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To explore consumer decision making styles of
students (1st and 2nd year) in BIMTECH for Mobiles
Submitted By:
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Dr. A.K. Dey
This study is an investigation of the Consumer Decision making styles
among Graduates, Student of BIMTECH business school in India. The
model of consumer style inventory as suggested by Sproles & Kendall
has been tested to validate the basic characteristic of these styles among
young Indian adults, the results of factor analysis suggest that seven
decision making styles are grouped in 6 factor structure, while the 7
decision making styles validated are
1) Perfectionism and high quality consciousness
2) Brand consciousness and price equals quality
3) Novelty & fashion consciousness
4) Recreational & hedonistic shopping consciousness
5) Impulsiveness & carelessness
6) Confused by over choice
7) Habitual & brand loyal orientation
However one decision making style namely price, consciousness and
value for money was not confirmed in the data the findings of the
present study will help the marketing manager to
Understand the use of in Consumer Decision Making Styles
So that they can frame their marketing strategies accordingly.
Communication is one of the most talked topics in today’s business
world. Among the different modes of communication, mobile phone is
becoming reliable and efficient vehicle to reach from one person to
another. This is the prevailing device through which we can now
express ourselves, get our work done and share our joys and hurts.
This picture was not seen almost two decades back when most of the
people of this country were solely dependent on telegraph. It was early
nineties, the mobile phone handset first launched in India with a very
small number of penetration rate. At that time very few people were
able to afford mobile phone as they faced different sorts of barriers.
In 1997, Nokia started its operation in this country and presently
operating a number of selling points in India. Siemens and Samsung
started their operation after launching it. In this modern era, a wide
variety of other services such as email, text messaging, MMS, internet
access, audio and video, short range wireless communications
(Inferred, Bluetooth), gaming etc. are also supported by the mobile
phones. In addition to these, it also offers more general computing
capabilities that are referred to smart phone.
In India many mobile phone brands are available e.g. Nokia, Samsung,
Sony, HTC, Panasonic, Motorola, LG, Symphony, Micromax, Walton
etc. and consumer choose their preferred mobile phone from this pool.
This study has been designed with intention to identify the factors
affecting customers to choose their mobile phone. It focuses on
probable reason that the customers consider to make their purchase
decision regarding mobile phone.
There are many social and interpersonal factors that influence
customers to decide about any product and so happen in mobile phone
also. Consumer behaviour is affected by a lots of variables, ranging
from personal motivations, needs, attitudes and values, personality
characteristics, socio-economic and cultural background, age, sex,
professional status to social influences of various kinds exerted by
family, friends, colleagues and society as a whole.
Liu (2002) in a recent paper analysed factors affecting the decision
regarding brand in the mobile phone industry in Asia. It was found
that the choice of a mobile phone is characterized by two distinct
attitudes towards brands: attitudes towards the mobile phone brand
and attitudes towards the network. Customers’ choice of mobile
phone brand is affected largely by new features more than size. This
trend of choosing is definitely towards phones with better capacity
and larger screens.
Consumer decision making relates to the following consumer
characteristics as confirmed by a framework developed by Sproles
and Kendall.
1) Innovation conscious consumer – a characteristic identifying
consumers who appear like new and innovative products and gain
excitement from seeking out new things
2) Recreational, hedonistic consumer – a characteristic measuring
the degree to which a consumer finds shopping a pleasant activity and
shops just for the fun of it
3) Price conscious consumer – a characteristic identifying those with
particularly high consciousness of sale prices and lower prices in
4) Impulsive, careless consumer – identifying those who tend to buy
on the spur of the moment and appear unconcerned how much they
spend or getting “best buys”
5) Confused by over choice consumer – a characteristic identifying
those consumers who perceive too many brands and stores from which
to choose, experiencing information overload in the market
6) Habitual, brand-loyal consumer – a characteristic indicating
consumers who have favourite brands and stores, who have formed
habits in choosing these repetitively.
7) High quality consciousness – a characteristic identifying those
with particularly high consciousness of high quality and efficient
8) Utilitarian consumer –a characteristic indicating how consumers
buy there mobiles based on their requirement rather than what mobile
companies offer.
Statements Strongly
disagree Disagree
Agree Nor
Agree Strongly
Code 5 4 3 2 1
1.1 The most advertised brands of
Mobile Phones are usually very
good choices.
1.2. The most expensive brands of
Mobile Phones usually are my choice.
1.3. I prefer buying the bestselling
brands of Mobile Phones.
1.4. The well-known brands of Mobile
Phones are best for me.
1.5. The high the price of the Mobile,
the better is its quality.
1.6. Nice outlets and speciality stores
offer me the best Mobiles.
2.1. I usually have one or more Mobile
Phones of the very newest style.
2.2. Fashionable, attractive styling of
the Mobile Phones is very important to
2.3. I keep myself up to date with the
changing fashions of Mobile Phones.
2.4. To get variety, I shop different
stores and choose different brands of
3.1. When it comes to purchase Mobile
Phones, I try to get the best.
3.2. In general, I usually try to buy the
best overall quality of Mobiles.
3.3. I should plan my shopping more
carefully than I do.
3.4. I make a special effort to choose
the very best quality Mobiles.
3.5. My standards and expectations for
the Mobile Phones I buy are very high.
3.6. I like to get good quality of Mobile
3.7. I really don’t give my purchases of
Mobile Phones much thought or care.
3.8. A Mobile does not have to be
perfect, or the best, to satisfy me.
3.9. I shop quickly, buying the first
Mobile Phone or brand I find that
seems good enough.
4.1. I carefully watch how much I
4.2. I consider price first.
4.3. The lower price Mobile Phone is
usually my choice.
