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Nature of Crime
Nature of Deviance
Community and Crime
Social Control
– Attempts by society to regulate people’s thoughts
and behavior
– A formal response by police, courts, and prison
officials to alleged violations of the law
• Why does every society have deviance?
• Why does every society have crime?
• How does who and what are defined as
deviant reflect social inequality?
• How does the Criminal Justice System
reflect societal influence? 3
Some Questions to Consider…
Crime and Deviance
• "Deviance" is a wide-ranging term used by
sociologists to refer to behavior that varies, in
some way, from a social norm.
• In this respect, it is evident that the concept of
deviance refers to some form of "rule-
breaking" behavior.
– The recognized violation of cultural norms
– The violation of a society’s formally enacted
criminal law
“The Rules”
• In relation to deviance, therefore, the concept relates
to all forms of rule-breaking…
– (whether this involves such things as murder, theft or arson -
the breaking of formal social rules - or such things as wearing
inappropriate clothing for a given social situation, failing to
produce homework at school or being cheeky to a parent,
teacher and so forth - more-or-less the breaking of relatively
informal social rules).
• As a general rule, we can say that there is a distinction
between crime and deviance in terms of:
– "All crime is, by definition, deviant behavior, but not all
forms of deviance are criminal". 6
Self-Report Exercise
• Take out a piece of paper and write down
the 10 most deviant and/or illegal acts that
you have committed.
• Do not sign your name!
– Really, do not sign your name…
Crime is a social phenomenon
Crime is common & normal
• Because crime is so common, year after year, many Americans
regard it as the most serious social problem facing the United
• Crime affects everyone in society – either directly or indirectly:
Crime results in thousands of deaths
Millions of cases of physical injury or psychological damage
NIJ – Crime costs over $500 Billion per year
• Although crime appears to be ubiquitous in our society, we
often know very little about how our perceptions of crime are
created, maintained, or modified.
The Criminological Enterprise
• Criminal Statistics
Gathering valid crime data; devising
new research methods; measuring
crime patterns and trends
• Psychology/Sociology of
Exploring the intersection between the
disciplines of psychology, sociology,
and law
• Theory Construction,
Development, and
• Criminal Behavior
Determining the nature and cause of
specific crime patterns; the
examination of specific offense, e.g.,
white collar crime.
• Penology
The correction and control of criminal
• Victimology
The nature and cause of
• Crime Prevention
No Ultimate Definition of Crime
• We do know that there is no single objective definition of
There are legal definitions
There are social definitions
There are subjective (personal) definitions
There are organizational definitions
• What is crime?
1. Unlawful behavior,
2. Behavior that is formally processed as criminal
3. Socially harmful behavior
4. Anything the state wants it to be?
What is Crime? Part I
• A phenomenon of Society
• Each society decides what
conduct is criminal
• Society also determines
– enforcement
– adjudication
– punishment
What is a Crime? Part II
• A crime is an act
– committed in violation of a law forbidding it
(e.g. theft, arson)
– or omitted in violation of a law commanding
it (paying taxes)
– and for which society has provided a
formally sanctioned punishment
What is crime? Part III
• It it’s simplest definition, crime is any specific
act prohibited by law for which society has
provided a formally sanctioned punishment.
– This can include the failure of a person to perform
an act specifically required by law.
To Sum up:
What is crime?
 Crime: ‘An intentional act in violation of the criminal law
committed without defense or excuse, and penalized by
the state.’
 A crime is an act in violation of a criminal law for which a
punishment is prescribed; the person committing it must
have intended to do so and must have done so without
legally acceptable defense or justification.
 Legislative bodies are continually revising, adding to, and
deleting from, their criminal statutes.
 Laws vary within the same
culture from time to time as
well as across different
 Crimes pass out of existence
 What constitutes a crime can
be defined in and out of
existence by the courts or by
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Crime as a Moving Target
 Some criminologists, such as Darnell Hawkins, say
that crime is a socially constructed phenomenon
that lacks any ‘real’ objective essence because
crimes are defined into existence rather than
 Social construction means nothing more than
humans have perceived a phenomenon, named
it, and categorized it according to some
classificatory rule that makes note of the
similarities and differences among the things
being classified.
Crime as a Moving Target
 Criminality: A property of individuals that singles the
willingness to commit acts of commission or omission
contrary to the law and other harmful acts.
 When criminologists study criminality, they study
individuals who commit predatory harmful acts,
regardless of the legal status of the acts.
 Criminality is a clinical or scientific term rather than a
legal one.
 Involvement in crime varies in fine gradations.
The Legal Making of a Criminal
 A person is not officially a criminal until he or she has been defined
as such by the law.
 Before the law can properly call a person a criminal, it must go
through a series of actions governed at all junctures by well-defined
legal rules collectively called criminal procedure.
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Basic Principles of American Criminal Law
American criminal law has its origins in English common law, which
was brought to these shores by the early British colonists.
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Crime, Deviance, and Other Issues
Definitions IDefinitions I
Deviance involves breaking a norm and eliciting a
negative reaction from others.
Informal punishment is mild and may involve
raised eyebrows, gossip, ostracism or
Stigmatization. When people are stigmatized,
they are negatively evaluated because of a perceptible
sign that distinguishes them from others.
Formal punishment results from people
breaking laws, which are norms stipulated and enforced
by government bodies. 22
Definitions IIDefinitions II
 Social diversions are minor acts of deviance
such as participating in fads.
 Social deviations are more serious acts. A
larger proportion of people agree they are deviant
and somewhat harmful, and they are usually
subject to institutional sanction.
 The state defines conflict crimes as illegal
but the definition is controversial in the wider
 Consensus crimes are widely agreed to be
bad in themselves.
Definitions IIIDefinitions III
 Power is the probability that one actor within a
social relationship will be in a position to carry out his or
her own will despite resistance.
 White‑collar crime refers to illegal acts
committed by a person of respectability and high social
status in the course of his or her occupation.
 Street crimes include arson, burglary, robbery,
assault, and other illegal acts. They are committed
disproportionately by people from lower classes.
Definitions IVDefinitions IV
 Victimless crimes (also called crimes
against Public Order) such as prostitution and
illegal drug use, involve violations of the law that
arguably do not harm or violate the rights of anyone
except perhaps the consensual participants
 Self-report surveys are especially useful.
In such surveys, respondents are asked to report
their involvement in criminal activities, either as
perpetrators or victims.
What is the discipline of Criminology?
What is Criminology?
• Criminology is the scientific study of the nature,
extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior.
• Criminology is an interdisciplinary science:
– Sociology
– Criminal justice
– Political science
– Psychology
– Economics
– Natural science
What is criminology?
 Criminology: The interdisciplinary science
that gathers and analyzes data on crime
and criminal behavior.
 Criminology is the scientific study of crime
and criminal behavior.
 Criminologists use the scientific method
to try to answer the questions they ask
rather than simply speculate about them
from their armchairs.
 Criminology is an inherently
interdisciplinary field.
The Science of Criminology
• Police Productivity and Crime Rates:
Is violent crime increasing or decreasing?
• Childhood Maltreatment and Delinquency:
Are mistreated children more likely to engage
in delinquency?
• Specific Deterrence and White Collar
Are white collar offenders specifically deterred
by prison?
What is Criminology?
• Criminology and Criminal Justice
– Criminology explains the origin, extent, and
nature of crime in society
– Criminal justice refers to agencies of social control
– Both discipline areas overlap
What is Criminology?
• Criminology and Deviance
– Deviant behavior departs from social norms
– Not all crimes are deviant and not all deviant acts
are criminal
– Criminologists study both criminology and
deviance to understand the nature and purpose of
law (I.E. drug use)
Development of the Discipline
What do Criminologists Think and Do?
A Brief History of Criminology
• Classical Criminology 18th
– Utilitarianism emphasized behavior is considered
purposeful and useful by the actor
– Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794) believed people have
free will to choose criminal or lawful solutions to
meet their needs
– Choice is controlled by fear of punishment
– Punishment should be severe, swift, and certain
to control behavior
A Brief History of Criminology
• Nineteenth-Century Positivism
– Application of scientific methods to study crime
– Auguste Comte (1798-1857)
– Two main elements: 1) human behavior is a function of
forces beyond a person’s control and 2) embracing the
scientific method to solve problems
– Charles Darwin (1809-1882) popularized the positivist
– Influences of physiognomy and phrenology
– Biological determinism - Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909)
atavistic anomalies
– Social positivism developed to study the major social
changes (sociology)
A Brief History of Criminology
• Foundations of Sociological Criminology
– L.A.J. Quetelet – cartography (demographic
– Emile Durkheim – anomie ( role confusion)
– Crime calls attention to the social ills
– Rising crime rates can signal the need for social
A Brief History of Criminology
• The Chicago School and Beyond
– Robert Ezra Park (1864-1944), Ernest W. Burgess
(1886-1966), Louis Wirth (1897-1952)
– The Chicago School - social ecology (reaction to an
environment that was inadequate for proper human
relations and development)
– Edwin Sutherland suggested people learn criminality
– Walter Reckless linked crime to an inadequate self-
– Both views linked criminality to the failure of
A Brief History of Criminology
• Conflict Criminology
– Karl Marx (1818-1883)
– Relationship between bourgeoisie (capitalists) and
proletariat (labor) developing class conflicts
– Development of conflict theory (the linkage
between crime and capitalism)
– Impact on civil rights/women’s movements
A Brief History of Criminology
• Contemporary Criminology
– Rational choice theory argues people are rational
decision makers
– Social structure theory argues social environment
controls criminal behavior
– Social process theory argues criminal behavior is
What Criminologists Do: The
Criminological Enterprise
• Criminal Statistics
– Measuring the amount and trends of criminal
– Creating valid and reliable measurements of
criminal activity
What Criminologists Do: The
Criminological Enterprise
• Sociology of Law
– Subarea of criminology concerned with the role of
social forces in shaping criminal law (I.E. legality of
art works)
– Criminologists help lawmakers alter the content of
criminal law to respond to the changing times (I.E.
sex offender registration)
What Criminologists Do: The
Criminological Enterprise
• Developing theories of Crime Causation
– Psychological view contends crime is a function of
personality, learning, or cognition
– Biological view incorporates biochemical, genetic,
and neurological linkages to crime
– Sociological view includes social forces such as
poverty, socialization, and group interaction
What Criminologists Do: The
Criminological Enterprise
• The Nature of Theory and Theory
– Social theory is a systematic set of interrelated
statements that explain some aspect of social life
– Some theory may be grand, while others are
narrow in their focus
– Theory is based on social facts, which can be
readily observed
What Criminologists Do: The
Criminological Enterprise
• Criminal Behavior Systems
– Involves crime types and patterns (I.E. violent,
public order, and organized crime)
– Edwin Sutherland’s “white-collar” crime
– Crime typologies involve different types of crime
and criminals
What Criminologists Do: The
Criminological Enterprise
• Penology
– Correction and control of known criminal
– Capital punishment is used as social control
– Mandatory sentences are aimed at social control
and prevention of criminal acts.
What Criminologists Do: The
Criminological Enterprise
• Victimology
– Examines the critical role of the victim in the
criminal process (Hans von Hentig andStephen
– Use of victim surveys to measure the nature and
extent of criminal behavior
– Creating probabilities of victimization risk
– Victim culpability or precipitation of crime
– Designing services and programs
How Criminologists View Crime
• The Consensus View of Crime
– Substantive criminal law defines crime and
– Criminal law is a function of beliefs, morality and
– Laws apply equally to all members of society
– Acts which are considered as social harms should
be outlawed to protect the social fabric and
members of society
How Criminologists View Crime
• The Conflict view of Crime
– Criminal law reflects and protects established
economic, racial, gendered, and political power
and privilege
– Definition of crime is controlled by wealth, power,
and social position
– Crime is shaped by the values of the ruling class
and not the moral consensus of all people
How Criminologists View Crime
• The Interactionist View of Crime
– This position holds 1) People act according to their
own interpretations of reality, 2) People observe they
way others react either positively or negatively, and
3) People reevaluate and interpret their own behavior
according to the meaning and symbols they have
learned from others
– There is not objective reality, according to
– The definition of crime reflects the preferences and
opinions of people who hold social power
– Crime is socially defined by moral entrepreneurs
How Criminologists View Crime
• Defining Crime
– Crime is a violation of societal rules of behavior as
interpreted and expressed by the criminal law,
which reflects public opinion, traditional values,
and the viewpoint of people currently holding
social and political power
– The definition combines all three criminological
perspectives (consensus, conflict, and
Traditional Justice
(retributive and
Restorative Justice
Victims are peripheral to the
Victims are central to the
The focus is on punishing or on
treating the offender
The focus is on repairing the
harm between an offender and
victim, and perhaps also an
offender and a wider community
The community is represented
by the state
Community members or
organizations take a more active
The process is characterized by
adversarial relationships among
the parties
The process is characterized by
dialogue and negotiation among
Crime is not new
• 1849 California Gold
• 89,000 Miners
• 20% dead in first six
months (mostly
• Crime rate led to the
creation of one of the
first state prisons.
San Quentin Prison
one of the first prisons ever constructed in
the US
Crime and the Criminal Law
– Code of Hammurabi (eye for an eye)
– Mosaic Code (basis for U.S. legal system)
– Compurgation (use of oathhelpers)
– Trials by ordeal (divine intervention)
Crime and the Criminal Law
• Common Law
– English system of law based on precedent cases
– Mala in se refers to crime considered as evil
– Mala prohibita refers statutory crimes
– Legislatures supplement common law with
Crime and the Criminal Law
• Contemporary Criminal Law
– Felony offenses are serious criminal actions
– Misdemeanor offenses are minor or petty criminal
– Criminal law seeks to: Enforce social control,
Discourage revenge, Express public opinion and
morality, Deter criminal behavior, Punish
wrongdoing, and Maintain social order
Crime and the Criminal Law
• The Elements of a Crime
– Actus Reus is the action of a crime
– Mens Rea is the mental intent of a criminal action
– Strict Liability does not necessarily require specific
Crime and the Criminal Law
• Criminal Defenses
– Excuse defenses – insanity, intoxication, and
– Justification defenses – necessity, duress, self-
defense, and entrapment
Crime and the Criminal Law
• The Evolution of Criminal Law
– Criminal law evolves to reflect social and
economic conditions, such as stalking statutes or
sexual predator laws (Megan’s Law)
– Changing technology requires modifications in
criminal law
Ethical Issues in Criminology
– What to study (influence of research money)
– Whom to study (unmasking the poor)
– How to study (experiments and harm)
Crime does not always make sense:
Odd laws
--It is illegal to tease skunks.
--Every man in Brainerd is required by law to grow a beard.
--A state law stipulates that a woman's hair legally belongs
to her husband.
