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Cyber security and PR
Crisis comms
Annoying but not the end of the
world and relatively easy to fix –
unless defamatory material or
phishing links posted:
• Change passwords and login details
• Enable – where possible – two-factor
or multi-factor login
• Check access privileges
• Inform relevant stakeholders
• Inform media if necessary
• Apologise where necessary – either to
groups or at individual level –
• Remove offensive material
• Work with law-enforcement and cyber
security teams if necessary
• Remind staff of user guidelines for
social media accounts
Where is cyber security an issue?
Quite simply: everywhere
Social media accounts
hacked and off-brand
messaging posted
Website breached and
Corporate network
breached and company data
accessed by unauthorised
third party/parties
Irritating, embarrassing with
potential for far more serious
• Same actions as for social media
account issues
• Double check all links, code and
material on site
• Ensure website plugins, CMS are at
latest versions
• Work with experts to ensure no
further data – customer credit cards
for example – was stolen
• If necessary, inform authorities
• Upgrade to HTTPS if not already done
• Consider a reward/bounty scheme to
prevent future incidents
The worst kind of attack:
• All information, including emails, on a
network may have been copied
• Staff details, including addresses and
banking information
• Customer details inc cards, personal
data and passwords
• Company plans including product
timelines and intellectual property
• Confidential material company would
have preferred to remain discrete
• Access codes
• Information relating to any third-
parties the company works with,
which may also include IP
• May have been breached via third-
2016 Cyber Security Breaches Survey
Source: HM Government
Why is this an issue?
Why is this an issue?
Why is this an issue?
Why is this an issue?
Why is this an issue?
Who would do this and what is their capability?
customers or
competitors who want
to embarrass you or
steal your data –
potentially even
Script kiddies, bored
people and
wannabee Mr Robot
types just looking for
something to do or to
make a name for
breachers looking for
data to either steal or
hold a firm to ransom
Staff – either current
or ex-staff who are
disgruntled and want
access to information
for personal gain or
those duped into
giving access
• The sad reality is that in 2017 there are multiple people with multiple reasons to want unauthorised access to
your data
• The even more inconvenient fact is that even with the best systems in the world the odds are you cannot stop
people accessing
• What you can do is ensure you have multiple systems to try and deter them in the hope they go away and
have the best tools so that when a breach happens you are ready to react. Better to be prepared and it never
happens than the alternative
People or bots who
want control of your
machine so they can
use it for things like
DDoS attacks
Source: Verizon Data Breach Report 2016
It’s as much an internal issue as external…
Harder to spot
malicious activity
when user access is
Legal hurdles to
monitoring all staff
Why are they so hard to manage?
Insiders remain the biggest threat….
So this happens…
What does an attack look like?
Reconnaissance Infiltrate Execute attack &
Cover tracks
Embed &
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Attacker gathers intelligence
on the target organisation and
it‘s customers to refine their
attack and increase their
chances of success.
• Social media analysis
• Digital footprinting
• Network scanning
Attacker tricks a user into
executing malicious software
to compromise their machine
or gain unauthorised access to
the network.
• Targeted phishing emails
• Social engineering
Attacker gains more access
and installs tools to monitor
systems and business
processes, increasing the
potential impact or financial
rewards for their attack.
• Privilege escalation
• Network traversal
• Passive monitoring
Attacker quickly executes the
attack and the remove
evidence in order to stop the
target identifying the attacker
and preventing future attacks.
• Data extraction
• Financial fraud
• Denial of Service (DoS)
The majority of attacks target poor security behaviours by individuals to gain initial access, they then
use this access to prepare and then execute their attack for maximum impact/financial gain.