4.4. I usually compare at least three
brands before choosing a mobile.
Statements Strongly
disagree Disagree
Agree Nor
Agree Strongly
Code 5 4 3 2 1
4.5. I usually compare advertisements
to buy fashionable Mobile Phones.
4.6. I cannot choose Mobile Phones
4.7. I buy as much as possible at sale
4.8. I look carefully to find the best
value for the money.
5.1. Shopping is not a pleasant activity
to me.
5.2. Shopping wastes my time.
5.3. Shopping is one of the enjoyable
activities of my life.
5.4. I enjoy shopping just for the fun of
5.5. Its fun to buy something new and
5.6. I make my shopping trips fast.
6.1. I have favourite brands of Mobile
Phone I buy over and over.
6.2. Once I find a Mobile phone or
brand I like I stick with it.
6.3. I go to the same Mobile store each
time I shop.
6.4. I change brands of Mobile Phone I
buy regularly.
7.1. There are many brands to choose
that often I feel confused.
7.2. All the information I get on
different Mobile Phones confuses me.
7.3. The more I learn about Mobile
Phones, the harder to choose the best.
7.4. Sometimes it is hard to choose
which stores to shop.
8.1. Often I make careless purchases I
later wish I had not.
8.2. I am impulsive (buy without giving
much thought)when purchasing Mobile
8.3. I take the time to shop carefully for
best buys.
9.1. My mother provides a good model
for me to follow.
9.2. My mother sets an example for me.
9.3. My mother sets a positive example
for others to follow.
9.4. I try to follow the behaviour
displayed by my mother.
9.5. My Mother acts as a role model for
9.6. My Father provides a good model
for me to follow.
Statements Strongly
Disagree Neither
Agree Nor
Agree Strongly
Code 5 4 3 2 1
9.7. My Father sets an example for me.
9.8. My Father sets a positive example
for others to follow.
9.9. I try to follow the behaviour
displayed by my Father.
9.10. My Father acts as a role model for
9.11. My Favourite athlete provides a
good model for me to follow.
9.12. My Favourite athlete sets an
example for me.
9.13. My Favourite athlete sets a
positive example for others to follow.
9.14. I try to follow the behaviour
displayed by my Favourite athlete.
9.15. My Favourite athlete acts as a role
model for me.
9.16. I want to be as smart as movie
9.17. I want to be as stylist as people
appearing in ads.
9.18. I want to be as trendy as models
in magazines.
9.19. I do not aspire to the lifestyle of
9.20.I access Internet every day
9.21. On holidays, I spend more time
than usual surfing net.
9.22. I find using internet more enjoyable
than watching TV.
9.23. I come to know about Mobile
Phone from internet.
9.24. My Friend and I talk about buying
Mobile Phone.
9.25. My friend and I learn from each
other about Mobile Phone.
9.26. My friend and I trust each other
about buying Mobile Phone.
9.27. I find T.V. watching very
educative and entertaining.
10.1. I usually buy only the Mobile I
10.2. The things I own aren’t all that
important to me.
10.3. I admire people who own
expensive homes, cars, and clothes.
Statements Strongly
disagree Disagree
Agree Nor
Agree Strongly
Code 5 4 3 2 1
10.4. I like to buy Mobile Phone that
impresses people.
10.5. Buying Mobile Phone gives me a
lot of pleasure.
10.6. I like a lot of luxury in my life.
10.7. I don’t pay much attention to the
material objects other people own.
10.8. My life would be better if I owned
certain things I don’t have.
10.9. I’d be happier if I could afford to
buy more Mobile Phones.
10.10. It sometimes bothers me quite a
bit that I can’t afford to buy all the
Mobile Phones I’d like.
 To find the major factors influencing the consumer decision making style
in mobile purchases
 To find the major factors influencing the socialisation of consumers in
mobile purchases
 To find the major factors influencing the materialization of consumers in
mobile purchases
SPSS Factor analysis:
Factor Analysis is a commonly used data/ variable reduction technique.
This multivariate statistical technique is used for three primary reasons:
· Reduce the number of variables, from large to small
· Establish underlying dimensions between measured variables
and constructs and
· Provide construct validity evidence
Some of the points, of Factor Analysis, discussed in class include the
types of factor analysis, i.e, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). As the names suggest, EFA is
used where the study is being conducted with no pre-conceived theories
or expectations while CFA is used where the study is being conducted
to test a proposed theory.
While the uses of Factor Analysis including a) interdependency and
pattern delineation; b) data reduction; c) structure; d) classification; e)
scaling; and f) hypothesis testing, have been discussed in detail in the
class, one aspect in Factor Analysis that needs mention in detail
includes KMO & Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity.
KMO & Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity is a measure of sampling
adequacy that is recommended to check the case to variable ratio for
the analysis being conducted. In most academic and business studies,
KMO & Bartlett’s test play an important role for accepting the sample
adequacy. While the KMO ranges from 0 to 1, the world-over accepted
index is over 0.6. Also, the Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity relates to the
significance of the study and thereby shows the validity and suitability
of the responses collected to the problem being addressed through the
study. For Factor Analysis to be recommended suitable, the Bartlett’s
Test of Sphericity must be less than 0.05.
Consumer Decision Making Style questions from questionnaire are
1.1 to 8.3
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of
Approx. Chi-Square 1218.719
Df 231
Sig. .000
The output shows the table of communalities before and after extraction.
Principal component analysis works on the initial assumption that all variance is
common; therefore, before extraction the communalities are all 1. The
communalities in the column labelled Extraction reflect the common variance in
the data structure. So we can say that 57.5% of the variance associated with
question 1.1 is common or shared, variance. The amount of variance in each
variable that can be explained by the retained factors is represented by the
communalities after extraction. Ideal extracted values should be above 0.5.
