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2011                      A
                    PROJECT ON
             BARASAT, KOLKATA, W.B
                 (A.I.C.T.E, W.B.U.T)

             (1st JULY – 31st JULY, 2011)
                 UNDER GUIDENCE
                  SUBMITTED BY
                      GROUP D
         (MBA 1st SEM, SECTION A 2011-2013)
: Index :
     Topics                            page number

executive summary…………………………………………….


review of literature…………………………………………

about working place………………………………………...

Research methodology…………………………..............

data analysis…………………………………………………….

finding topics……………………………………………………...


conclusions and recommendations…………….......

We (group D) owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported me
during my project paper.

My deepest thanks to the Professor Anirban Mandal and Sourav Bhattacharya the guide of the
project for guiding and correcting various documents of group D with attention and care. He has
taken pain to go through the project and make necessary correction as and when needed.

I express my thanks to the Dean of B.G.I, Barasat, W.B. for extending his support.

We would also thanks to my all faculty members, non-teaching stuff of B.G.I, Barasat, W.B.
without whom this project would have been a distant reality. We also extend our heartfelt thanks
to our family, our friends and well wishers.

                                                                            Group D

                                                                         Ardhendu Saha

                                                                   ArkaBrata Bandyapadhyay

                                                                         Tanmay Saha

                                                                        Sougata Biswas



                                              ArkaBrata Bandyapadhyay
Executive Summary
Consumer behavior is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not buy
a product. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology and economics. It
attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It
studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioral variables in
an attempt to understood people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from
groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general. A consumer is the
ultimate user of a product or service. The overall consumer market consists of all buyers of
goods and services for personal or family use. The study of consumers helps firms and
organizations improve their marketing strategies. We are recently watched and reported on
Customer Buying Behavior Based on Democracy. In this report we are studied how people are
marketing. What they need at the time of marketing. What is the point which influenced

We are worked in four different Shopping Malls of Kolkata, W.B (South City, City Center, City
Center Two, Mani Square).We watched customers (consumers), based on the following

              Where the customers select their marketing (Selection of store)

                              Their age, number of people with

                        Their marketing expression & Body language

                             Their own dress sense and life style

                       Their interaction with sales man, time duration

        Knowledge of product, Choice of product, Price range, Brand, Perceive risk

Type of customer(s)

                                Action (whether they buy or not)

We collected the data based on this upper pattern, and try to understood how the customers
behave at the marketing time, how they select the product, which are the parameters that
influence the customers.

The studies of consumer buying behavior have 4 main applications……..

   1. The most obvious is for marketing strategy
   2. A second application is public policy.
   3. Social marketing involves getting ideas across to consumers rather than selling
   4. As a final benefit, studying consumer behavior should make us better consumers.

We try our best to collect data and represent it well to understand the above 4 points.

We worked based on the following pattern………….

              Collect the raw data randomly from 4 different shopping malls
                             at Kolkata based on our above strategy

                        Collect some information from internet also

                                   Analyzed the data

                       Finding result based on the analyzed data

                 Then we come to the conclusion and recommendation
But also the best marketing research is not perfect, it‘s depends on economical change, market
changes, different people (consumers), different places, certain procedural errors also depends.

There are several units in the market that can be analyzed. Our main thrust in this course is
the consumer and their behavior. However, we will also need to analyze our own firm‘s
strengths and weaknesses and those of competing firms.
One "official" definition of consumer behavior is "The study of individuals, groups, or
organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services,
experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer
and society."

It brings up some useful points:

       Behavior occurs either for the individual, or in the context of a group (e.g., friends
       influence what kinds of clothes a person wears) or an organization (people on the job
       make decisions as to which products the firm should use).
       Consumer behavior involves the use and disposal of products as well as the study of how
       they are purchased. Product use is often of great interest to the marketer, because this
       may influence how a product is best positioned or how we can encourage increased
       consumption. Since many environmental problems result from product disposal (e.g.,
       motor oil being sent into sewage systems to save the recycling fee, or garbage piling up at
       landfills) this is also an area of interest.
       Consumer behavior involves services and ideas as well as tangible products.

       The impact of consumer behavior on society is also of relevance. For example,
       aggressive marketing of high fat foods, or aggressive marketing of easy credit, may have
       serious repercussions for the national health and economy.

The study of consumers helps firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies
by understanding issues such as how

       The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different
       alternatives (e.g., brands, products, and retailers);
       The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g.,
       culture, family, signs, media);
       The behavior of consumers while shopping or making other marketing decisions;
       Limitations in consumer knowledge or information processing abilities influence
       decisions and marketing outcome;
       How consumer motivation and decision strategies differ between products that differ in
       their level of importance or interest that they entail for the consumer; and
       How marketers can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and marketing
       strategies to more effectively reach the consumer.

There are four main applications of consumer behavior:

       The most obvious is for marketing strategy—i.e., for making better marketing campaigns.
       For example, by understanding that consumers are more receptive to food advertising
when they are hungry, we learn to schedule snack advertisements late in the afternoon.
By understanding that new products are usually initially adopted by a few consumers and
only spread later, and then only gradually, to the rest of the population, we learn that (1)
companies that introduce new products must be well financed so that they can stay afloat
until their products become a commercial success and (2) it is important to please initial
customers, since they will in turn influence many subsequent customers‘ brand choices.
A second application is public policy. In the 1980s, Acutance, a near miracle cure for
acne, was introduced. Unfortunately, Acutance resulted in severe birth defects if taken by
pregnant women. Although physicians were instructed to warn their female patients of
this, a number still became pregnant while taking the drug. To get consumers‘ attention,
the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) took the step of requiring that very graphic
pictures of deformed babies be shown on the medicine containers.
Social marketing involves getting ideas across to consumers rather than selling
something. Marty Fishbein, a marketing professor, went on sabbatical to work for the
Centers for Disease Control trying to reduce the incidence of transmission of diseases
through illegal drug use. The best solution, obviously, would be if we could get illegal
drug users to stop. This, however, was deemed to be infeasible. It was also determined
that the practice of sharing needles was too ingrained in the drug culture to be stopped.
As a result, using knowledge of consumer attitudes, Dr. Fishbein created a campaign that
encouraged the cleaning of needles in bleach before sharing them, a goal that was
believed to be more realistic.
As a final benefit, studying consumer behavior should make us better consumers.
Common sense suggests, for example, that if you buy a 64 liquid ounce bottle of laundry
detergent, you should pay less per ounce than if you bought two 32 ounce bottles. In
practice, however, you often pay a size premium by buying the larger quantity. In other
words, in this case, knowing this fact will sensitize you to the need to check the unit cost
labels to determine if you are really getting a bargain.
Review Of Literature
Customer behavior study is based on consumer buying behavior, with the customer playing the
three distinct roles of user, payer and buyer. Relationship marketing is an influential asset for
customer behavior analysis as it has a keen interest in the re-discovery of the true meaning of
marketing through the re-affirmation of the importance of the customer or buyer. A greater
importance is also placed on consumer retention, customer relationship management,
personalization, customization and one-to-one marketing. Social functions can be categorized
into social choice and welfare functions.

Stages of the Consumer Buying Process:

Six Stages to the Consumer Buying Decision Process (For complex decisions). Actual
purchasing is only one stage of the process. Not all decision processes lead to a purchase.

The 6 stages are:

1. Problem Recognition(awareness of need)

Difference between the desired state and the actual condition. Deficit in assortment of products.
Hunger--Food. Hunger stimulates your need to eat.
Can be stimulated by the marketer through product information--did not know you were
deficient? I.E., see a commercial for a new pair of shoes, stimulates your recognition that you
need a new pair of shoes.

2. Information search:

Once the consumer has recognized a problem, they search for information on products and
services that can solve that problem. Belch and Belch (2007) explain that consumers undertake
both an internal (memory) and an external search.
Sources of information include:

   Personal sources
   Commercial sources
   Public sources
   Personal experience
The relevant internal psychological process that is associated with information search is
perception. Perception is defined as "the process by which an individual receives, selects,
organizes, and interprets information to create a meaningful picture of the world".
The selective perception process
Stage Description
   Selective exposure consumers select which promotional messages they will expose
    themselves to.
   Selective attention consumers select which promotional messages they will pay attention to.
   Selective comprehension consumer interprets messages in line with their beliefs, attitudes,
    motives and experiences.
   Selective retention consumers remember messages that are more meaningful or important to
The implications of this process help develop an effective promotional strategy, and select which
sources of information are more effective for the brand.

