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Computer Science Large Practical:

                             Crash Course in Objective-C

                                               Stephen Gilmore

                                               School of Informatics

                                          Friday 12th October, 2012

Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics)      Computer Science Large Practical   Friday 12th October, 2012   1 / 33

 We are following Appendix C of
        Beginning iOS 5 Application
        Wei-Meng Lee
        John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Objective-C sources

 Objective-C source code files are contained in two types of files:
         .h header files
         .m implementation files
 Thus a project could contain a file called SomeClass.h

Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics)   Computer Science Large Practical   Friday 12th October, 2012   3 / 33

 If you observe the content of the SomeClass.h file, you will notice that at
 the top of the file is typically an #import statement:
 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

 @interface SomeClass : NSObject {



 The #import statement is known as a preprocessor directive.
 (NS stands for ”NeXTStep”, the project which created Objective-C.)

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Importing your own header files

 To import a header file from within your project, you use the quote
 characters, as in the case of the SomeClass.m file:
 #import "SomeClass.h"

 @implementation SomeClass


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 To declare a class, you use the @interface compiler directive, like this:
 @interface SomeClass : NSObject {


 This is done in the header file (.h), and the class declaration contains no
 implementation. The preceding code declares a class named SomeClass,
 and this class inherits from the base class named NSObject.

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 To implement a class declared in the header file, you use the
 @implementation compiler directive, like this:
 #import "SomeClass.h"

 @implementation SomeClass

 This is done in a separate file from the header file. In Objective-C, you
 define your class in an .m file.

 Note that the class definition ends with the @end compiler directive.

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Mutual recursion

         If your class references another class defined in another file, you need
         to import the header file of that file before you can use it.
         To prevent circular inclusion, Objective-C uses the @class compiler
         directive as a forward declaration to inform the compiler that the class
         you specified is a valid class.
         You usually use the @class compiler directive in the header file; and in
         the implementation file, you can use the @import compiler directive
         to tell the compiler more about the content of the class you are using.

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Mutual recursion example

 // SomeClass.h
 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
 @class AnotherClass; // forward declaration
 @interface SomeClass : NSObject {
      // an object from AnotherClass
      AnotherClass *anotherClass;

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Mutual recursion example

 // SomeClass.h
 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
 @class AnotherClass; // forward declaration
 @interface SomeClass : NSObject {
      // an object from AnotherClass
      AnotherClass *anotherClass;

 // AnotherClass.h
 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
 @class SomeClass; // forward declaration
 @interface AnotherClass : NSObject {
      SomeClass *someClass; // using an instance of SomeClass

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Class instantiation

 To create an instance of a class, you typically use the alloc keyword to
 allocate memory for the object and then return it to a variable of the class
 SomeClass *someClass = [SomeClass alloc];

 In Objective-C, you need to prefix an object name with the * character
 when you declare an object.

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Primitive types

 If you are declaring a variable of primitive type (such as float, int, CGRect,
 NSInteger, and so on), the * character is not required. Here are some
 CGRect frame; // CGRect is a structure
 int number; // int is a primitive type
 NSString *str; // NSString is a class

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The id type

 Besides specifying the returning class type, you can also use the id type,
 like this:
 id someClass = [SomeClass alloc];

 id str;

 The id type means that the variable can refer to any type of object; hence,
 the * is implied.

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 Fields are the data members of objects. For example, the following code
 shows that SomeClass has three fields — anotherClass, rate, and name:
 // SomeClass.h
 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
 @class AnotherClass; // forward declaration

 @interface SomeClass : NSObject {
     // an object from AnotherClass
     AnotherClass *anotherClass;
     float rate;
     NSString *name;


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Access Privileges

 By default, the access privilege of all fields is @protected. However, the
 access privilege can also be @public or @private. The following list
 describes the various access privileges:
         @private Visible only to the class that declares it
         @public Visible to all classes
         @protected Visible to the class that declares it and inheriting classes

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Public fields
 To make the rate and name visible outside the class, modify the
 SomeClass.h file by adding the @public compiler directive:
 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
 @class AnotherClass; // forward declaration

 @interface SomeClass : NSObject {
     AnotherClass *anotherClass;

     float rate;

      NSString *name;

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Public fields

 We can now access the fields ”rate” and ”name” directly (using the ”->”

 SomeClass *someClass = [SomeClass alloc];
 someClass->rate = 5; // rate is declared public
 someClass->name = @"Wei-Meng Lee"; // name is public

 Although we can access the fields directly, doing so goes against the
 design principles of object-oriented programming’s rule of encapsulation.