Operation Cloud Hopper
Compromise/Detection times
Source: Verizon Data Breach Report 2016
Annoying but not the end of the
world and relatively easy to fix –
unless defamatory material or
phishing links posted:
• Change passwords and login details
• Enable – where possible – two-factor
or multi-factor login
• Check access privileges
• Inform stakeholders inc media
• Check what links where shared
• Apologise where necessary – either to
groups or at individual level –
• Remove offensive material
• Work with law-enforcement and cyber
security teams if necessary
• Remind staff of user guidelines for
social media accounts
Social media accounts
hacked and off-brand
messaging posted
Website breached and
Corporate network
breached and company data
accessed by unauthorised
third party/parties
Irritating, embarrassing with
potential for far more serious
• Same actions as for social media
account issues
• Double check all links, code and
material on site
• Ensure website plugins, CMS are at
latest versions
• Work with experts to ensure no
further data – customer credit
cards for example – was stolen
• If necessary, inform authorities
• Upgrade to HTTPS if not already done
• Consider a reward/bounty scheme to
prevent future incidents
The worst kind of attack:
• All information, including emails, on a
network may have been copied
• Staff details, including addresses and
banking information
• Customer details inc cards, personal
data and passwords
• Company plans including product
timelines and intellectual property
• Confidential material company would
have preferred to remain discrete
• Access codes
• Information relating to any third-
parties the company works with,
which may also include IP
• May have been breached via third-
From the moment you detect a breach, the battle for
comms is to save and restore the company’s reputation
After the technical team, there is no-one more important
Annoying but not the end of the
world and relatively easy to fix –
unless defamatory material or
phishing links posted:
• Check what links where shared
The more serious breach
Social media accounts
hacked and off-brand
messaging posted
Website breached and
Corporate network
breached and company data
accessed by unauthorised
third party/parties
Irritating, embarrassing with
potential for far more serious
• Work with experts to ensure no
further data – customer credit
cards for example – was stolen
The worst kind of attack:
• All information, including emails, on a
network may have been copied
• Staff details, including addresses and
banking information
• Customer details inc cards, personal
data and passwords
• Company plans including product
timelines and intellectual property
• Confidential material company would
have preferred to remain discrete
• Access codes
• Information relating to any third-
parties the company works with,
which may also include IP
• May have been breached via third-
Most companies have a relatively
conservative and reactive stance –
but in a crisis that needs to flip and
• Are the C Suite and other seniors able
to see the value in going from their
traditional approach to a far faster,
proactive pace – especially when most
don’t speak tech or cyber?
• Has that been tested to ensure the
company is able to demonstrate
control (or as much as is possible)
• A company’s stance is not just a
comms issue but is one that comms
need to be heavily involved with
Comms informing the bigger picture proactively
Despite the nature of a crisis,
leadership teams need to be able to
hold fast to some, if not all,
corporate values
• Ensure the C Suite and other seniors
are able to align to the company
corporate values and use them in time
of crisis
• Crisis situations are when leaders are
often defined – their actions
remembered for months if not years.
Will they be remembered for putting
customers first, for pulling down the
hatches or some other action?
• Will they agree to stick to the
corporate values and not suddenly
flipflop in the heat of the crisis?
Most media training these days is
relatively benign
• Do the relevant people have proper,
hardened crisis training?
• Can they speak professionally and
with authority without falling back on
• Could they sustain a tense live
atmosphere where every action or
utterance – even if meant to be off-
record – could dictate the fate of the
• Will they hold the lines – and the
corporate values – when under
sustained pressure?
• Have they been tested?
The first big decisions
The sort of issues a crisis comms plans around cyber security include the
• Who do we call if informed of a breach or it is detected?
• Who makes the call?
• Who is our spokesperson? Do we need more than one?
• Do we drop the website? Even at 2am in the morning?
• Who authorises pulling all the pipes – especially at 2am?
• Do we close the social channels?
• Do we cancel our advertising?
• How do we balance business needs with customer needs?
• How often can we get an update from the technical team?
So what to do?
What’s the one
process you see in the
company that
instinctively doesn’t
feel right?
Challenge it.
On projects you are
involved in– challenge
how security – and
privacy - is being built
Look for opportunities
to share data with
colleagues in financial
crime, risk, physical
Raise awareness of
phishing, data leakage
through interactions
with business contacts
‘Hook’ interest with
strategic links
Where you see
datasets being held in
shared drives, ask
‘why are we doing
that?’, and ‘who has
Are your security risks
raised, logged and
Do they have the
correct priority?
Inform customers and staff first – but only
when certain a breach has confirmed. Do not
broadcast a breach when it is ongoing
Ensure customers are reached in as many
ways as possible – think PESO but do not
just think digital - and if data has potentially
been stolen, that they understand this
Ensure social and customer teams know
exactly what to say (and what not to say) to
Regular updates on website and social.