3. Evaluation of Alternatives

Need to establish criteria for evaluation, features the buyer wants or does not want. Rank/weight
alternatives or resume search. May decide that you want to eat something spicy, Indian gets
highest rank etc.
If not satisfied with your choice then return to the search phase. Can you think of another
restaurant? Look in the yellow pages etc. Information from different sources may be treated
differently. Marketers try to influence by "framing" alternatives.

4. Purchase decision

Choose buying alternative, includes product, package, store, method of purchase etc.

5. Purchase

May differ from decision, time lapse between 4 & 5, product availability.

6. Post-Purchase Evaluation

Outcome: Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction. Cognitive Dissonance, have you made the right
decision. This can be reduced by warranties, after sales communication etc.
After eating an Indian meal, may think that really you wanted a Chinese meal instead.

The EKB (Engel, Kollat, Blackwell model) model was further developed by Rice (1993) which
suggested there should be a feedback loop, Foxall (2005) further suggests the importance of the
post purchase evaluation and that the post purchase evaluation is key due to its influences on
future purchase patterns.

Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior:

Internal Influences:

Consumer behavior is influenced by: demographics, psychographics (lifestyle), personality,
motivation, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and feelings. Consumer behavior concern with
consumer need consumer actions in the direction of satisfying needs leads to his behavior of
every individual depend on thinking.

External Influences:

Consumer behavior is influenced by: culture, sub-culture, locality, royalty, ethnicity, family,
social class, past experience reference groups, lifestyle, and market mix factors.

Types of Consumer Buying Behavior:

Types of consumer buying behavior are determined by:

       Level of Involvement in purchase decision. Importance and intensity of interest in a
       product in a particular situation.
       Buyers level of involvement determines why he/she is motivated to seek information
       about a certain products and brands but virtually ignores others.

The four type of consumer buying behavior are:

       Routine Response/Programmed Behavior--buying low involvement frequently purchased
       low cost items; need very little search and decision effort; purchased almost
       automatically. Examples include soft drinks, snack foods, milk etc.
       Limited Decision Making--buying product occasionally. When you need to obtain
       information about unfamiliar brand in a familiar product category, perhaps. Requires a
       moderate amount of time for information gathering. Examples include Clothes--know
       product class but not the brand.
       Extensive Decision Making/Complex high involvement, unfamiliar, expensive and/or
       infrequently bought products. High degree of economic/performance/psychological risk.
       Examples include cars, homes, computers, education. Spend alot of time seeking
       information      and    deciding.
       Information from the companies MM; friends and relatives, store personnel etc. Go
       through all six stages of the buying process.
       Impulse buying, no conscious planning.

The purchase of the same product does not always elicit the same Buying Behavior. Product can
shift from one category to the next.
For example:
Going out for dinner for one person may be extensive decision making (for someone that does
not go out often at all), but limited decision making for someone else. The reason for the dinner,
whether it is an anniversary celebration, or a meal with a couple of friends will also determine
the extent of the decision making.
Black box model:


Marketing       Environmental        Buyer
                                                         Decision Process
Stimuli         Stimuli              Characteristics

                Economic             Attitudes           Problem recognition
                                                                                  Product         choice
Product         Technological        Motivation          Information     search
                                                                                  Brand           choice
Price           Political            Perceptions         Alternative evaluation
                                                                                  Dealer          choice
Place           Cultural             Personality         Purchase      decision
                                                                                  Purchase        timing
Promotion       Demographic          Lifestyle           Post-purchase
                                                                                  Purchase amount
                Natural              Knowledge           behavior

The black box model shows the interaction of stimuli, consumer characteristics, decision process
and consumer responses.[1] It can be distinguished between interpersonal stimuli(between
people) or intrapersonal stimuli (within people).[2] The black box model is related to the black
box theory of behaviorism, where the focus is not set on the processes inside a consumer, but
the relation between the stimuli and the response of the consumer. The marketing stimuli are
planned and processed by the companies, whereas the environmental stimulus are given by social
factors, based on the economical, political and cultural circumstances of a society. The buyers
black box contains the buyer characteristics and the decision process, which determines the
buyers response.
The black box model considers the buyers response as a result of a conscious, rational decision
process, in which it is assumed that the buyer has recognized the problem. However, in reality
many decisions are not made in awareness of a determined problem by the consumer.
Something about our working place (Shopping mall)

1.South City Shopping Mall:

No. 375, Prince Anwar Shah Road, Jodhpur Park
Kolkata,       West      Bengal       700068
033 40072181,

The largest shopping mall in India with 134 stores. At arm's length.
Imagine a mall that is spread across 6,00,000 sq. ft. With exclusive zones for shopping,
entertainment and food. Boasting of the finest international features. And designed to take one‘s
breath away.
The mall has been designed after an exhaustive research of the best shopping malls around the
world to create one that has it all. Situated on Prince Anwar Shah Road, just opposite Jodhpur
Park, it will be a magnate, drawing everyone just by its sheer presence.

No wonder then, that South City Mall is something Kolkata is waiting for with bated breath. The
mall is an international experience, which promises to change the way people perceive shopping
and entertainment in Kolkata! After the exterior, it‘s the interior design that impresses. A
luxuriant atrium with a beautiful skylight, mirror-polished floor, plants, fountains and all of
14,000 sq ft! With 1,50,000 sq.ft. on each floor, it will have more space than any other mall in
The mall‘s spread will help shoppers shop on one floor longer, rather than shifting up and down.

Continuous corridors, free of dead-ends, make sure there are no sudden halts for shoppers.

Stores laid out to make browsing easier. So things like clothes, shoes and accessories will be
available       in      one     area.
It brings together the biggest brands under one roof. - Shoppers‘ stop, already a favorite in the
city. - Giant, one of the biggest hypermarket chains in India. - A mega 6-screen multiplex, by
Shringar Films, known for Fame Adlabs in Mumbai. - Options for a great meal, with high-
quality restaurants and even a fast-food court.
2.City Center Shopping Mall:

DC Block, Sector – 1, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 033 23581011.

Fast Facts
» Location - DC Block Sector-1; Salt Lake City, Kolkatta, West Bengal
» Accessibility- Cabs, Own Vehicle ( Trams and Metro doesn't work in this area)
»Parking Lot - Underground Parking and a lot of Space Area
» Visit Timings - 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m
»Speciality - INOX Multi – Screen Theater.

This one is the huge one – the entire City Centre, covering an area of one lakh square ft.
However the City Centre Mall inside the City Centre covers an area of six acres. There are three
levels in the City Centre Mall, plus a center hall and an Entertainment Arena. Located in one of
the most posh areas of Kolkatta – The Salt Lake City, it attracts a lot of people from outside and

This Multi – Utility Facility Centre was developed by Bengal Ambuja Metropolitan
Development Authority and the Bengal Govt. It was designed by Charles Corea. This Centre
which involves shopping complexes, food courts, entertainment area, offices, entertainment areas
and a free half a million square feet area lushed with greenery.
Famous Facets:

                TramCar                               TheAuditorium
                This Horse Cart reverts back          Known as the Royal
                to the year 1880, with the            Bengal Room, the this
                wagon reminding of the                Banquet       Hall      or
                yeaster years. Take a ride in         auditorium can be used as
                this Cart to have a feel of the       place for running a
                royal era gone by.                    theater, marriage, party
                                                      hall and a number of other
                                                      things. Book this Hall for
                                                      your purpose; its open for
                                                      all to use.


The design of the City Centre Mall has a uniqueness, with the
Centre Kund or Circle being the College Goers Hub called the
Adda; it very true to the culture of Kolkatta. One can see people
sitting here, sipping coffee or tea, around this circle.