--Under state law, dentists are officially classified as
--In Clawson, it is legal for a man to "sleep with his pigs,
cows, horses, goats, and chickens."
The theme of the criminal justice system: Balancing the concern for individual
rights with the need for public order.
Does the CJS Over-criminalize?
Story of the cursing canoist…
Influence of the Media
Perception and Public Opinion
CSI Effect
Public Opinion and the News Media
• What is the relationship between public
opinion and public policy?
• How is crime data organized on an opinion
Crime MythsCrime Myths
• Crime Myths get created out of situations of ambiguity
and concern
• Crime myths are “an ill-founded belief held uncritically”
• Most people's ideas about crime and criminals were NOTNOT
formedformed through personal experience instead we form
much of our ideas based on media depictions and
illustrations of crime and criminals
Example of a Myth
• How much crime is there? More difficult to answer
because it varies and the media creates…
• Myth of Child Abduction  Kappeler, Blumberg,
and Potter show that the hysteria that surrounded the
scare of child abductions in the 1980s was not
stranger-related but the result of other factors – e.g.,
divorce and custody issues.
Media Images
• There is neither enough space in newspapers nor
enough air time on television to cover all, or even
most for that matter, criminal activities.
• Research has shown that Violent crimes are more
likely to gain the attention of the media
• However, does the media cover violent crimes
because of their interest or ours???
What does the Media depict?
• Bob Roshier has shown that there are three
factors influencing the selection of media
crime stories
1. Unusual Circumstances
2. Dramatic elements
3. Involvement of famous people --
e.g., Robert Downey, jr.
Crime and Media
• Crime is used to sell
• Television portrays crime and criminals in a
stereotypical manner
• Most crime is violent, interpersonal, pathological
• Glassner – “The Construction of Fear”
Criminological research on media
A number of analyses on the influence of
media depictions of crime, criminals,
criminality, and victims exist.
According to Surette (1992)  The media has
a profound influence on the general public
understanding of crime.
Media Images
Various sources of information, commentary, and
debate on crime exist in print, video and electronic
media outlets that establish the parameters of
perceived wisdom on crime.
Marsh (1991) demonstrates that most media
illustrate crime in a mainstream and sensational
fashion. One facet of this overly dramatic style has
been the manner in which victims are presented.
The media, however, is not alone in dramatizing
certain kinds of victims.
Even the officials…
• Eitzen and Timmer 1989:39 
– Official crime statistics themselves fare no better
because they pay far more attention to violent and
property crime than to corporate and white-collar
Weiss and Chermak (1998)
on Homicide Reporting
studied all homicides that occurred in
Indianapolis in 1995 and concluded that
murders of white victims receive more news
attention than when African-Americans are
Conclusions and Consequences
– What consequences would this presentation have?
– What patterns have you noticed on television and
other media?
– What do you think about Weiss and Chermak’s
Zatz and Richey Mann (1998)
• contend that popular conceptions of crime and
criminality are constructed within the dominant
paradigms of race, gender, and class.
• “By linking images of color with crime, the
stereotypes underlying media reporting on crime and
criminality become more apparent” (1998:1).
Street vs. White Collar crime
• Most research on media portrayals are based on street
crime rather than white-collar or corporate crime.
“The most common image of a crime victim is surely
the victim of murder, rape, robbery, burglary or some
other conventional crime.”
• There can be little question that most people are
likely to fear being victimized by such crime”
(Friedrichs 1996: 58).
Who to fear?
Rather than fearing white-collar or corporate
crime, most American citizens are unaware of
corporate misconduct because they are focused
on conventional crime.
Thinking about CrimeThinking about Crime
 Meithe and McCorkle  Simple
solutions to crime are rarely that!
 Simplicity vs. Complexity
 Criminal behavior is typically
1. described with Action verbs (beaten,
stabbed, attacked)
2. referenced with legal terms (murder,
kidnapping, etc…)
The "Crime Problem"The "Crime Problem"
• Raymond Mickalwski -- "crime problem" and
"problem of crime"
• Crime problem image refers to the traditional
• Problem of Crime image is concerned with
common crime but understands that not all forms
of socially harmful behavior are prohibited by
The "Typical Criminal"The "Typical Criminal"
• Jeffrey ReimanJeffrey Reiman -- Typical Criminal -- a stereotypical
image that is produced by existing criminal justice
practices, starting with the lawmaking process and
including law enforcement, corrections, and even media
coverage of crime and criminals.
 Carnival Mirror Image -- a distorted image of the
danger: young, black, poor, urban, and male
• Typical criminal and typical crime
Wrong: 1. Many crimes are not interpersonal
2. Most crimes are not violent
Meithe and McCorkleMeithe and McCorkle
They contend that we categorize and understand
criminal action through constructing different
kinds of categories.
They see four separate kinds or types of
legal, offender, victim, and situational based.
Legal-based typologies
Limited because aspects of the offender are
What about plea-bargaining 
Do we really know who did what?
Legal definitions vary from state to state
Criminals do not specialize
May be overly generalized?
Offender-based Typologies
These types are constructed on the
characteristics of the offenders
Ancient form of criminological analysis
“Classical School of Criminology”
Victim-based Typologies
This is New…
• What type of victim is chosen and why
• Offender decision-making is critical
• Victim response is useful information
Situation/Context-based Types
• Opportunity structure, where the crime
Substantive Criminal Law
What is crime
• Before the criminal justice system can
function we must first define what is:
The Concept of Crime is Important
A person is not criminally culpable
(blameworthy) unless she acted:
voluntarily (or failed to act when required by law to do so)
with a “guilty mind”
in such a way that her action and intention
coincided in time causing the harm
in violation of the criminal law
so as to produced harm and injury
Simple Formula
What is crime?
• Murder
• Burglary
• Robbery
• Larceny
• Motor Vehicle Theft
• Arson
It is also
• Sneaking into a movie theater
• Taking towels from a hotel
• Illegal parking
• Littering
• Skateboarding in unlawful areas
• Jaywalking
• Speeding
Elements of Crime
• A legal definition is the basis
of criminal justice in the
United States.
• Technically and ideally, a
criminal offense has not been
committed unless all seven of
the previous elements are
True crimes
To establish that a true crime
has been committed and to convict
on it in court, it is neccessary
to establish all of the
• 1. Harm
• 2. Legality
• 3. Actus Reus = action
• 4. Mens Rea = intent
• 5. Causation
• 6. Concurrence
What Constitutes a Crime?
 Corpus delicti: Refers to the elements of a given act that must be
present in order to legally define it as a crime.
 It is only necessary for the state to prove two elements to satisfy
corpus delicti:
 Actus reus
 Mens Rea
 Acts Reus: Means guilty act, and refers to the principle that a
person must commit some forbidden act or neglect some
mandatory act before he or she can be subjected to criminal
What Constitutes a Crime?
 Concurrence: Means that the act and the mental state occur in
the sense that the criminal intention actuates the criminal act.
 Causation: Refers to the necessity to establish a causal link
between the criminal act and the harm suffered.
 Harm: Refers to the negative impact a crime has either to the
victim or to the general values of the community.
Reality vs. Ideal
It is only in a technical and
ideal sense that all seven
elements of a true crime must
be present. In actual
practice, a behavior is often
considered a crime when one or
more of these elements is
• For a crime there must be negative
external consequences that are
deemed contrary to normal life or
• A mental state or emotional state is
not enough. Thinking about
committing a crime or being angry
enough to commit a crime, without
acting on the thought or anger is
not a crime.
Nature of Harm
• The harm may be physical or verbal.
• Physically striking another person
without legal justification is an
example of physical harm.
• An example of an act that does
verbal harm is a threat to strike
someone, whether the threat is
carried out or not.
Who says words can’t
Another example of verbal
harm includes writing
something false about
another person that
dishonors or injures in some
way and is called libel.
The spoken equivalent is
Crime as a Subcategory of Social Harm
 John Hagen views crime as a continuous
variable and as a subcategory of all harmful acts.
Consensus: Agreement existing in the
population about right and wrong.
There is substantial agreement among
average citizens both within and across
modern societies regarding the average
seriousness ratings given to a variety of
criminal offenses.
Crime as a Subcategory of Social Harm
Severity of the law’s response to a given crime
 The more serious the legal penalty, the
more serious the societal evaluation of the
 Amount of harm caused by the crime.
 The harm dimension underlies both
consensus about wrongfulness and severity
of legal responses.
 Harmful acts, such as smoking tobacco or
drinking in access are not considered
anyone’s business other than the actor’s of
they take place in private, or even in public if
the person creates no annoyance.
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Crime as a Subcategory of Social
Crime as a Subcategory of Social Harm
 Social harmful acts are acts in a category that
some political body has decided in non-
arbitrary ways are in need of regulation, but
not by the criminal law except under
exceptional circumstances.
 Private wrongs (torts) are socially harmful, but
not sufficiently so to require the heavy hand
of the criminal law.
Crime as a Subcategory of Social Harm
 A small subcategory of harmful acts is
considered so socially harmful that they come
under the purview of the coercive power of
the criminal justice system.
Beyond Social Construction:
The Stationary Core Crimes
 Few people would argue that an act is
not seriously harmful if it is universally
 Mala in se: Crimes that ‘inherently bad’.
 Mala prohibita: Crimes that are
considered bad because they are
Victimful and Victimless Crimes
 Three crime categories
 Crimes for which there is an obvious intended victim.
 Crimes in which victimization is the result of
 Crimes in which participation in the crime is voluntary.
 A victimless crime is consensual and non predatory; a victimful crime
is non-consensual and predatory, and mala in se almost by
All Harms |the criminal
Mostly private matters; |justice system
rare state intervention |
All Social Harms
State regulated but Harms outside
not by criminal law the purview of
All Crimes Low/moderate consensus,
Mala in se and low/moderate penalties
mala prohibita low to moderate harm
Core Offenses High consensus,
Mala in se severe penalties,
high level of harm
Figure 1.1 Mala in Se and Mala
Prohibita Crimes as Subsets of all
• First – the harm must be legally
forbidden. Violation of union or
school or religious rules may be
wrong but they are not necessarily
prohibited by criminal law.
• Second – a criminal law must not be
retroactive or Ex Post Facto. You
can not declare an act illegal or
increase punishment after an act or
alter rules of evidence after it has
been committed. The U.S.
constitution forbids such laws.
Actus reus
 A latin term that refers to criminal
conduct. A prohibited act has taken
place in violation of the criminal
law. Or negligent (reckless) action
or inaction that causes harm to
If people do not act in situations
where the law requires them to act,
they are committing crimes. Parents
are legally provided to care for
No crime w/o LAW
 There is no crime without law.
(Derived from Bentham & Beccaria,
classical school. All crime
defined with respect to the legal
• Remember again that you cannot be
convicted for your thoughts; you
must also have acted.
• (Note Jimmy Carter's comment during
his presidential campaign: "I have
Criminal Act (actus reus)
All crimes require an affirmative or
negative act.
Affirmative acts (act of
commission) require conscious
and volitional movement--a
product of the determination of
the actor.
Involuntary acts are insufficient.
Negative acts (acts of omission)
are failures to act where there is a
legal duty to act, and where it was
possible for the actor to act.
Involuntary Acts
Involuntary Neurological Response
Acts of Omission
Legal Relationship, e.g., parent-child
Contractual Obligation, e.g., lifeguard to
Statutory Obligation, e.g., taxes
Creation of Peril
Voluntary Assumption of care
Criminal Intent (mens rea)
Purposely - with conscious
desire to cause a certain result
Knowingly - with awareness
that something will occur
Recklessly - with a conscious
disregard of a substantial risk or
Negligently - actions that the
actor should have known would
cause harm
Mens rea
• Mens rea. Another
latin term.
Criminal intent,
or predisposition,
or premeditation,
or a criminal
state of mind.
• Difficult to
translate into
though, it means
that you intended
to do what you
did, and that you
were able to be
responsible for
Criminal Intent
• Origins in Eighteenth century
English common law although the
principle goes back to the 1600s.
How do we determine if offenders
have the capacity for understanding
the consequences of their actions?
• Questions of competence are all
issues of Mens Rea.
Criminal Intent
Criminal intent assumes all ofCriminal intent assumes all of
the following:the following:
– Fairness
– Free will (ability to choose
between actions)
– Rationality
– Nature of punishment--from
vengeance to deterrence
Degrees of Mental Fault
Gradations of Intention
• Purposely: A desires to kill B by blowing up a
building in which he knows B is sleeping. He has
acted purposely with regard to the death of B.
• Knowingly: A intends to blow up a building in
which he knows B is asleep on the top floor. Even
though does not desire B’s death, if B dies, A has
killed B knowingly because it is practically certain
the B will die.
M'Naghten Rule
If you are not of sound mind,
you can't be held responsible
for your actions. From this
we get the "innocent by
reason of insanity" plea.
M'Naghten Rule:
To establish an insanity
defense, "it must be clearly
proved that at the time of the
committing of the act, the
party accused was laboring under such
a defect of reason, from disease of the mind,
as not to know the nature and quality of the
act he was doing; or if he did know
it, that he did not know that
he was doing what was wrong."
Diminished Capacity
Gradations of Intention
• Recklessly: A intends to blow up a building in
which he knows B is asleep. He calls C and
asks him to go to the building and wake up B.
• B knows that C is not very responsible. If C fails
to do wake B, and B dies, A has killed B
recklessly because he consciously disregarded
a significant risk of injury to B.
Gradations of Intention
• Negligently: A desires to blow up a
building. Although it would be apparent to
the average person that B is in the
building and will be killed, A is totally
unaware of that possibility.
• If B dies, A has acted with criminal
negligence with regard to B’s death.
Strict Liability Crimes
• Certain public welfare
(e.g., hand gun
possession) and
sexual offenses (e.g.,
statutory rape,
bigamy, and adultery)
do not require proof of
mens rea.
• The act alone will
Two Tests for Causation
Factual Causation
But for A’s act, the
result would not have
occurred when and as
it did.
“But for Bill’s act, Harry
would not have been
injured in the way in
which he was.”
Proximate Causation
B’s injuries must have
been the natural and
probable consequences of
A’s act.
B’s injuries must have
been foreseeable, without
any intervening factors
sufficient to break the
causal chain that would
relieve A of liability.
Excuses and Justifications
Defenses in which the law
recognizes the absence of mens
rea or actus reus, and
concludes that no crime has
been committed
Defenses in which the law
authorizes the violation of
another law where there is
a justification
Self Defense
Defense of Others
The Law of Deadly Force
• Constitutional Law
– Tennessee v. Gardner
• Police may not use deadly force against a fleeing unarmed
felony suspect. Such force is an unconstitutional seizure of
the person and violates the Fourth Amendment to the
• State Statute
– Justification by law enforcement
• Departmental Policies
– Examples: FBI Guidelines, PPD Directive 10
No force
Officer uses typical verbal commands
Slight force
Officer uses strong directive language and/or
minimal physical force to encourage compliance
Forcibly subdued suspects with hands
Officer uses an arm/wrist lock,
takedown, block, punch, or kick
subdued suspect
using methods other
than hands, e.g.,
gun or baton
What about insanity?insanity?