 A better way is to encapsulate the two fields we want to expose in
 properties, as we will see later.

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 Objective-C supports two types of methods: instance methods and class
         Instance methods can only be called using an instance of the class;
         and they are prefixed with the minus sign (−) character.
         Class methods can be invoked directly using the class name and do
         not need an instance of the class in order to work. Class methods are
         prefixed with the plus sign (+) character.

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Methods in interfaces

 @interface SomeClass : NSObject {
     AnotherClass *anotherClass;
     float rate;
     NSString *name;

 // instance methods
 -(void) doSomething;
 -(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str;
 -(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str withAnotherPara:(float)

 // class method
 +(void) alsoDoSomething;


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Methods in implementations (1/2)

 #import "SomeClass.h"

 @implementation SomeClass

 // instance methods
 -(void) doSomething {
     // implementation here

 -(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str {
     // implementation here

 -(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str withAnotherPara:(float)
         value {
     // implementation here

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Methods in implementations (2/2)

 // class method
 +(void) alsoDoSomething {
     // implementation here


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Invoking methods

 To invoke the three instance methods, you first need to create an instance
 of the class and then call them using the instance created:
 SomeClass *someClass = [SomeClass alloc];
 [someClass doSomething];
 [someClass doSomething:@"some text"];
 [someClass doSomething:@"some text" withAnotherPara:9.0f];

 Class methods can be called directly using the class name, as the following
   [SomeClass alsoDoSomething];

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Message Sending (Calling Methods)

         Strictly speaking, in Objective-C you do not call a method; rather,
         you send a message to an object.
         The message to be passed to an object is resolved during runtime and
         is not enforced at compile time.
         This is why the compiler does not stop you from running your
         program even though you may have misspelled the method name.
         It does warn you that the target object may not respond to your
         message, though, because the target object will simply ignore the
         message (and in most situations result in a runtime exception).

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Message Sending (Calling Methods)

         Strictly speaking, in Objective-C you do not call a method; rather,
         you send a message to an object.
         The message to be passed to an object is resolved during runtime and
         is not enforced at compile time.
         This is why the compiler does not stop you from running your
         program even though you may have misspelled the method name.
         It does warn you that the target object may not respond to your
         message, though, because the target object will simply ignore the
         message (and in most situations result in a runtime exception).

Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics)   Computer Science Large Practical   Friday 12th October, 2012   22 / 33
Nested method calls

 Method calls can also be nested, as the following example shows:
 NSString *str =
     [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello World"];

 Here, you first call the alloc class method of the NSString class and then
 call the initWithString: method of the returning result from the alloc
 method, which is of type id, a generic C type that Objective-C uses for an
 arbitrary object.

 In general, you should not nest more than three levels because anything
 more than that makes the code difficult to read.

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Defining properties

         Properties enable you to expose the fields in your class so that you
         can control how values are set or returned.
         In the earlier example we saw that we can directly access the fields of
         a class using the ”->” operator.
         However, this is not the ideal way; ideally, you should expose your
         fields as properties in the interface.

 // expose the rate field
 -(float) rate; // get the value of rate
 -(void) setRate:(float) value; // set the value of rate

 // expose the name field
 -(NSString *) name; // get the value of name
 -(void) setName:(NSString *) value; //set the value of name

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Getting and setting properties

 To set the value of these properties, you need to call the methods prefixed
 with the set keyword:
 SomeClass *sc = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
 [sc setRate:5.0f];
 [sc setName:@"Wei-Meng Lee"];

 To obtain the values of properties, you can either call the methods.
 NSLog([sc name]); // call the method

 To make a property read-only, simply remove the method prefixed with the
 set keyword.

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 When you create an instance of a class, you often initialize it at the same
 SomeClass *sc = [[SomeClass alloc] init];

 The alloc keyword allocates memory for the object; and when an object is
 returned, the init method is called on the object to initialize the object.
 The init method is defined in the NSObject class, which is the base class
 of most classes in Objective-C.

 If you want to create additional initializers, you can define methods that
 begin with the init word (use of the init prefix is more of a norm than a
 hard-and-fast rule).

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Memory management

         Like most other popular languages, Objective-C supports garbage
         collection, which removes unused objects when they go out of scope
         and hence releases memory that can be reused.
         However, because of the severe overhead involved in garbage
         collection, iOS does not support garbage collection.
         This leaves the developer to manually allocate and de-allocate the
         memory of objects when they are no longer needed.