Initial Extraction
1.1 The most advertised
brands of Mobile Phones are
usually very good choices.
1.000 .575
1.2 The most expensive
brands of Mobile Phones
usually are my choice.
1.000 .616
1.3 I prefer buying the best
selling brands of Mobile
1.000 .526
2.1 I usually have one or
more Mobile Phones of the
very newest style.
1.000 .746
2.2 Fashionable, attractive
styling of the Mobile Phones
is very important to me.
1.000 .739
3.2 In general, I usually try to
buy the best overall quality of
1.000 .656
3.3 I should plan my
shopping more carefully than
I do.
1.000 .641
3.4 I make a special effort to
choose the very best quality
1.000 .673
3.5 My standards and
expectations for the Mobile
Phones I buy are very high.
1.000 .749
3.6 I like to get good quality
of Mobile Phone.
1.000 .730
3.7 I really don’t give my
purchases of Mobile Phones
much thought or care.
1.000 .712
3.9 I shop quickly, buying the
first Mobile Phone or brand I
find that seems good
1.000 .628
4.3 The lower price Mobile
Phone is usually my choice. 1.000 .579
4.6 I cannot choose Mobile
Phones myself.
1.000 .565
5.3 Shopping is one of the
enjoyable activities of my life. 1.000 .669
5.4 I enjoy shopping just for
the fun of it.
1.000 .709
5.5 Its fun to buy something
new and exciting. 1.000 .635
7.1 There are many brands
to choose that often I feel
1.000 .705
7.2 All the information I get
on different Mobile Phones
confuses me
1.000 .695
7.3 The more I learn about
Mobile Phones, the harder to
choose the best.
1.000 .715
7.4 Sometimes it is hard to
choose which stores to shop. 1.000 .507
8.3 I take the time to shop
carefully for best buys. 1.000 .568
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Total variance Explained:
Before extraction, SPSS has identified 22 linear components within
the data set. SPSS extracts all factors with Eigen values greater than
one, which leaves us with 7 factors.
In the final part of the table labelled Rotation Sum of Squared
Loadings, the eigen values of the factors after rotation are displayed.
Rotation has the factor of optimizing the factor structure and one
consequence for these data is that the relative importance of the 7
factors is equalized. Before rotation factor 1 accounted for
considerably more variance than the remaining 6 (17.285%
compared to 12.881, 10.126% etc), however after extraction it
accounts for only 12.208% of variance (compared to 9.811%,
9.659% etc).
On the first run of factor analysis we got 14 factors and were
optimised to 7 factors.
Rotated Component Matrix:
Another important aspect that needs mention is the Rotated
Component Matrix. While deciding how many factors one would
analyze is whether a variable might relate to more than one factor.
Rotation maximizes high item loadings and minimizes low item
loadings, thereby producing a more interpretable and simplified
solution. There are two common rotation techniques - orthogonal
rotation and oblique rotation. While orthogonal varimax rotation that
produces factor structures that are uncorrelated, oblique rotation
produces factors that are correlated. Irrespective of the rotation
method used, the primary objectives are to provide easier
interpretation of results, and produce a solution that is more
Rotated Component Matrixa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1.1 The most advertised
brands of Mobile Phones are
usually very good choices.
1.2 The most expensive
brands of Mobile Phones
usually are my choice.
1.3 I prefer buying the best
selling brands of Mobile
2.1 I usually have one or more
Mobile Phones of the very
newest style.
2.2 Fashionable, attractive
styling of the Mobile Phones is
very important to me.
3.2 In general, I usually try to
buy the best overall quality of
3.3 I should plan my shopping
more carefully than I do. .729
3.4 I make a special effort to
choose the very best quality
3.5 My standards and
expectations for the Mobile
Phones I buy are very high.
3.6 I like to get good quality of
Mobile Phone.
3.7 I really don’t give my
purchases of Mobile Phones
much thought or care.
.754 .303
3.9 I shop quickly, buying the
first Mobile Phone or brand I
find that seems good enough.
4.3 The lower price Mobile
Phone is usually my choice.
.455 -.377
4.6 I cannot choose Mobile
Phones myself.
5.3 Shopping is one of the
enjoyable activities of my life. .689
5.4 I enjoy shopping just for
the fun of it.
5.5 Its fun to buy something
new and exciting.
7.1 There are many brands to
choose that often I feel
7.2 All the information I get on
different Mobile Phones
confuses me
7.3 The more I learn about
Mobile Phones, the harder to
choose the best.
7.4 Sometimes it is hard to
choose which stores to shop. .656
8.3 I take the time to shop
carefully for best buys.
.527 -.410
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.
Socialisation results:
Socialisation questions are from 9.1 to 9.27
We have started with 9 factors initially without reduction of any
questions later by removing low anti image diagonal values and
low communalities value we have reduced to six factors of
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .846
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 2916.534
Df 231
Sig. .000
Initial Extraction
9.2 My mother sets an example for me.
1.000 .828
9.3 My mother sets a positive example for
others to follow. 1.000 .566
9.4 I try to follow the behaviour displayed by
my mother. 1.000 .831
9.5 My Mother acts as a role model for me.
1.000 .770
9.6 My Father provides a good model for me to
follow. 1.000 .783
9.7 My Father sets an example for me.
1.000 .893
9.8 My Father sets a positive example for
others to follow 1.000 .841
9.9 I try to follow the behaviour displayed by
my Father. 1.000 .828
9.10 My Father acts as a role model for me.
1.000 .638
9.11 My Favourite athlete provides a good
model for me to follow. 1.000 .812
9.12 My Favourite athlete sets an example for
1.000 .859
9.13 My Favourite athlete sets a positive
example for others to follow. 1.000 .821
9.14 I try to follow the behaviour displayed by
my Favourite athlete. 1.000 .831
9.15 My Favourite athlete acts as a role model
for me 1.000 .708
9.16 I want to be as smart as movie idols.
1.000 .827
9.17 I want to be as stylist as people
appearing in ads. 1.000 .855
9.20 I access Internet every day
1.000 .570
9.22 I find using internet more enjoyable than
watching TV. 1.000 .693
9.23 I come to know about Mobile Phone from
internet. 1.000 .539
9.24 My Friend and I talk about buying Mobile
Phone 1.000 .647
9.25 My friend and I learn from each other
about Mobile Phone. 1.000 .758
9.27 I find T.V. watching very educative and
entertaining. 1.000 .683
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Total Variance Explained:
Rotated Component Matrixa
1 2 3 4 5 6
9.2 My mother
sets an example
for me.
9.3 My mother
sets a positive
example for others
to follow.
9.4 I try to follow
the behaviour
displayed by my
.318 .787
9.5 My Mother
acts as a role
model for me.
.433 .736
9.6 My Father
provides a good
model for me to
9.7 My Father sets
an example for
9.8 My Father sets
a positive example
for others to
9.9 I try to follow
the behaviour
displayed by my
9.10 My Father
acts as a role
model for me.
.685 .354
9.11 My Favourite
athlete provides a
good model for
me to follow.
9.12 My Favourite
athlete sets an
example for me
9.13 My Favourite
athlete sets a
positive example
for others to
.841 .303
9.14 I try to
follow the
displayed by my
Favourite athlete.
9.15 My Favourite
athlete acts as a
role model for me
.521 .642
9.16 I want to be
as smart as movie
9.17 I want to be
as stylist as people
appearing in ads.
9.20 I access
Internet every day
9.22 I find using
internet more
enjoyable than
watching TV.
9.23 I come to
know about
Mobile Phone
from internet.
.324 .624
9.24 My Friend
and I talk about
buying Mobile
.385 .634
9.25 My friend
and I learn from
each other about
Mobile Phone.
.330 .765
9.27 I find T.V.
watching very
educative and
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.
Materialism Results:
Materialism questions are from 10.1 to 10.10
We have got 4 factors without reduction of the question later by
removing low anti image values we have reduced factors into 3
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of
Sampling Adequacy.
Bartlett's Test of
Approx. Chi-
Df 28
Sig. .000
Initial Extraction
10.2 The things I own aren’t all
that important to me.
1.000 .661
10.3 I admire people who own
expensive homes, cars, and clothes.
1.000 .641
10.4 I like to buy Mobile Phone that
impresses people. 1.000 .748
10.5 Buying Mobile Phone gives me a
lot of pleasure.
1.000 .598
10.7 I don’t pay much attention to
the material objects other people own.
1.000 .520
10.8 My life would be better if I
owned certain things I don’t have.
1.000 .757
10.9 I'd be happier if I could afford to
buy more Mobile Phones.
1.000 .560
10.6 I like a lot of luxury in my life
1.000 .844
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Total variance Explained:
Rotated Component Matrixa
1 2 3
10.2 The things I own
aren’t all that
important to me.
.604 .406 -.364
10.3 I admire people who
own expensive homes,
cars, and clothes.
10.4 I like to buy Mobile
Phone that impresses
10.5 Buying Mobile
Phone gives me a lot of
10.7 I don’t pay
much attention to the
material objects other
people own.
10.8 My life would be
better if I owned certain
things I don’t have. .825
10.9 I'd be happier if I
could afford to buy more
Mobile Phones.
10.6 I like a lot of luxury
in my life
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 4 iterations.
This study was conducted to know the factors affect people decisions
of mobile phone purchasing. Primary and secondary data were
collected from appropriate sources for collecting data. A structured
questionnaire will be used to collect the opinions of respondents. To
select the respondents, convenience sampling method was used. In our
project we shall critically analyse the impact of all these factors on the
consumer buying behaviour for mobile phones.
Sample Size: The analysis is done on an approximate sample size of
200 responses.
Sample Selection: The sample will mainly consist the students of
Primary Data Collection Procedure: Data for the analysis will be
collected through online and offline surveys.
From the factorial analysis we have classified consumer decision
making style into seven factors which influence the consumer
decision making style in mobile purchases.
