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WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC
HTML5 apps for Android and Windows Phone
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 1
Andreas Jakl
Startup founder & app developer
– @andijakl, @mopius
– Nokia: Technology Wizard
– FH Hagenberg, Mobile Computing: Assistant Professor
– Siemens / BenQ Mobile: Augmented Reality-Apps
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 2
– HTML5 Development, UI & Tools
Project Setup
– Multi-Device Hybrid App with Cordova & WinJS
– Controls, Promises, Async, Bindings, Pages, Navigation
– Configuration, Plugins, Build Process
NFC App Development
– NFC Plugin, NDEF, reading & writing tags, sharing to devices
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 3
Runtimes, tools and libraries
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 4
HTML5 UI Toolkits
jQuery Mobile
Sencha Touch
Dojo Mobile
… and many, many more!
HTML Form in Chrome, no styling / layouts
Same HTML form in WinJS, default dark theme without layouts
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 5
– UI toolkit
– JavaScript coding patterns
• Simplifies definition of namespaces, object classes
• Asynchronous operations (Promises)
• Structural models for apps, data binding and page navigation
– Wraps WinRT APIs for native platform access on Windows
– Windows (Phone), Android, iOS, desktop browsers
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 6
C# JavaScript
Windows Runtime (WinRT)
Windows 8.1
Xbox One
Phone 8.1
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 7
WinJS 3.0+
C# JavaScript
Windows Runtime (WinRT)
Windows 8.1
Web browsers
Apache Cordova
Xbox One
Phone 8.1
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 8
WinJS Roadmap
Open Source
– Apache License
– Limitations on WP 8.1:
WinJS 3.0
– First release that targets multiple platforms & browsers
– Not available as reference for Windows Store apps
WinJS Future
– Merge WinJS with
WinJS 2.1 Store app
Shared library, not shipped in app packageWinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 9
WinJS Online Editor
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 10
Apache Cordova
Use native phone APIs from HTML / JavaScript
– Hybrid apps – packaged for distribution
– App runs locally on device: web browser
component in native app
– No native code required
PhoneGap = distribution of Cordova
– Cordova = engine
– Additional paid services: PhoneGap Build, Enterprise
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 11
Visual Studio ($) / Express
– Microsoft Multi-Device Hybrid Apps Extension
– Telerik AppBuilder Extension ($)
Intel XDK
Aptana Studio (Eclipse)
Webstorm ($)
Komodo Edit / IDE ($)
Notepad 
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 12
Multi-Device Hybrid Apps
Visual Studio Extension (preview)
Code completion, debugging
Installs required toolkits
(Android SDK, etc)
Known issues:
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 13
On device
Android 4.4 +
No debugging
(emulator & device)
Deploying to Targets
Android iOS
(Chrome extension
for Android
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 14
Multi-Device Hybrid App with Cordova & WinJS
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 15
Visual Studio Project
Store App:
Universal App
Multi-Device Hybrid App:
Apache Cordova App
CordovaAdd WinJS
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 16
WinJS 3 from GitHub
Compilation instructions
– Install GitHub client * and clone repository:
– Install git & node.js **
– Command line – install grunt-cli & dependencies:
npm install ‐g grunt‐cli
npm install
– Build:
** &
Compiled output
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 17
git: Version control software
node.js: Runtime environment for executing
JavaScript apps (on servers)
npm: Node Package Manager. Installs node programs,
manages dependencies.
