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Consumer Electronics 2010

The Year in
3DTVs, Tablets,
eReaders, and

Technology and Entertainment Practice
December 2010
Table of Contents

  Executive Summary

  Interest in 3DTVs is growing, but tepid acceptance of polarized
  glasses is slowing consumer adoption

  In a developing tablet landscape, the iPad is still king

  Despite an onslaught of tablet competitors, eReaders continue to
  thrive… for now

  The “Attack of the Droids” was great news for HTC and Samsung,
  but came at the expense of more established smartphone brands

  About Compete’s Technology and Entertainment Practice

  Contact Information
Executive Summary                                                                                                                                                               05
      2010 wAS An EVEnTful and transitional year in consumer electronics,                     Despite the success of the iPad and other tablet products, “death of the
driven by powerful supply-side and demand-side forces. On the supply side, 2010             eReader” headlines are premature: only 13% of online eReader researchers
was characterized by the establishment of an entirely new device category, by the           considered a competing tablet, laptop or netbook product. This suggests that
release of several new landmark smartphone devices, and by the growing availability         eReaders are largely complementary to tablets, and that eReader shoppers are
of 3DTV-capable devices and content. On the demand side, 2010 saw a modest return           actively shopping for a single-purpose device optimized for reading.
of consumer spending, as the economic storms of late 2008 and 2009 lifted and US              Apple is rightly credited with popularizing the touch-screen smartphone form-
spending on consumer goods ticked upwards.                                                  factor, but it was the wide availability of Android devices in 2010 that made
      Compete looked back on the year to identify the biggest stories in consumer           touch-screen mainstream. Across all carriers, interest in devices with touch-
electronics in 2010, and four categories stood out: 3DTVs, tablets, eReaders and            screens increased 23% from Q4 2009 to Q1 2010, while interest in devices with
smartphones. These categories defined consumer electronics in 2010 and will continue        QWERTY keyboards decreased 16% during the same timeframe. This huge
to do so in 2011. This report highlights our most interesting findings in each of these     shift in research behavior (in the first half of the year) was a harbinger of the
categories, including:                                                                      smartphone market share shifts in the second half of 2010, shifts that benefited
                                                                                            HTC and Samsung, at the expense of more established smartphone providers
        Online shopper interest in 3DTVs increased ten-fold from January to November,       like RIM.
      but the percentage of 3DTV shoppers — relative to overall HDTV shoppers — is
      still surprisingly low. Even more problematic for 3DTV manufacturers is the fact
      that consumers are not interested in 3D glasses. At, the number
      of unique visitors researching 3D glasses is less than one tenth the number
      researching 3DTVs.
                                                                                               On the demand side, 2010
        The week it was first available for purchase, Apple’s iPad was the most                saw a mOdest return Of
                                                                                               cOnsumer spending
      researched Apple product ever, as nearly 3 million US consumers researched the
      iPad online. Even as the tablet landscape grew more complicated in the second
      half of 2010 with the introduction of new tablet models, interest in the iPad grew,
      suggesting the tablet “pie” continues to expand.
3DTVs                                                                                                                                                                                                              07
Interest in 3DTVs is growing, but tepid acceptance of
polarized glasses is slowing consumer adoption                                            Exhibit 1: 3DTV online Interest
                                                                                          (Unique Visitors to 3DTV OEM product pages, Jan — Nov 2010)


      JAmES CAmERon was already the self-proclaimed “King of the World”, but              180,000
with the release of Avatar, Cameron can add another accolade to his resume: he            140,000
reinvigorated the public’s interest in 3D video. Though the movie was released in 2009,
after Avatar grossed over $760 million in US and Canadian theater revenues, 2010           80,000
was a year marked by a slew of new 3D films and the release of 3D technology for the
home theater market. Although three-dimensional video has been around since the            20,000

1920’s, new advances in high definition and digital broadcasting paved the way for                   Jan ‘10   Feb ’10   Mar ’10   Apr ’10   May ’10   Jun ’10   Jul ’10   Aug ’10   Sep ’10   Oct ’10   Nov ’10