Encourage media to get material from these
sites to minimise duplication of effort
One narrative for every channel, updates on
a regular basis
Have a Comms ‘war room’ and have Comms
at heart of decision making
Ensure legal and tech teams understand the
urgency involved – but heed their advice too
Best way to restore that
reputation is by being
This starts internally
(including legal and tech
teams) but spreads to
external, customer service,
Stakeholders will go to four
places when they find out:
• website
• social
• customer phone lines
• media
Only two of those four
channels can be directly
As the technical teams get, well, technical, the role of comms is to
Customers Regulators Investors
Politicians Media
party orgs
Staff and
C Suite
What sort of comms should be going out – and who do you
– front
Staff email,
Slack, etc
for others
Info for
FAQ and
Script for
PPC and
How will it play out?
Every scenario is different but there can be similarities…
• Attack discovered
• Motive understood –
publicity, cash, IP theft,
credit card/login theft
• Technical investigation
• Initial alert to customers
• Update to customers
• Media informed and
updated across rolling
news cycle
• CEO and C-Suite aligned
to corporate values and
do not stray
• All customers reached
• Technical issues resolved
– or ongoing to be
• Review begins – internal
and independent
• Ongoing updates
• Ensure functionality of
websites is restored
• Never say you are now
• Review internal security
procedures and remind
• Ensure customers have
done all they can to
protect data
• Campaign to try and
minimise customer losses
• Review processes
• Share as much as
possible to rebuild
confidence by all
• Remind staff cyber
security is not just an
IT matter
Preventing a next time – from comms perspective
Disgruntled customers or competitors
want to embarrass you or steal your
data – potentially even media
Script kiddies, bored
people and
wannabee Mr Robot
types just looking for
something to do or to
make a name for
breachers looking for
data to either steal or
hold a firm to ransom
Staff – either current or ex-staff who are
disgruntled and want access to information
for personal gain or those duped into giving
• Ensure staff are up to date
with cyber security
• Have an up to date policy
• Introduce no-blame policy
• Run drills
• Treat staff and ex-staff in
the best way possible –
salaries, holidays, perks,
place of work and so on
• Offer bounties and rewards for those
who find weaknesses
• Be more involved in cyber community
• Befriend as many as possible
• Hide comms in the code that only
hackers would see
• Be honest and be authentic
• Be the best company you
can be
• Engage with audience and
change things for them
• Treat customers as
partners, not as a cash
• Monitor and respond to
• Use key dates to ensure all
stakeholders are aware of
The checklist
Does your crisis comms plan have all of these covered?
• Do we have standing
statements ready to go
for the most common
and most likely
• Is the crisis comms plan
integrated into the
master crisis document?
• What budgets have been
agreed for emergency
• Who can approach who
when a situation arises?
• Are there pre-agreed
time periods for comms
to get updates,
minimising intrusion on
tech team time?
• Do we have all the
relevant contact details
– for media, internally
and other stakeholders?
• Are we monitoring all
the right channels on a
24/7 basis
• Do we have a response
plan in place for when
we are informed of a
breach by a third-party?
• Does the comms plan
include us contacting
external orgs that trust
us with their data?
• Have we recently tested
our crisis comms
• Do we accept we will be
on the back foot for a lot
of this and do the
relevant powers that be
accept that?
• Do we have holding
statement webpages and
imagery ready to go?
• Is our data as secure as
can be?
• Is the leadership sure
this is aligned to core
values and can respond
in that way in a live
• How good is our crisis
media training?
Cyber security is not going away…
Digital revolution
Growing cyber risk
More regulation
Cloud“IoTs” Big DataSocial Media
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming…
GDPR is built around 3 key pillars:
Transparency Framework Compliance Journey Punishment Regime
• Prior information must be clearer
• Consent rules toughened up
• Access rights are boosted
• Mandatory breach disclosure
• Enhanced rights of regulatory
inspection and audit
• Privacy by Design
• Privacy Impact
• Accountability
• Data Portability
• Right to be Forgotten
• Tougher enforcement
powers for regulators
• Financial penalties at 4%
Group Annual
Worldwide Turnover
• Compensation rights for
• Litigation rights for Civil
Society Organisations
• Data Processors liable
In summary…
What’s the one
process you see in the
company that
instinctively doesn’t
feel right?
Challenge it.
On projects you are
involved in– challenge
how security – and
privacy - is being built
Look for opportunities
to share data with
colleagues in financial
crime, risk, physical
Raise awareness of
phishing, data leakage
through interactions
with business contacts
‘Hook’ interest with
strategic links
Where you see
datasets being held in
shared drives, ask
‘why are we doing
that?’, and ‘who has
Are your security risks
raised, logged and
Do they have the
correct priority?