grunt: JavaScript task runner: automates tasks
(minification, compilation, unit testing, checking code)
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 18
Visual Studio Solution
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 19
Adding WinJS 3 to Project
1. Drag & drop
WinJS to
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 20
Add Libraries
2. Reference WinJS in index.html
3. Initialize WinJS controls
<!‐‐ WinJS ‐‐>
<link href="Microsoft.WinJS.3.1/css/ui‐light.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="Microsoft.WinJS.3.1/js/base.js"></script>
<script src="Microsoft.WinJS.3.1/js/ui.js"></script>
(function () {
"use strict";
document.addEventListener( 'deviceready', onDeviceReady.bind( this ), false );
function onDeviceReady() {
} )();
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 21
TypeScript vs JavaScript
Extends JavaScript
– Type annotations, compile-time type checking
– Interfaces
– Classes
– Modules
Superset of JavaScript
– JavaScript program is valid TypeScript
– TypeScript compiles to JavaScript
WinJS: TypeScript typings available, on their watchlist *
*, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 22
///<reference path='../scripts/typings/winjs/winjs.d.ts'/>
///<reference path='../scripts/typings/tsd.d.ts'/>
TypeScript type definitions repository for other 3rd party libs:
Drag & drop TypeScript
typings to project
Add TypeScript definitions
to index.ts (first line of file)
Using TypeScript?
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 23
WinJS UI – Rating Control
Create“Rating Control”in index.html
<div id="ratingControlHost" data‐win‐control="WinJS.UI.Rating"></div>
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 24
WinJS Controls
Elements (<div> / <span>)
Contain data‐win‐control attribute
– Value is name of a constructor function
Instantiated at app startup:
– WinJS.UI.processAll();
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 25
Working with
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 26
WinJS UI: Screen layouts
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 27
WinJS UI: Views
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 28
WinJS UI: Chrome
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 29
WinJS UI: Controls
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 30
Promises: Async Code
JavaScript: single-threaded language
Traditional asynchronous call-backs
– Call-stack with anonymous nested
– Do exceptions propagate up nested
Promise objects: defines functions
– then(): promise completed successfully
– error(): handle errors
– progress(): regular progress callbacks
async method
function completed()
function error()
function progress()
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 31
Promises: How To
Initialize app
– After WinJS parsed DOM & instantiated controls
function onDeviceReady() {
WinJS.UI.processAll().then(function () {
// Retrieve the instantiated rating control
var ratingControl = ratingControlDiv.winControl;
// Register the ratingChanged() event handler function
ratingControl.addEventListener("change", ratingChanged, false);
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 32
Pages & Navigation
Traditional: multi-page navigation
– Individual HTML files, hyperlinks
Better: single-page navigation
– Never navigates away from default.html
• default.html: defines outmost UI (AppBar), handles app lifecycle
– Load additional data (“fragments”) into the page as needed
• PageControl: create & embed on default.html. Loads set of HTML, JavaScript and CSS (like an iframe).
• HtmlControl: load static HTML from other page, no JavaScript
• WebView: own history stack and navigation
• DOM methods
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 33
Pages & Navigation: How-To
Create 2nd “Navigation App”Store project
1. Create new“Page Control”: page2.html
Back to the Cordova project
2. Copy navigator.js and
home & page2.[html|js|css] from
store project
3. Reference navigator.js from index.html
4. Add WinJS page control to index.html
<div id="contenthost" data‐win‐control="Application.PageControlNavigator" data‐win‐options="{home: ‚./pages/home/home.html'}"></div>
<script src="scripts/navigator.js"></script>
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 34
Pages & Navigation: How-To
Create link from home.html to
– Note: project structure is
modified during build for
Cordova packaging
– Contents moved to /www/
– Links to e.g. /index.html don’t
work, use relative links!
<p><a href="./../page2/page2.html">Go to page 2.</a></p>
WinJS.UI.Pages.define("./pages/home/home.html", {
// This function is called whenever a user navigates to this page. It
// populates the page elements with the app's data.
ready: function (element, options) {
// Find all <a> links and execute the event handler when clicking
this.linkClickEventHandler, false);
linkClickEventHandler: function (eventInfo) {
// Stop default behaviour!