It is difficult to determine who
is legally insane. What is a
“defect of reason?” Or “disease
of the mind?”
What if a person knows the
difference between right and
wrong but is unable to control
their actions?
 Irresistible impulse (or
control) test
 If an offender meets the
Don’t have to care about Insanity
• States are free
to abolish
insanity as a
Montana (in
1979), Idaho,
and Utah are
states that
have done so.
Guilty but insane
• Following the 1982 acquittal of
John Hickley, on the grounds
that he was legally insane,
several states enacted “guilty
but insane” or “guilty but
mentally ill” laws.
Serve in mental institution
until cured then serve the
remainder of sentence in the
prison population
• It must be shown that the criminal
intent actually caused the
prohibited act to occur. There must
be a causal relationship between the
legally forbidden harm and the actus
reus (act itself).
• It's not good enough to show that
you thought about doing something
and then it happened. It must be
shown that you thought about doing
something, this led you to plan to
do it, and then you actually did it
• The criminal conduct and the
criminal intent must occur
– Repair person stealing your
television on the way out.
For a behavior to be
considered a crime, there
must be statutory
provisions for punishment
or at least the threat of
Without the threat of
punishment, a law is
unenforceable and is
therefore not a criminal
Ohio Revised Code
• A crime or public offense is
an act committed or
omitted in violation of a law
forbidding or commanding
it and to which is annexed,
upon conviction, either of
the following punishments:
• Death or
• Imprisonment
• Fine
• Removal from office
• Disqualification to hold and
enjoy any office of honor,
trust, or profit in this state
Crime simply…
A crime or public offense is an act
committed or omitted in violation of a law
forbidding or commanding it.
As society becomes more complex, so
do our laws and CJS
• In 1990, California
became the first
state to enact a
specific stalking law.
 Misdemeanor vs. Felony
 Wedding Cake
Criminal Behavior Systems
• Classifications
• Typologies
• Specific Offenses
Groupings of Crimes
• Violent Crime
• Property / Economic Crime
• Computer / High-Tech Crime
• Organized Crime
• White-collar Crime
• Public Order Crime
What you need, legally,
to have a crime
• Corpus delicti: each crime has elements that
must be meet to ‘prove’ the offense occurred
– Actus reus = action
– Mens rea = intent
• Common law definition of Burglary
– Entering the dwelling of another (act)
– In the night time
– To commit a felony within (intent)
Types of Offenses
• Crimes are classified by the seriousness of the
offenses as follows:
• A felony is the most serious offense, for which the
offender may be sentenced to state prison or death.
• Felonies generally include violent crimes, sex
offenses, and many types of drug and property
Types of Offenses
• A misdemeanor is a less serious offense for
which the offender may be sentenced to
probation, county jail, a fine, or some
combination of the three.
• Misdemeanors generally include crimes such
as assault and battery, petty theft, and public
Types of Offenses
• An infraction is the least serious offense
and is generally punishable by a fine.
Many motor vehicle violations are
considered infractions.
Hate Crimes
• A criminal act against a person or a person’s
property by an offender motivated by racial
or other bias
• Based on
– Race
– Religion
– Ancestry
– Sexual orientation
– Physical disability
Major Categories of Violent Crime
• Murder, or unlawful killing of a human being
• Sexual assault or rape
• Assault and Battery
• Robbery
Violent Crime
• Violence Against the Person
• Sexual Violence
• Robbery
Perpetrators disproportionately young, male,
lower social classes
What Stands between the Criminal
and the People?
What Stands Between the Criminal
and the People?
Components of the Criminal Justice
P o lic e C o u rts C o rre c tio n s
T h e C rim in a l J u s tic e S y s te m
The Criminal Justice System:
Purpose and Goals
• To control crime
• To prevent crime – lower recidivism (re-offending)
• To provide and maintain justice
• To help strengthen communities
• To establish and reflect common values
• To deal with offenders inside and outside of the
• Others ???
Criminal case processing.
Source: Adapted from U.S. Dept. of Justice
The Criminal Justice System:
Purpose and Goals
• To control crime
• To prevent crime
• To provide and maintain justice
Due Process
• The criminal justice system must operate within
the bounds of law
• Grounded in first ten amendments to U.S.
– Offers protection to any person charged with a crime
• Due process limits the power of government
Criminal Justice Funnel
Of 1,000
crimes that are
5 juveniles and
18 adults are
Structure of the Criminal Justice
• Police
– Local Law Enforcement
– State Law Enforcement
– Federal Law Enforcement
• Courts
– State Courts
– Federal Courts
– Prosecutors and Defenders
Structure of the Criminal Justice
• Corrections
– Probation
– Incarceration
– Community Based Corrections
– Parole
The Criminal Justice System: Size and
• 55,000 different public agencies
• $147 billion annual budget
• 2.2 million employees
• 20,000 police agencies
• 17,000 courts
The Criminal Justice System: Size and
• 8,000 prosecutorial agencies
• 5,700 correctional institutions
• 3,500 probation and parole departments
• 15 million arrests per year
– 3 million for felonies
• Correctional population of 2 million
• Additional 4 million on probation or parole
The Criminal Justice System: Size and
• Law Enforcement employs over 1 million sworn
personnel, not counting civilian employees
• Corrections employs over 717,000 people
• Court systems employ 455,000
• It costs $70,000 to build a jail or prison cell
• It costs $25,000 a year to house an inmate
Department of Homeland Security
• The newest federal criminal
justice agency was created
by President George W.
Bush on November 25,
• Headed by Tom Ridge
Role of the Police
• Protect lives and
• The only criminal justice
component that deals
with persons not
charged with a crime.
Role of the Police
• Duties are becoming
more complex
• Greater use of
• If possible use
alternatives other
than arrest.
• When necessary
arrest law violators
Role of the Police
• Felony arrests require
probable or reasonable
• Misdemeanor arrests
may be made if act is
“in-presence” of officer
Role of the Courts
• To seek truth & obtain
• To adjudicate &
• Consists of:
– municipal courts*
– superior courts
– appellate courts
– supreme court
Role of the Courts
• Plea Bargain accepted in
90% of criminal cases.
• Also referred to as Bargain
• Prosecution and defense
form “adversary system” of
An Excursion Through the American Criminal
Justice System
 A preliminary arraignment has two purposes.
 To advise suspects of their constitutional rights, and of the
tentative charges against them.
 To set bail.
08/10/14 168
An Excursion Through the American Criminal Justice
 Preliminary Hearing: The preliminary hearing usually takes
place about ten days after the preliminary arraignment, and is
a proceeding before a magistrate or municipal judge in which
three major matters must be decided.
 Whether or not a crime has actually been committed.
 Whether or not there are reasonable grounds to believe the
person before the bench committed it.
 Whether or not the crime was committed in the jurisdiction of
the court.
An Excursion Through the American Criminal
Justice System
The Grand Jury: Prosecutors in some states must
seek an indictment from a grand jury.
The grand jury is normally an investigatory body and a
buffer between the power of the state and its citizens.
An Excursion Through the American Criminal
Justice System
Arraignment: The arraignment
proceeding is the first time
defendants have the opportunity
to respond to the charges against
them. After the charges are read
to the defendant, he or she must
then enter a formal response,
known as a plea.
08/10/14 171
An Excursion Through the American Criminal
Justice System
The Trial: The trial is an adversarial process pitting
the prosecutor against the defense attorney.
The prosecutor’s job is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt
that the defendant is guilty; the defense need only to
plant the seed of reasonable doubt to upset the
prosecution’s case.
 About 90% of all felony cases in the United States are
settled by plea bargains in which the state extends some
benefit to the defendant in exchange for his or her
 Probation: On the basis of presentence investigation
reports, the probation officer offers a sentencing
recommendation. The most important factors influencing
these recommendations are crime seriousness and the
defendant’s criminal history.
08/10/14 173
An Excursion Through the American Criminal
Justice System
Is this your idea of Corrections?
• It is also home
• Community
• Probation
• Parole
• And lastly,
Incarceration: Of the sentence imposed for a felony conviction is
some form of incarceration, the judge has the option of
sentencing the offender to a state penitentiary, a county jail, or a
county work release program.
08/10/14 175
An Excursion Through the
American Correctional System
 Parole: Parole is a conditional release from prison granted to
inmates some time prior to the completion of their sentence.
 An inmate is granted parole by a parole board, which decides for
or against parole based on such factors as inmate behavior while
incarcerated and the urgency of the need for cell space.
An Excursion Through the
American Correctional System
Community-Based Corrections
• Correctional programs operating within
society at large rather than behind prison
• Three advantages:
– Reduce costs
– Supervision of convicts while eliminating
hardships of prison life and stigma of jail
– Not so much to punish as reform
• Probation
– A policy of permitting a convicted offender to remain in
the community under conditions imposed by a court
• Shock Probation
– A policy by which a judge orders a convicted offender
to prison for a short time and then suspends the
remainder of the sentence in favor of probation
• Parole
– A policy of releasing inmates from prison to serve the
remainder of their sentences in the local community
under supervision of a parole officer
• Discretion permits justice officials at all levels
to make decisions that will keep the system
Discretionary Decisions
• Criminal justice officials must make decisions
every day concerning their duties
• Police
• To enforce the law
• Investigate specific crimes
• Search people or buildings
• Arrest or detain people
Discretionary Decisions
• Prosecutors
• File charges against suspects brought to them by the
• Drop cases
• Reduce charges
Discretionary Decisions
• Judges
• Set conditions for pre-trial release
• Accept pleas
• Dismiss charges
• Impose sentences
Discretionary Decisions
• Correctional Officials
• Assign convicts to prison or jail
• Punish prisoners who misbehave
• Reward prisoners who behave well
Crime in the United States
Prison and Jail Populations in the
United States
Figure 1.8
Prison and Jail Populations in the United States, 1985 - 2000
Victimization: Percent of Offences byVictimization: Percent of Offences by
Type of Crime, Seven Countries,Type of Crime, Seven Countries,
Vehicular Burglary Contact crimes Theft
Australia (58)
England & Wales (58)
Sweden (46)
USA (43)
Canada (42)
France (36)
Japan (22)
Percent of offences
Note: Contact crimes include robberies, sexual incidents, and assaults and threats. Horizontal lines indicate international average
for each type of crime for all 17 countries in the survey. Thirty-eight percent of the population of all 17 countries were victimized in
the year preceding the survey.
Percent of populationPercent of population
victimized by all crimesvictimized by all crimes
Criminal Statistics
• Include only crimes known to the police
• Researchers check crime statistics
– Victimization Surveys
– Demonstrates that the overall crime rate is three
times higher than official reports indicate
Criminal Patterns and Trends
• Race and Ethnicity
– Strongly linked to crime rates
– Reasons for disproportionate
arrests among African Americans
Crime in a Global Perspective
• U. S. crime rate high by world standards
– Crime arises from culture’s emphasis on individual
economic success
– Extensive private ownership of guns
• Crime high in some of the largest cities of the
• Different countries have different strategies for
dealing with crime
– Death penalty
Trends and Issues in Criminal Justice
Today in the United States
• Three Strikes You’re Out
• Decline in the crime rate
• Fear of crime
• Crime as a political issue
• Tougher sentencing laws
• Abolition of parole in some states
• Increased vigilance given to drug cases
Thinking about trends and Issues in
Criminal Justice Today
• Women in prison are growing faster than any
other group!
• Is this due to more female criminality or
differences in how they are treated, or both?
Other Trends and Issues in Criminal
Justice Today
• Terrorism
• Media Distortion of Crime getting worse?
– False perception of a crime epidemic
– Suggestion that crime rates are increasing
– Impression that most crime is violent
• White Collar and Corporate Crime
– Esp. Fraud
Enjoy the reading!
Organizational and Corporate Issues
Corporate Criminal Liability:
The Federal Law
• A corporation may be held criminally liable for acts
committed by its employees if they were acting within the
scope of their authority, and for the benefit of the
corporation even if such acts were against corporate
policy or express instructions.
• This rule extends corporate criminal liability to acts
committed by:
officers and directors
managers and supervisors
subordinate employees
independent contractors
Vicarious Liability
Agent’s Criminal IntentAgent’s Criminal Act
The Corporate Compliance Movement
• The likelihood of a
criminal investigation,
indictment, aggressive
prosecution, conviction,
and significant fine may
be reduced significantly
by evidence of
corporate compliance.
• Vicarious liability might
be defeated by active
corporate compliance
Corporate Compliance
What are the ingredients (elements) of all
Biological Persons
Corporate Persons
How can a corporation commit a
• Who acts
• Who intends?
• Who causes injury?
• Who is punished?
New York Central & Hudson River
Railroad v. U.S. (1909)
• Corporations conduct the great majority of
business transactions
• Interstate commerce is almost entirely in their
• The notion that corporations are incapable of
committing crimes would “virtually take away the
only means of effectively controlling” business
transactions in interstate commerce
• Corporations can commit crimes
Corporate Criminal Liability:
The Federal Law
• A corporation may be held criminally liable for acts
committed by its employees if they were acting within the
scope of their authority, and for the benefit of the
corporation even if such acts were against corporate
policy or express instructions.
• This rule extends corporate criminal liability to acts
committed by:
officers and directors
managers and supervisors
subordinate employees
independent contractors
Vicarious Liability
Agent’s Criminal IntentAgent’s Criminal Act
The Corporate Compliance Movement
• The likelihood of a
criminal investigation,
indictment, aggressive
prosecution, conviction,
and significant fine may
be reduced significantly
by evidence of
corporate compliance.
• Vicarious liability might
be defeated by active
corporate compliance
Corporate Compliance
Minimum Requirements for an
Effective Compliance Program
Standards and
Procedures reasonably
capable of preventing
criminal conduct
Oversight of standards by
high level personnel
Care in the delegation of
substantial managerial
authority to individuals
Effective communication of
standards and procedures
to employees
Reasonable steps taken to
achieve compliance
Enforcement of disciplinary
Appropriate response after
detection of an offense
Key to Compliance
Proactive Compliance
Reactive Compliance
Edwin Sutherland and his view
Challenging Issues: Genocide, Terrorism, Death Penalty
Sutherland’s Definition--Modified
• Criminology is the body of knowledge regarding
crime and criminality as a social, psychological,
and biological phenomena.
• It includes within its scope the process of making
laws, of breaking laws, and of reacting toward the
breaking of laws.