the technology to enter the home in 2010. 3DTV enjoyed a “coming-out party” at the
January 2010 Consumer Electronics Show and throughout the first quarter of 2010,
                                                                                                    So while the supply of 3DTV hardware (and to a limited extent, 3D content)
with a wide variety of companies announcing 3DTVs and 3D-capable services.
                                                                                          continues to grow, there are a number of barriers keeping consumers from fully
      As we can see in Exhibit 1 below, online shopper interest in 3DTV models spiked
                                                                                          embracing this new technology: high cost, long product-replacement cycles, and
in the spring (after a number of these new products and services became available)
                                                                                          the need for cumbersome accessories like polarized glasses. These first two barriers
and again in November (reflecting a traditional seasonal increase). From April to
                                                                                          — high cost and long replacement cycles — go hand in hand: with the widespread
September, however, online shopper interest steadily declined, suggesting that interest
                                                                                          adoption of HDTV over the last 3 years, a majority of the market is not ready to spend
in the 3DTV experience — despite significant media hype — was not sustained. More
                                                                                          $1,000 or more on yet another home theater appliance. This barrier should erode
importantly, Compete found that 3DTV researchers represent just a small portion of
                                                                                          overtime, however. As consumers start replacing or upgrading earlier-generation
the overall HDTV researcher segment: from January to November of 2010, an average
                                                                                          HDTV sets in late 2011 and early 2012, we believe the percentage of HDTV shoppers
of only 9% of HDTV shoppers researched a 3DTV model. Put another way, while the
                                                                                          interested in 3DTV and smart TV technologies (such as Google TV and Apple TV) will
overall volume of 3DTV researchers increased ten-fold, those researchers still only
                                                                                          likely increase.
make up a single-digit percentage of the overall HDTV market.
But it is the third adoption barrier — the fact that separate and expensive
                                                                                           Tablets                                                                                 09
polarized glasses have to be worn to experience 3D imaging — that is the most              In a developing tablet landscape, the iPad is still king
problematic for 3DTV manufacturers. Consumers simply are not interested in polarized
glasses. At, the number of unique visitors researching 3D glasses is less
                                                                                           wIThouT quESTIon one of the biggest stories in consumer electronics in 2010 was
than one tenth the number researching 3DTVs. Most 3DTVs are currently sold without
                                                                                           the launch of the Apple iPad. As we can see in Exhibit 2, the success of the iPad was
any glasses included, or at best with just one pair. Since each viewer requires glasses,
                                                                                           apparent its very first week of availability, when Compete observed a massive surge
we would expect online interest in 3D glasses to be approximately equal to interest
                                                                                           of online shopper interest. Pre-launch interest in the iPad at was relatively
in 3DTVs. The interest gap suggests that a large percentage of those consumers
                                                                                           modest; a month after its announcement, US online interest in the iPad fell to below
researching 3DTVs are not really serious buyers.
                                                                                           300,000 unique visitors a week. But the week the iPad was actually available for
      Furthermore, online conversion data reveals that an extremely small minority
                                                                                           purchase (on April 3rd, nine weeks after announcement), online interest in the tablet
of buyers are committing to a full, comprehensive 3DTV experience by purchasing a
                                                                                           was nothing short of exceptional: nearly 3 million US consumers researched the iPad
3DTV console and multiple pairs of glasses. If 3DTV technology is ever going to live
                                                                                           the week of its launch, making it one of the most researched consumer electronic
up to its considerable hype (Brian Dunn, CEO of Best Buy, admitted earlier this year
                                                                                           products of the year, and, at the time, Apple’s most researched product ever.
that “sales of 3DTVs had fallen behind industry expectations”), retailers and OEMs
need to address consumer concerns regarding polarized glasses. If they are unable
                                                                                           Exhibit 2: Apple iPad online Interest — Indexed to Product Announcement
to do this, we believe consumers will sit on the sideline until autostereoscopic 3DTV      (Unique Visitors researching the iPad on

technologies (which don’t require polarized glasses) become more widely available.



the number Of                                                                              1,500,000

cOnsumers researching


3d glasses is less than
One tenth the number
                                                                                                        A       A +1       2        3         4         5        6   7   8     9

researching 3dtVs
However, since the launch of the iPad, the tablet landscape has changed
dramatically. Consumers can now choose new Android OS tablets from Dell and
                                                                                                                     It is not surprising that increasing interest in the Galaxy Tab has been
                                                                                                              accompanied by increased iPad interest — given the similarity of the two products,
Samsung, and Palm and RIM have announced their plans to release WebOS and                                     many consumers are wisely researching both. What is more surprising, however, is
Blackberry 6 tablets, respectively, in 2011. Just as important, Apple’s retail and carrier                    the impact Verizon Wireless has had on iPad online shopper interest. Since Verizon
partner strategy changed dramatically, when Apple announced in October that the iPad                          Wireless does not provide integrated network connectivity for the iPad, the only
would be the first Apple product available for purchase through Verizon Wireless. These                       product available through Verizon Wireless is the Wi-Fi iPad, sold as a bundle with a
changes had many industry observers asking, how will consumer demand for the iPad                             MiFi mobile hotspot router. Nonetheless, traffic for the iPad product information page
change in response to new competitive products and new channels?                                              at is trending upward. We believe that - in the eyes of many
          As we can see in Exhibit 3, since these developments online shopper interest                        consumers - this iPad/MiFi bundle is viewed as an entirely new product, and therefore
in the iPad is on the rise. More importantly for Apple, interest in the Samsung Galaxy                        subject to the same comparison shopping behavior as the Galaxy Tab, or any other
Tab at and interest in the iPad at Verizon is additive to                            competitive tablet.
interest in the iPad at Put another way, these new products and channels                                  However, despite Samsung’s early success with the Galaxy Tab (1 million units
expanded the pool of potential tablet shoppers, rather than stealing shopper interest                         sold globally in the first two months of availability), Apple has a fairly large head start
away from the iPad’s primary online channel,                                                       in this market. And while new products (notably RIM’s Playbook and the long-rumored
                                                                                                              HP/Palm WebOS tablet) will enter the tablet market, we believe the iPad will remain

