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MBA 3rd
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First and foremost, I would like to thank the Almighty God for helping me to complete this project
successfully. I would also like to thank HINDUSTAN TIMES for giving me this opportunity and also
for their generous support.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my guide, Mr. Rajiv Rana(Sales Department Head)
for her tremendous help and encouragement with my project.I would also like to thank all the circulation
department team whom I met during my work, for giving all the required information.I am highly
indebted to them for their invaluable advice and intellectual guidance throughout my project. During the
entire period of the study, they were always available to show the right direction and advice in spite their
heavy and hectic work schedule.
I am highly indebted to all those who offered their tireless support during the course of the project and
grateful to everybody’s contribution and collaboration.
Vikas Salaria
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The purpose of the dissertation was to find out the buyers behaviour and customer satisfaction
towards Hindustan Times in the city of Chandigarh. The objective of the study was to understand
the buyer‟s behaviour and satisfaction towards price, quality and availability of Hindustan Times
in Chandigarh. The study also intended to find the various buying motives and the customer’s
awareness level and acceptance level of customers and their expectation from Hindustan Times.
The study will help the company to better position their products across various customer
segments and also in creating the awareness about the quality of the companies various product
line through effective advertisement.
The information was collected through a well-structured questionnaire by a house hold survey,
the target respondents being anybody who is residing in Chandigarh and has use for newspaper..
The research design is descriptive in nature. The sampling technique used was convenience
sampling. The data collected through the questionnaire has been analyzed using statistical tools
such as percentage analysis. MS Excel has been used to analyze the data.
It was found by analyzing the date that there is strong brand awareness about Hindustan times.
The majority of the customers were found to be men and students at that. Availability of
newspaper in the early morning times has been found to be a major advantage.
The suggestion revolve around the findings and objective of the study the major suggestions
being introduction of value adding services like home delivery by the company itself and Also
added stress on advertisement is suggested to target the customers more effectively.
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consumer behaviour is define as “ all psychological, social and physical behaviour of potential
customer as they become aware of, evaluate, purchase, consume, tell others about the products
and services”.
Behaviour is a minor in which everyone shows his or her image. It is a process of responding to
stimuli. Consumer behaviour is to do with the activities of individuals in obtaining and using the
goods and services, it encompasses the decision making process that precedes and determines
purchases. It is the process whereby individuals decide whether, what, when, how and from
whom to purchase goods and services.
A consumer market can be defined as all the individuals and households who buy goods
and services for personal consumptions.
Today’s markets is witnessing several changes in character and complexity at an incredible
pace. The last few decades have seen companies operating in a highly competitive environment.
In the present scenario each and every marketing activity revolves around the customers and the
economy is referred to as CONSUMER DRIVEN. It is the focal point of all business activities.
In the earlier stage of economic revolution, consumer had to accept what producer had produced
that is CAVEOT EMPTOR, which means buyer bewares. But today consumer dictates the
quality standards, the specification to the manufacturer to manufacture what they wants and
corporate strategies evolved around the consumer changing to CAVEOT VERDOR, that is seller
beware. Now the marketing managers have come to a conclusion that the best way to achieve
success is to serve and satisfy the consumer needs.
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This tells us about the major factors which influence consumer buying decisions. These are
intra-personal, inter-personal and many other environmental variables that affect consumer
decision making process. The inter-personal influences include family, social class, reference
group, cultural and financial status of an individual. The intra-personal variables include
motivation, perception, learning, attitudes and personality of the buyer.
1. Barter System:
The goods are exchanged against goods, without any other medium of exchange like
2. Production Orientation:
This was the stage where producers, instead of being concerned with the consumer
preferences, concentrating on the mass production of goods for the purpose of profit.
They cared very little about the customers.
3. Sales Orientation:
This stage witness major changes in all the spheres of economic life. The selling activity
becomes the dominating factor without any efforts for the satisfaction of the consumer
4. Marketing Orientation:
Customers‟ importance was realized only as a means of disposing of goods produced.
Competition becomes stiffer. Aggressive advertising, personal selling large scale sales
promotion etc are used as tools to boost sales.
5. Consumer Orientation:
Under this stage only such products are brought forward to the markets which are capable
of satisfying the taste and expectation of consumer and to satisfy customers.
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6. Management Orientation:
The marketing function assumes the managerial role to coordinate all the interacting
businesses with the objectives of planning, promoting and distributing want – satisfying
products and service to the present and potential customers.
An understanding of consumer behaviour is essential in marketing planning and program. The
study of the consumer behaviour will help the marketing managers to shape marketing strategies
suitable to consumers needs. Marketing activities start and ends with the consumers. Today the
competition is intense and the challenge before the marketers is to understand the diversity of
consumer behaviour and offer goods and services accordingly. The marketers should also
constantly upgrade the consumers about their products by finding new dimensions.
The need to study consumer behaviour is not only concern with what consumer buy? But with a
preview of:
Who buys products/ services?
How do they buy products or services?
Where do they buy them?
When do they buy them?
How often do they buy them?
Why do they buy them?
How often they use them?
Are they satisfied with the product?
These questions will help in understanding better what factors influence the decision making
process of consumers.
The ultimate success for any marketer will depend on how a consumer behaves and whether his/
her behaviour is an indication of an acceptance of the products or services offered by the
company. But marketers are faced with the complex task of consumers who are not predictable.
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Therefore it becomes very necessary to understand, analyze and evaluate the consumer
behaviour in a systematic manner .
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Research in common man’s language refers to a search for knowledge. One can defined research
as a scientific and systematic search foe pertinent to information on a specific topic. In fact,
research is an art off scientific investigation. It is actually a voyage of discovery. It is systematic
investigative study directed towards a more complete knowledge of the subject studied. Research
always starts with the question or a problem. It’s purpose is to find answers to questions through
the application of scientific method.
Research can be classified into two broad category:
a. Descriptive research
b. Applied research
1. Descriptive research: descriptive research includes survey and a fact finding enquires of
different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affaires
exists at present. The main characteristic of this method is that researcher has no control over the
variables. The researcher can only report what has happened or what is happening.
2. Applied research: applied research aimed at finding a solution for immediate problem faced
by society or an industrial/ business organization. It specifies alternative solutions and possible
outcome of each alternative. Unlike basic research, it is prompted by commercial consideration.
Survey research:
The most popular of all basic research methods is survey research. It involves developing a series
of questions on the subject to be researched. A relevant sample of individuals is chosen, they
complete the questionnaire, and their responses are analyzed. This kind of approach can be used
in a variety of situations that involve people and organization. For example: Asking people to
comment on how they feel about their job, how satisfied they are with their pay, the quality of
their working life, and a host of other items.
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A Brief History of Newspapers
The newspaper as we know it today is a product born of necessity, invention, the middle class,
democracy, free enterprise, and professional standards.
Pre-history "newspapers" were one-to-one in nature. The earliest variation on a newspaper was a
daily sheet published in 59 BC in Rome called ActaDiurna (Daily Events), which Julius Caesar
ordered posted throughout the city. The earliest known printed newspaper was in Beijing in 748.
In 1451, Johannes Gütenberg uses a press to print an old German poem, and two years later
prints a 42-line Bible -- the significance being the mass production of print products, ushering in
an era of newspapers, magazines, and books. By 1500, the genesis of a postal system can be seen
in France, while book publishing becomes popular throughout Europe and the first paper mill
can be found (England).
Zeitung (newspaper) is a news report published in Germany in 1502, while Trewe Encounter
becomes the earliest known English-language news sheet in 1513. Germany's Avisa Relation
oderZeitung, in 1609, is the first regularly published newspaper in Europe. Forty-four years after
the first newspaper in England, the Oxford Gazette is published, utilizing double columns for the
first time; the Oxford/London Gazette is considered the first true newspaper. The first North
American newspaper, Public Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestic, was published in 1690 in
The 1700s was a century in which market elements were created that encouraged the
development of daily newspapers: rising literacy, the formation of nation-states, a developing
postal system, the proliferation of urban centers, a rising literary and philosophical tradition
emphasizing democratic involvement in government, and technologies that supported newspaper
production. In short, it was a great news century. The first daily newspaper was The Daily
Courant in London, 1702. In 1754, The Daily Advertiser in London uses the first four-
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column format. France's first daily newspaper appears in 1777, Journal de Paris, while the first
United States daily was the Pennsylvania Packet in 1784.
The rise of the middle class transformed newspapers in the 1800s. A penny (US$0.01) buys a
New York newspaper in 1833, opening up the first mass market for newspapers. In 1847, the
telegraph is used as a business tool, transforming far-away stories. In 1873, an illustrated daily
newspaper can be seen in New York. In 1878 the first full-page newspaper advertisements
appear, and in 1880 the first photographs are seen in newspapers, using halftones.
With the basic technical groundwork for the modern newspaper in place by the late 19th century,
the story of newspapers in the 20th century was about professional development and adaptation
to changing consumer and media markets. The story also involved an evolving business model
that rode an ever-growing wave of mass-market advertising. Increased profitability and higher
revenues attracted publicly owned corporations interested in buying newspapers from
descendants of company founders, while simultaneously exposing newspapers to the whims of
cash- and profit-hungry stock mark
By 2000, newspapers were juggling priorities: fragmentation of news consumption,
fragmentation of advertising investments, the advantages and disadvantages of being a mass
medium, balancing the wants of the marketplace with the company's duty to provide the needs of
the marketplace, a journalistic backlash against industry changes, the sheer physicality of ink-on-
paper production and distribution versus digital distribution, increasing profit pressure
surrounding the core print product, and extension of the company's core brand into other profit
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Print Media
India offers a promising market for the print media industry. The expected CAGR of 12 per cent
up to 2010 is a result of the increasing rate of literacy and thus the increase in the number of
people reading newspapers and magazines. Also, the demand for the latest events in the country
and the world is driving the newspaper industry growth. In 2010, the print media is expected to
reach Rs 19,500 crore from its present value of Rs 10,900 crore.
Current size: Rs 10,900 crore
Projected size by 2010: Rs 19,500 crore
CAGR: 12%
The bright future and the immense scope of the Indian print media have also aroused the
interest of foreign investors and recently the government has opened up the sector to foreign
investment. Foreign media has also shown interest in investing in Indian publications. The
revenues for India's newspaper market are generated from advertising and circulation. India's
growth rate in this segment is poised to be higher than the average rate of growth in the Asia-
Pacific region over the next four years.
Digital printing, new ways of promotion and distribution are the latest trends and content being
the focus of the print media industry. A few leaders in India in this segment are: Times of
India Group, DainikJagran, Loksatta, The Hindustan Times and The Hindu.
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The systematic and Objective process of gathering, recording and analyzing data
for aid in making business decision or finding solution of business problems.
The task of marketing (business) research is to generate accurate information for use
in decision making.
Research Objective
Research is a technique to find out the hidden truth which has not been discovered by applying
scientific procedure. Each research has its own focus. This is stated in terms of objectives or
purposes of conducting research. There must be an objective or purpose behind any research, the
research must proceed in such a systematic process so as to achieve the actual goal. Research
objectives might be as follows:
1.Service of H.T. MEDIA.
2.Customers satisfaction.
3.Customers response towards the service provided.