• Identify – What are our crown jewels
and biggest threats?
• Protect – Implement controls in line
with risk appetite
• Detect – Implement monitoring
• Respond – Have tried and tested
response plan. Learn from past
Treat cyber security as you would any other
Understand your exposure and appetite –
set controls accordingly
The key messages…
• Cyber security has become a key risk for businesses of all sizes and across all industries
• Cyber security goes beyond the realms of IT and should involve the entire organisation
• People remain the biggest weakness in Cyber security defences – education & awareness programs
should be a key strategic priority
• External cyber attacks are becoming ever increasingly indiscriminate – assuming you will not be a
target is no longer an option. You may even be collateral damage
• Those organisations who have tried and tested responses processes are those least impacted by an
• The cost of failure is huge – Comprises not just business disruption and remedial activity, but
reputational and increasingly punitive damages…
The key point to remember…
Cyber security and infosec is no longer an IT issue, it is something
that impacts upon all staff at all levels and as such should be
treated that way
(And ensure you have everything drilled and rehearsed in
This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the
information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy
or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PriceWaterhouseCooper LLP, its members, employees and
agents do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the
information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it.
© 2017 PriceWaterhouseCooper LLP. All rights reserved. In this document, “PwC” refers to PriceWaterhouseCooper LLP which is a member firm of
PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity. #prfest

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Craig McGill on Cyber Security at #PRFest

  • 1. Cyber security and PR Crisis comms
  • 2. PwC Annoying but not the end of the world and relatively easy to fix – unless defamatory material or phishing links posted: • Change passwords and login details • Enable – where possible – two-factor or multi-factor login • Check access privileges • Inform relevant stakeholders • Inform media if necessary • Apologise where necessary – either to groups or at individual level – • Remove offensive material • Work with law-enforcement and cyber security teams if necessary • Remind staff of user guidelines for social media accounts Where is cyber security an issue? Quite simply: everywhere PwC REPUTATION Social media accounts hacked and off-brand messaging posted STAKEHOLDER AND CUSTOMER INFLUENCE Website breached and defaced FINANCIAL Corporate network breached and company data accessed by unauthorised third party/parties Irritating, embarrassing with potential for far more serious consequences: • Same actions as for social media account issues • Double check all links, code and material on site • Ensure website plugins, CMS are at latest versions • Work with experts to ensure no further data – customer credit cards for example – was stolen • If necessary, inform authorities • Upgrade to HTTPS if not already done so • Consider a reward/bounty scheme to prevent future incidents The worst kind of attack: • All information, including emails, on a network may have been copied • Staff details, including addresses and banking information • Customer details inc cards, personal data and passwords • Company plans including product timelines and intellectual property • Confidential material company would have preferred to remain discrete • Access codes • Information relating to any third- parties the company works with, which may also include IP • May have been breached via third- party #prfest
  • 3. PwC 2016 Cyber Security Breaches Survey Source: HM Government #prfest
  • 4. PwC Why is this an issue? #prfest
  • 5. PwC Why is this an issue? #prfest
  • 6. PwC Why is this an issue? #prfest
  • 7. PwC Why is this an issue? #prfest
  • 8. PwC Why is this an issue? #prfest
  • 9. PwC Who would do this and what is their capability? PwC Disgruntled customers or competitors who want to embarrass you or steal your data – potentially even media Script kiddies, bored people and wannabee Mr Robot types just looking for something to do or to make a name for themselves Professional breachers looking for data to either steal or hold a firm to ransom for Staff – either current or ex-staff who are disgruntled and want access to information for personal gain or those duped into giving access • The sad reality is that in 2017 there are multiple people with multiple reasons to want unauthorised access to your data • The even more inconvenient fact is that even with the best systems in the world the odds are you cannot stop people accessing • What you can do is ensure you have multiple systems to try and deter them in the hope they go away and have the best tools so that when a breach happens you are ready to react. Better to be prepared and it never happens than the alternative People or bots who want control of your machine so they can use it for things like DDoS attacks #prfest
  • 10. PwC Source: Verizon Data Breach Report 2016 It’s as much an internal issue as external… Harder to spot malicious activity when user access is authorised Legal hurdles to monitoring all staff interactions Why are they so hard to manage? Insiders remain the biggest threat…. #prfest