Exhibit 3: Apple iPad and Samsung Galaxy Tab Interest — September 26 — november 20, 2010                      the dominant tablet through 2011, or at least until devices with the tablet-specific
(Unique Visitors to tablet product landing pages on, and
                                                                                                              ‘Honeycomb’ version of the Android operating system are more widely available.







            9/25/10     10/3/10     10/10/10    10/17/10     10/24/10       10/31/10     11/7/10   11/14/10

eReaders                                                                                                                                                                                     13
Despite an onslaught of tablet competitors, eReaders
continue to thrive… for now                                                              Exhibit 4: eReader Cross-shoping with laptops, netbooks and Tablets
                                                                                         (Percentage of consumers researching eReaders who also researched Laptops, Netbooks or Tablets,
                                                                                         Oct 2009 — Nov 2010)

      ThE SuCCESS of ThE IPAD in 2010 lead many to speculate that other
CE product categories — including netbook computers, portable gaming systems,            12%

multimedia devices and eReaders — would decline in the face of competition from
multi-purpose, ubiquitously-connected tablets. eReaders in particular were thought
to be vulnerable. Since the introduction of the iconic Amazon Kindle in 2008, eReaders    4%

have been one of the fastest growing CE categories. But the introduction of tablets —
with additional computer-like functionality, web-browsing capabilities and comparable
                                                                                                      Q4’09               Q1’10               Q2’10              Q3’10               Q4’10
size/weight/portability dimensions — provided consumers with an extremely
compelling alternative. Amazon seemed to acknowledge the implicit threat from
tablets (and even larger smartphones, like the 4.3 inch DROID X) by making the
                                                                                         than competitive with) tablets. It also suggests that eReader shoppers are actively
Kindle application free and readily available from both Apple’s iTunes store and the
                                                                                         shopping for a single-purpose device optimized for reading, and not a multi-purpose
Android Marketplace.
                                                                                         computing device.
      But based on Compete’s analysis of consumer online research behavior,
                                                                                                 In many ways, eReaders should be viewed similarly to devices in the portable
it is clear that eReaders are not destined for obsolescence — at least not in 2011.
                                                                                         music space: despite the wide availability of affordable, music-capable smartphones
In December 2010, unique visitors to the eReader product category were actually 84%
                                                                                         - most consumers prefer to have a separate device for their music needs. (Based on
higher than in December 2009. More importantly, as we can see in Exhibit 4, only 13%
                                                                                         Compete’s Q2 2010 Smartphone Intelligence survey data, only 35% of smartphone
of eReader researchers, on average, also considered a competing device (such as a
                                                                                         owners use their phone to listen to music on a weekly basis, while 37% never do so.)
tablet, laptop or netbook) in 2010. This modest rate of “cross-shopping” behavior is
                                                                                         As eReaders become increasingly affordable, we believe eReaders will continue to
especially notable, given much higher rates of netbook and tablet cross-shopping.
                                                                                         thrive as complementary devices (similar to digital music players) throughout 2011.
      The increase in overall eReader interest, combined with low rates of cross-
shopping suggests that eReaders are largely complementary to (rather
Smartphones                                                                                                                                                                              15
The “Attack of the Droids” was great news for hTC and
Samsung, but came at the expense of more established                                        Exhibit 5: hTC and RIm Share of Interest Across Big 4 Carrier websites
smartphone brands                                                                           (Average monthly share of interest for indicated OEM, Jan — June 2010)


       ThE nEwS In AuGuST that Android was the leading smartphone OS in the                 25%

US, surpassing both RIM and Apple, was a potential watershed moment in the wireless
device market. When the first Android phone — the G1 — launched in 2008, the
thought that Android would surpass RIM for smartphone supremacy was outlandish.              5%