4.Customers trust for H.T.MEDIA.
5.Name and fame of H.T.MEDIA in the market.
Limitations of the Study
Research has its own limitations in its process to achieve the objective. Not even a single
research gives 100% accurate and perfect idea about market position, because of its limitations.
Research in business just gives a brief idea about the probable future of the business.
The limitations of the study may be as below;
The research is mainly based on the interviews of the customers.
The sample size taken for the study is only 100, which may not give an accurate result.
As the study is depending on the information from the different sources, the reliability
of study is depending on the reliability of information received.
As this branch is the regional head branch of H.T.MEDIA in BIHAR so less defect
and demerits might be found out.
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Research Design
The basic types of research are as follows;
A. Descriptive v/s Analytical
Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. In analytical
research, the researcher has to use facts or information already available, and analyze that to
make a critical evaluation of the material.
B. Applied v/s Fundamental
Applied research aims at finding a solution or an immediate problem facing a society or an
industrial/business organization. While, fundamental research is mainly concerned with
generalizations and with the formulation of a theory.
C. Quantitative v/s Qualitative
Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to
phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity. On the other hand, Qualitative research is
concerned with qualitative phenomenon relating to or involving quality or kind.
D. Conceptual vs. Empirical
Conceptual research is that related to some abstract ideas or theory. It is generally used by
philosophers and thinkers to develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones. Empirical
research relies on experience or observation alone, often without due regard for system and
Research design is only the frame work. It is like a blue print that of a house designed by an
architect. Out of all the above research design, I considered “Descriptive Research”, as, it only
includes survey of people & by such research I can know about the feedback and response of the
customers. This method of research will help me to know about the loyal customers of
H.T.MEDIA (HINDUSTAN TIMES P.V.T LTD.). As it is a print media so its customers dealing
and customers satisfaction can be well understood by this research.
Sampling Design:-
It is impossible to do the research with the whole universe. As we know that it is not feasible to
go for population survey because of the numerous customers and their scattered location
(H.T.MEDIA is widely spread in different parts of India) So for this purpose sample size has to
be determined well in advance and selection of sample also must be scientific so that it
represents the whole universe.
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Sampling design is one of the most important aspects where the design must be appropriate in
order to have the desired result. Sampling design includes various aspects as follows.
 Type of Universe : Finite.
 Sampling Unit : Chandigarh
 Size of Sample : 100
 Parameters of Interest : customers satisfaction
Regarding H.T.MEDIA
Sample Design : Convenience Sampling
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Research Process
Every research project has order of sequence of activity. In this project, these are
main activities (stages).
Stage (1)
Defining the problem:-Problem is“To find out reasons why apt customers do not
read“Hindustan times” newspaper”
The objectives of project are: -
1) Preference of students or customers towards newspapers.
2) To study the factors affecting apt customers to read “H.T”.
3) To understand media habits to consumer.
4) Attitude towards “H.T”.
5) To study the market development strategy of “Hindustan Times”.
Stage (2)
Research Design:-Research Design is master plan specifying the methods and procedures
for collecting and analyzing the needed information.
Research type:-Descriptive research.
Method used:- Convenience sampling
Procedure:-went in colleges, hostels, multiplexes, various halls, and many other places.
Stage (3)
Planning for sample:-Students who know English.
Sample size:100 persons who know English.
Source of Data:-Primary data & secondary data.
➢ Primary Data: convenience sampling
➢ Secondary Data: Web site of “Hindustan Times”, Old articles, projects, books.
Research Instrument: Questionnaire.
Types of Questions in Questionnaire:
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Stage (5) Analyzing
the Data
Open ended question and Closed ended question. Most of questions are in likert scale.
Shortly these questions are going to measure-Attitude towards “H.T”, importance of cost to
choose newspaper, availability of time and value addition by“H.T” in their life etc.
Sampling Method:-Random Sampling method will be used for gathering the necessary
Stage (4)
Collecting the Data:-We went different-different places of Chandigarh city like
Institutes,shopping malls, gardens, Colleges and taking personal interview.
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Hindustan Times was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1924. Since then, the newspaper has
established its presence as a newspaper with editorial excellence and integrity. One of India's
leading and most respected English dailies, HT has always prided itself in spotting emerging
trends and reflecting the same through its unmatched editorial prowess. Today, Hindustan
Times-Delhi edition has the unique distinction of being the largest selling single edition English
newspaper in india.
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
 Type - Daily newspaper
 Format- Broadsheet
 Owner- Hindustan Media Ventures Limited.
 Founded- 1924
 Political allegiance- Centrist
 Language- English
 Headquarters- New Delhi
 Website: www.hindustantimes
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Details of the company
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited found its beginning in 1924 when its flagship newspaper,
Hindustan Times was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi. HT Media (BSE, NSE) has today grown
to become one of India's largest media companies.
Produced by an editorial team known for its quality, innovation and integrity, Hindustan Times
(English) and Hindustan (Hindi), have a combined daily circulation of 2.25 million copies and a
readership base of 12.4 million readers to their credit. Both dailies enjoy a strong brand
recognition among readers as well as advertisers.
To cater to the large readership base, Hindustan Media Ventures Limited operates 19 printing
facilities across India with an installed capacity of 1.5 million copies per hour.
In addition to Hindustan Times and Hindustan, Hindustan Media Ventures Limited also
publishes a national business newspaper, Mint. Mint is a one-of-its-kind newspaper in the sense
that the company has an exclusive agreement with the Wall Street Journal to publish Journal-
branded news and information in India. Mint is today the second-largest business newspaper in
India with presence in the key markets of Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited , through its subsidiary HT Music and Entertainment
Company Ltd., has made its foray into electronic media. Diversifying its ambit of operations, the
company in a consulting partnership with Virgin Radio, has launched the FM radio channel -
Fever 104. Currently available in Delhi and Mumbai, Fever 104 has established a strong
presence as being one of the most vibrant channels on air. In a short span of two years, the
channel's rise has been meteoric considering its position in Delhi as the No. 2 station on the
popularity charts.
Internet businesses of Hindustan Media Ventures Limited , incorporated under Firefly e-
ventures, operate leading web portals and in the general and
business news categories respectively. The company has recently launched, a job
portal which has received high appreciation from consumers and industry for its innovative
design and usability.
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited reported FY 2007 annual revenue of $245 million. For the
fiscal third quarter ended March 31, 2007, the company reported a 13% increase in revenue to
$82 million and a 10% increase of profit after tax (PAT) to $9 million from the year-ago quarter.
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
The Board of Directors and Management of Hindustan Media Ventures
Limited comprises eminent persons from diverse professional fields, who
bring with them vast professional experience to the company.
A rich mix of veterans in media and top leaders from non-media sectors, from both India and
abroad, Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Management team reflects the company's desire to
be the best by leveraging diverse strengths. The management team comprises people from varied
verticals such as media, FMCG, telecom, automobiles, each of whom add fresh perspective to
the rich experience of media industry stalwarts. This rich talent pool is ably assisted by our
Global Think Tank.
Board of Directors-
Shobhana Bhartia
Roger Greville, K N Memani,
Y C Deveshwar,N K Singh
Whole-time Directors Priyavrat Bhartia, Shamit
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Shobhana Bhartia
Mrs.Shobhana Bhartia, who has been associated with the company since its inception, has taken
over as the Chairperson on September 18, 2008. She has spearheaded the company's long-term
vision and strategy. Mrs.Bhartia is in charge of formulating and directing the editorial policies of
the company and has more than 20 years of experience in the newspaper industry.
Mrs.Bhartia is a graduate from Calcutta University and is a recipient of the Padma Shri Award
by the Government of India in 2005. Mrs.Bhartia has received several other awards, including
the Outstanding Business Woman of the Year(2001) by PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry,
the Global Leader for Tomorrow(1996) by the World Economic Forum, Davos and the National
Press India Award(1992). She has been on the board of Indian Airlines Limited and on the North
Regional Board of the Reserve Bank of India.
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Acknowledged in the industry for best practices and consistent delivery
The true reflection of our undying commitment to quality is the large number of awards and
accolades we have received from industry and customers alike. We not only stole the show at
recent Asia Media Awards 2008, but also qualified for the coveted membership of IFRA INCQC
awarded jointly by NAA (Newspaper association Of America) and IFRA (Europe).
Hindustan Times - Greater Noida recieves INCQC Club membership for 2008-10
Kolkata plant gets SNAP Award - 2008
Lucknow plant gets SNAP Award - 2008
Sanskriti Award for Journalism
Chitrangada Choudhary, Principal Correspondent - HT Mumbai received the "Sanskriti Award
for Journalism".
This award is intended for journalists who make significant contributions towards any branch of
journalism. Chitrangada qualified for this award because of her investigative reportage revealing
the bleeding of the state's rural employment guarantee scheme, corruption in Mumbai's slum
rehousing projects, the abuse of children in welfare institutions.
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
RamnathGoenka Excellence in Journalism Awards
Two editorial projects by Hindustan Times won the Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism
Awards 2007-08.
National Special Projects Editor NeeleshMisra and Associate Editor Nagendar Sharma won the
award for reporting `India Invisible‟, a nine-part national series on insurgency called “India
Besieged”. From Kashmir to Chattisgarh to Jharkhand to Manipur, Neelesh and Nagendar
separately travelled to 7 states affected by insurgency, trying to drive home one larger theme:
insurgency has become an excuse for misgovernance in India.
Principal Correspondent SayliUdasMankikar won the PrakashKardaley Memorial Award for
Civic Journalism for her two-month series on dwindling number of open spaces in Mumbai.
Sayli‟s series focused on how 49 of Mumbai‟s open spaces were being lost to private builders,
and 20 of the city‟s gymkhanas were denying public access.
K C Kulish International Award
Hindustan Times won K C Kulish International Award for journalistic efforts towards
“Human Development”, instituted by Rajasthan Patrika. This came for a series done on
changes in the Muslim community – “The New Muslim: From masjid to market, a journey”.
Neelesh Misra, Sunita Aron, Samar Halarnkar and Rajeev Mukherjee reported the series
The same jury also recognized two other series of stories by the Hindustan Times for
special mention:
– “India Besieged” by NeeleshMisra&Nagendar Sharma
– “War Torn” by KuldeepMaan& his team in Chandigarh.
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Asia Media Awards 2008
The Asia Media Awards recognizes and rewards excellence among individuals and organizations
in the Asian Region.
And this was the first big one for the Hindustan Times -- HimanshuVyas won Gold in the
general news category; Satish Bate got silver in sports and RiteshUttamchandani received
Judges special recognition award for Best Newspaper Photography and RajnishKakade got the
same in the spot news category.
The Statesman award for rural reporting
PankajJaiswal won The Statesman award for rural reporting in 2007 for being the first to report
the Bundelkhand drought and its impact on people of that region. wins PC World Web Awards for best technology usage for 2nd time
in a row takes pride in constantly upgrading itself to successfully meet the growing
and evolving demands of its consumers. The site creates synergy between cutting edge
technology, editorial content and of course the most important component the end user. Its path
breaking efforts have been recognized by the web world and the site has bagged PC World Web
Award‟s 'Excellence in Technology Usage' award in the News Category for the second time in a
row. According to the jury, “ is the best designed news site proving very
relevant for news readers and those who were looking for that extra edge from a news site”. We
need not say more!
