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Controversial Issues In Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park is one of the most well–known movies today. The fact that dinosaurs that were extinct billions of years ago were brought back to life
fascinates people who watch. Unfortunately, it is not possible to bring dinosaurs back to life, but there are scientists that are reviving other extinct
animals. The technology that makes this possible is cloning. In fact, cloning of extinct animals is one of the most controversial issues in science
today. On July 5, 1996, the first animal was cloned. After 277 attempts, the Roslin Institute in Roslin, Scotland successfully cloned Dolly the sheep
(Nardo). Dolly the sheep was born by a somatic cell nuclear transfer, or SCNT. The nucleus from a somatic cell of a sheep was injected into an
unfertilized egg that was removed of a nucleus. The egg divided and was implanted into an ewe. Dolly was born with developed arthritis and
premature aging. At age six, Dolly died because of these health problems ("Animal Cloning"). ... Show more content on ...
The Pyrenean ibex became extinct in 1999 by hunters in the Pyrenees mountain range, but scientists were able to keep the cells. Floch cloned the
Pyrenean ibex by taking the nuclei from those cells and injecting them into empty goat eggs. The eggs were then implanted into mothers. There were
a total of 57 implantations, but only seven got pregnant. Of those seven, six ended in miscarriages due to cellular damage. When the Pyrenean ibex
was born, it struggled to take in air because its lungs had grown a lobe. Because of this, the Pyrenean ibex died
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Pros And Cons Of Cloning
Pros and Cons of Cloning
Since 1938, cloning has been a topic some scientists have experimented with. Hans Spermenn had a "fantastic experiment" which was to replace
the nucleus of an egg with the nucleus of another cell and to grow an embryo from such an egg. In 1952, Robert Briggs and Thomas King was
unsuccessful in the attempt to clone a Rana pipiens frog. in 1970, this time John B Gurdon was successful in his attempt to clone a Xenous laevis
frog, although it only reached the tadpole stage. Karl Illmenese and Peter Hope clone a mouse in 1981, in 1994 the first sheep was attempted to be
cloned by Neal First. By 1995 two sheep were cloned by Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell, they brought us the first real animal clone Dolly the
sheep in 1996. After Dolly there were many animals cloned, 1998 was a mouse, 2000 a monkey and a pig, 2001 was a buffalo and a cow, a cat
was cloned that year. In 2002, was mice and in 2003 there were many clones in animals, a rabbit, mule, a deer, horse and a rat. 2004 brought us
fruit flies, and a group of Korean scientists were allegedly announcing they cloned human embryos although it was determined to be false
information. in 2005 an Afghan hound, 2007 a wolf, 2008 a Labrador dog, 2009 was when an animal from an extinct species was cloned the
Pyrenean Ibex, which lived for 7 minutes. Also in 2009, a female camel was cloned. The purpose ofcloning is mainly for discovering breakthrough
medicines, vaccines and diagnostics to treat
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Arguments For Cloning Extinct Species
In 2003 the Pyrenean Ibex, an extinct subspecies, was successfully cloned and brought back to life albeit only for a few minutes (Zimmer, 2015.) Thus
bringing the idea of cloning extinct species itself to life. Newton (2015) shows that in animals cloning is achieved by transplanting the nucleus of one
animal into an enucleated egg cell of another. Cloning has become more precise and increasingly common in our rapidly progressing society (Newton,
2015) however from this a debate as to whether these technologies should be used to clone and bring back extinct animals has arisen. A central reason
as to why this causes such a large debate is due to the apparent defiance of nature that is occurring (Zimmer, 2015.) There are many arguments... Show
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Michael Archer believes that as a society we have a duty to animals that became extinct due to direct human impacts (Zimmer 2013.)
When the extinct Pyrenean Ibex was successfully cloned the newborn kid died in minutes due to lung deformities causing breathing issues (Gray &
Dobson 2009.) A 2013 study of cloned piglets led to the findings that of the piglets born 48 % died in their first month and 29.5% of them exhibited
malfunctions (Schmidt et al 2015.) From this the issue of a cloned animal's welfare is raised showing that unless technologies advance significantly
there is a high risk of suffering and death for such animals (Sherkow & Greely 2013.)
Another ethically problematic area is that of money, by cloning extinct species large profits may be made off of the animals, especially well–known
ones, from things such as donations and private funding (Cottrell et al 2014.) This would allow the animals to be treated well and for further cloning
efforts. However this leads to the issue of money being spent in the wrong places for the wrong reasons, where as it could be better spent on
conserving the many species at current risk of extinction (Four reasons against de–extinction
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Human And Animal Cloning : Should It Truly Beneficial?
Human and Animal Cloning: Would it Truly be Beneficial In a generation where improving life is the main priority, the idea of cloning humans and
animals in order to do just that remains extremely far–fetched, being opposed on scientific, economic, and ethical accounts. Admittedly, the idea of
cloning, both animal and human, has the potential to cure diseases and create a healthier generation with a better quality of life. "Cloning technology is
already here" and could "produce results that would be of enormous benefit to mankind" ("Pros" 1; Cohen 6). Clones could be created specifically
to be compatible and provide healthy organs for transplantation to normal humans or animals with failing organs (Badertscher 2). Five pigs, cloned
in 2005 in Blacksburg, Virginia show evidence of "harvesting organs for medical purposes" ("Pros" 13). Infertile parents could clone themselves and
"create a younger twin of the mother or father" instead of dealing with the current pains of infertility treatments ("Pros" 2). Cloning is speculated to
find faster cures or treatment for medical conditions like Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and diabetes ("Pros" 1; Driscoll & Griswold 2). In addition, the
possibility of eliminating "defective genes" and "genetic mutations" caused by damaged DNA lines that are becoming more common as humans
constantly reproduce surfaces with cloning. Healthy human cells could be cloned to eventually rid the "defective genes" ("Pros" 2). Cloning could
truly be a
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Ethics Of Cloning Research Paper
Mankind is powerful; perhaps more knowledgeable and omnipotent than any other creature on Earth. Cloning demonstrates a fine example of how
mankind is disregarding all barriers of science. Cloning, as defined by "Human Cloning–Ethical Issues" is "the creation of a creature using genetic
material of another creature". It comes with numerous benefits; consequently, with severe consequences. The practice of cloning defies the natural
processes surrounding the inception of life, pushes the boundaries of science, and demonstrates mankind's pursuit of genetic, and perhaps even societal,
To begin with, the history of cloning starts back long before Dolly the Sheep and before the
21st century (Denault). Ever since mankind's humble beginnings, ... Show more content on ...
"Some even imagine making clones of geniuses, whose work could advance society" ("Why Clone?").The emotional issues the clones might face
should also be considered. Clones would find themselves less of individuality and more of a reproduction of the deceased or living person, finding
them less unique (Newton). Human cloning, some scientists say, would "reduce the overall value of human life" ("Pros and Cons"). The outcome of
being powerful and knowing no boundaries comes with a price.
The debate on cloning continues to rage. Both sides of the controversy are heavily weighted and show the "hypermagical ultraomnipotence" of
man[un]kind. Not only would cloning "reduce the overall value of human life" ("Pros and Cons"), but it might, perhaps, also reduce the importance
of human life. Undoubtedly, accidents, crimes, and suicides might increase as people would not care about their lives as much. People wouldn't fear
nor, perhaps, even respect death. Bringing back the dead would only require money. However, either way, cloning is an example of how man[un]kind
finds no limits and how, beyond doubt, it is as powerful to play
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Case Study : Animal Cloning : Moa ( Dinornithidae ) And...
Case Study 2: Animal Cloning
Organism: Moa (Dinornithidae) and Sheep (Ovis aries)
The first successful mammal was cloned in the form of Dolly the sheep in 1996. She was cloned at the Roslin Institute in Midlothian, Scotland, and
lived there until her death when she was six years old. Animal cloning refers to the production of genetically identical whole organisms, or 'clones'.
This is carried out with the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer. Cloning is designed to quickly and efficiently to produce many identical copies of an
organism (generally with desired traits). Somatic cell nuclear transfer is the process of transferring a nucleus from a donor cell to an enucleated egg
(an egg that has had the nucleus removed). An pulse of electricity fuses the nucleus and enucleated egg together and the resultant egg is then left to
divide artificially for about 5 days (known as a blastocyst). The blastocyst will then be transferred into a surrogate mother that will give birth to the
offspring. This offspring will have the identical DNA to the organism the somatic cell (nucleus) came from unless a mutation occurs, which will cause a
slight change in the DNA coding sequence. However, the offspring will carry the mitochondria from the donor egg cell rather than the somatic cell
which can unfortunately lead to nuclear–mitochondrial incompatibilities that can lead to death. Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to be
successfully cloned from a somatic cell. Following Dolly's death at the
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De-Extinction Research Paper
The Ethics of De–Extinction
The concept of bringing a species back to life after it has gone extinct has been around for years. The idea that dinosaurs will roam the earth again
has fascinated mankind since the first dinosaur fossils were first put together. Pop culture has even glorified this idea in a variety of books and
movies made about the topic, such as the famous Jurassic Park trilogy. In science fiction, there are many ideas people have about brining the extinct
back to life. Some of these theories have a grain of truth to it, but today, the idea of bringing back a species is no longer science fiction, but will likely
be possible in the near future. This process is called De–Extinction. The most recent developments in genetic extraction, ... Show more content on ...
Scientists in 2009 attempted to clone an extinct species of wild goat, the Pyrenean Ibex, otherwise known as the bucardo. After many attempts, one
surrogate goat mother became pregnant and gave birth. Unfortunately, the babe died in just moments after birth. However this cloning took place
only seven years after the cloning of dolly the sheep in 2002, the first successfully cloned mammal. Making the jump from cloning being
impossible to nearly reviving a dead species just seven years later shows proof how quickly this incredible technology is advances. It has now been
over a decade since the cloning of the bucardo, and the technology available now would very likely produce a healthy clone. The only question now
is, should we? Some in favor of de–extinction argue for the possible medical benefits that could be learned by furthering research in this field. Most
pharmaceutical drugs are not made from scratch, but instead derived from natural compounds found in wild plants, or animals. Innumerable species
have gone extinct before science even had to opportunity to attempt to research them. Bringing species back gives us the unique opportunity to study
these species of plants and animals to learn from
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Cons Of De-Extinction
Extinction is defined as: the state or situation that results when something, such as plant or animal species, have died out completely
(Merriam–Webster). The World Wildlife Foundation, otherwise known as the WWF, says that experts estimate that the loss of animals is estimated to
be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate. Experts calculate that between 0.01 and 0.1% of all species become extinct
each year. Although this may seem like quite low numbers it reality is it quite large. If the lower estimate is correct, then out of the estimated two
million species on the planet, then an estimated two–hundred and two thousand species will become extinct each year. If the larger estimate is correct
and that there are an estimated 100 million different species on the planet, then that results in ten thousand and one–hundred thousand species who
become extinct each year (WWF). Experts say that of all the species that existed on this planet, 99.9% are now extinct (PBS). However, what if they
could be brought back? Years ago, species such as the Pyrenean... Show more content on ...
