “The Great Gatsby” radio trailer
  • 14. Analysis of our radio trailer 0.00-0.06: • To begin, we included non-diegetic audio from the film, as one of the most important sections of the film is the beginning as Isaac introduces his character as being “single for 17 years” and “tragically alone”. This builds his character from the very beginning, and we thought we would add this so the audience of the radio trailer can begin to relate and like Isaac’s character straight away. For added effect, we decided to not include any other sound so the focus was on the voice-over from the film. Straight away, the links to romance and comedy are made.
  • 15. Analysis of our radio trailer 0.07-0.10 • As Isaac’s voiceover fades, the song “Need a friend” by Siine begins to play. We thought we would include this next, as the music is cheery and romantic which links straight to our genre and gives the listener an indication on what type of film it is. • As well as the music, the sound effect of the school bell ringing is included. This begins to build the setting of a school or college as the basis of the film, which relates to our younger audience and would possibly attract children and teenagers. • Both of the sounds are prevalent in our film itself, so we thought it would be beneficial to add in as it links straight back to our product.
  • 16. Analysis of our radio trailer 0.11-0.14 • The sound of the school-bell fades however the music continues to play. • For the first time, the sound of a narrator’s voice is heard, with the words “This summer, follow Isaac’s journey”. We attempted to make the narrator's voice as professional and clear as possible, to entice our audience more. The relation to “This summer” indicates a time-frame of when the listener’s can go to watch the film, which is important at grabbing their attention and allowing them to look forward to watching it. “Follow Isaac’s journey” not only introduces his character, but the imperative tone sounds quite personal and is direct to the listener. The link to a “journey” implies some type of action or story based around the character, which indicates the basis of the plot to the audience.
  • 17. Analysis of our radio trailer 0.15-0.20 • After the voice-over fades, the audience hear a ‘swoop’ transition sound, which we included after the narrator’s voice to show a transition back to the film’s audio. This was effective and made it less confusing to the listener. We continued to play the music but lowered the volume drastically so the following sounds could be heard fully. • When the transition sound effect plays, the sound shifts back to diegetic sound deriving from the actual film. We can hear the teacher asking “Where’s Luke today?” to which Isaac replies “Oh, I think he’s ill miss.” This straightaway forms some type of relationship between Isaac and Luke, as he has privileged information over the teacher and knows that he is ill. • Next, the teacher says “Looks like you’ve got an admirer.” We included this sound from the film as we thought it was a good line to introduce some type of romantic connections between Isaac and somebody else, which the audience already know he is looking for.
  • 18. Analysis of our radio trailer0.21-0.22 • The narrator’s voice is heard again with the words “on his pursuit for love.” It is clear to the listener now, with the help of the music, narration and film audio, that the film is a romantic comedy. The link to “pursuit” and “love” indicates Isaac’s journey follows some type of quest relating to romance. 0.23-0.27 • Another ‘swoop’ transition sound effect is played, so the listener can assume the following sounds have shifted back to the film. A girl’s voice is heard with the words “Had my eye on you for a while” “Be my valentine” “Will you be my Romeo?”. Again, this links to romance and shows Isaac’s ‘pursuit for love’ may be coming true. We included an inter-textual link to the famous Shakespearean play “Romeo and Juliet”, famous for it’s romantic elements which could attract an audience who familiarise with this. We added an echo effect to the sound, to make it sound dreamy and delirious, so the listener’s can wonder if they are authentic or whether they are coming from imagination. We continued to play the cheery music, but at a really low volume so the film audio was emphasised.
  • 19. Analysis of our radio trailer 0.28-0.34 • After the sounds of the dreamy girl’s voice, in which she hints to some type of pursuit too, we decided to link this back to the focal character Isaac, by including a line from the film in which he says, “I’ve waited for this day all my life”. This indicates the previous voices from the girl have some type of connection with Isaac, and we thought it would be effective to add in as the listener’s are enticed, and wondering whether Isaac’s dreams have come true. • After Isaac’s dialogue, we faded it out and allowed the music to play solely on full volume for a couple of seconds, just to relate back to the genre and remind the listeners what type of film is in store.
  • 20. Analysis of our radio trailer 0.35-0.40 • The music fades out to a lower volume, so the following sounds from the narrator can be heard. • We then added the narrator’s voice, and he uses the rhetorical question “But the question is, will he ever find his true match?” to question the listener and make them want to find out for themselves. This is an effective form of persuasion and we think this worked well when advertising our product.
  • 21. Analysis of our radio trailer 0.41-0.42 • The narrator continues to say, “With music from Siine” which both informs and attracts the listeners. In my research process, the majority of the radio trailers, especially the “Great Gatsby”, featured credit to the music artists in the film, and I discovered it was effective at drawing attention from music-lovers and possibly Siine’s fan-base. 0.43-0.49 • The voice-over continues, with the music in the background at a low volume, as the narrator credits the actors in our film. He says, “With starring roles from Kiera Tolhurst... And Louis Piper”. Many radio trailers, like “Gravity” and “The Great Gatsby” address the actors and actresses, to attract their fan-base and enforce the professionalism of the film. • Between the credits, diegetic sounds from the film are heard, with a line from the actor’s role in the film. For example, Harriet’s voice can be heard saying “Tonight is the night” and Isaac says, “Isaac, you will go the ball.” Not only does this create a connection between actor and character, the reference to the line from the famous fairy-tale, Cinderella, relates and familiarises a younger audience.
  • 22. Analysis of our radio trailer 0.50-0.52 • The audience are effectively persuaded by the narrator when he says, “This is not to be missed.” He adds an emphasis on “not” to further entice the audience and address them in an assertive way. 0.53-1.00 • Finally, to finish the radio trailer on a last note, we further promote our product by advertising our website. We add that the listeners can “check out our website for more details, sneak peeks and upcoming festivals.” which enhances the idea that our film has a lot to offer and inform people about. The relation to “more details and sneak peeks” entices our audience and makes them want to find out more. The music plays loudly for a couple of seconds, after the narration ends, then finally fades out to end the radio trailer completely.
  • 23. In conclusion, how effective were our two ancillary texts? The film poster The film poster supported our final product as it presented a clear message about the type of genre the film was, using both stereotypical and opposing rom-com conventions in colour, font and imagery. We hoped this would help to sell our final film more, as it gave information about the age certification of the film, which parents and adults would find useful when choosing a film for their children (our younger audience). We aimed to attract this generation through a bold, attention-grabbing title and introduction to our comedic, happy character. We also included quotes from “The Daily Mail” and popular film review website, “Empire” which helps to persuade our audience to watch our film. Relating back to our project aims, we feel that the film poster supported our intent to provide an entertaining, engaging product with relation to characters and conventions.
  • 24. In conclusion how effective were our two ancillary texts? The radio trailer The radio trailer helped to advertise our final product as it gave the listener’s information on the summer release almost straightaway – which makes the audience knowledgeable about our film and makes them look forward to seeing it. We feel the use of cheery, romantic music related back to our genre and indicated to the listener’s straightaway, the type of film Rendezvous was. We thought the addition of the “school- bell ringing” sound effect helped to build a setting almost instantly and relate to our teenage listeners who relate to school and college life. Relating back to our project aims, I feel we chose the appropriate audio links from the film to persuade and give the audience some type of idea of the storyline and of course, the genre. The radio trailer also hints at some kind of plot-twist which we wanted to advertise, to persuade and entice our viewers.