// Use WinJS to navigate instead –
// loads the new page into the <div> fragment
var link =;
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 35
Data Binding
– data‐win‐bind attribute on HTML element
– JS setup options
• Create relationship with WinJS.Binding
• WinJS.Binding.mixin makes class observable
Template Binding
– Rendering items, e.g. for ListViews
<span id="nameBindingSpan" data‐win‐bind="innerText: name"></span>
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 36
Going Multi-Platform
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 37
Cordova Configuration
– App name, version
– Preferences: fullscreen, orientation
– External domain access whitelist
– Plugins (features) for device access
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 38
Development Paths
Cross-Platform (CLI)
– cordova utility: automatically targets all platforms
• building, assets, plugin config
Platform Centered
– Lower level platform access, e.g. mix native components with Cordova
– Specific scripts & manual building for each platform
– Used by VS / Multi-Device Hybrid App Extension
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 39
Core Plug-Ins
Interface to native components
Good cross-platform support
Integrated in VS
– config.xml
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 40
3rd Party Plug-Ins
–, 400+ plugins:
– Telerik verified plug-ins:
– “View code”of config.xml
– Manually add plugin reference:
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 41
Hybrid App Build Process
Visual Studio
Platform specific
(icons, scripts,
stylesheets, etc)
Directory: /
Generic HTML
Platform specific
(native with web view)
Build +
Platform specific installation files +
compilation output
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 42
Hybrid Project
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 43
Runtime HTML
Analyze with VS Debugger (Android)
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 44
Near Field Communication
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 45
Near Field Communication?
< 1 cm
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 46
Near Field Communication?
< 424 kbit / s
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 47
Near Field Communication?
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 48
NFC Tags
Tag memory size:
48 byte – few kB
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 49
Bringing it all together …
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 50
JavaScript NFC API
Status: First Public Working Draft; NFC & basic NDEF
– Not very active group 
State: October 2014
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 51
Cordova NFC Plugin
Open source
Developed by Chariot Solutions
– Android
– WP8
– BlackBerry 10, (7)
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 52
Adding Cordova NFC Plugin
Add NFC plugin reference to config.xml
Test reading NFC tags
function () { console.log("Listening for NDEF tags."); },
function (error) { alert("Adding the listener failed."); }
nfcHandler: function (nfcEvent) {
var tag = nfcEvent.tag;
var ndefMessageBytes = tag.ndefMessage;
var payload = nfc.bytesToString(ndefMessageBytes[0].payload);
} WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 53
NFC & NDEF Overview
NDEF Message
NDEF Record
(e.g., URL)
NDEF = NFC Data Exchange Format
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 54
Open Source NDEF Library
Create NDEF
messages & records
(standard compliant)
Parse information
from raw byte arrays
Fully documented
Open Source LGPL license
library development
supported by:
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 55
Adding the NDEF Library
Download & extract
Drag & drop to project
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 56
Creating NDEF Messages
NDEF Record
– URI record
– Social record (Twitter)
NDEF Message
var ndefRecord = new NdefLibrary.NdefSocialRecord();
var ndefRecord = new NdefLibrary.NdefUriRecord();
var ndefMessage = new window.NdefLibrary.NdefMessage(ndefRecord);
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 57
Format Conversion
// Convert message to raw NDEF byte array
var ndefMsgBytes = ndefMessage.toByteArray();
// Parse raw byte array to Cordova NFC Plugin format (JSON)
var ndefMessagePlugin = window.ndef.decodeMessage(ndefMsgBytes);
NDEF library class
Cordova NFC Plugin
JSON object
byte array
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 58
Writing NFC Tags
Cordova NFC Plugin: Write tag …
– Android: in NFC tag discovered call-back = while user is tapping tag
– Windows Phone: outside call-back = instruct phone to write tag as
soon as user taps tag
function (msg) { console.log("Publish Success" + msg); },
function (msg) { console.log("Publish Error" + msg); }
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 59
Sharing to Devices
Can be started & stopped (with unshare)
function (msg) { console.log("Share Success" + msg); },
function (msg) { console.log("Share Error" + msg); }
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 60
Real Life?