According to Stanford Researchers there are five key benefits that would arise from de–extinction. This includes scientific knowledge, technological
advancement, environmental benefits, justice, and wonder. Scientific knowledge refers to the fact that de–extinction could offer insight into the
evolution of species. Technological advancement would occur meaning it would be a huge step forward for genetic engineering. The environmental
benefits include the facts that de–extinction could restore and fix threatened or damaged ecosystems. Many people also fell that we owe these
animals justice since humans are the reason a vast majority of these animals have gone extinct in the first place. Finally, many would wonder what it
would be like to see a species that was previously extinct (Discover
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Frankenstein Science Fact Or Science Fiction?
Franklin Hose
Mrs. Joyner
Dec. 16, 2016
Frankenstein Science fact or Science fiction?
In Frankenstein, the technological parallels of Victor Frankenstein's lab and 21st–century science resemble the use of Organ Transplants, the use of
artificial body parts, and the use of stem cell on people. The use of Organ Transplant, stem cells, and artificial body parts could be the way to extend
the life of people even the way to create immortality. In Frankenstein it is never said if the monster ever died there for the readers are left to think
that Victor has created immortality. Shelly explains how the monster came to life."I collected the instruments around me, might infuse a spark of
being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet " (Shelley 47). He uses dead body parts to make his monster. Victor used a macabre way of organ
transplant that involved grave robbing and sowing these rotting corpse parts together to form a "living" being.
In modern day Organ Transplants, they are used to save people by taking organs from living and dead people to save the lives of the living. In the
United States of America, the number of people waiting to receive an organ is more than 120,000 people. Of those 120,000 people, thousands die
before ever finding a donor that could save their lives. Just one donor could save up to eight lives, for the person receiving the organ, this means a
second chance and even a better quality of life. "For some, an organ transplant means no longer having
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The Ethics Of Cloning Extinct Animals
In 1996, science made a breakthrough that changed the idea of cloning. The lamb Dolly was the first successfully cloned mammal. After this people
began to think that scientists would try cloning humans. The technology and the funds are not there for those advances. Also, in some countries it is
not legal to do so. The next step was to clone extinct animals. This is also known as "de–extinction." When evaluating the dilemmas that can come with
cloning extinct animals, the person must look at the purpose of the animal and what it could do today for us, the reason as to why it had became
extinct and how to prevent that again, and lastly the concept that if "we had the animals, and we put them back, and the world wasn't ready."
After Dolly's ... Show more content on ...
There are many animals that have went extinct due to humans in some way, shape, or form. If it is due to our overpopulation and moving into new
areas taking over other habitats, which could also be deforestation or if it is due to poaching. For example, the West African Black Rhino was
officially announced as extinct as of last year, 2016. Others like the passenger pigeon, Chinese river dolphin, wooly mammoth, and Tasmanian tiger
are on the list of interest to begin working with their DNA. Scientist would like to bring species back like these and do not plan to waste any time on
others like the T–rex who has been gone for about 65 million years. First, the T–rex is not needed in our present ecosystem. Secondly, we do not have a
living species that could lay an egg at that size. Their plan is to not recreated "Jurassic Park," the movie but to revive the species we have harm to
possibly help the environment. Many of the species that have already become extinct have made impacts on our living species to the point that they are
declining. The ecosystems have changed and our existing species are struggling to evolve. The wooly mammoth was a major contributor to their
ecosystem in the Arctic. When mammoths no longer existed, the area went from grasslands to the cold tundra it is today. The limitations with this
would be funding and would they
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The Passenger Pigeon Extinction
The Passenger Pigeon has been extinct since 1914 when the last specimen, a female bird named Martha, died in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo. though
many thing of extinction as an end all be all, recent advancements in DNA technology and understanding may make extinction extinct. Scientist have
concluded that it is possible to take still–viable dna cells from long–dead specimens, implant them in a closely related modern–day specimen, and have
a chimera of an extinct species be born. For many extinct animals there are closely related modern day animals in which could harbor extinct DNA.
Many extinct species such as the Passenger Pigeon and the Mammoth have closely related modern–day relative, such as the the Band–Tailed Pigeon
and the Asian
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Extinction Of Animal Species Essay
The study focused on the impact of the change in human behaviors on the extinction of animal species. It was found that change in human behavior to
activities such as domestication of wild animal species, hunting, and encroachment of their natural habitats were some of the ways humans are
impacting on animal species. The study was concluded that restrictions need to be enacted to ensure that domestication and hunting of wild animal
species do not disturb the structure on the natural ecosystem and the root causes of natural habitat encroachment such as growth in human population
need to be checked to prevent further encroachment.
Human beings engage in a wide range of behaviors that pose a threat to wildlife. Some of these behaviors include the destruction of their natural
habitat, the rise of the fashion and food industry where some species are consumed as food while others' skin and bones are used in the fashion
industry. According to Sodhi, Brook, and Bradshaw, (2009), change inhuman behavior is a direct threat to the survival of plant and animal species thus
significantly contributing to the extinction of some of the species. It is imperative to note that all human activities ranging from urbanization, population
growth have a direct impact on animal species. Extinction as a threat to many animal species where some cease to exist due to failure to ensure
sustainability in reproduction. The trend seems to be coinciding with Charles Darwin theory of
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Pyrenean Ibex Research Paper
The Brief De–Extinction of the Pyrenean Ibex
As humans we are constantly intrigued by the idea of bring species that have been long extinct back to life in order study them and gain more
knowledge about them. It has been estimated that about 99% of the four billion species on earth are extinct. Scientists and researcher gather what
information that they can from the resources available, but there is so much more that we do not know, and are yet to find out. And with advances in
cloning and genetic, that thought is not very far from becoming a reality.
The Pyrenean Ibex
The Pyrenean Ibex, also known as the buccardo, is a type of wild mountain goat that once lived in the northern Pyrenese as well as the Cantabrian
Mountains of France. It was ... Show more content on ...
Dr Jose Folch, Centre of Food Technology and Research in Aragon, led one of the Spanish teams. The rest of the scientists included of researchers
from an Institute of Agriculture and food in Madrid. The clone of the Pyrenean ibex was born on the 30th of July 2003, but died about 7 minutes later
due to a defect in the lugs. Currently, the scientists are testing the viability of the now fourteen–year–old preserved cells. If it feasible, they will attempt
to implant cloned into female goats.
Process of Cloning
In 1999, tissue was extracted from the ear of Celia, and was cryogenically preserved in nitrogen. One of the key challenges that arose was the fact that
if a healthy offspring was produced, there would be no males for it to breed with, and therefore, will not be able to increase population of the extinct
The adult somatic cells were removed from the tissue, and was fused with oocytes, type of cell in ovary that undergoes meiosis to form an ovum, from
goats. The nucleus was removed from the oocytes to extract all of the goat DNA, so not to tamper with the genetic make–up of the cloned
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The Pros And Cons Of Animal Cloning
On July 5, 1995 Dolly the sheep was the first successfully cloned mammal born from an adult cell, the cells that made the embryo that turned into
Dolly were taken from two separate sheep a nucleus from a black face sheep and the other cell the nucleus was taken out was from a white face sheep
.The united states animal cloning program has been in controversy for the past couple decades, bringing some concerns about multiple assets of this
program. Animal cloning has been around since 1938 when Hans Spemann suggested that they conduct a "fantastic experiment" of taking the nucleus
of an egg cell and replacing it with another nucleus to create an embryo. This kick–started a multi million dollar program which successfully cloned
multiple animals from frogs to fruit flies, and pigs to primates. Some positive things animal cloning can do for mankind are: to de–extinct animals,
quickly reproduce livestock for food sources, and they are used to find genetic testing and drug/disease research.
Reviving extinct animals is a mammoth task. De–Extincting animals can have major advancements, but also can have major setbacks while trying to
bring back prehistoric animals. On July 30,2003, a team of Spanish and french scientist reversed time by bringing an animal out of extinction only to
see it go back into extinction again. The scientist tried to revive a wild goat known as a Bucardo (scientific name is Pyrenean Ibex) which went extinct
when the last female Bucardo died of natural
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The Grizzly Reality Of Trophy Hunting
The Grizzly Reality of Trophy Hunting
Trophy hunting is defined as the selective hunting of select species of hunting game for human recreation and not as a way to get food, even though
parts of the animals may be consumed. The animal or part of it is kept as a trophy or proof of achievement. Trophy hunters have a code called the fair
chase code, this code ensures that the hunter will give the animal they are hunting a fair chase and allow it to escape if the hunter does not have the
skill required to kill the animal. By adopting this code the hunter also agrees to allow the animal to use its senses in order to give the animal a fair
chance at survival. The hunter also promises not to use illegal methods to hunt such as banned traps that ... Show more content on ...
Another observation made by Bass is that the projected estimate of a population growth of 132 to 1,800 is just that an estimation. As Bass stated "
bears do not sit down for a census"(Bass 2). If grizzly bears are listed there is a chance that hunters will accidently over hunt bears once again. If
bears are delisted it will not be because the bears will be ready it will be because hunters have been persistently asking for the chance to hunt. If
bears are delisted it can be years before they can be relisted and by then it may be far too late. Hunters argue that if the Department of Fish and
Wildlife declare the grizzly population stable then they should be allowed to hunt the bears. As of now the Department of Fish and Wildlife has
declared the grizzly population stable at a nearly doubled population from that in the 70's. As stated by an avid hunter " If Yellowstone 'sbear
population falls precipitously after delisting, the federal government can come back in and declare the bears endangered again". With positive support
from the Department of Fish and Wildlife it seems grizzlies will soon be fair game. Grizzlies are not the only animals in danger of being hunted for
trophies to the extent of possible extinction. In a study done by an organization called the Dodo they found that trophy
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Luke Duncan 's 91607 Classical Vs Modern Essay
Luke Duncan's 91607 "Classical vs Modern"
Artificial Selection
Over the evolution of dogs, artificial selection from humans has moulded the different types of dogs we have today. Humans have used artificial
selection to create breeds of dogs that we see as useful for different tasks. There are around 340 different breeds of dogs around the world that are
recognised by the World Canine Organisation.
An example that I am going to use is artificial selection of working dogs (Huntaways) used in the farming industry. Artificial breeding has been
extremely important in ensuring that you are breeding the best dogs for the job. This means that farmers will breed their best dogs together to ensure
that he has high quality working dogs. Farmers that also compete in dog trialling, breed the dogs that are best suited to the sport of dog trialling
together because there is no point breeding a high quality working dog with a Labrador because you will only end up going backwards in terms of
producing high quality working dogs.
Farmers breeding different breeds of working dogs together meant that they could select for the traits that they wanted developed the Huntaway breed.