Factors are:
1) style preference consumer (2.1,2.2)
2) Recreational, hedonistic consumer (5.3,5.4,5.5)
3) Price conscious consumer (3.3,3.4,3.5)
4) Impulsive, careless consumer (3.7,3.9,4.3,4.6)
5) Confused by over choice consumer (7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4)
6) Habitual, brand-loyal consumer.(1.1,1.2,1.3)
7) High quality consciousness (3.2,3.6,8.3)
Similarly, we have classified socialisation influence in consumer
decision making style of mobile phones into six factors
Factor-1 (9.10,9.11,9.12,9.13,9.14)
Factor -2 (9.6,9.7,9.8,9.9)
Factor-3 (9.2,9.3,9.4,9.5)
Factor-4 (9.15,9.16,9.17)
Factor-5 (9.20,9.22,9.23)
Factor-6 (9.24,9.25,9.27)
Similarly, we have classified materialism influence in consumer
decision making style of mobile phones into 3 factors
Factor-1 high in materialism (10.3,10.4,10.5)
Factor-2 low in materialism (10.7,10.8,10.9)
Factor-3 Desire of materialism (10.6)
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol.5, No. 2, June
2. Consumer Decision-Making Styles:
NOVEMBER 1996 Impact Factor: 0.96 · DOI: 10.1108/03090569610153273
3. Consumer decision making style among Indian student
B M Godeshwar
4. Statistical Approach to Consumer Decision Making Gautam Narang, Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New
Delhi, India. Email: Mili Mishra, Department of Electronics and
Instrumentation, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Goa, India. Email:
Global Journal of Emerging Trends in e-Business, Marketing and Consumer Psychology
(GJETeMCP) An Online International Research Journal (ISSN: 2311-3170) 2014 Vol: 1 Issue

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  • 2. ABSTRACT This study is an investigation of the Consumer Decision making styles among Graduates, Student of BIMTECH business school in India. The model of consumer style inventory as suggested by Sproles & Kendall has been tested to validate the basic characteristic of these styles among young Indian adults, the results of factor analysis suggest that seven decision making styles are grouped in 6 factor structure, while the 7 decision making styles validated are 1) Perfectionism and high quality consciousness 2) Brand consciousness and price equals quality 3) Novelty & fashion consciousness 4) Recreational & hedonistic shopping consciousness 5) Impulsiveness & carelessness 6) Confused by over choice 7) Habitual & brand loyal orientation However one decision making style namely price, consciousness and value for money was not confirmed in the data the findings of the present study will help the marketing manager to Understand the use of in Consumer Decision Making Styles So that they can frame their marketing strategies accordingly.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Communication is one of the most talked topics in today’s business world. Among the different modes of communication, mobile phone is becoming reliable and efficient vehicle to reach from one person to another. This is the prevailing device through which we can now express ourselves, get our work done and share our joys and hurts. This picture was not seen almost two decades back when most of the people of this country were solely dependent on telegraph. It was early nineties, the mobile phone handset first launched in India with a very small number of penetration rate. At that time very few people were able to afford mobile phone as they faced different sorts of barriers. In 1997, Nokia started its operation in this country and presently operating a number of selling points in India. Siemens and Samsung started their operation after launching it. In this modern era, a wide variety of other services such as email, text messaging, MMS, internet access, audio and video, short range wireless communications (Inferred, Bluetooth), gaming etc. are also supported by the mobile phones. In addition to these, it also offers more general computing capabilities that are referred to smart phone. In India many mobile phone brands are available e.g. Nokia, Samsung, Sony, HTC, Panasonic, Motorola, LG, Symphony, Micromax, Walton etc. and consumer choose their preferred mobile phone from this pool. This study has been designed with intention to identify the factors affecting customers to choose their mobile phone. It focuses on probable reason that the customers consider to make their purchase decision regarding mobile phone.
  • 4. LITERATURE REVIEW There are many social and interpersonal factors that influence customers to decide about any product and so happen in mobile phone also. Consumer behaviour is affected by a lots of variables, ranging from personal motivations, needs, attitudes and values, personality characteristics, socio-economic and cultural background, age, sex, professional status to social influences of various kinds exerted by family, friends, colleagues and society as a whole. Liu (2002) in a recent paper analysed factors affecting the decision regarding brand in the mobile phone industry in Asia. It was found that the choice of a mobile phone is characterized by two distinct attitudes towards brands: attitudes towards the mobile phone brand and attitudes towards the network. Customers’ choice of mobile phone brand is affected largely by new features more than size. This trend of choosing is definitely towards phones with better capacity and larger screens. Consumer decision making relates to the following consumer characteristics as confirmed by a framework developed by Sproles and Kendall.
  • 5. 1) Innovation conscious consumer – a characteristic identifying consumers who appear like new and innovative products and gain excitement from seeking out new things 2) Recreational, hedonistic consumer – a characteristic measuring the degree to which a consumer finds shopping a pleasant activity and shops just for the fun of it 3) Price conscious consumer – a characteristic identifying those with particularly high consciousness of sale prices and lower prices in general 4) Impulsive, careless consumer – identifying those who tend to buy on the spur of the moment and appear unconcerned how much they spend or getting “best buys” 5) Confused by over choice consumer – a characteristic identifying those consumers who perceive too many brands and stores from which to choose, experiencing information overload in the market 6) Habitual, brand-loyal consumer – a characteristic indicating consumers who have favourite brands and stores, who have formed habits in choosing these repetitively. 7) High quality consciousness – a characteristic identifying those with particularly high consciousness of high quality and efficient mobiles. 8) Utilitarian consumer –a characteristic indicating how consumers buy there mobiles based on their requirement rather than what mobile companies offer.
  • 6. Questionnaire: Statements Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Code 5 4 3 2 1 1.1 The most advertised brands of Mobile Phones are usually very good choices. 1.2. The most expensive brands of Mobile Phones usually are my choice. 1.3. I prefer buying the bestselling brands of Mobile Phones. 1.4. The well-known brands of Mobile Phones are best for me. 1.5. The high the price of the Mobile, the better is its quality. 1.6. Nice outlets and speciality stores offer me the best Mobiles. 2.1. I usually have one or more Mobile Phones of the very newest style. 2.2. Fashionable, attractive styling of the Mobile Phones is very important to me. 2.3. I keep myself up to date with the changing fashions of Mobile Phones. 2.4. To get variety, I shop different stores and choose different brands of mobiles. 3.1. When it comes to purchase Mobile Phones, I try to get the best. 3.2. In general, I usually try to buy the best overall quality of Mobiles. 3.3. I should plan my shopping more carefully than I do. 3.4. I make a special effort to choose the very best quality Mobiles. 3.5. My standards and expectations for the Mobile Phones I buy are very high. 3.6. I like to get good quality of Mobile Phone. 3.7. I really don’t give my purchases of Mobile Phones much thought or care. 3.8. A Mobile does not have to be perfect, or the best, to satisfy me.