 In the CSLP we are not targeting iOS, but still it seems worthwhile to
 learn a little about reference counting. Recent versions of Mac OS X and
 iOS include automatic reference counting, making memory management
 the same on Mac OS X and iOS.

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Reference Counting

         To help you allocate and de-allocate memory for objects, iOS uses a
         scheme known as reference counting to keep track of objects to
         determine whether they are still needed or can be disposed of.
         Reference counting basically uses a counter for each object; and as
         each object is created, the count increases by 1.
         When an object is released, the count decreases by 1.
         When the count reaches 0, the memory associated with the object is
         reclaimed by the OS.

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Reference counting example

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Reference counting example

Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics)   Computer Science Large Practical   Friday 12th October, 2012   29 / 33
Reference counting example

Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics)   Computer Science Large Practical   Friday 12th October, 2012   29 / 33
Reference counting example

Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics)   Computer Science Large Practical   Friday 12th October, 2012   29 / 33
Reference counting example

Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics)   Computer Science Large Practical   Friday 12th October, 2012   29 / 33
Reference counting example

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 The alloc keyword allocates memory for an object that you are creating.
 An example is as follows:
 NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"];

 Here, you are creating an NSString object and instantiating it with a
 default string.
 When the object is created, the reference count of that object is 1.
 Because you are the one creating it, the object belongs to you, and it is
 your responsibility to release the memory when you are done with it.

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 Besides using the alloc keyword to allocate memory for an object, you can
 also use the new keyword, like this:
 NSString *str = [NSString new];

 The new keyword is functionally equivalent to
 NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] init];

 As with the alloc keyword, using the new keyword makes you the owner of
 the object, so you need to release it when you are done with it.

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 The retain keyword increases the reference count of an object by 1.
 Consider the following example:
 NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"];
 NSString *str2 = str;

 Here, you do not own str2 because you do not use the alloc keyword on
 the object. When str is released, the str2 pointer will no longer be valid.
 To ensure that str2 is available even if str is released, you need to use the
 retain keyword:
 NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"];
 NSString *str2 = str;
 [str2 retain]; // str2 now also "owns" the object
 [str release]; // str can now be released safely

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 When you are done with an object, you need to manually release it by
 using the release keyword:
 NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"];

   // what you want with the object...

 [str release];

 When you use the release keyword on an object, it causes the reference
 count of that object to decrease by 1.
 When the reference count reaches 0, the memory used by the object is