This is a very good example of artificial selection because they bred the dogs that have the traits that they want and don't breed the dogs that have traits
that they don't want. The traits of Huntaways that good working dogs posses include a loud deep sounding bark, medium to large frame body with great
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Argumentative Essay On Jurassic Park
In 1993, Steven Spielburg's Jurassic Park introduced the concept of bringing extinct species back. In 2003, a team of Spanish and French scientists
took Spielburg's movie to the next level–they successfully brought back the Pyrenean ibex, a species of wild goat (93). With increasing rates of
extinction, the scientific community is debating whether or not this process of de–extinction should continue to be pursued. Although it would be
remarkable to visit an exhibit featuring a saber–tooth tiger or woolly mammoth, these animals went extinct for a reason; humans should not bring back
extinct animals, but instead use the funding for more practical purposes. When the Spanish and French scientists successfully revived the Pyrenean
ibex, it lived a mere ten minutes. So much time, effort, and money was put into bringing back this animal, only for it to die due to a gigantic growth
on one of its lungs (93). Instead of using valuable resources to help species that are already gone, the research can be moved elsewhere:... Show more
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Everything in life happens for a reason, and this includes the extinction of species with and without human involvement. To reverse the process of
de–extinction as some people put it "amounts to playing God" (96). Although the science behind bringing a species back is admittedly amazing, there
are other ways the time and money could be spent. Spending money on animals that are on the brink of extinction, and developing techniques for
successfully growing their population, are much more viable options. Frankly, de–extinction, although very remarkable, is not something that should be
heavily pursued. Apart from observing a woolly mammoth lounge around behind a thick pane of glass, there is very little reason to use de–extinction
to revive one. Our efforts should be turned to the millions of species that currently inhabit the earth, known and
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Argumentative Essay On Mammoth
Caleb Brown
22 April 2015
Is Extinction Forever?
Science '10 Academic' Essay
A group of Russian scientists have announced the launch of a project which attempts to resurrect the extinct Woolly Mammoth using the most recent
cloning technologies. The scientists will be working on a recently discovered Mammoth that was found dripping blood in Siberia. If the somatic cloning
process is a success, it is said that there will be a successfully cloned Mammoth by 2017. However, somatic cloning is renowned to be very difficult,
so the scientists are simply challenged with the question, 'can a Mammoth be cloned?' This essay will argue that the Mammoth can not be resurrected.
This is because no matter how well–preserved the Mammoth appears, the DNA ... Show more content on ...
In the case that scientists do find a Mammoth that is in absolutely pristine condition and has intact DNA in the nucleus that is prime for the somatic
cloning process, the chances that scientists will end up with a baby Mammoth are still slim. An article written by Alasdair Wilkins in 2011 stated
that despite technology becoming more advanced cloning still remains a frustratingly inexact process, one where a single successful fertilisation out
of hundreds of failed attempts would be considered a massive achievement (Wilkins, 2011). Cloning is still an entirely experimental technology, and
that any successful attempt should be considered purely a matter of chance and luck (Wilkins, 2011). In support of this, an article from the
University of Utah (2015) stated that cloning animals through somatic cloning nuclear transfer is simply inefficient, with success rates ranging from
0.1% to 3% (University of Utah, 2015). Meaning for every 1000 attempts, only one to thirty clones are made (University of Utah, 2015). Couple with
the fact that the Mammoth DNA could be over 40,000 years old, there is little DNA available and there is a surrogate mother, the success rate drops
to around 0.01% (University of Utah, 2015). The somatic cloning process has such a low success rate because of two major things that can go wrong.
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Pyrenean Ibex Research Paper
Pyrenean Ibex were wild goats that lived in the mountainous regions of Europe, north–central Asia, and northern Africa. According to the Integrated
Taxonomic Information System, there are five species of Ibex (Bradford, 2014). These species were one of the two subspecies of Spanish Ibex that
went extinct. The scientific name of Pyrenean Ibex is Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica. Male and Female Ibex could be distinguished due to fur color and
horn differences. Males were greyish brown with black spots on the forelegs in summer and they were dull grey with faded spots in winter. On the
other hand, female ibex had brown fur color. The Pyrenean Ibex had fur that grew longer and thicker in colder winter months. During the summer, it
was shorter and less thick. The males had large, thick ... Show more content on ...
They lived on rocky mountainsides and cliffs. Their habitats were also known as Boreal Biomes. The Pyrenean Ibex were herbivores. They only
ate vegetation such as shrubs, bushes, and grasses. This is the reason for its habitat being in the mountains because there was plenty of vegetation
there. Ibex made their homes on cliffs that would be dangerous for predators. The Pyrenean Ibex was most commonly eaten by Wolves, Foxes,
Snow Leopards, lynx, and bears. Ibexes were very social and lived in groups called herds. The herds were segregated by gender. The males had a
separate herd and the male herd was called the bachelor herd. The female and offspring had separate herd and it consisted of 10 to 20 members
(Bradford, 2014). They would only meet during the breeding season. The male Ibex used scent to communicate with a potential mate during breeding
season. Breeding season for Ibex is called a rut. They were very nimble and could jump more than 6 feet straight without a running start. This would
help them climb mountains with
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The Walking Dead
Recent breakthroughs in biotechnology have now made it possible to materialise what once appeared to be purely fictional – the revival of extinct
species. As humans, we are naturally inclined to wonder as to what life on earlier Earth once entailed. Whether it is by pondering: fossils, skeletons, or
our own imaginings we have an innate curiosity to uncover the secrets of our prehistoric ancestors. It is therefore no surprise that there is an imminent
buzz surrounding the cutting edge idea, that is de–extinction.
The concept which once seemed as though it was confined to the green screens of "Jurassic Park" has surprisingly already manifested into reality. This
was established by a team of ... Show more content on ...
For this reason the "success" of this experiment is somewhat questionable as some argue it is simply a failed attempt.
The method outlined above known as cloning, is one of many which have been proposed to solve the conundrum of de–extinction. Although cloning is
one of the more popular methods, the combination of research and cutting edge technology has significantly evolved our understanding of
biochemistry and genetics; leading to the development of a concept known as "reverse engineering". This is how geneticists today envision bringing
back the passenger pigeon. The passenger pigeon which once ruled the North American skies, quickly diminished in population, as a result of
changing habitat and avid hunters. The death of the passenger pigeon marked the end of a species in 1912. As this was many decades ago, the cells
of the passenger pigeon were not banked. This poses a problem for scientists as it requires a large amount of effort and skill to piece together an
incomplete DNA sequence. Once a completed genome is recovered, scientists intend to sequence the genome of the extinct bird and close a relative
who is currently extant. They will then study the differences and similarities between their DNA sequences. With this information alterations can be
made to the genome of the band tailed pigeon, the currently extant relative, to create a bird which is physically and genetically
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Jurassic Park Research Papers
Jurassic Park is a movie based on the novel 'Jurassic Park' by Michael Crichton. The movie of course, like all films based off of books, is slightly
different from the original novel. Yet, this title shares a similar theme with its original piece of work. The recreation of dinosaurs. Sadly theJurassic Park
version of dinosaur recreation will only make it harder to bring these extinct animals back to life. Our real–life scientists may be able to somewhat
recreate dinosaurs through Artificial Embryo Twinning or Somatic Cell Nuclear transfer. We have successfully cloned 20+ animals or "recreated"
extinct animals such as the Bucardo or Pyrenean Ibex.
The InGen scientist in Jurassic park use a form of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. The scientists... Show more content on ...
Through this technique the scientist would have to grind up the Dinosaurs bones to extract blood cells and proteins (Cloning and Dr. Loy). The
only negative point in this form of recreation or cloning is that it is "...used only as a backup to the cloning that produces a full strand of DNA...".
Another way would be like the InGen scientist using Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. The only precaution would be to ensure that the blood or cells
being extracted are actually from dinosaurs which at this point is extremely difficult. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer is when and ovum is created
with a donor nucleus. First, the nucleus (containing the DNA) is removed and the rest of the cell is thrown out while the nucleus of an egg cell is
also removed. Next, the nucleus of the somatic cell is inserted into the egg cells nucleus place. After the insertion, the host cell reprograms the somatic
cell nucleus. The egg will begin to divide. Lastly, after many mitotic divisions the single cell can form a blastocyst with closely identical DNA to the
original organism (SCNT).
Our efforts on recreating animals have been successful to an extent. Dolly the Sheep is a perfect example of "recreation" (Roslin Institute, Scotland).
Also animals such as the Bucardo (Bringing them back to life) , Carp, Cumulina the mouse etc. (20 animals...). The Bucardo was successfully cloned
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Persuasive Essay On De-Extinct Animals
"De–extinction, or resurrection biology, is the process of creating an organism, which is either a member of, or resembles an extinct species, or
breeding population of such organisms. Cloning is the most widely proposed method, although selective breeding has also been proposed. Similar
techniques have been applied to endangered species." (Wikipedia) Scientist should not de–extinct species because people could be exploiting these
animals solely for selfish purposes. Ultimately causing individuals of the de–extinct species harm. Though de–extinction could offer insight to evolution
and natural resources that are currently unavailable. Scientists should not bring back animals that have been extinct. There is significant controversy
over de–extinction. One piece of evidence why scientist shouldn't de–extinct animals is that, de–extinct species would be alien and potentially invasive.
Their habitats and food sources have changed. So their roles in these changed ecosystems could also be altered. Professor Corey Bradshaw from the
University of Adelaide points out that de–extinction projects do nothing to address habitat loss. "Without sufficient genetic variability, a population is
almost certainly ... Show more content on ...
Preventing existing endangered species from going extinct should proceed over reviving species already lost. Why should the world's scientific
resources be focused on reviving species, when African elephants will most likely be lost by 2020? Polar bears, giant pandas, rhinos, and snow
leopards are also going extinct. But sadly, the list is so large that there are many species you may never have suspected are endangered. Although some
de–extinctionists insist that the knowledge we gain from de–extinction science may help us to save current species. It is a very risky thing to do, given
the terrible situation of the current mass
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The Grizzly Reality Of Trophy Hunting
The Grizzly Reality of Trophy Hunting Trophy hunting is defined as the selective hunting of select species of hunting game for human recreation and
not as a way to get food, even though parts of the animals may be consumed. The animal or part of it is kept as a trophy or proof of achievement.
Trophy hunters have a code called the fair chase code, this code ensures that the hunter will give the animal they are hunting a fair chase and allow it to
escape if the hunter does not have the skill required to kill the animal. By adopting this code the hunter also agrees to allowing the animal to use its
senses in order to give the animal a fair chance at survival. The hunter also promises not to use illegal methods to hunt such as banned traps ... Show
more content on ...
Another observation done by Bass is that the projected estimate of a population growth of 132 to 1,800 is just that an estimation. As Bass stated "
bears do not sit down for a census"(Bass 2). If grizzly bears are listed there is a chance that hunters will accidently over hunt bears once again. If
bears bears are delisted it will not be because the bears will be ready it will be because hunters have been persistently asking for the chance to hunt.