There is the Kolkatta Store with the Horse Driven tram car,
dating back to 1880. The Kolkatta Store in the City center
represents the Kolkatta memorabilia. There on the right hand
corner is the Akriti. Akriti is a shop where you can find pieces
made by children from jute, fiber, paper and horns. Its a NGO
Venture opened to help people. If you are a craftsman or an
artist, you can show your art here. Another addition to the City Centre is the Royal Bengal Room
– A banquet Hall were you can arrange weddings and throw parties. Exhibitions, Musical
performances, Product launches and other such events keep this place throbbing with life
throughout      the    year.
The City Centre has ( Block A) Departmental Store, branded product stores, coffee shops and
restaurants in the Ground, First and Second Floor. Some of the big names like Shoppers Stop,
The Tea Junction, Kookie Jar, Saakshi, Orkos, Time Zone, Dare to Wear , MP 3 run here. The
third level of the center has the Food Courts only. It has a seating capacity of 500 diners at any
point of        time.

The Plaza (Blocks B, C, D, E) in the City Centre has independent stores on the ground and first
floor. This part of the City Centre is directly linked with pedestrian plaza and other connecting
bridges. In addition to all these there is the Inox Four Screen Multiplex with independent snacks
and beverage outlets. It has a seating capacity of 1000 people. Lastly, it has a Fountain Plaza – a
water body around which there are a number of shops to shop from.

3.City Center Two Shopping Mall:

City Centre New Town, Action Area 2, D.Plot No. 11/5, New Town – Rajarhat, Kolkata -033 6626 6666

City Centre, New Town isn‘t only walls and columns. It is designed keeping in mind that
people will come here to carry back an experience rather than a visit to a mall-multiplex-hotel-
entertainment place. The design idea is to carefully craft an atmosphere that not only fills the
eye, but also creates a special tune that you will carry in your heart. An ambience that appeals
to all age groups and people from all walks of life. Shopuding soothing aromas…perfumeries,
candle shops, soaps, coffee, chocolate and candy are appropriately interspersed to evoke
nostalgic fragrances. Moviegoers are led in and out of the four-screen multiplex through
the food court. This allows them to savour cuisine from different parts of the world. The food
court has multi cuisine restaurants, offering fast food, street food and fine dining experiences.
Developer:- Bengal Ambuja Metropolitan Development Ltd.
Location:- New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata-64
Operational Since:- 21st September‘2009
Total Area:- 3,50,000 sft. Retail + 1,25,000 sft. for 5 Star Hotel – Swissotel
Anchor Tenants:- Pantaloons (40k sft.), Inox (42k sft), Hangout –The Foodcourt (17k sft),
McDonalds, Afraa, Pizza Hut and KFC.
Major Brands Present:- Lifestyle Max, Archie‘s, Adidas, Apple Store, Biba, Carbon,
Crocodile, Crossword, FabIndia, Metro Shoes, Mufti, Music World, Titan, Timax, United
Colours of Benetton, Raymond, Reebok, Sony Centre, Levi‘s, Sristi Jewels, Gini & Jony,
Mobile Store, Little Shop, Time Zone, M3, Samsonite, Cafe Coffee Day, Cookie Man, Costa
Coffee, Swiss Café, Haka, Flame & Grill, Masekkah and The Tea Junction.

4.Mani Square Shopping Mall:

Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, Kankurgachi
Kolkata, West Bengal
033 23201878

Mani Square is the new retail and entertainment destination of Kolkata. Make sure you visit
this Global Super Mall on E M Bypass Kolkata for all your shopping and dinning requirements
.Watch out for IMAX CENEMAX combine all set to redefine movie viewing experience.

The Mani Square Mall will redefine shopping as well as entertainment in Kolkata. This 7,
10,000 sq ft structural behemoth will have many attractions, the first of which no doubt is
the IMAX, the 3D movie experience. Other first time entrants include renowned names
like Amoeba, Scary House, AND, Costa Coffee and Etam. Amoeba is a gaming and
entertainment zone complete with simulators, interactive games and a bowling alley. Scary
House is India‘s answer to London‘s House of Horrors while Costa Coffee is Sharon Stone‘s
favourite coffee hangout. AND - Anita Dongre‘s Pret Collection and Etam, France‘s most talked
about lingerie brand also make a dazzling entry here. Mani Square will also have a Mall Radio
Station, another first amongst the Malls in Kolkata. Another first is Little ‗Mani‘acs - the
childrens play facility anchoring the massive 650 cover food court.

The main anchors consist of Spencer‘s Hyper, West Side, E-Zone and McDonalds. Mani Square
will be the only mall to boast of a flagship McDonald Store. Other brands include Levis, Success
109F (hot fashion for women) Lee Cooper, My Dollar Store, Benetton, Blues & Blues, Chique
(Accessories), Parx, Moustache, Zapp, Zodiac, FI, Reid & Taylor, Straps, Foxx, Passport,
Reebok, Adidas, Puma, Woodlands, Liberty, Tissot, Rado, Exclusive Lines, Nik Nish and a host
of other brands.

To provide a further division of levels the first four levels are a riot of retail experience that
include a 60,000 sq ft Spencer‘s Hypermart, a 30,000 sq ft Westside Store, a 15,000 sq ft
Furniture Bazaar, a 15,000 sq ft E-Zone and a 7,000 sq ft Star Mark store.

The next level houses over a 100 mini stores that has brand names like Rado, Tissot, Nike,
Puma, Reebok, Color Plus,Park Avenue, Storm, Zodiac, Reid & Taylor, Benetton, Pepe, Dockers
and high end brands like Stanza and GM Pens apart from Eyecatcher‘s Salon. The facilities in
the mall include a smoking room, helpdesk, valet parking, and a day spa.

The third level boasts the of entertainment zone for the family that houses 3 regular screens from
cinemax apart from an eight storey screen from IMAX theatre and a 650 cover food court. This
level also houses the first ever Horror House which is the city equivalent of Scary House that
provides spine chilling thrills for all.

The fourth level is the fine dining section which offers a wide range of choices to choose from.
For the culinary aficionados there will be variety of food from the stable of Mainland China
(Specialty Restaurants Pvt Ltd). The theme restaurant will be Maachan plus other brands like
Haka, Petuk, Mostly Kebabs and Shack Lounge Bar. Other varieties include Hot N Spicee,
Crown, Mozarella, Rajdhani Thalis, Mama Mia, Baskin Robbins, Subway, Crepe Station, Aqua
Java and a Chaat corner.
State of the art Banqueting and Conferencing facilities fill up the next level. Complete with the
latest conferencing facilities and blessed with the greatest view ever on offer, the banquets are
tailor-made to suit contemporary conferencing needs. A miniature IT Park is what fills up the
sixth to ninth floor of Mani Square. Comprising of more than 125,000 square feet of modular
work space the IT Park would offer work ready offices tailored to different size requirements,
with all amenities associated with intelligent building space.
Research Methodology
There are two types of data we collected: 1. Primary & 2. Secondary Data.

In this report Primary data has been collected by watching people in the mall……………

We are worked in four different Shopping Malls of Kolkata, W.B (South City, City Center, City
Center Two, Mani Square).We watched customers (consumers), based on the following

               Where the customers select their marketing (Selection of store)

Here we try to understood that where the customers are like to marketing and select their choice
of product. It‘s mean that Selection of Store is one of the important parameter in this report.
Many things are influence the customer to select the store, such as Room Temperature, Lighting,
Shop Decoration, Fragrance of the shop, Music, Stock of Products etc.

                              Their age, number of people with

In the time of marketing, customers are influenced by their age, , number of people with. So here
we try to understood the number of customers with, age, , of the customer(s) at the time of

                     Their marketing expression & Body language

In this section we try to understood the expression & Body language of the customer(s) at the
time of marketing, that means whether they are Confused, Determined, Not Determined, Casual,
Cool Minded before buying a product.

                           Their own dress sense and life style

Dress sense and Life style of the customer(s) is the important point to understood their choice &
selection of product.So here we noticed the dress sense and Life style of the customer(s).

Their interaction with sales man, time duration

In this part we watched whether the customer(s) doing interaction or not with sales man or shop-
keeper and their time duration of purchased any product.

       Knowledge of product, Choice of product, Price range, Brand, Perceive risk

In this section we try to understood the Product Knowledge of customer(s),their price range of
selected product, selection of their brand. This report helps us to understand the quality of
customer(s), their economical background, type of customer(s).