Cordova NFC plug-in is unstable
– Android: call-back after 2nd tag tap
– Windows Phone: after each publish one more read-callback, crashes
after too many call-backs
Multi-Device Hybrid Apps CTP
– Crashes after closing app on Windows Phone
– Deployment issues to Windows 8.1
– Visual Studio compatibility (only Update 3 supported)
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 61
Full Demo App
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 62
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 63
Multi-Device Hybrid Apps: Visual Studio Extension.
Create cross-platform HTML5 apps, based on Cordova.
WinJS: HTML5 UI toolkit.
Coming from Windows, expanding to cross-platform.
UI Controls & improved async / callbacks.
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 64
Apache Cordova: toolchain to create hybrid apps.
Plugins to access native functionality from JavaScript.
PhoneGap: commercial distribution of Cordova.
NFC: short-range wireless communication.
Transmit small data packages between devices or store data on tags.
Platforms: Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, iPhone (partly)
Support: W3C JavaScript API: draft; Cordova: 3rd party plugin
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 65
NDEF: content standard.
Record(s) contained in Message.
NDEF Library: open source for JavaScript & C#.
Create & parse NDEF messages.
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 66
Thank You.
Andreas Jakl
WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 67

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WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - HTML5 apps for Android and Windows Phone

  • 1. WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC HTML5 apps for Android and Windows Phone WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 1
  • 2. Andreas Jakl Startup founder & app developer – @andijakl, @mopius – – History – Nokia: Technology Wizard – FH Hagenberg, Mobile Computing: Assistant Professor – Siemens / BenQ Mobile: Augmented Reality-Apps WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 2
  • 3. Overview – HTML5 Development, UI & Tools Project Setup – Multi-Device Hybrid App with Cordova & WinJS WinJS – Controls, Promises, Async, Bindings, Pages, Navigation Cordova – Configuration, Plugins, Build Process NFC App Development – NFC Plugin, NDEF, reading & writing tags, sharing to devices WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 3
  • 4. OVERVIEW Runtimes, tools and libraries WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 4
  • 5. HTML5 UI Toolkits AngularJS BackboneJS jQuery Mobile Sencha Touch Ember.js Dojo Mobile WinJS … and many, many more! HTML Form in Chrome, no styling / layouts Same HTML form in WinJS, default dark theme without layouts WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 5
  • 6. Features – UI toolkit – JavaScript coding patterns • Simplifies definition of namespaces, object classes • Asynchronous operations (Promises) • Structural models for apps, data binding and page navigation – Wraps WinRT APIs for native platform access on Windows Multi-Platform – Windows (Phone), Android, iOS, desktop browsers WinJS http:// WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 6
  • 7. WinJS XAML C# JavaScript HTML / CSS3 Windows Runtime (WinRT) Windows 8.1 Xbox One Windows Phone 8.1 WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 7
  • 8. WinJS 3.0+ XAML C# JavaScript HTML / CSS3 Windows Runtime (WinRT) Windows 8.1 Android iOS Web browsers Apache Cordova Xbox One Windows Phone 8.1 WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 8
  • 9. WinJS Roadmap Open Source – Apache License – Limitations on WP 8.1: us/library/windows/apps/dn632432.aspx WinJS 3.0 – First release that targets multiple platforms & browsers – Not available as reference for Windows Store apps WinJS Future – Merge WinJS with WinJS 2.1 Store app Shared library, not shipped in app packageWinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 9
  • 10. WinJS Online Editor WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 10
  • 11. Apache Cordova Use native phone APIs from HTML / JavaScript – Hybrid apps – packaged for distribution – App runs locally on device: web browser component in native app – No native code required PhoneGap = distribution of Cordova – Cordova = engine – Additional paid services: PhoneGap Build, Enterprise WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 11
  • 12. HTML5 IDEs Visual Studio ($) / Express – Microsoft Multi-Device Hybrid Apps Extension – Telerik AppBuilder Extension ($) Intel XDK Aptana Studio (Eclipse) NetBeans Webstorm ($) Komodo Edit / IDE ($) Notepad  WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 12