  • 12. PwC What does an attack look like? Reconnaissance Infiltrate Execute attack & Cover tracks www Embed & Orientate >_ DLL Attacker gathers intelligence on the target organisation and it‘s customers to refine their attack and increase their chances of success. • Social media analysis • Digital footprinting • Network scanning Attacker tricks a user into executing malicious software to compromise their machine or gain unauthorised access to the network. • Targeted phishing emails • Social engineering Attacker gains more access and installs tools to monitor systems and business processes, increasing the potential impact or financial rewards for their attack. • Privilege escalation • Network traversal • Passive monitoring Attacker quickly executes the attack and the remove evidence in order to stop the target identifying the attacker and preventing future attacks. • Data extraction • Financial fraud • Denial of Service (DoS) StageTactic/Technique The majority of attacks target poor security behaviours by individuals to gain initial access, they then use this access to prepare and then execute their attack for maximum impact/financial gain. #prfest
  • 14. PwC Compromise/Detection times Source: Verizon Data Breach Report 2016 #prfest
  • 15. PwC Annoying but not the end of the world and relatively easy to fix – unless defamatory material or phishing links posted: • Change passwords and login details • Enable – where possible – two-factor or multi-factor login • Check access privileges • Inform stakeholders inc media • Check what links where shared • Apologise where necessary – either to groups or at individual level – • Remove offensive material • Work with law-enforcement and cyber security teams if necessary • Remind staff of user guidelines for social media accounts REPUTATION Social media accounts hacked and off-brand messaging posted STAKEHOLDER AND CUSTOMER INFLUENCE Website breached and defaced FINANCIAL Corporate network breached and company data accessed by unauthorised third party/parties Irritating, embarrassing with potential for far more serious consequences: • Same actions as for social media account issues • Double check all links, code and material on site • Ensure website plugins, CMS are at latest versions • Work with experts to ensure no further data – customer credit cards for example – was stolen • If necessary, inform authorities • Upgrade to HTTPS if not already done so • Consider a reward/bounty scheme to prevent future incidents The worst kind of attack: • All information, including emails, on a network may have been copied • Staff details, including addresses and banking information • Customer details inc cards, personal data and passwords • Company plans including product timelines and intellectual property • Confidential material company would have preferred to remain discrete • Access codes • Information relating to any third- parties the company works with, which may also include IP • May have been breached via third- party From the moment you detect a breach, the battle for comms is to save and restore the company’s reputation After the technical team, there is no-one more important #prfest
  • 16. PwC Annoying but not the end of the world and relatively easy to fix – unless defamatory material or phishing links posted: • Check what links where shared The more serious breach REPUTATION Social media accounts hacked and off-brand messaging posted STAKEHOLDER AND CUSTOMER INFLUENCE Website breached and defaced FINANCIAL Corporate network breached and company data accessed by unauthorised third party/parties Irritating, embarrassing with potential for far more serious consequences: • Work with experts to ensure no further data – customer credit cards for example – was stolen The worst kind of attack: • All information, including emails, on a network may have been copied • Staff details, including addresses and banking information • Customer details inc cards, personal data and passwords • Company plans including product timelines and intellectual property • Confidential material company would have preferred to remain discrete • Access codes • Information relating to any third- parties the company works with, which may also include IP • May have been breached via third- party #prfest
  • 17. PwC Most companies have a relatively conservative and reactive stance – but in a crisis that needs to flip and quickly • Are the C Suite and other seniors able to see the value in going from their traditional approach to a far faster, proactive pace – especially when most don’t speak tech or cyber? • Has that been tested to ensure the company is able to demonstrate control (or as much as is possible) • A company’s stance is not just a comms issue but is one that comms need to be heavily involved with Comms informing the bigger picture proactively STANCE CORPORATE VALUES TRAINING Despite the nature of a crisis, leadership teams need to be able to hold fast to some, if not all, corporate values • Ensure the C Suite and other seniors are able to align to the company corporate values and use them in time of crisis • Crisis situations are when leaders are often defined – their actions remembered for months if not years. Will they be remembered for putting customers first, for pulling down the hatches or some other action? • Will they agree to stick to the corporate values and not suddenly flipflop in the heat of the crisis? Most media training these days is relatively benign • Do the relevant people have proper, hardened crisis training? • Can they speak professionally and with authority without falling back on jargon? • Could they sustain a tense live atmosphere where every action or utterance – even if meant to be off- record – could dictate the fate of the company? • Will they hold the lines – and the corporate values – when under sustained pressure? • Have they been tested? #prfest