• The objective of criminology is the development
of a body of knowledge regarding crime,
criminality, and its prevention.
The Forgotten Criminology of Genocide
• Why has the field of criminology neglected any
consideration of the crime of genocide?
• How could criminologists neglect an estimated
sixteen million deaths in crimes against
humanity since World War II?
• What has the field of criminology lost by its
neglect of the crime of genocide?
FBI Definition
• The unlawful use of force
or violence against
persons or property to
intimidate or coerce a
government, the civilian
population, or any
segment thereof, in
furtherance of political or
social objectives.
Generating Publicity and Fear
Classifying Terrorism
• Revolutionary Terrorism
Forcing governments to respond;
to encourage a revolution, e.g.,
• State-Sponsored Terrorism
Terrorist activities by
governments against their own
citizens or other countries, e.g.,
Khmer Rouge
• Religious Terrorism
Promoting a religious system or
protect a set of religious beliefs,
e.g., use of Jihad or holy war by
Islamic fundamentalists
• Symbolic
• Retributive
• Desert
• Expressive
• Restorative
Criminal Statistics:
The Death Penalty
• How many people have been
executed since 1608?
• How many people have been
executed this year?
• How many executions have taken
place since the death penalty was
reinstated in 1976?
• How many jurisdictions have death
penalty statutes?
• Which states do not permit the
death penalty?
• What percentage of
defendants executed since
1976 were white?
• What percentage of
defendants executed were
convicted of killing a white
• Which two states can claim
credit for more than 40% of
all executions since 1976?
• Do states still execute
inmates either by hanging or
with a firing squad?
Criminal Statistics: Death Penalty
How many people have been
executed since 1608? (19,500)
How many people have been
executed this year? (48)
How many executions have taken
place since the death penalty was
reinstated in 1976? (731)
How many states have death
penalty statutes? (38)
Which states do not permit the death
penalty? Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa,
Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode
Island, Vermont, West Virginia,
Wisconsin, and the District of
What percentage of defendants
executed since 1976 were
white? (45%)
What percentage of defendants
executed were convicted of
killing a white victim? (81%)
Which two states can claim
credit for more than 40% of all
executions since 1976? (Texas
and Virginia)
Do states still execute inmates
either by hanging or with a firing
squad? Delaware, Montana,
and New Hampshire (H); Idaho,
Oklahoma, Utah (FS)
Criminal Statistics:
The Death Penalty
• How many documented
innocent people have been
executed this century?
• How many people have been
released since 1972 as a result
of being wrongfully convicted?
• What percentage of Texas and
California death row
populations are people of
• How many countries still
execute people for crimes
committed as children?
• How many children have been
sentenced to death in the U.S.
since 1973?
• The youngest person executed
since WWII in the United States
• What is the youngest person
ever to be executed in the
United States?
• How many people on death row
today are known to be retarded?
• How much evidence exists to
prove or suggest that the death
penalty deters murder?
Criminal Statistics:
The Death Penalty
• How many documented innocent
people have been executed this
century? (23)
• How many people have been
released since 1972 as a result
of being wrongfully convicted?
• What percentage of Texas and
California death row populations
are people of color? (60%)
• How many countries still execute
people for crimes committed as
children? (6) Nigeria, Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, and
• How many children have been
sentenced to death in the U.S.
since 1973? (160)
• The youngest person executed
since WWII in the United States
was___? (14)
• What is the youngest person
ever to be executed in the
United States? (10)
• How many people on death row
today are known to be
retarded? (300)
• How much evidence exists to
prove or suggest that the death
penalty deters murder?
• What is punishment?
Goals of Punishment
Proportional Penalty - Offense Determinative
Deserved Penalty - Harm Determinative
Expressive Penalty - Message Determinative
Individualized Sentences
Offender Culpability - Offense
Offender Change - Intervention
Crime Rates - Fear of Consequences
Power of Deterrence - Swift, Certain***,
Sufficiently Severe, Laws Known to Public
Types: General and Specific (or Special)
Collective Incapacitation
Selective Incapacitation
Restorative Justice
Repairing the harm between
Offender and victim
The Forgotten Criminology
of Genocide
• Genocide is a Political Act Reflecting the Will of
Genocide, it has been said, is a political rather than
criminal act most often employed to enhance the
solidarity and unification of nation-states.
Decisions to liquidate, exterminate, and cleanse a
minority population are matters of political policy
reflecting the will and ideologies of sovereignty.
Genocide results from a modern, developed, state
bureaucratic apparatus that moves the conception of
systematic torture and killing from the criminal to the
The Forgotten Criminology
of Genocide
• Genocide as a Breach of International Norms and
International Law
To understand the law of genocide, one mustTo understand the law of genocide, one must
appreciate its place in law as an internationalappreciate its place in law as an international
The Forgotten Criminology
of Genocide
• Genocide is Committed by the State
Of all the many revelations over the last fifty
years, criminologists seem to have the most
difficulty with the notion that an organization
or entity, whether a corporation or nation
state, may commit a crime.
When crimes are imputed from an individual
to an inanimate entity, the intellectual
challenge becomes: Should an individual be
blamed as well?
The Forgotten Criminology
of Genocide
• The Magnitude of Victimization in Genocide
Defies Belief
Criminological research confirms intuitive ratings of
crime seriousness from multiple murder to shoplifting.
The differences in seriousness ratings for virtually all
offenses are highly objective and quantifiable.
The extent of victimization and harm in genocide,
however, strains any assessment of seriousness.
Who appreciates differences in seriousness where
the offense is, for example, 100,000, 250,000, or
500,000 butchered Hutus or Tutsis?
The Forgotten Criminology
of Genocide
• The Problems of Denying and Admitting Atrocity
Two prominent themes that emerge from the
literature on genocide capture an
ambivalence hard felt by some survivors and
refugees of genocide.
This ambivalence is captured in the titles of
two recently published books on the
Holocaust—Deborah Lipstadt’s Denying the
Holocaust (1994) and Lawrence L. Langer’s
Admitting the Holocaust (1995).
Enjoy the reading!
Individualist and Sociological Explanations
Why do people commit crimes?Why do people commit crimes?
- lots of theories- lots of theories
- need to be careful:- need to be careful:
spurious correlationspurious correlation
The Role of Theory in Criminology
Theory Making: Trying to grasp how all the known
correlates of a phenomenon are linked together in non-
coincidental ways to produce an effect.
Criminologists are interested in finding out factors that
cause crime and criminality.
 The very first step in detected causes is to discover correlates,
which are factors that are linked or related to the phenomenon
a scientist is interested in.
 Scientists have never uncovered a necessary cause (a factor that
must be present for behavior to occur) or a sufficient cause (a
factor that is able to produce criminal behavior without having
been augmented by some other factor.
08/10/14 228
The Role of Theory in Criminology
 Theories help us to make sense of a diversity of
seemingly unrelated facts and propositions, and
they even tell us where to look for more facts.
08/10/14 229
The Role of Theory in Criminology
What is a Theory?
 Theory: Set of logically interconnected propositions explaining how
phenomena are related, and from which a number of hypotheses can be
derived and tested.
 Hypotheses: Statements about relationships between and among factors
we expect to find based on the logic of our theories.
 Criteria for judging the merits of a theory:
 Predictive accuracy: A theory has merit and is useful to the extent that it
accurately predicts what is observed.
08/10/14 230
 Predictive scope: Refers to the scope or range of the theory and
thus the scope or range of the hypotheses that can be derived
from it.
 Simplicity: If two competing theories are essentially equal in
terms of the first two criteria, then the less complicated one is
considered more ‘elegant.’
 Falsifiability: A theory is never proven true, but it must have the
quality of being falsifiable or disprovable.
What is a Theory?
How to Think About Theories
 There are theories that deal with different levels of
analysis, or that segment of the phenomenon of interest
that is measured and analyzed.
 Questions of cause and effect must be answered at the
same level of analysis at which they were posed.
 Causal explanations are offered at different temporal levels:
Ultimate (distant in time) and proximate (close in time).
 Theory testing looks for causal explanations rather than
simple descriptions.
08/10/14 233
Figure 1.2 The Ultimate-Proximate Levels of Explanation
Evolution  Genetics  Temperament  Developmental History  Personality
Evolutionary Each person's CNS and PNS Family factors, attachment, Enduring traits
history of the genetic inheritance functioning school, peers, etc. experiences of person forged
species from genes and
 Immediate Situation  Subjective Appraisal  Behavior
Each person brings to a People react differently
situation everything he or she to similar situations
has become due to the because they have
preceding factors different genes and
different experiences
Figure 1.2
The Ultimate-Proximate Levels of Explanation
Note: Evolutionary forces lead to species-specific genomes. Each person has a fairly unique genotype. These
genotypes lead to differential central and peripheral nervous system (CNS and PNS) functioning. This functioning is
modified by the person's developmental history. Working together, the person's temperament and developmental
history forms his or her personality. This personality may often lead the person to different situations and lead him or
her to appraise it different from other persons. The behavior elicited from that appraisal is thus the result of
everything that preceded it, plus pure chance.
08/10/14 234
Figure 1.3 Interaction of Environmental and Individual Factors in the
Probability of Moving from Law Abiding to Law Breaking Behavior
Note: Angled lines each represent a hypothetical individual. Person A has a low underlying criminal disposition and
thus requires strong environmental instigation to cross the threshold from law abiding to law breaking behavior. Person
B has a strong underlying criminal disposition and will cross the threshold even under extremely low environmental
instigation. (From A. Walsh, 2003. Reprinted with permission from Nova Science)
Ideology in Criminological Theory
 Ideology: A way of looking at the world, a general emotional
picture of ‘how things should be’
 Constrained vision: Believers in this vision view human activities
as constrained by an innate human nature that is self centered
and largely unalterable
 Unconstrained vision: Denies innate human nature, viewing it as
formed anew in each different culture.
Ideology in Criminological Theory
 Ideal types: Conceptual tools that accentuate differences
between competing positions for the purposes of guiding the
exploration of them.
 A theory of criminal behavior is at least partly shaped by the
ideological vision of the person who formulated it, and that in
turn is due to the ideological atmosphere prevailing in society.
Theory Construction, Development, and
• Intuitive criminology
biological causes?
genetic predispositions?
social learning?
control – impulse, self and social?
social structure?
culture? subculture?
Individual Explanations
• Sociobiology
• Free Will
• NeoClassical
• Psychological
• Biology
Sociological explanations for
criminal and deviant behavior
• Subcultural
• Social Disorganization
• Anomie
• Drift
• Control theory
Deviant Subcultures
• Cloward and Ohlin (1966)
– Deviance or conformity depends on the relative
opportunity structure that frames a person’s life
– Conflict subcultures
• Violence is ignited by frustration and a desire for respect
– Retreatist subcultures
• Deviants drop out and abuse alcohol or drugs
• Cohen (1977)
– Criminality is most common among lower-class
youths-least likely to experience success
• Miller (1970) characterized deviant subcultures
– Trouble-arising from frequent conflict
– Toughness-value placed on size, strength, and
– Smartness-ability to succeed on the streets
• A need for excitement
• A belief in fate-no control over their own lives
• A desire for freedom-anger towards authority
Subculture and Code of the Streets
• Anderson (1994)
– In poor urban neighborhoods, most people manage
to conform to conventional values
– “Street Code”
• Lifestyle of some young men
• Neighborhood crime and violence
• Indifference or hostility from the police
• Parental neglect
– Risk of jail is high 242
There is differentiation amongst subcultural theorists but all share
the belief:
People who commit crime share a different set of values which isPeople who commit crime share a different set of values which is
different from the values of society as a whole. They have adifferent from the values of society as a whole. They have a
differentdifferent subculturesubculture
Brought up by their parents to have values sympathetic to crimeBrought up by their parents to have values sympathetic to crime
Chicago Ecological School 1920’s
• Found that inner city and working class areas had more recorded
crime than middle class suburban areas
• J B Mays 1954: growing up in the city found that criminal
subcultures are most likely in areas of acute social disadvantage
(British sociologist examining Liverpool)
• E.g. James Patrick, A Glasgow gang observed, 1973 (theory and methods,
participant observation)
• Cloward and Ohlin, Delinquency and Opportunity, 1961 found
delinquent groups are most common in socially disadvantaged
• Research your crime stats and find if this is representative ofResearch your crime stats and find if this is representative of
contemporary society…crime links at bottom of crime page…trycontemporary society…crime links at bottom of crime page…try
to research your local police statsto research your local police stats
Sutherland’s Differential
Association Theory
• Sutherland’s theory of Differential Association
– A person’s tendency toward conformity or
deviance depends on the amount of contact with
others who encourage or reject conventional
– The likelihood of engaging in crime is determined by
the values and attitudes of the people one
associates with…
Cohen and ‘Status deprivation’
Albert Cohen -
Delinquent Boys 1955 found that Status
deprivation was a key factor in joining a
delinquent group.
Status failure at school becomes a ‘king’ in the
W. Belson, Juvenile theft, 1975, a study of thieves
in London found that they stole so as to be
‘accepted as part of the group, to gain prestige’
Graffiti spraying?
Anomie: Merton
• All societies motivate people…they can achieve
through hard work
• For the majority this is impossible/difficult to
attain (suggest who and when)
• Merton argues this to an increased level of crime
as people turn to crime to achieve financial
• This situation when the goals of society are not
possible by conventional means anomieanomie
Again like Durkheim this theory has been criticized for
being too deterministic
Ignores FreechoiceIgnores Freechoice
What sociologists believe this to be?What sociologists believe this to be?
Action v System, positivists v interpretivists, etc;Action v System, positivists v interpretivists, etc;
David Matza, Delinquency and Drift, 1964, says that
individuals use techniques of neutralisation to explain
their deviant behaviour away
Suggest two reasons why people explain theirSuggest two reasons why people explain their
criminal/delinquent behaviourcriminal/delinquent behaviour
David Matza
• Subterranean values of pleasure seeking and
risk-taking are found in mainstream suburban
society as well as ‘areas’
• Everyone is deviant sometimes and young
people are more prone to this
Neo-Marxists theory sees some sub-cultures asNeo-Marxists theory sees some sub-cultures as
representing challenge to the stabilised orderrepresenting challenge to the stabilised order
Hirschi’s Control Theory
• Control Theory
– Social control depends on people anticipating the
consequences of their behavior
• Conformity is linked to four different types of
social control
– Attachment, Opportunity, Involvement, Belief
But where are the girls?
• Again examining sociological studies we find
that women have been ignored.
• Early sociology failed to take account of
Suggest reasons why sociologists would haveSuggest reasons why sociologists would have
ignored womenignored women
Enjoy the reading!