  • 13. Multi-Device Hybrid Apps Visual Studio Extension (preview) – Code completion, debugging Installs required toolkits (Android SDK, etc) Known issues: ore/cordova-known-issues-vs WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 13
  • 14. On device debugging: Android 4.4 + No debugging (emulator & device) Deploying to Targets Android iOS Windows Phone Windows Ripple (Chrome extension for Android emulation) WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 14
  • 15. PROJECT SETUP Multi-Device Hybrid App with Cordova & WinJS WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 15
  • 16. Visual Studio Project Store App: Universal App Multi-Device Hybrid App: Apache Cordova App WinJS Cordova WinJS CordovaAdd WinJS WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 16
  • 17. WinJS 3 from GitHub Compilation instructions – Install GitHub client * and clone repository: – Install git & node.js ** – Command line – install grunt-cli & dependencies: npm install ‐g grunt‐cli npm install – Build: grunt * ** & Compiled output WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 17
  • 18. Glossary git: Version control software node.js: Runtime environment for executing JavaScript apps (on servers) npm: Node Package Manager. Installs node programs, manages dependencies. grunt: JavaScript task runner: automates tasks (minification, compilation, unit testing, checking code) WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 18
  • 19. Visual Studio Solution WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 19
  • 20. Adding WinJS 3 to Project 1. Drag & drop compiled WinJS to project WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 20
  • 21. Add Libraries 2. Reference WinJS in index.html 3. Initialize WinJS controls <!‐‐ WinJS ‐‐> <link href="Microsoft.WinJS.3.1/css/ui‐light.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="Microsoft.WinJS.3.1/js/base.js"></script> <script src="Microsoft.WinJS.3.1/js/ui.js"></script> (function () { "use strict"; document.addEventListener( 'deviceready', onDeviceReady.bind( this ), false ); function onDeviceReady() { WinJS.UI.processAll(); }; } )(); WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 21
  • 22. TypeScript vs JavaScript Extends JavaScript – Type annotations, compile-time type checking – Interfaces – Classes – Modules Superset of JavaScript – JavaScript program is valid TypeScript – TypeScript compiles to JavaScript WinJS: TypeScript typings available, on their watchlist * TypeScript *, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 22
  • 23. ///<reference path='../scripts/typings/winjs/winjs.d.ts'/> ///<reference path='../scripts/typings/tsd.d.ts'/> TypeScript type definitions repository for other 3rd party libs: Drag & drop TypeScript typings to project Add TypeScript definitions to index.ts (first line of file) Using TypeScript? WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 23
  • 24. WinJS UI – Rating Control Create“Rating Control”in index.html <div id="ratingControlHost" data‐win‐control="WinJS.UI.Rating"></div> WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 24
  • 25. WinJS Controls Elements (<div> / <span>) Contain data‐win‐control attribute – Value is name of a constructor function Instantiated at app startup: – WinJS.UI.processAll(); WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 25
  • 26. WINJS Working with WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 26
  • 27. WinJS UI: Screen layouts Hub Pivot WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 27
  • 28. WinJS UI: Views FlipView ListView WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 28
  • 29. WinJS UI: Chrome AppBar NavBar Flyout Menu WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 29
  • 31. Promises: Async Code JavaScript: single-threaded language Traditional asynchronous call-backs – Call-stack with anonymous nested functions? – Do exceptions propagate up nested call-backs? Promise objects: defines functions – then(): promise completed successfully – error(): handle errors – progress(): regular progress callbacks async method promise .then() function completed() function error() function progress() WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 31
  • 32. Promises: How To Initialize app – After WinJS parsed DOM & instantiated controls function onDeviceReady() { WinJS.UI.processAll().then(function () { // Retrieve the instantiated rating control var ratingControl = ratingControlDiv.winControl; // Register the ratingChanged() event handler function ratingControl.addEventListener("change", ratingChanged, false); }); WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 32