  • 18. PwC The first big decisions The sort of issues a crisis comms plans around cyber security include the following… • Who do we call if informed of a breach or it is detected? • Who makes the call? • Who is our spokesperson? Do we need more than one? • Do we drop the website? Even at 2am in the morning? • Who authorises pulling all the pipes – especially at 2am? • Do we close the social channels? • Do we cancel our advertising? • How do we balance business needs with customer needs? • How often can we get an update from the technical team? #prfest
  • 19. PwC So what to do? What’s the one process you see in the company that instinctively doesn’t feel right? Challenge it. On projects you are involved in– challenge how security – and privacy - is being built in Look for opportunities to share data with colleagues in financial crime, risk, physical security Raise awareness of phishing, data leakage through interactions with business contacts ‘Hook’ interest with strategic links Where you see datasets being held in shared drives, ask ‘why are we doing that?’, and ‘who has access?’ Are your security risks raised, logged and prioritised? Do they have the correct priority? Inform customers and staff first – but only when certain a breach has confirmed. Do not broadcast a breach when it is ongoing Ensure customers are reached in as many ways as possible – think PESO but do not just think digital - and if data has potentially been stolen, that they understand this Ensure social and customer teams know exactly what to say (and what not to say) to customers Regular updates on website and social. Encourage media to get material from these sites to minimise duplication of effort One narrative for every channel, updates on a regular basis Have a Comms ‘war room’ and have Comms at heart of decision making Ensure legal and tech teams understand the urgency involved – but heed their advice too Best way to restore that reputation is by being transparent This starts internally (including legal and tech teams) but spreads to external, customer service, social Stakeholders will go to four places when they find out: • website • social • customer phone lines • media Only two of those four channels can be directly controlled #prfest
  • 20. PwC As the technical teams get, well, technical, the role of comms is to communicate Customers Regulators Investors Politicians Media Third- party orgs Security orgs Legal Staff and C Suite #prfest
  • 21. PwC What sort of comms should be going out – and who do you prioritise? Customer emails Media statements Website – front page Visuals Customer video(s) Postal letters Intranet Staff email, Slack, etc Video(s) for others Info for suppliers, third parties, FAQ and responses Script for phone customer teams PPC and social spend Advertising #prfest
  • 22. PwC How will it play out? Every scenario is different but there can be similarities… DAY ONE • Attack discovered • Motive understood – publicity, cash, IP theft, credit card/login theft • Technical investigation launched • Initial alert to customers • Update to customers • Media informed and updated across rolling news cycle • CEO and C-Suite aligned to corporate values and do not stray WEEK ONE • All customers reached • Technical issues resolved – or ongoing to be resolved • Review begins – internal and independent • Ongoing updates • Ensure functionality of websites is restored • Never say you are now breach-proof • Review internal security procedures and remind staff MONTH ONE • Ensure customers have done all they can to protect data • Campaign to try and minimise customer losses • Review processes • Share as much as possible to rebuild confidence by all stakeholders • Remind staff cyber security is not just an IT matter #prfest
  • 23. PwC Preventing a next time – from comms perspective Disgruntled customers or competitors who want to embarrass you or steal your data – potentially even media Script kiddies, bored people and wannabee Mr Robot types just looking for something to do or to make a name for themselves Professional breachers looking for data to either steal or hold a firm to ransom for Staff – either current or ex-staff who are disgruntled and want access to information for personal gain or those duped into giving access • Ensure staff are up to date with cyber security policy/process • Have an up to date policy • Introduce no-blame policy • Run drills • Treat staff and ex-staff in the best way possible – salaries, holidays, perks, place of work and so on • Offer bounties and rewards for those who find weaknesses • Be more involved in cyber community • Befriend as many as possible • Hide comms in the code that only hackers would see • Be honest and be authentic • Be the best company you can be • Engage with audience and change things for them • Treat customers as partners, not as a cash grab • Monitor and respond to everything • Use key dates to ensure all stakeholders are aware of improvements #prfest