If bears are delisted it can be years before they can be relisted and by then it may be far too late. Hunters argue that if the Department of Fish and
Wildlife declare the grizzly population stable then they should be allowed to hunt the bears. As of now the Department of Fish and Wildlife has
declared the grizzly population stable at a nearly doubled population from that in the 70's. As stated by a avid hunter " If Yellowstone 'sbear
population falls precipitously after delisting, the federal government can come back in and declare the bears endangered again". With positive support
from the Department of Fish and Wildlife it seems grizzlies will soon be fair game. Grizzlies are not the only animals in danger of being hunted for
trophies to the extent of possible extinction. In a study done by an organization called the Dodo they found that trophy
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Persuasive Essay On Cloning
In 1997, the first primate was created by embryonic cell nuclear transfer. The scientist Li Meng, John Ely, Richard Stouffer, and Don Wolf, fused an
early stage embryonic cell with an enucleated monkey egg cells using electrical shock. The embryos were then implanted into a surrogate. Out of 29
cloned embryos, two monkeys were born. The female was named Neti and the male was named Ditto ("The History of Cloning" par. 25–26). This
experiment showed that primates, which are the closest relatives to humans, can be cloned. Which gives scientist a good model to continue to
research cloning, to find more cures for disorders and diseases. In 2001 Pasqualino Loi of the University of Teramo in Italy and his colleagues,
recovered cells from the ovaries of two female mouflons and injected their nuclei into a sheep egg cells that had their nuclei removed. This resulted
into a baby mouflon ("The History of Cloning" par. 30–31). This allows scientist to continue to explore cloning as a way to create animals belonging
to endangered or extinct species. In 2009, using goats as egg donors and surrogates a team of scientist led by Alberto Fernandez, cloned the first extinct
animal, a Spanish mountain goat called the Bucardo ("The History of Cloning" par. 30–31). Even though the survived gestation died soon after birth,
this achievement showed to scientist that it is possible to cloned extinct species and it could work for another species.
Before 1997, many scientists believed that cloning
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The Fluidity Of Cloning : Gender Norms & Racial Bias
Alex R
Biology The Fluidity of Cloning .
Gender Norms & Racial Bias in the Study of the Modern "Cloning "
The sea anemone undergoing cloning thumb]]
In biology, cloning is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as
bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually. Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments, cells, or
organisms. The term also refers to the production of multiple copies of a product such as digital media or software.
Molecular cloning
Molecular cloning refers to the process of making multiple molecules. Cloning is commonly used to amplify DNA fragments containing whole genes,
but it can also ... Show more content on ...
However, a number of other features are needed and a variety of specialised cloning vectors exist that allow protein expression, tagging, single stranded
RNA and DNA production and a host of other manipulations.
Cloning of any DNA fragment essentially involves four steps
# fragmentation – breaking apart a strand of DNA
# ligation – gluing together pieces of DNA in a desired sequence
# transfection – inserting the newly formed pieces of DNA into cells
# screening/selection – selecting out the cells that were successfully transfected with the new DNA
Although these steps are invariable among cloning procedures a number of alternative routes can be selected; these are summarized as a cloning
Initially, the DNA of interest needs to be isolated to provide a DNA segment of suitable size. Subsequently, a ligation procedure is used where the
amplified fragment is inserted into a vector . The vector is linearised using restriction enzymes, and incubated with the fragment of interest under
appropriate conditions with an enzyme called DNA ligase. Following ligation the vector with the insert of interest is transfected into cells. A number of
alternative techniques are available, such as chemical sensitivation of cells, electroporation, optical injection and biolistics. Finally, the transfected cells
are cultured. As the aforementioned procedures are of particularly low efficiency, there is a need to
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Abortion And Abortion
Ecclesiastes 1:9 in the Bible states, "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the
sun." (The Woman's Study Bible NIV, 2012). This is how the Bible relates to the recent advances in science and technology and the Bible outlines the
ethical and unethical principles of life. The recent advances in science and technology are unethical for several reasons. Some recent unethical
technologies include the use of fetal tissue for scientific studies, altering the genetics of humans, resurrecting extinct species, creating chimeras, and
Scientists claim that the use of fetal tissue can develop treatments for common diseases such as: cancer, diabetes, birth defects, HIV, multiple
sclerosis, ALS, and Alzheimer's. However, the fetal tissue used for these studies comes from abortions and abortions are unethical. It is shown that
the Bible does not support abortion by stating, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though
she may forget, I will not forget you," in Isiah 49:15. (The Woman's Study Bible NIV, 2012). Scientists argue that the fetal tissue not used from
abortions. The Week in their article How Fetal Tissue is Used in Medical Research disagrees by stating, "donors must give their signed consent, which
can be sought only after they have agreed to the abortion itself; and abortion methods cannot be altered to make it easier to extract tissue."
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Debunk Greely's Five Benefits For De-Extinction
Imagine living in a world where bringing back extinct species is not just fantasy. A present–day world with massive flocks of passenger pigeons flying
and with woolly mammoths walking the boreal forests of the north. Believe it or not, science and technology are on the cusp of making this happen.
This process is known as de–extinction, the resurrecting of species that have died out. Stanford professor Hank Greely has identified five benefits for
de–extinction: Advancement of scientific knowledge, increased technological progress, the environment, justice, and wonder. He lists five potential
risks as well: animal welfare, human and animal health, the environment, politics, and morality (Greely). To take my kids to see a mammoth or
saber–toothed ... Show more content on ...
Currently we are experiencing a catastrophic loss of biodiversity and Brand and his colleagues believe they have an answer by creating technologies
that can revive extinct species. Is this even something that we should be pursuing? Conservation biologists are skeptical, to say the least, many of
whom think we would not be reviving anything, just creating new species. There are three different approaches to de–extinction that seem most likely
to succeed: cloning, back–breeding, and genetic engineering. Both back breeding and genetic engineering will not produce an animal that has
exactly the same genome as the extinct species. Because of this, scientists favor cloning since it would yield a genomic twin to the extinct species
(Sherkow and Greely ). Cloning is also by far the most controversial of the approaches. With cloning the risk to animal welfare is significant. Cloned
animals often die in a painful manner. Cloning is not efficient and many animals are needed, in fact, less than 5% of potential clones develop into
live offspring (Shapiro). Considering that cloning itself is extremely controversial, mix it with the revival of extinct species and many believe that we
are playing god. In fact, Stuart Brand famously said, "We are as gods and might as well get good at
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Persuasive Essay On Cloning Extinct Animals
"Our species has played a role in the extinction of these and many other species. But now some scientists are proposing a radical turn of the tables:
Bringing lost species back from the dead" (Switek). Brian Switek, an author, says this in his article, How to Resurrect Lost Species because he thinks
that this proposal will be difficult and extreme and that bringing extinct animals back will be a long process and may have some consequences behind
it. Some scientist say that bringing back extinct animals will improve the environment and society because people will know what cloning technology
is capable of and these animals may help environmental surroundings. Others say that it will be an irresponsible decision because it is a waste of money,
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Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. Loss of biodiversity is mostly caused by humans and technology. According to the article Biodiversity
Loss–What Can Be Done, "Creating protected areas where human activity is limited is the best way to prevent deforestation and exploration of
organisms and the resources they need to survive" ("Biodiversity"). The obstacle of biodiversity can be resolved with protected areas because
animals can be separate from humans and will not be hunted or harmed. The loss of biodiversity is from global warming too. The same article
also says, "Climate change is the documented cause of several extinctions that we know about, and has likely caused hundreds of species to go
extinct about which we may never know" ("Biodiversity"). The trouble of biodiversity can be answered with changing how fast climate change
grows. More people need to get involved with nature to prevent the ozone from thickening. Alot of people dont even know that there's a problem
with biodiversity. "Education is a powerful tool, and the more people know about biodiversity loss, the more they will be prepared to help slow it"
("Biodiversity"). The solution of spreading the word about the problem of biodiversity is helpful because this can make this a bigger topic and the
world and it can be prevented. Thus, biodiversity has many solutions than just wasting time on cloning the organisms that are already
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The Dinosaurs Of Jurassic Park
De–extinction is defined as the process of resurrecting, or bringing dead species back to life by using scientific methods such as cloning and
breeding. Ever since novelist Michael Crichton released the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, on July 30, 2003, the notion of bringing back dead animals has
remained at the boundary between reality and science fiction. A group of Spanish and French scientists once reversed time by bringing an animal back
from extinction, but it was only to watch it become extinct again. The animal they resurrected was a kind of wild goat known as Bucardo, or Pyrenean
Ibex. It lived high in the Pyrenees, the mountain range that divides France from Spain. There, it clambered along cliffs, nibbled on leaves, and
endured harsh winters for thousands of years. Hunters, however, were blamed to be the number one reason for their population's decline. For
example, in 1989, Spanish scientists did a survey and concluded that there was only a dozen or so individuals left. Ten years later, a single Bucardo
named Celia remained. The animal was caught by a team led by wildlife veterinarian Alberto Fernandez–Arias, from the Ordesa and Monte Perdido
National Park. Nine months later, however, a radio collar around her neck signaled that Celia has died. They found her crushed beneath a fall tree,
officially dead.
However, Celia's cells survived. They preserved them in labs in Zaragoza and Madrid. In 2009, a team of reproductive physiologists led by Jose Folch
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Hybrids Of Myths
The planet earth has been home to many different forms of life including plants and animals throughout its history. Today there's a large amount of
different species that vary in many different shapes and sizes. Besides the regular creatures of earth there's times that there's sightings of creatures that
don't seem as the average animal. These bizarre creatures have the appearance of not just one animal as they look like mixtures of two animals. These
animals are known as hybrids.
Hybrids are animals or plants that are offspring of two different species. Throughout history of mankind there has been many mythologies that include
bizarre combinations of man and animals that are considered hybrids. Although those hybrids of myth and legends, such as a minotaur from the Greek
mythology, ... Show more content on ...
It has been done before where a species is brought back, which was the Pyrenean Ibex who was cloned but shortly died after birth due to lung
problems making it the first ever species to be extinct twice. Although, a new ideal has been created which would involve hybridizing animals to bring
back extinct species. For example, the mammoth could be brought back by using the last DNA samples there is and adding them to a closely related
animal which would be an elephant to carry the hybridized embryo. This would bring back the mammoth to life, although it wouldn't be a pure
mammoth as it would be a hybrid between a mammoth and a modern–day elephant. That is how hybrids can be used to bring back extinct species, yet
not all extinct species can be resurrected.
In summation, hybrids are combinations of two different species that are related to each other. These bizarre creatures can be created in natural or
artificial ways depending on what animals are being hybridized. Hybrids could bring back extinct creatures or simply create new species. Overall,
hybrids are wonders of nature and science and will be studied further with
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Human Values And The And Science Impact On Our Health,...
Bioethics has been used in the last 21 years to describe the investigation and study of ways in which advance in medicine and science impact upon our
health, lives, society and environment. Bioethics is concerned with questions about basic human values and the rightness or wrongness of certain
developments in life technology and medicine. These days when technology advancement allowed scientist to conduct test which may have "uncertain"
consequences like Cloning. It's necessary that people should know the pros and cons of such scientific procedures before they support its continued use.