                                       Type of customer(s)

From the above parameters we can understood the type of customer(s), whether they are Urban
or Rural.

                               Action (whether they buy or not)

At the last we recorded the Action of customer(s) to the product, that means whether customer(s)
buy or not the product.

Primary data gives answer to the following question ………………….

1. Consumer attitude, body language, expression at the time of marketing.

2. Consumer knowledge, Choice of product, brand knowledge.

3. Consumer‘s profile, age, sex, gesture.

4. Types and quality of customer(s).

So on………………………………………..
The raw primary data that we collected based on following excel pattern. After watching the
customer we recorded the data in this page.

                                                                                                                            Acti    Type of
     Age                                        Expression of the consumer          Gesture             Clothing Styles
                                                                                                                            on      cstmr
                                                                                  e                                       M
                               5                                                                                    H
                                                                                  t                                       i
                               5                                             N                                      i
 S   5     1    2    3    4                               C         N             h                                       d
                               y                               D             ot                         A           g
 l   yr    5    5    5    5                          C    o         o             i      H                   A        m   d     N
                               r   Profile of                  et            d                          ri          h
 .   s     yr   yr   yr   yr                    C    o    ol        c             n C    es   N    S         v    G   e   l     o   U
                               s   the                         er            et                         st                  B            R
 N   -     s-   s-   s-   s-                    a    nf   M         o             g as   it   or   m         er   o   d   e     t   rb
                               -   consumer                    m             er                         ro          S       u            ur
 o   1     2    3    4    5                     us   us   in        nf              u    at   m    ar        a    o   i         B   a
                               6                               in            m                          cr          t       y            al
 .   4     4    4    4    4                     al   e    d         us            c al   e    al   t         g    d   u   C     u   n
                               4                               e             in                         at          a
     yr    yr   yr   yr   yr                         d    e         e             o      d                   e        m   l     y
                               y                               d             e                          ic          t
     s     s    s    s    s                               d         d             n                                       a
                               r                                             d                                      u
                                                                                  f                                       s
                               s                                                                                    s
                                                                                  u                                       s
Secondary data has been collected from internet.

Secondary data used in Introduction of project, Review of Literature, Mall Information.

Secondary data gives answer to the following question………

1. Definition of consumer behavior.

2. How improve the marketing strategies.

3. Application of consumer buying behavior.

4. Process of consumer(s) buying.

5. Parameters that influence consumer marketing.

6. Types of consumer buying behavior.

7. Basic knowledge about 4 different Shopping malls at Kolkata.

We worked based on the following pattern………….

              Collect the raw data randomly from 4 different shopping malls
                             at Kolkata based on our above strategy

                       Collect some information from internet also

                                    Analyzed the data

                       Finding result based on the analyzed data

                 Then we come to the conclusion and recommendation

But also the best marketing research is not perfect, it‘s depends on economical change, market
changes, different people (consumers), different places, , certain procedural errors also depends.

There are several units in the market that can be analyzed. Our main thrust in this course is
the consumer and their behavior. However, we will also need to analyze our own firm‘s strengths
and weaknesses and those of competing firms.
Data Analysis

Raw data Analysis:

                                                   1.Age Analysis:

               5 yrs - 15 yrs- 25yrs-                                    35yrs-                  45yrs-       55yrs-
               14 yrs  24yrs   34yrs                                     44yrs                   54yrs        64yrs
               20      37      14                                        3                       3            25

                     40        37
                     30                                                              25
                     25   20
                     10                                                                                   Series1
                      5                                    3              3

                          2.Expression of consumer Analysis:

      Expression of the consumer
                          Cool                                                 No                    Not               Something
      Causal   Confused                     Determined
                          Minded                                               confused              determined        confused
      6        31         6                 35                                 15                    2                 7

                          40            31                 35
                          20                                            15
                               6                   6                                  7
                          10                                                  2




3.Gesture Analysis:

                    Casual Hesitated              Normal        Smart
                    11             27             10            54

             60                                            54
             20          11                      10
             10                                                          Series1

                              4.Clothing Style Analysis:

Clothing Styles
Aristrocratic Average Good                  High Status              medium Middle Class
3               7              5            63                       3         22

           70                                63
           30                                                   22
                    3         7         5              3                  Series1
5.Customer Analysis:

                    Types of customer
                    Urban     Rural
                    81        21

90          81
40                                         Series1
30                               21
           Urban                Rural


                    86        16

      90           86
      40                                    Series1
      20                              16
                   Buy           Not Buy
Now we analyze the customer’s action based on ……..

1. Age.

2. Expression of customer.

3. Gesture.

4. Clothing style.

5. Types of customer.

                                           Buy based on Age

                     5 yrs - 15 yrs- 25yrs-          35yrs-        45yrs-    55yrs-
                     14 yrs  24yrs   34yrs           44yrs         54yrs     64yrs
                     17      34      11              2             2         22

                          25                                  22
                          20     17
                          15                11
                             5                   2    2
Not Buy based on Age

         5 yrs - 15 yrs- 25yrs-                        35yrs-           45yrs-        55yrs-
         14 yrs  24yrs   34yrs                         44yrs            54yrs         64yrs
         3          3                3                 1                1             6

                        3       3        3
               2                                                             Series1
                                                  1        1

                    Buy based 0n Expression of consumer

                        Cool                                   No        Not                   Something
Casual   Confuced                    Determind
                        Minded                                 Confucced determine             Confuced

3        28             6            30                        12             1                6

                35              28           30
                15                                    12
                10                   6                              6
                            3                              1
                 0                                                          Series1
Not Buy based On Expression of consumer

                        Cool                          No        Not               Something
Casual Confuced                      Determind
                        Minded                        Confucced determine         Confuced
3      3                0            5                3             1             1

           6                              5
           4        3       3                 3
           2                                          1   1
           1                     0
           0                                                        Series1

                                Buy based on Gesture

                    Casual           Hesitated Normal          Smart

                    7                25           7            45

               50                                             45


               30                        25

               20                                                       Series1

               10           7                     7

                        Casual Hesitated Normal           Smart
Not Buy based on Gesture

             Casual        Hesitated Normal         Smart

             4             2            3           7

         8                                      7
         5       4
         4                         3
         3                 2
         2                                               Series1

                     Buy based on Clothing Style

                                         High                  Middle
Aristrocatic Average Good                            Medium
                                         Status                Class
3                4             4         59          2         16

    70                             59
    10       3         4       4            2               Series1
Not Buy based on Clothing Style

                                            High                   Middle
Aristocratic Average Good                                Medium
                                            Status                 Class
0                3             1            4            1         6

        7                                            6
        5                              4
        4             3
        2                          1          1
        1         0                                          Series1

                 Buy based on Types of Customer

                          Urban            Rural
                          69               17

            80            69



                      Urban                  Rural
Not Buy based on Types of Customer

                                        Urban    Rural
                                        12       4




                     6                                                Series1


                                Urban               Rural

After understanding these statistical diagram we can see that the consumer buying process
depends on psychological matters, their knowledge, their types etc.
Finding Topics Based On The Data Analysis
From the secondary data we already studied the main facts of consumer buying behavior such as
the Types of consumer buying behavior, Process of consumer buying, Which parameters are
influence consumer buying behavior etc..

From the primary data we watched the different types of consumer buying expression that are
Casual, Confused, Cool minded, Determined, No confusion, Not determined, etc.. and different
types of Gesture that are Casual, Hesitated, Normal, Smart. And their life style (Clothing Style)
that are Aristocratic, Average, Good, High status, Medium, Middle class. And at the last the
types of customer that are Rural & Urban.

And the data analysis also proved that the consumer buying behavior depends on................

1. Consumer‘s profile

2. Consumer‘s Age & Sex

3. Consumer‘s psychology (Buying Expression, Life style, Gesture, Knowledge, Type of
customer etc.)
This project report has some limitation. We think this report does not have any meaning beyond
this limitation.

These limitations are…………………………

1 .This report based on watching the customer(s) only, we never ask any question or any their
need at the working time.