There are a number of reasons for Android’s rapid ascent in 2010, but one of the most        0%
                                                                                                       Jan              Feb             Mar             Apr                  May   Jun
important reasons is also one of the simplest: Product adoption begins with consumer
                                                                                                                              HTC Monthly Average      RIM Monthly Average
interest, and if you want to maintain consumer interest, it helps to regularly launch new
products. If those new products are very good and meet a wide variety of consumer
needs, consumer interest will dramatically and quickly increase.
                                                                                                    Or consider Samsung, which has sold more than 4 million Android OS Galaxy
       There was a steady flow of very good, ‘buzz-worthy’ Android devices throughout
                                                                                            S devices in the US since the line first launched in the summer of 2010. Samsung
2010: the HTC EVO and Droid Incredible, the Motorola DROID 2, DROID X, and DROID
                                                                                            hasn’t announced sales by carrier, but by using Compete’s 2010 Device Demand
Pro, and the Samsung Galaxy S phones: Vibrant, Fascinate, Epic and Captivate.
                                                                                            Measurement data, we analyzed online interest trends for the Vibrant (at T-Mobile),
While no one Android device could be considered a ‘blockbuster’ hit on par with the
                                                                                            Captivate (at AT&T) and Fascinate (at Verizon Wireless). We found that the Vibrant at
Apple iPhone 4, collectively they have helped to drive significant, sustained consumer
                                                                                            T-Mobile garnered the highest share of online shopping interest in Q3 2010 — at its
interest in the Android platform. This interest paid huge dividends for manufacturers
                                                                                            peak, 25% of all T-Mobile handset researchers evaluated the Vibrant — a blockbuster
that embraced the Android platform, like HTC and Samsung in 2010, and helped shift
                                                                                            interest level and a leading indicator of strong Q4 device sales.
consumer attention away from more established smartphone manufacturers like RIM.
                                                                                                    As mentioned above, the success of HTC and Samsung in 2010 came largely
       Let’s look first at HTC. In the first half of the year, HTC benefited from a deep
                                                                                            at the expense of more established smartphone OEMs, like RIM. RIM’s strength has
product pipeline of Android devices - releasing at least one new device a month from
                                                                                            always been building email-centric devices with great keyboards, battery life and
February to July. As we see in Exhibit 5, this approach helped HTC steal significant
                                                                                            durability to appeal to hard-charging corporate executives, but the market is clearly
“interest-share” from RIM. HTC and RIM began 2010 garnering nearly an equal share
                                                                                            moving away from email-centric, QWERTY keyboard designs: across all carriers,
of consumer interest, but since the announcement of the EVO 4G in March, HTC’s
share of interest steadily grew.
interest in devices with touch-screens increased 23% from Q4 2009, to Q1 2010,
                                                                                          About Compete’s Technology
                                                                                          and Entertainment Practice                                                             17
while interest in devices with QWERTY keyboards decreased 16% during the same
timeframe. This huge shift in research behavior (in the first half of the year) was a           ComPETE‘S TEChnoloGY AnD EnTERTAInmEnT PRACTICE works with

harbinger of the market share shifts the industry would see in the second half of 2010.   consumer electronics manufacturers, national retailers, telecommunications carriers,

       With that in mind, we expect 2011 to be another challenging year for some of       media companies and their marketing partners to apply digital insights to improve

the more established smartphone brands. If 2010 was notable for the entrenchment          research and marketing initiatives. Compete, a Kantar Media company, is located in

of the Android and Apple platforms, 2011 will be defined by the efforts of remaining      Boston, MA, with offices throughout the U.S.

smartphone platform providers — including RIM, Nokia, Palm and now Microsoft, with              Using the largest online panel in the industry, the Technology and Entertainment

Windows Phone 7 — fighting for third place.                                               team analyzes consumer research and shopping behavior to identify the most
                                                                                          important trends in consumer electronics. Online behavior is critical to consumer
                                                                                          electronics consideration — consumers consistently cite OEM, carrier and third-party
                                                                                          websites as the most important to their research process — and based on the online
                                                                                          behavior of millions of US consumers, Compete can measure:

                                                                                                 Unique Visitors: The volume of unique users researching a product or product
                                                                                               category, measured over time to show the growth or decline of consumer
                                                                                               awareness and demand
                                                                                                 Conversion: The volume of unique online orders, to measure online
                                                                                               purchase behavior
                                                                                                 Share of Interest: The measure of the number of unique visitors researching
                                                                                               a specific device or product category as a percentage of all unique visitors
                                                                                               researching all comparable devices or competitive product categories
                                                                                                 Cross-shop: The percentage of researchers of one device or product category
                                                                                               who also research a second device or product category
The Technology and Entertainment team brings deep industry and online
                                                                                  for more Information,
                                                                                  Please Contact                                 19
marketing expertise from their experiences at Apple, AT&T, PRTM, Bearing Point,
Yankee Group Research and Sprint. The team speaks frequently at industry
                                                                                  Dave Kalil
conferences including CTIA, CES, CTAM, OMMA Mobile and the Cable Show.
                                                                                  Sales Director, Technology and Entertainment
      This report was prepared by Christopher Collins, Tim Davison, Nathan
Ingraham, Karen Parker and Aniya Zaozerskaya.                                     Office: 979.694.5318
                                                                                  Mobile: 979.739.1645

                                                                                  Christopher Collins
                                                                                  Director, Technology and Entertainment
                                                                                  Office: 617.933.5641
                                                                                  Mobile: 617.869.6545

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The Year in 3DTVs, Tablets, eReaders, and Smartphones