  • 33. Pages & Navigation Traditional: multi-page navigation – Individual HTML files, hyperlinks Better: single-page navigation – Never navigates away from default.html • default.html: defines outmost UI (AppBar), handles app lifecycle – Load additional data (“fragments”) into the page as needed • PageControl: create & embed on default.html. Loads set of HTML, JavaScript and CSS (like an iframe). • HtmlControl: load static HTML from other page, no JavaScript • WebView: own history stack and navigation • DOM methods WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 33
  • 34. Pages & Navigation: How-To Create 2nd “Navigation App”Store project 1. Create new“Page Control”: page2.html Back to the Cordova project 2. Copy navigator.js and home & page2.[html|js|css] from store project 3. Reference navigator.js from index.html 4. Add WinJS page control to index.html <div id="contenthost" data‐win‐control="Application.PageControlNavigator" data‐win‐options="{home: ‚./pages/home/home.html'}"></div> <script src="scripts/navigator.js"></script> WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 34
  • 35. Pages & Navigation: How-To Create link from home.html to page2.html – Note: project structure is modified during build for Cordova packaging – Contents moved to /www/ directory – Links to e.g. /index.html don’t work, use relative links! <p><a href="./../page2/page2.html">Go to page 2.</a></p> WinJS.UI.Pages.define("./pages/home/home.html", { // This function is called whenever a user navigates to this page. It // populates the page elements with the app's data. ready: function (element, options) { // Find all <a> links and execute the event handler when clicking WinJS.Utilities.query("a").listen("click", this.linkClickEventHandler, false); }, linkClickEventHandler: function (eventInfo) { // Stop default behaviour! eventInfo.preventDefault(); // Use WinJS to navigate instead – // loads the new page into the <div> fragment var link =; WinJS.Navigation.navigate(link.href); } }); home.html home.js WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 35
  • 36. Bindings Data Binding – data‐win‐bind attribute on HTML element – JS setup options • Create relationship with WinJS.Binding • WinJS.Binding.mixin makes class observable Template Binding – Rendering items, e.g. for ListViews <span id="nameBindingSpan" data‐win‐bind="innerText: name"></span> WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 36
  • 37. CORDOVA Going Multi-Platform WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 37
  • 38. Cordova Configuration config.xml – App name, version – Preferences: fullscreen, orientation – External domain access whitelist – Plugins (features) for device access WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 38
  • 39. Development Paths Cross-Platform (CLI) – cordova utility: automatically targets all platforms • building, assets, plugin config Platform Centered – Lower level platform access, e.g. mix native components with Cordova – Specific scripts & manual building for each platform – Used by VS / Multi-Device Hybrid App Extension WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 39
  • 40. Core Plug-Ins Interface to native components Good cross-platform support Integrated in VS – config.xml WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 40
  • 41. 3rd Party Plug-Ins Sources –, 400+ plugins: – Telerik verified plug-ins: Integration – “View code”of config.xml – Manually add plugin reference: <vs:feature>pluginname@version</vs:feature> WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 41
  • 42. Hybrid App Build Process Cordova Visual Studio solution Platform specific resources (icons, scripts, stylesheets, etc) Directory: / Generic HTML project Platform specific projects (native with web view) /bld/ Build + /merges/ /bin/ Platform specific installation files + compilation output Compile& Package WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 42
  • 43. Hybrid Project WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 43
  • 44. Runtime HTML Analyze with VS Debugger (Android) WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 44
  • 45. NFC Near Field Communication WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 45
  • 46. Near Field Communication? < 1 cm (tap) WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 46
  • 47. Near Field Communication? < 424 kbit / s WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 47
  • 48. Near Field Communication? WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 48
  • 49. NFC Tags Tag memory size: 48 byte – few kB WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 49
  • 50. NFC & CORDOVA & WINJS Bringing it all together … WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 50