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Crash Course in Objective-C

  • 1. Computer Science Large Practical: Crash Course in Objective-C Stephen Gilmore School of Informatics Friday 12th October, 2012 Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 1 / 33
  • 2. Acknowledgements We are following Appendix C of Beginning iOS 5 Application Development Wei-Meng Lee John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2012 Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 2 / 33
  • 3. Objective-C sources Objective-C source code files are contained in two types of files: .h header files .m implementation files Thus a project could contain a file called SomeClass.h Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 3 / 33
  • 4. Directives If you observe the content of the SomeClass.h file, you will notice that at the top of the file is typically an #import statement: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface SomeClass : NSObject { } @end The #import statement is known as a preprocessor directive. (NS stands for ”NeXTStep”, the project which created Objective-C.) Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 4 / 33
  • 5. Importing your own header files To import a header file from within your project, you use the quote characters, as in the case of the SomeClass.m file: #import "SomeClass.h" @implementation SomeClass @end Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 5 / 33
  • 6. Classes To declare a class, you use the @interface compiler directive, like this: @interface SomeClass : NSObject { } This is done in the header file (.h), and the class declaration contains no implementation. The preceding code declares a class named SomeClass, and this class inherits from the base class named NSObject. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 6 / 33
  • 7. Classes To implement a class declared in the header file, you use the @implementation compiler directive, like this: #import "SomeClass.h" @implementation SomeClass @end This is done in a separate file from the header file. In Objective-C, you define your class in an .m file. Note Note that the class definition ends with the @end compiler directive. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 7 / 33
  • 8. Mutual recursion If your class references another class defined in another file, you need to import the header file of that file before you can use it. To prevent circular inclusion, Objective-C uses the @class compiler directive as a forward declaration to inform the compiler that the class you specified is a valid class. You usually use the @class compiler directive in the header file; and in the implementation file, you can use the @import compiler directive to tell the compiler more about the content of the class you are using. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 8 / 33
  • 9. Mutual recursion example // SomeClass.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @class AnotherClass; // forward declaration @interface SomeClass : NSObject { // an object from AnotherClass AnotherClass *anotherClass; } @end Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 9 / 33
  • 10. Mutual recursion example // SomeClass.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @class AnotherClass; // forward declaration @interface SomeClass : NSObject { // an object from AnotherClass AnotherClass *anotherClass; } @end // AnotherClass.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @class SomeClass; // forward declaration @interface AnotherClass : NSObject { SomeClass *someClass; // using an instance of SomeClass } @end Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 9 / 33
  • 11. Class instantiation To create an instance of a class, you typically use the alloc keyword to allocate memory for the object and then return it to a variable of the class type: SomeClass *someClass = [SomeClass alloc]; In Objective-C, you need to prefix an object name with the * character when you declare an object. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 10 / 33
  • 12. Primitive types If you are declaring a variable of primitive type (such as float, int, CGRect, NSInteger, and so on), the * character is not required. Here are some examples: CGRect frame; // CGRect is a structure int number; // int is a primitive type NSString *str; // NSString is a class Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 11 / 33
  • 13. The id type Besides specifying the returning class type, you can also use the id type, like this: id someClass = [SomeClass alloc]; id str; The id type means that the variable can refer to any type of object; hence, the * is implied. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 12 / 33
  • 14. Fields Fields are the data members of objects. For example, the following code shows that SomeClass has three fields — anotherClass, rate, and name: // SomeClass.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @class AnotherClass; // forward declaration @interface SomeClass : NSObject { // an object from AnotherClass AnotherClass *anotherClass; float rate; NSString *name; } @end Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 13 / 33
  • 15. Access Privileges By default, the access privilege of all fields is @protected. However, the access privilege can also be @public or @private. The following list describes the various access privileges: @private Visible only to the class that declares it @public Visible to all classes @protected Visible to the class that declares it and inheriting classes Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 14 / 33
  • 16. Public fields To make the rate and name visible outside the class, modify the SomeClass.h file by adding the @public compiler directive: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @class AnotherClass; // forward declaration @interface SomeClass : NSObject { AnotherClass *anotherClass; @public float rate; @public NSString *name; } @end Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 15 / 33
  • 17. Public fields We can now access the fields ”rate” and ”name” directly (using the ”->” operator). SomeClass *someClass = [SomeClass alloc]; someClass->rate = 5; // rate is declared public someClass->name = @"Wei-Meng Lee"; // name is public Although we can access the fields directly, doing so goes against the design principles of object-oriented programming’s rule of encapsulation. A better way is to encapsulate the two fields we want to expose in properties, as we will see later. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 16 / 33
  • 18. Methods Objective-C supports two types of methods: instance methods and class methods. Instance methods can only be called using an instance of the class; and they are prefixed with the minus sign (−) character. Class methods can be invoked directly using the class name and do not need an instance of the class in order to work. Class methods are prefixed with the plus sign (+) character. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 17 / 33
  • 19. Methods in interfaces @interface SomeClass : NSObject { AnotherClass *anotherClass; float rate; NSString *name; } // instance methods -(void) doSomething; -(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str; -(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str withAnotherPara:(float) value; // class method +(void) alsoDoSomething; @end Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 18 / 33
  • 20. Methods in implementations (1/2) #import "SomeClass.h" @implementation SomeClass // instance methods -(void) doSomething { // implementation here } -(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str { // implementation here } -(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str withAnotherPara:(float) value { // implementation here } Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 19 / 33
  • 21. Methods in implementations (2/2) // class method +(void) alsoDoSomething { // implementation here } @end Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 20 / 33