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  • 1. Nature of Crime Nature of Deviance Community and Crime 1
  • 2. Social Control • SOCIAL CONTROL – Attempts by society to regulate people’s thoughts and behavior • CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM – A formal response by police, courts, and prison officials to alleged violations of the law 2
  • 3. • Why does every society have deviance? • Why does every society have crime? • How does who and what are defined as deviant reflect social inequality? • How does the Criminal Justice System reflect societal influence? 3 Some Questions to Consider…
  • 4. Crime and Deviance • "Deviance" is a wide-ranging term used by sociologists to refer to behavior that varies, in some way, from a social norm. • In this respect, it is evident that the concept of deviance refers to some form of "rule- breaking" behavior. 4
  • 5. • DEVIANCE – The recognized violation of cultural norms • CRIME – The violation of a society’s formally enacted criminal law 5
  • 6. “The Rules” • In relation to deviance, therefore, the concept relates to all forms of rule-breaking… – (whether this involves such things as murder, theft or arson - the breaking of formal social rules - or such things as wearing inappropriate clothing for a given social situation, failing to produce homework at school or being cheeky to a parent, teacher and so forth - more-or-less the breaking of relatively informal social rules). • As a general rule, we can say that there is a distinction between crime and deviance in terms of: – "All crime is, by definition, deviant behavior, but not all forms of deviance are criminal". 6
  • 7. Self-Report Exercise • Take out a piece of paper and write down the 10 most deviant and/or illegal acts that you have committed. • Do not sign your name! – Really, do not sign your name…
  • 8. Crime is a social phenomenon 8
  • 9. Crime is common & normal • Because crime is so common, year after year, many Americans regard it as the most serious social problem facing the United States. • Crime affects everyone in society – either directly or indirectly: Crime results in thousands of deaths Millions of cases of physical injury or psychological damage NIJ – Crime costs over $500 Billion per year • Although crime appears to be ubiquitous in our society, we often know very little about how our perceptions of crime are created, maintained, or modified. 9
  • 10. The Criminological Enterprise • Criminal Statistics Gathering valid crime data; devising new research methods; measuring crime patterns and trends • Psychology/Sociology of Law Exploring the intersection between the disciplines of psychology, sociology, and law • Theory Construction, Development, and Verification • Criminal Behavior Systems Determining the nature and cause of specific crime patterns; the examination of specific offense, e.g., white collar crime. • Penology The correction and control of criminal behavior • Victimology The nature and cause of victimization • Crime Prevention Boundary
  • 11. No Ultimate Definition of Crime • We do know that there is no single objective definition of crime. There are legal definitions There are social definitions There are subjective (personal) definitions There are organizational definitions • What is crime? 1. Unlawful behavior, 2. Behavior that is formally processed as criminal 3. Socially harmful behavior 4. Anything the state wants it to be? 11
  • 12. What is Crime? Part I • A phenomenon of Society • Each society decides what conduct is criminal • Society also determines – enforcement – adjudication – punishment 12
  • 13. What is a Crime? Part II • A crime is an act – committed in violation of a law forbidding it (e.g. theft, arson) – or omitted in violation of a law commanding it (paying taxes) – and for which society has provided a formally sanctioned punishment
  • 14. What is crime? Part III • It it’s simplest definition, crime is any specific act prohibited by law for which society has provided a formally sanctioned punishment. – This can include the failure of a person to perform an act specifically required by law. 14
  • 15. To Sum up: What is crime?  Crime: ‘An intentional act in violation of the criminal law committed without defense or excuse, and penalized by the state.’  A crime is an act in violation of a criminal law for which a punishment is prescribed; the person committing it must have intended to do so and must have done so without legally acceptable defense or justification.  Legislative bodies are continually revising, adding to, and deleting from, their criminal statutes. 15
  • 16.  Laws vary within the same culture from time to time as well as across different cultures.  Crimes pass out of existence  What constitutes a crime can be defined in and out of existence by the courts or by legislators. 08/10/14 16 Crime as a Moving Target
  • 17.  Some criminologists, such as Darnell Hawkins, say that crime is a socially constructed phenomenon that lacks any ‘real’ objective essence because crimes are defined into existence rather than discovered.  Social construction means nothing more than humans have perceived a phenomenon, named it, and categorized it according to some classificatory rule that makes note of the similarities and differences among the things being classified. 17 Crime as a Moving Target
  • 18. Criminality  Criminality: A property of individuals that singles the willingness to commit acts of commission or omission contrary to the law and other harmful acts.  When criminologists study criminality, they study individuals who commit predatory harmful acts, regardless of the legal status of the acts.  Criminality is a clinical or scientific term rather than a legal one.  Involvement in crime varies in fine gradations. 18
  • 19. The Legal Making of a Criminal  A person is not officially a criminal until he or she has been defined as such by the law.  Before the law can properly call a person a criminal, it must go through a series of actions governed at all junctures by well-defined legal rules collectively called criminal procedure. 08/10/14 19
  • 20. Basic Principles of American Criminal Law American criminal law has its origins in English common law, which was brought to these shores by the early British colonists. 08/10/14 20
  • 21. Crime, Deviance, and Other Issues
  • 22. Definitions IDefinitions I Deviance involves breaking a norm and eliciting a negative reaction from others. Informal punishment is mild and may involve raised eyebrows, gossip, ostracism or Stigmatization. When people are stigmatized, they are negatively evaluated because of a perceptible sign that distinguishes them from others. Formal punishment results from people breaking laws, which are norms stipulated and enforced by government bodies. 22
  • 23. Definitions IIDefinitions II  Social diversions are minor acts of deviance such as participating in fads.  Social deviations are more serious acts. A larger proportion of people agree they are deviant and somewhat harmful, and they are usually subject to institutional sanction.  The state defines conflict crimes as illegal but the definition is controversial in the wider society.  Consensus crimes are widely agreed to be bad in themselves. 23
  • 24. Definitions IIIDefinitions III  Power is the probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a position to carry out his or her own will despite resistance.  White‑collar crime refers to illegal acts committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his or her occupation.  Street crimes include arson, burglary, robbery, assault, and other illegal acts. They are committed disproportionately by people from lower classes. 24
  • 25. Definitions IVDefinitions IV  Victimless crimes (also called crimes against Public Order) such as prostitution and illegal drug use, involve violations of the law that arguably do not harm or violate the rights of anyone except perhaps the consensual participants themselves.  Self-report surveys are especially useful. In such surveys, respondents are asked to report their involvement in criminal activities, either as perpetrators or victims. 25
  • 26. What is the discipline of Criminology?
  • 27. What is Criminology? • Criminology is the scientific study of the nature, extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior. • Criminology is an interdisciplinary science: – Sociology – Criminal justice – Political science – Psychology – Economics – Natural science
  • 28. What is criminology?  Criminology: The interdisciplinary science that gathers and analyzes data on crime and criminal behavior.  Criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior.  Criminologists use the scientific method to try to answer the questions they ask rather than simply speculate about them from their armchairs.  Criminology is an inherently interdisciplinary field. 28
  • 29. The Science of Criminology • Police Productivity and Crime Rates: Is violent crime increasing or decreasing? • Childhood Maltreatment and Delinquency: Are mistreated children more likely to engage in delinquency? • Specific Deterrence and White Collar Offenders: Are white collar offenders specifically deterred by prison?
  • 30. What is Criminology? • Criminology and Criminal Justice – Criminology explains the origin, extent, and nature of crime in society – Criminal justice refers to agencies of social control – Both discipline areas overlap
  • 31. What is Criminology? • Criminology and Deviance – Deviant behavior departs from social norms – Not all crimes are deviant and not all deviant acts are criminal – Criminologists study both criminology and deviance to understand the nature and purpose of law (I.E. drug use)
  • 32. Development of the Discipline What do Criminologists Think and Do?
  • 33. A Brief History of Criminology • Classical Criminology 18th century – Utilitarianism emphasized behavior is considered purposeful and useful by the actor – Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794) believed people have free will to choose criminal or lawful solutions to meet their needs – Choice is controlled by fear of punishment – Punishment should be severe, swift, and certain to control behavior
  • 34. A Brief History of Criminology • Nineteenth-Century Positivism – Application of scientific methods to study crime – Auguste Comte (1798-1857) – Two main elements: 1) human behavior is a function of forces beyond a person’s control and 2) embracing the scientific method to solve problems – Charles Darwin (1809-1882) popularized the positivist tradition – Influences of physiognomy and phrenology – Biological determinism - Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) atavistic anomalies – Social positivism developed to study the major social changes (sociology)
  • 35. A Brief History of Criminology • Foundations of Sociological Criminology – L.A.J. Quetelet – cartography (demographic variables) – Emile Durkheim – anomie ( role confusion) – Crime calls attention to the social ills – Rising crime rates can signal the need for social change
  • 36. A Brief History of Criminology • The Chicago School and Beyond – Robert Ezra Park (1864-1944), Ernest W. Burgess (1886-1966), Louis Wirth (1897-1952) – The Chicago School - social ecology (reaction to an environment that was inadequate for proper human relations and development) – Edwin Sutherland suggested people learn criminality – Walter Reckless linked crime to an inadequate self- image. – Both views linked criminality to the failure of socialization
  • 37. A Brief History of Criminology • Conflict Criminology – Karl Marx (1818-1883) – Relationship between bourgeoisie (capitalists) and proletariat (labor) developing class conflicts – Development of conflict theory (the linkage between crime and capitalism) – Impact on civil rights/women’s movements
  • 38. A Brief History of Criminology • Contemporary Criminology – Rational choice theory argues people are rational decision makers – Social structure theory argues social environment controls criminal behavior – Social process theory argues criminal behavior is learned
  • 39. What Criminologists Do: The Criminological Enterprise • Criminal Statistics – Measuring the amount and trends of criminal activity – Creating valid and reliable measurements of criminal activity
  • 40. What Criminologists Do: The Criminological Enterprise • Sociology of Law – Subarea of criminology concerned with the role of social forces in shaping criminal law (I.E. legality of art works) – Criminologists help lawmakers alter the content of criminal law to respond to the changing times (I.E. sex offender registration)
  • 41. What Criminologists Do: The Criminological Enterprise • Developing theories of Crime Causation – Psychological view contends crime is a function of personality, learning, or cognition – Biological view incorporates biochemical, genetic, and neurological linkages to crime – Sociological view includes social forces such as poverty, socialization, and group interaction
  • 42. What Criminologists Do: The Criminological Enterprise • The Nature of Theory and Theory Development – Social theory is a systematic set of interrelated statements that explain some aspect of social life – Some theory may be grand, while others are narrow in their focus – Theory is based on social facts, which can be readily observed
  • 43. What Criminologists Do: The Criminological Enterprise • Criminal Behavior Systems – Involves crime types and patterns (I.E. violent, public order, and organized crime) – Edwin Sutherland’s “white-collar” crime – Crime typologies involve different types of crime and criminals
  • 44. What Criminologists Do: The Criminological Enterprise • Penology – Correction and control of known criminal offenders – Capital punishment is used as social control – Mandatory sentences are aimed at social control and prevention of criminal acts.
  • 45. What Criminologists Do: The Criminological Enterprise • Victimology – Examines the critical role of the victim in the criminal process (Hans von Hentig andStephen Schafer) – Use of victim surveys to measure the nature and extent of criminal behavior – Creating probabilities of victimization risk – Victim culpability or precipitation of crime – Designing services and programs
  • 46. How Criminologists View Crime • The Consensus View of Crime – Substantive criminal law defines crime and punishment – Criminal law is a function of beliefs, morality and rules – Laws apply equally to all members of society – Acts which are considered as social harms should be outlawed to protect the social fabric and members of society
  • 47. How Criminologists View Crime • The Conflict view of Crime – Criminal law reflects and protects established economic, racial, gendered, and political power and privilege – Definition of crime is controlled by wealth, power, and social position – Crime is shaped by the values of the ruling class and not the moral consensus of all people
  • 48. How Criminologists View Crime • The Interactionist View of Crime – This position holds 1) People act according to their own interpretations of reality, 2) People observe they way others react either positively or negatively, and 3) People reevaluate and interpret their own behavior according to the meaning and symbols they have learned from others – There is not objective reality, according to interactionists – The definition of crime reflects the preferences and opinions of people who hold social power – Crime is socially defined by moral entrepreneurs
  • 49. How Criminologists View Crime • Defining Crime – Crime is a violation of societal rules of behavior as interpreted and expressed by the criminal law, which reflects public opinion, traditional values, and the viewpoint of people currently holding social and political power – The definition combines all three criminological perspectives (consensus, conflict, and interactionist)
  • 50. Traditional Justice (retributive and rehabilitative) Restorative Justice Victims are peripheral to the process Victims are central to the process The focus is on punishing or on treating the offender The focus is on repairing the harm between an offender and victim, and perhaps also an offender and a wider community The community is represented by the state Community members or organizations take a more active role The process is characterized by adversarial relationships among the parties The process is characterized by dialogue and negotiation among parties
  • 51. Crime is not new • 1849 California Gold Rush • 89,000 Miners • 20% dead in first six months (mostly homicide) • Crime rate led to the creation of one of the first state prisons. 51
  • 52. 52 San Quentin Prison one of the first prisons ever constructed in the US
  • 53. Crime and the Criminal Law – Code of Hammurabi (eye for an eye) – Mosaic Code (basis for U.S. legal system) – Compurgation (use of oathhelpers) – Trials by ordeal (divine intervention)
  • 54. Crime and the Criminal Law • Common Law – English system of law based on precedent cases – Mala in se refers to crime considered as evil – Mala prohibita refers statutory crimes – Legislatures supplement common law with statutes
  • 55. Crime and the Criminal Law • Contemporary Criminal Law – Felony offenses are serious criminal actions – Misdemeanor offenses are minor or petty criminal actions – Criminal law seeks to: Enforce social control, Discourage revenge, Express public opinion and morality, Deter criminal behavior, Punish wrongdoing, and Maintain social order
  • 56. Crime and the Criminal Law • The Elements of a Crime – Actus Reus is the action of a crime – Mens Rea is the mental intent of a criminal action – Strict Liability does not necessarily require specific intent
  • 57. Crime and the Criminal Law • Criminal Defenses – Excuse defenses – insanity, intoxication, and ignorance – Justification defenses – necessity, duress, self- defense, and entrapment
  • 58. Crime and the Criminal Law • The Evolution of Criminal Law – Criminal law evolves to reflect social and economic conditions, such as stalking statutes or sexual predator laws (Megan’s Law) – Changing technology requires modifications in criminal law
  • 59. Ethical Issues in Criminology – What to study (influence of research money) – Whom to study (unmasking the poor) – How to study (experiments and harm)
  • 60. Crime does not always make sense: Odd laws Minnesota: --It is illegal to tease skunks. --Every man in Brainerd is required by law to grow a beard. Michigan: --A state law stipulates that a woman's hair legally belongs to her husband. --Under state law, dentists are officially classified as "mechanics." --In Clawson, it is legal for a man to "sleep with his pigs, cows, horses, goats, and chickens." 60
  • 61. The theme of the criminal justice system: Balancing the concern for individual rights with the need for public order. 61
  • 62. Does the CJS Over-criminalize? Story of the cursing canoist… Curfews… 62
  • 63. Influence of the Media Perception and Public Opinion CSI Effect
  • 64. Public Opinion and the News Media • What is the relationship between public opinion and public policy? • How is crime data organized on an opinion level?