  • 24. PwC The checklist Does your crisis comms plan have all of these covered? • Do we have standing statements ready to go for the most common and most likely scenarios? • Is the crisis comms plan integrated into the master crisis document? • What budgets have been agreed for emergency spend? • Who can approach who when a situation arises? • Are there pre-agreed time periods for comms to get updates, minimising intrusion on tech team time? • Do we have all the relevant contact details – for media, internally and other stakeholders? • Are we monitoring all the right channels on a 24/7 basis • Do we have a response plan in place for when we are informed of a breach by a third-party? • Does the comms plan include us contacting external orgs that trust us with their data? • Have we recently tested our crisis comms scenarios? • Do we accept we will be on the back foot for a lot of this and do the relevant powers that be accept that? • Do we have holding statement webpages and imagery ready to go? • Is our data as secure as can be? • Is the leadership sure this is aligned to core values and can respond in that way in a live crisis? • How good is our crisis media training? #prfest
  • 25. PwC Cyber security is not going away… Digital revolution Growing cyber risk More regulation Cloud“IoTs” Big DataSocial Media Evolving threats More connections Talent shortage Arms race #prfest
  • 26. PwC General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming… GDPR is built around 3 key pillars: Transparency Framework Compliance Journey Punishment Regime • Prior information must be clearer • Consent rules toughened up • Access rights are boosted • Mandatory breach disclosure • Enhanced rights of regulatory inspection and audit • Privacy by Design • Privacy Impact Assessments • Accountability • Data Portability • Right to be Forgotten • Tougher enforcement powers for regulators • Financial penalties at 4% Group Annual Worldwide Turnover • Compensation rights for distress • Litigation rights for Civil Society Organisations • Data Processors liable #prfest
  • 27. PwC In summary… What’s the one process you see in the company that instinctively doesn’t feel right? Challenge it. On projects you are involved in– challenge how security – and privacy - is being built in Look for opportunities to share data with colleagues in financial crime, risk, physical security Raise awareness of phishing, data leakage through interactions with business contacts ‘Hook’ interest with strategic links Where you see datasets being held in shared drives, ask ‘why are we doing that?’, and ‘who has access?’ Are your security risks raised, logged and prioritised? Do they have the correct priority? • Identify – What are our crown jewels and biggest threats? • Protect – Implement controls in line with risk appetite • Detect – Implement monitoring processes • Respond – Have tried and tested response plan. Learn from past incidents. Treat cyber security as you would any other risk Understand your exposure and appetite – set controls accordingly #prfest
  • 28. PwC The key messages… • Cyber security has become a key risk for businesses of all sizes and across all industries • Cyber security goes beyond the realms of IT and should involve the entire organisation • People remain the biggest weakness in Cyber security defences – education & awareness programs should be a key strategic priority • External cyber attacks are becoming ever increasingly indiscriminate – assuming you will not be a target is no longer an option. You may even be collateral damage • Those organisations who have tried and tested responses processes are those least impacted by an incident • The cost of failure is huge – Comprises not just business disruption and remedial activity, but reputational and increasingly punitive damages… #prfest
  • 29. PwC The key point to remember… Cyber security and infosec is no longer an IT issue, it is something that impacts upon all staff at all levels and as such should be treated that way (And ensure you have everything drilled and rehearsed in training) This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PriceWaterhouseCooper LLP, its members, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it. © 2017 PriceWaterhouseCooper LLP. All rights reserved. In this document, “PwC” refers to PriceWaterhouseCooper LLP which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity. #prfest

Editor's Notes

  1. Digital Revolution: means that companies are increasingly operating in an environment where they do not own the systems they use nor do they control the data they rely on. Growing Cyber Risk: When assessing third party dependencies and hence risks, companies must consider not only suppliers, but also brand partners who are likely to be handling your customers’ data. Growing Cyber Risk: Target hack which cost the company over $260m is perfect example of the interconnected business ecosystem we operate in. Retailers in Asia suffer increased fraud due to hack of HVAC company based in Pennsylvania (ultimately cost banks $200m replacing cards and covering fraudulent purchases). Growing Cyber Risk: In essence, you cannot outsource cyber risk; you are always accountable for the security of your sensitive data no matter who handles it. More Regulation: We can expect to see financial services regulators around the globe to adopt some of the measures deployed by the Bank of England to assess and manage systemic risk to the markets posed by cyber.