Cloning is the process of creating genetically identical copies of biological matter. Cloning can occur at the level of DNA, single cell, or whole
organism. There are three different types of artificial cloning: gene cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. (7)
The first type of cloning is gene cloning which focuses on making identical copies of DNA molecules. Gene cloning is largely accepted and used
in many labs worldwide in order to study genes that cause diseases. Moreover, DNA cloning can be used to revive extinct animal by using the
preserved DNA of an extinct species and clone them. The Pyrenean ibex is a wild mountain goat which was declared extinct in 2000 in northern
Spain. Shortly before its death, scientists preserved its skin samples in liquid nitrogen. Using DNA taken from these skin samples, they were able to
replace the genetic material in eggs from
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Controversial Issues In Jurassic Park

  • 1. Controversial Issues In Jurassic Park Jurassic Park is one of the most well–known movies today. The fact that dinosaurs that were extinct billions of years ago were brought back to life fascinates people who watch. Unfortunately, it is not possible to bring dinosaurs back to life, but there are scientists that are reviving other extinct animals. The technology that makes this possible is cloning. In fact, cloning of extinct animals is one of the most controversial issues in science today. On July 5, 1996, the first animal was cloned. After 277 attempts, the Roslin Institute in Roslin, Scotland successfully cloned Dolly the sheep (Nardo). Dolly the sheep was born by a somatic cell nuclear transfer, or SCNT. The nucleus from a somatic cell of a sheep was injected into an unfertilized egg that was removed of a nucleus. The egg divided and was implanted into an ewe. Dolly was born with developed arthritis and premature aging. At age six, Dolly died because of these health problems ("Animal Cloning"). ... Show more content on ... The Pyrenean ibex became extinct in 1999 by hunters in the Pyrenees mountain range, but scientists were able to keep the cells. Floch cloned the Pyrenean ibex by taking the nuclei from those cells and injecting them into empty goat eggs. The eggs were then implanted into mothers. There were a total of 57 implantations, but only seven got pregnant. Of those seven, six ended in miscarriages due to cellular damage. When the Pyrenean ibex was born, it struggled to take in air because its lungs had grown a lobe. Because of this, the Pyrenean ibex died ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Pros And Cons Of Cloning Pros and Cons of Cloning Since 1938, cloning has been a topic some scientists have experimented with. Hans Spermenn had a "fantastic experiment" which was to replace the nucleus of an egg with the nucleus of another cell and to grow an embryo from such an egg. In 1952, Robert Briggs and Thomas King was unsuccessful in the attempt to clone a Rana pipiens frog. in 1970, this time John B Gurdon was successful in his attempt to clone a Xenous laevis frog, although it only reached the tadpole stage. Karl Illmenese and Peter Hope clone a mouse in 1981, in 1994 the first sheep was attempted to be cloned by Neal First. By 1995 two sheep were cloned by Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell, they brought us the first real animal clone Dolly the sheep in 1996. After Dolly there were many animals cloned, 1998 was a mouse, 2000 a monkey and a pig, 2001 was a buffalo and a cow, a cat was cloned that year. In 2002, was mice and in 2003 there were many clones in animals, a rabbit, mule, a deer, horse and a rat. 2004 brought us fruit flies, and a group of Korean scientists were allegedly announcing they cloned human embryos although it was determined to be false information. in 2005 an Afghan hound, 2007 a wolf, 2008 a Labrador dog, 2009 was when an animal from an extinct species was cloned the Pyrenean Ibex, which lived for 7 minutes. Also in 2009, a female camel was cloned. The purpose ofcloning is mainly for discovering breakthrough medicines, vaccines and diagnostics to treat ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Arguments For Cloning Extinct Species Introduction: In 2003 the Pyrenean Ibex, an extinct subspecies, was successfully cloned and brought back to life albeit only for a few minutes (Zimmer, 2015.) Thus bringing the idea of cloning extinct species itself to life. Newton (2015) shows that in animals cloning is achieved by transplanting the nucleus of one animal into an enucleated egg cell of another. Cloning has become more precise and increasingly common in our rapidly progressing society (Newton, 2015) however from this a debate as to whether these technologies should be used to clone and bring back extinct animals has arisen. A central reason as to why this causes such a large debate is due to the apparent defiance of nature that is occurring (Zimmer, 2015.) There are many arguments... Show more content on ... Michael Archer believes that as a society we have a duty to animals that became extinct due to direct human impacts (Zimmer 2013.) When the extinct Pyrenean Ibex was successfully cloned the newborn kid died in minutes due to lung deformities causing breathing issues (Gray & Dobson 2009.) A 2013 study of cloned piglets led to the findings that of the piglets born 48 % died in their first month and 29.5% of them exhibited malfunctions (Schmidt et al 2015.) From this the issue of a cloned animal's welfare is raised showing that unless technologies advance significantly there is a high risk of suffering and death for such animals (Sherkow & Greely 2013.) Another ethically problematic area is that of money, by cloning extinct species large profits may be made off of the animals, especially well–known ones, from things such as donations and private funding (Cottrell et al 2014.) This would allow the animals to be treated well and for further cloning efforts. However this leads to the issue of money being spent in the wrong places for the wrong reasons, where as it could be better spent on conserving the many species at current risk of extinction (Four reasons against de–extinction ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Human And Animal Cloning : Should It Truly Beneficial? Human and Animal Cloning: Would it Truly be Beneficial In a generation where improving life is the main priority, the idea of cloning humans and animals in order to do just that remains extremely far–fetched, being opposed on scientific, economic, and ethical accounts. Admittedly, the idea of cloning, both animal and human, has the potential to cure diseases and create a healthier generation with a better quality of life. "Cloning technology is already here" and could "produce results that would be of enormous benefit to mankind" ("Pros" 1; Cohen 6). Clones could be created specifically to be compatible and provide healthy organs for transplantation to normal humans or animals with failing organs (Badertscher 2). Five pigs, cloned in 2005 in Blacksburg, Virginia show evidence of "harvesting organs for medical purposes" ("Pros" 13). Infertile parents could clone themselves and "create a younger twin of the mother or father" instead of dealing with the current pains of infertility treatments ("Pros" 2). Cloning is speculated to find faster cures or treatment for medical conditions like Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and diabetes ("Pros" 1; Driscoll & Griswold 2). In addition, the possibility of eliminating "defective genes" and "genetic mutations" caused by damaged DNA lines that are becoming more common as humans constantly reproduce surfaces with cloning. Healthy human cells could be cloned to eventually rid the "defective genes" ("Pros" 2). Cloning could truly be a ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Ethics Of Cloning Research Paper Mankind is powerful; perhaps more knowledgeable and omnipotent than any other creature on Earth. Cloning demonstrates a fine example of how mankind is disregarding all barriers of science. Cloning, as defined by "Human Cloning–Ethical Issues" is "the creation of a creature using genetic material of another creature". It comes with numerous benefits; consequently, with severe consequences. The practice of cloning defies the natural processes surrounding the inception of life, pushes the boundaries of science, and demonstrates mankind's pursuit of genetic, and perhaps even societal, perfection. To begin with, the history of cloning starts back long before Dolly the Sheep and before the 21st century (Denault). Ever since mankind's humble beginnings, ... Show more content on ... "Some even imagine making clones of geniuses, whose work could advance society" ("Why Clone?").The emotional issues the clones might face should also be considered. Clones would find themselves less of individuality and more of a reproduction of the deceased or living person, finding them less unique (Newton). Human cloning, some scientists say, would "reduce the overall value of human life" ("Pros and Cons"). The outcome of being powerful and knowing no boundaries comes with a price. The debate on cloning continues to rage. Both sides of the controversy are heavily weighted and show the "hypermagical ultraomnipotence" of man[un]kind. Not only would cloning "reduce the overall value of human life" ("Pros and Cons"), but it might, perhaps, also reduce the importance of human life. Undoubtedly, accidents, crimes, and suicides might increase as people would not care about their lives as much. People wouldn't fear nor, perhaps, even respect death. Bringing back the dead would only require money. However, either way, cloning is an example of how man[un]kind finds no limits and how, beyond doubt, it is as powerful to play ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Case Study : Animal Cloning : Moa ( Dinornithidae ) And... Case Study 2: Animal Cloning Organism: Moa (Dinornithidae) and Sheep (Ovis aries) The first successful mammal was cloned in the form of Dolly the sheep in 1996. She was cloned at the Roslin Institute in Midlothian, Scotland, and lived there until her death when she was six years old. Animal cloning refers to the production of genetically identical whole organisms, or 'clones'. This is carried out with the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer. Cloning is designed to quickly and efficiently to produce many identical copies of an organism (generally with desired traits). Somatic cell nuclear transfer is the process of transferring a nucleus from a donor cell to an enucleated egg (an egg that has had the nucleus removed). An pulse of electricity fuses the nucleus and enucleated egg together and the resultant egg is then left to divide artificially for about 5 days (known as a blastocyst). The blastocyst will then be transferred into a surrogate mother that will give birth to the offspring. This offspring will have the identical DNA to the organism the somatic cell (nucleus) came from unless a mutation occurs, which will cause a slight change in the DNA coding sequence. However, the offspring will carry the mitochondria from the donor egg cell rather than the somatic cell which can unfortunately lead to nuclear–mitochondrial incompatibilities that can lead to death. Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to be successfully cloned from a somatic cell. Following Dolly's death at the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. De-Extinction Research Paper The Ethics of De–Extinction The concept of bringing a species back to life after it has gone extinct has been around for years. The idea that dinosaurs will roam the earth again has fascinated mankind since the first dinosaur fossils were first put together. Pop culture has even glorified this idea in a variety of books and movies made about the topic, such as the famous Jurassic Park trilogy. In science fiction, there are many ideas people have about brining the extinct back to life. Some of these theories have a grain of truth to it, but today, the idea of bringing back a species is no longer science fiction, but will likely be possible in the near future. This process is called De–Extinction. The most recent developments in genetic extraction, ... Show more content on ... Scientists in 2009 attempted to clone an extinct species of wild goat, the Pyrenean Ibex, otherwise known as the bucardo. After many attempts, one surrogate goat mother became pregnant and gave birth. Unfortunately, the babe died in just moments after birth. However this cloning took place only seven years after the cloning of dolly the sheep in 2002, the first successfully cloned mammal. Making the jump from cloning being impossible to nearly reviving a dead species just seven years later shows proof how quickly this incredible technology is advances. It has now been over a decade since the cloning of the bucardo, and the technology available now would very likely produce a healthy clone. The only question now is, should we? Some in favor of de–extinction argue for the possible medical benefits that could be learned by furthering research in this field. Most pharmaceutical drugs are not made from scratch, but instead derived from natural compounds found in wild plants, or animals. Innumerable species have gone extinct before science even had to opportunity to attempt to research them. Bringing species back gives us the unique opportunity to study these species of plants and animals to learn from ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Cons Of De-Extinction Extinction is defined as: the state or situation that results when something, such as plant or animal species, have died out completely (Merriam–Webster). The World Wildlife Foundation, otherwise known as the WWF, says that experts estimate that the loss of animals is estimated to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate. Experts calculate that between 0.01 and 0.1% of all species become extinct each year. Although this may seem like quite low numbers it reality is it quite large. If the lower estimate is correct, then out of the estimated two million species on the planet, then an estimated two–hundred and two thousand species will become extinct each year. If the larger estimate is correct and that there are an estimated 100 million different species on the planet, then that results in ten thousand and one–hundred thousand species who become extinct each year (WWF). Experts say that of all the species that existed on this planet, 99.9% are now extinct (PBS). However, what if they could be brought back? Years