PACE gets President‟s Pat
If you are a teacher and your students are bored with the way subjects are being taught in school,
especially when they are studying history and not events they can relate to it‟ s time perhaps to
join HT‟s PACE Programme.
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
This has been pointed out by the President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. The President‟s
comments figure on the RashTrapatiBhavan‟s official web site, www presidentofindia.nic in in
the children‟s Corner carrying Kalam‟s answers to questions e-mailed to him by children.
“I have seen a programme being conducted by one of the newspaper groups for Action in
Education (PACE) in which the curriculum is based on the news item of the day. Mathematics,
science, history, geography and the language are all taught from occurrences around the world
being reported in the newspaper", wrote Kalam, alluding to the HT‟s Partnerships for Action in
Education (PACE).
Education Friendly Media award
The Society for Unaided Private Schools of Rajasthan conferred PACE with the Education
Friendly Media award for activities conducted under the aegis of PACE.
Rotary Club of Calcutta honours PACE
The Rotary Club of Calcutta honored PACE Manager Kolkata for contributions made in the field
of social education
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Partners of Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
The Wall Street Journal
Burda has interests in publishing, radio, event management and the internet. Apart from staging
the largest premium annual digital conference in Europe, Burda also publishes and prints several
hundred magazines including local editions of Elle, Playboy and Focus, and catalogs. In June
2008, Dr Burda was conferred with the "Hall of Fame 2008" award in Germany by the Manager
magazine earlier this week for his outstanding contribution to the economic, social and political
development of Germany.
Redmatch is a world leader in online recruitment solutions. Using unique Real-Time Job
Matching technology, Redmatch enables recruiters to find and hire the best people, faster and
more cost effectively. Thousands of satisfied users are already using the Redmatch products.
Redmatch provides a variety of products including:- Job portals solutions, newspaper online
employment advertising solutions, corporate Applicant Tracking Systems, staffing companies
solutions and more.
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal, the flagship publication of Dow Jones & Company (NYSE: DJ;, is the world's leading business publication. Founded in 1889, The Wall
Street Journal has a print and online circulation of nearly 2.1 million, reaching the nation's top
business and political leaders, as well as investors across the country. Holding 31 Pulitzer Prizes
for outstanding journalism, the Journal seeks to help its readers succeed by providing essential
and relevant information, presented accurately and fairly, from an authoritative and trusted
source. The Wall Street Journal print franchise has more than 600 journalists world-wide, part of
the Dow Jones network of nearly 1,900 business and financial news staff. Other publications that
are part of The Wall Street Journal franchise, with total circulation of 2.7 million, include The
Wall Street Journal Asia, The Wall Street Journal Europe and The Wall Street Journal Online at, the largest paid subscription news site on the Web. In 2006, the Journal was ranked
No. 1 in BtoB's Media Power 50 for the seventh consecutive year.
Velti’s market-leading mobile marketing technology platform, coupled with its experience in the
mobile advertising industry, enables clients around the world to deliver an extensive range of
highly targeted marketing campaigns. With operations in 25 countries, and a mobile marketing
joint venture with the Interpublic group, a top global holding group of advertising agencies, Velti
has the ability to reach through its platform an estimated 1.4 billion consumers. Velti‟s unique
Mobile Marketing and Advertising Platform manages the full cycle of planning, execution and
monitoring of multiple campaigns across differing mobile formats and channels, offering
customers more than 70 mobile marketing and advertising templates, which can be managed
from one user interface.
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Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
One of the most respected brands in Britain - is involved in a variety of businesses including
airlines, trains, finance, soft drinks, mobile phones, holidays, cars, wines, publishing, fashion and
of course Music. What tie all these businesses together are the values of the brand and the vision
and ambition of its founder Sir Richard Branson. Virgin Radio went on-air in London at
12.15pm on 30 April 1993 - promising to play classic album tracks and today's best music. It has
since been sold to Ginger Media (which was subsequently bought by SMG plc). Virgin also
currently broadcasts on DAB across England, Scotland and Wales, on digital TV and cable.
Print Works
Print Works a one stop shop for space selling in any of the publications in HT, has remarkably
maintained the tradition of ours as the first Indian media company to have organized this expo,
much to the chagrin of other media houses. Held for five days in April end-May, it fetched huge
ad revenues to the company. The novel concept, undoubtedly, set our company in the league of
top notch organisations which are always in the lookout of avenues to widen their clientele.
Moreover, it took place barely a few months after the media marketing departments of Hindustan
Times, Hindustan and Mint were integrated. It won‟t be wrong to say that Print Works reaped
the harvest, seeds of which were sown during this integration. To woo the advertisers, a mega
prize of Volvo S80 will also be given after a lucky draw to be taken place in April 2009.
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited is a mammoth player in the print media in India. The extent
of its presence is undisputed in that it is the top leader in the English newspaper market in North
India and occupies second place in the Hindi newspaper market in North India and East India.
The group now intends to further consolidate its already established position as a vibrant and
modern media powerhouse.
34 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Marketing Department
"The perceptions and feelings formed about an organization, its products / services, and its
performance is what is known as its “brand.” The Marketing Department is responsible for
creating meaningful messages through words, ideas, images, and names that deliver upon the
promises / benefits an organization wishes to make with its customers. Furthermore, the
Marketing Department is responsible for ensuring that messages and images are delivered
consistently, by every member of the organization."
Marketing Department should be responsible for-
1. Focus on the Customer
2. Monitor the Competition
3. Own the Brand.
4. Find & Direct Outside Vendors.
5. Create New Ideas.
6. Communicate Internally.
7. Manage a Budget.
8. Understand the ROI.
9. Set the Strategy, Plan the Attack, and Execute
Marketing management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application
ofmarketing techniquesand the management of a firm's marketing resources and activities.
Marketing managers are often responsible for influencing the level, timing, and composition of
customer demand accepted definition of the term. In part, this is because the role of a marketing
manager can vary significantly based on a business' size, corporate culture, and industry context.
For example, in a large consumer products company, the marketing manager may act as the
overall general manager of his or her assigned product.
35 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
From this perspective, the scope of marketing management is quite broad. The implication of
such a definition is that any activity or resource the firm uses to acquire customers and manage
the company's relationships with them is within the purview of marketing management.
HT Marketing Solutions
HT Marketing Solutions has been formed to offer holistic solutions to clients aiming for a
complete and effective connect with the target consumers. HT Marketing Solutions builds a
powerful and appropriate idea for a brand after which mass media, activation and PR are used to
provide an impactful implementation of the core idea.
36 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
37 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Media Ventures
Print Radio Internet
Hindustan Times.
Sunday Mega.
HT Line.
 Hindi-
38 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Fever 104 FM.
With brands like, Livemint, Desimartini and, Firefly
spearheads Hindustan Media Ventures Limited foray into the Internet media space.
Firefly e-Ventures Ltd., a 100% Hindustan Media Venturessubsidiary, focuses on creating and
building brands and businesses in the Internet media space. Firefly aims to combine Hindustan
Media’s 84-year old legacy as one of India’s largest and most respected names in the media
industry, with the innovation and energy that characterize the Internet space.
Compelling product ideas, creative use of design and intuitive user interface, backed by a
knowledgeable sales force and customer service are the hallmarks of Firefly products. With
brands like,, and in its portfolio,
Firefly promises to be an exciting addition to the Hindustan Media family.
Some internet contact-
Latest breaking news from India and the world, on current affairs, business, sports,
Business news site combining editorial strength and credibility of the business daily Mint with
best-in-class web interfaces.
39 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Better careers for better people.
HT Mobile 54242
SMS, Call, Log - redefining entertainment on the mobile.
Social networking site for people from all over the world to connect to each other.
HT Media Ltd. was founded when its flagship newspaper Hindustan Times was inaugurated. It
is India's second-largest print media company and presently has a daily circulation of 2.25
million copies and a readership base of 14.49 million readers. With 17 printing facilities across
India, it is capable of generating 1.5 million copies per hour.
In the Internet domain, it functions as portal. Its sister publications include
the radio station, Fever 104, formed in collaboration with Virgin Radio; national business
newspaper, Mint, which has been started under an agreement with Wall Street Journal;
Hindustan, a Hindi daily; Nandan, a monthly children's magazine and Kadambani, a monthly
literary magazine.
Mint Launches in Kolkata
40 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Mint, Hindustan Media's business daily in exclusive content partnership with The Wall Street
Journal, is now going national. With the launch of the Kolkata edition on 25 May, the daily now
has a national footprint that includes Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chandigarh and Pune as well.
With an introductory price of Rs3, Mint will target the key business and policy leaders in the
metropolis, in line with its reader profile nationally.
Hindustan's Special Election Coverage - 'Right Information'
Hindustan, through its in-depth and wide coverage on the General Elections is giving - what‟s
probably the only ammunition that one needs to participate in this big event; that ammunition
being - Right Information.
This „right information‟ is being brought to the readers through Hindustan‟s special election
coverage that includes – views of Experts, state-wise analysis, readerviewpoints and minister
report cards. In addition to this, Hindustan, through its association with some of the leading
media brands like Google, Aajtak and IBN 7 is giving its readersmore avenues to seek in-
depth information on their future leaders because we at Hindustan believe that not just voting but
„Informed Voting‟ will bring the change that India ...
41 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Fever 104 FM is the premium radio station currently operational in the Indian cities
ofDelhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata.
Fever 104 FM - It‟s all about the music
Fever 104 FM, owned by HT Media Limited, and was formed in technical collaboration with the
Virgin group. The company entered the private FM radio market in the four main cities of Delhi,
Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata with the brand Fever 104 FM. Fever 104 FM is a contemporary
hits music station that plays a mix of regional, national and international hits.
Launched in June 2008,, India‟s newest and most innovative career portal has now
crossed the 2 million candidate mark. is a product from Firefly e-Ventures – a 100% subsidiary of Hindustan Media
Ventures Ltd, focused on building brands and businesses in the internet space.
42 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
43 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Hindustan media-A rich heritage to live up to organizational values are the foundation stone on
which the organization’s image is built. This help the company realize its organizational goals
and in turn transform lives. Their values drive them towards their goals of expansion,
diversification and excellence.
Hindustan Media strives to be a visionary organization and not an organization with a vision. In
our endeavor to have a shared understanding, alignment and commitment, we have derived our
company’s vision that sets the course and empowers people to take action.
44 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
The objectives personified by Hindustan Media Ventures Limited are:
To encourage the ability that meets opposition with skill, competence and fortitude.
Be accountable for results in line with the company’s objectives, strategies and values
Support our people and give them the freedom to perform and to provide our readers with
information to influence their environment.
Continuous Self Renewal-
Determination to constantly re-examine and re-invent ourselves for further innovation
and creativity.
45 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
46 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Question No. 1
1) Occupation
(A)Student (B) Employee (C) Businessman (D) Other (please specify)....