2. This report based on the only 100 of people of India, not internationally.

3. This report based on the only 4 shopping malls of Kolkata.

4. This report may change with Social, Economical etc parameters.

5. This report may also change with budget constraints, market changes.

6. This report may also have certain procedural errors.

Please update the data from internet, market, or anywhere else for the future.
Conclusions and Recommendations


so all this project through we can say that consumer buying behavior based on some
demographic factors like (temperament, age, sex, gesture, knowledge etc). which helps to a
customer for buying the goods or not. And we also able to know the customer psychology at the
time of marketing.


We worked based on the following pattern………….

              Collect the raw data randomly from 4 different shopping malls
                                     at Kolkata.

                       Collect some information from internet also

                                  Analyzed the data

                      Finding result based on the analyzed data

                 Then we come to the conclusion and recommendation

But also the best marketing research is not perfect, it‘s depends on economical change, market
changes, different people (consumers), different places, certain procedural errors also depends.

There are several units in the market that can be analyzed. Our main thrust in this course is
the consumer and their behavior. However, we will also need to analyze our own firm‘s strengths
and weaknesses and those of competing firms.

 Also This report based on watching the customer(s) only, we never ask any question or any their
need at the working time. This report based on the only 100 of people of India, not
internationally. This report based on the only 4 shopping malls of Kolkata.

So also we recommend that please update the data from internet, market, or anywhere else
for the future.

Information has been sourced from namely, books, journals, management website, and market.

Accessing database help us lot…some are listed below….

and so on…………………………………………..