  • 22. Invoking methods To invoke the three instance methods, you first need to create an instance of the class and then call them using the instance created: SomeClass *someClass = [SomeClass alloc]; [someClass doSomething]; [someClass doSomething:@"some text"]; [someClass doSomething:@"some text" withAnotherPara:9.0f]; Class methods can be called directly using the class name, as the following shows: [SomeClass alsoDoSomething]; Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 21 / 33
  • 23. Message Sending (Calling Methods) Strictly speaking, in Objective-C you do not call a method; rather, you send a message to an object. The message to be passed to an object is resolved during runtime and is not enforced at compile time. This is why the compiler does not stop you from running your program even though you may have misspelled the method name. It does warn you that the target object may not respond to your message, though, because the target object will simply ignore the message (and in most situations result in a runtime exception). Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 22 / 33
  • 24. Message Sending (Calling Methods) Strictly speaking, in Objective-C you do not call a method; rather, you send a message to an object. The message to be passed to an object is resolved during runtime and is not enforced at compile time. This is why the compiler does not stop you from running your program even though you may have misspelled the method name. It does warn you that the target object may not respond to your message, though, because the target object will simply ignore the message (and in most situations result in a runtime exception). Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 22 / 33
  • 25. Nested method calls Method calls can also be nested, as the following example shows: NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello World"]; Here, you first call the alloc class method of the NSString class and then call the initWithString: method of the returning result from the alloc method, which is of type id, a generic C type that Objective-C uses for an arbitrary object. Note In general, you should not nest more than three levels because anything more than that makes the code difficult to read. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 23 / 33
  • 26. Defining properties Properties enable you to expose the fields in your class so that you can control how values are set or returned. In the earlier example we saw that we can directly access the fields of a class using the ”->” operator. However, this is not the ideal way; ideally, you should expose your fields as properties in the interface. // expose the rate field -(float) rate; // get the value of rate -(void) setRate:(float) value; // set the value of rate // expose the name field -(NSString *) name; // get the value of name -(void) setName:(NSString *) value; //set the value of name Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 24 / 33
  • 27. Getting and setting properties To set the value of these properties, you need to call the methods prefixed with the set keyword: SomeClass *sc = [[SomeClass alloc] init]; [sc setRate:5.0f]; [sc setName:@"Wei-Meng Lee"]; To obtain the values of properties, you can either call the methods. NSLog([sc name]); // call the method To make a property read-only, simply remove the method prefixed with the set keyword. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 25 / 33
  • 28. Initializers When you create an instance of a class, you often initialize it at the same time. SomeClass *sc = [[SomeClass alloc] init]; The alloc keyword allocates memory for the object; and when an object is returned, the init method is called on the object to initialize the object. The init method is defined in the NSObject class, which is the base class of most classes in Objective-C. Convention If you want to create additional initializers, you can define methods that begin with the init word (use of the init prefix is more of a norm than a hard-and-fast rule). Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 26 / 33
  • 29. Memory management Like most other popular languages, Objective-C supports garbage collection, which removes unused objects when they go out of scope and hence releases memory that can be reused. However, because of the severe overhead involved in garbage collection, iOS does not support garbage collection. This leaves the developer to manually allocate and de-allocate the memory of objects when they are no longer needed. Note In the CSLP we are not targeting iOS, but still it seems worthwhile to learn a little about reference counting. Recent versions of Mac OS X and iOS include automatic reference counting, making memory management the same on Mac OS X and iOS. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 27 / 33
  • 30. Reference Counting To help you allocate and de-allocate memory for objects, iOS uses a scheme known as reference counting to keep track of objects to determine whether they are still needed or can be disposed of. Reference counting basically uses a counter for each object; and as each object is created, the count increases by 1. When an object is released, the count decreases by 1. When the count reaches 0, the memory associated with the object is reclaimed by the OS. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 28 / 33
  • 31. Reference counting example Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 29 / 33
  • 32. Reference counting example Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 29 / 33
  • 33. Reference counting example Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 29 / 33
  • 34. Reference counting example Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 29 / 33
  • 35. Reference counting example Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 29 / 33
  • 36. Reference counting example Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 29 / 33
  • 37. alloc The alloc keyword allocates memory for an object that you are creating. An example is as follows: NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"]; Here, you are creating an NSString object and instantiating it with a default string. When the object is created, the reference count of that object is 1. Because you are the one creating it, the object belongs to you, and it is your responsibility to release the memory when you are done with it. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 30 / 33
  • 38. new Besides using the alloc keyword to allocate memory for an object, you can also use the new keyword, like this: NSString *str = [NSString new]; The new keyword is functionally equivalent to NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] init]; As with the alloc keyword, using the new keyword makes you the owner of the object, so you need to release it when you are done with it. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 31 / 33
  • 39. retain The retain keyword increases the reference count of an object by 1. Consider the following example: NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"]; NSString *str2 = str; Here, you do not own str2 because you do not use the alloc keyword on the object. When str is released, the str2 pointer will no longer be valid. To ensure that str2 is available even if str is released, you need to use the retain keyword: NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"]; NSString *str2 = str; [str2 retain]; // str2 now also "owns" the object [str release]; // str can now be released safely Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 32 / 33
  • 40. release When you are done with an object, you need to manually release it by using the release keyword: NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"]; // what you want with the object... [str release]; When you use the release keyword on an object, it causes the reference count of that object to decrease by 1. When the reference count reaches 0, the memory used by the object is released. Stephen Gilmore (School of Informatics) Computer Science Large Practical Friday 12th October, 2012 33 / 33