TABLE NO. 1.1 Showing category of Respondents
Category student Employees Business other
No. of respondents 60 20 15 5
GRAPH NO.1.1 Showing No. of respondents of different category
Business person
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
As per survey conducted;
Study was focused on those individuals who knows English
According to above graph, students and employees were major segments that consist of
approx. 80%
47 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Question No. 2
2) Newspaper that is preferred by people
1) Hindustan 2) Dainik jagran 3) aaj samaj
4) The Hindu 5) Business Standard 6) Times of India
7) Other (Please Specify):____________________
TABLE NO.1.2 Showing different Newspapers
News paper Hind. D.J Aaj The B.S T.O.I Others
No. of Readers 30 20 10 15 10 10 5
Mean Mode =Hindustan (30)
GRAPH.NO. 1.2 Showing No. of readers of different newspapers
Hindustan D.J AAJ The Hindu B.S T.O.I Others
Hindustan, Dainikjagran and aaj are the most circulated newspapers; approx 60%
educated individuals are reading those newspapers in Chandigarh.
These three newspapers are read by educated person, who knows English very well, so
this is the big opportunity to extend the market and convince them to read H.T.
Only approx 35% educated people reads English newspapers.
48 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Question No. 3
3) Attitude of people towards Hindustan Times
TABLE NO. 1.3 Showing different attitude
Attitude(Graphical Scale) Good Neutral Bad
No. Of Respondents 65 25 10
whose attitude
Percentage of attitude 65 25 10
towards (H.T)
Mode =Good(65)
Page 50
49 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
GRAPH NO.1.3 showing attitude of respondents towards H.T
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
50 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Approx 65% educated respondent who don‟t read “Hindustan Times” but their attitude
Towards Hindustan Times is good. This shows “H.T” having good brand or image in the
mind of potential customers.
Approx 25% educated respondent are having neutral attitude towards Hindustan Times.
These respondents read Hindustan Times very hardly. These people know English but
like to read Hindi newspaper. They may not be much aware of the importance of H.T
Question No. 4
4) Quality of content
(A)Excellent (B) Good (C) Fair (D) Poor (E) cannot say
TABLE NO.1.4 showing scale of quality of content of Hindustan Times.
Number of 25 30 20 10 15
Percentage of 25 30 20 10 15
Quality of
Provided by
Mean Mode =GOOD (30)
GRAPH NO.1.4 showing % of quality of information of “H.T”
51 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
The quality of information provided by the Hindustan Times is good because approx.
25% respondents said excellent and 30% good. This shows that “Hindustan Times”
information is too specific and the newspaper is too friendly in nature.
Above mean there are two categories 1.Excellent and 2. Good. So we can say that the
most of people think H.T .have quality of information with simple language.
Question No. 5
5) Section that is mostly like by customers
(A) classifieds (B) business (C) sports (D) Entertainment (E) regional news
TABLE NO. 1.5 Showing reliability of Information.
Category Entertainment Regional Sports Business Classifieds
Number of 32 40 14 10 4
who think
52 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
GRAPH NO. 1.5 Showing reliability of readers on “H.T.”Information.
Entertainment Regional Sports Business Classifieds
According to our survey, approx 72 out of 100 respondents rely on information provided
by Hindustan Times, because of following these three reasons,
1. Strongest brand in newspaper.
2. Not adding “mirch masala” in news by “H.T”.
3. “H.T” takes opinion from readers not vice-a-versa.
Question No. 6
6) Factors that influence customer to buy Hindustan Times newspaper
a) Price b) Brand name c) Language d) Content
TABLE NO. 1.6 Showing dislike in “H.T” by students
Factors Price Content Language Brand name
Respondents 53 20 22 5
53 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
GRAPH NO.1.6 Showing
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Approx 53% respondents are price conscious an it does not matter much to them whether
they are reading Hindustan times or any other newspaper.
Question No. 7
7) Language problem
A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree
TABLE NO.1.7 Showing respondents who having problem with language of H.T.
Scale Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree
Number Of 16 40 18 19 7
has prob. With
Mean Mode =Agree (40)
54 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
GRAPH NO. 1.7Showing-
APPROX 56% respondents are agree with problem of understanding language of H.T, so
it shows that respondent’s are very weak in understanding English language .
people like to read Hindi newspaper than English newspaper even though they know
English very well.
They said that they are more comfortable with Hindi. So they like to read Hindi
Question No.8
8) Hindustan times newspaper gives more emphasis to national news instead of local news
A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree
TABLE NO. 1.8 Showing coverage of local news –
Scale Strongly Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Coverage Of 15 21 39 21 4
Mean Mode =Uncertain (39)
55 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
GRAPH NO. 1.8 Showing local news cover by “H.T.”
Series 1
20 Series 5
Series 210
Series 3
0 Series 3
Series 1 Series 4
Series 5
If we look at graph then we can find that approx 36% respondents agree with that “H.T”
is lacking in covering local news. They like to read local news first than national. They
find more local news in local newspaper like Dainikjagran and Aaj.
Approx 39% respondents are uncertain about this. It means “H.T” is lacking in covering
local news or people are not aware about it.
Only approx 21% people disagree.
Here mean is 80 and every data except uncertain are close to mean. More value is above
mean that also prove that “H.T” lacking in covering local news.
Question No. 9
9) Value of Hindustan Times newspaper to its customers
A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree
56 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
TABLE NO.1.9 showing, people who think H.T is going to add value
Scale Strongly Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
No. of People 19 39 25 10 7
think “H.T”
going to
add value in
their life
Mean Mode =Agree (39)
GRAPH 1.9 Showing –
strong.agree agree uncertain disagree stro.disagree
58 respondents agree with “H.T” going to add value in their life if they read “H.T”. So it
shows H.T‟s importance in their life.
They think that by reading H.T their English, life style, status are going to improve.
25 respondents are uncertain about it.
57 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Question No. 10
10) Reliability of people on internet
A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree
TABLE NO. 1.10 Showing T.V and RADIO give more knowledge than H.T
Scale Strongly Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Knowledge 20 30 28 13 9
more than
Mean Mode =Agree (30)
GRAPH NO. 1.10 Showing –
Strong agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree
Internet, T.V. and new emerging threat mobile are now main source of information. And
because of this, newspaper industry is facing problem.
58 | P a g e
59 | P a g e
Research Finding
✔ Approx 86% respondents are students and employees.
✔ Educated people also like to read Hindi newspaper, because of their convenience with Hindi
✔ Because of good branding and too specific to information or news, approx 81% respondent
think, quality of information of “H.T” is good.
✔ 40 out of 100 respondents rely on information provided by “H.T” because of it brands, taking
opinion from readers, and not adding “mirch masala” to it news.
✔ 28% respondents have problem with understanding language of “H.T” because of Hindi
culture or do not know English perfectly..
✔ “Hindustan Times” comes with so many sexy images so member of family do not like to read
is front of members.
✔ Most of respondent (approx 56%) have problem with language of “H.T”. There people prefer
Hindi News paper not “H.T”.
✔ If any newspaper does not cover local news, then nobody is interested to subscribe it, approx
36% respondent agree with “H.T” lacking in covering local news. But 39% respondents are
uncertain about it.
✔ Due to good branding, improvement in reader‟s life, and status, 58 out of 100 think “H.T” is
going to add value in their life.
✔ 50% respondents agree that internet and T.V. are providing more knowledge than H.T. They
feel that it is more interesting way of getting new information and also cheaper as well .
60 | P a g e
✔ Students are the most potential market for “H.T”, so “H.T” Should give-
1. Promotional schemes to organization, classes or schools so new generation becomes habitual
to “H.T” Only.
2. More career news on regular basis (twice or thrice a week) on “H.T” newspaper or start two
supplements on career per week.
✔ Give presentation on importance of “H.T” over other newspaper to these readers(specially
students) because
1. 63% educated respondents (students 66%) are reading Hindi newspaper.
2. 32% respondents have neutral attitude.
3. Approx 50% respondents think extra cost of “H.T”, over being subscribed newspaper, is
important for them.
✔ To penetrate into the market for various reasons (based on finding and inferences.)
1. Make it compulsory for “Vendorwala” to put banner outside their home with toll free phone
number and vendorwala‟s mobile number and one lead line number.
2. Give toll free number on every copy of Hindustan Times one specific location.
3. Give some copies (fix 100, 200) to persons are coming in big clubs to make habituate to H.T.
4. Cover more local news in H.T.
5. Start SMS alert on mobile of short news. For register mobile number make some arrangement
in “H.T” website.
6. Improve distribution channel in interior areas of Chandigarh
✔ As new generation like to take information from internet so improve e-paper, make reader
friendly, and make it easy to assess.
✔ Tell disadvantage of going online –like-eye problem, Cost of electricity, Computer, Internet.
Tell cost calculation of going online and start subscriptions.
✔ Reduce semi-nude images of models.
✔ Start giving more news on stock market.
✔ Avoid repetition of news.
61 | P a g e
From above survey we conclude that,
Non-H.T reader has a problem with understanding language.
H.T lack in covering local news.
New generation like to take news from T.V, RADIO and INTERNET or any electronic
Educated people like to read Hindi newspaper.
In people’s mind, money is very important for them.
During survey we found some strengths of TOI like-
1. Non-H.T have good attitude towards H.T.
2. They think “H.T provides quality of information”.
3. H.T will add value to their life.
4. Provide information effectively
5. They rely on information given by H.T
62 | P a g e
Please fill this to help Hindustan times Serve you better.
(The information provided by you will be kept strictly confidential.)
1) What is your occupation?
(A) Student (B) Employee (C) Businessman (D) other please specify....
2) Which newspaper do you read?
A) Hindustan B) Dainik jagran C)Aaj Samaz
D) The Hindu E) Business Standard F) Times of india
G) Other (Please Specify):____________________
3) How is your attitude towards Hindustan times newspaper?
A) Good B) Neutral C) Bad
4) What do you think about the quality of content of Hindustan times newspaper on comparison
with other newspapers?
A) Excellent (B) Good (C) Fair (D) Poor (E) Cannot say
5) Which section do you like the most in newspaper?
(A) Classified (B) Regional news (C) Sports (D) Business (E) Entertainment
6) Which factors do you consider while purchasing a newspaper?
(A) Price (B) Language (C) Brand name (D) Content.
7)Do you have problem with the language of Hindustan times
newspaper while reading?
(A) Strongly agree (B) Agree (C) Uncertain (D) Disagree
(E)Strongly disagree
8 ) Do you agree that Hindustan times newspaper gives more emphasis to national news instead
of local news?
A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree
9) Do you think that “Hindustan times “ is going to add value to your life ?
A) Strongly agree B)Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree
10) Is internet a more reliable source of getting information in present era ?
A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree
63 | P a g e
64 | P a g e
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited
Other sources:
Information provided by the employees.