  • 1. Consumer Electronics 2010 The Year in 3DTVs, Tablets, eReaders, and Smartphones Technology and Entertainment Practice December 2010
  • 2. Table of Contents 04 Executive Summary 06 3DTVs Interest in 3DTVs is growing, but tepid acceptance of polarized glasses is slowing consumer adoption 09 Tablets In a developing tablet landscape, the iPad is still king 12 eReaders Despite an onslaught of tablet competitors, eReaders continue to thrive… for now 14 Smartphones The “Attack of the Droids” was great news for HTC and Samsung, but came at the expense of more established smartphone brands 17 About Compete’s Technology and Entertainment Practice 19 Contact Information
  • 3. Executive Summary 05 2010 wAS An EVEnTful and transitional year in consumer electronics, Despite the success of the iPad and other tablet products, “death of the driven by powerful supply-side and demand-side forces. On the supply side, 2010 eReader” headlines are premature: only 13% of online eReader researchers was characterized by the establishment of an entirely new device category, by the considered a competing tablet, laptop or netbook product. This suggests that release of several new landmark smartphone devices, and by the growing availability eReaders are largely complementary to tablets, and that eReader shoppers are of 3DTV-capable devices and content. On the demand side, 2010 saw a modest return actively shopping for a single-purpose device optimized for reading. of consumer spending, as the economic storms of late 2008 and 2009 lifted and US Apple is rightly credited with popularizing the touch-screen smartphone form- spending on consumer goods ticked upwards. factor, but it was the wide availability of Android devices in 2010 that made Compete looked back on the year to identify the biggest stories in consumer touch-screen mainstream. Across all carriers, interest in devices with touch- electronics in 2010, and four categories stood out: 3DTVs, tablets, eReaders and screens increased 23% from Q4 2009 to Q1 2010, while interest in devices with smartphones. These categories defined consumer electronics in 2010 and will continue QWERTY keyboards decreased 16% during the same timeframe. This huge to do so in 2011. This report highlights our most interesting findings in each of these shift in research behavior (in the first half of the year) was a harbinger of the categories, including: smartphone market share shifts in the second half of 2010, shifts that benefited HTC and Samsung, at the expense of more established smartphone providers Online shopper interest in 3DTVs increased ten-fold from January to November, like RIM. but the percentage of 3DTV shoppers — relative to overall HDTV shoppers — is still surprisingly low. Even more problematic for 3DTV manufacturers is the fact that consumers are not interested in 3D glasses. At, the number of unique visitors researching 3D glasses is less than one tenth the number researching 3DTVs. On the demand side, 2010 The week it was first available for purchase, Apple’s iPad was the most saw a mOdest return Of cOnsumer spending researched Apple product ever, as nearly 3 million US consumers researched the iPad online. Even as the tablet landscape grew more complicated in the second half of 2010 with the introduction of new tablet models, interest in the iPad grew, suggesting the tablet “pie” continues to expand.
  • 4. 3DTVs 07 Interest in 3DTVs is growing, but tepid acceptance of polarized glasses is slowing consumer adoption Exhibit 1: 3DTV online Interest (Unique Visitors to 3DTV OEM product pages, Jan — Nov 2010) 200,000 JAmES CAmERon was already the self-proclaimed “King of the World”, but 180,000 160,000 with the release of Avatar, Cameron can add another accolade to his resume: he 140,000 120,000 reinvigorated the public’s interest in 3D video. Though the movie was released in 2009, 100,000 after Avatar grossed over $760 million in US and Canadian theater revenues, 2010 80,000 60,000 was a year marked by a slew of new 3D films and the release of 3D technology for the 40,000 home theater market. Although three-dimensional video has been around since the 20,000 1920’s, new advances in high definition and digital broadcasting paved the way for Jan ‘10 Feb ’10 Mar ’10 Apr ’10 May ’10 Jun ’10 Jul ’10 Aug ’10 Sep ’10 Oct ’10 Nov ’10 the technology to enter the home in 2010. 3DTV enjoyed a “coming-out party” at the January 2010 Consumer Electronics Show and throughout the first quarter of 2010, So while the supply of 3DTV hardware (and to a limited extent, 3D content) with a wide variety of companies announcing 3DTVs and 3D-capable services. continues to grow, there are a number of barriers keeping consumers from fully As we can see in Exhibit 1 below, online shopper interest in 3DTV models spiked embracing this new technology: high cost, long product-replacement cycles, and in the spring (after a number of these new products and services became available) the need for cumbersome accessories like polarized glasses. These first two barriers and again in November (reflecting a traditional seasonal increase). From April to — high cost and long replacement cycles — go hand in hand: with the widespread September, however, online shopper interest steadily declined, suggesting that interest adoption of HDTV over the last 3 years, a majority of the market is not ready to spend in the 3DTV experience — despite significant media hype — was not sustained. More $1,000 or more on yet another home theater appliance. This barrier should erode importantly, Compete found that 3DTV researchers represent just a small portion of overtime, however. As consumers start replacing or upgrading earlier-generation the overall HDTV researcher segment: from January to November of 2010, an average HDTV sets in late 2011 and early 2012, we believe the percentage of HDTV shoppers of only 9% of HDTV shoppers researched a 3DTV model. Put another way, while the interested in 3DTV and smart TV technologies (such as Google TV and Apple TV) will overall volume of 3DTV researchers increased ten-fold, those researchers still only likely increase. make up a single-digit percentage of the overall HDTV market.