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  • 2. : Index : Topics page number executive summary……………………………………………. introduction……………………………………………………….. review of literature………………………………………… about working place………………………………………... Research methodology………………………….............. data analysis……………………………………………………. finding topics……………………………………………………... limitation………………………………………………………….... conclusions and recommendations……………....... bibliography………………………………………………..…...
  • 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We (group D) owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported me during my project paper. My deepest thanks to the Professor Anirban Mandal and Sourav Bhattacharya the guide of the project for guiding and correcting various documents of group D with attention and care. He has taken pain to go through the project and make necessary correction as and when needed. I express my thanks to the Dean of B.G.I, Barasat, W.B. for extending his support. We would also thanks to my all faculty members, non-teaching stuff of B.G.I, Barasat, W.B. without whom this project would have been a distant reality. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to our family, our friends and well wishers. Group D Ardhendu Saha ArkaBrata Bandyapadhyay Tanmay Saha Sougata Biswas Pritam
  • 5. Executive Summary Consumer behavior is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not buy a product. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology and economics. It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioral variables in an attempt to understood people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general. A consumer is the ultimate user of a product or service. The overall consumer market consists of all buyers of goods and services for personal or family use. The study of consumers helps firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies. We are recently watched and reported on Customer Buying Behavior Based on Democracy. In this report we are studied how people are marketing. What they need at the time of marketing. What is the point which influenced customers. We are worked in four different Shopping Malls of Kolkata, W.B (South City, City Center, City Center Two, Mani Square).We watched customers (consumers), based on the following strategy………………….. Where the customers select their marketing (Selection of store) Their age, number of people with Their marketing expression & Body language Their own dress sense and life style Their interaction with sales man, time duration Knowledge of product, Choice of product, Price range, Brand, Perceive risk Cont……..
  • 6. Type of customer(s) Action (whether they buy or not) We collected the data based on this upper pattern, and try to understood how the customers behave at the marketing time, how they select the product, which are the parameters that influence the customers. The studies of consumer buying behavior have 4 main applications…….. 1. The most obvious is for marketing strategy 2. A second application is public policy. 3. Social marketing involves getting ideas across to consumers rather than selling something. 4. As a final benefit, studying consumer behavior should make us better consumers. We try our best to collect data and represent it well to understand the above 4 points. We worked based on the following pattern…………. Collect the raw data randomly from 4 different shopping malls at Kolkata based on our above strategy Collect some information from internet also Analyzed the data Finding result based on the analyzed data Then we come to the conclusion and recommendation
  • 7. But also the best marketing research is not perfect, it‘s depends on economical change, market changes, different people (consumers), different places, certain procedural errors also depends. There are several units in the market that can be analyzed. Our main thrust in this course is the consumer and their behavior. However, we will also need to analyze our own firm‘s strengths and weaknesses and those of competing firms.
  • 8. Introduction One "official" definition of consumer behavior is "The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society." It brings up some useful points: Behavior occurs either for the individual, or in the context of a group (e.g., friends influence what kinds of clothes a person wears) or an organization (people on the job make decisions as to which products the firm should use). Consumer behavior involves the use and disposal of products as well as the study of how they are purchased. Product use is often of great interest to the marketer, because this may influence how a product is best positioned or how we can encourage increased consumption. Since many environmental problems result from product disposal (e.g., motor oil being sent into sewage systems to save the recycling fee, or garbage piling up at landfills) this is also an area of interest. Consumer behavior involves services and ideas as well as tangible products. The impact of consumer behavior on society is also of relevance. For example, aggressive marketing of high fat foods, or aggressive marketing of easy credit, may have serious repercussions for the national health and economy. The study of consumers helps firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies by understanding issues such as how The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different alternatives (e.g., brands, products, and retailers); The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g., culture, family, signs, media); The behavior of consumers while shopping or making other marketing decisions; Limitations in consumer knowledge or information processing abilities influence decisions and marketing outcome; How consumer motivation and decision strategies differ between products that differ in their level of importance or interest that they entail for the consumer; and How marketers can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and marketing strategies to more effectively reach the consumer. There are four main applications of consumer behavior: The most obvious is for marketing strategy—i.e., for making better marketing campaigns. For example, by understanding that consumers are more receptive to food advertising
  • 9. when they are hungry, we learn to schedule snack advertisements late in the afternoon. By understanding that new products are usually initially adopted by a few consumers and only spread later, and then only gradually, to the rest of the population, we learn that (1) companies that introduce new products must be well financed so that they can stay afloat until their products become a commercial success and (2) it is important to please initial customers, since they will in turn influence many subsequent customers‘ brand choices. A second application is public policy. In the 1980s, Acutance, a near miracle cure for acne, was introduced. Unfortunately, Acutance resulted in severe birth defects if taken by pregnant women. Although physicians were instructed to warn their female patients of this, a number still became pregnant while taking the drug. To get consumers‘ attention, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) took the step of requiring that very graphic pictures of deformed babies be shown on the medicine containers. Social marketing involves getting ideas across to consumers rather than selling something. Marty Fishbein, a marketing professor, went on sabbatical to work for the Centers for Disease Control trying to reduce the incidence of transmission of diseases through illegal drug use. The best solution, obviously, would be if we could get illegal drug users to stop. This, however, was deemed to be infeasible. It was also determined that the practice of sharing needles was too ingrained in the drug culture to be stopped. As a result, using knowledge of consumer attitudes, Dr. Fishbein created a campaign that encouraged the cleaning of needles in bleach before sharing them, a goal that was believed to be more realistic. As a final benefit, studying consumer behavior should make us better consumers. Common sense suggests, for example, that if you buy a 64 liquid ounce bottle of laundry detergent, you should pay less per ounce than if you bought two 32 ounce bottles. In practice, however, you often pay a size premium by buying the larger quantity. In other words, in this case, knowing this fact will sensitize you to the need to check the unit cost labels to determine if you are really getting a bargain.
  • 10. Review Of Literature Customer behavior study is based on consumer buying behavior, with the customer playing the three distinct roles of user, payer and buyer. Relationship marketing is an influential asset for customer behavior analysis as it has a keen interest in the re-discovery of the true meaning of marketing through the re-affirmation of the importance of the customer or buyer. A greater importance is also placed on consumer retention, customer relationship management, personalization, customization and one-to-one marketing. Social functions can be categorized into social choice and welfare functions. Stages of the Consumer Buying Process: Six Stages to the Consumer Buying Decision Process (For complex decisions). Actual purchasing is only one stage of the process. Not all decision processes lead to a purchase. The 6 stages are: 1. Problem Recognition(awareness of need) Difference between the desired state and the actual condition. Deficit in assortment of products. Hunger--Food. Hunger stimulates your need to eat. Can be stimulated by the marketer through product information--did not know you were deficient? I.E., see a commercial for a new pair of shoes, stimulates your recognition that you need a new pair of shoes. 2. Information search: Once the consumer has recognized a problem, they search for information on products and services that can solve that problem. Belch and Belch (2007) explain that consumers undertake both an internal (memory) and an external search. Sources of information include:  Personal sources  Commercial sources  Public sources  Personal experience The relevant internal psychological process that is associated with information search is perception. Perception is defined as "the process by which an individual receives, selects, organizes, and interprets information to create a meaningful picture of the world". The selective perception process Stage Description
  • 11. Selective exposure consumers select which promotional messages they will expose themselves to.  Selective attention consumers select which promotional messages they will pay attention to.  Selective comprehension consumer interprets messages in line with their beliefs, attitudes, motives and experiences.  Selective retention consumers remember messages that are more meaningful or important to them. The implications of this process help develop an effective promotional strategy, and select which sources of information are more effective for the brand. 3. Evaluation of Alternatives Need to establish criteria for evaluation, features the buyer wants or does not want. Rank/weight alternatives or resume search. May decide that you want to eat something spicy, Indian gets highest rank etc. If not satisfied with your choice then return to the search phase. Can you think of another restaurant? Look in the yellow pages etc. Information from different sources may be treated differently. Marketers try to influence by "framing" alternatives. 4. Purchase decision Choose buying alternative, includes product, package, store, method of purchase etc. 5. Purchase May differ from decision, time lapse between 4 & 5, product availability. 6. Post-Purchase Evaluation Outcome: Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction. Cognitive Dissonance, have you made the right decision. This can be reduced by warranties, after sales communication etc. After eating an Indian meal, may think that really you wanted a Chinese meal instead. The EKB (Engel, Kollat, Blackwell model) model was further developed by Rice (1993) which suggested there should be a feedback loop, Foxall (2005) further suggests the importance of the post purchase evaluation and that the post purchase evaluation is key due to its influences on future purchase patterns. Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior: Internal Influences: Consumer behavior is influenced by: demographics, psychographics (lifestyle), personality, motivation, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and feelings. Consumer behavior concern with