65 | P a g e

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Vikas project on Hindustan Times

  • 2. 2 | P a g e ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to thank the Almighty God for helping me to complete this project successfully. I would also like to thank HINDUSTAN TIMES for giving me this opportunity and also for their generous support. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my guide, Mr. Rajiv Rana(Sales Department Head) for her tremendous help and encouragement with my project.I would also like to thank all the circulation department team whom I met during my work, for giving all the required information.I am highly indebted to them for their invaluable advice and intellectual guidance throughout my project. During the entire period of the study, they were always available to show the right direction and advice in spite their heavy and hectic work schedule. I am highly indebted to all those who offered their tireless support during the course of the project and grateful to everybody’s contribution and collaboration. Vikas Salaria
  • 3. 3 | P a g e EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
  • 4. 4 | P a g e EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of the dissertation was to find out the buyers behaviour and customer satisfaction towards Hindustan Times in the city of Chandigarh. The objective of the study was to understand the buyer‟s behaviour and satisfaction towards price, quality and availability of Hindustan Times in Chandigarh. The study also intended to find the various buying motives and the customer’s awareness level and acceptance level of customers and their expectation from Hindustan Times. The study will help the company to better position their products across various customer segments and also in creating the awareness about the quality of the companies various product line through effective advertisement. The information was collected through a well-structured questionnaire by a house hold survey, the target respondents being anybody who is residing in Chandigarh and has use for newspaper.. The research design is descriptive in nature. The sampling technique used was convenience sampling. The data collected through the questionnaire has been analyzed using statistical tools such as percentage analysis. MS Excel has been used to analyze the data. It was found by analyzing the date that there is strong brand awareness about Hindustan times. The majority of the customers were found to be men and students at that. Availability of newspaper in the early morning times has been found to be a major advantage. The suggestion revolve around the findings and objective of the study the major suggestions being introduction of value adding services like home delivery by the company itself and Also added stress on advertisement is suggested to target the customers more effectively.
  • 5. 5 | P a g e CHAPTER: 1 INTRODUCTION
  • 6. 6 | P a g e CONSUMER BEHAVIOR consumer behaviour is define as “ all psychological, social and physical behaviour of potential customer as they become aware of, evaluate, purchase, consume, tell others about the products and services”. Behaviour is a minor in which everyone shows his or her image. It is a process of responding to stimuli. Consumer behaviour is to do with the activities of individuals in obtaining and using the goods and services, it encompasses the decision making process that precedes and determines purchases. It is the process whereby individuals decide whether, what, when, how and from whom to purchase goods and services. A consumer market can be defined as all the individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumptions. INTRODUCTION TO CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Today’s markets is witnessing several changes in character and complexity at an incredible pace. The last few decades have seen companies operating in a highly competitive environment. In the present scenario each and every marketing activity revolves around the customers and the economy is referred to as CONSUMER DRIVEN. It is the focal point of all business activities. In the earlier stage of economic revolution, consumer had to accept what producer had produced that is CAVEOT EMPTOR, which means buyer bewares. But today consumer dictates the quality standards, the specification to the manufacturer to manufacture what they wants and corporate strategies evolved around the consumer changing to CAVEOT VERDOR, that is seller beware. Now the marketing managers have come to a conclusion that the best way to achieve success is to serve and satisfy the consumer needs.
  • 7. 7 | P a g e FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMER BEHAVIOR This tells us about the major factors which influence consumer buying decisions. These are intra-personal, inter-personal and many other environmental variables that affect consumer decision making process. The inter-personal influences include family, social class, reference group, cultural and financial status of an individual. The intra-personal variables include motivation, perception, learning, attitudes and personality of the buyer. EVOLUTION OF MARKETING 1. Barter System: The goods are exchanged against goods, without any other medium of exchange like money. 2. Production Orientation: This was the stage where producers, instead of being concerned with the consumer preferences, concentrating on the mass production of goods for the purpose of profit. They cared very little about the customers. 3. Sales Orientation: This stage witness major changes in all the spheres of economic life. The selling activity becomes the dominating factor without any efforts for the satisfaction of the consumer needs. 4. Marketing Orientation: Customers‟ importance was realized only as a means of disposing of goods produced. Competition becomes stiffer. Aggressive advertising, personal selling large scale sales promotion etc are used as tools to boost sales. 5. Consumer Orientation: Under this stage only such products are brought forward to the markets which are capable of satisfying the taste and expectation of consumer and to satisfy customers.
  • 8. 8 | P a g e 6. Management Orientation: The marketing function assumes the managerial role to coordinate all the interacting businesses with the objectives of planning, promoting and distributing want – satisfying products and service to the present and potential customers. NEED FOR THE STUDY An understanding of consumer behaviour is essential in marketing planning and program. The study of the consumer behaviour will help the marketing managers to shape marketing strategies suitable to consumers needs. Marketing activities start and ends with the consumers. Today the competition is intense and the challenge before the marketers is to understand the diversity of consumer behaviour and offer goods and services accordingly. The marketers should also constantly upgrade the consumers about their products by finding new dimensions. The need to study consumer behaviour is not only concern with what consumer buy? But with a preview of: Who buys products/ services? How do they buy products or services? Where do they buy them? When do they buy them? How often do they buy them? Why do they buy them? How often they use them? Are they satisfied with the product? These questions will help in understanding better what factors influence the decision making process of consumers. The ultimate success for any marketer will depend on how a consumer behaves and whether his/ her behaviour is an indication of an acceptance of the products or services offered by the company. But marketers are faced with the complex task of consumers who are not predictable.
  • 9. 9 | P a g e Therefore it becomes very necessary to understand, analyze and evaluate the consumer behaviour in a systematic manner .
  • 10. 10 | P a g e MEANING OF RESEARCH Research in common man’s language refers to a search for knowledge. One can defined research as a scientific and systematic search foe pertinent to information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art off scientific investigation. It is actually a voyage of discovery. It is systematic investigative study directed towards a more complete knowledge of the subject studied. Research always starts with the question or a problem. It’s purpose is to find answers to questions through the application of scientific method. TYPES OF RESEARCH Research can be classified into two broad category: a. Descriptive research b. Applied research 1. Descriptive research: descriptive research includes survey and a fact finding enquires of different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affaires exists at present. The main characteristic of this method is that researcher has no control over the variables. The researcher can only report what has happened or what is happening. 2. Applied research: applied research aimed at finding a solution for immediate problem faced by society or an industrial/ business organization. It specifies alternative solutions and possible outcome of each alternative. Unlike basic research, it is prompted by commercial consideration. Survey research: The most popular of all basic research methods is survey research. It involves developing a series of questions on the subject to be researched. A relevant sample of individuals is chosen, they complete the questionnaire, and their responses are analyzed. This kind of approach can be used in a variety of situations that involve people and organization. For example: Asking people to comment on how they feel about their job, how satisfied they are with their pay, the quality of their working life, and a host of other items.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e INDUSTRIAL BACKGROUND A Brief History of Newspapers The newspaper as we know it today is a product born of necessity, invention, the middle class, democracy, free enterprise, and professional standards. Pre-history "newspapers" were one-to-one in nature. The earliest variation on a newspaper was a daily sheet published in 59 BC in Rome called ActaDiurna (Daily Events), which Julius Caesar ordered posted throughout the city. The earliest known printed newspaper was in Beijing in 748. In 1451, Johannes Gütenberg uses a press to print an old German poem, and two years later prints a 42-line Bible -- the significance being the mass production of print products, ushering in an era of newspapers, magazines, and books. By 1500, the genesis of a postal system can be seen in France, while book publishing becomes popular throughout Europe and the first paper mill can be found (England). Zeitung (newspaper) is a news report published in Germany in 1502, while Trewe Encounter becomes the earliest known English-language news sheet in 1513. Germany's Avisa Relation oderZeitung, in 1609, is the first regularly published newspaper in Europe. Forty-four years after the first newspaper in England, the Oxford Gazette is published, utilizing double columns for the first time; the Oxford/London Gazette is considered the first true newspaper. The first North American newspaper, Public Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestic, was published in 1690 in Boston. The 1700s was a century in which market elements were created that encouraged the development of daily newspapers: rising literacy, the formation of nation-states, a developing postal system, the proliferation of urban centers, a rising literary and philosophical tradition emphasizing democratic involvement in government, and technologies that supported newspaper production. In short, it was a great news century. The first daily newspaper was The Daily Courant in London, 1702. In 1754, The Daily Advertiser in London uses the first four-
  • 12. 12 | P a g e column format. France's first daily newspaper appears in 1777, Journal de Paris, while the first United States daily was the Pennsylvania Packet in 1784. The rise of the middle class transformed newspapers in the 1800s. A penny (US$0.01) buys a New York newspaper in 1833, opening up the first mass market for newspapers. In 1847, the telegraph is used as a business tool, transforming far-away stories. In 1873, an illustrated daily newspaper can be seen in New York. In 1878 the first full-page newspaper advertisements appear, and in 1880 the first photographs are seen in newspapers, using halftones. With the basic technical groundwork for the modern newspaper in place by the late 19th century, the story of newspapers in the 20th century was about professional development and adaptation to changing consumer and media markets. The story also involved an evolving business model that rode an ever-growing wave of mass-market advertising. Increased profitability and higher revenues attracted publicly owned corporations interested in buying newspapers from descendants of company founders, while simultaneously exposing newspapers to the whims of cash- and profit-hungry stock mark By 2000, newspapers were juggling priorities: fragmentation of news consumption, fragmentation of advertising investments, the advantages and disadvantages of being a mass medium, balancing the wants of the marketplace with the company's duty to provide the needs of the marketplace, a journalistic backlash against industry changes, the sheer physicality of ink-on- paper production and distribution versus digital distribution, increasing profit pressure surrounding the core print product, and extension of the company's core brand into other profit centres.
  • 13. 13 | P a g e Print Media India offers a promising market for the print media industry. The expected CAGR of 12 per cent up to 2010 is a result of the increasing rate of literacy and thus the increase in the number of people reading newspapers and magazines. Also, the demand for the latest events in the country and the world is driving the newspaper industry growth. In 2010, the print media is expected to reach Rs 19,500 crore from its present value of Rs 10,900 crore. Current size: Rs 10,900 crore Projected size by 2010: Rs 19,500 crore CAGR: 12% The bright future and the immense scope of the Indian print media have also aroused the interest of foreign investors and recently the government has opened up the sector to foreign investment. Foreign media has also shown interest in investing in Indian publications. The revenues for India's newspaper market are generated from advertising and circulation. India's growth rate in this segment is poised to be higher than the average rate of growth in the Asia- Pacific region over the next four years. Digital printing, new ways of promotion and distribution are the latest trends and content being the focus of the print media industry. A few leaders in India in this segment are: Times of India Group, DainikJagran, Loksatta, The Hindustan Times and The Hindu.
  • 15. 15 | P a g e MARKETING RESEARCH The systematic and Objective process of gathering, recording and analyzing data for aid in making business decision or finding solution of business problems. The task of marketing (business) research is to generate accurate information for use in decision making. Research Objective Research is a technique to find out the hidden truth which has not been discovered by applying scientific procedure. Each research has its own focus. This is stated in terms of objectives or purposes of conducting research. There must be an objective or purpose behind any research, the research must proceed in such a systematic process so as to achieve the actual goal. Research objectives might be as follows: 1.Service of H.T. MEDIA. 2.Customers satisfaction. 3.Customers response towards the service provided. 4.Customers trust for H.T.MEDIA. 5.Name and fame of H.T.MEDIA in the market. Limitations of the Study Research has its own limitations in its process to achieve the objective. Not even a single research gives 100% accurate and perfect idea about market position, because of its limitations. Research in business just gives a brief idea about the probable future of the business. The limitations of the study may be as below;  The research is mainly based on the interviews of the customers.  The sample size taken for the study is only 100, which may not give an accurate result.  As the study is depending on the information from the different sources, the reliability of study is depending on the reliability of information received.  As this branch is the regional head branch of H.T.MEDIA in BIHAR so less defect and demerits might be found out.