  • 65. Crime MythsCrime Myths • Crime Myths get created out of situations of ambiguity and concern • Crime myths are “an ill-founded belief held uncritically” • Most people's ideas about crime and criminals were NOTNOT formedformed through personal experience instead we form much of our ideas based on media depictions and illustrations of crime and criminals
  • 66. Example of a Myth • How much crime is there? More difficult to answer because it varies and the media creates… • Myth of Child Abduction  Kappeler, Blumberg, and Potter show that the hysteria that surrounded the scare of child abductions in the 1980s was not stranger-related but the result of other factors – e.g., divorce and custody issues.
  • 67. Media Images • There is neither enough space in newspapers nor enough air time on television to cover all, or even most for that matter, criminal activities. • Research has shown that Violent crimes are more likely to gain the attention of the media • However, does the media cover violent crimes because of their interest or ours???
  • 68. What does the Media depict? • Bob Roshier has shown that there are three factors influencing the selection of media crime stories 1. Unusual Circumstances 2. Dramatic elements 3. Involvement of famous people -- e.g., Robert Downey, jr.
  • 69. Crime and Media • Crime is used to sell • Television portrays crime and criminals in a stereotypical manner • Most crime is violent, interpersonal, pathological • Glassner – “The Construction of Fear”
  • 70. Criminological research on media images A number of analyses on the influence of media depictions of crime, criminals, criminality, and victims exist. According to Surette (1992)  The media has a profound influence on the general public understanding of crime.
  • 71. Media Images Various sources of information, commentary, and debate on crime exist in print, video and electronic media outlets that establish the parameters of perceived wisdom on crime. Marsh (1991) demonstrates that most media illustrate crime in a mainstream and sensational fashion. One facet of this overly dramatic style has been the manner in which victims are presented. The media, however, is not alone in dramatizing certain kinds of victims.
  • 72. Even the officials… • Eitzen and Timmer 1989:39  – Official crime statistics themselves fare no better because they pay far more attention to violent and property crime than to corporate and white-collar crime
  • 73. Weiss and Chermak (1998) on Homicide Reporting studied all homicides that occurred in Indianapolis in 1995 and concluded that murders of white victims receive more news attention than when African-Americans are victims.
  • 74. Conclusions and Consequences – What consequences would this presentation have? – What patterns have you noticed on television and other media? – What do you think about Weiss and Chermak’s conclusions?
  • 75. Zatz and Richey Mann (1998) • contend that popular conceptions of crime and criminality are constructed within the dominant paradigms of race, gender, and class. • “By linking images of color with crime, the stereotypes underlying media reporting on crime and criminality become more apparent” (1998:1).
  • 76. Street vs. White Collar crime • Most research on media portrayals are based on street crime rather than white-collar or corporate crime. “The most common image of a crime victim is surely the victim of murder, rape, robbery, burglary or some other conventional crime.” • There can be little question that most people are likely to fear being victimized by such crime” (Friedrichs 1996: 58).
  • 77. Who to fear? Rather than fearing white-collar or corporate crime, most American citizens are unaware of corporate misconduct because they are focused on conventional crime.
  • 78. Thinking about CrimeThinking about Crime  Meithe and McCorkle  Simple solutions to crime are rarely that!  Simplicity vs. Complexity  Criminal behavior is typically 1. described with Action verbs (beaten, stabbed, attacked) 2. referenced with legal terms (murder, kidnapping, etc…)
  • 79. The "Crime Problem"The "Crime Problem" • Raymond Mickalwski -- "crime problem" and "problem of crime" • Crime problem image refers to the traditional depiction • Problem of Crime image is concerned with common crime but understands that not all forms of socially harmful behavior are prohibited by law
  • 80. The "Typical Criminal"The "Typical Criminal" • Jeffrey ReimanJeffrey Reiman -- Typical Criminal -- a stereotypical image that is produced by existing criminal justice practices, starting with the lawmaking process and including law enforcement, corrections, and even media coverage of crime and criminals.  Carnival Mirror Image -- a distorted image of the danger: young, black, poor, urban, and male • Typical criminal and typical crime Wrong: 1. Many crimes are not interpersonal 2. Most crimes are not violent
  • 81. Meithe and McCorkleMeithe and McCorkle They contend that we categorize and understand criminal action through constructing different kinds of categories. They see four separate kinds or types of understandings: legal, offender, victim, and situational based.
  • 82. Legal-based typologies Limited because aspects of the offender are missing What about plea-bargaining  Do we really know who did what? Legal definitions vary from state to state Criminals do not specialize May be overly generalized?
  • 83. Offender-based Typologies These types are constructed on the characteristics of the offenders Ancient form of criminological analysis “Classical School of Criminology”
  • 84. Victim-based Typologies This is New… • What type of victim is chosen and why • Offender decision-making is critical • Victim response is useful information
  • 85. Situation/Context-based Types • Opportunity structure, where the crime occurs
  • 87. What is crime • Before the criminal justice system can function we must first define what is: 87 Crime
  • 88. The Concept of Crime is Important A person is not criminally culpable (blameworthy) unless she acted: voluntarily (or failed to act when required by law to do so) with a “guilty mind” in such a way that her action and intention coincided in time causing the harm in violation of the criminal law so as to produced harm and injury
  • 90. What is crime? 90 • Murder • Burglary • Robbery • Larceny • Motor Vehicle Theft • Arson
  • 91. It is also 91 • Sneaking into a movie theater • Taking towels from a hotel • Illegal parking • Littering • Skateboarding in unlawful areas • Jaywalking • Speeding
  • 92. Elements of Crime • A legal definition is the basis of criminal justice in the United States. • Technically and ideally, a criminal offense has not been committed unless all seven of the previous elements are present.
  • 93. True crimes To establish that a true crime has been committed and to convict on it in court, it is neccessary to establish all of the following: • 1. Harm • 2. Legality • 3. Actus Reus = action • 4. Mens Rea = intent • 5. Causation • 6. Concurrence
  • 94. What Constitutes a Crime?  Corpus delicti: Refers to the elements of a given act that must be present in order to legally define it as a crime.  It is only necessary for the state to prove two elements to satisfy corpus delicti:  Actus reus  Mens Rea  Acts Reus: Means guilty act, and refers to the principle that a person must commit some forbidden act or neglect some mandatory act before he or she can be subjected to criminal sanctions. 94
  • 95. What Constitutes a Crime?  Concurrence: Means that the act and the mental state occur in the sense that the criminal intention actuates the criminal act.  Causation: Refers to the necessity to establish a causal link between the criminal act and the harm suffered.  Harm: Refers to the negative impact a crime has either to the victim or to the general values of the community. 95
  • 96. Reality vs. Ideal It is only in a technical and ideal sense that all seven elements of a true crime must be present. In actual practice, a behavior is often considered a crime when one or more of these elements is absent.
  • 97. Harm • For a crime there must be negative external consequences that are deemed contrary to normal life or experience. • A mental state or emotional state is not enough. Thinking about committing a crime or being angry enough to commit a crime, without acting on the thought or anger is not a crime.
  • 98. Nature of Harm • The harm may be physical or verbal. • Physically striking another person without legal justification is an example of physical harm. • An example of an act that does verbal harm is a threat to strike someone, whether the threat is carried out or not.
  • 99. Who says words can’t hurt Another example of verbal harm includes writing something false about another person that dishonors or injures in some way and is called libel. The spoken equivalent is Slander.
  • 100. Crime as a Subcategory of Social Harm  John Hagen views crime as a continuous variable and as a subcategory of all harmful acts. Consensus: Agreement existing in the population about right and wrong. There is substantial agreement among average citizens both within and across modern societies regarding the average seriousness ratings given to a variety of criminal offenses. 100
  • 101. Crime as a Subcategory of Social Harm Severity of the law’s response to a given crime  The more serious the legal penalty, the more serious the societal evaluation of the act.  Amount of harm caused by the crime.  The harm dimension underlies both consensus about wrongfulness and severity of legal responses. 101
  • 102.  Harmful acts, such as smoking tobacco or drinking in access are not considered anyone’s business other than the actor’s of they take place in private, or even in public if the person creates no annoyance. 08/10/14 102 Crime as a Subcategory of Social Harm
  • 103. Crime as a Subcategory of Social Harm  Social harmful acts are acts in a category that some political body has decided in non- arbitrary ways are in need of regulation, but not by the criminal law except under exceptional circumstances.  Private wrongs (torts) are socially harmful, but not sufficiently so to require the heavy hand of the criminal law. 103
  • 104. Crime as a Subcategory of Social Harm  A small subcategory of harmful acts is considered so socially harmful that they come under the purview of the coercive power of the criminal justice system. 104
  • 105. Beyond Social Construction: The Stationary Core Crimes  Few people would argue that an act is not seriously harmful if it is universally condemned.  Mala in se: Crimes that ‘inherently bad’.  Mala prohibita: Crimes that are considered bad because they are prohibited. 105
  • 106. Victimful and Victimless Crimes  Three crime categories  Crimes for which there is an obvious intended victim.  Crimes in which victimization is the result of carelessness.  Crimes in which participation in the crime is voluntary.  A victimless crime is consensual and non predatory; a victimful crime is non-consensual and predatory, and mala in se almost by definition. 106
  • 107. 107 All Harms |the criminal Mostly private matters; |justice system rare state intervention | All Social Harms State regulated but Harms outside not by criminal law the purview of All Crimes Low/moderate consensus, Mala in se and low/moderate penalties mala prohibita low to moderate harm Core Offenses High consensus, Mala in se severe penalties, high level of harm Figure 1.1 Mala in Se and Mala Prohibita Crimes as Subsets of all Harms
  • 108. Legality • First – the harm must be legally forbidden. Violation of union or school or religious rules may be wrong but they are not necessarily prohibited by criminal law. • Second – a criminal law must not be retroactive or Ex Post Facto. You can not declare an act illegal or increase punishment after an act or alter rules of evidence after it has been committed. The U.S. constitution forbids such laws.
  • 109. Actus reus  A latin term that refers to criminal conduct. A prohibited act has taken place in violation of the criminal law. Or negligent (reckless) action or inaction that causes harm to another. • If people do not act in situations where the law requires them to act, they are committing crimes. Parents are legally provided to care for
  • 110. No crime w/o LAW  There is no crime without law. (Derived from Bentham & Beccaria, classical school. All crime defined with respect to the legal code.) • Remember again that you cannot be convicted for your thoughts; you must also have acted. • (Note Jimmy Carter's comment during his presidential campaign: "I have
  • 111. Criminal Act (actus reus) All crimes require an affirmative or negative act. Affirmative acts (act of commission) require conscious and volitional movement--a product of the determination of the actor. Involuntary acts are insufficient. Negative acts (acts of omission) are failures to act where there is a legal duty to act, and where it was possible for the actor to act.
  • 113. Acts of Omission Legal Relationship, e.g., parent-child Contractual Obligation, e.g., lifeguard to swimmer Statutory Obligation, e.g., taxes Creation of Peril Voluntary Assumption of care
  • 114. Criminal Intent (mens rea) Purposely - with conscious desire to cause a certain result Knowingly - with awareness that something will occur Recklessly - with a conscious disregard of a substantial risk or injury Negligently - actions that the actor should have known would cause harm
  • 115. Mens rea • Mens rea. Another latin term. Criminal intent, or predisposition, or premeditation, or a criminal state of mind. • Difficult to translate into English. Essentially, though, it means that you intended to do what you did, and that you were able to be responsible for
  • 116. Criminal Intent • Origins in Eighteenth century English common law although the principle goes back to the 1600s. How do we determine if offenders have the capacity for understanding the consequences of their actions? • Questions of competence are all issues of Mens Rea.
  • 117. Criminal Intent Criminal intent assumes all ofCriminal intent assumes all of the following:the following: – Fairness – Free will (ability to choose between actions) – Rationality – Nature of punishment--from vengeance to deterrence
  • 118. Degrees of Mental Fault Purposely Knowingly Recklessly Negligently Crime-Tort Barrier
  • 119. Gradations of Intention • Purposely: A desires to kill B by blowing up a building in which he knows B is sleeping. He has acted purposely with regard to the death of B. • Knowingly: A intends to blow up a building in which he knows B is asleep on the top floor. Even though does not desire B’s death, if B dies, A has killed B knowingly because it is practically certain the B will die.
  • 120. M'Naghten Rule If you are not of sound mind, you can't be held responsible for your actions. From this we get the "innocent by reason of insanity" plea.
  • 121. M'Naghten Rule: To establish an insanity defense, "it must be clearly proved that at the time of the committing of the act, the party accused was laboring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing; or if he did know it, that he did not know that he was doing what was wrong." Diminished Capacity
  • 122. Gradations of Intention • Recklessly: A intends to blow up a building in which he knows B is asleep. He calls C and asks him to go to the building and wake up B. • B knows that C is not very responsible. If C fails to do wake B, and B dies, A has killed B recklessly because he consciously disregarded a significant risk of injury to B.
  • 123. Gradations of Intention • Negligently: A desires to blow up a building. Although it would be apparent to the average person that B is in the building and will be killed, A is totally unaware of that possibility. • If B dies, A has acted with criminal negligence with regard to B’s death.
  • 124. Strict Liability Crimes • Certain public welfare (e.g., hand gun possession) and sexual offenses (e.g., statutory rape, bigamy, and adultery) do not require proof of mens rea. • The act alone will suffice.
  • 125. Two Tests for Causation Factual Causation But for A’s act, the result would not have occurred when and as it did. “But for Bill’s act, Harry would not have been injured in the way in which he was.” Proximate Causation B’s injuries must have been the natural and probable consequences of A’s act. B’s injuries must have been foreseeable, without any intervening factors sufficient to break the causal chain that would relieve A of liability.