  • 5. But it is the third adoption barrier — the fact that separate and expensive Tablets 09 polarized glasses have to be worn to experience 3D imaging — that is the most In a developing tablet landscape, the iPad is still king problematic for 3DTV manufacturers. Consumers simply are not interested in polarized glasses. At, the number of unique visitors researching 3D glasses is less wIThouT quESTIon one of the biggest stories in consumer electronics in 2010 was than one tenth the number researching 3DTVs. Most 3DTVs are currently sold without the launch of the Apple iPad. As we can see in Exhibit 2, the success of the iPad was any glasses included, or at best with just one pair. Since each viewer requires glasses, apparent its very first week of availability, when Compete observed a massive surge we would expect online interest in 3D glasses to be approximately equal to interest of online shopper interest. Pre-launch interest in the iPad at was relatively in 3DTVs. The interest gap suggests that a large percentage of those consumers modest; a month after its announcement, US online interest in the iPad fell to below researching 3DTVs are not really serious buyers. 300,000 unique visitors a week. But the week the iPad was actually available for Furthermore, online conversion data reveals that an extremely small minority purchase (on April 3rd, nine weeks after announcement), online interest in the tablet of buyers are committing to a full, comprehensive 3DTV experience by purchasing a was nothing short of exceptional: nearly 3 million US consumers researched the iPad 3DTV console and multiple pairs of glasses. If 3DTV technology is ever going to live the week of its launch, making it one of the most researched consumer electronic up to its considerable hype (Brian Dunn, CEO of Best Buy, admitted earlier this year products of the year, and, at the time, Apple’s most researched product ever. that “sales of 3DTVs had fallen behind industry expectations”), retailers and OEMs need to address consumer concerns regarding polarized glasses. If they are unable Exhibit 2: Apple iPad online Interest — Indexed to Product Announcement to do this, we believe consumers will sit on the sideline until autostereoscopic 3DTV (Unique Visitors researching the iPad on technologies (which don’t require polarized glasses) become more widely available. 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 the number Of 1,500,000 cOnsumers researching 1,000,000 500,000 3d glasses is less than One tenth the number A A +1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 researching 3dtVs
  • 6. However, since the launch of the iPad, the tablet landscape has changed dramatically. Consumers can now choose new Android OS tablets from Dell and It is not surprising that increasing interest in the Galaxy Tab has been accompanied by increased iPad interest — given the similarity of the two products, 11 Samsung, and Palm and RIM have announced their plans to release WebOS and many consumers are wisely researching both. What is more surprising, however, is Blackberry 6 tablets, respectively, in 2011. Just as important, Apple’s retail and carrier the impact Verizon Wireless has had on iPad online shopper interest. Since Verizon partner strategy changed dramatically, when Apple announced in October that the iPad Wireless does not provide integrated network connectivity for the iPad, the only would be the first Apple product available for purchase through Verizon Wireless. These product available through Verizon Wireless is the Wi-Fi iPad, sold as a bundle with a changes had many industry observers asking, how will consumer demand for the iPad MiFi mobile hotspot router. Nonetheless, traffic for the iPad product information page change in response to new competitive products and new channels? at is trending upward. We believe that - in the eyes of many As we can see in Exhibit 3, since these developments online shopper interest consumers - this iPad/MiFi bundle is viewed as an entirely new product, and therefore in the iPad is on the rise. More importantly for Apple, interest in the Samsung Galaxy subject to the same comparison shopping behavior as the Galaxy Tab, or any other Tab at and interest in the iPad at Verizon is additive to competitive tablet. interest in the iPad at Put another way, these new products and channels However, despite Samsung’s early success with the Galaxy Tab (1 million units expanded the pool of potential tablet shoppers, rather than stealing shopper interest sold globally in the first two months of availability), Apple has a fairly large head start away from the iPad’s primary online channel, in this market. And while new products (notably RIM’s Playbook and the long-rumored HP/Palm WebOS tablet) will enter the tablet market, we believe the iPad will remain Exhibit 3: Apple iPad and Samsung Galaxy Tab Interest — September 26 — november 20, 2010 the dominant tablet through 2011, or at least until devices with the tablet-specific (Unique Visitors to tablet product landing pages on, and ‘Honeycomb’ version of the Android operating system are more widely available. 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 9/25/10 10/3/10 10/10/10 10/17/10 10/24/10 10/31/10 11/7/10 11/14/10
  • 7. eReaders 13 Despite an onslaught of tablet competitors, eReaders continue to thrive… for now Exhibit 4: eReader Cross-shoping with laptops, netbooks and Tablets (Percentage of consumers researching eReaders who also researched Laptops, Netbooks or Tablets, Oct 2009 — Nov 2010) 15% ThE SuCCESS of ThE IPAD in 2010 lead many to speculate that other CE product categories — including netbook computers, portable gaming systems, 12% multimedia devices and eReaders — would decline in the face of competition from 8% multi-purpose, ubiquitously-connected tablets. eReaders in particular were thought to be vulnerable. Since the introduction of the iconic Amazon Kindle in 2008, eReaders 4% have been one of the fastest growing CE categories. But the introduction of tablets — 0% with additional computer-like functionality, web-browsing capabilities and comparable Q4’09 Q1’10 Q2’10 Q3’10 Q4’10 size/weight/portability dimensions — provided consumers with an extremely compelling alternative. Amazon seemed to acknowledge the implicit threat from tablets (and even larger smartphones, like the 4.3 inch DROID X) by making the than competitive with) tablets. It also suggests that eReader shoppers are actively Kindle application free and readily available from both Apple’s iTunes store and the shopping for a single-purpose device optimized for reading, and not a multi-purpose Android Marketplace. computing device. But based on Compete’s analysis of consumer online research behavior, In many ways, eReaders should be viewed similarly to devices in the portable it is clear that eReaders are not destined for obsolescence — at least not in 2011. music space: despite the wide availability of affordable, music-capable smartphones In December 2010, unique visitors to the eReader product category were actually 84% - most consumers prefer to have a separate device for their music needs. (Based on higher than in December 2009. More importantly, as we can see in Exhibit 4, only 13% Compete’s Q2 2010 Smartphone Intelligence survey data, only 35% of smartphone of eReader researchers, on average, also considered a competing device (such as a owners use their phone to listen to music on a weekly basis, while 37% never do so.) tablet, laptop or netbook) in 2010. This modest rate of “cross-shopping” behavior is As eReaders become increasingly affordable, we believe eReaders will continue to especially notable, given much higher rates of netbook and tablet cross-shopping. thrive as complementary devices (similar to digital music players) throughout 2011. The increase in overall eReader interest, combined with low rates of cross- shopping suggests that eReaders are largely complementary to (rather