  • 16. 16 | P a g e Research Design The basic types of research are as follows; A. Descriptive v/s Analytical Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. In analytical research, the researcher has to use facts or information already available, and analyze that to make a critical evaluation of the material. B. Applied v/s Fundamental Applied research aims at finding a solution or an immediate problem facing a society or an industrial/business organization. While, fundamental research is mainly concerned with generalizations and with the formulation of a theory. C. Quantitative v/s Qualitative Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity. On the other hand, Qualitative research is concerned with qualitative phenomenon relating to or involving quality or kind. D. Conceptual vs. Empirical Conceptual research is that related to some abstract ideas or theory. It is generally used by philosophers and thinkers to develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones. Empirical research relies on experience or observation alone, often without due regard for system and theory. Research design is only the frame work. It is like a blue print that of a house designed by an architect. Out of all the above research design, I considered “Descriptive Research”, as, it only includes survey of people & by such research I can know about the feedback and response of the customers. This method of research will help me to know about the loyal customers of H.T.MEDIA (HINDUSTAN TIMES P.V.T LTD.). As it is a print media so its customers dealing and customers satisfaction can be well understood by this research. Sampling Design:- It is impossible to do the research with the whole universe. As we know that it is not feasible to go for population survey because of the numerous customers and their scattered location (H.T.MEDIA is widely spread in different parts of India) So for this purpose sample size has to be determined well in advance and selection of sample also must be scientific so that it represents the whole universe.
  • 17. 17 | P a g e Sampling design is one of the most important aspects where the design must be appropriate in order to have the desired result. Sampling design includes various aspects as follows.  Type of Universe : Finite.  Sampling Unit : Chandigarh  Size of Sample : 100  Parameters of Interest : customers satisfaction Regarding H.T.MEDIA Service Sample Design : Convenience Sampling
  • 18. 18 | P a g e METHODOLOGY Research Process Every research project has order of sequence of activity. In this project, these are main activities (stages). Stage (1) Defining the problem:-Problem is“To find out reasons why apt customers do not read“Hindustan times” newspaper” The objectives of project are: - 1) Preference of students or customers towards newspapers. 2) To study the factors affecting apt customers to read “H.T”. 3) To understand media habits to consumer. 4) Attitude towards “H.T”. 5) To study the market development strategy of “Hindustan Times”. Stage (2) Research Design:-Research Design is master plan specifying the methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed information. Research type:-Descriptive research. Method used:- Convenience sampling Procedure:-went in colleges, hostels, multiplexes, various halls, and many other places. Stage (3) Planning for sample:-Students who know English. Sample size:100 persons who know English. Source of Data:-Primary data & secondary data. ➢ Primary Data: convenience sampling ➢ Secondary Data: Web site of “Hindustan Times”, Old articles, projects, books. Research Instrument: Questionnaire. Types of Questions in Questionnaire:
  • 19. 19 | P a g e Stage (5) Analyzing the Data Open ended question and Closed ended question. Most of questions are in likert scale. Shortly these questions are going to measure-Attitude towards “H.T”, importance of cost to choose newspaper, availability of time and value addition by“H.T” in their life etc. Sampling Method:-Random Sampling method will be used for gathering the necessary information. Stage (4) Collecting the Data:-We went different-different places of Chandigarh city like Institutes,shopping malls, gardens, Colleges and taking personal interview.
  • 20. 20 | P a g e CHAPTER:3 COMPANY PROFILE
  • 21. 21 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited History- Hindustan Times was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1924. Since then, the newspaper has established its presence as a newspaper with editorial excellence and integrity. One of India's leading and most respected English dailies, HT has always prided itself in spotting emerging trends and reflecting the same through its unmatched editorial prowess. Today, Hindustan Times-Delhi edition has the unique distinction of being the largest selling single edition English newspaper in india.
  • 22. 22 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited  Type - Daily newspaper  Format- Broadsheet  Owner- Hindustan Media Ventures Limited.  Founded- 1924  Political allegiance- Centrist  Language- English  Headquarters- New Delhi  Website: www.hindustantimes .com
  • 23. 23 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Details of the company Hindustan Media Ventures Limited found its beginning in 1924 when its flagship newspaper, Hindustan Times was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi. HT Media (BSE, NSE) has today grown to become one of India's largest media companies. Produced by an editorial team known for its quality, innovation and integrity, Hindustan Times (English) and Hindustan (Hindi), have a combined daily circulation of 2.25 million copies and a readership base of 12.4 million readers to their credit. Both dailies enjoy a strong brand recognition among readers as well as advertisers. To cater to the large readership base, Hindustan Media Ventures Limited operates 19 printing facilities across India with an installed capacity of 1.5 million copies per hour. In addition to Hindustan Times and Hindustan, Hindustan Media Ventures Limited also publishes a national business newspaper, Mint. Mint is a one-of-its-kind newspaper in the sense that the company has an exclusive agreement with the Wall Street Journal to publish Journal- branded news and information in India. Mint is today the second-largest business newspaper in India with presence in the key markets of Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Hindustan Media Ventures Limited , through its subsidiary HT Music and Entertainment Company Ltd., has made its foray into electronic media. Diversifying its ambit of operations, the company in a consulting partnership with Virgin Radio, has launched the FM radio channel - Fever 104. Currently available in Delhi and Mumbai, Fever 104 has established a strong presence as being one of the most vibrant channels on air. In a short span of two years, the channel's rise has been meteoric considering its position in Delhi as the No. 2 station on the popularity charts. Internet businesses of Hindustan Media Ventures Limited , incorporated under Firefly e- ventures, operate leading web portals and in the general and business news categories respectively. The company has recently launched, a job portal which has received high appreciation from consumers and industry for its innovative design and usability.
  • 24. 24 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited reported FY 2007 annual revenue of $245 million. For the fiscal third quarter ended March 31, 2007, the company reported a 13% increase in revenue to $82 million and a 10% increase of profit after tax (PAT) to $9 million from the year-ago quarter.
  • 25. 25 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited The Board of Directors and Management of Hindustan Media Ventures Limited comprises eminent persons from diverse professional fields, who bring with them vast professional experience to the company. A rich mix of veterans in media and top leaders from non-media sectors, from both India and abroad, Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Management team reflects the company's desire to be the best by leveraging diverse strengths. The management team comprises people from varied verticals such as media, FMCG, telecom, automobiles, each of whom add fresh perspective to the rich experience of media industry stalwarts. This rich talent pool is ably assisted by our Global Think Tank. Board of Directors-   Chairperson Directors Shobhana Bhartia Roger Greville, K N Memani, Y C Deveshwar,N K Singh Whole-time Directors Priyavrat Bhartia, Shamit Bhartia
  • 26. 26 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Shobhana Bhartia Chairperson Mrs.Shobhana Bhartia, who has been associated with the company since its inception, has taken over as the Chairperson on September 18, 2008. She has spearheaded the company's long-term vision and strategy. Mrs.Bhartia is in charge of formulating and directing the editorial policies of the company and has more than 20 years of experience in the newspaper industry. Mrs.Bhartia is a graduate from Calcutta University and is a recipient of the Padma Shri Award by the Government of India in 2005. Mrs.Bhartia has received several other awards, including the Outstanding Business Woman of the Year(2001) by PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Global Leader for Tomorrow(1996) by the World Economic Forum, Davos and the National Press India Award(1992). She has been on the board of Indian Airlines Limited and on the North Regional Board of the Reserve Bank of India.
  • 27. 27 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Awards Acknowledged in the industry for best practices and consistent delivery The true reflection of our undying commitment to quality is the large number of awards and accolades we have received from industry and customers alike. We not only stole the show at recent Asia Media Awards 2008, but also qualified for the coveted membership of IFRA INCQC awarded jointly by NAA (Newspaper association Of America) and IFRA (Europe). Print Journalism Others Hindustan Times - Greater Noida recieves INCQC Club membership for 2008-10 Kolkata plant gets SNAP Award - 2008 Lucknow plant gets SNAP Award - 2008 Sanskriti Award for Journalism Chitrangada Choudhary, Principal Correspondent - HT Mumbai received the "Sanskriti Award for Journalism". This award is intended for journalists who make significant contributions towards any branch of journalism. Chitrangada qualified for this award because of her investigative reportage revealing the bleeding of the state's rural employment guarantee scheme, corruption in Mumbai's slum rehousing projects, the abuse of children in welfare institutions. Page 29
  • 28. 28 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited RamnathGoenka Excellence in Journalism Awards Two editorial projects by Hindustan Times won the Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards 2007-08. National Special Projects Editor NeeleshMisra and Associate Editor Nagendar Sharma won the award for reporting `India Invisible‟, a nine-part national series on insurgency called “India Besieged”. From Kashmir to Chattisgarh to Jharkhand to Manipur, Neelesh and Nagendar separately travelled to 7 states affected by insurgency, trying to drive home one larger theme: insurgency has become an excuse for misgovernance in India. Principal Correspondent SayliUdasMankikar won the PrakashKardaley Memorial Award for Civic Journalism for her two-month series on dwindling number of open spaces in Mumbai. Sayli‟s series focused on how 49 of Mumbai‟s open spaces were being lost to private builders, and 20 of the city‟s gymkhanas were denying public access. K C Kulish International Award Hindustan Times won K C Kulish International Award for journalistic efforts towards “Human Development”, instituted by Rajasthan Patrika. This came for a series done on changes in the Muslim community – “The New Muslim: From masjid to market, a journey”. Neelesh Misra, Sunita Aron, Samar Halarnkar and Rajeev Mukherjee reported the series The same jury also recognized two other series of stories by the Hindustan Times for special mention: – “India Besieged” by NeeleshMisra&Nagendar Sharma – “War Torn” by KuldeepMaan& his team in Chandigarh.
  • 29. 29 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Asia Media Awards 2008 The Asia Media Awards recognizes and rewards excellence among individuals and organizations in the Asian Region. And this was the first big one for the Hindustan Times -- HimanshuVyas won Gold in the general news category; Satish Bate got silver in sports and RiteshUttamchandani received Judges special recognition award for Best Newspaper Photography and RajnishKakade got the same in the spot news category. The Statesman award for rural reporting PankajJaiswal won The Statesman award for rural reporting in 2007 for being the first to report the Bundelkhand drought and its impact on people of that region. wins PC World Web Awards for best technology usage for 2nd time in a row takes pride in constantly upgrading itself to successfully meet the growing and evolving demands of its consumers. The site creates synergy between cutting edge technology, editorial content and of course the most important component the end user. Its path breaking efforts have been recognized by the web world and the site has bagged PC World Web Award‟s 'Excellence in Technology Usage' award in the News Category for the second time in a row. According to the jury, “ is the best designed news site proving very relevant for news readers and those who were looking for that extra edge from a news site”. We need not say more! PACE gets President‟s Pat If you are a teacher and your students are bored with the way subjects are being taught in school, especially when they are studying history and not events they can relate to it‟ s time perhaps to join HT‟s PACE Programme.