ago, species such as the Pyrenean... Show more content on ... According to Stanford Researchers there are five key benefits that would arise from de–extinction. This includes scientific knowledge, technological advancement, environmental benefits, justice, and wonder. Scientific knowledge refers to the fact that de–extinction could offer insight into the evolution of species. Technological advancement would occur meaning it would be a huge step forward for genetic engineering. The environmental benefits include the facts that de–extinction could restore and fix threatened or damaged ecosystems. Many people also fell that we owe these animals justice since humans are the reason a vast majority of these animals have gone extinct in the first place. Finally, many would wonder what it would be like to see a species that was previously extinct (Discover ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Frankenstein Science Fact Or Science Fiction? Franklin Hose Mrs. Joyner Dec. 16, 2016 Frankenstein Science fact or Science fiction? In Frankenstein, the technological parallels of Victor Frankenstein's lab and 21st–century science resemble the use of Organ Transplants, the use of artificial body parts, and the use of stem cell on people. The use of Organ Transplant, stem cells, and artificial body parts could be the way to extend the life of people even the way to create immortality. In Frankenstein it is never said if the monster ever died there for the readers are left to think that Victor has created immortality. Shelly explains how the monster came to life."I collected the instruments around me, might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet " (Shelley 47). He uses dead body parts to make his monster. Victor used a macabre way of organ transplant that involved grave robbing and sowing these rotting corpse parts together to form a "living" being. In modern day Organ Transplants, they are used to save people by taking organs from living and dead people to save the lives of the living. In the United States of America, the number of people waiting to receive an organ is more than 120,000 people. Of those 120,000 people, thousands die before ever finding a donor that could save their lives. Just one donor could save up to eight lives, for the person receiving the organ, this means a second chance and even a better quality of life. "For some, an organ transplant means no longer having ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Ethics Of Cloning Extinct Animals In 1996, science made a breakthrough that changed the idea of cloning. The lamb Dolly was the first successfully cloned mammal. After this people began to think that scientists would try cloning humans. The technology and the funds are not there for those advances. Also, in some countries it is not legal to do so. The next step was to clone extinct animals. This is also known as "de–extinction." When evaluating the dilemmas that can come with cloning extinct animals, the person must look at the purpose of the animal and what it could do today for us, the reason as to why it had became extinct and how to prevent that again, and lastly the concept that if "we had the animals, and we put them back, and the world wasn't ready." After Dolly's ... Show more content on ... There are many animals that have went extinct due to humans in some way, shape, or form. If it is due to our overpopulation and moving into new areas taking over other habitats, which could also be deforestation or if it is due to poaching. For example, the West African Black Rhino was officially announced as extinct as of last year, 2016. Others like the passenger pigeon, Chinese river dolphin, wooly mammoth, and Tasmanian tiger are on the list of interest to begin working with their DNA. Scientist would like to bring species back like these and do not plan to waste any time on others like the T–rex who has been gone for about 65 million years. First, the T–rex is not needed in our present ecosystem. Secondly, we do not have a living species that could lay an egg at that size. Their plan is to not recreated "Jurassic Park," the movie but to revive the species we have harm to possibly help the environment. Many of the species that have already become extinct have made impacts on our living species to the point that they are declining. The ecosystems have changed and our existing species are struggling to evolve. The wooly mammoth was a major contributor to their ecosystem in the Arctic. When mammoths no longer existed, the area went from grasslands to the cold tundra it is today. The limitations with this would be funding and would they ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Passenger Pigeon Extinction The Passenger Pigeon has been extinct since 1914 when the last specimen, a female bird named Martha, died in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo. though many thing of extinction as an end all be all, recent advancements in DNA technology and understanding may make extinction extinct. Scientist have concluded that it is possible to take still–viable dna cells from long–dead specimens, implant them in a closely related modern–day specimen, and have a chimera of an extinct species be born. For many extinct animals there are closely related modern day animals in which could harbor extinct DNA. Many extinct species such as the Passenger Pigeon and the Mammoth have closely related modern–day relative, such as the the Band–Tailed Pigeon and the Asian ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Extinction Of Animal Species Essay Abstract The study focused on the impact of the change in human behaviors on the extinction of animal species. It was found that change in human behavior to activities such as domestication of wild animal species, hunting, and encroachment of their natural habitats were some of the ways humans are impacting on animal species. The study was concluded that restrictions need to be enacted to ensure that domestication and hunting of wild animal species do not disturb the structure on the natural ecosystem and the root causes of natural habitat encroachment such as growth in human population need to be checked to prevent further encroachment. Introduction Human beings engage in a wide range of behaviors that pose a threat to wildlife. Some of these behaviors include the destruction of their natural habitat, the rise of the fashion and food industry where some species are consumed as food while others' skin and bones are used in the fashion industry. According to Sodhi, Brook, and Bradshaw, (2009), change inhuman behavior is a direct threat to the survival of plant and animal species thus significantly contributing to the extinction of some of the species. It is imperative to note that all human activities ranging from urbanization, population growth have a direct impact on animal species. Extinction as a threat to many animal species where some cease to exist due to failure to ensure sustainability in reproduction. The trend seems to be coinciding with Charles Darwin theory of ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Pyrenean Ibex Research Paper The Brief De–Extinction of the Pyrenean Ibex As humans we are constantly intrigued by the idea of bring species that have been long extinct back to life in order study them and gain more knowledge about them. It has been estimated that about 99% of the four billion species on earth are extinct. Scientists and researcher gather what information that they can from the resources available, but there is so much more that we do not know, and are yet to find out. And with advances in cloning and genetic, that thought is not very far from becoming a reality. The Pyrenean Ibex The Pyrenean Ibex, also known as the buccardo, is a type of wild mountain goat that once lived in the northern Pyrenese as well as the Cantabrian Mountains of France. It was ... Show more content on ... Dr Jose Folch, Centre of Food Technology and Research in Aragon, led one of the Spanish teams. The rest of the scientists included of researchers from an Institute of Agriculture and food in Madrid. The clone of the Pyrenean ibex was born on the 30th of July 2003, but died about 7 minutes later due to a defect in the lugs. Currently, the scientists are testing the viability of the now fourteen–year–old preserved cells. If it feasible, they will attempt to implant cloned into female goats. Process of Cloning In 1999, tissue was extracted from the ear of Celia, and was cryogenically preserved in nitrogen. One of the key challenges that arose was the fact that if a healthy offspring was produced, there would be no males for it to breed with, and therefore, will not be able to increase population of the extinct animal. The adult somatic cells were removed from the tissue, and was fused with oocytes, type of cell in ovary that undergoes meiosis to form an ovum, from goats. The nucleus was removed from the oocytes to extract all of the goat DNA, so not to tamper with the genetic make–up of the cloned ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Pros And Cons Of Animal Cloning On July 5, 1995 Dolly the sheep was the first successfully cloned mammal born from an adult cell, the cells that made the embryo that turned into Dolly were taken from two separate sheep a nucleus from a black face sheep and the other cell the nucleus was taken out was from a white face sheep .The united states animal cloning program has been in controversy for the past couple decades, bringing some concerns about multiple assets of this program. Animal cloning has been around since 1938 when Hans Spemann suggested that they conduct a "fantastic experiment" of taking the nucleus of an egg cell and replacing it with another nucleus to create an embryo. This kick–started a multi million dollar program which successfully cloned multiple animals from frogs to fruit flies, and pigs to primates. Some positive things animal cloning can do for mankind are: to de–extinct animals, quickly reproduce livestock for food sources, and they are used to find genetic testing and drug/disease research. Reviving extinct animals is a mammoth task. De–Extincting animals can have major advancements, but also can have major setbacks while trying to bring back prehistoric animals. On July 30,2003, a team of Spanish and french scientist reversed time by bringing an animal out of extinction only to see it go back into extinction again. The scientist tried to revive a wild goat known as a Bucardo (scientific name is Pyrenean Ibex) which went extinct when the last female Bucardo died of natural ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Grizzly Reality Of Trophy Hunting The Grizzly Reality of Trophy Hunting Trophy hunting is defined as the selective hunting of select species of hunting game for human recreation and not as a way to get food, even though parts of the animals may be consumed. The animal or part of it is kept as a trophy or proof of achievement. Trophy hunters have a code called the fair chase code, this code ensures that the hunter will give the animal they are hunting a fair chase and allow it to escape if the hunter does not have the skill required to kill the animal. By adopting this code the hunter also agrees to allow the animal to use its senses in order to give the animal a fair chance at survival. The hunter also promises not to use illegal methods to hunt such as banned traps that ... Show more content on ... Another observation made by Bass is that the projected estimate of a population growth of 132 to 1,800 is just that an estimation. As Bass stated " bears do not sit down for a census"(Bass 2). If grizzly bears are listed there is a chance that hunters will accidently over hunt bears once again. If bears are delisted it will not be because the bears will be ready it will be because hunters have been persistently asking for the chance to hunt. If bears are delisted it can be years before they can be relisted and by then it may be far too late. Hunters argue that if the Department of Fish and Wildlife declare the grizzly population stable then they should be allowed to hunt the bears. As of now the Department of Fish and Wildlife has declared the grizzly population stable at a nearly doubled population from that in the 70's. As stated by an avid hunter " If Yellowstone 'sbear population falls precipitously after delisting, the federal government can come back in and declare the bears endangered again". With positive support from the Department of Fish and Wildlife it seems grizzlies will soon be fair game. Grizzlies are not the only animals in danger of being hunted for trophies to the extent of possible extinction. In a study done by an organization called the Dodo they found that trophy ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Luke Duncan 's 91607 Classical Vs Modern Essay Luke Duncan's 91607 "Classical vs Modern" Artificial Selection Over the evolution of dogs, artificial selection from humans has moulded the different types of dogs we have today. Humans have used artificial selection to create breeds of dogs that we see as useful for different tasks. There are around 340 different breeds of dogs around the world that are recognised by the World Canine Organisation. An example that I am going to use is artificial selection of working dogs (Huntaways) used in the farming industry. Artificial breeding has been extremely important in ensuring that you are breeding the best dogs for the job. This means that farmers will breed their best dogs together to ensure that he has high quality working dogs. Farmers that also compete in dog trialling, breed the dogs that are best suited to the sport of dog trialling together because there is no point breeding a high quality working dog with a Labrador because you will only end up going backwards in terms of producing high quality working dogs. Farmers breeding different breeds of working dogs together meant that they could select for the traits that they wanted developed the Huntaway breed. This is a very good example of artificial selection because they bred the dogs that have the traits that they want and don't breed the dogs that have traits that they don't want. The traits of Huntaways that good working dogs posses include a loud deep sounding bark, medium to large frame body with great ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Argumentative Essay On Jurassic Park In 1993, Steven Spielburg's Jurassic Park introduced the concept of bringing extinct species back. In 2003, a team of Spanish and French scientists took Spielburg's movie to the next level–they successfully brought back the