  • 51. W3C NFC API JavaScript NFC API – Status: First Public Working Draft; NFC & basic NDEF – Not very active group  State: October 2014 WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 51
  • 52. Cordova NFC Plugin Open source Developed by Chariot Solutions – Platforms – Android – WP8 – BlackBerry 10, (7) WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 52
  • 53. Adding Cordova NFC Plugin Add NFC plugin reference to config.xml Test reading NFC tags <vs:feature>com.chariotsolutions.nfc.plugin@0.5.1</vs:feature> nfc.addNdefListener( this.nfcHandler, function () { console.log("Listening for NDEF tags."); }, function (error) { alert("Adding the listener failed."); } ); nfcHandler: function (nfcEvent) { var tag = nfcEvent.tag; var ndefMessageBytes = tag.ndefMessage; var payload = nfc.bytesToString(ndefMessageBytes[0].payload); alert(payload); } WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 53
  • 54. NFC & NDEF Overview NDEF Message NDEF Record (e.g., URL) … NDEF = NFC Data Exchange Format WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 54
  • 55. Open Source NDEF Library Reusable NDEF classes Create NDEF messages & records (standard compliant) Parse information from raw byte arrays Fully documented Open Source LGPL license library development supported by: WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 55
  • 56. Adding the NDEF Library Download & extract library Drag & drop to project /dist/ndeflibrary(.min.).js WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 56
  • 57. Creating NDEF Messages NDEF Record – URI record – Social record (Twitter) NDEF Message var ndefRecord = new NdefLibrary.NdefSocialRecord(); ndefRecord.setSocialType(NdefLibrary.NdefSocialRecord.NfcSocialType.Twitter); ndefRecord.setSocialUserName("mopius"); var ndefRecord = new NdefLibrary.NdefUriRecord(); ndefRecord.setUri(""); var ndefMessage = new window.NdefLibrary.NdefMessage(ndefRecord); WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 57
  • 58. Format Conversion // Convert message to raw NDEF byte array var ndefMsgBytes = ndefMessage.toByteArray(); // Parse raw byte array to Cordova NFC Plugin format (JSON) var ndefMessagePlugin = window.ndef.decodeMessage(ndefMsgBytes); NDEF library class object Cordova NFC Plugin JSON object byte array WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 58
  • 59. Writing NFC Tags Cordova NFC Plugin: Write tag … – Android: in NFC tag discovered call-back = while user is tapping tag – Windows Phone: outside call-back = instruct phone to write tag as soon as user taps tag nfc.write( ndefMessagePlugin, function (msg) { console.log("Publish Success" + msg); }, function (msg) { console.log("Publish Error" + msg); } ); WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 59
  • 60. Sharing to Devices Can be started & stopped (with unshare) nfc.share( ndefMessagePlugin, function (msg) { console.log("Share Success" + msg); }, function (msg) { console.log("Share Error" + msg); } ); WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 60
  • 61. Real Life? Cordova NFC plug-in is unstable – Android: call-back after 2nd tag tap – Windows Phone: after each publish one more read-callback, crashes after too many call-backs Multi-Device Hybrid Apps CTP – Crashes after closing app on Windows Phone – Deployment issues to Windows 8.1 – Visual Studio compatibility (only Update 3 supported) WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 61
  • 62. Full Demo App WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 62
  • 63. SUMMARY WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 63
  • 64. http:// Multi-Device Hybrid Apps: Visual Studio Extension. Create cross-platform HTML5 apps, based on Cordova. WinJS: HTML5 UI toolkit. Coming from Windows, expanding to cross-platform. UI Controls & improved async / callbacks. WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 64
  • 65. Apache Cordova: toolchain to create hybrid apps. Plugins to access native functionality from JavaScript. PhoneGap: commercial distribution of Cordova. NFC: short-range wireless communication. Transmit small data packages between devices or store data on tags. Platforms: Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, iPhone (partly) Support: W3C JavaScript API: draft; Cordova: 3rd party plugin WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 65
  • 66. NDEF: content standard. Record(s) contained in Message. NDEF Library: open source for JavaScript & C#. Create & parse NDEF messages. … WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 66
  • 67. Thank You. Andreas Jakl @andijakl @mopius WinJS, Apache Cordova & NFC - Andreas Jakl, 21.10.2014 67