  • 126. Defenses: Excuses and Justifications EXCUSES Defenses in which the law recognizes the absence of mens rea or actus reus, and concludes that no crime has been committed Insanity Infancy Intoxication JUSTIFICATIONS Defenses in which the law authorizes the violation of another law where there is a justification Self Defense Defense of Others Duress Necessity
  • 127. The Law of Deadly Force • Constitutional Law – Tennessee v. Gardner • Police may not use deadly force against a fleeing unarmed felony suspect. Such force is an unconstitutional seizure of the person and violates the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. • State Statute – Justification by law enforcement • Departmental Policies – Examples: FBI Guidelines, PPD Directive 10
  • 128. No force Officer uses typical verbal commands Slight force Officer uses strong directive language and/or minimal physical force to encourage compliance Forcibly subdued suspects with hands Officer uses an arm/wrist lock, takedown, block, punch, or kick Forcibly subdued suspect using methods other than hands, e.g., gun or baton
  • 129. What about insanity?insanity? It is difficult to determine who is legally insane. What is a “defect of reason?” Or “disease of the mind?” What if a person knows the difference between right and wrong but is unable to control their actions?  Irresistible impulse (or control) test  If an offender meets the
  • 130. Don’t have to care about Insanity • States are free to abolish insanity as a defense… Montana (in 1979), Idaho, and Utah are states that have done so.
  • 131. Guilty but insane • Following the 1982 acquittal of John Hickley, on the grounds that he was legally insane, several states enacted “guilty but insane” or “guilty but mentally ill” laws. Serve in mental institution until cured then serve the remainder of sentence in the prison population
  • 132. Causation • It must be shown that the criminal intent actually caused the prohibited act to occur. There must be a causal relationship between the legally forbidden harm and the actus reus (act itself). • It's not good enough to show that you thought about doing something and then it happened. It must be shown that you thought about doing something, this led you to plan to do it, and then you actually did it
  • 133. Concurrence • The criminal conduct and the criminal intent must occur together. – Repair person stealing your television on the way out.
  • 134. For a behavior to be considered a crime, there must be statutory provisions for punishment or at least the threat of punishment. Without the threat of punishment, a law is unenforceable and is therefore not a criminal
  • 135. Ohio Revised Code • A crime or public offense is an act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it and to which is annexed, upon conviction, either of the following punishments: • Death or • Imprisonment • Fine • Removal from office • Disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit in this state 135
  • 136. Crime simply… 136 A crime or public offense is an act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it.
  • 137. As society becomes more complex, so do our laws and CJS • In 1990, California became the first state to enact a specific stalking law. 137
  • 138.  Misdemeanor vs. Felony  Wedding Cake
  • 139. Criminal Behavior Systems • Classifications • Typologies • Specific Offenses
  • 140. Groupings of Crimes • Violent Crime • Property / Economic Crime • Computer / High-Tech Crime • Organized Crime • White-collar Crime • Public Order Crime
  • 141. What you need, legally, to have a crime • Corpus delicti: each crime has elements that must be meet to ‘prove’ the offense occurred – Actus reus = action – Mens rea = intent • Common law definition of Burglary – Entering the dwelling of another (act) – In the night time – To commit a felony within (intent)
  • 142. Types of Offenses • Crimes are classified by the seriousness of the offenses as follows: • A felony is the most serious offense, for which the offender may be sentenced to state prison or death. • Felonies generally include violent crimes, sex offenses, and many types of drug and property violations. 142
  • 143. Types of Offenses • A misdemeanor is a less serious offense for which the offender may be sentenced to probation, county jail, a fine, or some combination of the three. • Misdemeanors generally include crimes such as assault and battery, petty theft, and public drunkenness. 143
  • 144. Types of Offenses • An infraction is the least serious offense and is generally punishable by a fine. Many motor vehicle violations are considered infractions. 144
  • 145. Hate Crimes • A criminal act against a person or a person’s property by an offender motivated by racial or other bias • Based on – Race – Religion – Ancestry – Sexual orientation – Physical disability 145
  • 146. Major Categories of Violent Crime • Murder, or unlawful killing of a human being • Sexual assault or rape • Assault and Battery • Robbery 146
  • 147. Violent Crime • Violence Against the Person • Sexual Violence • Robbery Perpetrators disproportionately young, male, lower social classes 147
  • 149. What Stands between the Criminal and the People? 149
  • 150. What Stands Between the Criminal and the People? 150 CriminalCriminal JusticeJustice SystemSystem
  • 151. 151 Components of the Criminal Justice System P o lic e C o u rts C o rre c tio n s T h e C rim in a l J u s tic e S y s te m
  • 152. The Criminal Justice System: Purpose and Goals • To control crime • To prevent crime – lower recidivism (re-offending) • To provide and maintain justice • To help strengthen communities • To establish and reflect common values • To deal with offenders inside and outside of the community • Others ???
  • 153. Criminal case processing. Source: Adapted from U.S. Dept. of Justice 153
  • 154. The Criminal Justice System: Purpose and Goals • To control crime • To prevent crime • To provide and maintain justice 154
  • 155. Due Process • The criminal justice system must operate within the bounds of law • Grounded in first ten amendments to U.S. Constitution – Offers protection to any person charged with a crime • Due process limits the power of government 155
  • 156. 156 Criminal Justice Funnel Of 1,000 crimes that are committed Only 5 juveniles and 18 adults are incarcerated
  • 157. Structure of the Criminal Justice System • Police – Local Law Enforcement – State Law Enforcement – Federal Law Enforcement • Courts – State Courts – Federal Courts – Prosecutors and Defenders 157
  • 158. Structure of the Criminal Justice System • Corrections – Probation – Incarceration – Community Based Corrections – Parole 158
  • 159. The Criminal Justice System: Size and Expense • 55,000 different public agencies • $147 billion annual budget • 2.2 million employees • 20,000 police agencies • 17,000 courts 159
  • 160. The Criminal Justice System: Size and Expense • 8,000 prosecutorial agencies • 5,700 correctional institutions • 3,500 probation and parole departments • 15 million arrests per year – 3 million for felonies • Correctional population of 2 million • Additional 4 million on probation or parole 160
  • 161. The Criminal Justice System: Size and Expense • Law Enforcement employs over 1 million sworn personnel, not counting civilian employees • Corrections employs over 717,000 people • Court systems employ 455,000 • It costs $70,000 to build a jail or prison cell • It costs $25,000 a year to house an inmate 161
  • 162. Department of Homeland Security • The newest federal criminal justice agency was created by President George W. Bush on November 25, 2002. • Headed by Tom Ridge 162
  • 163. Role of the Police • Protect lives and property • The only criminal justice component that deals with persons not charged with a crime. 163
  • 164. Role of the Police • Duties are becoming more complex • Greater use of discretion • If possible use alternatives other than arrest. • When necessary arrest law violators 164
  • 165. Role of the Police • Felony arrests require probable or reasonable cause • Misdemeanor arrests may be made if act is “in-presence” of officer 165
  • 166. Role of the Courts • To seek truth & obtain justice • To adjudicate & sentence • Consists of: – municipal courts* – superior courts – appellate courts – supreme court 166
  • 167. Role of the Courts • Plea Bargain accepted in 90% of criminal cases. • Also referred to as Bargain Justice. • Prosecution and defense form “adversary system” of justice 167
  • 168. An Excursion Through the American Criminal Justice System  A preliminary arraignment has two purposes.  To advise suspects of their constitutional rights, and of the tentative charges against them.  To set bail. 08/10/14 168
  • 169. An Excursion Through the American Criminal Justice System  Preliminary Hearing: The preliminary hearing usually takes place about ten days after the preliminary arraignment, and is a proceeding before a magistrate or municipal judge in which three major matters must be decided.  Whether or not a crime has actually been committed.  Whether or not there are reasonable grounds to believe the person before the bench committed it.  Whether or not the crime was committed in the jurisdiction of the court. 169
  • 170. An Excursion Through the American Criminal Justice System The Grand Jury: Prosecutors in some states must seek an indictment from a grand jury. The grand jury is normally an investigatory body and a buffer between the power of the state and its citizens. 170
  • 171. An Excursion Through the American Criminal Justice System Arraignment: The arraignment proceeding is the first time defendants have the opportunity to respond to the charges against them. After the charges are read to the defendant, he or she must then enter a formal response, known as a plea. 08/10/14 171
  • 172. An Excursion Through the American Criminal Justice System The Trial: The trial is an adversarial process pitting the prosecutor against the defense attorney. The prosecutor’s job is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty; the defense need only to plant the seed of reasonable doubt to upset the prosecution’s case. 172
  • 173.  About 90% of all felony cases in the United States are settled by plea bargains in which the state extends some benefit to the defendant in exchange for his or her cooperation.  Probation: On the basis of presentence investigation reports, the probation officer offers a sentencing recommendation. The most important factors influencing these recommendations are crime seriousness and the defendant’s criminal history. 08/10/14 173 An Excursion Through the American Criminal Justice System
  • 174. Is this your idea of Corrections? • It is also home arrest • Community supervision • Probation • Parole • And lastly, Confinement 174
  • 175. Incarceration: Of the sentence imposed for a felony conviction is some form of incarceration, the judge has the option of sentencing the offender to a state penitentiary, a county jail, or a county work release program. 08/10/14 175 An Excursion Through the American Correctional System
  • 176.  Parole: Parole is a conditional release from prison granted to inmates some time prior to the completion of their sentence.  An inmate is granted parole by a parole board, which decides for or against parole based on such factors as inmate behavior while incarcerated and the urgency of the need for cell space. 176 An Excursion Through the American Correctional System
  • 177. Community-Based Corrections • Correctional programs operating within society at large rather than behind prison walls • Three advantages: – Reduce costs – Supervision of convicts while eliminating hardships of prison life and stigma of jail – Not so much to punish as reform 177
  • 178. • Probation – A policy of permitting a convicted offender to remain in the community under conditions imposed by a court • Shock Probation – A policy by which a judge orders a convicted offender to prison for a short time and then suspends the remainder of the sentence in favor of probation • Parole – A policy of releasing inmates from prison to serve the remainder of their sentences in the local community under supervision of a parole officer 178
  • 179. Discretion • Discretion permits justice officials at all levels to make decisions that will keep the system operating 179
  • 180. Discretionary Decisions • Criminal justice officials must make decisions every day concerning their duties • Police • To enforce the law • Investigate specific crimes • Search people or buildings • Arrest or detain people 180
  • 181. Discretionary Decisions • Prosecutors • File charges against suspects brought to them by the police • Drop cases • Reduce charges 181
  • 182. Discretionary Decisions • Judges • Set conditions for pre-trial release • Accept pleas • Dismiss charges • Impose sentences 182
  • 183. Discretionary Decisions • Correctional Officials • Assign convicts to prison or jail • Punish prisoners who misbehave • Reward prisoners who behave well 183
  • 184. 184
  • 185. Crime in the United States 185
  • 186. Prison and Jail Populations in the United States Figure 1.8 Prison and Jail Populations in the United States, 1985 - 2000 186
  • 187. Victimization: Percent of Offences byVictimization: Percent of Offences by Type of Crime, Seven Countries,Type of Crime, Seven Countries, 20002000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Vehicular Burglary Contact crimes Theft Australia (58) England & Wales (58) Sweden (46) USA (43) Canada (42) France (36) Japan (22) Percent of offences Note: Contact crimes include robberies, sexual incidents, and assaults and threats. Horizontal lines indicate international average for each type of crime for all 17 countries in the survey. Thirty-eight percent of the population of all 17 countries were victimized in the year preceding the survey. Percent of populationPercent of population victimized by all crimesvictimized by all crimes 187
  • 188. Criminal Statistics • Include only crimes known to the police • Researchers check crime statistics – Victimization Surveys – Demonstrates that the overall crime rate is three times higher than official reports indicate
  • 189. Criminal Patterns and Trends • Race and Ethnicity – Strongly linked to crime rates – Reasons for disproportionate arrests among African Americans
  • 190. Crime in a Global Perspective • U. S. crime rate high by world standards – Crime arises from culture’s emphasis on individual economic success – Extensive private ownership of guns • Crime high in some of the largest cities of the world • Different countries have different strategies for dealing with crime – Death penalty
  • 191. Trends and Issues in Criminal Justice Today in the United States • Three Strikes You’re Out • Decline in the crime rate • Fear of crime • Crime as a political issue • Tougher sentencing laws • Abolition of parole in some states • Increased vigilance given to drug cases 191
  • 192. Thinking about trends and Issues in Criminal Justice Today • Women in prison are growing faster than any other group! • Is this due to more female criminality or differences in how they are treated, or both? 192
  • 193. Other Trends and Issues in Criminal Justice Today • Terrorism • Media Distortion of Crime getting worse? – False perception of a crime epidemic – Suggestion that crime rates are increasing – Impression that most crime is violent • White Collar and Corporate Crime – Esp. Fraud 193
  • 196. Corporate Criminal Liability: The Federal Law • A corporation may be held criminally liable for acts committed by its employees if they were acting within the scope of their authority, and for the benefit of the corporation even if such acts were against corporate policy or express instructions. • This rule extends corporate criminal liability to acts committed by: officers and directors managers and supervisors subordinate employees independent contractors
  • 197. Vicarious Liability Agent’s Criminal IntentAgent’s Criminal Act
  • 198. The Corporate Compliance Movement • The likelihood of a criminal investigation, indictment, aggressive prosecution, conviction, and significant fine may be reduced significantly by evidence of corporate compliance. • Vicarious liability might be defeated by active corporate compliance efforts. Liability Corporate Compliance
  • 199. What are the ingredients (elements) of all crimes? ACT + INTENT + CONCURRENCE + CAUSATION + INJURY + HARM + PROHIBITED ACT = Crime Biological Persons Corporate Persons
  • 200. How can a corporation commit a crime? • Who acts • Who intends? • Who causes injury? • Who is punished?
  • 201. New York Central & Hudson River Railroad v. U.S. (1909) • Corporations conduct the great majority of business transactions • Interstate commerce is almost entirely in their hands • The notion that corporations are incapable of committing crimes would “virtually take away the only means of effectively controlling” business transactions in interstate commerce • Corporations can commit crimes
  • 202. Corporate Criminal Liability: The Federal Law • A corporation may be held criminally liable for acts committed by its employees if they were acting within the scope of their authority, and for the benefit of the corporation even if such acts were against corporate policy or express instructions. • This rule extends corporate criminal liability to acts committed by: officers and directors managers and supervisors subordinate employees independent contractors
  • 203. Vicarious Liability Agent’s Criminal IntentAgent’s Criminal Act
  • 204. The Corporate Compliance Movement • The likelihood of a criminal investigation, indictment, aggressive prosecution, conviction, and significant fine may be reduced significantly by evidence of corporate compliance. • Vicarious liability might be defeated by active corporate compliance efforts. Liability Corporate Compliance
  • 205. Minimum Requirements for an Effective Compliance Program Standards and Procedures reasonably capable of preventing criminal conduct Oversight of standards by high level personnel Care in the delegation of substantial managerial authority to individuals Effective communication of standards and procedures to employees Reasonable steps taken to achieve compliance Enforcement of disciplinary mechanisms Appropriate response after detection of an offense
  • 206. Key to Compliance Proactive Compliance Reactive Compliance
  • 207. Edwin Sutherland and his view Challenging Issues: Genocide, Terrorism, Death Penalty
  • 208. Criminology: Sutherland’s Definition--Modified • Criminology is the body of knowledge regarding crime and criminality as a social, psychological, and biological phenomena. • It includes within its scope the process of making laws, of breaking laws, and of reacting toward the breaking of laws. • The objective of criminology is the development of a body of knowledge regarding crime, criminality, and its prevention.