  • 12. consumer need consumer actions in the direction of satisfying needs leads to his behavior of every individual depend on thinking. External Influences: Consumer behavior is influenced by: culture, sub-culture, locality, royalty, ethnicity, family, social class, past experience reference groups, lifestyle, and market mix factors. Types of Consumer Buying Behavior: Types of consumer buying behavior are determined by: Level of Involvement in purchase decision. Importance and intensity of interest in a product in a particular situation. Buyers level of involvement determines why he/she is motivated to seek information about a certain products and brands but virtually ignores others. The four type of consumer buying behavior are: Routine Response/Programmed Behavior--buying low involvement frequently purchased low cost items; need very little search and decision effort; purchased almost automatically. Examples include soft drinks, snack foods, milk etc. Limited Decision Making--buying product occasionally. When you need to obtain information about unfamiliar brand in a familiar product category, perhaps. Requires a moderate amount of time for information gathering. Examples include Clothes--know product class but not the brand. Extensive Decision Making/Complex high involvement, unfamiliar, expensive and/or infrequently bought products. High degree of economic/performance/psychological risk. Examples include cars, homes, computers, education. Spend alot of time seeking information and deciding. Information from the companies MM; friends and relatives, store personnel etc. Go through all six stages of the buying process. Impulse buying, no conscious planning. The purchase of the same product does not always elicit the same Buying Behavior. Product can shift from one category to the next. For example: Going out for dinner for one person may be extensive decision making (for someone that does not go out often at all), but limited decision making for someone else. The reason for the dinner, whether it is an anniversary celebration, or a meal with a couple of friends will also determine the extent of the decision making.
  • 13. Black box model: ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS BUYER'S BLACK BOX BUYER'S RESPONSE Marketing Environmental Buyer Decision Process Stimuli Stimuli Characteristics Economic Attitudes Problem recognition Product choice Product Technological Motivation Information search Brand choice Price Political Perceptions Alternative evaluation Dealer choice Place Cultural Personality Purchase decision Purchase timing Promotion Demographic Lifestyle Post-purchase Purchase amount Natural Knowledge behavior The black box model shows the interaction of stimuli, consumer characteristics, decision process and consumer responses.[1] It can be distinguished between interpersonal stimuli(between people) or intrapersonal stimuli (within people).[2] The black box model is related to the black box theory of behaviorism, where the focus is not set on the processes inside a consumer, but the relation between the stimuli and the response of the consumer. The marketing stimuli are planned and processed by the companies, whereas the environmental stimulus are given by social factors, based on the economical, political and cultural circumstances of a society. The buyers black box contains the buyer characteristics and the decision process, which determines the buyers response. The black box model considers the buyers response as a result of a conscious, rational decision process, in which it is assumed that the buyer has recognized the problem. However, in reality many decisions are not made in awareness of a determined problem by the consumer.
  • 14. Something about our working place (Shopping mall) 1.South City Shopping Mall: No. 375, Prince Anwar Shah Road, Jodhpur Park Kolkata, West Bengal 700068 033 40072181, The largest shopping mall in India with 134 stores. At arm's length. Imagine a mall that is spread across 6,00,000 sq. ft. With exclusive zones for shopping, entertainment and food. Boasting of the finest international features. And designed to take one‘s breath away.
  • 15. The mall has been designed after an exhaustive research of the best shopping malls around the world to create one that has it all. Situated on Prince Anwar Shah Road, just opposite Jodhpur Park, it will be a magnate, drawing everyone just by its sheer presence. No wonder then, that South City Mall is something Kolkata is waiting for with bated breath. The mall is an international experience, which promises to change the way people perceive shopping and entertainment in Kolkata! After the exterior, it‘s the interior design that impresses. A luxuriant atrium with a beautiful skylight, mirror-polished floor, plants, fountains and all of 14,000 sq ft! With 1,50,000 sq.ft. on each floor, it will have more space than any other mall in Kolkata. The mall‘s spread will help shoppers shop on one floor longer, rather than shifting up and down. Continuous corridors, free of dead-ends, make sure there are no sudden halts for shoppers. Stores laid out to make browsing easier. So things like clothes, shoes and accessories will be available in one area. It brings together the biggest brands under one roof. - Shoppers‘ stop, already a favorite in the city. - Giant, one of the biggest hypermarket chains in India. - A mega 6-screen multiplex, by Shringar Films, known for Fame Adlabs in Mumbai. - Options for a great meal, with high- quality restaurants and even a fast-food court.
  • 16. 2.City Center Shopping Mall: DC Block, Sector – 1, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 033 23581011. Fast Facts » Location - DC Block Sector-1; Salt Lake City, Kolkatta, West Bengal » Accessibility- Cabs, Own Vehicle ( Trams and Metro doesn't work in this area) »Parking Lot - Underground Parking and a lot of Space Area » Visit Timings - 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m »Speciality - INOX Multi – Screen Theater. This one is the huge one – the entire City Centre, covering an area of one lakh square ft. However the City Centre Mall inside the City Centre covers an area of six acres. There are three levels in the City Centre Mall, plus a center hall and an Entertainment Arena. Located in one of the most posh areas of Kolkatta – The Salt Lake City, it attracts a lot of people from outside and inside. This Multi – Utility Facility Centre was developed by Bengal Ambuja Metropolitan Development Authority and the Bengal Govt. It was designed by Charles Corea. This Centre which involves shopping complexes, food courts, entertainment area, offices, entertainment areas and a free half a million square feet area lushed with greenery.
  • 17. Famous Facets: TramCar TheAuditorium This Horse Cart reverts back Known as the Royal to the year 1880, with the Bengal Room, the this wagon reminding of the Banquet Hall or yeaster years. Take a ride in auditorium can be used as this Cart to have a feel of the place for running a royal era gone by. theater, marriage, party hall and a number of other things. Book this Hall for your purpose; its open for all to use. TheMall The design of the City Centre Mall has a uniqueness, with the Centre Kund or Circle being the College Goers Hub called the Adda; it very true to the culture of Kolkatta. One can see people sitting here, sipping coffee or tea, around this circle. There is the Kolkatta Store with the Horse Driven tram car, dating back to 1880. The Kolkatta Store in the City center represents the Kolkatta memorabilia. There on the right hand corner is the Akriti. Akriti is a shop where you can find pieces made by children from jute, fiber, paper and horns. Its a NGO Venture opened to help people. If you are a craftsman or an artist, you can show your art here. Another addition to the City Centre is the Royal Bengal Room – A banquet Hall were you can arrange weddings and throw parties. Exhibitions, Musical performances, Product launches and other such events keep this place throbbing with life throughout the year.
  • 18. The City Centre has ( Block A) Departmental Store, branded product stores, coffee shops and restaurants in the Ground, First and Second Floor. Some of the big names like Shoppers Stop, The Tea Junction, Kookie Jar, Saakshi, Orkos, Time Zone, Dare to Wear , MP 3 run here. The third level of the center has the Food Courts only. It has a seating capacity of 500 diners at any point of time. The Plaza (Blocks B, C, D, E) in the City Centre has independent stores on the ground and first floor. This part of the City Centre is directly linked with pedestrian plaza and other connecting bridges. In addition to all these there is the Inox Four Screen Multiplex with independent snacks and beverage outlets. It has a seating capacity of 1000 people. Lastly, it has a Fountain Plaza – a water body around which there are a number of shops to shop from. 3.City Center Two Shopping Mall: City Centre New Town, Action Area 2, D.Plot No. 11/5, New Town – Rajarhat, Kolkata -033 6626 6666 City Centre, New Town isn‘t only walls and columns. It is designed keeping in mind that people will come here to carry back an experience rather than a visit to a mall-multiplex-hotel- entertainment place. The design idea is to carefully craft an atmosphere that not only fills the eye, but also creates a special tune that you will carry in your heart. An ambience that appeals
  • 19. to all age groups and people from all walks of life. Shopuding soothing aromas…perfumeries, candle shops, soaps, coffee, chocolate and candy are appropriately interspersed to evoke nostalgic fragrances. Moviegoers are led in and out of the four-screen multiplex through the food court. This allows them to savour cuisine from different parts of the world. The food court has multi cuisine restaurants, offering fast food, street food and fine dining experiences. Developer:- Bengal Ambuja Metropolitan Development Ltd. Location:- New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata-64 Operational Since:- 21st September‘2009 Total Area:- 3,50,000 sft. Retail + 1,25,000 sft. for 5 Star Hotel – Swissotel Anchor Tenants:- Pantaloons (40k sft.), Inox (42k sft), Hangout –The Foodcourt (17k sft), McDonalds, Afraa, Pizza Hut and KFC. Major Brands Present:- Lifestyle Max, Archie‘s, Adidas, Apple Store, Biba, Carbon, Crocodile, Crossword, FabIndia, Metro Shoes, Mufti, Music World, Titan, Timax, United Colours of Benetton, Raymond, Reebok, Sony Centre, Levi‘s, Sristi Jewels, Gini & Jony, Mobile Store, Little Shop, Time Zone, M3, Samsonite, Cafe Coffee Day, Cookie Man, Costa Coffee, Swiss Café, Haka, Flame & Grill, Masekkah and The Tea Junction. 4.Mani Square Shopping Mall: Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, Kankurgachi Kolkata, West Bengal 033 23201878 Mani Square is the new retail and entertainment destination of Kolkata. Make sure you visit this Global Super Mall on E M Bypass Kolkata for all your shopping and dinning requirements .Watch out for IMAX CENEMAX combine all set to redefine movie viewing experience. The Mani Square Mall will redefine shopping as well as entertainment in Kolkata. This 7, 10,000 sq ft structural behemoth will have many attractions, the first of which no doubt is the IMAX, the 3D movie experience. Other first time entrants include renowned names like Amoeba, Scary House, AND, Costa Coffee and Etam. Amoeba is a gaming and entertainment zone complete with simulators, interactive games and a bowling alley. Scary House is India‘s answer to London‘s House of Horrors while Costa Coffee is Sharon Stone‘s