  • 7. 3.9. I shop quickly, buying the first Mobile Phone or brand I find that seems good enough. 4.1. I carefully watch how much I spend. 4.2. I consider price first. 4.3. The lower price Mobile Phone is usually my choice. 4.4. I usually compare at least three brands before choosing a mobile. Statements Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Code 5 4 3 2 1 4.5. I usually compare advertisements to buy fashionable Mobile Phones. 4.6. I cannot choose Mobile Phones myself. 4.7. I buy as much as possible at sale price. 4.8. I look carefully to find the best value for the money. 5.1. Shopping is not a pleasant activity to me. 5.2. Shopping wastes my time. 5.3. Shopping is one of the enjoyable activities of my life. 5.4. I enjoy shopping just for the fun of it. 5.5. Its fun to buy something new and exciting. 5.6. I make my shopping trips fast. 6.1. I have favourite brands of Mobile Phone I buy over and over. 6.2. Once I find a Mobile phone or brand I like I stick with it. 6.3. I go to the same Mobile store each time I shop. 6.4. I change brands of Mobile Phone I buy regularly. 7.1. There are many brands to choose that often I feel confused. 7.2. All the information I get on different Mobile Phones confuses me. 7.3. The more I learn about Mobile Phones, the harder to choose the best.
  • 8. 7.4. Sometimes it is hard to choose which stores to shop. 8.1. Often I make careless purchases I later wish I had not. 8.2. I am impulsive (buy without giving much thought)when purchasing Mobile Phone. 8.3. I take the time to shop carefully for best buys. 9.1. My mother provides a good model for me to follow. 9.2. My mother sets an example for me. 9.3. My mother sets a positive example for others to follow. 9.4. I try to follow the behaviour displayed by my mother. 9.5. My Mother acts as a role model for me. 9.6. My Father provides a good model for me to follow. Statements Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Code 5 4 3 2 1 9.7. My Father sets an example for me. 9.8. My Father sets a positive example for others to follow. 9.9. I try to follow the behaviour displayed by my Father. 9.10. My Father acts as a role model for me. 9.11. My Favourite athlete provides a good model for me to follow. 9.12. My Favourite athlete sets an example for me. 9.13. My Favourite athlete sets a positive example for others to follow. 9.14. I try to follow the behaviour displayed by my Favourite athlete. 9.15. My Favourite athlete acts as a role model for me. 9.16. I want to be as smart as movie idols. 9.17. I want to be as stylist as people appearing in ads. 9.18. I want to be as trendy as models in magazines.
  • 9. 9.19. I do not aspire to the lifestyle of celebrities. 9.20.I access Internet every day 9.21. On holidays, I spend more time than usual surfing net. 9.22. I find using internet more enjoyable than watching TV. 9.23. I come to know about Mobile Phone from internet. 9.24. My Friend and I talk about buying Mobile Phone. 9.25. My friend and I learn from each other about Mobile Phone. 9.26. My friend and I trust each other about buying Mobile Phone. 9.27. I find T.V. watching very educative and entertaining. 10.1. I usually buy only the Mobile I need. 10.2. The things I own aren’t all that important to me. 10.3. I admire people who own expensive homes, cars, and clothes. Statements Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Code 5 4 3 2 1 10.4. I like to buy Mobile Phone that impresses people. 10.5. Buying Mobile Phone gives me a lot of pleasure. 10.6. I like a lot of luxury in my life. 10.7. I don’t pay much attention to the material objects other people own. 10.8. My life would be better if I owned certain things I don’t have. 10.9. I’d be happier if I could afford to buy more Mobile Phones. 10.10. It sometimes bothers me quite a bit that I can’t afford to buy all the Mobile Phones I’d like.
  • 10. Objectives:  To find the major factors influencing the consumer decision making style in mobile purchases  To find the major factors influencing the socialisation of consumers in mobile purchases  To find the major factors influencing the materialization of consumers in mobile purchases SPSS Factor analysis: Factor Analysis is a commonly used data/ variable reduction technique. This multivariate statistical technique is used for three primary reasons: · Reduce the number of variables, from large to small · Establish underlying dimensions between measured variables and constructs and · Provide construct validity evidence Some of the points, of Factor Analysis, discussed in class include the types of factor analysis, i.e, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). As the names suggest, EFA is used where the study is being conducted with no pre-conceived theories or expectations while CFA is used where the study is being conducted to test a proposed theory. While the uses of Factor Analysis including a) interdependency and pattern delineation; b) data reduction; c) structure; d) classification; e) scaling; and f) hypothesis testing, have been discussed in detail in the class, one aspect in Factor Analysis that needs mention in detail includes KMO & Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity. KMO & Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity is a measure of sampling adequacy that is recommended to check the case to variable ratio for
  • 11. the analysis being conducted. In most academic and business studies, KMO & Bartlett’s test play an important role for accepting the sample adequacy. While the KMO ranges from 0 to 1, the world-over accepted index is over 0.6. Also, the Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity relates to the significance of the study and thereby shows the validity and suitability of the responses collected to the problem being addressed through the study. For Factor Analysis to be recommended suitable, the Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity must be less than 0.05. Consumer Decision Making Style questions from questionnaire are 1.1 to 8.3 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .717 Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1218.719 Df 231 Sig. .000