  • 209. The Forgotten Criminology of Genocide • Why has the field of criminology neglected any consideration of the crime of genocide? • How could criminologists neglect an estimated sixteen million deaths in crimes against humanity since World War II? • What has the field of criminology lost by its neglect of the crime of genocide?
  • 210. Terrorism FBI Definition • The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
  • 211. Terrorism: Generating Publicity and Fear Classifying Terrorism • Revolutionary Terrorism Forcing governments to respond; to encourage a revolution, e.g., PLO • State-Sponsored Terrorism Terrorist activities by governments against their own citizens or other countries, e.g., Khmer Rouge • Religious Terrorism Promoting a religious system or protect a set of religious beliefs, e.g., use of Jihad or holy war by Islamic fundamentalists
  • 212. Terrorism Punishment? • Symbolic • Retributive • Desert • Expressive • Restorative
  • 213. Criminal Statistics: The Death Penalty • How many people have been executed since 1608? • How many people have been executed this year? • How many executions have taken place since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976? • How many jurisdictions have death penalty statutes? • Which states do not permit the death penalty? • What percentage of defendants executed since 1976 were white? • What percentage of defendants executed were convicted of killing a white victim? • Which two states can claim credit for more than 40% of all executions since 1976? • Do states still execute inmates either by hanging or with a firing squad?
  • 214. • Criminal Statistics: Death Penalty How many people have been executed since 1608? (19,500) How many people have been executed this year? (48) How many executions have taken place since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976? (731) How many states have death penalty statutes? (38) Which states do not permit the death penalty? Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia What percentage of defendants executed since 1976 were white? (45%) What percentage of defendants executed were convicted of killing a white victim? (81%) Which two states can claim credit for more than 40% of all executions since 1976? (Texas and Virginia) Do states still execute inmates either by hanging or with a firing squad? Delaware, Montana, and New Hampshire (H); Idaho, Oklahoma, Utah (FS)
  • 215. Criminal Statistics: The Death Penalty • How many documented innocent people have been executed this century? • How many people have been released since 1972 as a result of being wrongfully convicted? • What percentage of Texas and California death row populations are people of color? • How many countries still execute people for crimes committed as children? • How many children have been sentenced to death in the U.S. since 1973? • The youngest person executed since WWII in the United States was___? • What is the youngest person ever to be executed in the United States? • How many people on death row today are known to be retarded? • How much evidence exists to prove or suggest that the death penalty deters murder?
  • 216. Criminal Statistics: The Death Penalty • How many documented innocent people have been executed this century? (23) • How many people have been released since 1972 as a result of being wrongfully convicted? (98) • What percentage of Texas and California death row populations are people of color? (60%) • How many countries still execute people for crimes committed as children? (6) Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, and U.S. • How many children have been sentenced to death in the U.S. since 1973? (160) • The youngest person executed since WWII in the United States was___? (14) • What is the youngest person ever to be executed in the United States? (10) • How many people on death row today are known to be retarded? (300) • How much evidence exists to prove or suggest that the death penalty deters murder?
  • 217. Penology • What is punishment?
  • 218. Goals of Punishment Retribution Deterrence Incapacitation Rehabilitation Proportional Penalty - Offense Determinative Deserved Penalty - Harm Determinative Expressive Penalty - Message Determinative Individualized Sentences Offender Culpability - Offense Offender Change - Intervention Crime Rates - Fear of Consequences Power of Deterrence - Swift, Certain***, Sufficiently Severe, Laws Known to Public Types: General and Specific (or Special) Collective Incapacitation Selective Incapacitation Restorative Justice Repairing the harm between Offender and victim
  • 219. The Forgotten Criminology of Genocide • Genocide is a Political Act Reflecting the Will of Sovereignty Genocide, it has been said, is a political rather than criminal act most often employed to enhance the solidarity and unification of nation-states. Decisions to liquidate, exterminate, and cleanse a minority population are matters of political policy reflecting the will and ideologies of sovereignty. Genocide results from a modern, developed, state bureaucratic apparatus that moves the conception of systematic torture and killing from the criminal to the political.
  • 220. The Forgotten Criminology of Genocide • Genocide as a Breach of International Norms and International Law To understand the law of genocide, one mustTo understand the law of genocide, one must appreciate its place in law as an internationalappreciate its place in law as an international crime.crime.
  • 221. The Forgotten Criminology of Genocide • Genocide is Committed by the State Of all the many revelations over the last fifty years, criminologists seem to have the most difficulty with the notion that an organization or entity, whether a corporation or nation state, may commit a crime. When crimes are imputed from an individual to an inanimate entity, the intellectual challenge becomes: Should an individual be blamed as well?
  • 222. The Forgotten Criminology of Genocide • The Magnitude of Victimization in Genocide Defies Belief Criminological research confirms intuitive ratings of crime seriousness from multiple murder to shoplifting. The differences in seriousness ratings for virtually all offenses are highly objective and quantifiable. The extent of victimization and harm in genocide, however, strains any assessment of seriousness. Who appreciates differences in seriousness where the offense is, for example, 100,000, 250,000, or 500,000 butchered Hutus or Tutsis?
  • 223. The Forgotten Criminology of Genocide • The Problems of Denying and Admitting Atrocity Two prominent themes that emerge from the literature on genocide capture an ambivalence hard felt by some survivors and refugees of genocide. This ambivalence is captured in the titles of two recently published books on the Holocaust—Deborah Lipstadt’s Denying the Holocaust (1994) and Lawrence L. Langer’s Admitting the Holocaust (1995).
  • 226. Why do people commit crimes?Why do people commit crimes? - lots of theories- lots of theories - need to be careful:- need to be careful: spurious correlationspurious correlation
  • 227. The Role of Theory in Criminology Theory Making: Trying to grasp how all the known correlates of a phenomenon are linked together in non- coincidental ways to produce an effect. Criminologists are interested in finding out factors that cause crime and criminality. 227
  • 228.  The very first step in detected causes is to discover correlates, which are factors that are linked or related to the phenomenon a scientist is interested in.  Scientists have never uncovered a necessary cause (a factor that must be present for behavior to occur) or a sufficient cause (a factor that is able to produce criminal behavior without having been augmented by some other factor. 08/10/14 228 The Role of Theory in Criminology
  • 229.  Theories help us to make sense of a diversity of seemingly unrelated facts and propositions, and they even tell us where to look for more facts. 08/10/14 229 The Role of Theory in Criminology
  • 230. What is a Theory?  Theory: Set of logically interconnected propositions explaining how phenomena are related, and from which a number of hypotheses can be derived and tested.  Hypotheses: Statements about relationships between and among factors we expect to find based on the logic of our theories.  Criteria for judging the merits of a theory:  Predictive accuracy: A theory has merit and is useful to the extent that it accurately predicts what is observed. 08/10/14 230
  • 231.  Predictive scope: Refers to the scope or range of the theory and thus the scope or range of the hypotheses that can be derived from it.  Simplicity: If two competing theories are essentially equal in terms of the first two criteria, then the less complicated one is considered more ‘elegant.’  Falsifiability: A theory is never proven true, but it must have the quality of being falsifiable or disprovable. 231 What is a Theory?
  • 232. How to Think About Theories  There are theories that deal with different levels of analysis, or that segment of the phenomenon of interest that is measured and analyzed.  Questions of cause and effect must be answered at the same level of analysis at which they were posed.  Causal explanations are offered at different temporal levels: Ultimate (distant in time) and proximate (close in time).  Theory testing looks for causal explanations rather than simple descriptions. 232
  • 233. 08/10/14 233 Figure 1.2 The Ultimate-Proximate Levels of Explanation ___________________________________________________________________ Evolution  Genetics  Temperament  Developmental History  Personality Evolutionary Each person's CNS and PNS Family factors, attachment, Enduring traits history of the genetic inheritance functioning school, peers, etc. experiences of person forged species from genes and experience  Immediate Situation  Subjective Appraisal  Behavior Each person brings to a People react differently situation everything he or she to similar situations has become due to the because they have preceding factors different genes and different experiences Figure 1.2 The Ultimate-Proximate Levels of Explanation Note: Evolutionary forces lead to species-specific genomes. Each person has a fairly unique genotype. These genotypes lead to differential central and peripheral nervous system (CNS and PNS) functioning. This functioning is modified by the person's developmental history. Working together, the person's temperament and developmental history forms his or her personality. This personality may often lead the person to different situations and lead him or her to appraise it different from other persons. The behavior elicited from that appraisal is thus the result of everything that preceded it, plus pure chance.
  • 234. 08/10/14 234 Figure 1.3 Interaction of Environmental and Individual Factors in the Probability of Moving from Law Abiding to Law Breaking Behavior Note: Angled lines each represent a hypothetical individual. Person A has a low underlying criminal disposition and thus requires strong environmental instigation to cross the threshold from law abiding to law breaking behavior. Person B has a strong underlying criminal disposition and will cross the threshold even under extremely low environmental instigation. (From A. Walsh, 2003. Reprinted with permission from Nova Science)
  • 235. Ideology in Criminological Theory  Ideology: A way of looking at the world, a general emotional picture of ‘how things should be’  Constrained vision: Believers in this vision view human activities as constrained by an innate human nature that is self centered and largely unalterable  Unconstrained vision: Denies innate human nature, viewing it as formed anew in each different culture. 235
  • 236. Ideology in Criminological Theory  Ideal types: Conceptual tools that accentuate differences between competing positions for the purposes of guiding the exploration of them.  A theory of criminal behavior is at least partly shaped by the ideological vision of the person who formulated it, and that in turn is due to the ideological atmosphere prevailing in society. 236
  • 237. Theory Construction, Development, and Validation • Intuitive criminology poverty biological causes? genetic predispositions? social learning? control – impulse, self and social? social structure? culture? subculture? crimecrime
  • 238. Individual Explanations • Sociobiology • Free Will • NeoClassical • Psychological • Biology
  • 239. Sociological explanations for criminal and deviant behavior • Subcultural • Social Disorganization • Anomie • Drift • Control theory 239
  • 240. Deviant Subcultures • Cloward and Ohlin (1966) – Deviance or conformity depends on the relative opportunity structure that frames a person’s life – Conflict subcultures • Violence is ignited by frustration and a desire for respect – Retreatist subcultures • Deviants drop out and abuse alcohol or drugs
  • 241. • Cohen (1977) – Criminality is most common among lower-class youths-least likely to experience success • Miller (1970) characterized deviant subcultures – Trouble-arising from frequent conflict – Toughness-value placed on size, strength, and agility – Smartness-ability to succeed on the streets • A need for excitement • A belief in fate-no control over their own lives • A desire for freedom-anger towards authority
  • 242. Subculture and Code of the Streets • Anderson (1994) – In poor urban neighborhoods, most people manage to conform to conventional values – “Street Code” • Lifestyle of some young men • Neighborhood crime and violence • Indifference or hostility from the police • Parental neglect – Risk of jail is high 242
  • 243. Subculture There is differentiation amongst subcultural theorists but all share the belief: People who commit crime share a different set of values which isPeople who commit crime share a different set of values which is different from the values of society as a whole. They have adifferent from the values of society as a whole. They have a differentdifferent subculturesubculture Brought up by their parents to have values sympathetic to crimeBrought up by their parents to have values sympathetic to crime 243
  • 244. Chicago Ecological School 1920’s • Found that inner city and working class areas had more recorded crime than middle class suburban areas • J B Mays 1954: growing up in the city found that criminal subcultures are most likely in areas of acute social disadvantage (British sociologist examining Liverpool) • E.g. James Patrick, A Glasgow gang observed, 1973 (theory and methods, participant observation) • Cloward and Ohlin, Delinquency and Opportunity, 1961 found delinquent groups are most common in socially disadvantaged areas • Research your crime stats and find if this is representative ofResearch your crime stats and find if this is representative of contemporary society…crime links at bottom of crime page…trycontemporary society…crime links at bottom of crime page…try to research your local police statsto research your local police stats 244
  • 245. Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory • Sutherland’s theory of Differential Association – A person’s tendency toward conformity or deviance depends on the amount of contact with others who encourage or reject conventional behavior – The likelihood of engaging in crime is determined by the values and attitudes of the people one associates with…
  • 246. Cohen and ‘Status deprivation’ Albert Cohen - Delinquent Boys 1955 found that Status deprivation was a key factor in joining a delinquent group. Status failure at school becomes a ‘king’ in the streets. W. Belson, Juvenile theft, 1975, a study of thieves in London found that they stole so as to be ‘accepted as part of the group, to gain prestige’ Graffiti spraying? 246
  • 247. Anomie: Merton • All societies motivate people…they can achieve through hard work • For the majority this is impossible/difficult to attain (suggest who and when) • Merton argues this to an increased level of crime as people turn to crime to achieve financial success • This situation when the goals of society are not possible by conventional means anomieanomie 247
  • 248. Evaluations Again like Durkheim this theory has been criticized for being too deterministic Ignores FreechoiceIgnores Freechoice What sociologists believe this to be?What sociologists believe this to be? Action v System, positivists v interpretivists, etc;Action v System, positivists v interpretivists, etc; David Matza, Delinquency and Drift, 1964, says that individuals use techniques of neutralisation to explain their deviant behaviour away Suggest two reasons why people explain theirSuggest two reasons why people explain their criminal/delinquent behaviourcriminal/delinquent behaviour 248
  • 249. David Matza • Subterranean values of pleasure seeking and risk-taking are found in mainstream suburban society as well as ‘areas’ • Everyone is deviant sometimes and young people are more prone to this Neo-Marxists theory sees some sub-cultures asNeo-Marxists theory sees some sub-cultures as representing challenge to the stabilised orderrepresenting challenge to the stabilised order 249
  • 250. Hirschi’s Control Theory • Control Theory – Social control depends on people anticipating the consequences of their behavior • Conformity is linked to four different types of social control – Attachment, Opportunity, Involvement, Belief
  • 251. But where are the girls? • Again examining sociological studies we find that women have been ignored. • Early sociology failed to take account of women. Suggest reasons why sociologists would haveSuggest reasons why sociologists would have ignored womenignored women 251

Editor's Notes

  1. The kinds of issues that we will discuss in class arise in organizations that are governed by state, federal, and regulatory law, as well as by corporate compliance practices that most often include codes. In this first class, we will review issues in legal and ethical compliance.