  • 20. favourite coffee hangout. AND - Anita Dongre‘s Pret Collection and Etam, France‘s most talked about lingerie brand also make a dazzling entry here. Mani Square will also have a Mall Radio Station, another first amongst the Malls in Kolkata. Another first is Little ‗Mani‘acs - the childrens play facility anchoring the massive 650 cover food court. The main anchors consist of Spencer‘s Hyper, West Side, E-Zone and McDonalds. Mani Square will be the only mall to boast of a flagship McDonald Store. Other brands include Levis, Success 109F (hot fashion for women) Lee Cooper, My Dollar Store, Benetton, Blues & Blues, Chique (Accessories), Parx, Moustache, Zapp, Zodiac, FI, Reid & Taylor, Straps, Foxx, Passport, Reebok, Adidas, Puma, Woodlands, Liberty, Tissot, Rado, Exclusive Lines, Nik Nish and a host of other brands. To provide a further division of levels the first four levels are a riot of retail experience that include a 60,000 sq ft Spencer‘s Hypermart, a 30,000 sq ft Westside Store, a 15,000 sq ft Furniture Bazaar, a 15,000 sq ft E-Zone and a 7,000 sq ft Star Mark store. The next level houses over a 100 mini stores that has brand names like Rado, Tissot, Nike, Puma, Reebok, Color Plus,Park Avenue, Storm, Zodiac, Reid & Taylor, Benetton, Pepe, Dockers and high end brands like Stanza and GM Pens apart from Eyecatcher‘s Salon. The facilities in the mall include a smoking room, helpdesk, valet parking, and a day spa. The third level boasts the of entertainment zone for the family that houses 3 regular screens from cinemax apart from an eight storey screen from IMAX theatre and a 650 cover food court. This level also houses the first ever Horror House which is the city equivalent of Scary House that provides spine chilling thrills for all. The fourth level is the fine dining section which offers a wide range of choices to choose from. For the culinary aficionados there will be variety of food from the stable of Mainland China (Specialty Restaurants Pvt Ltd). The theme restaurant will be Maachan plus other brands like Haka, Petuk, Mostly Kebabs and Shack Lounge Bar. Other varieties include Hot N Spicee, Crown, Mozarella, Rajdhani Thalis, Mama Mia, Baskin Robbins, Subway, Crepe Station, Aqua Java and a Chaat corner.
  • 21. State of the art Banqueting and Conferencing facilities fill up the next level. Complete with the latest conferencing facilities and blessed with the greatest view ever on offer, the banquets are tailor-made to suit contemporary conferencing needs. A miniature IT Park is what fills up the sixth to ninth floor of Mani Square. Comprising of more than 125,000 square feet of modular work space the IT Park would offer work ready offices tailored to different size requirements, with all amenities associated with intelligent building space.
  • 22. Research Methodology There are two types of data we collected: 1. Primary & 2. Secondary Data. In this report Primary data has been collected by watching people in the mall…………… We are worked in four different Shopping Malls of Kolkata, W.B (South City, City Center, City Center Two, Mani Square).We watched customers (consumers), based on the following strategy………………….. Where the customers select their marketing (Selection of store) Here we try to understood that where the customers are like to marketing and select their choice of product. It‘s mean that Selection of Store is one of the important parameter in this report. Many things are influence the customer to select the store, such as Room Temperature, Lighting, Shop Decoration, Fragrance of the shop, Music, Stock of Products etc. Their age, number of people with In the time of marketing, customers are influenced by their age, , number of people with. So here we try to understood the number of customers with, age, , of the customer(s) at the time of marketing. Their marketing expression & Body language In this section we try to understood the expression & Body language of the customer(s) at the time of marketing, that means whether they are Confused, Determined, Not Determined, Casual, Cool Minded before buying a product. Their own dress sense and life style Dress sense and Life style of the customer(s) is the important point to understood their choice & selection of product.So here we noticed the dress sense and Life style of the customer(s). Contd……..
  • 23. Their interaction with sales man, time duration In this part we watched whether the customer(s) doing interaction or not with sales man or shop- keeper and their time duration of purchased any product. Knowledge of product, Choice of product, Price range, Brand, Perceive risk In this section we try to understood the Product Knowledge of customer(s),their price range of selected product, selection of their brand. This report helps us to understand the quality of customer(s), their economical background, type of customer(s). Type of customer(s) From the above parameters we can understood the type of customer(s), whether they are Urban or Rural. Action (whether they buy or not) At the last we recorded the Action of customer(s) to the product, that means whether customer(s) buy or not the product. Primary data gives answer to the following question …………………. 1. Consumer attitude, body language, expression at the time of marketing. 2. Consumer knowledge, Choice of product, brand knowledge. 3. Consumer‘s profile, age, sex, gesture. 4. Types and quality of customer(s). So on………………………………………..
  • 24. The raw primary data that we collected based on following excel pattern. After watching the customer we recorded the data in this page. Acti Type of Age Expression of the consumer Gesture Clothing Styles on cstmr S o m e M 5 H t i 5 N i S 5 1 2 3 4 C N h d y D ot A g l yr 5 5 5 5 C o o i H A m d N r Profile of et d ri h . s yr yr yr yr C o ol c n C es N S v G e l o U s the er et st B R N - s- s- s- s- a nf M o g as it or m er o d e t rb - consumer m er ro S u ur o 1 2 3 4 5 us us in nf u at m ar a o i B a 6 in m cr t y al . 4 4 4 4 4 al e d us c al e al t g d u C u n 4 e in at a yr yr yr yr yr d e e o d e m l y y d e ic t s s s s s d d n a r d u f s s s u s s e d
  • 25. Secondary data has been collected from internet. Secondary data used in Introduction of project, Review of Literature, Mall Information. Secondary data gives answer to the following question……… 1. Definition of consumer behavior. 2. How improve the marketing strategies. 3. Application of consumer buying behavior. 4. Process of consumer(s) buying. 5. Parameters that influence consumer marketing. 6. Types of consumer buying behavior. 7. Basic knowledge about 4 different Shopping malls at Kolkata. We worked based on the following pattern…………. Collect the raw data randomly from 4 different shopping malls at Kolkata based on our above strategy Collect some information from internet also Analyzed the data Finding result based on the analyzed data Then we come to the conclusion and recommendation But also the best marketing research is not perfect, it‘s depends on economical change, market changes, different people (consumers), different places, , certain procedural errors also depends. There are several units in the market that can be analyzed. Our main thrust in this course is the consumer and their behavior. However, we will also need to analyze our own firm‘s strengths and weaknesses and those of competing firms.
  • 26. Data Analysis Raw data Analysis: 1.Age Analysis: Age 5 yrs - 15 yrs- 25yrs- 35yrs- 45yrs- 55yrs- 14 yrs 24yrs 34yrs 44yrs 54yrs 64yrs 20 37 14 3 3 25 40 37 35 30 25 25 20 20 14 15 10 Series1 5 3 3 0 2.Expression of consumer Analysis: Expression of the consumer Cool No Not Something Causal Confused Determined Minded confused determined confused 6 31 6 35 15 2 7 40 31 35 30 20 15 6 6 7 10 2 0 Cool… Not… No… Somethin… Series1 Causal Confused Determined
  • 27. 3.Gesture Analysis: Gesture Casual Hesitated Normal Smart 11 27 10 54 60 54 50 40 27 30 20 11 10 10 Series1 0 4.Clothing Style Analysis: Clothing Styles Aristrocratic Average Good High Status medium Middle Class 3 7 5 63 3 22 70 63 60 50 40 30 22 20 3 7 5 3 Series1 10 0
  • 28. 5.Customer Analysis: Types of customer Urban Rural 81 21 90 81 80 70 60 50 40 Series1 30 21 20 10 0 Urban Rural 6.Action: Action Not Buy Buy 86 16 100 90 86 80 70 60 50 40 Series1 30 20 16 10 0 Buy Not Buy
  • 29. Now we analyze the customer’s action based on …….. 1. Age. 2. Expression of customer. 3. Gesture. 4. Clothing style. 5. Types of customer. Buy based on Age 35yrs-44yrs 5 yrs - 15 yrs- 25yrs- 35yrs- 45yrs- 55yrs- 14 yrs 24yrs 34yrs 44yrs 54yrs 64yrs 17 34 11 2 2 22 40 34 35 30 25 22 20 17 15 11 Series1 10 5 2 2 0
  • 30. Not Buy based on Age 5 yrs - 15 yrs- 25yrs- 35yrs- 45yrs- 55yrs- 14 yrs 24yrs 34yrs 44yrs 54yrs 64yrs 3 3 3 1 1 6 7 6 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 Series1 1 1 1 0 Buy based 0n Expression of consumer Cool No Not Something Casual Confuced Determind Minded Confucced determine Confuced 3 28 6 30 12 1 6 35 28 30 30 25 20 15 12 10 6 6 3 1 5 0 Series1
  • 31. Not Buy based On Expression of consumer Cool No Not Something Casual Confuced Determind Minded Confucced determine Confuced 3 3 0 5 3 1 1 6 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 Series1 Buy based on Gesture Casual Hesitated Normal Smart 7 25 7 45 50 45 40 30 25 20 Series1 10 7 7 0 Casual Hesitated Normal Smart
  • 32. Not Buy based on Gesture Casual Hesitated Normal Smart 4 2 3 7 8 7 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 Series1 1 0 Buy based on Clothing Style High Middle Aristrocatic Average Good Medium Status Class 3 4 4 59 2 16 70 59 60 50 40 30 16 20 10 3 4 4 2 Series1 0
  • 33. Not Buy based on Clothing Style High Middle Aristocratic Average Good Medium Status Class 0 3 1 4 1 6 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 Series1 0 Buy based on Types of Customer Urban Rural 69 17 80 69 60 40 Series1 17 20 0 Urban Rural
  • 34. Not Buy based on Types of Customer Urban Rural 12 4 14 12 12 10 8 6 Series1 4 4 2 0 Urban Rural After understanding these statistical diagram we can see that the consumer buying process depends on psychological matters, their knowledge, their types etc.
  • 35. Finding Topics Based On The Data Analysis From the secondary data we already studied the main facts of consumer buying behavior such as the Types of consumer buying behavior, Process of consumer buying, Which parameters are influence consumer buying behavior etc.. From the primary data we watched the different types of consumer buying expression that are Casual, Confused, Cool minded, Determined, No confusion, Not determined, etc.. and different types of Gesture that are Casual, Hesitated, Normal, Smart. And their life style (Clothing Style) that are Aristocratic, Average, Good, High status, Medium, Middle class. And at the last the types of customer that are Rural & Urban. And the data analysis also proved that the consumer buying behavior depends on................ 1. Consumer‘s profile 2. Consumer‘s Age & Sex 3. Consumer‘s psychology (Buying Expression, Life style, Gesture, Knowledge, Type of customer etc.)
  • 36. Limitations This project report has some limitation. We think this report does not have any meaning beyond this limitation. These limitations are………………………… 1 .This report based on watching the customer(s) only, we never ask any question or any their need at the working time. 2. This report based on the only 100 of people of India, not internationally. 3. This report based on the only 4 shopping malls of Kolkata. 4. This report may change with Social, Economical etc parameters. 5. This report may also change with budget constraints, market changes. 6. This report may also have certain procedural errors. Please update the data from internet, market, or anywhere else for the future.
  • 37. Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions: so all this project through we can say that consumer buying behavior based on some demographic factors like (temperament, age, sex, gesture, knowledge etc). which helps to a customer for buying the goods or not. And we also able to know the customer psychology at the time of marketing. Recommendations: We worked based on the following pattern…………. Collect the raw data randomly from 4 different shopping malls at Kolkata. Collect some information from internet also Analyzed the data Finding result based on the analyzed data Then we come to the conclusion and recommendation But also the best marketing research is not perfect, it‘s depends on economical change, market changes, different people (consumers), different places, certain procedural errors also depends. There are several units in the market that can be analyzed. Our main thrust in this course is the consumer and their behavior. However, we will also need to analyze our own firm‘s strengths and weaknesses and those of competing firms. Also This report based on watching the customer(s) only, we never ask any question or any their need at the working time. This report based on the only 100 of people of India, not internationally. This report based on the only 4 shopping malls of Kolkata. So also we recommend that please update the data from internet, market, or anywhere else for the future.
  • 38. Bibliography Information has been sourced from namely, books, journals, management website, and market. Accessing database help us lot…some are listed below…. and so on…………………………………………..