  • 30. 30 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited This has been pointed out by the President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. The President‟s comments figure on the RashTrapatiBhavan‟s official web site, www presidentofindia.nic in in the children‟s Corner carrying Kalam‟s answers to questions e-mailed to him by children. “I have seen a programme being conducted by one of the newspaper groups for Action in Education (PACE) in which the curriculum is based on the news item of the day. Mathematics, science, history, geography and the language are all taught from occurrences around the world being reported in the newspaper", wrote Kalam, alluding to the HT‟s Partnerships for Action in Education (PACE). Education Friendly Media award The Society for Unaided Private Schools of Rajasthan conferred PACE with the Education Friendly Media award for activities conducted under the aegis of PACE. Rotary Club of Calcutta honours PACE The Rotary Club of Calcutta honored PACE Manager Kolkata for contributions made in the field of social education
  • 31. 31 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Partner Partners of Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Burda Redmatch The Wall Street Journal Velti Virgin Burda Burda has interests in publishing, radio, event management and the internet. Apart from staging the largest premium annual digital conference in Europe, Burda also publishes and prints several hundred magazines including local editions of Elle, Playboy and Focus, and catalogs. In June 2008, Dr Burda was conferred with the "Hall of Fame 2008" award in Germany by the Manager magazine earlier this week for his outstanding contribution to the economic, social and political development of Germany. Redmatch Redmatch is a world leader in online recruitment solutions. Using unique Real-Time Job Matching technology, Redmatch enables recruiters to find and hire the best people, faster and more cost effectively. Thousands of satisfied users are already using the Redmatch products. Redmatch provides a variety of products including:- Job portals solutions, newspaper online employment advertising solutions, corporate Applicant Tracking Systems, staffing companies solutions and more.
  • 32. 32 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal, the flagship publication of Dow Jones & Company (NYSE: DJ;, is the world's leading business publication. Founded in 1889, The Wall Street Journal has a print and online circulation of nearly 2.1 million, reaching the nation's top business and political leaders, as well as investors across the country. Holding 31 Pulitzer Prizes for outstanding journalism, the Journal seeks to help its readers succeed by providing essential and relevant information, presented accurately and fairly, from an authoritative and trusted source. The Wall Street Journal print franchise has more than 600 journalists world-wide, part of the Dow Jones network of nearly 1,900 business and financial news staff. Other publications that are part of The Wall Street Journal franchise, with total circulation of 2.7 million, include The Wall Street Journal Asia, The Wall Street Journal Europe and The Wall Street Journal Online at, the largest paid subscription news site on the Web. In 2006, the Journal was ranked No. 1 in BtoB's Media Power 50 for the seventh consecutive year. Velti Velti’s market-leading mobile marketing technology platform, coupled with its experience in the mobile advertising industry, enables clients around the world to deliver an extensive range of highly targeted marketing campaigns. With operations in 25 countries, and a mobile marketing joint venture with the Interpublic group, a top global holding group of advertising agencies, Velti has the ability to reach through its platform an estimated 1.4 billion consumers. Velti‟s unique Mobile Marketing and Advertising Platform manages the full cycle of planning, execution and monitoring of multiple campaigns across differing mobile formats and channels, offering customers more than 70 mobile marketing and advertising templates, which can be managed from one user interface.
  • 33. 33 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited virgin One of the most respected brands in Britain - is involved in a variety of businesses including airlines, trains, finance, soft drinks, mobile phones, holidays, cars, wines, publishing, fashion and of course Music. What tie all these businesses together are the values of the brand and the vision and ambition of its founder Sir Richard Branson. Virgin Radio went on-air in London at 12.15pm on 30 April 1993 - promising to play classic album tracks and today's best music. It has since been sold to Ginger Media (which was subsequently bought by SMG plc). Virgin also currently broadcasts on DAB across England, Scotland and Wales, on digital TV and cable. Print Works Print Works a one stop shop for space selling in any of the publications in HT, has remarkably maintained the tradition of ours as the first Indian media company to have organized this expo, much to the chagrin of other media houses. Held for five days in April end-May, it fetched huge ad revenues to the company. The novel concept, undoubtedly, set our company in the league of top notch organisations which are always in the lookout of avenues to widen their clientele. Moreover, it took place barely a few months after the media marketing departments of Hindustan Times, Hindustan and Mint were integrated. It won‟t be wrong to say that Print Works reaped the harvest, seeds of which were sown during this integration. To woo the advertisers, a mega prize of Volvo S80 will also be given after a lucky draw to be taken place in April 2009. Hindustan Media Ventures Limited is a mammoth player in the print media in India. The extent of its presence is undisputed in that it is the top leader in the English newspaper market in North India and occupies second place in the Hindi newspaper market in North India and East India. The group now intends to further consolidate its already established position as a vibrant and modern media powerhouse.
  • 34. 34 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Marketing Department "The perceptions and feelings formed about an organization, its products / services, and its performance is what is known as its “brand.” The Marketing Department is responsible for creating meaningful messages through words, ideas, images, and names that deliver upon the promises / benefits an organization wishes to make with its customers. Furthermore, the Marketing Department is responsible for ensuring that messages and images are delivered consistently, by every member of the organization." Marketing Department should be responsible for- 1. Focus on the Customer 2. Monitor the Competition 3. Own the Brand. 4. Find & Direct Outside Vendors. 5. Create New Ideas. 6. Communicate Internally. 7. Manage a Budget. 8. Understand the ROI. 9. Set the Strategy, Plan the Attack, and Execute Marketing management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application ofmarketing techniquesand the management of a firm's marketing resources and activities. Marketing managers are often responsible for influencing the level, timing, and composition of customer demand accepted definition of the term. In part, this is because the role of a marketing manager can vary significantly based on a business' size, corporate culture, and industry context. For example, in a large consumer products company, the marketing manager may act as the overall general manager of his or her assigned product.
  • 35. 35 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited From this perspective, the scope of marketing management is quite broad. The implication of such a definition is that any activity or resource the firm uses to acquire customers and manage the company's relationships with them is within the purview of marketing management. HT Marketing Solutions HT Marketing Solutions has been formed to offer holistic solutions to clients aiming for a complete and effective connect with the target consumers. HT Marketing Solutions builds a powerful and appropriate idea for a brand after which mass media, activation and PR are used to provide an impactful implementation of the core idea.
  • 36. 36 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited PRODUCT PROFILE
  • 37. 37 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Print Radio Internet PRINT  English-  Hindustan Times. Mint. Brunch. Sunday Mega. HT Line.  Hindi- Hindustan. Nandan. Remix Kadambani.
  • 38. 38 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited RADIO-  Fever 104 FM.  INTERNET- With brands like, Livemint, Desimartini and, Firefly spearheads Hindustan Media Ventures Limited foray into the Internet media space. Firefly e-Ventures Ltd., a 100% Hindustan Media Venturessubsidiary, focuses on creating and building brands and businesses in the Internet media space. Firefly aims to combine Hindustan Media’s 84-year old legacy as one of India’s largest and most respected names in the media industry, with the innovation and energy that characterize the Internet space. Compelling product ideas, creative use of design and intuitive user interface, backed by a knowledgeable sales force and customer service are the hallmarks of Firefly products. With brands like,, and in its portfolio, Firefly promises to be an exciting addition to the Hindustan Media family. Some internet contact- Latest breaking news from India and the world, on current affairs, business, sports, andentertainment Business news site combining editorial strength and credibility of the business daily Mint with best-in-class web interfaces.
  • 39. 39 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Better careers for better people. HT Mobile 54242 SMS, Call, Log - redefining entertainment on the mobile. Social networking site for people from all over the world to connect to each other. HT Media Ltd. was founded when its flagship newspaper Hindustan Times was inaugurated. It is India's second-largest print media company and presently has a daily circulation of 2.25 million copies and a readership base of 14.49 million readers. With 17 printing facilities across India, it is capable of generating 1.5 million copies per hour. In the Internet domain, it functions as portal. Its sister publications include the radio station, Fever 104, formed in collaboration with Virgin Radio; national business newspaper, Mint, which has been started under an agreement with Wall Street Journal; Hindustan, a Hindi daily; Nandan, a monthly children's magazine and Kadambani, a monthly literary magazine. Mint Launches in Kolkata
  • 40. 40 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Mint, Hindustan Media's business daily in exclusive content partnership with The Wall Street Journal, is now going national. With the launch of the Kolkata edition on 25 May, the daily now has a national footprint that includes Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chandigarh and Pune as well. With an introductory price of Rs3, Mint will target the key business and policy leaders in the metropolis, in line with its reader profile nationally. Hindustan's Special Election Coverage - 'Right Information' Hindustan, through its in-depth and wide coverage on the General Elections is giving - what‟s probably the only ammunition that one needs to participate in this big event; that ammunition being - Right Information. This „right information‟ is being brought to the readers through Hindustan‟s special election coverage that includes – views of Experts, state-wise analysis, readerviewpoints and minister report cards. In addition to this, Hindustan, through its association with some of the leading media brands like Google, Aajtak and IBN 7 is giving its readersmore avenues to seek in- depth information on their future leaders because we at Hindustan believe that not just voting but „Informed Voting‟ will bring the change that India ...
  • 41. 41 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Radio Fever 104 FM is the premium radio station currently operational in the Indian cities ofDelhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata. Fever 104 FM - It‟s all about the music Fever 104 FM, owned by HT Media Limited, and was formed in technical collaboration with the Virgin group. The company entered the private FM radio market in the four main cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata with the brand Fever 104 FM. Fever 104 FM is a contemporary hits music station that plays a mix of regional, national and international hits. Launched in June 2008,, India‟s newest and most innovative career portal has now crossed the 2 million candidate mark. is a product from Firefly e-Ventures – a 100% subsidiary of Hindustan Media Ventures Ltd, focused on building brands and businesses in the internet space.
  • 42. 42 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited MISSION VISION AND OBJECTIVES
  • 43. 43 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited MISSION Hindustan media-A rich heritage to live up to organizational values are the foundation stone on which the organization’s image is built. This help the company realize its organizational goals and in turn transform lives. Their values drive them towards their goals of expansion, diversification and excellence. VISION Hindustan Media strives to be a visionary organization and not an organization with a vision. In our endeavor to have a shared understanding, alignment and commitment, we have derived our company’s vision that sets the course and empowers people to take action.
  • 44. 44 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited OBJECTIVES The objectives personified by Hindustan Media Ventures Limited are: Courage- To encourage the ability that meets opposition with skill, competence and fortitude. Responsibility- Be accountable for results in line with the company’s objectives, strategies and values Empowerment- Support our people and give them the freedom to perform and to provide our readers with information to influence their environment. Continuous Self Renewal- Determination to constantly re-examine and re-invent ourselves for further innovation and creativity.