  • 12. Communalities The output shows the table of communalities before and after extraction. Principal component analysis works on the initial assumption that all variance is common; therefore, before extraction the communalities are all 1. The communalities in the column labelled Extraction reflect the common variance in the data structure. So we can say that 57.5% of the variance associated with question 1.1 is common or shared, variance. The amount of variance in each variable that can be explained by the retained factors is represented by the communalities after extraction. Ideal extracted values should be above 0.5. Communalities Initial Extraction 1.1 The most advertised brands of Mobile Phones are usually very good choices. 1.000 .575 1.2 The most expensive brands of Mobile Phones usually are my choice. 1.000 .616 1.3 I prefer buying the best selling brands of Mobile Phones. 1.000 .526 2.1 I usually have one or more Mobile Phones of the very newest style. 1.000 .746 2.2 Fashionable, attractive styling of the Mobile Phones is very important to me. 1.000 .739 3.2 In general, I usually try to buy the best overall quality of Mobiles. 1.000 .656 3.3 I should plan my shopping more carefully than I do. 1.000 .641 3.4 I make a special effort to choose the very best quality Mobiles. 1.000 .673 3.5 My standards and expectations for the Mobile Phones I buy are very high. 1.000 .749
  • 13. 3.6 I like to get good quality of Mobile Phone. 1.000 .730 3.7 I really don’t give my purchases of Mobile Phones much thought or care. 1.000 .712 3.9 I shop quickly, buying the first Mobile Phone or brand I find that seems good enough. 1.000 .628 4.3 The lower price Mobile Phone is usually my choice. 1.000 .579 4.6 I cannot choose Mobile Phones myself. 1.000 .565 5.3 Shopping is one of the enjoyable activities of my life. 1.000 .669 5.4 I enjoy shopping just for the fun of it. 1.000 .709 5.5 Its fun to buy something new and exciting. 1.000 .635 7.1 There are many brands to choose that often I feel confused. 1.000 .705 7.2 All the information I get on different Mobile Phones confuses me 1.000 .695 7.3 The more I learn about Mobile Phones, the harder to choose the best. 1.000 .715 7.4 Sometimes it is hard to choose which stores to shop. 1.000 .507 8.3 I take the time to shop carefully for best buys. 1.000 .568 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
  • 14. Total variance Explained: Before extraction, SPSS has identified 22 linear components within the data set. SPSS extracts all factors with Eigen values greater than one, which leaves us with 7 factors. In the final part of the table labelled Rotation Sum of Squared Loadings, the eigen values of the factors after rotation are displayed. Rotation has the factor of optimizing the factor structure and one consequence for these data is that the relative importance of the 7 factors is equalized. Before rotation factor 1 accounted for considerably more variance than the remaining 6 (17.285% compared to 12.881, 10.126% etc), however after extraction it accounts for only 12.208% of variance (compared to 9.811%, 9.659% etc). On the first run of factor analysis we got 14 factors and were optimised to 7 factors.
  • 15. Rotated Component Matrix: Another important aspect that needs mention is the Rotated Component Matrix. While deciding how many factors one would analyze is whether a variable might relate to more than one factor. Rotation maximizes high item loadings and minimizes low item loadings, thereby producing a more interpretable and simplified solution. There are two common rotation techniques - orthogonal rotation and oblique rotation. While orthogonal varimax rotation that produces factor structures that are uncorrelated, oblique rotation produces factors that are correlated. Irrespective of the rotation method used, the primary objectives are to provide easier interpretation of results, and produce a solution that is more parsimonious. Rotated Component Matrixa Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.1 The most advertised brands of Mobile Phones are usually very good choices. .648 1.2 The most expensive brands of Mobile Phones usually are my choice. .736 1.3 I prefer buying the best selling brands of Mobile Phones. .587 2.1 I usually have one or more Mobile Phones of the very newest style. .797 2.2 Fashionable, attractive styling of the Mobile Phones is very important to me. .837 3.2 In general, I usually try to buy the best overall quality of Mobiles. .752 3.3 I should plan my shopping more carefully than I do. .729
  • 16. 3.4 I make a special effort to choose the very best quality Mobiles. .723 3.5 My standards and expectations for the Mobile Phones I buy are very high. .855 3.6 I like to get good quality of Mobile Phone. .831 3.7 I really don’t give my purchases of Mobile Phones much thought or care. .754 .303 3.9 I shop quickly, buying the first Mobile Phone or brand I find that seems good enough. .728 4.3 The lower price Mobile Phone is usually my choice. .455 -.377 4.6 I cannot choose Mobile Phones myself. .705 5.3 Shopping is one of the enjoyable activities of my life. .689 5.4 I enjoy shopping just for the fun of it. .796 5.5 Its fun to buy something new and exciting. .742 7.1 There are many brands to choose that often I feel confused. .820 7.2 All the information I get on different Mobile Phones confuses me .814 7.3 The more I learn about Mobile Phones, the harder to choose the best. .836 7.4 Sometimes it is hard to choose which stores to shop. .656 8.3 I take the time to shop carefully for best buys. .527 -.410 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.