  • 8. Smartphones 15 The “Attack of the Droids” was great news for hTC and Samsung, but came at the expense of more established Exhibit 5: hTC and RIm Share of Interest Across Big 4 Carrier websites smartphone brands (Average monthly share of interest for indicated OEM, Jan — June 2010) 30% ThE nEwS In AuGuST that Android was the leading smartphone OS in the 25% 20% US, surpassing both RIM and Apple, was a potential watershed moment in the wireless 15% device market. When the first Android phone — the G1 — launched in 2008, the 10% thought that Android would surpass RIM for smartphone supremacy was outlandish. 5% There are a number of reasons for Android’s rapid ascent in 2010, but one of the most 0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun important reasons is also one of the simplest: Product adoption begins with consumer HTC Monthly Average RIM Monthly Average interest, and if you want to maintain consumer interest, it helps to regularly launch new products. If those new products are very good and meet a wide variety of consumer needs, consumer interest will dramatically and quickly increase. Or consider Samsung, which has sold more than 4 million Android OS Galaxy There was a steady flow of very good, ‘buzz-worthy’ Android devices throughout S devices in the US since the line first launched in the summer of 2010. Samsung 2010: the HTC EVO and Droid Incredible, the Motorola DROID 2, DROID X, and DROID hasn’t announced sales by carrier, but by using Compete’s 2010 Device Demand Pro, and the Samsung Galaxy S phones: Vibrant, Fascinate, Epic and Captivate. Measurement data, we analyzed online interest trends for the Vibrant (at T-Mobile), While no one Android device could be considered a ‘blockbuster’ hit on par with the Captivate (at AT&T) and Fascinate (at Verizon Wireless). We found that the Vibrant at Apple iPhone 4, collectively they have helped to drive significant, sustained consumer T-Mobile garnered the highest share of online shopping interest in Q3 2010 — at its interest in the Android platform. This interest paid huge dividends for manufacturers peak, 25% of all T-Mobile handset researchers evaluated the Vibrant — a blockbuster that embraced the Android platform, like HTC and Samsung in 2010, and helped shift interest level and a leading indicator of strong Q4 device sales. consumer attention away from more established smartphone manufacturers like RIM. As mentioned above, the success of HTC and Samsung in 2010 came largely Let’s look first at HTC. In the first half of the year, HTC benefited from a deep at the expense of more established smartphone OEMs, like RIM. RIM’s strength has product pipeline of Android devices - releasing at least one new device a month from always been building email-centric devices with great keyboards, battery life and February to July. As we see in Exhibit 5, this approach helped HTC steal significant durability to appeal to hard-charging corporate executives, but the market is clearly “interest-share” from RIM. HTC and RIM began 2010 garnering nearly an equal share moving away from email-centric, QWERTY keyboard designs: across all carriers, of consumer interest, but since the announcement of the EVO 4G in March, HTC’s share of interest steadily grew.
  • 9. interest in devices with touch-screens increased 23% from Q4 2009, to Q1 2010, About Compete’s Technology and Entertainment Practice 17 while interest in devices with QWERTY keyboards decreased 16% during the same timeframe. This huge shift in research behavior (in the first half of the year) was a ComPETE‘S TEChnoloGY AnD EnTERTAInmEnT PRACTICE works with harbinger of the market share shifts the industry would see in the second half of 2010. consumer electronics manufacturers, national retailers, telecommunications carriers, With that in mind, we expect 2011 to be another challenging year for some of media companies and their marketing partners to apply digital insights to improve the more established smartphone brands. If 2010 was notable for the entrenchment research and marketing initiatives. Compete, a Kantar Media company, is located in of the Android and Apple platforms, 2011 will be defined by the efforts of remaining Boston, MA, with offices throughout the U.S. smartphone platform providers — including RIM, Nokia, Palm and now Microsoft, with Using the largest online panel in the industry, the Technology and Entertainment Windows Phone 7 — fighting for third place. team analyzes consumer research and shopping behavior to identify the most important trends in consumer electronics. Online behavior is critical to consumer electronics consideration — consumers consistently cite OEM, carrier and third-party websites as the most important to their research process — and based on the online behavior of millions of US consumers, Compete can measure: Unique Visitors: The volume of unique users researching a product or product category, measured over time to show the growth or decline of consumer awareness and demand Conversion: The volume of unique online orders, to measure online purchase behavior Share of Interest: The measure of the number of unique visitors researching a specific device or product category as a percentage of all unique visitors researching all comparable devices or competitive product categories Cross-shop: The percentage of researchers of one device or product category who also research a second device or product category
  • 10. The Technology and Entertainment team brings deep industry and online for more Information, Please Contact 19 marketing expertise from their experiences at Apple, AT&T, PRTM, Bearing Point, Yankee Group Research and Sprint. The team speaks frequently at industry Dave Kalil conferences including CTIA, CES, CTAM, OMMA Mobile and the Cable Show. Sales Director, Technology and Entertainment This report was prepared by Christopher Collins, Tim Davison, Nathan Ingraham, Karen Parker and Aniya Zaozerskaya. Office: 979.694.5318 Mobile: 979.739.1645 Christopher Collins Director, Technology and Entertainment Office: 617.933.5641 Mobile: 617.869.6545