  • 45. 45 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited CHAPTER:4 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION
  • 46. 46 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Analysis:- Question No. 1 1) Occupation (A)Student (B) Employee (C) Businessman (D) Other (please specify).... TABLE NO. 1.1 Showing category of Respondents Category student Employees Business other person No. of respondents 60 20 15 5 GRAPH NO.1.1 Showing No. of respondents of different category others Business person Employees student 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 . As per survey conducted;  Study was focused on those individuals who knows English    According to above graph, students and employees were major segments that consist of approx. 80% 
  • 47. 47 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Question No. 2 2) Newspaper that is preferred by people 1) Hindustan 2) Dainik jagran 3) aaj samaj 4) The Hindu 5) Business Standard 6) Times of India 7) Other (Please Specify):____________________ TABLE NO.1.2 Showing different Newspapers News paper Hind. D.J Aaj The B.S T.O.I Others Hindu No. of Readers 30 20 10 15 10 10 5 Mean Mode =Hindustan (30) GRAPH.NO. 1.2 Showing No. of readers of different newspapers 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Hindustan D.J AAJ The Hindu B.S T.O.I Others  Hindustan, Dainikjagran and aaj are the most circulated newspapers; approx 60% educated individuals are reading those newspapers in Chandigarh.    These three newspapers are read by educated person, who knows English very well, so this is the big opportunity to extend the market and convince them to read H.T.   Only approx 35% educated people reads English newspapers. 
  • 48. 48 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Question No. 3 3) Attitude of people towards Hindustan Times TABLE NO. 1.3 Showing different attitude Attitude(Graphical Scale) Good Neutral Bad No. Of Respondents 65 25 10 whose attitude towards(H.T) Percentage of attitude 65 25 10 towards (H.T) Mode =Good(65) Page 50
  • 49. 49 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited GRAPH NO.1.3 showing attitude of respondents towards H.T BAD NEUTRAL GOOD 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 .
  • 50. 50 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited  Approx 65% educated respondent who don‟t read “Hindustan Times” but their attitude  Towards Hindustan Times is good. This shows “H.T” having good brand or image in the mind of potential customers.  Approx 25% educated respondent are having neutral attitude towards Hindustan Times. These respondents read Hindustan Times very hardly. These people know English but like to read Hindi newspaper. They may not be much aware of the importance of H.T products.  Question No. 4 4) Quality of content (A)Excellent (B) Good (C) Fair (D) Poor (E) cannot say TABLE NO.1.4 showing scale of quality of content of Hindustan Times. QUALITY EXCELLENT GOOD FAIR POOR CANNOT SAY Number of 25 30 20 10 15 Respondent Percentage of 25 30 20 10 15 Quality of Information Provided by (H.T) Mean Mode =GOOD (30) GRAPH NO.1.4 showing % of quality of information of “H.T”
  • 51. 51 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 EXCELLENT GOOD FAIR POOR CAN'T SAY  The quality of information provided by the Hindustan Times is good because approx.   25% respondents said excellent and 30% good. This shows that “Hindustan Times” information is too specific and the newspaper is too friendly in nature.    Above mean there are two categories 1.Excellent and 2. Good. So we can say that the most of people think H.T .have quality of information with simple language.  Question No. 5 5) Section that is mostly like by customers (A) classifieds (B) business (C) sports (D) Entertainment (E) regional news TABLE NO. 1.5 Showing reliability of Information. Category Entertainment Regional Sports Business Classifieds Scale Number of 32 40 14 10 4 Respondents who think About Reliability
  • 52. 52 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited GRAPH NO. 1.5 Showing reliability of readers on “H.T.”Information. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Entertainment Regional Sports Business Classifieds .  According to our survey, approx 72 out of 100 respondents rely on information provided by Hindustan Times, because of following these three reasons,   1. Strongest brand in newspaper. 2. Not adding “mirch masala” in news by “H.T”. 3. “H.T” takes opinion from readers not vice-a-versa. Question No. 6 6) Factors that influence customer to buy Hindustan Times newspaper a) Price b) Brand name c) Language d) Content TABLE NO. 1.6 Showing dislike in “H.T” by students Factors Price Content Language Brand name Respondents 53 20 22 5 ”
  • 53. 53 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited GRAPH NO.1.6 Showing 0 10 20 30 40 50 60  Approx 53% respondents are price conscious an it does not matter much to them whether they are reading Hindustan times or any other newspaper.  Question No. 7 7) Language problem A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree TABLE NO.1.7 Showing respondents who having problem with language of H.T. Scale Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly.disagr ee Number Of 16 40 18 19 7 Respondents has prob. With Understanding language. Mean Mode =Agree (40)
  • 54. 54 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited GRAPH NO. 1.7Showing- 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0  APPROX 56% respondents are agree with problem of understanding language of H.T, so it shows that respondent’s are very weak in understanding English language .    people like to read Hindi newspaper than English newspaper even though they know English very well.    They said that they are more comfortable with Hindi. So they like to read Hindi newspaper.  Question No.8 8) Hindustan times newspaper gives more emphasis to national news instead of local news A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree TABLE NO. 1.8 Showing coverage of local news – Scale Strongly Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Coverage Of 15 21 39 21 4 News Mean Mode =Uncertain (39)
  • 55. 55 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited GRAPH NO. 1.8 Showing local news cover by “H.T.” 40 30 Series 1 20 Series 5 Series 210 Series 3 0 Series 3 Series 1 Series 4 Series 5  If we look at graph then we can find that approx 36% respondents agree with that “H.T” is lacking in covering local news. They like to read local news first than national. They find more local news in local newspaper like Dainikjagran and Aaj.    Approx 39% respondents are uncertain about this. It means “H.T” is lacking in covering local news or people are not aware about it.   Only approx 21% people disagree.    Here mean is 80 and every data except uncertain are close to mean. More value is above mean that also prove that “H.T” lacking in covering local news.  Question No. 9 9) Value of Hindustan Times newspaper to its customers A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree
  • 56. 56 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited TABLE NO.1.9 showing, people who think H.T is going to add value Scale Strongly Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree No. of People 19 39 25 10 7 who think “H.T” going to add value in their life Mean Mode =Agree (39) GRAPH 1.9 Showing – 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 strong.agree agree uncertain disagree stro.disagree  58 respondents agree with “H.T” going to add value in their life if they read “H.T”. So it shows H.T‟s importance in their life.   They think that by reading H.T their English, life style, status are going to improve.    25 respondents are uncertain about it. 
  • 57. 57 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Question No. 10 10) Reliability of people on internet A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree TABLE NO. 1.10 Showing T.V and RADIO give more knowledge than H.T Scale Strongly Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Knowledge 20 30 28 13 9 more than “H.T” Mean Mode =Agree (30) GRAPH NO. 1.10 Showing – 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strong agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree  Internet, T.V. and new emerging threat mobile are now main source of information. And because of this, newspaper industry is facing problem. 
  • 59. 59 | P a g e Research Finding ✔ Approx 86% respondents are students and employees. ✔ Educated people also like to read Hindi newspaper, because of their convenience with Hindi language. ✔ Because of good branding and too specific to information or news, approx 81% respondent think, quality of information of “H.T” is good. ✔ 40 out of 100 respondents rely on information provided by “H.T” because of it brands, taking opinion from readers, and not adding “mirch masala” to it news. ✔ 28% respondents have problem with understanding language of “H.T” because of Hindi culture or do not know English perfectly.. ✔ “Hindustan Times” comes with so many sexy images so member of family do not like to read is front of members. ✔ Most of respondent (approx 56%) have problem with language of “H.T”. There people prefer Hindi News paper not “H.T”. ✔ If any newspaper does not cover local news, then nobody is interested to subscribe it, approx 36% respondent agree with “H.T” lacking in covering local news. But 39% respondents are uncertain about it. ✔ Due to good branding, improvement in reader‟s life, and status, 58 out of 100 think “H.T” is going to add value in their life. ✔ 50% respondents agree that internet and T.V. are providing more knowledge than H.T. They feel that it is more interesting way of getting new information and also cheaper as well .
  • 60. 60 | P a g e Suggestions ✔ Students are the most potential market for “H.T”, so “H.T” Should give- 1. Promotional schemes to organization, classes or schools so new generation becomes habitual to “H.T” Only. 2. More career news on regular basis (twice or thrice a week) on “H.T” newspaper or start two supplements on career per week. ✔ Give presentation on importance of “H.T” over other newspaper to these readers(specially students) because 1. 63% educated respondents (students 66%) are reading Hindi newspaper. 2. 32% respondents have neutral attitude. 3. Approx 50% respondents think extra cost of “H.T”, over being subscribed newspaper, is important for them. ✔ To penetrate into the market for various reasons (based on finding and inferences.) 1. Make it compulsory for “Vendorwala” to put banner outside their home with toll free phone number and vendorwala‟s mobile number and one lead line number. 2. Give toll free number on every copy of Hindustan Times one specific location. 3. Give some copies (fix 100, 200) to persons are coming in big clubs to make habituate to H.T. 4. Cover more local news in H.T. 5. Start SMS alert on mobile of short news. For register mobile number make some arrangement in “H.T” website. 6. Improve distribution channel in interior areas of Chandigarh ✔ As new generation like to take information from internet so improve e-paper, make reader friendly, and make it easy to assess. ✔ Tell disadvantage of going online –like-eye problem, Cost of electricity, Computer, Internet. Tell cost calculation of going online and start subscriptions. ✔ Reduce semi-nude images of models. ✔ Start giving more news on stock market. ✔ Avoid repetition of news.
  • 61. 61 | P a g e CONCLUSION From above survey we conclude that, Non-H.T reader has a problem with understanding language. H.T lack in covering local news. New generation like to take news from T.V, RADIO and INTERNET or any electronic media. Educated people like to read Hindi newspaper. In people’s mind, money is very important for them. During survey we found some strengths of TOI like- 1. Non-H.T have good attitude towards H.T. 2. They think “H.T provides quality of information”. 3. H.T will add value to their life. 4. Provide information effectively 5. They rely on information given by H.T
  • 62. 62 | P a g e SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR HINDUSTAN TIMES Please fill this to help Hindustan times Serve you better. (The information provided by you will be kept strictly confidential.) 1) What is your occupation? (A) Student (B) Employee (C) Businessman (D) other please specify.... 2) Which newspaper do you read? A) Hindustan B) Dainik jagran C)Aaj Samaz D) The Hindu E) Business Standard F) Times of india G) Other (Please Specify):____________________ 3) How is your attitude towards Hindustan times newspaper? A) Good B) Neutral C) Bad 4) What do you think about the quality of content of Hindustan times newspaper on comparison with other newspapers? A) Excellent (B) Good (C) Fair (D) Poor (E) Cannot say 5) Which section do you like the most in newspaper? (A) Classified (B) Regional news (C) Sports (D) Business (E) Entertainment 6) Which factors do you consider while purchasing a newspaper? (A) Price (B) Language (C) Brand name (D) Content. 7)Do you have problem with the language of Hindustan times newspaper while reading? (A) Strongly agree (B) Agree (C) Uncertain (D) Disagree (E)Strongly disagree 8 ) Do you agree that Hindustan times newspaper gives more emphasis to national news instead of local news? A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree 9) Do you think that “Hindustan times “ is going to add value to your life ? A) Strongly agree B)Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree 10) Is internet a more reliable source of getting information in present era ? A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) Uncertain D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree
  • 63. 63 | P a g e BIBLIOGRAPHY
  • 64. 64 | P a g e Hindustan Media Ventures Limited Websites:    Other sources:  Information provided by the employees.   Newspaper.   Magazine.
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