Pyrenean ibex, a species of wild goat (93). With increasing rates of extinction, the scientific community is debating whether or not this process of de–extinction should continue to be pursued. Although it would be remarkable to visit an exhibit featuring a saber–tooth tiger or woolly mammoth, these animals went extinct for a reason; humans should not bring back extinct animals, but instead use the funding for more practical purposes. When the Spanish and French scientists successfully revived the Pyrenean ibex, it lived a mere ten minutes. So much time, effort, and money was put into bringing back this animal, only for it to die due to a gigantic growth on one of its lungs (93). Instead of using valuable resources to help species that are already gone, the research can be moved elsewhere:... Show more content on ... Everything in life happens for a reason, and this includes the extinction of species with and without human involvement. To reverse the process of de–extinction as some people put it "amounts to playing God" (96). Although the science behind bringing a species back is admittedly amazing, there are other ways the time and money could be spent. Spending money on animals that are on the brink of extinction, and developing techniques for successfully growing their population, are much more viable options. Frankly, de–extinction, although very remarkable, is not something that should be heavily pursued. Apart from observing a woolly mammoth lounge around behind a thick pane of glass, there is very little reason to use de–extinction to revive one. Our efforts should be turned to the millions of species that currently inhabit the earth, known and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Argumentative Essay On Mammoth Caleb Brown 22 April 2015 Is Extinction Forever? Science '10 Academic' Essay A group of Russian scientists have announced the launch of a project which attempts to resurrect the extinct Woolly Mammoth using the most recent cloning technologies. The scientists will be working on a recently discovered Mammoth that was found dripping blood in Siberia. If the somatic cloning process is a success, it is said that there will be a successfully cloned Mammoth by 2017. However, somatic cloning is renowned to be very difficult, so the scientists are simply challenged with the question, 'can a Mammoth be cloned?' This essay will argue that the Mammoth can not be resurrected. This is because no matter how well–preserved the Mammoth appears, the DNA ... Show more content on ... In the case that scientists do find a Mammoth that is in absolutely pristine condition and has intact DNA in the nucleus that is prime for the somatic cloning process, the chances that scientists will end up with a baby Mammoth are still slim. An article written by Alasdair Wilkins in 2011 stated that despite technology becoming more advanced cloning still remains a frustratingly inexact process, one where a single successful fertilisation out of hundreds of failed attempts would be considered a massive achievement (Wilkins, 2011). Cloning is still an entirely experimental technology, and that any successful attempt should be considered purely a matter of chance and luck (Wilkins, 2011). In support of this, an article from the University of Utah (2015) stated that cloning animals through somatic cloning nuclear transfer is simply inefficient, with success rates ranging from 0.1% to 3% (University of Utah, 2015). Meaning for every 1000 attempts, only one to thirty clones are made (University of Utah, 2015). Couple with the fact that the Mammoth DNA could be over 40,000 years old, there is little DNA available and there is a surrogate mother, the success rate drops to around 0.01% (University of Utah, 2015). The somatic cloning process has such a low success rate because of two major things that can go wrong. First, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Pyrenean Ibex Research Paper Pyrenean Ibex were wild goats that lived in the mountainous regions of Europe, north–central Asia, and northern Africa. According to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System, there are five species of Ibex (Bradford, 2014). These species were one of the two subspecies of Spanish Ibex that went extinct. The scientific name of Pyrenean Ibex is Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica. Male and Female Ibex could be distinguished due to fur color and horn differences. Males were greyish brown with black spots on the forelegs in summer and they were dull grey with faded spots in winter. On the other hand, female ibex had brown fur color. The Pyrenean Ibex had fur that grew longer and thicker in colder winter months. During the summer, it was shorter and less thick. The males had large, thick ... Show more content on ... They lived on rocky mountainsides and cliffs. Their habitats were also known as Boreal Biomes. The Pyrenean Ibex were herbivores. They only ate vegetation such as shrubs, bushes, and grasses. This is the reason for its habitat being in the mountains because there was plenty of vegetation there. Ibex made their homes on cliffs that would be dangerous for predators. The Pyrenean Ibex was most commonly eaten by Wolves, Foxes, Snow Leopards, lynx, and bears. Ibexes were very social and lived in groups called herds. The herds were segregated by gender. The males had a separate herd and the male herd was called the bachelor herd. The female and offspring had separate herd and it consisted of 10 to 20 members (Bradford, 2014). They would only meet during the breeding season. The male Ibex used scent to communicate with a potential mate during breeding season. Breeding season for Ibex is called a rut. They were very nimble and could jump more than 6 feet straight without a running start. This would help them climb mountains with ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Walking Dead DE–EXTINCTION: THE WALKING DEAD Recent breakthroughs in biotechnology have now made it possible to materialise what once appeared to be purely fictional – the revival of extinct species. As humans, we are naturally inclined to wonder as to what life on earlier Earth once entailed. Whether it is by pondering: fossils, skeletons, or our own imaginings we have an innate curiosity to uncover the secrets of our prehistoric ancestors. It is therefore no surprise that there is an imminent buzz surrounding the cutting edge idea, that is de–extinction. The concept which once seemed as though it was confined to the green screens of "Jurassic Park" has surprisingly already manifested into reality. This was established by a team of ... Show more content on ... For this reason the "success" of this experiment is somewhat questionable as some argue it is simply a failed attempt. The method outlined above known as cloning, is one of many which have been proposed to solve the conundrum of de–extinction. Although cloning is one of the more popular methods, the combination of research and cutting edge technology has significantly evolved our understanding of biochemistry and genetics; leading to the development of a concept known as "reverse engineering". This is how geneticists today envision bringing back the passenger pigeon. The passenger pigeon which once ruled the North American skies, quickly diminished in population, as a result of changing habitat and avid hunters. The death of the passenger pigeon marked the end of a species in 1912. As this was many decades ago, the cells of the passenger pigeon were not banked. This poses a problem for scientists as it requires a large amount of effort and skill to piece together an incomplete DNA sequence. Once a completed genome is recovered, scientists intend to sequence the genome of the extinct bird and close a relative who is currently extant. They will then study the differences and similarities between their DNA sequences. With this information alterations can be made to the genome of the band tailed pigeon, the currently extant relative, to create a bird which is physically and genetically ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Jurassic Park Research Papers Jurassic Park is a movie based on the novel 'Jurassic Park' by Michael Crichton. The movie of course, like all films based off of books, is slightly different from the original novel. Yet, this title shares a similar theme with its original piece of work. The recreation of dinosaurs. Sadly theJurassic Park version of dinosaur recreation will only make it harder to bring these extinct animals back to life. Our real–life scientists may be able to somewhat recreate dinosaurs through Artificial Embryo Twinning or Somatic Cell Nuclear transfer. We have successfully cloned 20+ animals or "recreated" extinct animals such as the Bucardo or Pyrenean Ibex. The InGen scientist in Jurassic park use a form of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. The scientists... Show more content on ... Through this technique the scientist would have to grind up the Dinosaurs bones to extract blood cells and proteins (Cloning and Dr. Loy). The only negative point in this form of recreation or cloning is that it is "...used only as a backup to the cloning that produces a full strand of DNA...". Another way would be like the InGen scientist using Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. The only precaution would be to ensure that the blood or cells being extracted are actually from dinosaurs which at this point is extremely difficult. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer is when and ovum is created with a donor nucleus. First, the nucleus (containing the DNA) is removed and the rest of the cell is thrown out while the nucleus of an egg cell is also removed. Next, the nucleus of the somatic cell is inserted into the egg cells nucleus place. After the insertion, the host cell reprograms the somatic cell nucleus. The egg will begin to divide. Lastly, after many mitotic divisions the single cell can form a blastocyst with closely identical DNA to the original organism (SCNT). Our efforts on recreating animals have been successful to an extent. Dolly the Sheep is a perfect example of "recreation" (Roslin Institute, Scotland). Also animals such as the Bucardo (Bringing them back to life) , Carp, Cumulina the mouse etc. (20 animals...). The Bucardo was successfully cloned ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Persuasive Essay On De-Extinct Animals "De–extinction, or resurrection biology, is the process of creating an organism, which is either a member of, or resembles an extinct species, or breeding population of such organisms. Cloning is the most widely proposed method, although selective breeding has also been proposed. Similar techniques have been applied to endangered species." (Wikipedia) Scientist should not de–extinct species because people could be exploiting these animals solely for selfish purposes. Ultimately causing individuals of the de–extinct species harm. Though de–extinction could offer insight to evolution and natural resources that are currently unavailable. Scientists should not bring back animals that have been extinct. There is significant controversy over de–extinction. One piece of evidence why scientist shouldn't de–extinct animals is that, de–extinct species would be alien and potentially invasive. Their habitats and food sources have changed. So their roles in these changed ecosystems could also be altered. Professor Corey Bradshaw from the University of Adelaide points out that de–extinction projects do nothing to address habitat loss. "Without sufficient genetic variability, a population is almost certainly ... Show more content on ... Preventing existing endangered species from going extinct should proceed over reviving species already lost. Why should the world's scientific resources be focused on reviving species, when African elephants will most likely be lost by 2020? Polar bears, giant pandas, rhinos, and snow leopards are also going extinct. But sadly, the list is so large that there are many species you may never have suspected are endangered. Although some de–extinctionists insist that the knowledge we gain from de–extinction science may help us to save current species. It is a very risky thing to do, given the terrible situation of the current mass ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Grizzly Reality Of Trophy Hunting The Grizzly Reality of Trophy Hunting Trophy hunting is defined as the selective hunting of select species of hunting game for human recreation and not as a way to get food, even though parts of the animals may be consumed. The animal or part of it is kept as a trophy or proof of achievement. Trophy hunters have a code called the fair chase code, this code ensures that the hunter will give the animal they are hunting a fair chase and allow it to escape if the hunter does not have the skill required to kill the animal. By adopting this code the hunter also agrees to allowing the animal to use its senses in order to give the animal a fair chance at survival. The hunter also promises not to use illegal methods to hunt such as banned traps ... Show more content on ... Another observation done by Bass is that the projected estimate of a population growth of 132 to 1,800 is just that an estimation. As Bass stated " bears do not sit down for a census"(Bass 2). If grizzly bears are listed there is a chance that hunters will accidently over hunt bears once again. If bears bears are delisted it will not be because the bears will be ready it will be because hunters have been persistently asking for the chance to hunt. If bears are delisted it can be years before they can be relisted and by then it may be far too late. Hunters argue that if the Department of Fish and Wildlife declare the grizzly population stable then they should be allowed to hunt the bears. As of now the Department of Fish and Wildlife has declared the grizzly population stable at a nearly doubled population from that in the 70's. As stated by a avid hunter " If Yellowstone 'sbear population falls precipitously after delisting, the federal government can come back in and declare the bears endangered again". With positive support from the Department of Fish and Wildlife it seems grizzlies will soon be fair game. Grizzlies are not the only animals in danger of being hunted for trophies to the extent of possible extinction. In a study done by an organization called the Dodo they found that trophy ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Persuasive Essay On Cloning In 1997, the first primate was created by embryonic cell nuclear transfer. The scientist Li Meng, John Ely, Richard Stouffer, and Don Wolf, fused an early stage embryonic cell with an enucleated monkey egg cells using electrical shock. The embryos were then implanted into a surrogate. Out of 29 cloned embryos, two monkeys were born. The female was named Neti and the male was named Ditto ("The History of Cloning" par. 25–26). This experiment showed that primates, which are the closest relatives to humans, can be cloned. Which gives scientist a good model to continue to research cloning, to find more cures for disorders and diseases. In 2001 Pasqualino Loi of the University of Teramo in Italy and his colleagues, recovered cells from the ovaries of two female mouflons and injected their nuclei into a sheep egg cells that had their nuclei removed. This resulted into a baby mouflon ("The History of Cloning" par. 30–31). This allows scientist to continue to explore cloning as a way to create animals belonging to endangered or extinct species. In 2009, using goats as egg donors and surrogates a team of scientist led by Alberto Fernandez, cloned the first extinct animal, a Spanish mountain goat called the Bucardo ("The History of Cloning" par. 30–31). Even though the survived gestation died soon after birth, this achievement showed to scientist that it is possible to cloned extinct species and it could work for another species. Before 1997, many scientists believed that cloning ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Fluidity Of Cloning : Gender Norms & Racial Bias Alex R Biology The Fluidity of Cloning . Gender Norms & Racial Bias in the Study of the Modern "Cloning " The sea anemone undergoing cloning thumb]] In biology, cloning is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually. Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments, cells, or organisms. The term also refers to the production of multiple copies of a product such as digital media or software. Molecular cloning Molecular cloning refers to the process of making multiple molecules. Cloning is commonly used to amplify DNA fragments containing whole genes, but it can also ... Show more content on ... However, a number of other features are needed and a variety of specialised cloning vectors exist that allow protein expression, tagging, single stranded RNA and DNA production and a host of other manipulations. Cloning of any DNA fragment essentially involves four steps # fragmentation – breaking apart a strand of DNA # ligation – gluing together pieces of DNA in a desired sequence # transfection – inserting the newly formed pieces of DNA into cells # screening/selection – selecting out the cells that were successfully transfected with the new DNA Although these steps are invariable among cloning procedures a number of alternative routes can be selected; these are summarized as a cloning strategy. Initially, the DNA of interest needs to be isolated to provide a DNA segment of suitable size. Subsequently, a ligation procedure is used where the amplified fragment is inserted into a vector . The vector is linearised using restriction enzymes, and incubated with the fragment of interest under appropriate conditions with an enzyme called DNA ligase. Following ligation the vector with the insert of interest is transfected into cells. A number of alternative techniques are available, such as chemical sensitivation of cells, electroporation, optical injection and biolistics. Finally, the transfected cells are cultured. As the aforementioned procedures are of particularly low efficiency, there is a need to
  • 26. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Abortion And Abortion Ecclesiastes 1:9 in the Bible states, "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." (The Woman's Study Bible NIV, 2012). This is how the Bible relates to the recent advances in science and technology and the Bible outlines the ethical and unethical principles of life. The recent advances in science and technology are unethical for several reasons. Some recent unethical technologies include the use of fetal tissue for scientific studies, altering the genetics of humans, resurrecting extinct species, creating chimeras, and cloning. Scientists claim that the use of fetal tissue can develop treatments for common diseases such as: cancer, diabetes, birth defects, HIV, multiple sclerosis, ALS, and Alzheimer's. However, the fetal tissue used for these studies comes from abortions and abortions are unethical. It is shown that the Bible does not support abortion by stating, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you," in Isiah 49:15. (The Woman's Study Bible NIV, 2012). Scientists argue that the fetal tissue not used from abortions. The Week in their article How Fetal Tissue is Used in Medical Research disagrees by stating, "donors must give their signed consent, which can be sought only after they have agreed to the abortion itself; and abortion methods cannot be altered to make it easier to extract tissue." ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Debunk Greely's Five Benefits For De-Extinction Imagine living in a world where bringing back extinct species is not just fantasy. A present–day world with massive flocks of passenger pigeons flying and with woolly mammoths walking the boreal forests of the north. Believe it or not, science and technology are on the cusp of making this happen. This process is known as de–extinction, the resurrecting of species that have died out. Stanford professor Hank Greely has identified five benefits for de–extinction: Advancement of scientific knowledge, increased technological progress, the environment, justice, and wonder. He lists five potential risks as well: animal welfare, human and animal health, the environment, politics, and morality (Greely). To take my kids to see a mammoth or saber–toothed ... Show more content on ... Currently we are experiencing a catastrophic loss of biodiversity and Brand and his colleagues believe they have an answer by creating technologies that can revive extinct species. Is this even something that we should be pursuing? Conservation biologists are skeptical, to say the least, many of whom think we would not be reviving anything, just creating new species. There are three different approaches to de–extinction that seem most likely to succeed: cloning, back–breeding, and genetic engineering. Both back breeding and genetic engineering will not produce an animal that has exactly the same genome as the extinct species. Because of this, scientists favor cloning since it would yield a genomic twin to the extinct species (Sherkow and Greely ). Cloning is also by far the most controversial of the approaches. With cloning the risk to animal welfare is significant. Cloned animals often die in a painful manner. Cloning is not efficient and many animals are needed, in fact, less than 5% of potential clones develop into live offspring (Shapiro). Considering that cloning itself is extremely controversial, mix it with the revival of extinct species and many believe that we are playing god. In fact, Stuart Brand famously said, "We are as gods and might as well get good at ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Persuasive Essay On Cloning Extinct Animals "Our species has played a role in the extinction of these and many other species. But now some scientists are proposing a radical turn of the tables: Bringing lost species back from the dead" (Switek). Brian Switek, an author, says this in his article, How to Resurrect Lost Species because he thinks that this proposal will be difficult and extreme and that bringing extinct animals back will be a long process and may have some consequences behind it. Some scientist say that bringing back extinct animals will improve the environment and society because people will know what cloning technology is capable of and these animals may help environmental surroundings. Others say that it will be an irresponsible decision because it is a waste of money, ... Show more content on ... Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. Loss of biodiversity is mostly caused by humans and technology. According to the article Biodiversity Loss–What Can Be Done, "Creating protected areas where human activity is limited is the best way to prevent deforestation and exploration of organisms and the resources they need to survive" ("Biodiversity"). The obstacle of biodiversity can be resolved with protected areas because animals can be separate from humans and will not be hunted or harmed. The loss of biodiversity is from global warming too. The same article also says, "Climate change is the documented cause of several extinctions that we know about, and has likely caused hundreds of species to go extinct about which we may never know" ("Biodiversity"). The trouble of biodiversity can be answered with changing how fast climate change grows. More people need to get involved with nature to prevent the ozone from thickening. Alot of people dont even know that there's a problem with biodiversity. "Education is a powerful tool, and the more people know about biodiversity loss, the more they will be prepared to help slow it" ("Biodiversity"). The solution of spreading the word about the problem of biodiversity is helpful because this can make this a bigger topic and the world and it can be prevented. Thus, biodiversity has many solutions than just wasting time on cloning the organisms that are already ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Dinosaurs Of Jurassic Park Background De–extinction is defined as the process of resurrecting, or bringing dead species back to life by using scientific methods such as cloning and breeding. Ever since novelist Michael Crichton released the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, on July 30, 2003, the notion of bringing back dead animals has remained at the boundary between reality and science fiction. A group of Spanish and French scientists once reversed time by bringing an animal back from extinction, but it was only to watch it become extinct again. The animal they resurrected was a kind of wild goat known as Bucardo, or Pyrenean Ibex. It lived high in the Pyrenees, the mountain range that divides France from Spain. There, it clambered along cliffs, nibbled on leaves, and endured harsh winters for thousands of years. Hunters, however, were blamed to be the number one reason for their population's decline. For example, in 1989, Spanish scientists did a survey and concluded that there was only a dozen or so individuals left. Ten years later, a single Bucardo named Celia remained. The animal was caught by a team led by wildlife veterinarian Alberto Fernandez–Arias, from the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park. Nine months later, however, a radio collar around her neck signaled that Celia has died. They found her crushed beneath a fall tree, officially dead. However, Celia's cells survived. They preserved them in labs in Zaragoza and Madrid. In 2009, a team of reproductive physiologists led by Jose Folch ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Hybrids Of Myths The planet earth has been home to many different forms of life including plants and animals throughout its history. Today there's a large amount of different species that vary in many different shapes and sizes. Besides the regular creatures of earth there's times that there's sightings of creatures that don't seem as the average animal. These bizarre creatures have the appearance of not just one animal as they look like mixtures of two animals. These animals are known as hybrids. Hybrids are animals or plants that are offspring of two different species. Throughout history of mankind there has been many mythologies that include bizarre combinations of man and animals that are considered hybrids. Although those hybrids of myth and legends, such as a minotaur from the Greek mythology, ... Show more content on ... It has been done before where a species is brought back, which was the Pyrenean Ibex who was cloned but shortly died after birth due to lung problems making it the first ever species to be extinct twice. Although, a new ideal has been created which would involve hybridizing animals to bring back extinct species. For example, the mammoth could be brought back by using the last DNA samples there is and adding them to a closely related animal which would be an elephant to carry the hybridized embryo. This would bring back the mammoth to life, although it wouldn't be a pure mammoth as it would be a hybrid between a mammoth and a modern–day elephant. That is how hybrids can be used to bring back extinct species, yet not all extinct species can be resurrected. In summation, hybrids are combinations of two different species that are related to each other. These bizarre creatures can be created in natural or artificial ways depending on what animals are being hybridized. Hybrids could bring back extinct creatures or simply create new species. Overall, hybrids are wonders of nature and science and will be studied further with ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Human Values And The And Science Impact On Our Health,... Bioethics has been used in the last 21 years to describe the investigation and study of ways in which advance in medicine and science impact upon our health, lives, society and environment. Bioethics is concerned with questions about basic human values and the rightness or wrongness of certain developments in life technology and medicine. These days when technology advancement allowed scientist to conduct test which may have "uncertain" consequences like Cloning. It's necessary that people should know the pros and cons of such scientific procedures before they support its continued use. (9) Cloning is the process of creating genetically identical copies of biological matter. Cloning can occur at the level of DNA, single cell, or whole organism. There are three different types of artificial cloning: gene cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. (7) The first type of cloning is gene cloning which focuses on making identical copies of DNA molecules. Gene cloning is largely accepted and used in many labs worldwide in order to study genes that cause diseases. Moreover, DNA cloning can be used to revive extinct animal by using the preserved DNA of an extinct species and clone them. The Pyrenean ibex is a wild mountain goat which was declared extinct in 2000 in northern Spain. Shortly before its death, scientists preserved its skin samples in liquid nitrogen. Using DNA taken from these skin samples, they were able to replace the genetic material in eggs from ... Get more on ...