  • 17. Socialisation results: Socialisation questions are from 9.1 to 9.27 We have started with 9 factors initially without reduction of any questions later by removing low anti image diagonal values and low communalities value we have reduced to six factors of socialisation. KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .846 Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 2916.534 Df 231 Sig. .000 Communalities: Initial Extraction 9.2 My mother sets an example for me. 1.000 .828 9.3 My mother sets a positive example for others to follow. 1.000 .566 9.4 I try to follow the behaviour displayed by my mother. 1.000 .831 9.5 My Mother acts as a role model for me. 1.000 .770 9.6 My Father provides a good model for me to follow. 1.000 .783 9.7 My Father sets an example for me. 1.000 .893 9.8 My Father sets a positive example for others to follow 1.000 .841
  • 18. 9.9 I try to follow the behaviour displayed by my Father. 1.000 .828 9.10 My Father acts as a role model for me. 1.000 .638 9.11 My Favourite athlete provides a good model for me to follow. 1.000 .812 9.12 My Favourite athlete sets an example for me 1.000 .859 9.13 My Favourite athlete sets a positive example for others to follow. 1.000 .821 9.14 I try to follow the behaviour displayed by my Favourite athlete. 1.000 .831 9.15 My Favourite athlete acts as a role model for me 1.000 .708 9.16 I want to be as smart as movie idols. 1.000 .827 9.17 I want to be as stylist as people appearing in ads. 1.000 .855 9.20 I access Internet every day 1.000 .570 9.22 I find using internet more enjoyable than watching TV. 1.000 .693 9.23 I come to know about Mobile Phone from internet. 1.000 .539 9.24 My Friend and I talk about buying Mobile Phone 1.000 .647 9.25 My friend and I learn from each other about Mobile Phone. 1.000 .758 9.27 I find T.V. watching very educative and entertaining. 1.000 .683 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
  • 19. Total Variance Explained: Rotated Component Matrixa Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 9.2 My mother sets an example for me. .865 9.3 My mother sets a positive example for others to follow. .630 9.4 I try to follow the behaviour displayed by my mother. .318 .787
  • 20. 9.5 My Mother acts as a role model for me. .433 .736 9.6 My Father provides a good model for me to follow. .804 9.7 My Father sets an example for me. .879 9.8 My Father sets a positive example for others to follow .843 9.9 I try to follow the behaviour displayed by my Father. .838 9.10 My Father acts as a role model for me. .685 .354 9.11 My Favourite athlete provides a good model for me to follow. .853 9.12 My Favourite athlete sets an example for me .897
  • 21. 9.13 My Favourite athlete sets a positive example for others to follow. .841 .303 9.14 I try to follow the behaviour displayed by my Favourite athlete. .884 9.15 My Favourite athlete acts as a role model for me .521 .642 9.16 I want to be as smart as movie idols. .877 9.17 I want to be as stylist as people appearing in ads. .911 9.20 I access Internet every day .709 9.22 I find using internet more enjoyable than watching TV. .794 9.23 I come to know about Mobile Phone from internet. .324 .624
  • 22. 9.24 My Friend and I talk about buying Mobile Phone .385 .634 9.25 My friend and I learn from each other about Mobile Phone. .330 .765 9.27 I find T.V. watching very educative and entertaining. .782 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations. Materialism Results: Materialism questions are from 10.1 to 10.10 We have got 4 factors without reduction of the question later by removing low anti image values we have reduced factors into 3 factors. KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .752 Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi- Square 366.04 7 Df 28 Sig. .000
  • 23. Communalities: Initial Extraction 10.2 The things I own aren’t all that important to me. 1.000 .661 10.3 I admire people who own expensive homes, cars, and clothes. 1.000 .641 10.4 I like to buy Mobile Phone that impresses people. 1.000 .748 10.5 Buying Mobile Phone gives me a lot of pleasure. 1.000 .598 10.7 I don’t pay much attention to the material objects other people own. 1.000 .520 10.8 My life would be better if I owned certain things I don’t have. 1.000 .757
  • 24. 10.9 I'd be happier if I could afford to buy more Mobile Phones. 1.000 .560 10.6 I like a lot of luxury in my life 1.000 .844 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Total variance Explained: Rotated Component Matrixa Component 1 2 3 10.2 The things I own aren’t all that important to me. .604 .406 -.364 10.3 I admire people who own expensive homes, cars, and clothes. .797
  • 25. 10.4 I like to buy Mobile Phone that impresses people. .834 10.5 Buying Mobile Phone gives me a lot of pleasure. .679 10.7 I don’t pay much attention to the material objects other people own. .704 10.8 My life would be better if I owned certain things I don’t have. .825 10.9 I'd be happier if I could afford to buy more Mobile Phones. .702 10.6 I like a lot of luxury in my life .895 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 4 iterations.
  • 26. MATERIAL AND METHOD This study was conducted to know the factors affect people decisions of mobile phone purchasing. Primary and secondary data were collected from appropriate sources for collecting data. A structured questionnaire will be used to collect the opinions of respondents. To select the respondents, convenience sampling method was used. In our project we shall critically analyse the impact of all these factors on the consumer buying behaviour for mobile phones. Sample Size: The analysis is done on an approximate sample size of 200 responses. Sample Selection: The sample will mainly consist the students of BIMTECH. Primary Data Collection Procedure: Data for the analysis will be collected through online and offline surveys.
  • 27. CONCLUSION From the factorial analysis we have classified consumer decision making style into seven factors which influence the consumer decision making style in mobile purchases. Factors are: 1) style preference consumer (2.1,2.2) 2) Recreational, hedonistic consumer (5.3,5.4,5.5) 3) Price conscious consumer (3.3,3.4,3.5) 4) Impulsive, careless consumer (3.7,3.9,4.3,4.6) 5) Confused by over choice consumer (7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4) 6) Habitual, brand-loyal consumer.(1.1,1.2,1.3) 7) High quality consciousness (3.2,3.6,8.3) Similarly, we have classified socialisation influence in consumer decision making style of mobile phones into six factors Factor-1 (9.10,9.11,9.12,9.13,9.14) Factor -2 (9.6,9.7,9.8,9.9) Factor-3 (9.2,9.3,9.4,9.5) Factor-4 (9.15,9.16,9.17) Factor-5 (9.20,9.22,9.23) Factor-6 (9.24,9.25,9.27) Similarly, we have classified materialism influence in consumer decision making style of mobile phones into 3 factors Factor-1 high in materialism (10.3,10.4,10.5) Factor-2 low in materialism (10.7,10.8,10.9) Factor-3 Desire of materialism (10.6)
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